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Amaris was right edition

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When building a force for a pickup game how important is matching mech speed? Should I try and have everything move at about the same speed? Like 4/6 would be quite doable, including a lot of heavies, assaults and some slower mediums like centurion, or should I have 1 or two faster mechs or does the mix not really matter that much
It's fine to have divided speeds for a pickup game. I'm running this lance tonight, two 4/6s and two 6/9s. Hope it's fun.
Can pirates show up just anywhere? Like, not just on the border edge but also deep middle of the draconis combine and shits?
honestly IDK but i doubt most pirates would be able to stand up to a planets militia or garrison, good chance there's a regiment or company or something there training or being moved around

And then they have to escape and make their way back to wherever they hang out + have a jumpship to get there. Doesn't seem worth the risk
The map of the Inner Sphere only shows star systems with habitable planets, which are a pretty small portion of overall star population. It's entirely possible to jump only from unihabited star to uninhabited start until you get to your destination. It's risky, because there's no backup if something breaks, and you have to bring all your food for the trip both ways, but it's doable.

Raiding lightly protected worlds far from borders is usually of relatively low military value, but for pirates out for loot, they could conceivably make it pay. Important thing to remember is the economic model for piracy in battletech is vikings. They go out, steal something in a raid, then make a bunch of money selling it on the way home. Depending on target selection, you could conceivably make more money raiding a planet that produces valuable small commercial goods like electronics and then selling them than you could raiding a marginal periphery-border world, which is what most of them do. The issue is getting intel for target selection.
those are prime pirating territories. you gotta think, most of the military forces are on border duty. for internal garrisons most planets have to rely on their on planet militias if an attack occurs sure they can get word out quickly but it takes time for relief forces to jump into system and trek to the planet. so pirates would ideally jump in, and be done with their raid by the time their jump ships have recharged their drives.
I don't know how BT specifically treats the issue, but the important thing to remember about banditry (and piracy is just banditry with ships) is that banditry is a business like any other. It has material and overhead costs, it fills an unserved economic niche, and it provides services to clients. Theoretically, piracy could potentially pop up anywhere where people have both means (jumpships, mechs) and cause (poverty and a Brian cache, abandoned or deserter military units, mercs who ran afoul of too many clients or the MRB). Given that the average habitable planet density in the IS is 1:50, there are plenty of empty rocks or abandoned mining stations for them to hang out in.
I'm not familiar with PUG etiquette, but I like mixing up tonnages and specializing inside of my Lances and Stars as opposed to a consistent battleline.

I'm a big fan of the modified three-mech star more than the typical lance or demi-company because it trims things into a clear trio for me that I buff up with a couple points of elementals riding the striker along. Makes me happy to join a striker with a brawlernaut, some kind of fire support, and then a quick, jumpy striker offloading battlearmor where it needs to be is the kind of thing that seems to tangle up an enemy lance fairly nicely.
>Amaris was right edition
All the war crimes weren't great, though. Even if killing all those children personally was probably okay, greater-goodwise.
>a couple points of elementals riding the striker along

Wait, you can fit more than one point of elementals on a mech at a time?
you can only carry a single unit of battle armor, up to 6 troopers (in the case of comstar battle armor)
No, but if you're running a good taxi, like a Dasher, it can ferry more than one point around fairly effectively.
Let's say the Andurien/Canopus alliance is wildly successful and easily crush the battered remnants of the CCAF and plant their flag(s) on everything rimward of Grand Base by 3032.

Then what? Do they have anywhere close to the ability to administer/garrison that many worlds? Do they try and become St Ives style pets of the Fed Com, rejoin the FWL or fight everyone at once?
They realize that they have neither the administrative apparatus nor the military strength to hold all of that, make off with everything that isn't nailed down, and leave the region to degenerate into warlordism.
There any assaults that fill a similar role of jumping zombie/energy boat like the grasshopper?
my first thought too
Well /btg/, are you honorable enough to face off against others from /btg/ in real life? Several have already proven themselves. Respond to this post with the nearest major city and see if others are in your area.
Adelaide or Melbourne
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Checking if i'm still banned here for using VPNs despite not using VPNs.
If not, surprise Thorn!
He's just a little guy and people need to appreciate him more.
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Not banned after all!
At least for now. It's probably got to do with my ISP or something.
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>He's just a little guy and people need to appreciate him more.
That is a nice Thorn!
So a HAG is basically just a larger lrm? Doesn't seem to compare well, hits in 5 point clusters.

Comparing a clan lrm 20 and hag 20

Hag 267 BV, 4 heat, min range of 2. 1-8/9-16/17-24. 10 tons. 6 crits. Explodes for 10 points (bigger HAGs explode for more).
LRM 220 BV, 6 heat, no min range. 5 tons, 4 crits.

Only real difference seems that HAG gets +2 to cluster rolls close range and -2 at long range.
thorn is basically a wunderwaffe in 3025, 2 medium levels is crazy amounts of firepower for a light, and it has better armor than the wasp/stinger/locust

Slightly exaggerating
That's what mercs are for. You put a bounty on the pirates and outsource the pirate squishing duty.
Just like piracy, anti-pirate measures are also an economic decision. Pirate attacks on shipping have a massive added cost effect, outside the simple monetary loss of the ship and cargo. It very quickly becomes less expensive for a state to destroy pirates than to absorb the economic loss that comes from just letting the pirates run about.

The further into state territory you go, the more developed it is. The more developed a region is, the more it relies on sophisticated and complex economic activity. The more sophisticated and complex economic activity you have, the more you are reliant on shipping. So, out on the fringe, there's less for a pirate to score, but the lower economic cost to the state means that the state is less compelled to spend their own resources to squash it. Those more developed state worlds are also going to be more politically important, and so a state will have a greater social incentive to protect them. Parasitism is a game of taking a little bit the host won't notice. That's sustainable.

There's two kinds of pirate stories:
>shook down random agrarian worlds on the periphery, barely scraping by for decades with some petty luxuries for the boss
>massive score by raiding factory deep in House X space, lived large for a year, company of regulars from House X drop on them and kill everyone.
HAG 20 is the least efficient one and they can be paired with targeting computers
they're significantly better as head to head weapons, LRMs are better for support and alternative ammo
Trebuchet 5N with dead fire rounds or 5S with inferno rounds?
He got the dick-sucking face, so all he's missing are knee pads.
Nice model, did you make it? If you did would you be willing to share the process for the line rendering?
I was just thinking about the thorn. I want to try running it with the raptor and Owens for a sort of light lrm support lance.
That's kinda just the default render in the software i used - Sketchup
SketchUp? I've not heard of that one before, their website makes it look like it's more of a architectural design program, but the line art look certainly seems to just be how it does stuff, that's interesting. I've just used blender for everything.
HAGs also get a hefty -3 bonus to shooting at airborne targets, between that and the 5 point damage clusters that threshold a lot of things, they're the best flak guns in the game.
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Axman head and CT. catapult and ninjato arms, and what looks to be a thunderbolt leg. What mech was that hoof looking foot taken from?
that big round hoof is from a nightstar.
Looks like a Highlander foot
Neither of those are 65 tons
A Tempest. Hence the "Tem" part of Temax Cat Ninjabolt. There's a complete write up for this 'mech in XTRO Boondocks.
>The superiority of Clan warriors is often cited as
the reason for success during Operation Revival. In
truth, it was the technological edge afforded by Clan
science that secured triumphs. In the century since the
Clan Invasion, the Inner Sphere closed the gap. The
Clans must push past accepted boundaries both in
BattleMech development and IN THE BREEDING CHAMBER
to retain that edge.

what did he mean by this? from rg ik 24
It's the Tempest.
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Yes, but consider things like pairings and what 'mech it's going on.
HAGs are not your primary guns, and have 3 natural competitors in clan space- LRMs, cRACs, and LB-X autocannons.
HAGs have the best cluster hits and flak bonuses over LB-X, but cannot equal cluster munitions in sheer hits and crit fishing. HAGs have better range and might play nicer with Gauss/ERPPC/ER Large, but have no option for LBX Slug. Slightly smaller crit-wise.
LRMS are just better for long-range. HAGs have an inherent -2 on cluster at long and a +2 at short, but even putting them on a close-range machine may not matter when one ton of Artemis IV might oblivate that additional cluster improvement.
Might actually be an upgrade? Bigger and slightly less range, but has better ammo endurance. Does away with the cluster table in exchange for splattering damage everywhere. HAGs are smaller crit-wise.

The way I see it- HAGs are best on dedicated Anti-air, on crit packed heavies and assaults, and on said big boys when they need a "do everything" gun with no idea what the "everything" might be.
Possibly the Elstars.

It's kind of impressive that the Temax isn't a bad 'mech at all despite being an amalgamation.
>HAGs are not your primary guns
Idk about that they are one of the heaviest guns in the game
hags also have slightly better maximum range and brackets (ignoring min range)
Hags also have higher class models, with the 30 and 40.
Mind, you can fit twice as many lrms in the same tonnage, but a hag 40 can be pretty effective once you get that short range +2.
>Idk about that they are one of the heaviest guns in the game
Yeah, but ton-for-ton if you're trying to damagemaxx they loose out to clan LRMs. Weight is one thing, but for damage and throw weight? I can have two LRM 20s and SIX tons of ammo for ONE HAG40- and thanks to averages I'll deal more damage, hit more, and have options like indirect.
>have options like indirect.
if the fight exclusively remains at long range, maybe
HAGs are vastly better on a mech that can close
Lrms being more optimal doesn’t mean hags aren’t a primary armament.
On most mechs that run hags, the hag is clearly the main gun.
vastly? Clan lrms have no minimum range while the HAG does, and its only +2 to cluster rolls not -2 to hit
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Alright, the final mission

-Someone Scottish for NWH
-Someone Irish for Kell Hounds
-Whatever you guys like for Wolf's dragoons.
Yes, a single HAG-40 is going to perform far better than two LRM-20s if you can close to short range. A minimum range of 2 is very easy to play around and hard to exploit if it's a mobile mech.
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I've been going through the old battle technology magazines and found this picture of the screaming hawk and (as you can probably see) it seems to be one of the unseen minis with the exposure cranked up to a few bajillion (as you can probably see), but I can't tell witch it is, my best guess is a phenix hawk like the TRO says it's based on, but I'm a newfag and as such very unfamiliar with the OOP models, I'm asking because I was thinking of printing and painting one for a future gladiator game that I'll certainly get to run and not keep pushing it off and adding some shit to my pile of shame.
>also, I'm supprized how well the old photographs of the model kits and models hold up, they certainly excite my imagination more than the new digital art for shrapnel and such.
also, what are some other Anon's thoughts on the now Non cannon Battle technology mechs, I think their neat personally.
>by one autist with the most basic-bitch taste 2024 edition
Would it be reasonable for any republic force to have a Bruin in 3035? It's a ghost bear mech from the 3080s and they are close allies
>is it reasonable for any republic force to have a mech 50 years before that mech and the republic existed
Just a bit implausible, maybe if they were mercenaries.
One of the things I love about the Dark Ages/ilClan-era CCAF is that their solution to their more limited production capacity compared to their neighbors was to simply hit up the FWL, Dracs, Lyrans, and Sea Foxes and just start buying stuff off the rack and in bulk. So you have their own homegrown designs alongside Blakist reverse engineered models, IS Jihad-era mechs, and Clan second line stuff.
Springfield MA

I live in the middle of nowhere unfortunately
3135 I meant to say.
The Nova Cats’ touman largely came though the Jihad intact,
despite heavy combat since the early 3070s. For the first time in decades, the Cats even rivaled their peers in size—until Alpha, Delta and Tau Galaxies declared themselves for the Republic.

