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Negotiation Edition

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>Thread Question
What was the worst deal you or your players did in game?
How about Jonas Albrecht? He openly criticizes his Tribe’s cultural posturing and eugenics nonsense, and yet he ended chosen of the Silver Crown and king of the entire Garou Nation.
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Didn't see it mentioned last thread but the Deviant Player's Guide is out. It's technically third party but written by the Deviant dev. I've not had a chance to read through it in full but the previews have been really promising. Seems like a proper players guide, you can see the STV preview for a full table of contents but I explained what's in it last thread here >>93203956

Turning down the opportunity to bury the rest of the coterie "alive". We discussed this aside with ST and agreed it would be the most sensible thing to do in character, but must not be done for out-of-character reasons of keeping the game going.
How dogshit is Blood-Stained Love?
eh nothing outragous for v5, possibly even okay if you are the target audience which i think is meant to be 16 to 19 year old nerd who reads smut fics and aren't ashamed enough of it to not bring it up in a pen and paper rpg

i doubt it's made for either of us
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Who the fuck is Gary?
Anybody know where to find Dragon: The Embers 2e? Since that post I found one on the archives that I think hails from 2014 but it doesn't say it's 2e.
It seems to have been abandoned.


But one anon mentioned a fansplats discord, maybe they moved to it.
Are any of the text adventures worth playing? Any recommendations?
The exception that makes the rule, anon. Add to that part of thematics within Garou Nation is trying to change it to something better and using this as a hope for a better future.
Also, Jonas Albrecht is quite well-written character. As one anon said: Players who try to do a contrarian Silver Fangs end up doing a blank slate of a character who could fit better in another Tribe.
Not everyone can do a good character, neither roleplay it.

Read Night Roads and then Parliament of Knives. People say Sins of the Sire isn't that good, but I can't say for myself. Be my guest and read it.
This talk about werewolves and players makes me bring a question I did few threads ago, but got no answer. Hope I can get some this time:

Why Bone Gnawer players can't roleplay a chill character? Those I met/know simply always play a trickster vagabound (i.e. ravnos but werewolf), no matter which Auspice they choose.
Deviant is so cool, it's the only CofD game that deserved more, maybe Forsaken as well, but it's a bit half-baked
I had a good player who was a Bone Gnawer Ahroun - he wasn't afraid to use a less-than-honorable tactic to win a fight, because winning was the goal and zero scruples made him better at it. Like an MMA fighter who exclusively went for a knee to the dick.
Night roads and parliament of knives are good.
If you like werewolves, try playing book of hungry names.
There's a big difference between an RPG character (who can be affected by several people's IRL choices) and a story character (who is really only affected by the author's choices).

A good example from my experience is Baron Kharkov from Ravenloft. If you first encounter him (as I did) in an RPG splat he makes no fucking sense. But a few years later I read a short story by his creator that really delved into his viewpoint (essentially he's a hypocrite who wants to blame his original bestial nature for the evil his new human nature does). That's a really cool concept! But how could I possibly convey that to players without monologues?
That’s more the people you know being shit roleplayers and less the Tribe having any issue.
IIRC there is another version of dragon in the fan game discord but I am not familiar with it, something about not wanting to be too tied up with the original.
You think Deviant is half-baked?
The Technocracy can’t use vulgar magic, right? Like not even psionics can justify a NwO Black Suit casting lightning from his fingertips.
if i remember correctly they can use vulgar magic but it's more plasma rifle than shooting fireball which gives them a easier time when it comes to what sleepers consider vulgar and what not and when they get a paradox backlash they go like "looks they masses weren't ready for that"
which edition of Vampire is best?
>That's a really cool concept! But how could I possibly convey that to players without monologues?
Mind reading? In D&D it's rarely an option but as long as you have an ESP character you could get away with some bullshit insights.
Requiem 2 or V20.
I know Embers was abandoned but I figured 2e pdf might still be kicking around somewhere.
Rekindled probably but it currently requires Embers 2e, which the forum post links to but the pdf 404s.
This has a translation to 2e.

Much appreciated.
>CofD Contagion Chronicles RMCs – PoD and PDF versions available this Weds on DTRPG!
well, that's it. we're in the trenches of abandonware now. fuck paradox and every piece of trash in it
Ravnos PC traded the entire computer of the recently deposed and killed Prince with all its data (though he made copies for his own use, being completely fair) to the new incumbent Prince (the Ventrue Primogen who we had been backing) for nothing more than being officially recognized as "ancilla", because he was a prideful fuck who hated being called Neonate.
Requiem 2e
>last book is a contagion chronicles book
It didn't even go out with a bang, but with a whimper.
It was either that or the last deviant book, which was quite weak.
VtR 2e IMO
Nah, I meant Forsaken, Deviant is great
Now that the dust has settled, what were the peaks and valleys of nWoD/CofD? Was the God-Machine a good or bad choice? And are mages, in fact, cringe?
One of the devs is doing a lot of material for it, like the sea wolves semi-tribe.
Wait, SEA WOLVES? Shit, I always wanted sea themed werewolves.
>Sea Vampires
>Sea Werewolves

Really dude?
Anon, I mean this in the nicest way possible, that is faggot shit. This appeals to same audience the gobbles up Rick and Morty. Why did you subject me to that?
Yes? Any vampire can be a pirate anyway. Plus, it makes more sen thematically. How can vampires, entites of undeath and stagnancy, really have in common with the sea, the ultimate expression of chaos and creation? It makes sense if it was like a sewer, which I guess explains why Nosferatu nest there so much.
>Why did you subject me to that?
I'm a follower of Set
The few Forsaken books we got for 2e were good. Their Night Horrors book is probably the best one in 2e.
Nobody talked about the marine gangrel or the la sombra yet.

