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Work in Progress, "Iron Golems" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
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Wasn't initially planning on edge highlighting this but the edges stand out so nicely I couldn't stop myself. Guess I'm stuck doing it for the whole model now lol. At least it looks kinda nice. I'm gonna put varnish on the decal, don't worry
Looks great. You should honestly edge highlight just to spite the people in this thread.
NTA but if a paint is transparent enough it's easy. Two extra-thin coats of ivory black or phthalo blue will have a very contrast-like look.
They're better than AP, that's for sure.
Although I own surface primer, I prime with all-surface craft paint. The adhesion is nuts and the finish is better than you'd expect especially if you airbrush it.
Completely ignore the solvent schizo. If it has good adhesion, it has good adhesion, if it doesn't, it doesn't.
>ignore the solvent schizo
>if it has good adhesion it has good adhesion, if it doesn't, it doesn't.
If it's acrylic primer it doesn't.
I'm glad we can agree.
Has anybody here used Vallejo Xpress Colors? How are they?
I'm interested in using them like glaze inks, and maybe to speedpaint a wizkids model for fun.
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Requesting some help on colours used to emulate this skin tone for fyreslayers. Is it just a darkened bugmans glow / barbarian flesh?
Looks like a scorched brown with increasing amounts of scab red mixed in to me, moving to add some bronzed flesh for the raised parts like the upper arm. Sorry for using the older names but I still got a few of the old pots and I didn't get the same ones with new names, for obvious reasons.
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Which one are you?

I find it really hard to motivate myself unless I feel like I can actually finish in one session, but I never get the time any more.
Why are you fixated on one session? Anyone that paints for quality will take several regardless.
Yeah nah
I go for 1 session to be completed, maybe 2 for highlights
If you're for several minis you're never gonna get anything done and anxiety is gonna get you. You can get decent results in one sitting, and will look awesome anyways.
As a parent free time is at a premium so I feel bad if I don't get something notable done in that time. It's like cool, I painted some backpacks but there's a million other things to do before the unit's finished and another ton of units before the army's finished.
Oh no worries on the older names, I've got 2/3 of them I'll just have to find an equivalent to bronzed flesh. cheers for the help
I actually enjoy painting so I'm the guy on the left. I don't play tabletop because I have no friends so there's nothing rushing me.
Either change your expectations or your quality. You don't have to finish an army, unless you need it to play with, in which case just throw some contrasts on there.
This reminds me of the sculptor that in a book said "people always ask me why their works are worse than mine, I ask them how many hours they put in and say 20, then I tell them mine took 120".
I'm between the two now, the fact that I accomplish relatively little in the short sessions I have the time for could be frustrating, but little work is better than no work, and I can still put out a squad at tabletop standard or a few models at higher level a month if I'm consistent. Even 30 minutes a day add up quickly.
Vallejo model color dark flesh could also work, it's slightly more orange-ish because bronzed flesh looks like it has a little more white in it, but if you're mixing it with a dark red and a dark brown I don't think it's going to be a big issue. Just in case you have that, so you don't need to buy a new pot.
There are people that will take literal weeks/months on a single project if they want a really good result. You should try not being a fucking adhd zoomer that can't handle not getting instant gratification
I have two display cases almost totally packed with completed minis, so yeah left. Right is just negative self-talk bullshit, dude needs to practice gratitude and self-compassion.
Yes, every single golden demon winner took weeks to months of work.
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Seeking some advice on my next project.

I'm going to be doing up a marine with the cliche Alpha legion colours showing through damaged paint.

I was going to do the marine as a Minotaur as the warm subdued brown should contrast well with the strong teal alpha legion sections I want.

What would be yhe best way to approach this, paint the teal sections first and then the brown armour around them. Or just paint the mini fully in thr brown armour and add the revealed teal as "battle damage"?
Assuming you're doing the turquoise contrast over silver trick it'd be easier to do that first, and also having the camo painted over the real paint just makes sense layer-wise.
It's honestly very true; I spent months working on my Hive Tyrant until he was exactly as I had envisioned him to be and still went back to touch him up a few times now and then, and I take a while to even finish my smaller models because I want them to look as nice as possible. I normally feel pretty bad or unsure about some of the things I've created/painted/etc before, but with my Tyranids I'm actually quite happy with how all of them look and I enjoy the process as well.
I'm not really close to finishing my army, sure, but I think it's been worth it to take my time.
Yeah that makes sense, and was my instinct. But I had also thought since I'm basically doing paint chipping weather, but larger areas approaching it that way could work better.
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I think I fucked something up, besides gunpla color theme that doesn’t work well on minis, I’m not sarisifed with ogor looks. Is pulling off yellow next to deep blue that hard?
Yellow is tricky because yellow paints tend to poor coverage.
You'll need more thin coats.
It can also help to to a base of pink under yellow because pink covers darker colours alright and itself is covered easily by yellow.

Beyond the general issues with yellow you shouldn't have a problem putting yellow next to blue.
On next golems I’ll try using pink > yellow. Worst case scenario I strip those two and retry
>As a parent
Stopped reading. Acrylic paint isn't going to dry faster because you really want it to.
You want time-consuming techniques to not be time-consuming because you are working with limited time. As soon as you learn to stop wanting mutually contradictory things, you stop sounding like a male Karen. Maybe your kids can teach you about time management when they outpace you in maturity.
>You should try not being a fucking adhd zoomer
Words to live by.
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Pinned my boy on a base because soul grinders are also on based, added more spikes, and now I just need that spark to paint. Or glue more shit on him.
>Thinking drying time is the bottleneck
You don't paint minis.
>paints so slowly that every layer is dry before you're ready to paint the next layer
Here's a trick, don't do eavy metal autism if you're short on time.
Man, I know so many people who hate this but I love how doofy it is and kinda want one before they remake it.