While this move had been expected by the Clan and received
approval from the Coordinator, it also meant that the Cats’
touman went from twenty-seven Clusters to thirteen in a single
act. To make matters worse, the Clusters that departed were theNova Cats’ most elite and well equipped. This not only guttedthe Clan’s fighting strength but stripped it of many of its politicalelite, future leaders, and the warriors who would normally train the next generation

We all know BT is unbalanced as fuck but how would you fix it? One of the things I would change is how non-omnimechs are constructed. Omnis don't feel that big of a deal if you can just shove whatever into a battlemech and it works anyway.
Xanthos. One version has stealth armor and a headcapper with some smaller guns. The other has improved jump jets for 3/5/5, an ER PPC, and 5 MPLs. I prefer the second one because no one expects a DFA attack from a 100 ton quad from 5 hexes away.
There's some game stores in your area, I was just playing with a guy from the Springfield area yesterday, though he came out east.
LBX also get the flak bonus.
it's pretty balanced as long as you don't deliberately try and abuse the game mechanics and your opponent isn't retarded and lets you play with a bullshit list

The construction rules for omnimechs has literally 0 impact on the game balance, you sound like a retarded minmaxxer making broken custom mechs (nobody cares if you can make an OP custom mech), respectfully

Oh no, the level of autism required warranted many autists

Oh, perfect, there's still three slots left. If you have advanced taste you can help
Omnis are a big deal in campaign play if you actually keep track of time.
48 hours of refit vs a 30 minute pod swap is pretty significant, especially if you have a limited mech selection and a timetable to keep.
I would make machine guns roll on the 4 cluster table, 1 damage per, and only carry ammo for 50 bursts.
no they don't
great even more dice rolling
omnis being hyped up in universe actually makes sense when they simplify logistics so much and are super flexible
double heatsinks were a mistake.
How would that even help when you could just bring a custom mech that has whatever you want anyway? In a campaign, there's a GM who can adjudicate that your techs fucked up the total conversion and now in addition to taking 4 months, it also has feed problems and a limp and needs extra maintenance every week. In a pickup, a custom is a custom and it doesn't matter if it's a custom Awesome or an identical custom brand new mech called the Grand Brick. Most people don't want to play with it anyway.
Austin Texas. I put forth the All Black Company. One Archer, Stinger, Valkyrie, and Marauder.

>A fellow Thorn Appreciator.
This guy is the Kitty Hawk of Star League light mechs and I will take no substitution.
Yes, they do.
Lbx cluster has the -2 flak, and the -1 for being cluster.
Hags get an additional -1 specific to flying targets on top of the normal -2 flak bonus, so it works out the same.
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I got banned on my phone the other day, ostensibly for some retarded shit posted in /v/

I have never once in my life even been on /v/. Just the perils of dynamic range IP addresses.
Kansas City, is the nearest large metropolitan area but it's a 3 hr drive for me. I am moving to the Death Valley area in Cali relatively soon, any BT gamers in Barstow or within an hours or so? Not sure I can justify a drive to Las Vegas or LA every weekend to play BT.
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need your feedback btg the Joanna sketch just came in and i want feedback, what changes do you want or recommend that would make this more like Joanna.
Not nearly angry enough to be Joanna. This is a woman who has been God's own inglorious chewtoy despite killing one of the best MechWarriors out there, and is keenly aware of that fact. She should look like someone shit in her morning coffee every day for half a decade.
got it will send that off
Reread the rulebook, they get the -2 flak bonus against Aerospace and VTOLs
>Selma Hayek
This pleases me.
Is there any particular reason she's so sweaty? If it's because she just got out of a mech, there should be a cooling suit she just changed out of draped over something behind her.
already recommended to the artist for the reasons you've said
Most other artistic depictions have her with longer hair, but I don't recall it being explicitly stated stated anywhere
ive asked for a longer hair version to see which i like more just need to wait for them to get back to me
Ganassa made this? It looks like his work but the eyes aren't his.
thats who im paying yeah
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Just finished up some generic pirates.
Was it this thread or a previous one there was some bocchi reaction image? I feel like I'm going crazy because I saw it but cannot seem to find it again
check the archives. https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93212487
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>anon doesn't actually know the refit rules.

Try to make your custom bullshit in a campaign and see how well it goes after you spend a year and a half putting it togeather but you slapped so much shit in there that the refit roll is impossible to make and your mech degrades 2 quality levels. All your maint checks are now even harder than they were before and a few battles on the mech falls to pieces around you just from the accumulated maintenance failures.
I always liked his lines. Maybe some day mine will be as nice as his.
I feel that larger engines like XL and XXL should get extra built in heat sinks
I think only XXL engines should be able to have integral DHS and mixed heat sinks should be standard level rules. You only need to calculate total heat sinkage once when the mech is designed. It's not that complicated and the designers shouldn't be so scared of it.
>It's not that complicated and the designers shouldn't be so scared of it.
WHOAH! Stop right there buddy, are you suggesting the devs should actually learn thee game's mechanics and be familiar with playing it? That is an incredibly exclusionary thought, are you some kind of gatekeeping Nazi?
Yeah, i constantly get banned for random posts some of which are years before i even started posting on this website on boards i never go to.
I only really posted here on btg or some of the warhams boards
>BattleTech often forgets that Pirates need existing economic activity to survive.
FASAnomics truly have liberated the economy.
If you have a fleet of JumpShips under a single consortium, you have no business doing petty piracy. I mean shit, you could probably trade them to a successor state for deeds to several planets.
You aren't doing petty piracy, you're taxing the people who want to seasonally raid their neighbours and the people who'd rather pay you than be raided.
Remember. Paint your mechs however you want.
il comm you if are confident enough to offer it
I have already met a member of BTG on the field of Honor.
they are already too good

what about people they can sell into slavery/sex traffick?

Yeah, once pirates get enough equipment they might as well just go merc or take over some backwater planet and live like kings
>Be me, 3039
>pirate leader in a small crew deep in the periphery
>we run this system and the few nearby
>has kicked off but doesn't really reach out here, life is comfy.
>chilling planetside
>we pick up an incoming dropship, looks like a leopard
>don't know who it belongs to decide to let it land, we have a more than a company and it looks pretty beat up, whatever they have is probably in a similar condition.
>they land
>send out a scout uav, it gets shot down, whatever. Send a few guys in blowers to attract the enemies attention and lure them into an ambush
>they fire off a few shots at max range and lead them into us
>spring the ambush, awww yeah, start blasting
>my centurion picks up the ID of the first mech
>Mist lynx, ok its a clan mech, no big deal
>then the next, Ebon Jaguar.. uh oh
>rest start coming in
>Vulture, Masakari, Dire wolf..
>Hear some guy screaming on the open channel about Jaguars and the mists of space..
>oh noooo
>Gauss rifle explodes my head half a second later
*Jihad has kicked off
They already do that. A pirate king is still a pirate. Most of the coreward side of the periphery were pirate kingdoms, Tortuga is a pirate kingdom, Circinus is a pirate kingdom and tells its civilians that their pirate raids are classified black op military missions. The Marians do piracy, when the Canopians were at their lowest they were backsliding into piracy, etc.
The difference between a pirate raid and a legitimate military raid is whether an inner sphere government is sponsoring it and how many slaves they're allowed to take.
How do pirates get from system to system? Wouldn't jumpships be reluctant to provide passage to wanted criminals?
Jumpships are untouchable and aren't all independent. You can own a jumpship and jumpship crews can be morally questionable or turn a blind eye. Pirate money spends the same as anyone else's.
A lot of pirates have their own jumpships, which the acquired through piracy.
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>Jumpships are untouchable
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He killed A LOT of Blakists. I mean a lot. Some of them had families. Some of them might even have done nothing wrong. But man am I glad that Stone killed them. We can make a new Star League now. It'll be great.
Someone should have talked him out of the teardrop tattoo.

still not enough Bond Girls.
>Suppose mydudes are of Lyran local lord's household and their heirloom mechs. Can I paint it with whatever scheme i want?
There are many documented "ace custom" paint schemes i n the TROs, and quite a few unit leaders who use them even in the regular militaries of the Houses. Just come up with a story and roll with it. If your chosen planet has a flag, for example, you can use its colors in a scheme.

It's best to keep at least a pair of units that move and work together. If you leave one unit isolated it's gonna get fucked up.

>Can pirates show up just anywhere?
We have repeated documentation of pirates raiding into even core systems, and some of them are willing to cross the Sphere on chained raids. When Valasek defected from the Davions one of the first things he did was raid one of Kurita's factory planets to steal tanks and pressgang troops. Later he sent off Wilson's Hussars on a suicide mission to hit the Taurians, and ranged up and down through Lyran, OA, Kurita, and eventually Rasalhague space pretty much unopposed until the Smoke Jags finally took him and his boys down. When they first fought the Dragoons it was near the Terran corridor. Hell, Lady Death's crew upped stakes multiple times and wound up making mechs in a nebula near the Taurians.
the wall required the destruction of jumpships to be maintained
so suppose your planet got invaded by the pirates/mercs/etc. even if you send a sos hpg the moment they arrive, wouldn't it be still too late because it gonna take like few weeks for the sos to reach+they muster an army to help+the army to get to your planet and stuff?
might be wrong but i think hpgs travel faster than that, though after the blackout its a moot point

hopefully whatever militia forces you have can hold them off, at the very least it ensures they have to take shit and leave and not conquer you
Depends on who you send it to, their readiness, if they have a charged jumpship, and how willing they are to use a pirate jump point.
Most planetary and garrison defense forces aren't really there to turn back a large invasion, but just to buy time for the real army to show up.
HPGs basically travel as fast as a jumpship, but they can go further. The real timewaster is that HPG's only send out a signal every few hours/days/weeks. Kind of like how the real time waster in jump ship travel is waiting for a charge, and going from jumpship to planet.
The message will arrive as soon as it's sent. It will then be stored on the receiver HPG, decompressed, forwarded to the actual recipient, and then decoded. This may take a day or two depending on where you are on the priority ladder. Then the guy who's sending the reinforcements has to get the band together, shove them into a dropship, and wait for a jumpship to become available. This may take anywhere from another day to several weeks, depending on how far off regular trade routes you are and whether the guy you're requesting reinforcements from has enough pull to reroute one. Then it's a matter of getting to the jumpship, a journey of days, waiting for the KF drive to charge and fire, up to a week, and then getting from the jump point to your planet, another journey of days.
that's basically the only valuable part of them i thought
What is a 'wall'?
Depends on how ready they are. A priority HPG can arrive in seconds.
The most ideal situation if you don't already have a significant force on-world is that someone near the jump point detects the attack and sends a message back ASAP. This'll probably take like 5-6 hours since their message is moving at the speed of light from the edge of the solar system. Then another 30 minutes or so of bureaucracy as your HQ drafts a message and delivers it to comstar along with the expensive payment for an immediate pulse, then comstar spins up the HPG and actually sends that bitch. Reverse the situation at the other end, their HPG gets the message immediately, spends a half hour of bureaucracy telling their HQ, they send a light speed message to fast responders at their jump point, they strap everything down and jump (probably another half hour to hour getting ready for jump, attaching and detaching from jump collars, etc), then they arrive in your system and burn hard. By this point the attackers have somewhere between a 12 and 20 hour lead on the responders. If they can land near their target, they can be done before the responders get into atmosphere, but now have to fight them on the way out. If they can't land near their target or get bogged down by local defenses, then the responders might be able to intercept them by landing on the friendly target.

