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Fruit Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93203868

You do make it a point to track food supplies, right, /5eg/?
No, that shit is boring as fuck. I don't track encumbrance or ammo either.
>You do make it a point to track food supplies, right, /5eg/?
we did in our last campaign, but it made no real sense
>food in a bag of holding
>party (especially ranger) often using downtime to get more food even if we weren't even close to running out
>alchemy jug for beer and infinite calories from honey
> dragon jerky
What's your favorite Bard subclass and why /5eg/?
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Imagine tracking food. Imagine playing 5e as a survival game period. There are so many better/more autistic systems for that kind of gameplay. I'll play Ryuutama or Five Torches Deep if I want "survival" gameplay. If I'm playing D&D I wana be fighting monsters and shit, not worrying about whether deer shit in the woods is edible or not. Why are modern DMs always SO afraid of running the thing 90% of the rules are built around?
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Not particularly, unless we're going into an absolutely desolate place where rationing food supplies actually matters like in the middle of some frozen mountainous areas or another plane of existence like Hades
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Eloquence Bard and nothing else even comes close. If I'm playing a Bard, it's because I want to be the "social" character, the party face. Eloquence Bard does this better than any other Bard.

The other Bards are just shitty Wizards with an Inspiration mechanic.
Is Sorlock a thing solely because of Eldritch Blast?
Yes. Also Hexblade dip for medium armor and shields. Fuck Hexblade.
All Warlock multiclasses are because of Eldritch Blast.
Satan is wrong as always.
Only until the party summoned and bound a couatl to their service.
It's a thing because alot of the Warlock subclasses just don't have very good features in the later levels. Or at least not good enough features to outweigh metamagic and "real" caster spell slots.

This is especially true if your group never takes short rests and thus basically negates the main point of actual Warlock spell slots. Or if your DM is the typical modern 5e DM who only runs 1-2 encounters per day.

You have a negative INT modifier.
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All right, last repost of the semi-annual update to my bullshit for anyone who cares. After this, I'll be going quiet again for another six months.


The attached pic is a general overview of what I've changed, with a more detailed rundown posted in >>93204566 >>93204630 >>93204711

The biggest change from the Winter 2023 update has been the overhaul to feats, which have multiplied substantially in number. Some of them are probably ill-thought-out because I'm just one guy. After the disappointment of WotC's 2024 ranger announcement, I went ahead and gave the class another pass, polishing up a few things and tightening up some inconsistencies.

Another significant change was the removal of death saving throws as a mechanic. After some playtesting, we determined that dying at 0 with no Hit Dice remaining was already lenient enough--if you're committing to that play, it's honestly disappointing to the tension sucked out by successful death saves.

Kineticism and Solipsism also got most of their disciplines released, though they're still a few short. I have ideas for those, but I needed to change tracks for a bit to get myself out of a rut.

As always, feel free to call me a faggot, steal my ideas and publish them elsewhere as your own, neither, or both. If you do find something glaringly retarded, I would appreciate being told so that I can fix it.
Of course, I'm not some faggy Wizard player. If you have positive Int as anything other than a Wizard or Artificer, you've built your character wrong.
just like you.
I do but my DM stopped caring at level 16 honestly, I think he stopped caring much earlier

I still track it.
Is it over for this game, DnDbros? I see the recent edition refers to the game world as a "multiverse". Your funkopop marvelification is beginning......
have you ever looked at the 2014 Player's handbook?
Globe of invulnerability is busted
The guy who said that already got BTFO'd.
No, because 5e's starvation mechanics aren't very interesting. If I wanted to run a starvation simulator with survival mechanics, I would use a game with a more granular mechanical framework.
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Who plays games in the published settings instead of writing their own?
the fag part is how the PHB flavor keeps referencing that all d&d worlds are part of the same multiverse.

>Your funkopop marvelification is beginning......
why would you get triggered by something that already happened in 2014?
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I play games set in Mystara.
the only fag who got BTFO'd was the retard (you) who said that 2014 was 20 years ago.
>the PHB flavor keeps referencing that all d&d worlds are part of the same multiverse
So write your own settings for which that isn’t the case. I literally do not see the issue.
>>Alongside these worlds are hundreds of thousands more, created by generations of D&D players for their own games. And amid all the richness of the multiverse, you might create a world of your own.
Yeah, I know it's easy to ignore and not worth raging about, but it's still gay
I missed out on getting a poster of Chronicles because I wanted to lowball on Ebay and I'll always be fucking pissed
It doesn’t say that any and all settings made by players are part of the multiverse, just that some are. You don’t need to ignore it to apply basic reasoning.
>The worlds of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game exist within a vast cosmos called the multiverse, connected in strange and mysterious ways to one another
just check out >>93218356
even the class and background descriptions go on about the multiverse.
Sauce on .webm?
looks like Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>he doesn’t rewrite the class descriptions for his setting
But why does she lick the chest orb after she's done eating? Does the lore explain it or it's just a random detail the animators added?
>4 man party with session this week
>hashing out schedules
>2 players free for any day
>1 player free only for friday
>1 player free only for sunday
>tl;dr players w, x, y free for one day while players x, y, z free for another
how should I break this tie?
>make fantasy empire of elves and humans loosely based of a fusion of HRE and italian city states
>leonid kingdom exists on another continent, massive war between the two ended in armistice
>for some reason my party just assumes the leonids are fantasy blacks and now assume they are criminals
Is it only for this week? Postpone. Is it for every week? Cut the player you like the least.
Every week for the foreseeable future yeah
One is less invested and attentive, the other plays horribly but interacts with the world a lot
Might go with the latter then.
She's licking fruit juice off of her fingers, anon.
she's licking her fingers
What are the other two players like? In my experience, DMing for three players can be supremely enjoyable.
She's licking her fingers.
Honestly this. The problem isn't tracking food, it's that any party above level 2 is fully capable of keeping themselves fed and housed with money to spare. Even if you're having the party carry their own 2lb/day rations on a months-long journey with no spells or magic items, unless it's through the barren desert there's nothing really stopping the party from just hunting and gathering. It becomes such pedantic busywork that the question might as well be "Do you have your players stop to shit while traveling or do you declare they soil themselves?"
Even when I played Warhammer Fantasy, the only reason food was a problem was because the mage kept rolling "food within 10 feet instantly spoils" on the magic fumble table, but my character was a survivalist so we could just shoot a boar to fix the issue.
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>make character skilled as social manipulation
>DM makes me act out everything
>inevitably make a slip up, despite rolling really high I cause more problems than I solve

>make a character intent on delving into the big secrets of the world or even solving the big problems
>might get one or two leads, neither lead anywhere, campaign ends and I didn't accomplish anything

>make a character driven by revenge
>die before getting there, other party members dont care about carrying it on

>make a character devoted to a faction
>never see any real tangible benefit from being in a faction, just given a mission or two and that's it

>make a character who's just a meat head who wants to fight things
>get bored easily, but at least you can do your stated goal whenever it comes up

How does anyone enjoy being a player? DMing is much more fun
Quite good, they are particularly invested in the world which I appreciate. Both play fairly powergamey but I can work with that still
Don't invest into shit skills (like social ones) and just do whatever you want.
>nooooo!!! I have a high CHA score!! That means that every NPC loves me and does exactly what I command
>nooooo!!! The campaign has to revolve around me learning g all the lore the DM is making up on the spot that has nothing to do with the actual game!!
>noooo!!! The party MUST accept my own personal goals as their own and do exactly what I command them to!!
>nooooo!!! The entire game has to revolve around me and my gay little faction that nobody else gives a shit about!!
>noooo!! I made a character that o ly cares about fighting, why am I only good at fighting!!
we don't sign our posts here
>didn't make a character based on the campaign they're going to play.
hmm, I wonder where the problem is?
Certainly not with the player that is trying to be the main character and gets mad when the rest of the group just ignores him. No, of course not. It's the group that is the problem.
is there an especific thread for the 2024 rulesbook or will we keep using the 5eg?
/5eg/, I was thinking of an idea for a rogue subclass. The idea is you get a pool of d2s (i.e. coins) that you can use for various purposes. Some examples include:
>Coin Toss: whenever you would make a d20 roll, you can spend a d2 and roll it instead. You fail on a 1 and succeed on a 2.
>Counterfiet: once per day when you buy at least 10 gp worth of gear, you can spend Xd2 to reduce the price by X0 gp
>Stash: one per day you can spend X0 gp to regain Xd2
>Post Bail: You can spend Xd2 to end the restrained condition on yourself
>Buy Off: You can spend Xd2 to force a creature to make a Wisdom save or be charmed
>Coin Operated: You can spend Xd2 to cause a magic item to regain 1 charge
>has a meltdown even THINKING about a player playing a charisma or int skill based character

I thought it was just bad luck but holy shit, why do 5e DMs HATE those archetypes so much?