The la sombra are attracted by darkness of the depths.
Changeling the lost 2 e reminds me of mystics from saga frontier, asellus in particular
Anybody want to give me their capsule review of Werewolf 5th edition? I played 1st a bunch in the before times.
Which splat out of Prometheus, changeling, sin eater, mummy or deviant you like most? Which has most interactivity with other splats? Which works for horror stories best?
>I played it once so take what I say with grain of salt
It is different from previous editions, and different from forsaken. Werewolves now only have rage, no more gnosis, they're 'spellpower' capabilities were nerfed into a ground and a lot of gift are just werewolvy things like having extra sharp claws or ability to sense packmates, etc. you no longer can sidestep and being in umbra is hurtful to you. Crinos form is costly to maintain and mostly works as ohshit button that you cannot overuse much. They have same touchstone system as in v5 but it isn't explained as well. Alot of tribes have changed names and they made stargazers and get of fenris a enemy factions but retained blood fangs as playable option (even though blood fangs was always way more bloodthirsty then get of fenris) but our St homebrewed some gifts from W20 and allowed them to be playable (we used W20 lore with w5 ruleset). Compared to V5 or H5 game is good, but it severaly lacks options that were available in W20. Book also has some rules regarding fomori creation so it's additional benefit if you want to create monsters for H/V5
9/10 if compared to H/V5
6, 7 at best if compared to W20
7/10 overall. I like it as quicker introduction into werewolves games, but I'd really use W20 lore and abilities and once you reach higher level of play, ST would either have to homebrew a lot of stuff or just change game into W20 as high level play isn't supported (same way playing elder or organization hunter isn't supported in other games)
Vampire pirates are cool, and you could also call the seas ancient and unchanging no matter how tempestuous, with dark depths that light doesn't penetrate.
>Which splat out of Prometheus, changeling, sin eater, mummy or deviant you like most?
Changeling, not even a contest, sadly. Might change if i can build The Thing from the carpenter movie as a PC in it.
>Which has most interactivity with other splats?
By default none. Sin-Eaters might have the easiest time to come into contact with others, afterall everyone dies. After that Changeling has some incentives to seek out others for the sake of making new Contracts, gathering materials for Hedgespinning/Dramaturgy, etc.
>Which works for horror stories best?
Every splat is a different sort of Horror, personaly i like the idea of deviant (being hunted by an organization and your body betraying you on the way) but in practice i only played changeling of the five, so i can't realy say.
I always found Red Talons more sympathetic than Get. They're extreme, but it's more understandable. They're just fighting for survival, not "glory in battle". And they seem to avoid most edgelord tropes, in lots of ways they're less edgy than other Garou, because they try to act like wolves not warriors.
1e Changeling, but I feel like do to it's flexibility Deviant would be best for crossover stuff.
>Which splat out of Prometheus, changeling, sin eater, mummy or deviant you like most?
Changeling 1e
>Which has most interactivity with other splats?
Deviant, just out of Law of Averages
>Which works for horror stories best?
Deviant again
What differences between changeling 1e and 2e? I though that 2e is go to edition regarding cofd
Revised or VtR2e
Mostly the power floor and ceiling being raised in 2e as well as the gazillion template abilities spread over several books (both editions) not vibing with everyone.
I played both and prefer 2e, mostly because contracts in general are worth investing in and are fun to use.

Both editions are horribly broken and a power gamer can abuse nearly any aspect of it.
Tone wise in 1e changelings had to fear the Gentry, their agents and, unless they where pretty well established, most other splats as well (some people like crossovers), while in 2e changelings pretty much only have to fear the Gentry, huntsmen and loyalists due to the potency of blessings and contracts. Changelings in general where always implied to be some sort of larval state of the True Fae (in 1e you "ascended" at wyrd 10 and clarity 0, in 2e you need an Eldritch Entitlement and need to fullfill its "quest") who are among the most powerful beings in CofD, therefore their abilities being very strong in the hands of rules lawyers (what the Gentry on a meta level are) is just a flavor win for me. Personaly i always felt contracts in 1e to be not strong enough for that background whereas some 2e ones are overkill, but i can see how people who liked 1e but didn't yet play 2e are negative towards it as 2e puts the powerful stuff up front and focusses less on making deals through clever use of wordings and more on faerie tale heroics.
The one you like the most.
The problem with 2e is the Contracts aren't just strong in the hands of rules lawyers, they're strong period. Changelings are actually one of the better splats at just brute forcing things with magic. I fully expected changelings to get stronger in 2e because everybody did, not to that extent.
so changelings on 2e operate closer to true fey potential/level of power? i always interpret that high ranking changeling was one foot into true feydom anyway so increase in power wouldn't bother me
It’s the difference between “character-at-the-end-of-a-story power” (1e) and “DBZ power creep” (2e)
Sin-Eater > Changeling = Mummy > Deviant
In 2e i woulld say you start at the half way mark to true fae as technicaly you only need to win a fitting title. But yes, to any non changeling the distinction between wyrd 6+ changeling and Gentry is mostly irrelevant. You play as their patroclus to the Gentries achilles, the nessian lion to their hercules, the dragon to their siegfried, etc. You can still build tricky and crafty elfs or runaway servants, but the options to just pick up all the godly power (aka the overtuned contracts) will still taunt you.

1e leaned more to a lower powerlevel where you where intended to play as runaway courtiers from an evil kings court, maids/butlers of a cruel master, pit fighters and soldiers of merciless monsters, kobolds of big dragons, etc. However, with every released book the scope shifted ever upwards until the last book, equinox roads, had you invade arcadia or the absurdity that was talecrafting/optional glamour floods (whenever you spent a glamour you rolled your wyrd and on a success you got a permanent dot of wyrd). The base for 2e was laid in 1e is what i want to say.

Powerlevel wise 1e was a bit above a figure of a faerie tale from the brothers grimm, like rumpelstilzchen, an animate candle, sapient animal thats also anthropomorph, while in 2e it's closer to a mid-to-high level DnD monster like a young dragon, mindflayer or greater elemental. But again, if you want a lower power game 2e still has powers for tricksters and swashbucklers, the strong powers naturally leave a bigger impression though, so as always ST and players need to talk about what they want.
ok. which has more power creep between changeling & vampire?
>why i ask
I have HtV 2e and want to include some other splat for variety. i already have V20/W20/M20 (different settings though) i that i prefer compered to CofD counterparts, so im interested in "lesser" splats. Changeling in interesting to me as its quite eldrich as you have to contend with Arcadia's bullshit. and i think this will be great with HtV games. but if changeling can kamehameha group of hunters, i dont know if ill like it.
So much of that power is usable from character creation and some of it is straight up an innate template power. It's like 2e was made by people who wanted to play True Fae.
Hunters aren't killing a changeling with more than two brain cells.
thanks, you made more sense to me regarding difference between editions.
Vampire is contextualy still a more power crept i think. Changelings are overall "stronger" (aka more flexible), yes, but vampires got a full spectrum buff to everything with no real downscaling of things. So the step from 1e to 2e was bigger for them in my opinion.
This is fine. Part of Bone Gnawers ethos is doing this, without all the edge Shadow Lords brings to the table.
However, there's a difference between doing a "less-than-honorable tactic" vs "being disruptive". You can do alternative strategies without shitting on the floor and expressily saying "this will happen again, you all wanting or not".

