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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Reposting the 1.0. version of the Udraiken Primer jump.
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>Son, as you grow, you may notice changes in your body.
>Super strength, spontaneous sword skills, and the ability to glow whenever I do something cool?
>...I was going to say chest hair.
>Tell me more about this glowing thing?
>A snake tried to eat Ellen. I puched it in the face.

Also, horse solar.
Would the Master Sword be holy enough to take on Arthur during Sonic and the Black Knight?
Yeah, probably. He's exactly the sort of thing it exists to fight.
It's worth pointing out that nothing says the newbie Solar loses this fight.
what jump will you write now?
You actually liked Dream of a Thousand Tails? What, did you like TLC too?
Did some work on Kemono Giga, have a Care Bears WIP in the pipes, and a possible Dark Gathering WIP. I want to focus on Kemono Giga, finish up Torutaru and Golden Light, then work on Esoterrorists to clear my current backlog.
what is dark gathering?
Asking again for new thread, any objection to changing Clarity Control in the Destiny: The Darkness jump to an Echo when we get more skinny on what Echoes actually are from the current episode?

>8 months
I feel like the, what was his name, the growling pundit or whatever was an early warning bell. But yeah between that really circular music hall one that just didn't go anywhere and while fun the recent Unseen Academicals expy story had a really watered down conflict between the football NPC and the Bishop. I'd say the issue with much of the current ES crop is that it's not exactly noticeably bad, but toned down/written too much to account for trying to make the player feel good about every choice, and also generally more whimsical than dramatic. The Rubbery Man death one's a good example, the investigation is just a tedious runaround, you witness the afterlife's incompetent staff and then it just ends. I do agree Alexis leaving has made a dip in the whole thing. Meanwhile the Hoursverse continues to be batshit insane in all the right ways.

I liked the Lady Black one, Thousand Tails and the Sunken River wholeheartedly but it's not a good sign they feel more the exception than the rule these days. I've noticed some of the older stories are being talked about more than the newer ones on the official forums.

I'm...not quite ready to unsubscribe because the stories are what I'm here for and it's not that unreasonable, but when you put it like that the fact they can't seem to find talent as good as Alexis is making me consider if I should when I've cleared all the endgame content apart from Corsairmaxing and the boots/polish path of madness, as well as finished my Ambition. So it really does just come down to if the stories are worth reading, because I've got nothing left to do with my actions.

Also as badass as being a licentiate has been, I wish I'd made the jump to Monster-Hunter sooner.
>Kemono Giga

>Care Bears
. . . seriously?
Yes? I don't see how it was a bad story. It was great, the Piebald was great, it scratched my itch for rat content, it let me support the Fingerkings. Literally perfect story, 10/10.
Holy fuck horse solar is actually based
go for it
I made a pho interlude for my exalted story because Hunter the Reckoning canonically has a super secret magic message board.

That is entirely correct. The Hunter assumes he's dead because of her frame of reference that nothing could survive that many leeches all going after the same person.

I doubt either of them will show up ever again, but he'll figure out that he's wrong sooner or later.

Yes. Yes he fucking is.
I'd rather keep CC
>You're missing the fact that Jack-of-Smiles regularly chops people to shreds beyond resurrection and nobody gives a shit
He doesn't, actually. It's a thing, that Jack's frustrated about how being a serial killer in a place where death is an inconvenience annoys him and he has to go out of his way to make the murders stick, which he doesn't manage super often.
>go poking around in the Master's affairs and Poor Edward buries you alive
Poor Edward isn't particularly daunting unless you ley him be. He's dangerous because he's got connections and he's ruthless, but he's neither particularly mortal nor particularly exceptional at murder.
>the sunlight trade is booming and any sufficiently savvy or rich enemy can get a box and fling it at you
If you haven't died in the Neath previously, or spent years upon years in London already, sunlight isn't lethal to you; it's hazardous to you because it imposes the Law of the Sun on those it illuminates and only those steeped in the Neath's impossible possibilities are at much risk.
>the mere fact that there are PEOPLE EATING MONSTERS EVERYWHERE, from fungus-columns to rogue goat-demons the Eater-of-Chains to the Snuffers to the fucks in the Shuttered Palace who will lock you and have bees feed in your brain for kicks
You have to seek out almost all of those to be at risk from them.

I'd say so.
>the fact that this city exploded three times already in quick succession, raining permadeath galore
>the arsenic rain currently drowning the city, apparently
The summer events are a very new thing, and since the game is older than 10 years and you start in 1885, you literally won't even be in the jump anymore when they start becoming frequent.
>the streets that regularly shift for kicks and expose you to the most dangerous stuff in the place even if you were just going to a pub or something
The streets don't deliberately take you to dangerous places and events, they just move around. You can get lost, but that's generally it.
>Revs' terrorist attacks being done with increasingly lethal Red Science munitions including fucking Hillmovers and Unlawful Devices; sorrow-spiders and Spider-Councils running amok; the fucking Vake running around killing whoever it wants;
You have to go places out of the way to encounter the monsters, the Vake is avoidable by not spending virtually all your time in the Flit or on rooftops, and the Revolutionaries are usually pretty ineffectual and only really target politically prominent figures because they have authority issues. And they're also rarely particularly good at it.

Fallen London is dangerous, but let's not pretend that it's a hyperlethal murderfest deathworld the likes of Commorragh. It's easily survivable with just what it to the jumper.

>but toned down/written too much to account for trying to make the player feel good about every choice
this is a growing issue with the game in general, I feel. It was especially *glaring* with Railway where the game tried to make absolutely everything be under your control and never really let that be wrested from you. Even when it was trying to force the player off their high horse in TLC they couldn't help but have them be the saviour of the TLC who saves everyone and does everything while the Tracklayers twiddle their thumbs. You can't have both, FBG, come on
I am really fucking hoping Firmament tones down the apocalypse plot and just lets me explore the roof while having the Duchess, Shephard and Tatterdemalion's stories running parallel. Please.
Action-horror managa about a little girl who is very good at enslaving and beating the shit out of spirits.

>. . . seriously?
Damn I always saw the picture posted and assumed he was just some nut job or something but that's pretty great.
God I fucking hate Exaltedfags, you faggots take up a tenth of every fucking thread
Is that how this stupid shit started? How did they go from sensible, established archetypes like vampires and mages to whatever stupid sun-powered anime wank?
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Do you have any suggestions for what to talk about instead?
I think Solars are actually from a different game series entirely, so there you go.
I'm ingredient rebel, structure neutral.
This is the correct position.
I only recognize fresh prince, futurama, inuyasha, and Potter. What are the rest?
Yeah, thought there is the connection of 1E Exalted being the pre history of oWoD but that was dropped.
How often do you change your builds of your chain many jumps after the fact? Like, you're on jump 15, but you realize there's a synergy if you took something from an earlier jump you already went to, so you go back and change your jump 4 build.
I'm a structure purist, ingredient rebel. An isekai isn't an isekai unless they go to another world. It's literally in the name; "isekai" "other world".
>Futurama is an isekai
Reminder that The Simpsons, Disenchantment, and Futurama all take place in the same setting at different points in time.

I'm reminded of that one episode of The Simpsons where a dragon said the world would end in a thousand years, and I'm wondering if that matches up with anything in Futurama.
Top left is konosuba
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I wonder who they killed/ate to piss him off.

They didn't. Exalted is an entirely seperate gameline, and from memory Exalted Vs the World of Darkness is an unoffical product made by one of the authors after they left the company. They were originally planned to be connected, but that was dropped very quickly. This does serve as a callback to that, however.
Konosuba - No idea - The one with the demon king in Mc Donalds
Inuyasha - Futurama - Steins Gate
Harry Potter - no idea - Fresh Prince
Literally a native isekai
Can your Jumper grab an object they're sitting on and pull it up into the air so they can hover?
Is it even holy anymore?
Not very often. Until I do a writeup for a jump I tend to change the builds a bit here and there as my whims and ideas change, but once I actually sit down and write out a storyline for that build then it's "locked in" and I very rarely change anything about it.
Let's talk about porn. Or Dragon Quest. Or Etrian Odyssey.
I miss Etrian Odyssey.
Yes, that is what the flying carpet is for.
Holy enough to whoop Ganon's evil ass

Not as holy as the noncanon comic thing where touching it would kill a mortal.
>Asking again for new thread, any objection to changing Clarity Control in the Destiny: The Darkness jump to an Echo when we get more skinny on what Echoes actually are from the current episode?
I dunno. I guess it depends? As one of the people who said I couldn't really tell what the difference in their function was (and was vaguely mollified by your explanation/response)... well, I don't really know what Echoes do, but from what I've heard, an Echo might just be "Clarity Control, but with extra Light, and also I can't use it to talk to Mr. Winnower anymore." If that's all it is, I wouldn't really see a reason to change it. But I guess there wouldn't be a reason not to change it either. So I guess if the Echoes turn out to do something really crazy, or you just want to, go ahead?
>A snake tried to eat Ellen. I puched it in the face.
Now that’s a moment that’ll put some hair on your chest.
>Elden Ring god option
>"feats such as geasing a
What does this mean?
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>Let's talk about porn.
Even when I'm doing an unabashedly horny chain, I still rarely end up using any actual QQ jumps to be honest. I just don't find them as interesting.
Yeah but at this point, what the fuck even is holy and why is it holy.
I member when in the older games, or hell WW and TP, it was called a holy blade, only for it's power to "just" be able to repeal darkness and the real holy destroying stuff to be the holy arrows.
Holy shit, now I'm realizing that TotK is the only game where the Master Sword actually does something to the darkness, and it isn't even darkness, and that's just because it spend forever on Zelda new found belly-forehead hole.

>noncanon comic
Someone burn that trash. Reeeeeeee.
Putting a geas on an entire race.
What's a geas?
Some are fun, some are interesting, some are both, some are neither.

Fluffy tits!
I'm looking for perks that make it so corruption and parasites interact with my body symbiotically so I can mainline Chaos in 40k and get away with it with only benefits. Help?
A binding promise/contract that is enforced with magic that either can't be broken or induces extreme physical/metaphysical penalties if broken.
Nta but Gods can do that in Elden Ring? The fuck? That's not what Marika did to the last Fire Giant.
The problem with QQ jumps is that most of their jumps are trash since when the jump focus on the porn they are indistinguishable from another since they copy paste the same perks. There's only like 5 good jumps.
So it's a binding vow from JJK? Is this a common enough concept that I should know what geas means?
>Clarity Control, but with extra Light, and also I can't use it to talk to Mr. Winnower anymore
It also may give you a special power like being able to mind control Vex. But uh, either it’s really shitty mind control or Guardians are good at throwing off mind control because Ikora and even Saint-14 weren’t taking that shit after a shounen powerup.

Also other votes registered. Eh I can always make it, or Clarity Control, undiscounted instead if I really want to include it.

Yeah, I remember people talking about the game trying to whitewash the Creditor AND put city-you in a happy marriage with it despite 1. much higher beings talking to you with no problem, 2. thread rightfully agreeing that city-ME in particular should be an autistic metropolitan nightmare that makes Malfeas look calm and reasonable by comparison.

It’s a different kind of upsetting to, say, what Wars/Trek fans have grown numb to. If I didn’t hold FL to the high standards that sucked me into the game in the first place I might never notice that ever since we abandoned the Seasons format everything has felt watered down. But it’s because I know FBG has achieved better that I can’t help but be hard on what they’re doing now, even if it is kinda gratifying that the huge lore monsters are starting to come out of the woodwork and in another year or two we might actually fucking finish the Dilmun Club plot.

In Elden Ring, since Dragons can take human form and have orgies with humans, is it too much to expect the same from the aliens like Metyr and Astel?
I think he’s referring to the fact that she cursed that giant to oversee the forge. Presumably similar to how she cursed Hewg to stay in the Roundtable Hold.
I don't, the inefficiency is a feature, not a bug. I'll go into a chain with a couple combos in mind that I'm gunning for, and anything outside those tends to just be gravy.

If I started rewriting builds over noticed synergies, I'd get so caught up in cross-referencing jumps to hunt them down that I'd stop actually writing stuff for Jumpchain and just be spending hours dicking around on excel spreadsheets.
>and it isn't even darkness,
Gloom is literally ultra darkness.
Uh, yes? Dragons come from the Lands Between as far as anyone knows. Aliens are…alien. No Finger has ever gone human as far as anyone knows, and really Astel of all things is the closest with his giant skull face. You already lucked out bigly with Crystalians, don’t be greedy
Shard, what is this exactly? Both what does it let you do and what event is it referencing?
Yeah, but that's not a geas, that's a curse.

Who knows? You can transform into DORAGONMAN DA.
>"i hate how there's a redo of healer jump with not healer perks"
I feel like they swapped some of the old problems of old FL: namely, huge swathes of stories where NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS but vague meaningless babbling (looking at you, Winking Isle) and your actions LEAD NOWHERE (yes, I am still mad about Flint) with the exact opposite: wanting the player to always be in control and their actions to always have results to the detriment of the story.
Honestly? I just pay for the month's ES without thinking twice when it's Chandler Groover. He's amazing. Otherwise I want until my buddies give their opinions on it.
Yes and yes. Point of order, geas (geasa for plural) came first; they're an ancient celtic concept and Cu Chulainn in particular was famous for being bound in a fuckload of them for various reasons. They may in fact be the generalized origin of the generalized modern idea of the "magical contract" or the like from which Binding Vows were conceptualized. Now don't take this personally, but the very fact that you had to recognize the concept via JJK bullshit means that I am going to have to recommend you immediately commit neckrope.
It's kind of common across fiction but not that common. And no it isn't like a binding vow, it's more like a compulsion or a curse of binding that forces someone to do something whether that's against their will or in line with it. That being said my only understanding of the phrase is from stuff like Code Geass and other fictional places, the actual word seems Gaelic so it probably has a mythological origin that's completely separate from that.
Look a Placidusax and tell me you can draw a clear line separating it from Astel in the general category of 'alien lifeforms'
Honestly I just want to know what the fuck is the Anchoress' cat.
what is that thing. Why does it know so much. Is it the Black in disguise? Is it the Anchoress herself?
The Dragons are natives who understand what other natives like. Metyr and the Fingers can't even properly communicate to people in ways that make sense because they're too bizarre. And Astel has some mimicry of a human skull going on, but that's where the similarities end.
Fallen London peaked at St. Erzulie's Candle. That's all.
Yeah and no Obviously it's darkness, and it look and act as such, but why the fuck does the sword think it's Darkness? It also own thing made by Ganondorf using the sacred stone, so what gives.
Zelda lore confusing.
And now I'm ALSO realizing it that the Master Sword is ACTUALLY doing something in BotW, even if it's underwhelming for the "Legendary Weapon".
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>Sukuna is just Japanese Cu.
Explains why he's so tanky. Battle continuation is a bitch like that.
The only qq jump I use is Empowered and honestly it might as well not be a qq jump.
Rude but not totally wrong.

>Take Hero Perk
>become Healer Hero
I'm a writing genius.
What is the currency of your Jumper's empire?
>Yes and yes. Point of order, geas (geasa for plural) came first; they're an ancient celtic concept and Cu Chulainn in particular
I'm gonna stop you right there. 99.99% of people are lost right at this sentence. This is not expected knowledge.
> Is it the Black in disguise?
The Black can't even try to communicate without coming off as desperate for approval and always bordering a total breakdown from abysmal self-esteem, to the point it comes off as a scared clingy crippled child looking for appreciation anywhere it can get it. I highly doubt the Anchoress' cat is it masquerading as a cat, if only because it's not nearly clingy or mentally unstable enough.
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>Redo Of Healer
>There's no healing
They're fairly common in folklore and mythology, so it's worth knowing what they are. Fundamentally though, you could kind of think of them as being like Drawbacks; they're restrictions that mandate how something works or someone acts.
>Jumper is under a geas to never knowingly tell a lie.
>The elven nation of Floop Florp is bound by a geas imposed by their war god, and are once a blade is drawn they are incapable of sheathing it again without drawing blood with it.
Et cetera.
Made of paper. Fiatbacked. I tried some "landbacking with the land of my conquests" thing but it didn't work.
Jumper doesn't have one. His sect trades in spirit stones and rare materials though.
>I wish I'd made the jump to Monster-Hunter sooner
You still can.

Just kidding.
>Spirit Stones
>Not Divine Sources
Someone's not gonna make it to the Immortal Road.
Monster-Hunters have been eating good recently with all the zee events, haven't they?
>Humanity is Infectious [100]: The most powerful and dangerous trait humans possess isn't some ineffable 'specialness', but our humanity itself. Frequently, when a non-human critter appears in a story, be it Aliens, Robots, Mutants, spirits, or otherkin, they'll be incapable of emotion (usually love, but friendship also crops up from time to time), creativity/fecundity or individuality. But that all changes as soon as they spend time interacting with humans. By observing and forming relationships with humans, eventually the critter is "infected" with humanity's values and viewpoints, and learns new ideas, philosophies and even to feel. In some stories this can go a step further: a robot might develop a sense of identity, a Hivemind may learn to love her offspring as family and not just drones.
>This is important to you because you’re a carrier. You have become able to use empathy and emotion to redeem non-humans into humanity. This might be seen as a bad thing by some things.
Don't let your dreams be dreams. Make that pile of hands into your wife.
>Reminder that The Simpsons, Disenchantment, and Futurama all take place in the same setting at different points in time
Jumpers relatively simple. He uses paper money backed by either Gold or Food depending on the world or occasionally some other valuable resource depending on the world. Like Water in Fallout for example
What jump?
It is if you know any ancient mythology at fucking all. Not everyone studies ancient mythology mind you, but it's a good thing to study when you want to understand more about fiction because of how often fiction draws from concepts in mythology. Add to the fact that the generalized concept of the geas is so common across basically all ancient myths that it's nearly inescapable and you would have to be a genuine idiot or completely uneducated about the past to not know of it.
Capcom as a whole took a huge L with Denuvo.
That sounds ridiculous. Your empire is not magically going to value water to the level of gold because you showed up in Fallout, say. If you changed to a waterbacked currency people would panic, it would crater and they would flock to keep their money as gold or silver, murdering the economy.
Smartmatter. That shit's used all the time everywhere so "money" is taken out of the economy constantly, countered by me throwing that shit around like party favors.
I think its pretty good until I hit post-scarcity. Then I have to figure out new shit.
If you want Keyaru's powers you pick human as your race, healer as your class and buy the hero perk to become the hero of Healing.
It should be. How the fuck can you call yourself a traditional games nerd if you aren't even aware of surface level info from mythology?
It's a general perk in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Should we just murder Bullet right at the start to avoid problems?
Coinage. Having currency with intrinsic worth is something Jumper finds value in, and with a whole multiverse to draw from, the diversity of materials the coins can be composed of ensures there's always a way to scale up the value of coins to reflect developments in cultures and economies.
Well thats when they trade with whatever world there in. Helps give the currency more value depending on where they are. Its not always just a sole thing its backed on but a few different things.
Nubile sex-slaves.
Bro's so mad.
I knew what geas meant (though I didn't know it was pronounced gesh) before I ever even looked at celtic mythology
Not saying that it's possible to properly run a census of this place, but I'd wager that this general is likely many anon's only /tg/ experience.
If you know you're stronger than him then definitely.
I'm not mad at all. A little nauseous, but that's because I overate earlier and am paying the price for my indulgence. I have no regrets. The lobster was delicious.
Well I was familiar with the concept of a magic contract, but I only heard the name as the title of the anime Code Geass.
We could do a poll I suppose.
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People are talking about the vague thing Marika did to a fire giant to make it watch over the fire giant forge, and arguing whether it’s a geas or a curse I guess? I mean the game sure as fuck doesn’t elaborate on how it works.

Yep, yep and yep

Well, Piranezi establishes that the Halved-a Judgement that has gone Team Liberation-has mechanisms to shear apart an existing being’s traits into aspects that manifests as cats that keep following them around. And the cat sure says a lot of things you’d think the Anchoress would say. So my own theory is the cat is the, well, catty part of the Anchoress, split off from her but still hanging around because reasons.

Maybe it’s harder to hold a dude who technically doesn’t exist if the part of you that communicates with other people is partitioned off into a cat?

Teleportation array and alchemical transmutation-based barter system.
If we buy the Sword Saint perk as another class do we essentially get two classes?
Too inconvenient to carry around on the daily, you can't really fit slaves into your wallet. Get you a system of currency that reflects your slave-economy. "One gold drachma is the equivalent worth of a healthy female slave" is the kind of shit that has real world precedent already, so it's not even hard to look into.
How would the Tarnished fair in Fallen London?
Maybe he's just watching over it because he's afraid Godfrey's gonna come back and kick his ass if he's caught leaving his post? It's not like he knows anything, he's stuck on a mountain all day living in fear of a dude who can suplex 100 foot tall giants for sport.
It's also absurdly abundant in fantasy writing and even jap shenanigans.
>not branding your slaves with womb tattoos that can be used to transform them into convenient onaholes
Life an death.
If I have Sword Logic and Heresiarch, can I twist Sword Logic to grant me power every time I sexually dominate someone rather than killing them?
What was so bad about Flint, outside of it being obviously overpriced? (This is 2 Exceptional Stories, FBG. I'm not paying for three of them.
It's not the same as having two classes, you just have the skills and abilities of the sword Saint class as well as the technique and qi stuff. It's sorta the same, but if you were a hero your actual class would get buffed and not your Sword Saint stuff since that isn't actually your class.
The Simpsons and the cast of Futurama met in a crossover episode, and the episode ended with Bender getting back to the future by turning himself off and waiting in the Simpson's basement for a 1000 years. There have been jokes in subsequent episodes that show he's still down there.

And there was an episode of Disenchantment where you can see Fry, Bender, and Farnsworth in the forward-only time machine for a brief moment. The implication is that Disenchantment takes place in that medieval-styled time period following the first time flying saucers destroyed the world.
>Tempered in Cosmic Flame
Heh, fire continues to be the best element in the multiverse for no particular reason. Optional similar speciality in other elements?

[Build data not found]

I mean I think an item distinctly said he’s cursed into doing it by Marika, but it is very vague. Miquella sure as fuck couldn’t curse you into not fighting him.

Didn't your trade system use like a point system dictated by an agent of fortune where the parties traded stuff/services of equal points and leftovers are saved or something like that?
But the Anchoress talks to you just fine.
Who would win in the ring, a god or a demigod with destined death?
How does Radahn's holding back the stars thing work relative to sorcery that summons showers of glintstone from the sky? Do star based powers get stronger if you take him out/are they weaker while he's alive?
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Yeah it doesn’t make sense. But then again, the Discordance doesn’t do a lot of things.

By the Transcendent Law (just think of it as the Bigger Golden Order), and yes stuff/services judged by an impartial system of arbitrartion incarnate deemed not part of a valid trade is partitioned off and stored with the original party in various ways. Sliced off, partially shunted into Elsewhere, rendered into pure information or metaphor etc. Naturally the Transcendent Law offers trade incentives to reuse and recycle spare bits.

Honestly it doesn’t seem to affect anything except whether or not the stars can guide/regulate fate, Sellen for example wasn’t complaining about anything except the Carian royalty being credulous and superstitious about the primeval current.

Probably the demigod desu, as we’ve seen from Miquella being a god in itself just seems to be a buff to sorcery, charm and other supernatural powers but not one insurmountable even to Tarnished.
Wasn't it holding back the arrival of Astel? Or am I remembering wrong
Destined Death terrified everyone to the point Marika herself kicked her brother into the fucking boonies solely because she was aware he had a kill-switch implanted in him by the Fingers to kill her and the rest of their family if they ever went against the Two Fingers' plans. Even The mere threat of Maliketh walking In was enough to get everyone, including fucking Radagon, to sit down and shut up. The demigod probably wins 9 times out of 10.
Nah Astel went Operation Rolling Thunder on an Eternal City ages ago, it was a different star that crashed.

We don’t talk about the inexplicable duplicate Astel
You replied to the same guy twice.
So potentially dumb question regarding Sonic and the Black Knight, does the Black Knight capstone's immortality prevent you from being injured by things that aren't extremely holy? Let you regenerate? Just leave you as a mutilated carcass but just can't be killed without powerful Holy stuff?
King Arthur is kinda like a ghost, so either you just take no damage or you get put back to normal from whatever happened in a couple seconds. Probably the latter cuz I think Sonic can damage him but can't finish him off without the sacred swords.
Reminds me of the other anti-life Fromsoft has going on. Priscilla's Lifehunt vs the Elden Ring's Destined Death - are they distinct or effectively the same thing? If different, which is more inimical to life? If you imported a lifehunt dagger into a destined death black knife (or vice versa), what happens? Interesting questions to pursue answers about in a death-focused chain, maybe.
Damn. All you guys look the same.

…could SONIC beat the flow of calamity?
>could SONIC beat the flow of calamity?
With the chaos emeralds, he probably could.
>…could SONIC beat the flow of calamity?
Yeah, probably. Definitely as Super Sonic. Maybe gets beat up and has a bad time without them, but eventually pulls through.
Friendly reminder that the Eternal Cities somehow figured out a way to create a weapon that could hard the Greater Will itself
Mysterious death magic is absurdly potent in Elden Ring
>…could SONIC beat the flow of calamity?
Depends on which version of Sonic we're talking about. Iirc, Archie Sonic straight up had canonical plot armor from interacting with the Chaos Emeralds so much, to the point where he he passively warped reality to ensure he could always save the day and thwart the bad guy's evil plan.
That’s hard to answer because Lifehunt was given much less elaboration than Destined Death. If we’re going by “how much damage did they do onscreen?” then Destined Death clears it since it’s a component of what was needed to burn through the Erdtree’s barrier/at the time implied to be needed to kill the Elden Beast. Whereas Gwyn just stored Priscilla in the Painted World and as far as anyone knows Priscilla never achieved anything in the way of godslaying. Tbqh Dark Souls’ actual gods are kind of pussies compared to even Elden Ring demigods. I can’t even imagine Gwyn in his prime doing Radahn’s meteor impact, and Gwyn needed allies-including one to tell him about their weakness-to mollywhop the archdragons while Marika’s gang were creaming dragons AND everyone else until Godwyn befriended one. And while we’re probably never getting a truly conclusive analysis of Dark Souls dragons vs Elden Ring dragons, I will point out Elden Ring dragons not only aren’t weak to lightning but it is in fact their primary weapon.

…huh, just Super Sonic? After the Titans proved you can just punch him out of Super Sonic with sufficient dakka I was thinking he’d have to at least go to Hyper Sonic to beat something as wanked as Calamity. Though yI was thinking of Archie Sonic plot armour too.

Friendly reminder they also made functional tinfoil hats for anti-Greater Will surveillance purposes.
Knuckles did that waaaay back in Sonic 3 iirc.
So... outside of Emperyan and greater will stuff. Whats magic like in Elden ring? Doing a wizard chain and Im a bit curious of whats on offer there or if wanting to invest in it kinda requires going into demigod stuff to get your moneys worth in it.
Don't much like being reliable on a higher god like the Greater will, or the moon or something else.
I mean, he's been able to be punched out of Super since Sonic 3. I could see game Sonic having difficulty, but I still think he has the potential since the Chaos Emeralds can kinda just do anything. Like, Gappy wasn't immune to the flow of calamity, he just had the means to hurt it anyways. Sonic's arguably worse off cuz he's a melee fighter, but Gappy got right in WoU's face pointing at it and it still didn't kill him right there.
Pretty much all magic in Elden Ring calls on something external to the user. While in Glintstone Sorcery's case, it's not any entity, it is heavenly bodies.
Remember that even with just Super Sonic, he can still defeat The End (with some help). Even in the tv shows Super Sonic can be defeated by enough raw biggatons-in Sonic X Dark Oak was able to not just fight Super Sonic to a standstill but outright defeat him-but the power of Super Sonic is that he's got pure Chaos and Heart on his side in that form. He's not unbeatable, but he's unpredictable and uncontrollable. Super Sonic would definitely allow Sonic to exist outside of the Flow of Calamity-and let's be honest, without the Flow of Calamity immediately no-selling everything from even touching him, WoU is pretty goddamn fragile.
You shoot glowing blue balls and glowing blue beams and glowing purple rocks and turn into and then shoot a tiny moon and make a glowing blue sword (comes in ice flavor) and a glowing blue hammer. Also Radahn can turn himself into a meteor.

It is a video game, there's not much to it.
Yeah, if this >>93224058 is how he works in the games then he can definitely hurt WoU. I don't know if he can kill it, but Tooru is screwed.
To be fair, it wasn't just Black Oak Super Sonic was fighting. Iirc, Black Oak brought a whole fucking Metarex fleet with him, and you can see the debris of it surrounding the two of them. Implication seems to be that Super Sonic smashed Black Oak's fleet, but Black Oak fought him until the transformation ran out.
Eh well thats workable. Don't mind if its external. Just don't like the idea of it being dependable on a Gods favor.
Fair enough. With how much folks are talking about the setting with the DLC out I was wondering if there was something a bit deeper. Or how it works in lore I suppose.
Gravity magic can turn you invisible, create black holes that suck in sorcery, create life, teleport through worm holes, summon aliens, and effect telekinetic control over matter. Also you can create simplistic pocket dimensions
Lightning magic allows manipulation of time, to the point of reversing its flow and stopping its progression to achieve immortality
>Whats magic like in Elden ring
As my cute wife and TRUE consort Sellen says, it’s basically messing with the flow of life energy-whether that of space or the land. There are a variety of effects ranging from creating armour, turning invisible, making yourself lighter so your comically tiny horse can bear your enormous demigod weight, repairing simple objects, enchanting weapons, creating puppets you can put people’s souls into or turning people into said puppets, storing your life essence into a prepared crystal, empowering other spells or raising the undead to your service. But by far the most common is some sort of magical blast.

Basically, think of it like jutsus. There are an unspecified number of utility applications but mostly you see people shooting comets and fire whorls at each other

That’s a good point about Gappy and WoU fragility. Funny how despite legitimately having weird lethal hax powers punching and being buff are consistently still relevant in JoJo.

…wasn’t WoU intact even after the ultimate bubble attack? But yeah it’s academic if Tooru himself is screwed even with calamity in the way.

Imagine Jonathan just running into a Rock Person and trying to use Hamon on them while everyone else is going for their Stand.
I still don't understand what the Discordance Stone is.
I'd make the argument that Titans are 100% bullshit themselves. They're created by the same race that mass produced Eclipse Cannon tier guns and built a whole fucking digital universe to contain The End, not to mention the fact that the Ancients were the ones who originally used the Chaos Emeralds to begin with. It makes a whole lot more sense that Super Sonic would struggle against the creations of a race that was probably harnessing the Chaos Emeralds before his fucking planet formed.
Oracular bubbles can let you see the future but no one uses them like that, they just use them to attack you. This is generally true of almost all in game sorceries, many of them have functions that are only informed by item descriptions because they can't be implemented in gameplay
Damn, I was hoping Supersidia would cover more of the actual personal combat abilities that the main jump feels like it just covers a small fraction of, but then again I guess the main theme of this jump is being more of a civ builder experience than an RPG.
It's a rock, anon. It's just a rock. Maybe a silotar. It doesn't have anything special going on, it's literally and explicitly just a rock the Anchoress gave you.
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>wasn’t WoU intact even after the ultimate bubble attack? But yeah it’s academic if Tooru himself is screwed even with calamity in the way.
The bullets don't instakill WoU, but iirc (who knows if I do) the first bullet lands on Tooru. Tooru then dies cuz he gets transfered the rock disease which kinda screws up WoU but doesn't kill it. Then finally Gappy pulls up in his 'rari and shoots WoU like twelve times until it's removed from existence.
Are you saying that I spent almost two thousand echoes and all of that time grinding memories of discordance for a fucking rock she picked off the ground
No one brings it up because it's in their mental blindspot, but resurrection of the dead and general biological manipulation is something like a basic skill of magic in Elden Ring, to the point you don't actually need to know sorcery to fuck with life
>As my cute wife and TRUE consort Sellen says, it’s basically messing with the flow of life energy-whether that of space or the land. There are a variety of effects ranging from creating armour, turning invisible, making yourself lighter so your comically tiny horse can bear your enormous demigod weight, repairing simple objects, enchanting weapons, creating puppets you can put people’s souls into or turning people into said puppets, storing your life essence into a prepared crystal, empowering other spells or raising the undead to your service. But by far the most common is some sort of magical blast.
>Basically, think of it like jutsus. There are an unspecified number of utility applications but mostly you see people shooting comets and fire whorls at each other

Alright cool. I can work with that. Use a lot of fanwanking and OC stuff for what Jumper may come up with with how varied that all is.
Oh... alright interesting. From what people are saying generally Elden ring magic can be used to achieve practically anything if you put in the work.
Oh useful. Sadly I can't play the game myself to check. Don't have a good enough computer to run it.
Really basic stuff? You sure thats not due to death being pretty weird there?
Beastmen has a perk for that.
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It was a really big snake. Also he was being mind controlled and broke out of said mind control to go fight it and prevent it from eating his sister.
Man I want to talk about Exalted. What did you do in Creation? What were your goals? Who/what did you do? Did you remember to have fun? What cool shit did you make, if anything?
It's more like a badge of completion of your Discordant Studies. Proof that you really *internalized* the things she wanted to tell you.
Canonically due to Final Horizon, Super Sonic needed two additional transformations to actually beat the End.
Five Metal Shrike taming
That's a lot harder than you are making it seem.
Y'know I know that I want to jump Dragonblood at some point, and I'd like to jump the solar jump at some point, but I don't really know what I'd do there. I haven't read the source material and I don't jump things I don't know well enough to interact with beyond just treating them like a shopping list, so even though i'm interested from what I've absorbed from the thread I've just never jumped them. Reading through and learning about a whole new system that I will probably never find a group for just doesn't seem worth it for Jump chain.
I mean I'd play Exalted with you.
Those two are lying or don't know what they're talking about, magic in Elden Ring is deeply esoteric and extremely fucking powerful. Miquella can mind control you, Mohg can teleport through blood, Radahn stops fate by freezing the stars in place, Morgott can create clones and send them all over the place, Mogh also has a clone guarding the Frenzied Flame.

>Really basic stuff?
Pretty much everyone does it, but that's not really magic so much as it is a basic property of life energy or whatever in the Lands Between. If you just stick a bunch of dead people in a pot and pray to it, the thing will come alive. Godrick can cut off an arm and then attach a dragon head to the stump and it works, that's not blood magic flesh just works differently in ER.
The Eternal Cities were good enough with life manipulation that they figured out how to create Mimic Tears, which can just copy anything seemingly including giants. They also created Dragonkin. Sorcery can be applied to this to the end of making yourself into an abomination to all life in a manner of celestial ascension.
>Jonathan just running into a Rock Person and trying to use Hamon on them while everyone else is going for their Stand.
>"Wonder of U, get this fag off me!"
>"I can't, he's too ripped!"
Is Manda bigger than Kurama? He looks a lot bigger relative to Orochimaru than Kurama does relative to Madara.
>deeply esoteric
>lists boilerplate magic that has appeared in every fantasy setting since D&D
That would be a bit difficult to coordinate I think.
Let's be fair, Jonathan was Wonder-of-U-tanking tough even without any hamon shit. I mean getting ran through by a spear barely inconvenienced the fucker and he could walk through q burning mansion without worrying about meager things like "convection." His bones were graphene or something.
Golden Haligtree or Shadow of the Scadutree? I'm torn between the two.
Yes yes you're a contrarian retard we all heard, now fuck off
I got so pissed at geomancy that I homebrewed an artifact for it and unlike Death at the Roots it's actually balanced to an extent.
Always the age old internet tradition of play-by-post.
It was my sole and only goal.
>Radahn stops fate by freezing the stars in place
That's because of the stars, not Radahn. Anyone with telekinesis could do it.
Him controlling fate is probably specifically because of the connection drawn between fate, the stars and gravity. This is also in JoJo, where gravity is considered to be fate because it moves and compels everything and if you don't believe in free will then everything was predetermined by the course of gravity. Manipulating gravity is like manipulating fate, because gravity is literally the force of fate present in the physical world.

I don't think Radahn could manipulate the stars in a setting where stars are giant balls of gas massively bigger than Earth or manipulate fate in a setting where it doesn't have anything to do with the physical movement of objects or the force of gravity.
I mean Jonathan is genuinely just built different. I really think he would have swept all of Battle Tendency (except Ultimate Lifeform Kars)
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I'm currently working on an exalted only chain that starts in mortals and then slowly escalates in power from there. By the end of the chain I'll have fought in the Primordial war three times and I basically need to win it single handedly twice.

That's a while off however, because I actually want to write a decent chunk of this chain out and I have like, 25 pages worth of writing that covers the first two months of the ten years I'm in creation for. I haven't even written my backstory yet, which involves my mom accidentally seducing Venus. I maybe should have spread those things out somewhat, I could have at least had them cover a year or so.

I have so much stuff planned you have no idea. It'll be forever before I get it all written down.

I would also like to play this game I have never played before and barely know anything about.

I have no idea!
What makes it esoteric are the hyper convoluted explanations for how all of this shit works(Miquella is so kind that it creates a supernatural charm effect, Mogh has a connection to an interdimensional blood ocean, the stars are living creatures in space that also control fate so you stop them from moving with gravity magic also stops fate which only makes sense if you don't think about the logistics of holding down a nigh infinite legion of cosmic bug monsters, no one has any fucking clue how Morgott's shit works)
>(except Ultimate Lifeform Kars)
It would've been a fair fight.
See >>93224250
>the stars are living creatures in space that also control fate so you stop them from moving with gravity magic also stops fate which only makes sense if you don't think about the logistics of holding down a nigh infinite legion of cosmic bug monsters
Radahn freezing the stars is just as absurd a feat whether it's a conceptual or physical action because either way, he's holding back literally a hundred billion Astels at once.
Not it wouldn't have. Kars would have just spammed animals from long range.
I have a Chain that started in Dragonblooded, but with someone working on a dupe and a bunch of other new jumps that have come out since I started it, I'm gonna reboot it once the dupe comes out. I'm wondering if I should keep the roll results I got for my Aspect and Sworn Kin last time.
Eh, honestly I don't think so. Jonathan is the "pull through by sheer willpower" kind while Joseph is the "win by being tricky and clever," and I feel like the first one would lose pretty quickly because the Pillarmen really HAVE that much raw stat bulk. Jonathan could defeat Dio because Dio kept plotting and sowing obstacles and Jonathan plowed through those: but the Pillarmen need to be played around, which Jonathan can't do.
Cucking the Ebon dragon is always the moral choice.
Why do you assume he's holding all the stars and that there's as many of them as there are stars in our universe?
Even in the Primer proper, we aren't given many details on the Supersidia beyond them being the military arm of Udraiken with major weapon developments including massive artillery batteries firing Fluxium shells designed to erode Necrium and other such things. They're touched upon not nearly as much as the Aechraddath and Great Houses are, presumably because the Primer isn't really detailing their full combat capabilities.

From other stuff though, we know that they at bare minimum have exosuits built for traveling in space, so I guess that's a thing.
Because you can fucking see them you fucking idiot and we're literally told he's doing it.
>I'm wondering if I should keep the roll results I got for my Aspect and Sworn Kin last time.
If you’re the anon who got an all female team, yes.
Jonathan also does clever stuff. Not to the same extent as Joseph, but he gets the air bubbles in the fight against Bruford and wraps his fist in fire so Dio can't freeze it. He definitely isn't beating the Pillarmen, though, cuz they're also pretty clever, Joseph is just more clever (and lucky)
>I'm gonna reboot it once the dupe comes out
Taking this as encouragement. Off to smack my head into the keyboard until a Perk or blood comes out.
There are not billions of stars visible in the night sky either in Elden Ring or our world, nor is there proof of exactly how many Radahn is holding back except that a few of them start flying when he dies. Radahn is not beating Perfect Cell.
The very same.
Only in /jc/ will you hear someone say
>You don't have proof the sky in this fictional story has as many stars as there are in real life!
That's not even what I said.
This is outrageous cope. Radahn is DEFINTELY stronger than Perfect Cell.
It is literally what you said you absolute dumbass
In both Elden Ring and JoJo, despite power being fought over majorly by casterfags the strongest dude in the setting is a really buff martial.

