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Nostalgia Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Thread Question:
What model will always have a special place in your heart?
The original Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka on his 28mm base
The Battle for Macragge Space Marine Sergeant Octavian. He returns as a dreadnought in Assault on Black Reach.
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Is the Furioso dreadnought the "newest" boxnaught?
the acolyte hybrid with power weapon and hand flamer.
or maybe the gretchin pirate.
Fuck bros. I hate the redemptor chassis so much.
I hate the ATV
I hate the Invictor warsuit
I hate the psychophage
I hate the new pyro and biovores
I want to go back bros
Take me back
You're kind of cringe
So a question: what is the emperor plan to actually deal with Chaos? Like his entire plan was just to cut off human reliant on the Warp for space travel and communication. But the Warp is still there, human still need to live in real space, warp storm can still happen and suck up planets, oh and the Eye of Terror is still a thing. So the Emperor's great plan wasn't gonna address the issue of Chaos, just make it so that less human are affected by it.
Nothing. The emperor can't do anything about chaos.
Nothing forces you to use sculpts you don't like, unless you're a tourney-playing troglodyte in which case you deserve it.
Probably the falcon, mainly because it was the first tank I built and it's stood the test of time, why bother trying to update perfection?
hope his fuckup sons can fix the mess his even bigger fuckup sons made
Ignore the Primaris crap. Pure Firstborn forces are kino
Venerable Dread was 2008 and Furioso is 2010, i believe and the Space Wolf Venerable was 2017? I THINK
You're an asshole
Spcae Wolf Dread is 2014*
fat fingered it
Removing reliance on warp travel was just the first step. Humanity was supposed to evolve into a psychic species that could withstand the temptations of chaos.
Firstborn should have been left as is and Primaris as Cawls new forces of questionable loyalty
So is codex imperial agents going to be an actual army I can play or is it just new rules for supplemental data sheets?
The only one I'll argue with is the psychophage
I like that thing
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wait a min, that's ours!
Primaris should've never been made and the Firstborn should've just gotten an upscaled resculpt like the Horus Heresy MK3 and MK6 marines (or even those blindbox Space marine Heroes minis)
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Does the metal version of the Furioso count? It was released in 1997 I think? Still a cool model for the time, there's something about the heft of a metal dreadnought.
Breed Sisters of Silence with Custodes until he gets a race of blank malestodes and femstodes to replace mankind with, cutting off chaos from their primary food source
Just give it few years and we get new MK7 kit for the Horus Heresy: The Scouring
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This would be so funny
>oh and the Eye of Terror
The Emperor will turn that into the Eye of Terra after colonizing it
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To be honest, I kind of would prefer to explore more of the great crusade and all the alien campaigns the early Imperium fought against. The Rangdan Xenocides alone are a giant blank gap that supposedly involved like nine legions, a bunch of knight houses, and the Emperor himself. Despite everyone involved, there's next to no information on it.
Please fucking no more, I beg you James please don't painfully elaborate on cool unknowns, we have already lost Horus Heresy to this cursed blight, have mercy.
>The Rangdan Xenocides
that's are purposely left vague to explain away why the Dark Angels sucked so much cock during the Heresy and post-Heresy. The "They took a lot of damage" BS wouldn't happen if GW actually intended to flesh it out.
It feels like the logical next step now that HH ended with the siege of terra series. You can still have all the primarchs soap opera and space marine wank and since it hasn't been explored that much yet writers can put their super special oc's in that totally were friends with primarchs trust me guys
True but you forgot one big thing: Xenos are the designated pushing bag for space marines. You can't have a series were xenos were kicking space marines asses or dare i say it... kill a primarch
Then what would you prefer? A continuation of the current 40k storyline post-primaris, or exploring gaps within the timeline of random inconsequential wars like the old IA books?
https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Beast ?
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Rangdan were enlightened communists with an idyllic society of gender and racial equality, with a huge population of humans living among them as equals.
The emperor ordered their destruction because he, in his toxic cishetmale insecurity, arrogance and ignorance, wanted his fascist imperium to be the only option for humanity.
This'll be 50 quid mate.
Bait aside, how is that any different from Tau?
Tau don't have racial equality or freewill
>You can't have a series were xenos were kicking space marines asses or dare i say it... kill a primarch
Weren't the IInd and XIth involved in the campaign? Revealing details on them feels a bit sacrilegious. GW violates a lot of its own mysteries with unwanted explanations, but the missing primarchs in particular feels hard set.
Tau have an opressive totalitarian government with a rigidly enforced caste system. Inter-caste relationships are not allowed and adherence to the current way of life is maintained by expert level propaganda and (potential) brainwashing.
If ethereals happen to make a mistake in governing their subjects, tau have no recourse to hold them accountable. Their power is absolute, there are no counterbalances.
And ethereals do make mistakes all the time. From the War of Dark Revelations, to Ksi'm'yen genestealer infestation and the way they handle knowledge of the Warp and daemons.
Based Papa Smurf, keeping his guard up and not giving in to hubris.
Based Emperor, ridding the galaxy of communism. Reminder:Killing commies is not murder, it's vandalism, as commies are not people, they are property of the state.
Did that series get any miniatures?
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>not people, they are property of the state
>meanwhile american G.I.s
Wow the upgrade sprue for Night lords fucking sucks huh.
Whats the most competetive way to use an Inquisitor?
Eh, nothing in ork books ever really gets depicted except broadly being waved off as trukks or whatever. It's actually the opposite, where the only real frame of reference for people is to communicate with the game models as if they were classes of objects more than specific models.
wait until the agents codex
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>t. Jealous Iron Warrior who has no upgrade sprue
Is that even really happening or are people just assuming?
I’m assuming, for one, because GW has some grudge against slanesh armies so I dont think EC is getting a codex
EC just got indexed so earliest they would get anything is spring next year I reckon.

It was leaked pretty quickly. I would be funny if they didn't release it out of spite now.
>every reliable leaker says its happening
>GW has hinted at it in recentish posts
>the [REDACTED] has the inquisition seal on it
>we have actual pictures of pages of it from the printing facilities in china
na totally just assuming
So anyway how long until we can buy just the sprue without having to buy a big ol kt box? I have 3 sets of 10 legionnaires that I need a few sprues for.
never and right now on ebay
GW will never hurt their own sales by offering the KT sprue alone
>Weren't the IInd and XIth involved in the campaign?
I don't think GW has confirmed if they were but that is the commonly accepted headcanon
>we have pages
Thats bullshit but I believe it
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leaked by the same guy who dropped some stuff from the AoS 4th core book, months before 4th was even officially announced, all of which has turned out 100% correct.
Based chinks not giving a single fuck.
If my wife saw this guy i dont think she could remain faithful
Your wife might be a whore.
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That reflects very poorly both on your wife for having a terrible taste and on yourself for marrying a woman of both loose morals and no discernment.
She hasnt slept with anyone else but me
Hes gay
Hi Mike.
Why does that Manta look so god awful?
I liked your alpharius book mike
either with their henchmen retinue or DKoK to bully infantry off objectives
take a second character with the krieg
target with a strat and they get 2 rolls to return cp if they're leading something with a vox
the psychic torrent is good, but overall the unit isn't very punchy
when leading a full retinue, they fuck, but it's far more expensive
she's pegging him right now you cuckold
>What model will always have a special place in your heart?
The humble Rhino.
Primaris grav pick-ups just don't cut it
Do we even know what the fuck the rangdans looked like?
I've seen some suggestions they were a coalition of slave races that had some relation to the Slaugth, either using their tech, or were some kind of slave/client race in that sector of the galaxy
We know they had "Slaugth Murder-minds" so it's often presumed they were either a slave race to them or collaborated with them as allies. And slaugth are a race of worm-swarms that utilize fungal cyborg tech.
So these are our best guesses.
I also like the psychophage but I can't explain why I like it but hate the new pyro/bio.
I prefer the deimos pattern, but agreed. Still stupid that primaris can’t ride them, I want my cheap transport option, damn it. Can’t even take ten intercessors of any variety without getting a full sized battle tank.
Ha! I remember when you kiddies laughed at my old design and said that 'new is best'. I warned you then that your makers are bastards and you too will eventually be replaced, but you didnt believe me. Now look at you, you have become what you hated. Stop your whining, take a seat with us 1st ed designs and leave a space for when the current palitoy rippoffs that replaced you are eventually replaced in turn.
>1st ed
Not warhammer
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Every single one of the lil niggas. We'll never see a box like this again.
Ngl I see rogue trader era designs and I wonder what the fuck was going on back then. The models were ugly as sin, who the hell thought they were cool?
>who the hell thought they were cool
This is what happened the last time GW tried to release an Apocalypse box. Look at this. Look how fucking pathetic this is compared to the glorious old.
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I really liked the Chaos space marines box. If there had been a rhino in there too i would have bought a second one too.

