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Poorly photoshopped edition
Previously: >>93200280
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8
>What's your favorite piece of /bgg/ related OC?
First for TI4 sucks
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stuck between 45 DOLLARS FOR FUCKING BIRDS and go is basically blokus
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This one, easily.
Fourth for GMT is outdated and overhyped.
>we will never get updated sakura arms
it hurts bros.
>What's your favorite piece of /bgg/ related OC?

Black exile visits every game in the bgg top 100

Where is he, oh god, why has he forsaken us?
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I really like pic related but don't get to post is as often as I'd like
Also the soi image of the two farmers pointing at a windmill
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>play hansa a few times
>I like it but its pretty dry so getting players can be hard
>also its annoying to explain and really its a lot better if you play it a few times so people become familiar with the game
>recently found a group that really likes it
>been playing it for multiple evenings
>end up absolutely raping them, after i went easy on them the first game
>kinda feel like i should hold back but they're tryhards that get butthurt in other games if someone plays poorly
Keep up the good work
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As other anon said, Atiwa. I'd put it more on the interesting side of things than fun.
You can tell he was trying to avoid while also tap into African Agricola and the result is just a middling experience. It's one of the few games that I know of his that has built-in conflict that's largely not driven by the other player (your tableau gets polluted over time) and it doesn't do anything particularly enjoyable with it.
They think there is a first player advantage so I'll offer to be last next time. Although I fear my 86 VP blowout might have scared them.
Ive played it 3 times. Its pretty neat. Feels like agricola but with less punishing feeding mechanics. Feeding is more about optimizing what you sacrifice, rather than hoping you make the next season. Second you have an engine you have to remove resources from, so its a balancing act between building it, maintaining it, and withdrawing from it.

That said, no professions limits the replayability and strategy. Feels like you either just pump villagers or bats.
> Is that a 25 year old game rehashed for only 99.99$?? And with uglier artwork thats harder to read???

This makes retards go crazy for some reason
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Played this on Friday with the wife.
We liked it, it's not a bad worker placement game. I don't think we played optimally at all, given that we often did not account for the extra workers you get here and there in the planning, but we had fun.
It feels good to lineup your engine with the correct paladin and milk an action to rack a lot of effects/points without large costs.
Curious to see if it will become stale after a few plays but it feels better balanced than some of the wife's favourites like Everdell.
Isn't Japanime games or whoever working on Sakura Arms now? Ther is a chance we get more gards sometime in the future
And if all else fails the TTS mod with the fan translation is top shelf stuff
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Everdell suffers from too many expansions. The more you add the higher the rng from the deck, which means bigger swings last second.

It also gets too many new boards and doesn't all fit into the original box. I made the mistake of buying all in after enjoying the original game and first expansion, and now my wife and I never muster the energy to go through three boxes and spend 15 minutes setting up a 30 minute game.

Pic rel is what we mostly play instead, because she's better at spacial puzzles than I am. It's best at 3, though.
We often play with 1 expansion, either Spirecrest of Newleaf.
Spirecrest isn't bad, it adds more to the struggling theme.
Newleaf turns the game into a combo fest, where the most degenerate combo-builder wins. The power creep is really high.
everdell isnt built for multiple expansions. Youre not supposed to use more than one.
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Is there any place I can get scans for campaign boardgames? Adventure books/logs, cards, maps, etc.
I'm more of a TTRPG guy and don't know if boardgame fellows scan their things and share with one another.
I'm real curious on Vampire the Masquerade Chapters. I can see it's easy to transport its material to the RPG without any issue. If anyone can help on that, I would be very thankful.
Hard to believe they're working on it when they're already trundling out identical prints just with their logo on the box. They should have cleaned up the translation and terminology first if there was a proper overarching plan. Who knows though? Fingers crossed.
Tough one. I love the stuff from the meme guy like the OP pic, I love Black Exile posting, I love this retarded screencap >>93227036 and I love the sexy Root art
They fell for the old classic "fight to death over the action upgrades when you really only need the first one when you should be rushing the most valuable trading posts", didn't they? I think got over 100 points my most recent game because they were obsessed with having an empty player board while I didn't care and painted the board in yellow and hogged all of the bonus markers
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I hope for nothing and expect disappointment.
I already got a stealth focused boardgame, so I don't care about MGS at all.
Anybody else got a game you WANT to play but you know it is also gonna be a loooooong game so you also don't want to start playing it?
>They fell for the old classic "fight to death over the action upgrades when you really only need the first one when you should be rushing the most valuable trading posts", didn't they?
interestingly enough, no. They just fed me far too powerful displacements
>go first
>put 2 cubes on the action track
>next turn displace a disk and finish the upgrade, put my fresh cube onto the action city track
>the other side gets cleared, then i get bumped
>this lets me place 2 cubes on the other side of the city that was just cleared
>this happens another time
>people also clear the route just before my turn
>get 5 actions with minimal friction
>upgrade bag once
>at this point im basically winning, could rush it down, but i have an action advantage so it favors me to elongate the game, and if i have no privilege they might work together to cuck me to death
>keep sprinkling blocking cubes on the upgrade tracks while also upgrading privilege, they bump me on the action city, basically giving me the keys and coelen for free
>at the same time I get privilege and take hamburg
>quickly expand out of hamburg and take over the northeast, cant make an east-west route since i lack disks
>whatever, take over lubeck and upgrade my bag 2 times while also getting 4 points from completing that route
>pick up a free upgrade bonus tile
>the key route is free, so i upgrade keys twice
>spam routes until victory
It was a bit confusing since we already played 3 times. Yet they left the action upgrade open, bumped me in places in which i wouldnt even have to move the cubes to get a good route, and kept upgrading things even when it was obvious i was pumping points.
That could be our problem then, it wasn't made clear in the documentation - iirc the rulebook all call the modules "mix and match" or similar.