CHADhan and CHADfect CHADell would both shitstomp Gohan.
But is he stronger than Cell (Forma Perfecta)?
Alright, updated WIP of the House of Flying Daggers jump, now with more drawbacks and the end of jump options for staying or leaving. Any other glaring errors or omissions I have overlooked?
No, I said you can't see billions of stars in the sky in Elden Ring and you also can't see billions of stars in the sky irl. Work on your reading comprehension.
Fair, but I still think they've got different builds and Jonathan really specced for his campaign's antagonist, so wouldn't really be able to handle Pillarmen problems. What wins him the day is nobility and willpower, even if he employs trickery occasionally: that's his thing. Sacrificing himself, bearing with it, redeeming Bruford's soul, the like.
If he's a chad, why he a blueballer
Yes, you don't believe there are billions of stars in real life either. Clearly you got one over on me.
I thought this was Gohan and was real confused on why he would shitstomp himself
Would Jonathan be able to defeat DIO, assuming he could damage The World and move in stopped time?
Anon do you even realize what you're saying means exactly what you're denying saying? You are saying there are not as many stars in Elden Ring as there are in real life, based on nothing at all.
No, cuz he still couldn't see the World. Also the world is probably stronger and faster than him, but that's debatable considering DIO was doing a stand rush with just his own body against star platinum at one point with the road roller.
>Would Jonathan be able to defeat DIO
>assuming he could damage The World and move in stopped time?
This just makes it a stomp.
They are though, we have counted them and there are hundreds of billions of them. You're just talking out of your fucking ass
Anon calm down and just accept you're wrong. You're getting mad because you can't convince anyone of your argument, and that's because you're wrong. Just stop arguing and concede.
he didn't beat dio before, the dude is fated to always die to him.
KEKAROO but also Gohan would absolutely beat the living SHIT out of himself. And then JOB to himself. Probably because of some random time travelling villain's plan to make Kid Gohan bully Scholarhan for being a fucking loser to harvest combat energy or some shit

Because Chads don't require sex, they bestow it as a gift on the worthy.
Shouldn't the lands between have less light pollution than the earth we have right now?
There can't possibly be that many visible to just the naked eye. Sure, if you have a telescope or something, but a billion is an incomprehensible number.
>I cannot count the number of stars in elden ring and even if I could there aren't billions of dots on the skybox so clearly this is evidence that the universe of Elden Ring is much smaller than the real one
God you're retarded
>Kid Gohan v Scholarhan
Would unironically watch a fight between the younger and older versions of characters and I haven't touch dragonball in years
Oh my god stop.
Just stop. This 'flat earth and giants' TikTok tier stupid
Same. Whoever wins, I win too. And neither will win. Both will lose to each other, somehow.
Ah fuck it. Instead of Elden Ring, I'll jump Destiny.
CHADhan is just so powerful that he can even restrain billions of things he can't even see. Cope.
He literally did beat Dio once and landed a tie in the second one.
Reminder that Light + Darkness = Infinity Gauntlet.
Shit taste ngl
I'm aware. Which is why I'm jumping Light first without being an Awoken, so I can play around with just the Light first before I also get Darkness and get to stomp everything with Prismatic.
Don't care, having fun.
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It doesn't matter, on account of Ranni drowns out the light all by herself with her own radiant beauty. Because she's a fucking star, baby.
I ain't clicking that retard.
This is the only thing I regret about choosing to jump Destiny instead of Elden Ring. God I want Ranni.
anon there is a massive mountain sized tree literally glowing with golden light at all times right in the middle of the lands between.
>muh heckin science
Imagine being retarded enough to believe the same people who say men can become women.
I took Jumper's Light and Shaped Finality. Exactly what level of insane is my soul?
Awoken lore states that Light and Darkness hitting each other made a kugelblitz, so I just imagine my soul looking like a black hole
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CHADhan-sama...have mercy, I just wanted to move slightly to the left...
Don't forget to jump the Awoken queen. She's very jumpable.
>wanting the narcissistic onlyfans egirl
Eris is where its at
Pretty sure Sagira tried to climb down our pants too
>She's very jumpable.
How fucked would the Hive be if I sent in an infinite army of Vex wielding Darkness suppression powers?
Well, blue IS my favorite color...

Also Shard confirmed that with Heresiarch I can advance my Sword Logic by sexually dominating others. And Mara would certainly make for a potent target...
An infinite army of Vex without darkness suppression powers fucked all of Oryx's kids. Then someone (don't remember who) came up with the annihilation totem.
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A problem occurs to me. I've never actually played Destiny or 2. I've learned a good deal of the lore and background of the game, but having never played them I don't actually know the storyline of Destiny/2.

Would someone mind giving me a quick summary of Destiny's storyline? I want an idea of what the normal flow of events is since I'm jumping in as the Young Wolf in Destiny The Light, though I'll do something more original for Destiny The Dark.
What is it with these man with gun settlings and weird esoteric lore that has nothing to do with the man with gun gameplay?
Halo and Destiny don't have esoteric lore, just retarded fanboys who overcomplicate really simplistic concepts
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>Man I want to talk about Exalted. What did you do in Creation? What were your goals? Who/what did you do?
In Exalted First Age, my big goals were to create elves and to keep my kingdom intact through the Usurpation. The elves were a matter of giving all the people in my kingdom the Enhanced Sense (Hearing), Longevity X2, and Enlightened Essence mutations, the task of affecting everyone was achieved by doing so at the very beginning when there I only had a few thousand followers and some upgrade charms to Science of Mutation to enable it to work faster and on multiple people at once. Keeping my kingdom intact was several factors working together, first I’d become a Solar through Heavens Reach and so I didn’t have the Great Curse. Next, I’d been treating the Dragonblooded much better then the other Solars, so they didn’t have the desire to overthrow me like the others did. Also, with Student of Autochthon and Shepherd of the Suns from Heavens Reach I was Autochthon’s best student and was given the Eye of Autochthon, and someone who fully understands the Eye of Autochthon and can control it properly is a threat that even the First Age Sidereals would hesitate against. On top of that, I was also one of the best martial artists out there, surpassed only by one or two Sidereals. Finally, the whole point of the Usurpation was because the Solars were going crazy, so attacking one that wasn’t would call the motives of it into question.

>Did you remember to have fun?
I was there for 5,000 years, I had plenty of chances to relax.

>What cool shit did you make, if anything?
One of my best tricks was managing to create my own Dragonblooded early on (which did not win me friends, let me tell you) and figuring out how to make the Longevity mutation work for them, with it actually functioning at double strength once it did.
If you wanted a more thorough (and accurate) explanation than what you can get via this thread there's a youtuber who has a video that goes through the whole plot for d1 and d2 pretty extensively.
Halo lore was written by a theologian.
There were DBs ruled by good Solars who didn't want to overthrow them either. The Sidereals still fucked shit up.
Link? Seems there's a lot of youtubers that are summarizing it...in like 4 to 10 hours.
Could you not shit up another thread with Exalted shitposting?
NTA but Byf is typically good for lore
That's the ten hour video. Oh boy. Welp, time to go sit down, grab a meal, and prepare for something like four feature-length movies at once.
Byf is the number one lore guy if you have the time.

you're not intreasted in Exalted stuff, that's okay anon, but you aren't really contributing to the thread by simply asking others to not speak about something on-topic. Please, if you will, bring up a setting or media you enjoy and have a build for or perhaps even comment on the House of the Flying Daggers Jump here >>93224328 to give Wuxianon some help.

Also, as an aside, thank you for this. I love Wuxia stuff, more than Xianxia actually, and more wirefu magic martial arts bullshit is exactly something I needed today.
You're looking at nearly a decade of stuff, in addition to countless "background" storylines that happen before the Young Wolf gets rezzed.
Shit, I'm betting the Books of Sorrow take up at least a few hours of that video.
>Fallen London
What is with /jc/ and extremely obscure media properties with excessive amounts of shitty lore and terrible gameplay?
Shut the fuck up, Narutofag.
Literally the second post in the thread is an image of a Solar exalted being fucking badass.

This thread cannot be salaved.
I resent that statement. Sunless Sea gameplay is perfectly fine.
I have a Sidereal companion, presumably they were working counter intel. I say presumably because I don’t know the full story of what they do day to day, I just trust them to do their part.
Well thank you. It's nice to hear someone likes it, though I know there is room for improvement in the future. Any final feedback before I call it finished?
Talking about something else won't help, because the problem isn't that Exalted discussion dominates the thread, though that is the case, it's that you exist at all. If you're allowed to speak you'll shout into the void about your fixation until it drowns out everything else. Stop talking about Exalted, no one likes it
Joy. Well, this is going to be an experience. Maybe take a few days to get through all of it, but I'll at least actually understand Destiny by the end of it.

...I hope.
Say what you will about Destiny, but it's not obscure, let alone "extremely". Shit, maybe. Obscure? No.
Nah. Cry some more.
>terrible gameplay
I am willing to shit on nu-bungo for plenty of things, but destiny's gunplay is not one of them. No exaggeration, D1 has some of the best I've ever played.
Can't speak for those other things, never read exalted beyond some jumpdocs and never touched fallen london beyond thinking the dawn machine looks cool.
Is it morally correct to mind control the Joker into being sane?
Destiny is in fact obscure. It doesn't make any money, people outside of Bungie have the internal revenue reports and they're baffling. Destiny has burned through its playerbase to the point it basically doesn't have one anymore
I like exalted!
Yes. If you're gonna keep him alive, make him no longer a cancer of a person.
Yes. Even better is to just kill him in a way that sticks.

I like Exalted too!
Well...yeah, that's the thing. Most people are judging Destiny off D2 these days.

Titans will always be shit in the Witness raid btw
I like Exalted, and I like seeing people talk about Exalted after remembering years of /jc/ being Exalted-less.

Cope and seethe.
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Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies have a completely different gameplay loop than Fallen London though, so saying Fallen London's got shit gameplay doesn't impugn upon the other two.

Also, having sunk many years into Fallen Londo, I can confirm it absolutely has shit gameplay. It's a browser game, that's just fundamentally baked in.
You sound like one of those retards that thinks if a gacha isn't making Hoyo-levels of money, its a dead game.
Fallen London is proof that micro-transaction-fueled grindfest mobile games can, in fact, be excellent art. I'm not being snide, I'm glad for the datapoint
Are we all illusions trapped in Shard's demented dream? Has he already imposed his cosmic fascism and forced us to talk about Exalted?
Destiny is losing money and Bungie is in contract trouble with Microsoft because it's not meeting its obligations, it is a dead game.
Jujutsu Kaisen

Origin - New Blood

Jujutsu (400)
Stay of Execution
Just Got Some Holes In Me
Good Head (200)
Genius (300)
Vessel (300)

Cursed Techniques (+200)
Boogie Woogie (200)
Idle Transfiguration (discount) (400)

Failed Incarnation (+300)
Full Restriction (+300)

>With virtually unlimited hands
>Many of which are hidden in the body and basically invisible
This is peak performance, vibraslap be damned
If it were up to me, I'd rather talk about Scarlet Hollow.
I remember the days where people didn't talk about exalted all that much so I started bringing it up constantly until others started to join in. Now I can blink and miss a whole exalted discussion.
You should make another Exalted jump.
Well I have no clue what the fuck Scarlet Hollow is, so now's your chance. Describe what its deal is.
I'd like to say something about Scarlet Hollow but well...waiting for the new episode. So all I can do is repeat the fact that your cousin do nothing wrong, is best girl, and it is a crime you're not allowed to romance her.
Shard, what are your favorite atrocities to commit upon the Lintha?
Isn't it a visual novel where the entire community wants to fuck the girl who's cousin of the protag but the devs just tantalize them with the possiblity, laughing?
Appalachian rural horror visual novel.
Stella is direly underrated desu.
Yes. The man is a blight and there's probably no greater punishment than making him permanently sane and aware of everything he's ever done to others.
Man, those were the golden days. Remember back when this community had a respect for the limits and integrity? Back then you'd be shouted down for even suggesting the existence of an Exalted jump, or lewd jumps, or 1000 CP options. We've really fallen far and honestly we can now say for sure that Exalted jumps were a mistake and they have rotted this community out from the inside. You shouldn't have ever been tolerated.
Imagine sending the modern Naruto jump back to the quicksilver days and the resulting fireworks
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Yes, but don't worry we have best boy and not a single good ending for him AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Would have resulted in a purge. Would have saved the general by killing it early, before it could be corrupted by evil people like Valeria.
Bro, taking Hot___ as one of your traits?
Creating a breed of ACTUAL Lintha, not degraded pirate cannibals, and getting Kimbery to shower them with blessings and headpats while the "original Lintha" seethe.

I will pass on-wait fucking hang on, there's no Exalted content left to make a jump for! Haha, Spirits and the Wyld together have set me free!

>but Demake
It's just Holden's homebrew system for regular Exalted, just fanwank it into your chain somehow. Maybe you did a sorcerous working to give Solars legend powers or a necromantic one to make Abyssals into bargain bin Excrucians, fanwank something
>but Exalted vs New World of Darkness
Is a loooong way from being finished and Holden has apparently been suffering a lot of health conditions since.

Yu-Shan becoming the Shattered Annex, and the Yozis forming the lowest of the Lower Depths is metal tho. Even if their game implementation is meh. Anathema and Burn are great too.

How times change. We were all so naive to how convoluted the rules and lore could be.
Well, some of us were.
I was.
With a property like House of the Flying Daggers I think it's a well done as you can get without reaching for something that just wuxia themed and not really of the setting proper I like what you have already.

Ah I see. Your effort is mid and you hate passion because you hate others having fun in a way you don't like. Perhaps you should look into a more constructive hobby, maybe make a ragebait Jump perhaps?
>Can I be an attention whore for five minutes
I like your writing. I can see you trying to pull things together, and jumping back and forth between the first few jumps to prevent yourself from getting bored.

Can I request a basic outline of what you have planned for infernals?
>there's no Exalted content left to make a jump for!
Cosmic :^)
>I will pass on-wait fucking hang on, there's no Exalted content left to make a jump for! Haha, Spirits and the Wyld together have set me free!
Make a new Solars jump, you might remember how Heavens was dissatisfied with it.
The morally correct action is to grant him a means of fulfilling a full redemption character arc where he dies at the end. It won't fix what's been done, but it will grant him catharsis while helping humanity as a whole.

>no more Exalted content left
Surely Getimians will be playable any day now.
Exigents? Getimians?
Good joke, anon. I'm sure they will be any day now, just like the Niobraran League will be explained further and they'll actually explain what devil-stars are.

Why do you think Exigents suck? They're not worse than any other part of the game
Only things I don't like about it is the one single manse and no scenarios.
>Infinity Celestial Exalts
Fuck that shit.
Really? So the only reason you dislike Exigents is that they're not artificially limited to a finite number?
While there are many valid ways to answer that question, for me it is because the gods of Yu-Shan suck, and their suckage is transferable. The previous editions of the game have done a very, very good job of filling me with complete contempt for what passes as Heaven in Exalted. The idea of being an Exalted of the non-Incarnae is tantamount to being the Exalted of a career politician. It is intrinsically more disgusting to me than being the Chosen of the Ebon Dragon, who at least fully embraces his status of elemental antagonism.
Exigents not getting a jump to themselves makes sense, at least. Everything about you depends on which god you're with, so the only real Background distinctions you could make are Legal vs. Illegal vs. Patchwork Exigent unless you do one of those floating discount jumps and have the perks revolve around defining your relationship with your god.
What are you talking about Shard? You should make a Wyld jump anyways. The Wyld is infinite after all, and there's plenty of room for more stories.
Opinion on the fact that they've brought back Jenny Sparks for some fucking reason?
That's retarded. The gods don't suck anymore than the Deliberative sucked or the Incarnae suck
How easy/hard is it for a Solar to LARP as Dante from DMC?
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>Creating a breed of ACTUAL Lintha, not degraded pirate cannibals, and getting Kimbery to shower them with blessings and headpats while the "original Lintha" seethe.
Yeah that's a great two-fold therapy (For Kimbery) and punishment (for shitter pirates), nice job!

Personally my Jumper has a tendency go for convoluted plans like turning them into hentai ryona 4koma instant loss women through the power of Plothole Research and narrativium just before unleashing the Sidereal-Solar-Lunar Half-Caste Dragonblooded PHO (Phallus Hulking Orc) squadron on them to breed greater and greater levels of eugenic power into my default soldiers.

The fact that some of them manage to pull an Integrity Charm to resist for a while, until their motes run out, is icing on the cake.

Wonder if anyone reading this is having pic related responses.
PDs are expensive and Royal Guard is free. Solars also don't have great passive regeneration.
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Good night, thread. Pleasant dreams.
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Just want to say, tanking Calamity doesn't actually work.
Too slow.
Good night
Yeah maybe if you're bitch made.
>making yourself lighter so your comically tiny horse can bear your enormous demigod weight
Why can't (You) do this to ignore the equip load?
>the deliberative
What's your point? The Dragonblooded aren't chosen of the Deliberative, they're the chosen of the Elemental Dragons, the mysterious primal entities associated with the elements
>the Incarnae
The Incarnae suck in cool ways. The Sun is either a vainglorious heavyhanded skyfather type or hindu Superman depending on which edition you read, and either way he dared to lead the charge against his makers. The moon is a mad superpredator and simultaneously a believer in the power of love as well as the patron of the outcast. The Maidens are those who weave Fate yet are enslaved most by it. And they're all a bunch of former visionaries now enslaved by their own addiction to the Games of Divinity.

Say that's less interesting, epic in scope or evocative than Ryzala the fucking goddess of paperwork whose grand achievements are kicking the ladder down after the Sun's dereliction sent Heaven into a downward spiral, I double dog dare you. Or Ahlat, the god of war who used to be a god of walrus breeding and got his foot in the door at the right time. Fuck that. Nothing 3e can say can un-bitch the rank and file gods of Yu-Shan. The Incarnae may be fuckups, but they're rockstar fuckups, while the gods of Yu-Shan are the most banal, petty kind of fuck up.

(Except for maybe the Golden Judge, and little beam).

Nah, it wouldn't make for a good story

Not even surprised. They already tried to put Superman on a team with Manchester fucking Black as if a single goddamn soul who knows who both of them are ever wanted to see that happen. Pathetic. just pathetic.

The sad thing is assuming you included the men, that's possibly a better fate for some of them than going through life castrated with Lintha-level medicine.
Probably because (you) are not a demigod, nor did (you) have enough time to experiment while in the race to become Elden Lord in the game proper.
Radahn has a full college corriculum under his belt so it may come from the fact that the character is using very brute force magic when that stuff is much higher skill than what the Tranished is used to? Tarnished Jumpers likely can learn to do this tho.
I hate that you can make infinite Exigents who totally exist, have a constant presence in Creation, and have arbitrary charms. It's like wanting to play a Solar without the drawbacks, however few, come with being a Solar. I especially hate that there is a fucking kingdom with dozens of the fuckers in 3e that they can make on demand. Fuck that shit.
>epic in scope
I do not like 'epic in scope', because it's entirely unearned hype. I resent the attempt to be cool that the Incarnae represent and hate them all the more for it
>The sad thing is assuming you included the men, that's possibly a better fate for some of them than going through life castrated with Lintha-level medicine.
My Jumper is fine with the men having their bussy babies.
Someone's has GOT to have made a The Office comedy fic for those guys.
>Pathetic. just pathetic.
On one hand, I agree. On the other hand, I find it really funny that DC is creatively bankrupt enough, that they feel the urge to literally bring back the Spirit of the 20th Century (dead for nearly a quarter of a century at this point).
The only problems with Exigents is that they make Solars look less badass? Wow, that's a stupid opinion.
Do lots of stunting and your good.
>Ryzala the fucking goddess of paperwork whose grand achievements are kicking the ladder down after the Sun's dereliction sent Heaven into a downward spiral, I double dog dare you. Or Ahlat, the god of war who used to be a god of walrus breeding and got his foot in the door at the right time.
Actually yeah I think those sound a lot better than generic skyfather tropes. That sounds a lot more interesting.
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If you think that's such a great idea RIKU then why doesn't everyone do it?
I have no knowledge of Exalted but Ahlat sounds like a really cool concept and I'd read a book about him.
They make every other type of exalt redundant. They get all the bennies without the problems. They are the ultimate nepo babies. The devs should have simply stuck with gods uplifting chosen mortal champions as God-Blooded since that keeps exaltation as something special and lets the GBs be badass heroes in their own stories. Exigents are Mary Sues that try and do everything and make everyone they stole from look worse as a result.
The Sun is either a vainglorious heavyhanded skyfather type or hindu Superman depending on which edition you read, and either way he dared to lead the charge against his makers. The moon is a mad superpredator and simultaneously a believer in the power of love as well as the patron of the outcast. The Maidens are those who weave Fate yet are enslaved most by it. And they're all a bunch of former visionaries now enslaved by their own addiction to the Games of Divinity.
Shard, the real question is why you think any of these concepts are good.
Alright. Each to their own. Doesn't the fact that every other reason aside, the crux of why I'm turned off by the very idea of Exigents is because their patrons not only lack merely unearned hype, but the setting did too good a job building ANTI-hype for them to me.

To me being an Exigent sounds like if Elon Musk one day revealed to you he was a god and declared you his divine champion.

Well, they've been basically doing that for a while now, especially with how Lobo persists in being an "ironic" over the top macho stereotype that is just allowed to get away with everything and still be on good terms with the League. So yeah, this is really the logical endpoint of DC continuously trying to point at their old stories and going "Remember that thing you liked? We're putting it in an ALL NEW ALL DIFFERENT massive event please buy comics" like all the buildup to Doomsday Clock never actually explaining why the fuck he was so much more powerful than in Watchmen until Death Metal of all things tried. Very halfheartedly

Again, each to their own. I don't get the guys who root for Godrick or magus society either but it's a funny old world.

Oh yeah, he is interesting as a case study of how divine realpolitik works in Exalted's setting. I'd just rather be an Abyssal than his Exalted, personally.
IIRC he's in The Roll of Glorious Divinity 1. You can grab the pdf over in /exg/s 2e repository.
Guy also has a harem of mortal warrior woman called the brides of Ahlat
You don't get lower power mechs than the ones in Lost Planet. Fuckers are literally just a bit worse than doing things on foot.
It seems to me that the fundamental dysfunction here is that Shard is the kind of person who thinks Superman with every power in existence who can do absolutely anything and always wins because he's the goodest boy ever is a cool concept and thinks everyone else is weird for finding that shit boring as hell
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>I don't get the guys who root for Godrick
Rolling to see how well the Godrick training arc goes.
His power fantasy is omnipotence. That's not too strange around here.
People who root for magus society do so because they're ultimately got some people that are fucking cool: people root for the Galactic Empire even if it's just flat out terrible for everyone involved.
People root for Godrick because he's the underdog and he basically got fucking nothing from his divine heritage, so what meager power he's scrounged up is something he's clawed his way into, which is always appealing.
>this is really the logical endpoint of DC
It sure fucking is.
Still gonna waifu Byakko tho.
Honestly my only real problem with exigents is they can be celestial level and for some reason there allowed within the immaculate faith. There stepping on the toes of both celestials and dragon blooded with that.
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Infernals I don't have plotted as well as Mortals and Vs. But in general the jump plays out as a game of keepaway. Due to my drawback choices I'm sharing a body with the Mortal described in the True Love drawback and the Time Capsule item, and she wants nothing to do with my Noel and Makoto. YG will actually be very happy with this, because she's going to miss a massive spotcheck about her being a sidereal and mistake her for Echo more than a couple of times. Secret, meanwhile, if you've been eagle eyed has been listed as Dernelle Granblaise down in the companion images for a while now. In effect, YG and Secret will spend a good chunk of time with Alt!Messier both aiding and interfering with her plans in equal measure and letting her stay just ahead of She Of Fair Eyes, because YG is a very jealous Yandere and wants to monopolize my time.

More widespead, the King of Unlcloaked Steel will completely ruin her plans more than a couple of times, and him coming at me for round two only for Alt!Messier to have no idea who he is and not be able to use perfects is going to piss him right the fuck off, which eventually ends with him doing so much damage to the Reclamation that he accidentally becomes a Solar.

There may or may not also be some vaguely meta-shenanigans where Alt!Messier gets along with SWLIHN and hates Isidoros because she has my actual Exaltation from Infernals while Messier is the other way around on account of being a Reveler via Exalted Vs. Getting the charm ring from Ligier is one of the things that will effectively kill Messier Granblaise, which is why it's not going to happen for a while even if he's making it very early into the jump.

Beyond that, I don't have specific plans for when or where most of this will happen. I'll probablt pick a random town in the north or the east, and then roll some dice to make up a scenario for the two Messier's to deal with every so often, ultimately culminating in the above.
Don't forget the God-Blooded whose entire schtick they stole! Because God fucking forbid there be some badass mortals in Exalted.
Godrick is also visually unique in a very cool way while not being unnapealingly grotesque and evil like Rykard, and the voice actor really did a good job there.
Rooting for exemplar Magi =/= Rooting for Magus Society.
Magus culture is shit, but there is simply no meaning in attacking a culture or its members. This is something you evidently don't understand considering your regular diatribes about fictional cultures and espoused willingness to commit genocide.
You get a chain, but every jump you have a mandatory side quest to help the person you hate most in the setting with whatever their main goal is in life. You don't actually have to make them succeed, but you have to help them to the best of your ability.
Not only do I don't, but I feel like that very much misses the point of the Sun as a character because his story effectively ends with him shamed, retreating from the world and the consequences he inflicted on it, and not even really able to enjoy the experience of being the king of heaven except by clinging to an explicitly frivolous form of entertainment while knowing his Chosen ultimately failed his estimation of them.

You're goddamn right it is, which is why I'm the biggest Infernalfag.


It has a slow start, but he gets there in the end dammit. It's like if Million Dollar Baby ended with the lady just pulling through and getting the win, instead of needing to be unplugged from her bed. Godrick probably becomes a proper lord-little L, let's be reasonable here a 60 isn't nearly good enough to take on the PC Tarnished-but at the very least he earns the respect of Sir Kenneth Haight and rules a small but respectable settlement in the Lands Between.

I do find it funny that the Immaculate Faith not considering Exigents targets to be hunted and Exigents having a wide array of themes means that if I were a clever Solar/Lunar, I'd just go around telling people I'm the Exalted of Nysela/Tethys to make the Wild Hunt brigade start sweating and worry they might punch an innocent Exigent as opposed to a filthy Anathema

Like I said, I genuinely don't get it. But to be fair I also cannot get over Imperial marksmanship being so fucking awful that the setting has to stoop to depths like "the Force makes it hard to be shot by blasters even when you're not actively parrying lasers" and "Ewoks are, no joke, one of the deadliest alien races in the galaxy"
>always wins because he's the goodest boy ever
Except Conky does drugs.
That doesn't sound like being the goodest boy ever.
You should lose some weight then.
He eats peaches and drinks wine.
Wine is technically a drug..
Alcohol is like a friend who has been with us since the beginning. You wouldn't abandon a friend right?
That's fine honestly. I'm not Gohanposter.
>but there is simply no meaning in attacking a culture or its members
Diversity and inclusion is our strength!
>Not only do I don't, but I feel like that very much misses the point of the Sun as a character because his story effectively ends with him shamed, retreating from the world and the consequences he inflicted on it, and not even really able to enjoy the experience of being the king of heaven except by clinging to an explicitly frivolous form of entertainment while knowing his Chosen ultimately failed his estimation of them.
That's still just a Superman plot. And it's also still fucking boring
That is absolutely not fine, and fuck that shitty chain because I AM Gohanposter.
You can't understand how people would find a guy who had absolutely fucking nothing, was derided from birth and yet still managed to claw his way towards a real power of his own thar looks cool as shit, while having less advantages from the start then your average Tarnished?
Nah. The best of my ability means they win and the people I hate most typically include absolute monsters.
Since when does Superman be king off Heaven?
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Yeah sure. I don't personally hate too many people in most settings at most I have a mild dislike but I can swallow it for a chain.
Yes. I am a bad person.
He can't understand even people disliking generic godheads doing generic godhead things. Shard is cooked.
>You don't actually have to make them succeed, but you have to help them to the best of your ability.
At some point, these are the same thing.
Define "hate" - hate as a character, or hate as a person? What if their goal changes midway through, either through original plot or new character development, do I also pivot or just stick to the original goal?
>who had absolutely fucking nothing
To be perfectly fair, he WAS nobility. Like you talking like Godrick had to beg on the streets, he could've probably continued living a comfy life if he hadn't thrown his hat in the ring for lordship instead of running for the hills.
Could axiom be used for manipulating someone biology like make them smaller/bigger, adding tail or another pair of breast?
Hey Shard do you think Conky would care if a non-Solar made a Royal Warstrider? Would he even be willing to bless it with an AI?
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolling to see how the Shinji Matou training arc goes
That's perfectly fair, but he's still the definite underdog of the Shardbearers, and people like to root for the underdog.
Absolutely mid lmao.
>Define "hate" -l
Follow your heart
>What if their goal changes?
Then you're on that new goal.
Lol flip a coin. Head and he becomes a Magus greater than Solomon. Tails and he fails and dies to crest worms.
Depends on the time period. Conky is nowhere near that involved in the world during the Age of Sorrows, and doesn't really talk to anyone except Exalting Zeniths. The First Age of the Time of Glory? It's still very, very rare for Conky to give his personal attention to something that rare unless like, it's the most Sun-dedicated thing ever or something forged to be the ultimate defender of Creation and oppose the Dragon's Shadow at every turn forged from land tainted by his touch like the warstrider version of a Kamen Rider or somesuch.
>Shinji gets assfucked by worms
It landed on heads.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Shinji becomes the supreme Magus.
2 Shinji is raped forever by his grandfather.
Let's gamble his fate.
This truly was his Fate/Stay Night.
Into the pits with Sakura he goes.
Sure, I can just pick jumps where the people I hate achieving their goals is achievable fairly early on, and then once I help them accomplish that goal, I can immediately kill them. Nice and easy.
Wonders of the Lost Age, page 144.
>On the first day of construction, a priest (usually a Zenith Caste Solar or a Chosen of the Maiden of Battles) attended to the factory-cathedral to bless all those who would take part in the warstrider’s manufacture.
>At dawn on the first day of Ascending Air, a priest once again called down the blessings of Yu-Shan. The priest need not have been the same one who first blessed the manufacturing process (he need not even be an Exalt, though mortals rarely had sufficient favor in Yu-Shan to even dare to pray for the awakening of a new spirit), but he had to be someone who was present on that first day.
Oh well. Maybe a few talents of orichalcum as a sacrifice will get his attention.
>Messier Granblaise has a Creation Exaltation and favors She Who Lives In Her Name
>Messier Lorraine has a Exalted Vs Exaltation and favors Isidoros
Huh. Strictly speaking that makes you weaker, but you’re also spec’d into ignoring most of her shit aren’t you?

Given Isidoros kill’s himself to make Revelers as free as possible, that’s basically what the ring will do isn’t it? Which will free you of her and leave you in control of your body. That’s a clever way to handle things. Why is he making it for you though?
Yeah but that is a priest of his. Jumper isn't. CAPTCHA 0W0 JR
>Works hard, achieves results through diligent study and practice, specialized in a few fields of expertise of perhaps non-obvious value, achieves success with creative application of visibly earned skills, uses everything they have and truly struggles, dynamic and growing as a person
>Gets massive hand out after massive hand out from the universe, there are no meaningful downsides or strings attached, has highest potential of anyone and also reaches that potential more easily than anyone because they're just that gifted, they have no limits and can do anything they want
How hard is it to understand why someone would detest the second?
To be clear there were plenty of ways to get like, generic blessings and empowerment things such as what you described through devotion, ritual and in one case a Sidereal sifu with a lot of mirrors but I was assuming that Jumper wasn't necessarily a Zenith and was asking for something on the level of the Sun personally showing up rather than chucking a blessing.

Also, that's a First Age thing before the Solar disappointment truly set in.

Depends on what you mean by "his attention", as I said the Sun tends to indirectly empower things consecrated to him as a sort of passive effect but almost never shows up in person just because someone made a very cool robot.
>Muh hard work Vs talent
I root for talent now because under dogs are annoying as fuck.
They are both bad. Everyone should suffer forever.
Know your place, trash. Talentless mobs should die like dogs beneath the heels of the honoured ones.
But anon, the second is more accurate to real life.
A slave that knows his place is just as contemptable.
I was just wanting him to awaken the AI/least god. Not a Solar at this point so I'm not sure if he would be more likely or less likely to do it.
TED please go.
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What was your CT in JJK?
So Naruto is good actually?
Get back into the agony pit loser. Everyone will suffer for eternity.

I'm in your walls anon. You can't stop me.
And so are delusional slaves.
Oh uh, does it have to be him? Because sufficiently good artificers ought to be able to do that themselves.
Sloppy toppy technique. I can make anyone give me a blowjob.
Fuck off, these are Exalted hours
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Yup! Her new pet literally belonging to another primordial half the time isn't going to upset her at all, I'm sure.

I actually answered that a while ago, when I first wrote that part. As the author, it's a mistake. Someone told me I wouldn't be able to learn Isidoros charms as an Incarnae, and I wanted a way to have them anyways. Which the rings accomplish. It was made redundant by becoming a Reveler for the most part, but that leads into the second, in-character reason.

Because she's an Isidoroxalt and is like a cute little tiny him as a result. But she could be a gigantic tiny him.
Blood manipulation. I get four new brothers and it's a cool power.
I think it does because he records the name and that results in the god awakening.
>At this final ceremony, the priest sacrificed any magical material remaining after the construction process, at least half a talent, to the glory of the Unconquered Sun and prayed for him to recognize the warstrider’s name and write it into The Book of Heaven. If the gods answered the prayer, the spirit of the warstrider would awaken with the mind of a small child but would quickly develop an intellect appropriate to its Essence.
Curse energy refinement into criptids and other things like shikigamii
>If the gods
Oh I see the confusion. See not all prayer to the Sun actually goes to the Sun; a lot of it is handled by other gods instead in a sort of divine back office, moreso since he fucked off to the Games. You don't need to worry if the Sun personally heard it; as long as it gets to Yu-Shan and the sacrifice is worthwhile you'll get your AI/least god
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>Perfect dodges malevolent shrine.
Yes. Axiom can essentially do practically whatever you want with it so long as you can conceivably envision what it is you want.
Rolled 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 2, 5, 4, 4, 6 = 58 (10d10)

Well here's hoping he got lazy and assigned some other god to do his paperwork on this, like almost everything else he is supposed to be doing.
For most of my jumps I went and maxed out my knight potential, taking perks and items to beef up my chivalry and damsel-saving potential.

I want to take things a step further and become a king. So I ask you, anons: what are the best jumps that I can acquire such a title? The best jumps to get a castle and land? A whole kingdom?
>Doing paperwork
Lol great joke.
...it gets lost for a longer than usual time, probably to the extent of being entangled in some kind of Sidereal conspiracy, but at the end some random flunky god belatedly pushes it through and you get your AI? Just. Quite late.

Possibly also along with an unexpected monsoon or something because Yu-Shan is messy and they got your order mixed up with a prayer for rain somewhere else.

Damn that is a close roll.
>Custom Technique - Rebirth Unbirth: The holders of this technique are able to form a special binding vow with a target through physical touch. The effect of this is to forcibly reincarnate the target as the technique user's child, to be carried to term as a pregnancy, the length of which is 9 months by default but is subject to adjustment by the Reversed Cursed Technique. Activation of this technique typically requires continuous physical contact of 9 seconds, though this length can be accelerated by the Reversed Cursed Technique.
>In this process, Cursed Energy is exchanged between the subject of the technique and its user, causing each of them to gain a fraction of the other's talent, adding roughly 1/3rd of their combined total capacity for the full term. The reincarnated child will be born with more Cursed Energy and may even potentially gain a cursed technique if they did not already possess one, as well as retaining their memories of their previous life as instincts to guide their next life's development. Meanwhile, the Cursed Energy of the user of Rebirth Unbirth will experience a growth and mutation relating to whatever cursed technique is possessed by the person they're impregnated with, becoming more flexible and easy to use with each successive birth.
>Users of this technique can learn to gradually modify their children while they're in the womb, trading off physical strength for intelligence or Cursed Energy and vice versa for example, and with personal sacrifice of their own Cursed Energy, they may even alter cursed techniques within the bounds of their accumulated mutations and in accordance to the amount given up. While pregnant, the user of this technique can also access the technique of their child.
Actually since this technique has been edited slightly since the last time I posted it, I might as well ask;

Is this CT good for the 800 CP tier? I think I asked after it for the 600 CP tier last time I brought up my technique.
>But she could be a gigantic tiny him.
Isidoros is the best dad before he even is your dad.

…also, does that make this another hold my beer moment where he saw the ebony dragon doing something and decided to do it himself?
Nah I didn't expect much since it requires at least 9 sux oh well I can try again in a year once I've raised my stats or got some artifacts or something to boost my dice.
Yes. Yes it is. That wasn't intentional, but that's hilarious.
Definitely workable as 600 CP.
This man is a hero.
It's depressing, but Naruto does kind of mirror real life in a way. All of the characters who are notable or important to the plot belong to some Ninja family that monopolized a great technique, or were born with some innate advantage. If they weren't, then they're Sakura who nepotism'd her way into getting the inheritance of someone who did. Hard work can still get you somewhere impressive like it does for Tenten, but it's not gonna make you Naruto.
>Inb4 Rock Lee
Dude had an innate talent for taijutsu and the ability to open the gates at 14 which Kakashi couldn't as a grown man.
>Sword and Sorcery
>The Silmarillion
>Mount & Blade, technically - You can't buy it with CP, but the whole point of Mount & Blade is conquering yourself a kingdom/empire
>>Users of this technique can learn to gradually modify their children while they're in the womb, trading off physical strength for intelligence or Cursed Energy and vice versa for example
>Todo had this technique used on him
>He used to have above Sukuna tier CE but it was traded to give him his 53,000 IQ
Bleach is even more true to real life, in that regard.
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I just love the idea of Isidoros constantly fucking up the Ebon dragons plans and seeing him do something and deciding he can do it better. And it can all be for a dumb reason like Isidoros thinking his black looks cooler.
No, this is the technique I came up with for my succubus chain. It's not a fetish thing, I just found it thematically appropriate.
Also, I forgot to change the name, it's called the Dark Mother Technique now.

What should I add to make it worth the 800 I'm budgeting for it then?
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Reminder that Ui Ui's CT can give anyone special grade level CE manipulation, high level RCT, simple domain and its variants like hollow wicker basket and even domain expansion if the user has a CT.
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How much would Tolkien roll in his grave if i introduced Industrialisation to Middle-Earth in a positive light?
>What should I add to make it worth the 800 I'm budgeting for it then?
Nta but just make it 800. It's one of those "I put all these weaknesses into this super OP technique but also put in ways to subvert them and negate any downside" abilities.
I don't know if anyone else uses it, but as far as playing with CYOAs in text editors goes, CherryTree kicks ass for managing jumpchains and such
Far, far less than he'd roll in his grave if he knew about sexy bitch Shelob or the fact that modern writers ship both her and Galadriel with Sauron (who Rings of Power S2 is unironically going to present as an anti-hero).

We are so far past the point of mere "industrialisation good" being controversial it's not even funny.
Jump for Keychain of creation?
Exists, is trash.

Strictly speaking neither the ring nor Quavinse are really messing with Ebby outside of being a net positive for Creation, which one assumes he would dislike. But yeah, him seeing Ebby do something and then just doing it better because lol why not is indeed amusing.

>And it can all be for a dumb reason like Isidoros thinking his black looks cooler.
His black DOES look cooler.
Yeah, that's fair I guess. A lot of this is building on a bunch of other powers I have so I don't need it to be stronger. I just did some math and the way Cursed Energy compounds year over year is fairly strong all on its own
>1/3 of total added every 9 months
>1.3^20 = 190~
>If you just take the early start option and use the technique 20 times you multiply your cursed energy by AT LEAST 190 times
Nta but I don't think that a concept is inherently bad if some example of those concept are immoral people, even if all gods, or the entire magus society, were amoral selfish bastards they could still be villain and have a role, but since it isn't like that they are more nuanced. Moreover I don't understand your admiration for the sun, he made a temper tantrum and returned to drug himself when his chosen did things wich displeased him, with no sense of responsability.
Enough to suffocate a dozen people at once.
>wait fucking hang on, there's no Exalted content left to make a jump for!
Actually there is. Dragonkings. But they're pretty niche, so I doubt anyone's gonna care enough to make a jump for them.
This so much, last time I mentioned people like Kirschtaria or Rin, for example.
My slave wife
You guys do (re)-read/watch/play all the source material of a jump before making a build, right?
Idle transfiguration
Admiration is a strong word, I guess I just find him more interesting than the Yu-Shan politicians. It's like you said in a way. I see the situation as a bit nuanced, even if I think (insert foaming berserk rant about the worm pit and the excuse for killing normies when mindwiping magiecraft exists and how every single magus deserves to die with their hopes and dreams shattered so thoroughly magecraft as a concept isn't practiced for a trillion trillion years and a general kneejerk intention to violently rape nuance because the fact that the worm pit originally came from a place of good intentions somehow makes it even more unforgivable here)

Definitely not me, yeah.

If it's interesting enough, sometimes.
Stop being gay.
I didn't have one. I was going in as a rather powerful Malice fuelled Onryou and didn't see the point of thinking up a new power when I was already two kinds of evil powered apocalypse
Remember you can't force a binding vow on someone else according to Kenjaku, and I think people should stop using CE to buff themselves infinitely, so at least 800.
Nope, but I do read/watch/play the source material before I do a writeup. This may lead to me adjusting my build with new information, but that's part of the fun.
I know it exist, but on SB, and wanted to make Shard create another jump.
Why not?
It's really too bad I didn't take any purchases of Cursed Energy, so that's 190 times the base value everyone gets.

I also came up with a couple of other tricks to limit the technique further/circumvent other limits. The idea I had was that, because of how twins, souls, and stuff like Ui Ui's CT work, it should be possible for me to take a regular person and a Cursed Spirit with my Cursed Technique and basically engrain the Cursed Spirit as something like a Shikigami on the child, or even just making the Cursed Spirit function as the child's Cursed Technique to guarantee they get one.
For my last build I never read the source material, and don't intend to.
Not him, but because you're a bitch. Jump begging can be funny up to a certain point, but a lot of people (you included) shoot way past it into abject cuntery.
Kenjaku doesn't know what he's fucking talking about lol
Redo of Healer?
Of course. I really want to make a build for Dietrich von Bern and thankfully HDM included a reading list, so i just have to buy some e-books with some of the tales in old high german and then copy paste the stuff into chat GPT to translate it and then once finished i can finally decide whether i want to buy a sword or some fucking garden
I'm going to use Creative Mode so I can grab a a hundred Mabari Warhounds from Dragon Age.
You just know.
Nah, I'm knot interested in dogs. Right now at least

I just want an army of the goodest boys/girls to go dungeon delving with
Kenjaku's on Cursed Technique lets him shove his brain into other people's bodies and steal their cursed techniques and knowledge including combat skill.
Who would win: Naruto and Sasuke at the end of Naruto or newborn baby Broly?
Nah, now I just was searching something to ask Shard for, since I saw he said there was nothing, I'm already trying to make a build for the first age, don't really need others jump from him.
Someone was working on it.
What does Heresiarch do?
He knows more than you
Definitely not.
It basically lets you break how a power system works to change the rules as you like, so long as it remains within the scope of the system. Use something that kills to bring life, use something that heals to kill, so on and so forth. And once you master your power systems you can grant them to others.

So with it in hand I can Sword Logic without killing people and use the death-inflicting powers of Sword Logic to forge life.
Wich has a cap on how much can buff him and, according to the databook, can conserve more than his own technique and his body's only thanks to "measures" he took, presumably BV's.
NTA, no one cares about imagined limitations none of use are told. Kenjaku is immortal, has multiple CTs, arbitrary levels of Cursed Energy, and Binding Vows can do anything.
But only if you have a Special Grade buddy who's willing to help with your training.