>Tfw when I thought it was actually called the Eye of Terra for a year because I learned 40k lore by listening to audiobooks narrated by Brits

It's a right spot of trouble for the emprah innit, that blasted eye of terra, cor blimey bugger me
>old bikes
Yeah nah.
What would that box even look like in the primaris era?
>6 Intercessors squads
> 2 assault Intercessors squads
>2 hellblaster squads
>9 Impulsors
>not a single Predator/Land Raider
>not a single flyer
4 Intercessors
2 Assault Intercessors
2 Assault intercessors with Jump Packs
2 Hellblasters
9 Impulsors
Command Squad.. sorry "Company Heroes Squad" with Captain.
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NPC factions had their boxes be more suitable for apocalypse. Still even they got zero super heavies in their boxes
pretty sure thats less points than the veterans of the long war box that just came out lmao
Be realistic, it's going to have 2 ATV's and 2 warsuits
True. Long gone are the days of GW making army boxes be an actually army instead of miscellaneous pile of trash they can't move on their own.
Oh of course. And whatever else kit just isn't selling enough.
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As bad as 7th edition was it gave us some great army boxes
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Shit take
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Yeah because this is so much better.
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best ever cultists you cannot beat them
Still mad that autogun cultist got legend'ed
Scouring wont happen for the simple reason that it is called Horus Heresy.
GW will just keep it at where it is permanently.
Remember Leviathan? Damn, they just don't make SOUL like this anymore.
Early weeks of 10h edition... Home...
at least we have the memories.. will never forget my grenade launcher dude knocking off the last wound from a guys unpainted Lion lmao.
Does anyone actually run anything from the Leviathan box? Aside from the Termies that are just new sculpts of old units that people always used?
The only thing I've seen in tournaments in the Phobos Lieutenant for his infiltrate and Lone Op shenanigans.
And this is the exact mentality of the newer younger fans have towards your models.
sure.. on the nids side.
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Ceci n'est pas une marine
I'm in my mid 30s, and honestly think the modern marine sculpts look better for the most part. to each their own.
gravis apothecary gets used a lot, rarely see a big unit of aggressors without him.
why can't they make an interesting vs box?
tyranid bio titan that drops spore mines vs some asian themed feudal guard; lasguns and yari vs a kaiju
I haven't seen a screamer killer on the table since before their codex.
The new brain bug a few times.
Oh yeah, I forgot about him. The local Deathwatch player loves them in his Proteus Kill Team gravis blobs
That sounds retarded.
Because Edition boxes are meant to be starter boxes for new players. That's why they're all push-fit easy to build.
What you're describing is a specialist game that only people extremely into that shit would want.
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>done all the base layer metals and wires on a knight today
feelsgoodman. goodnight anons.
Because space marines pay the bills. I will eat my shoes if we ever get an edition starter box that isn't just space marines versus xenos/chaos
more interesting than yet another release spoiled by blueberries taking up half the box
at least pick an interesting marineslop subfaction like legion of the damned
new players don't drop hundreds on a launch box
eat my shoes and we have a bet
They didn't for the overprice mess that was Leviathan. But did in droves for the $160 Indomitus box for 9th.
do you guys think gw genuinely wanted/tried to replace terminator with gravis, met with too much repulsion and gave up?
Deal. I'll eat your shoes if we ever get a starter box that isn't Space marines versus xenos or chaos.
No, still a shit idea.
UM are the default marines and the posterboys.
I can't talk much about muhreens but the winged Prime and Von Ryans(these are going to be replaced with Raveners though) see use in Vanguard Onslaught.
The Screamer-Killers are really good in Synaptic Nexus and I've seen a few lists running it although not competitively.
Psychophage with how cheap it is makes for decent enough, tough chaff and they work on Assimilation Swarm.
Neurotyrant was a stapple for making the SITW rule not as terrible and being able to lead Zoans now means you will see even more of them.
The rest are just whatever.
Gaunts could be used but everyone already had like 90 gaunts and Unending Swarm is now trash.
Also if only they had made it so Shadow In the Warp was a penalty for ALL battle shocks that happen within synapse range you would see 3 units of Neurogaunts in every game.
>do you guys think gw genuinely wanted/tried to replace terminator with gravis
No, because they are nothing alike.

Only thing they have in common is that they are slow and fat.
It's like saying you and a sloth are the same because you are both hairy and lazy.
Wrong person.
blueberries are for period cramps, I heard
>everyone screaming about the penitent detachment
>Sisters just went into the shooty one and made ironstorm lists
Huh? Guh?
Step 1. Unite humanity (Great Crusade)
Step 2. Prevent all potential Chaos worship in humanity (Imperial Truth)
Step 3. Prevent Psykers from fucking around with Chaos (Webway)
Step 4. Kill all the xenos so they can’t worship or fuck around with Chaos (Inquisition)
Step 5. Have your 18 sons rape a frail and dying Chaos to death (Space Marines)
Step 6. Profit
>do you guys think gw genuinely wanted/tried to replace terminator with gravis
if they wanted to do that then why didn't they make them remotely similar.
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Once more I am asking for Eldar Exodite models
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Looks like my old assistant store manager
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Step 0: Be a massive egotistical shit-head consumed by your own hubris.
it's because many sisters units are overpriced, castigators, and immolators are priced well and both buff shooting.
>tfw still have the tyranid side of this sitting under my desk, unpainted and unbuilt

i missed everything for the start of 10th ed, which side of this box was more likely to win at the time?
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looks great anon, what did you use for the green flames?
Marine side wrecks the nid side from memory
Space Marines just shot Nidders off the table
Green paint
As with every time this is posted, the worm is stupid
>sisters finally get a detachment focused on the thing sisters are supposed to be doing: burninating heretics
>sisters players want to play it
Huh? Guh?
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this looks bad and I don't like it
I'm sorry. Am sleep deprived and retarded.
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Night lords will be made an army before slaanesh.
Its someone elses, they posted it a while back. Reverse image search it, they appear to have an Insta.
They're using it to buff Castigators
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it's phase-through space magic tech, ain't gotta explain shit
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>What model will always have a special place in your heart?
The Land Raider Crusader.
My first one had the metal upgrade kit and I could never get them to stay on as i was a dumb teenager, but i loved that fucker.
I wish i had not sold my templars when I ""grew out" of the hobby but oh well.
You know, I thought I was getting Locked Tomb vibes from his last book so that makes a lot of sense.
Primaris Eldar when?
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Surprised it didnt start gnawing on the plastic, they're voracious for it.
I used to own a hamster and that LR is probably full of shit now. Those things never stop shitting
In what hilarious/tragic fashion did it die?
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Local club had its quarterly Bring and Buy sale.