But also what do most DMs want even? You make a simplistic character with little background and you get bitching about being low effort. You make a fleshed out character and you get bitching about being a main character.
>has a meltdown because he can't be the main character
calm down, anon, nobody gives a shit about your fanfiction
Keep using 5eg until the books come out, then we will rebrand to a combined 5e and 5.5eg general sort of like what the 3/3.5 guys do.
I am still curious, what kind of characters do you most prefer to run for? I do want to be a better player, just finding what sticks is difficult and lengthy.
im gonna run a roll20 map with dynamic shadows for the first time, there's a fight in a vault full of walls and boxes and shit and they're fighting ghosts so i thought it would be a good opportunity to give it a try, at least one time.
Any tips? Pitfalls?
Eldritch Knight's new war magic and improved war magic are fucking awesome.
Wonder how would it multiclass with abjuration or evocation wizard.
The eldritch cannon now encompasses all past eldritch cannons, meaning it has all the abilities the past individual ones did
Force Ballista now compromises 2 attack rolls (shots) at lvl 3 and each can target different creatures
a shot is 1d6+int modifier
this upgrades to 3 shots at lvl 5 and 4 at lvl 11 etc...
flamethrower deals 2d8+int mod and upgrades with level as force ballista does (gaining a d8 at the prescribed levels). otherwise it is exactly the same
Protector is now once per short rest
the lvl 5 feature is replaced with following ability:
after only shooting once with force ballista, you can cast a lvl 1 spell with the remainder of your action
NOTE: I AM CONFLICTED ON THE NEXT TWO ABILITIES AND DO NOT KNOW WHICH TO CHOOSE (help me pick which you think is more balanced!)
1) this ability upgrades at lvl 9, the artificer being able to take 2 shots instead of one and still cast a lvl 1 spell with the remainder of the action
2) this ability upgrades at lvl 9, the artificer being able to cast a lvl 2 spell after taking one shot with the eldritch cannon

all feedback is appreciated
I don't run games for characters, I run games for players. A good player can play whatever character they can and still be enjoyable to play with. Bad players like >>93219248 get mad when the party doesn't give a shit about their personal vendetta and complains that they don't continue the grudge after the characters death. Anon complaining about that is a dead giveaway away the the DM isn't the problem, it's the guy who thinks every other player is there for his enjoyment. Plus the fact that he's complaining about fucking up, but blames the DM instead of himself. High CHA doesn't you can whatever you want, and not have consequences when you say something stupid

it's shit, fuck off
coin operated doesn't seem very rogue-ish, but otherwise it's good ideas
That is not feedback
So characters that don't have anything going on beyond the railroad?
comprises of****
Same reason you use anime in your character portraits. Why can’t you change to fit in, yet demand others to?
>Play a character who is exceptionally good at persuasion
>That doesn't matter at all unless you are good at persuading the DM
>how dare there be consequences to me acting and talking like a retard
Nta, but do you expect wizard players to cast magic irl too?
You have to play it up because you're just a shitposter, but the reason 99% of social or int heavy characters tend to fall flat because the person they're trying to out-persuade or out-plan, the DM, has total information supremacy over the player. The player will never match the DM in what they know, so a good sound argument to the player will sound retarded to the DM, same as any plans. And since most 5e DMs are strange power freaks, they like to shut down these players whenever possible. I've seen it at every table with other players too.
>still having a meltdown because he can't be the main character
Maybe if you weren't a ShitPlayer, you wouldn't have to deal with ShitDMs. One begets the other, and if you're throwing a tantrum because the other players don't care about your personal revenge story it's pretty easy to see where it started
> PCs walking around a snowy area
> Make a dexterity saving throw
> Fail
> Haha you tripped
> Uh I help him
> Make a dexterity saving too
> Succeed
> Well he helps you but your pride is still wounded

Is it a common thing for DMs to include these type of little situations just for the sake of making the PCs look pathetic?
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Are they fixing HP bloat in the new edition?
There is and it's composed of people whining that it uses the word "multiverse" and that Warlocks use charisma >>93206738
Does dragonlance have a setting book somewhere or is it just novels?
You've been having a melty about these evil "shit players" for half the thread now but you still can't even say what you find is good in a player, other than very vague platitudes.
>A good player is someone that can work with others
>But also if you expect other players to work with you, you're a shit player
No it's getting worse
It's meant more so to hype up the character with good dexterity, who could use it in a situation to help others, rather than put down the other character.
>No it's getting worse
I'll keep avoiding the system then, thanks anon.
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how the fuck do you play as a fairy? they are small as hell and yet can still dish out damage equal to a normal longsword? how the hell is that possible? or since their size is small they are as small as a fucking gnome?
>how the hell is that possible
Well if you use this thing called imagination and realize that it's all fucking fake anyway and there's no reason to arbitrarily gimp a PC beyond uselessness, then maybe you'll solve it for yourself.
>how the hell is that possible?
The tiny flying person happens to be magical in nature.
They fly around really fast and stab you in the eye
>nerfed the shit out of martial burst damage with power attack, smites, etc
>they're "improving" the Tasha summons and releasing them as default phb content
>Treantmonk confirmed they're barely nerfing spells at all
So martials and half casters are going to be literally useless in 2024e, awesome.
A good player is somebody who doesn't demand the rest of the party act like NPC followers. A good player doesn't demand that there aren't any consequences when they say something stupid. A good player doesn't demand to be the main character. If you reply with anything but "that's right" then yeah, you're a shitty player. And if you still can't wrap your head around that, then there's no helping you.
i don't mind gimping myself but at the same turn im a fucking tiny little sprite, i guess i should imagine myself as a grown mans hand than a gnome? or something like a kitten?

this is what i am trying to imagine, i can suspense my disbelief but i think its due to how media treats fairies and sprites as something as like a bug/as big as your ear than something large enough to just be able to kill you outright with weapons could help to learn what you guys do as well if you ever played a fairy
Pressure is force over area. A smaller creature capable of applying the same force is going to apply more pressure.
Even buffed, Tasha’s summons are a serious downgrade from the 2014 conjure spells.
martials weren't really known for their burst damage to begin with, most of the changes seem to trend to a higher average dpr without the required feat choices of 2014
>NPC followers
You mean care about the other characters? You haven't yet defined anything you stand for other than random buzzwords and platitudes
>Muh consequences
I know you are very low IQ and upset right now, but if ingame social ability is a worthless stat at your table then you are a shit DM.
>Main character
Again having a spergout about that term, even though its something you introduced into the conversation. I'll try to define what you're talking about since youre incapable

Based on what you've said, a "main character" is a character with
>ties to characters beyond the party
>motivations and goals
>invested interest in the world around them
Is that right?
>reading lore
>find out about Insithryllax
Acute concession
We can almost all agree that
>Common = English
>Elvish = French
>Dwarvish = Russian
But what about the rest?
I think half halflings should be philipino
Each language has description of what it sounds like. Elvish is a flowing language, not a series of strange mucus movements and honks like French. Dwarvish is very gutteral and full of consonants, not like Russian at all either,
Dwarvish is like a Nordic language.
>book says
I don't care
Then why'd you open with a picture from the book
>Ignores the resource management side of D&D
>Complains that D&D isn't engaging
Kids these days. Fuck all of you all.
Because it contains the subject of discussion, doofus
>we can almost all agree
>blatantly wrong about one of the most obvious cultural influences
That's going in the book.
>ties to characters beyond the party
That's not something anyone said, anon? Caring about other PCs doesn't mean connections beyond the party, that IS connection to the party?
>motivations and goals
Wanting everything you make to be 100% relevant at all times isn't "having motivations and goals," anon, that's being a selfish prick.
>invested interest in the world around them
So invested you choose such interesting hooks as fucking revenge or "a faction," with no fucking concept of ideals or motivations, just "gang," and so invested you just turn off your brain entirely because you're not being spoonfed everything you want. The DM can only respond to what you put out, making a character "for" something doesn't make you yourself good at pursuing that ingame, and considering your argument is pivotally about "making" a character like something rather than "playing" a character, you only have yourself to blame when nothing comes from your nothing hooks.
>Dwarvish is very gutteral and full of consonants,
So English?
Could have been Hebrew, but that language sounds disgusting.
im not even the original anon you were arguing with, I just like bantering lol
1. Characters, not PCs
2. Wanting to have relevance =/= wanting constant relevance.
3. You are reading incredibly hard into generic examples that weren't explained in detail. Motivations and ideals can exist beyond those, but those would make me an annoying "main character" wouldn't it?
>You expect the DM to do work!
I extend the hand by anchoring my character to the world, if I get nothing back why would I ever do that again? If your argument is
>I run low effort games so I only expect low effort back
That's fine, but many DMs seem to put effort in but hate doing anything with player effort in return. It's very odd
>replies with anything other than "that's right"
at least you admit to being a shitty player
I did a while back, but nobody can provide a single example of a good player other than
>someone who does nothing but follow the party around
Yeah, I know you admitted to being a shitty player. I just said that. Are you fucking retarded?
The biggest part of being a good player is picking up how the other players at your table act - but that requires social awareness and if we had that we wouldn't be on tg
And I said it earlier which you failed to pick up on, are you retarded? And again, no example of a good player yet
1. Characters beyond the party were never a criteria of anyone's argument until you, straw-chan.
2. Relevance needs to be taken, not handed out. You want to solve mysteries, find mysteries. You want to advance a faction, find out their goals and pursue them. Know the game you're playing before you decide what direction you're going to take, and then take it.
>I extend the hand by anchoring my character to the world
>those would make me an annoying "main character" wouldn't it?
Man you're so fucking salty. "If caring about the game is being the main character, then I'm guilty of caring, god damnit!! I obviously cared more than the DM did." Get the fuck over yourself.
Meant for >>93220821
>example of a good player other than
>someone who does nothing but follow the party around
Can you link that post?
>You do make it a point to track food supplies, right, /5eg/?
In my current campaign I do, and to keep things interesting the players are allowed to use extra food rations to make a feast and generate some temp HP for the day, which incentivizes them to stop relying on goodberries and eat some real fucking food, and also to keep themselves hunting. Thankfully, the party Druid was killed last session so they're out of goodberries for now.

