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The mooks edition

Previous thread:>>93204149

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Do you care about your troops or are they just a tax for you?
>Do you care about your troops or are they just a tax for you?
As a tsons player, they are just a tax and a meat shield for my cabal.
As dark angels, yes i care about them because they do more work.
I like my troops in my assault-heavy list. I don't like their cost (base kit + printed chainaxes and power weapons from a friend), and I haven't found an stl that's quite right to mix in with them yet to cut said costs.
>Do you care about your troops or are they just a tax for you?
Love troops. They are, funnily enough, the heart of a legion. Will commonly use 800 - 1200 points on them in a 3k list, split between tactical squads, (Ultramarine) Inductii, and tactical support squad depending on what I want to take in a game
>Do you care about your troops or are they just a tax for you?
I love all of my Castellax and they are all named after a mythological Beast.

Now if only they could stop getting tarpitted and ground down by Thunder hammer Cataphractii Terminators.
Has anyone built a new Arvus? How tricky is it?
Cheap troops are fantastic punching bags and half the shit people complain about being broken this edition can be solved by throwing troops at them.
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I care about my troops as they are the backbone of most of my lists, they get the full equipment treatment with scanners, vox, and vexillia
Why? Because it doesn't matter what happens, they do their work and i appreciate them for it
I cannot comprehend people who do not understand how to play around them or not investing into their lil guys
They are the backbone of the army and should be treated and respected as such
>But hurr durr look at my 10 man squad with all weapon options and being so super costy but have all their points shoved into them
and yet this super expensive squad lost to the humble tactical marine
Most of my lists are built around a core of minimum 40+ tacticals, be it normal tacticals or despoilers (I have yet to try assault marines i kind of am wary of their lack of special rules for the sake of mobility)
It also should never be underestimated what the troops pull off
>shoot 40 shots against a TS Osirion dread
>IW legion trait ahoy
>get enough wounds through
>he fails his armor save 9 times
TL;DR I love troops they are awesome as fuck
Question for mathhammer nerds since we are talking about Tactical marines. How many bolter shots from a standard legion (no IF +1 to hit, no IW +1 to wound etc) should it take to kill a contemptor on average?
>How many bolter shots it takes to kill a Contemptor
324 shots * 2/3 * 1/6 * 1/6 = 6W
That's 108 marines doing 12" FotL at the same time
>How many bolter shots SHOULD take to kill a Contemptor
162 shots, which could come from 54 marines doing 12" FotL. Which could come from one squad shooting and then overwatching, plus another one. The point here is that you could drop Dreads down to 3+ save and it would still take one third of your Troops to kill, but it would be doable.
If your enemy dedicates that much energy to attack a dread, they deserve to kill it.
Aw shidd Spanish Tercio time OwO
>Do you care about your troops or are they just a tax for you?
They are tax when misused, and the heart of your legion when you use their strengths. Enough shots to make firing bolters worthwile, I bet that's what lasgun spammers feel like.
The are issued a vexilla and sometimes a few bayonets and they're good to go.
Bolters can't penetrate AV13.
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What I like is seeing three units of maxed out Jump pack companions, Each one with a Chaplain, Seneshel or Librarian. Blazing away on their jump pack while their plasma armed brethern are jumping out of their land raiders destroying stuff in a mix of green blades and plasma.
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>BA gives you a potentially 20-dude blob (if you chased down a unit which was already Falling Back and successfully Charged it and it failed its Regroup test, as soon as you made base contact that unit would be locked in combat, but must be removed at the end of the Charge Sub-phase, you'd get Fear for free) with a 12" bubble of -1Ld to enemy units.
Yeah no
I’m not completely caught up on my Titanicus lore. Does it make sense for Legio Sinister to have other titans in support of their psi-Warlords? Like regular Warhounds
Love it
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Also made a WE version
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The Black Books mega folder is no longer available, does anyone else have an active link?
tell me what you seek so I may pass judgment if you are worthy of this knowledge
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Can you make one for RG aswell?
I dunno, I wanna read up on the Iron Hands, don't know much about HH 1.0
>Give up Arcana, Asphyx shells, and FotL in exchange for an Arcana that inflicts more wounds on yourself if you fail
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>does anyone else have an active link?
So have i understood it correctly that you can take secutarii without titans?
Seen a bunch of people complain about not being able to take Skitarii but aren’t they just a less fancy version of what Secutarii peltasts and Axiarchs are?
Also, is there anything stopping me from putting Axiarchs in Sworn brother alignment squads?
>Any model making a To Wound roll in the Assault phase against a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule reduces its Strength by -1 when setermining the score required To Wound (this DOES affect the attacking unit's Strength for the purposes of inflicting Instant Death)
>Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in the Assault phase targeting a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, always count the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as ONE WORSE THAN THE NORMAL.
It could all be so different
RG move away instead of remaining Pinned. How is that a bad thing?
If they didn't get the extra wound, would TS Inductii be okay? You say "I gain Breaching 6+" like it's a bad thing wtf
You choose... well.

