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Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

Play with /acg/ through voice chat! No text chat so coordinate in thread to get some games in.

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
Does a game's genre matter in getting you to play it?
Having a genre you know and love helped a lot with me getting into my first TCG. Was something familiar in a world of new stuff.
What does genre even mean in this context?

If I'm reading it right, then yes - I don't want to play anything I'd be embarrassed being seen in public with, so I avoid most anime games for being full of big titted scantily clad women.

The main things that matter to me are that it has an Organized Play community near me, and that the game is fun to play.
are rarities distributed evenly in BSS boxes? can cases be "cracked"? How fair are the rates?

yes, too many creature battlers in the market
For the guy in the previous thread asking about Sorcery.

In theory, more Beta will be printed some time before Arthurian Legends (which releases 4th of October), but we don't know when or how big the new wave will be.

I would probably buy the Precons if you can and singles, as Beta sealed product might drop fast in price in a couple of months.
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I guess it counts as a genre but I like old L5R. Picking a clan, having 2 separate decks to build and defending provinces with persistent personalities was fun.

It was a nice use of something similar to a mana/lands system in gold. Also, honor felt like an interesting thing to build around most of the time. You could have two decks from the same clan play very different even with somewhat limited card pools.

Most fun I've ever had playing tournaments too, people went all in on a clan and it showed.
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Not as much as the unique elements of the gameplay. I don't want to play magic clones.
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Really should dust this off at some point.
The two decks were really fun.
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I've let it lay a long time and wouldn't try to teach or re-learn the rules, but I've kept a lot of cards just because of the art/lore.
Are Ice Princesses playable yet?
Going to play cards with some friends on Thursday, then on Friday we're going to a card show. Pretty excited about it.
still kinda eh... but it might be change depending on the rest of card in this set
Is it roughly the same in the OG compared to the FF version? The concept always sounded more interesting than enjoyable but maybe I was just shit at it (or the bidding system, which I think was a new addition can't remember)
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>Blue cards are all Satan City so far
>Blue leader is Goku for whatever stupid fucking reason
I officially have Goku fatigue. Not a good thing to have when you play a Dragon Ball game. It's just so fucking stupid we already had a Goku leader in the set with SS4 Goku they could have made a Satan City leader like Great Saiyaman, Videl, or Mr. Satan.
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OG had honor as both a win and lose condition, and personalities had personal honor requirements you had to meet before you could recruit them.
If you recruited a dude from your clan for full gold cost you got their personal honor as an honor gain, which added a neat level of gameplay sometimes.

As an example, the guy in the pic could be recruited at any level of honor, which is the dash in the middle. The 5 is the gold cost and if you didn't use a clan discount and paid the full 5 gold you'd get the 1 personal honor as an honor gain.

Bidding is from the LCG I think, at least it doesn't sound familiar, but isn't it a kind of upkeep cost or something.
I play Masters. I make it a point to not play Goku decks, might make an exception for an upcoming red skillless kid Goku deck. So yeah, I fully understand the sentiment. Way too many Goku leaders, and no Farmer with Shotgun or Satan Delusional Warrior decks yet. Not even Bacterion or Popo.
One important difference between Masters and FW is that Masters has 8+ leaders per set, but FW has 4+ leaders per set(My guess is they'll have 5/set from FB3, plus starters). Past set 1, I don't think any set in Masters had more than 1 Goku Leader. So even if both have 1 Goku leader per set, that represents a much larger portion of leaders.
It's pretty hard to find recent info about this since, you know, nobody plays. Best I found is this leddit post
>Set 1 you were expected to get about 6 x-rares a box, one alt art per box (one being the saga rare in a case of 12), and a foil card in each pack, rares were not guaranteed in each pack but it was likely to happen.
>Set 2 was similar but there was a chance the alt art would be another x rare instead. And 4 of the alt arts in the box would be a Gundam collab rare
>Set 3 we're back to six x-rares a box (sometimes seven), and alt art, and now we get a rare and a foil each pack (the xrare did not detract from this)
>Set 4 we don't know rates yet but we've been told it's easier to get the collab rares than it was for the Gundam
Set 4 you also get 2 alt arts per box instead of one. And yeah the collab Xs are way more common than gundams were.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