But for now, I'm gonna kinda just slowly die because I reorganized my bits drawer and currently need to organize my projects for the next year since I got 5 of them going on right now
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Should I add rust and battle marks to him?
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>battle marks
Only if your brush is fine enough to paint scratches, or you use a sponge.
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Churned out another termie. Still not sure about the yellow tilting plate, but I wanted to give it some contrast.

I paint gsw gold pigments over black with no problems, highly recommended

>There are people that will take literal weeks/months on a single project if they want a really good result
Took me almost a week just deciding which loincloth GS sculpts to use on which termie. I can relate

make it even more spiky

It's your call really, depending on what you want to convey. Just don't overdo it, also agree with >>93176665
Looks good, but don't you think edge highlighting everything would pop a little more?
>There are people that will take literal weeks/months on a single project if they want a really good result. You should try not being a fucking adhd zoomer that can't handle not getting instant gratification
Ok granpa maybe in 3 years you can show me your squad if you aren't dead then
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Would this be acceptable to use to hold my contrast paint? I heard I ought to not put them on my wet pallette, so I wiped this down with water to make sure there's no dirt or whatever.
That's fine, you could also grab one of those little white plastic well palates from Walmart or whatever for a couple bucks
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to do it tastefully without much greenstuff because I'm a trash sculptor and not looking to practice at this point in my life. I do feel like it needs more "something" though.
I use their Medium (72.448) to thin with (any paint) and it's great.
Oh but I should mention that if you use a wet pallet any mixes tend to actually harden even when the lids on, you might be able to reactivate it with water depending on the paint you thinned.
They're pretty good, I find some of their colors to be a bit more transparent than competing brands.
>The pigments are translucent! It's not just them being thinner in the medium!
schizos believing contrasts have different, special magical pigments in them.
How'd you do the red, what colors? It looks nice.
It's the medium, not the pigment, it's glaze medium added to a wash
are you okay anon? Did you hit your head and become retarded?
A little bit of both. I do get frustrated when my painting doesn't go my way but I get pleasantly surprised when I do a paint job I like.
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Definitely both. I accept that I will never have a painted army because I cant level with myself and accept battle ready speed painting strategies. Plus I love to convert shit.

This is my most ambitious project yet, my Jain Zar conversion took the better part of 2 and a half months. I think the custom head crest took about 8 hours; I sculpted it under a microscope. She has a total of a total of 16 different pins in her.
Does anyone have experience on thinning oil paint without solvents? I'm currently thinking that my best bet would be the Gamblin solvent free fluid medium, which should dry in a reasonable amount of time.
I know that putting actual effort into something is an alien concept into your zoomie brain but you should try it sometime
NTA but as somebody who's painted maybe 50 minis in the past 3 years (all of them are pretty good though), I feel called out.
I think I'm done with the "skin" for this guy, I really enjoyed painting it. I also got pretty much all the glowing green effects done. Glowing green Necron blades are up next.

Also not sure about the chest gem. Regular gem painting techniques don't look so great on a gem this large. I think I'll give it a tiny edge highlight rim. Also maybe use a magenta pink like Screamer Pink instead of a typical purple.
Paid off. Glad you didnt choose the one of the cloths that runs up the torso. This is the perfect tasteful amount.
>me when I spill the warp lightning all over myself.
Absolutely beautiful. I love Black Templars.
It's pretty basic, Khorne red basecoat, evil sunz and wild rider edge highlights
That looks really nice.
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if I put some dark red paint under some yellowish-brown cracked earth texture gunk would it give a sort of "sand over red stone" look or will it look stupid and gay?
Why would cracked earth look like sand, regardless of color?
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As cool as the void war bases are, the extra decoration greeblies tend to cover up details. Should I save them for larger bases?
Maybe you're just insecure and that's why you do it slowly
You don't know how to do it
Nah man I just like being thorough. You should try it sometime. Maybe put on some subway surfers montage or family guy best moments video in the background and you'll be able to focus on something for more than 5 minutes
>I accept that I will never have a painted army because I cant level with myself and accept battle ready speed painting strategies.
I just can't do that, man and it's driving me nuts.

It's not like I want golden demon (or even youtube influencer) level stuff, but I also can't just live with slapchop shit but I also want a full army.
Same man, I spent decent money on these plastic toy soldiers. I can't justify half assing them when there's nothing pressuring me to do it fast. I don't think it's an issue if you actually enjoy painting though. Plus it's easier to not overspend because I try to not have more than 2 or 3 unassembled kits and I can realistically paint 1 or 2 a month. I got fomo'd a couple times because every fucking thing is limited edition/limited stock or whatever bullshit nowadays but I got it under control again
>Same man, I spent decent money on these plastic toy soldiers.
Exactly. I can't understand paying £50 for 3 zoanthropes then just slapping contrast on them and calling it a day. You could get elden ring for that price and actually enjoy like 60 hours.
They don't have the same handling properties as mineral spirit but they work fine for making a thick paint flow better. You can't make washes with them.
To some people they're game pieces first.
So their value is placed on dozens of hours of gaming and painting is a bottleneck for that. So quick and dirty psintjob to get it out of the way is the choice.
That's fair
What do people use as contrast paint swatches?
I've seen people use a painter diary for standard acrylics which is neat but I'm not sure how to best do contrast. I don't have a million marine heads lying about, for example.
Why do vallejo airbrush primers smell so good?
Seen people do it with some bit that's easy to get in bulk. Or something they have spare.
As a nid player I'm drowning in spare gun arms from gaunts/warriors so could use them.
Seen bases used too.