I got 5 metal Scouts, 2 librarians from 2nd and 4th edition, a damaged Chaplain, an Apothecary, and the limited edition Black Templars Castellan Draco all for 50p each.
>buying marines
She ate some brush soap but never any plastic
Kinda jelly
At least it wasn't from James.
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>regular ass terran dinosaurs instead of properly alien fauna
>some stupid ent that doesn't even look like its from a jungle, more of a temperate climate one
>She ate some brush soap
:D Delicious!
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>regular ass terran dinosaurs
Careful what you wish for. They might open Pandora's box.
Bad dragon?
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GW does know how to make some bad dragons.
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I have a whole Company for a 3rd edition Space Marine army, and some 6mm Epic stuff I need to work on too.
Damn, that is indeed pretty fucking bad.
Posting another example of why exodites are dumb won't make it any less dumb
That works
Monster Hunter stuff as well
If you want more weird, go for Future is Wild or better yet Wayne Barlowe
But having default terran dinos on a completely remote exodite world doesn't make much sense and looks silly
>inb4 some extra-elaborate "necrons inspired egyptians, actually"-grade cope of "all dinos in galaxy are just regular dinos old ones made them or something"
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Don't tell the grogs, they'll pretend it's amazing
But the old ones and eldar did spread dinos all over
Don't think that's ever been stated
There were stats for dinos in some ancient RT book I believe but that's it
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>read the reddit necron book
>starts with a battle on an exodite world
>they're literally just described with lizardmen dinos
>as in literally even called "carnosaurs" etc
>even in books they're nothing more than shitty conversions
I forgot about that, damn that's lame lol
WFHB dragons were iconic and dab on the literal furfagshit running rampant now in smegmar.
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>or better yet Wayne Barlowe
It doesn't click that he was actually part of the creature designers for avatar until you see the concept art
Iconically shit sure.
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they still mog WFB dragons but GW just isn't very good at modeling dragons because of their autism. Can't just make a conventionally cool dragon, it has to be unique!
Those look like scalie porn dragons.
Disgusting garbage.
>>inb4 some extra-elaborate "necrons inspired egyptians, actually"-grade cope of "all dinos in galaxy are just regular dinos old ones made them or something"
You know it's this.
Because GW is lazy and takes the past of least resistance.
This looks terrible.
I appreciate the traditional 6 limbs, 4 legs, 2 wings, but the proportions are just fucking terrible.
It looks like a child made this out of playdough.
What's unique about those?
>It looks like a child made this out of playdough.
It's a Trash Carden sculpt so basically.
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At least the giant stardrake looks cool.
It's generic in design, but that is what makes it work. Not everything has to be some super unique snowflake shit.
sorry wrong reply.
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Right, these are the scalie dragons with pubic hair bushes for some fucking reason
Only good Warhammer dragons were made by Forgeworld (and now are gone forever)
Because they are. Smegmar is mask off furfaggotry.
I don't like the front-legs of this thing.
Though i've seen someone remove the front legs and mount the wings there turning it into a massive Wyvern and it looked fucking awesome
Sideburns and hairy forelimbs? I've seen it elsewhere, especially on Eastern dragons, but I wouldn't say it's a very common element to slap on otherwise very classical looking dragons.
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>Only good Warhammer dragons were made by Forgeworld (and now are gone forever)
They've been bringing some FW kits back with TOW releases. There's some hope.
Although they'll be twice as expensive now.
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I understand neither this nor exodites
If you want a dino/dragon faction, wouldn't you want that to be a PURELY dino/dragon faction where they were front & center instead of just slave labour beasts? Like with lizardmen?
looks more like a wyvern than a dragon.
Count the number of legs dipshit.
How exactly is the ground marine on its back supposed to reach the enemy with his very short melee weapon? He doesn't even reach past half the dragon's torso.
Presumably the rider is also completely irrelevant in combat anyway because he is squishier than the dragon and hits weaker.
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And that's a good thing.
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Heres a comprehensive list of all the Eldar runes ever published. I dont know who needs to see this but you're all talking about Eldar shit, so...
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>retractable penis
Why do dumbfucks who know nothing about animals peddle their dumb takes to the point of even making "OC"?
Why, because it acts as an containment game to segregate all the degens?
>How exactly is the ground marine on its back supposed to reach the enemy with his very short melee weapon?
You can ask this for basically any fantasy mount in both fantasy battle and aos.
Back to /aosg/ with ye
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Whats wrong with normal raptor riding Exodites like god intentioned?
I don't play that. I am just pointing out that you literally don't know what you're talking about
Counterpoint: this is just the price of getting good art. Really, who is a great artist who's just a normal dude otherwise? They're always fucked in the head some type of way, and you've gotta just tolerate it if you want to get shit done.
it still dont look like a dragon
Looks dumb for an alien race. Although your example is slightly better because of the crest
Also thats by far the worst way of doing feathers on dinos
The joints are fine on it, but the camera POV and all the bulky armor plates is what makes it looks fucky.
because the autist doesn't understand exodites
I think the forelimbs are arms rather than forelegs. So those are elbows rather than knees.
Probably overzealous use of filler-primer
Why did the Imperium have such a raging chub for going to the galactic East from Terra? What was wrong with West?
it's homemade
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Do exodites even have titans or is this wooden ass looking thing just a complete failure in every way?
40k maps always look so fucking awful.
>How exactly is the ground marine on its back supposed to reach the enemy with his very short melee weapon?
The same this dude here would reach >>93225720
Ie. not at all.

Most fantasy mounts are trash as cavalry in warfare realistically.
But the reason why we humans make these things is purely because of rule of cool.
There's nothing more badass than seeing a full plate armored knight riding on the back of a winged, fire breathing dragon.
Honestly if you wanted to go super realistic with it, war dragons would be akin to war elephants IRL, meaning only advanced, sophisticated civilizations would have them, and they'd mainly be for shock and awe tactics.
But to be consistent, dragons would have the advantage of being armored with steel strong scales, ability to fly and also then literally turn the enemies into ash through its fire breath.
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Its a fan updated thing because GW regularly forgets their own damn galactic lore, so I can forgive the less than stellar appearance.
That titan also looks so shit it could almost be AI slop
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Reposting my chapel barracks. Gonna start working on the stronghold today.
>Slaaneshy tower is shaped and looks like a giant horse cock
I mean, what the fuck did you expect?
That is pretty spot on and thematic for the entire slaanesh faction.
they do and they're made from wraithbone like normal, they aren't wood elves
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Levels of soul normally reserved for white dwarf pictures from the 3rd edition.
>I think the forelimbs are arms rather than forelegs. So those are elbows rather than knees.
You sure they aren't vents?
I hate to say it, but trying to keep track of the 40k map is just too fucking dumb to try and keep track of. Its really the one thing GW was right in completely ignoring.
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Exodites had several varieties of Knights in Epic, which could easily extend to Titans. As >>93225879 said, though, they're regular wraithbone.
You're now obligated to have at least one fat drop pod meant to reach the landing pad from orbit with resources and personnel
Is that a fucking papier-mâché Imperator?
You keep posting the same image anon. Can we see it from a different angle?
exodites are normal eldar who choose to live simpler lives riding dinos, they've got everything normal eldar can have