Door of the Stars, Father
[AUTO] When this unit attacks, you may flip 1 of your Energy face-down. If you did, gain 1 Alchemy counter.
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed, you may remove any number of units with the (Amestris) attribute from your Cemetery and for each one, removed gain 1 Alchemy counter.
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Latest Fusion World reveal
fab HATE
earth is going to bully Zen out of the meta
Yes, some genres (like if they are too specifically one thing- like the cyberpunk genre for example) can limit the setting of the game and limit the possible creatures/characters/settings/etc. which MTG avoids by having a multiverse. I don't think that every game ever should be set in a multiverse but the wide possibilities sure do help a game not get too stale as it goes on for longer and longer.
Also I try to avoid things that are already tied to IPs- One Piece, Lorcana, etc.
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Zen fucking SPEEDING to living legend
Nuu putting up Kayo tier numbers
Enigma respectable performance
Mystic just seems like a cracked talent in general, having access to so many strong blues is amazing and every piece of mystic equipment is broken(except the draft chaft ones)
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W company
based based based
compare this to that pyramid scam in plain sight finance and bolts
WotS honestly seem to be doing a great job at everything outside of card design.
Samurai edition was peak L5R imo.
Before it Honor Requirement could suddenly make more than half the personalities unplayable (specially against scorpion or some crane)
After and during Samurai you could pay an extra 2 gold to ignore HR to play personalities. And no, scorpion didn't get weak, actually dishonor strategies got a bunch of good cards, as well as good scorpion personalities to defend provinces (and sometimes attack them)
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Extremely cringe.
oh no no no no no...
Have fun while being the best, I always say. Enjoy your play time together.
Interesting that it's +10k when most cards that give CA are +5k.
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I like that aggressive decks might take a sub-optimal personality to have more reliable options against a dishonor strategy or even just to smooth their own development.
Like you could build old phoenix/crab to have just dark dudes and make different decks building around no or low honor requirements, before scorpion clan was a discrete clan. It also forced clans that might otherwise straight up ignore dueling to at least think about it in deckbuilding.
I didn't know they went towards ignoring requirements with an extra cost, so thanks for explaining, and I can see them making a change like that at the start of a new edition. Toku is way better when he is earning you 2 honor a pop playing as a Toturi's Army guy.
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Just to compare and contrast, the old Crane clan champ wanted you to have that 15 honor before you saw him and really made PH relevant when he did show up.
The faggotry is strong with this one.
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Checked out the rules on the new neopets. Shouldn't be surprised they didn't just revive the contest system from the previous version but sad they went the pokemon 1v1 battle route. needing 10 d6's is crazy
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So I decided to catch up on the metazoo shit watching umu and the nick strength guy and holy shit metazoo made 21 MILLION DOLLARS IN 2022 JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
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I like the art on this one.
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Neopets has always been squarely targeted at the Pokemon fanbase and demographic, so it shouldn't be too surprising they took the base game and copied it.
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It's over..
Say goodbye to your lewd card games.
Actually like this card somewhat.
Does it seem like it might be fun, at least?
Metal kot
Gives me vibes from that vidya Stray.
When The Condemned reaches that point, I definitely want to do the same. Keep the game accessible, with multiple sets in active print if people want to keep buying them.

I mean, it's good business sense. If people want to buy, why wouldn't you like money?
Some new ultraman tcg info from the facebook group
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By acquiring that platform they can select which manga can be release and which can be censored. Things will start small and then gradually grow until they reach animes, card games, video games...
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You're thinking of this faggot who runs Blackrock. Afaik Blackstone hasn't done anything similar - if the dude was in the Trump administration, I'd be shocked if he's "woke".
Well in that case the nips would just create another platform, right? Since nobodu there likes censorship I imagine
I'm willing to give it a shot, when i manage to find a store to grab the starters and a friend willing to play I'll report back in
It doesn't look like the lgs near me decided to stock any of it, unfortunately. I'm gonna look for some at the card show on Friday, though I don't expect to see any. I'll probably wind up just ordering online, but if I get two starters I can easily rope somebody into playing with me, at least.
Game looks really cute.
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Starting to think Fusion World is just a bad game.
All the red bans/limits did was make us trade one flavor aggro cancer for another(Yellow).
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>ban obviously pushed cards
>let game die
Just play Green. But yes, the game is pretty badly designed. People sitting around and not attacking is better a lot of the time than actually using your cards. Horrid design.
Azalea deck can't come soon enough. I want to start making aim great again, but I'll need these to do it. Honestly if they add even two more playable rares and it commons in going to be very impressed with this armory deck. I have bought neither of the other two available decks, so don't know what else to expect or if it. Full art adult Azalea is a nice bonus too, I think.

