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Aim for the moon

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93194584

>TQ: Do you have a homebrewed unit?
First for buff barbarian women, preferably Chaos-aligned ones.
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sexy dwarf
It's a Marauder, Anon.
will the arcane journal for warriors of Chaos make the poopy stuff not poopy
no, arcane journals aren't meant as patches to the rules, just an introduction to a few specific army compositions and characters to help sell specific new rereleases FW may want to do

hearsay suggests the two armies of infamy will be one centered around marauders and norsca, partially drawing on the characterisation done by TWW so they can get to sell again fimir, skinwolves, some monsters and MAYBE the mammoth, and a nurgle-centric army of infamy so they can bring back the nurgle shit released with thamurkhan

but I'm not entirely convinced by the above
i heard the mammoth mould broke and they can't be bothered to repair or fix it so I doubt we will see it the same with the landship
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Which Elf faction is currently the strongest?
the landship has the added problem that it's canonically anachronistic, unless they want to retcon the project to have been built on blueprints that date back to this period
>it's canonically anachronistic
not like that has stopped GW selling models in the past
The one that doesn't slop.
well I did like the Norsca stuff from TWW so that would be cool.
From my (extremely) limited experience, the high elves seem pretty strong, and dark elf death hags are extremely scary. Never issue a challenge against one, if she has an ogre blade she'll mulch your hero instantly.
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Old photo from earlier this year, but here is my Empire army.
>post armies or what you're working on
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Not my entire army but the 2000 points I brought to my latest (and thus far only) game of TOW.
Wood elves. The game is won by taking points off your opponent while giving none, and they are extremely good at that. Probably in top 2 factions for power.
The very first thing you have to get through your head if you want to interact with TOW is it's a reboot. They're presenting it as a prequel, but what they're actually doing is rebooting WHF as a setting for Modern Audiences and turning the fantasy dial up to 15 for the sake of the legal team's ability to stomp on third party stuff.

They want to make the version of WHF they began implying in 7th, the one they were planning to implement before they decided to crap the whole IP and launch AoS instead. The previous state of the setting is genuinely meaningless, they'll take what they like from it and change whatever they fancy, with the merest figleaf of justification in relation to the pre-End Times status quo of the IP.

The Old World is to Warhammer Fantasy as Disney Star Wars is to the originals.
Nice conversions, keep it up!
Sexy elf
They already changed vargeheist fluff to fit the new timeline. They will change anything else they have to..
This. Expect new or remastered models to get the foot knights style enslopification.
vampires are a legacy pdf, vargheists didn't receive any specific retcon, and they're 100% sure not coming to TOW whenever the old vampire line is brought back as a core faction

it's completely different on too many levels
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Can I see a closeup of this big guy, he looks sick
You're wrong.
But ka
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Only posting what’s painted of it so far but pretty proud of it
I’ve still got to do
> 2 bulls and a leadbelcher
>3 yheetees
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what kind of rights do they support?
I did unfortunately only clock what it meant midway through painting it. There were only so many colour wheel spins
No rights, only wrongs.
And the army I’ve stopped for now because it was such a ballache. Trying to paint in the retro style and freehanding all their shields wasn’t fun for the mediocre result
right to wash white clothes with red clothes
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Forgot pic
wargame atlantic ogres?
>visible puddle bases
Do they not sell filler where you live?
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Thanks buddy, I sure will!
Is this good enough or do you want me to take a new photo?
Looks great! I especially like the hunter(?) with the broken lance and stick-horse.
>'slop' used unironically
Opinion ignored.
This. Unironically using "slop" is reserved for AI garbage.
Is pastebin anon alive or did he really get arrested?
Cool archers in the back.
No it isn't, slop re-entered the youth/meme vocabulary from complaints about hyper processed food and/or fastfood, then jumped to bad media like films/tv-series.
The Sailor-Priest of Manann career has "consume alcohol" twice, does some kind of errata exist or does anyone know what he gets instead, if anything at all.
Yup he’s a hunter for leading my yhetees