Idk I'll try it again with just spirecrest, next game night.
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everdell complete edition mentions it in the rulebook apparently.
The older I get the more a problem this becomes. Did not care at all 10 years ago, now we really ponder if we want to start a +4h game. 3h is standard, though. Wonder if this w timespan will continue to decrease. I hope not but lest I end up like zee garcia
Wow, that is an interesting way to win.
Still, denying people prime spaces and bullying them into displacing you is always a joy. I love Hansa T, that game will never get old.
Got any good ones?
Through the Ages at 4 players
Merchants & Marauders
Clash of Cultures

Although the main problem for me is more so that I know other people won't have the patience to play them rather than me
Once we did newleaf + bellfaire and the ressources printing got very out of hand
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What a bear to teach.
What an engrossing play.
Mr Pink was looking to close out a Tycoon victory, Mr. Red and myself (Mr. Blue) were trying to get whatever vps we could from problem chits and dominant sphere companies.
Founders or Reyvick bros we are at 495
Isofarian Guard.
It's a table hog and a story driven campaign game. When I backed it the whole thing was around 40-50 hours for a complete run over 5 acts and it was $60.
Then COVID hit and it slowed production so the developers kept adding shit to the game. Now a complete game will last about 200+ hours and I don't want to start it. The game itself pushes $180 now too and physically weighs around 25kg.
I have the original KS print run of the main game, so it definitely doesn't mention anything there. Appreciate the heads up, I'm hopeful I can revive it - I like Everdell, it just died of Carcassonne syndome, as I mentioned
I gotta ask, as a Dune Imperium kindof guy that likes a lot of bite, what's the appeal to Everdell? I almost got it before, but ultimately passed since I like games that have some kind of "grit" to them.
That looks like something that would have been better as a 15 dollar computergame to be honest
come play my favorite dueling deck builder with some randos who will kick your ass!
baseball highlights 2045 app + expansions needed*
Cute, non-sexualized anthromorphic animal aesthetic, combo of mild deckbuilding and mid-weight worker placement, with variable "win cons" via many combo paths and randomly drawn bonus objectives.

It's probably the game with one of the highest success rates for teaching midweight euro to people who've never played anything above light or party games.
Yeah, no.
It'll end up being a 2/5 weight game with 0.000001/100 depth.
Do any board games really have a sexualized anthropomorphic animal aesthetic? That isn't some fandom meme, of course.
I was literally just thinking about this. Like, there must be a 'tipping point' for board games where they would be better off as computer programs. Instead of having human players inefficiently running the code. (like old wargame simulations from the 70's and 80's)

