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Previous thread: >>93166217

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which are your favorite TL9+ weapons?
18.5mm CAWs. Load them up with APHEX rounds and you've got yourself a Legally Distinct Boltgun.
Dungeon Fantasy should have a sci-fi alternative

GURB's revised Ultra-Tech Gauss Rifle
As in a scifi Powered by GURPS box set, like DFRPG? Or a DF alternate that is scifi dungeon delving?
Template Toolkit 3: Starship Crew
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Wtf is their problem?
You don't understand, he just HAD to eat that baby, he just HAD to devour its soul so he can feel a bit younger and do it all over again next year, he just HAD to, okay???
Can dogs kick?
Why wouldn't they be able to?
They do get −1 to kicking damage due to the Horizontal disadvantage, though.
They came first
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>looked at converting the Tales of the Solar Patrol ships into Spaceship stats

Kinda odd they didn't do it themselves in the appendix.
Ultra-Tech says that APEP rounds that grant an armor divisor of (3) is not available for gauss weapons since they already use similar ammunition. Fair enough, they usually have AD(3) by default anyway. However, is that still the case for the few gauss weapons that lack an innate divisor, like shotguns? Can I allow APEP gauss shotgun rounds?

I'm not so much looking for permission as I am a reality check from someone who knows more about (sci-fi) gun tech than I do. I understand that as the GM I can theoretically do whatever, but I'd like to avoid making dumb mistakes within the fiction of the setting if possible.
Has anyone picked up the PDF version of GURPS Meta-Tech? Dropped today, looks interesting.
Already added to archive if you want to check it out.
Oh nice.

Okay, this is actually pretty solid. I haven't gone over it all with a fine-toothed comb looking for problems, but nothing is jumping out at me. Rice or his editor reined in his worst impulses--there are only five pages of examples, I was really worried it'd be over 30% of the pagecount--and there don't seem to be any weird unstated assumptions (Fusion Alchemy) or half-finished mechanics (Realm Management) making the book harder to use. I admit I rolled my eyes when I saw all the origins listed, but I was surprised that they were actually fairly thought-out and had both direct mechanical effects as well as suggestions on how to keep metatech within that origin's theming. This is great, that's what GURPS crunch should have.

I think my only complaint is that it continues to promote using ST-based enhancement on Innate Attack rather than acknowledging the Natural Weapons article, but at this point I think SJGames is the one behind that since I never see anyone use it despite it being so much easier to use than futzing with Innate Attack. Rice did, if nothing else, carry some concepts form Natural Weapons into the book via new types of the Melee Attack mod, and that's appreciated.

All in all, I think I've got to give this an A, since I don't really see any room for massive improvement. I'm as surprised as anyone about that, I was bracing myself for another disappointment and another 8-12 months of the general not shutting the fuck up about how much they hated Rice. He still has a ways to go before I'll get optimistic when I learn his name will be on a project, but yeah, this way exceeded my expectations.
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I was expecting more of a list of templates for gadgets but it really was just a more extensive Metatronic Generators. It was ok
I know nothing about metatech nor metatronic generators.
What's the metatech book about?
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Building equipment with points and converting them in cash
It's an expansion of the Pyramid article "Metatronic Generators." Basically you build an ability using points like normal, decide on the device's size (and, new to this book, origin), run it through some simple math, and bam you've got a piece of equipment that can do the thing you described and has a listed weight and cash cost. It's useful for mad scientist/artificer/gadgeteer PCs since the inventing rules use your inventions price at multiple stages, and it's useful for GMs that want a little more rigor when adding new tech to a setting, something more crunchy than pure GM fiat.
Sounds pretty cool, actually. I'll check it out, thanks anons.
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>misspelled "revengeance"
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lmao the seethe
Taking over Mook's discord really got into his head.
Why are you in his discord server?
I wanted to see if he posted any outtakes. Apparently, they will be paywalled
Why are GURPscucks such massive paypigs ?
>can't have a proper wikia; have to pay for official reference sheets instead
> can't have gurps.tools like 5e.tools or pf2.tools, have to pay for their decrepit old character designer app instead
> D&dogshit gets unearthed arcana for free, GURPscucks have to pay for pyramid magazine
I have literally never paid for a GURPS product and I won't consider it until they put their books back into print.
Did a cursory readthrough. Didn't really get too in depth yet. Its Metatronic Generators, but more. I liked metatronic generators, but never used it exactly as written. I think I like Meta-Tech, but I don't think I'll ever use it as written. I do like origins, and the new tables. Like me a good table. I'm probably going to rip out what I like, and incorporate it into my existing cybernetics system.