>The Sailor-Priest of Manann career has "consume alcohol" twice

They just drink a lot.
>Butt hurt about slop
Opinion ignored
I read that as: Sailor Moon Priest
There is no posing skill.
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that is exclusive for the Sigmarite priests career
9th age, 8e or ToW?
the one your local group plays
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I decided to paint a 3D printed character I bought because his cunning smile amused me
I hope I will not fuck this up
Good luck anon, think that skintone might be too light for a base coat but you might be speedpainting for all I know
Looks sick I'm so far.
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>8 more emprie knights to paint
It's bad, call mom.
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Nice! The classic 90's style is peak warhams.
this niggas are some cool cats
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Is Cathay playable in any form of Fantasy/Sigmar? I couldn't find any models but if i were to make them myself is there an official ruleset for it? It's my favorite faction from the total war game.
No. People have converted from other armies like Bretonnia, such an army was featured in a WD.
No not really. If you like the Chinese aesthetic lumineth kind of have that if you don't mind the complete contrast between their fantasy counterpart. Otherwise might wanna wait until 2e-3e when GW needs to start milking it's unexplored territory in fantasy.
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This is what I consider my full army, barring a couple extra character models I'm still working on. I need to spend more time painting regiments instead of painting extra characters.
Kinda sad demon's suck so much ass
Play another faction then.
Lumineth Realm-lords in AoS are a strange (but really fucking cool) mix of Greek and ancient Chinese.
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not yet, maybe it will be in the following years

if you want to make an army yourself you could play your models with the rules of bretonnians or imperials, depending on the units you want to have
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pics related were conversions, but I bet you could find third plenty of third party models nowadays
>what dwarf online coverage with more pics
no ones gives a shit about the chink-bucks faction
find an actual wfb faction to play or fuck off
This but towards the empire players, especially the ones with perry models.
Best way to kill a dragon with a Duke?
No I only wanna play demons. But I can't because it's ass. So I won't.
If you really wanted to play them, you would regardless of their win-rate/stats. You're clearly just a WAACfag.
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You have to wait for GW to (eventually) release the faction.
didn't they already all but announce that Cathay and kislev got canned?
>random obscure or oop bits
>multiples of them for whole units
Shit like this is near impossible now thanks to GW deleting their bits store.
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Cathay & Kislev were put on ice for the foreseeable future. And they no longer have the incentive to push them, sine they missed Warhammer 3's release. However it doesn't mean they won't get to them eventually; perhaps after all these factions get their attention.
Sounds like a successful filtering.
no just it wont be the foreseeable future which just means 18-2 years at most and youtubers like Valrak and have seid that Gw has designed Cathay models
Yeah at the rate they're currently releasing things at...
See you in 10 years
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jaguar pelts always look dumb in an endearing way
I don't really get why the release for TOW is so slow it's 95% old models with maybe 1 new plastic model and 2-3 resin models and a slim book compared to other games they produce the development overhead should be miniscule for TOW
1 factory, way too many product lines, new aos edition. Just bad planning all around.
They can't keep most things in stock. Whenever they're making TOW sprues they're not making marines or sigmarines and that can't be
its not a mainline game.
if you release everything at once then paypigs with poor impulse control don't buy everything
by pacing the releases you can make them fall for it time and again