In most situations though, you won't have a rapid response force already set up within one jump, so you'll be relying entirely on what you already have on-world. Responders will arrive days after the pirates have already left.
It is

The single most retarded ""addition"" to the setting ever made.
apparently the republic of the sphere somehow enforced what was effectively a no-jump zone that vanished or misjumped anyone who tried to cross the 'wall' into the core republic worlds
when you say 'mechs are too expensive for the local government so they rely on the infantry and tanks,' is it the purchasing cost or the maintenance cost that matters?
Can someone please re upload the file from the catbox link from a few threads ago to a different host? I was gone all weekend and my mobile carrier blocks catbox links.

>For the anons that missed the boat
It's untrue is what it is. But usually the problem is the availability, not cost. Private owners in most cases earned or salvaged or stole their mechs and have extensive (and expensive) military training. If they're working locally as part of a militia, they're going to be using their own mech as a contractor or stake holder in the government, not as a government employee. Knights "are" the government, but the mech they use is their own. The bureaucracy can't take it away from them, mostly because it works for them.
hyperspace barrier set up by the republic of the sphere. It worked by detecting incoming waves of jumping and then detonating/jumping their own jumpship or drive or whatever in the same area to force a misjump.

This meant the republic was burning through their supply of KF drives and would have needed to start using warship drives, forcing them to lower the wall
>Paint your mechs however you want.
This. The only bad paintjob is one where you look at it and say "this is all I can ever do, I'll never improve from here". Everything else is fine because it's always practicing and trying to get better for the NEXT paintjob.
Do you let people use homeworld clans designs? Since nobody is ever going to do a pickup game set in the homeworlds they are doomed to never be used
>It would probably be under a hour, Sol to Earth is about 8 minutes at lightspeed after all.
This is beyond Sol to Neptune, which is 6 hours. Jump points are at the edge of the solar system where there's minimal gravitational interference.
Double heat sinks aren't that bad; the problem is engine DHS, and Clan DHS.

For external IS DHS, the extra bulk balances the weight okay. It makes lights and mediums stronger, but works out okay in heavies and assaults compared to other lostech.
>Why don't I just link the post in the archive?
Thank you. I haven't been able to see images in 4plebs for a few weeks now (they just never resolve), and I forgot desuarchive exists.
Hells's horses have some of the best and exclusive mechs in their MUL, hellstar, savage coyote, stone rhino, kodiak, turkina, shrike, basically get all the jade falcon mechs, blood reaper (not sure why), Cygnus, bowman and thats not including all the vehicles and quad mechs they have
The table in AT2R gives the distance as 1.52 billion kilometers, which is 1.4 light hours.

This is well within Neptune's orbit of 4.5 billion km, as well as within Uranus's orbit of 3 billion and only slightly further than Saturn's (perihelion 1.35 billion, aphelion 1.5 billion).

Of course, it's not "within" since the proximity point is on a line perpendicular from the plane of the ecliptic.
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Sean being a secondary is always gonna be funny.
his books are good though
Wait, the culture warrior sperg down at Sarna endlessly droning about diversity an' shit doesn't even play the game?
Hell, *I* play the game and I'm in the middle of nowhere in Europe and we have two players in a 200km radius.
Remember, you can be a total smoothbrain and still get a job you love.

Are there any attractive Irish women to be fair?
>is it the purchasing cost or the maintenance cost that matters?
Someone posted about DOD procurement economics here before. tldr, when the DOD pays 4000 USD pop for a single M4 carbine, it's because they're paying for a contract to keep that rifle running for x number of years, up to and including total replacement.

So, the c-bill costs you see on sarna. is that set up the same way as a DOD contract? or is it the sticker price for a mech presented as-is by the factor? no spare parts, no maintenance or supply contract, nothing?

We just don't know. Welcome to FASAnomics.
One of the reasons I still haven't gotten around to trying Alpha Strike.
The C-bill prices are some kind of static objective measure and not the actual price anyone would be paying. It doesn't fluctuate with events, if the C-bill is strong, the listed price is the same. If the C-bill is weak, the listed price is the same. If it's exclusively paid for in H-bills by the government to a government owned manufacturer employing government citizens exclusively for the government's use, it's still listed in C-bills. If it's a noted bloated mess with cost overruns, the C-bill price is the same as any other mech with the same components. When a technology goes from cutting edge experiment made in a bespoke lab by the best engineers and scientists in the galaxy to a mundane weapon found in every arsenal, the price remains the same.
Sarna editor, i think? Massive fag
Yup, that's an unseen Pixie, seen here next to one if my favourite non canon mechs, though its not a Battle Technology one, the Mechforce UK Highlander Claymore.
The non canon mechs are, generally, quite fun, and I like using them as surprise enemies in campaigns.
yeah he sucks, he doesn't even reference the american civil war
Katie McGrath?
What's the standard rank structure of a mech company in the DCMS? The bulk would be made up of Shujin and Kashira I know but what ranks would the COs be?
How, in 2024, decades into the woke invasion, can you still be surprised that woke faggots aren't actually interested in the things they destroy?
C-bills are best understood as download costs in this context. It's why they're secure from inflation and are completely inflexible towards actual supply within any market.
Sarna Editor who has a bad series called "Bad 'Mechs" Where he bitches about mechs that suck outside of there operating roles.
I'm now morbidly curious, where can I find this series?
Sounds like a few people's kickstarter orders are being cancelled...
But, lemme ask, how can he evaluate what is a bad mech if he does not (by his own words) play the game?
He larps and repeat reddit posts? How the hell Sarna ended up in control of this guy?
if I run punching melee charger/banshee, would lrm(boat) be a better complimentary ranged option over ppc, given it has higher change or peppering headshot?
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Second 2nd Arkab mech I finished a week or so ago, shame I missed the Arkab edition.
At least try to make the false flag believable man.
What mech is this?
I always figured it was less about the price and more about the number of mechs being a bottleneck. The Periphery was utterly wrecked from a combination of the reunification wars and the Uprising turned Amaris Civil war. For the most part they don't really have the capability to build their own mechs, so they have to buy them from the IS. Now the IS companies that can make mechs can only make a certain number per year because mechs are expensive and time consuming to build, especially post Star League where a lot of parts have to be done by hand because a lot of the automated procedures and other lostech were often destroyed in the succession wars. The Great Houses will always be the first to buy and sell what the companies make, and whatever is left trickled down to private forces like Inner Sphere lords, Periphery powers, prominent mercs, and corporate security forces. Whatever is left is mostly just via salvage rights for minor merc companies, privateers, and other very small groups.
Don't ask me, they stopped translating Btech stuff in my language in the 90ies. It's up to you Americans to do the job. I'm simply amused that one of the guys managing the biggest Wikia proudly admits he does not play the game and finds it "too complex".
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Made myself a Turkina X yesterday, cause fuck it, why not. Was a fun build.

Looking forward to telling myself I'm going to paint it this weekend, then not painting it.
The reunification war was literally 200 years before the end of star league. How in gods name did the periphery never recover when they had centuries of time?
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This is covered in FM:DC. A Tai-i commands the company and command lance, two Chu-i command the other lances, three Sho-ko act as second in command for their respective officers' lances, and the remaining six are Kashira and Shujin as warranted by their social status and possession of a personal 'mech or lack thereof.
Tbh a lot of the time he does admit in the article that the mech isn't actually bad, just has a bad reputation, or is suboptimal, or has an extremely niche role. Like the Stone Rhino is by no means bad, but it is an extremely expensive (and extremely rare in-universe) mech that has to compete with a lot of other Clan assaults for a similar roles, on top of being a 2nd line mech meaning it's pretty much permanently stuck on garrison duty defending some location deemed not important enough to warrant the presence of frontline clusters instead of being deployed somewhere where you'd actually need a 100 ton dual-gauss monster, and thus likely to be the first thing to get bid away before the battle.

"Bad Mechs" just makes for a catchier name than "Actually pretty OK in its specific role even if there's some other Mech that does it better Mechs".
sounds like how? Who is saying this and where are they saying it at?
3D printed O-Bakemono, the M11/M12 variant.
Has twin Mrm-40s and either a c3 master or slave.
A mech with a bad reputation is quite literally not bad because of that, so the title is an outright lie. They're lying to you from word one. It's just scumbag behavior.
Presumably the great houses have a lot more hands than the periphery.
Yes, it's Sean. Scumbag is assumed. Anyone who likes Alpha Strike is like this.
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From what I understand of it, the reunification wars were so horrific and destructive that it would have taken generations of constant work to undo. Then they were forced to be reliant on Star League while paying them insanely high taxes, which did not help. Then you have the Periphery use itself up in the Uprising, then upon realizing Amaris was a backstabbing cunt they mostly switched over and started supporting Kerensky as much as they could, then the Succession Wars happened which destroyed tons of humanity's infrastructure which as said earlier the Periphery was forced to rely on, and those succession wars were a long time of on and off warfare.
And between all of that warfare there are tons of pirates formed in the aftermath of those conflicts and the Periphery is a much easier target than the IS, so now on top of everything they have to waste resources combating pirates too.
The few real positives they get to up the ante, like the Taurians finding a WARSHIP intact, Comstar fucks them over in the shadows to keep the power balance intact.
Really the only real break they get is during the Republic era where things are actually pretty peaceful and they can focus on actually improving themselves, but then of course Dark Age fucks everything up.
So yeah...
Clan omnimechs cost order of magnitude more than old battlemech designs because clans don’t have assembly lines and their military production is largely artisanal, right?
see >>93221197
Same way a danger hair tranny got in charge of the social media and private discords/reddits.
Yeah. Thousands of illiterate slave caste laborers hammer out sheets of wrought iron to make new timber wolves. Takes them about six years to put one together, which is why the clans had to switch to producing linebackers.
Because the setting doesn't and was never intended to make sense. The numbers don't matter they make them the fuck up.
Battletech is supposed to be realistic.
The periphery had their economy atomized by the Star League. Nothing can be single source, nothing can be internal to the nation, nobody can work where they live or learn where they work. And then the star league died overnight.
I think a better term would be believable.
The more I learn about it the less it is
It really isn't. It's not hard scifi, not really, it's just meant to be hard enough that it distinguishes itself from other softer scifi.
More believable at least than a lot of mecha anime I've seen.
Except the OG gundam, I will overlook everything in that because it has oniell cylinders and I fucking love those.
Look at what the soviets did to their satellite nations.
If the periphery wants to make a new mech factory after the Reunification War blew up all their old ones and melted the pieces down for scrap, they'll be licensing the design from an inner sphere manufacturer with as little engineering data as they can get away with and sourcing their parts from a dozen places, all of which are in other Star League nations. Their workforce is contractually imported and their output is split between the SLDF and SLDF approved auxiliary forces for a price set by the Star League. The blueprints are only given on a need to know basis one page at a time and otherwise not even kept in the country. Also every step of this is taxed to hell and back.
Then it all collapses.
If you go into any setting with big mechs expecting it to be realistic then you are delusional.
I think it's a bit of a shame the periphery is supposed to be this backwater but aren't using primitive machines regularly in the succession era
You can always play Dark Age.
Primitive machines were long gone by the time the Reunification War happened. Getting them back is like asking why Africa right now isn't building rhomboidal Mark I style tanks. At a certain point, it makes more sense to slap armor on a pickup truck from the 80s and install a surplus soviet turret over the bed than to try and spin up a factory for old real tanks. Nobody knows how to build those anymore, you'd have to go dig through libraries of documents and hope not too many of them have been eaten by mice and then custom fabricate tooling for specialized machinery that nobody else on earth uses.
Read the first story of the legacy anthology. Fucked up my whole day
do you guys recommend any mods aside from TT(Tabletop)Rulez for MechWarrior 5's friendly AI to not be as bad?
The blurb for the Manticore and some other bits and pieces suggest a lot of star league era production licenses either were perpetual at the time or become perpetual when the home office on Terra got purged by Amaris or Kerensky.
The point is more that you aren't getting the engineers who actually understand the thing and you aren't getting the design documents that include the logic behind every little decision. At best you're getting the finalized blueprint and blueprints for jigs and fixtures, and a basic order of operations, and you might not get to keep them when they aren't actively being used. When the home office gets bombed, you can start putting together the bits and pieces you have with the memory of your guys who have done it, but it'll be a struggle and if you want to change anything, you'll have to find your own engineers who have the knowledge base to have a chance of success.
The salvage mods to let you actually take home a mech you headshot, and the mods to remove tonnage restrictions on the dropship are my mandatory mods.
It's supposed to be realistic COMPARED TO purely and obviously "fantasy in space" shit like Star Wars and 40K. That's all.

