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Red Dwarf Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What forgotten faction would you like to see get a new model line?
legion of the damned
>Red Dwarf Edition
Oh great, that theme tunes going to be stuck in my head the rest of the evening now...
I dunno but I want bloopact.
Dark Eldar
It's xer turn
i dont know, i forgot.
Non-primaris space marines.
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Call me selfish, but I'd like some more unique Ultramarine squads and minis, they're the posterboy of the franchise after all, its only fair that they're more represented.
Sorry anon but being the posterboy for the most popular faction in the game means that you do not get to be unique. everyone else just steals your models and then gets their own on top of them.
The poster child in that they are nice and bland for corporate, sure.
They are currently part of the agents of the imperium legends rules for some reason.
Damnit waha, I'm mid game, dont do this to me.
it bugs me these guys have all but disappeared from the lore, moreso than the Eldar. they should be popping up everywhere... and no not as FUCKING PRIMARIS MARINES
So every faction is Ultramarines BUT...
Old proportions look bad.
Deathwatch legs, Ultramarines upgrade torso and helmet, 2e power fist?
Basically. Like that's been the way it's been since at least the early 00s.
primarisloppa is the future anon
You're trying too hard.
What's with all the low effort bait?
>make a list
>It comes to 2000pts exactly

Feels good.
hope you enjoy it turning into 2019 points anon!
Based fellow centurion crest enjoyer.
Isn't everything in the game a multiple of 5 now? Can you even end up on number ending in 9?
Gw will find a way.
whats with your female brained passive aggressive post?
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adding more shelves into my cabinet
>2e power fist
NTA but I'm fairly certain its from the last firstborn assault marine kit
2nd edition power fist didn't have the hand open like that
TQ: I wanted space dwarves back so I'm good.
Would be cool if GW built out Space Marine lines with specific sculpts for each of the loyalist legions. Bit odd that Black Templars have more unique models than the Imperial Fists, Ravenguard, Salamanders, and White Scars. Especially Salamanders with how popular they are and their reputation for being craftsman.
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gotta matte varnish them
Wow laspistol....
and i have absolutely no idea what the second pistol on the right is (autopistol?)
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Power fist, power axe, power sword, chainsword.
Plasma pistol, laspistol, handflamer, autopistol, bolt pistol.
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I always loved that sprue
Is the Lelith novel even out yet?
Ork novel?
Special Edition Hardcover is. Paper ack and audiobook releases are about a month away.
Reviews and synopsis are available in various places.
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Just give me back Tyberos, damn it.
>Lelith novel
>paper ack
Lmao Mike Brooks again
I'm in the camp that enjoys the idea of them as general warp phantoms of marines that died in especially horrible circumstances and not a specific chapter that has been turned into something else, so in that view I'm ok with the idea of primaris LotD, but not uniformly. Like, out of 10 ghosts, one or two happens to be wearing a newer armor mark (and they're all scaled appropriately regardless, because GW is plainly done pretending they couldn't have just scaled up old marine designs all along).
I like the audiobooks because I listen at work.
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Is it better to freehand scratches or sponge them
So is Mike Brooks going to write the new Urien Rakarth book to release alongside the new model? He seems like another good candidate for LGBT representation.
entirely up to personal preference
sponging is quicker and looks decent, manually painting in your damage gives you more control
That's one hell of a prolapse
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I enjoy freehand scratches.
Those are spare rectums. He keeps them around for the real shit.
Both in different places
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>>Thread Question:
>What forgotten faction would you like to see get a new model line?
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Pisceans with modern sculpting would be cool
or maybe turn zoats, dominators, protonids and random alien greebles into a second spin-off faction from tyranids
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Post models
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sure thats what warhammer needs more factions so everyone can lose their shit some more when nothing never ever gets updated
its not like we already have more than enough fringe armies nobody plays but everyone loves complaining about
I sponge larger regions of damage and use scratches for infantry-scale damage
Here’s a mostly finished arbite.
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>sure thats what warhammer needs more factions
feel free to kill a random space marines army, if you care about the number of factions
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Painting my way through BA successors
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>red legion have become dominant
Marine sarge with a gene-groid. Paint for the muhreens should be here tonight, finally.
probably no models tonight because i'm playing some admech for the first time in a yearish. i'll snap some pics of the game and post those later.
>built Jain Zar
Pictures don't do this model justice. Kino.
She's huge too, pretty sure she'd dom Lelith desu
looks good but you should probably paint it.
My grey elder are from the shadow realm.
Have to love the Avatar jobbing so much that his helmet is part of a tactical rock in his own faction.
>pretty sure she'd dom Lelith desu
Not with that statline.
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>Post models
can you please finish painting it.Its this close to making me goon.
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*screams and squelching*
FYI on a Thrilling Spectacle turn Lelith Averages 8 unsaved damage into Jain Zar and Jain Zar averages 3 unsaved damage into Lelith with her best melee profile.
vroom vroom motherfucker.
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>feel free to kill a random space marines army
there is no need for new marines either, it baffles the mind why they even bother with this thing when there are already plenty of armies with decades of fluff and renown
or am i just so retarded than i cannot see that everything new equals profits 100% every time
Anyone got a pdf on the new Ork Codex? My Boyz have been dying to see what gamebreaking powers we get before it gets crushed not 6 months later.
Check waha
>Before it gets crushed

I've bad news for you on that front anon...
>>built Jain Zar
I'm sorry anon. At least you like her model, because she's never going to actually see play.
What chapter is this? Custom? Any tasty head-cannon?
People spend the most money they will ever spend when they buy a new army, whether starting for the first time or expanding.
Releasing new armies is always a huge injection of profits short term and sometimes even long-term if the develop enough popularity. Releasing a new unit for an existing faction with a big player base is the second most profitable option, and marines have the biggest player base by a large margin.
The least profitable option is releasing an update of an existing unit, because half the existing player base for that faction won't even go out and buy it because they already have a lot of copies of the old one.