Suck Gojo's dick for power.
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[Terra Hypnagogica redux]

Drawbacks: Dreaming Earth, Ever-Shifting SlumberX5, Godspeed Our Magnificent KingdomX5, Our Great And Glorious EmpireX5, A Fresh SoulX5, Multi-Dimensional HostilitiesX5 (3500)

Sacred Beast

Touched By The Land (Free)
Immensurate Transmissions (Free)
Faraway Aid (3400)
Touching The Limitless (3200)
Titanic Growth (3000)
Offering The Seeds (2600)
Limitless Force Boundary-Division Delta (2100)
Eternal Wanderer (1500)
Thy Avatar Expressed (1200)
Monstrous Size (Free)
Wrath of the Land (Free)
Breath Of Rancor (Free)
Beast Of The Abstract (1100)
Feelings In The Aether (1000)
Gathered Forces (900)
Heal The Land And Let It Be Blessed (750)
Titanic Devastation (600)
It's A Bird, It's A Vastoplane (400)
Divinely Healing Light Borne Of Ancestors (100)
Energy Generation (0)

With how many times the original jump has been updated, I suppose this is as good a time as any to update my original build. As you can see, the basic concept of my build hasn't changed much except instead of a tandem psychic war elephant I am a perpetual motion energy generating tandem psychic war elephant-

>You may take any option except for Big Drawback and Bigger Drawback for up to 5 times
>Including being in Britain
>And Germany

. . .

My gargantuan bulk collapsed, wracked by agony as the full force of a true Viralborgian's counterattack coursed through me. "Anon! ANON, what's wrong?!" exclaimed Elodie. "Talk to me, dammit! You can't die here, things are EXACTLY dire enough we need you in fighting form!"

"It...it was horrible Elodie..." I gasped.

"What happened?!"

"I...I was forced to live through Britain...FIVE. TIMES. CONSECUTIVELY" I choked out. "Five iterations of shitty curry! Five iterations of being forced to pay a TV loicense every month, drink with snarky unfunny people at the end of every working day, and watch the NHS fall apart!"

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"I uh...wait, how does that even-so were you split into five different alternate timelines, or did you reincarnate like some botched Omega Sanction loop, or did you live through like. A Britain that was 5 times more British than the average Britain? What the actual FUCK happened to you?!" exclaimed Elodie as she read my mind, overwhelmed by a miasma of fish, chips and terrible music that filled my memories.

"And then" I said hollowly, "it got worse. I had to lives through Germany..."

"Don't say it..."

"FIVE. TIMES" I interrupted. "Five iterations of Merkel bending the knee to the EU and the government somehow devolving even further from that. Five iterations of savage, lawless immigration destroying the country while abusing the trust and goodwill of those within it, and by that I of course mean Necrium lifeform invasions and not anything else topical to 21st century Earth politics. Five. Times. The food either being bland, greasy or actually just literally beer" I said. Offhandedly I flashfried the latest invasion of Necrium entities headed out way. Also there were like, 5 backwards hippo-looking titanic beasts following me instead of 1. The first one must've had friends.

"Well...well despite your long slew of cosmic atrocities, I'm really sorry to hear that?" said Elodie weakly.

"Oh, save your pity. By failing to kill me, those fools have only made me stronger. Already I am adapting to this form of attack" I said, crackling with fluxium.

"How do you even begin adapting to being banished to Britain? And Germany?" asked Elodie as a blinding torrent of light swept up and a very confused looking Sacred Guardian heard my plea"

"By reinforcing myself into the platonic ideal of the HEXAGON. ETERNAL|INFINITE|INEVITABLE"

I spent the rest of the day flying around organising the local fluxium across an arbitrary realities into the superior hexagon formation, like a huge cosmic bee swarm making honeycombs

Nope. I just keep a list of jumps which I know the setting & story line well enough that I'd be able to figure out something to do for the whole of the jump. Jumping a setting I know nothing about just isn't really fun for me because reading even after reading a plot summary, I just know that I'm probably missing a ton of context & details.
If I think a jump is cool though I generally try reading/watching whatever it's based off of though so I can add it to the list.
Again then I will go to pokemon and headcanon that by doing a silly dance I obtain the power Zeno, Arceus and the root combined, since it's never stated that I can't, this is an immagination game, you can do what you want but maybe you should remember the points and pricing should seve to put a limit. And Kenjaku died, can hold at most 4 techniques, has never been notable for his CE and binding vow require high skill to be used well.
>You must respect MY imaginary limits even though the manga itself doesn't, or else your committing a cardinal sin!
Thanks for conceding the argument pal
Who the fuck do you think you're arguing with? At this point you're arguing with the story's author.
Good strawman, I understand that you don't know how to read and so must make up the argument, but maybe try to humiliate yourself a bit less by talking about a manga of wich you actually know a bit?
That is your argument tho
Why? I only stated canon limitations to Kenjaku's power, instead of exaggerating it to all hell.
Anon, the manga itself shows that Binding Vows can do whatever and they really don't take any level of skill to use.

Yes, the canon limits that are FUCKING ABSURDLY HIGH, which argues for absolutely nothing. You don't use that information to say anything of value.
No option to buy gold? Its pretty important to havebespecially in that time period.
Maybe a mount of some kind to pad out the item section? Horse, oxcart, that kind of thing?
Possibly a low cp cost bamboo grove

I would like to see some padding in drawbacks but you are doing good. Maybe some more generic ones like being poor or being a drunk or something. Loving it so far.
Just read the song of the Nibelungs, which is an actual great read.
If you're actually into reading heroic tales, start with Wolfdietrich as it's relatively short and if you're really into it you can just read the Thidreksaga.
(some guy on YouTube is also currently doing a full audio book for it https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3sTXIXlpiW-orae5W7x4jVBFyOSJuZv)
For the rest a Wiki dive suffices.

Also you should buy the fucking rose garden. It's very pretty
No, I answered to the four things you said about Kenjaku's technique:
> Kenjaku is immortal
he died
>has multiple CTs
He can hold at most 4 techniques and only thanks to measures he took
>arbitrary levels of Cursed Energy
has never been notable for his CE
>and Binding Vows can do anything
As Miwa clearly showed
>ITT: JJK ESL knows nothing about the Manga, tries to lecture other people about powerwanking, is retarded
Do you have based or pozzed opinions on pride people?
>Banished to five Britains
>Banished in immediate succession to five Germanies.
This is truly the ultimate punishment Nyarlathotep has leveraged against you Shard. Take heart though, at least you weren't banished to France or Israel on top of that.
>Anon, the manga itself shows that Binding Vows can do whatever and they really don't take any level of skill to use.
Miwa. Binding now give you more power but you need skill both to stipulate the binding vow, as stated during Hanami's attack, and to then leverage that power, like Sukun who needs to have a model to bypass infinity.
>He can hold at most 4 techniques
Kenjaku is just a shitty pokemon, you saw it confirmed here first folks.
I only know that pride is a cardinal sin
>>Kenjaku is immortal
>he died
Kenjaku lived for over a thousand fucking years before he was killed, you're being deliberately obtuse
>>has multiple CTs
>He can hold at most 4 techniques and only thanks to measures he took
4 is multiple, and it's whatever 4 he wants. Also
>>arbitrary levels of Cursed Energy
>has never been notable for his CE
Literally wrong, Cursed Spirit Manipulation is noted to require immense cursed energy to be used to its maximum potential
>>and Binding Vows can do anything
>As Miwa clearly showed
Oh so you're one of those idiots. This is the hill you want to die on?
Nah, it's just that, as always, despite the pride that this board has, thinking to be superior to reddit or SB they will always try to exploit every possible cheat, ignoring how in canon things work and using memes to seem smarter.
Yes, continue to dig that fucking hole, not like Miwa is the ONLY example you have of someone making a binding vow and getting shit on for it.

Oh shut the fuck up you retard, look in the goddamn mirror. There isn't a single person in this thread that will support your stupid ideas because they're just factually fucking wrong
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nta, but yes. A brain can't handle too many techniques, though the 4 limit is just Yuki guessing.
You're the one ignoring Todo's vibro-boggie because it doesn't mesh with your weirdass fanon about how Binding Vows have unsubstantiated limits.
Fun fact: The guy who spammed gay porn in the QQ Discord also got banned in the other two large community Discords.
Don't fucking reply to me you ESL secondary faggot. Actually read JJK if you want to talk about it.
nta, but it's not like we have many examples of it being busted either. There's Sukuna, who's himself, and then Todo.

So one point for BV's being busted, and one point for them sucking ass.
>Kenjaku lived for over a thousand fucking years before he was killed, you're being deliberately obtuse
being unaging isn't this cheat to me, especially if it needs new vessels.
yes, we know at least one of his BV, the scar on his forehead, and Gege stated he normally could hold only his technique and his host's
>Literally wrong, Cursed Spirit Manipulation is noted to require immense cursed energy to be used to its maximum potential
Ok, this I don't remember, could you remind me when? I retract this statement then, but it stand that he can't endlessly augment his CE, as more than half the builds here do
>Oh so you're one of those idiots. This is the hill you want to die on?
Stop it, BV can't do what you're thinking.
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[Udraiken Primer]

Drawbacks: The Spirits of DebateX3: The Hexagon is The Final Shape/Increased military budget demands/You should investiate the Noirmat NOW, A Show of MagesX2, Brave Struggle, A Ghoulish ProcessionX4 (3500)


Energy Condensing (Free)
Metamorphic Mastery (Free)
Life Shaper (3450)
Developments Within (3400)
Alternative Biosorceries (3350)
Constructed Complexities (3250)
Dimensional Explorations (3150)
Energetic Technique: Filtration (3050)
Energetic Technique: Renwal (2900)
Living Technologies (2750)
Mastery Over Biosynchratic Sorceries (2600)
Gathering of Philosophies (2400)
Greenery Along The Pool (2200)
Wellspring of the Arcane (2000)
An Ode To Life & Steel (1700)
Great Unification (1300)
Energetic Harmonisation (1200)
A Great Harvest (1100)
Arcane Observations (800)
The Oneirogean Way (0)

The piquol-sorcerer background was the easiest to write, huh?

"Esteemed scholars of the Aechraddath, I am here to tell you something that should be patently obvious. Love is all well and good but do you know what we really need to beat the Viralborgians? Efficiency. Enter: The Hexagon. And various cultivation formations, leyline engineering methods and sacred geometry practices we can discuss at a later date but the important thing everyone here agrees on is that we need. To turn. Every important geographical feature and most lifeforms into hexagons. I want a hexagon-headed cat on every porch, and a hexagonal sun shining down on every world stat"

"No what do you MEAN the triangle is a stronger safe? Triangles are treacherous and base shapes that will attack you to prove they're strongest. And circles? Circles BOUNCE. Do you WANT the Ever-Living World to die?! The Hexagon is the-okay, OKAY pipe down we can come back to this later"

4chan and /tg/ specifically are better than SB and Reddit because we can and do shit on people like you who are incredibly stupid. When idiots like those who infest those sites come around here, we shout them down, exactly like is happening to you
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"Here's something ELSE I'm sure we can all agree on: Military budgets. Case in point: The Viralborgian incursions I destroyed with the power of my HEXAGONal fluxium arrays"

"We need guns. Lots of guns. And bigger guns. I propose, thus, the commissioning of an entire world rendered a fluxium-shooting gun. In a hexagonal shape of course. It'll be great, it'll be like the Death Star but the size of a universe. And six-sided. Including in higher dimensions-"

"-love and PEACE? Are you. Are you joking?! We aren't going to HUG the Viralborgians to death sir/madam/whatever the biomechanical fellow in the back with what appears to be some kind of clockwork hernia and six legs. We are going to blow them. The FUCK. UP. With powerful energy attacks! Just ask any good soldier of the Supersidia, we don't-look, LISTEN, the Viralborgians are getting increasingly aggressive after my world tree assault and we need to hit them while we're down. That means less kumbaya, and more dakka! It's simple-OKAY WAIT there's one last thing I want to say!"

>deep breath

"You should investigate the Noirmat. NOW"


"Why are you ALL looking at me like that? How is this a controversial opinion?! Guys, GUYS when a shady looking organisation shows up in town, professes benevolent goals and immediately starts investigating Necrium-based topics you have EVERY reason to run a fucking background check! And if they really are innocent, they have nothing to fear from a joint declaration of the Great Houses, Supersidia and other concerned community leaders right?!"

"What do you mean you're throwing ME out?! Get your hands off me! FINE. BE like that. HARBOUR security threats while SOME of us actually work on winning this war! Enjoy your PEACE and your LOVE and your...oh, damn it all I can't even say mad at this place, it's actually really great, I'm so gosh darn passionate about bringing out it's true potential...yes, yes maybe I should take a break..."

Fuck you, do your own fucking research and stop arguing this stupid point. I don't need to continue debating with you, I know I'm right and that you're wrong and so does everyone else. You won't be convinced and it's not my job to fix you or to shame you.
Read the manga, you clearly fucking haven't.
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"Master, how did the conference go?" asked Grail as I hovered grumpily and hexagonally to the giant floating biomechanical beehive/coral reef/starfish thing I'd built|grown. I did not, in fact, take a break.

"It was. A complete. Nonstarter" I grumped. "I guess we're going straight to plan B"

"Oh my! What's plan B?" asked Specimen TENDERHEART-140A

The population of cloned Care Bears shrank back as Grail and I loomed over them, my eyes burning with the savagery of a Crusader Kings 3 player selecting incest for political purposes. Each and every one had the true shape, the hexagon, grown on it's belly instead of weaker false shapes.

"You" I said, "are going to be bred" I said with steely determination, "with a peregrinator"

"I, I don't know what that is!" whimpered Specimen TENDERHEART-140A. "A-and why do you want to turn me into...bread?"

"And why do I feel...warm and fuzzy? I, I need a hug! NEED a HUG!!" whimpered CHEER-56C

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough" I said as Grail readied the Ninuanni law-circles. A mighty void-bear stomped it's way into the pens, confused by the pile of aphrodisiac bear food on one side of the room, the crowd of worried Care Bears on the other. He threw me another, "this is weirder than anything actual Excrucians have ever asked me to do" look.

And looming above them all, my very own Kislev bear mount. A creature vast enough to serve as a worthy steed for my true essence. An archetype of the very idea of ursines, a rare Swimmer of the Aethyric Deep aligned with Order.

"And you will get used to being bred with larger bears" I repeated, "and I will breed their descendents together. Until I am satisfied I have created a lifeform that can enforce Oneirogean's laws even in the void's nightmare heart"

"B-but what does it all have to do with bread?" whimpered CHEER-56C. The peregrinator sighed. "Just...lie back and think about Care-A-Lot" he said, patting her on the head

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Nta, but the closest thing I could remember when talking about Kenjaku having big CE levels is his upgrading low level Cursed Spirits shtick.
So in other words if you modified your brain somehow it could store unlimited CTs, or at least way more.
Miwa is mong the only one who used a binding vow to only have stronger output, instead of having stronger output to obtain a better result, the other are Mahito, who failed, Yuta, who won but would have failed if Geto had all his curses, and Hakari who won but he was against Kashimo, moreover we saw multiple time that to stipulate a BV you need mastery, like again in Hanami's attack and how Mahito had to understand his soul's true shape to use the ISBDK, and that after you need to know how to use the heigthened output, like how Sukuna had to use Mahoraga to know how to defeat Gojo.
The vibraslap isn't a BV, it's changing the condition of his technique, the binding vow is reducing the number of teleport the second to heigthen range and target
Nice buzzwords, then let's stop talking, since you don't want to accept canon limits to a powerful mechanic, have fun, I can suggest you some jump from other communities that might be up your speed, like those where you can buy omnipotence for 300cp.
So you have no point and pulled it out of nowhere, ok champ.
I thought of that too but he never stated he required immense CE.
That is indeed very pretty. What was the curse?
Nah, Darmani. Though it'd probably be true for bancho if he ever joined the reddit Discord.
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Cursed Spirit Manipulation has limitations on what it can absorb based on their own Cursed Energy. Kenjaku has Special Grade Cursed Energy as a prerequisite to use CSM at all
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Probably. The brain is the key to Cursed Techniques in general, you could probably even manage to spam Domain Expansions with no side-effects with enough alterations.
Wow, how great, so you are just as powerwanking and canon ignoring as SB or Reddit, just can be ruder about it, the superiority
Stop replying to him.
They never stated that it's required high CE, just difference in power, and the ranking aren't based on CE, or Mechamaru would be special grade, but thank for at least providing an argument.
>The vibraslap isn't a BV
What? No, it very much is.
>thank for at least providing an argument.
Don't, I hate that I even had to. You should have admitted you were wrong half an hour ago.
No, he changed the condition of his technique, it was never stated to be a BV, it's limiting the swaps wich is a BV.
>Miwa is mong the only one who used a binding vow to only have stronger output, instead of having stronger output to obtain a better result, the other are Mahito, who failed, Yuta, who won but would have failed if Geto had all his curses, and Hakari who won but he was against Kashimo, moreover we saw multiple time that to stipulate a BV you need mastery, like again in Hanami's attack and how Mahito had to understand his soul's true shape to use the ISBDK, and that after you need to know how to use the heigthened output, like how Sukuna had to use Mahoraga to know how to defeat Gojo.
This is completely incomprehensible. What are you even saying at this point? Please actually word your arguments in a way that makes grammatical sense.
Spamming Domain Expansion is also an issue of CE amount/expenditure. Only Gojo and Sukuna could use it 5 times in the same fight.
...Anon that's a BV. He changed the condition of his technique with a BV. You can't do that without a BV but you can with one because BVs can do anything.
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What are some good low stakes medieval fantasy jumps to start a new chain in?
Isn't this just a case where you need to beat them up for a bit before absorbing them if they're strong enough?

Though even in this very image, Teen Geto puts himself at Grade 1 anyways, not Special Grade. And we know he absorbed Special Grades later in life, like Tamamo-No-Mae.
>suffered five Britains and five Germanies in immediate succession
Does Viralborgia's evil know no end?!
A Song of Ice and Fire.
Why are idiots so fucking stubborn?
Again, it wasn't valid, since there is no such thing as "special grade CE", so that never said he had massive CE, moreover CSM can capture things with more CE than yourself if weakened first, if it worked like you said Geto could never capture Rika.
Because you don't know how to take the L. Next question.
Geto actually later says to himself he was bluffing and he can just no sell any cursed spirit. The reason he can't just snatch Rika or the Hidden Inventory curse is that they're bound to a user already.
I think this is the weirdest meltdown I have seen in a while. Exalted and Fate aren't even involved.
To no surprise. Aechraddath basically get the most in terms of actual stuff out of all the Oneirogean factions.

Thanks for the build, Shard.
Interspecies Reviewers is a good chill fantasy setting, you can still go questing and the like but it's pretty low stakes since it's mainly a lewd slice of life setting at the end of the day.
I'd argue that ASOIAF is a "low power" not a "low stakes" jump, the apocalypse is just around the corner. If there was a Game of Thrones jump i'd agree with you though.
You can just sit in the south.
>Again, it wasn't valid
No fuck you, seriously fucking kill yourself. You've been proven wrong with fucking evidence at least three separate times by different posters. You've failed to provide literally a single example of evidence to support any of your claims, and you fucking dare to take the goddamn high ground? No. This time you're going to support your fucking argument with fucking facts and citations or you concede.
You know what sucks? When you are talking with a girl and you think she's interested but it turns out she's a whore and she starts telling you her rates. Fuck this shit.
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nta, but for people who are curious, I went and found the statement from JJK 0.
Sorry, I'm not english, I try to articulate it better: BV require ability to be used, as stated during Hanami's attack, or how Mahito needed to understand the true shape of his soul to use ISBDK, then, if you managed to stipulate a BV you have obtained greater power, that you can use either directly, like Miwa, or indirectly, to do more complex things, wich still require ability, like Todo that needed to finetune his technique with Yuta, or Sukuna who needed to learn how to cut space from Mahoraga. I hope it was more understandable.
It was never stated, he gave up nothing, so it can't be a BV and rely on a meme "BVs can do anything".
>Guys, GUYS when a shady looking organisation shows up in town, professes benevolent goals and immediately starts investigating Necrium-based topics you have EVERY reason to run a fucking background check!
Ironically, I think the reason they're only VERY suspicious of the Noirmat instead of taking them to task for being possible Viralborgia plants is solely because there have been cases of like one or two Piquol-sorcerers fucking around with Necrium. And Fauna Hypnagogica has an entire coven of witches who got corrupted trying to experiment with it.
>It was never stated, he gave up nothing, so it can't be a BV
It was a BV, end of story. Accept this or don't, it doesn't matter because you're wrong.
Anon the problem is that it's not a meme. BVs actually totally can just do anything.
>breeding Peregrinators and Care Bears (clones) together after dousing them with aphrodisiacs
I dread what is going to happen with the Care Bears jump proper.
>He's actually ESL
Stop arguing with this actual secondary. He hasn't read JJK.
Depression. Also sure yeah that happened in my latest jump in generic 9 to 5.
All times I brought evidences, at times I have to repeat myself, if you want other answers ask, but I understand this community by now is too fashinated by a literal meme, and think that between
>every character is dumb
>maybe this thing isn't as good as I think if I look at how it's used
choose the second to powerwank.
They can even break their own rules. Like that time it was said the worst that could happen from breaking a binding vow with yourself was losing what you gained, and yet for some reason Miwa still can't use a sword.

Inconsistency, shounen's besto friendo.
I read it, and thanks for continuing with the buzzwords, showing you have no argument anymore.
>All times I brought evidences
No you haven't. Only the people who argued with you posted screencaps, you have presented absolutely zero evidence
The reason is that Miwa can't lose what she gained, since she already used it, just like Sukuna, who can't lose his one time conditionless WCS since he already used it.
Nah i'm not pathetic.
He was pissed that he was defeated so he cursed his garden so that no mortal eyes could ever see it neither night nor day. He forgot the dusk and dawn and at these times you can see the roses bloom
Gen. Korean portal invasion
Level system free
A Rank adventurer 900
Basic class: mage free
Protagonist fx free
Unique monster, Vampire 300
Ancient Authority, Demons, 0

Stack of business cards free
Kings blade -200
Chaos key -500

Family obligations +100
Edgefest +100
Dark guild +300

Do you think absolute sociopath towards everything that doesnt meet either my goals or involve my family counts as a bad enough personality flaw for edgy?

Im running as a mage, will probably get a class up at some point but not sure what it will be, maybe a blood mage with a side of necromantic stuff? Vampires probably get bonuses to necrotic and blood based magic. As a vampire I assume a lot of my racial skill ups and evolution lines will come from who or what I eat. Being an inheritor I assume myself and others have awakened to some manner of formerly latent magical blood ancestry, or have just been altered enough that the new system of power sees us as having done such. I see this as a totally great way to build my undead army of familiars. Though I do have to worry about this whole dark guild thing. Seems that could be an issue in the making.

I think my first move upon awakening should be to head over to whatever this world has as a governing body for dungeon diving and register as a newly awakened with anomolous bloodline abilities. No better way to have a steady supply of blood than ready made monster dungeons.
You know what? I should have listened. I'll stop.
Dietrich von Bern and the song of the Nibelungs
I can't post screencaps for some reason, would you prefer every time I say the chapter from wich I'm sourcing? Anyway regarding your "special grade CE" the answer is easy: no page in the manga ever states there is something similar, and in fact Mechamaru has clearly more CE than Gojo or Yuki but he isn't special grade.
Thanks to you too for conceding, go on to ignore canon for powerwanking and have fun.
>BV require ability to be used
This is not true, Binding Vows are a universal ability anyone with cursed energy can utilize. Miwa doesn't even have a cursed technique and was your first example to try and debunk the position of Binding Vow usability, your argument collapses at the very first step.
We all stuck in generic 9 to 5. Damn shame we took powerloss and amnesia drawbacks. Never again.
Mechamaru does not in any way have more CE than Gojo or Yuki, where the hell did you get that impression?
Nta but I think that was said in the anime. Been a while.
>I can't post screencaps for some reason
That reason is because you don't have any. You can't provide evidence you don't have.
>would you prefer every time I say the chapter from wich I'm sourcing
No. Screencaps or surrender. This is the final post, either provide screencaps or kill yourself.
>Do you think absolute sociopath towards everything that doesnt meet either my goals or involve my family counts as a bad enough personality flaw for edgy?
I'd say so. It's hard to be more edgy than that without basically engaging in peak eugenics or murdering babies by the hundreds.
If you give me the specific chapter I'll post the screencap. Though I don't even really know what y'all are arguing about.

He's probably thinking about Mechamaru's stored CE.
I will blame it on the vampirism.
Always blame it on the vampirism. Unless you're a Darren Shan vamp. Or a Twilight vamp (that one you blame it on them being retarded).
Sorry, meant skill, yes everyone can use them but it's complex, I have been suggested to say the chapter, during Hanami's attack chapter 45, to exclude only one being from a veil it takes an individual very skilled.
HE obviously has more, neither of them has been stated to have immense CE, while he is able to encompass Japan.
>Though I don't even really know what y'all are arguing about.
I'll give you a summary of the discourse.

Discussion started all the way up here with these posts.
And this was the start of the argument >>93225277

Looking at that post, It's obvious that the goalposts have been moved very far, from 'Binding Vows cannot be forced on someone else' to 'Binding Vows aren't omnipotent, clearly there are limits that are extremely vague and never explained but you just have to read my mind and predict the future to know them, or else you're a powerwanker'.

>>93225402 This one is particularly stupid and when it became obvious the anon in question was just shitposting.
Every time someone tell me to I find a little more reason to live, anyway if you don't accept chapters goodbye, we can't talk anymore.
>HE obviously has more, neither of them has been stated to have immense CE, while he is able to encompass Japan.
That's completely wrong. Mechamaru's range is a function of his Heavenly Restriction, it has nothing to do with his CE levels
Concession accepted. Everyone else who conceded to you also wins the argument now.
Sorry for giving you tis impression, I started arguing that BV can't be imposed on others, and answered to people who said BV can do anything, I swear that my reasoning by contradiction wasn't meant to be shitposting, just to explain why I find dumb to say: if a limit isn't clearly stated it doesn't exist.
this isn't a concession, just a recognition you won't aknowledge my posts, so it's useless to speak.
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nta, but here's the screencap from 45, which does say such a veil takes skill.
Can you imagine how much that would suck though, like this woman gets dragon powers and can shoot flames hot as the sun, this dude gets troll blooded making him regenerate and be strong as fuck making him a great tank, and you get an allergy to sunlight and possibly garlic. You probably have a much higher growth rate on strength and potential immortality but thats still gonna suck.
It takes an individual skilled with barriers. Nowhere has it been implied that BVs are a skill, if that was the case why has that never been mentioned. It's like there's a cabal of people desperate to fill in the gaps for JJK's nonsense by writing the story for the author.
Why is anyone taking the qualification of 'skill' seriously? Can you fucking qualify exactly what that skill amounts to, what about the action involves skill at all, how does one develop this skill, is it cross applicable with other forms of magic? This is just a handwave for why no one else does it.
Do you really need to have a "fair amount of info" on them to know to single out Gojo? Everyone in the verse who knows about sorcerers knows Gojo's the strongest and fighting him is an automatic L unless your name starts with an S and ends with ukuna
Yeah but hopefully I rolled a sexy vampire. Everyone loves a sexy vampire.
At least Naruto ranked statistics like Ninjutsu skill and Taijutsu skill with numbers people could look at and compare.
And his HR gave him immense CE in exchange for his body's health, not range, that's only in the jump.
No it's a concession. You gave up, you refused to participate in the argument on my terms, you lost. I won and am right and you accepted that when you failed to meet my demands of proof.
I guess the info was knowing that other high hitters like Yuta weren't around, so the only problem was Gojo. Which meant excluding him exclusively was the win-con.
Yes, to create the BV relating to a barrier you need mastery in barrier, I never argued you need mastery in BV, only that it takes skill to create a BV.
Yeah, that's the concept of skill in a fictional series, dumbass. Why can Batman beat up 12 does at once? Skill.
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Let's talk about something less braindead. Like tits.

How big are your Jumper's tits? Or other assorted pets.
Don't call me a dumbass when you're the one who refuses to use his brain to think critically about what he's told, fool
Why would i need to argue on your terms?>>93225747
I search the page.
Most franchises have a good enough depth that they show what's supposed to be "average" people, and give them time periods which it normally takes them to figure something out. In most series you'll have them help the reader/viewer quantify what level of skill goes into something by putting it in years/months/weeks of professional training. That way the audience can understand whether it's something like getting a Bachelor's degree in half the time, or getting a PHD level of skill in a year. JJK is a shallow story, and everyone in the cast is exceptional in some way, so the situation you're describing occurs where it's a completely meaningless buzzword since it's a fictional magic system which goes to no effort to tie itself to more concrete and understandable milestones. That's why every JJK discussion is in maybe's and implications, no one knows jack shit about the certain facts of the story.
In this case it's just somebody who's skilled in making curtains. The guy who did this one is also the guy who made the Shibuya ones, its his thing.

Like... some people are skilled at playing guitar, others at punching people, others at making curtains. This isn't complicated.
Why should you be allowed to demand evidence, dismiss evidence that you don't agree with as irrelevant or invalid. and then say you gave evidence without giving any? No, you must engage on my terms because you have proven thus far you must be held to account or else you'll just fucking lie or change your argument after it's proven beyond all doubt you're wrong without ever admitting to wrongdoing. You are a bad faith actor.
The only difference between what you're describing and that panel is if Gojo just added "hmm... A barrier technique like this would require decades of mastery!' that's the only difference.
How the fuck am I supposed to know if that's impressive or not when curtains have no baseline for their mechanical complexity? Nobody in the core cast is good at making them apparently, or even bothers to express what's easy and what's hard so we can understand what high skill is supposed to mean.
You know what's funny? If there was ever even a single point someone said something along those lines, things would be so much easier to conceptualize. But JJK is so goddamn shallow that there isn't even that much.
Gojo wouldn't say that though, and it wouldn't mean much of anything coming from him because his conventions are completely warped by the Six Eyes.
Even still, that would be better than the nothing we have
>>93225756 (me)
chapter 38, he says that thanks to his heavenly restriction he can both use his technique over a wide range and exceed his limit of CE output, wich is thame thing said about Bird strike, so it enhances his CE, chapter 80, he mentions all the years he spent bound and the CE he gained from it, and his HR is described as the opposite of Toji's and Maki's, I'm not sure in wich chapter right now.
Okay. That's not a refutation.
I am of the opinion that I addressed all your evidences I haven't lied or changed my argument in all my post and am acting in good faith. If you think i have addressed too little something say it and I will do my best to answer you to your satisfaction, I just can't post images, if you can't acccept this, let's agree to disagree.
It's an explanaf how his CE is massive thanks to his HR. Thanks for accepting a discussion.
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Take it to /a/, you fucking faggots. I don't care which one of you is right. Shut the fuck up.
This is why you never, ever engage with ESL posters.
If they were actually uohing, they would have my support.
It seemed on topic to me, since it's based on a jump we have, but I'm happy to end this fruitless discussion if it's annoying others.
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Right now it's a case of Schrodinger's Bear where before the Care Bears jump will have been made I got my samples from the Generic Sugar Bowl jump and it's technically expies like Sir Huggsalot, the Courageous or some shit. And after the jump is made it will have been proper Care Bear stock, and I'll have had time to use perks from Sburb, Joseph and the Brothers, and Zerg to breed bears suitable for maximum caring. And then GO FURTHER BEAR-YOND by using Graceful Shinma from Exalted: The Fair Folk to give the bears Graces so they can be put through a 1984-style regimen of conditioning to Virtuemax, as well as Faery Grace w. Elders of the Pact from Lunars so that once the bears function as Raksha I could make them Truculae Bears. Gods of Caring, whetted by all the Creation-guarding whimsical fury of the moon into a knife aimed STRAIGHT at Viralborgia's heart.

Ah. That DOES explain why I got kicked out when I proposed the Viralborgian-eating conceptual starfish, actually. In hindsight I should've opened with the Care Bear eugenics plan instead of jump straight into Fluxium kaijus.
I've been here for a while by now and I keep deeing this insult but still don't know what it means.
You almost certainly don't deserve an explanation, and should leave immediately.
It means "suck my nuts and drink my cum, faggot" hope that helps.
For some reason this made me smile and giggle.
Is there anyone in JJK who could even give Sonic any trouble, let alone require him to utilize Super Sonic to defeat?
Yes, Gojo Blanco.
I really can't understand why all of you hate so much randomly, why should I leave, I have fun looking at you, and making build is entertaining.
Go ahead and have fun with Jumpchain, just shut up and don't post here until you learn how to speak english. Or master google.
If you assume that Gojo can use limitless on Sonic too him, the curse who trapped Utahime and Mei Mei at the start of HI too, if Sonic let himself be trapped for some reason, Mahito maybe, I don't know too well Sonic.
It means English Second Language, and the reason people on 4chan use it as an insult is the same reason they use Nigger as an insult. It's racism, mostly justified by the fact that a lot of the ESL posters on 4chan are from South East Asia and all of them are shitsposters.
Ok, thanks.
Takaba would know who he is as a fictional character and summon Amy with Comedian, causing Sonic to flee the battlefield.
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I was awfully tempted by Great Houses too but then I saw individual Houses' gimmicks being split up among perks and realised yeah, there's less meat on the bone. If I leaned harder into city shamanism I might've gone Regiteor though. Attack Viralborgia with some kind of ever-evolving metropolis instead of a tower. But nope, all the best Fluxium stuff is hoarded by Aechraddath.

Things have escalated to the point that I basically want to raise the Dark Tower like Gan did to force order upon the Prim. Except go even harder, by using Celestial Kabbalah from Unsong, Craft: Fate and everything from my Destiny: The Light/Darkness builds to calcify divine light into an arbitrary tall and vast structure that my Empyreans will bind the bears to serve as it's "beams". In light of recent developments in Doctor Who, retrieving the Lux Aeterna and using perks like Energetic Harmonisation to combine it with Element X. And by using the combined spiritual power of 3 Emperors, 2-3 Old World/Mortal Realms elven deities and whatever else I've mass produced with the Third Magic I will create a belief-based mystic link between the bears' caring and this powerful energy source at the core of the tower.

I'll sort the details out as the TH plot develops but it'll probably basically amount to a massive Fluxium working network enhanced with Time Vortex-empowered Osiran technology and the Daystar's engine system. The entire structure itself will be a Flore that uses the divine metals, and the amplified boundless light to manifest the bears' caring into a Moment-like fiat restructuring event that uses the shared medium of love to calcify the origin point of Viralborgian ideology into a Final Shape.

That's why I have to let the bears breed instead of just use Osiran bullshit tech or Light/Darkness to multiply them as pure ideas; I need to create a creature that cares harder than anything has ever cared in existence before as the support structures/ammo for my weapon.
What jobs are there across the chain that are worse than being a devil hunter in Chainsaw Man?
mostly yes, though with Isekai Trash and the like I usually just read the manga adaptation, rather htan parse through a badly translated 20 volumes light novel.
And I dont alwasy consume side materals like spin-off games and comics from stuff.

But generally I dont jump anything I dont have a decent familiarity with.
Chainsaw Gay. Let's talk about One Piece instead.
>I'd argue that ASOIAF is a "low power" not a "low stakes" jump, the apocalypse is just around the corner
nta, but you dont have to jump during the even ts of the books. You could just enter during the Blackfyre Rebellion, The War of the Nine Penny Kings or even Robert's Rebellion.
Fair points.
PDF warhammer 40k
You can enter Naruto at an early point. This is important because you can then marry and impregnate approximately 30 year old Tsunade.
Thats even more gay
Marriage is cringe. I just want to be raped by a strong older woman
No, let's talk about Elden Ring.
Is there ANY reason I should bother with fighting anyone in Elden Ring and not just fuck off with my 8 Dragon waifu companions?
Damnit 9anon
The tarnished might decide to go frenzied Flame ending and destroy the whole setting. Literally destroy it. It won't exist.
Loot, probably.
Running away is cowardly.
Midra is not a hard boss
Conversely, the tarnished is Frisk Undertale where they'll just keep respawning every time you beat them until they somehow win.
Arent dragons in er kinda ugly?
Which is why you dont kill them. You imprison them. I swear its like you guys never fought a respawner before.
They're the MC, so there'll be a convenient escape route or key they can use.
>"Whoops, dropped my random prison cell key. Sure hope it doesn't fall into the hands of some deranged murderhobo who proceeds to go on a rampage killing everything in their path and 'roiding up on whatever supernatural force exists in this setting. Hey, is that a Fat Bastard Demo - ACK!"
Anybody go to the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy? What'd you do there?

I was a scientist running a tech company that was also a superhero with psychic powers. I was pretty open about the powers thing and hired Peter with a big salary to work for my company, which is actually just an excuse to give him money to continue being spiderman.
Didn't go to the Raimi trilogy but jumper did go to the amazing duology. He dated Peter for awhile but they were mostly friends with jumper trying to keep him from going down the darker paths he would have otherwise ended up going down.
So, rape devil in Chainsaw Man. What would be a good power for that? Maybe something about reducing your enemies to a helpless state, like the rape devil just makes you unable to act under certain conditions? I feel like that fits, thematically.
Frieren is perfect for that.
People said it, but it's basically "calling on something or someone".
Except the Blackflame I guess? And Destined Death.

>Also Radahn can turn himself into a meteor.
I've read a theory that he's actually using both Gravity and Fire magic to do that.

>As my cute wife and TRUE consort Sellen says
She's not cute, she's hot. It's a crime to hide such a pretty face.

Gameplay limitation.

>Friendly reminder they also made functional tinfoil hats for anti-Greater Will surveillance purposes.
And yet the GW is... good?

Lord of Frenzied Flame, my ass.
I used super speed to jack off Peter anytime MJ touched him, so it seemed he always nutted at the slightest touch from a woman.
Only one group of people hate Spiderman enough to do that to him! What are the Spiderman writers doing here?!
>And yet the GW is... good?
It's alright by itself, but nearly everyone who is on its payroll is an unmitigated disaster.
Yeah but it's "Gold, without Order", so implying that it wouldn't read minds.

It is giving me impression that it's an eldritch god like all the other, except apparently super powerful, and definitely super retarded.
You should have jacked him off anytime Aunt May touched him too.
Is killing even an actual requirement with how many times Oryx's family has killed each other without dying?
Yes and no. The basic Sword Logic requires killing, but there's more advanced forms that rely on utilizing other methods-like Savathun's shitposting method that lets her gain power by confusing people.
I hate MUH LORE VS GAME MECHANICS autists like this
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I was a successful, pragmatic but fair business mogul. So I...kind of butterflied away most of Spider-Man's rogues gallery as a consequence of expanding my grip over the city using legitimate, non-supervillainous means simply because rampaging madmen are bad for property values?

>Buy out hefty chunk of OsCorp
>Force the board to keep Osborne on & fund his super soldier project because HOLY SHIT it's better than the fucking MCU serum. MCU Spider-Man/Iron Boy mogs Captain America, Raimi Goblin mogs MCU Spider Man/Iron Boy, therefore by the transitive property Raimi Goblin could've 1v2'd Cap and the Winter Soldier
>As a result of that Harry never goes psycho
>Dr. Octavius receives anonymous blueprints for a more powerful forcefield several thousand times more than necessary to contain the tritium reaction. His demo goes off without a hitch. Oil prices plummet. Eat shit, Saudi Arabia.
>Flint Marco is exposed on the day Uncle Ben is shot as the true culprit. Anonymously gets offered a plea deal with visitation rights, a shortened sentence and government funding directed to strict ownership by his wife and kid, ensuring he never becomes desperate enough to be accidentally turned into some sort of science sand golem

So Spider-Man was pretty much an unchallenged vigilante until the incident with the suit and Eddie Brock, because there really is no avoiding a fight with a guy unhinged enough to start praying for another man's death because he broke his camera. Especially when alien symbionts are involved.

Also as an indirect result of (we called it something more marketable than) goblin gas becoming a mainstream health supplement early on thanks to rushed development, Uncle Ben barely survived the bullet. And gained super strength.

>Isn't it a canon event?

The GW is fine.
It's Marika's regime, including the Fingers, that fucking suck.

And she's cute because for such a cold-blooded murderer she's also a huge nerd.
Hey Shard, can Golden Kindness be used to double mindfuck Mohg since it's been established he's not immune to mind control?
Uh don't see why not, Miquella isn't exactly a Professor X-level wanked telepath and his influence seems relatively easy to fight off. I mean, some non-PC Tarnished dudes can come help you fight him in literal God mode.
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Has Chainsaw Man introduced the devils of everyone's constant fears yet? The humiliation devil, the failure devil, the cheating spouse devil, the getting fired devil and so on. The fears that are constantly gnawing at great masses of people.
What form of power is Golden Kindness anyway? Is it sorcery, incantation, pure raw divine power of the Arcane sort?
Holy shit Mara is a bitch. Fucking hell. I've only gotten through 2 and a half hours of the super lore video so I've only seen the origins of the Awoken and not anything they did in the main campaign yet, but goddamn. Highlights include
>Forcibly incarnating the Awoken as "blue humans" when they could've had godlike powers because fuck you that's why
>Gaslighting the first Awoken Queen into thinking she was the one who created the Distributary universe just because
>Literally recreating the concept of war in the Distributary universe because she wanted to go back into realspace and nobody else did
>More gaslighting and manipulation of the Awoken Queens until she finally gets to get her expeditionary force out of the Distributary and back into realspace
>Eternally exiling everyone who actually wants to go out and help humanity rather than turtle in the Reef with her to help build up a powerbase
I've got the distinct feeling she only gets worse from here.
What is up with the autistic obsession of inserting Sonic in every topic recently? Did Christine find jumpchain?
If I had to guess, pure raw divine power given that it persists once he's discarded everything else tying him to the Golden Order and become a not-so-strong independent golden twink god instead.

It amuses me to see this post come so quickly after someone cooming after Mara. First time viewing Destiny's answer to the Atreides dynasty I take it?