Indeed, my friend. Does not help this kind of player is, in majority of time, enjoyable by other players because "lol he's so funny!". And there'll be always one who's unhappy with this kind of act. If you antagonize him or try to punish him in game for his shit behavour, you're the bad guy.
However, I see Bone Gnawer attracting this sort of player just as Malkavianin Vampire.
Which reminds me how the philodox player in my group does not mind the bone gnawer player doing shitty and disruptive acts because "We know each other already he does this all the time, fucked up big time my character previous game, but, eh, that's how thing is".

Gotta say the ones who got the best deal in 2e are Werewolves.
Sin-Eater got the worst end.
Can vampires recognise other vampires at a glance? I've heard now and then that vampires have a ''Prey sense'' that activates with humans but not with kindred.
Depends on gameline and edition. You have to be more specific.
>ok. which has more power creep between changeling & vampire?
Depends. All round? Vampire. Fundamentally? Changeling
Y’see, what allows Changelings to stand amongst other supernaturals is the availability of power. There are no less than 11 contracts that EVERY Changeling can take with a single dot apiece. This means the average Changeling has a versatile toolbox up his sleeve. However, Changelings have a limited pool & expenditure per turn of Glamour, and the only way to raise them is to increase Wyrd (risking attracting the True Fae’s interest and Clarity loss from reliving your Durance). So Changelings have to use their myriad abilities sparingly, efficiently, and wherever possible, with Loopholes to skimp out on the cost. Thus, the modus operandi of Changeling, on and off the tabletop, is that of cunning and ingenious prey outwitting and triumphing over their eldritchly powerful captors. In 2e, this gets tossed out the window as Changeling’s power floor is drastically raised, so they no longer have to risk going batshit insane or straight up turning into True Fae themselves in order to get to the same echelons as 2e. So at best the whole “cunning prey” shtick lasts about 2 sessions before you go Super Saiyan and delete Faerie gods like junk data. It’s so antithetical to CtL it makes me sick
I've had the idea of homebrewing the Get of Fenris back into W5
>Name: Hounds of War
>Patron spirit: Wolf
>Associated Renown: Glory
>Associated verbs: Challenge, Compete, Endure, Sacrifice
>What the Cult of Fenris were before falling to Hauglosk
>Warriors among warriors under the patronage of Wolf, believing in strenght above all (physical and otherwise), it was the Tribe of those Garou who loved challenge, sought to push the limits of their abilities and dedicated themselves the most intensely to fight Wyrm and Weaver, even if it meant dying in Gaia's name.
>When the Cult of Fenris took over, the vast majority of the Tribe either fell to Hauglosk along with them, became Renunciates of Fenris and joined other Tribes or were simply killed by the Cult.
>But the original Hounds are not completly gone. A few Hauglosk-free loyalists escaped the purge while also refusing to change Tribe. To those are added Garou who had their First Change after and somehow received the patronage of Wolf independently and on their own terms; creating the hope that Wolf is neither completly dead nor too far gone into madness and insanity himself.
>Hunted by the Cult and mistrusted by the other Tribes, these last remnants of the Hounds of War seek to rebuild themselves, discover what happened to Wolf and take revenge on the Cult.
What do you think so far? What could be their Favor and Ban?
Heart of Forest did this already. When you choose to be Get of Fenris, the Mourning Wolf spirit says to other Garou you are in fact "Vanir's Wrath". This was the original idea Hunter's Entertainment had when Karim Muammar tried to shove down their throats "nazi get is back, baby!" idea.

But talking about your idea in specific: It does not make any sense because as said by W5: Cult of Fenris is a "small, rogue faction" of the original Tribe that went away and for some unknown reason, the Tribe didn't stick together after that even tho the Cult of Fenris is just a small/rogue/insignificant part of them.

I suggest you drop the "They are hunted by the Cult and mistrusted by other Tribes" because the decision of Cult of Fenris dropping off from the original Tribe was during the important meeting between all Tribes. Things would go different. It would be simply "Okay these fuckers from our Tribe dropped. Fuck them. Let's continue our important meeting" and then the original Tribe would hunt down their heretic drop outs.
Same OP
For the Ban, I was thinking "refusing a worthy challenge despite having a reasonably good chance of winning"
>but if changeling can kamehameha group of hunters, i dont know if ill like it.
CofD hunters are normal people with guns or very minor powers. While there is no real kamehameha power in ctl the hunters still have to either get the drop on their prey, use Cold Iron (steel is not iron) or other frailties. Biggest hurdle for anyone fighting changelings since 1e is the mask though, as it is pretty hard to see through.
As an antagonist for hunter you have full control over the abilities and powers you hand out to your changeling, so thats an important point. Just from their template alone changelings get 1 attribute dot, 2 blessings (kith and seeming, their clan and bloodline equivalents) and 6 contracts (4 around equal to 1-3 dot powers, 2 equal to 4-5 dot powers of other splats). Big thing is in how they clash other powers (wyrd+wits/dex/manipulation instead of blood potency+discipline dots), how easy they can escape into the Hedge (1 glamour and any door, window, cupboard, etc. that has a can be opened or closed) and ability to curse (not a core book ability, but they can inflict Tilts). The big problem are the contracts, but again, as ST you chose them.
Also Cold Iron negates all fae defences and deals aggravated damage, so if you got a loaded gun they die very fast as no magic can save them.
Also there are very few direct damage contracts (i remember only 2) with most being either buffs, summons (weapons and helpers), debuffs and environmental stuff like causing an earthquake or fire.
>In 2e, this gets tossed out the window as Changeling’s power floor is drastically raised, so they no longer have to risk going batshit insane or straight up turning into True Fae themselves in order to get to the same echelons as 2e. So at best the whole “cunning prey” shtick lasts about 2 sessions before you go Super Saiyan and delete Faerie gods like junk data.
Very wrong, but you're entitled to your opinion.
Fair point. It's just that the W5 lore states that during the multi-Tribal moot, there was just the Cult of Fenris and the orginal Tribe was already gone. So I interpreted it as the Cult having made some sort of coup and completly took over the Tribe's leadership. It might just be misreading and headcanon on my part, though.
But that’s enough about you
Every power changelings have also went to the Gentry. Gentry just do it better and have all contracts in their Regalia at once, auto succeed on all Hedgespinning rolls and have 2 regalia at minimum. On top of that only their taboos/banes can inflict any damage on them. If you roflstomp Gentry your ST fucked up or forgot important things.
Gentry in 2e are living up to what they where ment to be, unlike 1e where you could have wyrd 3 Gentry.
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>finally found a trove with WoD books in french
>can't access it properly
Can anybody here help me? It's one of those free.fr domain. Whenever I try to alter the link it goes error 403.
For instance, "anon <dot> free <dot> fr / folder / pdf". If I just erase the pdf line in an attempt to go to full folder or even erasing both to go to the host itself, it goes error 403.
Does anyone know a way to access properly this?
V:tM Revised.
then no, you need auspex two to read the aura or make contact and notice the lack of heartbeat (if the other kindred isn't using the blush of life) although the later could have you get fooled by a risen or low humanity/balance mummy
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stat him
Eshmaki beast.
>Obsessed with useless knowledge
>Life has scorned him
>Has seen the apocalypse coming, and is convinced there is no way out, may in fact seek to hasten it.
>Nothing ever happens, but the world will end anyway
Dauntain, 1 APP, 1 STR, average everything else.
>>Has seen the apocalypse coming, and is convinced there is no way out, may in fact seek to hasten it.
This also applies to the ratkin
Chud is a Goetia that is growing more and more powerful by the day. this Goetia will never do anything because nothing ever happens
>How dogshit is Blood-Stained Love?
It is boring as hell in terms of lore but some of its merits are useful enough for non romance games.
>Anybody want to give me their capsule review of Werewolf 5th edition?
It is fine for the type of game it wants to be but it is not what most people wanted out werewolf.
You are supposed to deal with how shitty being a werewolf can be but that is not for everyone.
So an eshmaki

