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River Temple edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
ვინმეს შეუძლია ქართულის წაკითხვა?
Is the crit(mortal) rule:
- 1 additional mortal wound
- 1 mortal wound and sequence ends
- weapon damage as mortal wounds and sequence ends ?
Haven't seen the leaked rules so looking for info here. Refering to the dawnriders who have crit(mortal) that can be dmg 2
This is a horrible op image, can we delete this and start over.
It's weapon damage as mortal damage and sequence ends.
it's dmg char in mortal

it's not leaked because it was in the early GW previews
Selling fast
>Thinking of getting into another game
>Look up Deepkin models
>There's only like four kits on GW's webstore
Did a bunch of stuff get removed or did they always have a restricted range?
Deepkin have a small range with several dual kits.
Storm/Sea Eidolon
Ishlaen/Morrsarr Eels
Blunderworlds warbands don't count as real units.
maybe it's a bug on your region shop, mine has 17 items
Well, a box of Thralls should be all I need for a fun Frostgrave warband. Maybe the underworlds warband for wizard and apprentice.

Ni mel morathi i sanda aini -o elves
Anyone heard anything about Slittaz? I like the idea of them but I hate painting them and I don't like how I painted the ones I have painted so if they are a boring point-filler I can focus on something else
Now that chaos dwarfs are confirmed do you think they get a redesign or just a modern update Ike skaven/GSG?
Personally I hope they keep their original design because I don't trust GW to not do some retarded bullshit.
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Honestly pic related already seems like a good look for them, though I'm hoping the rank and file build on the Infernal Guard Legion of Azgorh.
Local discord group has several people who bragged of buying the box when they know they'll never get around to painting it.
I wish they wouldn't waste resources on them.
Will Chaos Dwarfs have the appropriate gender, queer and ethnic quotas?

They are already a semitic faction.
Because they're obsessed with money, use slaves, turn to stone when they use magic and are evil?
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Average Warhammer fan.

The fact my pile of shame is a single Spearhead box is bafflingly small compared to some of the LGS regulars. We’re talking closets full of unopened/on-sprue minis.

Well, yes, but they also have a productive manufacturing and industrial base instead of just usury and trade, so it's not entirely accurate.
Look man if I buy it now I won't have to buy it in the future!
considering all the price hikes this is starting to seem like less of a cope

I guess? I’m biased - I couldn’t give even less of a fuck about the box. Don’t care for either army and everything else is going up for pre-order anyhow.

I get buying now to “save” money, but people just buy new shit to have it with no real intention to re-sell or hobby with it. I will never understand.
But I do plan to hobby with it... eventually
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Personally I think the psychic damage taken from a massive pile of unpainted plastic outweighs the benefits of getting ahead of inflation.
This may be my autism talking though.
You're not even saving much money because the cash you spend now could have earned some return in an investment plan.
Glottkin seems intimidating to paint. Feels like it would take me a week just to get an average end result.
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Look at that beautiful gut
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This is fine.

Nothing Nurgle should ever be intimidating to paint (in AoS at least, Mortarion is an exception) because it's meant to be ugly, a Lumineth centerpiece for example has to look clean as fuck or it looks bad, but the Glottkin? cover him in brown and green, wash, bit of drybrushing and you're done.
>Mar 11, 2023
Who cares
is it one guy posting this? this has been non-stop for like a year now and 95% of the time it's barely relevant
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The only acceptable ethnic quota
You have to be really pathetic to seethe about someone else's purchases
It's just a good pic of a pile of shame and the attitude behind it. You're overthinking it.

That is fucking depressing.

I do buy a lot of 'ham (I've got at least 2k of over a dozen armies and over 5k of a few) but I at least make sure to build and prime all my armies so that I can play with them at home, and when inspiration strikes paint them up quick.

Such paypigs and greytide hoarders should be mocked and ridiculed until they change their ways if beating them with bamboo sticks is not an option.
this week will be the most boring of the new edition release
killing most of the little buzz this edition got
It's one thing to go from grimdark to grimclusive in terms of general design, but how is this art quality acceptable? Even for an intern, this shit is sloppy and low effort.
they go on shitty disposable cards and GW don't pretend it's anything more than that unlike say MtG
Also GW are real cheapskates, they have like a handful of artists willing to do this slave labor
They should just have released the rules all today.
So people can start to theorycraft and then points on friday.
>starter set for 2 armies, neither of which are top sellers
>people who have armies that aren't Stormcast or Skaven should care
>skaven aren't top sellers
My pile of shame:
Half of FEC spearhead
StD battlebox
StD Chariot
Propably some rotflies from nurgle SC!
>fanbase exclusively consists of nogaem/nomodel furry tumblrites and grogs who bought their rats 20 years ago
>implying sales
lol, lmao even
They need a banner made of foreskins.
maybe it's time to stop thinking the internet is a good indicator of reality and go touch some static grass
Spoken like a true paintcel. Glotkin have a lot going on plus a lot of skin to paint.
Ah fug meant to reply to >>93225427
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Good morning /aosg/

What are you hobbying today?

I'm going to try to paint all my generic endless spells today.
Nothing fancy just base colors, wash and a couple highlights, they just need to look OK on the table.
თქვენ ხართ პედერასტი, რომელსაც უყვარს თოჯინები.
Is this official art from a paid artist? The average furry porn commission has higher standards.
newfag doesn't know what Underworlds is
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Come on anon. I know you can do better.
they're going to be called Bullkynn Fireduardins and have a bunch of stupid redesigns like the bull hats that LRL had
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Why didnt they just port the Warhammer Orc Aesthetic to Iron Jawz?
Modern Orruks just seem lesser aesthetically
Orcs dont look like that.
really hope goonhammer gives me something to be excited for in regards to the vampires.
Ironjawz ARE Nelson Orcs, they're explicitly based on Boarboys
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They wanted something more specific only for aos
They were in a rush and stopped halfway through the creative process as soon as they got the look of one set of armour

I want to call it fyreslayer syndrome
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Age of green gorilas is over. Time of REAL orcs has come!
Orcs do. Orruks don't. :^)
This cheap World of Wordcraft spin off? God it's good that they introduced a different style!
please share the orc models that look like that
That's an 40k ork.
>something more specific
>straight Warcraft rip-off
m'boy got a dumpy.
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Green gorilla mode
>>straight Warcraft rip-off
I don't see it
Who said anything about models? Models and art are completely different media. That would be way too busy on a model but works in art while being in line with orc aesthetics.
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Kek monke orc xD
They gon finaly like uga buga orcs
Any other ogor players seen the leaks? If they are true then the article writers are retarded. Not showing us the two modes run and charge we get was insane
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cope backpedal
They look so stupid
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Axe is exact copy of Gorehowl
Thats a hammer.
that's a stretch, to put it nicely
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To be clear my first interaction with your seething ass was >>93225929
You started bringing up models for no reason from there.
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Green gorillas for Live!
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Magilla Orcs
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I feel like there's a direct correlation between the obsession with warcraft orcs getting straight backs and losing their iconic hunch and becoming green baras and barafags wanting warhammer orcs to lose their gorillaness
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Only Kruleboyz are true Orcks!
look at them waddle on their wee legs
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better than green monkeys
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Picture depicts armor. Axe from another guy
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KBs are classier than any gorilla orc.
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Enough about 'skins
Anon, Games Workshop would never rip off something else. Especially not things central to their settings like the eight pointed star or chaos gods or orcs.
probably bretonian

also you niggas that thought that claw thing was a skyre hero ended up being a nechrocumda model.
idk, that trim is giving me HASHUT HASHUT HASHUT vibes
Looks chaos to me, which doesn't really narrow it down.
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Devoted of Sigmar. Please GW
Ben, you try too hard.
These days I assume its a whofuckingcares skirmish game model by default
>also you niggas that thought that claw thing was a skyre hero ended up being a nechrocumda model.
This one? That's incorrect; this one was not revealed yet. The Necromunda Spyrer suits do not have claws like this. It's clearly not a Skryre model anyway; it's blatantly using 40k Chaos design details.
It's just gonna be another Necromunda thing. Maybe a model for Ozostium Aranthus.
Reminder that Thousand Sons are getting robots for their army in 40k.