>I've got the distinct feeling she only gets worse from here
You have no idea. The funny thing about the Mara redemption arc is that it centres on how she really, really did not plan anything well after dying at Oryx's hand. Either she REALLY thought she was going to be able to be permanently Hive God-tier and just fix everything from his Throne World, or she was so high on her farts she didn't notice she'd killed off most of the support structure that let her get everything done in the first place until it was too late
Is Shard a homossexual?
How many swords are enough swords?
Is it possible to reach the Lands of Shadow without killing Radahn and Mohg? Like, is that just a gameplay limitation or is the route there really that hard to find
>First time viewing Destiny's answer to the Atreides dynasty I take it?
Yes. I was never particularly interested in Awoken lore when they were just kinda a thing that hung around in the background and achieved nothing of particular note beyond "blue human" and "special Light and Dark balance!" that seemed like it could be interesting but never actually went anywhere. But learning about them now, I somehow feel disappointed even though I went in with zero expectations about them.
Honestly doesn't surprise me. So far as I've understood her general modus operandi is
>lie to everyone around her
>be too pretty to attack directly
>force her unreasonable demands on those around her
>gaslight everyone until they go along with her bullshit
And somehow she keeps getting away with it.
Not if you subscribe to the Roman notion of homosexuality.
His jumper is canonically bi. Whether this reflects on him is lost to time.
>I just want to be raped by a strong older woman
Goddammit, anon. This is why we can't have nice things anymore
Probably. I mean Miquella managed it, and after killing him the PC Tarnished does it while being nominally not a god.

>Wait, so why don't the Hornsent break out?
For lack of a better explanation I have to assume the answer is either "you get in through a nearly invisible portal Miquella left at his giant meat egg and his death doesn't automatically turn it off" or "Messmer is killing them too hard for them to figure out where the exit is"

Yeah, there's a reason why she's named after the fucking enemy of enlightenment in Hinduism.

>And somehow she keeps getting away with it
To be fair the Awoken as a whole are kind of retarded and default to going along with the hivemind, the Vanguard are the responsible adults of the Guardians so they'd rather not pick a fight with someone who owns real estate and acts like she knows what she's doing, and the Fallen are tough-talking literal murderhobos. Frankly Mara was playing on easymode by having an entire paracausal-sensitive species bent to her will. And Oryx fraudchecked her because suddenly she could do absolutely nothing to bluff him.

You can tell the writers still want you to think she's cool because Mara can fence Xivu Arath with astral projection (in lore) and Witness-kun was conveniently nerfed JUST enough to be unable to smash her ship when she flew in to transmat everyone out, but yeah honestly she's little better than the Spider. The Spider is just more honest about being criminal scum in it for himself, and doesn't have paracausal Jedi bullshit powers that can do everything the writers want offscreen and like...movie Jedi-level tricks onscreen.
Jumper picked up Grand Wheel in Drakengaurd 1.
>A strange construct appears in the eye of your mind, a sort of wheel on which you can store implements of war. Through some manner of magic, you are able to take any tool of war and store it within your being in the form of a slot on this wheel, of which there are twenty. A weapon can be instantly stored or withdrawn with a thought, swapping into your free hand as you do so.
I know how I think, so I will take this as a challenge to develop 20 distinct signature weapons. When it comes to sets of things, I also can't resist the urge to have some kind of naming scheme. However, 20 is kind of an awkward number. 12 tends to hog all the major symbolic significance. What are some sets of 20 things that would make for a decent naming scheme?
When you reach paperclip maximizer territory with a magic sword that turns things into more magic swords.
Is this what they call Sword Logic?
What is sword logic and why do people keep saying it?
Shard = Arthur = Battler?
Basically get stronger by killing things and break physics when you get good at killing things. Stronger the better
Sword Logic is a magical philosophy of darwinism; that which dies does not deserve to exist, that which exists proves its right to exist. By killing something you prove that you have greater right to exist than it, that you are qualitatively superior to it, and thus become stronger. With enough Sword Logic you can do bullshit like cut apart atoms with your definitely-not-atomic sword, cut apart spacetime to teleport, cut holes in reality to form a personal dimension, become immortal, and pull off a whole lot of other weird and awesome bullshit.
Arthur's Ric, or so last I heard.

It's the magical XP system the Worm Gods gave to the Hive in the Destiny the Darkness jump, which has more info.
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Cute twinks to companion? No Femboys.
Shard = Battler = ASA(Anti-Spiral-Anon)
>It's the magical XP system the Worm Gods gave to the Hive in the Destiny the Darkness jump, which has more info.
Wasn't one of the feats of Sword logic cooling down a planet just by showing up?
You have to git REALLY good with it to do that. Kill lots and lots and LOTS of people.
Miquella had to be murder raped and his corpse desecrated to get to the Lands of Shadow, so maybe the way in and out is like a key in complex ritual form that no one would think to deliberately do normally
This was the most interesting thing I found.

You could also do something referencing eyes (20/20), darts (20 sections of the dartboard), or Mayan timekeeping.
So it's vsbattler logic as an actual power system is what you're saying?
Maybe? Yeah Silent Hill logic makes as much sense as anything considering his corpse is apparently a portal for his followers. Maybe the Formless Mother is helping. Maybe if Mohg can beat the allegations, the Formless Mother is unironically a friendly and helpful outer god who just happens to be into bloodplay.

Yep. Think of Sword Logic like worshipping Chaos in 40K, at the low end you have some crazy dudes with cursed weapons and at the high end you have, well, Angron.
Does anyone else like when people with future sight pull off a conversation with someone on a recording?
Also yes. Except you can't rest forever on one "muh scaling" feat, you have to keep killing to keep yourself charged with feats.
It can do all kinds of crazy metaphysical and conceptual bullshit but the Tarnished themselves pretty much just shoots magic beams at people. One of the more fascinating aspects of Sorcery in Elden Ring, for example, is Seluvis/Pidia's puppetry. Fate and destiny are derived from the stars in Elden Ring. That is, your deterministic fate can be scried in the heavens which literally map out causality itself. But it's not just prediction, your fate can also be manipulated by altering the stars related to you. What Seluvis does is refine the light of stars into a kind of date rape potion which has the effect of severing a person's destiny. Their thoughts and potential are all severed from them, reducing them into a motionless "puppet" that he can then do whatever he wants with. He can use his Sorcery to redefine their fate, allowing him to transform them into whatever he wants. Which is usually his sex slaves but they can also be turned into fighting machines that retain all their previous abilities and skills put to unflinching use in serving his (or you) will. If you follow his quest line this is one of the few forms of "lore" Sorcery that the Tarnished actually learns which isn't just shooting magic beams. Seluvis even comments that he's taking you as his apprentice and after he's dead you can still refine puppets yourself, continuing his fucked up work and inheriting his mantle as the new Puppet Diddler.
No. Precognition shouldn't be so accurate or reliable.
Wait so you you have to keep killing? Like you get weaker if you stop for like a day or something? Is that way Sword logic is a pyramid scheme? thy just have the little guys kill for the big guys so they can rest on their laurels?
>the Formless Mother is unironically a friendly and helpful outer god who just happens to be into bloodplay
This is 100% considering she literally asks for nothing and gives her followers tons of free shit. She doesn't ask for sacrifices, Mohg doesn't give her any since all of those actually just go to Miquella. He barely worships her and likewise for all his followers, it's all about his dynasty.
The Formless mother just wants the blood to flow, but she's not especially demanding about it or picky about how, she just helps already violent people do better at their bloody work. That's a pretty good god; maybe her domain is evil but she does her job and she even helped Morgott without getting anything in return.
Hell, she helped the Albinaurics! Nobody helps the Albinaurics! Not even Miquella did!
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Who the fuck is Arthur?
It's also apparently possible to break the condition of having your fate severed, considering if all goes well for Ranni PIDIA is seen cornered and left on the brink of death by apparently motionless puppets while Seluvis is...dead too, in the same stance he is. Almost like Pidia was the puppetmaster all along and Seluvis was just a way for him to talk down to/rape humans while being a shitty first gen Albinauric

It is for the Hive; the worms eat them faster the more they grow. It's why Oryx set up the tithing system to begin with, yeah.

...so ironically yeah, the price for buying Sword Logic as a non-Hive actually reflects the value of being able to store your kills as "charges" to expend on paracausal feats rather than having your vitality constantly gnawed at by a worm. It's why Eris can become the strongest Hive God ever with forces as violent as the Guardians killing Xivu's brood for a couple days max. It's also why after DOOMPING all that power to nerf Xivu out of godhood she pretty much spends it all. It's still a much better deal than the default Hive setup, but finite.
Would rape work for Sword Logic? Since if you're strong enough to rape them, obviously you must be strong enough to kill them.
>He barely worships her
Eh I'm not sure if I'd go that far. Mohg got in touch with her in the first place because he loved wallowing in blood and filth long before he ever met Miquella, and we know now his obsession with Miquella came from being bewitched to send him to the Land of Shadow but NOT founding the entire blood cult. Now there's a wild theory. The PC Tarnished can get out of the Land of Shadow even after Miquella's death (and, one would assume, the dispersal of his power) because the Formless Mother is holding the way open out of gratitude for her original priest being avenged.
>Nobody helps the Albinaurics!
The PC Tarnished can! By passing on the memo about where the Albinauric sanctuary is.
Personally, and this is pure speculation, but I've always thought Ranni herself fucked Pidia over at the end by taking control of his puppets to kill him. Ranni has always had a kind of distant, tolerable relationship with Pidia where she found him useful but otherwise is just disgusted by him in general. She considers Blaidd and Iji her companions but she doesn't even speak a word about Seluvis/Pidia. So I think Ranni knew all along what his intentions were and when it was time to cut ties she ousted that motherfucker with his own creepy puppet slaves.

And yeah, Seluvis is 100% just Pidia's avatar. Not only does he mysteriously "die" at the same time as Pidia, but Seluvis slumps down into the same position as the puppets found in his basement.
Should I post my jump now or wait for the 4th of July? The jump takes place in America, but is not especially America-centric. I'll give you one hour to decide.
Would a PD or Shaping Defense stop that?
>It is for the Hive; the worms eat them faster the more they grow. It's why Oryx set up the tithing system to begin with, yeah.
>...so ironically yeah, the price for buying Sword Logic as a non-Hive actually reflects the value of being able to store your kills as "charges" to expend on paracausal feats rather than having your vitality constantly gnawed at by a worm. It's why Eris can become the strongest Hive God ever with forces as violent as the Guardians killing Xivu's brood for a couple days max. It's also why after DOOMPING all that power to nerf Xivu out of godhood she pretty much spends it all. It's still a much better deal than the default Hive setup, but finite.
So you don't need to kill all the time if you're not a Hive. In that case it's just an MP infinitely/arbitrarily large bar that refills on a kill with the amount varying depending on how strong the kill is.
Every day is america day you fucking commie.
Now post your jump and it better have guns, burgers and white girls.
I mean, the Worm Gods sit atop the literal tithe pyramid scheme (in terms of inflows at least; they turned out to be being strongarmed into the scheme to begin with by the Witness' goon Rhulk) and they receive it by plonking a Worm larva into each and every Hive. So in a way, it already does?

That's the other likely explanation yeah, it's just not clear if Ranni just hijacked the puppets are actually set them free somehow AFAIK

Pretty much yep
Does Dokuro-chan have a jump?
I would just post it now if I were you. People don't seem to get excited for holiday jumps like they used to, so you probably won't get a better/more interesting reception by waiting.
We need less anime jumps, not more.
Never. post your shitty jump on reddit you fucking attention whore
So is this like when Reddit makes a jump for a specific faction?
So sword logic juice is always fixed right? Killing a guy who can blow up planets will always give the same amount regardless of how strong you get?
Yeah, it is kind of like when Val makes a jump for a specific region.
Far as we know, yeah. It's base mechanism is logic after all.
Im pretty sure the er and dark souls mc doesnt have that kind of mc power. You could always labotomize the tarnished.
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>Formless Mother is unironically a friendly and helpful outer god who just happens to be into bloodplay.
Well yeah, she just want get wounds. I dunno if she genuinely support Mohg's PVP plans or fakeass consortship (maybe that's why he's all alone down there actually, the Mommy saw Mohg wasn't Mohg and fucked ou), but the way to cast her school of spells is literally opening a portal to her, and stab it.

>And she's cute because for such a cold-blooded murderer she's also a huge nerd.
How do you know she's a nerd? We don't know how the Graven Schools are made.
No seriously, how, it apparently include murdering and looking at The Primeval Current and whatever that look like and however that work.

Meanwhile, Azur and Lusat (why are they named that?) didn't seem to need that, just, buddhism pose really hard I guess.

I don't even know how the fuck you can take "the light of stars" and put it into a potion. It also imply that people have Fate... but Fate seems to be real free estate so what the fuck.

Also to note, he made a potion that is (maybe) powerful enough to enslave Ranni, we don't know if that would work, but Ranni obviously didn't took any risk is FOR SOME REASON you decide to try.

It's hilarious, that guy COULD make an army of his own and genuinely be a treat or make the world better, while indulging in his fetish, but he just does it to indulging in his fetish.
Fuck, imagine a "post-talk to Marika" Gideon Puppet.
Didnt the key get tossed down to the chosen undead on purpose in order to help them escape?
Which option gives me enough Zoomer kayfabe to one shot Viralborgia guys?
Leave this discussion to the real humans, ESL.
Did not expect such a based position from a Brazilian.
>And circles? Circles BOUNCE. Do you WANT the Ever-Living World to die?!
Have you ever tried punching a bouncy ball?
The Circle is STRONG.
The Formless Mother must be really pissed that Miquella came in, enslaved her chosen one with his hypno app powers, and then used his corpse to create Bigger Radahn to plow his bussy for the rest of eternity.
>one shot Viralborgia guys?
Never happened. Remember that almost every "Viralborgian" that gets defeated was just a weaker vassal. Any actual Viralborgians that appear would be holding back.
Oh Im sure, wonderful way to powerwank there. Anyone that loses was obviously a defective individual. Its the same way dragons in vainqueur the dragon are completely unbeatable and unkillable monsters. Because any who were ever killed were obviously the ones born with a birth defect.
Okay but how mad would you be if an actual, unironic Viralborgian shows up and it just gets hadouken'd to death after like 7 pages?

(I don't actually think one will ever show up, the actual story in TH feels like it's a tiny insignificant thing that will end long before the major conflict does without a "Goku gains Super powerlevels on Namek" level asspull)
Yes, and they weren't even dragons in the first place (to borrow your analogy).

0%. Many pieces of media have apparent contradictions that seemingly make no sense. It's just the nature of storytelling. Setting aside that such a scenario would be like God jobbing to a random samurai.
A real human would be nerd about Elden Ring no matter if he's an ESL or not.
Didn't you get BTFO about this less than a week ago?
Some people believe it's less love (especially since he gave that up) and more like getting another strong bodyguard at his side.

>Bigger Radahn
And hornier. No seriously, I dunno if that's the gauntlet or not, it has horns in or on it.
But is he really bigger? He seems tinier to me.
Y'all need to touch grass.
Okay. Boy Pussy instead.
They could just be Greek?
>His jumper is canonically bi
To be fair if it was JUST getting another strong bodyguard, Miquella could've just stayed at the far end of the arena and rain lasers on you instead of participate in helping Radahn LARP as Godfrey with his fluffiness.

I'm just saying, "he gave up love but secretly he loved the most" is a huge weeb cliche, he spends the battle hyping up his Age of Compassion and we've seen even demigods do long range attacks.
>Setting aside that such a scenario would be like God jobbing to a random samurai.

So samurai jack.
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>And Oryx fraudchecked her because suddenly she could do absolutely nothing to bluff him
Nta but the comic does have some random pink hair zoomer bitch taking out entire armies with a louisville slugger
Are there Pokemon jumps that let you be the Elite4/Champion at character creation?
>helping Radahn LARP as Godfrey
It could be worse; he could be LARPing as the Twin Princes.
By that point all of Miquella's love had been excised as a separate person entirely and Trina straight up tells you he needs to go for his own sake because he's gone down the bad path and become irredeemable. There's nothing good behind any of Miquella's actions or decisions from the very moment he did that
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Alright, here is 0.1 of my Enchanted jump. Feedback and critique is appreciated.

Okay senpai. I hope things are going well for you today.
It's funny, I always just just thought he needed Radahn to be there for his soul to latch to, like, he make Zombie Radahn, and stick himself to him.

>"he gave up love but secretly he loved the most" is a huge weeb cliche
I'm vomiting inside. But more seriously, that can't be, St Trina is literally his love put into a person. (God, he is so Griffith holy shit)
It could be an Irenicus situation, "the memory of it, the memory of a memory".

This is the one with the lady who has to do what others tell her to or is there another enchanted I'm thinking of?
I'am Enchante.ayyyyy
I have a magic mirror and a horse I would like to import. This is going to be nice. However this may also make my horse more scary. I want that wand too. Scary wishgranting vampire overlord build may become a thing for me.
I can't help but remember that disenchanted song from MCR and I'm wondering if I'm a boomer now
Thanks for the jump, WOL
>His invasion did more to teach Guardians how to use the Darkness than Drifter, Elsie and Shin Malphur combined; Eris is technically a side effect of his actions even in Hive mythology
>Punts SHITris out of the material plane
>Continues to shit on her legacy by Taking Riven and ransacking her old place
>Absolutely devastates every scene he's in with killing intent whereas one of his sisters is a wine aunt shitposter and by the time you meet the other she is 1. having a mental breakdown from the Witness grilling her in impatience for the Final Shape and 2. turns out to have the same voice as Jasper from Steven Universe which, honestly, is a huge fucking L after the menace that was her brother
>His fucking CORPSE keeps enemies too intimidated to just disintegrate him and allies obsessed with reviving him
>Will continue to haunt the solar system in a future episode, long after those who styled himself his puppetmasters died with less dignity than him
Not all heroes wear capes

Oh hey you're going for the live actions too!
Please don't do Maleficent
I'm going to have a good, hard laugh if you do the Cruella movie though, holy fuck who thought giving CRUELLA THE PUPPY KILLER a sympathetic girlboss backstory was a good idea?
I think you are thinking of a different enchanted.

I hope you like it.

Technically this is sort of a hybrid, as it has both animated and live action sections. I have no interest doing remakes or retellings at this time.
>2nd spoiler
We got Cruella's mom's Danganronpa execution ass death from it though, that was fucking amazing.
Women are not allowed to be villains today. They must all be tragic heros who are good at everything and dont need men.
Honestly at that point they should've just leaned further into the absurdity, and have the dog pull out an actual gun and Clint Eastwood-style oneliner if you're already embarking on the audacity of "Cruella dindu nuthin, the dogs hurt her (emotionally) first"

>"Who's the real BITCH of the litter now?"

And that sucks ass for fictional evil woman enjoyers.
Technically you could not use your "charge" and just stay at a certain powerlevel, it's just that Eris demanded that YOU MUST give her your Sword Logic after killing Oryx.
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*vietman flashbacks of the last he-man show and mulan deboot*
It's fucking hilarious how we've gotten to the point where the woman who wants to kidnap, murder, and skin puppies so she can wear them can be considered anything but pure evil. Despite her actual fucking name being Cruel(la) Devil.
>The PC Tarnished can! By passing on the memo about where the Albinauric sanctuary is.
That was just so he could grind them for Runes after becoming Elden Lord.
At least with the He-Man show, Adam and Skeletor eventually reclaim their status as the stars of the show. Granted, it came after the show desperately tried to make it about the girls first, but hey.
Oh sure. If there was no imminent threat after you're done killing and no worm eating you theoretically you could just sit on it. But well, people use Sword Logic in the first place because the universe is a violent place and in fact can only learn about it from THE HIVE who are inherently violent as a philosophical position, so it's kind of a catch-22 for all practical purposes.

Also Eris just wanted to nullify Xivu's god powers without accidentally tithing her more by trying to fight her which, desu, is a surprising amount of respect given to a villain who spends the event about defeating her leaving drunk voicemails to her brother's corpse

If Zira ever shows up again, 100% she gets a sad backstory so Scar taking her into what passes for his pride can be marketed as a safe horny Reylo moment

...they did? I ask as someone who didn't see the first season and has successfully avoided all He-Man content apart from the amazing comic, and the equally amazing movie where Frank Langella gave me a masterclass on how to be an evil overlord.
Er, the amazing Injustice crossover comic specifically

Technically I've read A COUPLE other He-Man multiverse comics but they were significantly less amazing than Injustice Superman and everything he stood for just getting repeatedly bodied.
Tenderheart would tell you that you can't force caring, Shard.

>Ah. That DOES explain why I got kicked out when I proposed the Viralborgian-eating conceptual starfish, actually. In hindsight I should've opened with the Care Bear eugenics plan instead of jump straight into Fluxium kaijus.
Funny thing is, they're generally amenable to murdering the shit out of Viralborgia things. There's an entire bit in the Primer (which comes right after the stuff about the Noirmat being sus) where one of the defenders basically outright says it doesn't matter your former allegiance, age, race, or whatever; if you're serving Viralborgia in any way, you need to be completely exterminated on sight.

It could have also been the case you made them annoyed by all the hexagon-talk.
Invincibility frames aren't just canon, they're more real than they are in fucking gameplay because the Winter Lantern motherfuckers in the Abyssal Woods in the DLC are just permanently untouchable. The Ash of War that lets you pull a Virgil and attack while teleporting is also comically broken.
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As some who recently committed the cardinal JC sin of "actually playing the game" and "no longer being a secondary", i have a question.

Is there any proof on Thops being TRAPPED and BETRAYED by his colleges instead of just dying from overwork?
>...they did?
Yep. Basically, for about...eh, two seasons? Adam and Skeletor got pushed to the side. They do get brief moments to shine, like when Skeletor finally managed to take the power of Grayskull or when Adam becoming He-Man again is seen as this huge moment for the good guys, but for the most part, the focus is more on Teela and Evil-Lyn, with a lot of drama about 'ooooh, how can Adam not trust me with him secretly being He-Man?!' from Teela, Evil-Lyn acting like an edgy brat, Skeletor being punked right as things are going good for him, etc. He-Man straight up tells Skeletor, when the latter tries to have an epic final battle with him, that it's not about them, it's about 'them' (Teela and Evil-Lyn).

Then the show continued, Hordak became the main villain for a bit, Skeletor made a come back and reclaimed his title of main villain from both Hordak and, really, the show itself, and Adam himself got to be the main hero again. A funny example of the total 180 the show went was Evil-Lyn trying to depower Skeletor by destroying his staff, acting all smug about it...and Skeletor promptly revealing he doesn't need to use the staff to do magic and sending her running with her tail between her legs.
The item description straight up says they'd give him a whole conspectus if he were alive
I wouldn't call that a victory.
And that later generations would teach "You see you little fuckers, don't be narrow minded like those other fuckers".
Bluntstone my ass, he made a spell that can counter the fucking Elden Beast.
Considering how usually the guys are sidelined forever, and here they took back their spot as the stars of the show, I'll take it. It's just funny because it feels like the show runners themselves were forced to acknowledge that, yes, it is, in fact, about He-Man and Skeletor.
We've seen the Darkness devil and the Falling devil, and both of them were fuck-off strong.
Do you have any cool pets?
Honestly it's super unclear what happened to Thops. It's known that competition between sorcerers is cutthroat and Raya Lucaria seldom rewards mercy, but the room sure doesn't show much of a scuffle.

Tenderheart didn't have perks or the power of God, anime and White Wolf's obsession with giant landscape spirits that are aggregates of other spirits, what does Tenderheart know.

>generally amenable
I figured trying to turn even an empty universe into a gun would be crossing the line, but fair enough.

>annoyed by all the hexagon-talk
Nonsense, everyone should recognise greatness on sight even though triangles are architecturally more stable

This reminds me of Amber being a different character in S2 than S1 of Invincible. And I certainly wouldn't call that a victory given it also doesn't sound like the original plan. At all.
On the other hands, his corpse is surrounded by not very nice sorcerers that will attack you.
Could've been poison or another means to quietly dispose of someone, no?
I mean, yeah you can, but it's still mediocre.
You're thinking of Ella Enchanted.
This is the one where an animated Disney princess ends up in live-action New York.
>This is the one where an animated Disney princess ends up in live-action New York.
So once upon a time the movie basically? Also anyone else find it odd that Once upon the time for the longest time was technically a sequel to Frozen?
You aould be correct. Mara only gets her shit together once all her attempts to be the fucking God-Emperor of Mankind blow up right in her fucking face after repeated atrocities and slights against humanity, her own people, and her own family.
>It's known that competition between sorcerers is cutthroat and Raya Lucaria
It's now realizing it'ss basically every Blue Schools in Soulsborne ever, with Raya Lucaria being the worst because if you REALLY suck, you are sent to the mines.
It's a miracle they could ever do something right. Guess having a Royal Family to tell them to calm down must have helped.
What the hell?
Will you make a build for Noita? I don't know if you do gauntlets.
JUMP #0149: Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Origin: At the Earth's Core
Base Camp Co-Ordinates: 3. Ruins of Ur
>Renaissance Man (200)
>Linguist (200)
>Man of Science (200)
>Mechanic (300)
Monster Ally: Piranhaconda
>Armoured Carapace
>Fire Affinity
>The Iron Mole/Ore refinery (free)
>Chemists Workshop (100)
>Botanists [Pharmaceutical] (200)
>Ancient Map (200)
>Eagle Cloak (400)
>Perenhellion (300)
>Myzarnian Cyborg (+200)
>The Ancient Remnants (+300)
>Lizard Men (+300)
>Men of Bronze (+300)
>The Thule Society (+0)
Total: 2100/2100

Commentary: As always Babs' style really clashes with the normal jump format. Also, I had a big laugh that there is a message for the sequel jump at the end that never came true. Anyway, time to plunder the riches of lost civilizations while fighting big monsters.
what, you don't want to go on adventures with Robert Downey Jr. and a /his/ femanon?
Maybe? I never saw that series.
It already basically works by violating people down to their souls by shoving sorms in there and I doubt the Winnower cares how you go about affirming your status in the rat race of existence. So probably.
Oh shit, it's finished? Thanks for the save, yeah it's getting late but if I have the energy definitely.

Maybe when that hilarious Guy Ritchie Sherlock movie was still in vogue, but right now I want to terrorise the denizens of the roof with the fucking space bat I threatened into submission and the game isn't fucking acknowledging that I own a tamed set of wings.
Strictly speaking the Winnower believes that survival and being able to preserve the pattern of your existence is as important as killing everything that threatens it and as sex is ultimately the transmission of your genes, theoretically the Winnower would be pro-rape. Especially since it actively encourages listening to every single selfish impulse and intrusive thought as a matter of philosophical piety.
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>Limited the Vulnerability Curse to a specific list of possible damage types
>Clarified that the amount of cp gained from Quests indicates their level of difficulty
>Changed the reward of the Uusi Aurinko Quest
>Added Quests: Keys Without Voices, FRIENDHSIP OR AVARICE, Opening The Egg

Yeah, it's finished.
According to the devs there's three Steed tie-ins in this chapter, people just have yet to find them and one's not accessible yet
Oh I just meant the jump not the game, neat though I guess
Just going to point out that the current chapter/archive in the comics is all about Ingrid being in the Plane of Orepirrus and the most recent pages clarify how Planes work somewhat. They're divided into "Sectors" and these sectors can have sectors of their own, with the term sometimes being used to refer to the plane as a whole. Suell Pharabin is a sector of Orepirrus and it's directly stated that a single no-name random Viralborgian would have wiped out the entire sector if it weren't for Sucrestor, a hero of the Supersidia, sacrificing his life to stop it. And in the summary for what's happened so far, it's stated that Malathrok and presumably his companion are powerful enough to wipe out entire sectors as well.

So the base state for the literal fodder Viralborgians we've encountered so far is anywhere between "can wipe out whole chunks of a plane in one go" to "can wipe out the entire plane".
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It's a punk aesthetic anon.

>pink hair
Honestly I'm more amused that for all their hype, no-bullshit actual Viralborgians CAN be delayed by the sacrifice of random humans that just study whatever it is they study at Supersidia (I assume) and do a good ki attack. It's like if Frieza was prevented from destroying a planet by Krillin sacrificing himself. Yeah, nobody expects Krillin to beat Frieza but the fact that he can even meaningfully delay Frieza makes Frieza kind of look like a chump.
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I was thinking more about fears that are constantly on people's minds, rather than fears that appear when they are relevant. The average person isn't concerned about darkness in the middle of the day or falling when they're not at a high place.
Keep in mind that this is something even 101 Dalmatian Street got right when Cruella returned, depicting her as barely anything more than an insane witch barely clinging to her aged body through the sheer power of spite and love of puppy-killing. Barely even a person.
We have not seen the pathetic fears no, just the badass ones.
>what does Tenderheart know.
How to be a good father-figure, how not to make horrific fuck ups because of crippling autism, how to show someone love and compassion when they really need it. Need I go on?
I can guarantee something like Deadlines is overall more feared of than, say, Guns.
>no body mod

I mean, I'm still going to jump it eventually but fucking ouch, I love my wings and this is the second time a gauntlet maker has clipped them.
Unironically, the Winnower would tell people that if they didn't want to be raped then they should have fought harder.
Is that intentional?
Would the Winnower approve of Carmen and the Distortion Phenomenon?
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Those innocent scholars where simply defending themselves from that FOUL Tarnished that invaded their school.
Probably indifference leaning to slight approval but more due to the nature of the City than a preference towards "being yourself" overall. It would approve insofar as it makes people better able to kill and survive than otherwise. It would overlook it insofar as canonically they get killed by people who don't fully drink the koolaid. But overall in the context of the setting probably enjoy how in practice it makes people violent and impulsive.
Well, all of the Viralborgians discussed or encountered in the setting so far have been their mooks and equivalents to fodder. This implicitly includes even ones we THOUGHT were big leagues like Mathryonic. None of the actual major Viralborgians teased in the art stuff have actually stepped into Oneirogea yet; it might be that they CAN'T because of the protection of Omnetheon being directly present in some form. The assault on Orepirrus might have also been a two-pronged thing since Ingrid herself suspects that Orepirrus (which has no major visible Viralborgian activity like Udraiken) is either subject to a far more subtle infiltration by Viralborgia or their supposed "control" over the Viralborgia situation isn't as true as they believe.

Viralborgia is basically sending in their shitters to run roughshod over Oneirogea and they basically don't need anything else because APPARENTLY those shitters are powerful enough to qualify as unstoppable objects barring literally legendary heroes showing up and fighting them to mutual destruction.
would it approve of the Head apparently wanting to keep the City a rat race hellscape forever?
Absolutely. It would prefer that they pursue an actual Final Shape but it would love the Head's insistence in exemplifying, magnifying and maintaining all of the worst traits of everyone forever.

...Incidentally, it would probably be even happier with what's shaping up to be the main big bad of Limbus wanting to winnow the multiverse down by destroying every single mirror world.
Wait Mathry is a shitter too? Who ARE the major Viralborgians? Because I was pointed to him as one of "the actual ones"

I should actually read the comic but...Noita.

Vaguely. It would prefer the Head kill everyone but hey, violence good, and it can respect brutality for the sake of survival.
So, what you're saying is that Erlking Heathcliff has Sword Logic?
>28 pages in before even seeing the first perk
Hyperlink contents page, cut down on the font size, or shove half of the descriptions into the notes. This shit is annoying.
i see, so would it would approve of The Tower destiny or would the absolute nonexistance of "no thing shall be" not count as the Final Shape?
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>Wait Mathry is a shitter too?
Apparently every one of the Viralborgians seen in stuff so far are "entry level", which would include Mathryonic. Mathryonic is a leader of the Viralborgian contingents present on Udraiken but he/it was also noted in a real old piece of art to be a personal enemy of Frances alongside Malthrok, his companion, and one other.

>Who ARE the major Viralborgians?
Probably things like these.
Yes. Not even because he's actually actively wanting to pursue it, but because he simply needs to kill every other Heath to ensure Cathy's happiness.
Developments Within doesn't actually say what it gives you, it's just a fluff piece.
I've got three more OCs in the works before this update is (hopefully) done. Please no more requests or suggestions, the previous ones were way more than enough.
>Thieving Bat (50): Short, busty, smug, and sultry this winged woman has a taste for obtaining all manner of shiny objects which don’t strictly speaking belong to her. She built her lifestyle upon her ability to get into places she’s not wanted and make off with the contents, something which very few others can match her in. Despite having the skills and patience to crack nearly any form of security the galaxy has to offer she has rather poor impulse control when it comes to matters such as ‘not stealing the beautiful gem that would clearly carry tons of heat’ and other things of similar nature. She’s recently taken an interest in stealing a less traditional treasure and would happily offer some of her treasures or perhaps her skills in acquiring others if it would bring you over to her. Comes with her best friend and the government agent she has needed to work with on occasion as a sort of work release program, may have a bit of an odd relationship with a certain bunny with a badge relating to an incident with the compressed loot pocket in her cleavage.
The descriptions for locations and such are where they are because it's a necessity to even parse what the hell is going on or what certain terms mean. The exact issue you're referring to would still remain if I moved them to notes except you'd need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the 50+ page doc to find out what the fuck "Dunesire" or a Regiteor is.

Shit. Fixed.
Snip snip!
Are people seriously discussing Viralborgia AGAIN? Haven't we already long established that this is pure shitposting to its bones?
Then hyperlink contents page.
We got a new jump, faggot.
Why the fuck isn't there a body mod? Really, what is the point of excluding it?
The absolute nonexistence of "no thing shall be" is definitely not the Final Shape, and frankly I'm lik 80% sure the Winnower wouldn't approve of The Tower for the simple fact that at a base level it enjoys watching life and existence struggle and battle TO exist. He doesn't want to see the slate wiped clean; that's his literal job at the end of the "day" (existence of a given universe). He wants to see a single pattern that dominates the "board" (universe) emerge and propagate, because he finds it aesthetic and cute.
How much of a "buff" does Galactic Assets give you? Are you standard for the non-human part of the galaxy, or can you choose to be even bigger like the Gravia? Does your species choice interact with the perk in some way (ie since most species are already at Galactic Assets size, would getting the perk make you bigger than a typical member, or is the perk just representing what your species would normally give you?
Awesome! Just got the game off Steam.

Dunno what the fuck is going on, but I once saw a video about it called 'Fuck everything in that general direction' , can't wait to do that.

But if you don't mind me asking, how does magic work here? Can you only do it with wands? Are you only limited to elemental/ crafting stuff?
It is however the new jump has a fuck ton of perks for bioengineering and biomancy which is basically my favourite thing so I don't care.
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When have shitposts not been a constant source of discussion for jc?
>Please no more requests or suggestions, the previous ones were way more than enough.
Too bad, I’m going to request some information. Does your talent with Axiom have any effect on how good you can get with it, or could anyone reach Battle Princess level if they’re willing to put in enough time and effort?
To make you specifically mad. Grow a pair of balls
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The game has two main "magic systems". There's the wands with spells, and there's alchemy with various recipes involving the materials of the game. There's also some other magic shown by bosses and enemies, but those aren't available to the player.

I recommend watching this to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMx6fPyCbCI&ab_channel=ConnorConquers
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Would you prefer we go back to exalted?
It's funny how they are called Tarnished and hated, while they are basically the strongest shit ever, and are only called as such because "they lost the grace of gold" and then fucking regained it.
It's actually super ironic coming from some people who've never had the Golden Order treat them favorably either, like Morgott. Him calling them "foul Tarnished" despite getting utterly shit on for being an Omen is hilarious.
So is your next jump going to have a mandatory 'no perks items or companions' clause to match your current policy of 'no bodymod' for gauntlets?
Any setting that offers good meditation techniques for supernatural effects like enhanced healing(maybe even limb regenration) that would be useful to teach your forces?
The main effect of that perk is taking the physics defying traits of Galactic Cleavage, turning them up to 11, and making it work even without axiom such as if you get hit with a null pulse.

It doesn't actually make your tits any huger, just that they unconditionally never cause any of the issues or problems that massive curves would logically cause. Superficial changes to your body with axiom is actually a relatively mundane skill by space magic standards so a woman getting her breasts to whatever size she wants is pretty much never an issue.

Brin'Char is implied to be even stronger than the likes of Franklin or Vernon and it appears to be more due to experience than being more talented then them, also the Dark Woods but Vernon has that too.

Talent is more how fast and how difficult it is to make progress rather than any sort of cap on how good you can get, insufficient talent will likely lead you to hitting a wall eventually but that wall is due to the difficulty curve rather than any kind of hard limitation.
Wasn't there a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy jump? You could learn the supreme meditation techniques of that one order of monks.
Just, uh, don't take the final vows.
It would be well deserved. Know your place troon
>It doesn't actually make your tits any huger
Any huger than is normal for women in this setting, a human woman would get the typical curves alien women have.
Poor harriet went from tomboy to having tits each 3 inches bigger than her head. Thats got to be rough.
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Could i request a simple (office) Drone?
Even better, the Tarnished are the only people who are treated "kindly" now, everyone else is just meat to be harvested.
The only way I'm adding any more OCs than what I've already got in the works is if the formatting has issues with having to choose between a big blank space and letting an option spill over onto another page. Otherwise I've got too many as it is, and if there is a formatting issue I could instead come up with another drawback to add.
Extremely good civilization. Thank you friend.
Why not?
Between enhancing her body in general and outright defying gravity Space Magic ensures a lack of back pain or balance problems. But yeah that was a rude awakening for her, and the old lady who did it just fucked off immediately with no explanation.
>insufficient talent will likely lead you to hitting a wall eventually but that wall is due to the difficulty curve rather than any kind of hard limitation.
Good thing the Galactic Assets perk is there.
I will forcibly insert myself into SWLIHN’s hierarchy as her husband!
After you take them you're locked in a small metal box for the rest of your life: this is why there are millions of ex-initiates who learn all the techniques and then bail around the galaxy making a killing with their knowledge.
And Hitchiker's Guide is a setting where you can just retard yourself into flying so any sort of meditation technique you learn there has insane multiplier effects. Like you can pull your molecules together after desintegrating by wanting hard enough, you can fly by not paying attention to the ground, you can sort of will yourself out of the karma wheel by sheer spite and hatred, all of that.
Not even all Tarnished, it just likes (You) in particular.
>you can fly by not paying attention to the ground
Like in a roadrunner short?
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>Enter primordial war as Solar
>beat up all primordials and become the strongest Solar in creation.
>when she surrenders take her as my wife.
how viable is this strategy? at least there's no three sphere cataclysms
Unironically would work and net you a cute sphere wife.
How well would Sonic fare in Exalted?
Exactly, yes, but as an actual learnable skill: it's learned by throwing yourself off a high place and completely missing the ground. Typically, when you throw yourself, there's a guy with an utterly absurd, shocking or fascinating body/opinion hiding behind a bush. You jump, and when you're about to hit the ground they leap off the bush and exhibit their body/opinion; thus, you are throughly distracted from the ground and miss it.
Question. Did swillin get her sphere back, or is it Isidoros’s sphere now because he licked it?
Learn Primordial Principle Emulation and Soul-Matrix Crystallization, show up as a sphere.
200% viable.
what jump will you do next?
I'm thinking The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and since I wanna take a bit of a break from modern stuff I might actually get around to the Ramayana and Mahabharata jumps after that. It's gonna take a while though.
It's because most of them gave up. As Gideon pointed out, most Tarnished in the Roundtable are using it as "shelter from the rain". He's understandably salty about it.
If they don't do that, you just kill them, and that's enough to make them give up which... really make you look like a badass by comparison, because you can die a thousand of time and still see the Grace. Imagine if others could do that, it would be an unplayable mess.

I can see characters like Hoarah Loux doing it, because of his philosophy or life and all though.

posting pic related is killing me a bit
Wouldn't get any Exaltations but would be busted enough that outside of Ketchup Keyjob and Gods, he'd essentially be unstoppable.
Horse isn't comically tiny enough.
hindu mythology sounds like the original powerlevel shitposting. it's cool.
>Every other Exalted saying no we should kill or imprison all the primordials.
>That one dawn cast who can solo multiple Primordials and the entire exalted host starts screaming about wanting war brides and takes every female primordial.
>Everyone just sighs and accepts the new outcome.
You're really just going to ignore any criticism of your decisions huh
Sounds Cool, but I have only seen the movie so I dont know anything about this, but I am also not finding anything only in relation to monks or meditation.

Do you roughly know where they appear?
>Fem Radahn counts towards amputee fetish
I'm sure some of you fucks are fapping extra hard to this
Also it's not Horse, it's Leonard.

oh fuck, I didn't notice this
I'm still not sure where St. Trina fits into all this or how the connection between her, The Putrescence, The Ghostflame, and the Formless Mother come together , because the latter three all clearly have an interest in her but I'm not sure how
>All the primordials make themselves more womenly to avoid being mutilated.
It's closer to how we have multiple Fate jumps for every country under the sun.
They do?
Anon none of that has to do with her, just listen to youtubers because they're way better at understanding the lore than an ESL like you could ever be
>oh fuck, I didn't notice this
I mean, when you fight Radahn in game he's missing his feet. They've clearly rotted off.
Which is ironic since his best friend, Gaius, was an Albanauric. Now they match!
>It works
Why is one guy just replying to himself over and over again about Exalted
Because it's not one guy, and Exalted is actually pretty fun to talk about and enjoy in a chain.
Yeah, pretty much. From what little I've read so far the Ramayana literally has sequences where the characters emanate "an aura of immeasurable energy" dbz style.
No need to lie so blatantly. You could have just said nothing and it would have been more believable.
Judging by the posts, he’s upset that people are talking about Exalted.
Didn't Godfrey straight up have Grace that pointed at (You) and you killed him anyway?
I meant in the pic I posted, and now I'm like Oh God no why did I do this.
I mean there's >>93226816 and >>93226803
They are just schizo.