My only question is, how often will they design these new style CC decks? Is the aim to help out heroes that need to LL faster or will they attempt to make one for most heroes by 2025?
And or*

Expect of it*

Damn, not fully awake yet I see.
>My only question is, how often will they design these new style CC decks? Is the aim to help out heroes that need to LL faster or will they attempt to make one for most heroes by 2025?
It really is a mystery, the pattern is weird too.
Kayo, the top tier deck got one with a hefty buff in the form of the new chest piece.
Then Boltyn the mid got some ok shit.
Now Azalea, a top tier hero again getting sidegrades in the form of aim support.
LSS seems doing it at random like they usually do.
He's not wrong tho.
He is though, unless you're using broadest definition possible for "theft", in which case literally every action is theft from someone, rendering the assertion worthless.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Super Rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

Ice Queen
Remove up to 3 of your Alchemy counters. Then, for each counter removed, do 1 of the following.
-Draw 2 cards
-Target 1 unit, during this turn it gets Power +4000
-Target 1 unit, deal 4000 damage to it
(Do all of the following from top to bottom, you can't pick the same one twice)
Investing in a Bandai game except for Digimon is a bad choice
>LSS seems doing it at random like they usually do.
I both love and am annoyed by the fact that LSS is highly unpredictable. It adds a level of excitement for each announcement, and also leaves you waiting years expecting some product that seemed obvious to you at release.
i buy cards to go actually play the game in real life and with real people. it's a fun experience you should try sometime
You mean one piece.
I buy cards to play with and collect, but I also take the ones I don't need to trade for cards I do want. Sometimes it's just money, which I use to get more cards.
>i buy cards to go actually play the game in real life and with real people.
You make it sound like people you meet are decent people lol
It's nice when the game group is friendly, tight knit and reasonable when it comes to trade value. You also get to say "hey I'm looking for X card from last set" after a local match and immediately get offers from honest people. Because, at the end of the day, can you really trust places like TCGp? Incorrect inventory, faulty conditions, insufficient packaging; that's something you have to pay extra for.

Or... Your bro Angus at the shop has you covered for below market price and in verifiable conditions. He might even sweeten the pot if you have something he wants. Bing bang boom, a real human bean.
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Mailday! What you got in the mail lately, /acg/?
I want to fuck Reiju so much
>the goofiest thing you've seen next to lust provoking idols
That's what one piece fans are into I suppose.
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My holy grail ginally arrived as well as some cards I was putting towards a new deck (you'll never guess what theme the deck is!)
Man throw that Yugioh playmat in the bin
Fucking ruined the post
>Dungeon Guide
Thank fuck. This is evergreen at this point, good to see it getting reprinted
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Not my fault OP is full of semen demons
idk what games you play, but yes, my stores are all filled with lovely, community driven people.
question for fab, i was playing against a ninja and he played the card "flying kick", when i was playing my blocks he told me that since it was a "flying" attack i couldn't block with cards that weren't flying attacks, i tried to call a judge but there were none available (the place is seriously understaffed), was i robbed of a possible victory?
They really aren't sending their best...
>thread is quiet for the most part
>flesh and blood mentioned positively
>immediate subversion launched to undermine discussion of it
Why must it be this way?
Can someone explain FAB to someone who knows nothing about it? Why does it have so much productive discussion around it?
>Why does it have so much productive discussion around it?
It's just a competent alive game. It also has the biggest competitive scene of any acg besides OP so non-anime compfags usually go there.
Ackshually the dei shitters are blackROCK. Blackstone is just a run off the mill investment firm, I know I got co fused by it too.
Why do they always name their companies after dark colored geology?
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You have hero with life points
You have deck with attack cards
Each card has power and durability
You start game with equipment for head right arm left arm torso and legs
You choose a weapon two handed or one handed at start of game
Every turn you can pitch you see the red balls to the top pitch thats the pitch value
The cost is in the top left you do that to play any card
So you play an attack card wait for your opponent to respond with a defense if they dont your attack goes through
If the attack had GO AGAIN you can do another attack if opponent defends it then you can play an attack reaction then they a defense reaction and you cant do shit after that
Now any card can defend but you only draw up to 4 each turn so most of the time you can just chain consecutive attacks and abuse GO AGAIN loops for the lols
That be the Tissue and Haemoglobin Fluid basically
>Can someone explain FAB to someone who knows nothing about it?
It is like playing ping pong but with cards. One player attacks the other defends. You keep at that until someone is at 0 life.
Some attacks have effects while most defensive cards do not.
Items can have attacks or be used to defend as it is for every card in your hand.
It is just another fight game but with a medieval/fantasy look.
If a hero wins enough it gets banned.
All cards are legal to play until they are banned.
Deck construction follows the hero class/elemental traits + "colorless" cards
>Why does it have so much productive discussion around it?
Because it was shilled when it first came out, with rudy spreading about how good it looked (attracting players) and how rarities worked (attracting (((investors))) ).
Many mtg wannabe professionals joined the game trying to make money off tournaments.
Many acg folks have grown to like the gameplay, mostly because it was the hot new thing and there wasn't another fighting ccg being shilled at the time.
Yes, I don't know what game has fly be unblockable but it sure as fuck is not fab.
All cards will have everything written on it. Meaning might not be written on it though (go again, dominate, overpower and spectra)
uh the card has flying written on it so it's flying, I deserve that win
Don't humor the shitposter.
Fusion World has to die so that Battle Spirits may live.
If Bandai wasn't retarded, they'd make the next dbz game like the old Score/Panini one. That game fucking oozed flavor.
Holy kino
So fucking sick of you trying to control the narrative and poison the well. I hope the cards that hasblow paid you to destroy the first legitimate competitor in half a decade are curled and printed to oblivion.

