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Previously: >>93177409

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Favorite alt art? Or complain about endless spoilers of more product to consume.
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Sincerely, wtf do we (or WotC for that matter) even do about the fact that creatures/threats have gone far and away more powerful than anything else in the game while tripling down on step-dodge mechanics to protect threats?

I'm serious. Between Ward, a fuckload more protection spells (a lot that are basically free to cast), and free countermagic showing up everywhere, it's literally impossible to stop even ONE player, let alone try and police 2+. It's sincerely getting absurd now. Top it off, everything seems to give you borderline free card draw and ramp now. The game feels like a busted server mod with the mod dev having absolutely no idea wtf they are even doing.
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why card expensive
I have nearly 50 decklists that i want, how do I decide which ones to get next?
Wotc a shit
>it's literally impossible to stop even ONE player, let alone try and police 2+
after control going absolutely apeshit with mass removal for years, people wisened up and started stacking protection.
the era of total control domination of the format is over.
welcome to the current era of shitting out more stuff than control can ever hope to remove.
can anyone see this post? it says "shadowbanned" for me
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You can literally proxy 612 of ANY card you want for like $120 if you pay the chinaman
I don’t have 4chan gold, and it looks like you linked a deleted post so I think you’re fucking with me anon.
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Adopt the entire duel commander banlist into normal EDH. It updates frequently in response to pushed busted shit, gets rid of fast mana, and addresses a lot of annoying powercrept cards. A few MH3 cards have already eaten a ban there. It's not a perfect drag and drop since the format is 1v1 and bans are catered to that, but it would be a hell of a lot better than what we have now. Unfortunately too many nerds would cry if this banlist was ever rolled out so it won't happen.

>Favorite alt art?
Bedroom eyes bronto with a promise to step/sit on my face in the flavor text.
Man what an incredibly faggy meme of a format
Just play real constructed at that popint
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>all fast mana
interesting, go on
>sol ring
oh boy
>mana drain
gonna bring this list to my group now
So you have a large-ish collection and many competing EDH decklist ideas. How do personally choose to build mana bases in your experimental new decks without trashing your existing favorite decks? I have a bunch of EDH decks built from all my favoritesingleton cards I've collected over the years, but mana-base is clearly skewed towards a few decks.

I don't want the power level to come down to did-I-run-out-of-sol-rings (granted, some are intentionally handicapped like "no mana rocks that cost less than 2", "no fetchlands" etc) but I also don't want a shoebox full of jank or less-than-99-cards decks that I harvested rocks/lands from.

I think this is just being autistic but it drives me nuts when I'm juggling new decks and have to play favorites with my lands or spend a bunch of time sleeving/unsleeving in between games. Or when trying to create a "commander cube" of four commander decks that can be played as a group with company.

Anyone here been playing more than ten years? More than 15? More than 20?
How do you cope with the fact that even people who started with Theros are talking about how the game has gone to shit, when I remember complaining during original Theros that the game was going to shit?
Do you accept it as an eternal complaint of the veteran player? Because I think that I was naive back then, and Theros was fine, and things really are getting much worse now (though Theros seemed to cross a line into the "direct imitation of a real world culture" planar trend)
I write "sol ring" on a piece of printer paper and put it in the sleeve over a basic island.
Same for whatever nonbasic lands I'm missing at the time. I own a Sunscorched Divide and could theoretically swap it between decks as needed. Those things are still going for a dollar each. For everyone's sake I'm not going to spend time swapping it around as needed and for my own sake I'm not spending grocery money getting five of them for my various budget landbases.

And yes, you can write "breeding pool" or "volcanic island" on a slip of paper too. Some people are fine with that, some people aren't. Use your own judgement.
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My boy
i love i love the cheesy edgyness, reminds me of the artwork of old metal albums.
of course i love all the Frank Frazetta cards too
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If I have a lot of creatures with high power, would whisperer be better than a basic dork?
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If I wanted to use this after my opponents untap step so the moment they untap their lands they have to tap them. how should phrase it?
You don't get priority during an opponent's untap step but you do get priority once they pass it during their upkeep.
>"Before you draw (or "before you move into your main phase" if they messed up the phases and drew before their untap or something) I'm going to play Mana Short"
And then they get priority, where they can choose to tap their lands and cast instants while Mana Short is still on the stack.
Cast it during their Upkeep - they can still respond and try to cast instant-speed spells, but that's it.
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>favorite alt
i love all of the MSCHF cards, its the only SL product i ever bought, though it was from second market.
the artworks just speak to me, plus the foiling is immaculate
>Sensei's Divining Top
Why is this on here? Lol
What are your ideas for a skeleton commander? I have this idea in my head for some time now
>active abilities only (fixed mana cost)
>ability 1: activate all abilities of all other skeletons on the battlefield or in the graveyard
>ability 2: put one of the following counters on all other skeletons on the battlefield: deathtouch, reach, trample, +1/+1
>ability 3: summon skeleton token with B:regenerate
kinda trying to go for a growing bone army that can utilize regen and recursion
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>favorite alt art
im gonna be honest with ya brothers
>Favorite alt art?
I can't stop laughing.
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>that neck

Thanks mate!
hey, i like that artwork. i also love the absolute shitstorm this piece induced
>i like that artwork
it isnt kind to lie anon
what was the shitstorm actually about anyway
i never understood why people got so mad about it other than just looking godawful
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This one, although the card its attached to isn't very playable.
It looked awful but it was drawn by some progressive trans 𝔞rtiste or some shit so everyone who said it looked ugly and dumb was called a bigot which just made them rage harder.
that unironically explains a lot of why people pretended to like it and hopped on the defense
my irl closeted tranny friend defended it hard and said he genuinely likes it [lol]
checks out its just sticking to their own
something something death of art direction with a dash of the ole "i could to that"
no, i do like it. its crass design just holds my gaze in a chokehold
>want to make some budget upgrades to my deck
>cards cost ~$20
>live in canada
>shipping costs $35
the ole monetary rake
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I think the worst part of the Faithless Looting STA art, was how badly it got mogged by every single other STA card - like, compare it to Counterspell, or Dark Ritual, and the disparity is blatant.
Hell, the same artist also did Harmonize, and it's so much better in comparison.
on the subject of STA, I also want to say
fuck those ""foil etched"" cards, that shit is ridiculous.
>fuck the only good use of foil etch in the game's history
Did you peel your plains
It's barely even visible, are you insane? You're paying premium for six dots, and a box.
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What is a good spell to prevent my creatures from being stolen since Counter spell doesn't work?
yes thats why theyre not hideous
these actual foil etch cards are fucking disgusting, literally the most ugly looking shit imagineble behind awful ugly shit that doesnt look like magic cards like >>93185610
i cannot fucking stand foil etch and i think less of everyone who likes them
the foil etch on strixhaven/strixhaven_jp just being a bit of nice and shiny on the gold/sivler borders is very tasteful, and the extra layer it adds on makes the art look sharper imo
i have foil etch village rites and real ones and the foil etch ones look better
if the whole card had that ugly glitter layer over it id probly puke
any and every stifle
they even printed one in this very set that will hit both emrakul and her trigger
alternatively if you arent looking for stifles you can use any sort of mass blink/phase out, eg teferis protection or march of swirling mist
That's what makes them good. It's subtle, not garish. And it doesn't curl up like an armadillo either.
>see a couple of cards that I run on there, but nothing that I couldn't get myself to replace
>Price of Progress
Fuck you, no. That card should never be banned, it should be reprinted into every format.
i feel like i'm taking fucking crazy pills.
it was so subtle, that i thought i ordered the wrong JP lightning helix when i got it.
if i had known, i probably wouldn't have even bothered with the foil etching, and saved a few cents buying a regular-ass printing.
that is the point
foil etch looks like SHIT and these being barely noticeable is a good thing since they cant not exist
the fact that they look tasteful is an unforseen upside
>bought the tranime helix
would rather the art without the girl on it
the original print of lightning helix had a girl on it tho
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and its not as obnoxious looking and out of place as this
goalpost status: moved.
desu all the jp STA cards are a wild departure from standard magic design... as are the regular STA cards.
the frame wars were lost a long time ago, you have to let it go.
I've been playing for more than 20 years. People have always complained that the game is getting worse. I remember when the removal of mana burn was going to kill the game. Or when double-faced cards were the second coming of Satan.