I think they grow their wraithbone starting from some psychoreactive bone of dinos, but I'm not sure if that's only for particular shrines or in general and it's arbitrary whether it looks any different from other wraithbone
Stupid noob question incoming.
I want to build an army of ork stompas out of tin cans and shit. I've never painted a model, and I don't want to give any money to GW, and I don't care if it's tournament legal, and I don't care if it's good.
Where should I start?
Start by coming up with a better story. Ask pavel how a normal human brain functions and try that.
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the kroxigor do legit have sculpted dick holes though, and squighogs have sculpted anuses.
West is left, and the Left is bad
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Yeah but they're not made of wood. Exodites aren't actual Wood Elves, they just fill the same niche in the high/dark/wood elf archetype
What your take on the Emperor saying he has no true physical form?
>instead of properly alien fauna
Australian hands typed this post
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File deleted.
This would be cool though
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The Enslaver Plague killed the dinosaurs.
dude thats sooooooo random and funny lol
aight, you made me smile. great post anon.
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I have one but in another chapters colours. Guess I'll have to get another pod.
The angle is the same since I wanted it to look like it does in the game. I can snap a pic from the back once I get back home.
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woah cool website anon, its like that website dedciated to all mentions of nurgle, a great resource built and maintained by one autists obession https://nurgle.stelio.net/
We already have sexy blue aliens, we don't need more
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>sexy blue aliens
What did you use for the squigs?
>dick holes
you mean ass hole?
Dem DSLs tho
technically both, because it's a cloaca
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You think ugly leather skin is going to stop me from facefucking this behooved whore's forehead vagina?
I'll counter your fanart with fanart.
But I don't have a story, I was going to do that later.
>We already have sexy blue aliens, we don't need more
Agreed, that's why we'll make Na'vi into sexy blue abhumans instead.
Drill your assholes.
Id sooner mate with a black Templar neophyte than any interpretation of the tau.
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somehow I keep forgetting she had a new model release
I see a nipple!
That's just what they look like when they're old or ugly
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Oh, he's got it all figured out. Somebody get this man in touch with James
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Its just some STLs I downloaded called "Ghostbusters Orks". Theres not even a readme in there saying who made it.
The dark eldar that I painted up as dunmer.
Missed half my post, I've seen other people post them too elsewhere, the pic was an example. I dont honestly know who the STL creator was.
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Whew thanks anon, dodged a bullet there.
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You cant crop out the bottom of the picture explaining whats going on anon!
Do Tau have sex? They look more like some kind of asexual egg spawn
I'd fuck right
Also felinids are such a retarded secondary meme
I prefer the implication that it's a "male vs female" affair, especially when you don't explain which is which
Americans are weird, its just a nip. Why are mans nips totally fine, but womans not?
No no, they're both female. Theres your "hot cat-girl" there on the right.
They're fine in and of themselves, being such a minor mention. But the coomer obsession is another thing
I like the brown colour of the coats. Whenever I try to do a light brown I either get too yellow/orangey or too greyish.
Same issue with the fucking catgirls in Battletech.
There's been a single image of a hooker with prosthetic cat tail and fake ears that secondary faggots somehow turned into literal genetically modified catgirls being like 90% of the Canopian population
>such a minor mention
Yeah this is the most recent one and they're intentionally vague with it
She just needs a bath and some love.
Tau are built for BHC
Anyone know a good source for 3D print nids?
>marinefags are homos
We already knew this
>t.30 year old virgin
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do we know if this will soup up Grey Knights and Deathwatch, or are they still separate?
Still all i see is Infinity vs 40k
You should as the 40k logo to that image.
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That's the public-access webway gate to Commorragh. Anyone willing to fly all the way to galactic fringe to enter can come bargain and trade in the ports of the dark city there. The Drukhari themselves can exit or enter the webway almost anywhere in the galaxy themselves, because they have knowledge of all the hidden back routes and tools to make jumps in and out.
Only when 3rd edition is brought back and 10th edition is destroyed will 40k begin to heal. Bring back the Rhino Rush.
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I think it's an amusing bit of characterization that a kroot would not be very particular of other species' morphology. I mean it makes sense that they wouldn't get hung up on the details.
A Kroot Ork? A Kroork?
I hope they think Felinids are just humans who ate a cat
Damn, China confirmed in 40k
depends on the type of differences, not every kroot is a shaper but surely they all get to recognise and analyse the characteristics or prospective meals
The Emperor or his empire can't be fasist. There is no separation of church and state. Women and men roles aren't divided and kept separate. Fasism hates any form autonomy and the Imperium is full of it( Ad Mech, Navigators, Inquisition, Space Marines and the pinacle of it all Custodes). The w40k or w30k Imperium has as much to do with fasism as Moghol or Aztec empire did. And the Emperor himself can't cis or hetero, when he is a being outside of humanity. Calling him either of those two, is like calling a person who had a animal heart valve transplant a 100% pig.
every time you post i think im back in the early 2000s. looks amazing anon good job
good thing she doesn't exist then
Well the Emperor IS asian
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Here you go
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Just for the love of god dont fall for the butov/unicorn meme
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Of course
Micro plastics
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How do we feel about using pic related as proxies for some DG boys? I'm not really sure what they could work as. My initial impression was maybe as melee plague marines, but the blightbois are made for 40mm bases and some of their stances are pretty wide. It'd probably look goofy on 32mm. Alternatively, do they have enough beef to stand in for deathshrouds? That feels like even more of a stretch tho since deathshrouds are so distinctive with their scythes.
its is made from hardned foam over plasticard skeleton.
that's macro plastic
If you put the aos cartoony nurgle shit on the table I'm going to give you the flouride stare
Gotta start them early
Nurgle is already cartoony.
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>aos cartoony
Anon it's the exact same shit since 8e DG
regarding DG. how different in looks were there Siege of Terra/post warp trip DG, to the w40k DG ? Because I have a large collection of unused DG (2 dark empires, 2 know no fears), I think I could tak a plunge in to HH with them. Mortarion probably looked the same in HH and w40k, just like all the other plastic primarchs.
do the deathguard ever exit their power armor
Yeah just swap the heads, give them a slugga, glue on some ork bits, ez Plague Boyz.
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I don't inherently care about proxying as long as it isn't used to spam meta units
Uhhh because they already extended to the edge of the habitable galaxy to the west
Terra isn't in the centre, it's already in the west so you can't go too much further.
you will endure my third party 120 count traitor guard list and you will enjoy it.
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>aos cartoony nurgle shit
if anything fantasy nurgle mortals are LESS cartoony than 40k's death guard
Terra is on the west side of the galaxy so there's less space to the west until you reach the edge
Are... Are they cool, varied and interesting sculpts?
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Seems about even to me.
Did GW get "inspired" by Frazzetas Deathdealer? Because they generaly get very uptight when someon gets "inspired" by their stuff.
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Not really, that's like the only good Nurgle model for both ranges because it was trying to remake an older design. Kind of like pic rel.
Why would that make a difference? Do meta units become more acceptable when they're made of official GW plastic? What are you, some kind of gay faggot?
the galactic west is a lot more homogenised, it's actually more densely settled, but each settlement is far more expansive. The galactic east are the wildlands of the galaxy, lots of small outposts and settlements that look great on a map but are mostly individually insignificant compared to the major settlements of the west.
No I just don't like playing against faggots who need to rely on OP units.
They could be using the bonafide prototype sculpts and I'd still think they take it up the ass.
Blind, and PMs can be assembled without the cartoony optional shit.