I like it when gw develops their aesthetics through evolution instead of revolution.
Thousand Sons pretty much ARE robots
No I mean giant robots. A few months or so ago, there was rumour engines of some parts that looked like Thousand Sons shit and people went 'Oh shit are we getting more 1KS stuff?' and then this month's WD had a fluff piece about what is happening in the Pariah Nexus and the Thousand Sons have been sent there to try and fuck with Vashtorr's plans because Tzeentch saw a path where he becomes a true God and that fucks with shit so go fix it. But because it fucks psykers and shit, they basically couldn't really do much and took a lot of effort to control Rubicaes. So they dug out automatons from their vaults based on pre-Heresy designs and used them instead. Which coinkydinky matches, as I said, the rumour engine bits.

Plus fluff laying for new Necron, Ad Mech and Dark Mech stuff.
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Is anyone here enjoying the Bunker stuff? It's been running for a while, but nobody seems to talk about it. Is it more popular on other sites?
you can finally get the Soulbound Ulfenkarn book physically C7 is really slow on those releases
>rumour engines of some parts that looked like Thousand Sons shit
No such thing happened
Why would a Necromunda model share design cues with Chaos Knights and Vashtorr? Why are people so goddamned cocksure that this model HAS to be for Necromunda, based on seemingly nothing at all?
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>age of sigmar
>era of the beast
>hour of ruin
They're a very middle-of-the-pack faction player-wise.
Do not confuse memes with sales. ORKS in 40k are also the king of memes but aren't particularly popular in terms of sales.
It's called Arcanum Optimar or something like that, refrencing the magical clusterfuck that enables endless spells
Wasn't second edition the Necroquake and its fallout?
Elves being integrated into the soul-crushing hellscape of industrial workforces wasn't something I had considered before, but I am now.
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Dawnbringers 6 yet?
>grimdark to grimclusive
What In the goddamn fuck are you talking about
Question; how much does the transmutative nature of Chamon influence living things? Like can you have horses with literal iron hooves there? Or people born with hair that actually appears silver?
Or is it just inorganic material that gets altered?
It's aos, dude, anything goes
aka the lore doesnt matter because nobody gives a fuck about it
Fuck off back to your WFB thread, dumb tit.

It's pretty intense in all the Realms, and people tend to take on some traits/aspects of the Realm they're born in.
Those closer to the edges of the Realm, further from the "safe" heart, tend to change more. Someone being born with metal hair or hooves is pretty likely I imagine, especially if you throw in a bit of Chaos corruption.
He's trying to force a new buzzword. He was doing it a month or so ago as well.
Realm magic tends to only slightly and superficially affect people, so you would see some silver hair or eyes or stuff like that. Beastmen are noted to be much more affected by it than most, and have more noticeable and significant traits influenced by their home realms.
you seem obsessed with it.
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It's not full Mirrodin where all the creatures are partly metallic if that's what you're hoping for.
There are, however, metal or at least semi-metallic critters living there. Plenty of fleshy stuff though.
Because i made one post making fun of it? You sound like a real smart guy, man.
Nobody cares about the lore, it's the weakest part of the setting by far
I do
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Started painting this last weekend, hopefully will finish it and endless spells this weekend for gaming on the 13th.
I'm re-reading the lore (near the end of my Re-read in fact!) and loving every moment of it. So no, you fucking inbred cunt, people do like the setting.
Now do us all a favour, and piss off back to your dead game thread, WFBfag.
So painting horses with metallic manes and tails wouldn't be TOO odd?
Was already considering painting them black and wanted to break that up a bit.
Nah, it'd actually be pretty cool I think! Go for it anon :)
Have there been any more warscroll leaks?
It would be acceptable, yes.
You're so upset, people making fun of your shit taste isn't a reason to seethe so much.
Also, I play AoS, I have no interest in fantasy battles. Keep coping though
theyre your models, do whatever you want
>Also, I play AoS
I refuse to believe that. I do, however, believe you're a No Games Secondary who likes to troll and talk shit online and thus I can happily ignore your opinion.
Nah not since the last thread. Goonhammer should show some more stuff today but I forget for what.
Literally didn't even have to leave my chair to prove you wrong
Half my FEC with my STD stored away until 4th ed
Cry some more
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How long are the fucking Maggoth Lords going to stay out of stock ffs?!
depends on how close to the edge you are/live, with it getting progressively more transmutative on average the farther from the center you are.
You didn't post shit, spaz.
But even so, why the fuck would you play a game you clearly hate so much?
They posted articles for Disciples of Tzeentch, Daughters of Khaine, and Flesh-eater Courts.

At a glance the DoT battle formations don't look bad, but they're a lot less ridiculous this time around. I don't think I like it.
I feel like they've been squatted and won't appear in 4th which is why GW hasn't restocked them.
They have warscrolls in 4e.
Got any proof?
I'm not trying to be a dick lol I do actually want to see it.
I did, I just deleted it after 10-ish minutes, you can check the archive if you really care.
Also I don't hate the game, fuckwad. Saying the lore sucks doesn't mean I hate everything about it
>Traveling in Chamon outside the 'safe' zone
>The Winds shift
>Suddenly one of your internal organs turns to metal
Fucking OW.
>I did, I just deleted it after 10-ish minutes
Sure, sure anon. Whatever you say.
Well, he did.
I saw Orghotts's yesterday. I'll try to dig it up in a little while.
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Quality is shite but I found it. I hope this means they'll be restocked within the next decade at some point then.
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Alright, fair enough I guess he does play. I'll never understand, though, how someone can play a game they think the setting/lore for is shit.
Must a WAACfag.
Which discord do I have to join to get these leaks? I just wanna see what the VLOZD will look like.
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>>93225640 here

Aetherwrought machineries lore pretty much done.
He sounds fine, but boring and really rather dull to use.
Is this the only mention we've seen of "Devious Machinators" so far? I don't think that they actually draw attention to it in the video, and I've not seen it anywhere else online so far.
>watching AOS youtubers
l m a o
Where the fuck else am I supposed to find information about the new edition? The youtubers are the only people with the faction packs right now, retard. Bumbling fucking cretin.
>build Sigvald
>he actually has a loincloth and isn't going commando
I feel lied to
Why does STD get all the cool models?
Welcome to 4th Edition AoS
you might as well post this at every single person who posted a leak because that's where they're coming from
Greenstuff? Make your own meat and veg?
wtf bro I'm not that kind of slaaneshi
>wtf bro I'm not that kind of slaaneshi

Yeah, I'm really not loving what I'm seeing so far. 4th really does look fucking boring and soulless.
My Maggotkin look so uninteresting these days.
why would you get so mad over obvious bait
buy it yet?
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Do you think it would work (conceptually) to put these (and other viking/germanic) style helmets on stormcast?

I like the idea that my dudes are kinda like einherjar called up to valhalla
The idea of the grasping tongue working against any size of unit seems hilarious to me. "Yeah, here's 40 grots, he's licking ALL of them". Very silly.
He is almost identical to his current warscroll, they only swapped out his free command for a rampage ability.
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Sorry, I went afk, but you're wrong.
Nope. And I never will. I ain't paying £26.78 just for the lore.
>He is almost identical to his current warscroll, they only swapped out his free command for a rampage ability.