Looking forward to see what Ryujin, or Mailanka can do with it.
more like metatroonic generators lol
D&Dogshit has sales big enough to make the company tolerate the losses from things like 5etools (which is also hosted in a difficult place, iirc). GURPS doesn't sell near as well, so they nickel and dime the customer. But also, to be fair, (most) GURPS content is of a much higher quality than D&Dogshit material on a much lower budget.
But maybe I'm completely wrong, who tf knows.
I own everything
I am happy
Are the templates from SEALs in Vietnam a good base for modern spec ops characters?
I've heard it's very old and poorly built template.
TQ: payload rifle because it can take a lot of weird ammo types
I don’t know if I would call it “poorly built” as much as I’d call it “bloated.” It draws a generous, very hoo-ra picture of our enlisted; I’d say the stats are appropriate for if you’re running a very cinematic game where being a SEAL is just a convenient explanation for why they can do action movie shtick… but at that point just use Action.
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stat this abomination
>have to pay for their decrepit old character designer app instead
But you don't though?
In pathfinder 1E, due to the Eilodon Mechanics, it would have infinite speed due the fact that each pair of legs add +5 ft of speed
The legs doesn't look very functional, at least not the ones past the fourth or so pair.
So Extra Legs (8legs) and the rest is a feature.
Gauss, or coil, weapons need the slug to me magnetic, unlike railguns which can get by with the bullet being encased in a conductive armature.
Now, can a gauss slug only have a magnetic shell/core and work? Probably not, irl ones afaik need to be fully magnetic, but maybe that's because current ones are incredibly weak and need all the help they need, or maybe even with better tech they'd still be underpowered if partially magnetic.

I guess it's your call if gauss weapons can use specialty ammo, then
How do you guys handle statting skills for your new characters? Do you have a quick cheat sheet made up for them? I always find it the worst chore part of character creation.
Template Toolkit 1 pp. 11–13
Pick an already existing template and go from that, also GSC made that process far easier to do so there is that.
What's the chore for you? Choosing the skills, assigning the points or looking up for the difficulty, the stat and calculating the final skill number?
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I'm reading through the template toolkit right now, thanks for pointing me in that direction.
>What's the chore for you?
Mainly its the keeping track of skill difficulty costs followed by going through the skill list looking for what skills would fit the character.
I want an advantage that works like Extra Life with the copy special limitation tied to a sarcophagus device that creates copies whenever the original dies. How would I price that as the DM, and if it matters all the players will have it.
Is there a good free 3rd edition character builder?
ST: 21 HP: 25
DX: 8
IQ: 7
HT: 9
Will 12; Per 10; Speed 4; Dodge 7; Move 4
Wild Animal; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 8); Hooves; Blindness; Deafness; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck, No Eyes); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Unfit; Chronic Pain (Severe, 4 hour interval, 9 or less); Social Stigma (Monster); Terror (-4 fright check); Vibration Sense; One Arm (Extra Flexible, Long +1)
If they regenerate a limited number of times, then go with Extra Life with gadget limitations.
If they can do it an infinite numbers of times, then go with Unkillable 3 with the same Copy limitation from Extra Life, some gadget limitations, and Regeneration with Unkillable Only [-40%] so it doesn't take forever to come back. You could also offer a -10% limitation "Set Respawn Point" on Unkillable 3 since while you can't be easily trapped like Unkillable 2, it's still a possibility.
I thought about unkillable, but I really don't like the whole 'no HT roll to die thing' that comes with it.
There's a homebrew limitation for Unkillable called "Mortal" that's -20%. It means you still make the HT rolls to avoid dying.
I'll just do that then. Thanks for all the help.
No problem.
... Don't look for skills that fit the character. Look for the skills relevant for the next 2 adventures and that's it.
If you need consistency, ask chatGPT to create a 100 point character for GURPS 4th edition.
It does good on theme, but it fails hilariously at adding. Sometimes it gest creative with Skill and advantages names...
ChatGPT, but double check the numbers.
And also there is other LLMs.

So, rate my Gemini 1.5 Pro boy:
"Create a 100 points character for GURPS system. It's a modern horror campaign, and character is a Men in Black (as urban legend, not movie) cosplayer, now trapped in spatial anomaly where unknown creatures lurk, along with other trapped souls."
Agent K (100 Points)

Concept: Cosplayer turned reluctant hero, trapped in a Lovecraftian nightmare.