If you insist on actual realism, fuck off and play Traveller or GURPS along with the rest of the social defectives. Nobody wants you here.
Let's say mydudes are a lance belonging to either 4th Pesht Regulars or 2nd Night Stalkers stationed in theBjarred Prefecture at 3020. It is being led by a freshly graduated Chu-i from a noble family. What kind of military actions would they need to go through within 3 years or so, if I want to promote them into the Sword of Light?
Capellans are supposed to be protagonists, not villains. Totally out of character.
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Don't know who else was messing with it but I like the way you think.
i meant for improving the friendly AI but thanks for these
I'm in Melbourne.
what's the point of the silver bullet gauss? is it effectively dead tech? only two or three mechs seem to have it and I have a hard time believing it adds value over an LB10X.
Okay sure, but they should have all the docs from back when they had domestic production. What stops them from spinning that back up?
You mean back when their domestic production got destroyed down to the last nut and bolt? Why would they be allowed to have the documents for that? The destruction was immense and the surrender was unconditional.
noob question: let's say this mech has 1t mg ammo on its left arm. does this ammo automatically explode when:
>the arm gets blown up by damage, passing all critical rolls
>the left torso gets blown up, while the left arm is intact
SB Gauss has better range, and non-explosive ammo. Also less heat, for what that's worth. But yeah, no one builds them for some reason, despite being a decent gun. 15 pellets worth of crit seeking is nothing to sneeze at.
Ammo only explodes if it gets crit. Damage that destroys a section still has a chance to inflict crits, but only a chance, and destroying a torso section never inflicts crits on an arm.
the ammo only detonated if it's rolled on a crit assignment. otherwise it's intact in an otherwise crippled arm. if the side torso is lost, the arm falls off and is salvageable in the state it was at when the torso was lost. even if ammo in the side torso goes off, the arm and ammo in it is fine, the damage only transfers in.
hmm. for an extra ton, I could get two RAC/2 which might be more useful overall. plus, they'd save on crits and are more ammo efficient.
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I heard that the digital downloads for the Kickstarter have been going out. Donations are always welcomed.
>But that does not stop them from redeveloping Technology, which is usually the issue here.
>While Compact Fusion Engines and Myomer might be out of the Periphery grasp (And neither actually are), your dudes should at least understand the concept of using them to build Mechs.
>Conventional Vehicles would be even easier because they're probably producing something in that capacity.
Which they already do? I don't even know what you're arguing here. The periphery has left over star league manufacturing and make new vehicles and even sometimes a new mech. They just don't do it that often because they're small and poor and started from a position of ignorance due to deliberate withholding of that knowledge.
AA mostly. Better range than an lbx10, for reaching up a couple more altitudes, and slightly more damage.
Which they already do, slowly and not very often for reasons already stated?
Are you just trying to argue that centuries of deliberate industrial nerfing should have no effect and as soon as the star league isn't actively pushing them down (even though most of the elements actually doing it still exist and would continue their very lucrative arrangements wherever possible) they should just spring back while all the places they could get advanced knowledge from burn to the ground?
>How in gods name did the periphery never recover when they had centuries of time?

A. The Star League fucked them up good, especially the Taurians.
B. The Star League engaged in colonialistic economic practices specifically intended to keep the Periphery from recovering.
That's why they still make mechs at all. Filling in all the blanks and sourcing parts again took a lot of work. Continuing to make Shadow Hawks and Warhammers is a full time, high investment operation.
Something about the main character getting gruesomely tortured to death as sarna puts it doesn't sit right with me
>Are you just trying to argue
Anon, you are arguing with nicedaemonette, he's not had a new thought stick in his head in a decade. You cannot change his mind any more than you can get him off his fixations.
During the Dark Age several of the Periphery Nations grew in military strength.

Canopis alone has 19 Regiments during 3145. (Except the Taurians, there still butt fucked)

Your just getting a gauss that can crit seek and a decent anti-air weapon.

Gets a -1 for just shooting and a -3 for Anti-air operations.
Shame MM doesn't have frankenmech rules. This would be fun to play
Now you are running into longstanding setting issues. There is insanely little design work being done by insanely few companies, to the point that even the richest states just aren't producing a heavy tank for hundreds of years at a time and are building armor regiments out of vedettes and scorpions.

This is because the writers were not interested in inventing the dozens of different ICE vehicles that should theoretically be filling in for all the various doctrine gaps in the inner sphere and periphery.
As with all things, it's a tradeoff.

Silver bullet can get 15 theoretical hits, 2 RACs can get 12.

Silver bullet is 1 heat, 2 RACs at full bore is 12.

RAC ammo explodes, Gauss rifle explodes but less, but also takes more crits so a hit is more likely to touch it off.

Gauss is individually more heavy, but you need a lot of ammo tons for RACs so it kinda evens out.

RACs can jam, Gauss doesn't.

So, it really is context dependent.
RAC 2s are more BV efficient.
Should I go with a trebuchet or quickdraw for one of my pirates?
Their backstory is basically a reverse lady Arano, she was heiress to a minor periphery kingdom but it was rolled over during the clan invasion so instead of trying to take it back she cashed out with the heaviest mech in the realm and joined up with a bunch of buccaneers.
The Quickdraw is a giant shit pile.
I thought cluster gets a flat -1 to all hits, and an additional -2 for air or hover, totalling -3 against those? still, a -3 to hit probably makes it useful for it's niche. sort of like the rifleman, it is great at what it is for, but what it is for is not front line combat.
Salt Lake City or Provo Utah.
I'm in the middle.
good points, and as other anon pointed out, the SB gauss has good anti air bonuses. almost enough to convince me to pick up a Carronade.
I think you're wrong
Its also got the range of a standard Gauss rifle so at long ranges its still pretty devestating.

Also rolling 15 seperate hits can make an opponents ass squeeze.
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Why is CGL like this? Like I'm not even mad, I'm just completely baffled as to why they'd do something like this. Did they literally not hire a PR person?
Yeah I've been paying attention to the revolving situation in discord and if CGL did pull the trigger jfc.

Did CGL forget they were running a business and start being an activism group? Yeesh. Thankfully all my mechs are 3D printed but yeesh. This is why you don't invest in stuff from people who have already frauded their own company, folks!
I am no where near the level he is I'm afraid, but I appreciate it.
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South Puget Sound. Always open for a game, just got very limited availability right now.

>what are some other Anon's thoughts on the now Non cannon Battle technology mechs, I think their neat personally.
I've always liked them, tried to scrounge up a couple of the MFUK kitbashes as well. I've occasionally fielded some of the odder ones in campaigns. As usual, a few of them are hyper-skewed "optimized" customs, like the modified Crud that's essentially a 3025 version of a Nova (pic related), but then you also get silly shit like the Macross pods as Osts or the tank with a mech torso as a turret that wound up as a unit logo in canon.

>We all know BT is unbalanced as fuck
So you're starting from a false premise. BT is pretty solidly balanced for a tabletop game. There are certainly quibbles I'd fix, starting with giving alternate ammo a BV, lowering the cost of large C3 nets, and allowing Ultras to unjam. But the idea the whole game needs an overhaul or that customization needs gutted because you can do in 18 months what takes a Clanner tech-caste an hour is just patently false.
It’s like people forget who they’re dealing with. How can you look at CGL’s track record and think ‘Yeah, I’m gonna drop hundreds on these guys.’
Context please?
>Did CGL forget they were running a business and start being an activism group?

A. is this guy Internet-BattleTech-famous for saying trannies are bad or something?
B. since the core group decided to hire that one woman and then stop paying attention to anything public-facing
I'm going up to Washington sometime this winter or next spring. I will be in the Seattle\Bellevue area.
That's kind of the point. This unit is going to be in the civil war and half the mechs in it are introtech variants.
I'm just wondering the usefulness of two hands and 5 jump jets verses 30 (dead fire) missile vomit
If you're going for raw damage, yeah. If you need to hit something at 21 hexes, not so much. Like I said, it depends on what you're needing to bring to the table. I personally enjoy the SB very much, it compares EXTREMELY favorably to the LBX 5, its rough competitor in terms of range, but by far its inferior in terms of damage output per ton, crits, etc. One SB does the job of 3 LBX5s, which is a hell of an efficiency savings, for instance.

Or to look at things a different way, we all know that goose and poopers are a historically good combo. (Nightstar et al). Swapping an SB for one or more regular gauss leaves you with hole punchers AND sandblasters to exploit said holes, while still having the same range, theoretical total damage, tonnage, and crit profiles.

Now, going from a potential 15 damage hit to a couple of 1 damage hits is a downgrade, but getting the chance to plink the shit out of someone, frightening them into closing range because they're afraid of internal hits more than they were afraid of a headshot from the original Gauss, can also be quite nice. Context.
Can't think of a lot of people that do that, certainly none of the people who talk about BT.

unrelated, but one time, in MWO, we had a player with a highlander flying all over the map. came down to just him and one other player
a player hopped on the mic and said "how many jets yew got in that thang" and he said "enuff to do this" and then flew out of bounds and died, losing us the match.
David who's been running the Everything Battletech Discord since 2019 decided to kick the Mercenaries Kickstarter went and checking to see if his digital goods where in. Found out his order is canceled. He's still in the progress of finding out why it was canceled as BackerKit is in the process of telling him why. He's already been forwarded to another part of the company.
is it near olympia or something? i live in tukwilla so i guess it'll be like an hour and half drive from here
>and allowing Ultras to unjam

This is a pet peeve of mine. Ultras jamming is annoying in theory, but in practice isn't a significant problem.

Sure, sometimes you'll get fucked with a jam on the first turn, but in the length of a normal game, it's not a huge concern.