Well, I don't play 3rd so I can't comment on that but he still seems pretty boring imo.
retard, no wonder you enjoy AoS lore, you're the target demographic.
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some youtube channels are okay
theres a difference between youtubers and people who make videos that are posted on youtube
AOS Coach is a youtuber
with the current storm-cast? Absolutely. The past ones before dominion however had more of a greek theme so the two aesthetics would probably conflict with one another.
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these all look like shit
The Lord-Terminos is a very cool model.

So is it done yet?
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>this is a featured painter on warhammer community
fucking lol
These articles are only worth looking at when they rope in Andy Wardle to paint something.
oh....oh this is pretty bad...
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Bricky lives on in spirit
Where do you get white dwarf pdfs?
Like the latest ones, 500,501?
Do we have Kruleboyz stuff?

I'm starting to think this is a new policy, show OK, models instead of really well painted ones to make it attainable for noobies.
A few.




They always do this. Most are great, but then they sprinkle in one or two shitty ones so people can go "yeah, I could be there too".
Or do exactly what you did, and point out the flaws so more people look at the article and discuss it.
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behold, a thousand son robot
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what the fuck were they thinking with the marketing for 4th ed lmao
Cope. You'll see. I'll remember this post.
genuinely think the painter just self sabotged the mini at some point, its really well done in certain areas but then it just looks completely fucked on the areas that really matter.
Good question, this week feels really redundant. Just show me the rules james
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Working on my HoS Spearhead still after a bit of sidetracking.

Pic: Shardspeaker hastily done in a day for a hero game. Still need to finish the base and highlight up parts.
let me know if you figure it out, it seems like the people who used to scan and share them stopped in the 490 range, or they just don't share them in the places I know to look
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Seems most of the painters left the gaps in the claws. Maybe they were in a rush or something, I dunno.
I imagine, for some of the people they get to do this, it goes something like:
>Make agreement with GW that you'll paint a mini for them to showcase
>Late getting started, not feeling it, had a stroke halfway through yadda yadda
>Oh shit the deadline is tomorrow I got to get this done!
>Fuck fuck fuck I don't care anymore take a picture it's done I'm done with this
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I like this one.
Hmmm, Warhipster never pays much attention to gaps I've noticed. He does post almost daily painting tutorials, might be related.
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You're hanging out in a hall with a bunch of fyreslayers.
What does it smell like?
You forgot the SCE Skaventide Sales Pitch of Squatting 2 Editions worth of SCE
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You get to pick the effect after declaring and rolling, I think. That's neat, flexible.
I thought this was a normal unit of fyreslayers instead it turns out they were all their heroes
hopefully like ash and soot.
Not based. Unfinished model.
Profumum Roma - Fumidus
...i-its on a square anon...
>pick the effect
how do you tell it's not both?

>Fyreslayers need labeled bases because so players can tell them apart.
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I can tell all of them apart very easily. Genuine skill issue, anon.
You're right, my bad.
Wave 1 infantry just needed a reposed it, the default one is way too rank and flank compared to the Underworlds retooling
both effects resolve when you use the ability
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Gotta say the new liberators make a better impression with this more saturated, less grim color scheme.
It's a service for blind people like you.
propane and propane accessories
the cartoonishly large hammers worked with annihilators due to their bulkiness, but they miss the mark here for me. along with the helmet design, it makes me much prefer vindictors for shieldwall troops
thoughts on opponents knocking your models over to indicate they're dead?
I do agree that they look better but something still just feels off about them that I can't fully articulate.
it's the cartoonishly oversized hammers
You're the one picking who in the unit dies, not them
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Picked up a couple of vigilors.

tried to work on the shadows of the cloth since the teal scheme I painted on previous models didn't have very good shading

Head's from puppetswar
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Not a thing, newfag nogames
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If they'd kept the liberator swords, I don't think it would have been so bad
But I doubt such an option will be there even they get their regular kit
vindictors never got a real kit I doubt the libs will
Somewhere, a Celestial Vindicators player is crying.
yeah I was very disappointed to learn they don't have a sword option anymore. the greatsword unit looks great, so I hope we get some sort of sword and shield unit at some point.
sword guys are a different unit
Yeah they really missed the mark on that one. If they had just scaled the hammers down a little I think they'd of been much better received.
Liberators had swords on their sprues as well as hammers

You don't remember the EXCITING choice of 3+/4+ or 4+/3+?
Such meager pauldrons
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Found the orc player
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>vanquishers are top tier unit in 4th ed
>Change Host: (Once Per Battle (Army), end of your turn) Pick a Friendly Disciples of Tzeentch Daemon unit in combat. Roll a dice, on a 3+, remove the target from the battlefield and set it up again on the battlefield. Each model in the target unit must be in combat with any of the enemy units that it was before it was removed from the battle field.
This feels very underwhelming. Once per game you get to pick one unit in combat to *maybe* move the models around at the end of the turn without disengaging them. It's not like it could never be useful, but as a subfaction ability, I just look at it and think "Where's the rest of it?"
There are several subfaction abilities that have that feel. My guess is that they used to be stronger version, but then they wanted to nerf shit and ran out of time so just made it useless and sort of went "we'll fix it for the battletome" (they won't).
The claw has the same flamer as Vashtorr. Thousand Sons flamers have bird-skull gargoyle things on them. Also, the really light-colored, chipped paint looks nothing like any TS model.
>dok get a teleport every time any unit moves
>sylvaneth can no longer teleport
lmao what the fuck is this
I don't give a fuck; I'm looking for leaks, you simpleton. I don't watch any of these fuckers. I'm just clicking anything that might have leaked warscrolls.
I just saw the previews for Vanari: those horsemen slap right? Crit mortals on a 5+ with the spell damage 2 on the charge? You can easy put like 10 mortals into something.
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>I'm just clicking anything
>calls somebody else a simpleton
They got a massive boost over what they are now. The only 'downside' is they no longer have a Wizard or Aetherquartz, which would have made them ludicrously strong with their new profile.
They tend to get powerful shit for cheap. I mean it's been a thing for the longest time that they get buffs piled on them just for sticking around and playing the game for any number of rounds. Compare to armies like BoK or HoS that have had to actually do stuff to earn their buffs.
Yeah I see so many cav and heroes nerfed whereas these guys hit super hard on the charge mostly ignoring armor.
I need ideas for a swampy Kruleboyz take on the aethervoid pendulum and the chromatic cogs kitbashes. Anyone got some?
Thx for posting, Nurgle in 4th look boring as fuck and like they totally forgot about them and went "Oh shit, hey new guy we have a special task for you, btw tomorrow's deadline".
The issue is that it's 40k influencers totally unfamiliar with AoS, not that I'd want them to give someone like honestwargamer or facehammer preview material
Nice pride parade you've got here
Give Heywoah the preview material
Hey *WHEEZE* hey guys today we're going to be *takes a obnoxiously long vape smoke* going to be looking at some of the preview content
So let's start off with the best faction, ogor mawtribes *goes on a 15 minute long tangent about his experiences with ogors* anyway whilst these warscrolls don't look great we'll have to *thanks chat for the donation* have to wait until the *Vapes* game is launched to see how they do.
Well that's all, thanks for everyone in chat, peace.
Yep, Maggotkin are my main AoS faction and I am not thrilled by what I'm seeing these days :(
I'll still play 'em since I love the models, lore and characters but still...
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yeah, he's obviously in that nasty tournament fatty group gw should osctracise
he doesnt play ogors, he plays beastclaw raiders
that fat as fatass is stuck in 1st edition
between glottkin countercharging with 2 other friendly units and gutrot spume taking his whole regiment sailing for an outflank, you'll have plenty to do.