Ya'll mother fuckers are being duped. Passive aggresive satire and misinformation; that's what you're responding to right now.
Based and truthpilled. FaB is a solid 5/10 in all aspects.
The only reason fabbies like it is they don't know anything about card games and got shilled.
What causes the constant fab shitposting? No other game has detractors derail entire threads.
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Cardmarket asking about new tcgs to add. I want Grand Archive, but y'all go vote too.
>i buy cards to go actually play the game in real life and with real people. it's a fun experience you should try sometime
I'm pretty sure he meant it more like "investing time and effort". Not market speculation and flipping cards.
CM doesn't ship to my country, but I went ahead and voted for Grand Archive for you <3
voted for shadowverse, but it's mind boggling how some of these games are having to be considered alongside literal whos
How would selling Altered on Cardmarket work? I hope they don't try and circumvent the phygital protections on the app...
I wish Alpha Clash had any following, it looks interesting and isn't kitchen sink fantasy or anime.

Altered is probably the one of those with the most potential for Cardmarket, but who's to say whether it has any legs.

Meanwhile none of the LGS owners I've talked to were even aware Warlord is getting relaunched. They really did a terrible job of marketing it. Shame, it's such a unique game.
How would they even sell Altered? Isn't the whole point that the creators of the game control an online database regarding card ownership?
Feels like another NFT scam.
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>Investing in one piece
>When they just reprinted OP01 and all of the other old sets
>When a set dedicated to reprinting all of the expensive cards in new nicer looking alt arts is coming soon
Look I have a shit ton of expensive one piece cards so I'm not a one piece hater but that shit has been crashing hard and once that reprint set comes out it's going to be a blood bath.
You sell the phygital rights just like you sell steam keys on aftermarket websites. Alternatively, you can sell the physical cards without the phygital rights to customers who just want to play!
This revolutionary empowerment of the people is only possible with AlteredTCG! Phygital is the future!
>phygital protections
Isnt Grand Archive just weeb fab or something?
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Ninja Slayer tcg released last friday. Clearly going to be the next big thing. Better prepare and compose your death poems.
Grand Archive : mixture of fab and mtg but with weeb art
Alpha flight : duel masters/dbs but with non copyright superheroes (aka they created them)
Altered : cripto bros boardgame/battle spirits/ lotr
What is sorcery? Ive heard its less tcg-like and more tabletop
Don't forget the progressive diversity of an optimistic world!
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Insert lazy OP shitpost here
Insert lazy joke about inserting
Canon Nami figure.
This art is shit.
This shit is art.
It's this year's "magic but the creatures move on a grid" game.
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>It's this year's "Guardians" game.

