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Thoughts on the PT so far? Alternatively, thoughts on the recent BLB and DSK spoilers?
The One Ring is defining this PT.
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here is Harold McNeill to celebrate
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1st for Toby
here is gatherer number 1488 for good measure
>Here's that horror set I was talking about
>create a tapped colorless land token

Why does it need to specify colorless? It's a land.
What is this monsters inc bullshit?
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Duskmourn already a failure
Or Bloomburrow rise or we all fall in 2024
Good card against life gain btw
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This will be a good thread
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Reminder don't believe in Mark Bullshit, Chainsaw, TV and this atrocious stuff >>93191504 in game about fantasy
Duskmourn will sell worse than MKM and will nevre happen again
Kinoburrow waiting room
>2012 was 50 years ago
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>Higher toughness
>Gains life
The powercreep is actually insane on this one.
this card wouldve been an uncommon 10 years ago it is a little admittedly 'pushed' that hes at common thuogh
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>this shitty theme park set will not sell
Mono red is back on the menu in all formats, except vintage and legacy, those formats are too far gone
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i like duskmourn, i hope the set succeed because i like the theme and the lore unlike any other set this year.
duskmourn is controversial and comes out only a fucking month after the previous standard set
people wont buy it
>Kinoburrow waiting room

Your knockoff Redwall set is gonna be filled with gay animals and garbage mechanics
Where did you find this picture of me (on the other end of the phone)?
That's unfortunately how it works.
Cowboy themepark sold very well.
Clue themepark didn't.
>old aminatou
do not want
dont care
gonna play 1000 drafts
>OTJ sold well
Proof? Also... For real people swallowed that?
>chainsaws, mecha, cyberpunk NotJapan, magic thunder handheld cannons, cars, sky scrapers, and 1980s horror shit
>early guns that existed in the 15th and 16th century
I would like it if it weren’t for all the 80s clothes and tech.
who is the moth chad? also why rakdos always the best?
She's like teenage at most. Or maybe young adult. Unclear. This might technically be her debut into canon, if she's actually in the set's story at all, and not just in the commander decks because why not. I do wonder if that means Zimone, Winter (the twink guy) and Valgavoth will have two cards, one for the normal set and one for Commander decks.
Don't you know? Every set is the best selling set in the history of magic.
The lore is that "beasties" are decomposing, but wear masks to hide it, and attempting to remove a mask makes it lash out. I hope that makes little Timmy here an exception.
cute little guys
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>Cowboy themepark sold very well.
only because it had like 3 bonus sheets with staples
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People who bought it didnt care for the setting or themes or how ridiculous it looked. It had powerful cards and cashgrab Vault cards like Synthesizer (now currently free falling because affinity didnt end up being broken).

Gruul prowess had a powerful showing in the PT expect to spike
maro is an autistic nuguns libtard, you just found out?
Why not just get proxies with cute animal art instead?
If you Inverse Polarity to steal your opponent's Ring, you don't get protection when it enters right? You didn't cast it, your opponent did.
i want new cards that do new things
cute guy proxies would be cool too though
looking forward to special guests
mono red is currently a very good deck in legacy
I liked every non-human card so far, specially the one in the OP
yes PT watcher chan
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People losing their shit over this card is hilarious. Is it good? Absolutely. It is playable? For sure. It is going to "OMG RUIN STANDARD AND EDH AND MY ENTIRE LIFE FUCK THIS GAME IN PARTICULAR"? People (read: new / bad players) act like life gain is some sacred cow...
You said earlier you don't care if it will have garbage mechanics. You don't care if they're bad cards as long as they have cute animals on them?
>except vintage and legacy
mono red stompy is a 20 year old deck that's still competitive in legacy
in most applications it's a 3/3 haste
against amalia in pioneer it ends the game
I'm in favour of it
The moth is Valgavoth, the demon ruler of Duskmourn.
(Due to how our suppliers buy more of each set because we print more each time. Oh wait - we don't account for how much those suppliers sell to stores and customers? Oops...)
LMFAO this card is great. Feldon’s new big bro in standard. Still kinda hating duskmourn’s whole aesthetic though, it’s no more a “horror set” than Kamigawa
>and that’s a bad thing!!
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I need to see more because there are some nice art that could lead to cool cards like pic related and then trash from the 80' or cute shining animals. Need to know and see what this set can truly deliver and the final power level obviously.
i didnt say that
i will be upset if the set is not mechanically fun/sound
i still mostly want redwall kino though
>and that’s a bad thing!!