First column is turn number

Turn Risk (this turn) Risk (cumulative)
1 2.78% 2.78%
2 2.70% 5.48%
3 2.63% 8.10%
4 2.55% 10.66%
5 2.48% 13.14%
6 2.41% 15.55%
7 2.35% 17.90%
8 2.28% 20.18%
9 2.22% 22.39%
10 2.16% 24.55%
11 2.10% 26.65%
12 2.04% 28.68%
13 1.98% 30.67%
14 1.93% 32.59%
15 1.87% 34.46%
16 1.82% 36.28%
17 1.77% 38.05%
18 1.72% 39.77%
19 1.67% 41.45%
20 1.63% 43.07%

Median jam time: 24 turns (that means that if you double-fire every turn, then there's a 50% chance it'll jam by turn 24)
I hate JJs in MWO so much
they're so fucking weak, all you can do is slowly levitate upwards in all but the lightest of mechs
I kek'd
Davids been pretty vocal towards Catalyst business strategies but no...He even lets the Unicorn Podcast on the Facebook group.
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I'll admit, that got a laugh out of me
So why would that other guy accuse CGL of being "activists" for cancelling his order?

I just figured it was CGL's normal level of competency and customer service.
>The Periphery was utterly wrecked from a combination of the reunification wars and the Uprising turned Amaris Civil war. For the most part they don't really have the capability to build their own mechs, so they have to buy them from the IS..
This is an outright lie. The Periphery is a net exporter of mechs to the Inner Sphere, even in 3025. The only people reduced completely to buying mechs are the newly-established Marians, and they're a straight-up pirate LARP colony founded by a multi-trillionare Romeaboo. The MoC are trading Shads to the FedSuns in exchange for cash and mechs, the Taurians are the Taurians People say they're the Norks but honestly they're more like the Turks, and the OA is making a few lights along with aerospace fighters and a bunch of the parts for Panthers and Dragons before the Merlin shows up. All three of them have enough surplus production that they're actively selling to mercenaries and IS governments. By the 3060s the non-Marian periphery states are all fielding multiple home-grown designs, finish reactivating a couple of dead Star League factories, plus there are the IS companies that relocated into the Periphery.
They did get fucked up, and pretty bad, in the RE-U war and the occupation, but then they largely escaped the Succession Wars without massive WMD deployment. So what was dogshit production of outdated mechs in the 2790s wasn't nearly so bad in 3010.
I continue to feel validated in my decisions to print rather than purchase.

I hope it communicated clearly that both of these had extremely thick "they terk our jerrbs" accents
I wasn't sure about the Panther at first, but then I played a game with one and I'm still not sure about it. It didn't exactly do much, but it didn't immediately die either.
I think it has to be more in line to David criticizing the shit out of CGL and how they've been handling the Mercs Kickstarter. They did this before we another customer went and said that CGL was using Chinese Slave Labor and his kicker was refunded for his statements.

Also it doesn't help that Valk has probably been whispering shit in peoples ear since shes got close ties with Rem and Valk got a knife for David thats for sure.
The point of the panther is to be a cheap disposable PPC carrier. I don't know what you're expecting from it.
Who the fuck is Valk?
You and he sound like drama youtubers shit stirring to fill a void in your souls.
The OA in 3025 is making their own fusion engines, flamers, large lasers, Mechs, and fighters. They basically manufacture their Seydlitzes from scratch! That's pretty cool for a bunch of alleged Space Amish. I wonder if they're assembling those fighters by hand.
She wrote for two of the Pride Anthology Fanzines and got published twice in Shrapnel. Her IRL name is Robin Briseno and she was a frequent flyer on Everything Battletech before losing her shit.
>minor periphery kingdom
>anything bigger than a bug
What a retarded move. It loses them a huge customer, gives them horrible optics, and gains them...some vindictive glee?

CGL's new media team is going to sink the company and I'm going to kek loudly. Let's be honest: with PDFs, print-on-demand, and 3D printers, we don't particularly need Catalyst anymore.
What'd she loose her shit over? People not being sufficiently pozzed?
They ddn't use to suck. They used to behave just like in Battletech, and quickly too. They nerfed them in the Beta because no one could hit Jenners.
Yeah, in Olympia. Usually only available on Monday because of work/child care schedules. I'll need at least a week or two of lead time to set up a game but I'm more than happy to do so.

If you're an active troll, insinuating that it was for identity politics reasons instead of good old fashioned incompetence, someone in the dev team inner circle personally hating you, or good old sleazy business reasons gets a lot bigger rise out of people.
I thought cgl cut ties with valk a while ago?
I wish.

Schizo moment because David kept moderating her discord because she got angry that one of the players painted there mechs in Antifa colors and was threatening gun violence.
>If you're an active troll, insinuating that it was for identity politics reasons instead of good old fashioned incompetence, someone in the dev team inner circle personally hating you, or good old sleazy business reasons gets a lot bigger rise out of people.

Fair enough. If you're stuck indoors, you might as well mend socks.
It's always funny how the people that consistently complain about politics in Battletech can't stop trying to bring politics into Battletech.
That is a subjective delusion, it was born with testes.
You mean complaining about CGL and others bringing politics into battletech?
They did, until Sarah/Rem fired the person who fired Valk then got valk reinstated, albeit briefly apparently.

Why did valk get the boot? IIRC they made death threats to specific people on X basically saying if they show up to this/that con or expo, they'd shoot them. Take into account valk was supposed to be a fucking discord mod IIRC.....so that unhinged attitude adds up
East TN

Also any kickstarter getters? If so post what you got, i want to seethe while i wait for my shit.
It doesn't really matter. People like David are being replaced by thousands of people every day.
Valk was paint shaming a dude on Twitter then the whole demo team list for chuds came around. Just all round shitty behavior.

These things all remind me of a game I played a long time back. It was play-by-post, ASoIaF RPG. One of the other characters wanted to play a Northman knight. He was very clear that he wanted his character to be a knight, and to worship the Old Gods.

I pointed out that this was impossible, since knights were literally holy warriors of the Seven.

His response have recently lost his son to a child rapist who happened to look exactly like my character.

But because the player kept helpfully providing spreadsheets and maps, the GM kept him on.

Wikipedia is the same. HOAs are the same. School boards are the same. At the end of the day, if money isn't involved, then whoever's willing to put in the most time usually wins...and the people willing to put in enough time to win are usually not the ones you'd want.
David runs the largest Battletech Server as well as Facebook.
If CGL have it their way, not for long.
>he thinks that cock and ball torture is growing by thousands of people a day

But anyway, new players are not on average dropping a hundreds of dollars on their Kickstarters. I don't know jack shit about Dave, but just the fact that he's loud enough to make someone at CGL butthurt, I'd lay even odds that he's spent literally thousands of dollars on BT over the years. He's probably made FASA/Wizkids/Catalyst more money than any 10 average fans will.
I don't know either. Maybe I should try using two panthers next time, or looking into the later variants.
What year was that?
Is Valk the one who was mixed up with the Pardoe stuff? I can't keep straight all these backroom battletech rumors.
panther vs. suburbanmech for that role?
Ah, this explains it. He's not generating enough controversy on his own to usurp him.
No that was some other dude pretending to be a woman.
The funniest line by far in the statement on the parode firing was that they said it wasn't related to any feud(s) he had with fans.

The BLP incident was Faith Mcclosky/Ace Kaller.
Here's a single piece of the Valk drama on twitter. There is more and recommend reading it ALL to get an idea of the future of Community Management under Rem Alternis.
No, that was "Faith" who is a straight man who believes himself to be a man who was pretending to be a lesbian online and got one shrapnel article under the false name before going completely off the deep end with Pardoe.
Next time I'm up there, I'll post in this thread. You'll know its me because I'll be entirely in character and ranting like a derranged retard. We could have a three-way! Lance v. Lance, v. Lance.
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I'm finally making a dent in my greypile today since my new paints came in, but conversely trying to figure out how to work with speedpaints at the same time. I can definitely see where people were coming from with how much speedpaint likes to pool and pull away from edges, but I also kind of dig the irregularity and splotchiness.

This sort of thing is what makes me feel like pairing Advanced Jump Jets with TTRulez is essential in MW5 - it turns jumpjets from flaccid disappointment into an actual goddamn leap, and it makes the Highlander feel so much more fun. There's no shortage of bitching I can levy at that game, but it can still be fun - shame that I have to pack another thirty gigs of mods to get to that point, though.
unrelated but supercharged arena suburbanmechs are real bastards to encounter as a light in MW5, what is my commando to do against such vicious trash-thrashing
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Thats House Master Po Ding AKA Ace Kaller AKA Faith McCloskey AKA PlagueRat83 AKA Jason Livermore.
I don't use any form of social media so I guess I've been 'fortunate' enough to remain in the dark about this.
nice rust there
Panther's goal is:
-Do damage to things
-Be cheap
-Hopefully not die too fast
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Honestly it's just there to be a cheap trooper so that you can afford something heavier. It's not a huge threat, it's not so squishy that anything that can catch it will kill it instantly, and it's almost always pulling a higher THN than something else. So it tends to slide way down the kill priority list and just sit back quietly taking potshots for most of the game.
I've gotta say, if I was BLP, I would probably hate trannies too after all that bullshit.
Valk you ignorant bitch.
Aww, man. The Gerwalk LAM Urbie can only go on the hex with the jump smoke.
He was an ancient boomer that became personally unpleasant to work with so he stopped getting contract gigs.
wait, record sheet came out?
Update: I played a test game and the quickdraw blew up before I could do anything cool with it. So jury is still out on what I should choose
No, just the mini. The middle-transformation mode can't stand on it's own hex without the smoke plume.
>taking Grummz seriously

Literal professional pedo defender.
I'm not trying to say he got fired for the tranny hate; by all accounts
>He was an ancient boomer that became personally unpleasant to work with so he stopped getting contract gigs.
is absolutely correct.

But also, despite not showing any particular anti-tranny sentiment beforehand, the period after the Faith McClosky affair saw him starting to put overtly transphobic stuff in his books (one of his new books has a few lines about how you need to love having a penis in order to pilot a Mech, I shit you not) and IIRC he made some pretty openly transphobic social media posts as well.

My point is: even if he had been the most progressive man in the world before (and he wasn't), then the majority of his interaction with trans people or trans rights or whatever is that shitshow, and it's not surprising it would leave a bad taste in his mouth. It's like, I knew a guy who didn't have any opinions about Chinese people until one time he got fucked by a Chinese supplier, and now he's almost violently racist against them.

Does it make the bigotry okay? No, of course not; nothing does. Does it make it understandable? Kinda.
>Update: I played a test game and the quickdraw blew up before I could do anything cool with it.

I mean, that's basically what the Quickdraw is there for. The Trebuchet at least usually gets to do some damage before exploding.
Fair. I do like the look of the quickdraw more but I use it plenty with my dracs. Trebuchet it is I guess
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Oh but it get's better; Because of said threats from Valk, one of the other CMs fired him.....only for that CM to get fired by Rem Alternis/Sarah, who then reinstated Valk.

