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10th Edition Broke Before Our Codex Did edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
If your army's codex hasn't released, what are your hopes and fears for it? Will you buy it even if it'll be outdated before it ships?
If it has, what future changes would you like to see?
I will not be buying a codex unless my army becomes an actual army, and not some half assed cash grab that it was.
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>I'm just trying to say that eldar are such degenerates that being gay or whatever is unremarkable to them.
So what?
We have been over this. Lelith controls the largest wych cult in the city and it's established in the novel that she holds as much if not more influence than Vect in the City. People worship Lelith for being the perfect killer and she is in the view of the Dark City masses way more than Vect making it easy for her to gain more support.

She is the Ying to Vect's Yang. They are opposing forces, foils for each other.
>I will not be buying a codex
FTFY. Codexes gets deprecated to quickly to be worth the price. Even now with the dataslate that is happening to the core rulebook.
It's yet another reason why they deserve to be exterminated just like all other xenos races, is that really so hard to grasp you need it spelled out?
why is this thread so bad the amerifats are all supposed to be asleep
Go suck James cock some more.
Stupid question from someone whose only exposure to actual Warhammer 40k was Boltgun and memes: Is there any actual nice place in the Universe? Like, is there a possibility for someone to just sit on a sandy sunny beach somewhere and drink a lemonade, or is literally every single place on every planet a festering hellhole?
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Maybe we could post some of our models instead of bickering?
It depends how much stock you put in particular statements, There are a few that essentially say " the rest of the imperium isn't much better off than anything you'll see first hand" but then there are other examples of argi worlds that just seem like rural america
Short answer: Yes but they aren't the focus of most stories. There are rural farming communities where life is okay, there are planets that are just better quality of life in general and get away with it as long as they pay their tithes. But they aren't the norm, and being upper class is the closest you can get to stability.

Also you never know when your random edge of the galaxy farmstead might just get devoured by UNKNOWABLE ALIEN RACE IMPERIAL DESIGNATION 23985907. You could also have a nice planet run by a good Governor that gets randomly slated for 80% of its population to be moved into grueling servitorization 2 systems over and you can get fucked that way. Reasonable complaints are the reason for the vast majority of succession attempts against the Imperium. Basically it sucks but there are a handful of people doing okay at any one time. The realm of Ultramar is probably one of the most decent places to be a human.

Most of

Slavs are by far the worst poster base. They also are the biggest /pol/ crossboarders. When brits/americans are awake theres a lot more model posting because they actually play the game.
I've noticed it gets real bad in between now and 5-6 hours later. I'm convinced it's all of the Australians getting home and shitposting this thread to death. Happens every time, and there's one or two very aggressive phoneposters that make it horrible.

>t. aussie that gets home late and recognises the same garbage every day
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Anons, post your most recent models.
Is that just the tamiya stuff? Can't find a local seller on amazon so I'll probably just go to my LGS tomorrow
Aussies don't call eachother cunts by default for nothing.
Week 5 of waiting for chaos rhino restock
>tfw dreading the thought of having to replace close to 100 bases in my ork army to the 32 mm ones

Most of them weren't based to begin with but it does not look like an enjoyable experience
hope you didn't use plastic glue
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Just finished this Flesh Eater (he needs dental work)
Another interesting factoid from Lelith's novel. It says that Drukhari are physically blunt. Their minds are almost invisible in the Warp ala T'au.
The Asuryani consider this abhorrent. Their seers cannot sense the movements or intentions of Drukhari
Half of them were built when I was a child so yeah used plastic glue on them. There's a few of the black reach orks which should be easy to replace but the rest of them are going to be a pain
>Slavs are by far the worst poster base. They also are the biggest /pol/ crossboarders.
Slavs have their own imageboard (which is horrible) and most don't bother to know english enough to converse with strangers online, so you really sound more spiteful than objectively true here.
Also "temporarily" out of stock
>. Lelith controls the largest wych cult in the city
So fucking what?
>and it's established in the novel that she holds as much if not more influence than Vect in the City.
Yeah because..? Oh wait let me guess, becuase power of many, am I right?
>. People worship Lelith for being the perfect killer
Oh yeah, suddenly Dark Eldar just become Clans from Battletech,not sadistic backstabbers
>and she is in the view of the Dark City masses way more than Vect making it easy for her to gain more support.
Yeah because public vote always was important in Dark Eldar society and Vect surely never had intention or means to sink streets of Commoragh with blood of those who tried to oppose him.
>She is the Ying to Vect's Yang
Addition straight out of writter's ass
No, post more of your pride orks Mike
Anyone still have the dark elder collectors edition? The link didnt work in the last thread
Wrong site faggot
You will pay for besmirching his name.
Threadly reminder that Black Library isn't canon. Enjoy your day.
So Brooks didn't bother to read any DE novel or codex?
By decree of the Water Caste Interdepartmental of Sapient Species Affairs, the Imperium worlds shall be called "Gue'la Resources Rich Planets".
Looks like it's secondary hours unfortunately
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I find posting greytide distasteful
Wouldn't be the first. BL writers seem allergic to doing even the most surface level of research.
Now that you told me to do it I won't out of childish spite.
>Fly me closer, so I can hit them with my hammer!
>invisible in the Warp ala T'au
Fucking kek, why that mohawk nigger even writing about eldar? Did he read any eldar and dark eldar codexes?
There is no need to. It's not like BL has a strict consistency control or editors that care about presenting a coherent vision of the setting.
>there have always been female custodes
Did he read that deldar psychic abilities have atrophied from disuse and misunderstood what that means?
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I didn't tell anyone to do anything, it was a suggestion.
Here's a Terminator I just completed, pretty sure it's not a legal loadout but I got a squad of oddly equipped ones for £4 off ebay.
The camera has way over brightened the highlights on the black although I'll admit they are brighter than they should be so they can be seen from the table top rather than 3 inches away for the camera.
if you have the book can you post the actual quote
It makes 0 sense for khorne to hate psykers more than anything else in 40k.
Khone hates everything, thats his whole gimmick. In Fantasy when they super spells, khornes was getting pissed at people using magic and throwing a brass skull down at them
Chaos does not follow logic, in other news The Lion is a homo and Orks are green.
>It says that Drukhari are physically blunt.
So the Dark Eldar built the Hellrazer dimension to hide from Slaanesh... but *actually* didn't really need to bother because they're blunts anway? Nice continuity retard author.
Commorragh is not a separate dimension, just a huge part of the old webway network. And it, in and of itself, doesn't really have anything to do with torture, unlike the helraiser's Labyrinth, it's just a place where torture elfs live.
Anyone here used inks through an airbrush before? Are they much better thank using paints?
>Fucking kek, why that mohawk nigger even writing about eldar? Did he read any eldar and dark eldar codexes?
Because he wanted to make his Rey Skywalker
>So fucking what?
This makes them rivals to the Black Heart Kabal.
>Yeah because..? Oh wait let me guess, becuase power of many, am I right?
Over thousands of years, a cult of personality formed around Lelith because of her supreme skills and lethality. She is a Living Muse in all but name.
>Oh yeah, suddenly Dark Eldar just become Clans
Yeah, they are called Kabals, Wyuch Cults, and Covens with a complex network of alliances and grudges between them
>Yeah because public vote always was important in Dark Eldar society. The more alliances and worshippers a Drukhari character has the more control they have in the Dark City. Vect isn't alone in having the ability to use superweapons a fact that was pointed to in the novel.
>Addition straight out of writter's ass
A welcome one. Vect stood with no real challenge for too long. In the novel afterword, it was said that Lelith didn't get
any focus for 25 years. She deserves to be the star now.
> Found the Dawn of War II - Retribution writer
>This makes them rivals to the Black Heart Kabal.
>She is a Living Muse in all but name.
[citation needed]
But you knwo who is the only living muse in fluff?
>Yeah, they are called Kabals, Wyuch Cults, and Covens with a complex network of alliances and grudges between them
And when plot demands all comlicity boils down "xe is muh kween"
>A welcome one.
Nice bait Mike
>Vect stood with no real challenge for too long.
Yeah if we ignore all old Eldar nobles who were rulling Commoragh and Lady Malys, but yeah completely alien concept of harmony and equality is surely what DE needed most
>She deserves to be the star now.
ammmm why exactly?
That could work for double accursed weapons, you can have one per five chaos termies.
>She deserves to be the star now.
Mike, your hair is dumb, your face is too soft for it - you look like a twat. Also please kill yourself and rid this long-suffering franchise of your stench.
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Anons are doing it again. Trying to pass of off their headcanon as actual canon.