Yes, I think garbage mechanics are a bad thing. A controversial opinion among Magic players these days, I know.
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Lifegain bros... i don't feel so good
if we dont get a set card of that dude i will be very dissapointed
just checked
i did say that
disregard, i suck cocks
So you'll be upset, but you'll still give them your money?
>you'll give them your money
not too much, i will play a paper prerelease and maybe a draft, but i will mostly be f2ping my limited on arena
You know what, I respect the honesty.
Exactly my point. Its a 3/3 haste that will often trade for two creatures (which is good, and playable but not HOLY FUCK in any way).
>Ends Amalia
>Ends Angels
>Ends any Heliod shit
>Ends Sheoldred or cat bullshit
>Ends the Helix adventage
I have never been so glad to read "For the rest of thr game" in a card. This dude is my new best friendo.
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Holy fuck Tomasz lookin ZESTY. This is a man who is good with colours.
He will probably be a giant overcosted commander card anyway.
I feel like, given him, Zimone and that Winter guy are all mentioned as being in the story, it'd be weird if they didn't have set cards. But then again, commander decks have had story characters before. See Clavileno, who was in LCI's story but only existed in cards in the precons.
jund 4 casting cost
>there are people who expected modern wizards to do an actual horror set.
what is going on on the PT stream, whats the issue
is he asking if he can chord for drannith in response to cascade trigger?
yes, nigga
Lol, did they shorten etb to just e? Imprecise. The card could enter my hand, my graveyard.....my anus