These profit incentives are the reason Primaris Marines exist, and not just a true scale update even though Space Marines are the most popular army. And time has proven it was the right decision for the company economically. Same reason cult legions are being billed as NEW armies rather than expanded options of CSM or simply refreshed berserkers/plague/rubric Marines.
Still better than jobbing to some night lords and getting stepped on by a dreadnought
Besides looking cool on a shelf is 99% of a model's purpose anyway
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If you don't mind a bit of CC, i suggest using a bit less wash next time or at least reestablishing your midtone after the wash. your flat panels should be flat.
Better yet, do pinwashes and a highlight when it comes to your flat panels. it'll turn out much better. washes all over are for more detailed pieces like infantry
eh, i wouldn't call it crushed. it's still very fun and will probably be doing ok competitively.
meganobz did get dumpstered, though.
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Nice glowup
>Still better than jobbing to some night lords and getting stepped on by a dreadnought
Anon, Jain would get absolutely demolished by a squad of melee CSM now.
I think thats just contrast black over grey primer, odne a bit messily, probably doesnt have much experience with dragging the contrast paint to the edge of panels.
Yeah you're probably right. Contrast as a whole doesn't lend itself to flat surfaces very well.
So if the anon is reading this: Please use regular paints for your vehicles.
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Space Wolves are cool, why do so many people pretend that they're not?
They are about as cool as blood angels.
not everybody's a furry or a redditor
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>The Purgation of Hexos M42:
>A small force of Coal Heart ships were cut separated from the main fleet of Kydov’s Judgement by a minor warp storm. When they were finally able to return to real space they found themselves in the lonely Hexos system. Initially they hoped to refuel and repair before returning to the main fleet. Instead they found the planet already at war. A splinter fleet of Anansi had attacked the planet during negotiations with a T’au force. The tyranids arrival spurred a large genestealer cultist outbreak that took both the imperial authorities and the T’au off guard. At the same time a small chaos warband revealed itself and began attacking several inquisitorial blacksites on the planet that had been studying ancient relics found in the deep jungles of Hexos. Still worse a Necron dynasty slumbering under those same jungles was awoken by the tremendous violence and ancient warmachines waded out of the jungles in search of their stolen property. At first the Coal Heart forces made landfall in the craggy highlands outside the planetary capital, aiding an armoured regiment of Cadians who had been training in the region when all hell broke loose. During the fighting Codicier Es’kwailuh Serpientehs engaged the neurotyrant coordinating the swarm in a vicious psychic duel, ultimately immolating the creature. The combined for s repulsed the main tyranid assault towards the city, gaining time for the authorities to crush the genestealer cultist uprising and force out the T’au delegation.

>With the forces of Anansi in retreat the Coal Hearts then turned their efforts to protecting the inquisitorial installations. Linking up with a small force of Sentinel Chapter space marines and a team of Aquillan shield Custodes. Together they were able to hold back the forces of Chaos, preventing them from capturing several important relics which were then transported off world, though not without significant casualties.
blood angels are the coolest marine chapter though
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>want to paint
>too depressed to paint
Fuck. I don't even know I have models anymore.
What is he holding?
Modern official depictions lean so heavy on the wolf shit, and modern art is so clean and colorful it looks like world of Warcraft.
Old school viking Space Wolves in like 3e era were cool tho
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Got some neophytes who need special weapons and such
They’re like the third coolest loyalist marines. Blood Angels and Salamanders are the first two.
space wolves are as cool as blood angels.
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that was the best explanation i have ever heard and it also included those dreaded primaris marines and cult marines with all their baggage
thank you anon
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Dont like BA or Salamander color schemes though. Dont like BA lore.
If they're so cool why aren't you using their actual models instead of ultramarines?
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>However the Necrons proved unstoppable, obliterating a large Mechanicus Skitarii Maniple that attempted to halt their advance. Hexos was soon declared unsalvageable and those who could be were evacuated. The planet was then bombarded and abandoned to its death.