also a loose translation made it sound like beasts of nurgle get built in mandatory countercharge for free, and slimux plants a free tree and brings back a dead beast of nurgle every turn.

take all that with a big grain of salt, but it sounds like nurgle will have more than a few gameplay tricks to spice things up
>Roll a d3, on a 2+ inflict the amount of mortal damage on the target
I'm curious how many times this line appears in 4E, feels like I see it every other warscroll
When you word it like that, Maggotkin at least some involved if not particularly fun. That's something at least.
makes sense, 40k influencers have much larger audiences than aos ones, and right now 40k players fucking HATE their current edition and the space marine wank has made people start to hate their model ranges too, so a lot of the 40k community is looking for literally anything else to grab onto.

the 40k influencers being inexperienced with aos isnt really a problem because it means every time they see a guys rules, they are usually seeing it for the first time, so they can get hype about it instead of being like "oh this is just what he did last edition but worse or shorter range".
>see manly man
>think of faggotry
I think Sam Pearson likes to write rules like that. I remember there was a lot of grumbling about it in 2e.
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Beasts of Chaos refresh when?
>>see manly man
>naked midgets
Let it go, anon. It's ogor.
>read parade
>immediately think of pride
Anon, armies on parade is a thing please touch grass and detect yourself from chud schizophrenia
He literally said pride parade thoughbeit
4th edition AoS is literally just reskinned 10th ed 40k though
do we know the warscrolls for the new SCE heroes yet?
Jealous much.
Who’s that spooky midget with the axe
No man, he meant the little guy with the skull mask
point it out in the image, i dont see who you're talking about
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I like this one. If it was put up in a painting competition it'd get my vote.
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Alright alright I'll explain the joke to you
>9 years ago
fuck me...
the miniature itself is fantastic. the base is kinda just okay, takes away from it a bit. that static grass is super sloppy and haphazard. probably would have been better off with moss flock.

but yeah the dude himself is 10/10, the blends on the metallics, especially on that axe are clean as fuck. i also like the neat lighting gradient on the axe handle wrapping
i guess im not online enough. been playing wow for 20 years and never heard that joke about durotans skull plate being a little guy
Admittedly it’s a bit of a retarded joke, but it still makes me smile
Colours are washed out and obvious yellow/purple schemes were cringe even in 2010. The two Slavs did better but all three are the best of a bad bunch.
Post your models, mate. Let's see your non-cringe, super detailed models without 'washed out' colour schemes.
I mean,,, you do have models, yes?
you might need to check the color balance on your monitor if you think that looks washed out or in any way purple

Literally not a thing. Keep your mongoloid hands off my plastic dudes.
Why are you putting washed out in scare quotes Liam? Get your fucking eyes tested. And yes, babies first complimentary colour scheme is cringe. That is to say it lacks the sophistication it obviously aspires to.
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Not sure if anyone cares here but the Soulbound producer Emett quit and it sounds like on bad terms.
Ooooooo, this is good for the pendulum. I'll probably scratch build my own of the price isn't right and to get more a tree limb hanger but you got me sold on the idea.

What about cogs? Any good thoughts there?
Does this make Soulbound more or less inclusive?
Not sure, but unfortunately it bombed so maybe there was a lot of pressure on the AoS Soulbound team. It still only sold around 2k copies on DTR after 4 years of release.
4th ed core rules if you missed them

files*dot* catbox *dot* moe *Slash* uls91c.zip
inclusivity is a normal benchmark, that won't change
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head empty, no thoughts, except maybe one or two:

how many krule shields can you get your hands on?
Nah, too much off-turn interaction and the double turn requires planning ahead, the ultimate 40k player bane.
I think he was moved to work on their OGL stuff a year or two ago.
Sadly none, I turned all my excess ones into totems for basing. That would have been good though. Perfect really.
There's nothing ignominious about digging for information for one's self. All searches are random, initially.
Actually, you got me thinking. How's this sound: chromatic cloud? A big ol cloud of fog.
how much did your army go up? +670pts is rough for my Kruleboyz
where are the points?
They released points?
Troll xD
that is one tiny ass list.
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Is Kloster good?
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Looks about the same as 3e lists with those models
What a soulless list
I keep seeing kruleboys on the cover
>all that HH slop
Why are they all like this
The cover uses yellowish green and drab red kinda like some official KB art does.
>right now 40k players fucking HATE their current edition
Maybe terminally online secondaries who never actually play. My LGS has never been more packed.
Hmm... still no models?
No Games detected. Opinion ignored.
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I'm not doxing myself because some schizo had an overly emotional response to an objective critique of a paintjob.
Wow that looks so unfun to play both against and with that it's almost impressive.
Cheers anon.
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marines are zogchow
No Games 100% confirmed. Opinion remains ignored.
God I just...
I just do not care about the Skaven or this new Rat-heavy direction the lore is going at all. I see these ten or so paragraphs and I just don't care. I could read it, it'd take no time at all, but I've got no interest in doing so.
Continue to have bad taste. You can't say no one ever tried to help you.
Here are his models.
> facehammer
Lmao that fat faggot Russ is a joke
> Rob the Faggot Wargamer
Rob is a fag as well
> I have read 4 THOUSAND pages of INFO on WARGAME THEORY
> I KNOW a GOOD GAME (only plays AoS, TOW, and Star Wars Shatterpoint)
> whines about why he isn't more popular
> constantly inserting politics into his shit
> constantly gives uninformed opinions on US politics
> constant chat simp
> insists that his tournaments are 'GTs' but he can't even hold more than 24 people in his 'TSN Arena'
> high off his ass about 'his stats' while doing zero of the number crunching it's other people's work
Seriously fuck Rob.
Then get in discords fucking noone just posts leaks to 4chan anymore.
How new are you? Fucking faggot
Imagine how pathetic your life must be to get this annoyed about a bloody 'tuber.
post some invite links then
based, rob is a faggot that is ruining the hobby
> spoonfeed me!
Fuck off and die.
> t. Patreon supporter
> t. Patreon supporter

I literally don't even know who you're talking about. That, in fact, makes it even more pathetic. You're this ass-bent about someone who isn't even famous or well known lol
Oh also forgot
> every good idea that GW has had is ACTUALLY Originally HIS idea
> 'when I was at GW...' hasn't been there for half a decade
> I STARTED Warhammer Community!!! Yeah cool story bro no one cares
> Do I hAve tO Go hOlD uP aNoThEr SIGN???? Noone cares that you did man
> constant reminders that he is BLACKLISTED from GW (still has his entire streaming career surrounding GW)
The list goes on and on.
>spoonfeed me!
>Fuck off and die.

Ah, you're just a sad little troll. Thanks for clearing that up sweetheart.
> t. Patreon supporter
A person who doesn't care wouldn't keep replying chief.
>constantly inserting politics into his shit
i hate when anyone does this, but its the fucking worst when 85iq commies like rob do this shit. its so insufferable
>huhuhu seize the means of production am i rite boys
>A person who doesn't care wouldn't keep replying chief.

Ok. You're very mentally stable, mhmm, a totally normal guy, that much is clear.
I'll just leave you drooling in the corner and move on I think.

Same, anon.