Also another interesting tidbit. When Drukhari souls die they don't get eaten straight away. There is a period in which they could be saved and drawn into a new body. As Drukhari souls linger in the Wsrp they are gradually leached away by Slaanesh until they are wholly devoured.
post pdfs of good boooks.
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That's what I did. Also, how are twelve marines supposed to fit in this thing?
Ok Mike, Dark Eldar have always been blunts, invisible in the warp, it's always been that way! Always!
Anon, deldar never were "blunt like tau". They have lost their innate psychic abilities due to millenia of disuse and relying on the suffering of others to stave off slaanesh, but their souls (black and shriveled as they are) never were harder to detect for farseers or daemons or whoever. That is purely mike brooks' misunderstanding of canon.
>In the novel afterword, it was said that Lelith didn't get any focus for 25 years.
So, i really sure than he didn't read anything about eldar. Valedor was released in 2015.
>She deserves to be the star now.
To make her marvel-tier strong independent woman, ok.
>Also another interesting tidbit. When Drukhari souls die they don't get eaten straight away. There is a period in which they could be saved and drawn into a new body. As Drukhari souls linger in the Wsrp they are gradually leached away by Slaanesh until they are wholly devoured.

could you post that quote too
The largest cult has nearly as much manpower and firepower as Vect's.
>[citation needed]
The novel. Turns out that many in the Dark City worship Lelith as the Queen of the Dark City. The novel sets her up as the opposing force to Vect which is why he wants to control her. She is the only internal individual in the Dark City who can pose areal threat to him and can topple him if she wishes.
>And when plot demands all comlicity boils down "xe is muh kween"
It boils down to Lelith causing more than half of the city to turn on Vect if she wishes.
>Yeah if we ignore all old Eldar nobles who were rulling Commoragh and Lady Malys, but yeah completely alien concept of harmony and equality is surely what DE needed most
None of them are as deadly to Vect as Lelith. Lelith is seen as a goddess in the Dark City. Malys is just another Archon.
>ammmm why exactly?
25 years of neglect.

Look at the specs
Are Missile Launchers and Autocannons useful to Sentinels?
40k vehicle minis are not in scale with the infantry ones and most of the time don't have actual fluff-appropriate interiors sculpted either.
Just accept that in-universe the marines fit into the rhino in a reasonable manner.
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They just are, don't worry about it. Brother Helios just sits on Brother Jurgens lap.
using CTRL+F on the 8th dark eldar codex shows that it calls the deldar souls withered
Exactly. Weak souls are harder to see in the WArp.
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I wish I didnt good that incidently, these pictures are giving me anxiety. Imagine how horrible and stuffy it would be in there. Urgh.
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NTA depending on the edition, missile launchers have been good picks for raw versatility. If you don't know what list is coming ,you'd always be able to pick something to specialize.
Now search for the "can't be detected by craftworlders" part.
Sorry, adapt** not specialize.
Mike Brooks looks like the kind of guy who's insecure enough to actually come defend his books on 4chan of all places.
>The largest cult has nearly as much manpower and firepower as Vect's.
[citation fucking needed]
>The novel. Turns out that many in the Dark City worship Lelith as the Queen of the Dark City.
Ahhh yeah Dark City the city of unyelding loyalty and eagerness to die and to be consumed by evil Demon God for the sake of civilian activism
>It boils down to Lelith causing more than half of the city to turn on Vect if she wishes.
Yep, totally not an asspull. It's her turn and she won by popular vote
>None of them are as deadly to Vect as Lelith.
>Dark City.
>seen as a goddess
And the funniest part, this mohawk-retard most likely doesn't realise what hedonism means
>25 years of neglect.
We can extrapolate from the interactions of another race with weak souls, the T'au.
In Inquisitor RPG, daemons have a high chance of failing in detecting a T'au even if they standing right in front of them because of their weak souls.
My friends and I bought combat patrol boxes. My World Eater Berzerkers are in combat, my friend says they can shoot their pistols in combat (at the engaged enemy) is that right?
>Inquisitor RPG
And in my fanfic big titty daemonettes prefer to fuck young male Tau, but were talking about actual canon here.
What is the downside of a "weak soul"? It seems like its all benefit to me, I wouldn't want a daemon thinking I'm their latest tasty snack.
>There is no need to.
>geee I wonder why I had to cancel my book series due to low sales
Yes because the weapon has [pistol] keyword
Necron pylons would be more oppresive. I'd also assume that blanks might just kill you if you were in their presence
>[citation fucking needed]
Codexes and the novel. The Cult of Strife is massive.
>Ahhh yeah Dark City the city of unyelding loyalty and eagerness to die and to be consumed by evil Demon God for the sake of civilian activism
And they hate Vect but love Lelith. Lelith inspires legions of fantical fanboys and girls.
>Yep, totally not an asspull. It's her turn and she won by popular vote
It's not. Vect is akin to a dark vortex. He is always in the shadows. Lelitrh is a blazing sun. People are drawn to her adoration more than they fear the hidden threat of Vect.
Strongest Drukhari warrior other than Drazhar. Worshipped by billions of Drukhari. Rules a faction roughly the same size as Vect's kabal.
This is her time.
Daemons have a hard time seeing you but when a daemon actually knows you are there there is little you can do to protect yourself.
Psychic powers despite painting you as a target to daemons are the best counters to daemons.

You seeing the internal setting balance here?
NO. No ranged weapons, at all, get used in the FIGHT phase.
However because of their [Pistol] keyword, in YOUR SHOOTING PHASE, you can make a shooting attack with pistol armed troops even if they're engaged in melee.
You absolutely DO NOT get to use them again in the FIGHT phase. Your friend is thinking of older Editions of 40k perhaps where pistols used to give you an extra attack in melee for having multiple close combat weapons.
The Inquisitor RPG was an official GW studio game that built the foundation of the modern Inquisition lore and factions.
Well obviously you'd shoot in the shoot phase.
Do I have to post pictures of the final confrontation between her and Vect for you guys to be convinced?
What primarch would be the funniest/most mentally scarring for one of their astartes or a serf to overhear/walk in on having (consensual) sex and why?