this is across all systems, btw
Even if they have the molds the machines that use the molds are being used to make other models already. So they either have to choose to take some out of production or wait for more machines to be available.
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Moreover, it seems to me that GW isn't TOW as much as other games.
One clear example to me would be their magazine WD; TOW released on late January, and while new editions of other games get the main attention of a WD issue, the ONLY attention it got was a single Battle Report and nothing else since then.
I think that might be more of a specialist game problem overall rather than just TOW, it's not like HH, Necromunda, ect. get much page time compared to AoS or 40K or even Kill team and War cry
Running Minotaurs 3x2?
One rank of 4?
Whats the best setup?
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Ugh! Why would anyone want to work with these shitty materials for models?
>there are no plans currently to make Cathay ot Kislev ever
All of my anger, all of my rage, into this post. Full of indignity!
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Anyone know where I can get good 3rd party lizardman models? Im really looking for something with sovl instead over designed garbo you see so much of for printing.
I know I'm probably asking the wrong crowd since we seem to be so anti 3rd party here
Warhammer Armies Project has rules for Cathay but they're not up to date with Total War. It's either that or you wait several years for a potential Old World release
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How hard would it be to use WFRP 2E for a more “generic” purpose, basically severing it from the WF setting entirely? To be specific, like a more medieval campaign, also with low magic (if any), but more based on actual history (let’s say mid to late medieval, generally)? I was thinking of reading the Bretonnia sourcebook for this campaign idea, but would that be enough for a more medieval England-inspired campaign?
Wargames atlantic makes some, but they're all more like askari with rifles. You'll have to either convert them or use the very goofy snake men from Northstar.
>Get into fantasy via recasters
>Entire army is resin with a few old timey metal ones
>Get along with it perfectly fine with zero substantial issues
Is it just GW resin that is dogshit or something? I don't feel like I spent any more time cleaning up models than people with official GW stuff...
TTCombat's resin is also shit.
It just takes competence, Alternative Armies and Dark Sword both have their entire catalogue in metal and resin and they are quite good.
Metal is very easy to strip the paint off of, so you can re-do a model as many times as you want to until you get it the way you want it to look. Plastic has been, in my experience at least, borderline impossible to strip properly.
Rattlecan bonds to plastic but acrylic gesso and airbrush primer both form a good base while stripping easily with Simple Green.
Unfortunately I don't have an airbrush, so I prime all my models with a rattlecan. It wouldn't be so bad if I could manage to strip the models down to the primer, but it seems to take days just to get the regular paint off them, while metal models get completely stripped in an hour. I've tried both Simple Green and LA's totally awesome, with mixed results.
Ive redone dozens of old armies. I fully submerge the models in LA's Totally Awesome™, a cleaner you can get at the dollar store, for a few hours, then I scrub them with an old toothbrush. Usually it will get all the paint off, sometimes I'll only get 80% off and I just leave them for another hour or so and scrub again and rinse in the sink with hot water. Some rare times if the primer was done really well you will get off all the paint just the primer will stay, which is totally fun. Just spray another layer of primer over it and they're good as new.
Metal minis get stripped in minutes, 100% every time.
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you can make some neat warriors and temple guards from fanath's and warp minis blood bowl teams
otherwise I advise getting recast of the old temple guards and of the metal saurus command groups, just with those you can create a great looking unit where everyone has a cool feathered headpiece
diehard miniatures has slim slann, if you like the idea of having slann infantry and cavalry
for an actual slann mage priest, check out bitspudlo, they have a relic slann inspired by the oldschool artwork
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I tried my hand at sculpting with milliput this weekend. It sucks!
So I got gyp'd by an etsy seller on some centigors. What should I get instead beast bros? Looking to fill about 250 points.

So far I have
2x bray shaman
20 beastigor
20 dual weapon gor
20 shortbow ungor
3 dragon Ogres
Dragon ogre shaggoth
Chariots, pigs, harpies.
Might be a long shot but i been head-brewing up and hoping to find some models or bits that might help me make it a reality. Any nippon style elf models or STL you guys can think of? Doesnt need to be a whole force really but im thinking of starting a DE army thats really mostly dogs of war/merc style fluff. (recently found out about there being an entrance to the undeground sea not far from nippon and one of course being near naggaroth. Like the idea of a DE army for hire picking up random units n the like over their time, maybe having spent some time working over by cathay/nippon led to them getting some nippon style gear, etc.
I would just play the 6th ed dogs of war book but there is a lack of elf stuff in that book and id like to start a elf force.
Are harpies good? They're fast but their combat stats are pretty mediocre aside from the I:5
WGA has some cool lizardmen. They might be too shrimpy for saurus. And to big for skinks though.
There are some cool snake men for ghost archipelago too.
Whats the best unit size for monstrous infantry? I have 12 minotaurs,. Two units of six, three units of four, or four units of three?
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Reaper, as always, has some greats. But it might be hard to flesh out a whole army.
It's not too wide. And more importantly it lets you have the system. You have to take "over 25%" to cause panic from shooting, so they need to wipe half.
You need to be "under 25%" to only rally on snake eyes, so you can always rally if not wiped out. You also give up victory points if below 25%
Ok thanks, so three units of 4
where are those skinks from? they look pretty good
Id recommend you give a look to the 6th ed General's Compemdium book, since it has loads of different scenerios for a wide variety of stuff;
>Sea battles
>Dessert battles
>Battles in the chaos wastes
>Underground battles