>The remaining survivors were all screened for taint, with many executed. The splinter of Anansi withered and starved, and the badly mauled T’au force quickly withdrew from the region. The Coal Hearts earned the respect of the Cadian regiment they had aided and favours with the Inquisition as a result of their unexpected aid.
They’re cool when GW remembers that they’re space vikings instead of furries. Case in point, they had to switch out the stupid mkVI wolf helmets with actual norse-themed ones to make people actually like them. The SW praetor is probably one of the very few models that have actually gotten the looks right.
Shittiest paint scheme however, its so basic bitch.
>3e space yiffs were cool
3e was when they got wulfen and went overboard on all the wolf shit, tourist
wulfen are modern sculpts.
no that would be the blue with a little bit of gold and sometimes white ultrasmurf color scheme
>Still better than jobbing to some night lords
That was entirely lore accurate, and is now also game accurate. Phoenix Lords are garbage.
based retard
they were established and playable in 3e as the furfag 13th great company
they got official models later
Space Wolves should use HH models, they're so gnarly, it fits them so well.
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You're right.
As opposed to red with more red, red on top, and maybe a black shoulderpad trim?
I actually like those helmets, they're like chapter themed beakies.
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Also a Lamenter
Also nice dude. I gotta get an airbrush. Blood Angels are the best.
that's exactly what they are
people don't like them because they're too cutesy for the vikang legion though
>they're like chapter themed beakies.
That's... Exactly what they are, anon. That whole series is Mk VI helmets for veterans for each chapter.
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You all prefer bright colours era SW?
yes, what you described is kino, especially with devastator and assault helmets
blue on blue with white helmets is cringe basic bitch shit
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>marine players arguing over who's the most uninteresting
someone change the channel. i hate this episode.
Nah, imho BA and Blueberries are as bad as each other in their armor schemes.
These helmets are dope.
sorry would you like to talk about how interesting your yellow or green or blue space elves are instead? Sounds like >>>/lgbt/ is more your speed
What do the other chapters get then? What does BA get? A blood drop shaped beakie helm?
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world eaters got the best by far though
space elves are worse.
Angry beakies and a handsome man, typical blood angels.
Let them stay anon, it's fun to shit on the space elves. Especially when they get mad about it.
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Brother Maximus, the MK6 -> MK4 conversion
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Also Techmarine WIP
Ever get tired of huffing your own farts Sallyman?
>Sallyman is asked about hisdudes lore
>Sallyman posts hisdudes lore
Ever get tired of being a miserable faggot?
(you) can try harder than this
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>Post models
This one might be a bit like marmite.
>seething daydreamer mad about Sallyanon
Those helmets were axed ages ago. Now we got these.
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Also, not perfect, but my attempt at a MK7 into MK5 helmet conversion
Hopefully paint will smoothe out some of the jank
Looks gummy
Baby blue and yellow are not a good scheme and do not portray a viking theme well. It also isn't an easy color scheme to paint because of the yellow.
Goofy looking giant beards that seem more from Kentucky than Finland.
They have not had good rules in a long time.
They have not had updated models.
Other marine chapters do what they do better.
laughing at your obnoxious ass isn't derangement, sorry eldartroon
Space Wolves are one of the top chapters rn lmfao what are you on about rules
Black Templars
That other anon was right. Narrative wargaming is pure cancer

>dude uh you're gonna start off with half the points as your opponents and be forced to lose because the lore says so
>And uhh you're gonna be restricted from using the list of dudes you want because the lore says so

what kind of person would willingly subject themselves to this horseshit where you're going to be deliberately gimped for several hour? And predetermined army lists is the antithesis to "your dudes"
>why do so many people pretend that they're not?
Space Wolves Derangement Syndrome.
That just sounds like shitty narrative wargaming. Anything with shit execution will always be shit.

You can do scenarios where one side is at a disadvantage and make it cool, but it takes some more care.
>so in this scenario it's an ambush
>you have less troops and a disadvantageous position
>however, any troops you successfully get to Obj. A extract and are bonus troops for the next battle, your sides counter attack
>I can bring all my best toys but whatever you kill won't be available

You need there to be proper push and pull and stakes for both sides and objectives the makes sense.
>Baby blue and yellow are not a good scheme
Good thing thats not the space wolf scheme unless you're colorblind then anon
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Space Wolves are grey. Fuck GW.
>greytide army
Too complicated for MtG fags.
Damn, old dreadnoughts go so hard.
40k space elves are the most pretentious and overhyped faction in the grim darkness of the far future. Their whole schtick is built around being "eldritch" and "mysterious" but let's be real, they're just a bunch of whiny, emo Space Elves with a bad case of angsty-itis.
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Move over dogfuckers, proper space marine LEGION coming through.
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I sold all mine except ol’ Sokar.
>pale desaturated blue, yellow plus red accents
SW have the most balanced and thus pleasing colour scheme of any SM chapter/legion.
absolute dogshit

Nice stuff, what army are they for?
Probably, mud too, maybe some dried blood as well. Iron Within, dirt without.
Why not immortalize on the shelf?
They are aggressively not complementary colors.
Even mk10 is less ass than this.
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Not enough shelf.
Can you get a tank out of one of them 3D printers?
Sorry sweety, eldarfags are the fucking worst. Always shitting up the board whinning about how they aren't twice as great for half the cost. Continuously bitching by you faggots has left a bad taste in my mouth.
were you always a printer or is this some new revelation
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For fucks sake sallynon, please get one of these for your dudes. I love them too much to see this.
Reminder to add weather strips to the outside to stop dust
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Primaris are cooler and better.
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You vastly overestimate how much space I have. I live in a basement apartment with my Fiancé and our two cats. The day we upgrade to somewhere with more room I’m getting one.
I’ve had it for a year or so now, got it as a gift. Not really a fan but I’ve used it to make some bits and some BFG2 ships.
Probably but it would take a while.
It amazes me that Eldar 'lore' has fans when it's literally all about how they're gigantic fuck ups and faggots who do nothing but lose.
that's not DETOLF
Fuck, forgot to crop
I'll be making them Lamenters.
Want to have them all be a very eclectic mix of different armor-marks to make them seem like they're basically using old leftover equipment, some stuff repaired, jury-rigged, etc
lol just brush them off with an old paintbrush once in a while
its cathartic
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Does Terminator armour require more frequent maintenance than regular power armour? As in could a Space Marine be on longer deployment without needing to return for maintenance/power in regular power armour compared to Terminator armour? Could a marine last indefinitely on their own, fighting it out?
>Does Terminator armor require more frequent maintenance than regular power armor
Guaranteed, that's a near universal principle of military gear.
>252 KB
> Does Terminator armour require more frequent maintenance than regular power armour? As in could a Space Marine be on longer deployment without needing to return for maintenance/power in regular power armour compared to Terminator armour? Could a marine last indefinitely on their own, fighting it out?
Whichever the writer thinks is cooler at any given moment.