The feast is also occasionally included as a consequence of killing huge game or killing a lot of game, for instance the party barbarian was tasked to smash some griffon eggs and he stole one instead. So the griffons came looking for their egg and the barbarian got separated from the group, having to solo a dozen griffs. By the time the party got to him he was bashing the last one to death with the corpse of its flockmate. A feast of griff was had by all!
Oh damn, you are retarded. Shit anon, that's not good. What would your handler say about you being on 4chan?
1. Try following a message thread newfag
2. What do you mean "taken". You can "pursue" relevance all you want but will never receive anything unless the DM provides it. Do you think there is some other 3rd party that provides things when the DM does not?

I'm unironically correct on your last point, if the DM doesn't care that I care, why should I care? It's just wasted energy at that point
Anon assuming them failing to accomplish what they made a character for with no proof of actually doing it is the DM's problem. Classic.
Here you go
>hates pc's having goals outside the party
>hates pc's having connections outside the party
>hates pc's for caring about the party on a level beyond metagaming

I can post more

See >>93220682
Anon assuming that a DM is a totally infallible being and that players just need to read the DM's mind better. Classic.
Out of curiosity, do you guys prefer the party knowing each other before a campaign or just having met? I personally really don't like having known all the characters beforehand. 90% of the fun of a new campaign is in getting to know everyone and discovering the dynamics
You are wrong =/= the DM is right. If you want something to matter, make it matter. If the DM can't handle portraying something, you adapt like an adult. Waiting through five different incarnations of attempts just to bitch about your DM on an anonymous duckherding newsletter is pinnacle bitchmode. Fucking talk to your DM about failed expectations if it hurts you so bad and don't be so defensive when called out for your objectively selfish and myopic standpoint.
The most fun for me was a mix of both. 2 members knew each other (brothers) while me and the other member were strangers.
Weird how none of those posts say that though. It's almost as if you're just making shit up so that you can keep up the narrative that you deserve to be the main character
>make a character driven by revenge
>die before getting there, other party members dont care about carrying it on
peak main character syndrome
Everyone meeting before the campaign is better for one shots or focused campaigns. You don't have time for downtime in those.

For the classic, big campaigns, always have them meet right at session 1. Though I don't mind smaller pairings that have met ahead of time.
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>Krynn Silver Dragon Bard in disguise as a centaur meets her future wife
Again, expecting players to be able to read the DMs mind. Many DMs will agree to a character premise and then siltently not play along with it, hoping the parts they dont care for just sputter out. The fact that you are so aggressively defending shit DMing doesn't speak well of you or your poor players, if you even play games that is.
They all say that, and again thank you for reiterating
>The best players are the ones that dont care about the other PCs, because that would make them main characters
Party A:

Party B:

Is party A always going to be a "stronger" party than party B?
Party A:
>Aura of saves buff and decent nova damage
>Worthless meat point bag unless optimal
>Caster, power heavily depends on subclass
>Caster, stint towards social skills which are worthless

Party B:
>Worse fighter
>Worse fighter
>Worse fighter

Party A seems stronger
Elvish is Finnish, Dwarven is Hebrew.
Depends on the builds. Power level even within a class varies too wildly to know
>still making shit up
>still no example of a good player
You're done.
Katy, what a bitch
>still making shit up because he can't read posts
>DM for the first times wants to try out a session 0
>We will all collaboratively help him fill the world with things we care to see
>We will also make characters and an adventure concept
Give me ideas to throw in there, the only thing I know about the setting idea right now is
>The world was once a great paradise, but it was shattered into many interconnected planes floating in the void.
Give me fun ideas
Name of this anime?
>talk to your DM
>Couldn't even make it past the first sentence
Zoomer attention spans are something else
Connective tissue and flavor would be good for that. Since they are interconnected, would there not be some kind of voluntary authority for traversing planes for their own agenda? What about wardens protecting the planes from the things natural to the void?
Anon, don't bother. He's the poochie of the group, and thinks that he should automatically succeed at everything. Dude is legitimately retarded.
>Couldn't even make it past the first sentence
Likewise, anon.
>Fucking talk to your DM about failed expectations if it hurts you so bad
You must be 18 or older to post here, anon. Adults should be able to communicate ideas and expectations and adjust to their responses.
Adults should also be able to talk about real world issues like direct communication not being an end-all be-all to problems. Why you're wasting your time posting literal reddit platitudes is beyond me
Why you're wasting your time at a table that clearly doesn't meet your expectations and bitching about it on 4chan expecting sympathy is beyond me. If communication doesn't work, you leave the table or sit down and take what the standard is. This isn't a job you won't survive without. It's a fucking dice game. We're not your echo chamber or therapists. Grow up.
/5eg/ isn't a bard subclass.
echo knight is busted as shit. i´d highly recommend to talk with your party about banning all mercershit. its worded absolutely terribly.
your partymember probably has not even scratched at the iceberg of RAW exploits the echo knight has. echo knight has bonkers mobility and also arguably deals the most damage. certainly deals the most damage in nova rounds, further excalated by haste.
also i hope your DM does not like puzzles or generally putting effort in terrain because the echo knight also completely shits over that.

i know btw, because my first character was a echo knight. as soon as i got a grasp for the game i realized that i was basically cheating, but the echo stuff was already woven into the narrative.

>echo knight takes polearm master and GWM
Anon, this is every table I have ever tried. I told my experience, people told me I was in the wrong, I asked what I should do differently and then everyone turned into deranged shitposters unable to give a single example of a good character to play. I'm here to discuss playing the game, something I know many /tg/ posters find offensive for some reason.
bootleg lodoss
>this is every table I have ever tried
To the suprise of nobody. It seems as if every one of those tables has something in common. Wonder what it could be.
both characters in the situation were wizards (the one that succeeded did have pretty high dexterity, but DM's narration focused on the one that failed).
Shit DMs
>We can almost all agree that
>posts the most retarded takes ever
common is just whatever language you're using to play the game.
For elvish, Finnish makes sense since it's the language that Tolkien literally used as inspiration for elvish.
For dwarvish, it depends on whether you stereotype them as nordic or as scottish. Russian makes zero sense though.
good take

shit take
I find it’s best if they’ve met, but aren’t close. In my current campaign, things kicked off with one of the PCs hiring the other two to help him with what was supposed to be a relatively straightforward job. Fundamentally, I want them to be able to point to a reason that they’re associating with each other at the outset, even if none of them initially expect it to last very long.
>decent nova damage
No? Anon here said
>martials weren't really known for their burst damage
He isn't wrong, every martial except for paladin has shit for nova damage. Fighter is OK at nova with action surge but even then it's just basic weapon attacks. Unless you go PAM/GWM but a paladin can do that and better.
Is it ever wise for caster classes to commit to elemental themes? Fire, ice, etc.
>After a 2.5 year long campaign our party saves the world
>Lost two characters along the way but I'm happy we saw it to the end
>Work had me relocate for a year, eventually come back
>They had a sequel campaign where the world is once again in peril
>The party TPK's twice, campaign ends with the world assuredly in ruin
>The world I grew to love basically exploded offscreen
How do I feel about this /5eg/?
No, but it's fun and if your DM is cool they will help the bit by giving you magic items that make you even better at what you do.

Or you're me, who played a necrotic focussed caster only to end up fighting lots of undead.
How common is it to run settings in the official D&D settings in your guys' experience? I don't think I've ever been a part of a game as a DM or Player where I've seen anyone use it over homebrewing a world.
It only happens if you play modules, I've played forgotten realms twice.
>A Curse of Strahd campaign that died after 2 sessions
>A sandbox forgotten realms game that was so extensively homebrewed it may as well shouldn't have been forgotten realms
Some funny stories of that second one, lots of weird things
>All the gods disappeared leading to a massive cold war across the entire world
>Demons were invading and even associating with them got you instantly put on death row
>Stahd was a vampire lord in the shadowfell in competition with a multi-planar criminal organization
That game also died pretty quickly though
But they said that in response to >>93220358 mentioning smites
We're discussing 5e, you're bringing in a conversation about 5.5e
They wrote "weren't known", as in before the 2024 smite changes.
>i've played forgotten realms twice.
>>A Curse of Strahd campaign that died after 2 sessions
I thought Strahd was Ravenloft, and that Ravenloft was different from Forgotten Realms.
Have you people never played Battlemasters? They are better than Paladins at nova and can easily do over 100 damage in a turn even at level five because of Action Surge, Precision Attack, and power attack feats.
Combined with Barbarian or Gloomstalker at later levels they are just ridiculous

DnD24 nerfed the hell out of GWM and essentially deleted Sharpshooter from the game, so that's basically gone.
>They are better than Paladins at nova
lmao no
so you haven't played them, then, thanks
both of these are true

Paladins deal more nova at once, while fighter deals less nova, but more often with short rests.
Show your math, Terrance Howard, because at this point you're just making shit up and posting.
>paladins deal bigger novas less often, fighters deal smaller novas more often
So paladins have bigger novas. Crit smites blow everything else out of the water.
Strahd's buyin is isekaing PCs into Barovia, so in essence it's a FR starting point even if Strahd's domain is functionally ported and modernized from the original I6 (according to the module, anyway).
You consume food rations to long rest, simple and elegant.
>So paladins have bigger novas

bigger isn't always better, stamina is also a huge plus.
It is by the very metric we're talking about. Bigger nova=better nova. That is the point of going nova. Damage done in one turn.
That's gay
>rogue sneak attack dice increases to a d8 at 10th level

I'm a newfag to actual DnD but not DnD-like systems in vidya
I don't like the limits of the free tier of DnD Beyond. My DM friend has shared the Player's Handbook but I'm wondering if I should just buy all the core books for myself.
Do the digital core books ever go on sale?
Often, but you can just use roll 20 and copy/paste anything you need from 5etools.