I've never read anything he's written and I hate Skaven so that will likely remain the case.
Cool I'll just keep enjoying the leaks then
> post link to imgur of complied leaks of battlescroll!!
No I don't think I will. Here is a shit screenshot though as a fuck you. Enjoy no useful information.
post it dude, why are you so mad. let me come into discord and bully you.
Buffed Witch Elves rend 3 damage 2 on the charge, Jesus. Stormcast armor is like paper to them…
> only has the Hellstrom stuff
>Barely any Maggotkin of Nurgle units shown

this is old stuff dude, at least post the current leaks from today.
Less obnoxious than this post, not reading that shit bro. Rent free btw.
>playing actually good stuff instead of 100 do nothing clanrats for me to throw dice at
>zoink so soulless
gitgud casual
> cares enough to respond
Oh you read it fag.
Maybe go post an epic screenshot on his discord about owning the chuds! Fuck Tories am I right comrade!!!
Haven't read any of his 40k stuff but Last Volari was middling-to-bad. On the other hand, some of his shorts from Harrowdeep, Direchasm, and one offs like Of Blood and Guts are enjoyable
oh you're a street shitter, makes sense then.
> proud competitive player at this completely uncometitive joke of a game
I'm sure gitgud sounded better in your head
it's honestly hilarious when two trolls unwittingly sink their hooks into eachother
>Last up, and in my opinion the strongest pick, is Shadow Patrol. This allows every unit from your army to teleport on a 3+ instead of using the move ability.
lol wtf is this. Someone wrote blackpowder fanatics and then they wrote this and were like yeah that looks about the same, sure.
>completely uncometitive joke of a game
You should have no problem beating it then
No I don't care about your fun loser since you don't play anyway.
Thanks anon

If by chance could post page talking about the cities of sigmar faction? Would appreciate
>you can do one trick on a 3+, after which they become proportionately harder. one of your tricks can be a teleport for one unit of 10 men or less and they must teleport to a terrtain piece
>you still get 2 teleports, but each of them is once a turn. you can teleport a unit in combat but not if it kills the unit it's fighting and not before it gets hit back. you must teleport wholly within 6" of your fragile terrain pieces which your faction leader can't even fit on
>everything has a 66% chance to teleport, unlimited

Just the same as Eldar in 40k's launch honestly, pet factions getting overtuned rules. DoK buffs are fucking insane too, witch elves can shred anything in the game even stuff with like a 2+ save 5+ ward.
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nta butt hear u go
You are such a faggot

If his horse is called Invincible, why can we see it??
>gitgud casual
Always nice when the shitheads advertise themselves so we know to ignore them, isn't it?
sorry I can't hear you over all these ratling cannons.
good job ignoring me then dope.
jesus, what a cringe list. propably unpainted as well.
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Are kruleboyz fun? I like all the sneaky tricky shit but never actually played AOS. Thinking of getting a dominion half for cheap
I love their lore and models, so I'd say play them if you do as well. If stats matter more than fun, there's a new edition coming in like a week so wait and see.
Yeah they're looking pretty decent in the new edition. Finally. They really sucked for almost all of the edition they launched in.
>worst 4e factions are the ones most likely to be relegated to TOW (wood elves and ogres)
>>worst 4e factions are the ones most likely to be relegated to TOW (wood elves and ogres)

At least make your bait good, spaz. Wood Elves were squatted long ago.
Fun matters more to me but not being dogshit helps with that so ty anons
How many characters do you take in this game as it seems they’re most of my options
This is a good edition to play if you like characters and hero models. If not, well...
Basically, to bring other units now, you need to bring a hero or character first. Then you can bring 5-ish other units alongside them.
So how many you bring now depends on how big a game you'll want to do in 4th.
Thank you
Fells like blow to my motivation with 6 blightlords in wip.
Yeah so I need special character to feel like army now, great, no thx. I dont need for them to be ubergood but I want them to be fun to use, so far most of the stuff is antithesis of that. Fingers crossed for Slimux and trees.
>‘I’ll handle this,’ said Otherek, stepping forward. ‘Hold them off for a moment.’ He slammed his fist against the base of his atmospheric anatomiser. The heavy nozzle dropped out of the side, trailing a hose. He cranked up the dials to maximum emission.

>Grots crazed with fear and hatred hurled themselves at the three duardin. Drekki and Kedren stepped forward. Runes burned. Aether shone. Grots dropped to swipes of the axes. A couple of them caught fire. It was a good day for burning greenskins.

>‘Clear!’ shouted Otherek.

>The bulky machine made a sad little toot, and out spewed a cloud of primal aether. It rolled out, glorious and gold, unrefined, deadly. Protected by their aeronautical suits, the duardin suffered no ill effects. The grots had no such defences. The ones nearest were flash-boiled, meat sliding from their bones as their squeals turned to gurgles. Further back, where the gas lost its heat, they choked, tongues turning purple. For a second, there was calm.

>‘Drengi expensive way to wage war,’ complained Drekki. Grot corpses sparkled with solidified aether-gold. ‘A ship’s price a shot.’
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can anyone check if the rulebook mentions kragnos's situation?
it was handled offscreen but it's so hilarious I need to know more
>Exert from first chapter of "Dawi losing another war 101".
I heard its mandatory in dwarf education.
wtf kind of name is drekki if drengi basically means fuck or shit
this entirely theoretical list from a 4th ed faction review is video unpainted, you don't say retard.
Nobody has played them yet, its an entirely new faction now. They look like the destruction combined arms, balanced, do everything faction like lumineth or stormcast.
>confirmed no-games
>The bulky machine made a sad little toot
This is the level of writing you lot pay money for these days?
I don't.
I'm one of the dudes who shamelessly begs for free books on here lmfao
Well... fair enough then.
It's like being named Chuck when the word fuck exists.
what is fun? what do you want them to do?

nurgle has always been an army that just trundles forward slowly and soaks damage while sitting on objectives, and all of its different or dynamic gameplay has always come from its special characters. the army is more or less the same as its always been

if having army wide 5+ FNP on guys with lots of wounds who deal mortal wounds for standing next to them doesnt excite you, then maybe nurgle just isnt your thing

ogres arent even close to the worst. the community article just didnt actually show off any of the good shit that makes them work

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rob and its consequences has been a disaster for the warhammer community
there's no way GW published this
Why are Mexicans always such obnoxious chuds?
>10 khorne chosen with a centaurian marshal
>just a casual 51 damage 2 attacks with crit mortal and fight twice, no big deal just 80 damage avg.
Wow. The Harbinger of Decay is good looking, everything else is pretty bad in that article.
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40k got a roadmap two weeks before Leviathan went up for preorder :/
I think mindrazor'd and blessed witch elves do more than that.
Darkoath Warqueen buffs are pretty fucking real. Chieftain is still strictly a pet unit.
Man is the Slaughterbrute good now?
Which is fine, elves are superior
and the rushed codexes have been an absolute disaster for everyone involved.

i'd rather the aos team take their time, and find a way to write the tomes that arent reacting to very specific year old metas with hyper nerfs that gut the army like gutstodes, ineptus mechreworkacnicus, and nerfstealer cuts
But ogres are fine, and probably actually quite strong.
Schizo rambling post.
Looks ridiculous, easy 5+ ward off sorcerers and 5+ wards off eotg on 3+ saves with -1 to wound. Huge damage, huge charge bonuses, crit mortal absolutely everywhere. Even the fucking Slaughterbrute is actually good. People acting like the ogre leak actually looked good, lol. Not compared to this shit.
Well, I'm glad that the power klaw has a suitably power klaw profile at least. I'm not sure if that trampling rampage is good or not.
Actually pretty hype for this. Even the stuff that seems like shit on its way out for TOW like the chariots probably has weird use cases. Bit of a shame Varanguard don't have anything special going for them outside of just doing a ton of damage, but a charging unit of Khorne Varanguard still sounds pretty great.
> even GW is just trying to forget Kragnos
It's for the best.
i love the flavor of the slaughterbrute basically being a big dog that the master lets off the chain. very funny
>crit mortal absolutely everywhere
To be fair we don't know the other factions don't have this.
>warshrine buff and daemonic speed on a unit of slaanesh-marked wocs led by a karkadrak lord
>4d6+3" charge
Just 3 of them do like 18 damage in one activation. I wish the Stormdrakes hit like this instead of being just a glorified flying anvil.
So we only lack the remaining cultist units like Legionaries and the other 2-3 that were not squatted and have the full S2D so far. Many of these look damn sweet and I hope they come true
Fomoroid Crusher - 8W M6 S5+ C2, 3 shots R12" 4/2/1/2, Melee 6 attacks 4/2/1/D3 (Crit Two-Hits) Rampage OPT (Army) In any combat phase Choose a terrain Feature within an inch and all friendly and enemy units within three inches roll a D3 and on a 2+ deal that many mortal wounds to them.