>Some poor stickler for the rules and authority loving Imperial Fist overhearing a masochist Rogal Dorn getting pegged by a dominatrix in the other room
>A Night lord deciding to perma deafen himself after hearing whatever Konrad Curze giving someone the work sounds like
>Some non jolly serf of the Death Guard catching a glimpse of the sight, sounds and smells of Demon primarch Mortarion having sex
>Some poor unfortunate imperial witnessing this with a redeemed but still fucked up looking Mortarion?

Etc etc...
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No one cares.
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>Psychic powers despite painting you as a target to daemons are the best counters to daemons.
I bet a big fucking railgun is a good counter to them too. Welcome to realspace bitch.
Can we all agree that that cute tushie needs to be powered and diapered snug!
Where is the 40 ABDL content at?
I just wanted to be clear which phase it applied in and that it was only in your turn.
Daemons more than anything are going to give the least shits about a railgun
Rogal Dorn being a complete bumblefuck and not knowing what goes where to the point where the Space Marine is physically cringing in second hand embarrassment.
Here is the thing. Daemon forms are not stable and their warping of reality can render mundane weapons ineffective. In the recent Shadowsun novel, a manta railgun twin-shots that could have sliced warlord titan in half did not slow down a Great Unclean One.
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Thats alright, give them a few salvos and they'll soon start giving a shit about it. : ) Everything can be solved with the jucidious application of more railgun.
>Malys is just another Archon.
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You're not a real character if you don't have a model
You say that while posting an image of Tau losing a fight
I also heard he has no ass
>a manta railgun twin-shots that could have sliced warlord titan in half did not slow down a Great Unclean One.
A weapon with a stat-line of S26 AP-5 D12 Devastating Wounds, is always going to be concerning to a T12 Sv5+,4++ W20 model.
>Codexes and the novel.
[citation from codex needed]
>And they hate Vect but love Lelith
Oh yeah, Dark City with truly altruistic population
>Lelitrh is a blazing sun.
Yeah her model is fat as sun
Your damage control becomes desperate Mike
> People are drawn to her adoration more than they fear the hidden threat of Vect.
Of course because turns Dark Eldar psychology is completely identical to human civilian activists
>Strongest Drukhari warrior other than Drazhar.
>Worshipped by billions of Drukhari. Rules a faction roughly the same size as Vect's kabal.
Oh right, another addition straight out of writter's ass
>This is her time.
No no no, change "time" for"turn", come on,let's lead discussion to the peak clown-posting without posting a single image
Those two Tau might lose their lives, but the ones behind them are ready to let rip. Plus that daemon doesnt seem to be too happy about getting blasted.
>Its a tabletop stats are representative poster
oh no
Eldar have plenty of models, but neither of them is real character
Screen it
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Let's go back to posting orks
Blood axes, Deathskulls or Bad Moons?
All three, of course.
Tabletop is the ultimate canon. Any deviation in stories represents perfect dice rolling
Anyone but bad moons, can't stand yellow as a colour
Explain the chaos undivided greater demon spam
Ben made it.
It's called subvertion
Mono-clan ork armies are gay and unfluffy.
No you're gay
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I could spam you with my stuff all day long but I don't think the thread would appreciate that.
As long as it isn't space wolf or blood angels, go to town buddy.
>Lelitrh is a blazing sun.
> in the place called Dark City
Yeah fluff was certainly neede such addition
We appreciate your painting, you're very good.. We appreciate you updating us with your new models. There is no need to post the same model(s) you have posted 5000 times in the last few years.
Please post new models.
A city that has literal stolen stars as its light bulbs.
So the ultimate canon is that baseline human guardsmen who got promoted are twice as durable or more than a space marine? Cool I guess
Alright, look forward to a new finished model later today.
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Sorry anon most of my recent shit is BA.
No, you’re just the schizophrenic enough to always think you’re fighting actual people online.
>ben is upset by model posters
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NTA - and the anon is kinda being silly about it - but yeah, in a way it definitely is.
Tabletop is the only way to reconcile the different fluff accounts from different codices (which all tend to favour their respective factions) with at least the idealistic INTENTION of it being fair, even if reality of things can be wonky. And it is intended to be equalized because the galaxy is in an eternal stalemate, both in-fluff but also as a meta-narrative.
And if you take a unit's profile across all the edition starting with the earliest they've appeared in and sorta take the median/average of their stats, you can trace at least the relative powerlevel at which they're supposed to operate.
In other words, Space Marines are outstanding in their own right, but if they were ever truly meant to be the impervious demi-gods that they're sometimes get overblown into, they'd have the custard playstyle and modelcount even before custards were conceptualized as an army. But that is not the case because other factions have their units no less formidable than space marines, even if they might not be baseline.
meant for >>93179241
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Have a good day today.
Not reading that, but you're kind of wrong.
I dunno what to say anon, the lore and all that fluff mumbo jumbo only exists to sell more models to a particular type of player. The hard stats dont lie, a Great Unclean One would be very wary of a big Manta railgun. If there was supposed to be any other way of looking at it it would be represented in the daemons statline, but all they get that's special is a ++ saving throw and a good toughness to represent their resistance to mundane weapons. A railgun is still perfectly capable of fucking a daemon up.

If they wanted it to be any different there was nothing stopping GW from starting them any different on the tabletop.
It isn't. The tabletop bears little resemblance to what the lore says things should do, and stats are contrived.

Why can a Commissar eat a heavy bolter round that the tabletop says wounds him and penetrates his armor, but an engineered superhuman like an Intercessor eats shit and dies, every time?
Why does a Phobos marine who is meant to be a stealthy stripped down version of tacticus have an identical defensive statline?
Why does being in Gravis or Terminator Armor give you 3W? The armor and toughness from that are represented in other stats.
>If they wanted it to be any different there was nothing stopping GW from starting them any different on the tabletop.
They don't want it to be different, its that way because its a game first and not representative of the lore. Thats the entire point, dumbass.
>The hard stats dont lie
Ok guess we should be really really scared of Repentia considering they are now the galaxy's greatest superpower and capable of killing Titans. Thats what the "hard stats" say after all.
You are retarded.
Lore =/= TT.
Lore being a draw for models is not a logical argument for TT being representative of the lore. Again, retard.
>No you see, there's actually a lore reason why any weapon that exists will potentially wound anything in the galaxy 1 in 6 times
You're misinterpreting the argument I was making.
The point was that on a LOCALLY (read: not galactically global) all the factions are - and have always meant to be by intention - about as powerful as each other, being to meet each other's measure in your average battle, even if the theatre of war might say otherwise. Arguing against this is kind of arguing against the spirit of both the game & the setting.
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Wrong. The Imperium is stated and shown to be objectively the most powerful faction in the setting
>LOCALLY (read: not galactically global)
please refer to that.
And again, you can pull out a lot of tidbits like that like "Genestealers are the greatest enemy of the Imperium" which gets shitposted here a lot.
Either way your ass would never be able to argue this shit at an LGS because you'd come off as a weirdo sperg so it's better to leave this accounts as fanciful stories.
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Why can't 40k or necromunda tabletop get cool shit like shit?
It's not even on a global level. The Imperium armies are not fought piecemeal but as a united front with Admech, IG, space marines, and knights in the same force.