Nobody uses these sculpts for good reason
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Anon you're just in denial.
That fella stands out like a sore thumb in AOS' nurgle lineup. He's great, but also completely different in aesthetic to basically every other model
I like to write "Questoris knight" on circles of cardboard
I don't know why you're posting old models, nor what crack you're on to consider these as cartoony as the aos dogshit
You're telling me no one uses the cartoons shit that is typhus?
I kneel
Oh no, those are the good looking ones.
Rotmire creed and the sorcerer. Pretty sure a majority of the maggotkin range is just 8th ed fantasy battle as well.
>8th ed fantasy battle
proto AoSlop
That's not typhus..
And you appear to be either stroking out or ESL?
I don't know if the Death Dealer specifically was one of the inspirations, but the sculptor described the project as a team effort with many different influences baked into the final product.

>Maxime [Pastourel]: This model was a collaborative project with Carlotta Rossi working as the concept artist, David Waeselynck as the mock-up designer, then myself pulling it all together. Jes Goodwin – who sculpted the classic Herald of Nurgle model that inspired this harbinger – offered advice along the way.

>The goal with the Harbinger of Decay was to capture a particular moment – that instant when he arrives at the top of a hill above an enemy town and gazes down upon it. He's menacing in a passive way, his presence terrifying even though he's not moving. Even his scythe is held casually by his wrist rather than in his hand. There's the impression he's looking at you, implicitly saying 'you're next.'

>The key visual cues of this model are weight, wetness, decay and pain. The composition of the harbinger is almost entirely vertical, with hanging chainmail, dripping cloth, looping leather straps, dangling moss and drool leaking from the horse's mouth. The pain comes through the arched shape of the horse. Its head droops in misery; its mane is lank and rotten. At the back, the tail hangs limply to mirror that shape. The pustules, sores and exposed bone add to that sense of torment. There are lots of little details on this model, too – the pouch hanging from the saddle's pommel clearly has a skull in it, while the trophy rack on the horse's rump mirrors the mount's arched shape. The crow and the sign pay homage to the original miniature.
Who in gods name would want to go to Commoragh?
Started long before you did.
>aos cartoony nurgle shit
You've got some severe dissonance here, anon.
Almost all of the AoS Nurgle lineup is remnants of their WHFB range. That guy is an AoS original. I think it's him, the warcry stuff and the underworlds stuff that is actually new for Maggotkin and it's all good.
Ben, save fewer pictures of other people's kids on your devices. Stop being a pedo.
Sure, continue to ignore death guard for what they are.
>sees a baby
>thinks sex

>sees a post
>thinks ben

You've got problems.
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To the like 5 or so anons who post models on this awful general I just wanna say without you this place would be nothing but tau and eldar hentai, racism(based) and retarded discussions about a mediocre games balance and how many folds a space marines foreskin should have to be codex compliant. You guys are alright dont come to the schola progenium tomorrow.
Gobbo anon go back to /v/
As low effort as this post is, I must say: why don't you post your models instead of complaining?
Not anywhere near as bad an entirely fixable compared to the cringeworthy AOS range? Thanks but I'm entirely informed. Sure the nurglings and optional parts look bad, thankfully that's fixable. AOS is just jump the shark territory
>how many folds a space marines foreskin should have to be codex compliant
Go back to your shithole general.
You just posted a model usable in 40k
that's a demon, he's in the 40k range too
Primarily an AOS model, same aesthetics as the AOS range not usable in 40k. I don't respect anyone who puts that shit on the table
>meanwhile, the 40k exclusive nurgle models
>Primarily an AOS model
How so?
>same aesthetics as the AOS range
Nurgle daemons have the same aesthetics in both games because they have the same kits...
>not usable in 40k
This is just not true.
Don't fucking diss my boys...
I've those guys too! :D
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They have such sights to show you there.
Also, the BEST drugs.
That's a Kill Team bro
practically no new spae marine model ive actually liked. the primaris marines themselves look great as upscaled tacs (minus the new helmet), same for the jump assault marines and new terminators, scouts, all look good. but NONE, and i mean NONE of the new vehicles are any good. all of them are utter shit. the redemptor i can take or leave. fucks sake even the bikes. they just look weird. they just have a great big rectangle plonked on the front for the guns to sit under, and then theres no clearance underneath them? very sad
>This is just not true.
Oh you can use any AOS model in 40k now? Neat!
I'm still mad they don't have rules to make them playable anymore AND they removed Death Guard possessed that I could have proxies them as.
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My bad
Also a high chance of you getting tortured in unspeakable ways so that some sick fuck elf can use your despair and horror as anti-aging cream.
They both have legends rules
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Fellow devotees of the Four-Armed Emperor, how are you running your Acolyte Hybrids these days? I have two squads of ten. Since the change I'm not sure what to run them. Since I have to pull a few arms, maybe I should just swap them all out for metamorphs?
Muh chungus
I don't get why they're the only kill team stuck in Legends.
>Same aesthetics as models you can't use in 40k
>Yes you can
That is a nauseating picture. I hate it. Everything's been dialed up to 11 and it just looks grotesque because of it.
You need to word your clauses more carefully in the future. Notice how you had to change the wording in this post to make it more clear? Do that beforehand in the future.
No, only the ones that fit the cartoonish aesthetic of the death guard, you can't use >>93226352 for example
Each and every one of these models looks great, cartoony or not.
I love DG so much, it almost makes me want a power armor army. Almost.
I can totally see Vect doing something like this just because he can.
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I'm sorry Anon! I found a lust provoking image to increase engagement. plz no bully!
how do you fix poxwalkers?
why isn't aos fixable?
I've got 2000 points of DG and I love every single sculpt except the Plagueburst Crawler, it's a bit boring compared to things like bloat drones on the terminator sculpts.
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>I love them so much
>what? no! I don't actually own any
I think it depends on how you're planning to deliver them. A ten man melee variant with a biophage jumping of a goliath in Bio-Sanctic definitely has some punch too it, as an example. I don't like demo charges at all any more, they're just too unreliable now and the unit doesn't do anything else.
Why not? It's practically Space California with new leadership
That's a shame because the PBC is one of my favorites. I wish its melee profile was a bit better, considering it has that giant fuckoff ram in the front. Drones are great too though, love the mower.
>You HAVE to own something to enjoy it!! You're not allowed to like something you don't collect!!!
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>tfw my HERO is safe from nulore by being dead but has no rules anymore and will never ever get a new model
Make your own model then.
I love chimps, but I'm yet to buy one
You have the brain of a chimp, so you are half way there!
>bug biology discussion in the last couple threads got my noggin joggin to try and sort out a comprehensive genus tree

Forge World bugs are proving the biggest obstacle, and a general sense of dissatisfaction with how broad the sub-Carnifex tree spread is. I've got some ideas for the latter, but aside from being fairly settled on Hierodule and Harridan being in a direct line, I don't actually know what genus they would spring from. The same goes for the Dimachaeron.