Point Total: 100
Attributes (20 Points)
Strength (ST): 10
Dexterity (DX): 12
Intelligence (IQ): 10
Health (HT): 11

Advantages (45 Points)

Appearance (Attractive): 12 points (Nuisance Effect: Mistaken Identity - People think he's a real agent, -5 points)
Combat Reflexes: 15 points
High Pain Threshold: 10 points
Luck: 8 points

Disadvantages (35 Points)

Amnesia (Partial): Can't remember how he got here, -10 points
Code of Honor (Men in Black): Protect the innocent, maintain secrecy, -15 points
Delusion (Self-Importance, Mild): Thinks he's more capable than he is, -10 points
Secret (MIB Cosplayer): Doesn't want anyone to know he's not a real agent, -5 points

Skills (45 Points)

Acting: (IQ/A): 10
Brawling: (DX/E): 14
Fast-Talk: (Social/A): 11
Guns (Pistol): (DX/E): 14
Intimidation: (Voice/A): 11
Observation: (Per/A): 11
Stealth: (DX/A): 12
Urban Survival: (Per/A): 11

Gear (10 Points)

MIB Suit (Good Quality): +1 to Appearance, +1 to Intimidation, concealable holster
Glock 19 (Loaded): 9mm pistol with 2 spare magazines
Sunglasses (Mirrored): Provides eye protection, +1 to Intimidation
Smartphone: Useless in the anomaly, but he keeps it anyway
Wallet with ID, $50: Proof he's "Agent K"
Yep, that certainly looks like the product of a machine that knows what a GURPS statblock looks like with zero understanding of how character creation actually works. 0/10, banned from the table, told to commit suicide.
Gotta admit, it's impressive how it would totally pass for a real gurps sheet to someone not familiar with the system, and equally uncanny how it made up the (dis)advantages that are very coherent
Sorry can I have more of a clue as to how the archive? I assume the instructions are in a pdf posted here given the clue in the OP but I’m too smoothbrained
Jesus fuck never mind I got there
>Air power has gone from being an important supporting role for the army to being THE primary defining factory for whether a war gets bogged down into trench warfare or finishes quickly
>95% of GURPS games undervalue it and try to find ways to diminish its importance
>skill difficulty costs
Use gcs, it will make your life must easier
It's a slippery slope. First you use GCS to automate character generation and then you use Tyrone to automate wife impregnation.
Use the scroll wheel you fucking amoeba
every time lol
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All TL9+ guns include an aiming/ranging laser by default,. is there any technical reason military ones wouldn't also be able to designate targets? UT doesn't say much about it.

Looked quick and rifle mounted target/designation units already exist, TL9 when?
Ultra Tech, lacking any real references for obvious reasons, had to make some assumptions to stat the equipments.
Maybe they didn't include laser designators on aiming aids because of said assumptions, or more likely because they didn't think about it.
If you feel your military could use laser designators on every gun, go ahead.
So by GURPS standards are we still in TL8 and approaching 9, or should we already be in TL9 with the advancements made in microtechnology?
Or is TL9 "microtech" more sci-fi with nanobots and the like?
We're in advanced TL8
Even SJGames mocked their own foretelling, a game published in the 90s never had a chance to foretell that we wouldn't get flying cars before a glorified chatbot could produce coherent characters for its own rulesystem.
Just pick & match the different areas of technology (Biology, microtech, transportation, guns) and assign the TL you feel it has (TL 7, 8, 9) and that's it.
It has similar problems (Attributes add to 30 points; DX costs 20 per increment), but that's a concept that with minimal fiddling would work.
For every character I usually ask for an A/N/N statement, instead of the quirks; something they ALWAYS do, something that they'd NEVER do and something they're doing NOW (based on a modified Lady Blackbird campaing called Always/Never/Now)
What are TL4 games like in play? Do characters still use melee weapons or is it all about guns at that point?
For adventuring scenarios, yeah melee is still an important element. Engagements are typically very close range, so after your initial volley you’ll usually move into hand-to-hand rather than try and reload. That being said, you will still see some niche builds that have, like, a dozen tiny pistols in their frock coat or sharpshooters that use a rifle and has multiple levels of Quick Reload.
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Even TL5 has plenty of melee, as guns still take quite some time to load. In a TL4 pirate game, a character might begin a fight by firing one or more pistols and then drawing their cutlass.
>TL9 Robot tank in Reign of Steel 3E has DR 1200 with 2400 on the front and sides(vs approx DR 1700 for M1A1 Abrams frontal armour)
>4E conversion book just gives it 800 all over