Here you go anon, the link will disappear shortly so act fast:

You can only take secutarii on a titan maniple optional detachment and that has a compulsory LoW. You can take 1 warhound and 6 units of securtarii but you can't not take at least 1 LoW

>Also, is there anything stopping me from putting Axiarchs in Sworn brother alignment squads?
Doesn't look like it
Its a shame honestly that the marines weren't purged like the thunder warriors were for the sake of Mankind
>RG move away instead of remaining Pinned. How is that a bad thing?
It isn’t, it’s funny because they specialise in running away.
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If it was a flat -1 to wound, or if they had the fearless special rule I might consider taking them. Thematically I like the idea of having a squad or two of twenty expendable screaming retards that can act as meat shields.
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I thought so too, but then i checked it again and it says ”1 troop choice OR 1 LoW choice”, not ”and”.
So then you can take a ”titan maniple detachment” solely consisting of troops and HQs as an allied detachment with the mechanicum allegience.
So i don’t see any reason as to why you can’t just proxy Skitarii using secutarii rules in a mechanicum army.
So Shapeways just went and fucking died out of nowhere
Amazing how overpriced they were and they still managed to fuck it up
And nothing of value was lost. Every time I was pointed there or something I really wanted was only available there, the cost was so insane that just on principle I refused to buy it.
Thanks homie
Based and redpilled.
I kneel
Eeeeeeeenteresting. Hopefully this means all the stingy cunts will finally start selling STL files. Yes, we know, some people will pirate your shit, who cares if you still make money. People like Pop and Mel insist on cutting off their nose to spite their face, just fucking get over yourselves.
The TS inductii are objectively better then their base troops even with asphyx bolters.
I'm I retarded or are breachers just objective better than tacticals? I've only played a couple 500 point games to get me and my wife a feel for the rules, but they seem to be far better in holding objectives.
Need more data. Summary indicates you both are retarded.
Eh you change out some rules for others.
For example, a Tac marine squad with a Apoth on a objective is an annoying thing for your opponent to deal with, 4+++ is annoying.
Alternatively if you shove a 10 man breacher squad and an apoth onto an objective, a heavy armor 5++ with a 5+++ is also more annoying but its also 55 points more and can take special weapons for points.

So its sort of what you want more.
Breachers basically lose Heart of the legion, but gain a 5++ and rerollable armor saves against templates for 55 more points.
If by more data you mean for what purpose, holding objectives and being a menace to melee units, as I play DA and unless I'm a double retard stormwing makes them hit on 5s for overarching too. Apothecary attached for the fnp it seems like they'd be unmovable once on an objective.

If you mean I'm retarded for poor spelling and grammar, I'm phone posting.
Similar question, why aren't Command Squads with breaching shields used? It just seems like a great upgrade to me.
I don't have the Liber Astartes yet, so I'm trying to piece my rules together with battlescribe, which is not great, so I completely missed they lose HotL so that's made them worse than I initially thought.