Hello schizo!
>Clevatess is getting an anime
...Adding it to the jump backlog. Sigh.
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Drawbacks: Dimensionally Challenged, But then we will both surely die, Exploding Corpses, Vulnerability: Electricity, Fire, Radiation, Poison, Explosion, Melee, Slice (1000)

Information Is Half The Battle (Free)
Levitation (Free)
Murderous Salary (Free)
The Wiki (Free)
The Community (Free)
Starting Kit (Free)
Map (Free)
Breathless (Free)
Strong Levitation (Free)
Enemy Radar (Free)
Item Radar (Free)
Spatial Awareness (Free)
Homing Shots (Free)
Plague Rats (Free)
Revenge Rats (Free)
Homunculus (Free)
Initiated Into The Divine Art (Free)
Peace with Gods (800)
Tinker With Wands Everywhere (500)
Unlimited Spells (300)
Tier 10 Wand (0)

As the agonising prison of mortality collapsed around me and my overself was abstracted into pure information, I took stock of the vaguely Finnish world around me. In front of me was a mountain in which lay the working (a vague prospect with no certitude of success), the gods (ill-defined beings that seemed to exist primarily to receive tribute) and an absolute fuckload of horrible homicidal monsters. In other words, nothing good.

"So let me get this straight" I said flatly, "I can't die permanently for a decade"


"There is nothing lying in wait ahead of me but bloodshed and ruin"


"Completion of the default path will transmute this entire world to gold"


I nodded solemnly. "Fuck that" I said, walking off the beaten path.


"What, no"


"Because it's necessary, I suppose. Because there's profit to be had, advantages to be won or strategic choices to be made" I said, passing another cloaked figure. "But here there's just-one moment"

Without stopping to ask his intentions, I shot him in the back with a black hole. "As I was saying" I continued, "there's just LITERALLY nothing worth dying even once on this stupid mountain for"

Are we really just ignoring Skyrim saying No Bodymod in his Gauntlet?
This >>93227939
Evidently yes. There's no point in even arguing about it when Skyrim refuses to even acknowledge it.
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BUT THAT'S THE ENTIRE GAAAAAAME whined the Benefactor.

"Let's play a different one, then" I offered. "Look, this is some sort of Finnish setting correct? I'm not interested in a Sampo that does nothing worthwhile, and if you want to watch a speedrun there's got to be trillions of those all over the multiverse. Let's see where this takes us huh? We can consider this my first official Finnish mythology jump!"


"Correction: My first official Finnish mythology jump where "Pirkle" Väinämöinen doesn't sacrifice himself in a mire, Louhi isn't a broken aspect of a god from another universe, and the Sampo isn't some sort of gravity-shooting sun constructed by half of Seppo Ilmarinen after he decided to stop being an internet campfire story and take up being a cosmic deity again"


I proceeded to become the Seppo Ilmarinen equivalent to a brave new Finnish world that existed far beyond this one pointlessly brutal mountain. For many years I wandered from village to village righting wrongs and working simple but devastating miracles. Living off my good name by day, and the kindness of strangers by night. I found other ways to tinker with my wand. I forged a magic mill. I built, married and mated with a golden waifu to ensure she could come with me after. I thwarted the scheming of sages and witches, mainly by flicking black holes at them.

Very, very occasionally I thought about that mountain again. Now and then some mysterious robed figure would be rumoured to approach it, and I'd make my excuses to go on a journey. And kill this fucker quietly. With no witnesses. And thus, the world remained safe.


Apparently? I'm not happy about it myself but I also don't care enough to fight the point.
No, only scrawny losers cry about not having access to bodymod. You are writing so you will write that you win the Gauntlet anyway, it doesn't matter.
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Over the years, the mountain got quieter and safer until near the end of the decade, the men at the village decided to go and see what the fuss was about all those years ago. The young men pumped themselves up for it while huddling skittishly at the edge of torch flame, while the old ones kept a keen eye out for danger. And all of them looked on in nervousness at how much of the mountain had been carved out into rubble.

It was dangerous to walk on. We shouldn't have come here.

"I told you, Armas" I said gently to my best friend in this world, an elderly fisherman who had once met a sea monster and barely gotten away. "There's nothing any sensible man would want here. Only danger, desolation and dread"

"Hah. Anon you old salt" he said wistfully, "a man can get some funny ideas, when he is far from home and his goal so very, very near. The tales of the hooded ones are shrouded in deceit and murder they say, but I just have to wonder. What was it all for? Why did they all die coming to this place? What could-"

"Help!" someone shouted ahead. It was the great Three-Eyed one.

"What happened?" shouted Armas. "Is anyone injured?!"

"Cliff gave way! Old Eino's got a sore back, but he can walk with help!" said Anton the baker, breathlessly coming over the way.

We found the Three-Eyed One an hour later. Well, what was left of his corpse anyway. Rats were still gnawing at his flesh. He must have died recently, to one of the hundred beasts that had flung themselves at him.

"Well, there you go lads. The shortest way through an obstacle course, is straight through once everything's done fighting each other. Now let's go home. There's good ionkero and better women waiting"

"Stop charming all the village girls, great sage" said Armas dryly.

"That's a waste of a spell slot and you know it" I retorted."Girls just can't leave a man who can mill his weight in gold alone"

It matters because that's literally the fucking point of body mod
But no one will write them losing the Gauntlet, so it doesn't matter if you have a bodymod or not.
She's in the bottom of the Putrescence Hole, her nectar animated the Putrescent Knight who guards her (source the Memory of the Putrescence). The Putrescent Knight wields Ghostflame. The Bloodfiends (servants of the Formless Mother) in the top of the Fissure also have Sleep Elemental stuff, and the Mass of Putrescence is the new material for Sleep Arrows and such. Further I can't find it right now, but I remember one of the new item descriptions equating bruising for the Formless Mother and the Confealed Putrescence you get from killing the blood slime enemies on the Fissure distinctly call it bruise-colored flesh.
There is a connection here, somewhere. I can feel it.

Jump #1: Exalted Solars

Location: Gem

Origin: Drop-In

Caste: Zenith

>Glorious Golden Smug Technique (Free)
>Great Radiance (100)
>My Prayers Be Heard, My Will Be Done (100)
>Power and Majesty (200)
>Heart of the Sun (300)
>Unconquered (400)

>Body Strengthening Liquor (100)
>Bands of the Bronze Tiger (300)

>What’s a Combo? (+300)
>The Virtue of Compassion (+200)

So with this build the most immediate dangerous enemies for jumper would be the dragon-bloods dynasts and the Wyld hunt. Demons, ghosts, and Rakshasa shouldn't be much of a problem as a zenith with the capstone perk (abyssals and second circles being the exception ofc). Am i right in this assumptions?
Anon stop trying to rationalize whatever you're thinking, you're wrong. You're stupid. Just shut up and listen to smarter people. I'm not going to debate with you because you won't listen to reason anyway and will just insist on your weird and wrong interpretation for literally hours on end. Just fuck off and learn better from someone else and regurgitate their thoughts instead of yours.
Why would it matter? You always have Body Mod, regardless of what the doc does, that’s the whole point of it.
It matters because it's an imagination game and I don't want to fucking imagine being stripped of body mod arbitrarily.
True, this is also why I never make builds. I can't lose my chain, so it doesn't matter.
Yeah, there's various theories about why, but at the end kill him.

Are you really feeling it?
Honestly I just thought it was Miquella deciding to throw her "to the trash with the trash", like in the trailer.
It would give a lot more dimensions to the Formless Mommy.
Personally, I don't really care about Bodymod. I've never really bothered to make a build for it.
Technically neither, though leaning towards 'because he licked it' on the grounds that it's basically Quavinse's heart. Or would be if it hadn't been ground to smithereens to make her.

In any event, swlihn aint getting it back.
What possible justification could you provide that would actually justify the specific exclusion of bodymod that doesn't rely on meta assumptions?
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You poor bastard.
She was probably just generically nice to one or more of them, and the real reason they were put there is because Miyazaki likes putting dangerous guardians in front of sweet girls like Fia almost as much as he likes poison swamps. Don't think about it too hard, Miyazaki sure as hell didn't.

If you really need a fan theory to fill that plot hole, clearly the bloodmom is trying to reach out to any friends out there who can save her poor innocent Omen boy from that awful Miquella's gaslighting.
That's not Gem, there's too much farmland.
>don't have thought, become a sheep
Kill yourself, you braindead NPC
>uuuuuh but you're not vaaabi vidja
Contrary to what you think, more that one person is capable of pattern recognition, eve if you yourself are apparently incapable
Accuracy of the image aside IIRC Gem is the epicenter of the Locust Crusade.
>What’s a Combo? (+300)
>No companions to do the fighting for you.
Try being a hermit because you are dead if you try and get onto a fight.
Basically, yes. The Dragonblooded aren’t trivial to deal with, but as a Zenith you can be really hard to kill even by Solar standards if you put some work into that route.
Shard Miyazaki thought about this shit absurdly hard. He put so many random details in that absolutely did not need to be there because no one would ever have seen them without no clip or datamining which is very clearly relevant to the lore. Shit like the architecture, musical accompaniment, death animations for characters which literally cannot die in game ect.
They even have actual powerlevels and NPs.
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I assume bands of the bronze tiger giving me retard strenght and faster reflexes would be hard carring me until i learn how to fight properly.
Cause he was a tarnished as well and just one step before reclaiming his throne as elden lord. When you fight him its a battle of the last two tarnished going for the elden ring.
The comparison doesn't hold, the correct comparison is drawbacks, and it's right. Most people handwave them away, so they don't really matter.
My justification is that it doesn't really matter if it's removed or not, so it's not a big deal.
He also put The Imperfect in the Sunken City of Dark Souls 2 and never explained where they came from. Just like we still don't really know shit about the Darklurker. I'm sure Miyazaki has his thoughts, I'm also just as sure if he wanted something to have a definitive explanation he'd have brought it up in an item description at least given he's said prefer he prefers fans to just make something up themselves where things are left open to interpretation IIRC.
>I built, married and mated with a golden waifu to ensure she could come with me after
This makes a surprising amount of sense.
>Miyazaki likes putting dangerous guardians in front of sweet girls like Fia
Does "Sweet girls" include the Rakuyo in bloodborne?
Mother of Maria, what the FUCK Miyazaki, why putting a subpar weapon in there. It doesn't even have the blood effects, I know you wanted a heavier Blade of Mercy but Jesus.

>If you really need a fan theory to fill that plot hole, clearly the bloodmom is trying to reach out to any friends out there who can save her poor innocent Omen boy from that awful Miquella's gaslighting.
Nta but I mean, it could be just that.
Miyazaki has gone on record as saying
1. he has the entire story of Elden Ring, all details accounted for, in his head
2. he likes watching lore theory videos of people guessing what the that story is
There is a definitive explanation that has been deliberately obfuscated or outright removed from the game so as to force people to make guesses for his amusement.
The Rakuyo is a degenerate overpowered PvP weapon, what the fuck are you talking about
>he has the entire story of Elden Ring, all details accounted for, in his head
To be fair, that's an extremely common author cope line.
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I mean, personally I like being able to fly and also not having absolutely godawful eyesight so I at least would appreciate future gauntlet writers to remember some of us literally can't see without glasses. But on the other hand, well, you literally can't die for the decade.

If I actually wanted to complete the gold rush suicide mission I'd just Mr. Magoo my way through the mountain and eventually blunder there by sheer tenacity, instead of fuck off into the rest of Finland and build a rep as a mystical blind wizard.

Quicksilver was always pretty solid about kids coming along on the chain so hey-the trick is then probably to somehow contrive a way for the wife to count metaphysically as part of my wand.

Well if it has been deliberately obfuscated, I trust that's because confusion and ambiguity is in fact the intended reaction. Miyazaki says a lot of things, and if they're backed up by item/spell text or cutscenes I sincerely encourage you to stop worrying about them.

Because it is literally impossible for you to come up with a truly satisfactory, 100% kosher answer without writing fanfiction anyway.
Nta (again) but aren't they just imperfect recreation of dragons, hence the name? Unlike the other dragon at the aerie who is a more perfect replica?

The Darklurker, I have no fucking idea though. Maybe you just visited the calm dark or whatever.

Also Dark Souls 2 wasn't produced by Mimi so...
When you think about it, it kind of killed the trilogy a bit, even if it made Bloodborne.

Yeah, there's a clear cut story, in his head. He like imagining it, and seeing people coming to different conclusions, and it's a core part of his games and the communities.

One thing that I noticed though, is that generally, the easiest answers are often the most correct ones.
Really? I never PVPed Bloodborne.
Huh, Moonlight is broken?

I liked using Simon's bow blade.
But I really want a couple more ocs. Maybe some sea serpent women or plant women of both carnivore plants and normal plant varieties
No reason you couldn’t just make them with the Import/Create option.
Why tho? That drawback only erases your meta knowledge
Because I fon't want to use a create option. I am shut at coming up with what they would look like and their personalities. Its the entire reason I love ocs.
People who take the Gauntlet are only people who think they can beat the Gauntlet, that's obvious. But I will never be able to take a Gauntlet without Body Mod because I have a bum knee so I fail by default on any physical challenge, my physical condition precludes me from writing myself as successful in what I know is required in Noita
I loved that weapon. It was either the Pizzacutter, or it.

Which made me a bit sad, I loved Ludwig's Sword and the Moonlight Sword.
So many cool weapons in this game.
This ship has sailed, come back to port, and set sail an indeterminate number of additional times... It's not setting a precedent, so if anon already rules differently than the other gauntlets/drawbacks that reduce jumper all the way down to (You) instead of stopping at bodymod, they'll probably just use their own rules again for simplicity.

>But no one will write them losing the Gauntlet,
Outside of a side chain or self-loathing, does anyone ever write jump/gauntlet/chain fails these days?
Nta but pretty much same. Bad eyes and fucked but knees suck ass.
Who asked lol
Losers like you need to be put in their fucking place
I don't write myself losing because I don't give myself challenges that I will fail in, but if a challenge literally can't be beaten by me then I won't write myself as beating it anyway, I just won't include it in my chain
Do. you prefer your jumper spawn to receive their powers at...
>1. birth
>2. Age 10
>3. Puberty
>4. Adulthood
>5. Other
Fuckep up knees*
Any Xianxia setting where the Luther Strode method is just straight up better than Cultivation(other than getting immortality at the start)?
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The gauntlet does outright state it gives you a minimum level of fitness in place of the body mod.
Would Wonder of U activate if I just have extremely good luck perks and end up killing Toru without trying? Like if I don't even know he is there but he ends up dying as collateral while I am fighting someone else?
What's the point of taking away body mod and then giving body mod but less defined? 'Sound body and mind' is so vague, I seriously don't understand the purpose
Well, as far as I can tell, nearly all body mods offer a bunch of stuff outside of just fixing physical disabilities, so probably that? Like some anon mentioned he has wings from the body mod.
Did someone claim Cyberpunk recently?
Fair enough. For a plant girl, how one who’s a very good businesswoman, the sort who can handle your financial matters with ease and turn even a small amount of capital into a fortune with some time and investments.
nta, but presumebly to not having to account for silly stuff found in body mods like animal powers, being immune to poison/disease or super intellingelice and charisma more than even the best in humanity.
The quicksilver body mod offers things like metavore and wings. Imagine wanting to nerf something made by /quicksilver/
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Alright people, I making some OCs, feel free to throw in your suggestions and such.
Jumper lost the One Finger Death Punch guantlet. I figured this by downloading it and basing my victory and how good I did in the first attempt. It was bad.
I want an expy of (You) Ricrod. But in all seriousness gimme some expies of Kung Fu legends Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen but as anime girls with big booba.
nta, but the same happened to me in the Monopoly Gauntlet. I literally just played a game of monopoly online and estimated by success on how well I did.
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Ah cool I wasn't imagining it. Gl man, hope the science and tech stuff isn't limited to just 77.
What sort of setting/jump are they for? What sorts of archetypes/quirks have you been using for OCs lately that could use contrast with ones you haven't used for the last handful of jumps?
Level 4 esper schoolgirl (Asuna from blue archive)
Blood thirsty battle nut nun (Specter from arknights)
Where does he get off calling himself "Miyazaki," anyway? It's like if Todd Howard were named Todd Disney and insisted on keeping his surname in use.
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Big tiddy judo girl that anon posted a few threads ago. She can be knight or whatever.
By being born with that name? That's like having a problem with someone being called Mr Smith.
Miyazaki is a common family name in Japan.
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I mean, kinda. It will be based on what's shown and mentioned in the game and anime, and won't be limited to what V can craft.
Why are you biting?
2B and 2P expy pair?
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Gemstone esper girl who runs on comedy harem logic. Complete with all the associated Gags.
Holy cringe.
No 2020/Red stuff? What about stuff from the recent Edgerunners mission kit?
It's a weird pseudo-gauntlet. You can't really lose it as you just respawn on death. You're just stuck there for 10 years or until you clear your quests. There's no losscon.
I also want an expy of you.
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Magic researcher shut-in witch girl.
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Don't care. I want reality warping enforced harem shenanigans.
Yes on 2B, though with enough room for variation to take the option another time and pick up a 2P as well.

I kinda consider the mission kit to be part of the anime, and I've already pulled details from it for some descriptions.
Super Cringe.
Wait you're not pulling from the original game at all? Oof.
A Jk exorcist
Excuse me for keeping the scope of a Cyberpunk 2077 jump to Cyberpunk 2077.
Fair enough though without the 2020/Red stuff you'd be missing out on exotics 9anon and I thought that stuff would be up your alley.
Then don't limit it to a 2077 jump?
I always sucked at that game. But now I need to play it for the gauntlet. Might need to do the same for all game based gauntlets.
Why don't you make the fucking jump for the entire setting if you want it then anon? Edgerunners/2077 is in it's own loose continuity anyway.
If we can have jumps for every Exalted splat or D&D setting, then we can have a Cyberpunk jump that is 50 years apart from other stuff at minimum.
Izilith from Hiro the Dense. Just a red headed succubus that is tired of all the shit and wants a way out. She doesnt care about following a new boss, just dont be like Hiro. Occasionally has lewd dreams of marriage and wearing human clothing to cover up.
NTA and I do agree with your overall point but 2077 and Edge Runners isn't its own timeline, https://www.thedarkfuture.com/2019/05/mike-pondsmith-clears-up-timeline.html
I don't know anything about index besides being a magic vs Science setting. Maybe an expy of Ho'olheyak? A magical creature that likes researching human science and eating fast food?
The Kanker sisters from Ed, Edd & Eddy.
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But I want to make a jump for Cyberpunk 2077, not the whole setting.

So I just looked into that and: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Denzel_Cryer
Basically the sole example featured in the game, but it could be used as justification for including exotics.
Anyone have any other requests for specific stuff from 2020/RED that they want in the jump?
>Anyone have any other requests for specific stuff from 2020/RED that they want in the jump?
I'd rather you stayed away from it unless you planned to make it part of the jump, honestly.
Nta but I often imagine how different colored 2B would be.

It never ends well.
Either do 77 and only 77(the game + anime), do 2020, or do everything. Don't just do one of them and cherry pick stuff from the other. At that point it's not "I'm doing a specific part of the divide" it's "I'm half assing a jump for it all"
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This >>93228754 but with Mumu included as package deal. Make them both desire to save their species with (you)r help.
As much as I'd love these, Toaru doesn't exactly work like that in regards to other species.
Female Baki character expies.
Love how half of these replies don't even bother trying to make them fit the setting. That's sarcastic, they're retards.
Have you worked on your jump today?
>Have a magic dick
>She gives you a handy
That sounds like more trouble than she's worth.
Fair enough. I'll leave the exotics stuff as an example under the catch-all option for cosmetic cyberware.

A little, yeah.
Magic God waifu who's been repeatedly destroying and recreating the world to try to create a reality where she's married to an idealized version of (you)?
No magic gods, he's not doing that half of the series.
It activates even if you're thinking about somehow causing Tooru harm. But it shouldn't trigger if you cause him to die purely by accident with no intention behind it.
Also that's a ridiculously strong companion you're asking for there.
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>and then once I help them accomplish that goal, I can immediately kill them
My thoughts exactly. Imagine their suffering upon the immediate betrayal.
Science God waifu who's been repeatedly destroying and recreating the world to try to create a reality where she's married to an idealized version of (you)?
I second >>93228863
Also no.
By half he meant Old Testament plot and not New Testament, not Magic/Science sides.
NTA but make her like Yukari from Touhou she is ridiculously lazy too. She probably doesn't even destroy the world itself so much as push others to do it. The recreation bit is probably handled mostly by minions. Usually she just sleeps or plays video games.
Actually an even better idea. Instead of actually destroying and recreating the world to get the ideal version of (you) she is just gaslighting you in to thinking that so she can be redeemed and become your waifu.
Clairvoyant Esper that can only operate through insects.
(it's a Hebert expy.)
Best perks to become the best at hugs?
Ever wanna companion someone but don't wanna ruin their whole canonical deal?
That's why I make expies sometimes.
Comfy Pajamas perk from DxD
An artificial esper who is basically Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. She doesn't have to have all the powers. She is lazy a bit of a drunk but you were the first person to show her kindness or something so she fell completely in love with you. She likes to fight with other wiafus over you but secretly actually is fond of them too.
Not really, canonical deal makes it seem like those companions don't have any autonomy at all.
Ricrods probably not gonna make even 3 of these expies y'all anons are suggesting to him.
Kinda... I want to Waifu Ryoko so hared but I don't want to steal her from Tenchi who she truly loves.
And? I think we are having fun. Let us cook For all the ridiculous ideas being thrown out, there may actually be some gold in there. If not for something that is directly taken then maybe something to inspire something else. If people are having fun what's the problem?
They are pretty terrible suggestions
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All you gotta do is become HUEG.
Yeah there isn't even the slightest attempt from most of them to actually stick to anything from Toaru. How many do you think could even be considered tertiary in Toaru knowledge?
Imagine Breaker companion. It's just crawling around like a spider.
Why does one piece have guns that are clearly able to be fired multiple times, such as revolvers, but then have most people using flintlocks which shouldn't but do anyway?
>Severed arm that follows you around like a puppy.
Why does your butthole taste so scrumptious? Because of Shit Piece!
>still no SMTV jump
If you're asking how that works in-universe, I dunno, it was because Vegapunk invented them or something, fuck you.
If you're asking why from an outside/meta perspective, probably the writer just liked the look of flintlocks and didn't care too much if it didn't make sense. That seems to be how a lot of things work in One Piece.
one of the angel race perks in the highschool dxd jump that was made by heavens_anon is all about giving heavenly hugs
Scheherazade expy without the Thanatophobia? Could make her a magician based on de 1001 nights tales.
Make one then.
lol no I'm a lazy fuck like 90% of the people here
I simply whine until it gets done
it works
Good, we shouldn't rush to make a jump like they did to make the game.
He's obviously a hedgehog Beastman, but he's also probably God-Blooded. Maybe one of Mercury's kids had him? Either that or he's an Exigent of a God of Motion under Mercury's employ. Or maybe he's Fey-Blooded and moves as fast as he needs to?
Is it a terrible idea to bring learnable powerful magic systems into settings like Worm? I could just imagine the Shards figuring out some nonsense that would be a big problem during the jump.
It's really embarrassing how many staples are flat-out ignored, especially compared to what these clowns do waste jumps on.
If it's so embarrassing, leave.
Its not like blank documents are in limited supply. You want it? Make it.
>Y-you make it then!!
"We need dentists who actually fill cavities."
"Let the hobo do it."
Do we actually know that Shards make use of data they gather during the cycle, rather than just storing it, before using it in the next cycle?
>you need to be trained to write a jump
You either fix the problem yourself or stop whining. This is like you bitching that you need a dentist and not going to one because you are a lazy piece of shit.
Even if they don't I'd have to imagine that their puppets such as the Endbringers or Scion would be able to make use of such things upon learning of them.
If someone who was bad at jumps made one you'd never stop crying about it. You don't need to be able to solve a problem in order to recognize a problem.
Oh boo hoo. A bad jump is often what gets people to make a good version.
their wielders's hearts allow them to shoot multiple times!
There are known autists and retards who have made acceptable jumps.

Pretty sure that's you, whining that people don't work for you for free.
If that's what it takes to make you assholes honor relevant media that is constantly brought up in here with jumps that should have existed literal years ago, sure.
Scion probably wouldn't care too much as long as he doesen't suspect you of being an outside factor to the cycle he gave up on the gathered data of it.
You're right about the Endbringers though. Simurgh would definitely copy it at one point(like how she recreated Professor Haywires Interdimensional Portal machine), or fuck with peoples head to make use of it to her advantage.
You're counterwhining that you're being called out for not caring about or sustaining your hobby.
What is a good setting to make an Emily Kaldwin Expy?
Anons do bring up SMTV kind of frequently. It is pretty weird nobody made a jump for it. That feels like a systemic failure if there aren't enough jumpmakers around to make really obvious jumps people would want.
Jumpmaking isn't a industry trying to appeal to the masses. It's something made by dudes and dudettes who spend most of their time jerking off to incest.

Unless you niggas wanna pay Jumpmakers, you shouldn't complain about them not treating this like a job.
I've always wondered how he did that with his head.
Not the pins, the perfectly straight squares.

Kris. The WARRIOR.
Just makes it even weirder that nobody made a jump for that transforming magical femboy I know they're all choking their chickens to.
Fuck that, I want an SMTIII jump. The flops can come after.

No, you need to be COMPETENT to make a GOOD jump.
Make it yourself instead of samefagging about it
No but if you made one it would be based.
>there's no SMTIII jump
Wait, what? How are you people not ashamed of yourselves?
Magic the Gathering Iconics
We don't need even more Persona jumps.
Nobody said anything about Persenis.
I will make jumps for niche stuff & I will be happy
Isn't SMT also Persona? Like how Tsukihime is Fate.
That's like saying Transformers is also Go-Bots.
Emily from Dishonored 2 >>93229409
What are you planning on making, friend?
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SMT came first but yes. Basically alt timeline shenanigans happend in the first two game to make Persona its own separate timeline away from all the Chaos Vs Law bullshit. And now Persona is the real money making ironically just how Fate was a spin off for Tsukihime which then started becoming the popular one.
I don't know what Go-Bots is.
SMTfags seethe over being mogged by their spin-off.
Enjoy your perpetual high school, worthless neet.
Isn't the SMTV MC also a highschooler?
I identify as Kamoshida. And I do enjoy school, yes.
You drive schoolgirls to suicide?
Seeing as it activated to kill a man 100+ years in the past I would think it'd activate to take down an active threat, however its evidenced to not do that an the superspin targeting the curse could be taken as going after wou. Maybe?
Has the board slowed down again?
Enjoy your perpetual repeat of Chaos Vs law that ends with nothing as the next game reuses the same plot.
The reason we don't have a SMTV Jump, and why we never will, is due to all the bitches from that game being ugly.
Cleo is perfect.
No waifus means no interest.
Plenty of hot demons tho
I am.

Niche or "niche"?

>is due to all the bitches from that game being ugly.
Are you blind, retarded and homosexual?
What kind of Jumper are you that you don't have hot girl bullets to shoot at uggos?
And your better off getting them in one of the Devil survivor jumps or just using the demon summoning program. So the only reason we would need newer SMT Jumps is for Powers and the story but that's just not interesting enough to grab any jump makers interest.
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>meanwhile SMTIII
>and IV and SJ I guess
Atlus killed my interest by trying to cater everything towards Persona fans lately
What do special about those? I only played Nocturne and the story wasn't anything amazing but the gameplay was alright. You know minus all the random encounters that were annoying as fuck.
I take it your not getting metaphor refantazio then.
What even is the mandala system he is so upset about?
We have SMTI. It peaked there. We don't need anything else.
Doesn't help that Persona are now slops.
Obviously Atlus is gonna milk the cow and expand it, it's a company, the goal of a company is to make money, but still.

>I only played Nocturne and the story wasn't anything amazing but the gameplay was alright. You know minus all the random encounters that were annoying as fuck.
...Have you tried getting an education or some curiosity? Ubermensh? Reasons? Nietzsche? Not brain dead plot full of plot holes? Neutral and Humanity Cock sucking which IV and SJ does but they are good games even if IV is way more frustrating imo? Yes No?
Here's the answer: play the game you fucking retard
This is why your dying game doesn't have players.
So you dont know either. Nice. If you just want to be a cockgobbling faggot please do so without posting.
To be fair, it takes a certain... amount of intellect and refinement to appreciate SMT, and many of our Jumpmakers lack that eye for art. Slopsona/Soulessona is just more to the taste of the common man, as sad as that is.
Nah, I would rather buy a good game.
>SMT Is the Rick and Morty of video games.
It all makes sense now.
I mean yeah, your average Persona fan haven't even played Persona 5, so anything else.

Can't believe I fallen into that bait.

I remember when 3 was considered deep and a breath of fresh air. Plot's was shit, but the game was so original an ballsy that who cared?
Now it's a "Who care" in general.
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No, I’m just silently praying for the stagnation to increase. Why have hope when the only thing they have been consistently capable of doing these days are monkey paws?
Soul Hackers 2 is still giving me nightmares.
Always was.
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What's the one true build for Dragon Ball Z?
Could goku beat the mahabino? No. Why would anyone care about dragonball?
Any mods you'd want a jump for?
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Making Krillin.
Earthling+Infinite Energy Android+Kaioken, for 1000CP.

The Kaioken perk increases your power x100 at minimum and only drains stamina, which you now have an never ending supply of, so you can keep it up near permanently and improve it a lot further.
Purchasing the entire Ginyu Force as companions. With 1000CP, you can just barely grab the whole squad.
Mods for what?
Ahh yes, the unstoppable park ranger build.
oh, you could also use your 300CP Item stipend to to buy the Big Gete Star Microchip, and basically create thousands of copies of yourself.
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>ruins what could have been the easiest SMT spin off revival by giving it to the TMS team with no budget & learning nothing from trying to bait SMT fans the 1st time
>only fucking people who defend it these days are persona leaning fans
It’s existence is single handedly driving me to become an apathetic doomer in regards to Atlus because it sets a new bad precedent that can happen at anytime. Also splitting resources to that game fucked over the original SMTV to an extent, can’t forgive them for that.
Taking the Devilman perk >>> everything else
Does the the Big Gete Star need to use people to power itself up or was it attacking new namek for raw materials? Because most of the universe is uninhabited apparently so there's a lot of planets worth of material you can use.
You mean game mods? Gigastructural Engineering and a few other Stellaris mods like ACOT would be fun.
Remember the SMT/Fire Emblem crossover game that managed to neglect both series fans.
+1000CP drawback for the omnicidal Original Empire rather than the Stellarborn
Wiki says it needed fuel, I assume that would be a non-factor since you're an infinite energy android.
And it was also during the era when Nintendo was open to doing doing weird crossovers like Pokken & Hyrule Warriors. Not to mention they were involved with the Devil Summoner series in the past. The building blocks were all there, I just can’t understand why they fumbled it. It make me miserable.
What where they thinking with that? Its like making a Zelda x Dragon quest crossover but it turns out to be dance dance revolution set in 90s.
Evening thread. I was going over my jump build for generic korean portal fantasy, being that I went as an inheritor while also choosing to purchase the expensive unique evolving monster option to be a vampire what are some cool evolutions to the standard vampire race you guys think I could shoot for?

Any monsters you think would qualify as royalty so I can eat them and gain a royal bloodline to become vampire/demon royalty?

Also as an inheritor my monster bloodline awakening would mean I started as a human, how big of a whammy do you suppose I would get hit by when it comes to the weaknesses inherent in many vampire species such as sunlight, garlic, silver, etc?

Should I be using vampure powers to turn humans into more vampires for powerups? (Under me of course because vampirism is and always has been a pyramid scheme)

Any weird and nonstandard powers I should give my custom vampire species?
Scape And Run Parasites
Funny thing is that, I like SMTV, it's objectively a retarded mess and a half of a game, and VV is objectively that, on top of being a scam, yet I still liked it enough to do everything.
The duality of a man's brain.
Though if I were to decide between SJR and SMTV, I'd take SJR.

>Also splitting resources to that game fucked over the original SMTV to an extent, can’t forgive them for that.
Serious? Oh the fucking pieces of shit.

I'm still vomiting. I remember expressing doubt back in the very early days it was announced for the stupidest reasons, a basic bitch SMT skill or spell mob a basic bitch move of FE's.
But they decided to sidestep the issue by making it a Persona/Fire Emblem game about idols and cringe.
How do you feel about the real smt classics though?
>a basic bitch SMT skill or spell mob a basic bitch move of FE's.
I thought the crossover was going to be like a modern version of Last Bible with common fire emblem character archetypes commanding demons and fighting for law or chaos. How wrong i was
Instant orgasm. Final fight was pure kino.
That’s the localized version of Last Bible right?

I loved the whole game. Flying ark ship was such a huge thing when I got it. I just went around grinding and farming new demons for ages.
What is SMT about? All I know is that the Japanese really hate God, which is probably why he punishes them with constant earthquakes and tsunamis
Legs...what were we talking about? Shit. I intended to reply to the contents of your post but I can't remember the thought.
Lyn is so good.
Buy and play the games retard. Nobody has the time to spoonfeed you basic shit.
>Flying ark ship
The Virging Airship versus the Chad Flying Ark.
you could watch a LP, look at the fan wiki, or read the tv tropes page - but instead you post your question here.
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>Serious? Oh the fucking pieces of shit.
Some of the members with the SMTV team got transferred over to help “create/finish” Soul Hackers “2”. I can’t remember WHEN during the development period, but I heard reports that they got shuffled around at one point.
That old Atlus logo is really fucking nice.
Evil sorcerer or mad scientist for a professional supervillain chain? I'm thinking, like, between a skeleton guy or maybe some sort of alien dude?
The games aren't directly related to one another, but usually it's about a war between demons and angels, with humans being fucked in the background.

Typically the game will have three routes. One for siding with angels, one with demons, and one that is supposed to be neutral, but tends to be about the protagonist beating up both factions.

As you have undoubtedly seen, the fanbase is full of bitter people who hate fun and the fact that their niche game got assblasted by Persona, but the games aren't bad.
>you could thumb through articles by yourself or actively engage with the community here to discuss a prominent setting for the game we're playing.
Mad sorcerer who disguises his magic like tech to throw off superheroes. What kind of themes are you thinking? I always default to suit and tie villainy. Being evil is no excuse not to dress nicely.
This is why no one plays your games, lol.
File deleted.
Suggest me some big booba husbandos to companion anons.
This is why no one makes Jumps of their games, lol.
Go back.
>prominent setting
SMT is not a "prominent setting"
the question itself didn't relate to jumpchain at all
At least with constantly talked about stuff like exalted or fate you get people happily telling you about there setting making it easier to discuss.
Science. Capsule tech, time travel, androids that scale to whatever you have available for analysis and more.
They could have EASILY saved SMT if instead of trying to be persona they went balls deep on the waifumon aspect. Let the summoner a more meaningful relation with their summon, introduce a marriage system, ditch the Japanese school setting, stay post-apocalyptic and let the player conquer whats left of the world with their army of demons/angels.
Yep. Pretty much every setting here that people constantly talk about, like Naruto, Exalted, Fate, Elden Ring, etc... Will have their fans gushing about it even to people who are unfamiliar with the setting.

SMT fans are too bitter for that though.
What a Darwin Award.

>with humans being fucked in the background.
And also fucking up a lot, which give the Angels and Demons credibility. The alignment system is a mess too.

>As you have undoubtedly seen, the fanbase is full of bitter people who hate fun and the fact that their niche game got assblasted by Persona, but the games aren't bad.
That's just projection. Yeah sure, it's popular, but I'm bored of Persona and think it's nothing special anymore except good musics, and Atlus being lazy with people being naive and being "oooh soo deep".
Weirdly enough, Persona 3 Reload is apparently disliked, for now I dunno why. The worst sin it does in my eyes so far is not giving Messiah a special skill, despite P3P having done so.
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I feel similarly, but I tend to go more flamboyant with the fashion. I like a camp but "cultured" villain who listens to classical and opera, but surface level, recognizable stuff so the plebeians recognize it and know what he's affecting, or a really creepy looking, inhuman being who is unfailingly polite and gentlemanly when he isn't just peeling your brain apart. I'm having trouble with a suitable look for that, I always default to skeletons when I want a spook. Possibly a buggy alien, maybe a BG3 mind flayer with Time Lord robes. Dragons are good cruel aristocrats but I don't want something so beastly. They're not quite exotic enough, usually. Robots are cool but I don't know how to design them to my standards. See, I've got too much in here. I like your idea for the magic/tech.
>nude mod the jump
>option to make all women everywhere forever always be naked
>that’s it, that’s the entire jump.
I'd love that, but SMT is half anime, and Persona is full anime. And you know what anime is with being a mistake? It's mainstream and casual and sell, so no way they would change the formula.

>ditch the Japanese school setting
I remember, years ago from now, and years ago from Persona 5, a fake Persona 5 OST, with adult characters. I would love that.
I'd go for it but I think the nude female form is the pinnacle of beauty and aesthetic perfection across all of creation. Why is that, anyway? It's such a trite idea but it's the truth. We need better multiversal maxims, damn it.
>Broly (a few DB jumps)
>Percival (Any Fate jump with servant summon or Fate Legends Avalon, he’s a good cook)
>Doumon (Same as above or Legends Japan)
>Muramasa (Touken Ranbu)
Damn image limit, I had the perfect image to reply with
They really should make a Persona with adult characters and a different kind of setting for once. I'm fucking 35, I don't want all the options in a game with heavy dating sim elements to be in fucking school (or a teacher who will date the MC, which is abhorrent and P5 even has an outrageous double standard between Kawakami and one of the early bosses).
Sorry for the late reply, been away from the thread. If you look under the items for gov official the 100 cp option gives you silver and gold coinage, and in general items there is the option to buy a horse.
there are tons of different variations of vampires across countless cultures, but traditionally Korean Portal Fantasy Story stick pretty closely to western fantasy, so I'd just stick to those.

Personally I'd just start of as a basic vampire with somwhat enhanced stats and claw and fang attacks and the ability to drink blood to recover hp/mp, but as you level up you unlock more and more classic vampire powers starting with expanding your transformation from changing your finger nails to something like giving you bat ears for enhanced hearing or owl eyes for night vision, maybe a bit later you could turn your arms into bat wings for flight or turn yourself larger and more wolflife for enhanced strength and claw attacks, with this expanding into being able to turn into large full animals or swarms of little animals, eventually gaining the ability to turn into mist/smoke for temporary invulnerability.

In other branches your ability to get magical eyes that allow you to put others you gaze at under specific status effects by expanding mana, starting with a slight stun to interupt actions, to paralysis that can disrupt them regularly during a fight, to sleep that just knocks them out cold, maybe even charm and dominate effects to make them start out turning non-hostile towards you, until they easily obey you fully even letting you alter their memories.

Your ability to recover energy from drinking blood could also expand over time, to giving you bufs to those pools temporarily, to giving you stats and maybe even skill buffs, until you can even temporarily copy some abilities of beings who's blood you drink, maybe even expanding into letting you view their memories.

You could also just generally devleop basic control abilities over things like darkness, weather and blood that expand until at the end you could do stuff like cover a city in darkness, destroy it with tornados and direc tthe blood of thousands slain towards you for enhanced effects.
I saw an image recently of a girl in nothing but stockings and some elbow gloves and it was pretty hot. Sometimes mostly naked is hotter than actually naked.
Can you link it or point me in the right direction?
>Sometimes mostly naked is hotter than actually naked.
Naked with sneakers is spiritual awakening tier.
Dude, you're old. Go back to your wife, go back to your family.

Jokes aside, Persona won't get a game with that concept, because being an adult in Japan tends to suck, and so everybody constantly jerks off their memories of high school.
Wearing an oversized unbuttoned shirt.
>teacher who will date the MC, which is abhorrent
She literally won’t pursue any further unless you finish through the school curriculum never mind that the MC is the one who starts the romance & you don’t HAVE to give her valentines date.
You gain full control over your vampire spawn and thralls along with any spawn or thralls they make. All power and advancements offer a 75/25 split with you meaning all growth in power from any of your line also gives you a quarter of the gained power meaning you should always remain on top. Maybe give boosts to gain power/experience if it exists from whatever you drink blood from. I would not make it so you are required to drink only blood, make it so you can still enjoy food and drink but that draining blood also gives a small permanent boost in power with blood from more powerful beings granting you more power.

For weaknesses I would go with skyrim vampire weakness style. You arent killed by sunlight but you also dont regenerate in it, this means full body covering or working at night. Base boon should be immortality unless killed and a massive boost to inherent power a person has, boosted senses and everything, along with night vision and immunity to disease and curses. Most curses, maybe still be vulnerable to stuff made to fuck with undead. Holy magic may also be something that hurts you more and can really fuck you up.

Evolution lines? Vampire > elder vampire > ancient vampire > primordial vampire, maybe toss some addon titles to your race so you can be a vampire mage or royal vampire or something as a sideways evolution.
I mean that is functionally naked, or at least the bits we normally think of as needing to be covered in order to not be naked are all on display. Yes she's technically wearing something, but what she's wearing covers nothing important. It just accentuates that her lady bits are on display by framing them. I'd still call that naked.
I'm sorry, I was really looking forward to this, but shit happened and I can barely think straight right now.
Did you whip that up just now?
They are nice, and I've had fun with a few oddballs from the bunch.
I don't know if that port was good or not compared to the NES original or Wonderswan Color port, I just know it's part of why I love party-focused JRPGs since I played it around the time R/B/Y was still new thanks to my brother's copy. Still feel like it has the best OST of the three versions because the arranger really knew how to work the bassline with the waveforms that chip had available.
>double standard
No, in Kamoshida's situation he is socially pressuring women to do what he wants. In Kawakami's situation, Joker has all of the power, and is the one who is holding her job over her head. The power dynamic is entirely different, and Joker has to actively initiate every step of the way or it doesn't happen.
>because being an adult in Japan tends to suck
It is absolutely no different from being an adult in America.
Also, also, my Joker failed a year and is actually 18yrs old.
It doesn't help that they grew stale, is that sort of messages supposed to be thought provoking still?