>You understand being alone, being the watcher from the outside. You’ve been shunned in your time. You’ve seen mortals take your rightful place in their laughing crowds and fancy parties. But you’re also their fear of being alone. You are the thing in the dark.

>When the Dark Mother gave birth to your kind as She Who Lives in Her Shadow, she did so in the dark. Some other Children think it was out of shame, but you know better. You know she was giving you life in your natural element, birthing and leaving your ancestors in their natural element, so that they might understand loneliness but never fear being alone.
It's literally written from the POV of minority/SJW squatters trying to keep out corpos and chuds from their lil CHAZ knock-offs
So what methods are there to resurrect dead characters or for them to return in other ways? I'm especially interested in CofD but would like to hear other stuff too.
The ones I can't remember are
>Being used for Promethean creation
>Becoming a Sin Eater
>Mage bullshit
>Changeling bullshit
>Mummy bullshit
>Becoming a ghost and possessing people
>Becoming a Revenant
Going by splat and my memory:
Embrace (duh)
I think there was a high level gift that returned the target for a scene
Probably something, idk
The malleus maleficarum has a benediction with heavy restrictions to ressurect the recently dead
Every promethean has one free ressurection, i dimly remember there being a power that lifted the limit though
5 dot token (a big cauldron to boil the corpse in), phoenix body parts, asclepian kith blessing, becoming Hollow (self revival), the Holy Grail (rather it's contract)
The 5th dot of the healing power is perpetual regrowth even from total annihilation as far as i remember
In 1e, a conspiracy had a resurrection method.
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Forsaken I can see more than Deviant but I still think it's a bit of a stretch. How come? I'd rather not assume which bit you think aren't up to snuff. I might just be overlooking something, or putting more weight in some area.

See attached. It's on of my favourite bits of Chris Allens' drafts. Brine Horror is such a cool Facet too. The dude has a couple of woof books that'll happen eventually too.

First off, sea werewolves kick ass. Secondly, sea vampires also kick ass. Rotgrafen are cool as shit. Nhang are pretty great, and even Nereid are fun.
>Which splat out of... ...you like most?
Deviant >> Mummy 2e = Promethean 2e + 1e = Geist 1e + 2e >>>>>>> Changeling

>Which has most interactivity with other splats?
Deviant by a fair bit, then Mummy. The other two don't have much intrinsic overlap. Deviant is a broad game in terms of what you can create with it. You can effectively make a version of any other splat with it via Variations and Scars which means that if you want a Deviant to interact with a Werewolf you can make something that's very similar to a werewolf. Or you can make something very different but that can interact with spirits. Or you can make something that's gear towards combatting them. Or you can make something that in someway creates issues for werewolves indirectly. And that more or less applies to every splat. Deviant integrates with any splat pretty easily. To the point that the upcoming ST Guide is going to have a section on how to create other splats with Deviant's rules

The reason Mummy is next is the Cult. Mummy's whole thing centres around a cult that carries out their work while the Mummy is in the afterlife awaiting a new descent. So it is by its nature an unbalanced game as some people will be the Mummy/Mummies and others will be part of the cult. There are tiers to it and one of the tiers are Immortals. While those are typically humans that sustain their life somehow it also include any supernatural template at this tier too. Because of what Mummies do and how strong they are a Werewolf, Vampire, or whatever fits well

There is a similar idea in Geist's Krewe but it's less of a thing in general I would say.

>Which works for horror best?
Deviant has the most breadth in content but they all angle to different sorts of horror. So it's hard to say any does it better than the rest because they're doing different things. Deviant > Geist > Promethean > Changeling > Mummy is probably the order for what's the easiest to run and grasp though.
>'spellpower' capabilities were nerfed into a ground and a lot of gift are just werewolvy things like having extra sharp claws or ability to sense packmates, etc. you no longer can sidestep and being in umbra is hurtful to you. Crinos form is costly to maintain and mostly works as ohshit button that you cannot overuse much.
Why do they hate fun, bros?
5WoD is the franchise's equivalent of mudcore
This might be a shitty complaint, because it is World of Darkness, after all, but earlier editions at least made me feel there was the smallest glimmer of hope. W5 is full Doomerism: Gaia is dead, there's no way to revive her. It's over and you lost. I get enough of this in my terrible actual life, so it just feels like such a slog of a setting to play. The book also annoyingly waffles on "but is direct action REALLY the way??' when I feel Apocalypse should be solely about direct action. The question should be is that direct action destructive or constructive, and when should each be applied.