Rem/Sarah is a completely different and unhinged liability altogether; CGLs esteemed community management executive in charge of comms for the KS, whose growing crime list continues:

> Fucked off for 3 weeks to do cons without leaving anybody in her position to deliver updates for 23000 people.
> She's been known for the hostile takeover of the BT Subreddit and filling it with her own minions; community engagement has since been it's lowest.
> Firing the demo team, seemingly for no reason other than putting her own figurehead in.
> Established the "BT is for everyone" statement.
> Got the BT YT practically given to her with subsequent videos garnering less views than a video about omnimechs 2 days before hers.
> Tuesday newsdays = 30 seconds of BT updates + 2 hours of bullshit ramblings with some nobody about Shadowrun. Every. single. fucking. time.
> Has 0 knowledge about the BT universe, other than she has a favourite plushie.
> Looks like this <
I do like cheap mechs.
I agree with his sentiments in most of his statements, but defending paedos is where i draw fucking line.
what is his favorite bt plushie?
When you whine about the PR lady not being hot enough it gives the game away.
LOL! Nice try but we aren't subject to your delusions.
Yeah? Which ones?
>why they'd do something like this
They're cancelling the orders of people who have been confirmed to be hostile, aggressive, or transphobic to CGL staff, either online or in person. If you're having your order canceled, it's because of the actions and attitudes you chose to exhibit, and you have nobody but yourself to blame.
Public relations should exclusively be done by attractive people.
If this is true good luck to them.
>Accept money for goods/service
>Deny goods/service
I don't know, they're not making themselves look very good here. I didn't back the kickstarter, but I'm not sure I want to support this company going forward, and will be urging the six other people I've gotten into CBT in the last few months to do the same.
I like 3D prints more than the model's CGL's putting out anyway
I'll not be spending a cent with them going forward. I was indifferent before but at this point I'll actively boycott.
Yeah, I think that will be the route I take going forward.
If you go to a diner and are rude enough to the waitresses you get to meet the physically largest cook or dishwasher and they show you to the door.
>Accept money for goods/service
See that's the thing
A kickstarter isn't a promise of a good or service. You give money freely and if the startup decides to deliver, then you receive gifts.

There is no contract made between backer and startup.
CGL is free to not do business with people who may choose not to deal with. If they don't want to deal with people with certain political views, then that is their right as a merchant. If you don't like it, feel free to complain to a regulatory agency with the power to enforce its regulations.

Oh wait that's right. Those don't exist anymore. Guess you'll just have to deal with it.
Weirdos like this who I wouldn't trust to control themselves in public are why I carry at events. You can tell this person is just salivating at the thought of getting any excuse to hurt someone while also playing the victim.
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I have noticed that there are alot of people who prefer meritocracy over DEI in the talented area of the interwebs
That's still not making them look good
If I go to a restaurant and the waitress harasses me the shop had best make it up to me, and if the bus boy tried to assault me for complaining about her behavior I'll see them in court. Fuck your violent fantasies you limp wristed twat.
I am very hesitant to back a kickstarter from a company that picks and chooses which backers they will send product to based on the personal dislike of their staff.
a kickstarter with an established company is a preorder. especially when the goods were created
This is why I haven't and will not back CGL on Kickstarters. In fact, given their history of financial impropriety, I will not be purchasing any more of their products.
Until proof of said rudeness is seen and not just hearsay, it will remain in the realm of a personnel attack on someone who the company just doesn't like. il point out the whole reddit coup rem did then filled it with her ilk and admitted to on the sarna page https://www.sarna.net/news/getting-the-word-out-with-rem-alternis-catalyst-community-marketing-director/
You should definitely sue catalyst game labs. Make sure to represent yourself, judges love that.
So take them to court :^)
Hopefully the people who had their orders canceled do enough chargebacks that CGL loses their payment processor or has their rates hiked.
whelp since you're using emoticons you're clearly not from around here. This was the first and last time I'll back them though, IWM and printing for me.
We tried that with PGI a decade ago. They just set a final date for all payments, then drag their feet for 8 months until it's too late to do a chargeback, and only then do they release the product and it's worse than advertised

No refunds suckers!
Talk to your bank directly and have them do a chargeback now, don't play their game.
Guess I’ll just have to continue not giving catalyst my money, you mean? It’s not really that hard passing up the shit they puts out.
I’m more annoyed by useful idiots with a corporate boot lodged in their esophagus, like you.
What's mystifying about current year politics and social issues in Battletech is there's a really interesting tapestry of politics and social issues baked into the setting already that you're distracting and detracting from.
I'd rather deal with those politics than current year politics. I don't have to worry about Fascitic Furries attacking us, thats a thousand years away.
Trying too hard.
The point isn't even the choice by Catalyst to cancel the orders; its that they don't have the nerve to let people know they're cancelling, in this instance, or issue a refund within a week.

That's shady as fuck.
so let me get this straight

ONE guy's order is fucked up, he does not know why and is still waiting on info from kickstarter about it.

Because someone else thinks the guy whose order is fucked up is unpopular with some staff at cgl, some other people have decided that this means CGL is now arbitrarily cancelling orders based on political posts online.

Christ on a bike, Either everyone's falling for it, or there's just a few samefags pretending that they're falling for the bait.
It is still entirely possible the whole thing is a mistake that has been blown wildly out of proportion by what seems to be a huge drama queen.
that's what I'm saying a couple posts above you, snord made a few assumptions and now one or more trolls are just potstirring because it's an easy way to get people riled up.
ah, because of those feet shape? yeah that sucks
Well we have people who embezzled three quarters of a million dollars, general mismanagement, and have a history of being either incompetent or malicious in the extreme, so it could be either one.
Speaking of LAMs, how do you make them in SSW/MML?
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It's not because they think their identity politics make BT better, it's that inserting their identity politics into everything, in their view, gains them ground in the culture war. It's never about making the thing better, it's about their IRL political conflict.
At this point I'd rather all fiction just never mention sex or race or gender identity again, just have it jarringly refer to them by their full name every time and never elaborate on what they actually are.
I'll check back in a few threads. Hopefully things will have calmed down by then.
whipping up a shitstorm is a time-proven way of getting customer service drones to do what you want
What is the point of saying this when we don't know who you are?
He's really going all in...
No. Its well known that David isn't well liked with a good chunk of the CGL Staff.

Why do you think his discord went from Everything Battletech to now being called Helm Memory Core.
He's not the first person to have his kickstarter pledge cancelled by cgl over possible wrongthink
>Hopefully things will have calmed down by then.
Buddy, this hasn't calmed down since 2019, and arguably since 2016 and the phoneposter disaster. It's forever. Either cope or leave the internet forever. It's not going to stop as long as either side is allowed to move it's not going to stop as long as either side is allowed to continue to exist.
I say this as someone on the more progressive side of things, there's a time and a place for everything. If I ordered a product, I expect that product, not delays and a lecture on human rights.
Man, maybe it isn't a good idea to meet up in person for a game of battletech, some people in this thread are RILED.
It doesn't sound like a problem unless you start getting political for no reason.
I play Capellans.
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the rust is a happy accident because i tried to follow this guide i saw on contrast/speedpaint alpha legionnaires that called for some thinned airbrushed blood red speedpaint before the subsequent blue/green mix, and i have neither an airbrush nor contrast medium

If you're literally asking how to do it I think you just change the base type to LAM, otherwise I've heard that LAMs pair well with composite structure and improved jumpjets between how an internal hit will probably fuck a LAM up anyway, and how the gerwalk mode's MP is based on your JJ movement; otherwise I'm not enough of a LAM pro to really say much. I actually really like the basic Phoenix Hawk LAM's stats on paper, though - I need to play it more.

Not super related but I've basically given up on actually physically gaming with people since the nearest game stores just run Yugioh, Magic, and I think that One Piece card game that apparently exists. It's kind of saddening, but hell, Megamek and Tabletop Simulator exist.
you're okay with the 40 and up crowd.
Come to Adepticon this spring.
You're not going to be quoting madcap posts like passages from the bible, right?
I'm not a pedophile, if that's what you mean. The problem is that Capellans are an inherently political faction. Even if I don't bring it up, someone else will.
>CGL is free to not do business with people who may choose not to deal with.

I didnt say this wasn't the case. Unfortunately for CGL, they also don't have a right to the contents of my wallet, or my aggressive sharing of their files (not a crime in my country). :o) I can live without battletech forever. CGL cannot survive without money. :D
I'll just be really racist towards your faction. Well, capellans aren't a race, but you know what I mean.
It feels like unfair discrimination based on cultural or national affiliation has been incorrectly blanketed by the term "racism". Is there an actual word for it?
Same. I like how crispy resin detail can get, some of the dynamic poses you can find, and being able to get modern renditions of unseen designs if you feel like it. CGL models are reasonably priced and easy to get ahold of at least which is more than I can say for most of the miniatures industry these days.
Not that I can think of, Nationalism is too "pro my guys" when really I just want to be "anti you guys"
Pattern recognition
Never trust a Capellan. Shoot Davion on sight.

Sure. What they're not permitted to do is cancel an order and not return aforementioned funds. This isn't the mail order era; you are not expected to wait on a check in an envelope by the post in response when the retailer is unable or unwilling to fulfill the purchase order.

As it were, businesses were more capable than CGL in that era- because if they weren't going to fulfill it, they'd return the funds and provide a note as to the circumstances. Now credit card reversals issue back within 24 hours, and this has been sitting a week- without them ever having attempted to contact him.

That constitutes theft.
According to the anti-racism training I had to take at work, racism has nothing to do with race and is actually discrimination towards a culture.
Which means I can proudly say that I am racist against clanner scum.
Too vague, that could apply to any of the isms.
All of the factions are political.
Just don't spout irl politics during the game and nobody will care
Alright, I've come to a decision. From now on I will only buy CGL products if they are being sold by my local game store which I want to support.

If my opponent wants to lean into their faction, I have no problem with that, makes it more fun.
My LGS sells food and I prefer to support them that way. Not an option for everyone I know, but it feels a lot better than paying for a product from a shitty company.
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Anyone has the third book in the Rogue Academy Trilogy(Crimson Night) to share? The trove has the first two, and i ended up reading without realizing the end was missing...

That said, is there anything official about the urbanmech LAM other than the AS card in the Salvage Box? Its the only non-extinct LAN in current era (even if not exactly canon) and i´d love to see a record sheet or the fluff about it.

Even using the card and convertion rules, all i can figure its a 3/5/3 light LAM with 6t of armor. No idea about weapon or equipment, other that it uses only energy guns and the "custom" variant fields a angel ECM.
Buy IWM instead.
Crisper details and may work as an impromptu deadly weapon if you throw it at someone's head
All factions are inherently political. They each serve as a metaphor for IRL political positions. They literally can't NOT be political, and expecting that is such a height of idiocy it makes Manic look downright hinged.

Not according to the Kickstarter TOS. Which every backer agrees to. Which means that yes, CGL really CAN take your money and give you nothing. Maybe think about the consequences of your actions and attitudes next time.
How does importing IWM support my FLGS?
Even the MoC players?
Maybe you should cry about it some more. That will convince all of us of the righteousness of your cause. The gamers will rise up and carry you to victory on their shoulders.
That's what everyone means by making things political.
Nobody's referring to the guy that says "kentares was justified, praise the dragon" when they complain about politics.
Urbie lam is not canon. It's an out of season april fools joke
I don't want to pay like $18 a model
>theft is okay because the TOS said so
Get your flgs to stock them then
None of my stores stock CGL stuff due to 'constant issues actually getting stocked'
I mean, it depends. I don't really trust anyone who only plays a single faction.
>yes, it unironically is
>read what you sign next time
Kentares uhhh liberation was totally justified
My LGS has a table fee, but you get it back as vouchers for food. So the price of getting a table for 3 hours comes out to the same price as they sell two 20oz coffees for, so it works out well.
Moc players are not people
Then you will support CGL. Or you will illegally steal their IP and you will eventually be caught and prosecuted and cry about how it wasn't fair. Choose.
good on you for wanting to support your game store but cgl is absolute shit with sending restocks to retailers who aren't barnes and noble and aries. it'd be better to support your flgs by buying whatever paint supplies they got instead.
I've never heard of anyone actually playing as MoC, it's a faction for secondaries, like taurians.
What if they only play two? Or they are new and are atill building their collection for their first faction?
This, but unironically.
Verse 30: "People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry, but if he is caught, he will pay sevenfold; he will give all the goods of his house."
They only have citadel.