I've accepted all other language changes, like mana pool and exile, but this one irks me. Seems childodh.
>My anus
The dude he's playing against looks like he hasn't slept or seen the sun in 10 years
Meanwhile all the pictures in Tomasz's front room are all perfectly straight. That is a man who is on first name terms with his barber.
i know you started playing a month ago, but absolutely nowhere in mtg the words "enters the hand" or "enters the graveyard" appear
>3 mana
>no flying
>no trample
Nah, it's unplayable shit
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I like the furry JaceTMS, but I am a biased furry. It is a shame this is an unplayable card in 2024.
Why would you need trample/flying when your objective against those decks is literally the "never gain life on my sight faggot"? He is not a SSS, he is a permanent living roiling.
The grammar feels completely wrong for the language we've come to expect from card templating. They originally changed it to battlefield from the elegant "play" for flavor reasons.....so now we don't need flavor? is this a result of the extended universe shit, perhaps?
They're putting effort into cutting words off cards because they've realised that cards have too many words, but at the same time they won't just STOP PUTTING WORDS ON FUCKING CARDS.
Lmao the tranny Chink put his pronounces as it/its. Wonder if the crew are gonna do everything they can do not put him on camera so the commentators don't have to walk on eggshells for 20 minutes.
that would be a heckin lack of representation
tantamount to federal crime
i told you fuckers it would be eldrazi tron but noooo
If I pay x1 Mountain for "Creatures you control gain haste until end of turn", can you then attack with a modified creature, pay his ability to create a dragon, then subsequently declare that dragon as an attacker in the same turn?
Nadu and Devourer were my picks for best cards in the set and to be quite desu I think I fucking nailed it.
>Faggot anon still believes the final will be not Nadu vs Ruby
No, attackers are declared simultaneously and you can't declare more afterwards even if it hasn't progressed to the next step of combat.
how many rounds of constructed today? 9?
>pay 1x Mountain
you are paying red mana, not a 'mountain', unironically not being mean I did the same thing and associated mana symbols = land types when I first started
anything that produces Red mana can pay that, not just basic mountains
>can you then attack with a modified creature, pay his ability to create a dragon, then subsequently declare that dragon as an attacker in the same turn?
no, for several reasons
you can only declare attackers once per combat, once you have said 'these creatures are attacking' you cant add more creatures, only tokens that make creatures 'tapped and attacking' will do that, because it specifically puts them in attacking already
Even if you got another combat step with some other card, you still couldn't because the dragon won't have haste
the top ability is not a blanket effect that applies to you for the whole turn, it gives every creature on your board at the time of the ability resolving Haste individually, cards granting abilities basically add it to the effected creature's textbox, this one just adds it to every creature on the board at the time
Ok I kind of figured. The haste effect only grants it to creatures already on the field then at the time of activating, right?
at the time of resolving, specifically
abilities and spells use this thing called the stack, they exist in a limbo of trying to apply to the game before they actually do, so that they can be responded to by instants or other abilities, this is the basis of how counterspells are allowed to work
if someone removes a creature on your board before the haste ability resolves, it obviously won't get haste
same though for if they tap it or something else, it'll get haste but will be tapped and can't attack
remember/note abilities exist independently from the creatures, too. they cant kill your goro goro in response and 'counter' the ability, it will still resolve without him
There are only 3 ruby lists in the top 64.
If anything it'll probably be either a Nadu mirror or Nadu vs Mono B in the finals.
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hebe dina.......
Where are you getting the lists?
No, the declare attackers phase would be over by the time the dragon entered.
Ive been running mono-red in legacy since 06.
No way this stays legal for too long. SOMETHING will get hit, probably Springheart Nantuko.
melee.gg search for active tournaments and protour mh3.
They are.
The horrifying thing is the set itself, not the setting.
The real question is, just like Nykthos, what we should do to kill RDW once and forever? Is by far the worst archetype since forever.
If anything Shuko will get hit.
"Ban Shuko!"
...in a deck that runs Chord for Outrider...
>banning something from a newly released set
Wow cool format wizards!
MTG foundation is alchemy bullshit, ALL CARDS in standard should rotate in time, WITHOUT EXCEPCION
>No way this stays legal.- He said
>Remember Scam.- I replied
According to our data, all formats all healthy. We will keep monitoring problematic decks :^)
The difference is that it's much more difficult to get two 3-cost creatures online than a 1 mana artifact.
With Shuko you can naturally play it t1 or 2 or fetch it with saga, if you have to use your chord or pact to search for outrider you wont have it for Nadu.
It will definetly delay the deck and setting the whole thing back even one turn will be enough for slower decks to catch up with their hate pieces or gameplan.
Even if they ban all free equips Nadu will just warp to Nadu Hammer becausr puresteel paladin lmoa
what beyond universe is this?
The issue with banning Shuko is it risks killing the entire deck. While Nantuko is a MH3 card, banning it wouldn't kill sales of Nadu while banning Shuko would kill sales of both Nadu and Nantuko. What else could you really ban from the deck? Wall of fucking Roots?
Grief is mythic, hard moneymaker to leverage since its $20+. Nadu is rare, could be banned more easily.
Someone wished on a Monkey's Paw for WotC to bring back core sets
Exactly my point. Shuko isn't the problem, Nadu is. You can morph the deck into tons of different permutations to achieve the same goal.
The fuck? Nadu and Nantuko are both playable outside of comboing with Shuko.
Bowmasters is a rare too anon, you see anything that points to a future ban of such card? Or you will say Bowmasters is fine?
my thoughts exactly, once the first edition of FDN rotates, people will have a bunch of cards that probably won't be good enough for the power level of 2029 pioneer, and a new format will be overdue
I'll update my pic with DSK and FDN once scryfall is up, include sets until 2029 and maybe reconsider the starting point, 2020 to 2029 is a huge card pool, the format's starting point will likely be in 2021 or 2022
Pioneer 2 aka Intrepid will be great, lads.
Im focusing more on the price on the secondary market than the rarity, it just so happens grief was a $30 mythic. How much is bowmasters? More than $25? Harder for them to ban a cashgrab. Nadu is 18 at most. If this PT somehow ends up nadu vs nadu grand finals, thats the final nail in this.
Pioneer 2 aka Frontier
Is Gruul Prowess dead? Im rooting for it.
Dina doesn’t have glasses, so she can’t be the Velma.
No, right now it's looking like
Etron, mono-b
Prowess, jeskai control/wizards, living end, energy
Everything else
>living end
>Llanowar Elf (NOT Elvish Mystic) in Standard for 5 years
>Non-Blacked Llanowar Elf on Arena
We are so back
Watch it have suspicious 3 color legendaries for some reason because everything cant dtop being cumhander now
So where the FUCK is Ruby Storm? It hasn't been on camera all day.
You only see the decks that are winning.