Making the tribes factions rather than bloodlines is interesting but not really a good fit for most of them. I would've liked to see a mix of tribes that put emphasis on blood and tribes that put an emphasis on actions/philosophies, and allowing exceptions between the two for certain individuals.

My other complaint is making it impossible to spend longer amounts of time in the Umbra. I really like the animistic, dark reflection of reality here, (Foresaken's depiction of it as an ecosystem is my favorite part of that game). It also allowed players to mess with the lesser used forms in here freely, and explore a truly alien place. But now it's constantly trying to kick you out.

Lastly, the Garou should certainly have a history and a nation. Making it vague to the point of annoyance when one Auspice is specifically all about recording deeds and history is stupid. I liked Foresaken's different versions of "truth" but making the history of the Garou a big lazy shrug is stupid as hell. The Imperigum, for example, was a huge deal, a regret and an example of how the Garou irresponsibly used their power (or finally fucking did something about the human problem, if you're a Red Talon) and the reason for humanity's mental block when it came to werewolves. Now they don't know if it's true or not.

Lastly, Gifts were nerfed into the ground.
>but earlier editions at least made me feel there was the smallest glimmer of hope
You aren't wrong. WtA was about hope.

>I would've liked to see a mix of tribes that put emphasis on blood and tribes that put an emphasis on actions/philosophies, and allowing exceptions between the two for certain individuals.
This always has been like that. You could go to any Tribe you desired no matter your past. People, however, stuck most to bloodlines and ethnic background.

What surprises me the most in W5 is how disinteresting it is to the point some books take longer to fall into troves and irc channels. Scent of Decay was released around... 1 month and a half ago and still nobody dropped it. Same for H5 and its Alma Mater supplement. Meanwhile, V5 books still drops at maximum one week after its release.
I have a theory that wod5 all doomerism is how they want to appear as edge and dark w/o actually being edgy or hurting someone's feelings. All bark no bite
To be fair, VtM wasn't altered quite as much as HtR and WtA.
I fear for mage 5th
Vampire has the bloodlines protection.
Reckoning was a reskined HH made by some dude who really hates cops.
Werewolf was just mudcore + woe is me.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but people who liked reckoning over HH or HtV were big minority and now most people cry how they loved imbued and how they ruined h5, but if people really preferred hh and HtV style game, wouldn't hh reskin (which h5 is) work better ?
>This might be a shitty complaint, because it is World of Darkness
Nah, you're right. Even the most depressing grimdark mudslog of a campaign has to have the occasional flicker of light that keeps you going despite everything. Otherwise you might as well go "my character lies down and waits to die" because what's even the point.
It definitely has that Mork Borg "make sure to never include any -isms or -phobias in our super-edgy apocalyptic doomcore setting" vibe
Some non-fans think its a dick move, to make an in-name-only product and claim it is a new edition.
Hunter Huntedfags dislike it because you can't join an organization, and its claim that HH are a bunch of pretenders.
Vigilfags dislike it because it backstabbed HtV.
>HH survival game where you are out of your depth and every move can be deadly
>HtV the supernatural tv show the game, hunters are badasses that are way more tougher/powerful compared to regular folk, ST can scale game from hobo bros in car to MIB division six 'you didn't see us' bullshit
>Reckoning. You get some minor/powers at cost of slowly, gradually alienating from mankind & losing your sanity & identity, all on whims from unclear source (messengers)
I'd say each game has completely different vibe, and while HH & HtV are good games they aren't as good as 'im slowly losing my fucking mind due to 'the voices'" as reckoning.
Also, while imbued can see supernatural, sometimes gain directions via massages or hunter net, they are mostly as clueless and over they're head as HH hunters, (even if they can show kamehamehas from they're ass sometimes)
htr used to sell, i vaguely remember reading that it was the 4th best selling owod game back in the day and it's really weird that flatout failed gamelines like ctd and wto got 20th anniversary editions, but htr didn't

and no the whole "imbued were never populair" is a bit revisionist history and only started when cofd vigil been around
It is because of its age, 5WoD cut it and demon short.

I think Demon was around 15 years old when the line was canceled.
In the case of Mage and Changeling, I'm hopeful they won't be able to deculturalize them like they did Werewolf, for culture, I think, is even more essential to these two gamelines than any other. The whole point of the Traditions is these various, unique and distinct forms of mysticism and occult from across the world; same thing for the Kiths. The Tribes at least had things that weren't strictly dependant on culture; while the culture is litterally *all* that the Traditions and Kiths are.
What's your opinion on v20 dust to dust and W20 skinner storypaths. Did you tried them, do you like/dislike them and why?
>I'm hopeful they won't be able to deculturalize them like they did Werewolf, for culture, I think, is even more essential to these two gamelines than any other.

i agree with you, but do you really think that would stop them?
Sorry anon, being interested in any culture other than your own is racist.
Would this be CtL 1e or 2e or something different?
The main difference is in mechanics, is she a relatively grounded character with powers that have great potential but require finesse to execute, or is she a godling with a lot of brute force options?
a mage could use time to pull you out of the past and into the present.
It’s CtD, but she would be a Kinain.
The HH and HtV crowd dislike H5 because it is so barebones there is zero reason to run it instead of either of those games. It offers next to nothing.

Though I think the example is wrong I do agree that people often pick weird hills to die on in order to shit on new stuff. Now usually the new stuff deserves to be shit on, but they'll circle the wagons around shit people hated 10, 20, or more years ago. For example, I never saw anyone defend Kuei-Jin until V5 retconned them.
>Glass Walker
>Virtual Adept
Which of these splats would be appropriate for the character concept of girl who is a mildly successful Vtuber?
any, although toreador doesn't real interact well with the Vtuber part because toreador want to be present so their... presence can work on you, if you want a vamp to screw with people over the internet you usually go nosferatu because of giant clan IT ressources or tremere because of tech thaum
She was regular girl that was run over by most powerful mystic lords (mystics are similar to vampires and Fey's) and he decided to give her blood which turned her into half mystic (in game mechanics, humans can learn skills mid battle and gain stats after battle, mystics don't train, but absorb monsters for stats and skills, so mystics can become very strong very fast but they have hard ceilings while humans can reach all stats 99 naturally and learn some very powerful skills, and her unique gimnick is that she's for all intents and purposes a human character with few mystic skills, and when she uses them. She gains theyr monster stat boost, so she starts out weak but becomes one of strongest characters in game via human natural growth and mystics ability boosts, but too much leads to evil ending) so in story she is like royalty in mystic world, but hated due to only being partly human (albeit with potential to be as strong or stronger as lord orlounge) and feared by humans as being untatural (she looks like day of accident, but it happened 20 years ego, she had brown hair but now has green, mystics have blue blood. Humans red, hers is purple, etc)
V5 has an Amalgam to use Presence over telephones/internet/etc