I principle you could make a GS press mold of a varied textured surface and just pump out a bunch with cheap epoxy putty.
The last person I saw in this general who mentioned the smell of Vallejo airbrush primer described it vividly as smelling of fresh human shit.
I barely smell anything in mine, just the usual sweet, slightly fruity paint smell, like scented dish soap.
Could be a long term storage/climate issue changing the smell for each of us.
>smelling of fresh human shit
that annons paint went bad
Maybe he's just the kind of guy who shits himself and doesn't notice. Right at home on /tg/.
Post models.
>Maybe put on some subway surfers montage or family guy best moments video in the background
I unironically can't paint without something in the background and I've run out of shows and podcasts so I don't paint.
Same. My brain also associates what I have on in the background with what I'm watching, so whenever I look at my rhinos it reminds me of Star Trek TNG, and the same with my questoris knight and Law and Order SVU
with what I'm painting*
try audiobooks
dune is a good start
What's the best non GW contrast paint line these days? Or is GW still the only real game in town for contrast paints? Surely someone has created something that matches their quality by now.
Holy shit what? You can focus on both painting and listening to a podcast or whatever in the background? Or do you just half ass both? I usually just put some unengaging background music like lo-fi or ambient when painting
Vallejo Xpress paints are great, I hear a lot of good about Army Painter's second generation sneed paints too.
Does AP's second generation speed paints fix the water reactivation issue? That was the biggest thing that turned me off from them in the first place, contrast is never the last layer so requiring a layer of varnish on top every time you use contrast is just ass.
Just get addicted to vtumors and you'll have actually infinite background noise to listen to. Hell, I'm getting back into painting because I want something productive to do while watching my vtumor content.
>Does AP's second generation speed paints fix the water reactivation issue?
thats the very reason the 2.0 exists
Kek, I don't hate eavy metal style but I'm not a fan of highlighting where there is no wear/damage or light doesn't hit the edge

Try to visualize it with the paintjob you have in mind, and see if there are some area that'd look too bare/ you'd like to have details on

Thank you. Funnily enough, my initial idea was to put full tabards on all of them, but ended up doing one only for the terminator captain, and gave loincloths to the rest

Rollins is kinda hot sometimes
>literal adhd zoomers
jesus christ
There is nothing wrong with adhd zoomies it they are aware of their issues, they’re still in the hobby and there is no point in ostracizing them, best of all possible evils in the hobby and unable to reverse their brain damage without medication till end of their life
T. ADHD millennial here
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made lots of progress on my scrivener today. the scroll and quill were scary but they came out nicely. I was thinking of leaving the nurgle symbol on the scroll plain brass but the red dots came out good. v satisfied with the rolled up scrolls too
should I dot the eye or leave it solid?
I'm in my mid-30s. You don't think a generation that got access to the internet from a young age might already have their brains fried?
How do I use imperial fist contrast it’s horrible
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Dire avenger wip, still figuring out what colour the tabard and gun should be. Actually i'm still not entirely sure if i'm going biel-tan or black and yellow.
What 3rd party model is that?
use over a light pink base as this anon suggests 93172518
Slightly modified fantasy cult, probably the best eldar proxies imo
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>How do I use imperial fist contrast it’s horrible
So many questions on this! I've not tried it myself, as I don't have anything in my army with so much yellow on it (my bottle of Flash Gitz dried up, so I'm using Yriel to mix with some green I have), but now I'm intrigued. I was gonna stop by the Citadel tonight to pick up a few things anyway... maybe I should get a bottle of Imperial Fist and see what all the hubbub is about first-hand!
How are you using it?
It's one of the flatter contrast paints, it doesn't shade things in the recesses if that's what you are after.
Just apply in one coat over a bright undercoat
Solid is creepier, dotted is funnier. Skin needs highlights, and you forgot(?) his fingernails, but otherwise pretty good.
>should I dot the eye or leave it solid?
3 dots
That slime monster sure does seem like he reads a lot. Pretty impressive.
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i popped my zoomer cherry today when i finally bought my first citadel conrast paint
it was skeleton horde, laugh away
As slapchop material. It looks ugly on black
Probably because that's not what it's really for.
It's meant to give a straight flat yellow as a base for other painting and is intended for use over light colours.
Also if you are slapping and/or chopping you shouldn't have that much black anyway right?
Anyway, post it and we can offer some advice on how to fix it
It's a very good paint.
As soon as I’ll get some lightning. I thought all contrast paints will work fine on a slapchop/zenithal primes
no yellow paint will ever cover black, contrast or not