Also the Warhammer Skirmish book from the same era is also nice, since you can pair a skimirsh game with a bigger battle; the winner of the skirmish getting an advantage over the opponent in the opponent
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Re Empire state troops proportions; does anyone know of a decent source of/method of making your own pikes for them? Most pikes for historicals are just too thin it seems.
katsina miniatures
diehard miniatures
red bard games (kickstarter in progress)
Skaven are done fucking around.
موت العظام الكامل. اقتل الهياكل العظمية، اقطع رؤوس الهياكل العظمية، واركل الهياكل العظمية في الرمال. سحق ملوك القبر القذرة.
Basado y Arabiapastillado.
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that's an ally of the TK though
multiple ranks of monstrous infantry is so cost intensive it can hardly be defended. 3 or 4 in a single rank is my preference
You can always drill the hands and put brass rods in
Never used brass rods desu, if they're anything like most pike that historicals produce then they'd probably be a tad small/thin.
That's a reused asset.
more gors is always good
>Never used brass rods desu, if they're anything like most pike that historicals produce then they'd probably be a tad small/thin.
brass rods typically come in 0.5mm increments, I have a set of 0.5 up trough 3mm (never had a use for those above 2mm desu)
Man I REALLY like that giant, what are some armies where I can shove him in where everything is muscle bound?
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Mission "Preserve the smile" accomplished
It was nice to paint a single miniature this time
Well, Ogres are the obvious answer, if you want muscles, then Orcs, Beastmen and Warriors of Chaos
Volley Fire

>When a unit with this special rule makes a shooting attack, half of the models in each rank other than the front rank (or front two ranks if the unit is on a hill), rounding up, can shoot

So given it rounds up a 5 man archer detachment 1 wide 5 deep in marching column shoots 5 shots right?

Seems like a decent redirecter on top.
Unless you moved, which counts as marching and prevents you from shooting
is that the berserg guts guy i always hear about?
mindtaker has some real chunky ones for sale right now called k'dillans or something. egypt themed, so you could use to skellies as filler units somehow.
>since we seem to be so anti 3rd party here
Literally almost everyone here use 3rd party models or 3D prints Anon, what gave you that impression?
He probably saw people telling off the perry poster
BTW, the seller that gyp'd me was Pete's prints. Had like a month long delivery window and just straight up forgot to make the order in that time
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For my bannerbearer I used a 3mm rod.
If you want to convert your state troops I would recommend using 2mm - 3mm rods,
snip off the spear, drill their hands and insert the rod, then snip off the head of the spear and drill a small hole so you can put it on top of the rod.

The best spears to use for this is the old 6th edition plastic monopose spear dudes. Or you can try some plasticard and greenstuff.
savage orks are never coming back I take it?
>I'm such a shite painter I'm stuck in a ceaseless loop of fucking up a model, stripping it, fucking it up, stripping it and I refuse to get better at painting to fix this issue.

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Maybe, but I also buy most of my models second-hand, so I have to repaint them anyway. For example, this is how one of my sorcerers looked when I bought him. I had to completely strip the paint off to make it work.
they aren't
Same reason Skaven don't have skaven slaves anymore
>Same reason Skaven don't have skaven slaves anymore
design dead end which serves a redundant and often unhealthy gameplay role?
It's weird world we live in whete the consequences of some dudes deciding they wanted to own black people is impacting my miniature doll game four hundred years later.
I mean you can run your regular orkz with the savage ork war paint replacing their armour, I don't see what having a seperate unit would add.
They're not going to bring back the models either, Anon.
how would you kitbash Big Stabbas?
what about the models?
It's just a big spear, I don't see how that would be difficult.
Imagine the futa
>This but towards the empire players, especially the ones with perry models.