I'm pretty sure there must've been something similar in V20 and earlier
They had some fans over rpgnet, they a bit before before parawolf was a thing.
I remember a few elder disciplines doing it.
Anyone has the latest version of Fall of London? Mithras's full power V5 sheet on the wiki differs from the PDF I have (Modiphius'), I'm wondering if it's a mistake or if Renegade buffed Mithras

Thanks for your replies. Looks like I'll be sticking with old WW for the time being.
Not a clean fit with either but I'd lean 1e. She has to really earn her bullshit powers.
In V:tM are there rules for base building, empire managment and gathering followers? and if so where do I find them. Got a player who really wants to lean into the ambitious domain builder and become a big deal power player in town.
If W5 had Apocalypse-style Tribes it would imply that race is real and genetic characteristics are hereditary, and we can't have that in our heckin' current year game.
>I never saw anyone defend Kuei-Jin until V5 retconned them
I've been here the entire time anon. Most of the KotE hate was because it kept trying to worf VTM(and failing), on top of having complicated mechanics that scared awaymost players.
Otherwise, it was honestly pretty solid and largely in line with the rest of owod. Most of the complexity was actually an effort to make the middle kingdom setting more cross-splat compatible(since the beast courts, lighting people, and wan kuei are suppose to actually talk to each other there).
>In V:tM are there rules for base building, empire managment and gathering followers? and if so where do I find them. Got a player who really wants to lean into the ambitious domain builder and become a big deal power player in town.
Check out Gilded Cage
Seconding >>93229712 , Guilded Cage's only problem is it leans too hard into "ghoul middle management" but beyond that it's solid.
You might also find VtR's Damnation City interesting.
What was the actual response to nWod back in the day? Nowadays I often see Redditors claim it was hated, but I recall lots of people seemed to play it here in the 2010s. What was it like in the 00s, when it first came out?
They opened with the wrong foot, and there was a lot of "not my x".

Lost and Vigil were well received.
Promethean is the second best game you will never play.
"Geist: the Underdeveloped and Unedited"
They were all generally well received by people approaching them on its own terms but there was a lot of "waaah not my WoD" shit in there too.
It took a while for the 3 permanent lines to establish their own identity, Requiem had problems overcorrecting Masquerade's elder wank.
I was the only person in the friend group that wanted to give it a chance when it came out. It had the New Game Reluctance on top of New Edition Resistance on top of the "not my X" vitriol or "Where's my Y" exasperation.

For years you'd get dirty looks and start arguments if you said you wanted to try nWoD.
More than a lot. The fan schism is part of what drove old WW so far into the ground that it got sold off
Say that to Silver Fangs and their "families" that still exist.

BUT WAIT! Justin Achilli said that isn't a confirmation of pure breed because "Garou doesn't know how these families have Garou over and over again on their bloodline. They just keep them around and try to understand its mysteries".

Phew! That was close!
For sure, it wasn't a perfect launch but in my experience impressions were generally good outside of "It's not my WoD, why can't you keep making my WoD".

That was basically inevitable. nWoD only happened at all because WW was slowly dying in the RPG crash.
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>monster loving traitors
CofD 1e have nothing to do with that.
Vision creeds are known as Autism for a reason.
>That description for Innocents
Fucking lul
The mercy is known as fags.
Zeal is teabagger
>player partly discovers background story of NPC 1 via a spirit
>player now develops an interest on NPC 1
>spirit tells NPC 2 has an important connection with NPC 1
>NPC 2 is an important character in the setting
>player completly ignores or forgets about this and doesn't go after NPC 2 for more details
>NPC 1 is also being cared/protected by other two NPCs
>player already had a botch presentation with these two NPCs
>my character can't help in this situation 'cause he wasn't there when talking to the spirit nor knows about this botched presentation
At same time it's painful to watch player's stupidity/forgetfulness, it's fun to see him trying to approach a NPC and eventually crash and burn.
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the problem with mercy is that they are played largely by bleeding heart retards that get themselves killed. While yeah that is part of the flavor for mercy, especially innocents, theres also a lot of flavor for martyrs/redeemers/innocents being able to critically think and *not* play devils advocate for the noss thats been eating the nieghborhood children for the past 30 years.
Bone Gnawers are all homeless. Have you ever met a chill homeless person? Most I know are actual schizos, the rest are addicts, and there's a lot of overlap.
the first edition was such a great exploration on how dense the supernatural can be. there was shit that was weird, horrific and even banal coexisting with each other in a universe that always seemed like the wrong turn or set of ideas would lead to true ruin
second edition did what it could to bring the shadows to a global scope, and even introduced some cool ideas, when it wasn't shying away from great parts of 1e for invalid reasons
>Bone Gnawers are all homeless
Not Glass Walker. That'd rightfully be seen as a waste of a Garou, leave that to the kinfolk.
T. Red Talon.
Maybe not in W5, good luck owning a home with 0 resources. And no, some shit shack in the backwoods next to the coal mines that leak runoff into the ground water does not count.
But Apocalypse style tribes don't imply that. For one, you don't need to be born into a tribe to join it, only exception being Silver Fangs. And just because you have dots in pure breed doesn't mean that you're a good fit for the tribe.

The big three lines, barring maybe Mage, seemed to be mostly met with indifference.

It was Vigil and Lost that I distinctly remember having totally positive reactions. I actually enjoy Geist and Promethean as well, though I admit Geist was mechanically a bit wonky.
Geist needed the errata to be playable, and it suffered a lot for being an "one book and half" line
I mean, don’t most sane ST just waive that? I mean, for example, in a VtM game, a Ventrue with no dots in Resources isn’t suddenly homeless and broke.
I never really got strong cultural ties from the kithain. Like they're all taken from Gaelic myths, sure, but they're explicitly not the same as those myths. Sluagh in Dreaming are Russian for some reason, and that has no bearing on how they're played at all. Pooka have nothing to do with the water spirits that like to drown people. All of the Gallain are much more closely tied to their cultures of origin, but I think that's just because all splats that get added to a game are really lazily pulled from cultures. See Ravnos, Assamites, Mage Crafts, etc. Dreaming is a fucking mess in general.
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It'd be one thing if the Bone Gnawers weren't specifically the homeless tribe.
One of the problems is how throwaway those are, a lot of evocative stuff only existed in a single paragraph.