Wilderfiend - 9 Wounds Move 8 Save 5+ Control 1, 3 attacks 3/3/2/3, Profile 2 6 attacks 4/3/1/2 When a model dies within 12 of this unit assign this unit a sacrifice point up to a max of 6. If theres more than one Wilderfiend in range only one gets the sacrifice point. Beast Rule (OC 1), In your hero phase choose a unit within 12 and roll a number of dice equal to the sacrifice points on this unit Choose an effect on a 5+ the target cannot use commands for the rest of the turn, or on a 3+ the target takes a mortal wound, Heal (X) X = sacrifice points, after using an effect reset sacrifice points to 0. Ward (5+)

Darkoath Cheiftain on Warsteed - 7 Wounds Move 12 Save 4+ Control 2, 5 attacks 4/3/1/2 (Crit Mortals), Horse 3 attacks 5/3/1/1 (Companion), Passive: Reoll Charges for Darkoath Cavalry wholly within 12, Oath of Murder: OPG At the end of any turn If this unit has destroyed an enemy Hero or Monster this unit has fight first for the rest of the game.

Darkoath Savagers - 1 Wound Move 5 Save 5+ Control 1, 2 attacks 4/3/1/1 (Crit Mortals) Oath of Conquest OPG in any hero phase if this unit is contesting an objective you control and is wholly in enemy territory this unit has a Ward of 5+ for the rest of the game.

Darkoath Fellriders - 3 Wounds Move 12 Save 5+ Control 1 Choice of Broadsword or Javelin.Broadsword 2 attacks 4/3/-/1 Charge (+1Damage and +1Rend) Javelin Missile 1 shot Range 10 4/3/-/D3 2 attacks in melee 4/4/0/1(+1Damage and +1Rend), OPG Oath of the invader In any charge phase if it has charged and is in combat with an enemy +1 attack for the rest of the battle
and yet it dodged the shitty beast keyword, somehow.
I just love multi-damage crit morals man. Even if averages out normal it feels so fucking good when your dice are hot.
Chaos Legionaries - 1 wound Move 5 Save 4+ Control 1, 2 attacks 3/3/1/1 OPT (Army) In your movement phase choose an enemy in 6 inches or less roll a D6 and on a 4+ that unit cannot use commands for the rest of the turn.

Raptoryx - 2 Wounds Move 10 Save 6 Control 1, 3 attacks 4/4/0/1, Beast Rule, Passive if this unit has made a charge this turn add 1 to its attacks

Furies - 1 wound Move 12 Save 6 Control 1, 3 attacks 4/4/1/1 in the combat phase if you are in combat you can roll a D6 and on a 3+ you can immediately make a retreat move without taking damage.

Mindstealer Sphiranx - 10 wounds Move 10 Save 5+ Control 5, 6 attacks 4/4/1/2. OPT (Army) In any combat phase choose an enemy within 6 inches and roll a dice if its higher than the Control characteristic of the target they get Fight Last
What about my precious sphinx cat?
>Mindstealer Sphiranx - 10 wounds Move 10 Save 5+ Control 5, 6 attacks 4/4/1/2. OPT (Army) In any combat phase choose an enemy within 6 inches and roll a dice if its higher than the Control characteristic of the target they get Fight Last
Are you for real? How much does this guy cost? 2+ to make a unit fight last? I actually get to run this thing?
Thanks a lot!
>OPG Oath of the invader In any charge phase if it has charged and is in combat with an enemy +1 attack for the rest of the battle
Damn I wonder how they work out these oaths huh
>You... random 5 wounds axe guy... if you kill the mightiest enemy monster I will reward you heartily with fights first from then on.
>You... charging cavalry guys. If you charge anything at all, I will reward you will extra attacks on your charge.
The points has to be off the chain for a lot of this stuff.
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Move over, Horned Rat — the Horned Cat wins this day!

I'm telling you this is on purpose.

Someone with influence suggested that the high quality paintjobs always being shown off were discouraging for new players, so now James is deliberately publishing pics of casual attainable paintjobs.
That's clearly the intention.
I don't know how you deal with even a 20 block of chaos warriors with everyone hitting or wounding on 4s now. They're never going to die with 5+ ward, their damage went up 50%. They'll get +1 hit or -1 rend the first time they take an obj and become instantly insane. Any of these buff heroes around them like the cat or marshal makes them insane.
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Rat info I've collected that's been provided in snippets from my LGS who can't actually show the cards, but I do trust him:

>Warp Grinder, Plague Censor Bearers, and Gutter Runners are all confirmed dead. Doom-Flayer somehow survived squatting. Acolytes survived too.

>Corruptor prayers: 13" range, rest of battle any time target move they take D3 mw. Re-roll chants. Last prayer is 2D3 MW. Can continue to use these throughout the game and once per turn if a Pestilens priest rolls a 6 on a prayer you pop one off.
>Plague Monks have the same profile as Clanrats, but a 6+ save and do mortals when they die on a roll of 6.

>Deceiver has a min 4 redeploy for Eshin Infantry ability.
>Deathmaster had a run and charge/shoot for Eshin units within 12" including himself. He has hit rolls of 1-4 always miss him and then run + charge/shoot (which also applies to him). Crit auto wound on shooting, crit mortals on melee.
>Night Runners still have shooting and the redeploy.

>Bombardier no longer a wizard; weapon profile is 18", 2 att, 4+,3+,-1, D6 anti-infantry 1, can overcharge to make the missile d3+3 damage. +1 to hit shooting into 10 or more models.
>Arch-warlock down to wizard 1, no storm but skryre units wholly within 13" ignore the -1 to hit for using covering fire. 4+ save. Gauntlet is 6, 2+,4+,-2,1, shoot in combat.
Truly, once more, just as it was in the Age of Sigmar and the Age of Nagash and the alleged Time of the Month of Morathi: IT IS THE AGE OF CHAOS.
20 warriors with support will probably be half your army, ignore the objective they're on.
Man oh man I hope that means new doom flayers, i've always had a soft spot but they were such a mess to clean up as finecast
20 warriors and a sorc cant be more than 500ish.
from what we've seen points are going up on average about 7-8% across the board from what they currently are, with the exception of gloomspite gitz which seem to have gotten about 30% cheaper but also massively more incompetent
Good riddance you stupid piece of shit
Aren't chaos warriors 180 for 10 currently? seeing how most units have had a point increase i'll imagine they'll be 200 minimum, and a sorcerer around 150. that's 550 points for a slow moving block that'll sit on one objective for the entire game and not do anything else
Jeez comparing the wilderfiend to the fomoroid and sphiranx really brings home how pushed it is. Fellriders are pretty nuts as fire and forget cav too. Chaos looks tough, points depending. They'll be a huge pain in the ass to get off objectives and they have a lot of high damage units they can throw out at speed. No real tricks like teleports though, and very minimal shooting. It's mostly combat manipulation.
a big block that takes up half the board with 3d6 charge. They're much more playable than they were with the damage and speed increases.
>>Bombardier no longer a wizard;
Mother fucker I was just working on a fucking warp grinder holy fucking shit shit shit shit
This is why I refuse to accept this as truth. Skryre are wizards. Simple as.
I can't believe that the skaven rules in the edition all about skaven actually has me wanting to fucking shelf my skaven. Fucking hell.
Pretty much the same as 3ed.
It's 9th ed Necrons all over again.
How the fuck do you people even play these games when your expensive models can just get... removed? Like, what the fuck? I do buy and paint the models, but by the time I finished painting an army, it would already be illegal! How the fuck can you stand it?
Take your pic of responses.
>lol poorfag cope
>gotta CONSOOM bro
>imagine buying at GW prices, secondhand and recast bro
>imagine buying GW models, be a PROONTfag
>lel only happens to shit factions
I play 1st and 2nd. No model in any of my armies has ever been removed or squatted.
That's how.
Well, I did say "expensive", but the hangup for me more is like:
>Wow, that thing is cool! I want to build an army centered around that concept, that unit!
>Oh, that thing I liked is now removed from the game arbitrarily.
Like, I can easily imagine building an entire army around the Warcry cultists that got zapped. I don't know what the fuck I would do if I were a person with an army like that.
proxy. as long as its GW plastic its perfectly legal
They have to kill two things, then you need to roll the ward (or a 6) twice.
You arent easily getting 5++ chaos warriors
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You already lost the engineer, why would losing another surprise you? Also there's yet another foot hero on the horizon too.
This does fucking suck though and makes me think skryre spell lore is also probably dead.