you have to apply it to a bright paint layer
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>it was skeleton horde
Skeleton Horde over white makes for quick and easy parchment and purity seals.
>As soon as I’ll get some lightning.
Marty, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lighting. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever going to strike!
It's one of the better contrasts at least. It actually behaves how I'd expect a paint of this time to behave aka it flows well and doesn't start drying too fast so you can reliably work towards putting it where you want it. I sometimes use it as a wash for ivory colors to this day even though I barely use contrasts anymore
Closer to left. I don't mind taking my time to make my minis exactly how I want them. I'm also the only person in my group who can put together a 1K point army of filly painted minis (even in OPR with the lower model count) so there's no pressure to finish anything quickly.
I mean if I couldn't get into an activity/hobby without some distracting noise in the background I'd just assume I'm not that into it and move on to something else. I don't know, maybe zoomers are really so fucking overstimulated they can't even do simple tasks without getting distracted. That would actually be super fucking sad and I wouldn't make fun of it but I assume not every single person born after 2000 has adhd, right?
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Nearly finish my ultramarine lieutenant
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i base all my models before painting because that way it never feels like im starting from zero when i finally get to them
A lot of the problems stem from the fact that ADHD is overly-diagnosed and it's medications overly-prescribed; a stimulant has the opposite affect on someone who actually does have ADHD and causes them to calm down or even out and lets them focus on tasks without getting distracted, but people who are just neurotic or have short attention spans taking the medication feel moments of energy while on it and then start to have all of their problems exacerbated. And they keep prescribing this stuff at younger and younger ages which completely fries these people's brains, causing difficulty with socialization and complete incapability to enjoy or focus on long-term things because they've become strung out on short-term-bursts (which is also encouraged by shit social media aps).
So no most people born after 2000 don't actually have ADHD, but a lot were incorrectly diagnosed with it and got screwed over as a result. Plenty don't even realize it, nor understand why the help they want doesn't work.
It's genuinely really sad.
I purchased a bottle of AK Wine Red while buying some other hobby shit today. I hope I made you proud, red paint schizo. I also hope you weren't just memeing and it's a genuinely nice color
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Been trying to make custom storm shields recently
Looks good. How'd you make it?
You wont regret it.
Also if you plan on using it for glazes thin it even more than usual, it stains a LOT
my initial plan was to cheat my way trough from actually bothering to paint bone or rope etc
good to hear it works
If it doesn't have a lot of flat surfaces it actually makes a pretty passable bone color, especially if you drybrush cream/ivory over it. Really good for painting a lot of skellies
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Working on these pigers atm

Very nice metallic effect anon
Its printed. I found an stl for a blank storm shield and engraved text and modeled a templar cross
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better photo
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too bad old non-savage boar boyz are not available anymore even after 10 or so years
they look good
Doesn’t it make basing them way harder though? I paint my bases without the model attached so I can do it without worrying about bumping paint onto the mini.

My problem is I just always end up developing paint schemes that can’t be done fast. Like stippling on the guns here. It just takes forever. But until the stippling is done it looks like shit.
>Think of Mega Man X every time fluid dynamics comes up, 20 years later
I really should have focused on that homework.
Love it. You stencil or decal those letters? They are super clean.
I agree, especially the riders
>Doesn’t it make basing them way harder though
>I can do it without worrying about bumping paint onto the mini.
i find its easier to paint the base first than having to worry about finished shoes/toes if i mess them up while basing
>I paint my bases without the model attached
what is your method then, i hear some anons paint their models on sprue
I just cut the model off the base when I’m ready after painting it. I’ll often use just a tiny bit of super glue to adhere the model to the base so it’s easy to remove.

Here was a fun one, you can see I made a temporary stand to paint the model with while I made the real base separately, which is actually a cut down 32mm base stacked atop a 40mm. The model is pinned in its final place.
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Was on the verge of sickness while it was too hot for my painting lamp, so I fiddled around with this little guy. The cloth markers did not work out as nicely as I hoped.
>buy airbrush
>want to swap out the needle for an 0.5mm
>needle chucking net that I think is what I turn to release the needle is stuck
Airbrush is a HS-30
I've looked at ways to solve this and one of them involved soaking the airbrush in IPA, and another was in warm water.

Any other ways to get this needle chucking net to twist or did I buy a defective product?
so basically you size it up and paint the base separately
very nice and bombproof
>assemble models
>drill hole
>add pin
>pin into cork
>prime them
>zenithal highlight them

ok NOW I can paint
He looks hella goofy in a good way
I like it
Well yeah.
But it's also literally just seraphim sepia.
Now that I think about it I haven't bought new paints in so long I have no idea which one would be cheaper.
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Painted a clanrat as a tester for when the new AoS set comes out. Went quickly enough that I could do the 40 rats without dying, and I think the yellow will be very striking in a big group.
shield color should be something other than what those rags your rats are wearing
pick some color that goes really well with yellow that you like
Thanks, I based him on some keychain plushes that have animals with silly deformed proportions. I'll probably change up the feet and the fist a bit, and try to make some other areas a bit easier to sew for the next version. Whenever I get to that.
It's a single pigment paint and it's flatter so you don't slop it on and expect a gradient.
As the other anon said it would really benefit from having a differently coloured shield
Just stitch big details with thick ass thread. Like, crush punks white rimmed patches thick. Add additional lines where needed
I disagree. Clanrats are fodder, it's okay if they look simple.
hey /wip/
Have you realized that contrast paints are just regular paints yet today?
>GW: do multiple thin coats of paint
>GW: 1 coat of paint that is thin generally won't get good coverage
>What if I want the paint to be transparent?
>GW: omg, here is a special paint for you that doesn't get full coverage if you only do 1 coat!
that's... not how this works
Do tell. How does it work?
A paint made with translucent pigments isnt the same as a paint with average coverage but thinned down, dumb retard
You really thought you were onto something didn't you
>A paint made with translucent pigments
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back to magical pigments. Okay, gotcha.
You know this is actually even funnier because the last time I posted people were insisting that it was because of the medium and not the pigments.
I thought contrasts are pretty much inks in a medium that sticks better to flat surfaces. I don't know though I don't use these pieces of garbage
i dont use contrast, I use protrast. Its helped my mental substantially
Pro acryl needs to get on this product.
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The thread is so slow today I might as well post my shitty update on the Archaeopter. Good lord I've been working on it for over a week and I haven't even put all the basecoats on
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Finishing up painting my yellow Twilight Imperium pieces tonight, once I'm done with that which one should I start next, Black or Purple? Black will be all-black with drybrushed grey on the edges and some yellow/red details like pic related, while Purple is basically gonna be Hive Fleet Leviathan colors with purple on top and bone white on the bottom.
Pliers were used on the airbrush.
Used Vallejo white primer through the airbrush.
Now airbrush is bubbling/backflowing/not spraying the white primer as I wanted it to.