You can make it work and that same effort you put in will carry over to your new larger place in the form of a highly compact work area with plenty of stacked space being put to work. Look at Japanese apartments and blast Tetris music until you have an overwhelming desire to arrange your cats into ideal shapes.
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NTA, but i don't mind the New MK3s, apart from the helmets.
But the helmets feel like they can be turned into MK2 easy enough by shaving out the eye holes into a single visor.
They are trash in every conceivable way.
They aren't mk3, it's just a new armor mk3 GW came up with but slapped an old name on it.

Mk10 is better and less shit because they are not trying to pretend that it is an old thing.
It's not mk7 or mk8 or whatever, it is none of those.
>Could a marine last indefinitely on their own, fighting it out?
The funny thing is Terminator armor is so heavy and cumbersome that they usually have a squad whos main purpose is helping marine in heavy equipment that got stuck, fell over or something to get up and back in the fight.
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If you live in SoCal, I can give you one of these to replace that desk
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Have I missed something thus far?
Sallyman is a Leaf.
Just paint faces for Space Wolves, the armor comes pre-painted
Just seems like Primaris copium to me.
the new MK3 are fine
You forget to paint your model or something?
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He can drive down for a free desk I think.
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Looks like you did
you forget to post yours?
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So true!
Anyone got a pdf of Wargames Terrain by Nigel Stillman
>i don't see any problems they are perfectly fine
>just ignore that they completely changed the design and how it looks like nothing like the original
Kill yourself.
Sorry but I’m an east coast leaf as the other anon said. ‘Preciate the offer tho.
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>i’ve had it for a year or so now, got it as a gift. Not really a fan
bought one for myself and so far im pretty happy with it, finally i can get all those models i had no money for back in the day
>No Tyranic War Veterans update
>No new Ortan Cassius
Is there even a tyrannic war happening
I _said_ you can drive down for a free desk.
I just don’t like dealing with resin and don’t have a contained work area for it so it’s a hassle to clean up and re setup every time. If I had a cleaning station and stuff too it’d be better.
When did this start and end? SW were clearly gray-blue in 2nd, and were in 5th as well. Was it just for 3rd and 4th, like how Salamanders were black in the ethnic sense until they went back to being literally black?
SW are grey in 30k only
Neat, Badab armies with mixed marks of armour and some conversion work are always a treat.
I ain’t driving 1200km for a free desk when I can buy one for the same gas money homie.
yea but not long enougth for veterans to appear.
Why did you circumcise his helmet
Nah I know the fact that they're gray in HH is a callback to 'Eavy Metal just painting them gray for a while because they liked the look better before going back to gray-blue when SW got their big range refresh in 5th/6th, because HH as a game system wasn't a thing yet and I heard people bitching about how the studio was painting them "baby blue" for all the new models even back then.
C'mon dude, it'll be like 30-40 minutes tops. I've got a quiche in the oven and everything :P
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Do you guys have any tips on how to paint camo patterns like this? I wanna give my Kommandos some silly camouflage because blood axes are cool.
This is shockingly bad

Swap your colors appropriately
You can’t be a vet, if you’re still at war.
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Kek. Good luck getting rid of your desk man.
SW are grey whenever you want them to be because you dont have to do what GW says is the "correct" paintjob.
>Space Wolves are cool,
This is just objectively wrong
Does anyone have a good scan of the Ork codex??? The one that was posted is terrible.
Just admit you don't want to paint space wolves
I'm American, it felt like the right thing to do.
Get a knife and cut/scrape off those fucking nubs. What are you, a child?
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Yea a quick check of the SW 3E codex shows that "space wolf gray" was super unstandardized, that or the lighting for their photography was inconsistent enough to give very different impressions from shot to shot - though this page has a very blue infantry standing right next to a very gray tank, so maybe not.
I dont want to paint Space Wolves in the "official" GW 40K color-scheme for them, no. I still want to paint Space Wolves.
I refuse to believe this

You know a bookshelf is almost free on Craigslist right
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Even in 8th Ed. Codex its 50/50 whether or not the art is going to be in a blue grey or a flat grey.
>What forgotten faction would you like to see get a new model line?
The Severan Dominate if GW wants to make guard regiments that represent the isolated worlds out in the Imperium Nihilus and needs posterboys for it.