If you are painting every model you own as a single faction and have more than ~12 mechs, you are probably a weirdo. Last game I played Kuritans, one before that I was Lyran Commonwealth, one before that I was Fedsuns, next game I'll be playing Fedcom.
He was talking ironically?
Seemed on point
Not even army painter? The new army painter fanatics line is fantastic

The program issuer is required to make a fulfillment attempt *in good faith*. Taking payment for product and shipping, then specifically targeting orders to not fulfill- while stock is still in hand and others are going out the door, is anything but a good faith attempt- especially when they've issued a substantial number of refunds up to this point.


Maybe you should go back to cutting as an emotional release, if others having a calm discussion makes you so uncomfortable.
Of course they use IRL political positions, that is completely unavoidable when trying to depict government and politics, but that's also not what people mean when they're complaining about politics.
I have trouble believing you don't already know this.
Seconding this. It's a bit too diluted out of the bottle but the colors and the feel of it are great.
>but hell, Megamek and Tabletop Simulator exist.
Is there a good TTS mod for BT?

>The problem is that Capellans are an inherently political faction.
Only because of a few loudmouth fans. It's fun to play villains that curl their Fu Manchu mustaches. It's less fun when an actual writer goes full "PRC did nothing wrong" multiple times, and then when it's pointed out that the CapCon isn't the PRC, takes steps until they are.
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Fuck off scroggers. I'll print as many of these marauders as I want and you cant stop me.

MoC and Capellans go to war across a dozen systems; millions die, and yet, not a single person was killed.
It's one of those places where it's 40% MtG, 30% 40k, 20% RPGs, and 10% everything else. But it's a good space, can't blame them for catering to what sells.
the political/CGL shitposting is getting too silly, we need a new topic

quick, someone get manic to rant about genetically engineered catgirls like some kind of coomer version of bison from the street fighter movie.
>no centered turret
>Not according to the Kickstarter TOS. Which every backer agrees to. Which means that yes, CGL really CAN take your money and give you nothing.

The point of the KS ToS is that if the Kickstarter fails, they don't need to repay the capital they raised. It's not so that they can choose a small number of people to not deliver to. ToS or no, there's a strong court case (to force repayment, not to force delivery - but it'll likely come with legal fees, possibly interest, and possibly penalties. It's a pants-on-head retarded move by CGL, and I can't believe that Loren is too busy fucking his wives on his porch to pay attention).
Many such cases
Civilians only die in wars when Davions start them.
I'd rather fucking not
Aren't they just cybernetically modified hookers in BT?
The marauder should have a turret.
But it should be off center, on the torso that houses the gun.
According to the ToS
2. If a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they must make a reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:

they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;

they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion under the circumstances, in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;

they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;

they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and

they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form.

They need to make a post and show that any undelivered goods are being not delivered in good faith and then either return the money for those backers or else show that the money will be used in good faith for this project. Since this project is already out the door, I find it hard to believe they'd be able to do that.
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Women in jumpsuits sexy.
I want to believe that mechwarriors wear jumpsuits over their cooling vests/lingerie because it's practical, and also a fire retardant jumpsuit is just practical.

it's not my fault that a belt around the waist makes a jumpsuit become shockingly form fitting! it's not! and it unbuttons so nicely
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But...there's some stuff in early books that implies it might be real, as well as rules in the RPG for cat ears. The devs should have left all of that cyberpunk shit they borrowed for the Manei Domini as NPC-only, fuck.
there's a couple stl variants with a centered turret floating around but i prefer this one cause it looks like the art.
CGL only licenses Battletech and Shadowrun.
Speaking of cats, I swear I read somewhere about cats on JumpShips with little magnets in their paws. Is this real, or did I hallucinate it?
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Meh, I've always preferred bunnygirls
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Are there any cases of the comguards being deployed against inner sphere houses? My girlfriend bought the two comstar packs because they were the best value and I'm autistic enough to be bothered with lore inconsistencies with her good faith effort to share in my hobby. Should I just start playing clans so we can go tukkayid forever?
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Wait, how is the thread past the bump limit but still on top? It can't have just passed because the bump limit like 300?
You're sorting by last reply, not bump order.
>Are there any cases of the comguards being deployed against inner sphere houses?

Yes, but only in disguise. See, for example, the "Warrior House" attack on New Avalon in '29.
I'm aware of that, but I meant more specifically the mechs in the Battle and Command Level IIs
Oh, thank you. This is a new computer, I guess last reply is somehow the default?
Retard spheroids find a hidden Star League cache.
Comstar sends out a kill team to kill them all
Operation SCORPION, presumably named for the parable of the scorpion and the frog by a ROM guy annoyed about the plan.
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Until Tukayyid, ComGuard was all about deniable ops. Deploy against anyone for anything, but if you're going to use the fun TRO 2750 mechs then you need to leave no witnesses.
After Operation Scorpion, anything goes. After the defeat of Task Force Vengeance and Operation Steel Hammer , EVERYTHING goes.

And remember, you can always paint your ComStar mechs as Clanners, since plenty of those TRO 2750 mechs survived as late as the Reaving due to Brian Caches. Proofs is the RATs given in the Crusader/Warden books and the Reaving supplement of course.
There is literally nothing wrong with playing Blood Spirits.
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>Operation SCORPION, presumably named for the parable of the scorpion and the frog by a ROM guy annoyed about the plan.

No, Primus Waterly chose it personally, because of that parable...though I really don't understand how that's supposed to make sense. But then, she was quite the whackadoodle.
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The RATs in field manual: crusader clans?
Yep. Page 170. Lots of SLDF era mechs.
It makes sense that there's no C variants (since this is before the C variants were detailed by a couple decades), but I'm surprised that there's no Royals. Or did the specs for most of those come later, too?
Most of the Royals were published in the KLONDIKE book. They're uhhh
Very powerful robots. It's awkward.
Just dug out my copy, you're right. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll let her know she can run those as second line clan mechs.
>I'll let her know she can run those as second line clan mechs.
This is how they get you anon
In six months time she'll be riding you Amazon style. Be careful!
>tfw no aerospace fighter phenotype gf
Fuck, I wish CGL would stop inserting shit into the past, though I'm not sure if this counts as retconning or not.

Are Royal units mentioned in TRO 2750?
What you want is a Naval Commander, who IIRC are supposed to be less Roswell-looking. Also they're bred for personal charisma, which is probably good (though I doubt she'll be happy being on bottom).
I was unaware that was a distinct phenotype. Huh.
>Alex K personally gave orders on how the Atlas and the King Crab should be made
>oh actually there were these mechs which totally outperforms both of those in the same period
He wants a neotenous girlfriend. A legal loli.
The retroactive arms race is retarded yes we all know.
Only the Snow Ravens do it.
>Are Royal units mentioned in TRO 2750?
Not that I remember. The 3075 books have some too but that's still CGL not FASA, if you're into making that distinction.
I wouldn't mind if they went back and added some 3025 variants but were like "very few were ever converted to this standard/unpopular/short live production"
I think that's exactly what they did with the machine gun Shadow Hawk in Shrapnel recently
Damn, Davion men really do have a type.
speaking of SH, is the SH with PPC strictly inferior to the Griffin 1N? or even to the Vindicator, let alone to the Panther?
No. It has more armor and speed than the Panther, and compared to the Vindicator and Griffin 1N it has more close range firepower. Not much more, but some.
Wouldn't say *strictly* inferior, but more of a sidegrade to those mechs (it's got best armor out of the bunch)
The PPC Shithawk is the best introtech shithawk though
>best shadowhawk is an arguably worse variant of a different mech

If that isn't a ringing condemnation, I don't know what is.
What do you expect? It's a schizo mech.

My girlfriend wants to play Andurien because of the Branth, leaving me in a similar position of trying to figure out who to OpFor against the Free World Legionnaires because I don't really want to play Dark age.

Looking through the dates and shit I'm guessing Canopians or Cappellans.
Scorpion is a notoriously terrible mech but i'd take it over the shithawk any day of the week
Why not just opfor as mercenaries or something?
Wolf Empire is also fair game as antags.

I suppose I could, but I'm autistic enough that I enjoy being a lorefag.

Also I just realized a bunch of the FW Legionnaires also hung out near the Chaos March. Which could mean Cappies or even FedCom.

Or Blakists if I want to kill myself painting white mechs.
>who to OpFor against the Free World Legionnaires

Capellans, Canopians, Marians, Lyrans (FREE BOLAN!), Dracs are close enough during most of the Succession Wars, FedSuns units could be involved post FedCom.

But of course, there is only one foe that every true Andurien wants to fight.

Wait, I forgot about Atreus. Two foes.
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>if I want to kill myself painting white mechs.
2bh, the difficulty of painting white mechs is wildly overrated
it sounds dumb, but the trick is to not actually use white except for your very finest of highlights. Most of the mech is painted using much darker shades.

The other thing (and this can be disputed) is that using a black wash adds a ton of trouble for yourself. Find another way to darken your recessed details and you can save so much time.
if only other people in the entire IS have thought of putting a large laser in place of ppc like that one single dude
I don't know, the idea of Kerensky micromanaging the development of these two mechs, and then having them be immediately outdone by engineers that didn't have leadership personally breathing down their necks is a funny image desu.
Maybe Kerensky was actually retarded.

Yeah, and for splitting any mechs we get in the future, Cappies (or their Canopian lapdogs) make the most sense. Else I'd just do FWL too.

Kinda gay that the Cappies don't have the fun sub-faction thing that the FWL does. I think that's why another reason she liked them, and then the Anduriens. Does St. Ives ever get its troops sent over thataway after they're suckered back in? I always wanted to look up more about them, they have some cool paintschemes and mechs.
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tamiya panel liner (grey) is a good shit
>or their Canopian lapdogs
*canopian puppygirls
There was an XTRO that did just that, it's where we got the good old Blazer Zeus and Marauder.

I mean the Dougram mechs kind of cover all the bases
Glass cannon (D), all-ranger with suspect kitchen sink loadouts (H and K)
Focused ranged support (N), mid-ranged with a few options at both ends (S)
Mixing PPC and SRMs for reasons, fast. It's not as bad as people make it out to be but it's still not exactly optimal.
Mid-to-short specialist (M), split-ranger like the Scorp but better at short range (R)
To be fair, the Atlas and King Crab do very different things than stuff like the Thunder Hawk and Nightstar, and if you believe the construction rules are way cheaper.

I think in one of the RPGs it mentioned in St. Ives more common languages were Cantonese, Vietnamese and Hindi. So I always imagined them as being more broadly south-east Asian than pure Chinese which sounded like a lot of fun.
PPC and SRMs are not the worst combination, you have your hole puncher and crit seeking in one mech.
i'm thinking about using the wolverine K as more close ranged and available version of crab, but not sure how much losing jj gonna hurt
So what is the technique here? Extremely finely tipped brush?
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Let the good boy have a Blaser, as a treat.
Although I've had some decent luck loading my Scorpion up with Inferno SRMs, running it around at medium range sniping with the PPC for a few turns until something like an Archer or Warhammer pulls the trigger two or three times to many and then using its speed to sprint in, land a kick, and catastrophically overheat them in the next turn.
No capcha, that's the Tequila Gunner. The Blizzard gunner is quite svelte.
>Kinda gay that the Cappies don't have the fun sub-faction thing that the FWL does.

Before XIN SHENG! there was actually some factionalism, but unfortunately Andurien is cozied right up against the heart of the Confederation.