Is this generally the hazing experience a painter goes through when one is first using an airbrush?

I've watched this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNmbfJgv1MU
And I'm gonna try the cleaning.
How do I make my airbrush jobs come out less speckly? I feel like there's an element of if you zoon in far enough it's just always going to be a little bit speckly, but I do seem to have a worse case of it than I see as compared to other peoples'.

It's not nearly as bad as picrel column 1, but I'm already at like 30psi and increasing it more seems silly.
Touched my dude up since last time. Redid the robes to make sure the highlights pop. Going to touch up the reds and redo the black.
Been a year since I painted, so I have a lot to relearn.
Another victim of a shitty youtube meme. RIP.
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Needing to take a break from painting up legionaries so going to paint this fella (sans shoulder pads) at the weekend. Need to clean off the mould lines but he’s turned out to be a nice little kitbash.
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Herp derp here’s the fixed image
I enjoy airbrush painting way more than handbrush, I just want my minis fro look acceptable, guess I will grow out of it In the future but for now I’ll have to bear with it
Prime in something other than black. Mr hobby, for example, has mahogany surfacer that's just warm enough to make yellows look fine on it while remaining very dark.
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Looks nice anon. The chaos termis are great. I did something similar with mine, spliced a cataphractii lightning claw onto it.
You mean the lil pig versions? The regular boar boyz are being sold again with old world.
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Haven't finished the skin yet, but I wanted to try out detailing the wing-skin first.
Doesn't really hold up under close inspection, but good for tabletop purposes and quick to do.
What white primer is the most hassle free in airbrush priming?
vallejo mecha
>I'm already at like 30psi and increasing it more seems silly.
Why? That's nowhere near the ceiling for airbrush PSI.
If raising pressure isn't an option, thin moar. That's how the pros do point blank details without blasting the mini.
I'll refer to my own post here >>93175241
Badger's primer is also well regarded.
>Vallejo Mecha primer
What's the difference between that and Vallejo's surface primer?
And how is the mecha primer's adhesion to metal models?
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I probably should have waited till I was just done both to post it.
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Painted this guy this evening. No idea what sort of basing style it's getting yet but that's a problem for later.
Have (you) ever stripped a pre-painted D&D mini?
Aside from being a tismy idea, I don't to make any assumptions about what it's painted with. A mass production toy company has no reason to follow the rules that hobby miniature painters do.
Maybe it would be better to just paint over their coat, it looks like airbrushing with a wash, the details should be ok unless they varnish the fuck out of it, which they might (I haven't bought it yet).
>I probably should have waited till I was just done both to post it.
>Work In Progress General
I wouldn't worry about it. ;)
was the base pre-made or did you do that yourself?
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I mostly did it myself.
Robe highlights could be more.
Nice color scheme.
Is this the sequel to "rattlecan primer actually isn't primer"?
I like it, subtle. Can we see the front?
I haven't done the undersides yet, but it'll be basically the same, just with a much stronger magenta tint so simulate light shining through.
Inquisitor and helpers built from free minis and bits.
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Ufthak is coming together well. I’ve decided to just give up for now on really nailing highlights on the more subtle wrinkles in the pants has the potential for a major fuckup (and I’ve already stripped this model twice).

Working on matching the box art so the white armor portions will be yellow. With some fresh eyes I’ll probably go back and tweak a few more skin highlights (forgot to add a small edge of Ogryn Camo to the tip of the nose).

The one issue I have with leader units is that I’m such a lunatic perfectionist, I get annoyed that my stuff isn’t matching pros after only a year of casual painting in the hobby. It’s easier to pass this neuroticy off when dealing with regular units, but HQ units deserve to look their best in my mind.
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En taro adun
What is this? A BFG for starcraft?
Mr hobby aqueous if you’re looking for acrylics, otherwise Mr hobby lacquers
NTA, but they don't look like Protoss, I think he's just painting random space minis with a protoss looking scheme.
The little fighter things reminded me of the summonable drone the carriers can make, so I thought the rest were designed to fill in the gaps in a fleet-focused roster, but yeah, there is no other iconic design, or anything even resembling that.
Do no harm?
NTA, but it's a core principle of liberalism. That's libertarianism for USers.
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How do people start on being those cool custom green stuffz sculptors?
Part of the hippopotamus that all doctors sign.
They start by mixing the blue part with the yellow part.
How big is it? There's a lot of doctors.
It's constatnly growing, how else could everyone sign it? They'd run out space otherwise.
they then use tools to shape the green blob

they can also try several putties to see with one they like more, some even use different putties or mixes for different details of the models
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What's /tg/'s favourite minis for testing out contrast paints? I want to test a scheme for LoV without wasting actual votann.

Secondly, has anyone seen Trans Hyperion Alliance that don't look like fucking tins of fanta when it's not just warriors? They don't really have a secondary colour.
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base making day
Looks great anon. Love the rust effects. The decal on the shoulder doesn't look like it blended in fully.

What basing mats are those?
>They don't really have a secondary colour.
I guess I'd say black and/or cream
You can use markings to add your own secondary color if you don't want to diverge from the scheme entirely.
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the decal frosted when i airbrushed satin varnish on the model.

geekgamingscenics foam flock grass, there is nothing better.
GamersGrass - Violet Flowers
vellejo diorama mud,
Army Painter - Basing: Brown Battleground ,
Thanks for the breakdown anon. Screencapping for future ref.