The Chaos Codex says that many worlds in the Dark Imperium believe themselves to be the last of mankind and/or believe the Imperium has fallen so they do their own thing the best they can.
That dude in the codex image is specifically a 30k SW character.
I have 3 book shelves, all full of actual books.
Noones stopping you from running the old ugly mk3s if you wanted to
>loretuber shit
Everyone knows they're never wrong
Is the guy literally on the front cover a 30K character too anon?
Congrats i guess? Just get another one and place it where that desk is for more storage
Heres a Primaris, so definitely not a 30K character, not showing much of a hint of blue in his armor either.
What are you talking about?
I really appreciate y’all trying to guide me on this, but trust me, when I’m in a good spot for it I’ll put them in a nice display case. Till then it’s faded paint and dust collection time. And I’ll sell the older ones I don’t feel like repainting as time goes on.
That armor is clearly blue, not grey.

Do you have tritanopia?
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wait, WHAT?
Heres another lad, though fuck if I remember the names of those shitty looking models, looking pretty not-blue.
That's also light blue.
That's the only grey one 40k SW out of these three.
Ah well fuck you all, mine are grey.
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I wonder who could be behind this post
Well that sucks. What's the best alternative?
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Dawnstone + Administratum Space Wolves > Blue tinted Space Wolves.
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remember those dark times when you had to have 3 colors painted on for 40k tournaments and primer did not count
you didn't bother to even mouse over the link did you lmao
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>guns in back
Same reason UM or marines in general are disliked, popularity, they're one of the most played armies so part of it is jealousy because they get some preference from GW in lore and releases, part is also just innocent jokes/stereotypes no different than DA players being gay, also it seems TS fans tend to be more online than SW players so it might just seem that way
This aint planet earth circa 20th century, the troops have their own armor, they dont need to hide behind the tank when egressing like little bitches.
Really harsh for necron players...
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>Guns have to stop shooting for ingress and egress
You know the front opens right? You drive 'em right into the face of the enemy and let them charge out?
The lascannon barrel is blocking the side door from even opening.
Not to mention, even if they did get it open, the guys exiting the vehicle would have their heads right at level with the barrel and hope the dude driving doesn't decide to press the fire button.
>but dey just use da assualt wamp!
The point of Land Raiders was to have three points of access and egress. And you've blocked two of them.
Colour wheel says blue grey with pale yellow and deep orange for tertiary.
Base them in grey, use bone white and your preferred red for splotches. Try for long oblong shapes across the whole mini, what works irl might not look good at scale.
>word bearers out of armour
>walk out
>lascannon shoots you in the back
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[cute beep-boops]
black templars are the best space marines because they represent the imperium of man the best.
>Borrows your Knight
Try masking out the blue OSL first genius.
There's no such thing as accidental friendly fire in 40k.
You'd have to be really careful to not bust up those AA gun barrels when using the chainsword, good idea, but execution ain't my thing
Nah they can turn to point sideways when people are getting out.
I'm sure the marines can communicate with each other not to shoot their friendlies in the back.
You can’t fight the science of the wheel, it’s science.
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Too much cope; ya copied GW's rookie mistake and that's okay. Just pop them off and reglue them. It's even easier if it's super glued since you can just slap the boy in the fridge.
I really dislike the lore of knights not being part of the space marine chapters. At least the chaos ones let you god mark them now though.
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Bad news on that front.
Don’t marines exit via the front of a landraider?
Nah, they couldn't be trusted with them since half them done a Heresy. Why on earth they're allowed to keep their fleets either is beyond me.
OSL is such a shit meme
Because if you take away their fleets only outlaws have fleets.
Honestly, I dont think I've ever seen artwork of Marines actually getting out of a Land Raider. Who knows. Maybe they all sit on top.
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Pretty sure that door up front opens, pretty sure the model can do it to.
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Nah its pure gorgeous done well (not mine)
This OSL is good and realistic. 99% of OSL is not this.
they also can leave through the side doors if it isnt a terminus ultra or something variant. however they need at the given time.
Best I ever saw was this one.
Because marines are fast acting special forces strike teams, not giant legions.
Outlawing marines from having spaceships is stupid because it'd do nothing but gimp Imperium's strongest individual military assets.
That’s also like way bigger than a normal mini, but yeah that’s a goodie.
Their father does suck and he is retarded, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
If space marines couldn’t have ships they would be Space Army.
>Playing Tau into Iron warrior CSM
>Fire 2 Riptides (with Dev Wounds popped) + Quad Plasma Commander + Plasma Crisis
>I kill 1 model
>12 inch charge into Crisis, kills them all
>Back up into screens, repeat
>Kill nothing
>They charge and kill something else
>Then I wipe the unit + character with a fraction of the shooting
The dice do be dicing today
I wish you nothing but misery taufag
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Stills don't really do it justice
nobody wont even notice it on tabtetop
Low IQ post
Playing tabletop with busts, are we?
If a player brought a bust to a game I would sure as hell notice it.
this retard kek
nice for you to gang up on me for pointing a practical flaw instead of praising that amazing reddit paintjob
If you think that was mean wait until I bully you for using a double negative, turdburglar
By the way orks work, there has to be a few orks out there that instead of fighting have turned to the arts and sculpting.
>practical flaw
Give it up anon. Not everyone is legally blind
A true apreciator of waaaaghrt.
LuL wut?
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This still cracks me up
>oi grot, fetch me the WAAAAAGHtercolor palette
Personally I think the funniest part is that there's now a dozen units with the same rule but they never bothered making it a USR.