Currently, on the "animal" side (there is a separate major branch devoted to Tyranid fauna, starting with microorganisms and upwards to the drop spores and spore chimneys. Undecided if fleet organisms would be in this branch, or another one for macro-animals) I have it divided from:

Root Genus > Ripper > Gaunt/Warrior/Carnifex/Tyrant/Genestealer/Biovore

90% of the Monster zoo resides inside the Carnifex tree, just the Tyrant, Emissary, Norn Queen, and Hierophant exist outside it. The FW exceptions I listed just don't feel like they fit inside even that wide variance. I also feel not entirely convinced by Toxicrene and Maleceptor living in that space, and they almost feel like they might fit in better with the Hierodule but they don't seem like they warrant their own branch under the Ripper genus either. Any other wannabe Xenologists have input?
Fuck, Anon. You can't just own someone like that
>inb4 dreadnought yarrick fashioned with the plates and armaments of the fortress of arrogance
Back in the 30s you could. Especially chimps.
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>Hoarded by Trazyn and replaced wholesale by his daughter
Even though I agree with your sentiment, a pile of plastic won't tear your face off because you took away its favorite fuck pillow.
At least we get the imagery of trazyn literally punching a fucking raptor to death
>90% of the Monster zoo resides inside the Carnifex tree
>just the Tyrant, Emissary, Norn Queen, and Hierophant exist outside it.
All of these are just carnifexes too.
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So Incubi are totally loyal to coin and the contracts of their employers to a near religious extent, right? What kind of coin do you pay an Incubus in?
chocolate ones
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Dimachaeri (would that be the plural? idk) are modified Tyrants who have lost their leader capabilities. So they belong to the Tyrannicus Praefactor genus.
>I don't like demo charges at all any more, they're just too unreliable now and the unit doesn't do anything else.
This is something I am concerned about. I had the squads set up as 2-3 demo-charges and 1-2 mining gear. Since I cant do that now I'm pondering what to do with them. I like the idea of metamorphs but the truck lost the scout keyword which was going to be my delivery method for the metamorphs.
Goliath Trucks are dedicated transports, so if the unit inside has the scout keyword, they get the scout keyword too. So metamorph trucks can scout forward if you wanna be aggressive with them.
Wasn't 8th supposed to be a 120 year timeskip at first? Makes sense that the old Guard characters would've been squatted as lame as it is. They're not immortal like a Space Marine.
Skeletal structure as determined by their general pose has been a determining factor too. I split Tyrant into its own family because of that and because of the importance of Synapse capability - there are of course Synapse offshoots inside families where the base of that branch is itself not synapse capable, but I wanted to maintain most of the Tyrant branch having Synapse as an identifying feature, as well as their more upright and straighter spinal column compared to most of the Carnifex family.

That's where I was leaning, particularly due to similarities to the Norn variants which I was going to classify under that as well. I haven't yet dug up all the high gothic genus names from existing charts/bullshitted my own for stuff that didn't exist, just sticking to the common names while I get a rough version of the chart done.

I'm contemplating having an unidentified genus that the hierodule and harridan spring from, with a "???" base bioform that hasn't been identified yet. The body and head structures of those two are too distinctive to fit into anything else, I've found, the same reason why I split the Vores and Phage into their own.
but that's not it's own bespoke datasheet is it? the furioso is the boxnaught that's likely to stay playable the longest.
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I mean there is a shared element of carapace on head fused to back carapace between Rippers, Hierodules, Harridan and Psychophage, so I'd be at least somewhat tempted to group them based on that
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>Goliath Trucks are dedicated transports
Thanks for clearing that up.
>metamorph trucks can scout forward if you wanna be aggressive with them
This is the plan. Biosanctic Broodsurge detachment with two squads of infiltrating genestealers, one 10-man brick of aberrants infiltrating with a predatory instincts abominant, and two trucks of metamorphs scouting up the midfield. Finally 10/20 man neophyte blobs deepstriking to grab objectives.
I'm trying to keep the enemy in their deployment zone for as long as I can. What do you think?
>hierodule and harridan spring from, with a "???"
Really the explanation is a meta one. FW was experimenting and tinkering with a different body plan for Tyranids. Unlike the new Tyranid models that do this like the deathleaper, norn emmissary/assimlator models with extra limbs than the normal 6 and a tail. These versions is kind of fucked up, hence why the head is SO different from other strains
So I think its perfectly in the spirit of 40k to turn the real meta reason into an in universe reason. They are the experimental abandoned bio-forms made by the norn queens not seen again by imperials since their first sighting at The Anphelion Project
It's actually similar to the list I've been toying with, except I've been thinking of rockgrinders with acolytes in them and atalan jackals instead of trucks and neophytes for ranged fire support, but that seems like semantics, the core is the big blocks of infiltrators and a fo. It's pretty all-in, and I think the main worry is that GSC units just fold too fast. Bio-Sanctic doesn't really have any real defensive abilities (Bio-Horror Revelation gotta be the worst strat in the game) and some armies do *a lot* of damage. Like BA probably just run the fuck over that army and will lift 20 genestealer bodies and 10 aberrants in one fight phase with a single unit of death company. Still, with some luck, it might be able to do a version of wolf jail.
Noob here, is scatter terrain just there to provide something neat to look at or does it provide some benefit in game?
I'd assume slaves to torture to nullify the soul-drain for the duration of their contract would be the bare minium, its the dark eldar version of food and board really. I'd assume that the Incubi temples would be RICH to afford their weapons, armour andto pay the Haemonculi to ressurrect their members
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Pretty sure Hierodules were first recorded to be within Kraken ranks tho
>extra limbs than the normal 6 and a tail
I think the "extra" limb is just a pseudopod similar to little grabby "feet" found on trygon tails. And what do you mean by "tail"?
Not abandoned from my heart.
If I were you I'd not stop at morphological differences and a conventional tree to categorise them mainly for 3 reasons:
-convergent adaptations can be a thing, so just how gargoyles and shrikes may belong to different geni, perhaps even tyrant guards and hive guards may do so
-it's entirely possible some creatures (for example a ripper and a titan, or a tyrannic growth and a ship, or vore and a mine, or a symbiotic biomorph and a zoanthrope) are related but look completely different due to being different larval stages, just look at the absolute mess that are sea creatures larval stages
-unlike the vast majority of normal evolutionary processes the hive can produce hybrids and use horizontal gene transfers, so whatever you create has to be not just a tree but a tree with cobwebs

with that in mind one additional, but not in itself definitive, layer of indication of the creature's genus may be the practical use the hive mind has for it, because it would make sense that the swarm would have developed certain lines (worker, warrior, overseer, gatherer, tool, etc) very early on and that would probably show in whatever future development or adaptation it decides to make due to the founder effect
I'd also not completely ignore these 2 images

I know they seem contradictory at times, are not comprehensive, and are in-setting speculation from people who are not very knowledgeable or reliable, but my autism dictates them to be considered
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The Deathleaper has 2 feet, two arms with claws and 2 lictor talons and its skirt, but in its top third of its torso it has a spiked tentacle that comes out of its shoulder blade area, its tail has been converted to a skirt and it has an extra limb/tentacle> muddying the 6 limb body plan.
Neurolictors have the ame thing with an extra/tentacle tail coming out of its brain at the back of its head.
The Norn Emissary has the parastic backpack that gives it extra brains on its back and many little tentacles to gaurd its back.
So the body plan is still
>6 major limbs and a tail
but now we see a slight change to
>6 major limbs, tail and an extra spiked tentacle the size of its tail or many smaller tentacles appendages
>but in its top third of its torso it has a spiked tentacle that comes out of its shoulder blade area
Huh, I thought his tentacle also comes from the brain, does it not?
>many smaller tentacles appendages
Pretty sure its the same deal as neurotyrant: these are their own respective symbiotic creatures.
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Have any of you ever sold a 40k army and if so then why?
>90% of the Monster zoo resides inside the Carnifex tree
Warrior. Even in their own fluff the Warrior genus is at the root of a huge chunk of the Tyranid creatures.
Catachan devils cannot be Tyranids because they don't adhere to the established body plan and anything that diverges from it is not a Tyranid.
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the 'tails' that comes out of brains or backs are symbiote creatures
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Its weird it comes out of its...hunback?
yes but I would argue that the addition of symboite creatures like that is a change in the bodyplan, but done much smarter by GW sculptors instead of the old FW models that looking nothing alike any other tyranid
Sold my 500 pts custodes because I hate women.
>they don't adhere to the established body plan
They don't have to since they're Forgotten Fleets creatures which can be more wacky than regular nids
You're correct that they're not exactly nids but they're tyranid-derived much like Fenrissian Krakens and the such
>old FW models that looking nothing alike any other tyranid
I think you're way too harsh, dules and harridan look very nice IMO and match the 3E nid aesthetic of bone helmets.
Nah, man, if it's not what's in the box, then it's, by definition, not a Tyranid. I didn't make the rules, I just follow them.
debatable for a number of reasons:
>pseudopods that look like additional main limbs can be a thing
>the additional segments may be immature progeny in a reproduction via gemmation
>the tyranid bodyplan gets already seemingly broken in lesser biomorphs
>the deviation from the standard bodyplan may be a thing that happens in the processes of naturalisation and separation from the wider influence of the hive
The funniest thing about fictional Praetorian Guard equivalents is most are nowhere as backstabby nor corrupt as their real life counterparts.
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It's not exactly a tyranid but it's an important part of the genealogy tree still since its devolved tyranid-derived fauna. It's not part of the engineered process made by a Hivemind but rather instinctual adaptation
Good post
I think it's still important to adhere to the hexapedal anatomy for big creatures but you can still do a bunch of funky things within given constraints
As a side note I am rly curious what's the deal with those Tyramites from Necromunda
I never liked FW nids, but I don't see where they break the traditional bodyplan, unless you're referring to the head plates