It's definitely in a downswing now. Things started declining with the move to two-set blocks, but we still had a couple of gems. Things accelerated with the move to single-set visits and then went off a cliff with Universes Beyond. I'm an inveterate optimist, so I can't help but look forward to when things even out and start picking back up, but man is it a bumpy ride.
youre coping hard
yes the jp strixhaven cards are already far removed from magic but at least most of them have good/tasteful art
helix LITERALLY has
>art that would be good if it wasnt covered up by a random anime girl
it doesnt move any goalposts when we are talking about foil etches looking fucking dogshit what are you talking about you gay retard
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I didn't think they were allowed to put good stuff in the collector booster samples
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>youre coping hard
t. "would rather the art without the girl on it"
immediately pivots into "w-w-w-w-ww-w-w-well the art sucks" when confronted with the reality that the original lightning helix had a girl on it.
i accept your concession.
Is it worth spending $2 on a command tower just because it fits the deck's tribe?
>That flavour text
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crop rotation
you are literally making things up wat
i didnt say that
i said it doesnt fit mtg's aesthetic
it's very pretty design that would be better without the anime girls on it
the original lightning helix looks fine because it doesnt have a fucking anime girl it has a comic book lookin lady in line with the art style
youre giga coping lmao what the fuck just making things up now
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Retard here, can you replicate that spell to win a counter-spell war?
>no Hogaak
>no Loyal Retainers
And this cute little guy is ‘banned as a commander” along with a bunch of other faggy decisions. Thanks for linking this shitty website, I needed that good laugh.
yes but only when casting
you cant replicate a spell thats just sitting on the stack
If the counterspells you are trying to counter are colorless and already on the stack you absolute mouth breathing fucking retard.
Sidenote, how many decks with UB commanders at the helm do you have?
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>you are literally making things up wat
>lmao what the fuck just making things up now
as stated:
"goalpost status: moved"
i will no longer be responding you are clinically retarded
>UB commanders at the helm do you have?

None, why play UB when you can play Esper, or mono-blue?
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i didn't know it was possible to be a mushmouth retard in text, but somehow you've managed to impress me.
maybe instead of rage-slamming out a message with your gargantuan hamfists, you instead take the time to curate your post, so you make sure you don't say some retarded bullshit, and make yourself look like a clown.
So this is a Dual Face card, right? I think the worst part, is that they cut the quote up into two halves - I understand it's supposed emphasize the depiction of the dinosaurs, but out of context it just looks dumb.
Actually, furthering this thought, why does it even have a human-focused flip-side? I suppose to serve as contrast to the destruction wrought by the dinosaurs escaping, but who the hell is going to buy a Jurassic Park-themed card, and not use the dinosaur portion?
I don't think I've seen anybody using any of the Human Legends from the Jurassic Park Collection, but I suppose they'd be the target audience.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Fusion gaming from Winnipeg is real good. Pretty decent selection for just being a single store and shipping is like a dollar unless you want it to be more
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This dude is actually really strong. My friend had a Bosh deck that was surprisingly powerful and he converted it into an Imskir deck and it just runs away with games now. The commander draws a bunch of cards, black red allows for amazing treasure support for both affinity and casting big artifacts that can then be thrown at people's faces. Add some damage doublers and activated ability doublers and he can easily create a situation where he has guns to people's heads and can kill them at any time.
That's the fancy pants $350 one. Nice pull anon
I got a Fierce Guardianship extended art from the Slivers precon. Shit was close to 200bux after tax because of >Le Canadian Markup XD, however.
Hm, I'd always defaulted to looking at Jeux Face à Face, given that they're local, but maybe I should broaden my horizons a little.
Gay Bolas
Yeah never really understood people calling him bad. He'll pretty much always cost BR only, can even throw in a liquimetal and he can fling himself which is nice in a pinch
Her ability costs mana to use, it takes longer to come off, and she has zero way to speed it up. Meanwhile the Tenth Doctor only needs something to attack and it is free (doesn't need to be him), and can just automatically take things off suspend with his own inherent ability. He has higher stats and cannot die to bolt. And after all of that, he gets a second back up commander. So, if you want, you could play Adric or Clara and get double triggers. His ability can also be doubled more easily than Jhoira. The thing Jhoira has over him is

Allow me to politely offer a defense of Jhoira.
Jhoira costs less mana, this is significant, she can come down two turns earlier.
Her ability costs mana to use, but in turn it can be activated multiple times per turn and it can also be activated at instant speed(!). If you play her turn 5 (the same turn you could normally cast the doctor) you can activate it immediately or on an opponents turn.
Suspend from your hand is stronger than randomly from the deck, you can plan out moves that the doctor can't and suspend things in order. Doctors ability might be free but it's only once per turn unless you invest other cards into doubling it, Jhoira simply uses those slots for things to stall or speed up her suspend.

The advantages of the doctor that I see are primarily his time travel ability, which costs 7 but mostly the fact that he can get a free partner and thus a third color. The third color is the biggest advantage he has in my opinion
It's for artistic value. Sometimes a piece of art exists primarily to enhance another piece of art that's linked to it, and that's fine. You can't have a timelapse with a single picture, you know?
its easy to argue no but its cheaper then getting the REX lands so its the only flavor upgrades i could afford
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Opened a box of mh3 and got sld, mixed fallout precon w/ Mh3 one

I understand that, but when 50% of your art piece is obscured behind a card sleeve, you're only going to get - quite literally - half the picture, just like you only get half a quote
>"WOW" - Chris Pratt
The attempt to make it an artistic piece falls flat, when one considers the context it would be seen in; I only feel validated in my initial assessment, that it would not be worth using as a game piece, because of this. Could have also just did a diagonal cut down the center, showing off the pre/post dino-escape, too.
I hate how reddit faggots and that Rhystic Studies jackass defended this piece like a bunch of snarky hipsters.
>You just don't le heckin get it, chud! It's avante garde!

Nevermind the fact that the artists' other pieces actually display artistic ability and skill, and don't look like something she slapped together in MSPaint 5 minutes before the deadline.
The quote on the dino side stands well enough on its own, and is also a pretty popular quote (even on its own) from the new movies to use an example of why they failed to capture the magic of the old ones. For someone who doesn't care about the series, yeah, I could see it potentially falling flat, since you seem to be interpreting it as the character literally just saying "wow". I've literally never seen anyone else ever make that mistake before, by the way. Most people look at that quote and think "Yeah, dinosaurs are awesome, I agree. I love dinosaurs."
I've been thinking about building him for the same reason. Is he just about throwing scary stuff in the yard and cheating it out?
God damn, that Omo deck was such a great design and execution. I love the idea of a lands matter deck that isn’t just landfall. I hope Wizards keeps up the memes with more land types. I don’t want to see them oversaturate Gates but throw us some more locus, lair and spheres synergy. I love what they’ve done with Caves already but caves need a good payoff.
Had another decent week at my LGS' Commander Night.
Got in a couple wins and even got to tell the fucking BIRD to fuck itself.
A universe beyond faggot treating being intentionally obtuse as clever! Here’s your reddit gold sir!
>make a deck that wins through infinite combo
>feel bad when i do it
unga bunga truly is the only way to play
Nice blogpost name faggot! How many cocks did you suck?
The way to not feel bad is to make it 3+cards to do and telegraph it. Also don’t do it turn 4 or some shit. If nobody else really got to play the game why are you ending it?
2 out of 4, at least that was my win-rate
just finished making a list
Where's your Whirler Virtuoso?
>Virtuoso + Gonti's Aether Heart + Panharmonicon/Aether Refinery/Izzet Generatorium = Infinite Thopters
What makes it worse is that it genuinely was a painting. She has a lot of skill, which she used to mimic the look of lazily covering a pic of herself with clipart
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Late reply,
Whisper was powercrept in MH3, this is objectively better in every way. And it pisses me off.
I removed aethertide whale for it, I also balanced my basics and added pinnacle monk and witch enchanter
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>People say fast mana, combo and infinites are "bad"
>Those same people load their decks with value engine horseshit you could never fucking begin to imagine shoving through, yet they expect you to somehow kill them by turning dudes sideways
Na, fuck you. Every tutor and every combo is going in the deck now. Eat my entire asshole.
I can't decide if I want to switch out Whisperer of the Wilds or Zhur-Taa Druid for Ilysian Caryatid. Suggestions?
It's a Xenagos deck.
dump the druid, screw ilysian caryatid, get
unless you have a shtiload of red pips in the deck or somethin, then dump both cards for caryatid and fanatic of rhonas
>Looks across the table at you
How did you kill the birb?
the one time I've seen this played the person named Urza while the Urza player had his Cavern out since T1, we all looked at each other and said "yeah ok" and wouldn't let him take it back because he was watching Danny Phantom between turns
I was against a 4-color Aragorn good-stuff deck and ended up hitting Winota, Worldly Tutor, and THE BIRB with various countermagic. Sank a Kinnan with a Mightstone and Weakstone dismember effect as well. It felt fucking incredible to send each one to the hell they belonged in. Convinced another player to counter Rocco earlier so he couldn't grab the bird that way either.
Ended up flooding the board with Myriad Karnstructs and winning the match. I have NEVER felt so fucking good about a game of magic.
Drop Rush of Inspiration for literally anything else.
Its also a land
I've been playing since Ice Age and I took a break around Shards block because I thought Nicol bolas was chode (I have his incel legends printing). I didn't read any lore for the game aside from what was on cards, and thus thought it was hilarious that this dragon reading a book was a mastermind villain. I started back again around commander legends as I did a few commander drafts with some friends.