>Surge d6"
Sick bro.
Melee from left to right:
Power Fist, Power Axe, Power Sword, Chainsword
Pistols from left to right:
Plasma pistol, Laspistol, Hand Flamer, Autopistol, Bolt Pistol
probably some offshoot of meks that spend way more time than necessary painting vehicles and stuff and build just robots and stompas only to get mad or confused when their works walk away
I knew this shit was going to happen the moment they showed units still having bespoke shit like sticky objectives written out on their damn sheets, even though with just index10 basically every army had at least one unit with the same ability. They just can't fucking help themselves.
Reminds me of those suits from the OG Gundam show.
>choose between handflamers, reviving models, moving 6" and attaching certain characters
Whats with the flowchart mechanics within list building.
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I am in the process of going back to some of my worst, oldest models and fixing them up as best I can manage. The ones on the left are representative of their current state, the ones on the right are what I've been doing to them.

I'm a bit torn on the bases. The ones on the left standing on sand are more accurate, but black seems to make the coats pop out better visually. Not perfectly since the boots are also dark, but better.

Would be a lot of work to redo like 200 bases, though...I'm conflicted.
Why not just try something like the Vallejo Black Mud
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this what you are talking about? how's it come out?
its pretty great going back some 20 years and seeing first hand how much your painting skills have improved
Not that one exactly (need to check which one I have) but it is a similar color to the ones on the right, but looks like an in between the texture from the left and right.
Currently replacing all my GSC bases with that
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>has a primarch
>has named characters galore
>has the coolest marine bodyguard unit in the game.
Shut up
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I mean, I've never been a great painter but I know what you're talking about. When I was a kid I could never paint the lightning patches on their shoulders, so I just skipped them.

A lot of these guys also started their lives in little timmy's collection before I ebay'd them, so they've already been painted by a child's hands before my own child hands painted over them like a retard.
So cool.
if you could get a picture that would be awesome, anon. I really love how dusty and dry the old forgeworl paintjobs were back in Imperial Armor.
>>has the coolest marine bodyguard unit in the game.
I know Inner Circle Companions have a disappointing datasheet and suffer from shieldlessness, but even so they are cooler than Calgar's backup dancers.
Yea thx. i saw it the first time but thx for making sure.
Nah. They all got primaris'd after they were given the Rubiconus Aertheric by Cawl
>Talking to a girl on dating app
>Tell her I play 40K
>She stops responding
>Read: 2 days ago
Army for this feel?
Imperial fists are about bolters, salamanders about flamers, right?
spacewolfs about the frost weapons things?
black templar about power weapons?
dark angels about plasma?
what weapons are blood angels "speciality"? psy because of the librarian dread? assaultcannon because of the tank? power nipples....
Spacemarine lamenters
Chaos night lords
>What are blood angels?
Also, not to be THAT guy but imperial fists aren’t just about bolsters, they take advantage of Vehicles, Gravis armor, and heavy weapons to hold objectives and mow down the enemy before they reach the massive gun lines
Salamanders ARE about flamers, but they’re also about melee, They like to push the enemy and get in close. That’s why so many salamander players use land raider cheese, for the assault ramp
They really likes meltas
Don't they have perdition weapons in HH?
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>kills flashgitz
In 30k almost all flavors of space marine gets unique weapon upgrades. Blood angels get perdition weapons. Perdition weapons are essentially just power weapons, but they have small slits in the blade to shoot fire out of for a blowtorch effect. It's kinda dumb but it's also one of the best weapon upgrades available.
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Sisters of Battle are just better Blood Angels, aren't they?
They do have the cooler jump packs.
No blood angels are the bestest and the strokest and and
well lets see
>you can fuck them without it being gay
>not mutants
>won't try to drink your blood
>won't go into a turbo rage mode and try to kill you
>pulls off an angelic vibe without throwing in vampire themes
yes they are indeed superior
rent free
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Ah you wanted dust. I was thinking more of something like mud.
Like the darker black mud on the neophyte.
Yes I know about my low quality painting
Whats the problem with Tau?

Because they're largely monophase? You can apply that to plenty of armies
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Finished my game of admech vs blood angels. First time I've played admech this edition.
They were pretty fun overall. I feel like explorer maniple isn't the detachment for me, mainly because the stratagems don't really do anything. I might try rad-zone next time. I also think that I need different units for when I play the army next, like 3 crab tanks and maybe another disintegrator.
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Pic of some terminators killing my dominus. The admech got the last laugh here because some ruststalkers came in cland decimated the terminators afterwards.
Last picture, just the scoring for the game. It's good to know that admech aren't entirely trash now, most of the loss felt like secondary draws and dice rolls.
Everything is their specialty because they're Mary sues.
People just put up with them because they don't ride bats yet.
Paint your models before you play games
>Inb4 rent free
>>won't go into a turbo rage mode and try to kill you
She absolutely will if you don't worship the Emperor as hard as she does.
It isn't gay if the balls don't touch
dark angels are about bikes landspeeer and terminators (and melee)
black templar about strong soldiers (and melee)
spacewolfs about beastriders (and melee)
bloodangels about jumppacks, cybots (and melee)
I was just asking more along the way of a signature weapon.
(salamanders are actually flamer/melter from the rules)

>They really likes meltas
really? not that they have that anywhere special rules or model wise. Is it part of the lore?