You are a retard.
>not even on a global level
>talks about war campaigns not reflective of the tabletop which has always been a small snippet of a local battle within the framework of a larger war
not to mention that it's by far not always the case, especially when it comes to knights and skitarii legions.
>You are a retard.
Nuh-uh, you're the weirdo who has no outlet to talk about your imaginary "my faction is better than yours, akshually" skub other than anonymous bulletin boards. Which is shameful.
Bruh the stencil on that shield is a near straight rip from Necromunda
They both already have ogryns anon
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Like for real you just posted a Necromundan enforcer
You idiot. Most wars are fought by combinations of the Imperial factions, not just one.
The snippets of local battles are portrayed by smaller skirmish games like KIll Team.

You are not making any logical arguments. The text I posted explains how the Imperium is the most powerful faction and gives reasons for it. It's not just a throwaway line. It's a fact of the setting that the Imperium is the dominant force in the galaxy and its current rulers.
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not an ogryn though, I guess that's what he was talking about
Right, the lore only exists to sell models and is therefore unreasonably buffed in favour of whatever faction is being portrayed, and you would never see that performance from the same unit on tabletop barring exceptional rolls.

Now you're just being silly, it would take some good rolls from the Repentia Squad to take a Titan down, but I don't wee why a bunch of them physically should be able to do so by hacking at power cabling and the like.

I didn't say that the Tabletop was representative of the lore, its a one way street, the lore is there to make models sound good to a certain type of player, and sell them those models. No-one does the reverse and buys the lore based on how the models perform on the tabletop! All the lore is just sales propaganda.

Why not? You can always get lucky with a shot.
>I didn't say that the Tabletop was representative of the lore, its a one way street, the lore is there to make models sound good to a certain type of player, and sell them those models. No-one does the reverse and buys the lore based on how the models perform on the tabletop! All the lore is just sales propaganda.
So you are going with bad faith? Alright. You are dismissed.
can you actually believe that they got nerfed? the slightest nerf but it was still a nerf

>tankhammer from anti vehicle 4+ to 5+
wtf is with those orks? did he just dip them all in nuln oil or something?
>You are not making any logical arguments. The text I posted explains how the Imperium is the most powerful faction and gives reasons for it. It's not just a throwaway line. It's a fact of the setting that the Imperium is the dominant force in the galaxy and its current rulers.
You're screaming into the void and you'd never be able to argue that to a persons face without looking like a huge fuckwit. Reflect on yourself.
>Why can't 40k or necromunda tabletop get cool shit like shit?
Its Necromunda, of course you can, conversions and homebrew have always been core to the campaigns, so long as your arbitrator isnt shite.
I accept your concession.
No, you just misunderstood my post, intentionally I think.
>The snippets of local battles are portrayed by smaller skirmish games like KIll Team.
Kill-team is spec ops
2k points of Guard have never even remotely came close to reflecting the full force of IG defending a planet from an invasion
Considering your other replies. No, I didn't. Go away.
Samefag less
Go cry into your Space Marine fanwank that misrepresents the models actual performance anon.
>Now you're just being silly...
>Goes on to say actually its fine
Nice cognitive dissonance bro.

and no, a single Repentia unit can do half the wounds of a Warhound titan on average from an activation. We should ship these angry girls with chainswords out to every corner of galaxy considering their "hard stats" make them one of the imperium's most powerful weapons in existence now. You're totally right on that
yes, they rip from 40k and necromunda for their skins constantly.
Said the one crying.
>2k points of Guard have never even remotely came close to reflecting the full force of IG defending a planet from an invasion
This is a constant problem with the game, where the actual fucking tabletop game has no similarity to the "real" lore going on. The Imperium's best tactic to winning wars is throwing infinite resources at the problem, able to outnumber their enemies 10 to 1, and that's without calling for a proper crusade. Tyranids win by drowning entire systems in bodies, described as layers of chitin and claws that are more vast than the ocean. Eldar are described as being so rare and valuable that even the death of one is considered a great loss, and a dozen harlequins will silence an army. Space Marines somehow can fuck up an entire planet with a ship with a couple dozen super-soldier warriors on it.

Shit's fucking stupid.
>This is a constant problem with the game, where the actual fucking tabletop game has no similarity to the "real" lore going on.
I feel like that's your own problem because a single 40k battle is by no means reflective of the whole battle for an entire planet.
I always liked this model. I dont play or collect because im not made of money and i have no artistic fiber in my entire family, but I really love Imperial Guard vehicles.
I don't have a 3D printer nor access to one either. is there any way to make a vehicle only Guard Army or do you need at least some infantry.
Also, I have seen over the years of lurking something caled a "Command Squad" or something of that nature. what does means for the purpose of the game when you're fielding troops to play a game?
actually no, anon is right about the state of the game representing the lore, because everything has been shit.
nta but its simply a fact of the matter that the imperium is the dominant force in the galaxy. yes there are regions of space that are isolated or unconquered but in the whole the imperium projects its force across 80% of the galaxy. obviously they have threats, the biggest of such is chaos, but the idea is that the imperium is the big bad fighting off 20 enemy factions. the endless war will not cease and its wearing down the imperium.
play epic scale 40k
Literally not a soul is angry with femstodes. We love muscle mommies and fem marines have been one of the most requested things from GW here for a while now.
Is it really so hard for you to accept that they can kill a Warhound in melee? Titans are big ungainly stompy things, sure they can be killed if a melee unit swarms all over them. Hell, you can afford to take 10 x 10 model Repentia squads for the price of one Warhound. I know which ones I'd rather have!
IIRC, you can take a Leman Russ command tank as your warlord, and fill your list with vehicles.
Screening and objective holding will be complicated in such list, cause you are trading those for firepower.
The command squad is there to give boost infantry.
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Any muslim people here? do they like warhammer? i am curious if muslim people like warhammer
Keep your samefagging of old posts to the old thread.
>melee unit takes on non-melee unit in melee
>gets dumpstered
Why cant you accept this? Warhound player shouldnt have let their fire-support titan get charged.
You're entirely right and that's correct. It's a great backdrop for the setting and why it operates the way it does.
What I was arguing is that factions - ideally - being equals on the limited scope of the tabletop is also mostly reflective of their relative powerlevels in the fluff as well. Which serves as the great equalizer and accentuates the endless war scenario. So it's not exclusively a gameplay abstraction and it is in no small part there to reflect the fluff.
Urbanite muslims aren't any different from any other lad or lass anon.
you should play Epic, shredding titans with a load of shit in melee is a time-honoured tactic. Not so much in Legions Imperialis, but they dropped the ball on a lot of things with that game.
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Cope less, you'll live longer
I'm not the one coping about a Warhound titan trading badly with a melee unit.
The entire premise of this conversation has flown above your head little bro
Ok coomer
World Eaters?
White Muslim. In general GW prices are just too high in Muslim countries for it to become popular
The entire premise was "tabletop stats trump book lore" because the book lore is advertising, then you got irrationally tilted that a warhound would trade poorly with a melee unit, in melee.
>unsolicited opinions about /pol/
>When brits/americans are awake theres a lot more model posting because they actually play the game.
Theres also an ridiculous amount of pearl-clutching about gender issues too unfortunately. they're obsessed with it.
No one wants female marines, fuck off.
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there are over 30 million muslims living in the west, Bin Laden, he's obviously not asking about the ones back home still living in caves.
Reminder that Eldar women are flat, ghastly looking, and utterly unfeminine.
Don't let porn fool you.
>The entire premise was "tabletop stats trump book lore"
Sort of, but not really.
> then you got irrationally tilted that a warhound would trade poorly with a melee unit, in melee.
Nothing tilted about it, it was making fun of that anon (or you) for even referring to the idea of "hard stats" being relevant - Repentia are fucking absurd, and they shouldn't be easily overkilling a land raider in a single charge, or - in a particularly absurd example - killing a Warhound Titan in 2 turns.
>m-muh melee unit
Irrelevant, this isn't about trading efficiency or arbitrary labels, is the fact that angry women with chainswords being some of the most effective anti-everything including anti-tank the imperium has should be on the face of it obviously not what the lore actually is. It breaks internal consistency, because its just tabletop contrivance. Hope that clears it up for you, dumb cunt.
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>post using "we"
>shittiest take possible
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>White muslim
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Yeah, no. I'm forced to live among them and they ruin whatever they touch.
Seems like been has run out of his brain medicine.
what is been?
I'm a revert. Theres a few of us, no middle eastern muslims that I know though but there are a lot of Indians
Unvaccinated too. Can we still be friends?
When femstodes were revealed it was Reddit who was mad, no one on /tg/ was besides a couple of /pol/tards. Its never been canon they were all men as its a different procedure than the astartes one
>Well, good luck explaining that you don't consider femstodes canon
It's in the codex, codexes are the primary source for lore.
Only people who were mad was redditors and couple of /pol/joggers here.
It got so bad that the /pol/fags started to spam literal scat porn and trannies because people didn't care about femstodes and told them to fuck off and go be grifters elsewhere.
I wouldn't say that since as we know muslims could fund an entire sub-genre of internet porn
There's like one or two dedicated cross-posters that just would not let the conversation die here for two weeks pretending like they were just discovering about it for the first time and using the exact same bait post in every single thread. And while most responses were reasonable people could not resist taking the bait every single time.
If one man can fund half of the Ultramarines fan art so it includes his OC, a single oil prince could buy any major distribution outlet they wanted
I wouldn't be surprised if Saudi puts on a tournament. They are pushing hard to promote eSports right now
The best planet in the Imperium is still North Korean levels of control. Paradise planets are nice as long as you are the Prince Ibn Al-Quaid, not so much for the underclass that keeps the thing running.
indians are worse by a mile. I'm glad to say that I've never seen or heard of an indian warhammer player.
>The best planet in the Imperium is still North Korean levels of control.
Wrong, that'd be feral planets and feudal planets.