Been looking for a way to get a muddy, mossy look for my bases. This just might be the ticket.
>the decal frosted when i airbrushed satin varnish on the model.
Gloss it then reapply satin varnish
>magical pigments
Are you genuinely stupid or are you making a bit?
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very nice and very clean
Are all speedpaints so watered down by default in the bottles or I just got a bad batch
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have you shaken them until you elbow falls off?
Well, step one is to become good at visual art.
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Mmmm, blue waffel
you just wanted an excuse to post that image, didn't you
thank you anyway, I'm starting to get a little burnt out working on this thing so every bit of motivation helps
wouldn't it be hilarious if someone unaware of that image named a paint like that
Synthetic brushes are all the same quality, right?
>>93179314If you wanted to have models with swatches, you could try getting some cheap army men and batch prime them.
I thought the mixing balls are so I don’t have to shake them that much
You can get nicer synthetic brushes, some can be pretty decent and cost almost half as much as a sable brush, but in the end they don't compare to sable for our purpose. In my experience even the highest end most premium synthetic brush is substantially worse than the cheapest shittiest sable -- the material just doesn't handle the same.

So no, they aren't all the same quality, but you probably shouldn't be buying anything but the cheapest synthetics for use with metallics, drybrushing, contrast etc.
Nta, but If I use good brushes with contrasts and shades I will ruin the brush due to big surface tension of those paints right?
>for use with metallics
>contrast etc.
for the love of god can we drop this meme already? If you take care of your brushes and clean them thoroughly after every session using metallics/washes/contrasts is not going to do damage them. I've had my rosemary 1-3s for almost 2 years now and they all still have perfect tips. I use them for everything except really rough basecoating and overbrushing. If you're too fucking lazy to spend a couple minutes cleaning your decent brushes you should probably stick to cheap synthetics anyway
It's just some extra protection for your $20 kolinsky brush though. Like the only thing kolinsky brush worth for is small detail. Every other jobs is better with synthetic
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i like how for the price of one official citadel 80mm round base you can get 50x200cm sheet of hardboard
t. not the wooden boxes anon
always sake until you can see the liquid level from the bottom of the pot, meaning theres no pigment stuck there, this applies to every paint, wash, varnish...
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Wow faces are hard.. how can I improve this mess ?
but those are not slanted so my autism will kick in
I been using gundam marker to drawn eyes. Way better than brush
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valid point but you cant honestly tell just by a glance unless you flip them over for some reason
also fun to do
No, what you're saying is that you should unnecessearily get seperate brushes for these paints. It's not like painting metallics or contrasts doesn't require precision so it still benefits from a good brush
How do you cut them to shape? Just a knife?
> Anonymous 06/28/24(Fri)20:30:44 No.93189535

>>93189407 (You)
>No, what you're saying is that you should unnecessearily get seperate brushes for these paints. It's not like painting metallics or contrasts doesn't require precision so it still benefits from a good brush
Synthetic is good enough for these. The only thing i used kolinsky brush for is egde highlight and eyes
So if you edge highlights metallics with cheap synthetic why do you need kolinsky for edge highlighting regular paints?
Because i bought one few years ago and i don't want to feel like i wasted my money
How are you feeling like you didn't waste your money if you use it less?
Figure out the geometry and make a curved "skirt" for the base like I do with my papercraft bases. If you laser cut your bases to the top diameter you can glue the card stock skirting to them and still have the slope. Flip it over afterward and fill the gap in the rim with wood glue and let it harden.

Alternitively you could design a slotted jig that holds down a base while allowing it to spin with a bracket to hold a Dremmel tool at the appropriate angle so you can turn the disc and have the Dremmel sand down the base to the desired slope.
How do you know the different of quality betweens a $5 pack of 10 synthetic brushs and a $8 $10 synthetic brush made by "insert brand name here"? They're all look the same to me
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how should I drybrush the base? dark green, moot green, ice yellow, khaki, off white? I used AK muddy ground
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with hole saw and this was the best way i could figure out to clean them after
some heavy duty scissors and sandpaper could work too maybe
i like your work papercraft anon and thank you
slanting these would be easy but i wont bother because i dont really mind the edge
Well, i need to find something that shit is good for. The kolin brush is not splitting as fast as synthetic, i guess
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they're all shit. they're so cheap just buy a pack and try them out. make a mental note of which ones are shittier and which ones are decent. just gotta try them out or ask around

pic rel was always decent for me
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>some heavy duty scissors and sandpaper could work too maybe
this destroys the mdf

I actually print them and sand down the layer lines
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A little weathering and now he matches the rest of the army better. Now to just get a base for him.
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stop putting them in the middle. there will always be an angle where they look derpy. paint the pupils in the corners. if you spill over just paint over with your skin tone. it's easier and also gives them more character.
or you can paint the eyes first then paint the skin around it to correct it.
or you can leave them blank like a green army man