>perdition weapons
i had to google (have no idea about HH, so in 40k it seems they don't use them anymore, not even sanguine guard has some. i first thought maybe the Encarmine blade could be it but they seem more like normal power weapons just bigger.
Yeah, I probably should have mentioned Meltas but it still applies. Meltas get a damage bonus under half range anyways
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>Rust Stalkers killing Terminators
The game... Is healing. Things are as they should be once more.
>Why on earth they're allowed to keep their fleets either is beyond me.
i agree, the space marines should surrender their fleets for the grater good of the imperium
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Wish I had a pic of that fight, it was fun. I don't think ruststalkers could take on terminators on their own, but they were at least able to sweep up what was left. The anti-infantry 3+, dev wounds, and precision is no joke when it comes to characters.
They can't be in the lore specifically because spooky ghost marines can't become primaris. What bothers me is that the chaos equivalent (the literal ghost marines from the year 50k) never got anything.
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I'm back on my bullshit, this is chaplain number 33
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Progress so far. I'm hoping to get at least the Lord Solar command blob done by Saturday's game.
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I worked on this guy tonight. No new pics cause I glued him to the base at last and he was a little wobbly (those hooves and pipes dont make for the best glueing surfaces) so i let him dry overnight.

Almost done though, I just got a day, MAYBE 2 of painting left.
That ain't Sword Brethren.
>Lord Solar
>Sword Brethren
Not a bodyguard unit.
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Back of a phobos apothecary I made for giggles.
Probably won't get to my Terminator captain till Sunda/Monday as I'll be doing birthday stuff tomorrow and replacing a buddy's failing hard drive on Saturday (The drive will be longer than the backup)

Nice Steel Legion.

Digging the 'honeycomb' pattern.

I really need to look into rebasing my guys when they're done being painted/repainted.
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give me another affordable source of tank orders and I'll take it
Sword brethren are explicitly described as the Marshal's household guard.
Oh this guy is STEALTHY. No one will see him sneaking up to steal their space cum
You could do some a few bases as half/half transitional between the sand and the black, say they're in a transitional environment
Listen, you never expect an 8ft giant in white armor to be sitting out in the middle of a forest.
But ultrasmurfs are romans and have
>victrix honour guard
>some other named characters whose names I forget
What else do they need, some kind of special land raider variant like the baal predator? What I've never understood instead is if GW is so jewish and trying to grab money, why do they eliminate unique datasheets for lesser-used marine armies like the white scars biker khan.
>BA player holding on to storm hostile for 3 turns and still not getting it
I have a concept for a Tzeench chaos lord but I have no clue as to if I want to go TS or go with CSM.
I like the flavor of the former but the latter has many more fun toys (Raptors, possessed) to play with.
Honestly it wasn't the worst play. He just kept getting unlucky on plays where logically he should've scored it
>1st round with it, he needs a deep strike charge to steal an objective from my disintegrator, fails charge
>2nd round: he moves the failed charge unit up and the whole squad, save for a character, dies to an overwatch with some fire admech rolling
>3rd round, his terminators fighting my 1 ruststalker left die in combat to dev wounds when they could've easily killed it if the termites had fought first (the fight was on an objective and if he lived he wouldn't take it from me)
He just got really unlucky each time lol
why couldn't they just bring back a macharius model, its not like being dead has stopped the gaunt's ghosts or eisenhorn from having models
>he wouldn't take it from me)
Meant to say would've.


Fuck you.
Horus dies at the end of the heresy.
That doesn't sound right. It's his heresy, why would they name it that if he didn't even survive it?
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I am GREATLY vexxed now.
I wouldn't be surprised if Eisenhorn becomes immortal or some shit at the end of the Bequin series.
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Fuck magnets. I'm just making it a melee flyrant. Far from perfect but better than letting the bits go to waste.
Nice illegal model
Brospect. Them and Black Templars are the best chapters.
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Yes. I mostly play with friends anyways.
So it doesn't matter.
>Not Raven Guard
Friends don't let friends run double boneswords, don't know how you live with yourself
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I didn't finish my model today because I have to wait for washes to dry. I have failed you and dishonored my ancestors.
By only using one at a time
dont washes take like 10 seconds to settle in or something
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Ah shit. Let me grab my hive tyrant and snap off the arms then
I ordered the wrong sized bits for my terminators.
I have firstborn termies, and the bits are for the new primaris ones.
I was so hype to work on minis. Now I have to wait more
Ya fucked up the arms. Top of the pauldron should come up to slightly below the eye level.
Also, in my head it's pretty much the bonesword and lash (tail) and the tyrant talons are the feet. It's a genetic freak.
Care to post pics? Cause I am a regular in /wip/ and he hasn't posted anything there since he quit.
I really hate meme true scale. It just made kitbashing more annoying.
Also the new cadians fucking suck they are this strange heroic true scale crap
>really? not that they have that anywhere special rules or model wise. Is it part of the lore?
They used to have more flame and melta specialties, which is why only Blood Angels could swap out plasma guns for meltas in assault squads, while also getting an inferno pistol for sergeants and the like. Unfortunately they had to share the specialty when Salamanders came along, then lost their fast attack traits to White Scars on top of that. Not the fault of Sallies or WS, but it does leave BAngels a lot less special than they used to be.
When to use terminators vs aggressors/heavy intercessors?