If Sorcery doesn't have bribery cards it's a shame.
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Dungeon Command >>> Other games where creatures move in grid
Nobody is gonna pay $800+ for a deck of fab, fab schizo
Do you get to tour wizards of the coast's headquarters when you report for brain conditioning or do they just burlap sack and secret you away to an off-site veterinarian hospital instead? Always wondered about that.
Anachronism is a great time, even if outside competitive it’s definitely got more of a boardgamey, throw dice see what happens feel a lot of the time.
What’s Dungeon Command like?
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Mine had funnier art.
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For the record, if FaB ever just goes all-in on cheesecake I will shill the shit out of it here. No pay and long hours even.
>if FaB ever just goes all-in on cheesecake I will shill the shit out of it here
This but with lolis.
I think cats have barbs, not knots. The cerberus should have that covered though.
I like it but like every manga card I'll never own one anyway
This is why Grand Archive must live and Rudy's grifts must die.
Okay now where's the message about making Arisana not garbage? I was looking forward to the first Cleric hero but shes complete trash.
I really don't see Earth doing much to stop Zen, they can't really block out a full bonds line and they die like everyone else when he gets a 70 damage turn
Besides we already have the Zen counters, Nuu running Sirens Call and the assassin Bonds, Victor and Azalea running their normal on-hits, and Mechanologists running Tbone to deny him optimal Traverse pops
He's for sure the strongest deck in the format but you can beat him, unlike Starvo or Lexi
They tried with Sylvie and the Re:Collection deck. If people like her, they'll probably do something.
>dungeon guide
On one side: YES
On another, I kinda just wish they'd ban or limit that card. Its so universally useful almost every deck can use a playset of her, so it makes all decks more similar to each other.
For those who don't know: normally you can only use 1 card from extra deck per turn, and that includes levelling up your champion. Dungeon guide lets you level up twice in the same turn, which gives you much faster access to your best tools and abilities.
Funny you mention them, because I just bought both of those. Starter Arisanna can't do shit against Re:Silvie. At all. Then I printed some cards that maybe could work, and Arisanna survived longer, but that's it, winning was never an option. I'm gonna try more things with her, but Silvie just feels so oppressive, maybe its also a matter of matchup. Speaking of Arisanna, it feels kinda sad that the gathering and brewing mechanic becomes practically irrelevant when focusing on starcalling and glimpsing. I want to brew stuff and throw at opponents damnit. They even included that cool die and herb board and tokens, its a shame to not use it.

>If people like her, they'll probably do something.
Only speaking about my LGS, but there people loved it. Apparently its a really strong deck overall. I'm gonna try it without changes at least once, just to see how it works as vanilla against other decks.
The Sylive deck is effectively a retrain to make a set 1 character viable. The Arisana deck is just a starter deck, so it's not really a fair comparisson.

To use an example from Yugioh, because it's the closest I can think of, Sylive is like those decks you make with 3x structure decks, Arisana is like a Yugi Starter deck.

Arisana is also undersupported right now. I don't know how much MRC helped, but in ALC alone she just didn't have the cardpool to make any effective decks.

>If people like her, they'll probably do something
The "Her" was meant to reference Arisana. I was saying if people like Arisana she'll likely get more support.

>If people like her, they'll probably do something
I think that's the biggest issue with Arisana, she's stuck between 2 cool gimmicks. Maybe with more Cleric support Arisana can lean more into Starcalling and they can make a Terra or Neos cleric who's all in on herbs.
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>What’s Dungeon Command like?
The basics of the game is like:
-Each player chooses a leader/commander (like pic)
The commander gives your base morale (hp) and base leadership (how many levels of creatures you can have in play)
As well as creature hand and orders hand.
-You have 2 decks. One is the creature deck and the other the orders deck.
The creatures can have STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIZ/CHA abilities. With creatures you can play corresponding order cards.
-Whenever you destroy a creature its controller loses morale equal to the creature level
-No dice roll (strange for a DnD game), you tap creatures to attack, respond to actions or to defend.
-You and your opponent build the board with tiles (each player brings 2 8x8 ones and 2 8x4 ones one of the small ones have to be an starting area)
-You can pick treasure to gain extra morale (life), and each turn you gain 1 extra leadership. If you have enough free-leadership, at the end of your turn, you can put one or more creatures from your hand into play, your creatures hand always replenish. You only draw 1 order card each turn (but there are lots of extra draws you can put in your deck).
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(pic = exemple of order cards)

But anyway they game failed. Wizards of the Coast only made 5 starters for the game and didn't gave a fuck about extra content like boosters, etc thus the game plays better as a boardgame (because to build a deck without proxies you would need to buy lots of boxes (like 2 to up to 4))
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Today's Build Divide reveals are a Rare and Normal rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

One Who Uses Alkahestry, Mei Chang
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed, if you have 3 or more Alchemy counters, do 1 of the following.
-Place up to 1 card with the (Xiao-Mei) attribute from your D Deck
-[Equivalent Exchange 2]
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Small Panda, Xiao-Mei
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, target up to 1 of your opponent's units, during this turn it cannot block.
>is written as Big Bear Cat
learn something every day
Will catfag have to buy all the panda cards now aswell?
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it's a pretty decent game for what it is. AC is one of the classic Bunch of Ex Magic Pros Design A Perfectly Balanced Magic Clone genre games. uses a lot of the more interesting and well-explored rules changes like DM-style any card as a land, avatar card, facedown traps, letting you directly attack a creature if it's tapped, etc. and then just focuses on making the card design fit good balance principals.

which unfortunately at the end of the day leaves me a little cold on it because I don't actually want a magic clone, but if you like that kind of game AC is about as skill-heavy and tactical as they come.

fantastic layout too. this was back in the "publishers give a fuck" phase of TCGs though.

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