How the fuck is this guy 5-2 when he's missing all his guide triggers.
This is a commander card.
Ruby storm got washed by the sea of mono-B scams and nadu.
Turns out storm is an easy archetype to hate on. Even even Budde got washed playing it then it clearly wasn't a good deck for this metagame.
Storm, like all the boogeyman decks (affinity, dredge) instantly folds when people get reminded of its existence.
I imagine Ruby Storm has been caught in the crossfire of people being Damping Sphere to hate on Tron. You could slap 4x Sphere in your board for this event and sleep easy at night.
OTJ was Standard Horizons. It powercrept the hell out of Standard and caused an early soft rotation, because WotC couldn't just wait a few months longer to do the regular rotation. Of course it sold well.
>metatextual horror
They must have gone to an expensive school to learn such brilliant artistic techniques! Aren't the Creatives at WotC so smart?
I love modern MtG now!
Feels bad because Dredge, Ruby Storm and Affinity are actually fun to play and can have success... But i guess the Ring archetypes, Necrodominance APOLOGIZE and Bird were too much
Which colours are Eldrazi sitting right now? U, RG, just G?
I will play Gruul Prowess after this, its the only archetype I like from this field.
Pretty gross that Tron can just turn into a prison deck.
But I thought necro was supposed to be shit in Modern???
I cry, Dredge bros was our last chance to have a good deck....
Free him
Seriously Memedern fags are the most cucked playerbase, always dealing with the worst shit
They're gonna ban Shuko. It's gonna be a Hogaak situation all over again.
Affinity is so fun now with Kozilek's I just wish it wasn't the easiest archetype to just "lol, lmao" out of the format
Banning Shuko would be like banning Deceiver Exarch to make Twin weaker.
Sounds about right for modern WotC
It did? It doesn't feel like I see any cards from it that often, besides SSS. But I'm new and only play in arena so I could be wrong
To be desu it was a set with a ton of valuable reprints from that gay border shit.
They have to fast forward it lmfao
>Necropotence of all cards got outshine by a fucking commander bird

Now I understand
The game as we knew it was over long ago.
It's Nadu summer baby
it has been a long fucking day anon, he went through a draft and has played like 11 rounds of magic
youd be forgetting shit too
ok, cool
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>We didn't realise equipment would activate Nadu's triggered ability
Only way they would have thought Nadu was fine
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Its ogre
Kill Nadu WotC
Kill it now
This is not good in any way. Is Uro again.
I think they should print anti-graveyard hate
"Spells or abilities your opponent control cannot make cards in your graveyard leave."
Leave what
The graveyard?
It's more like Hogaak than Uro. Uro drew games out by shitting out value, while Nadu ends the game on the spot.
Frankly embarrassing that they had to ruin a great plane design like Duskmourn with the shitty 80's horror stuff. Every set nowadays has to be "the cowboy set" or the "detective set" or the "slasher film set." It's all reddit marvel slop.
If we don't need to specify "enters", why should we specify "leaves"?
WotC fucking loves warping formats with 3cmc commander bait
They actively have stated they won't be changing 'leaves the battlefield' because things DO 'leave' multiple zones, but nothing 'enters' anywhere but the battlefield.
What "great plane design" was there to ruin? The 80s shit is retarded, but I don't know what was so great about "Innistrad but everything is inside a house"
Give it a couple years and they'll trim that wording down
The set was pitched as 80s horror. I don't think they 'ruined' anything, this was the intent from the get-go.
I'm a fan of the never ending house dungeon. I like planes that are more abstract and weird as opposed to just themed worlds.
>on the spot
I wish it did. Some of the other routes not involving springheart nantuko has you flipping through the deck and you cant shortcut it since theres no guarantee.
It was still just gonna be a themed world no matter what. It was just gonna be an entire plane dedicated to the Haunted House attraction in the theme park. Could've set it on a cursed never ending mansion on any plane and it would be functionally identical.
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>Let's just make Angels t1
For what reason?
I should say it ends it on that turn (generally). The point is that it's more of a combo thing, compared to Uro being a grinding value machine.
Innistrad was cool
New Eldrazi winter they said
New Tron is tier 0 they said
Black Scam gonna dominate the meta again they said
Angels is dead and a shitty anthem wont revive it
Apparently DSK is gonna have a cycle of Leylines too. So that's fun.
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legacy "mull for serra sanctum" leyline tribal T1 soon
Not sure it'll actually make that much of a difference. Doesn't help you against removal/wipes, which is your real problem with angels.
To be fair black scam is doing pretty well