I kinda wish GW would do their own plastic hierodule that redesigns it back to the same spider form of the hierophant
will custodes bikes ever be good? Its the one vehicle I like in 40k and probably the only reason why I would ever make a custodian army.
>using trygon as an example
>when it has the same head, upper torso, lower torso, tail and six limbs
You'd be hard pressed to try and argue those little nubs along the tail constitute as limbs.
Came super close to selling my admech at the codex drop. I decided against it before putting the listing on eBay because seeing the pictures of the models showed me how much I love the sculpts. They're just so great.
The recent update gives me a bit of hope, but they'll still collect some dust for a bit while I do my Orks.
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>unless you're referring to the head plates
Those don't breach the bodyplan either, Psychophage also has head fused to torso plates
>I never liked FW nids
I am, although mostly harridan and barbadule
There is something grotesque and heavy to barbadule's gait that I enjoy. IDK how to convey it, but that think looks like it doesn't just "roar", it "bellows"
Imagine almost selling your army because your new codex wasn't as good
These are the kind of subhumans you post with here
NTA but they're obviously meant to resonate the same imagery as a centipede and they would indeed constitute as pseudopods in my opinion
Those things are smaller than I imagined, damn. Arent they sold for like $60 or something in singles? What a rip off.
That's the thing they are treacherous. They maintain the golden throne and the Emperors corpse when the Emperor is very much the kind of guy to want to be put out of his mystery and his work destroyed. Everyday they betray the Emperor.
Still they never sold the Imperium to the richest man in the empire like the real Praetorian guards.
I'm arguing that they may be homologous structures to what you think are the extra limbs here >>93226981
>Bio-Sanctic doesn't really have any real defensive abilities (Bio-Horror Revelation gotta be the worst strat in the game)
This is the problem I'm dealing with too. I am putting a lot of hope on the metamorphs 5+ FNP (4+ with an icon ward) and a lot of prayers to the four-armed emperor that I go first.
>what you think are extra limbs
Yeah, those clearly are not limbs, they're just articulated, multi-jointed thingies it walks on.
It was more because I just couldn't see myself playing the army again and having fun with them, and hadn't for so long. It's not a crime to want to have fun with your army, even if it's not going to win games.
But again, I didn't sell them. My love of the admech models themselves kept me in.
Yeah, they're expensive as fuck. They're pretty much biker size for a higher price.
>There is something grotesque and heavy to barbadule's gait that I enjoy. IDK how to convey it, but that think looks like it doesn't just "roar", it "bellows"
I get you anon, its low profile and gait makes me think its roar in low frequencies like a T-rex roar, you don't 'hear it' you 'feel' it
The video makes T-rexs sound like larger angrier toads to outright dragons, spooky cool stuff
60 for 3.
Admech is priced at weight in gold.
I really wish they wouldn't make exposed brain Tyranids, or at the very least not ones that can take a bullet to the brain from the front.
It is morally correct to print/recast admech models due to the absolutely absurd price of the army. If the balance dataslate came out with nothing other than an announcement for a price drop for every admech model it'd be the best balance dataslate they've ever done.
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I'm thinking about selling the guard army I've collected over time. In favour of going 95 percent 3D printing guard models that appear to be in the same or similar scale as the new Cadians.

The problem is that I let life get in the way and whenever I painted I did it with "practice models" so I barely started the army. I'd be selling a glorified bitz box of third party guard models. So I'm kind of stuck.
you'd be surprised
This was one of the funny things about discussion of the AdMech balance problem. Technically they had winning lists still and decent performance with one of their detachments. But it required such an absurdly expensive skew list to play that no player in their right mind would ever be able to pivot into playing the faction that way except for the most diehard obsessives.
Considering they're psyker brains those things are more bullet proof than the exoskeleton surrounding it. But yeah it makes us perceieve it was an easy weak point/ massive fatal wound. Guess if you saw an alien bug with what should be fatal wounds tearing through tanks and ranks of men would give you a real alien unspeakable fear
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Anon that's like complaining about Inquisitors with Rosarius' having their faces not covered. All brain bugs have psychic forcefields, which is usually represented by an Invuln Save.
im half tempted to sell my angron for a vanguard box and probably something extra from 40k. If world eaters are so dependent on the primarch to play the game then I don't wanna bother with it.
There's a similar problem with Drukhari right now. All their winning lists require like 11 out of print resin models to even start playing competitively. It was even more ridiculous before the new Mandrakes, when you needed 26 out of print models.
I couldn't give them up, they're just so cool.
Why not big boney carapace AND psychic shield?
>*teleports a grot up your ass*
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Do you reckon tyranids can evovle the colour control squids, cuttlefish etc have where they perfectly fit into the cover they're hiding in
Weight, I guess
maybe the big boney carapace gets in the way of the extra psychic reach/power
People like painting naked brains and not just MORE exoskeleton carapace
>Oh no, don't do that ;)
What do you think a lictor is
This is why winrates are the stupidest thing for GW to point at when writing rules. 9th edition Orks post-speedwaagh nerf were carried by a single list that performed well and were untouched for most of the edition because of it.
It's most likely going to happen again. Dread Mob and Kult of Speed Desperately needed a buff, but were completely ignored because of the Green Tide and Bully Boyz problem.
You never owned those, newfag.
lictors already do that
but they could have big brains behind big bones, still exposed, just not about to take a bolter round from the front and turn their academic prospects into chunky soup.
Good old grot up the arse never fails.
Catering the game to curb tournament meta-lists was the worst decision ever, everyone else has to suffer just because some fruits cant resist powergaming.
Win rates are just an easy metric to measure. They clearly recognize that they don't tell the whole story though because aot of their rules cha ges don't seem to necessarily follow along with what the community deems as the current meta problems. Or at least, they tend to think a step ahead about how other factors might impact the game more like play rates and internal balance.
But then some of their decisions are bizarre and seem completely out of nowhere.
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ah of course, should of read their wiki first
>Contrary to Imperial belief the Lictor is not a true species of individuals but rather a single entity reincarnated and reproduced countless times over. Like a Hive Tyrant, every Lictor inherits the memories and experiences of all other slain members of its species. They are a single will directed by the Hive Mind.
Ah the source of this is Devastation of Baal, thats a pretty crazy claim to make, including hive tyrants I thought that ability was unqiue only to the swarmlord??
I like the Deathwatch little story about a lictor/genestealer SCP that has evolved to either occlude human perception itself or learned phase shifting
or the implication could also be that it's literally a faulty stasis device that randomly triggered and everyone's fucking dumb lol.
>but why not both
cuz resources and 1 thing is enuff already
I don't recall anything like that in DoB. There's a clever and deadly lictor in it, but it's not really special in any way. And Hive Tyants don't inherit memories, that's a specific feature of the swarmlord and the only thing that makes it unique.
NTA but it'd make sense if more tyranids would inherit memories at least in some part because all tyranids get fucking melted into soup either way
So even if say, Dagon Overlord or Nephilim King are victorious, they'd still "kill" themselves in reclamation pools I think
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Thicctor > Lictor
I mean at least you picked the version without boobs but I am still disappointed.
>NTA but it'd make sense if more tyranids would inherit memories at least in some part because all tyranids get fucking melted into soup
Wouldn't it make sense that their memories are uploaded to the hivemind and new tyranid bioforms can be given those memories to download if the Hivemind wants them to? Its not the same creature as said on the wiki with lictors >>93227300 its different bio-robots getting information from other bio-robots of the same design downloaded into them.
The hivemind could and would probably mix and match memories as it saw fit.
However I'm still sure its only the swarmlord that has this privilege, the rest run on instincts/ blood memories alone unless told what to do by syanpse creatures
>no stockings
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By the Emperors name.
>no boobs
>no human face
It's trash.
If you're going to do coomer shit, at least do it right.
You're even worse, lowlier than an ironic weeb
you're both just awful
Do imperials ever stop to think about whether they know the emperor's name?
>zoophile thinking he's better
Between xenophile coomer shit that at least fits the army aesthetic and cringe human shit that doesn't belong in nids? Yeah the former is better if by not a huge margin
>or the implication could also be that it's literally a faulty stasis device that randomly triggered and everyone's fucking dumb lol.
kek, good read thanks anon, a bunch of Imperials trying to study literally nothing out of their xenophobia is peak 40k
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Got inspired and decided to try making some fence. Gonna glue on the mesh once the putty cures.
For your BA terrain?
>zoophile thinking he's the arbiter of good taste
>no carapace patterned like fishnets
2/10 you didn't even try
So what was the official tournament ruling on pivots for overhanging models on round bases last weekend? I assume various judges/event hosts had some kind of sanity clause in effect?
All derivations of Giger's work are inherently sexual
I don't care.
Should look good with the 3rd ed thing you have going on.
>waacfags and compfags ruin it for everyone
Not surprising that people who choose to consume the worst version of 40K are also the retards who ruin it for everyone.