But maybe this makes players feel smart? Or so overwhelmed they cant tell its a badly designed game.
>Stealth focused boardgames
Do you call it that when none of your other players show up?
Would be really comfy to have a weekly group but it seems like a slog to maintain and I don't want to drop several hundred on it just to shelve it.
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>>What's your favorite piece of /bgg/ related OC?
That's a really tough Q OP.
There are several ancient OPs I still appreciate to this day.
The gmt glowie memes have always made me chuckle, and several greentexts/posts are classics.
Anons already posted some of the greats so I'll go with this gem.
>The gmt glowie memes have always made me chuckle
Ikr, they are epic for the win! I always up boat them because they're just soooo funny and relatable.
It's OK, anon. I don't like your humor and you don't like mine. We can coexist just fine.
I skimmed the TTS cards but they're so wordy and the art has watermarks on them.
You'd probably have the most luck scraping files from TTS. Looks like the prologue and chapter 1 are there.
Where's the humor? What's funny about repeating the same phrase a thousand times over like plebbitors seeking attention? How could we possibly coexist when you're trained like a dog to laugh when person says sentence?
>GMT designers work for CIA and glow in the dark
Now laugh your ass off, retard. I don't even pity you anymore.
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Got new games, so far I've played and fallen in love with onitama.
Thanks for recommending it.
Who hurt you?
>old neuroshima box before they "upgraded" the art
Damn fine job anon. Did it come with any expansions or is it just the 4 core factions?
I played countless games of NH! 2008-2010, one of my core bg memories getting into the hobby.
Are you alright anon?
Offhand I can't really think of any, but considering the furry problem, it's still worth calling out.
It's only REALLY a problem when a game that deliberately caters to the fetish crowd gets serious traction. And even then I can't imagine that being the biggest issue right now when "Dick sits" is absolutely blowing up on the gulag at the moment
where can i find the app if google play store doesn't show it to me when i search for "baseball highlights 2045"?
7th for Advanced Civilization is a terribly dated and shitty game.
Hansa Zootonica when?
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You mean Hanzoo Sexonica
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Followed up with some sublime Splotter fare.
Turns out if you keep VR low, don't grab all the craftsman, and encourage aggressive turn biddings to keep the cows revenue going, wins will come straight to you.
It only has the core factions but considering the fact I got it for $25 used I'll say I made off like a bandit.
On an unrelated note I saw kemet used. How easily explained is its rules. I want to make sure I could get a game going before I buy it.
Tgz does look like the one splotter I would really like aside from bus, but I simply refuse to pay their obscene prices.

It shouldn't matter as long as the gameplay is good, I know. But something in me just wants to take a principled stance and not pay €70 used for a quasi artless game that looks like a 14 year olds school project
I PnP'd it for like a total of 15 dollars and an afternoon.
Pretty easy. Explain the actions and you are almost done; the only problem is (at least in the old.version I own, dunno about the new one) the iconography on the power tiles being somewhat shit/unintuitive and there's a lot of them.
Don't forget to use the v1.5 rules instead of the ones in the manual.
Based. I did a little pnping a few years ago, but nowadays I am hindered by a lack of time and the fact that I cannot help but think eh, if I just stay 3h longer at work, I can just buy it. Far more time efficient and the copy would suck less.

As said, it's a somewhat stupid principled stance. And I've got a good enough collection as is
Any big differences or just small improvements in terms of clarity?
Replaces the win condition and timing completely so it goes along with Ta-Seti, additionally it gives players a chance to catch up or block end game triggers.
You are allowed to use Day and Battle cards during a Battle rather than only Battle cards, giving you more strategic elements and flexibility
A couple power tiles are rebalanced or described more clearly
There's a couple things more I recall, it's basically an overhaul of the rules, Ta-Seti also got a 1.5 change of rules and that one actually completely changes things around, making some components actually serve completely different purposes from their original intent.
>I can just buy it [...] the copy would suck less.
In this case it might not.
I would unironically buy it
Tired of coaxing normies because of the dry ass theme
it's not a hidden movement game?
I started learning pax humanity thanks to your shilling, did your group enjoy it?
They enjoyed it, but said they want to play it again soon rather than let it (and their rules comprehension) languish for three months.
Might take it out again this weekend.
I'll write a longer post later on how the learning went, the games strengths/flaws, the usual.
>MLEM still out of print
It's not coming back
>Oh my, sweetie, um, I can't even right now. There is so much to unpack with that post, like, it raises so many red flags. I mean, yikes, hello, it's 2024, get with the times y'all. PS. Thank you for the plebbit gold kind stranger!
Now this here is a broken buck
It appears my superiority is causing some controversy
cutesy animals
simple worker placement
bit of acceleration similar to an engine builder
perfect normalfag bait. And girls lap it up
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I love Herman.
the app isn't really supported by the developer anymore, so it may not be available for certain android models or at all
It should be accessible from iOS app store, but that's no help without an apple product
This isn't a case of Google hiding it from you (because your phone is incompatible or because the package hasn't received an update recently enough).
It was removed from Play Store. It used to be at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PeterKossits.BBall2045

You can throw the package name com.PeterKossits.BBall2045 into sketchy mirror repos if you're baller enough to risk malware.
e.g. https://a2zapk.io/History/com.PeterKossits.BBall2045/ claims to have several versions available.
Come on anon, this is far too retarded an """''argument"""" to be anything be bait. You had me there for a second
Is it GMT specifically or is it wargames in general that cause seething, and GMT is just the face of that?
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after playing picrel it dawned on me that half the polyomino games out there could easily cut down all their costs and setup if they just made them roll/flip and writes. Not even a 1-99 player one, just straight up drawing instead of cardboard cutouts.
Yes, obviously any game could do that, but for the majority of poly games I don't think you're losing that much in the process. Mostly the tactile nature and aesthetics of drawing vs placing shapes.
Or I guess in other words, games that do 1% more with the polys than simply fill in a grid seem much more appealing to me now
writing this out I of course discover Patchwork Doodle is a thing and everyone rightfully hates it because it got rid of time
I think it's wargames and historical gaming in general. GMT has some of the better production quality, playtesting, output, and name recognition than other wargame companies so they take the beating. There are companies out there making great stuff - Fort Circle, VUCA, Worthington, etc.