>Laughs in never gaining life again
They design for commander anon, they design cards based on the fact there will be 3 other players to deal with them.
Yeah, giant spooky house plane is already a cool unique enough theme, why did they ruin it with hearthstone costume bullshit?
This is such stupid design space for a card. What's the point of giving people random proactive buffs for free if they happened to win the mulligan lottery? I guarantee the red one is going to be even dumber than facing T1 Kumano.
I fucking hate bowmasters, Ragavan and the one ring.
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Sooooo Grief, Bowmasters and black in general keep being horrible and miserable to play
The new bird as everyone said is utterly busted
There is no hope for Tron leaving
What you think of Modern after MH3 anons?
I would like to remind you good gentlemen that Final Fantasy and Marvel are coming in 2025 to further rotate every format they're legal in.
Should have made it give you an +1 energy counter when you can energy to.
It's not enough
We gotta accelerate
>What you think of Modern after MH3 anons?
I'm gonna stick to living end until the deck is unplayable
How more can they rape Modern at this point? The format is desecrated already
>win a couple drafts this week
>can now challenge to win £300 worth of MH3 packs in arena
nice. let's see how we go.
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Tifa will save modern
Good in standard worthless in modern and legacy.
>turns your Unholy Heat into a Lightning Bolt for 6
I'm not saying its good, but its something.
>The format is desecrated already
this is what people genuinely thought back in 2019 when modern horizons 1 came out, and here we are, almost 5 years later
In Pioneer i can assure you will see play even if as sideboard
There is no rule that says lands are colorless, it's just that most lands printed happen to be colorless (Dryad Arbor is an exception).
>Invent new keyword that's 98% similar to suspend when you could have just used suspend

I hate nu-WotC:
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She'll look as great as the Miku secret lair did :DDD
It's similar to suspend but it's hardly 98%.
This but for disguise and morph
they could've not used suspend for >>93191488, even if you changed the etb to "when you suspend this" you wouldn't get the enchantment in play which is important for delirium purposes considering this is meant to be played with bargain for example
Suspend is Kicker
I'm loving it
>I remember some fags saying this set was "WEAK"
Leylines have always been a horrible, unfun concept that never should have existed, just like Companion and Eminence.
everybody packed hard ruby storm hate in the SB. Nothing against nadu.
Pretty sad indeed is like go ready for Phoenix and not take hate against Vampires... Oh wait....
What do you use to hate on Nadu anyway? Pithing Needle on Shuko?
It's very cute how the Spirited Companion barks in time to the beat in the Waiting for the stream screen on the PlayMtG YouTube screen of the PT.
Edicts can work, if you hit them with it before they're able to get anything else on the field.
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>cards in hand, anon?
>opponent does something, I do nothing
>cards in hand, anon?
>opponent takes 30 seconds to think
>I sit there patiently
>cards in hand, anon?
Tipple's banter with her opponents is always so lovely :3
But it's over almost immediately once Nadu happens
Getting card advantage of 6+ on the turn you play Nadu is unfair in all formats
ok but how many cards you have in hand right now anon
One Ring has to go for format diversity
Ban Nadu.
Simple as.
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will you be a good goyim and buy the ultra super bundle?
Cancel modern and reprint ABU duals
What's in it?
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Sorry, best I can do is a Shuko ban
>Why can't you ban Nadu?
We're monitoring the situation. All the macro archetypes are playable. The fornat has all the tools to deal with it. We're waiting to see how the next set effects the meta. Our data suggests that the win rates aren't egregious. We don't want to disrupt upcoming competitive events.
Unban everything. Let it be no bans modern for at least 2 months then re-ban accordingly.
>Banning a card they released 2 weeks ago
Not gonna happen famalam
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>1 month period between bloomburrow release and duskmourne
2 Collector Boosters
6 Play Boosters
20 Traditional Foil Full-Art Manor Lands
1 out of 3 Borderless promo card
1 out of 3 Movie Poster card
3 double-sided movie posters
1 deck box
1 glow-in-the-dark Spindown life counter
Furries are the most easy to please demographic
If there's a dog, they will buy it
Only $179.99 + tax!
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>a TV
I assume it's to make some room to give Foundations a chance to exist because that's also going into Standard, but that feels... Meh. At least there's a decent gap between Duskmourn and Death Race.
>no technology, that's not what this game about artifacts is about >:(
>IRL 80s tv for packaging btw :)
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Too much product, I just do draft/pre release and buy the box for drafting once it goes down to sub 90€
don't forget that assassin's creed is releasing next month
also foundation is releasing in november
did you know jumpstart 2025 is coming in december?
return to tarkir should probably be out by late january
Foundations will have to have some real great fucking value in it, as it's all reprints.
This reads exactly as Mark in his WotC charades and communications!
I would punch your face so hard...
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>Nadu - ok
>Twin - bad
with what PurPose, modern is too broken to be fixed, a better idea is lets just unban everything
So they are just moving to a monthly release schedule?
Remember last year when they were getting criticized by Bank of America and shit for releasing too much product and oversaturating their release schedule? I guess they took it as a challenge.
wotc will learn their lesson and we'll be back to 2018 magic again.. you'll see...
How they expect people to keep this rythm? I mean obviously you must discard some formats like Memedern but still how a Standard player can keep a rythm of 3 products in 4 months?
Ban >:(
>Faithless Looting
Ban >:(
Ban >:(
Probably 10% of players who buy 90% of product and the rest buy singles from the 10%.
Or things being cheaper/free on arena makes it so they need to release more prosuct to keep up with arena whales demand.
>moving to
that's basically how it has been since 2022 if you've been paying attention
You simply can't. And Pioneer Masters, Innistrad Remaster, Death race set