Also I disagree, Kamoshida is straight up an abuser, molester, rapist and a lot of things. Kawakami really is uncomfortable with the idea of being with you and you need to push it. The whole Kamoshida past situation probably doesn't help her brain.
Plus you are almost an adult.
Well, yes, but instead of escaping to high school land with 90% of your media, you losers escape to gun land with 90% of your media. Not much different in the end.
Taking this to Kill la Kill would mean the villains are automatically defeated and the story cannot play out. Love it.

Shirt only is better than shoes only.

Pretty much, yeah.
Those are the same thing in America, unfortunately.
Nice, nice.
>Shirt only is better than shoes only.
I don't think I can agree to that but it's a comfortable second place.

Drawbacks: Vulnerability x64 (8x Ea) +6400
Perks: Information Is Half The Battle, Levitation, Murderous Salary, The Wiki, The Community, Strong Levitation x5, Enemy Radar, Wand Radar, Item Radar, Spacial Awareness, Homing Shots, Repelling Cape x2 -200, Stronger Hearts x37 -6100. -6300 0
Items: Starting Kit, Map, Invisibilium Potion, Kammi -100 0

I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just hoping that a 10x multiplier to my health, homing shots, three kinds of radar and a lot of levitation energy will be enough to survive taking double damage from every damage source. I'm going for the simplest ending of completing The Work, as I don't think I can survive attempts at any of the other endings.
Needs more options.
Awesome ideas guys! I like the idea of unlocking powers and upgrades as well as tithing my subordinates. Though I would probably use some sort of energy from the blood drained setup instead of experience. Love the idea of getting buffs based on the blood you drink, that would always be useful.

Thanks guys!
Expand on what you want then.
I hope we never get Persona with adult characters unless it’s that chink gacha. The fans simply don’t deserve it
Make it an actual supplement, like the pantsu supplement.

Maybe have options that say women are allowed to wear specific items of clothing (ie socks/gloves, open shirt, etc), options effecting social stuff (she’s naked and she knows it and she hates it, she’s naked and she knows it and she loves it, she’s naked and she doesn’t know it, etc), and maybe something for being protected from the elements despite being naked, or some kind of emperors new clothes type deal where you can wear whatever you want but it just turns invisible.
And an item that is an actual nude mod that is compatible with every game ever.
Try checking out vampire the masquerade stuff for more unique vampire powers.
All characters in Jumpchain CYOA are 18 or older
Only a chink gacha published in tandem with EA.
What flavor Goku do you prefer, yellow, red, blue, white, hairy red?
The simple fact is there not catering to western fans in there 30s who want that shit and instead to teenagers and Japanese Otakus. An adult persona would have you working in a black company or look like Catherine.
personally I like him as a monkey boy with a tail and a magic staff riding a cloud
Covered in cum. So white.

Hehe fart.
Whatever ssj3 is
The original joke behind "The X supplement" was poking fun at people needing a document for a house rule instead of just having the rule.
The majority of fans whining about that shit just want to jerk off to the pretty fictional persona ladies that not real without worrying about their age like the mentally disabled people they are
I'll add some protection from the elements stuff but otherwise i'm too lazy to expand this into a full supplement unfortunately. Also >>93230559
Will do
>hurr durr why is the game made for children about children
If you don't want a game about children.... stop playing a game made for children, you fucking manchildren.
>Dedicated dressmaking perk
>Dedicated dressmaking supplies item
Shit, I'm going to have to visit this jump just for those.
You are right. It is a chikdrens gamr. That means we need more gay propaganda.
I'm glad you like it anon.
nta, but I'd also look at the Vampire Lord perk Tree in Skyrim.
No part of this, but when was Persona for children
>stop playing a game made for children, you fucking manchildren.
The lack of self awareness is something else.
Thanks will do, having a racial tree people can choose from to upgrade their vampire powers makes it something I can leverage to others potentially.
You can remove gay propaganda without making a game about schoolchildren for adults.


I know what you're implying, but I don't actually play Jumpchain.
Where's best to make some murderous nun companions?
Just do a 2077 jump, the other in setting stuff from 2020 would just be Daioni, Gemini and probably Bartmoss stuff. If someone wants that shit they can literally find it in a 2077 jump anyways. At most put an optional 0cp drawback so that people can have the choice to define 2020/CDRed stuff as being canon or if it’s just the more limited showings from Edgerunner show/game
Any of the Castlevania jumps?
Black Lagoon
Warhammer 40k
Anywhere to be a golem or earth elemental hive mind?
>Page 9
>image limit burned with useless waifu pics
Every fucking time. Ya know what? Fuck y'all bitches. Y'all don't deserve and ain't getting this jump.
Just fucking link the document, ya dog cunt.
Gemcraft for the golem, Forgotten Realms for the earth elemental but I’m not sure about the hive mind part of that. Overlord would also work as a custom race I’m sure, one of the Nazarak NPCs was a giant bug swarm if I remember correctly so an amalgamation of earth elementals should be fine
were over 1200 posts in, it would've been burned regardless.
1241 posts anon.
I promise you /jc/, a thousand year chain guided by compassion.
Fuck off Ric.
Fuck your I don’t want to start in DC as a brainwashed Indigo nerd
>guided by compassion
Fuck off with that.
I'm up for it.
Lord of the old chain, let us go together.
Hey shard, which perk would cover the non blood thorns spells in ER? Like the one from the scadutree avatar.
What jumps are involved in a compassion-chain?
Like >>93229590 and >>93229599 mentioned yes. Basically to clarify in the Devil Summoner series time travel nonsense occurs to avert the events of SMT 1. Which eventually leads to the first Persona. Followed by Persona 2 basically just being SMT, but instead of angels and demons it's Nyaralthotep and Carl Jung's Imaginary Friend making a mess.

Going full waifumon is just applying Persona social link stuff to demons. So I'm not sure how that would avoid trying to be Persona.
It took almost twelve hours to fill up all 150 images anon with the last one being used a little under an hour ago
Miquella's wacky chain:
Final Fantasy
I’ll take an Exalted jump for jump 1, sure.
Chainbutt you have to have sex with your mother and you both have to cum, and you can't explain yourself at any point, or retcon this with your powers after you get the chain. What will you do?
I refuse.
If we are starting in old jumpchain stuff I want my first jump as Symbiote or Shadow Ops
Can I get a little bit of Fate thrown in please? But other then that the list is fine l.
>It took almost twelve hours to fill up all 150 images
18, actually. That’s a rate of 8 or 9 pictures an hour.
Go grab all these perks, so every single good deed you do will have a massively increased impact on everything
>Castle of Puzzles - Guardian of the Diamond
>Digimon World Re:Digitize - Fortunate Ripples
>Atlantis The Lost Empire - The World Was Never The Same
>Elf San Wa Yaserarenai - Genuinely Good Guy
>Genjintsu no Kanajo - Rehabilitator
Chainbutt you start your chain with 4 other Anons in exalted making a circle who you will adventure with for the rest of your chain.
There’s a couple in All Star Superman that should be added to that if memory serves
Wow, this is stupid, the person who thought this up should be ashamed of themselves.
Can I at least pick the anons?
Isn't there also one like that in Hero BBS?
I choose Worm, Heavens, Cool Cats Don’t Trip and Shard
I would like to request a couple things, no pressure to add them though.

A car or motorcycle
A nice apartment
A netrunning chair and setup
A bank account with a substantial amount of credits
A ripperdoc shop with an actual license to give people cyborg implants.
A parts supplier that we can order new parts from so we dont need to make our own even if we want to sell them.

Maybe the option to pay a little extra to make items you buy really damn nice. Or merge them. I want to fit a netrunner chair inside my car but I can always manually do that I guess.
Go ahead. I'm Gonna go as a Dawn or Dusk caste
This is at least a little better. Do they have to be random Anons? Can we choose to have namefags? Am I the only jumper and they are companions? How exactly does this work? I'll take it either way.
Poor bastard.
I summon Lone Valkyrie, Anon Heart, Blade, and Ricrod.
If you can think up a few more ideas and throw them at me, I might take a swing at it.
Why are you summoning me, anon?
It´s time to sleep
Will this devolve into waifs wars when the dibs starts getting called. Best be getting some kind of cloning stuff early on before you all try and kill each other over it
Can namefags really be considered Anons if they aren't anonymous? It's basically a named user.
To go on a chain, with at least one cute girl.
Behold the Sun, Exalted Vs. A Wish for Peach, Link to the Past might not count for this, but it’s a great perk anyways.
You can choose to go random or name fags and Anons you like. All of you are the jumper but when it comes to Setting wide drawbacks you have to vote on them. Personal ones that only effect you can be taken freely.
I'm in.
Let's get some harems
The only place you are going is in a Jar.
Shards autism order chain is literally just RP, I’m pretty sure he straight up said he wouldn’t go that path on an actual chain a bunch of threads ago. Besides I need someone who knows all the niche weird settings and he’s got the highest general knowledge base of any anon I can reliably note
You have 10 years to get your shit together in exalted where there are no stand out waifus.
You have a whole fucking world of magic kungfu shit, demons, gods, and reality bending fairies and you can't find a single waifu?
Next anons with same last digits are the ones going with me.
I’d bet you good money some anons would try to ntr your lunar mate with exalted charisma stuff, or just use it to convince you to convince your lunar that it’s all your own idea
>I don't actually play Jumpchain
But you're still here... why?
Do they have to be people who currently actively post?
No no you don't get it. Doesn't have a name and a pretty picture or lots of fanart = literally does not exist. Anons cannot conceive of characters that are not named existing in a world. There is no one in the world except named characters.
I hope it doesn't turn into waifu wars over essentially OC's but I'm prepared to be disappointed. At least you have your own personal Lunars.
Presumably to shoot the shit about various video games and anime, which is like 90 percent of what this general does.
You start in the Age of Gods.
>Social manipulation thinks it's funny to NTR the Combat caste.
This is what we call natural selection.
Cool. Works for me.

Okay I will take 4 namefags

I will take Quicksilver as a thank you for the hobby.'
I Will take KonotaAnon as they seem cool
I will take Heavens again a cool guy.
I will take Lone Valkyrie they seem nice.

As they are fellow jumpers I don't have to worry about importing them.
After a solid 8 years of being here it would be rather difficult to fully commit to another community that’s as free form as this but with defined rules. Momentum keeps me here even though I sometimes only make individual builds for the fun rather then while chains. Can’t get past 20 or so jumps nowadays as the bloat and choice paralysis gets to me when back in the day I’d have a literal alphabetical jump order chain that stretched into the hundreds
I choose NuBee, Red, Valeria & PsychoAnon
NuBee, Red, Shard, and HeavensAnon.
The next four anons will be my team, as you’ve not said what exalted I choose Infernals
That is just choosing which namefags you want to go on a chain with.
I'm down
I'm choosing Litch anon who made Viral bull style, Quavinse anon, and Shards and Ric.

I like these people and they actually know the setting.
Sounds cool to me.
Assuming this post makes it in time, I’m taking the option to be desus and none of you can stop me.
Sure I'll join. Gonna be a dawn cast so I'll handle the fighting.
>Anon Heart
you know he went full woke right?
Unironically Based.
Missed, but looks like you can go in a chain with >>93230975
The team is set, I’m dibs for SWLiHN with Isidoros as the favoured.
NTA, but that just means they're fertile grounds for correction.
I prefer to create my own waifus and I generally don't care what the others do so long as they leave me alone. Play hero or burn the world, I'll be out in the Wyld making my own Creation with blackjack and hookers. I just need four of you for the numbers. Any volunteers?
I will go with whoever helps me complete my bingo card.
I bring enough racism, misogyny and raw heterosexuality to balance things out
Biych you like femboys fuck off.
>Litch anon who made Viral bull style
Deal, I’ll be the Zenith. I’d suggest starting in the East.
He doesn't. You must be thinking of another namefag.
Assuming we are all starting as Solars I'll be an Eclipse.
I'll take drop-in with SWLiHN's Defiler caste and Oramus as the favored Yozi. Out-of-nowhere quick learner with some Weird Shit for Charms.

What scenarios are we running?
I'm in. What splat are we jumping?
Sure I'm >>93231102.
I’ll follow along into the wyld as long as you turn a blind eye to the slowly growing Truculee harem
Eh Alright. If any anons want to go Dragonblooded and are willing to not be a murderous asshole feel free.
Clearly guided by compassion means you start in Doctor Who while paying to pick the Doctor, and then picking Grandfather Halfling. Thus resulting in being in the expanded universe of Faction Paradox, and more specifically probably in the City of the Saved. Which is a place at the end of the universe where all humans (including hybrids) were resurrected, but part humans are an oppressed underclass.

With the City of the Saved actually being the inside of a TARDIS that was once an artificially created human, but that ended up accidentally transformed into a TARDIS. Who then teamed up with the personification of human made tools to do the resurrect all humans thing. Her name is Compassion.

So clearly this is your benefactor.
We have all just been invited to the Ebon Dragons wedding,
Dawn caste Solar or twilight if it's pure 2E with no quality of life homebrew. Like multiple favoured abilities to choose from like 3e
Wouldnt removing a tarnisheds arms and legs without letting them die neutralize most of their powers?
East sounds fun. Dawn caste here.
That tends to remove most beings power, but they could still bite off their tongue to kill themselves and respawn
>Actually knows the setting
Ahahahahaha. Um. Not really, no. I am 110% making my chain up as I go along and the only source book I’ve read in the past year is Compass South.

Glad you like me/my chain tho.
He could still shout hurtful things at you.
Wanna cuck TED or cuck him /and/ take the wedding band?
Well, that didn't take long. Do try to remain manageable. If I need to babysit you there'll be mindrape and sealing. You have been warned.
>what splat
Solars, apparently.
>if you don't mind
I don't care what happens behind closed doors, just make sure you keep those doors closed.
Passing knowledge is better than non. And your a based isidoros enjoyer so I can tell your cool.
Do you split the reward? One takes the Scarlet empress and the other the wedding band?
Define manageable, cause I'm wont to start a holy war or two.
I was just going to forward invites to the Neverborn and steal most of the booze but sure that works too
I'm down. The breeding perks are pretty central to one of my chain ideas so that works quite well for me. I'll have your back if you'll have mine.
>Dragon blooded Anons start bank rolling celestials to fight there wars.
Feel free to get into as much trouble as you like so long as you don't make trouble for me. Just make sure you stay alive since I assume we'll all chainfail together if one of us dies.
It's really weird because all of their CYOAs are about making women your onaholes.
Puppet Combo
One of us will need to be a hermit with some form of resurrection, I’d say so long as all are alive at jumps end then it’s all good. As the Truculee harem hermit I of course volunteer to keep portions of your souls and flesh in little jars in case of required resurrection. If need be I shall even sacrifice the most used Truculee to serve as a temporary host for your spirit. See how magnanimous I can be
it's just a deconstruction of isekai sexpest power fantasy
Anon wokies are mostly degenerates and hypocrites who put on a farcical show of virtue to try and hide their myriad of sins. Screeching about being an ally is often camouflage for being a rapist.
Just let me know who and whats off limits so I don't step on your toes and I'll do my best.
Works for me. Lets go make trouble.
Hey if it works it works. The wyld hunts clearly not gonna cut it after the solars returned so a new approach is probably needed.
We're gonna rob the joint completely blind, then hide like bitches in The Artful Temple That Is Not.
Perfect plan, nothing can go wrong.
>Puppet Combo
We have jumps for any of their games?
We could
Can we set it up so that the Dragon Blooded take the heat, but it’s actually a double bluff with further evidence pointing at the Sidereals?
God damn I wish QQ's watched threads section had a proper search bar. Been trying to find this one specific femdom Danmachi fic for hours now.

... Anyways, where can I get a dommy wife with a feminization fetish, since my plan of stealing one from a fanfic didn't pan out?
Plant evidence that points fingers at everyone, including us, except the Dragon Blooded. Teddy will immediately look at the sids.
Probably the QQ jumps I’d say, otherwise Redo the Healer
>dommy wife with a feminization fetish
Safe horny.
I'll make my own arrangements thank you very much. Maybe the others are open to getting converted into your fuckdolls.
In Exalted? In general you can burn it all to the ground for all I care but I suppose it's good to establish the following: No messing with the Shinma without my agreement, no creating new neverborn, no tossing Creation into Oblivion (dissolving it into the Wyld is ok) and obviously no messing with whatever domain I create in the Wyld.
Reminder the bull of the North was destroying house Tepet and he wasn't even optimised. Having Celestials on payroll basically wins all your wars. Especially if you have a few dragon blooded in your ranks willing to fight with what that didn't drink the immaculate kool aid.
>Redo of Healer
No thank you

>QQ jumps
Unfortunately there's not a lot of femdom going on in QQ jumps

A wife that'd lovingly convince you to try on pretty dresses and teach you how to do your makeup while complimenting you so you feel nice and squishy while wearing adorable clothes is the best.

Also a wife that'd stick you in a chastity cage is the best
It would only be temporary and they would both be clean and expected to be returned
Yeah, you ain't touching my soul.
Dangerous horny jumps?
Trials in Tainted Space there are a number of bad ends with that so it should work. The bar owner in Tavros for example does exactly what your asking. Pretty sure Sera does as well
What are Celestials?
You have my word your disgusting normal creation based soul has no interest to me, unless it’s a wyld fae soul in which case I’d be very interested
That's gonna be a hard pass man.
Yeah but having Deebs on your payroll working with a celestial whose also on your payroll feels potentially dangerous. Celestial social charms are powerful even with a lunar let alone a Solar. Might end up getting couped if your not careful.
Chainbutt you will be naked and embarrassed about it the entire time.
Exalted based on celestial bodies, solars, lunars, infernal, abyssal and sidereal. Probably some other niche ones I don’t remember too
>East sounds fun.
We’ll take over a kingdom and grow it to a regional power.

>Dawn caste here.
Neat. I run Martial Arts so I’ll be right there on the front lines with you.
Describe the fic
I'm going fighting and crafting so you handle the Social stuff while I build shit and lead our armies.
Fair enough I suppose.

I guess I’ll be a…. Eclipse, I think? Either that or Twilight. Social or crafting, no particular preference between them.
Deal. I’ll get you the people, you train them. Though I will note that I do some crafting as well, it’s too good of an ability not to invest in.
That works we basically have all our bases covered except stealth since where all overlapping a little.
>no creating new neverborn
Not even Ebby? C'mon, if anyone deserves it, it's him.
I don't actually remember much beyond Hestia's familia being filled with women and Bell was convinced to crossdress by Hestia.
Having a hand in crafting projects will always be useful. The army will be very well armed.
He's more trouble dead than alive.
>Hestia's familia being filled with women and Bell was convinced to crossdress by Hestia
...that's just canon tho?
I’ll convert an Air Aspect to our side, they can handle Stealth.
That works or we make our lunar mates cover our weaknesses.
It was a persistent thing in the fic, with people outside of the familia not even knowing Bell was male
Took a bit to figure out the new starter quest in TiTs to actually check, but there's no bartender on Tavros station
Was bell still the captain or was there some other guy? I did see a fic recently where bell got argonaut early and the guy decided that meant he needed a cage and to cross dress.
I think Bell was still the captain?

... It sounds right at least
I had a dream where an asshole of a space pirate dumped a bunch of Samus clones on me and left and that got me thinking. What jumps have cloning options that isn't just cloning the person yourself the hard way?
FEAR and Cortex Command have cloning vats. Gungrave Overdose has a cloning perk that can turn companions into group compaions
Goddess of virginity?
!!! That's the one! Thanks anon
Warframe has perks and items for cloning for the Grineer origin.
Thanks anons.
Fuck off back to discord.
Highschool DxD got a pretty decent clone item
>Geronimo’s Cadillac (400cp)
>Sure, being a hero is nice and all, but we gotta refill the common soldiers. And what better soldier than a clone of someone with high specs? Nothing. Here I give you a cloning facility with a training station attached. With enough DNA samples (can be yours or from anyone), you can make a clone or a hundred,
they will inherit all the basic powers and talents from the original. The machinery allows for preventive modifications, in case you want them to start with certain knowledge, rapidly grow up to their prime age, change their original sex, or just make them more submissive to your authority. Not very heroic, but very effective.
I’d you mean automated mass clone production Warframe, Stellaris and probably Halo, pretty sure one of the new Star Wars jumps also had cloning facilities, Eclipse Phase and Revelation Space would also allow for cloning and copying a mindstate over. If you mean just duplicating someone endlessly then The Batman jump has the Everywhere glove item that lets you endlessly create quantum copies of yourself, pretty sure you could rework it into a ray gun or something that just duplicates what it hits. City of Angles had the duplication shelf, if you’ve got a way to turn them into a small object then you can just mass duplicate from the shelf
Aaaand now I need to come up with a new character design because Messier was something I chose to compliment Quavinse. Fuck.

Do you guys actually want to write anything for this? Because that’s kind of a distraction I don’t need for my main chain.
Metal Storm or something like that, it’s an old jumper that starts with Metal in the unimaged folders. It lets you be president of America forever. Otherwise Jorge Joestar had a similar perk and any DC jump with a super genius perk should let you copy what Luthor did, Marvel too given Normal fuckjng Osborne was president at one point
>Do you guys actually want to write anything for this? Because that’s kind of a distraction I don’t need for my main chain.
Nah, at most I’d make a character sheet and build for the Solars jump just for fun.
Nah, I'm too busy writing something else and a group project whilst fun sounds like a mess here.
So do the clones come out with copies of knowledge and techniques or just the body?
Pixels has a perk for that
It doesn't have to be Solars. They are just the generic pick.
Nta Freed didn’t so if that’s the same item as the place that made him then no
the item description says you can modify it to already start with knowledge.
Does it have to be Exalts from Exalted? I wouldn't mind tagging along with a bunch of Dungeons the Dragoning Paragon exalts
JK Exorcist.
Huh. Who knew.
That's almost as bad as being a Cosmic Exalt.
Sounds fine to me, might make things harder with potential conflicts over waifus but I figure I can just stay out of that and pick up my own versions in any large multiverse settings.
Paragon Exalts are just really skilled humans.
Make dragonballs and dropping them into every setting from then on. Maybe have a tournament arc with them as the prize.
So a Solar?
nta, but Freed wasn't a direct clone of anybody, he's a test tube baby made of the genes of a ton of different people in the hopes of recreating Sigurd.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but good. I forget my chain exists often enough anyways, I don’t need two of them.

Also I spent the day away from my computer and have been daydreaming about using a full scale Revel to fake a summoning of Isidoros so that I can drop him on… whatever the Princess city is called, Alabama, to defend it during some kind of final battle type scenario and have him trample a bunch of darklings underfoot. This may or may not be concurrent with Noel and Mary Sue/Maria Oaks tricking the True Fae into freeing like 90% of the changelings and having them defend the city as well. I kinda want to have four such instances of the Godzilla threshold, one for each cardinal direction, but I can’t think of another two other than just more armies.

And I need to write that shit down before I forget about it.
It would be funny if someone made an actual jump for that splatbook someone made for them, it would be dumb as hell but we jumped the shark a long time ago.
This would have basically been my build.
Starting Location: East
Origin: Scholar(Blacksmith)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Caste: Dawn

+100 The Maidens’ Ire
+100 A New Dawn
+200 Yozi-Friend

free - Pages and Words
300 - Mind of the Sun
100 - Flawless Form Technique
200 - Panoply of One
400 - Brigid's legacy.
400 - Unconquered

Willing to drop the drawbacks and Brigid's legacy. Just grabbed it because why not.
Any jump with a companion section where you create an OC.
That's fair like I said it would have been messy and I'm too busy writing my own fic. Trying to do a group chain especially here would be hard.
Their gimmick is getting Pressure Points based on their level which they can use to alter the results of rolls in their favour. They don't actually get much else, but they recover Pressure Points whenever their enemies expend their own resources, so the more pressure they're under the better they perform

... Basically they're Action Movie heroes. Or shounen heroes.
Places besides 40k where biomancy is a psychic discipline?
Honestly one of the big things that would need to happen is everyone deciding the future settings and choosing which waifus are being picked up first.
GURPS Psi-Wars
DnD. Trinity.
Arguements over what jumps to go to would probably be worse than arguments over waifus I think.
Personally I'm fine with anything after I swing around and pick up my main waifu but I can see lots of people having different stuff they want out of a chain.
Yo ass be in luck.
As long as I can eventually go to Mind Control University and get access to a multiverse that persists between jumps I should be able to get all the waifus I want without starting fights with the others. Though I imagine everyone will want to have a mind control immunity before going there.
Well shit, hopefully that's one of the better SB jumpmakers but I won't hold my breath. Luckily the splat is something where OP powerwanking fits the setting but that only helps so much.
>Dungeons the Dragoning
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time
I don't know how chill I would be. On the one hand I order my own chains very carefully and am kinda autistic about getting the sequence right to achieve the results I want. On the other in an actual chain I wouldn't be worried about story beats and shit I'd just be having a good time. I'd care much less about a slow and appropriate power progression if it was real.
It’s going to be awful doing series jumps out of order, I live for using my past history to stir fear into the present day.
Damn. I would at least have the balls to make a jump for my own headcanon Exalts from my Spirits of Creation build instead of someone else's if I were making an OC Exalt type jump.
>one of the better SB jumpmakers
He's probably one of the worst. Even compared to redditors, he's below par.
Those were better days.
Well fuck, at least it isn't for something I'd be really interested in visiting.
No worries, I get it. A group chain is fun to think about, but unless it’s actually going to happen it’s not worth the hassle.

Looks decent, though dropping Brigid's Legacy and the drawbacks would probably be a good idea, yeah. This is what my build would be.

>Origin: Merchant
>Caste: Zenith
>Stuntmaster (100)
>Just A Humble Merchant (Free)
>Weighing The Scales (100)
>Tangled Webs (200)
>Prosperity of the Sun (300)
>Unconquered (400)
>Body Strengthening Liquor (100)
>A Grim Nemesis (+200)
>Smuthunter is updating Breathless Wild to include TotK content
Could someone explain why you would make a jump for a specific fanfic/quest if you're just going to add anything even tangentially related to the canon setting?
So for Dragonblood which element do ya'll go with? I am having trouble deciding between fire and wood.
Usually I go with air. I feel like its what matches me best but that could be idealistic thinking on my part.
Ki, obviously.
The drawbacks and stuff were just left overs from an old build I digged up. Still your build looks pretty good too. My whole plan was basically forging my own weapons and artifacts then using Panoply of One to keep a copy for every situation I could possibly need.
I go with Fire. The combination of social skill and fighting skill is a fun one.
So I am the idiot who knows nothing about exalted. Hanging around here I am seeing it would be advantageous to correct that. Where is a good place for a newbie to learn exalted?
Chads roll 1d5.
Am not, but also I'll make whatever I damn well please and you can't stop me.
Alright, bro, just don't pretend to be any better than reddit when you do exactly what they would do.
I like Fire, it has the most abilities I want under it's caste abilities and no abilities I don't like. There are things I'd want in other aspects but Fire has the most bang for my buck, fire is already a major element for me in general.

What element to get next via TGH is going to be much harder though, probably water for Martial Arts but Air has both the magic charms and the Charm for increasing Breeding is under Wood while crafting is in Earth. . .
You shouldn't be allowed to use a jump if you haven't seen the media or played the game it's from.
Personally one of the more entertaining ways to start is reading keychains of creation. But having a read of the jumps should give you some decent overviews of the setting.
Can you help blade make an actual totk jump?
Could add shit like being able to treat any background as drop-in for folks that don't want the baggage or prefer having to build up rep each jump. Maybe some more common houserule stuff that isn't too obtrusive since a fully compiled supplement would have the stay toggle, even if that doesn't look like one of yours given the formatting. At present it's barely more than a page of stuff with reasonable formatting, or 6 options over 5 supplements assuming nothing's missing.
NTA and I actually like the Breathless Wild jump but it does feel like more of a lewd Breath of the Wild jump than a jump for Breathless Wild.
I'll check out keychains of creation. I am not looking at a particular jump but just for some general knowledge. I suppose I can check out ALL of the jumps. Hopefully I should learn something.
>My whole plan was basically forging my own weapons and artifacts then using Panoply of One to keep a copy for every situation I could possibly need.
A solid plan. My build is about turning the kingdom I rule into a wondrous place to live and convincing the neighboring kingdoms to submit to me willingly.

I always recommend playing through this as a good way to familiarize yourself with the basics.
If he wants my help then he'll have it.
thank you I'll check this out.
BLADE's preferred pronouns are probably they/them by now.
With mind of the sun and prosperity of the sun the kingdom will end up looking like a small first age kingdom.
>one of mine
I don’t know who you think I am but I assure you that’s not me.
Go ask him if he needs help/ideas/just someone to talk to. His last post here in 4chan he mentioned being utterly fucked, so.
Whats the difference between the different types of dragonborn? Can't they all basically do the same stuff?
And Mind of the Sun and Prosperity of the Sun are receiving the boost from Unconquered as well.
Dragonborn in TES can absorb dragon souls to learn rudimentary tonal architecture. Dragonborn in D&D are just lizardpeople.
Any jump where I could start out with a bunch of magic items for adventuring for cheap(50-100CP per item), I used to do that with Generic Dungeon Crawl, but the updated doubled the cost of normal magic item(though the object that lets you use a spell once per hour still remains).

I am primarily going for useful, but not major stuff, like an Invisibility Cloak, a Field Provisions Box, a Bag of Holding, that kind of stuff.
Thanks, I'll do that.
Just use the old version?
The place will get crazy fast since everyone in the kingdom will be constantly be improving and super loyal and armed to the teeth with first age technology. The east may as well be conquered even without trying.
doing that purely to get something cheap wouldn't feel right. Like it would make the entire thing less fun for me.
Dragonblood i mean
Basically just determines how fast you can learn certain skills. Very few Charms actually make use of the element, and they're generally not that great in the grand scheme of things.
>The place will get crazy fast since everyone in the kingdom will be constantly be improving and super loyal and armed to the teeth with first age technology.
First Age tech is good, but it tends to be more demanding. I’d suggest starting out with Shogunate era tech first, it’s still pretty good and makes for a reasonable intermediate step between the two.

>The east may as well be conquered even without trying.
Probably not all of it, there are other Solars in the East. The Hundred Kingdoms makes for a good place to start.
Here since I'm bored and the solar groups posting builds. Have a Build from one of the Dragonblooded anons. Its not anywhere as impressive as a solar and we have to pay more for less with the Jump. (Ironically like the Dragonblooded themselves in universe) but its... something. Probably gonna try and make myself useful somewhere in the threshold. A dragonblooded sorcerers bound to have options. Surely theres some Jade and silver to be made.

Jump 1:Exalted-The Dragonblooded
Origin:Drop In
>Talented (Archery):Free
>Inner self:-100
>Too Danmned useful:-300
>The Emerald Circle:-300
>The Dragons cradle:-300
>A boon:+100
If you need good untouched nearly fully functional First Age infrastructure Denandsor in the Scavenger Lands is excellent and it was a major craft hub in the First Age.
Male, right?
True, first age standards is something to build up to. But the place would still have the highest living standard in the direction. The Hundred Kingdoms will probably be absorbed like it's a game of crusader king.
>The suprise of the chainbutt is everyone is put in the same creation.
Oh yeah. Male why?
Wood but since I have training perks I end up with all of them eventually anyways.
That... is honestly still workable. Creations a big place and hopefully there'll be a place to carve out for myself. I don't need some throne or to be the biggest guy at the table when theres more then enough food for everyone.
Forgotten realms maybe?
True. If anything it gives you more options since I would rather work with a fellow anon than the locals.
That anon could secretly be Timmy.
Yeah that update actually made the jump worse.
>Suddenly Ketchup starts trembling as a large influx of solars and lunars spawn out nowhere
Hm, good point but I don't see Timmy willingly being a dragon blooded. Gohan poster is probably ever an Abyssal or Infernal so he can torture Gohan better.
The man gave you not just one but many Samuii and you have the nerve to call him an asshole?
This may be a hot take, but I think being forced to touch grass would considerably tone down a lot of our shitposters.
I think the real ones he should watch out for are the infernals and Sids. That is if he knew about them.
Goddamn RIGHT. SPECIFICALLY an Infernal because death, even slow, torturous death, is too GOOD for Gohan compared to an eternity banished to the darkness beyond reality.

Where bugs can crawl on him forever.
Why not.
----Exalted The Dragonblooded---- 1000
Wood 0
Nexus 0
Dynast 0

--PERKS-- 1000
Educated 0 (Heptagram)
Legendary Breeding -300
Artificer -400
The Emerald Circle -150
Exalted Beauty -400
Thaumaturgy -50

--GEAR-- -300
Stipend +400
Dragon’s Ink -400


--DRAWBACKS-- -300
Interesting +100
Found Egg +200
Interesting is mandatory for 0CP if you have Legendary Breeding.
Not a bad build anon. Don't think we're be seeing to much of each other generally but I'll give you a a warm welcome whenever you come out to the boonies. We can discuss sorcery or whatever we're working on usually.

Try not to shake up the Realm to much.
Fiend cast with Malfeus favour. You turn into a Devil tiger with the theme of Gohans eternal torment.
Should work decently enough, having to look up prices is a bit annoying though. Thank you
I mean, I like most of the stuff added, I just dont like that particularly item option, since it's pretty limited comparede to what you get for the price. I'd much rather thave prefered to pay like 300-600 for a full set of magic equipment rather than 200 for something like a goldne bug you can control with your mind or a rope that obeys you.
Well in that case add A Boon.
Has anything actually worth remembering happened in FF14 since Endwalker? Last I checked Zenos' Reaper partner outlived him and became your friend, and there's another power-mad Ascian lady who wants to become an "actual god". Anything else?
Nah, Adorjani Fiend. As CHADLY as being Malfeas and TANKING things is I prefer sudden, unexpected disaster as my MO for reminding Gohan he can NEVER run from the fight forever as well as inflicting depression RANDOMLY by STABBING him so he can't get his toddler tantrum transformations up and working, and CATCHING RINGS while running RINGS around him faster than he ever good even while technically being able to lift more than me. That BITCH.
In Empires of Antiquity I was gonna be a Heracles level demigod of crafting and collect six pieces of gods/titans/entities, craft them into magic baubles and make a ripoff Infinity gauntlet. What gods/titans should I collect pieces of for this?
This talk of Exalted has me looking forward to Anon's take on Dragonblooded, hope that project works out. And has a juicy items section.
Yeah, absorbing them probably won’t even require fighting, just a combination of Solar diplomacy and being strong enough that the neighboring kingdoms will accept my protection.

If you’re a Dragonblooded and looking for a job, I’m always hiring. I can promise good wages and high standards of living.
>Gohanposter is favoured by the crazed yandere Buddha and the Ebon Dragon.
Makes too much sense.
If jc implemented new standards for all jumps, what would you want for it? e.g. all jumps between 40 and 100 pages, double perklines for all origins, at least 20 OC companions, etc.
How about one from the head of each pantheon? Zeus's thunderbolt, Odin's other eye, etc.
A mandatory note in every SINGLE jump that all Jumpers have a moral obligation to torture, humiliate and defile the very idea of Gohan.
One of the other reflections has a technologically advanced civilization that keeps a bunch of simulations of its dead, and it invaded to kill people and steal their souls to keep it powered, but they only managed to kill like 50 people all together before getting stopped.
One left, just one more and the update is hopefully done.
>Sultry Shapes (50): Initially appearing like some particularly raunchy geometry homework come to life things become clearer as she moves closer, shifting in resolution between a low-resolution model to a high-definition woman who makes most other species look modest. Despite acting a lot like the platonic ideal of a vapid bimbo she’s actually just as intelligent as you’d expect out of a woman literally made of math; almost like a powerful AI running on space magic, lust, and valley girl stereotypes. While far more vulnerable to Null than even most other species, being made of Axiom for most intents and purposes, she more than makes up for it with her absurd capacity for learning and mental processing. Learning starship design and evaluating a proposed blueprint is something she could do midway through a conversation about it, making her an incredible asset when it comes to any project you might want to pursue. Getting her to translate her ideas into a more coherent form than bimbo speak laced with technical terms may be a bit tricky as is getting her to avoid lewd and/or romantic tangents but she’s incredibly gifted despite her demeanor.

>at least 20 OC companions
Please no.
Thats actually me here. >>93231853 Anon.
Gonna do my best and I'm always open to suggestions if you wanna throw any. Though I admit I'm making the Jump as a way to try and to make something better then the standard Dragonblood jump we got. Or to fit in what I'd want out of one.

I will... consider it. Though provisionally till Jump 2. I like my freedom most of the time but I wont turn down a Boss with there head on straight in creation.
Don't know Fate, but:
>Ouranos - Space
>Cronus - Time
>Zeus - Power
Not too sure who to put for Mind, Reality, and Soul.
How am I gonna get to Odin if I'm stuck in the Greek Texture, though? Can you just walk out of it?
Cool. Kind of odd how at one point FF14 was kind of blowing up here, and now it's like nobody's ever heard of it. Was it really all just Heavens before he left?
Less fighting would give me more time to build better infrastructure. We will have Factory cathedrals in no time everywhere.
Why not?
A canon companion option for Her Redness and/or her daughters?
Could you put a drawback where we start just before the great contagion?
Retinue/harem of heroic mortals?
Is it possible for you to offer some form of outright Null immunity in your update via Axiom Enhancement, if maybe at a higher tier? I'm a bit iffy on the idea of picking up a weakness that I can't full protect against.
You're get a Her redness option for a Clean 200 Points. The exact reasoning she'd join a jumper is one I'm still considering.

Hmm I could probably do something like that in the items section.

already got something like that. In the Time section. Though thats the furthest back your gonna get. Any further in the past and thats more the first age Jumps territory.
Medea being "top five" as a mage in Fate is so funny. It's like Hidan being an Akatsuki member, if anything it just degrades everyone else.
If you go into one setting as a European, then an anime setting as a Japanese highschooler, are you half white and half asian?
>I will... consider it. Though provisionally till Jump 2. I like my freedom most of the time but I wont turn down a Boss with there head on straight in creation.
Reasonable. The door’s always open, swing by anytime if you want more information.

>We will have Factory cathedrals in no time everywhere.
Best stick with one or two at first, they take a lot of upkeep.
Her redness is already open to interpretation in setting so I would suggest letting the reason be up to the jumper.
One altform is european, another is a japanese teenager
You try getting stuffed into a space as cramped as an small school bus with a bunch of freshly decanted Samus clones who have no concept of personal space while the original looks at you funny.
It's just sad at this point, especially when there's autists in this very thread trying to defend her with "d-doesn't count, Medea is a pure magecraft specialist!" as if that even means anything.
You're whatever race you normally were in both jumps.
Oh boy, a novel statement that we've never heard before, I can't wait to see where this goes.
The Closest thing you're going to get to an Immunity to Null is what Axiom Enhancement already does, there's no true weakness added just a buff that Null can disable.

As a human you gain innate Axiom benefits to your biology, which would give you mild superhuman capabilities in general. That goes away and you'll feel weakened because of it if hit with Null but since you aren't dependent on Axiom you aren't actually any weaker than before the boost, it just feels like it because you lost the buff. Well if you gained massive tits without the perk and Axiom was no longer helping support them that could be an issue but that's optional and the Alien 100 fixes it.

Aliens end up the same way from the opposite direction, they're no longer dependent on Axiom but still have the benefits. They'd feel weakened from the loss of Axiom super strength but since their biology would be complete without any holes axiom needs to fill they'd be just as strong as their now fully functional muscles allow.
>Being rubbed up on by many Samuses and coated in their sweat is a bad thing
Stop being gay.
Do you actually have a counterargument, or are you going to continue defending your battered jobber wife?
And my name fell off when posting something 'not my jump' related.
That's great, i just want to fight against Balorian Crusade
Hm true, but Bio labs are something we would need to make so we can start trading goods and Beast of Resplendent Liquids wouldn't require as much upkeep.
reminder that the one who said it was literally Solomon. So you cant even cope by saying its an unreliable narrator.
I'm an Ungabunga chad. I know how to wobbly punch with the force of a nuke. I love Ether Liners.
Harem management perk. Extremely aggressive Solar waifu who won't take no for an answer and saying yes has you share the target on her back while being far less able to survive it. Her Lunar is helping her cliam you while feeling really jealous and likely prone to messing with you in any way the Solar would let her get away with.
My wife is Castoria, I'm telling you to get some new material.
I'm telling you I won't and none of your whining will stop me, any more than you can stop Naruto autists from discussing Uchiha/leaf/village morality for the nth time.

Medea is a jobber, and this is the topic of discussion we will discuss until Nasu inevitably reveals the Man of Chaldea is not in fact Goetia to subvert expectations in 4 more years.
How does Axiom Enhancement interact with Gravia, since they are basically living axiom?
Consider a Workshop Manse or Atelier-Manse, much less demanding to build and maintain.
search for "jumps in current year" in the discord. it might take you to some elden ring criticism.
What is this OC based on?
Anon dream me thought he was going to die.
Null cancels Axiom out, so it wouldn't make sense for it to make you fully immune or anything. But you can just be a human who have innate resistance to its worst effects or an alien who doesn't need Axiom to live
>Dying being smothered in hot woman ass
>404 error data not found.
More seriously the Gravia do seem to eat and can definitely get pregnant (they're the physical embodiment of the Gravid faith which is exactly what it sounds like) which means there may be enough of a biology in there for it to work.

Since the perk says it can make other races survive without Axiom it can do that, but fanwank appropriately if you feel another result would make more sense such as partial effectiveness or it just not working.