Imperium is mainly hands off with shit like that because they don't care as long as you can provide the lumber, grain and manpower for the warmachine.
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Lads convince me to not go out and start a World Eaters army my only other army is IG and I want to see what good Melee feels like.
if they stay with the last edition's release schedule, IG won't get a codex until 6 months before the edition ends entirely, meaning their book has a stupidly short shelf life. If that happens IG basically becomes an index army for the rest of its existence, with only brief windows of time it actually has a book.

>you can play older editions
Only if you can find someone willing to do it with. Most people prefer the newest just for the convenience of a standard across the playerbase.
Anyone have the text about the short story ish thing that was about a feudal world using its resources to build a spaceship?
You'll go bald from tearing your hair out painting trim
I have a suspicion they were just jerking each other off and replying to each others bait posts hoping to get other posters riled up about it, when no-one really gave too much of a shit. Its mildly irritating, but sure what are you going to do, GW will change it if they want, no small amount of moaning is going to stop them.
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>Lads convince me to not go out and start a World Eaters army
If you want to play WE, use CSM rules for some WE models.

Because at this point it is better, more flavorful and just all around more fun and creative to just play CSM, and paint them red & brass and then convert them with WE bits and use some WE models.
This is because you get access to cool shit at least, unlike WE which is just 3 variants of melee retards.
You could probably even proxy the Juggerlord with a Discolord, not sure if they share the same base or are the same size, but it's an option.
Their play style doesn't vary much, and sometimes you'll wish you had more variety.
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How about my most recent game instead?
I dont get what moaning there is to have? Women have swarmed 40k in recent years, so why not cater to them a bit. It makes sense from a business perspective and it changes nothing in the lore.
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So I actually bought Kharn as a test model to try and see how big of a deal painting trim was (Also because I have a MTG deck built around him) and didn't have too much issue with the trim itself. Then again that's painting one model vs painting 30+
If I get bored of WE I could always go back to IG. The benefit of having a second army
Now this feels like an argument. I'll take a better look at the CSM codex, though taking a glance at the datasheets the only thing from WE that carries over to CSM are Khorne Berserkers.
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Does anyone else absolutely love the bits of lore about the average civilians life in 40K? Sod all that Space Marine poster boy shit, tell me more about how Joe from Hab Block 15523-A2 goes about his daily life!
Since when did 40K have a magic card set, or is that a custom one you done up?
They did a collab last year, Necrons, nids, chaos, and imperium got decks.
howd it go against the new nid rules? did they do anything or was it the same
I play IG and WE. You should go for it, sometimes its fun to just throw something like Angron or Eightbound at something and have them tear it apart with their bare hands. And you can still run things like Forgefiends and Predators as they are priced very nicely
They did better, but I traded more efficiently. Eradicators absolutely fuck big bugs if they aren’t gotten rid of. That squad there killed a malaceptor, flyrant, norn, and tyrannofex. The tyrannofex cannon is scary as fuck. The guy I played against doesn’t game super often and kept getting mixed up with much older rules.
Nids still really struggle on primary scoring, especially with monster mash. Pic rel, nid guy is the top stats.
Nice revisionism
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What am I looking at?
They will hate you for it but this is the truth. All the bitching here were tourists. Aside from that butthurt frozen flames guy.
Score per turn breakdown.
Totally convincing posts my samefagging faggot
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>If one man can fund half of the Ultramarines fan art so it includes his OC,
Nigga you retarded. What kind of heterosexual male would spend money on Marines fan-art instead of picrelated?
>Nids still really struggle on primary scoring
Yeah, that seems to be the case in my experience. they really need all the board presence they can get or else they're fucked.
haven't fought a tyrannofex but the cannon with the rules change is definitely scary. i was glad to see the guy i played didn't bring one.
I really like a lot of the new secondaries, especially Recover Assets. Finally an action that's easy to get instead of being 9" away from a table quarter or in the enemies deployment zone, which are just automatic discards every time.
someone who's not addicted to porn?
He didnt quit, still posts WIP updates on some Discord I'm on, and Bolter and Chainsword forum.
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I've only played 1 game against them with new rules, but it was brutal. Hardest one I've fought yet. He had me move blocked into my own deployment zone turns 1-3, and I had to stretch shooting pretty hard to clear the center objectives instead of protecting my own units.

By turn 4, though, he'd run out of units to trade with mine and lost the objectives.
You already leaked your club sallyman, why do you keep trying to hide it
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>not on her knees, pregnant, leashed and crying.
Shit art, porn artists should cater to my fetishes only. 0/10
>heterosexual male
So nobody.
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>He had me move blocked into my own deployment zone turns 1-3
damn how'd he manage that? i've never had nids move block me, but then again I tend to clear off their fast-moving chaff super easy with my boyz.