You don't NEED dndbeyond, and if you DM uses dndbeyond he should be able to share his books through a campaign with you.
check out 5e tools, anyflip, a bunch if mobile apps and even the wiki, though take anything there with a grain if salt
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I miss The Trove
>Show your math
Sure. Here's two level seven characters with a +1 weapon, GWM and PAM fighting an enemy with 15 AC.

Fighter- action surges, uses two menacing attacks and a precision attack:
Average damage:
> Attack: ((5.5+15)*4)*.45=36.9
> Polearm: (2.5+15)*.45=7.875
> Menacing Attack: (4.5*.91)+(4.5*.95)=8.3
> Precision Attack (average attack damage, with a 50% chance to turn a miss into a hit: (19.9*.5)=9.95
> Crits: 33.5*.05=1.675
> Total: 64.7
Average damage if all hits connect, and one crits (so no precision attack, just menace):
> Attacks: ((5.5+4.5+15)*3)=75
> Crit: (11+9+15)=35
> Polearm: (2.5+4.5+15)=22
> Total: 132

Paladin- uses three level 2 smites:
Average damage:
> Attack: ((5.5+13.5+14)*2)*.4=26.4
> Polearm: (2.5+13.5+14)*.4=12
> Crits: (54*.05)=2.7
> Total: 41.1
Average damage if all hits connect, and one crits:
> Attack: (5.5+13.5+14)=33
> Crit (11+27+14)=52
> Polearm: (2.5+13.5+14)=30
> Total: 115

tl:dr: Fighter does more damage. Also as get triple attack, a barb multiclass, and better weapons the disparity becomes even larger
I guess the upside of precision attack is that you can just choose not to use it if you're getting the big dick rolls.
Extremely disingenuous numbers there
Cope so pathetic you don't get a (you). Try harder.
I'd make sure everyone is down to use dynamic lighting. Some people hate it.

I personally love is as it adds another layer of difficulty to a combat encounter. Yea, that full cover is great but now you have no idea where any of the enemies are once you round the bend.
have fun with that double digit iq baby
>xanathar's added 95 new spells
>tasha's added 21 new spells
>5.5e PHB adds only 30 that weren't in the PHB before
We have more than enough spells.
Fuck I hope Druids still get Tidal Wave and Erupting Earth...
>Circle of the Sea Druids don't have Tidal Wave
It's over.
Who on Earth looks at 5e and thinks
>What this game needs is more spells
>5.5e PHB adds no new battle master moves besides the ones from Tasha's
Martials got buffed hard but the caster bias remains.
I like that bards get an attack cantrip now.
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>tasha's summons (9-10
>ice knife
>dragon's breath
>steelwind strike
>elamentalism (seemingly gutted shape water, mold earth, control flames and gust)
>yulan's regal pressence
>jalarzi's storm of radiance
>tasha's bubbling cauldron
>toll the dead
>synaptic static
>sorerous burst
>starry wisp
>mind sliver
>mind spike
>vitriolic sphere
>word of radiance
>buffed spells
>healing word and cure wounds are two dice instead of 1 at 1st level
>prayer of healing counts as a short rest/day
>chromatic orb can bounce to other targets
>resistance and blade ward buffed (?)
>flame strike more damage
>wish has more options that don't brick the spell.
>cloud of daggers (you can move it)

its not looking good

Only one subclass gets battle maneuvers and the only ways to get more or multiclass, a feat (gives you one die) or a another feat (gives you one die). We're stuck homebrewing for another 10 years.

at least we have weapon mastery
How woke has DND gotten? I'm just curious how bad it's gotten over the years,
People here are too normal to care about wokeness.
N...not at all *blinks twice* *sweats nervously*
mexican orcs and gay fru fru dwarves
Ok what the fuck are you smoking?
I am thinking of ripping off the,'Left Right Game' but basically just making it form of super dangerous fast travel. My details aren't that important.
and if you don't know about the 'Left Right Game' or what that is it's basically a mirror world/nightmare forest of sorts

Do you guys have weird/creepy/fun encounter ideas?
You are legally required to suck off the GM in order to make it gay now. Sad what woke has done.
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gotten? DnD was always woke
As woke as your group lets it be
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have you ever had a character in your game go full ahab like this?
People meme about "ree black people in my D&D art" but no one's cringe enough to actually be bothered. We're all mature adults here.
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Honestly the only acceptable interaction when facing down a red dragon.
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not necessarily
thinking of some rogue invocations

>Tricky Fingers (level 2): not even the dm knows where your hands have been. you dont need free hands to wield or load weapons or climb
>Prescient Purchase (level 2): 1/LR you can retroactively buy an item as an action
>Cheat Death (level 7): what the dm doesnt know cant hurt you. when you drop to 0, you can make a dc 20 deception check to drop to 1. each time you use this feature the DC increases by 5. it decreases by 5 when you short rest and resets when you long rest
>metagame (level 5): 1/lr when you succeed on a skill check to idenify a creature, you can peek at its stat block. you cant use this on creatures with legendary resistances
I'm thinking of messing with a warlock for this one adventure they're gonna do next. It's themed likr an eldritch descent into madness adventure inside a small village. I'm gonna bring in an NPC who only he can see, and rope the other players into never acknowledging it. Thing is I don't know where to take the "but he wasn't real all along" twist and how I could make that matter in the adventure.

After a while, just never bring it up again. But once per session, regardless of where he is, ask him to make a perception check at disadvantage.
>Solid of scale you may be, foul dragon, but I will riddle with holes your rotten hide with a hail of harpoons!
>Vile Bayle, holy grail
Goes hard.
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>Chromatic orb can no logner be twinned
Speaking of metamagic, what are the tricks to really make the Sorcerer shine?
how much shady shit can a large city hide / get away with before they would realistically just cease to function? im trying to strike that balance of who knows what as well as how deep everything things without it becoming too much for the players to track
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don't tell crawford
earth tremor doesn't have a range of self, so you can cast distant metamagic on it to double its ranger to 20ft of difficult terrain
as big as you like, so long as the law is bought and paid for by a larger enough criminal organization

>See mexico
You obviously meant upgrade, since the ability to actually summon what YOU, the player, wants to summon, and with no extra downsides tacked on in half the cases is vastly superior to everything that came before.
i feel like having an underground mafia solves around 80% of my concerns. i cant believe i didnt think of that sooner lol, thanks
A lot more than you think. I look at it in layers based on the intent and severity of the shady shit going on:
>layer 1 - normal city functions, someone takes graft here and there but it does not impede the ability of the government to function
>layer 2 - normal criminal functions. pickpockets and thieves, scammers and bail jumpers
>layer 3 - smugglers, murderers, hired killers. low-level organized crime occurs here and these are generally the people paying graft and bribes to layer 0
>layer 4 - high level organized crime of all forms.
>layer 5 - organized crime IS the government. this layer marks the end of the profit motive for shady shit.
>(optional) layer 6 - anybody who has a motive to try and kill a city without thought to making money off it: dissidents bent on revenge, death and chromatic dragon cults, lich worshippers, et cetera

The tricky thing is that all of the layers can interface with each other. Like a death cult could totally pay the local mob boss to look the other way while they snatch people off the street using people hired from layer 3
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>how much shady shit can a large city hide / get away with before they would realistically just cease to function?
All of it.
>the mayor is picrel
Play Metamagic Adept Vuman Aberrant Mind. That's about it.
Make sure you give the boss monk deflect weapons, barbarian danger sense, and rogue evasion

Just to make him the "untouchable" feel
as written, i think the city in question is easily at layer 5. the king is the one enabling a ton of the corruption under the table, so i think delving more into that is the way to go.

this is also a good idea, it might be a fun alternative route since the party seems to sympathize with the king for whatever reason. i guess they took all his grand posturing at face value. conspirators against the king wonder why he never stays dead for long, but the group never bothered to pull that thread since they assumed that he was coming back by popular demand, which i found quite comical
If its ran by Mindflayers. A lot.
Some smart Lich using it for XYZ. A lot
A beholder thats thinks it's a pac man ghost chasing towns people. Not very.

Things that mimic voices, creptids
>A beholder thats thinks it's a pac man ghost chasing towns people.
Sauce me up senpai
how many liches you want in it?