The majority of players I play with now started playing around the time of WAR and thus have only ever known FIRE design and the constant release schedule that feels like it's perpetual hype and product.

Commander is supposed to be an eternal format but it seems like WotC has tricked us into soft rotations by the constant influx of pushed cards designed for our format that frequently go and break other formats as well.
So put an actual land in that slot. You will never actually want to cast the nonland side.
Its like a draw 2 cycle for 2 energy, is it that bad?

What commander would you pair with it?
Any good commanders for life drain focus besides edgar?
Expensive though.
Whisperer is like $0.15
It costs one mana less than this card. For that one mana less, you get stuck with sorcery speed, you lose the scry two, you lose the energy gain, and you have to spend that much energy to avoid discarding at random. It's an absolutely dogshit card.
>but it's also a land
Again, you'll never cast the nonland side. Yes, flexibility and versatility are valuable things in a card, and they can be enough reason to run something that would normally be excluded, but this only offers an illusion of them.
I wouldn't, as I don't consider Universes Beyond to be something to celebrate.
Here, run this instead.
Amazing, it's a blatantly bad card and yet it's still pure cancer.
>play deck that is slower than the rest of the table
>hope that being slower means i can fly under the radar for a bit while the big dogs slap each other
>play a dork, it gets bolted
>"sorry, anon. gotta maximize my mana usage."
>other player runs away with the game because removal wasn't used on their early plays
>next game, same thing happens
>next game, same thing happens AGAIN
does my group just hate me? are they lying about "maximizing mana usage?" do they really just not want to play an actual game and just want to gaslight me into some sort of weird torture simulator where i can't do shit?
>weird torture simulator
Anon...what did you think edh was?
>make list
>happy with result
>find mechanic that fits into it
>find cool cards
>want to revamp
is this normal
Do I do it? I have a bard class sitting around or should I just do gruul legendaries matters
>It's already curling
it's fucking obscene how dogshit modern foils are. why why why are they like that? i get that it's a humidity thing, and difference from where it was printed, but the old cards didn't curl THIS bad.
Dear God, please don't make me look like a fool for looking forward to Duskmourn
This post has Impending 8
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Who would you pick for a cascade/exile matters kind of deck?

+ Poops out 2-5 wolves per turn
+ Card advantage
- Tap ability is kind of clunky to use since I might spend mana and discard just to get a card I can't use
- Just kind of a vanilla 3/3 early on when I can't spend mana on her tap ability and can't get any exile engines going
- No wolf synergies
- They're only 2/2s, basically just chump blockers

+ I have at least one way to cascade through my whole library to turn her into an 80/80 beatstick
+ Has haste if I can stack counters on her the turn I summon her
+ Unga, just swing and get rewarded with a card in exile
- Exile on attack isn't an option, I'm losing a card if I've tapped out before combat
- No trample, chump blocked by birds of paradise
- Can't block if I'm swinging with her
- Can't go wide
I should mention, this is for 99, not as commander
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Wait hold on.
Would this work?
>Havi on board
>Saffi sac's herself to Marath
>Marath dies, brings back Saffi
From here, can I sacrifice Saffi in response to Marath dying from being 0 toughness to continue the loop?
>in response to marath having 0 toughness
no, you cannot target marath. marath will die due to SBA before you get the chance to activate any abilities.
No. Marath will be put into the graveyard for having 0 toughness as an SBA, which doesn't go on the stack. But it would work with Goblin Bombardment and any 3-drop legend of your choice.
So what about this guy with Saffi then?
yeah, that works.
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After having playtested the changes a bit more, I'm pretty sure that swapping things out to include some of the MH3 energy cards did indeed slow the deck down slightly, but the board states it results in are so wacky that I'm more than fine with that trade-off. Primal Prayers and Aethersquall Ancient going net positive on energy is absolutely absurd and I love it.
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Sick. Brewing time.
lmao phlage also dodges needing purphoros/impact tremors effects since it helixes on etb
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I made a commander with him. It wasn't as fun as my first commander, also a bitch to track +1/+1 counters
I thought if a creature has double strike and the first strike damage kills a creature blocking it, the normal combat damage from the second strike would hit the blocking player. Is that not how it works?
not unless it has trample. when something is "blocked," not damage will go through unless it has trample, even if the creature blocking it is removed before damage happens.
no, it's still blocked. so it can only deal damage to the creatures blocking it unless it has trample
The more you know.
you'd also lose out on any combat damage triggers on the second hit like lifelink and the like
Ya I think I will go Naya as well cheers have fun
>Favorite alt art? Or complain about endless spoilers of more product to consume.
Waifu Teysa
Wtf what set is Havi from, that commander is busted but I've never seen it in my life.
its not out yet, it's assassins creed
I can finally run Baneslayer as my commander. Dockside can also be a commander. What set is this?
Teysa, Crosseyed Scion

Oh no a rare in 2024 better than a common from 2015, anyway.
Omo would be a pretty cool merfolk commander, enables islandwalk on all your stuff
I've brewed another fine deck where the win condition is "turn ancient dragon sideways and hope it ramps enough for ToH to win"
He's about whatever you want in grixis because you will never cast him in today's commander. I play him in my command zone because he looks cool, but it's been like 20+ games since I last cast him.
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The black knight always triumphs
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aura aura~
Im mad her card sucks though
>Commander is supposed to be an eternal format but it seems like WotC has tricked us into soft rotations by the constant influx of pushed cards designed for our format that frequently go and break other formats as well.
WotC acknowledging Commander's existence has been a perpetual blight on not only Commander itself, but on the game as a whole.
Heroes, a set of special promotional cards exclusively distributed to WotC employees, which are only legal for use by those specific employees and no one else.
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>Comes in untapped, unconditionally for no cost (even the shocklands make you pay 2 life)
>No manacost
>Generates mana for no cost literally every single turn for the rest of the game after it's played
>Nearly impossible to remove
>For some reason has a clause that you can just have an unlimited number of them in your deck, centralizing the metagame around having multiple copies of it even in EDH
>Has split second not just on cast, but on activating the ability too
>Searchable in any color, not just green for some reason
>Basically required to even play the game in a large number of decks
>Enables 99% of degenerate strategies in the game
Is there a more pushed card than this? How has this shit not been banned yet?
Play Dual Masters. It fixes this issue.
Them's the breaks, EDH was popular, and WoTC needs to aim their cardboard at the people most likely to buy it. But of course this is tragic because the only good thing about EDH was the fact that WoTC wasn't designing for it.
This used to be a good card but 30 years of power creep is one hell of a drug.
Funny that you say that, since the most OP lands were printed 30 years ago.
>replaces with snow covered island after banning
nothing personell
>duel masters
I do not have a time machine to go back to 03.
i love reanimator and wanted to have a grixis package, and i do enjoy haste. my way of milling is loads of looting effects, witch other reanimation spells on the way, since i expect to rarely cast him and activate his ability multiple times.
if he is too clunky for my liking, i will rebuild him to Chainer, Nightmare Adept
reminder Sheldor said he'd allow people to use such cards if it was actually theirs and given to them.
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>Playing jank as fuck budget bant graveyard deck
>player bojuka bogs me and annihilates me
>says they're sorry about it
>tell them I'm fine with it and you gotta do what you gotta do
>I'm not actually fine with it.
Will 10th Doctor be the new official tranny commander?
i didnt know he was an anti-proxy chud
I wish someone let me proxy one of those as a commander. Could be fun to run one of the not-stupid ones.
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i don't know, but i have my favourite
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RIP brother...
you're in blue, do the stifle!
but yeah, it sucks, but you've been a good sport. Kick in their teeth next time
Death to Simic.
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Blue might be annoying, but green is the root of all problems with powercreep.
>hurh durrrrrrh just play green since it's the best color
This could be solved if the RC actually did their job instead of being useless philosophy majors. As it stands, I'd rather WotC take full control of the format so that we know stupid shit would eventually get banned once product is done selling.
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After playing with one of these optimizing everything deck building fags with too much disposable income I now understand why the meta is boardwipe galore.
Just sitting there for 5 hours playing 2 games and not being able to do anything while he plays with himself is unbearable and I will never ever play with him again.
Every color gets cancerous shit, but green being able to turbo out mana for free is easily the most fucked up shit in the format next to turbo drawing cards. Their tutors may only hit lands, but lands are more powerful than ever, and Green gets to search for them AND Slam them on board at the same time.
Wizard tried to take control over the commander crowd with Brawl, but it went awful since they wanted rotation, so no one really plays it.
I can honestly give them some slack for Brawl, because making strictly "not EDH" would get them potentially sued, but other than thw rotation bit, Brawl is an objectively better format than normal Commander in just about every possible way. Now that Sheldon is dead, WotC can take over Commander with no legal issue.
>would get them potentially sued
by fucking who?
Me. I will. I have a list of grievances as long as my arm.
>alternative TQ
The ultimate Deatchmatch:
What is more powerful?
Ramp vs. Draw
>What is more powerful?
>Ramp vs. Draw
For cEDH: Draw
For EDH: Ramp
>t. Vern Troyer
Magic Foundations is a set that will be legal in standard until 2029 and includes wrath of god, llanowar elves, omniscience and other such iconic cards that are foundational to magic