The Empire's a shit faction so I don't care either way tbqh
I like the perry models more than the Empire stuff so I'm not opposed to someone using 'em.
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>Standard with a pointy end.
>Ogre sized big 'un(s) in the front rank.
>Pointy hats.
>Big fucking spear/tusked skull carried by one or more orcs.
>Jumping orcs 'diving' towards the foe while wielding spears.
>Orc throwing another orc.
>Unit filler in the shape of a small chariot-esque device.
>Troll throwing a goblin or holding a big spear.
That fire horse is sick
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Finished off another unit of Knights today
I really like the leftmost knight.
*does 1 wound*
Why are 1/3rd painted in tranny colors?
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I want to make a Dwarf army focused upon the retaking of Karak Eight Peaks (before the entire place is rendered uninhabitable in the End Times obviously) but I am unsure how to paint my army.
I want to paint it up in such a way to represent the wide variety of Clans and Holds that sent warriors to aid Belegar but I'm not sure it will look good.
I'm thinking of using a few different colours in my army, with regiments and units being a jumble of colours in order to show the ad hoc nature of the host under Belegar.
For example:
Each regiment has different colours, but a few regiments match the colours worn by war machine crews or heros in order to represent a force coming from a particular hold.
Opinions on this?
>Why are 1/3rd painted in tranny colors?
Rent free, retard, rent free.
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I only have so many paints, some of them will be gay
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Archaon did nothing wrong
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Archaon saw that the old world needed to be destroyed, and did it. Not for profit, or power. He took power from the dark gods while giving them nothing in return, because he never obligated himself to them.
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Archaon was, is, and always will be, the best Warhammer character. The greatest of all time.
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Chaos is the primordial truth of the universe. From Chaos, everything sprung forth. To Chaos, it will return. There is no stopping this process. The fact this process concluded by Archaon was the most compassionate thing that any Warhammer character has done.
Post your fanfics elsewhere spaz.
Decent paintjob however, well done.
Isn't that how you should paint dwarfs anyway but it's always ignored. Every warrior is from a different clan and just wears his ancestral armor and weapons.
If it works for brets aesthetically...
the absolute state of this board

inb4 post models
Yeah, it's decent compared to most of the shit I see. It's called not being a bleeding cunt anon, something you know nothing about I'm sure.

I guess you might be right yeah. I'm just not sure it'll work well on the tabletop.
>We're using old rules and the moon counts as a chariot
I know I posted an excellent paint job. I also know that you're upset that I specifically like how Archaon won Warhammer Fantasy. And how the conclusion was long coming for more than a decade before Endtimes. He's unironically my favorite Warhammer character specifically because he's a bad guy who won. And he also never submitted to the most powerful forces in the setting's universe. A mortal did all that cool stuff. That's pretty rad.

The only other setting where bad guys win everything sometimes is Pro Wrestling.
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>needed to be destroyed
>I know I posted an excellent paint job.

Did you? Paint is too thick, horns and skulls need a wash (at least) to look good, black needs more highlighting, cloak on his back is too flat AND it blends in with the armour, the red on the inside of his cloak is too flat and the back of his shield appears unpainted.

>I also know that you're upset that I specifically like how Archaon won Warhammer Fantasy

No I am not, retard. I enjoy WFB, but I LOVE Age of Sigmar. I play, read and talk about it more than WFB so I clearly do not dislike the fact he killed Fantasy. I even have a massive fucking Maggotkin army in AoS.

>He's unironically my favorite Warhammer character

To each their own, but he's boring to me.

>The only other setting where bad guys win everything sometimes is Pro Wrestling.