Athkatla in Amn (Bg2) had 7 liches (one a demi lich) in just the one city.
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Can somebody tell me why the hell he keeps playing D&D if all he does is fix it?
Some people are adamant about what system they use, anon. I've sat through several ill-conceived oneshots and mini-campaigns frankensteined out of the 5e ruleset, largely for the sake of the one dumbass who claims it's too hard to learn any other system. Which is especially funny because the guy doesn't understand 5e all that well either.
a huge portion of the community is held captive by dnd because they don't want to dm a system they're not familiar with, particularly when casuals refuse to learn the rules and expect the DM to educate them on top of all the other work required to DM
Same reason why we all play d&d: it's easy to find a game and easy to homebrew
idk if you're genuinely a newfag or not but that's because it's literally Mastodon lyrics.
content farm
both parties have 3 full casters but one has a paladin so yes they'll be stronger
Personally, I find the fixing process itself to be enjoyable. So I get to enjoy the game twice, both during and outside of sessions.
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I said I would dm something for our forever dm for his birthday in a couple weeks. I've been trying to write ideas out and look up how to do encounters and everything. This shit is so hard, why do you all do this?
I might have to do a premade one shot. I don't think I can write an adventure that would actually be fun for them.
>I have a problem but I already know the answer to it
First of all, don't bother with the CR system, it's complete garbage. Secondly, just use a premade if you're really fucked for inspiration. Thirdly, leave cool shit lying around. Barrels of pitch, exposed machinery, giant vats of whatever the fuck, half-complete experimental weapons, tightly-secured ropes holding heavy loads aloft, and what-have-you.
he makes some slightly off-vanilla homebrew and calls it fixing to farm clicks
>what if orcs but... le good
start by finding a fun monster or monster type you wanna build an adventure around
then imagine a fun location
then just give players some informed choices (if we sneak we might catch them by surprise if we go in broad daylight we might have allies or whatever)
then have some twist or unexpected happening near the end
that's it
it's actually hard
>This shit is so hard, why do you all do this?
because otherwise there is no game and being nogames is even worse than punching yourself in the face to make a session form
Literally no reason to touch martials now that their only good feats got nerfed into oblivion.
But anon, this is /tg/, we're all nogames
qrd? i havent been keeping up with the changes much
It's mostly just a framing device. It's less "this thing SUCKS" and more "informational video on thing including my homebrew twist on it". Although he does think some things suck I expect.
They look really cool, especially at higher levels with Tactical Master and Brutal Strike
>halve the damage of force ballista
great fucking fix
my dm said that if he knew swedish when my goliath pc is talking giant to other goliaths, he would
norwegian also acceptable
if warlock is tomelock, he can use rituals better than the wizard, clockwork sorc could steal the best wizard exclusive spells and in that case, party B is stronger since the monk drags party A down
>tfw my table is so casual if I played a basic PAM/GWM battle master I’d be thought of as a power gamer
I’m even nervous to play an arcane trickster rogue. I’m hoping if I go Champion instead of battle master the dm won’t freak out
why would AT rogue be seen as power gaming? you can make a powerful support to make the casuls shine which wouldnt piss off the dm too much
Spelljammer has existed since 2nd edition, other time continuums have existed since 1st edition. What part of this is new?
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Sneak Attack is OP. Add casting onto that and it's a no brainer why that shit breaks games.
it's always fun to remember rogues sucked even when sneak attack had the same progression it does now and you could add it to every single attack you made in a round. wotc seriously hates this fucking class lmao, definitive loser of 5.5e for sure now that monk and barbarian are getting buffed
Fighter 1/Monk X was absolutely disgusting in the playtest, I wonder if they nerfed it in the final book
I hope not
Good. Rogues and the people who play them are garbage.
>sneak attack is op when two attacks from any standard does the same damage
cant you just explain that its not op and rogues are balanced around it?
any standard martial*
I don't play with retards, so you'd have to ask the other anon
Joining MtG into the DnD universe was fucking stupid marketing bullshit though.
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>looking the 5.5e videos
>most videos have roughly 5lieks or dislikes
>most have less than 500 dislikes, and 3k-5k likes
>paladin, who recieved mostly nerfs, is at 4.5k likes and 1.1k dislikes
>The Ranger
>3.7k likes, 4k dislikes
>and nothing will come of it
>>paladin, who recieved mostly nerfs, is at 4.5k likes and 1.1k dislikes
Fags getting mad over OP choices getting nerfed are retards.
Game needs more nerfs anyway (won't happen because triggered fags can just whine to their DMs and choose to use older content).
every other martial and half-caster should have been brought up to Paladin's level. It's nonsensical to nerf paladin in the same book that's buffing wizard.
I think it's less nerfs and how the core flagship feature conflicts with all the other bonus action options you might want. Once per round or six times per round, now their smiting works the same way as any other class, just with free cast and a better raw damage option.
Nah, it should have happened 20 years ago, there was no reason not to.
>thinking baby's first optimization is OP

like pottery
Nah, just end the superhero shit and nerf all OP options, especially those damn spells.
"Nova" and finishing bosses in a single turn is retarded.
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What happens here?
I fuck you're mom
Krakens are great, what is this faggot talking about?
5e "optimization" is gay as hell and just makes the game worse for everyone

> Hurr I want to create the most BROKEN character to DESTROY the campaign!
Because most people GMing don't want to GM as much as they want the power ride and praise as an author. This doesn't mean that they're powergamers, abusive or theatre kids (they are msot of the time anyway), but that what they really care about is players praising them and saying the game is great because of their own ideas. But then rarely actually think how to make a fun game, just what they would find fun and/or how to subvert expectations. They never do the extra step of thinking if that will feel good as a player.

Both my tables think I am the greatest GM ever with lots of freedom and agency aswell as a really cool story game yet the only thing I really do is thinking what mapes a fun battlemap for players and always considering the worst and best case scenarios for any situation so I can play with any inbetween.
Meanwhile it's so obvious when others run games that they already decided if we succeeded or failed at the thing we're doing.

Many GMs subcosnciously do the "don't hit the raged barbarian" but as a whole way to run a game, it's about how to avoid PCs in their natural enviroment or getting the upper hand.

If your party has a triton, you don't avoid adding water bodies to the game, you add them and put a shark in it. Now players have to either work around or deal with the shark before swimming freely. That feels much better than not being allowed to swim because that's the thing you're good at.
We don't know, we haven't seen the new monster statblocks yet. They're buffing most classes to be able to do more shit so if they stayed the same, games should be slightly faster anyway.
PAM/GWM Battlemaster isn't basic, it is one of the strongest builds in the game.
You can play the class but don't try to fool anyone about what you're doing when you pick up those 2 feats.
>but that requires social awareness and if we had that we wouldn't be on tg
I've been around normies enough to realise the opposite is suprisingly common: where people who spends the day socialising has 0 clue on how others feel at a time. I run games for my town's youth and board games clubs and the most ocmmon situation there is an extrovert pestering an autist, introvert or jsut someone awkward about doing something, and then get surprised when you show them they're uncomfortable.

Introverts think nobody understands them, but extroverts assume everyone can raise up to their level.
>You do make it a point to track food supplies, right, /5eg/?

In 5e it's pointless unless you wanna run a hexcrawl survival game with homebrew rules.
Arrow tracking is pointless since simply allowing 2-3 days off they can craft mroe arrows than they'll ever need, food is too easy to come by and the general economy of the world makes no sense.
By average treasure hoard gold drops, by lvl 3 most PCs should be able to retire for live, or how a simple fishing boat fishermen would build costs more than gearing up 20 guys.
It was the class than needed the msot changes and got the leeast.
I don't know why they hate Hunter's mark so much or giving him anything other than being a half assed fighter.
Hell I'd even remove a lot of his spells and make them class features.
Why do people keep saying DMing is hard? It's actually very easy
Sorry, I'm in the wrong thread, I don't know how I did that.
>It was the class than needed the msot changes and got the leeast.
The whole 2024 book feels super retarded and arbitrary.
> Hey, these are the classes/subclasses that people liked, so we're just going to publish them again
> Let's buff powerful choices for the sake of it
> Old content will remain fully compatible, you can just port anything old that you already liked
> What do you mean, this was the perfect chance to fix weak or unpopular choices?

Personally, I'm mad at the lack of INTlocks and artificers as a base class.
>> What do you mean, this was the perfect chance to fix weak or unpopular choices?
To be fair the genuinely took a stab at it. They changed a lot of unpopular or weak choices, like Bladelock, Monks as a whole, and 4 Elements monk
They also said they wanted to remove dips and look what they did to Warlock.
It genuinely amazes me they do a worst job than msot homebrewers at it.
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Why do people always seem to forget that splint exists? It's always either chain mail as starting equipment or plate as the final solution.
its worse plate
yeah its cheaper, but why bother with it when youll get your plate given to you by the DM anyway
You think people reads the book, let alone item section?
My players still don't know the difference between light, medium and heavy armor after 4 years of play.
i say DMing is hard im a perfectionist and it hurts my mental when a session flops or a player becomes disinterested
i want to make the table fun for everyone, but when it comes at the cost of my own fun it just becomes a burden
I bought splint for my Fighter in Lost Mine of Phandelver as soon as I could afford it.
"removing dips" is just a matter of writing balanced classes. There's a natural human inclination to frontload classes, because you want a 1st level character to be able to do their basic thing but you don't want higher-level characters to escalate too much, you just have to push past that and make sure that every level is as good as 1st for every class. All designers struggle with this so they end up doing bandaid solutions like multiclassing penalties (and then in most cases they end up doing hybrid/cludge classes to compensate for the bad multiclassing but then the hybrid/cludge classes are still frontloaded).
Sometimes it’s just not readily available or a tad too expensive depending on how much gold the party is given. Most just prefer to wait with chain mail until plate either drops or they can buy/make/repair some.
I was going to do the above but decided to just make a suit of White Dragon scale mail out of Cryovein (Dragon of Icespire Peak was used as a bridge between LMoP and Shattered Obelisk by our DM) using blacksmithing and using the Forge of Spells with the aid of the Black Spider Nezznar, whom we allied with and has full mastery of the forge.
I just never play characters with heavy armour proficiency
each shot adds your int mod
force ballista didn't even upgrade properly in the past
>power attack
What did they do to power attack?
>conjure spells nerfed across the board in the new PHB
So now instead of risking adding an enemy to the battle and summoning an annis hag that can crush people to death, you just get a teleporting spirit that deals way less damage. Lame.
>enjoying the old conjure spells
cringe powergamer
>everything should get powered up! the final goal is to turn wish into a cantrip for all classes!
KYS tourist.
>one of the cleric subclasses was wasted on trickery
Why? Have they revealed all the changes they are making to them yet?
>one of the cleric subclasses was wasted on trickery
probably BG3