This is a new one, also all enchantments get the nyx frame now apparently
>turbo out mana for free
but its not free, you still have to pay for your ramp spells. its early investment for late game payoff, which is very good in edh of course.
on the contrary: other colours get to cheat on mana as well, i.e. through reanimation, cascade/discover, storm or excessive treasure tokens
You don't need to remove everything just things that are going to kill you.
>also all enchantments get the nyx frame now apparently
I don't hate that
Been playing since 96/97. The 'community ' has always been shit with bad opinions.
Is this a new card?
Yes, duskmorn and bloomburrow spoilers posted soon too
Looks like a theme park haunted maze entrance
While duskmorn used to be an entire plane a malevolent force has turned it into a single house
I thought duskmourne was supposed to be dumb slasher stuff? This looks more like surreal horror which is much more interesting
New (sub?)type rooms!
(My guess is transforming lands)
Front/backside art for all of them make a panorama
New leylines
It does appear to have some modern flair but the place seems to be warped to all fuck by cosmic power and evil as shit
>addresses a lot of annoying powercrept cards
>haven't banned rustic study, or white token multipliers, treasure token spam, or smothering tithe
ngl your banlist is a joke
This is the alt art paranormal frame fyi
Sheldon. EDH was very clearly his idea, and WotC profiting off it while telling him to fuck off could have landed them in got water that's best avoided so long as they could still sell product. That's no longer the case.
This is pretty self referencing
The very idea Sheldon would have any case at all or the money to take on a billion+ dollar company is fucking delusional. He'd also be banned from all magic events until he died, since there is no legal right to attend.
already looking like my favorite set of the year. Love me some horror.
Wanderer on duskmourn
I wonder if we'll get a crossover with dead by daylight as like a SLD.
>Niko, Zimone, Tyvar, Kaito are all also on duskmourn
Set ruined, calling it that zimone dies first to stay true to the horror tropes
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>FOMO is so omnipresent in MTG these days that it gets its own card
Holy fucking shit nevermind lmao set saved
Lifegain decks in absolute fucking shambles.
We see what this silly mechanic is now
I'll need this for Coram for sure
Arch enemy
>”jump scare” has zimone as commander
Just fuckin, lmao..
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So duskmourn is pretty much just there to bambozzle the current meta and to get everyone to buy boxes like they did with Modern horizon 3. Sasuga wizard.
whats the metaphysical flavor here?
>draw, discard
buy new card, slot out old card

>Delirium textbox
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i hate lifegain as much as the next guy, but come on man
And those all get interacted with, tardo. There is no counterplay to land ramp.
Buy a box promo. You can already preorder lmao
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>he doesn't know
Great, now Krrik players will run it
counterspells still hit land ramp, o praised mega genius. spot removal for lands is also a thing, and you should absolutely run them.
and if you still get beaten by ramp/landfall BS, because your deck is somehow are too slow, just pull out the dreaded MLD, theres no shame in that
There were some more cards but they were pretty shit. If you’re super curious you can check the articles going up soon
>bUT iTs NoT FrEEee
no ramp is not free and is fragile unless you're green
Grown-up Aminatou's here too.
That evil dude on Endless Punishment looks cool as fuck so I'm buying that one
Would it be too much to hope that these can be in the precons, since they're not fetch, or pain lands...?
I didn’t even realize she was grown up because wotc released potato image
damn, i didnt know. sweet art!
its still much harder to pull of
kinda suprised to not see a zombie or vampire in duskmourn
>80's clothes, real world electronics, real world names like Rachel
The magic boomers ain't gonna like this one.
>real world names like Rachel
Anon, Elspeth and Chandra are real-world names.
oh yeah i'm eattin good
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>horror plans
>features literally the most powerful being in the multiverse
Lmao even
Magic boomer here. So long as the cards are fucking edgy, and the names are vague enough for a fantasy reprint down the line, I'm cool with it. Chainsaw would be funny to try and concert, though.
So are Will, Rowan, Jace, Preston, Estrid, Gideon and Asmoranormadicadaistinaculdacar.
We already have one on Innistrad
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There's also this one and I don't think it's that far off.
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>Bolas' plan was to harvest the spark from Planeswalkers across the multiverse
>Loses because of shitty plot armor writing
>Fast forward, players continue to show disinterest in Planeswalker cards as a whole
>WotC decides to gut the entire card type for some deus ex machina (literally) excuse during the Phyrexia plot to save what little marketing power they have left with the roster, so they can convert the characters to creatures for the most popular format in the game
When are people going to admit this nigga was right all along? The game quite literally starting dying the second he left the scene.
this card reminds me of the simpler times when i spent my afternoons in Stonetalon and hadn't yet lost the glimmer in my eye
too bad it's garbage
I'm thinking about building him on a eggs style of deck, sac tiny artifacts to ping people. Too bad KCI is too expensive
well, time to rebuild my doom marine set
Tired of people's shit.
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Cool art at least.
The set seems pretty split between “cool art” and “fuck’s sake, why?”
Yeah, I like the horror stuff but all the "survivors" look awful. Hoping they don't end this set with the haunted house being destroyed.
So wtf is Impending?
not a creature until all the time counters leave
I bet the story is its aminatou dreaming about all the universe's and she was scared by the phyrexian invasion(why she wasn't there) and her nightmares become manifest. The glimmers are remnants of normal dreams

Zimone will wake her up and they'll come best friends and together the smartest and strongest creatures in the multiverse(two strong black girls).
Screencap this for when it's true
is it just me or is an equipment based deck more expensive than a creature based one
ty, google was not being helpful
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Duskmourn lore
>ancient butterfly/moth demon named Valgavoth who feeds on fear gets sealed beneath a normal house
>plane becomes steadily technologically-advanced while Valgavoth seethes in the background
>eventually Valgavoth figures out he can expand the 'house' without needing to break his seal
>converts the entire plane into part of the house
>rips open interplanar portals every few years for people to feed on
>hijacks the Omenpaths once they show up
Miracles like the warhammer deck?
Not happy about the showcases being retro horror TV. Id rather have more innistrad monocolor stuff but this does sound like a fun idea for a plane
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>Punish Your Opponents, Make Them Pay
Fuck it. It's going in my umbris flicker deck. I'll probably kill myself with it before anyone else but idc
New ashling stuff doll. Nice

Feels like white has been getting more flash lately to make up for
not having much in ways of countering
Cool if it's part of a "fear of __" cycle, but cringe if it's just a one off fomo joke
I know I shouldn't stick my dick in there but...
Been playing since Fifth Dawn, stopped a bit after Avacyn Restored, haven't touched real cardboard since.
I don't care how much skill it took to create this art, I think it's fucking ugly and wouldn't put it into anything I actually wanted to play with.
Yeah that's how magic has always worked retard
A giant eye is plenty scary on its own, it did not need clawed tentacles.
what is this, terraria?
Hi there, new player here. I used to play back in like 2003-2004 when I was a little kid but dropped off because back then I couldn't afford anything halfway decent. Friends just recently got me back into MTG and told me that Commander was the way that most people play the actual game.