I realize more and more that nids are always so fun to fight. they've never felt super dominating or too weak, it's always a good fight.
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Necromunda is great for that, what its like for people who are not living or fighting in the endless warzones
No, only supermen standing on piles of skulls, all day long./sarc

I'm super interested in all the body horror modifications for randos you see in art. Speaker mouth priests, guys jacked into workstations, bionics abound. The guard don't have them, so they can't be for everyone.
Maybe once you progress in your job, there's a hard limit to how far you can rise without the mods. Maybe the mods are preservitorisation for menial plebs.

It's all vague because there are plenty of baseline meatbags to hand lasguns to
NTA - Vanguard invader lists are more than capable of having 30+ bodies in your deployment turn one
good lord. guess i'm glad my nidbro doesn't play that, then.
...they look like they're fighting to me anon?
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He had some infiltrating units and got the first turn. Between that and scouting units he was in my face across the board across the entire table.
The faction is not fun to play, and arguably its not fun to paint either unless you really like chaos trim. Let me just paint some negatives for you to be aware of on the table top;

1.You are playing eightbound, no ifs or buts about it. Khorne berserkers are weak, can only punch down, and are generally only used to transport characters. Demon engines and the generic csm shit are either too slow or are just an antithesis to the factions identity ( boggles the mind how we kept fucking predators and annihilators but didnt get to keep generic characters,chosen, or bikers.)

2.If you dont go first, you are playing to lose. I sound like a waac fag but thats just the factions identity at this point, the entire factions identity for the edition has been about going first and being in your opponents face. Its a very swingy army, both in a casual and waac environment.

Should also make a note that the win rate for WE is HEAVILY inflated by whether or not a player gone first, its genuinely insane how dependent this army is going first.

3.Melee fucking sucks man. Virtually every other army has so many tools to play around us, maybe knights being the only exception but Eightbound are again the only thing that can do anything in that matchup. There is a benefit to this con though because it does allow for more skill expression, but its more boring than it ever is fulfilling in my own opinion.

4.Games are fast, downside or benefit of being a swingy army I guess

Probably more points I can make here, but the army in its current state is not worth playing at all. Wait for it to become an actual entity before you pick it up.

James if you are reading this, fuck you.
Yeah, they're both pretty bad.
Paint the boyz as a mix of all three clans, but paint your more specialized units according to which of the three clans fits it best. For example infiltrators and deep strikers get blood axe colors.
You will buy the Eightbound
And you will be happy
Blue Orkz are the best Orkz.
File deleted.
Do it. Embrace the will of the Gods.
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>not addicted to porn
>wants someone to comission shitton of roided males fan-art
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Fighting a small skirmish >>>>> Being in a proper 40k warzone
Ash nomads raiding travelling merchants/ supplies of gangers is just the normal base line of violence on a hiveworld, thats peaceful for an Imperial world.
Real peace comes from the cyberpunk-lite worls controlled by the LoV
It’s a good habit.
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>Real peace comes from the cyberpunk-lite worls controlled by the LoV
>tranny opinion
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>lovely terrain
>beautifully painted steel legions
>grey tide nids
I don't see why people comission coomer images like that in the first place. What do you do with them? You can't put them up on the walls or it's super weird when your family comes to visit. Do they just get delivered digitally and you just have a folder of "my favourite non-canon lusty images of 40k" or something? I'm sorry, I genuinely don't know what people comission these types of images for, they're nice and all, bit you can't actually do anything with them.
Is it my slight autism preventing me from seeing the value of these "art pieces" (and I dont mean that in a bad way, i jist cant think of a better way to classify them {without being insulting}) or something?
What are blood axe colours even? Just drab?
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Death Guard is the last of my armies to be getting their codex.
We get a detachment focused on daemonic allies so I can have an excuse to run my beasts of nurgle and plaguebearers. Also a buff for Mortarion- poor boy needs to either have better offensive output or buffs to his auras if he's going to fulfill the support role the design team thinks he fits.
> Fears
any further nerfs to the plagueburst crawler and a Poxwalker detachment (I don't want any more of them.)
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You wack off to them, god damn robot.
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I'm reminded of this anon.
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Sorry shorty, but your industrial scrap heap will never be an ideal utopia like a Craftworld.
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How bad is this?
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NTA but I did my few blood axes in what I'd imagine were guard colors. Blood axes try to mock/mimic human armies, so they'd probably pick a guard regiment and mimic that.
Other than freebootaz, they're probably the most "up to interpretation" klan.
>greytide nids aren't even looking at the unit they are in combat with
They're not Blood Axes unless they have a WW1 or WW2 German looking helmet to irrationally trigger overly sensitive idiots.
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He was working on them
>an ideal utopia like a Craftworld.
>California in Space
>aren't even looking at the unit they are in combat with
this is the worst of all. A shitload of people at my LGS do this and it's a huge pet peeve of mine.
If i charge your backside, it's ok because they were facing the other way and got charged. moonwalking into engagement range, however, is unforgiveable.
I know what you're saying but there's a pretty big ass number of muslims in east asia and the people in places like Dubai aren't exactly living in caves.
Ork's don't understand camouflage, it's a cargo cult to them. They see weird patterns and think that will make them sneakier, regardless of the actual terrain.
Dune does fine without aliens
Battletech too (since you can replace aliens with retarded humans)
Starship troopers and Alien have aliens bu they just wild animals.
Cant even get a good party going on a Craftworld any more because all the CW Eldar are so strict about controlling their emotions these days.
Maybe the brave Guardsmen charged the 'nids? :D
>CW Eldar are so strict about controlling their emotions
-> >>93178824
Discolord is quite a bit bigger and on bigger base than Juggerlord
I wish i could believe it, anon.
All of these are much more exceptions to the rule than setting the standard desu. I do like some isolated sci-fi though, Universal Century Gundam is great.
>Starship troopers
>Starship troopers
>just wild animals
Have you read the novel? They have space ships and laser weapons.
>Continent-sized paradise ship with several internal biospheres tailor made and customized for maximum comfort and enjoyment
>Food cooked by members on the Path of Service, genuinely the best cooks in the galaxy who can prepare any kind of meal you want
>Virtually no crime because nobody wants for anything except personal experiences, and everyone is psychic including the ship itself
>Clean air, clean water, clean populace
You're an idiot if you think a Craftworld is anything like California.
Wyches aren't Craftworld Eldar anon.
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>Battletech too
>because all the CW Eldar are so strict about controlling their emotions these days.
An Eldar controlling their emotjons puts them on the same level as an average modern human. Due to being psychic, Eldar are supposed to feel emotions MUCH harder than other races, which is the entire point behind utilizing a War Mask to try and avoid getting PTSD.
They'll still throw parties on Craftworlds, they'll just be quaint get-togethers rather than murder-orgies like the Empire had.
Going by the box art yes modern GW sees blood axes as mixed drabs with splashes of red accessories and red clan glyphs.