or use micron pens like pic rel and just put a little dot
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>paint the pupils in the corners
Nice Marty Feldman
Brian Peppers looking motherfucker
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There you go.
I am now a part of the community
That's pretty cool anon, nice job.
I'm relatively new to basing, but I tried to do something fun for my Hive Tyrant too (though it's not as elaborate as yours).
if I've posted my models here for a long while now but I've not had anything get put in the collage yet should I take that as a good sign?
Did you post close ups of your faces?
My stuff is there because of I sculpted it (atrociously), I think it was painted just fine.
a few times, yeah
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This is what she look like now...
The collage has always been about faces that make us feel something, being "bad" isn't a reason stuff gets put on there
Im sorry to inform you that your faces lack SOVL
>that make us feel something
Usually laughter if we're being honest
Uh oh, lumpy face
sometimes fear
too much plastic surgery does that
>PLASTIC surgery
The other posters are right that you'll need a natural brush for detail painting. However, they didn't recommend any synthetic brushes lol.
In my experience, golden taklon is by far the best synthetic for mini painting. They're soft enough for even coating and blending, but springy enough to take a decent point*. My worst golden taklon is better than my best white nylon brush.
It's true that acrylics/washes/metallics/oil thinners harming natural brushes is a stupid meme, but if you have a synthetic and a natural, I would almost always consider the synthetic more dispensable and do the iffy stuff with them. I highlight metallics with a sable brush because it makes better lines and that's what we're here for.
*every synthetic curls the point eventually, it's the nature of the beast and why natural always wins. Boiling water did more harm than good when I tried it, brush soap and occasional cleaner can help but it just delays the inevitable.
Just think it as b-b-batle damage
You ever drink a potion from a botle while in batle?
summer teeth
By doing conversions or fixing misprinted areas.

I started by wanting to convert shit, so I learned to mimic musculature and textures like chainmail or fur. Took me years to get to the point where I sculpt my own shit. Even nowadays I mainly limit my sculpting to making custom parts, like new helmets for my units.
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Checked. The anons who say conversions are right but I actually started with gap filling, it's really basic but something everybody should be doing with multipart models anyway. You'll start feeling smug when you see people who cannot into it.
Like that anon who forgot to fill the gap on his kroxigor's arm. Shameful.
we are NOT doing this again
red is purple > phantom gap, change my mind
to be fair it was a cold shade of red that could be considered very tangentially purple
I must've missed that one, what happened
I never viewed it as being 'wall of shame', more just that it's meant to be humorous. Some of the faces in the collage are well painted or even really good, they're just also kinda funny. I'm just guessing most of mine weren't in that similar vein.
There was one that I honestly expected to get put in there because the picture came out really goofy looking while I was posting progress updates, but maybe he wasn't around that day.
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Knight almost done, just transfers and some finer details left.
If nothing else it's a higher tier meme because that gap was actually there.
I'm pretty sure there was not. The guy getting so triggered was amusing though
I like the base
Nice, very clean. What are you putting on the scroll?
those models also have like a bulging vein on the bicep right next to where a mould line is so it always looks like you missed a spot unless you take the vein off as well
>No fat chicks
Anon found out he's colorblind. Must have been a rarer type of colorblind too because I can tell red from purple easy. Blue and purple on the other hand...
Good white, anon. I'll never get over how derpy those models look though lol
Not too sure. Im open to suggestions. No fat chicks is a contender.

but more than likely something latin sounding relating to House Taranis.
Does anyone know a substitute for Vallejo Chrome Air? It was really good, and the new metallics from Vallejo are neither as consistent or have the same shine.
True enough, they are def a bit derp, i still enjoy them tho. The 30k aesthetic for knights is superior imo
>Vallejo got the skinwalker treatment
You could try AP fanatic. They've been doing pigment density to a fault and the serial killer seems to like the metallics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRvvVYMhZ2c
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>only a couple of citadel pots left until I fully transition into different brands
feels good man
Have you tried metal color chrome? I never tried the air line but metal color has always done right by me.
It's also out of production.
>Im open to suggestions.
I would put the name of the knight or of its pilot, or the pilot's family's name or something like that... unless he also has a scroll or emblem on his pauldrons (only the left one is visible, and it is blank) that already identify his lineage.
I think they just took it out of production for a minute while they updated the packaging, it's very much in stock everywhere now
they just changed the label, everything else its the same
Not a zoomer, but definitely ADHD (don't take meds, they messed with my boners), and having either music or a TV show I've seen before on helps me get started. It keeps me from thinking of chores I could go do, the meeting I have tomorrow, what I was working on before I logged off for the day, etc. It keeps the parts of my brain that don't help paint out of the way while I work.

I understand that it's tough to sympathize if you don't experience it, but if you want to understand, imagine wanting to paint, knowing you'll have fun, and yet feeling like you can't FORCE yourself to pick up the brush and shake the paint. It's immensely frustrating. We're all just coping as best we can.
>nullae pingues feminae
live laugh love
>It keeps me from thinking of chores I could go do, the meeting I have tomorrow, what I was working on before I logged off for the day, etc. It keeps the parts of my brain that don't help paint out of the way while I work.
I also know this feeling. The funny thing is that I'm smart enough to perceive that my brain is merely rationalizing - the same way I engage in menial chores to justify my not doing something else - but at the same time, I am allowing myself to get away with this rationalization.

That's how I end up with a lot more clean laundry than painted models.
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vivere, ridere, amare
mori, clamor, odium
Latin for Live, Laugh, Love and Die, Cry, Hate respectively
Damn that sounds fucking awful, I'm sorry to hear this anons Hope you can cope with this shit somehow
>The funny thing is that I'm smart enough to perceive that my brain is merely rationalizing - the same way I engage in menial chores to justify my not doing something else - but at the same time, I am allowing myself to get away with this rationalization
this is honestly the worst and must infuriating part of it, you put it into words very well
No fucking way someone still brings this up, have I become a meme around here? God have mercy on my soul
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Anyone have luck kitbashing Primaris limbs with Firstborn torsos/heads? I have a Company Champion and some stuff from the old Black Templars upgrade sprue from a bits order I made ages ago that I'd like to convert into a Crusader Squad.
You mean everything primaris apart from torsos and heads? Heads are completely swappable, torsos require work because they are slightly smaller. You can maybe get the chest bling and put it in place of the primaris chest, but it requires some cutting and filing.
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>a kerjillion paints and mixes
Do people really do this for more than one-offs?
Nothing to lose but your chains.
>all that for a result that looks like 6 contrast paints and an edge highlight on the blade
A truly impressive act of inefficiency
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lmao you're right. It looks flat as fuck for something that uses, what, 50 paints? Can't be bothered to count but it's obviously a lot
Those of you who don't paint, but used to and still haunt these threads - why?