>Have they revealed all the changes they are making to them yet?
there's the UA, but the actual cleric video comes next week
I just liked the risk of summoning one big guy to fight for you, with losing concentration meaning it turns on you. Same with the old elemental spell.
trickery was significantly buffed in the playtest, they probably couldnt think of things to change with the others
>I just liked the risk of summoning one big guy to fight for you, with losing concentration meaning it turns on you.
isn't this only 2014 Conjure Fey?
Anon, not everyone is out to get you. Take your meds.
and well, Conjure elemental as mentioned
nah, my dm kept doing this to all PCs. Mine actually succeeded all the saves, but it was awkward having DM narrate how the other PCs were losers who couldn't even do basic shit properly.
DM did take control over my character once for no reason to make him act stupid, but at least that instance was genuinely funny (my character wasn't under magical control or anything, DM just decided to roleplay him out of nowhere).
>probably BG3
It was shit there too. Anyone with an iota of intelligence switched it out for life cleric.
That kind of makes sense but trickery domain is one of the lamest ones.
>It was shit there too. Anyone with an iota of intelligence switched it out for life cleric.
indeed, and it didn't even make sense for shart (she wasn't tricking, she was being tricked)
But 2024 PHB is also focusing hard of psionic crap, so it seems they want to milk shit that has been popular recently.
I personally with it had been knowledge cleric.
>it didn't even make sense for shart
It should have been twilight but everyone knows the class is broken.
>I personally with it had been knowledge cleric
For me it would be tempest with an updated spell list. I think becoming the embodiment of a storm god is really cool.
>I think becoming the embodiment of a storm god is really cool
it is, but with only 4 subclasses, Light already fits the niche of "elemental wizard" cleric
Sorcerer should have had the Storm Sorcery subclass with a cool spell list, instead of the fucking retarded choice to include Clockwork.
>It should have been twilight but everyone knows the class is broken.
death could have made sense too
It would be fine if they went all in on the chronomancy theme with more unique spells. I'm fine with less subclasses as long as you give them more unique spell-lists and features. A gravity magic or star magic wizard has always been a wish of mine but they will never be competent enough to implement it in the way I want.
Yeah, I still don't understand why it isn't in the Phb and is looked away for DMs.
>A gravity magic or star magic wizard has always been a wish of mine but they will never be competent enough to implement it in the way I want.
I wish they had given starry flavor to the divination wizard, since it does suit them as a magical/scholarly pursuit, and wizard classes (other than necromancy) feel so fucking boring flavor-wise.
Druid's starry form is stupid (although I must admit I've never been a fan of wildshape being the defining feature of druids).
>Divination is a popular subclass so we didn't make changes!
the whole subclass is just portent, nothing else about it matters to the people picking it, unless they're also massive retards who think spamming mind spike is great
Your best bet is to talk to your dm to add the flavour in. For example I reflavoured slow into a gravity field that massively impedes those inflicted.
Portent dies are such a boring mechanic and there were way cooler directions to take the class. The other problem is that since wizards can all copy spells there is no meaningful difference in the way they play unless you give them a ridiculous mechanic. The same applies to most casters.
>Your best bet is to talk to your dm to add the flavour in. For example I reflavoured slow into a gravity field that massively impedes those inflicted.
indeed, but "flavor is free" feels like the eternal excuse for WotC's laziness.
>The other problem is that since wizards can all copy spells there is no meaningful difference in the way they play unless you give them a ridiculous mechanic.
making wizard subclasses be based on schools while also making all wizards share the same spell list is fucking stupid, locking them as both too powerful and too bland
>I liked this thing literally nobody likes
Wow, you're so cool to go against the grain like that can I have your autograph.
There was no reason to do so. Planeswalkers fundamentally fuck up how things are supposed to work.
Summon Greater Demon always gets picked at my tables because my players love to summon it and let it loose on bandits camps, fortress assaults and such. Having a third side fighting agaisnt the enemies while not taking up concentration is indeed really fun and much more engaging and tactical than "half assed generic statblock". And I don't really dislike the TCE spells, I jsut don't see why can't we have them next to summonign swarms or stuff like Greated demon, which have other mechanics going on for them.
I’m mean, there’s also the UA Archetypes, like old Monster Hunter and Cavalier, which come with their own unique manoeuvres as well as “standard manoeuvres” like precision attack and some of them even get “improved manoeuvres” like being able to spend 2 Sup Dice on Trip attack for more damage and disadvantage on the check
>I just liked the risk of summoning one big guy to fight for you, with losing concentration meaning it turns on you.
That's not Summon Greater Demon, that's Conjure Fey or Conjure Elemental.

I do hope for some new version of SGD that keeps the "it can turn on you", but SGD was from Xanathar's rather than PHB, so the chances for it to show up aren't fantastic.
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Summon Greater Demon has a similar effect though. Not exactly the same since it comes from a different book and has the whole name stuff but nontheless.
> I jsut don't see why can't we have them next to summonign swarms or stuff like Greated demon, which have other mechanics going on for them.
because it's gay that -your class features- (spells) get features, making you play multiple mechanically interesting characters at once while other's classes go "I attack", "I attack again".
yeah I've used SGD, the difference is pretty important imho, since demons making their save is much easier (most even have advantage on it), plus if the demon is still under your control and you lose concentration, the demon just disappears.
I do like the mechanics for SGD better than for the conjure spells, but it'd still be better with stat blocks.
The only thing statblocks got over Creatures is simplicity and not having to browse the book.
I don't see why we can't have a middle ground where some spells summon specific demons but you PUT THE FUCKING STATBLOCK IN THE SPELL TOO or have the "Alternatively, you can summon a creature from the MM using this CR formula" at the end.

What trully pisses me off is the "oh I guess this doesn't work" mentality where we keep losing features that are fun, just too much to start or poorly explained. I don't mean you, I mean WotC and its designers.
>The only thing statblocks got over Creatures is simplicity and not having to browse the book.
making players browse the MM is retarded.
But, perhaps worse: the wording for the old conjure spells and SGD don't even restrict it to MM, so in practice conjure spells were ever expanding class features, as new books could give extra choices "accidentally".
Here's an idea.
summon spells use statblocks by default, similar to TCE, and let players "learn" how to summon demons they can see, wimilar to druids learning WS forms. This could be an optional rule.
This way players still can aim to have more unique stuff to summon but it's all under the GM's supervision.

Regardless of what they do, the spellcasting section and spells should be rewritten to be easier to udnerstand, avoid book browsing but make it very clear when that is necessary and to prepare all these before the session.
its now just +3 damage no accuracy penalty
That's so fucking terrible. Crawford needs to die all of his ideas are always terrible.
>Here's an idea.
Nah, your idea is gay and would just again result in casters having infinite options.
Being an optional rule wouldn't change a thing other making fag players whine in the rare case their DM tries to not use the "optional" rule.
You know that the reasons why those spells are used are power and versatility, fag optimisers would try to squeeze every bit of power they can.
Stat blocks are just a cleaner, simple solution that grants versatility without leaving things open for infinite versatility in a way non casters can't get.
>won't happen because triggered fags can just whine to their DMs and choose to use older content

AS a DM, I'd allow old content, but it'd be all or nothing. No picking and choosing between version like taking old smites with new masteries
>didn't even make sense for shart (she wasn't tricking, she was being tricked)
She was Trickster domain because Shar's followers were taught to be deceptive and infiltrators and shit, not because of her role in the narrative.
Need opinions on the premade chars I've made for my first OS. I wanted each to have a particularity, like an additional feat or object, and I've found one for each except Bard.

Monk (Lvl 3, Human, Way of the Open Hand)
> Bonus fighting style: Blind Fighting. Monk carries a blindfold they can put on to manually trigger the feat.

Barbarian (Lvl 3, Goliath, Path of the Giant)
> Bonus fighting style: Unarmed Fighting. Player rolls 1d6+3 blundgeon when attacking with one hand and 1d8+3 when attacking with both. However, they roll with a disadvantage whenever they attack with a weapon.

Wizard (Lvl 3, Human, School of Abjuration)
> Bonus item: a sentient talking wizard hat that possesses Darkvision and Detect Magic as a passive skill. It could also move its rims like arms or legs and potentially interact with objects.

Rogue (Lvl 3, Kobold, Assassin)
> Bonus item: harpoon gun as main weapon: 1d8 piercing, ammunition, range, loading, two-handed. A rope can be attached to the harpoon but the range is restricted to its length. Could be used underwater, tow creatures and objects towards the player, or even serve as a grappling hook.
What do you think would be the appropriate range for a harpoon gun? Would it be about the same as a regular crossbow (30/120) or a light one (80/320)?
(I first thought of making that PC a Ranger, but I figured Rogue covers both ranged combat and disarming traps)

Bard (Lvl 3, Human, College of Swords)
> Most notable thing about them right now is that they start with two scimitars, which allows them to benefit from Two-Weapon Fighting in combat.
I've been thinking of giving them Unarmored defense except with 10 + DEX + CHA, which would amount to AC 15.