I just eat them when they get squatted.
Eat shit, ratfags
I just don't understand why. It makes no sense.
I did forget one response that can either be sarcastic or genuine, and is often the most applicable.
>just use them as proxies, bro
Nobody tell him about MtG.
Just play warrior of chaos, we are eternal
From the same guy:

kroak was 18w, 4+, same roll to see if he dies or heals mechanic. Can cast through a skink wizard, +2 to cast, and can unbind infinite range
has the same pick 3 units within 12" 2+ d3 mw spell that he can cast more than once
wiz 3, 4+ ward
the roll to see if he dies thing is end of any turn now though, think it used to be every phase
2d6 attacks 3,3,-1,1 crit mortal
shot 1 2,3,-2,D6 shoot in combat
No recursion though, so Slanns your boy for that one
>Warp Grinder, Plague Censor Bearers, and Gutter Runners are all confirmed dead. Doom-Flayer somehow survived squatting. Acolytes survived too.

Doom-flayer survived? wait what?

the refresh list we got from the leakers stated
>Galvaneer with Warpvolt >>93231092
>Master Moulder
> New Behemoth-->Brood terror
>New Wolfrats
>New Verminlord
>New Warlord
>Weapon team

is the Doom-flayer part of the weapon team then?
Ratfags need to calm down.
You are still getting another dozen or so kits. It will all be out by the end of the year along with your new battletome. The index almost doesn't matter
the flayer was a weapon team, yes.
also wasn't that list part of the leak where it was a bunch of obviously made up shit someone posted from discord?
in any case we'll know if my source is right or not on tuesday next week I guess, but I do trust him and his accuracy. If I hear anything else I'll be sure to share.

The loss of warp grinders is baffling to me, but apparently they changed from hiding in units to not being targetable unless the enemy is within 9" per that one AOSCoach video earlier in the week and with gnawholes giving you a "free" psudo deep strike I guess it makes sense to cut them even if it's bullshit. I expect another new hero or spell to do the same thing though.

He also confirmed that the plague monk woulds on death if you roll a 6 is only in combat range and only to the unit attacking it so you can't use them as little bombs to sacrifice for the ward shrug off ability's. Basically just hope Death Frenzy is still in the tome or that they're cheaper than clan rats.
Is the scroll any good though?
>also wasn't that list part of the leak where it was a bunch of obviously made up shit someone posted from discord?
No, that came from one of the TGA leakers.
Abraxia - 14 Wounds Move 10 Save 3+ Control 5, Gabagool 5 attacks 3/3/2/2 (Anti-Hero)(Charge +1 Damage), Lizard 6 attacks 4/3/1/2 (Companion) Brackets to 3 attacks, Passive If a Varanguard unit fights twice while wholly within 12 REMOVE FIGHT LAST, OPT (Army) in any combat phase choose an enemy hero you're in combat with and roll a D6 and on a 3+ -1 attack from all weapons that hero has for the rest of the turn. When this unit suffers a wound roll a D6 after the fight has resolved for each wound and on a 4+ inflict a Mortal to the attacking unit. Passive in any combat if this unit is in combat roll a D6 and apply the corresponding affect, 1 this unit takes 1 wound, 2 No effect, 3-5 add 1 to the damage of the Gabagool for the rest of the turn, 6 get the 3-5 effect and the gabagool gets (Crit Mortal) for the rest of the turn.

Gunnar Brand - 6 wounds Move 5 Save 5+ Control 2, TEN attacks, 4/3/1/1 (Crit Mortal) In any combat phase this unit can only use this ability if it is in combat with an enemy hero, this unit can fight twice but the second fight is at Fight Last. If it does so both fights must target the enemy hero that this unit is in combat with. Oath of Bloodshed OPG at the end of any turn If this unit has killed an enemy hero all friendly Gunnar Oathbound units have a ward of 4+ for the rest of the game.

Sigri - 4 Wounds Move 12 Save 5 Control 2, 2 shots 18" 3/3/1/D3 (Crit Auto-Wound) 3 attacks 3/3/1/1, Horse 3 attack 5/3/1/1 (Companion), Shooting attacks that target this unit only hit on a 6 and cannot crit, Add 1 to the rend this units Warbow if the target is within 6 inches of a Grunar Oathbound unit

Oathsworn - 3W 5M S5+ C1,2/3 have 4 attacks 4/3/-/2 Crit Mortal,1/3 has 3 attacks 4/4/-/1, Spell: Casts on a 5+ Choose an enemy hero visibile and within 18 inches 1 damage and -1 attack until the start of your next turn,While you have the Crone you're a Wizard (1)
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>Ark of Sotek has Skink keyword
>Solar Engine doesn't
wtf GW, why do you hate my boy?
>>Arch-warlock down to wizard 1
Makes perfect sense. It's not like his name is something like "best wizard" or "master mage" or anything, just, you know, "ARCH-WARLOCK"
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whoops, thats an old WIP
Still no soulblight leaks? Really hope the vampire subtraction makes them interesting.
What about stormvermin
Just pitched the question along with the doom-flayer. Will report back if he responds with anything.
It sucks but beast of chaos hung around 15 years, mtg shit cost 5 times as much and last 3. Even then your beast shit just becomes std.
the sorcerer just hands it out on a 3+ every turn.
Lol how am I supposed to tell the lord of plagues apart from his squad? He looks just like a regular ass blightking. If anything he looks more plain than half the damn blightkings
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all the more reason to kitbash him than buying the official thing.
Every Nurgle mini has been based off of the Lord of Plagues since he was made. He's a WFB mini from when they first started doing plastic characters.
Already bought the official one (got it used for $5, stripped it, good as new).

I kind of already solved my problem, I out him on a bit of tactical cork, it was just funny how he just looks like another member of the squad. Maybe I'll glue a banner pole on him somewhere or something.
Really he's that old? The detail looks thoroughly modern
Nah you can easily tell he's fantashit. The model looks trash and needs an update badly
My Stormcast army predominantly consisted of Sacrosanct and Paladins and them being purged was definitely a sucker punch. That said, I plan on using them as proxies when I feel like playing my Stormcast again, because I'm not doing this "rebuy your whole army" shit that GW seems to want.