Nice work, I’ve gotten into a terrain mood and going to get some bits to make the old red spikes cacti when I get back from my holidays
good morning nigga
Always recommend gauze as cargo/camo netting, if it's at all relevant
Are you saying retards from other editions didn't also optimize the fun out of the game? Because I can assure you, they existed throughout.
TOs aren't a single entity, events are going to rule differently
erm what the sigma
how the fuck did you know
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I attempted a banner
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Should you texture your tanks?
They have but GW excessively focusing on feedback from tournaments as a way to balance the game is objectively retarded. Compfags are a minority in the hobby but GW bends over for them as they’re the loudest when it comes to bitching about rules. It’s catering to a loud minority who think they’re deigned to some control over the hobby.
cause you posted 7 hours ago
Yes but you don't need to use that toxic tamiya shit, use texture paints.
Nice. I’m going to be attempting one when my DC chaplain finally gets here.
We know you, Michael.
based, keep it
not my name

Cute i love it
no, 38000 years into the future tanks aren't going to have the mottled iron texture of WWII vehicles
GW bends over for retards, not tournaments.
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that face is terrifying
why not?
Futuristic tanks have better manufacturing processes than we have now.
If you want them appear to be made from cast steel, then yes.
If not, then not.
Yeah but admech have autism
because not only are they made of entirely different material, there's no way in hell that in 30000 years the process of manufacturing armor hasn't improved
even modern tanks don't have the rough texture of WWII vehicles
Even in WW2 not every piece of steel looked like that. But if someone likes the look, Im sure somewhere in the 40k universe is a backwater world using some ancient metalurgy to make battle tanks.
My friends have rules lawyered that repulsor tanks are on round bases and by RAW that means they don't pay for pivots, so I'm blu tacking 25mm round bases to all my vehicles not on bases so mine are also on round bases and therefore don't pay for pivots either, they can try appealing to "but they didn't originally come on round bases" but the rules don't explicitly state they have to so they won't be able to argue the toss.
So, what kind of tool marks should they have?
Paint brush strokes.
I feel like flying vehicles should've been the exception. They hover for fucks sake, pivoting is nothing.
I sold my original orks army since I built them like shit and couldn't be bothered to dig myself out of the hole I got myself into. I started them over in 9th edition and was able to recover some I had sold to a friend, but the majority was sold online.
I started a GSC army in 9th, got it to about 1k but I could never really commit to a colour scheme or army idea so I sold them as a lot. Honestly GSC is one of the most tempting army for me to start again.
Also did a necrons army in 9th because of the indomitus box, ended up selling them half to a friend half online again, honestly got sick of painting metal and they weren't that fun to play either.
is that why 40k tanks have very functionally angled plates to deflect blows and no rivets at all?
Flying vehicles got super fucked by the changes to flying movement anyway on TOP of most of them having their total speed reduced so it seems only fair that they should get some kind of help moving around a battlefield crowded with as much terrain as they recommend now.
I think the only unintentional interaction is with charge ranges, but that's easily disregarded by any sane player.
The idea of the Tantalus spinning around like a fucking beyblade as it moves is still hilarious to me.

only army that should have that are the orks as they don't give a fuck as long as it works
If they want to use the base for the repulsor, demand that they do ALL measurements from the base of the model as well. Easy solution.
It would be fine if it were stated and consistent, the issue is the game does not acknowledge them to be on bases for any other reason, therefore they shouldn't be considered on bases when pivoting. Also repulsor vehicles don't even fly anymore, functionally they're no different to predators or land raiders when it came to movement before, there's no sensible reason why they should be considered on bases. It's pure pedantry either way.
9th said measurements are done from the hull on hover tanks and theres probably errata in 10th that says the same
Yeah, they had a specific Hull rule for it that got deleted in the transition to 10e. They have added rules commentary for vehicles that overhang their bases as it pertains to melee combat (and now movement between terrain features as of the last update) but the official rule is all other measures are still made to and from the base.
They added a rules commentary that states the same thing, unless a vehicle with a base is an aircraft or walker all measurements are done from the hull or base, so it's muddy at best.
>Why yes, I know the Custodes were secretly all Chaos worshipers. The Emperor seeks death so he can reincarnate but the Custodes and High Lords have keet him alive so it doesn't happen. The Emperor is becoming so desperate that he's attracting Tyranids to Terra in hopes of achieving this goal.
Original Space Marines with the beak.
Sure, its Dave.
Love it anon, miles better than someone who's printed generic banner #68
I love it.
"Now THIS is the man I want writing my Eldar books," said the Games Workshop executive
That mohawk has a better outlook than my future.
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This blows
This rules
So a Maleceptor
>Be me.
>Find some fans on the side of the road.
>They're loose and falling apart.
>Take them home.
>Fasten them tight again and attach to laptop to solve overheating problem.
>Become adeptus mechanicus.
Praise the Omnissiah.
You got a link for those?
Damn those are gay
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Hvly fvckvng svvl
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I don't mind the redemptor chassis but some of the variants look silly. I tried with picrel but it's way too tall for the stubby arms, think I'm gonna 3d print some better looking replacements.

The invictor is the word offender in my opinion, just adding a canopy makes it a lot better and is something they easily could have done.

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