Conjure minor elementals was hilariously buffed and now adds 2d8 damage to all attacks and brightens at +2d8 per additional level. A druid Wildshaping into something with multiple attacks is now a blender.
>What did they do to power attack?
Instead of -5/+10 it's +PROF, you still get the bonus action attack on kill, and it's now a half feat so you can boost +1 strength when you take it so it's not foregoing an ASI. Start with a 17 and take it at 4, now you have an 18 plus GWM.
>premade chars I've made for my first OS
what does this mean?
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no rules shown in the crafting video.
But there were 4 artworks featuring cats
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>The crafting rules video doesn't include crafting rules
What the fuck is Wizards' bizarre aversion to actually writing rules?
For my first One-Shot and game as a DM, I felt like making PCs for the players to choose from. "Pregen" is not the appropriate term though, that's "pre-made".
>make setting with potential ship to ship combat
>dont make rules for it, just say there is always boarding so you can use the same battlemap for every combat instead
>What the fuck is Wizards' bizarre aversion to actually writing rules?
that requires work
it's much easier to write a whole DMG where every chapter is just "you are allowed to come up with whatever you want"
I am still mad about this. It was literally the only thing I wanted to try pilfering rules for and they fucking handwaved it.
>the only things martials have going for them is damage
>ruin that too
Why do these people hate their own fanbase?
because retards like >>93225051 are the ones who give them the most money
I have never understood the obsession with Smite being broken around here when the Protection Aura is far and away their more important and impactful feature.
Damage is the most important thing by far regardless of context.
>replying to my post
>literally never bought a single d&d book (I do buy stuff for wargames and videogames)
lmao, seethe powercreeping fag
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>Damage is the most important thing by far regardless of context.
Using higher level spell slots on Smite has always been a meme and isn't even efficient for damage.

using a 1st level slot to deal 2d8 damage automatically to a target with no save is a good deal. Using a 2nd level slot to deal only 1d8 more damage is an iffy proposition. Using a third level slot to only deal an extra 2d8 damage is fucking retarded and you should never do that unless you're fighting a fucking vampire and just crit. Smite heightens worse than fucking Witch Bolt does, it's most efficient as guaranteed damage with low level slots but it's always been moronic to dump everything into it.
Nobody cares. Damage is still all that matters.
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even if you only care about damage, Smite isn't the best use of higher level slots.
It is.
using a 1st level slot for 2d8 damage: good
using a 2nd level slot for 1d8 more damage: meh
using a 3rd level slot for 2d8 more damage: retarded

Unless you have a 30 second adventuring day with a single fight that only lasts 3-4 rounds before going right back to sleep, you have better things to spend your spell slots on.
Probably because the aura is unique and so removing it just pulls paladin closer to 'fighter but better', at least nerfing the damage pulls it more towards the unique special thing paladins and nobody else get.
He's typing like that guy yesterday going on about how smites are the bestest thing in the game. Probably the same dude.
How do I make a good college of valor bard?
What you should is read the fucking entry. They are small-sized, about the same size as a gnome, halfling or shit. They are not fucking pixies.
>How do I make a good college of valor bard?
you play it like a normal bard except you don't need to waste a feat on Moderately Armored. That's it. You're still a fucking 9th level caster, just cast spells and shit and use inspiration. It's not hard
Shadow over Mystara. Not an anime.
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>watch the 5.5 video about crafting rules
>"umm you can craft things with your proficencies"
>"no, we will not give any specifics"
>"bye bye"
five minutes is comical
And demons/devils from Xanathar.
no, summon greater demon doesn't make them turn on you when you lose concentration
they turn on you after making a charisma saving throw
didn't you see all those cats though?
Wait, so if it's a flat damage boost what's the point? Or do you get it by not adding your proficiency bonus? Then you'd get no better at power attacks as you levelled up, which seems whack.
Being a half feat is extra stupid.
Are tools and languages ever useful?
yes, be more creative
Depends on the DM. I removed Common as a concept and have regional languages, so the players need an interpreter or to study the language if they go to foreign lands, but some people forget that languages even exist.
You are correct, but any self-respecting DM homebrews fairies to be tiny size.
very DM dependent
in my last campaign, they were only ever useful for flavor
gnomes should also be tiny
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Do you ever put mermaids in your games?
All the time. One of my players hates them.
I have used them twice. The first time a player was lured into a trap by one and nearly drowned before being offered to be saved by the mermaid for ten gold pieces which he begrudgingly paid. The second time they learned that there was a mermaid big witch that the locals thought suspicious and completely avoided the plot hook and went elsewhere.

Sounds gay
for some reason, I thought OS was original setting and couldn't make sense out of it.
the premades seem fun
I think you should add some cleric or paladin though, since there's often someone who wants to play "a healer". Ofc it isn't a real role in 5e, but cleric and paladin are still excellent classes.
A more blasty caster could be good too.
Maybe for the wizard you could make the hat their familiar, to save yourself the annoyance of a player having both a familiar and a sentient item.
Unsure why the bard gets unarmored defense.
The monk's blindfold could be perceived as a bit of a nerf in some circumstances (since they woudn't have normal sight + blindsight as in the normal fighting style), what type of action would it be for them to put the blindfold on?

Maybe give them a line or two of backstory suggestions, although perhaps not relevant for a one shot.
>blind monk with blind fighting style without alert
How powerful would a fiend need ro be to become a warlock patron? Could a succubus fill the role, or would they need to be on the power level of pit fiend or stronger?
>making a ranged (weapon or spell) attack within 5ft of someone
that's an opportunity attack
>casting a concentration spell within 5ft of someone
that's an opportunity attack
>standing from prone within 5ft of someone
that's an opportunity attack

moving your attention from anything but the enemy in front of you should be punished
Ranger needs love. Frontload agency, backload power. Incentivize sticking to one class so people dont feel the need to branch out just for power.
>standing up requires focus and concentration
lose weight fatty
Anon, the bar is very low, currently it's triggered by steeping 5 feet away from someone. Why can you defend yourself when standing up in a space that someone threatens, but you can't when stepping away?
Gnomes shouldn't exist. And fairies shouldn't be playable.
Good question. Ask Crawford. I agree with casting spells, and Mage Slayer should interrupt spellcasting, but standing up requiring your attention is just fatty cope. Physically fit people don't need to use their hands to stand up from a prone position, especially while we have adrenaline in our system.
>but standing up requiring your attention is just fatty cope
But that not the issue, it's that two equivalent physical actions don't trigger the same consequence.

You're saying that standing up is not comparable to casting a spell so they shouldn't be hit, I'm trying to say that standing up IS comparable to walking away.
No, I'm not. I'm saying only fat retards think standing up should trigger an AoO. Lose some weight fatty.
>standing up should cost an action and all your movement while triggering AoOs because I'm a 400 lb lard ass that takes 20 seconds just to sit up
Standing up is as difficult as walking away, which triggers an AoO.
So is swinging a mace or maul, but there's no AoO with that. Note that there also isn't for casting spells, and we had to put that in the game. With that standing up rule, you're basically just telling PCs that anytime they get shoved prone, which you'll be doing a lot because you want to add the rule for a reason, they should just roll up a new character.
>hmmm should I keep laying down and take 3 attacks at advantage, or stand up, take 3 AoOs, just to get shoved prone again
Which means that all of your players are just going to play ranged characters, thus rendering the two good rules you made up completely pointless. Don't nerf melee characters fatty, unless you want every PC to grab CBE/SS and spell sniper.
Oh man, I guess that would make STR a good defensive stat and athletics/acrobatics good offensive and defensive skills

>unless you want every PC to grab CBE/SS and spell
if everyone is ranged, no one is ranged, white roomer.
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So the two skills melee PCs already grab? The skill you're going to ignore because 100% of your NPCs will beat any rolls made by players? Kinda pointless in your games fatty
>nobody is ranged
>shoves you prone from 150 feet away
>standing up triggers AoOs from 150 feet away
>NPC hold actions to shove from 150 feet away when they stand up
>which you will have them automatically succeed at anyway
Damn fatty, you seething. Last one, here ya go.
Lorewise can you strike a deal with an elder brain?
mindflayers made deals all the time in the Drizzt books, no reason why a brain wouldn't
Yes, but they have no reason to keep their word.
>Frontload agency, backload power.
I felt I'd achieved that to some measure. Marked Prey gives you a lot of agency and ability to influence combat without being overwhelmingly powerful, while Hunter's Focus at 7th level is a unique and powerful option.
>Incentivize sticking to one class
Hence the multiclassing level requirements.
>Physically fit people don't need to use their hands to stand up from a prone position
Bullshit. In what fucking world are you getting up from a prone position without your hands? Supine, sure, but not prone.
The real world. How fat are you?
There is a harpers like organization of wizards, witches and magic-users who keep martial players down by claiming that any buff to martials is actually a nerf to always keep their power down.
I must have missed something. A lot of rolling on to arms to push themselves up. They even seem to make it a point to get some distance before pushing themselves from the ground.
Correct, Conan got up pretty easily and continued on the fight
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>Conan on the floor, immediately shows his back to the opponent, then pushes himself up with the arm holding the sword then uses his other hand tp ush pff the floor to stand up, then brings his weapon up to defend

What a perfect illustration of why AoO should be viable on enemies standing up.
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>what haste could have been
True, Conan shouldn't have died there in that fight, shame that he turned away for a singular moment and the enemy instantly killed him
Oh hey, why don't we also make entering a threatened space an AoO too? It only makes sense, since they're actively defending it and your movement was more the focus than carefully stepping into that zone. Also, you should need to choose your focus on that - moving or attacking. If you want your proficiency bonus to apply to both your attacks if you have Extra Attack, you shouldn't be able to move. If you do, you should halve it or lose it, if you're a low enough level.

Oh, wait, that's just annoying bullshit from 3.5 again. Fuck that.
>make entering a threatened space an AoO too?
Already got that. PAM is awesome.
>Oh, wait, that's just annoying bullshit from 3.5 again.