I was hoping to hear your guy's opinions over which two decks I should build now that I'm getting back into things. I'm interested in either:

-Bosh the Iron Golem artifact deck
-Marrow-Gnasher rat deck

Both seem interesting to me. I like the idea of Bosh just hurling artifact's at people's faces but I also love the samurai-rat thing that the Nezumi have going on.
>all black decks
>if you have delirium (kek), untap and get new combat
if your slotted out pile is big enough to cause sunk cost fallacy, go to your lgs again

wotc literally making fun of customers, again
I might get death toll so then I have the lands and cards to make a Meren/Lathril deck
This is just Dead by Daylight
>rule zero regulates the format
>new card gets printed
>reeee this is broken ban please
Why are EDH players retarded?
You will likely have more fun with bosh as it's a bit more varied both in how it plays and is built. Rats will play out similarly most games. If bosh interests you I'd also suggest looking at Imskir who is new legendary and pretty much just a powercrept bosh with an extra colour
Only two of them are black
I think if you're doing bosh you might as well do powercrept version of him with this guy >>93186201

Black would also give you more access to lifelink, draw, and I think at least 2 more damage doublers
Never because I can't bring myself to say that WotC is right about anything. Saying that Bolas is right about anything is like making a ms paint comic about winning an imaginary argument.
Figured I'd throw a preorder on the RB and GB ones. If the decklists end up shit, I'll just cancel.
The card is very cool I wouldn't say garbage just niche. I have it in my Rosheen deck for more explosive X spells
Precons are the lowest form of magic. Edh is already weenie hut Jr magic
>>rips open interplanar portals every few years for people to feed on
That shit is possible post-mending?
With enough power, I guess so. The Planar Bridge did it, albeit only with non-organic stuff. An extremely powerful demon being able to do it every few years feels like it'd be 'fine'.
>midriff in a modern magic card
How the fuck was this approved by current wotc?
It fits the aesthetic. Notice that all of the named characters chosen to go searching for rat boy are teens and younger. These are supposed to be the standard group of teenage victims in a horror movie from the '80s.
Kaito, Wanderer, Niko AND Tyvar are all adults.
>her power is to change fate
so...she's literally free from cause and effect
she is LITERALLY the unfiltered freedom philosophers DREAM about.
How can she be a part of any conflict when she's the ideal end goal of every person
They've never used her in the story, and I'm not sure she'll actually exist like that in the story, they might retcon her to make her less omnipotent.
>>hijacks the Omenpaths once they show up
Kinda based, not gonna lie. That said, kidnapping is an unforgivable crime, hope he die in this set and the plane is set free
More likely they'll defeat him and escape but not actually kill him off, because... Can't let the plane lose its entire identity. Or they'll kill him but another demon will replace him, or some remnant of him will keep the House going.
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But they're combined only half as smart as Zimone
Hey Guys,

Looking for alternate opinions on crackling falls, is it really that bad? also I have these below to add, but I don't know what to cut!

I have:

Reconnaissance <- Attack shenanigans
Sevinne's Reclamation
Sword of Wealth and Power
Aether Revolt <- being added
Unwinding Clock
Power Balance <- memes
Electrostatic Pummeler
Brudicald <- kind of want to re-add
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>television screens
>wotc will still try to tell you that guns are just "not within the fantasy aesthetic"
Does anyone care about any of these characters except for the wanderer
>Can't let the plane lose its entire identity.
I feel bad for the kidnapped people. This is the worst plane they ever made, even worse than Innistrad
I mean, Tyvar is a himbo, Kaito's a tech expert but his knowledge is specialised, Wanderer... Probably know Kamigawan etiquette and political stuff but mostly just fights good, and Niko... I know barely anything about but I do know Niko's flavoured as blue for being an athlete seeking physical perfection over the typical knowledge-seeking type, so probably not the brightest.
Sure, if you consider 20 year olds to be adults. These days? Not so much.
>this retarded post again
You know, Kaldheim being turned into a horror dimension sounds like a better fit thematically.
I'd like Kaldheim revisit in the flavor of The Thing.
Nah, they’re probably going to force a metamorphosis into a more benign, but still alien and manipulative, form. With all the emphasis on cocoons and the molting process, it’s the obvious way to go to preserve the weirdness and nature of the plane while still being a “win”.
Retooled my tameshi deck to rely on reality acid to win


Hoping it plays better it was a lot more cluttered before with a whole bunch of silly different lines.
Also possible. I feel like, given the emphasis on screens and whatnot, Nashi's gonna end up saving the day using his own recording magic or whatever, maybe trapping Valgavoth in a recording of his own dream or some shit. The House remains, and is still passively doing whatever, but Valgavoth isn't actively fucking with things anymore.
they really gonna turn A this shit, ain't they?
>Every set's protagonists will be a series of brown trannies and women, regardless of the plane.
Thanks, omenpaths
hey why do the duskmourn commander decks have 2 brown girls on them?
Yes, we all know White sucks and it will never get any better thanks to Gavin Kikey and Goyim Nosewater’s designs.
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Because one is not enough.
If you kill a ghost haunting a cabinet it's just another piece of furniture.
If they do kill the baddie in the set the plane will likely just be big old formerly haunted house rather than house disappearing
Given there's an emphasis on "the dead monsters don't stay dead that easily" it'll probably be something akin to killing Valgavoth doesn't get rid of him.
I keep hearing people say
>treasure spam good
>big artifacts good
>reanimator good
I'm stumped because my deck is a mish-mash of everything and I need to pick a lane. Treasures seem to have the most potential to be explosive, but I doubt I'll play Imskir early that way.
What I like about the One path era is it lets you take characters that fit genres or tropes and put them into new contexts.
Instead of making a new jock or nerd character for the classic horror movie cast, they can use Tyvar and Zimona.
And then you have Wander and Kaito for the couple that sneaks off to bang only for the monster to find them.
It's only good if they're good looking and WotC most likely fucks that aspect up.
The problem is they can't follow the horror movie tropes of going down to a Final Girl (who'd probably be Niko I guess) because they won't actually kill them off. Might separate them at least. And Nashi'll be the one saving them in the end. Good chance Tamiyo's data-spirit sacrifices herself.
I might try him as a ritual/self sacking, with cards like ruthless technomancer, that new goblin wizard that sacs creatures for treasures etc so you can recast him for 2 every time pretty much, amass shit and then just kill him over and over to his own ability
They already did that with Innistrad, and people shit on them for it.
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>Make my Hidetsugu deck this exact theme
>WotC comes out with the new demon fag and now every asshole wants to play Rakdos Artifacts
That could also be done during the Planeswalker era, they just weren't focused on single event sets.
bump for questions

I'm having a hard time balancing lands/removal/threats/draw

I've got 3 board wipes, 1 steal, 1 removal spell, 4 counters, not counting creature triggers
30 creatures
3 enchantments
8 sorceries
11 instant
19 artifacts

28 lands / 35 mdfc
6 mana rocks
You could only do that with Planeswalkers though.
To be fair, 4 of these 5 people are/were Planeswalkers.
A fair point. I personally am not a big fan of the desparking.
It happening at the same time the Omenpaths opened up made it have not much in universe impact imo.
The Wanderer is basically the only character it feels like it 'matters' for. Everybody else seems to have largely just shrugged it off apart from feeling a bit sad briefly. It doesn't feel like an event that's actually... 'Happened' in-universe. Nobody seems to CARE.
Wonder if you're baiting anon. This card's good on Gruul Omnath, especially you run so many basic forests in there
I’m just happy we’re seeing nashi again he makes me really aroused
Because it only happened in the first place to print them as creatures instead of planeswalkers, so they can be commander product.
They could just print Planeswalkers as creatures sometimes. They're still just people.
to take full total command of edh [i will not call it by its slave name] and retcon that walkers can be commanders, would have been the fullest departure from edh they could make
wotc would rather desparkening than do that
It was more cosmic horror. It would have been fine, but I think a lot of people were already tired of eldrazi at that point.
EDH is a flavor driven format. it doesn't make sense that a Nicol Bolas can lead a deck but that Nicol Bolas Planeswalker cannot.
That's better than the alternative. Walkers are the least fun card type, including battles, which are basically reverse walkers.
Walkers are shit to play against and not fun to play with.
>it was more cosmic horror
but the thing is absolutely cosmic horror. shadows over innistrad/eldritch moon was more lovecraft, but the thing is definitely still cosmic horror.
Lmao good to see no one responding to you faggot
Yes it does, here's why:
>Creatures are based
>Planeswalkers are gay
Get off the internet please and develop a personality
Fucking retard tripfag blogposters
Sorry that this knowledge is so widespread you don't even consider it noteworthy. It doesn't change the fact planeswalkers should never have been made.
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Sedgemoor Witch
Are you replying to yourself under anon?
He needed at least one (You) before he hung himself.
Depends on how you define cosmic horror. When I think of the term, I think of the more abstract horrors and not strictly monsters that are space related. I wouldn't call Alien cosmic horror either. My opinion is probably wrong in the eyes of many, but I think that cosmic horror needs more than just a monster from space, and The Thing still has sort of a slasher movie atmosphere.
>another simic deck
RIP swordbro, probably the only cool namefag
At least it's not yet another Jeskai one.
my lgs is hosting another Casual commander tourney after their first attempt failed a year ago.