Also I haven't posted since the early tens, what the fuck is captcha now jesus.
Sorry, boarding shields
Most people use command squads for melee, where you want either the deep strike and high movement of jump packs, or at least the ability to run to help reposition if on foot. Boarding shields slow you down and cut your number of attacks (unless using mass PF or LC), in exchange for the 5++ and the Heavy benefits *if* your character is also Heavy. I'm debating building some but I have no characters worth sticking them with vs non-shielded guys that can roll with Kharn or whoever without penalizing them.
Command squads are WS5, which means they want to be in melee. Boarding shields make it so units can't claim the bonus attack for multiple weapons which massively cuts their damage output.
Your spelling is fine. I was more interested about what she was attacking Breachers with, that 155 pts of them were better than 1.5 times as many Tacticals
Oooh Stormwing. That has Big Crusade energies
Don't listen to >>93229753 & >>93229952. Command squads are great and their only flaw is a lack of 5++, which apparently regular SA Companions can get.
Boarding shields, which I totally call Breacher Shields half the time, are great for Command Squads that use power fists, which don't get +1A anyways
Horus saw a future where comments were held back by Hiroshi's captcha, and drank the chaos Kool aid to prevent it
>Don't listen to me after I pointed out there's less problems for power fist squads, because there's less problems for power fist squads
Did you even make it to the middle of the post, let alone the end? They're usable, I plan on making some, they're just not *popular* because people see "slow melee squad with impaired attack volume on power weapons" and ignore it. That was the question - why people sleep on them.
She likes orks so we're using a fan codex for hh rules, as >>93229653 just pointed out breachers don't have HotL so I was running them with it, thus my utter confusion why anyone wouldn't just run them instead of tacs.
Yea the prices were a bit ridiculous and that's before getting hit with other fees aside from the printing
they arent popular because poorfags dont want to buy resin shields lmao. rules wise boarding shield command squads are the best command squad by far and are better than most legion specific units
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I think the Basilisk looks better as some sort of assault gun type of vehicle
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Was that not what the Armageddon basilisk was? The SA ones always felt like someone wanted their basilisk and medusa to be more similar to their colossus bombard.
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Finally got the hang of basing these.
Got any tips for good 3d sculptors who make HH items? GW is dragging their ass to an unacceptable level.
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Are any of the novels actually worth reading? I've heard that they're quite mixed in quality.
Most certainly not :^)
I see Artificer command squads as the most power fists that fit the smallest transport space.
To use them with power weapons seems to me like giving power weapons to terminators. Like what's the point.
Know No Fear is pretty good
Betrayer is not bad as well
Personally I liked Mortarion: The Pale King, though if you aren’t into Primarchs it might be a bit of a harder read
The first ~7 five books read like the authors are trying to written a proper science fiction novel, their good quality enough that your reptile brain convinces you that "Hey, this is a real attempt at a sci fi epic, quite comendable for the black library" which reaches its peak at legion

After that all the novels except for maybe the vengeful spirit, talarn and titandeath are in the grey space between average and OK generic bolter porn
>reaches its peak at legion
No way
Of the HH books? There are a few that are worth reading. Overall I'd say at least read the first four.
Horus Rising was good and establishes a baseline for the project. And makes Horus a good and interesting character before seeing his fall.
False Gods wasn't quite as good, but not bad.
Galaxy in Flames was pretty bad, but it at least finishes the story arc of Horus betraying the Emperor and leading to the Isstvan III betrayal.
Flight of the Eisenstein picks up afterwards and isn't really necessary to the plot, but it was just a great book and is worth reading.

Beyond that, there's not too much that I'd say are MUST reads.
Just pick and choose what stories might interest you and good luck if you want to find a lot of them in physical form. GW did do a recent reprint on the first three, so those shouldn't be too hard to find. It took a lot of scouring for me to find Fulgrim (5th book) at a decent price but it was in much worse condition than the seller let on.
I've found one (used!) copy of Master of Mankind for sale near me. And the used book store is asking 130 for it. No, I didn't pay that.
Some you may just have to just get digital or audio books for.
>which reaches its peak at legion
stop trying to gaslight people into thinking it was a good book
>isn't really necessary to the plot, but it was just a great book and is worth reading.
I really don't like how I worded that. It's necessary in that we see how word reaches Terra of Horus' betrayal and advances the story of the Heresy beyond Horus' initial act of treason.
Fulgrim and the next few then step back and follow various characters and legions before Horus' fall and before the Heresy before things finally get back on track in Battle for the Abyss. But then so many books jump around the timeline I can't sit down and make a list without reading the wiki.
1/108 to an unsaved Wound, about 10x less likely than a Wound off MEQ
>Mfw I get gaslit into reading Legion
I really like the idea of super flowery/grassy meadow bases but feel like most of the legion schemes don’t contrast well with it unfortunately, which is a shame since the idea of traitors and loyalists fighting in a picturesque garden world is interesting
I've only read 3 and got lucky on two of them.

