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>Unattractive muscular bodytype
>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude
>Probably taller than you

Realistically speaking, female fighters would be very unpopular among men.
Realistically speaking there wouldn't be female fighters among humans because the downsides of being a woman in a physically demanding and combat heavy environment would lead to the insignificant amount who try it out to stop early or die.
The ones who do make it would be the absolute dyke bitches who push themselves so hard as to lack femininity and whose periods have even stopped, and would fit your initial statements, but that would be so rare as to be mythical
all of those are positives, coward
Well for starters degen is not a human. Maybe not racially optimized for combat like a vouivre of a kuranta, but most races in arknights have racial traits that make them perform way above the average human. As far as attitude goes, that's justified in her backstory instead of her just being a cunt that needs no man. And I wouldn't exactly call this unattractive anyway.
all of those are positives though?
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from a traditional games standpoint, what is the best way to homebrew something with a setting just about women in fancy suits and ties doing cool things
Depending on the tech and power level you want, you can just use any superhero system or cyberpunk.
>Realistically speaking
0 IQ post
It's funny that you call me an idiot because you read what I wrote wrong.
Would tieflings be really discriminated if they were this hot?
Shadowrun 4E exists already.
By some, yes. You have ethnicities being fetishized or discriminated all around the world already.
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>taller than you
Stop! My penis can only get so erect.
Are you gay or what?
Btw, i can easly imagine cyberpunk ex-tanker bitch with visible (and not ugly) muscle weave. And removed womb, cause why not.
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you utter fool
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I could imagine a trad like movement in a cyberpunk/sci-fi setting where dudes say they only go for women who have little to no augmentations.
That could happen, in Neuromancer it was said that the ugly bartender with just a cheap shitty prosthetic arm was keeping that image because, in a world where everyone can be beautiful, being purposefully ugly is itself a statement. So there's a niche for everything.
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Doesn't CP have a group like that? Besides, it's a logical evolution. Cybernetics are expensive to get and maintain, so elites get them. Middle class follows, creating a market for consumer grade cybernetics. Cybernetics become invaluable for workers, allowing them to increase productivity. Being cybered up becomes mundane and even necessary for work. In time rich and powerful people stop getting cybernetics because they don't need them to be rich and powerful.

Like how having a tan was the mark of a workers, as most people worked outside tending to the fields. Rich people could stay inside, protected from the Sun. When workers moved inside factories and offices, rich people went outside to get tan, because they could afford to just lay in the Sun all day.
>Unattractive muscular bodytype
>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude
>Probably taller than you
>Realistically speaking, female fighters would be very unpopular among men.

You do realize that you basically described a farm wife? Different cultures and sectors of society have different standards of what makes for top quality wife material.
>Unattractive muscular bodytype
>Shows an attractive bodytype that isn't really muscular
File deleted.
>Fit and healthy warrior body
>Straightforward attitude, no bullshit or double speak
>As tall as a the average man (manlets begone)
Objectively speaking, you're fucking gay for considering this unattractive.
OP confirmed manlet as well as faggot?
You have a very weird idea of what constitutes "attractive".
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How hairy is she under those clothes? She has a furry tail, so is it like full on goat legs under there or just built in fluffy underwear?
Most characters in arknights are just humans with animal bits attached, just a few go full furry.
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What is this, a stealth arkknights thread? I dont play trash for retards but the gay porn is pretty good
that is because they think with their loins and not their head
I would see her for the excellent set of genes she has and marry her so that my offspring will be masculine chads instead of 5'12 manlets
>Unattractive muscular bodytype
If that's what you say she has.
>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude
If that's how you say she acts.
>Probably taller than you
If you write her height on the character sheet.
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>>Unattractive muscular bodytype
For you
>>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude
Tomboys are based
>>Probably taller than you
That's the best part, you fag.
A woman so based that the update that made her class playable basically broke the game. I wish for honor was in the hands of anyone but ubisoft, talk about wasted potential.
What would be a good system to have tactical nuance in every round of combat, like in For Honor duels? The only one that comes to mind is GURPS with the amount of options and things to consider, but I'm open to suggestions.
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We get it anon, you have trash taste in women.
Now quit slandering my fucking wife.
>or do they literally just draw the same generic anime bitch four hundred times and call it a day?
Careful, anon. you're throwing rocks and your house is definitely made of glass.
Realistically speaking, you are right. That's why they, as unpopular women, get paired with unpopular guys, like the wizard nerds. And every game should have at least one scene where the female fighter gets to opportunity to say something like "how dare you? only I am allowed to bully the nerd" to the villainess. Beating the wizard afterwards for cheating is optional.
>Probably taller than you
Manlet hands typed this post
Could maybe do something like a kind of two-phase rock paper scissors with adjustments and a resource pool, though I have no examples of such. That being, first phase both characters secretly declare a technique and pay the stamina cost to make it, both reveal, then second phase they either commit or change their technique and pay the difference in stamina. E.g. both X and Y start a heavy attack but Y flinches in the reveal phase and changes to a dodge, Y dodges the damage but loses an extra chunk of stamina for it. But that's more of a boardgamey system that tries to emulate the dueling of For Honor or Mordhau than try to be a good RPG system. Dunno.