In the past though (including a Duncan era painting tutorial) any color with freehand camo patterns would do, blood axes along with freebooterz and snakebites are more a clan that stands out in how they are modeled than what color they are painted, hence they get a lot less limelight cause this intimidates hobbylettes.
>iT nEvEr SaId We CoUlDn'T
Incidentally the same justification for every overbearing, quasi-unconstitutional nanny-state policy in the US. Then again, if you're the type to force IdPol into army men hobbying, you're probably the type to micromanage and feel righteous about it.
Unlike Howling Banshees
The 90's metal ones were pretty cool.
aka L-A, S-A in space.
There's nothing in that text indicating the HB's are doing anything untoward.
I haven't played 40k in many edition. I don't care about the meta. I don't have a true faction. All I want to do is run a bunch of malcadors, get a bunch of those new 30k plastic kits to flesh out my old FW resin kits, alongside some storm troopers and a squad or two of power armor goons so my ancient rogue trader project can finally see a table. What if any rules, do I use?
Male Howling Banshees exist as per the Jain Zar book. Mediocre as he is Thorpe is a higher authority on Eldar than Brooks, and that excerpt is nothing more than the internal ramblings of a deranged Wych.
Nice looking water
>What if any rules, do I use?
The HH rules
So, play my rogue trader in HH instead? I've never looked at HH. I'll go bother that general.
Do most Imperial cities go in for the gothic architecture look as well or is there more variation in those than you might expect?
40k is a bear to get into right now due to its popularity and gw wringing it for all it's worth. If you have the means to prop up another game even a gw secondary game then you should at least look into if you have a local scene for it.
If you're more used to older 40k Editions, you might feel happier using that ruleset. 9th and 10th Edition 40K are more aimed at fast tournament play over anything else.
>You should buy Aeronautica NOW
that reminds me, did 30k ever get its own rpg?
The tournament bogeyman strikes once more
lol no, LI maybe (if you use the fan made xenos lists too), but not aeronautica on its own, its just not particularly fun!
I mean you can't deny that 40K is ridiculously optimised for tournament play in 10th Edition anon, to a greater extent than even 9th Ed, and plays far far faster than 8th Edition?
Its pretty damn clear GW has their heart set on 40K becoming a Tabletop eSport equivalent.
According to Brooks all incubus, striking scorpions and other aspects are males? LMAO, that asshole didn't read anything about eldar, and he added even more of gender inequality that before.
>There's nothing in that text indicating the HB's are doing anything untoward.
>the same way as every Asuryani warrior who explored the warrior aspect of the Howling Banshees
>According to Brooks all incubus, striking scorpions and other aspects are males?
Of course no, just all HB aspirants passing through HRT
>I mean you can't deny that 40K is ridiculously optimised for tournament play in 10th Edition anon
I absolutely can, most of the changes cater specifically and solely to absolute dribbling morons, not tournaments. None of them used PL when both Points/PL were a thing, changes like that were only made to cater to the lowest common denominator of human
>Of course no, just all HB aspirants passing through HRT
There was a male Banshee Exarch in the Jain Zar book. He was not referred to as a woman and was even chosen to be the Young King, and afterwards was still referred to as a he.
>Of course no
>"most incubi were male" in same sentence
>incubi is same aspect like dire avenger but spiky
Mike so stupid even for adding gay shit
>All Incubi... Are male
Isn't that in direct opposition to a female Klaivex (Incubus Exarch completely subsumed by the path) finding Drazhar's armor and putting it on in Blood of the Phoenix?
Like I said. IF there is a local scene for it. AI only existed to try to peel off xwing players and gw threw it away after xwing shat it's own bed.
The new Scorpion kit also has what looks like a female head, though it's q little hard to tell with the mask.
Should I listen to Prince of Crows by Aaron Dembski-Bowden?
There's no doubt room for more variation than we get to see. But I believe there's something very British about the Perpendicular Gothic style cityscape and it showing signs disrepair and decay from every angle. It conjures up a sense of an empire in decline in a way that I think is easy to relate to for people who grew up in a postwar decolonial era in a country where seats of institutional power look like Westminster.
>The new Scorpion kit also has what looks like a female head, though it's q little hard to tell with the mask.
Also forgot to mention; the KT Salvation book specifically mentions female Scorpions.
Yes, also if i remember well, female Klaivex mentoed in Dark son short story, as a female striking scorpin exarch in Valedor.
Yes they do. The exceptions are rare, i think mostly pleasure worlds (more of an roman vibe) and worlds with nearly no architecture to speak of (because of being underdeveloped or similar) vary from that.
>seen or heard
or smelled
Nope. The idea might be fun though.
>>"most incubi were male" in same sentence
most =/= all
But text clearly says all HB males are performing HRT
That's because Thrope is bigot, no wonder he was fired
It feels like GW is missing a huge moneymaking opportunity with taking the same setting and making it into multiple game systems. Like a faction and a style of combat? Get that faction for that game. Have a faction for 40k proper, but want another style of gameplay? Get into another game with that faction.
>40k regular
>40k epic
>40k skirmish
>40k airplane battles
>40k space battles
Are all existing examples of what's possible in the setting. Hell, they could even expand the universe and do underwater battles or something else if they wanted. Splitting the separate games into specific factions or times instead of just having the same setting (look at the flopped 30k epic) is just shooting themselves in the foot.
And of course, keeping the rules for these game systems modern and updated. BFG, all the previous Epic games, AI all suffer from being outdated and untouched, which is why only a select few will ever play them anymore.
im glad the trannoid lore is quarantined in the worst faction in the game
>Kill team / Combat patrol
In other words, they "missed" doing exactly what they've already done?
see >>93180766
Don't be too harsh on him.
Let him try re-invent the wheel.
My fellow warhammer fans. I think we all agree that it is time GW removes Black Templars from the setting
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I for one would prefer it if you spammed models. Beats all the posts about what wedding tackle most Incubi are dragging along behind them and their klaives.
no one has ever whined about SoB. they’re thematically one of the best imperial subfactions and they were a great way to do women in power armor. if it was up to these retards they would cram them into space marines and give them the same rules and statline and called everyone that hated it a bigot.
40k regular
40k kill team
"40k" necromunda (at least some factions)
40k aeronautica
40k epic
40k inquisitor
40k BFG
40k "Pan and paper games"
40k "videogames"
40k "mini boardgame collection"
40k blackstone fortress
and i bet there are more.
Seem like they did try that because they thought the same thing but it was not profitable for most games.
I'm not even sure what you're tilted about to be honest.
Sorry. Black Tempalar nazis hate them because they are women.
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very high quality model
bro you dropped your hotdog on your mini
rent free
Maybe it's the city in your pic looking more cyberpunk than grimdark but that image actually does make me want a deus ex style 40k game where you just investigate basic people's lives and crimes across an angri/hive/please world but I doubt any studio could make that nowadays
Warhammer crime books are kinda good for showing what regular people go through in their daily life.
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>BFG, all the previous Epic games, AI all suffer from being outdated and untouched, which is why only a select few will ever play them anymore.
That's why nobody plays official Epic anymore, or official BFG, everyone I know and every tournament uses one of the fan maintained rulesets. Epic Armageddon for example only had an update last month for example.
Its still GW's original rules, just with the rough edges fixed after 20 years of play-testing and well balanced army lists maintained and kept up to date.
There is absolutely NOTHING stopping anyone from getting into Epic tomorrow if they wanted to play it, its still wildly popular.
on the contrary, I’ve seen danger hair types complaining that SoB have human statlines and aren’t just space marine clones. cause heaven forbid the space nuns play differently than the space monks
Alright fair enough. Got a link to those fan rulesets? Also, are the models just printed now?
It's you who is coping Eldarfag
Let me guess, the white templars can stay YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT
inquisition books are good for that
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It's fine they just got a mcdonalds sponsorship
Do you guys think there's any reason to use PBCs after the indirect nerf? Their shooting is pretty bad into crunchy pieces, it was good because it threatened cheap squishy fodder that was holding objectives.
Then again they're kinda tanky so you can just advance them or something.
>That's why nobody plays [...] official BFG
KYS XRfag. Official/Remastered is a better game than your bloated mess. Remastered is about as fanmade as Wahapedia.
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For Epic:
Net Epic Armageddon: https://www.net-armageddon.org/
If UK, get your army lists off EpicUK as thats the one used in UK tournaments: http://epic-uk.co.uk/wp/army-lists/
If French/Swiss/German get your army lists of EA-FR, as those are the ones used for the tournaments on the continent: https://www.epicarmageddon.fr/
>For the above its only really the army lists that are any different, there is very little rules differences between them.