The goof is that most of the innovation I see in board gaming is coming from war and historical gaming. For every Atlantic Chase with it's really slick hidden movement mechanic there's 10 plastic pushers, anime card games, LCGs, and kickstarter one and dones.
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>Hear great things about Here I Stand
>It comes back into stock, have some spare money so decide to buy it
>Game arrives, punch it all out, set it up
>Game board looks like a pastel coloured, grade school art project
>just lines and basic shapes over a map with tables and charts everywhere
>Almost all components are just carboard chits and tokens, a huge pile for every player
>Every faction has significant differences in the way they play meaning I'll have to teach each player individually
>Cards and card art are all historical shit that no one but me will recognize or care about

How the fuck do I convince 5 other people to play this and that the game isn't a giant meme? It has a "Henry's Wives Pregnancy Chart" on the board for fucks sake.
why wouldn't you want a pregnancy chart in your game? And why get a wargame if you don't like history lol
The first game to make me seriously consider this >>93233187 was Carcassonne.
I like history, but it’s not exactly aesthetically presented and it will be difficult to get normies to look past that.
>buying a wargame for normies
yeah good luck with that lmao
Someone tell me if Frostpunk is actually a good boardgame or Kickstarter trash. It has pretty impressive reviews on the gulag
VUCA has really impressed me with their professionalism. The hobby is fucking flooded with hobbyists who don’t know how to run a company so it’s refreshing to see a new publisher actually take their jobs seriously.
Why did you buy the game without seeing ANYTHING about it first?
>Buying boardgames blindly
>Especially buying a game well known for its heaviness and relatively strict 6p playercount blindly
How, anon? The box art alone should tell you everything
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what makes a person look at a game like this and think "yeah this looks fun i want to buy it and play it"?

and dont say aspergers because ive met people who play shit like this and they were some of the slowest, dumbest motherfuckers you will ever have the displeasure of gaming with. turns take five times longer than everyone elses, still lose by 50 points type of players.
is that game fun? I already played the videogame version but not sure how well it translates to a board game
Different strokes for different folks. Some people think >>93233528 looks great and others think it looks awful
consider >>93233187
the only transient game state in TGZ are the used markers, the cattle, and the turn order
every* other change to the game state is permanent

* victory requirements are transient as well, since drafting Xango or Gu can decrease them, but in a single game that happens at most twice
there wouldn't be a clutter issue if you drew the victory requirements in pen
It's a good question that warrants deeper discussion. I think it looks fun and I'd like to play it (assuming I didn't know it was a coop which drops my interest to a little above zero).

But The interesting quest is
>Why do/don't you find it interesting/appealing at a glance?
I cannot tell exactly. It does look complicated and has a lot of parts, tokens, tracks and cards and I do like that. Not because the excess is great (in fact I have become quite weary of games with too many moving parts) but I do like the challenge of learning and wrestling with new systems. It's true that you have to go through the manual and/or a lets play to protect yourself from the 9 out of 10 games that superficially look interesting but ultimately don't offer complex intertwined systems but lots of admin downtime and pointless busywork. I still feel an almost archaic curiosity when I see a game that looks like this, and I think the implication of complexity is what compels me.
I am not sure what your point is, anon
new 'met dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib2qHVzOtHc
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Not actual normies, just people who don't normally play historical wargames and rarely venture outside of regular board games.

I did look into it but somehow seeing it person made me realize it'll be a very hard sell to my group. Guess I got too excited by all the reformation stuff no one else will care about.
the whole "Henry's wives" track grants different bonus's to the English player, he cannot progress the track past a certain point until England has changed to protestant. This requires co-operation with the protestant player and will piss off the Vatican player. The point is to create diplomatic situations with the other players aka interaction. As for finding players, find people who are willing to spend an afternoon in your company and like history or want to try something weighty.
Stop doing this
Last thread some anon made comparisons between Burning Banners and Bloodstone which really made me think.
I'd like to try something more wargame like that also doesn't take forever and isn't such a big investment in learning time so I was really thinking about getting bloodstones but we are usually 3 dudes and apparently thats just the number where the game is kinda janky.
Burning banners on the other hand seems more like an oldschool wargame but isn't really available on TTS so I can't really try it out and just investing 100+ into a game I don't even know if we like is risky.

Probably gonna try Bloodstones first on TTS but wargames really only feel great if you can look down on a table..

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