Not talking about melee terminators, those guys fuck
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>space marines
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I don't outright hate primaris and true scale, but it's hard to deny that there wasn't a a bit of charm to the dumbass scale. The humans though are odd because they are somehow fuck huge compared to even other truescale.
I think the biggest issue for me is the fact that the truescale versions are outright better in game than their older counterparts. Primaris marines and their stuff. Like dreads, a redemptor being so much better. The only thing that has stood is the Land Raider but thank fuck we didn't get a primaris grav raider.
I vastly prefer these things in grey than whatever the fuck this is.
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They come from one of the side games.
I also have the tacticals that I used to make into a necron specialist team. Primer covers that shit up easy.
Which is why it's based; makes you actually paint your fucking models
If you want the unit to possibly survive multiple Lascannon shots.
Are you gonna answer the question? It’s the most popular faction in the game
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all ultramarines have blonde hair and blue eyes otherwise the inquisition shows up
Aggressors are useful against hordes thanks to the amount of shots they put out, but terminators are far tougher due to being 2+/4++. Having deep strike and being able to use rapid ingress also means their positioning is a lot better than anything regular gravis can achieve.

Termies are also cheaper per model, but that’s mostly negated thanks to power level bullshit.
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I rescind all whining about the sisters having a better version of my detachment. Holy shit are they ever flimsy. I was expecting the 3+ to help more but I was killing half a squad every time I shot. Rets into my tanks still hurt but not nearly as much as eradicators or the like would. Sisters need a Lascannon equiavalent badly.
Skill issue, unironically
I dunno, this is the first time I’ve ever beaten this guy. It was a “let’s call this on turn 3” kind of game.
They have meltas, though yeah I get you as they have to get in close to use them on you.
Isn't one of the 2 ultras that come with Titus also a nice guy?
>I think the biggest issue for me is the fact that the truescale versions are outright better in game than their older counterparts
I strongly suspect it’s GW’s way of moving things off into legends and/or to encourage sales from the waac crowd. Same with having Horus Heresy stuff under legends with absurd point costs to discourage using them.
The thing is I had meltas and flamers too, and my dudes didn’t die to ap0 dmg 1 unless it was in serious mass
I mean they do have a better version of the Salamander detachment by pure virtue of having more units and models that can leverage it. Doesn’t help with their durability though, T3 models will still fold against nearly anything.
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Eventually I'll lose all my boys to GW.
I really should play a few more games.
It doesn't help that a all my DW characters are on 32mm and not 40mm.
I'll be fucked if I'm going to do the bases over. I should invest in some of the base extenders. Does anyone here use them?
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Good. It's only fair that the sisters should lose to the real rules of fire.
>Isn't one of the 2 ultras that come with Titus also a nice guy?
and the other was leandros
I believe the best sisters lists are completely mechanized, and they are better in teams than singles. They also basically depend entirely on multiple epic characters, so if your opponents do not take those they are losing a lot of what makes them strong. As a "I just take what is cool" army, they are probably worse off than before because their units took price hikes and even though they got a ton more rules, most don't do that much. For example, zephyrim before bounced on space marines, at 60 points, now they're 90 points and they still bounce on marines.
>For example, zephyrim before bounced on space marines, at 60 points, now they're 90 points and they still bounce on marines.
That depends highly on how you're using them but yes, the skill floor is higher than simply having strong datasheets
>Ordered Tamiya Glue off of Amazon over a week ago
>Check the tracking
>Its still kicking around several different warehouses in different cities in my state
>Contact Amazon since they said it’d be here by now
>Amazon says I can keep waiting or take the refund
Should I take it? Or should I wait and hope it comes? In case it doesn’t, is there anywhere I can buy it in the states
I've spent my hobby time today airbrush troubleshooting. I feel so sad. I just wanted to prime my minis white.
did you fuck up any of your models?
Horace Hears a See
Removed 10% of them?
No, they wiped the unit, silly.
Not my Warhammer 40k models. I did mess up my EM4 test model I tried the white airbrush primer sprayed on though.

I was using Vallejo white surface primer.

Maybe that’s the explanation. My list is mostly mechanized too, he only had the two immolators. And Celestine in a jump pack girl squad with flamers instead of the canoness. He also had two squads of nundams with Vahl. One squad got ethered by eradicators while the other one got Aggressed.
battle of the threads! FIGHT!
I choose >>93186253 because it was made earlier than the >>93186244.
Yeah, most of the online sperging about sisters being OP is going to be from like, 3x castigator +2~4x immolators with dominions + triumph.

Great sprue and they were ubiquitous back in the times of 2nd, everyone always had spares. Also fit Necromunda, Gorkamorka minis no probs.
relax zoomer thr grogs have moved on to non-pozzed hobbies by now.
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Does anyone have the Genestealer Codex scan? I'd love to read all the lore and look at the art.
is the horus heresy age of darkness box still the only REAALLY big box set with amssive model count?it has so many marines and terminators, a tank and a dreadnought, why the fuck would I not buy that and use it as a marines force?

can you even /yourdudes/ anymore in 40 K?
yea practically the less edgy loyalist version of nightlords
>They used to have more flame and melta specialties,
i remember the tank could get flamers and i think the devestators were the only ones who could took heavy flamers back in the day and maybe sternguard the only ones with handflamers? they aso could have dreads in every FOC slot except fast attack (transport and flyer and the other fancy ones didn't exist back then.) never noticed the melta stuff..... yea i'm an idiot.
No anon, you can't, James will come and break your minis if you even think about an alternative colour scheme or army fluff. You fucking buffoon.

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