For Epic, if you want to play Epic Space Marine/Titan Legions (most like Legions Imperialis, and what it was based on, but LI has less complexity) use NetEpic Gold: https://netepic.org/army-books/
though its getting a competitor in Net Epic Palladium
that is a French team but whose translated a good percentage of their books to English this year. Their books are really nice.

For Battlefleet Gothic you have 3 options:
2010 compendium + FAQ + Official Rulebook - Last official GW set
Battlefleet Gothic Remastered - Most popular fan made rule and fleet set.
Battlefleet Gothic XR - Fanmade "Kitchen sink" Rules and Fleets - the author didnt know when to stop with adding new ships, and some people think its ruined the racial identity of the fleets, me included.

You can find all three here:
All the rules are pretty bloody near exact, its only the fleets and points that differ really.

I play Remastered, not XR. As you can see original question anon, some people are a bit vitriolic about fan rulesets, but i would challenge them to play a game with Dark Eldar using only official released GW rules and see how they fare.
Love the little emperor burning in the background
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>got vmc flat yellow
>my stupid ass thought flat meant strong for some fuckin reason
>it's actually creamy as fuck
God damnit. I need the YELLOW. I'm not talking mildly hydrated piss. I need that fucking pmc 420 bumblebee ballsack. I'm talking SATURATED, like your girl when she sees my fucking paintjobs. What's the one to buy? and so help me god if anyone recommends citadel I'm gonna fucking SHIT and CUM.
citadel averland sunset
vallejo gold yellow
vallejo sun yellow
pro acryl golden yellow
I hate the fucking tumbler/ calarts style. It turns everything so lame and gay.
Shit man thats fucking awesome to see fanmade rules for beloved games. I need to pressure some dudes at the LGS to try out epic or BFG with me now.
I also need to find STLs of the models for some Orks too, it seems.
can psykers use their abilities from inside a transport with firing deck? no right?
Things that have been turned into a shooting profile, yes. Datasheet abilities no
>>Maximum enjoyment and comfort
I think you mean solemn contemplation and sufficient but not excessive comfort.
Craftworlders follow strict paths for a reason, that obsession and excess will plunge them into Slaanesh's embrace.

You want a pleasure trip you can survive to tell stories about, you need to snort stimulants off a servitors breasts on Imperial Pleasure worlds
>if anyone recommends citadel I'm gonna fucking SHIT
Averland sunset -> Yriel yellow is actually good tho?
imperial fist yellow contrast is good
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Bounce on the main 40K STL Tele channel and ask for invites to the Epic 40K one, it seems to be invite only since the last copyright strike wave, I don't have permission to invite. It has pretty much everything as an STL.
You are now and FOREVER manually breathing.
Eisenhorn / Ravenor / Bequin? Read those, are there others you are referring to?
>>Continent-sized paradise ship with several internal biospheres tailor made and customized for maximum comfort and enjoyment
>half of the Craftworld walks with axewounds between legs
I couldn't. That image bothers me. Artists always put some nonsensical clothing or other things in their images that don't make logical sense and I end up fixating on how it works instead.
I actually got banned from the main 40k stl tele. Spoke about it on the greenskin stl tele and apparently the mod there hands out bans like candy even if you have never spoken in the channel
>clothed pinup is porn now
you faggots are genuinely retarded
...axe wounds? Did they get raided by Orks or something? Can't they go to a medic?
Yes Mike brooks is a literal drugfucked faggot hack.
>Can't they go to a medic?
The ancient race of irreplaceable rarity doesn't have medic units. Please understand.
>*put on ear protection*
my biggest gripe
you don't understand how high frequency vibrations affect people and that's okay
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Not so fast, knife ear
GW does not understand either, a deaf spacemarine was completely unaffected by noise marines.
all vibrations effect people because they are physical perturbations
ever sit near a subwoofer? that's low freq
>needing a gift from god to heal your booboos
How will we ever recover :^)
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Delete Chaos
Lol, what do Eldar do with their battlefield wounded? Just apply a shuriken pistol to the forehead and take their soul-stone back to the infinity circuit? Just like a "sucks to be you, see you in a wraithguard later pal" sned off?
It doesn't even have to be high frequency. I went to a dubstep show once that advertised having 10kw of subs. When the main act came on and turned it all the way up, the bass was so viscerally intense than I nearly gagged from the vibrations in my throat. If you sat down on any hard surface it would quickly become very painful from the vibrations being transferred into your tailbone.
Bet it would have felt awesome if you were able to sneak in a crafty shag in the crowd.
those aren't really the kind of people to play templars tho
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>deaf people and people who stick their fingers in their ears are immune to the pressure from explosions like they're cartoon characters
EC sonic weapons use all manner of Warp majick, which is why in the past they had rules affecting psykers as well. They're not just big speakers.

>delete all of chaos but nurgle
You haven't seen any of this, you sat on twitter and saw tertiaries whining about X or Y thing in warhammer being problematic and took it to be indicative of the average scene because you're terminally online
They have great doctors, just no medic unit represented on the table.
>I went to a dubstep show once that advertised having 10kw of subs
We speaker humpin'
Based. Imperium v. Xenos will always be cooler than Imperium v. Spiky Imperium
There's an entire chapter devoted to it in one of the path books, they have healers but apparently the eldar also have to sort of meditate themselves back to health
Don't be angry at me, it is canon lore "Immune to Marius' sonically-enhanced scream due to his deafness...."

BL isn't canon.
>uncalms tits
Gw puts as much into their secondary games as the competition they face. If you want more epic scale games then you gotta throw money at Catalyst game labs to make them a bigger threat and teach your local players how to play CBT and AS (someone at the office did this on purpose)
is that a tzeentch daemon or a tzaangor
I dont get why they went with epic HH, especially when everyone wanted epic 40k. It can't be the 3d print designers, I imagine they were pumping out epic HH models even before the official version was a thing. Seems like more of that interoffice civil war because the FW studio would want anyone playing Epic HH to get into HH proper.
The original epic games were also set in HH, Xenos came later. They're just playing to nostalgia.
The operational reason that they did it back in the day in the first place is that they can produce 1 set of kits that is used for both sides.
The nostalgia for that aside- it still applies
GW is a 20 trillion dollar company today though.
Do world eaters have terminators?

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