Whats the deal here? 2400/1200 is pretty reasonable for a TL9 tank but 800 is pretty bad for something weighing 62 tons.
The 30-ton TL9 tank on Ultra-Tech p. 226 has DR 500.
The 4E version weighs as much as a Leopard 2 but has less than half the protection. Is there some issue with converting DR from 3E?
The damage of the tank's main gun ("particle beam cannon") was reduced from 6d×100 (average 2100) to 10d×10 (average 350), so there's no need to have DR 2400.
2400 is honestly possible for a TL8 tank. Some informed estimates on the forums put the latest variants of the M1A2 at ~2500 DR for the upper front armor.
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That's the same max damage as the TL11 particle cannon from Ultra Tech, 6dx100 is crazy, the only weapon in 4E that hits that hard is the 150 ton 160mm railgun from that Pyramid issue or space battleship weapons.
No wonder they didn't give us Ultra Tech MBT's, they'd have 5000 DR on the front or something absurd.
I'm running a 3rd ed play-by-post with some friends. Should I just make the character sheets manually as PDFs? I tried using GCA and it sucks, and GCS is 4th ed only as far as I know

>inb4 why 3e
because it's comfy, I own it all, it's what I'm used to playing, and I don't want to convert all my stuff up to 4th ed. also passive defense rocks
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>Should I just make the character sheets manually as PDFs?
If GGA sucks, then yeah, probably.
I'm relatively new to GURPS and have only played 4e. Tell me more about Passive Defense.
armour in 3e gives both DR and PD. PD represents the armour deflecting blows, like a sword sliding off of a breastplate. You add PD to your active defenses, and can roll against PD even in situations when you can't roll active defenses.
That's neat. What're some ways for attackers to overcome PD?
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Have you guys ever used the Space Atlas implied setting? And did they ever expand on it?
I sort of want a gurps fifth edition. I doubt they would ever make it though. GURPS is probably only alive because SJ has some emotional attachment to it.

Clearly GURPS is a project of passion. The supplements are usually very well researched and very high quality. I think it could do with a refresh though. I would love to see a new writeup for Ultra tech for example.

Another thing i would love to see is new versions of the setting books, like gurps Japan, gurps greece etc.

Or does the talent even exist anymore? I dont think that chris rice is such a a good writer. Are any of the OG niggas even active in gurps, or have any new proper autist writers appeared?
"Getting good rolls"
I love the system; but I think they're intentionally gaging themselves in the niche market.
The illustrations they have at the books are ugly, the layout is generic, and they don't offer sizable help for beginners (as a system). You have to love the system to make a deep dive in order to get the character that you want, and the first time, that's a leap of faith.
In order to overcome that, I'm creating several pregens for my players (small town RPG club, most of them haven't played DnD yet), running some adventures I devised and establishing what I like about the system.
But each step is demanding, there are a few adventures, almost no character help (and no Spanish books, but that's not their fault).
Compare that with the PbtA tide, or DnD or FATE system or even the indie movoement and it's obvious -for me at least- that SJGames are missing a lot of market by following principles that they are not disclosing.
Gimme a book of pregens, gimme canned playable adventures, gimme stock villains AND THEN, after knowing the systen, I'll create my horribly incompatible -and personal- homebrew.
I love them, but it's tough.
There is Dungeon Fantasy, but beside that, yeah, they never really followed through to make genre or setting books easily accessible.
Revised 4e, yes. 5e, no. There are no massive rules change to justify making it another edition.

Pregens, yes. Dumbing down the system to please the same crowd as 5e or PbtA, hell no.
>Revised 4e
Actually, this would be perfect. Maybe create a new basic set, or a basic set companion type thing, which is geared towards actually presenting the system with examples and such. I love the system, but damn, the basic set is not easy to get into if you are just sort of perusing the book to see what it is about.

I think their How to be a gurps gm is sort of designed to help newcomers to get into it, but i think they are a bit too "philosophical" rather than just a pragmatic guide that helps players to just get into it.

Also i would love some premade adventures in a few different settings. Some cool looking pick up and play type thing. Maybe even a revised Gurps lite, so that you can just pick up the campaign guide and character sheets and run it like that. A couple of them for the different styles of gurps, like Gurps Action, Gurps Horror, Banestorm, some UT-cyberpunk shit...

I think they are a little bit too comfortable/complacent with their strategy of nickle and dimeing their dedicated (probably shrinking) fanbase with small pdf releases. I guess they got scared after dungeon fantasy was not that succesfull after all?