>entry €10
>4 rounds 80 min ea
>proxies allowed (WPN store btw.)
>2 promos and 1 pack for everyoone
>top 8 get upgraded to a MH3 pack
>extended banlist
>Chrome Mox
>Craterhoof Behemoth
>Cyclonic Rift
>Dockside Extortionist
>Grim Monolith
>Jeweled Lotus
>Lions Eye Diamond
>Lotus Petal
>Mana Crypt
>Mana Vault
>Mox Diamond
>Mox Opal
>Opposition Agent
>Sol Ring
>no 2 card combos

would you join?
planeswalkers are overpowered ok? is that what you want to hear?
>flavor driven format
it is still a GAME and a GAME needs at least some sort of semblance of balance to be fun
you think cedh is a blight on commander now? Just imagine if people could cast teferi, hero of dominaria from the command zone. Imagine fucking k4rn coming out on turn 2 not only disabling your fast mana but in another turn your lands will be artifacts and you won't get to play at all
just fucking use your head for five seconds you all or nothing types are so fucking stupid
>it doesn't make sense
yes it fucking does, for balance
that's the most sense any decision could possibly have
No, absolutely not. Imma draft for my prize pool basically 100% of the time. 4 player games have so much batshit crazy stupid plays that you’re going to get spited or something out of a game. “Gonna kill me with commander damage? Well imma play hellish rebuke and imma make you lose with me.” Like gg bro there goes your 10 bucks because Anthony was a sore loser and you still have another opponent. Just sounds fucking shit
Honestly Valvagoth sounds pretty powerful and I hope he doesn’t die. They have hinted at him being fallible since he has his followers repairing the house when it gets destroyed by vegetation. It does seem like a hard set to revisit though.
>would you join a tourney that bans cards present in precons
>proxies allowed
you're going to have a bad time even with Sol Ring, Anon
based list
>would you play a comander tournament
no, ew
>Lotus petal
>Opp agent
>2 card combos unilaterally banned
Funny shit is blue farm still sweeps because this doesn't hit any of their wincons.
Yeah why not? Seems pretty fun and they ban a lot of gay shit that just makes for boring games
>wpn store btw
He'll probably be bested but it won't last or some element of him will linger on because... If he's just killed the plane kind of loses its whole 'thing'.
I just mentioned it because afaik wotc tends to remove wpn status if stores allow proxies which is why the official stand is no proxies allowed but nobody calls out anybody.
Why? They can't be commanders. It's very specific ones that can be commanders
the point is the list reveals how retarded the store owner is
I'd never play in a store knowing the final arbiter of decisions is someone that stupid
The projection here is wild.
If the demon daddy dies in duskmourn they’ll revisit the plane as Dawnbourn, House of Smiles :)
because...the question was why can't all planeswalkers be commanders...I was answering the question...
>Golos not banned
lol. lmao even
Funny to talk big while being a slave to the arbitrary RC ban list.
Not really sure where you are seeing the correlation here anon. No one's going to be bringing a precon to a competitive event, and them being in a precon doesn't mean they can't be retarded cards. You seem to just be flinging shit because anger is your baseline
Do you have a more well formed thought? Spite plays exist and make for a noncompetitive format. Attacks that would normally be game ending (trample creature versus a 1/1 deathtouch blocker) now become impossible if you want a real scenario. You’re retarded
why do bad players cry about fast mana so much?
1v1 is a 20 life format dominated by aggro, golos isnt nearly as good when games are ending turn 5 regularly
Should learn to read because that is not at all what the post is saying
No you're right, cosmic horror should be more horror from a far removed threat or philosophical concept