You must not read much.
I think as long as the overall armour scheme is a solid colour and clan colours are kept to, say, shield and cloth colours, it could work out perfectly well since those tend to be secondary.
Perhaps even make up a few clan-coloured standards specifically for each clan or use distinct beard colours as clan differentiators.
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I, for one, think Archaon is boring and should never have existed. The coolest chaos lords are the ones you come up with by yourself. Always name your characters and regiments.
My plan is to have the armour and cloth all be different, as in each regiment's armour and cloth is painted differently, but their shields or something are all the same.
Kind of like they repainted them as a sign of unity, I guess.

>or use distinct beard colours as clan differentiators.

I like this idea lol
"We're better than those lot, what with their vile BLONDE beards. Disgusting."
Sort of.
Dwarfs should be a hodgepodge because the all of the rangers, Warriors, quarrelers, thunders, miners and a non-elite stuff aren't professional soldiers, they're a militia made out of craftsman.
That said, it's all right for them to be a little uniform, because they're still following the pre-World War I unmixed units doctrine.
That is all of a unit is raised from the same place, like the same town, or in the case of dwarves raised from the same clan or guild. If the groups are raised from is wealthy enough, they may pay for some standardized equipment.

To fit the fluff, your unit of 16 dwarf Warriors should have a hodgepodge of colors and equipment, but they would all be Brewers/coopers/rope makers/ clansmen
if the clans have completely distinct and clear cut hair colors it looks silly, or artificial, as in they dye their hair or something

you can achieve a similar result if simply the majority of the beards are of a certain colour, I'd say 60-70%, not including the ones that are going to be graying but including the ones who have just slightly lighter darker versions of the same colour

except for the gingers, those it's okay to segregate completely
why is this board so mean
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I have come to the realization that I like these but can't really articulate why.
>It's called not being a bleeding cunt anon, something you know nothing about I'm sure.
quite the oposite, it's pretty cuntist to gaslight people into thinking their shit is good, that prevents them from improving
and even if they don't want to improve being aware of reality is always positive

what you really mean by being a nice person would be to say how to improve in a friendly manner, like 'try a wash on those skulls and a highlight' or 'it could use another drybrush on the pelt', or 'touch up the thumb since a bit of gold spilled over', you know, actual usefull stuff

theres no good guys in wfb so it was always going to be a bad guy who won

archaon fucks
"Pah, better a Blonde beard than a Ginger, all those wazzocks should just take the Slayer Oath and save us the bother of sending them to Karak Kadrin one-by-one!"
>chaos literal fags and aosloppers
Fascinating people here.
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>I am forgotten
I didn't notice the long nails on the guy that was just killed

Tbf, I changed my tone once he revealed himself to be an arrogant twat far too proud of his own work.

See >>93229790
It's full of miserable cunts who are forced to play a lacklustre, shitty ruleset in a generic fantasy setting because they're too stubborn to try anything new/better.
t. sped
Don't be a lame-ass. Name each model.
Holy fuck mate, learn to paint

Also because you're a sexless coomer
Many such cases. As it turns out, the most well adjusted people always gravitate towards the most normal white male factions. It's why Empire players are always Chads. Contract that with, say, Nurgle players who are always disgusting losers with horrible physiques
At least Chaos players know how to spell.

> As it turns out, the most well adjusted people always gravitate towards the most normal white male factions.

The only Empire player I ever knew was a tranny freak who I believe is either dead, or has gone back to calling himself 'He' like he always should have.
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Equating mental health to toy soldier preference is fucking retarded.
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How in the fuck did these guys, all juiced up the wazzo with godly powers, jobbed so hard as they did?
>Corrects grammar
Don't be that guy, anon.

>mentions physique
Are you that insecure twat always begging for compliments and praise for his mediocre body in these threads? If so, please get help.


Blame Mannfred von FUCKING Carstein .
>Your argument relies on pointing out typos
GW said they wanted to sell more space marines, so they had to play the part of fodder.
Can't beat management
Double dubs, ta anons.
Are there any good conversion-oriented TOW-related blogs about? I could use some hobby inspiration.

Shitty writing because 1. Gav Thorpe and 2. decisions were being made by suits.