Get hyped, Buy, Dont ask, repeat.
They don't care about Standard players. Everything is geared towards limited and EDH, who they seem to believe have a much higher tolerance for rapid releases.
It's not all reprints, though? This is new, for example.
LSV is such a fat fuck now.
Hahaha you reslly think they will wsste the chance to squeeze those Arena sheckels? Naive, anon.
his wife's a babe, though, so that's all that really matters.
I didn't realize this was pitched as an 80s horror set. Looking at people defending the TV screens and Monsters Inc. shit because "Urza used technology so TVs and chainsaws are fine in a mainline set" logic is insane. The game has been dead for years but this shit is just so sad.
What does the bracket look like right now? Is the bird actually crushing everyone or are you all just whinging?
I am ripped as fuck and my wife is ugly.
>low maintenance
>kind and devoted
>amazing cook
Take the uglypill. "If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife"
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I frankly don't care. Magic is allowed to try and push the boundaries. I dunno if it'll succeed, but judging it this harshly for daring to literally anything besides various flavours of medieval fantasy seems silly.
How's the sex?
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how could anyone think this card is even remotely okay to print knowing a high stakes event was around the corner
top was banned for less
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>It's a Riley and Mani match
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Its ok because it sells well!
Used to be great: passionate and she always put on a show to compensate for her grim countenance. Nowadays (been married for 12 years) it's still great, but quite seldom.
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I stopped playing and following Magic some time around the release of the 2019 core set. Since then, there's been cyberpunk ninjas piloting mechs, 1930 gangsters driving cars, and wild west cowboys using !guns. Now they're going to release a set full of people using walkie-talkies, headphones, TV screens and chainsaws.

What the fuck happened to Magic? I thought it was supposed to be fantasy, why the hell have they been throwing in all of this future/modern tech? Are they finally out of ideas?
>111.3. [...] A token doesn't have any characteristics not defined by the spell or ability that created it.
>109.3. An object's characteristics are name, mana cost, color, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, loyalty, defense, hand modifier, and life modifier. [...]
>105.1. There are five colors in the Magic game: white, blue, black, red, and green.
105.4. [...] "Multicolored" is not a color. Neither is "colorless."
Colorless isn't a characteristic so text asserting a token is colorless is essentially reminder text. They're only colorless by dint of not having a color.
Real MtG is digital now.
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Its hard being creative i guess. Just turn a theme into a plane and fill it up with characters from past sets. Cant wait for the starship troopers plane
Infinite multiverse not having tech makes less sense than it having tech, I guess. Also trying to play in different genre spaces because there's only so many spaces Magic can do.
No technology anon Mark says so >>93191533
Yeah, it's mostly done just to make sure newer players know it's colorless for whatever reason it might need to be known. They already have to struggle to teach people lands are colorless as-is.
Magic is High Fantasy, not Medieval Fantasy. The haunted house, plane-collapsed-by-a-demon stuff is High Fantasty. The 1980s dressing isn't.
When your parent's company ONLY source of real money is Magic the Gathering, you have to churn out shit 10x faster than usual, with less thought, effort and passion.
>Are they finally out of ideas?