TTRPG's have been having a huge renaissance so they could ride the wave by doing something with it
Of course I don't want whac-a-mole content. But I need -as a DM- and easy intro for players.
I think Dungeon Fantasy WAS conceived to please the 5e crowds (power hungry psychos, storyless dungeon delving, treasure), but they missed the hit with the handouts and the design :-/
Loved the cardboard minis; a preprinted character sheet would've been better.
I agree with a revised 4e. Mainly just the formatting in the book. I asked the TL8/9 question earlier and when looking up tech levels I noticed that on page 22 of the basic set it describes what tech levels are, but doesn't actually list them all until page 27. I understand why it does this because it has to explain wealth as well before listing all the tech levels due to starting wealth, but I can also understand why formatting like this can make it tough for new players to understand. It would be nice to have the information I'm reading about on the same page as its description.
More pregens would also be great.
The part of "more Pregens" is something we can take care of, as a community X-)
I'm new to it myself and something that stands out to me as needing a rework is the Advantages section, where they're all lumped together even though a ton of them are only relevant in superhero games and just get in the way of looking for the ones that are relevant if you aren't playing one.
I think it would be nice to have a section where you have a list of advantages separated in a cohesive way with page numbers to find the advantage description. They should be separated by theme and cinematic level, tech level etc.

They do have a pdf that is sort of like this floating around
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As someone who played 3e, no. I hated that most advantages were scattered around and I much prefer them in alphabetic order to look.

Sorry but no, I think that would be a terrible change. Basic Set is a reference book for a rules set that is supposed to be generic and universal. I do not want them complicating the hunt for certain traits because an editor felt that an advantage is better suited towards superheroes or fantasy or horror. Let me make the call instead.

Alphabetical is the least worst way to organize them.
I think what he meant was moving exotic and supernatural traits to their own alphabetic sections away from mundane traits.
I haven't used the setting itself, but I'm mining it for ideas for my own space opera setting.
nta, but it's still, imo, a bad idea
Its so easy, you just go through and steal/adapt all the good planets to bulk out your own sectors.

>what if the precursors were mindflayers?
>TTRPG's have been having a huge renaissance so they could ride the wave by doing something with it
Idk man, GURPS has an infamous reputation, deserved or not. It's "that" RPG, the super mega complex one you have to make yourself and so on. It needs to offer something ready made to hook people in, not just premade chars or adventures. Only autists will even delve into the two massive basics books
I still don't understand that reputation. I know and I've played DnD, I DM'd a campaign from lvl 1 to lvl 15, I played a character from lvl 1 to level 12.
DnD IS more complex, each character requieres more dedicated knowledge, more spells, variants, feats and templates than the ones you need to know to make a working GURPS Character.
GURPS offers more possibilities, but it does not demand for complexity. In DnD/pathfinder if you go for the straightforward vanilla rules, you're being suboptimal and will need a lot of help, luck or die.
Nta but same, the bad reputation imo comes mainly from 2 sources: Vehicles and shit newblood GMs throwing the whole basic set at players saying "make a character" and/or (in my experience) shit adhd GMs picking gurps and presenting it with ass houserules without spelling it.
First game you ever play of any TTRPG game should be with your character numbers, backstory and some fancy pictures.
If you like it, you ask for the basic/lite rules.
If you like it, you may ask for the core rules.
If you still like it, you go into the advanced/homebrew rules.
And that's in the shit-ballistical "using dynamite as fuel" fast track.
I totally understand it: it's not laid out like a normal rpg. Everything else is a complete, ready-to-go package, almost always with a setting attached. GURPS is laid out like a reference book, which it basically is. It's not an "rpg", it's just a "g". You far, far overestimate the abilities and interest kf average tabletop player, most don't value it much beyond fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice
But *I* also enjoy fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice.
Would love to do so with a system that doesn't punish me harshly for not taking the 2nd ratial template at lvl 5 to get the MultiCleave feat that enables me to be a Cleavemaster at Lvl9 in order to stay marginally ahead of a red queen racing regarding DPS vs what basically are goblins with higher AC and more HP.
That's a value I reckon to some of the PbtAs: they concede so easily to martial victory that ther are unfulfilling, so players and DMs have to focus in _other_ sources of satisfaction to make the story work. Things like plot, or story, or consistence. Because strategic combat is a big null space for dopamine, so you end up playing their game... wich was their whole plan.
::looks at :aggravated damage: in Monsterheart:: PFFFF

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