I play Chaos (demons) but that paint job is trash.
I love suits!
>we will spend all our money in this new toy that we won't let anyone use, fire people to make up for the cost, don't let anyone else use the new toy, and just bitch at the workers we have left because we aren't meeting unrealistic quotas
Because you're a big doodoo head.
Neat. I might add tree bits to use them at dryads.
Obscure army called Tomb Kings. They had a big comeback and have faded into obscurity once more.
Returned to the sands from which they came
Im loving the tomb scorpion, cast really nicely and almost no mold lines.
Wtf was GW doing with finecast? Its unbelievably bad in comparison
iirc Finecast can just be made on assembly lines on the cheap while FW resin needs to be cast by hand
There's a system called Zweihander which is basically 2e WFRP but generic, the creator of it's kind of a cunt though and it's hard to pirate.
>the creator of it's kind of a cunt though
He'd fit this site.
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I don't know if these are American hours or European hours but I don't like the thread when it's like this.
it's Midnight in the UK so it's American hours
anyone seen any of the dwarf book leaks?

Royal army and engineer expedition confirmed for two themed forces, apparently it got packed into an order and the dude sold it on ebay.
>anyone seen any of the dwarf book leaks?
Nope, spill if you have beans.
i love the farm animal rank filler, I aughta try that
all i know is it will be a young radical burlock dammison on an expedition to a lost hold, the slayer king and a brand new character that is the 'kharl of the dammaz kron'
Yes, 3 days ago last thread.
The "new" character is a younger Thorgrim before he became Grudgebearer.
>mfw I thought people were memeing about GW pricing
>printed 5 hexwraiths w/ horses and a terrorgheist for like $4 worth of resin (more than average due to the larger size of the gheist)
>GW charges $100+ for those two two kits
How viable is an all night gobbo army? I've got a mixed gob+ork army but I feel the call of the crooked moon.
You can't really make an all orc or goblin army unless you're at low points, as bight goblins proper are an upgrade to goblins and you can't have that many duplicate units.
In terms of strength I think they should be fine? Fanatics are some of the best OnG units after all and mangler squigs are quite strong. Make a bunch of elite characters and you're good.
Only real additions you might need are warmachines and maybe throw in some trolls.
That said it probably won't be -as- strong as a mixed night goblin & black orc army.

I'd just try to build something with newrecruit and see if there are any pain points in the final result.
>injection molding materials are way cheaper than resin
>gw's full sprue production cost is under 5 bucks
>the only cost that needs to be considered is the materials

You guys can't be this stupid.
Let's not pretend it's anything but IP markup keeping costs where they are. I still remember when the hobby was priced for kids and you could get starter sets for like $60 with most of what you needed to play two armies.
Anon do you want to go look up cost adjusted for inflation from back in the day? Or even just remember anecdotal shit?

5 metal black guard used to be £15, 5 witch elves was the same amount.

The hobby was never cheap, at best some kids (myself included) were given unreasonable freedom with their pocket money and were able to spend it all on not very much warhammer.
Some things have absolutely gotten more expensive by proportion (characters have gotten pretty damn expensive compared to other units, a dude on horse is now about the cost of a full regiment it feels like) but their prior cost was never cheap either (the dreadlord on cold one, to use a similar comparison to the previous one) was about the same cost as said black guard (maybe a bit more).