Yeah, basically. The only half decent new plane they've done was Eldraine, which was basically "what if we stapled together Grimms' Fairy Tales and King Arthur".
Magic is magical. That's the only real requirement they've stuck to. Sci-fi and modern magitech is still magical, even if there's relatively 'mundane' variants alongside.
The people driving the game want theme parks and don't want to work too hard at designing what are effectively disposable settings. Just give it a top-down theme and be done with it. The churn of set-to-set is so quick that they can't spend their time developing anything that seriously or giving it a serious identity beyond the ____ set.
not that anon, but what i am kind of miffed by is how long magic stuck to strict style guides and making sure magic WAS fantasy, to the point where things like guns were not allowed and still aren't (no, that shit from thunder junction does not count), BUT we can now get CRT screens. no guns, though.
pithing needle shuko, disrupter flute shuko, brain stone nadu, dismember,
I personally am not that attached to Magic having to be fantasy as much I want it to be magic-oriented. I am still very much on the side of "not having guns is just fucking stupid at this point" though. It feels weirder to not have them, even in some more fantastical variant.
>still have dredge, elves, U Tron from pre MH2 days
>They all suck
>Watch PT
>Field is uninteresting as fuck
It just makes me want to play my pet decks even more, I hate this meta.
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Bird will be with us until hes banned
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>Just hard shuts down the only thing White is allowed to do
Extremely unbased and poor card design.
Yes anon that's the point.
It should be banned after this PT so he can leave us and the format free.
>Destroying Amalia
Only for that is already the best card of the last sets
you're in white, just swords it
>"This [MH3] is the Magic player's set!"
Fucking lmao
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>Just draw the out
This isn't Yugioh
Hard color hate is based and classic Magic pilled thoughbeit
>The only thing
>Turn 1 initiate
>Turn 2 Thalia
>Turn 3 Adeline
Game ends, nice bro!
>This isn't Yugioh
Yes it is. has been for a while now.
Yugi is sometimes more fair LUL
Stigma Lasher designed this card
Extended formats have been "draw the out" for a decade, bitch. Hope you have an instant speed answer to respond to Twin being cast.
Who cares about the anti-lifegain? This is just an insane 2-for-1 against any deck playing creatures without b/w removal. Once again you are not permitted to play midrange without splashing black.
>Magic is allowed to try and push the boundaries
Sure. But it should do so by pushing the boundaries AT THE ACTUAL BOUNDARIES, rather than leaping across them by a century or more at a time. Work your way there so that you can get a feel for what does and doesn’t fly, and then you can walk those things back easily while continuing along the lines that did work.
shut up maro
Who’s Steve Lasher?
>Incrementalism is good actually, I want to be a boiling frog
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How hard will I be laughed at and judged for bringing an entirely set constructed deck to my LGS?
if it's a modern horizons set you'll probably be fine
At least hogaak was fun to play and required some finesse
Nadu is a miserable time all around and makes the game worse the instant he touches the board
I can't believe anyone doubted how strong this thing was going to be, the other MH3 decks are way stronger than the MH2 meta and Nadu stull stands hesds and shoulders above everything
Fantasy is no longer about exploring concepts. It's about painting a newer, slightly-different veneer of thin, gay paint over the same shit you've seen a million times. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a smug, ethnically-ambiguous fat woman in a variety of unrelated, increasingly garish and uninspired costumes. Forever.
It's Outlaws of Thunder Junction
>*holds up spork*
>Deep Analysis u ftw
>Reddit Mani and Reddit Riley go wild in the booth
So glad I watched the entire Draft coverage! Epic!
>for the rest of the game
Shit, didn't notice that first time around. No wonder people are seething over this
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>"The climate changed and the world suffered"
Faggot leftist woke shit. Fuck JotC
>Canada set symbol
Screaming Nemesis is just way, way too slow
It's 3 mana and needs something else to activate it's effect
There is no way that thing stops Amalia at all, Amalia can hit the combo on turn 3 consistently, a hate piece that needs combo pieces isn't good against that sort of clock
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He won.
Barring concrete proof that we live in the best of all possible worlds, we ought to seek to better the world. The best way to do that is cautiously, which means testing the waters in all directions and seeing which options offer true improvement. Overreaching stands to make it more difficult to return to an understood equilibrium, and so is to be avoided. But stagnation despite the existence of preferable alternatives is no better.
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>Climate change cards
Burn baby burn
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Remember when you had to put effort into ruining lifegain decks?
>5 mana for this
Wow. That's awful.
anon, it's a common. it won't see any play in constructed. but you WILL be happy to play it in limited.
I'm more upset that Standard will essentially take even longer to rotate.

Now there's going to foundation sets which will last 5+ years, and who's to say they won't just keep printing more foundation sets every year.

I really missed when standard would have only 6 sets on average. But now it's 5 sets a year, rotation allows more years, and some sets will be for even longer.