Typical wizard poster.
>Something requiring a specific feat and weapon that makes sense
That's fine, it used to be literally every fucking enemy and attack in the goddamn game

I really meant the martial/stand-up/etc. shit. It'd be overused and like the other guy said, basically just roll a new character if you're surrounded and shoved. I actually personally homebrewed Mage Slayer to do all of that, while also allowing a reaction-based attack pre-spell forcing a concentration check (Still at disadvantage) to fizzle spells like a martial Counterspell. The AoO and full attack shit from 3.5 et. al. was hellish for martials, ain't a Wizard lover in that way.
>I actually personally homebrewed Mage Slayer to do all of that

Cool feat tax bro
That was the point of my post, anon
>mage slayer
Why the check at disadvantage? And did your group also run it incorrectly for years before finding out that RAW the feat is fucking stupid and just kept playing it the good way afterwards? Are you not retarded and read it correctly the first time?
>feat tax
That would be shit GWM's power attack. Brew Slayer is a definite buff to martials, but isn't necessary if you want to be useful. Even without martials can stab caster pretty easily. Just gotta tear through those shield slots.
He literally uses his hands in that clip.
So, lying on your front, you get up without using your hands?
Sometimes, yeah. Are you not able to do that? It's a legitimate fitness test.
>in b4 hurry durr he is sitting
Are you not able to do a sit-up?
No, the caster makes the check at disadvantage, or lose the spell. That's already in the feat as-is, I just instituted the Concentration check (Even on non-concentration spells) for the "Counterspell" thing.

>Did my group run it incorrectly?
I'm 90% sure I'm the only one who ever fucking knew it existed across multiple groups and bemoaned it not being better, so soon as I became the DM I changed it. I've always loved the idea of specialized anti-magic troops, and the game needed it.

Sorry about the feat, thing, anon, I misread. I do love PAM but have been trying to imagine if there's a way to make a third "Power Attack" feat for Longswords/versatile/even Finesse weapons. I love me a halberd knight and greatswords, don't get me wrong, but it never sat right to me that martials basically get forced into it for effectiveness in 5e.

In general though, you're right, having some sort of Counterspell/specialized option for it is fun and incentivizes players to do it, but whiteroom folk underrate how much casters have a plan until they get punched in the face.
>Are you not able to do a sit-up?
Not while lying on my front, no. Waists bend in the opposite direction, retard-kun.
Then roll over, retard. The fuck?
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>Are you not able to do a sit-up?
Do you not know what prone means?
>roll over
>sit up
>then stand
>push off the ground with your hands
>go straight to standing
Yeah, I think getting up with your hands is the smarter play here and the one that wouldn't provoke an opportunity attack.
you know, you could try that movement to see if its possible. the answer might surprise you.
I legitimately thought I wouldn't have tell you retards how stand up. Are you seriously that stupid, or just desperately trying to justify the fact you can't stand up without your hands. Holy shit, that's some MASSIVE cope (much like your BMI). One of you mouthbreathing fatties is right in that
>wouldn't provoke an opportunity attack
Fucking seriously, how fat and stupid are you? The fuck are you even talking about at this point? Do I really need to go through a step-by-step outline on how to stand up? Because you retards literally just asked how to stand up if you're lying on your stomach. Pic related, because I really didn't I need to add the step "roll over if you're not on your back". What the fuck is even happening right now? Do either of you do any physical activity at fucking all?
Explain how pushing off the ground while lying on your front is somehow more distracting and energy intensive than rolling over and sitting up.
Don't take it literally, prone just means on the floor in the rules.
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One of my party members was repeatedly asking me for a companion phase spider, ever since they helped a group of goblins re-establish a habitat.
They've already picked the monster slayer as their subclass, so I already told them that they won't get a pet for free, like the Beast Master.
Strung them along for a while until we eventually compromised, and I suggested they take the Magic Initiate feat to get access to Find Familiar.
I created this phase spider familiar.
This is now a Level 8 party, would this familiar be overpowered?
Explain why you're such a fat retard you can't stand up if you're lying on your stomach. You are disagreeing with me that it is a thing that people can do. Only a fat retard thinks that's impossible. You are saying that is impossible. You are a fat retard. Anything else you say that is not "only fat retards can't stand up without their hands" or "standing up doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity" means you disagree with those statements. Only fat retards disagree with those statements. Are you going to prove you are, in fact, a fat fucking retard?
Yeah, I know. That's why I ignored when anon said supine earlier. The rules don't care about the difference. The good thing is if you get knocked down, you can get up again, but they'll try to keep you down.
lmao shutup nerd
>once per long rest you can cast a concentration spell without needing to maintain concentration
>when the spell ends, you suffer a level of exhaustion
is there a way to abuse this?
just workshopping some items to give cleric in my campaign
depends on the player desu senpai
Just make a monk subclass called Fist of the World King because most people wouldn't know.

>Fist of the World King lasts a minute and costs a ki, higher levels requires hit dice (to reflect strain on the body and limit power) you can go higher levels during this power up by by spending a hit die. its durectionm is refreshed.
>activation: bonus action and you can make an unarmed strike as part of its activation
3rd level
>2x 1 ki
+1 to damage rolls with unarmed strikes and advantage on perception checks
>x3 1ki + 2 hit die
+2 to damage rolls and +10ft speed
>x4 1 ki + 3 hit dice
+3 to damage rolls and +15ft speed

6th level
in additional to previous effects
>2x 1 ki
+1 to attack rolls
>x3 1 ki + 2 hit dice
+2 to attack rolls, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity
>x4 1 ki + 3 hit dice
+3 to attack rolls, and you can use step of the wind as a bonus action without paying its ki cost

10th level
>x10 2 ki and 3 hit dice
>you can only use x10 after you've activated x4, but you can use it as part of the same bonus action as x4 instead of making your unarmed strike.

any creatures that enters within 10ft of you for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there takes fire damage equal to two rolls of your martial arts die and when you score a critical hit on your turn, you can immediately make another unarmed strike as part of the same action or bonus action

When your power up ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion.

17th level
You can only use x20 after you've activated x4, but you can use it as part of the same bonus action as x4 instead of making your unarmed strike.
>x20 cost 4 ki and 6 hit dice
In addtional to x10s effects, all your unarmed strikes have advantage, and you roll your martial arts die a second time and add it to your damage roll whenever you roll damage for an unarmed strike

When your power up ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion.

Stupid? perhaps.
Monk isn't actually bad. Players are.
Monk isn't bad, everything else is just way better.
Fair point. But also monk is bad. Unarmed fighter does the same job but better. Monk/fighter is peak, but also highlights the issues.
that just means monk=bad
More like DMs are. Monk is bad on most battlemaps because most battlemaps lack the scale or verticality needed for Monk's good mobility to really shine. Monk also doesn't have a lot of out of combat options that don't involve climbing or jumping, which other martials are also quite good at. Finally, Monks are a short rest class and short rest classes suffer often for being unable to actually take short rests because WOTC does not understand that a group moves at the rate of its slowest member, which in most cases are spell-slot using full casters. The upshot of this is that Monks routinely enter a ki drought because parties don't break to short rest as often as they should, and ki is too widely used in Monk's kit to function well while missing short rests.
Currently playing a Gem Dragonborn Ascendant Dragon Monk. It's actually pretty solid, I'm usually doing the most damage in encounters.
>page 10
Would a DM have a problem if my character's goal was to wipe out the merchant and noble classes
Monk isn't bad, it's just a little disappointing that the best way to play it usually involves punching as little as possible. Most good Monk builds are going to be using Gunner and Sharpshooter to play like a switch hitter who kites well and then punishes things that actually close the gap. Shadow Monk can get away with being in melee if they do Elven Accuracy and a Fighter start for CON saves and Blind Fighting. Astral Monk does a pretty good job as the controller with their grapple and has some extra potency in their stunning strike compared to the other monks. >>93233630 this anon's build is also strong but is more so abusing multiple breath weapons. But Mercy and Shadow are the best way to play, followed by Kensei Gunner, then Astral and Ascendant Dragon.
New thread:

Depends if you live somewhere that hates communists.
Depends on your DM, so perhaps. I’d imagine it’d at least be a middle management kinda devil like a Bone Devil who has underlings it can boss around and vice-versa with demons of equal or greater power or even self serving Yugoloths in the Neutral Evil side of things.
Cope. Monk is dog shit.
>m-muh movement
It's a game where you stand still and attack until someone dies.
Do you have any idea how silly you come across?
Thanks for the feedback
>I think you should add some cleric or paladin though, since there's often someone who wants to play "a healer". Ofc it isn't a real role in 5e, but cleric and paladin are still excellent classes.
That role is assumed by the bard. As dumb as it'll sound, I opted not to have religious classes in this setting because I want the existence of the gods to remain shrouded in history.
>A more blasty caster could be good too.
The wizard has plenty of ranged attack spells, if that helps.
> Maybe for the wizard you could make the hat their familiar, to save yourself the annoyance of a player having both a familiar and a sentient item.
That's not a bad idea. I was simply going to omit Find Familiar from Spells, but having the hat move around the map so you can cast spells from different spots sounds fun - there wouldn't be any vanishing or dismissal though, since it's a physical object.
> Unsure why the bard gets unarmored defense.
I had this gay ass sword dancer in mind, but that might be unbalanced.
>The monk's blindfold could be perceived as a bit of a nerf in some circumstances (since they woudn't have normal sight + blindsight as in the normal fighting style), what type of action would it be for them to put the blindfold on?
They already have high AC, so I don't know how balanced that is, but I was thinking of maybe allowing them use a Ki point to parry a ranged attack with their weapon, Luke Skywalker style. Or I can just say the blindfold gives them Daredevil powers, so they function normally during combat while also having Blind Fighting.
Or I can add Alert. (Not that the Monk is actually blind)

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