Like the three body problem books, specifically the dark forest and the thought experiment it gets its name from is cosmic horror.
There is a real threat but it's so far removed that you'll never see the monster like in creature features
99% of the complaints about edh are from low iq dogshit players such as yourself
so I'm actually completely nonplussed by the RC it brings me genuine joy watching you losers piss yourselves over mh3 and being forced to reckon with the powers you'd normally only see in 60 cards.
Sorry, but commander is a real format now. It's real magic, you're just gonna have to adjust instead of crying that everything printed after 2012 should be banned
One day we'll finally have a good jeskai commander
No I don't need a more well formed thought and this rebuttal is retarded. Of course spite exists people are retarded but to assume that it will always arise at the drop of a hat, when that is decidedly just not how people are in general suggests that it is YOUR first course of action in such a scenario. Thousands of games at various LGS and silly spite plays happen in a small percentage of them
>resorts to insults after being called out
must suck to be an insecure kid.
yes it was, we can all follow the comment chain
like...what are you even trying to accomplish here? gaslighting doesn't work when the posts are right fucking there
cosmic horrors are about horrors beyond human comprehension. the thing fits that. alien is not cosmic horror, i agree, but the thing is.
epic projection, unfortunately it won't make wotc or the rc ban balanced cards that you personally dislike
The original post that started this chain wasn't even asking a question you dumb fucking nigger. It was making a statement over what he thought wotc should've done if they had a certain desired outcome.
Kill yourself fembrained zoomer
>I don’t need a well formed thought
>Just because it can happen doesn’t mean it will!
Yeah I’m not engaging anymore you’re beneath me sorry.
ok so yeah you're just a mentally ill shitposter
I'm not playing this back and forth shit with you just take your meds and fuck off
>just because it can happen...
Yes???? Are you actually retarded holy shit. Spite plays happen very rarely, even less so in competitive environments. The problem here is very obviously you anon lmao. It's clear you have a chip on your shoulder and a bruised ego and you lash out when the game doesn't go your way, and since you can't see beyond yourself you mistakenly assume everyone is the same way.
Please show me where the question you are answering is being posited anon holy fuck. Post your ID I guarantee you are not even 18
I love that kind of idea. Almost every time when a horror movie shows the monster, it's usually a big disappointment. I think Krampus never had the monster appearance, only shadows or silhouettes, and I want more of that. Too bad that almost everyone who watches a movie without the appearance, they whine that the thing wasn't visible, like people might complain not seeing what's in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction or what's in the organ case in Crank 2.
>someone suggests fast mana might not be healthy for the format
>without fail, someone feels the need to screech "NNOOOOO its REAL magic and you're a RETARD and the ONLY ONE who cares about it because you're BAD at magic!"
>despite the fact that stores often include fast mana on banlists, most fast mana has been banned from modern, and it is a very common complaint that the power/speed disparity between those willing to invest leads to unfun games
why are pro fast mana fags like this? why do they get so touchy when you suggest that maybe fast mana leads to unfun games for a kitchen table format?
Whisper got power crept, you can get 4 mana now instead
You need to make arguments for why it's bad for the format and not why you don't like them. Fast mana allows for players to play more of their deck, to hold open mana for interaction it is decidedly a positive thing.
>some lgs...
Okay? The one LGS in my city still requires covid masks, are LGS now arbiters on what people should be doing / what is best for them? Shit point lmao
Okay...? Most fast mana isn't in modern because.... it's not legal, not because it's banned but because it's not in the cardpool. So bringing up this "point" suggests you do indeed know fuck all about the game I literally don't think any fast mana is in modern cardpool
Print your own fast mana easy peasy. If you don't want to then you'll suffer because of your own choices.
i hate when i tell people i dont like too much fast mana and they all scree NOO BRO I AINT EVEN DOIN NOTHIN IM NOT TUTORING OUT A COMBO PIECE I JUST GOT MANA AND MY 6 DROP COMMANDER BRO
its speeding up the fucking game to faster than I'd like, you stupid fuck
its not just about going fast mana into winning the game, it's fast mana into just playing the game 2 turns ahead of us all who dont have it
But it's basically more malevolent Venom. It's more body horror than cosmic horror.
We have good Jeskai commanders. What we need is a fun one and that doesn't exist yet.
>Why does this social game not enforce my personal preferences by default?
If someones deck is that big of a problem at a kitchen table format stop playing with them. Its faster to have a mildly uncomfortable conversation about bringing $600 in mana rocks to stomp your precon than it is to wait for the powers that be to enforce it for you
I joined the RC discord and they are freaking out over this card
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i can see why, it stops their infinite turn combos.
>its possible, and that’s okay!
I had once a game where I played Xenagod and managed to hit each of my opponents with Sugma Lasher and it was great. I didn't win, but I still considered that game to be a win.
Youll get that every other set, sky falls pretty regularly in mtg discords
What is unfun about fast mana? Do you know how good it feels to pop a mox into a mana crypt into a land into a sol ring into a dark ritual?
Yes. It's possible you die everything you get into a vehicle and yet you do it. You are ACTUALLY genuinely fucking retarded holy shit
Cool false dichotomy, what are your skull measurements?
cry harder
the truth is magic arena has conditioned your average new player to be prepared for the brutality of cutthroat magic. If you don't like people playing good decks, quit.
You no longer hold the leverage here, you are no longer the core playerbase of edh, you're outnumbered now.
So adapt or quit. Everyone else has
You know, it took me seeing this card 5 times before I realized that was Niko
He's been a skinny twink, a jacked hipster, and now an actual chick
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have i become to sweaty? i feel like i cant keep up with green decks without combos
>The one LGS in my city still requires covid masks, are LGS now arbiters on what people should be doing / what is best for them?
if it was one random LGS who said no fast mana, it would be different. but fast mana is pretty much the only constant on all those banlists. the very fact that it is such a frequent point of discussion (and not just /tg/ like some schizos like to suggest) should give pause of thought. sheldon has said that he would've banned sol ring, but having been printed in so many commander precons basically meant that it was beyond the pale, they felt it was out of their power to ban it at that point.
>So bringing up this "point" suggests you do indeed know fuck all about the game I literally don't think any fast mana is in modern cardpool
lmao, saying these two things in the same breath is hilarious. chrome mox, mox opal, and simian spirit guide are all banned in modern, and they are very careful NOT to print more fast mana in because of how unfun it can make games, leading to a much higher possiblity of a T0 win with no possibility to interact from the opponent because they haven't even drawn their first card. which is the problem with fast mana, it puts the first player in a much prettier seat, much higher probability of comboing before anyone can respond. which means people will be playing less of their decks and leave less chance for interaction, contrary to your claim that fast mana promotes these things.
>Print your own fast mana easy peasy. If you don't want to then you'll suffer because of your own choices.
it does not fix what i just said, the much higher potential for a player to combo before any chance to respond IS bad for the game.
Wotc is probably too scared to give artists very specific descriptions of Niko because they’re nonbinary and they don’t wanna come off as bigoted so they keep them really vague. Leads to a wide variety of depiction.
>Brawl is an objectively better format
pfff you only think that because arena is unironically rigged
you probably like it because the rigged matchmaker puts you against losers for your shitbrew to stomp
>doing exactly the thing that i said you do whenever it is suggested that fast mana might not be healthy for the game
yes you predicted people would tell the truth
congratulations that doesn't make you less of a pathetic retard though
They're already starting to print cards that can get around any and all kinds of protection and it seems like that's the direction they're going to go now. We've gotten to the point where protection is going to be so widespread that not just removal but protection removal is going to start being more and more important. Didn't think I'd see the day where Magic starts printing things like their own Forbidden Droplets or Dark Ruler No More, but here we are. Or I guess you could just ignore it and overwhelm your opponents with numbers depending on your decks and just ignore all that protection.
The new appearance is much more tolerable than the original one, but I still hate the outfit. It makes zero sense as “first planeswalk off of Theros” garb.
>UB but no thoracle
>3 real tutors and an entomb
>No off color fetches
>No 0 mana counterspells
>Combos are all retarded high mana costs or 3+ card combos
>Wilhelt at the helm
You have progressed from crawling to walking, try pic related if you want to make gravecrawler combos more reliable
Probably this guy. He's already felt pretty good in any games I draw him. Setting up a deck with him as the commander feels like it could be promising. I hope they revisit backgrounds again.
You could just play lazav..
It's not a "false dichotomy" lmfao don't use words you don't understand
Make it $100 or $250 format, commander included. All decks must be run in mtggoldfish to check price. Make it points based on the actions you do like rewarding removing someone's Sol Ring or Commander. Extended banlist possible, but the budget cost can be a factor to not even have it.
does his sac outlet work even if hes untapped?
>random babble about multiple people having shit opinions so it must magically be a good opinion
>fast mana
I can admit I was wrong about those 3 cards but a 4 card format fundamentally requires a different view on banlists so it doesn't really mean much.
>higher potential
Is equalized by printing your own fast mana and having mana open for interaction. You also did not address my point which is the only one that actually deals with the game, none of yours do at their essence. Fast mana allows for more cards to be played and more interaction which is objectively a positive thing
Yes, it just puts a zombie themed sac outlet in your command zone so dont need to find one yourself
You arent getting into the too sweaty territory until you start sacrificing your zombie thematics for the sake of winning
an opinion is not truth, faggot.
>the truth is magic arena has conditioned your average new player to be prepared for the brutality of cutthroat magic.
the "average new player" is still retarded and does not understand priority, SBA, layers, and a ton of other things. new players are getting their shit kicked in harder than anyone.
>If you don't like people playing good decks, quit.
there would still be good decks without fast mana, retard.
>you are no longer the core playerbase of edh, you're outnumbered now.
again, except for all the stores that ban fast mana and all the people who constantly discuss if fast mana is healthy or not. the only people who talk like you are sunk cost fallacy retards who have to advocate that way, for fear of losing thousands of dollars in value if mana crypt is banned and goes from 250 down to 150, or for fear their pubstomping days may come to an end. even the suggestion that maybe their should be two banlists, one for high speed and one for low speed, has you faggots frothing at the mouth.
>a 4 card format fundamentally requires a different view on banlists so it doesn't really mean much.
yeah, regular 60 card 1v1 doesn't have every player starting with 9-11 card starting hands with at least one of those cards being a guaranteed, always accessible card.
>You also did not address my point which is the only one that actually deals with the game
yes i did. all the fast mana in the game means it is far more likely the starting player is able to combo off to an absolute win before anyone else has played their first land. fast mana lessens one of the key pieces of strategy, as well. "do i extend or do i cast my removal? oh, i have fast mana, guess i'll do both!" it simplifies the decision trees.
>an opinion is not truth
good thing it wasn't an opinion. it was a fact and your squirming about it is just sad
>terrible rebuttal to the 4 of a kind distinction
>terrible rebuttal to the. Objective fact that fast mana allows for all who use it to play more and interact more.
You've been dismantled. Give it up, and seethe as I play my proxied mana crypt turn 1
>can't say why it's a terrible rebuttal
you have to back up what you say.
No actually I don't anon
>again, except for all the stores
one store
>all the people
nobody thinks fast mana is broken except for green players who are asshurt other colors now have a level playing field
what exactly is your plan after sol ring and mana rocks are banned?
treasure generators become meta then I suppose you'll lose to them and want those banned too and on and on and on
you don't have a problem with fast mana, you have a problem with the core of magic
If it’s for the 99 I would say both but each do different things with exile. I have both in my Rocco deck and if you’re casting or playing things from exile then faldorn is much better
I wouldn't mind fast mana if it wasn't $100 per card
your argument falls to pieces on its own so there's nothing to refute
construct an argument based in reality next time
if I ran wotc every pre con would have ancient tomb, cavern of souls, mana crypt and jeweled lotus :)
>I wouldn't mind fast mana if it wasn't $100 per card
Thats why sol ring is the first card in 99% of decks
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>still stuck at home waiting the delivery man arrive with my cards

It has been 4 hours already
>World champion decks but edh
>Gold border full decks with high quality prints of every decent rock, dual, fetch, staple around $39.99
>Technically not legal but who gives a fuck about gold border in edh
Based and mepilled. Every precon should have all the staple fast mana
>it's all in your head and isn't reality, only you care REEEE
if what i say is "not based in reality" then you can plainly state why, rather than coping.
>except for green players who are asshurt other colors now have a level playing field
except for the fact that green players ALSO get the ramp. it;s not a level playing field. anyways, MLD is great and should be played.
lmao every time
>guy who cries about fast mana is a degenerate who enjoys degenerate archetypes
no fucking wonder, you're mad you can't starve people out by blowing up their lands hahaha
kill yourself
What you said simply made no sense and that's why I'm not engaging with it. It was also decidedly a dishonest response to both of my points, but you know that already anon
>complain about green ramp
>noooo MLD is not okay!
lmao it absolutely makes sense, nor is it dishonest. you just don't want to engage because you think it allows you some sort of high ground. you're trying to save face.
Been wanting to build this guy forever, but I have no idea what direction I should take him in. He's just a generic value engine in the command zone, so I could build literally anything I want to. I plan on keeping this deck under 50 dollars (preferably under 30).