One of them is from Africa.

One of the things Forsaken did right, was to fold them into the Glass Walkers.
>One of them is from Africa
No, the Eshu are from everywhere that's not white, preferably brown. The name is taken from Yoruban myth, but they have nothing to do with that deity. They're much more based off of Sinbad and gypsies.
Bone Gnawers can't accumulate Resources. They can get money, but need to spend immediatly.
They can also have Kinfolk and the Tribe's prohibitions don't fall on them. They can support the Tribe. Kinfolk's book dictates Bone Gnawers' kinfolks can have at maximum Resources 3, which means they can "support half a dozen Garou for a year and still manage steak tartare and rare filet mignon on a regular (not daily) basis".
So yeah. Bone Gnawers can have a house, but never retain money on their hands.
Which NWoD template has the best X/Y splats? And which has the worst? And why?
None of them. All of them. No, I refuse to elaborate.
i rather like the modularity of it. it meant the things underpinning reality or the history of these embroiled and disparate monstrosities could be tailored how you want it to a degree, while maintaining enough of a throughline for a greater hopeless world without all the baggage of owod's borderline incestuous plot tangle
you elaborated enough that everyone can smell you from here oWoDfag
You're ignoring some of the little details here that make a big difference. Vampire got some new innate splat abilities, like Lashing Out, just like changelings. You know what the difference between Lashing Out and something like Reaping though? Non-vampires can resist it, even if they lack something like the Beast. Admittedly, Lashing Out has more in common with Bedlam, which is resistible. Reaping is more like a vampire just effortlessly tearing the blood out of you. Changelings have a template ability to get auto-successes on Contracts by spending 1 Glamour, and auto-successes are one of the best mechanical things you can get in a CofD game. The drawback to doing so is narrative-driven and only applies if a Gentry or Huntsmen is nearby when you do it. I wouldn't expect it to be as dire as Going Loud since it isn't near as good, but it's still a lot more accessible than it has any right to be. Changelings are also the kings of Houdining their way out of danger through escaping into an alternate dimension or just becoming immune to dying.

Everybody got stronger powers, but Contracts are especially powerful and accessible. Not only are they stronger, their dice pools scale off of Wyrd instead of something like Renown or Discipline dots (at least when they aren't scaling off a Merit like Mantle), giving them a higher ceiling, but more importantly at the level of power PCs tend to operate at, it's more efficient from an xp perspective. It's one thing that Contracts are strong, but they're cheap too, and I'm not talking about Loopholes.
Start with 3, 2 in-Clan. New ones are 4xp, discounted to 3xp
Start with 4, and new Facets are cheap, costing 1-2xp, and you even get more Facets for free when you raise Renown. Except each Facet in a Gift rely on Renown for dice pools and you're going to be primarily focused on 1-2 different kinds of Renown that you have to justify in-character to purchase, making it more limited than it first appears. New Gifts are 5xp, 3xp for Affinity ones. Facets are specialized tools that are primarily designed to help hunt down prey and force them into close combat.
Mages are more busted than changelings, moving on.
Not super familiar with Promethean 2e, but Alembics seem situational and you can only permanently purchase them with Vitriol xp.
Start with 3 Haunts, 2 from Affinity Haunts. 4xp per Haunt, 3xp for Affinity Haunts. They're strong, but only get cracked if you get a bunch of Keys and abuse them, and that has more consistent drawbacks then scouring the Mask.
Power in mummy scales weird and I'm not as familiar with 2e Mummy, but Affinities seem useful and Utterances, which are very strong. Start with 3 Affinities and 3 Utterances, all costing 4xp to get more, so they don't come cheap.
Not as familiar with Deviant, but they have varying levels of power by design. A Deviant can be incredibly strong, or very weak, but they also have a limit on how many they can have.
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4 Embeds/Exploits, one of which must be an in-Incarnation Embed. They're strong and free, Exploits especially so, but there are actual mechanical drawbacks to using them. Demons are usually forced to act with at least one hand tied behind their back at all times and actually feel hounded by angels, unlike changelings where Huntsmen/Gentry are only relevant when they're relevant. Each Embed/Exploit is very cheap, costing 2xp.
Pretty strong and often free, even if they can be somewhat limited by them mostly being good at hurting people or preparing to hurt someone. Nightmares can get disgustingly high dice pools. Their broken combat combos mostly rely on Cyclopean Strength, which grants them auto-success equal to their Lair for 1 Satiety, which is essentially a more limited and costly version of scouring the mask. Start with 2 Atavisms (1 in-Family) and 2 Nightmares. Nightmares and in-Family Atavisms are 3xp, while other Atavisms are 4xp.

Now, lets look at Contracts. They start with 6! 4 Common/Court/Goblin and 2 Royal, which would be like a vampire starting with 2 4-5 dot Disciplines at character creation. They get a second favored Regalia. Goblin Contracts and favored Regalia ones cost 2xp each, while favored Royal Contracts cost 3xp. Otherwise, they cost 3xp for common and 4xp for Royal. All of this is crazy.
Forgot to mention some Seemings get bonus powers to specific Contracts which others can get access to for 1xp.
>Pretty strong and often free, even if they can be somewhat limited by them mostly being good at hurting people or preparing to hurt someone
It really screwed the sub splats identity and nightmare investment.

The namtaru has two atavisms that belong to other families, and standard nightmares do mostly the same thing.
Apologies if this has been asked before, but does anyone have a link to a good conversion for the kindred in Chicago by Night to v20? There's alot of fucky holdovers like half the kindred being ultra high humanity or 0, or weird stats on general.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. The lower power floor was keeping that availability in check
>Cheat on my Dreamspeaker gf
>She finds out because a spirit told her
What the fuck, nobody told me the Umbra was full of punk-ass little snitches.
look at the mega on the OP.
I'm looking, what's the pdf?
I miss that the world of CofD was not only more consistent than oWoD but also much bigger. Things generally exist in the same cosmology but there was also room for weird shit that defied explanation. You couldn't have weird cryptids or urban legends in oWoD because they'd usually get pigeonholed into being "X spirit of Y Triat being"
Yeah, you'd think Eshmaki would get the shadow merge power. While it makes sense they get the stealth boost, it would've made sense for the Family based around being ugly was good at staying hidden, so it would have been better to switch them around. I've also always found it weird that Eshmaki get the power that lets you breath fire.
Eshmaki originally were the Nightmare of Destruction, like Ugallu being of the skies.