What's stopping you from picking up the brush again?
You look like someone that wasn't here any time people posted their hours-long paintjob on something gray that in the end looked like unpainted plastic.
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I don't believe there's ever a need for 4 paints being mixed like that. There is just no way
That's two paints.
I just assumed they preferred really, REALLY desaturated colors.
Hey, if they homemade their gray paint by manually desaturating different colors they deserve respect for the effort.
I can't take anyone that uses contrasts as basecoats seriously
Ever since the baby was born it's impossible to have a single straight hour for myself, there's always an interruption every 20 minutes or so and it causes me a lot of distress (apparently it's an autism thing) so I refuse to start because I know I will be interrupted.

>just get back to painting after the interruption
I just can't
Why? They slap on great after the bottle, it's basically impossible to do them too thick, and they do a great job of showing you where the highlights should go.
I know that feeling. It just feels pointless given the amount of free time.
>have kid
>only real free time is after 8pm
>too tired to paint
>wife wants to do things like watch tv shows
>probably some house stuff to do as well
wow married life sounds like a lot of fun
Babies are impossible to ignore by design, I can only imagine how much worse it is with autism.
Is it worth practicing sculpting on other materials then to speed up the process? The end goal for me honestly is to really recreate certain parts while kitbashing the rest.
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I'm sitting with a baby monitor open so I know when to go back up and reintroduce the pacifier while watching painting videos because I don't feel mentally up to doing it myself any more. A lot of parenthood really fucking sucks.

Anyway, here's some snotlings from 2 years ago because this is WIP, not mumsnet.
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Painting black minis for the first time, which of these look best?
>Left: Eshin Grey drybrush
>Middle: Eshin Grey drybrush > Dawnstone drybrush
>Right: Eshin Grey drybrush > Dawnstone drybrush > Diluted Black Legion/water mix over the whole model
I plan on having the details on the model in yellow if that helps decide.
middle is the most in focus though I think the right looks better as 'black'
From those 3, the middle. The other too look like they're just painted black.
If you're using black as your main color highlighting it with just straight grey looks boring as fuck. Do it with a blueish grey or something
You've made the classic blunder of layering neutral black and grays, all of the results are boring. Try again after adding a blue tint to the Eshin Grey, especially if you're going to detail yellow.
Only the middle one isn't completely awful. The right one has barely any definition and the left one just appears black. The correct way to go about this is to add blue to your greys like anons above said
I've wanted to try painting japanese resin character figures as a little change of pace, but japanese painters usually use clear lacquer and enamel flesh tones over unprimed white resin in order to retain the slight translucency of the underlying material for more natural looking skin. Unfortunately most of the paints they use for this aren't available where I live. Do you think it'd be possible to get the same kind of effect with paint more commonly available in the west? My main concern would be how to get the paint to adhere to the figure without any primer.
Order them online?
If you want to do the contrast shit you're going to have to essentially paint it light grey, and drybrush white, then light black contrast. Not start with black.
The paints they use are banned here due to VOC regulations, so I'd have to import them from China. Something they commonly use to improve adhesion are "multiprimers", which to my knowledge are clear polyolefin-based airbrush primers. I could see if there are any available where I live with the right properties, since the japanese ones are even harder to get a hold of than the paints.
Tamiya Metal Primer/Mr Color Metal Primer R and Mr. Color Lascivus clears? Those should be available anywhere.
Give it a few months, once your little one gets a bit older you'll have time for yourself again. Pro tip: aim to get him or her on a strict early bedtime rhythm like 7:30 pm, then you'll have more time for yourself after the baby goes to sleep.
Middle and right look good. Dont do bluish highlights they look awful
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This is the absolute best I could do for now.
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Its painted, which is better than not! You mostly painted "inside the lines" and have a good scheme. At this point it's just practice to improve your brush control and build the muscle memory. Lot better than my first guy lol.
Can you link an example?
I don't see how it's impossible. Liquitex makes clear acrylic gesso, and some varnishes would probably also work as a primer (schizo fuck off).
Clear flesh tones is interesting because most flesh tones contain titanium white which is opaque. It might be very thinned brown, or it might include zinc white (which isn't supposed to be sprayed).
There's always more than one way to do this stuff but I would need to see an example to know more.
>this is WIP, not mumsnet.
We have the "wow I didn't know parenting took effort" discussion every few months, and it always catches me off guard for some reason. Maybe the average mini painter who has kids just grows the fuck up and we only hear about it from the complainers.
This generation is so fucked, almost none of my peers are even in a relationship, much less have kids to "ruin their hobby".
Unironically already better than D&D prepainted. Beginners' luck on the eyes lol.
>(schizo fuck off)
No. But to be fair you did say it would "work as a primer" which only puts it on the edge of being an issue, because you didn't say it IS a primer. So I won't sperg out entirely.
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Genuinely just start doing small conversions. A fur collar here, armor repair there, then suddenly it clicks and you do something a little bigger and bigger till you feel competent. Picrel is scratch built for a friend and that's pretty much how it happened to me. I love fur collars so fucking much bros
New thread:

omg it's a dark souls channeler!

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