Anyone have suggestions?
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What commanders are you giving partner this weekend?
I do have the high ground, as I'm correct. Fast mana is an objective good for the game, the only downside of it is its price. But everyone is welcome to print their own
>bwah but people will combo out faster!
And you'll have more mana open to interact with any stop it
>under 50 dollars (preferably under 30).
Yeah dig through an lgs bulk box for big instants and sorceries then go into the rare bulk box for cards that bring them down to an acceptable casting cost
I had him as a Stealstuff deck because Dominus of Fealty is one of my favorite cards ever. That, a bunch of Control Magic effects to up his devotion, be going places.
>you're dishonest! but im not, i will just say im correct and my opinion is objective fact without rationalization!
I'm not trying to be rude anon but do you have brain damage? Or is your ego just so battered and bruised you refuse to even attempt to think beyond your own position? Fast mana objectively gives everyone more mana at their disposal. This isn't opinion or subjective, it is fucking quantifiable.
i literally explained why what you are suggesting is not the case, that it gives the opening player far more power. you say that "oooh that's different in 4formats where you can have multiples!" you are saying those formats are more consistent than commander, which i ALSO spoke against, because edh allows you a guaranteed commander or two as soon as the game begins, negating the argument of consistency. if fast mana is objectively good and is quantifiable, sol ring wouldn't be banned in legacy and restriced in vintage.
This is just laughable lmao give up arguing please it's not for everyone. The sol ring ban is hilarious because other fast mana you mention isn't restricted or banned in those formats so your argument there is self refuting as well
Staples, by definition, should be cheap and easily accessible to everyone. If a staple isn't cheap enough that literally everyone can use one, it is no longer a "staple", and should probably be banned or otherwise restricted. When there's not enough of a staple to go around, that's a famine situation, and an extremely unhealthy sign.
Banning sol ring without banning the other, more expensive fast mana cards is literally just saying "we hate poor people and want the game to be purely p2w", there's literally no other way to rationalize it.
every precon DOES have damn near all the staple fast mana
no, you literally do not need more than sol ring, arcane signet, and maybe a talisman
restricted in vintage
>mana crypt and mana vault
the life loss cost is a much bigger deal in a 20 life format. there is a real cost.
>chrome mox, mox diamond
much bigger cost for losing a card in hand in a format where you don't have a guaranteed "do thing, draw card" accessible, like all of commander. chrome mox IS banned in modern.
is restricted in vintage.
>mox opal
banned in modern, it being legendary is an actual drawback in 4 of formats.

regardless of all this, the other thing i said still stands. you fags froth at the mouth even at the suggestion of two banlists, so there is a more cutthroat, cedh style format and a more casual, wallet friendly format. any idea that anyone might want to play in an environment where fast mana isn't a thing, you fags come out of the woodwork to go "THIS GAME ISN'T FOR YOU, STOP PLA YING MAGIC."
Lazav doesn't have repeatable looting though.
Only one of those is by definition fast mana and by the community not considered so. You're an idiot.
There should be no banlist anon. If you can't figure out how to counter cards you know will be played you're simply a bad player. The game isn't for you if deckbuilding and coming up with counters doesn't excite you, objectively so.
>There should be no banlist anon.
okay, thank you for proving you are an absolute retard.
A banlist is just a proxy for self control which I and the people I choose to associate with do not need. We have decks with banned cards for fun high power matches and decks that follow the banlist. If you need a governing body to police your casual format you are pathetic
>only plays with a small playgroup that doesn't follow the banlist
>feels compelled to wedge himself in conversations that do no concern him
THAT'S pathetic.
I play at the lgs too where of course I follow the banlist anon but none of this has anything to do with the discussion really. I could never play the game and it would still be valid
>I play at the lgs too where of course I follow the banlist
so then you should be able to recognize the value in a banlist. you're not larping, right?
>but none of this has anything to do with the discussion really
then stop posturing about how superior your playgroup is with amazing self control.
>I could never play the game and it would still be valid
it is not valid. the fact that EVERY format has banlists proves your point invalid. banlists are necessary, the designers make sometimes make mistakes and bannings a knob that can be turned to dial back some of those mistakes.
The Thing was directly inspired by Lovecraft's work, you fucking hipster faggot. I swear you tards don't even know what the average Lovecraft story is even like.
>and The Thing still has sort of a slasher movie atmosphere
Kind of somewhat related, but if we factor in The Things by Peter Watts I'd be kinda inclined to say it's almost cosmic horror even if it somewhat violates the taboo of cosmic horror of the unknowable slightly (however within the framework of the short story there is still the unknowable of the entirety of the Thing & the rules under which rest of the biological galaxy population operates as)
The general popular culture notion of The Thing doesn't really fit with the vibe or feel of what cosmic horror is thought of as, is the real argument. And it doesn't. It's as much cosmic horror as Alien, which, despite being in space, also doesn't really feel like cosmic horror.
Silly notion. Just because one is inherently more streamlined doesn't make it less unknowable inherently and vice versa
We are now entering the age of the squirrels. Are you ready?
What? No? Being forced to use the banlist does not mean I see value in it how dumb are you
No. I can include whatever I want in my posts
>banlists existing means they must exist
Retarded argument holy fuck kill yourself please
Also wow I was not following this conversation that closely I didn't realise the Alien comparison already came up my bad.
>The general popular culture notion of The Thing doesn't really fit with the vibe or feel of what cosmic horror is thought of as
Then "At the Mountains of Madness" isn't really cosmic horror, because if you were to film it it honestly would be different but not too different. And at this point we arrive at the conclusion that it's the funky purple prose that makes Cosmic Horror, not exact themes or elements.
It's all pretty nebulous to say the least but once again, my point was that the semi-fanfic made by a honestly pretty good author helps to reinforce the feelings of how vast the universe is which is IMO a very cosmic horror theme.
the thing is cosmic horror. do you know the thing's true form? CAN you know it? the story is about madness and paranoia, just like lovecraft which is THE cosmic horror guy. by contrast, alien is not cosmic horror, because it is just about a creature loose on the ship. the sides are clearly defined, no one is going insane or questioning reality.
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>no argument, resorts to ad hominem
Some of Lovecraft honestly doesn't fit within what we'd call cosmic horror, no. Shadows Over Innsmouth, probably. Mountains of Madness absolutely does, though, with the city and all. And of course Call of Cthulhu does.
The Thing's overall framing doesn't really represent it as "mankind having to deal with the horrors of a universe far bigger than them". It's... In effect, just a scary monster in the pop culture idea of it. The original story frankly is irrelevant to that. The Thing being this paranoia-inducing monster is the main thing people know of it.
You need to construct arguments in order for people to rebut them anon. You can't just spew shit and go "behold an argument! Address it!!"
Again, you spun it to be inherently in you favour and I don't buy it.
>*cracks fingers*
The Alien is cosmic horror. Do you know who created it? Or has it naturally evolved? CAN you know that? Perchance it's the platonic ideal, a living apogee to the entirety of our biology that is still merely an antediluvian remnant of something far, far greater.
By contrast, The Thing is not cosmic horror, because it is just an extraterrestrial amoeba that was excavated from the ice.
When did you realize Bloomburrow was going to be pure kino?
i've made several, all you do is say "nuh uh, im right," "the words you are saying aren't words," or "it doesn't matter because MY friends don't care" kill yourself, you insufferable worm. i'm done talking to you.
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Alright, /edhg/,

>W Creature / Spell
>U Creature / Spell
>B Creature / Spell
>R Creture / Spell
>G Creature / Spell
>Multicolor Creature / Spell
>Colorless Creature / Spell (Artifacts count)
W: Weathered Wayfarer, Swords to Plowshares
U: Clever Impersonator, Unsummon
B: Reassembling Skeleton, Sign in Blood
R: Magus of the Wheel, Lightning Bolt
G: Gigantosaurus, Regrowth
Multicolor: Baleful Strix, Boros Charm
Colorless: Meteor Golem, Liquimetal Torque
Enchantment: Blood Moon
Land: Kor Haven
fuck white
fuck blue
Archfiend of the Dross
Bearer of the Heavens
Ghalta lol
vanilla shit like Marvel Yargle & Multani
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
War's Toll

Very based, Anon.
New thread
again, one of the major things about the thing is the paranoia and madness that accompanies it. with the introduction of it, you can never know who is a thing, how long they've been a thing, etc. it shakes the very fundamentals of human reality. like i said, alien is just "creature loose on a ship." it's about how the story is told and the themes presented.
>unfiltered freedom
>the ideal end goal of every person
French schizotheorists and psychopaths, perhaps
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Crib Swap
Kami of the Crescent Moon
Gisa, Glorious Resurrector or Contamination
Arcades, The Strategist or Blim, Comedic Genius
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Zur’s Weirding
Rogue’s Passage
based graazbro I didn’t read your post before making mine

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