The Gravia race, she's just an impressive specimen of the species. There was probably a missed opportunity for Horny SHODAN or Cortana but I've written too many OCs and you can make such an expy with either the companion creation option or the open ended expy OC
Still doesn't guarantee that you won't undergo personality death by losing all your memories and skills. Sound mind doesn't mean same mind.
I guess it all depends on how fast we expand and who we recruit.
>Literally designed to be humanity's eternal guardian
>Abandons humanity during the Collapse
>Turns SIVA into a nanite plague to screw over the Iron Lords/humanity
>Constantly fucks with humanity and the Guardians throughout the Dark/early City Age
Rasputin's just kinda shit, isn't he? God, humanity in Destiny just can't have nice things.
Thanks for your hard work anon.
Gimme your best idea: what the fuck would a non-Axiom Gravia/living equation waifu even fucking look like?
Maybe Nyx cuz of the connection between night and uncertainty/flux
Hades cuz he rules over all the souls in the underworld

Dunno about mind, but maybe Athena cuz I think she's supposed to be smart.
Search for "eel soup" in google, it might lead you to a delicious and nourishing broth. Or even advice on how to better your crippling grammar issues!
>Rasputin's just kinda shit
Rasputin a shit in every universe
Well I’ll be looking for Dragonblooded to recruit, so maybe some crafters will come along. Spies and soldiers will be higher priority though, the Wyld Hunt isn’t going to just ignore us.
In our universe he was just a normal dude that was a target of Soviet propaganda to make the Monarchy look bad.
This isn't historical Rasputin, it's an AI designed to defend humanity that's just named Rasputin. And it is UTTERLY FUCKING SHIT at its job.
Probably end up having her shifting inconsistent appearance/body collapse into a something fully specific and consistent, the sudden loss of her super intelligence reducing her to an actual bimbo instead of a brainy one. Potentially after waking up from the shock knocking her unconscious.

This would be the interpretation I'd use but again since the perk says it works you can just have it work in full.
Null is what you get when you take axiom and amp it up with so much power that it collapses the waveform resultung in a massive negative wave that nullifies all axiom in the area. Apparently it feels like it puts the energy levels through a blender. So really axiom and null is the same thing, its just that you need more axiom to produce null as it takes a lot of positive charged axiom to collapse i to a negative charge.
This anon is correct.
>There was probably a missed opportunity for Horny SHODAN or Cortana
Not him, but I was wondering if AI’s were a thing. I was also going to ask for a tech database, but then I realized the Basic Uplifting Package would have all the important stuff
I miss when our jumpmakers used to go to SB and start drama. It was very enjoyable.
The best part is just like Mara, it was all. FOR. NOTHING. Jobbed like a BITCH to one. Fucking. Pyramid, and only lived because a human gave enough of a shit to back him up in a puny humanscale body, and his big moment ends up being NOT pulling the trigger
Some races in the story cannot survive without axiom. In at least one chapter when they get hit by null they immediately start to suffocate because their body cant take in enough oxygen without literal magic helping them.
Pretty sure 'AIs' are all brain uploads in this setting and require a robot body similar to the original's flesh and blood one, though Gravia could be considered a type of AI but they reproduce via sex.
I'm going to put the pdf compressor in the next OP, and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me.
Then make jumps faggot.
[embed] [embed] [embed]
>no longer bans body mod
Imagine giving in to the shitposter.
Is there any kind of tech outside of Destiny that could let you fuckup paracasual users or entities?
Yeah earlier chapters say all ai are brainscans. Poor kati downshift the bunnygirl transforming robot supercar has some real traumatic issues to deal with. Im hoping she gets better in one of the chapters I havent got too yet.
He gave into Shard.
a.k.a. Gohanposter a.k.a. a shitposter
I guess we start by upping defences first and trying to be less obvious about everything as you slowly diplo other kingdoms while building stuff in secret and training up forces.
Yeah. . . remember to treat your car waifus nicely.
Imagine bowing to peer pressure.
Has there been any good discussion over the last 10 hours or can I ignore the rest of this thread? I don't want to read 700+ posts
God this is just sad. I'm paused on the beginning of The City Age right now so I don't know what goes on later, but even right now I can at least think up some interesting storylines that Bungie could've done with Rasputin. Or at least better justifications for how it could've done things.
>Instead of pussying out like a fucking bitch during the Collapse, have it fight to the last and wreck absolutely everything in defense of humanity; justifies the Golden Age ruins and gives Rasputin a more solid heroic bent
>Instead of going fucking wild about Felwinter because he was his son, have Rasputin figure out that Exos are made of Vex mindfluid and Darkness then proceed to classify them as enemies to humanity; this justifies the overwhelming force of "turn SIVA into destructive plague" since Vex actually fucking deserve such measures and makes the mistake far more understandable
Two small changes, and Rasputin goes from being a shitty little bitch of an AI who fucks everything over out of sheer failure aura into an absolutely stalwart defender of humanity who is willing to fight to the last and burn the earth as long as it will give humanity even a small fighting chance, without even changing the actual outcomes or actions involved!
You want some (embed)? I can give you some (embed).
Nah, a slow buildup holds risks of its own. The Realm will take a while to hear about us, and even longer to reach us, so quick advancement is the name of the game. You might want to learn Tireless Sentinel Technique.
Was already planning to grab resistance as favoured. Would need it for long crafting and military campaigns
Define fuck up. You don't need to go cap in hand to the Time Lords to put a bullet in a Guardian's head, you could do that with a wild western colt. The thing is, it can't stop them getting back up thanks to their Ghost's light.

The thing about paracausality is that it's literally a universe cheat code. It doesn't always provide comprehensive immunity to all damage or let you tear the galaxy in twain, but the specific space magic effect it procs just breaks physics /unless the underlying energy or process is fucked with/. So Rambo can gun down Hive, but he can't stop their wizards from rezzing in the Ascendant Plane if they know how to create their own little sub-throne worlds. And sufficiently tough body armour can protect you from a Hive Knight's sword, but not the weaboo fightin' magic instantkill slash he can inflict after he's killed a few hundred other guys to charge up his Sword Logic. This is more important for the more powerful entities because they're the ones that evolved or developed ways to create paracausal effects SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of cheating death.

So now we've established you can use basically whatever you want to actually shoot everyone who isn't a weird ghost/otherwise intangible entity, I'd point you to the likes of Ghaul for what it takes to nerf Guardians briefly. So-Dark Age 40K tech, Ar Tonelico/Ciel Nosurge's stuff because it interferes with universal wavelengths at a fundamental level and is already tantamount to space magic, DC Lantern tech since the Guardians confined literal magic early in the universe or Gargoyles if you're really on a budget and want the bare minimum to fuck with magic using science.

I could recommend Singularity nanites from Bayonetta/Cereza and the Stray Demon or plundering the (species that would have become the) Time Lords as I did early in my chain, but like I said. Overkill.
Plenty, yeah. You don't necessarily need paracausal bullshit to kill a paracausal being, it just makes it much easier. The Vex wouldn't be a threat if you needed paracausal efforts to kill paracausal beings. The tricky thing is that paracausality supersedes the normal laws of physics so a paracausal being can pull shit off that is impossible within the scope of normal physics, like cutting holes in spacetime with a normal sword or conjuring matter and energy from nothing but raw will. This makes paracausal beings generally much more powerful and dangerous than normal beings, and the real powerful ones require special efforts to defeat like traveling to the heart of their power and doing some special ritual to make them vulnerable so you can finally shoot them to death. You don't necessarily NEED paracausality to defeat paracausal beings...but goddamn does it help.

Really any hyperadvanced technology, magitech, or physics-bending/redefining technology would let you fight paracausal beings on RELATIVELY even grounds; the more advanced and exotic the better, obviously.
Had an odd dream where people can control transformers in vehicle mode but it's like sex to them

So what did you do in transformers?

If we all wake up in the same Creation as our preferred Exalt type I'll be available for recruitment as a mad science Twilight, my price is crafting materials and a workshop manse with a sturdy bed.
Well we're already planning to build a kingdom in the hundred kingdom's and an extra hand at crafting would be nice.
Alright cool, so I just need to be fucky wucky to and I can clinch it. 40K Dark Age shit is going to be my chain focus funnily enough.
I don't know anything about Exalted, but I guess I'd just be a Solar (whichever type of Solar is the most combat based)

I’m hiring. The workshop manse may take some time to build, but I’m sure you can help with that, and all your expenses will be covered.
I can't decide if I want to go for Dragonborn or Solar. I actually like Dragonborn more, but I also know that's a very poor decision in the grand scheme of things.
If we wake up in creation as the same exalt type, I will do everything in my power to kill all of you and destroy the universe.
They really wanted to run with the "Rasputin is a shitty little bitch who needs to learn to stop being a warmongerer" angle so, fuck 'em. All the factions also got told to fuck off because the devs and the suits both agree they'd rather focus on Vanguard superheroes.

Anon I think you're repressing those Kiss Players memories


>Main jump
Went Decepticon in Bayformers. Pocketed the AllSpark. Proved to Megatron Earth was actually Unicron, horrifying him and convincing him that maybe waging a land war on Literally Robot Satan was a bad idea. Also told him about Quintessa's brainwashing powers. Activated Sentinel and brought HIM up to speed. Subjugated Earth, keeping a breeding population of humanity. After some gunboat diplomacy convinced Quintessa to coordinate the Cybertron earth harvesting plan with Sentinel's space bridge and the Fallen's sun harvestor for maximum overkill. Took out the Fallen just in case he had anything to do with Unicron. Took out Optimus before he could inevitably lead the Autobots into betrayal and near extinction. Harvested Unicron. Enforced peace through power.

>Beast Wars
Solus Prime.

>Unicron trilogy
Was chosen by Primus to destroy Unicron at all costs, resulting in plans ranging from creating cannibalistic Minicrons to just fucking mogging him as an even bigger robot. May or may not have prevented certain retcons across the Transformers multiverse.
Eh, not really. You don't have the pure power fantasy as a Celestial Exalted but you do have a cushy time as a Dynast.
Basically yeah if your tech can provably siphon/alter actual magic or some sort of energy field that doesn't play ball with causality like Lutece particles in Bioshock Infinite, it can probably interfere with paracausality...unless a powerful paracausal being interferes right back.

But I mean, in theory if you can stun a Worm God long enough there's nothing stopping something like Ghaul's anti-Traveller clamps from trying to siphon it's darkness so it can't blast you or eat your truth or something.
What would happen if you dropped prime All Might into The Boys universe?
Rasputin got mindbroken by Darkness, revealed all the way back in D1Y1:
>They made me to be stronger than them to beat the unvanquished and survive the unthinkable and look look lo behold I am here alone, survivor. They made me to learn.
>Everything died but I survived and I learned from it. From IT.
>I AM ALONE I survived alone. I cast off the shield and I shrugged my shoulders so that the billions fell off me down into the ash. They made me to be stronger than them and to learn and I learned well:
>IT is alone and IT is strong and IT won. Even over the gardener and she held power beyond me but the gardener did not shrug and make herself alone. IT always wins.
>I am made to win and now I see the way.
Kinda depends on how effectively Vaught can gaslight and trick him. He's not always the brightest bulb, they may be able to keep him from finding out about all the shady shit and problems if they are careful.
Vaught is comically incompetent and the only reason they get away with anything is because everyone else is even more comically incompetent and evil
Rasputin was driven utterly mad when the Witness assaulted the system and basically shat all over everyone and everything, including his very purpose. If it wasn't for the Traveler (who Rasputin classified as a potential threat to humanity because of course he did) driving the Witness away, then humanity would have died and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop it. Being faced with how little his purpose meant in the face of the overwhelming power of Darkness drove him bugfuck nuts, so he instead decided to adopt the Darkness' behavior and logic to be "stronger".

If anything, Rasputin is a good case study in why you shouldn't adopt the teachings of the Winnower or Witness.
Remember that old meme of Bomb Queen going "Hurr durr, I am a based evil degenerate and urr stoopid" and Kamen Rider going IF YOU ARE NOT AN ALLY OF JUSTICE, YOU ARE AN ENEMY and just punching her into the distance?

>"Hey LARPer, cool it with the cultural appropriation or I'll sue your jap ass into next week-"

It doesn't actually matter if All Might can dent Homelander. If it's comics Homelander he runs away crying like a bitch, and if it's Showlander then he's probably kind of impressed and started following him around like a needy attention whore.

It also doesn't matter because Homelander isn't the problem. Vought hitsquads are.

In the show at least they have a lady who can pop heads at will. I don't think All Might has any counter for that.
All Might probably rips them all a new asshole then unless you believe Homelander beats him.
Rasputin was just weaker than Shard and didn't have the means or will to improve himself further.
The answer 99% of times is no.
>unless you believe Homelander beats him.
Nta but in the War Arc Shigaraki tanks like six thermonuclear bombs and is still arguably weaker physically than Prime All Might, so I doubt Homelander is doing anything to him.
Good night thread.
Hey Shard, you should probably read Singularity Ablyss
Shut up Winnower.
Again like I said the problem isn't Homelander because Homelander is a fucking pussy with daddy issues, the problem is Vought going for the throat and playing for keeps. Everything from branding All Might a criminal, to trying to get the military turned against him, to flat out poisoning in his sleep.

This isn't a powerlevel competition, the Seven are actors. This is a corporation willing to kill to keep it's profit margins against a man who is part of an organisation that has consistently stuck with society.
Good night WoL
>why you shouldn't adopt the teachings of the Winnower or Witness
See, they only started looking at me /after/ I became a strong fucker and killed a bunch of their dudes. They're the cosmic force equivalent of gold diggers. For that reason alone they should be avoided. The Gardener had my back when I was a literal skeleton in the middle of nowhere.
I'm familiar with Alternity, I know full well Megatron is the Darkseid/Thanos of Transformers. Even though the Fallen should really be the Darkseid of Transformers but has kinda completely fallen off, pun intended.

This guy gets it.
>man who is part of an organisation that has consistently stuck with society
Anon, All Might fucking BUILT the society he supported. It didn't fucking exist until he punched the lights out of the previous administration with deep ties to criminal organizations like All for One. All Might eats that shit up like it's the bad old days all over again
>I'm familiar with Alternity,
Singularity Ablyss has nothing to do with Alternity, its revelations pertain to the Beast Machines-continuity version of Megatron. Alternity is a continuation of the Binaltech story continuity. IIRC outside of Beast Machines, basically nothing touches on the Singularity Ablyss lore.
NTA, but since you hate the Darkness and like the Traveler that bode very fucking poorly for the Light being the good guys
Counterpoint: Sword Logic is sexy as hell. I'm willing to put up with a lot of shit for that sexy-ass Sword Logic.
Gold digger or not, you gotta admit it's pretty damn attractive.
How many times has someone actually tried to poison/head explode All Might in his sleep? Because the impression I got from MHA is that the typical japanese villain is some freak in a costume that just tries to walk up and stab you.
The Winnower would have had its eyes on you from the start given how much it loves things killing other things to prove their existence. The Witness though, yeah; it 100% only would have started to care if you mulched its powerbase.
From what I've seen the Traveler is the cutest and stealable ball I have encountered.
Nta but All Might is so fast and strong it's absurd, especially in his prime. Even if you had a head explode on sight power, you wouldn't even see him before you were knocked out. It's like fighting the Flash when he's actually allowed to be competent.
The funniest part about the Witness' selection criteria for Disciples, and the one that shows how expendable they all are in it's eyes, is the fact that it was seriously going to make Mara an offer.
The Traveler/Gardener is genuinely purely good. The only reason that Shard didn't just walk in and rape everything to death with his 1000+ jumps worth of bullshit is because the Travleer literally screamed and begged him not to murder everything, and Shard listened. The Traveler unironically sees the best in life and wants to usher in all its potential possibilities. Shard sees a bunch of statistics that aren't efficient enough for his tastes but he acquiesced because he likes the Traveler a lot.

Shard, especially with the Nacre lore confirming the Winnower loves when things in either Light or Dark make its choice, is basically a Winnower loyalist who thinks he's a Gardener fanboy. Basically he's Savathun
MHA has motherfuckers with brainwashing powers and they do not work on OfA. MHA has motherfuckers with various kinds of instant death powers that nonetheless have never succeeded in actually killing anyone
Probably kicks the shit out of everyone once he realizes what's going on. I give him solid odds of soloing either version of the seven, comic or show. All Might would likely end up splattering more than a few supes in the comic, since they're oddly fragile in that version.
Like, Butcher pops either a mangled Homelander or mangled Black Noir's skullcap off with a crowbar. Sure, he was Vee'd up in the comics, but it was generic CIA Compound V. And the crowbar was just a fucking crowbar.
Everyone gets a Chain but everyone starts in the same Creation with an (Age of Sorrows) Exalted Jump of their choice. From there everyone moves onto their own individual chains with no further Potatoes but at the end of their chains this Creation is where everyone goes back to rather than Earth. There's a Jumper BBS which after this first jump becomes the sole means of communication prior to returning to this iteration of Creation.
>you gotta admit it's pretty damn attractive
Oh sure, its cool. But you only gotta look at the other people that hit it, and remember that it ain't good for you.
The Hive are a murder cult pyramid scheme that got toppled by six dudes and a blind goth girl.
Calus is a washed-up has-been that is high off his mind on painkillers, copium, and royal wine while ordering his scribes to write fanfiction about him and someone that has quite literally never even seen him before.
The Witness needs no explanation.
The Sol Divisive have no goddamned idea what the hell they're doing and are just hoping they aren't next on the chopping block (though I do admit the overgrown machine aesthetic looks cool as hell).
The Taken are just mindbroken slaves.
The Scorn are so fucked I can't even laugh at them. (You) alone, while seething, almost killed their entire command structure, in a single mission.
House Salvation is just cooked and they all know they have zero chance at survival and whoever is still alive regrets ever joining.
>Where everyone goes back to at the end of there chain.
Looks like I'm never ending my chain.
What happens with other Exalted jumps?
They are in separate iterations of Creation.
>this Creation is where everyone goes back to rather than Earth
I have family and friends I'd like to take away from here, can go grab them first and then fuck off to another universe?
Yeah sure I'll take it.
No, but you once your chain ends you can fuck off back to Earth. Creation is just the default return point.
I guess I still work with Litch anon this jump in kingdom building before heading off on my chain. My next jump is Tsukihime so I can pick up my wife.
So with all the Dragonblooded talk it made me curious. I know relatively little about the setting. How fucked would I be with the following as a first jump build?

Exalted: The Dragonblooded


Aspect: Wood

Location: Cherak (rolled)



>Interesting +0

>Found Egg +200


>Educated (Free)

>Intrigue of the Realm (200)

>Legendary Breeding (300)

>Exalted Beauty (200)

>Talented (100)

>Understanding the Perfected Lotus (400)
You get used for lots of sex. Try not to be enslaved.
Oh your totally fucked anon. But literally because your House is gonna want you home and pumping Kids into people given the legendary breeding.
Very fucked. You'll probably have to breed dozens of women.
Probably fine, you have half your time there before shit starts kicking off and should have at least another five years before shit really starts to devolve into warring demigods.

Make sure to stop by post chain and introduce me to the family.
I'm guessing even with the political skills that come with intrigue of the realm there's no way in hell I don't get put out to stud then? Probably won't even have much of a say in it?
The Realm wants you for constant breeding purposes. However, given that Lookshy is also interested in guaranteeing as MANY Dragon-Blooded as they can, they may be willing to employ some of their First Age superweaponry to kidnap you. Also, do not trust any mortal or animal. That is a disguised Lunar trying to kill you so as to prevent your loins from reinforcing the power of the Realm.
>do not trust any mortal or animal. That is a disguised Lunar trying to kill you so as to prevent your loins from reinforcing the power of the Realm.
You're joking right?
Legendary Breeding is just too valuable to not use for the betterment of your house. Don't worry though most of the women you fuck will be attractive.
I'll make sure to send baby photo's over Jumper BBS so you have teasing material.
Yes, I’m afraid you have no choice but to have large amounts of sex with incredibly beautiful women.
Lol, no there not.
This mf is gonna die the first time he goes outside
Hahaha no
I'd really rather have genuine emotional attachments with a singular or at most a small number of women and be involved in my children's lives rather than be used for mass impregnation.
You can have a family. You'll just also be a sperm donor.
Not really no. You're have a very comfortable life in the fuck palace though anon.
Nope. Your literally more valuable then your weight in Jade. You could probably spawn dozens and dozens of Dragonblood bloodlines and pretty much... revitalize the realms numbers if they actually got around and agreed to share you. Which they probably wouldn't truth be told but it just shows how valuable legendary breeding is to the Dragonblooded. No one has that shit in universe. Not even the Empress.
I’ll write up a training manual for Mother’s Bounty Style so you don’t have to spend the time teaching it to everyone.
Well you don't have a choice.
It's possible for you to instead be a valuable offering from your house to another for the purposes of political marriage nonsense. In which case you'll be expected to repeatedly impregnate the same woman, though neither you nor her will have any input on who said wife will be and children generally aren't raised by their parents directly for dumb political reasons too.
>Shooting to wound carries all the legal disadvantages of shooting to kill while being far less effective at actually safeguarding the life of the person you're trying to defend(*), this is why it is never recommended in any self-defense class or law enforcement training EVER.
>(*) Real-world police scenarios have included people who have stayed alive just long enough to finish pulling triggers and killing hostages even after taking direct head shots from sniper rifles(**), let alone having just been flesh wounded. There's a reason most police shootings end with the alleged perpetrator having been shot two dozen times, and that reason is "The human body can cling to life for a surprisingly long time even after taking fatal damage, it usually takes overwhelming fatal damage to stop someone immediately, so anybody the cops are going to shoot at all they're typically going to mag dump."
>(**) I mean, that's certainly not common, but it actually has happened.
The one time cliff says something that's not completely fucking retarded.
Now that's just unfair. To Savathun. Savathun is genuinely rooting for Luzaku to develop beyond the Hive paradigm of blind murderous faith, whereas my Jumper still views the Lucent Hive as an expendable slave fodder race at best and priority targets cheating their deserved destruction that must be annihilated after all actual opposition at worst to remove all precedent of rebellion from the universe at worst. Savathun is, unironically, more merciful towards the Hive than my Jumper.

Especially now he's profoundly irritated by monstergirls somehow evolving themselves back into existence because after my Destiny the Darkness jump build replaced the old incomplete jump's one, the Winnower got a look at his memories of the Lilim and decided releasing them on the universe was a wonderful idea.

Don't forget Mara. Who is Mara. And yes she counts; Awoken have a dose of both Light and Darkness (though apparently melded less harmoniously than the Prismatic subclass) which gives them extremely vague space magic powers of their own, and she's the hive queen.

And it turns out the Worms were corrupted into massacring their own species by the Witness for Darkness powers, and the survivors only did the Sword Logic scheme because his whipping boy Rhulk literally kidnapped their mom as a hostage

And there was Clovis, who had to be told by the Traveller point blank that it never gave a shit about him

And there's gonna be Maya Sundaresh, first confirmed bearer of an Echo soon, who is so delusionally monofixated on reclaiming the Golden Age she may not have accounted for little things like "what if the Witness just comes and tips it over if the specific events leading up to it's defeat aren't enacted?"

>no goddamned idea what the hell they're doing

>Legendary Breeding
>Perfected Lotus
You are literally made for House matron puss.
I'll live with it I guess.

So basically I'm gonna spend the whole jump hiding inside an estate looking over my shoulder afraid that the mouse in the corner is gonna turn into a furry and shank me? Well shit. I really want the Legendary Breeding for the chain as a whole because I want to be able to have dragonblooded kids going forward but damn it comes with a lot more drawbacks than I had realized.
The Silver Pact REALLY does not like the Realm. If they get word that some new stud is going around whose kids are GUARANTEED to Exalt as Dragon-Bloods, they're going to want him dead. They don't want to outright destroy the Realm JUST yet, necessarily, death of a thousand cuts and all that, but they absolutely will not stand for you undoing their work of slowly bleeding the Realm's forces just like that.
>Decide to take a look at OoCS after seeing discussion on the jump
>It's over 1000 chapters long
What the fuck.
Very helpful. I'll still probably end up picking up Quicksilver Body Style for shenanigans though.
The power of autism
Yeah unironically the safest place for you with all that is underneath some thick redhead while another thicc redhead humps your face while waiting for her turn.

You should invest in Resistance, Integrity, Performance, Athletics and Medicine NOW
Well, considering I'm that important I can only assume that I would have a shit ton of guards then. I also imagine I probably wouldn't spend very long in Cherak before being brought to somewhere more important once word gets out.

What are the odds the her Scarletness takes interest? Since the jump starts before she disappears?
Shard, why are the Vex so unexpectedly adorable? They're just little beep boop autists who wanna be flowers.
I can supply manuals for that and Virile Bull as well.
>the mouse in the corner is gonna turn into a furry and shank me?
Oh no. The mouse isn't gonna do anything.
Its just gonna send back information to the actual horrifying unkillable death machine Full Moon
Depends on your House desu. Cherak is kind of out of the way and Houses Ferem and Margard are mainly known with fighting each other for it over there, and Creation is full of all manner of wonders, and the Empress herself is probably quite busy, so unless you go out of your way you can probably escape having sex with at least one extra powerful redheaded woman
Please do, apparently I'm going to need it. Though perhaps I shouldn't be trying to make myself even more of a sex object.
Expect to be used as an essence 8 dragon blooded milfs boytoy and breeding stud. She might loan you out to her daughter too if she's feeling generous to them.
>You are literally made for House matron puss.
Guess Mnemons finally getting that husband... or at least a stud.
Imagine dying because a rat turned into a Werewolf and ripped your head
Autism but no neckbeard or fetishes, just pure grindset. Well, unless you count transforming things-people, landscapes, wavelengths-into the Vex pattern a fetish.
Considering it's Jumper BBS I expect the manuals to have PDF links everywhere.
It gets worse, there are multiple branching side stories by both the original and other authors. Some of which are canon and some are not.

I made the v1 jump when the series was about. . . halfway to the main story's current chapter count? I think. I stopped reading soon after, I intended to catch up and update the jump at some point but the writing got worse and the story lines I liked got less and less attention so that never happened.

I intended to do a smaller update now since it's been so long without that happening but some suggestions, remembered old ideas, and formatting issues expanded it into a bigger update. The update is almost done™ so I should post the final update within the next day or two at most, possibly even tonight.
You will likely be kept under heavy guard, yes. The Empress might even make you wear some Artifact in her possession that can detect Lunars and makes loud noises when it does (note: I do not know if such an artifact exists).
Would I be better off just sticking to my corner of the world and not trying to garner any more attention do you think? What are the odds that my house trys and succeeds in keeping me on the downlow for a few years?
>Some of which are canon and some are not.
God I hate this type of shit
You're gonna need the Stamina charms from Virile Bull style badly.
I'll take the manual then.
Honestly yeah, pulling an A Brother's Price is probably the safe path. Your House has a vested interest in not letting the other Houses know about your existence and whatever reason the Empress disappears in a few years, every Dynast will suddenly be more interested in power struggles than sex for a short while. If you want to slip under the radar, keep your head down at the start.
I wanna hold and pet a tiny Vex while it beeps aggressively at me and impotently tries to convert my thumb into more radiolaria/Vex.
The main author for the story liked some of the fanworks that sprung up from other people and decided that they were now canon. Some others didn't get the same treatment, either because they deviated from the world building or the original guy just didn't like them.
You don't count the Vex pumping super-virile white stuff into everything to make more Vex a fetish?
Hey, with Virile Bull Style you can become a more powerful fighter precisely because you’re a sex object.

Just imagine the selfies.
I mean
just because it's white, gooey and whispers sweet nothings once it clings onto you doesn't mean they're actually enjoying their perpetual reality bukkake
So how many female dragonblood are there in a given house? Would it be limited to dragonblood or would they possibly try mortals if they ran out of dragonblood women I could impregnate? I'm just trying to get a feel for how bad this is gonna be. Are we talking a twenty women? Forty? Multiple new women every day? I honestly didn't think this would go beyond just making me a very attractive option and getting my pick of marriages I was not expecting to be put out to stud so I'm trying to get a sense for what I'd be in for.
Hundreds to thousands.
Probably whoever has decent breeding and wont let out the secret that lies within your Junk easily anon. Unsure on numbers but I could definitely see them pushing off the mortal members of your house onto you to that had good breeding but failed to exalt in hopes of trying to boost the chances even more of your kids exalting.
Dragon bloods are the eugenics exalt. You picked the option to have the one of the best bloodlines in creation.

I would say that your cum is basically diamonds, but that would be lowballing things.
Considering everyone has to go creation first I expect Jumper BBS To be filled with crafting schismatic, Martial arts manuals, lots and lots of how to sorcery video's and too much porn. I wonder how many people will be posting pics of there Lunar mates comparing them?
Realistically you'd end up with a harem of carefully selected dragonblooded and Mortals who had good breeding but failed to exalt. There wouldn't be too much worry about the need to breed EVERY woman.
I hate the image limit. I would have posted the fire emblem eugenics pic.
Gender ratios are broadly egalitarian, so at least as many men. The good news is it's unlikely you're be whored out to the common soldiery for similar reasons to why a prize breeding bull isn't just allowed to randomly fuck cows. The bad news is this means you'll be passed around the oldest, most powerful and influential house matrons (and their daughters, and others of exceptional lineage assumed to have strong breeding compatibility for various mystic reasons). The House matron version of Weinstein, if you will. Except if Weinstein actually had superior magical genetics.
Two images were deleted, so now's your chance
Question, why did you specify they were redheads? Are all or most dragonblooded redheads? I know the empress was but I figured that was her thing.
I think it's even eclipsed First Contact at this point.
On today's episode of "Anon doesn't know the setting and just picked what sounded cool" - he gets fucking murderized the minute he steps outside
I guess this is dragon blooded anon now.
The Empress specifically was the Redhead shard was probably mentioning you able to miss having sex with. Though a fair few dragonblooded have same variation of Red hair like Mnenom who is her daughter and that one commander of a legion with the whole thorn and roses motiff.
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>crafting schismatic, Martial arts manuals, lots and lots of how to sorcery video's and too much porn
I’ll supply plenty of those myself.
It's pretty common trait among the example Dragonblooded women in the books, yeah. Or at least, the redheads stand out as among the more memorable characters.
I would now like to suggest a drawback for being an aggressively utilized breeding stud by the local Dragonblooded nobility.

Not Shard but the strongest Dragonblooded tend to be the Empress's children and grandchildren who being the decedents of a redhead are more likely to be redheads. Red hair is likely a sign of power in the Realm for this reason.
>1700 posts
Still not our biggest, but fairly impressive in its own right.
How many dragon bloods would you have to throw at Vergil before they kill him?
So is anon Lon'Qu or MU?
>I would now like to suggest a drawback for being an aggressively utilized breeding stud by the local Dragonblooded nobility.
They somehow learned about the Chain and hope its hereditary? Or that you'll take your wives and/or kids with you and return with everyone fuckoff powerful?
All of them.
MU, Wars would happen between house's for access to his spunk.
>I would now like to suggest a drawback for being an aggressively utilized breeding stud by the local Dragonblooded nobility.
Eh thats a bit to fetishy for me to be honest anon. Though legendary Breedings gonna be on offer. The natural consequences of it are there.
We got 13 more threads before we're done, there is a possibility we make it to 2000
Depends on their Essence and training. A bunch of freshly-Exalted Dynasts not even out of school yet? You'll want triple digits. A team of five Essence-5 Immaculate Grandmasters? If they're not enough, you have bigger problems.
I'll probably still take it despite now understanding the consequences. Fuck it. The whole point of jumping Dragonblood for me is being able to breed exalts so I'm just gonna have to take my lumps. Besides while it isn't my druthers I'd be lying if I said I was completely opposed.
I would like to see what wild shit everyone starts developing because since everyone had an equal start it's what's going to be used as base for most people. I expect so, so Many lewd martial arts. (Gonna make a cooking one myself.)
If we manage that I'll genuinely laff. We're reaching post numbers that are more common in stickied threads than for a random general.
Depending on their level of advancement it could be anything from Virgil solos an arbitrary number of them to Her Redness crushes him easily.
Oh, poor me. I have aggressive hyper Sexual redheads who want to fuck me every minute of every day and will protect me with there lives.
So what would everyone be choosing as their starting splat in creation? I'm going Dragonblooded. Are most of you going Solar? Infernal? I can't imagine we'd have any mortal heroes.
As said previously I'm more interested in love than just sex, but sex is still a good consolation prize.
It's all fun and games until someone shows up as a Primordial.
Solar. As tempting as it is to pound scarlet empress pussy all day I just like solars more. Actually how does this interact with the infernal scenario?
I don’t intend to write it up, but in universe I’d make Celestial versions of Mother’s Bounty and Virile Bull. Learning them would probably cause your body to start running on porn physics.

Solar, of course.
So what would be the best first potato jump if the entire thread went on a chain together and the goal was to convince everyone to not kill each other?
The Chainbutt said age of sorrow exalted jump.
Hero BBS
>As temping as it is to pound scarlet Empress pussy all day
How would creation react if half a dozen or more of us went dragonblooded and took legendary breeding?
14, actually. There’s only one thread on page 11.
I might choose Mortal Heroes to decide what I Exalt as. Infernal is really cool, Lunar is fairly easy to achieve with the right Destinies, and if I don't fuck anything up then Solar is basically guaranteed if I pick more than 1000 points of Destinies.
Having the Solar daughterfu watch me fail and then become an Infernal could be a delicious angst writing hook.
Something where we can't kill each other. Some cartoon where you can get your head blown off and walk it off. Looney toons or something.
Solar, at least one Solar Anon will take Interesting Times so I want to be ready to deal with the fallout with my own group. Even if we end up joining up with a bigger faction having a full Solar Circle for my team each with our Lunar mates should ensure we won't be exploited too badly by that faction during the disasters.
Log horizon. Comes with a system and immortality with incentive to work together.
Lunars would kill everyone in a week tops.
"The Age of bronze is here Baby!"- The most die hard siderals of the bronze faction says right before taking a line of celestial cocaine
>t. Ma-Ha-Suchi
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Solar, Alchemical, or Jadeborn.
I try and recruit them all.
Expect a scramble for Anons by the realm to use as breeding studs. But it will be funny when half a dozen of them end up falling for Solar waifus and then those Solars have access to there own dragon blooded armies. After turning you into a breeding stud

>>93232669 Here, what is your sales pitch?
You are now a robot communist. Please do not fall into Clarity.
Based on her ugly child self, is Bayonetta an example of "Be careful who you call ugly in middle school"?
What would you call them? Endowed Heavenly bull style and Earth mother's breeding style?
Won't it still look like potatoes relative to that Creation once reality blips at the end of the jump and a couple dozen exalts are suddenly replaced by things vaguely resembling said exalts?

I want the Catklaive, but I'd rather start with Mortal Heroes or Alchemicals because starting as a Lunar sounds like a terrible idea for this chainbutt up there with going maximum suffering as a Sidereal/Infernal/Abyssal out of the gate where you just wouldn't have the practical experience to keep up with the bullshit.
So does every 'everyone gets a chain' scenario just with Earth.
Lunars are really not that bad for starting as.
Well, it is true that I’ll want you to have kids with other Dragonblooded, but you’ll get to do a lot more then that. There’s medical work and training the ranged troops. Salary starts at Resources 4, and all your expenses will be covered and any equipment you need will be provided. Also I should be able to provide better protection from Lunars.

Maybe, I can’t say off the top of my head.
Not getting killed by Lunars is the most important thing since I'd rather not chainfail jump one. What makes you better able to protect me than a whole house?
Simple, if you’re working for a Solar the Lunars won’t mind, and some will even help you.
Nta but that just means getting killed by Sids
Sid's are not united. Gold faction Sid's would probably help
Nah, the Bronze Faction aims for Solars, not Dragonblooded.
Solars who are using you to make a massive dragonblooded army loyal to them. Better to cut that shit off at the source, no?
The Bronze Faction wants more Dragonblooded, they’re not going to kill their own golden goose.
>1748 posts
>Still not bumped off
We are /tg/.
I wouldn't be surprised honestly.
>What did your Jumper do in Exalted Creation?
Passion Fettered Soul from Mortal Heroes let me actually put together a list that kind of explains things.
Abyssals are fucked up, so redeem or kill them dependent on how fucked up they've already become by the time that you get there.
Ghost Lords are to be slain and purified at your earliest convivence.
Using my full-on mastery of Martial Arts make a Terrestrial Martial Arts that lets you have multiple bodies. (Shadow Clone Style or Dupli-Kate Style, just need the extra bodies to do ALL THE THINGS [Ended up being Dupli-Kate Style due to a demon already basically having that Spirit Charm Combo premade so I could use it as a basis.])
File all the paperwork for Heaven's vacay, it's just the kindness he deserves. (He is still owed 10k years of back pay for the child support Luna has been avoiding, but I cannot help him there.)
Create a Martial Arts to pass my Hun and Po over to specifically prepared children, they have to have a mutation that prevents their Hun and Po from actually achieving sentience which transfers to the old body during the use of the Deep Pass Martial Arts.
Using Convoluted half-caste sidereal bullshit over the next few centuries while having a ton of incest sex with my own genderbent clones and Half-Caste girlfriend, in later generations the Half-Caste girlfriend in the daughters that come from that gatutious amount of Incest sex, in order produce the ultimate incest baby, useing both Craft: Fate and Craft: Genesis to make sure the babies always count as a specially prepared child for the Deep Pass skill. (Achieve Half-Caste Yes.in just under 26 generations, more likely this will take 38 Deep Passes going by various dice roll simulators I've used)
I could go on, but I entered magic realm territory and should likely stop before getting into the whole idea of making and manufacturing my own perfect incelf race out of the Lintha before getting them breeding a new race of conquesting orcs.
What is a good first jump to take a simple overpowered build? No Exalted.
I was under the impression Lunars weren't loyal to Solars anymore? Is that not correct?
Saint Seiya. No, I will not elaborate.
Naruto: Look to the Stars Jump.

Depends on the Lunar Exalted really.
Overlord. Or any Isekai really.
What is the difference between light and darkness, aside from its philosophy and how you have to obtain them, it seems as though they can do whatever until the plot says it can’t
>Of all the factions of the Silver Pact, none are growing faster than the Seneschals of the Sun Kings. With the Lawgivers returning to the world in force, many Lunars feel called by the link embedded in their Exaltation to stand and fight alongside their mates. Others are simply caught up in the romantic legends told by their elders. Still more have simply chanced to meet a Solar, and have come away convinced that Creation’s destiny resides with the Chosen of the Sun.
>Other Stewards have their doubts. They heed the lessons of other elders, who speak of the abuses and excesses of First Age Solars. Others value their independence or are simply cynical. At present, most Lunars are not convinced that they should necessarily resume their old role as shieldmaidens of the Lawgivers.
Some might stand with the Solars, others are more wary.
So anon working on the Dragonblooded dupe here. All this talk of Legendary breeding got me cooking a bit. Have a perk tell me your thoughts on it.

Legendary breeding:-300
Among the Exalted it is the Dragonblooded alone who possess the ability to pass down their blessing. The children of the Terrestrial exalted having a chance to exalt sometime in their adolescence becoming Terrestrials themselves. Though Once upon a time it wasn't just a chance it was a near guarantee in ages past. Though in recent times interbreeding with mortals has "Thinned" the Dragonblooded's host to the point many groups like the Realm or Lookshy have had to cultivate and try to refine there Terrestrial Inheritance matching up those of "Good breeding" to try and increase the chances of there Children receiving the gift of Exaltation.

You dear Jumper are different. Whether due to being some freak miracle, the one off success of a bloodline planning that turned out to be irreplicable or something even more bizarre like being the First Generation Dragonblooded to be made since the time even before the First age it matters not.
You hold a mythical status in your veins. You're "Breeding" as the Dragonblooded of creation would call it is legendary akin to the very first blessed by the Elemental Dragons in ages past.
Your children are guaranteed to Exalt, and their children as well and theirs as well... It'd take several generations worth of interbreeding with mortals to start to begin to thin your bloodline.

Be careful who you let know of this. For though such Legendary breeding would make you akin to a Messiah to Creations Dragonblooded the start of a New dynasty and revitalization of the Terrestrial Host. It's also bound to draw many eyes, some of which may not be friendly.
Maybe I should have included DBs since I already posted a build for that but whatever.
----Alchemicals---- 1000
Adamant Caste 0

--PERKS-- 1000
Alchemical Exaltation 0
Aesthetic Optimizing Procedures -200
Machine Weaving Engine -200
Paradoxical Ordered Apostate -400
Multi-Faceted Exalted Demiurge -400
Mortal-Clarity Correction Processor 0
Elsewhere Body Preservation Module -100

--GEAR-- -300
Stipend +500
Vats Complex 0
Alchemical Materials 0
Adamant Supply 0
Blessed Crystalburst Lance -200
Holy Grounds -300

Mechanical Familiar 0 (Mechanical Bird)

--DRAWBACKS-- -300
Breach of the Seal of Eight Divinities +0
Duty Never Ends +100
War of Autochthonia +200

Nah it's fine. Clarity doesn't matter to me.
Nice. Any drawbacks gonna be tired to it? Because if not I would bump the price up a little.
It's all space magic, yeah. But Light is tangible force of the universe-themed and Darkness...well, Darkness was retconned into being the Warp's autistic goth cousin. Because apparently the Darkness represents abstractions and facets of consciousness like the will to control (Stasis), the ties that bind (Strand) and whatever the fuck Resonance represents.

Unironically, probably being high on your own farts.
>Journey Mode for 800cp
>One-up and limitless duplication
>Frequent Flyer Miles for a discounted 300cp
>Make up to three terraria worlds at a time
>Items dropped from bosses and minibosses are automatically fiat backed (seriously, read the gear description)
>Liquid Generator Recipe for 50cp
>Make bottomless potions
>Endless Ammunition Recipe for 100cp (optional, but I like taking it)
Take a couple drawbacks (Blood Moon Rises is basically a free 300 points given how often I get hit with that shit in-game, Cross Version Content is another free +100) and you're good.
Looks good to me but I noticed at least one typo, possibly more that I glossed over.
>has "Thinned" the Dragonblooded's host
Host should probably be blood, bloodline, or other such word.