I think the namtaru got this atavism after they lost "behold my true form" mid development.
>but there was also room for weird shit that defied explanation
I found this to be annoying. I mean, you’re on the other side. Someone there should know the what the secret is.
Fuck you.
>I've also always found it weird that Eshmaki get the power that lets you breath fire
Originally beasts were made to play dragons, eshmaki are based on those scenes where knights find a dragon in a dark cave.
That makes sense. Beasts origins are a bit more complicated than that. It was two different game ideas fused together. It was almost a game about furies too.
Maybe there is, but that doesn't mean you know who that is.
That’s what I meant, your splat might not necessarily know, but another one should. They shouldn’t get to be this ‘I’m just a little guy” enigma that escapes comprehension, when all the splats deal with the incomprehensible every night.
The truth is out there, arm yourself with knowledge, brother.
wat gayme

When it was being teased, Matt talked a lot about playable dragons.

>It was almost a game about furies too.
It was a rejected pitch, I think it was made by Dave.
>and standard nightmares do mostly the same thing.
Don't say that in front of my Behold! My True Form & You Will Never Rest again.
Re: Deviant, starting cephalists/coactives get a big bonus in white room scenarios since they can burn up some willpower/health to access the 5th dot effects easily.
>BtP was supposed to CofD’s Jake Long, American Dragon
Just read the fanmade dragon games

One question: what the fuck?
The scalies write the last two?
How was Embers the most reasonable take?
Some stuff is rare and regional. There are more one-off kinds of monsters in CofD that don't fit neatly into any one category.
I went back and double checked, and I think you're right. It just kind of worked with how Hunger for Punishment stuff worked.
>Behold! My True Form
This isn't a standard nightmare, I have the theory that it originally was an atavism belonging to the namtaru.
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That's three questions.
But yeah, they're in quite a state, there's a reason I didn't bring them up in the playable dragons thread.
This doesn't help matters either.

There's other dragon-related splats (picrel) but it seems like unalloyed (pun intended) stereotypical dragons never get a fair shake in WoD. Strange because they fit into Shadowrun well enough.
High levels of vicissitude also has draconic stuff.

>unalloyed (pun intended) stereotypical dragons never get a fair shake in WoD. Strange because they fit into Shadowrun well enough.
This is because of the masquerade.
>This is because of the masquerade.
That just gave me a good enough idea that I might hold onto it for a bit.
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Saga frontier
Osirisisters, our response?
but that's what set wants!
problem is that they put dragons into mage lore (bygone is a sorcerer crusade book that just doesn't says it on the cover) so they can't even exist in the normal world (anymore) because mage lore as soon as you feature dragons in another splat (werewolf with the zmei for example) they don't have that problem anymore
there was a thaum/presence combination discipline about sumoning people who follow you on social media
I see reaping/ravashing more in the line of sucking a victim dry, but instead of killing them they just get -2 to everything.
Also without mask you don't get auto successes, if your dice pools suck you can still fail. All it does is letting you change the amount of successes you got with your wyrd/mantle. This is probably also the reason why direct damage contracts are pretty much limited to court contracts.
Still good, but on it's own not broken.

The thing with contracts is however that in 1e most of them where very useless and barely worth investing in, 2e overcorrected.
However, every contract was made by the Gentry either for themselves (royal) or their servants (common), and they get all contracts in the regalia they have. In 1e gentry also had the same contracts as changelings, but since contracts where pretty shit overall they rarely lived up to their fluff. In 2e at least the Gentry are scary even to non changelings and since changelings stole the Gentries magic i don't realy see the problem. Changelings are also very squishy with no inherent baseline armor/damage reduction/healing ability. Everything they have and can they must buy.
They start with bedlam, the mask, portaling, hexes/curses, hedgespinning, oneiromancy, a kith/seeming blessing, reaping and pledges. Quite a lot of abilities but in line with what other splats get.

The big point however is that 1e was a low power game by design and 2e isn't. But it all comes down to the contracts you pick. If you pick the utility ones you are still just as squishy as a mortal, but with a big bag of tricks. Playing a big brawny dragon is fun though and so is having all contracts be something you want to have instead of being prerequisites for the one you wanted.
Personal taste, but it's part of the STs job to set a tone for the game and also tell players no sometimes.
>BtP could have been this instead of being a thinly-veiled rapists power fantasy
I will never forgive the higher-ups at White Wolf.
Your PC is full of spiders that read your every tweet
The air is charmed by your songs and disgusted by your lyrics, the ripples carrying through the wind
The trees have ears
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If pic related started streaming CofD / NWoD again, could it be saved?
no they don't have the pull to make paradox greenlight shit
pretty much. most of paradox's audience are ironic weebs at best and anti weebs at worst too.
After dealing with the presence of a Spirit, our Crone Ventrue is determined to re-establish contact and is doing so in a graveyard because spirits are definitely ghosts.

I'm not too sure how to spin this to keep it interesting. The spirit isn't in the graveyard, there's nothing for it there. Stringing her along with some random ghost just complicates things, but at the same time having someone sit her down and say "Hey, did you know they're totally different things? :)" feels a bit antithetical to how the Circle here operates. How should I handle this?
HtV 2e related.
How the fuck survivors club a conspiracy when it was founded by compact?
I get they wanted to give them slashers endowment, but description etc suggests me it is compact/underground support group for slasher survivors
I don't know anything about VTubers or whatever they're called, but there was a Hololive Hunter the Vigil actual play a few years ago. It seemed to have more views on average than all the official "By Night" stuff.
the vtuber in the pic is the st from that (i think) so i guess he is asking if a second season of that would save cofd
Oh right, I didn't notice the word "again", sorry. And I can't really tell these characters apart, aside from the shark one.
No, 2 of the players stopped caring and they live in three different timezones plus they have their own full time jobs.
Her as an ST with different members could still work. Holding out on a WTA game because one of the others likes wolves a bit too much.
that game was electric when it was just her and shark, probably one of the only actual plays I rewatch.
>And I can't really tell these characters apart
yeah that's why i wrote "i think" too

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