I guess I should just view standard as Pioneer lite
There are some cards I can understand always keeping in Standard like Duress or Shock, but Llanowar Elves ain't one of them. That card defines the meta around itself too much.
Can you post decklist? If it's standard it will be fine I guess. Just don't expect to win much.
>Tipple getting numerous feature matches despite it being only their second PT
Really gets the noggin joggin
I don't care. Even for a common, it's awful, and basing powerlevels off of rarity exists purely to feed retarded paypig shit and justify every mythic having a light novel attached to it, especially now that draft is dead.
The girl boss can count up to infinite, she deserves be there, she has the power of bad writing on her side.
There will be a way to make spells costs less, making it very good, is what I think this set will have, else it should be 3 mana.
>I guess I should just view standard as Pioneer lite
you should view standard as extended now
>muh jews
We were yugioh before the first gook dreamed yugioh into existence and we've only gotten more yugioh over time
We've even got anime bitches now to satisfy the AGP audience
It's only a matter of time until Bird gets rotated. We were in this exact same position with Monkey.
yfw when top 8 is 100% Nadu?
Yeah but monkey never got roasted
>already deleted
Jannies keeping an eagle eye out for wrongthink after last night, I see.

>Yeah but monkey never got roasted
Sopa de macaco?
>Bro just deal with it for 4 years
So if Standard is now Extended, then that makes Alchemy the new Standard? I'd unironically just play that but I hate that Lord of the Rings is legal in Alchemy.
>Nadi gets rotated
BY WHAT? Imagine the power level needed to do that, you'd need turn 2 win card that's extremely consistent.
>Carlson making a Wizards mandated reminder that 10 years ago Jund was 31% of the Modern leg of the PT therefore the Bird is nothing to worry about
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Top 16 going into day 2
Bant/4c Nadu - 8
RW(B) Energy -2
Necrodominance Scam - 2
UWR Control/Midrange - 2
RG Prowess - 1
E Tron - 1
The only way a combo deck rotates is if a faster or more resilient combo deck makes itself known
Add all the removal you want to the format, Nadu can still win and will still be around
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URWizardbros.... what went wrong?
They've already stated the idea behind Foundations is it'll be reprinted every year without changing until 2029.
getting hogaak flashbacks right now
Nadu Summer
I would give alchemy a chance if it didn't cost like 90 mythic rare cards to make a deck that will rotate by the time the next alchemy set comes out
The highest placing ruby storm list so far is 5-3, 57th place
LSV is playing a slightly different list also 5-3 currently 66th
Ruby Storm's biggest problem is that they literally can't beat this iteration of Tron. Trinisphere on one just fucks their shit up.
Unlike Nadu, which is a combo that doesn't rely on doscounts
Standard should never go beyond a powerlevel where Swordpoint Diplomacy is playable.
Remember when mmg were saying energy and ruby storm were better than nadu?
Those guys were still on the fake Thoracle lists pro players threw out there to put people off their track rather than the real shit (Bristley Bill, Endurance loops, Finale of Devastation)
>Necrodominance Scam - 2

Wtf, I thought Necrodominance was supposed to be a bad card in Modern
>another time mmg was wrong
Swordpoint Diplomacy was just barely playable even when it was in Standard
It was down to just one guy a couple threads ago and everyone was calling him a retard
I haven't been playing, what are people doing with Nadu that's breaking the scene open?
So what does that mean for Arena? Is it draftable?
The nadu players could still wash out of day 2
But it feels like the genie has escaped the lamp
>Bird is here to stay
MaRo? Shouldnt you be making more sets?
Storm bros... Not like this... The deck was fun and i thought was also stronk... A single bird is fucking us over...
New thread
>Play something that can target your creatures for free (e.g. equipping Shuko)
>Play Nadu
>Repeatedly target your creatures for Nadu triggers
>Draw your deck and put all your lands into play
Powerful, white, cards, lol
They've said it's a full set, so it is draftable, yes. It's gonna be on Arena the same as any other Standard set I assume.
Boros energy is one of the strongest archetypes among the decks trailing behind Nadu.
They said half reprints and half new cards.
why is wizards drawing degenerate filth
Nadu is clearly going to be banned, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Phlage and The One Ring hit as well.
Kaladesh was the catalyst. It is still fantasy with India being a superpower and all but the mechs and cars are borderline sci-fi
I love the theming of OTJ. Hate all you want. Western themes are always fun. Duskmourn looks great. Actually looking forward to it more than Bloomburrow. But damn they both come out within a 2 month period. Too many sets.
I did this with my mounts deck. The third time I brought it it had been tweaked well and i went 3-0. Make them pay respect to the Junction

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