The last line explains the problems of it, namely being used or targeted because of the high value trait.
It should probably mention the increased essence pool and blatant aspect markings.
Isekai at Peace?
>Host should probably be blood, bloodline, or other such word.
Ah yeah. My bad there I'll fix that.
The drawbacks are kinda packaged into it with the interest it brings to you. Course you could try to hide it but it may not be so easy.
Oh yeah I'll add that in. Thanks for the reminder anon.
The MultiverseCrossover ones. Whether it's X-Men Evolution, Flow, Record of a Fallen Vampire, or Sidekicks, they all offer ridiculously overpowered perks and powers. There's also Generic Isekai, and Generic Gamer if you want something more reasonable in terms of not being able to just take half the perks/powers on offer.
It's actually depressing how if you sort threads by last reply, somehow this is the least insufferable thread left at the top.
That reminds me, back when you first mentioned making a new Dragonblooded jump I think I mentioned an idea I had for such a jump, a Manse called the Womb of Gaia. The notable power of it is if you fail a Purity Crucible Strike test within the Hearthstone room, you’ll be badly hurt but you won’t die.
Oh that. I vaguely remember that. Hmm Its a neat idea though I'm not sure if that should be a Manse or artifact. Got a artifact section I need to fill here.
So one of the things Brahmastra can turn into in Fate is a literal energy beam fired from your eye correct?
Funny you should mention that, the thing that inspired it was an Artifact.
>Womb of Gaia
> Level: 5?
> What is it? A hut sized jade orchid.
> Commitment: 10m
>A massive flower bulb composed of Jade petals. Set at the base are 5 Hearthstone Settings, one for each Element. This Artifact was created to enhance Terrestrial Bloodlines, and draws upon massive amounts of Elemental Essence to do so. This Artifact grants an increase to the Breeding Background. For every Month spent within the cucoon of Jade that forms the flowers heart the Dragonblooded gains an additional point of Breeding. If a Half-Caste Dragon-Touched spends a Year and a Day within the bulb then they get an immediate retest for Exaltation, with a +3 Bonus, exactly as if they had been the subject of an Endowment Charm to increase Essence. This last effect occurs even if they have an Essence lower than 3.
Oh thats interesting. Quite powerful I admit but I could use it as a base for a artifact potentially. Thanks anon.
Yeah, the requirements aren’t trivial, but the benefits are very valuable.
that along with the Kukula, Elemental Blood Tamed from mortal hero would make insane gains happen in the dragonblooded.
Oh hey almost missed this. Aren't there like...literally only 2 Scadutree sorceries? Honestly I think Sorcerous Adept is enough to wank you have some.
Fate Legends - Empires of Antiquity

Location - Time of Myths

Origin - Creator

Demigod - Hephaestus (400)
Roman Holiday
Witch in Training
One Every Century
Medical Mage
Tool Creation (300)
Top Five (300)

House of the Witch
Witch's Robes (100)
Jumper's Box (300)


Lose Your Way (+100)
Wolf Moon (+300)

Mt. Olympus and the heavens themselves with the intensity of the battle that was taking place.

"Time to die, idiots! Hahahahaha!" The madman shouted as he swung his big sword, shooting a blue energy beam which cut Poseidon in half.

Ares and Athena attacked from either side, but were repelled by an invisible force before being transformed into marketable plushies, the gauntlet on his arm glowing.

"Dammit, how did this demigod become this powerful?" Zeus exclaimed.

"Remember that party where you all got super shitfaced and passed out?"

"Yeah, Hades got super mad cuz I was hitting on his girl and-! You motherfucker, you took pieces off us while we slept?! I swear, what I'll do to you is gonna make Prometheus feel lucky!"

Zeus threw a lightning bolt which blasted a giant hole in the psycho's stomach, but it just as quickly healed before they split into multiple of themselves to jump Zeus.

He threw many lightning bolts which killed all but one of them, that one then redirecting Zeus's own lightning bolt to hit himself.

"Dammit Hephaestus, this is your kid! Do something!"


"Fuck you, cuck. I'll do it myself." Zeus produced a glowing golden rope which he swung past the attacker, wrapping it around the sky and the Earth. He then swung all of reality around himself, hitting the lunatic. The gauntlet was sacrificed to protect the user's life.

"It's over now, punk!" Zeus shouted. The man's arm glowed with a divine light.

"You thought the gauntlet was all I had used of you? Say hello to the god hand!" The lunatic uppercut Zeus out of the Texture and into actual space where he stopped thinking
>The Highest Flame, what Forges the Sword which Cleaves Good from Evil, the Red of Emperors to follow the King in Yellow, Wisdom to see Gold within Black, clarified in a White Flash, Glory to match Grace, and Dignity to compliment Beauty
Is this title too long? Too self aggrandizing?
Yes and yes, but what are you gonna use it for?
Yes, it sounds like something a trash-tier villain would yell right before being defeated effortlessly by the true protagonist.
It's what I'm going to call myself after killing a god and stealing their divinity. I need to be a little more pretentious than the titles of
other gods because I'm nouveau riche and need to sell the image harder
I like it. I like it a lot.
If you're that desperate to impress the high lords of Pegana or whoever the fuck you have to prove yourself to after killing a god, you might as well start drinking wine out of gold-played skulls and turn into a snake for the clout.
Is it wrong that after all the discussion I want to do a writeup for my dragonblood build but worry it wouldn't be appropriate?
>I'm nouveau riche and need to sell the image harder
So you're pretending to be a tryhard? Why? Get the other gods to lower their guard so you can gank them too?
Can't do that, that's still not as extravagant as the King in Yellow
Go for it. More build writing is always good no matter how lewd.
Write it up anon.
We're nearly 1800 posts into the thread, I think you're fine to post that.
Do it fag.
Go for it, we're at page 10 and almost eighteen hundred replies

Look at how far his name travelled thanks to being associated with a fancy outfit and a spooky play. You achieving less by trying for too much at once. You're probably going to end up building an entire heaven marked with mountains carved into your face instead of just settle for some prime real estate with twin suns and cloud-waves.
This one has really dragged, but I enjoyed it. Exalted posting provided one of the most fun chainbutts in a while.
The fact that we have taken this long to fall off proves /tg/ is dead. Nothing you can post can be anything but on-topic.
It's too bad number of unique posters isn't displayed anymore, I'd love to see how many people were here in this thread
>drop in, eclipse
>Glorious golden smug technique
>Great Radiance
>Heart of the Sun
>Diplomatic Immunity
>Power and Majesty (400 ver)
>Interesting Times

This is probably a hilariously inefficient build, but fighter doesn’t appeal to me, and I didn’t wanna go merchant again since that was Messier’s thing. So I’m guess I’m the most interesting woman in the world. And that causes problems.

Also, pretend I posted a picture of Caenis with this.

Sorry I’m late with this build, I got back to my computer only to discover that my house had lost power. Fun.
I still wonder why that feature fell off. Because sheer incompetence is just as believable as companies paying Hiromoot to keep their falseflaggers hidden
If you REALLY need to post pics, there's always imgur. Also boom, there goes 1800.
I just always assume malice at this point
Holy fuck why won't this thread die?
>Interesting Times
I implore you to reconsider.

>Also, pretend I posted a picture of Caenis with this.
Do you have a danbooru link?
Exaltations, son
New threads aren’t being made.
/tg/ really is dying. This is absurd.
way too many random capitalizations of words, makes me think you're Bancho.
I wasn't joking when I said we are /tg/ now. What else is left? Unironic vampire LARPers? Low effort prompt threads? People circlejerking against GW fighting people circlejerking over GW? Battletech?

Oh hey Battletech still exists
Alright, fuck it. Say that I drop a fresh Guardian (Warlock-Voidwalker) into Exalted. They are freshly Raised, don't know their own name, but they got a grenade, some martial skill, and a Ghost.

How does this Guardian do in Creation?
>Destiny+Exalted shitposting mixed together
This is a new form of cancer
batteltech is great, there's also a new mechwarrior game set in the Clan invasion time period coming out soon.
An Extra social build is always good.
The way Legendary is capitalized but breeding isn't bothers me more than it should.
Also way too few commas
It's called hypercancer; it's what happens when cancer starts growing in cancer. Whales use it to prevent themselves from dying of cancer.
You've been drowning in this thread's cancer for hours. You only have yourself to blame for staying here for it.

Cool. Glad to know at least one /tg/ game out there isn't gone to complete shit.
They have their ghost with them I assume? And we can probably assume that creation isn't a darkness zone so they aren't opperating with limited resurections. The ghost can break down pretty much anything to glimmer so it really depends on what blueprints the ghost has loaded up. Even if it only had the starting blues that's still guns, which are let you beat the vast majority of people. I think they'd do just fine probably until they caught the eye of a big fish and people figured out their tricks and their ghost got crushed.
Apologies. I don't do much writing usually and Grammars always been a real weak spot of mine. I'll try and edit that to be better before the final product.
Oh right you want to take over a location and me drawing people in is probably very bad for that. Uh. Nemesis, compassion, and lunar mate?

I forgot Caenis had the ears. She probably makes for a better lunar than solar, but whatever.
Battletech is great but lets not pretend that the new vidya looks promising. That trailer was a shitshow.
>They have their ghost with them I assume?
I need you to reread the last three words of the first line
I will resurrect the Terran Hegemony!
>She probably makes for a better lunar than solar
I actually thought that was a pic of your lunar mate then wondered why I couldnt find it on the build
>They have their ghost with them I assume?
They do indeed.
>so it really depends on what blueprints the ghost has loaded up
Let's say this was a particularly studious/nerdy ghost who went around begging other Ghosts/Guardians for blueprints and has most/all of the non-exotic blueprints it can get its hands on; basically anything that isn't a truly unique existence.
Question. Do spirit killing charms kill the guardian permanently? I feel like the Abyssal one would.
There is no Winnower in Creation, no.

holy fuck lunch is delayed today, you guys figure this one out
A New Dawn and A Grim Nemesis might work better. There’s no need for subtlety, and you’re friends with a Zenith.

>I forgot Caenis had the ears. She probably makes for a better lunar than solar, but whatever.
Call it a minor mutation, the cosmetic aspects of them can remain after Exaltation.
Presumably he's saying that he won't be participating in this discussion because his lunch has been delayed and he is delirious with hunger.
And here I was wondering how we could figure out why / fix his lunch being delayed.
I'm stuck on my phone as my Internet has gone out so I can't post the jump, however it may please and/or horrify you to learn that the Companions section of Out of Cruel Space by itself is a grand total of 7.8 pages long. I'm not entirely sure why but it is.
Tempted to add A Grim Nemesis to my build so I can pick up a lunar mate and an item. But grabbing a tier in the appearance perk could be fun too.
Inspiration is an actual sickness once you go deep enough into creative neurosis. It's like the bends of jumpmaking, if you finish writing too quickly parts of your brain instincitvely think the jump needs more content and start cross-analysing other things to put in
>But grabbing a tier in the appearance perk could be fun too.
You’re already at the highest tier though.
I'm the dawn.
>I'm stuck on my phone as my Internet has gone out so I can't post the jump
We've hit image limit, wouldnt be able to post it anyway
I’m half tempted to make my lunar look like fem Kirschtiria. They can know sorcery for added lols.

Nah, I’ll stick with compassion, if only so I get my lunar.
What would Aurash think of Oryx?
Carry on then. It’s a bit ironic that I’m running the kingdom and I’ve got the lowest appearance score, but prudence is a virtue even Solars would do well to learn.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Building for Changeling: the Lost. Come on, dice. What did my Keeper do to me?
>Nah, I’ll stick with compassion, if only so I get my lunar.
No problem, a Lunar’s help will be appreciated.
That happens in the Books of Sorrow
>The closest Quria’s got to a simulation of Oryx is a best-guess bootstrap. It’s wrong — Quria’s sure of that, it’s Oryx minus the symbiote organism, minus the wings and morphs, minus the weapon, minus the power. No good for anything.
>From within the Hydra-hull, Quria’s tiny not-Oryx speaks. “What are you?” it says. It’s manifesting terror and awe.
>Oryx’s eyes blaze with a curiosity that is entirely isomorphic with hate, with voracious hunger. “Aurash,” he says, in his Hive language. “You’ve made me as I was. You’ve made a tiny Aurash. Ha!”
>Quria updates the simulation’s name. Aurash is curious: “You’re me? You’re me as I become?”
>Oryx kneels. His blade is on his left shoulder. Quria is firing every available weapon at him, but his wards don’t break. He looks into Quria’s sensors through the hammering fire and he says, “Child, I have everything you wanted. I am immortal. I know the great secrets of the universe. I have scouted the edges of the Darkness and I have chased the lying god down galactic arms in a howling pack of moons. In my fist I carry the secret power that will rule eternity. In my worm I bear the tribute of my Court and of my children, the Hope-Eater, the Weaver, and the Unraveler; and with this tribute I smash my foes. I am Oryx, the Taken King. I am almighty.”
>“What about your sisters?” Aurash asks his future self. “Sathona? Xi Ro? Are they with you?”
>“Where are my sisters?” Aurash shouts. “What have you done with my people? What have you done?”
Oh for sure, gonna wait for mods to make it good before I even consider buying it, especially since mods have already long since done clan era stuff for mechwarrior 5.
A stealthy Lunar could be useful since that's one of the roles were missing.
As long as you also kill off the Combine you've got my endorsement.
So generally terrified, despairing, and horrified at what Oryx has become and done to their people.
/Maybe/ understanding at why Oryx did the things he did - avenge his father, protect his sisters, son(s?), and daughters. Just horrified at the deal he made with the pack of devils.
To say that battletech is doing well is rather disingenuous when CGL is up to its normal bullshit.
This is gonna sound a bit dumb, but can Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence allow us to basically summon Arbitrary Amounts Of Vex like Mind: Jumpchain Transform can? I figure the answer is yes because Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence lets you effectively emanate the Vex pattern around you to force them into existence at will, but I wanted to be sure.
What's the horniest part of your jumpchain that isn't outright lewd jumps? What embarrassing fetishes do you force onto your Companions?
>What's the horniest part of your jumpchain that isn't outright lewd jumps?
Probably the followers generated through the Lord of the Castle scenario in Aria of Sorrow. Succubi spa day anyone?
>What embarrassing fetishes do you force onto your Companions?
I very specifically do not force anyone.
Either Dragonblooded or the Solar's edgy cousin, Abyssal. I just like their aesthetic. Probably going to be one of those pretty chill Abyssals. The "eh, the void will get everything eventually, so why not kick back a bit" type... that probably bites it when a more vicious abyssal shows up. Hmm.
4chan is over 20 years old. /tg/ is over 15 years old. The majority of people have found better things to do than stick around here. Even if /tg/ lasts another 15 or 20 years, the board will only be dying a slow death.
>What's the horniest part of your jumpchain that isn't outright lewd jumps?
I 'unno. There are a lot of jumps where I do fetish stuff.
>What embarrassing fetishes do you force onto your Companions?
I don't force fetishes on anyone unless they are extremely submissive/masochistic and would actually like me to.
Rolled 5 (1d5)

Gonna roll again for Kith off a short list. From there I can figure out what the Keeper was like.

Is it morally wrong for an Exalt to fuck their Appearance 6 mother who is grieving the loss of her small dicked husband whom she loved and was the only person she ever had sex with?
No, if anything it's your duty. Just think of the bloodline.
Yes and you're a twat
So how common are high essence dragonblood? What's the average?
Probably around 2 or 3 on average. High essence deebs are semi rare though they certainly exist.
Yeah, I'm just going to ignore that question.
What is a better way to test the mettle of a would be protagonist
A.) Putting them in a Skyblock world with Minecraft physics for 1000 days and seeing what they make of it.
B.) Putting them in a Terraria world with Terraria rules and seeing how many bosses they defeat in 1000 days.
No. The Terran Hegemony fucking sucks and deserved what it got. Make your own nation or support one that deserves to exist. Which is to say neither the Dracs, nor the Capellans.
Would it make any difference to know she is young, maybe her mid to late thirties, and desperately wanted another child while evil suitors are wanting to claim her which she feels compelled to do out of societal pressure to be married?

A clear headed man. I respect you.
Fuck yourself with a Daiklave.
What the fuck is a skyblock world?
DBs can easily live the hundred to two hundred or so years to reach E6-7. The issue is most don't live that long or end up focusing on other things. They cap out around three hundred years as well IIRC so high essence DBs should be fairly rare outside of wealthy ones who can afford Age Staving Cordials or own a Gem of Immortality or something.
This thread will probably still be here when I wake up won't it?
You can easily beat Terraria in 1000 days.>>93233797
So essence is tied to age. Is that always the case or are some born with greater essence than others? Or are able to train up faster or more effectively or something?
Nta but its basically a supersmall (27 block) island floating in the middle of the void, you have a tree and a chest with a bucket of water and a bucket of lava, maybe some other things (haven't touched MC in years)
Essence is sorta like a character level. Older exalts generally have higher essence but PCs can raise there essence levels relatively quickly if they keep up a eventful life and train.
No but you do naturally gain a higher essence level then longer you live because your more experienced. But prodigys exist.
E5 can be reached at any age but above that has time gates. 100-249 unlocks 6, 250-499 7, and so on.
Essence is the power stat, the default for everyone is one and exalts normally start at two by virtue of their Exaltations or the initial mastery they'd achieved by chargen.

Every point of essence above five requires increasing age to be able to potentially reach, this is called elder essence and each point becomes an increasingly large upgrade as you go higher in terms of the potential charms it unlocks.
NTA, but does the exalted have to have the exaltation for 100-249 years to reach E6, or just that old? Asking because jumper is usually more than a century old by the time I hit up exalted
Reminder that magic is for cucks. True Chads will use either (in order of Chadliness):

Their fists, a (non-magical) knife, a (non-magical) spear, or a (non-magical) gun.
God I fucking hate exalted
Just that old. If you were 99 before you exalted you could reach E6 in two years.
Bitches say this then come crawling to me for an enchantment for their weapon
Probably have to have had essence for that long, so time since your first trip to exalted plus your starting age there.
That gets mentioned in the corebook. It’s measured from the time you Exalt.
How does that count? If I assume that I was 20 last jump and aged up to 30, and then was 50 this jump, am I 50 (this jump), 60 (this jump plus time spent in jumps), or 80 (this jump plus backstory plus time in jumps)?
Is it morally wrong to spread magic to "the masses" (as opposed to keeping them in the hands of a few trustworthy, educated elite)?
I feel like I'm going fucking insane.
It is morally wrong to limit power and agency to the """""elite"""""".
No it's not. If you are talking about 2e core p275 that is for calculating XP over time. The age locs are just for how old you are and that counts for before you exalt.


No. In fact Exalted the First Age even has a scenario for doing just that.

It do be like that sometimes.
Is it morally wrong to only eat the green skittles out of the bag?
Yes. The orange ones are the best and you are a psychopath.
Its morally wrong to eat skittles period
I hope we break 2k. Just over 100 off from it now.
NTA but what if you use magic to turn the orange ones brown and the green ones white (just changing the appearance, not the flavor in both cases) without opening the bags? And you do this for the entire world.
Only if you don't intend to finish the bag yourself later.
There are pretty good odds honestly.
Yep, and you can buff them with whatever you think your starting Vex Guardian "subclasses" are if you need a Pumpkin Mind for some unfathomable reason. And since it's intended to be Guardian-scale Vex paracausality at the start blah blah starts small scale, grows with your overall power/meditation|calculation on what it means to be truly Vex, eventually you can shit dyson spheres if you do enough math, you know the drill by now.
A war will start over this anon.
A war? Only one?
Honestly down for it

What are you listening to right now, anons?
Listening about TF2.
There wont be enough survivors for a second one.
I'm going to bed. Wonder if this thread will still be up.
Probably not. We'll probably be dead in two hours or so.
Painting minis and peeking at the thread periodically. Makes good background music
I didn't say it was doing well, I said it was great. As in Battletech, the setting, is great.
Its nearing three in the morning in EST. I'd say this thread will still be up only because I don't think many threads are gonna be made at oh-God-why-o'clock
We're seven threads away from being sent to the shadow realm, but iirc we had threads recently that lasted two days.
>Ilclan Era
I got 5 hours sleep. Let's see which one wins.
If a book were published that contained the a working method of Chakra cultivation in the Elemental Nations of Naruto, basically detailing a system of exercise, meditative exercises, and diet, that consistently produced results in the manner of developing the talent of otherwise ordinary people into borderline geniuses of the shinobi world, what would be the consequences and how fast would they happen?
NTA but are you ESL?
The keening of an old man who has thrown his hip out for the last 6 hours.
Hey I'll be happily surprised if it's still up.
His claim is that the setting is great. The Ilclan era is the current iteration of the setting. The Ilclan era is anything but great. Frankly the setting hasn't been all that great since the clan invasion era.
IlClan is fine. It's not the Clan Invasion but it's not the Dark Age either. Plus it's still better than the infinite FedCom gauss wall.
Who fucking asked?
You did dumbass.
I disagree. Personally I think Ilclan is the worst era we've had.
This is not me >>93234010. This >>93234032 is me. You may of course still call me a dumbass for my opinion of course.
Posting in giant bread.

I want to be a gigacocked high point build Lunar with Virile Bull style and a subby, sexy female Solar mate.
Where's the fucking question mark in this >>93234010 or this >>93233991 post, retard?
Sorry, only in bed when they feel like it
You're going to get caged and pegged.
Lol. Lmao even.
To each their own.

Who fucking asked you?
t. Raksi
NTA but if you can't see the question mark in that second post you're not allowed to call anyone retarded
Don't let the haters get you down. You can go it Chad Thundercock.
>To each their own
That is a much more reasonable response than I had expected. I had honestly hoped we could argue about this but okay.
Why the fuck am I doing research in order to do a writup for exalted rather than sleeping?
I dunno. I have to be up in 5 hours so I really need to be asleep too.
We're all autistic here
The only way this will work the way you want it to is if you visit somewhere like Victim Girls first. Then your underdog energy might allow you to turn the tables. Though even then, it's a toss-up, since Solars have metanarrative manipulation of their own.
>Posting in giant bread.
You a newbie?
Because you want to see this thread hit 2000 replies.
No shame, we all wanna see that shit.
Because SLEEPhan JOBBED to your powerful hormonal imbalance, awareness of external stimuli and dopamine rush
Apparently Out Of Cruel Space has a giant spreadsheet
Actual link this time: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LGusDxs73AjK89k0sqKo4C9hoWiOxrIrDk6JYEXT6GY/edit?gid=1375133682#gid=1375133682
I ain't clicking on that, you're trying to give my computer aids.
>Author: KyleKKent
And reddit really let this guy get away with this name? LMFAO
But you can cope by saying it's a retarded charactter wrote by a retarded person.
I did something like that last week on Manse rules and there construction process. Autism and exalted are like bread and butter.
As we've said, the HFY mods really couldn't give less of a shit and most Reddit mods don't either, let alone the admins. He'd only really be in trouble if he walked into some of the shittier subreddits which are full of genuinely unhinged mods and even worse users.
Bröthers we are getting clöse. At 2k we will all get chains!
Alright thread I'm going to bed, gnite
Night anon. Sleep well.
Nah, but it will be fun to see if it happens. In the interest of that happening though post your last builds lads. More importantly don't just post your own builds, try to comment on and critique other's builds as well. Bit of discussion for a few builds may get us over the line. I'll start with the first two builds of a monster hunter chain I recently started.

Jump 1: Monster Hunter



Budget: 1000 CP

Species: Human

Weapon Focus: Charge Blade (100CP)

Background: Hunter (100 CP)


Weapon Master (Free)

Survivalist (100 CP)


Eye of the Tigrex (150 CP)

Armor Skills:

Part breaker (150 CP)

Adrenalin +2 (200 CP)

Gloves off (150 CP)


Starter Weapon (Free)

Weapon and Item Storage (Free)

Felyne Comrade (Free)

Official Documentation (Free)

Reusable Trap (50 CP)
Good night, Anon.
Jump 2: Monster Hunter World


New world Old History (0)

It will Destroy the New World (300 CP)

Infinite Crossing (300 CP)

Weather Worries (200 CP)

Budget: 1800 CP

Origin: Commander 100 CP


Head Honcho (Free)

Human Resource Management (Free)

Bureaucracy Unlocked (100 CP)

Well Oiled Machine (200 CP)

Next Generation (200 CP)

GOOOO!!! (300 CP)

No if, only when (300 CP)


Minimap and Mega Map (Free)

Standard Issue Equipment (100)

Fifth Fleet and Beyond (300)

Hunting Partner 1 (50 CP)
• Hunter
• Future apex (Free)
• Nature Dominator (Free)
• Weapon adaptation (200)
• Hunter Care Package (100)
• Charming Pair (200)
• Air Purifier (100)

Hunting Partner 2 (50 CP)
• Craftsman
• Metal Head (Free)
• Future Apex (100)
• Not Even a Sweat (Free)
• we built this City (Free)
• Always room for More (200)
• First Wyverian Alchemy (300)

Hunting Partner 3 (50 CP)
• Researcher
• Bookworm (Free)
• Future Apex (100)
• Book Keeping (Free)
• Extrapolation matrix (300)
• Greatest Greenest Thumb (100)
• Cultivation of the Ancients (100)

I just realized, we don't have a jump for Rise do we?
That's a shame. Fun game. It'd probably kill me to try and make a jump for it though.
If that was the case I think we'd be owed like, at least fifty chains each (though I can't be assed to check how many times we've reached 2000, so I may be way off).
Reaching 2000 posts isn't some insurmountable task.
Fuck it, posting my Soul Chain

1st Jump: Dark Souls 1
Origin: Blacksmith
Drawbacks: +1000 Choice Points
> +0 Choice Points - Wandering Spirits
> +100 Choice Points - PRAISE IT!(Pyromancy)
> +100 Choice Points - Life Last
> +200 Choice Points - Oops All Mimics
> +300 Choice Points - Beginning of an Age
> +300 Choice Points - Jealous Goddess

Total Choice Points: 2000
> Free from Strange Journey - Bonfire Creation
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - Soul Growth
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - Gnawed by Infinity
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - A Nice Long Rest
> -100 Choice Points - Pyromancy
> -100 Choice Points - Soul Collector
> -200 Choice Points - Drifting Hollow
> -200 Choice Points - Make Shiny
> -200 Choice Points - Strange Journey(*2: Firekeeper, Chaos Servant)
> -600 Choice Points - Cherish Thy Work(Pyromancy)

Scenario Rewards: Age of Fire. Fall of Izalith. Subterranean Pressure.
>Fate - Legends jumps
>Dies Irae
>Saint Seiya - Episode of G
I don't know anything about Monster Hunter but it has some decent furry art when it's not just feral shit.
2nd Jump: Dark Souls 2
Origin: -200 Choice Points - Scholar
Drawbacks: +600 Choice Points
> +200 Choice Points - Contrived Quest
> +200 Choice Points - Pain Magnet
> +200 Choice Points - Killer Piggies

Total Choice Points: 1400
> Free from Background - Appraisal
> Free from Background - Mapmaker's Mind
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Sorcery of Pherros
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Specialist's Hammer
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Clockwork Kingdom
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Unlocking the Soul
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Curse Breaker
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Dearest Pets

Companions: -200 Choice Point - Single Import(*2, 600 Choice Points)
> Jealous Goddess Fina - Darker Influence(Smoke), Maidens of Black, Rooted in Darkness, Born in the Dark, Illusion of Nobility
> The White Lady Zahra - Foundation of Want, Legends Forged in Chance, Ear for Treachery, Kind King, Wheel & Deal

Scenario Rewards: The Giant War. The Kingdom of Pharros. The Scholar King and Sea Witch.
Yeah but this time it will happen. You just gotta believe!
3rd Jump: Dark Souls 3
Origin: Timeless Scoundrel
Drawbacks: +800 Choice Points
> +0 Choice Points - Phantoms of the Past
> +100 Choice Points - Directionally Challenged
> +200 Choice Points - Nibbling at your Flesh
> +200 Choice Points - Poise Deficient
> +300 Choice Points - Phantom Mess

Total Choice Points: 1800
> Free - Bonfire Teleportation
> Free from Origin - The More Things Change
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Boutique of Curiosities
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - A Fine Dark Soul to You
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Unbreakable
> -50 Choice Points - Lore of the Land
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted - Miracles
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted - Wily Dastard
> -500 Choice Points - Subtle Workings

Items: 350 Choice Points remaining
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Rusted Gold Coins
> -50 Choice Points - Soapstones

Companions: -200 Choice Points - Single Import(*2, 800 Choice Points)
> Jealous Goddess Fina - Painted Shadow, Painting Worlds
> The White Lady Zahra - Fire and Frost, Desperation of the Headless, Magical Attunement, Merciless Hunter, Call to Home

By this point, my jumper is a freak of nature that might as well be a God of Fire, except I'm stronger than the local gods are in my field of expertise.
Wait what?
4th Jump: Bloodborne
Origin: Hunter's Identity
Drawbacks: +800 Choice Points
> +200 Choice Points - No Guard
> +300 Choice Points - Nightmare Mode
> +300 Choice Points - Watching

Total Choice Points: 1800
> Free - Blood Bullets
> Free - Good Blood
> Free - Hunter's Dream
> Free - Little Things
> Free - Rally
> Free - Visceral Attack
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted - Arcanist's Touch
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted - Heirloom Hatred
> -400 Choice Points - Bloodborne
> -600 Choice Points - Vileblood

Items: 200+200 Choice Points remaining
> Free - Kos Parasite
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted - Workshop Equipment
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted - Eternal Labyrinth
> -50 Choice Points - Victorian Doll

Companions: -100 Choice Points - Reinforcement(*2, +600 Choice Points)
> Jealous Goddess Fina - Workshop Artisan, Blood Artisan, Rally Kill, Church Hunter, Discovery, Blood Echoes
> The White Lady Zahra - Wretched Rebirth, Theoretical Recreation, Eye to Behold, Inhumane Treatment, Little Things, Eureka Moment

Scenario Rewards: Appetite For Annihilation. Cursed Island. Lumenwood Kin.

A short detour through Bloodborne, where I learn to kill things with my gigabrain
5th Jump: Demon's Souls
Origin: -100 Choice Points - Magician
Drawbacks: +500 Choice Points
> +200 Choice Points - Sudden Surprise
> +300 Choice Points - Black Phantom Party

Total Choice Points: 1400
> Free - Soul Gathering
> Free from Origin - Heightened Capacity
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Acolyte's Knowledge
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Sage

Items: 950 Choice Points remaining
> Free - Northbrant
> -50 Choice Points - Bag of Spice
> -300 Choice Points - Demonbrant
> -300 Choice Points - Soulbrant

Companions: -300 Choice Points - Fellow Slayer(+600 Choice Points)
> The White Lady Zahra - Seventh Saint, Faith's Reward, Simple Belief

Back to collecting the souls of my enemies. This time I have Blood Echoes to double dip. I'm very good at sorcery and have a sweet sword.
6th Jump: Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice
Origin: Free - Shinobi(drop-in)
Drawbacks: +600 Choice Points
> +600 Choice Points - Flames of War

Total Choice Points: 1600
> Free from Origin - Like Shadows
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Shinobi Arts
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Mystical Ninja
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Animal Aesthetic(Slug)
> -200 Choice Points - Divine Blessing
> -200 Choice Points - Blasphemous Rituals
> -200 Choice Points - Terror
> -400 Choice Points - Redirection

I can make an entire magic system out of the local mysticism. And I intend to! And to the flames the world goes as my fire rises. Stacking more and more gradually accumulating powers. I'm slowly becoming an absolute monster
Maaaan Anon, your Jumper was really put through the wringer for this one....
7th Jump
Background: Scholar of Raya Lucaria
Race: Of Human Stock
Drawbacks: A Call Beyond. The Dragonlord Returns. The Flame Flickers. The Shattering, Mended. Cursed(Tier 2). A Song of Blood and Ice. Sudden Drought. You Are The Pest Control. Suffer Not The Unclean.

Total Choice Points: 3300
Perks: 3300
> Free from Background - Astrologer
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Background - Sublime Form
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Background - Pathless Prodigy
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Background - Primal Current
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted - Arcane Insight
> -150 Choice Points, Discounted - Sorcerous Adept
> -200 Choice Points - Reclaimer of Runes and Ashes
> -200 Choice Points - Smithing Master(Tier 2)
> -300 Choice Points - Eternal Legacy
> -300 Choice Points - Faithful Incantation
> -400 Choice Points - Faith and Hammer
> -400 Choice Points - Fundamentalist Scholastics
> -600 Choice Points - Blessing of Blood

Items: 0 Points
> Discounted, Free - The Smith's Tools(Tier 2)

Companions: 0 Points
> Free from Background - Glintstone Explorer Kohar

And finally we reach Elden Ring, where I have already posted my plans in an earlier thread. I can repost them if anyone wants
Posting this for no real reason other than I think it’s cool. And also it’s the basis of my next snippet.
There's a reason I'm the closest thing to a mage build that you can make in Bloodborne, I'm reliant on Great One hand outs and shooting mind lasers at fuckers like a gatling gun to get anywhere.
It was a mistake to let people get points from more than two drawbacks total (like in Pokemon).
Cry about it. The best jumps have lots of drawbacks so people can customize their experience.
Should have take the out of context jump pill.
Man, /tg/ must be really slow right now. This thread is looong.

Added to notes.
Can't, Nightmare Mode is required for certain scenarios.
Naw, drawbacks are pretty great for getting more points for more variety.
Is there going to be any black wall fuckery like the weapons or what Songbird does?
I am so confused.
I said "get points" for a reason. It's fine to allow people to take any number of drawbacks. It's cringe to pay them for it past a certain point.
Is this DC?
Anyway, my plans for Elden Ring are basically unchanged, but in the context of the other jumps, those plans are much easier. The scenario reward for the Firekeeper route in Dark Souls 1 makes me immune to the Crimson Rot, and any other form of infectious impurity besides, and Dark Souls 2 lets me fuck around with breaking curses.
These things together would make getting Malenia on my side trivial.
My bloodflames are so absurdly potent and versatile that, in combination with all of my other sorcerous knowledge and skill, I can probably figure out how to create my own Crucible with them if I really wanted, but that's on top of my life crafting abilities.
Welcome to sandman. I’m using it as the basis of a fight between two fae, so the confusion is a good thing.

Well damn. That's a nice chain you got going there. Put yourself through a lot of shit but frankly you're hella busted. So Elden Ring is next then huh? Any idea what you are gonna be building for there?
Holy shit this thread takes forever to load.

I thought you went to bed earlier. Has it been long enough for you to make it back here already?
He’s clearly sleep-posting.
Am I the only one who really wants to include cultivation in their chain but doesn't want it to massively spike the power level? Like I want cultivation to be the overall conceit for my jumpers power level going up, but I want it to rise over the course of numerous jumps rather than just going to a cultivation jump and walking out the other end as a beast. Anyone else run into that issue? If so what jumps do you use to achieve this?
Tbh Exalted can do that. Each jump only usually adds a decade to your age and you need to live for a thousand years to reach the heights of power.
Lots of Xianxia. Most need thousands of years to reach the heights of power and you can choose to be just a decade in them
So is >>93234345.
So, after breaking the hell of the FromSoftware-verse, where you headed? Please take a vacation jump, I can't imagine your jumper being well after that gauntlet of a time
Accidentally stumbled across a brand new animal amv while browsing Youtube. It actually looks cool. Am I a furry?
I really don't like people like you who pretend they can't just play the game the way they want. If YOU want to be a loser nobody in your fantasies, just play that way, why do you have to ruin it for everybody else? It's not like you don't have a choice to just enact those rules as Houserules.
Still going huh? Wow. At least all I missed was fucking potatoes posting.
>My bloodflames are so absurdly potent and versatile
Well, until you find something immune to fire.
It feels like there's been a lot of potatoes recently.
I only watched the first few episodes but I though BNA looked cool. Plus the mc was a qt trashpanda waifu.
At least it was actual discussion instead of the usual shitposting.
It's the main reason why I have Cultivation/non-Cultivation chains. It immediately makes it hard to write that 1. This extremely powerful Jumper who's dealt with worlds that have more history would care about some of the frankly low tier conflicts in most other series
And that 2. That a thousand/million year old character would still care about the manga, books, and anime they consumed when they were proverbial infants.

Best way I've thought of is to just have them spend 10 years in a setting that doesn't have an apocalypse in that time, get started on Cultivation, and then have them slowly ramp up the levels along the chain.
I haven't made it into Phantom Liberty yet and the wiki is vague on what Songbird actually does with the Blackwall, but I'll include what makes sense to include.

I just woke up.
What now?
I realized I could just post a link to the archive.
To simplify it a bit
Step 1.) Build up my forces a bit in a region no one else is hanging around in, the sea off the coast.
Step 2.) Kill Rykard and take everything of his for myself.
Step 3.) Convince Malenia to at least take a neutral stance to me by bribing her with a cure to her condition.
Step 4.) Kill dozens of Fire Giants in a massive ritual sacrifice to summon the Bloody Star to the Lands Between
Step 5.) Kill the Bloody Star and take whatever I can keep for myself, the rest obviously goes to my patron the Formless Mother to keep her happy.
Step 6.) Bluff Radahn into thinking I'm ready and willing to fight him immediately(I totally am, but it would be inconvenient for me to kill him), but will compromise on staying out of his way if he bothers to chip in and help by fighting the invading Dragons, all of this on the assumption he won't take a fight with me high off the power of the Bloody Star and with Malenia there at the same time.
Step 7.) I'm gonna kill Mohg and take everything of his for myself, there can't be two favorite children of the Formless Mother and it's gotta be me.
Step 8.) Distract Malenia with Miquella's corpse while I take a trip through the Lands of Shadow to kill Messmer and Bayle for more power.
Step 9.) Kill Midra and prove once and for all that my fire is superior to the Frienzied Flame.
Step 10.) Am I divine enough to pass through the Gate of Divinity? Will a Dragon and a Demigod be good enough sacrifices to complete the passage?
Step 11.) Go back to the Lands Between after burning down the Scadutree; it's time to go claim Destined Death!
Step 12.) Give everyone left a hard stare down and dare them to try and stop me from using my Mending Rune.
So if I wanted to learn about exalted what is the easiest/best way to get into it? There like lore videos or anything like that I can listen to while working on other things or do I just gotta pull out the books and get reading?
>2k post thread
Anon, this question gets asked every single fucking thread, including this one, at least twice. There's no way you actually don't already know the answer
Eh it happens. Especially with how dead the board is these days. It's not really anything that special anymore.
Don't rest on your laurels. The mods can and have deleted hundreds of posts at a time without warning.
Just find a jump you think looks cool and get the core and it's splat book from /exg/. Aside from that there are other books detailing the setting.
>Some Jannie starts hitting random posts just to deny the 2k
That's a hell of a conspiracy anon.
Got it, books it is then.
8th Jump: Legend of Zelda -
Background: Free - Merchant
Drawbacks: +400 Choice Points
> +200 Choice Points - Fetch Quest
> +200 Choice Points - Hero Mode

Total Choice Points: 1400
> Free from Background - Mini-Game Operator
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Overflow of Wealth
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Origin - Collect-a-thon
> -200 Choice Points - Support Role
> -200 Choice Points - The Secrets You Hold

Companions: Free - Midna, -50 Choice Points - Fairy, -150 Choice Points - Companion Import(*3, +600 Choice Points)
> Fina - Sorcerer, Rightful Monarch, Support Role, Beguiling Personality
> Kohar - Artifact Hunter, Hidden Skills, Jumper's Shade, Treasure Finder
> Zahra - The Master Sword, Highest Peaks- Lowest Valleys, Triforce of Courage

My jumper has to lean on 'Unbreakable' for another jump it looks like. It won't be as hard as Dark Souls but...well, at least they won't be doing most of the work.
Thanks, just wanted to be sure. I just really like the idea of being able to randomly pull minions out of nothing llike the Vex. Which is also part of why I was deeply tempted to dip into the Taken perkline for Take Back What's Given...though eventually I figured that with Shaped Finality and Sword Logic I should be able to just do the Oryx thing and just take that power for myself manually.
Which Zelda is this?
Twilight Princess. I have no idea how that part got cut out
How the fuck is this thread alive.
We are unironically the strongest thread in /tg/.
I plugged it into a potato clock.
Its not even close to the dropoff.
>ctrl-f exalted
>105 matches
Do this for the last ten threads and tell us your findings please
Reminder: Posts/(post # of last post of thread-# of first post of thread)=how much traffic a given thread accounted for on a given board throughout its lifetime.
We will understand CHIM.
We're a fifth of all posts on the entire fucking board
Bit amazing innit?
We were only a tenth the last time it slowed down this much.
There's literally more exalted discussion in this thread than in /exg/
How many threads back: exalted count/post count
-1: 18/1141
-2: 13/1477
-3: 27/1006
-4: 31/982
-5: 29/1197
-6: 13/847
-7: 10/1163
-8: 22/1297
-9: 48/1282
I just realized you could totally turn Creation into a massive eugenics program to give everyone Breeding 5 so that everyone becomes a DB unless they exalted as a Celestial as a kid. Shota Solars and Lunars with dommy mommy DBs here I come.

That's been the case for a while.
>/JC/ you don't even need other threads anymore
Yet people here have the temerity to complain whenever someone brings up wokeness, as if it doesn't have an iron grip on traditional games and everything affiliated with them, constantly choking the life from the hobby.
Huh. What happened nine threads ago to have it mentioned that many times?
I think this one is because it's a work week. We get more traffic on the weekends.
Don't respond to the painfully obvious shitposter.
Look man, I'm as strongly opposed to their shit as just about anyone, but I don't think they can be blamed for the state of the board.
>I just realized you could totally turn Creation into a massive eugenics program to give everyone Breeding 5 so that everyone becomes a DB unless they exalted as a Celestial as a kid.
Check out the DB charm in Lords of Creation; Purity Crucible Strike
Holy shit it's worse than I thought
Those aren't even all of the posts about Exalted, just all of the ones that say the word
This is not at all normal. I was here for the work weeks last week. We were not having 2000+ post threads.
I think that one had a "but you have to start in Exalted" chainbutt.
They're responsible for the state of the industry, which is almost directly correlated with the state of the board. Like it or not, communities cannot sustain themselves on ancient relics frim before most people on the site were born. You need new blood and new products or the discussion will die off.
Do NOT respond to him.
Yeah but that one kills people. I was thinking making a "plague" which does the same thing non-lethaly.
Hey we're finally on page 11.
>wake up
>2k & PAGE 10
Sometimes you need to help kill a thread.
Compressor soon...
>The rest of the threads on the board are just members of /JC/ making throwaway threads to try and kill the current thread
Are we actually the whole board?
What about (embed)? We need the (embed).
We are Exalted now.
A good chunk of them yeah.

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