All that said, it has given me some serious pause with future purchases. Sylvaneth are my primary army, and I had some interest in Daughters of Khaine and Soulblight, but I've put a hard pause on buying into future armies.
The only really crazy one was sacrosanct everything else was old and lucky to have been around this long
There's nothing wrong with that model it fits with the rest of the range perfectly fine
Really flayers should just be converted to cavalry, they're already on the right base for it
It's simple: When they squat the Soul Grinder, I will stop playing.
Yeah beasts getting a bray shaman, 2nd edition book, terrain piece, endless Spells, beastlord and 3rd edition book definitely made it obvious that they'd be getting squatted. Especially after the designers explicitly stated that BoC wouldn't be squatted, clearly I missed these obvious signs
I have had 5 armies squatted over the course of my like 25 years playing this game. It happens. And it'll probably happen to my remaining 40k army and my largest AoS army in the next 3ish years. Shit happens. I enjoyed building, painting and playing them, and then moved on to my next project. Some of them even got sold off to collectors to fund new armies.
Who got squatted? Pics of the armies?
None of those releases made them any more popular or profitable
Man that big lizard is weak as shit.
Presumably he means his Fantasy Battle armies. It's not hard to have five armies effectively squatted even if some of the models are still playable today.
>Ogroid Theridons
>4 attacks 4/2/1/3 OPG +1 dam
>Khorne mark
>31 4/2/1 DAMAGE 4 attacks
like wtf is this army dude.
Neither did FEC until their recent big refresh
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I wouldn't say no.
Picks of the squatted armies? I don't have them anymore. But it was TK, Brets, Chorfs (specifically the FW ones), Kislev (which we always knew was a limited faction anyway, but it still hurt), Bonesplittas and BoC. So I guess it's more like 5 and a half factions?

Thankfully the Kislev models sold to a collector for enough money to entirely fund the bonesplitta army when they first got their army book in 1e, but most of the others were sold off to friends for a song during a move.

As for what I have that's likely to be squatted/already sort of was. I've got a full militarum tempestus army, with 4 full platoons and transports. I can't legally field all of the models I own anymore, and they've been souped into another army since 6e. My other army is FEC, but it's exclusively the old scupts, which are likely to be replaced sooner than later with the whole "models can only come out of one bucket" thing.
FeC were popular because they had charming fluff
Objectively correct take. Only reason I play em.
>TK, Brets, Chorfs, Kislev, Bonesplittas, BoC
You are so full of shit it's pouring out of every pore on your body
What the fuck are you talking about, FEC were basically Space Marines compared to BoCs
Theridons always did tons of damage.
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Here's the big picture of the fuckpile of orcs I sold to a buddy. It's my old ardboys and all my random bonesplittas.

How's that humble pie?
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Oh, and here are my (very poorly painted) brets. I was a youngling at the time and didn't like painting, so just rushed through it on some of the knights, and said fuck it on the rest.
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BoC had ZERO personality unlike FeC, both had dogshit models but FeC gave you a reason to care. BoC had NOTHING going for them narratively because their whole shtick from fantasy doesn't work in AoS, they had NO characters besides Ghosteater who was a throwaway name on the side of the page without even any artwork, they had HORRIFICALLY bad models even compared to FeC
Before everyone buries you, that is a fucking sweet knight, the green one. As an anon who bought into CoS as an army, Scourge+Freeguilds+Dispossessed, I feel your pain. I think one anon has it right in that you just proxy shit and give GW the finger.
Thanks. The green and purple knights there were part of the unit I worked hard on, hence the crests on their shields.
>BoC had NOTHING going for them narratively
Well, they had the stuff with Ghorraghan Khai and the Morghurites that they dropped because Incarnates were a flop.
Why would you do that to your miniatures
Because I stopped caring when I heard about the squatting, and just had to get em out of the case quickly to get a headcount.
With BoC gone, who's doing all the raping?
dok is the official rape faction.
The 3E battletome also added a lot of new lore for them, new named fluff characters, the concept of an ancient Gorfather figure, etc etc. Not to mention some of the most sickass rules of any army in 3E.

I don't buy that BoC going to TOW was some long planned decision, it feels kneejerk, probably not finalized until at least a year into 3E.
You just want them to rape you.
As for Bonesplittas I think their doom was decided earlier, judging from the fact that the 3E tome just absolutely shit all over them as a viable army, and the balance team just kept kicking them in the balls everytime they showed any sign of life.

Though it was probably more of a PC thing, since you can't buy their models even for TOW, and the rules don't want you to lean heavy into savage orcs there either. Just nuked completely.
The old world and specialist games team should honestly be executed in the streets. Imagine how much of a cunt you have to be to demand and actually get stuff from main line games.

I hope all the side game shit dies
It's funny that the two factions used to introduce Incarnates in the fluff were also the ones that got squatted for 4th
I'm honestly hoping spearhead kills off some of the side games. It's I'm the same niche, and you could easily release new microfactions in a spearhead box, see if they sell well and then sell them as a real faction down the road.
Warcry needs to go I despise everything about it
Agreed. Stop taking cool fantasies away from the real armies by making warbands and then saying YoU cAn ToTalLy UsE tHeM iN aOs.
Eh, the fyreslayers team is just the hearthguard berzerkers update kit with an extra runefather, priest, and doomseeker thrown in
>Imagine how much of a cunt you have to be to demand and actually get stuff from main line games.
None was taking anything from 40k
I'm so close to finishing this spear-head I've been painting. Post your WiP to give me the motivation to keep painting.
>no one was taking anything from 40k

Oh, he doesn't know. I'm so sorry anon
You first.
Rip all the cool dreadnoughts and tanks
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some soulblight leaks.
That's Forgeworld
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This is the actual throne of Khorne that he doesn't want the world to know about
Haven't seen this posted in the past few threads. Compilation of (known?) Sylvaneth faction pack information.
Whole bunch of Lizard shit:
It's the "other things thrown in" part that is dogshit about warcry. Even more frustrating that they were smart about hunters of huanchi by giving them two regular weapon options and making the flyers a separate unit. All of the warcy warbands are one or two cool ideas mashed together in a mess of a unit with zero options
They look real good with better helms
Except they're not, they based off of babylonians who enslaved jews
I'm so tired of seeing this image, this headswap isn't good
I just like their original heads. IDK why people don't like the death mask look.
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I don't care what anyone thinks about fatties their helmets were so much better than thundershit it's not even close

>tfw I got into AoS because of The Unmade

>Warscroll for AoS proper looks like dogshit
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they look better with better paintjobs
I wish that the death masks were a bit less stylized. I would actually like it if they went full Sanguinary Guard/Tomb Kings style "literally a golden gigachad face", although I'm sure my opinion isn't popular.
Best army to paint in a darkest dungeon fashion?
CoS or SBGL, I'd say. Skaven might be interesting too.
cities of sigmar is pretty much that exact style, especially the heroes and stuff like the command corps.

i could also see maggotkin or flesh eater courts working

GW missed a trick when they lost him, he probably does more good for the company than their own 'marketing'. Pushes for god rules and good play experiences through a relatively competitive lens and not a major dick or hyper arrogant like a lot of competitive types.
I wonder how many thoughts go through your head every day
I hope Idoneth get more stuff soon....

Can't the collective weaponised autism of 4chan not just crack GWs servers and dig out the files?
Him being gone from GW is only positive
Lost at sea
Pic unrelated?
Warcry is probably my favourite game.
The missions and twists make it so SOVLFUL.
Am looking into making the same sort of stuff for AoS with my play group
Bad troll is bad at trolling. Go back to the ToW thread.
Leak Quick Reference (for what was revealed this thread):




We need to make a Soon version of beasts of Chaos.



Beastmen should have been rolled into Slaves to Darkness, just keep the Gor variantst, Beastlord/ Brayshaman, Cygor/ Ghorgon. Make them a mini faction like Darkoath. Gut all the ugly old models that don't fit the faction or are redundant like the weird monsters and dragon ogres.

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