Archaon on dhorgar was £25 or there abouts, the same as a war hydra.
There's a 'league ' going on locally, but the format is rather strange. No dedicated pairings, you just report your games and the difference in points is your score, positive or negative. Also no max points per week. Unsure how sweaty of a list to bring to this.
whats the most simple army to pick up?
The one that sings to your heart
Which is better:
4 attacks with Killing Blow or 3 attacks rerolling 1s to wound killing blow?
Trying to kit out my Assassin.
Any suggestions for magic items that work well is also appreciated.
> Lmao assassins suck
The entire DE book isn't great but im.trying to make it work here.
In model availability and play style, Orcs.
Brainless easy to play, almost zero fat in the list, amazing common magic item, everything is under priced, you can play them extremely competitively or play them as a fun list (which is still better than most people's armies)
You can play war machine gun line, Cav heavy, infantry heavy, HEAVY infantry heavy, fanatics to just auto win, great wizards (and a lot of them), and you STILL have a dragon lord (ish but he is also cheaper than most. The offense is there the defense maybe not).
Statistically, you're only going to roll a 1 once every 6 attacks you make. I don't know how the math works, but intuitively that means that with 3 attacks, you have 3 shots at rolling 1s and getting a reroll, so that works out to 0.5 extra attacks.
In both painting and playing on the table, Ogres, and it's not close.
Depends on the strength, the effectiveness of re-rolling a 1 increases depending on how likely you are to wound.

If you're just referring to the chances of getting a killing blow, than the 4 base attacks is better as 3 attacks re-rolling 1's average an extra roll only 1/2 of the time.
Yes, several units for various factions, eg. Questing Beast Knights for Bretonnia. I like coming up with rules for units and characters that appear in the lore but have no representation.
Kino art
Warhammer Armies Project 9th edition has rules for Cathay. And unlike >>93222573 claims, the rules have been updated with TWWH3 Cathay in mind. Some unit names might be different, but that's the differences pretty much as far as I recall.
So £26.25 now, which would be £52.50 for 10 metal figures.
Instead now it's £40 for 10 plastics, which they have a greater return on investment with.
I wish free company were half at baller on the table as they are in the art.
They are; in Mordheim which is where they belong.
>warhammer skirmish for low model gaming
>mordheim for the same but with more campaign/rpg elements
>warbands for lower point formations
>regular warhammer for things a little bigger than that
>warmaster for massive armies
Why did they have to fuck it all up so badly...
It's GW fucking things up is what they do.
Hey man if you can set up a multinational chain of retail stores supported by warehouses supported by 1st world large-scale manufacturing for cheaper, let me know.
What kind of cope is this, the margin difference between plastic and metal isn't £10

You can thank GW employees for that.

Or so I've heard.
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> you can't have that many duplicate units.

That's not a rule outside of Warhammer World.
I used 2004 as the arbitrary year back.
Any later and the difference is lower and lower to the point that after 2015 it's cheaper back then.
But it is cheaper to mass produce plastic figures than casting pewter ones.
>Why did they have to fuck it all up so badly...
>Karak Eight Squeeks
>Warp Lightning Cannon
Deals 1d6 damage
>Plague Monks
Lowers the attacking units toughness by 1 during combat
4 WS
Gains access to shieldwall if equipped with shields

Cool, skaven are now playable
No fuck off.
Warhammer Armies Project has everything you want brother.
Why would we each to encourage furries?
funny how they have all that vertical integration and still 'can't' compete on price
NTA but isnt that project running on 8th ed's core rules? or am i thinking of somthing else?
Are you that set on denying a man of the sea his simple pleasures?
I do not see ToW never being more than a HH level specialist game at most. Those who think ToW will shoot past the other games to be number 1 are fooling themselves.
Names are for those who distinguish themselves. Perform an amazing charge or stand in the face of overwhelming odds? Your name gets recorded in the chronicles. Otherwise you're Grunt McGrunt of Nowheresdorf and you're gonna get a plain rock for a tombstone, if at all.
>Contract that with, say, Nurgle players
Contract with followers or the ruinous powers? You, knave, are a chaos plant and a saboteur, I say!
30k seems to get more love and attention. ToW seems almost as neglected as MESBG.
I haven't paid attention to 30k. I just named the first specialist game that came to mind
I know its not, but when you are producing 20 (twenty) year old miniatures on the side of you actual bussiness (40k and aos) almost every other cost is just as low (packaging, shipping and manpower), more so when the marketing for tow is barely there, design, r&d and tooling is already paid for 20 years ago
so why can other companies sell the same size sprues at a third of the price in the present day? smaller companies at that, with comparable quality

or why does a sprue of muhrines cost x and a half sized sprue of a murine captain costs 2 or 3 times more?

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