Probably the most fun Capellan unit to run is the Big MAC.

The Blackwind Lancers openly support the Free Capella movement.

The Cappies notably deploy several mercenary companies, of which the most prominent is the Northwind Highlanders.

I'd do Blackwind Lancers, personally. The whole "defending the Capellan people while opposing the Capellan government" thing is kinda fun.
apply the panel liner/oil wash all over and clean the mess with mineral oil and q tips
It's a good combo against fast lights (as they close quickly).

The entire CapCon was quite diverse and had very heavy Russian influence before XIN SHENG!
>Kinda gay that the Cappies don't have the fun sub-faction thing
You get House troops, the Reserve system, Rangers in the Victoria Commonality, then you have the Warrior Houses, and the Merc companies.
There's some layers but yeah, FWL is still the kind of "wow this faction has a lot of sublayers and depth"
I keep seeing Xin Sheng and I still don't know what it means
It's enamel so you can dissolve it with minimal impact on the acrylics. Especially if you put down a layer of matte varnish before using it.
China Will Grow Larger.
Somehow, the Capellans found the resources to develop and build dozens of new mechs because.....the Chancellor said so?
It was a top down cultural movement to try and tap into what the dracs had, but for China instead of Japan. It flanderized the faction.
In the mid-3050s, Sun Tzu Liao started a new magical program which made everyone Chinese, freed the slaves, and created an army out of nowhere.
literally means 'new life' or 'new birth' and is the beginning of the deus cappies machina and capellan favoritism

Also it must always be written in all caps with an exclamation point, like so:

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There's a lot of assets on the tabletop simulator workshop that can let you run all sorts of BT games, though nothing that really automates it like MegaMek which isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's a starter set for example that contains I think the third or fourth edition rulebook PDF somebody has in a google drive somewhere loaded in as an on-table book, and a few bags/containers full of mechs and record sheets that allows you to basically play AGOAC with whatever's in that save, and people have uploaded saves full of minis to choose from, like models from MechCommander 2, MW4, or MWO.

So not necessarily a single mod per se, but a lot of assets that you can use to play CBT or Alpha Strike just fine through TTS. You don't even need someone else to build or load maps, either - this screenshot actually just uses a hex map I googled and loaded in for a gamenight with a couple of friends, and there's a lot of maps where someone actually built stuff with labeled 3D hexes.

Aren't the Blackwind Lancers sort of forever tainted by Warner doles?


Yeah the problem with the Cappies always comes down to Xin Sheng.
>Yeah the problem with the Cappies always comes down to Xin Sheng.

There's no compelling reason you can't play pre-Xin Sheng.

>Aren't the Blackwind Lancers sort of forever tainted by Warner doles?
Why would he tain them?
worst of both worlds.
Surely July will be the month I receive my kickstarter box
>shithawk being sold at $10 while the enforcer and bj are sold around $4.5
>blowjobs for $4.50
the economy is in shambles. i blame hanse davion for this
what mech is the goliath closest to in terms of role and loadout?
>PPC and two LRM10s
I can't actually think of another mech with that loadout
Loadout is like Griffin, but role is like Stalker (but worse).
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It is CANON that the shadowhawk is amazing.
Probably a Zeus.
4/6 moving 80 tonner with a relatively anemic weapon loadout.
Though Goliath has better armor and doesn't have a retarded AC5 weighing it down
There are Zeus and Awesome variants that have a PPC and LRM 15, but it's otherwise pretty rare outside clan mechs.
I mean, Sarna editor did admit he doesn't actually play tabletop and is a secondary faggot
I need one more mech to bring this up to 7350 BV, anything up to 3150, preferably accessible to rasalhague. Facing 3 unknown but fast mechs (no combined arms).

>Look at what the soviets did to their satellite nations.
They put important, centralized and completely integrated production facilities there without having a duplicate in formerly Russian territory, leading to them having to set up brand new production lines from scratch after the collapse of their empire.
Pretty sure that's a direct quote from TRO 3025
forgot pic
They're too good for the IS, just like laser pulse modules and RISC lasers
Hands are VERY important
will the upcoming clan jenner be looking too different to be used as the is jenner?
Definitely play Canopian, and start your transition now. The sooner you do the prettier you'll be, and she'll thank you for it later.
The Goliath, obviously. It'd actually pretty unique: it's got okayish but kinda shitty weapons, but an enormous amount of armor, more than any puny biped could carry.

It's role is to be a tank with just enough long-range firepower that you can't ignore it.

It's almost similar to a Stalker, but lacks the increasing bite as you get closer.
>Why would he tain them?
Warner Doles was the first openly pedo person that CGL employed.
Jenner IIC carries SRMs in each arm and SRM4 on the torso, compared with the Jenner's 2 MLs per arm.

Other than that they look identical, though you can't reasonable recreate the IIC's config in the Jenner without Clantech.
Yeah, but i just want to use any opportunity to shit on that guy.
Apparently they'll be making a Havoc mini as well at some point, if you recoil so hard that you want something that feels like a Jenner but doesn't look like it.
it's not a hull down turret behind the hill?
Turrets and Mechs going hull down is advanced rules.
We have this argument every so often but it's very obvious what the combination of "you can find any kind of prostitute you can imagine :wink:" and oh yeah these guys are really, really good at surgery was supposed to imply even to a 80s-90s audience.
page 30 battlemech manual, not sure what you mean by hull down exactly but a quad mech can stand only a single level tall with no penalty
Isn't the lore AC5 a lot closer to a PPC in performance?

Between that ans its favorable quirks, it'd go a long way towards explaining why the fluff likes the hawk.
Might've been not literal turret and going literally hull down.
Goliath standing behind a lvl 1 hill has half the shots that would hit it, miss, because all the legs are hidden.
I like to use a lake. Get the quad bonus to PRSs making the water hexes trivial, and the water keeps you cool.
Good point. Goliath does have 4 leg-mounted heatsinks
Right, but then it can't shoot I think
There is actually a Goliath with a proper turret, it puts a gauss rifle and mml-7 in it.
There are no rules when it comes to weapon performance in lore. AC2s blow off heads, lasers can be swept across platoons of infantry, and PPCs fire bolts of carcinogenic dark magic.
That and it's a lot easier to flank a hill than it is to flank the omnidirectional cover that comes from being in a lake.
No it can shoot with no penalty as long as it has line of sight
>Kong Crab (exceedingly rare Assault, pretty much com* only till 3062 when the Lyrians make them I'm small numbers)
>Whammy 2c, a literal clan assault that's rare until the Dark Age
>custom Summoner, a Clan omnimech
>bushwhacker, a high tech Lyrian medium
also gets +1 to hit from partial cover which everyone always forgets about
>Why is CGL like this?
They are american company and USA is socialist country runned by incompetent woman and man with dementia
Is it really that hard to make half a dozen hexboards with anchors and sticky positions? I could swear some of the paid modules have plenty of interactivity.
how much trouble you'll get into if you attack comstar explorer team+its bodyguard mercs?
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A certain type of privateer, yes
The guy on the left kinda makes sense, but I have no idea what the fuck they were trying to go for with the guy on the right.
If words gets around you attacked a jumpship, you better love the system you're in cuz that's your home now.
rate this ghost bear force (will be fighting 3 mechs)
There are plenty of maps on the workshop and the standard expectation is your pieces snap from hex to hex, so that's a thing that already exists if that's what you mean. I'm not really sure what interactivity you need other than a board, some pieces, and some recordsheets, especially if you can just load in PDFs for on-table reference.
That got dropped from the rules in the jump to 5e
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What the fuck are you talking about anon?
looks like you... forgot about it
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you forgot this
not on a jumpship, but on field i mean (like, while trying to steal the cache they discovered and stuffs)
I'm more interested if that war going on is actually based on an event that's actually detailed somewhere. It looks like the FWL lost a... I want to say the big boy is a warship and the slightly smaller ones are jumpships, but whatever they are, that anti-spinward offensive got fucked up hard.
Obviously they're doing the traditional Comstar victory dance Anyone got the gif version?
It's the opening salvoes of the second succession war.
is it that 'never trust your sister' thing?
>come to think of it i think it's recurring trope in bt, with katrina and shits
In almost all eras except maybe the jihad attacking random archeologists (that work for the largest bank in human space) makes you a pirate, however dead men tell no tales, and the ability of ground units to radio their space ships is as spotty as the plot requires.
Yeah. Toyama was a greedy bitch and went all in on using the Captain-General's sister to leverage the FWL into the war, but he overplayed his hand and got caught out after the C-G realized that both of his enemies were also making moves that only made sense if they were getting the exact same Comstar data he was. So he set up a honeypot and sent a secret message about it via HPG and sure enough, suddenly the cappies are committing an entire strike force to attack an empty world that was only given value in a message left out where Comstar could see it. So he nuked the HPG station where his sister was located and told Toyama to suck a fat one while SAFE tried to spook the rest of the League's Comstar personnel, who had to go into hiding. He should have just CCd the Lyrans and cappies with all the data he got on them from Comstar, but alone the FWL couldn't really do much against interdiction and even the distant successor states showed up to take a bite.
It's crazy to hear just how close the Great Houses got to discovering Comstar's conspiracy multiple times in BT's history before the canon reveal. An individual lord is just smart enough to realize something is fucky, but never quite catches on to the First Circuit's shenanigans. One that immediately comes to mind was that Steiner Archon who caught on to the fact that every new mech factory that got announced would get destroyed, and hid a new one in I want to say the Outworlds?
Once you know the secret, so what? You can't just stop using all the unique services Comstar offers, you can't replace those services without cutting the budgets of every other part of your government, and honestly it's not that bad to be competing for galactic dominance with 5 other factions instead of the 4 you thought you were.
'can't do anything about it even if you know the truth' makes me mad. hope there was a way to screw them over real good before jihad
I'm just getting round to getting into tabletop having played the games for ages, I've printed up a few minis and they look like they'll struggle to fit a 30mm hex base. Is there much issue going to 35/40mm bases? I assume as long as they fit (or slightly overlap) a hex map they're fine?

They would fit the 30's but with their feet overhanging and I hate that look visually. . .
If you look at pictures a lot of the official models do overhang, yes.

If you are going to be using them for tabletop gameplay you should really stick to the official base sizes. It's important for everyone to be able to tell at a glance what facings are what, and changing base size makes they kind of screwy very quickly.

I'd assumed moving up a base size wouldn't change the facing, I'd just have a few extra mm all the way round the edge?

Would it be less of an issue if I clearly mark the facing? (I've seen a few with hazard stripes etc, so I was thinking of doing similar on the front hexside)
new thread

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I screwed around in paint and it turns out my spatial reasoning is bad, you can make the base huge before it starts being unclear as long as you center it on the map tiles correctly.
Not having to deal with clans, skimming from Star league 2, and FWL and Fed Suns going into a decline. It was a good 100 year stretch.
capillary action, a little dot of the paint will have it fill the whole scribbing/panel lining, you can then easily wipe away the excess with whatever solution you need to use for it.
I personally use a bunch of different pens for panel lining things, they wipe off easily with just paper so there's no reaction with any paint of anything like that, but they do take a lot longer to fully dry out.
A bigger issue is that things are going to get very awkward quick if mechs start bunching up and/or get into melee.
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We already have that with a lot of the existing models, especially quads. One of my friends decided to make his tarantula in this pose, and the thing takes up like 5 hexes.
Good LORD what is happening in this thread?
I like Quad mechs, but some of those IWM minis are unplayable on the tabeltop.

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