>talller than 6 feet tall
have a sage and go back
Yeah, looks more like a card game if you do it that way. You could have a system with 1 second rounds where moves like the heavy attack take two rounds, so you see how the enemy reacts to your heavy attack initiation and you can feint or change attack direction if he dodges, but you are exposed if he decides to grapple instead. It would still benefit from having cards to show you the possible combos and action like GURPS does, but it would be more about planning and reaction rather than a gotcha due to having a better deck. The nice thing about duels in for honor is the amount of options any combination of moves opens up.
No duh, they would be popular among weirdly submissive terminally online men however.
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Do these threads usually show up early Sunday? OP strikes out at the bar AGAIN and post their frustration here.
>showing off her armpit
Would defy her in duel for the right to marry her.
She would be happy so she would let me choose the weapon and the arena.
We're gonna have a duel of lemon pie making in the kitchen, the tastiest one win.
I'll make her mine
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>appeal to popularity fallacy
Go be gay somewhere else.
I'm 6'0, when a girl is taller than me I love it. Climb those peaks.
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Do it for her
Imagine giving her a bouquet of flowers, holding her hand and see her blush in embarrassment.
Tomboys are for sweet romantic love, especially if they're awkward with it
God pulled the ultimate prank on me, gave me a tall girl fetish, and then made me 6'4"
There's always worse pal, I'm even taller. And into femdom.
Not like it would change anything.
Realistically speaking, fantasy is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable, so the people who make works of fantasy will include things they think are cool, sexy, or otherwise have a positive opinion of.
Have you tried making realistic games, since you're so concerned with what's realistic?
What's with people pretending that men wouldn't fuck literally anything as long as it looked cute enough and had a moist hole. And even those two are optional.
>Unattractive muscular bodytype
Depends, there's definitely ugly af female bodybuilders, but there's also plenty hot ones
>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude
Fuck, I wish, I hate women's bullshit so much its unreal. Femininity is cancer.
>Probably taller than you
Don't really care.
>Realistically speaking, female fighters would be very unpopular among men.
That's probably true, as most men would probably want a smaller, weaker and "feminine" woman. Smaller and weaker are subjective, but liking "femininity" just means you have shit taste. A woman should be either submissive, quiet and loyal, or competent and honest. Most modern women are neither, and all men are brainwashed into thinking that's somehow attractive/acceptable.
The kind of women who become fighters probably are going to come from backgrounds that are physically demanding and likely know how to fight at least somewhat.
Not only that but most women who don't work on a farm or other hands on work are going to be on the fat side of things (which was in the vogue for the rich in the past) which OP the gaylord is probably find unattractive.
Realismfags are too stupid to play or make tabletop games.
>Realismfags are too stupid to play or make tabletop games
It is more like no one wants to play with them unless they are lucky enough to find a group whose flavor of autism perfectly aligns with theirs
But what game would they play?
Fellow armpit fetishist?
If I found a lady taller than me (188cm) I would nut on the spot
probably some mudcore indie game with a shit-ton of house rules to correct everything that offends them
>Unfeminine, straightforward attitude

I know this is fucking 4chan but when the hell have you ever heard a man say "My girlfriend is so indirect and I can never know what she wants. I love her for it." I think I speak for the overwhelming majority of men when I say we'd genuinely prefer a straightforward woman.
Lol manlet
If women being taller wasn't considered attractive, high heels wouldn't be a thing.
>A woman that actually tells you what she wants
The dream
I actually had that until recently.
Turns out, she doesn't like 3D boys and dumped my ass for her 2D fantasies.
I don't blame her, though. Best girlfriend I ever had, because she never fucking lied to me.

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