Flight of the Eisenstein is just a good, well written, well paced story.
Mechanicum is also good, and well written. I don't remember if the pacing was good or just okay, but the Mechanicum politics and descent into civil war was interesting enough I don't remember any short comings.
Nemesis fell short and the "assembling the team to kill space hitler" was more interesting than the "try to kill space hitler but know they fail because this is year 1 of an 8 year war"
How's the Kratos? Waste of points or actually worth it? Seems like I could take a 3 tanks Predator squadron, or 3 vinidicators with magna laser destroyers for the same points.
They didn't have any other titans themselves, but in the Seige they deployment alongside some other legios who use other titans.
Secutarii pelstats can exchange their galvanic launchers for rad carbines so you can use skitarii vanguard in 30k.
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BASED prairie home companion.
>generic bolter porn
thats the problem, they aren't even that, it's just one retarded side character after another once they lose focus on the captains, who are the only redeeming characters in the series.
>ood luck if you want to find a lot of them in physical form
it's so fucking miserable trying to get the paperbacks after galaxy in flames
I think the kratos excels when you outfit it with all volkite and use it as an infantry bully machine, since most of the time they don’t have any answer to getting shot at by it and just get wiped. It can also be good for taking out pesky HSS teams if you take the flare shield, since at worst you’re only getting glanced as opposed to outright penetrated and exploded.

If you’re looking at it for vehicle hunting/big gun support though, I don’t think it’s worth much use in that department, since there are lots of things that are more efficient for the job.
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Guard can go multiple ways, I take a lot of troops though, nobody ever expects you to actually throw 2000 points of infantry at them.
What other anon said but take the melta instead of the volkite. THe volkite is S7, which makes it not useable in reactions and that defeats the point of it. Sure there's a lot of shots but a meltagun is a lot more consistent for killing anything with 2W as well and even with basic marines

I'd still take 3 predators for the price tho. Cuz their melta is broken
>filthy subhuman mutant
>cries a lot
>absent for most of the Heresy
>died pointlessly
>died like a bitch
>pollutes the imperium with his shitty vampiric offpspring
Sanguinius is an overrated loser. The undisputed best Primarch is, was always, and always will be, Roboute Guilliman.
>Cuz their melta is broken
Ravening Madman should also provide an additional attack, just like it does when you take it as an upgrade on a praetor. That way there'd be at least a bit more benefit to it for the quite heavy drawback it has.
It's 1 less shot than the kratos version but it costs 140p instead of 300p
>Command Squads that use power fists, which don't get +1A anyways
>He doesn't equip his command squad with lightning claw and power fist for 36 power fist attacks on the charge
Baka desu.
It also has twin-linked by default, whilst the kratos melta needs the co-axial autocannon to hit first for the re-roll to hit.
Today I saw my first Porphyrion in person and now I want one.
Armoured Ceramite is gone. What if those tank melta main guns were blast once more?
>Predator magna-melta
36" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (melta), Small Blast (3")
>Kratos Melta blas-tgun
36" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (melta), Blast (5")
Then people would just use them as the replacements for last edition's demolisher cannon vindicators.
>36" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (melta), Blast (5")
why would the kratos have a better template than the fucking typhon?
True. Even if Demolishers & Typhons were returned to full AP2, those meltas would still be too powerful.
What if they were 24" range? Same as a multi-melta, but blast.
For the Kratos, it would be like an AoE Flashburn shell that has less effective range, but can fuck up infantry better, and Blast 5" hits more often than Heavy 1
Why exactly are you trying to change melta weapons? They are meant to be dedicated heavy vehicle and bunker busting weapons, but you seem hell bent on nerfing melta's capability to do that and make them better at eradicating large groups of infantry instead. I don't get it.
bring back armored ceramite
melta is already the best terminator killer it doesnt need to brainlessly wreck vehicles too, shitter.
>melta is already the best terminator killer
>conveniently ignoring thunder hammers, gravis power fists...
Yeah you're so full of shit lmao
Get fucked
They are literally mass-produced objects for holding objectives.
Three reasons:
1. I'm not trying to make it better against infantry. It is a byproduct of trying to make magna-meltas & melta blastguns *worse* against vehicles. As they currently are, they can hit vehicles multiple times. A blast could only hit them once. I just think a Ventator Sicaran / Laser Vindicator shouldn't be worse than a Predator at dedicated tank killing?
2. Now that elite infantry is 2W, melta finds a new niche in killing them
3. The thing has "blast" in its name, yet it's not a blast. Like come on.
>nogames retard thinks you are supposed to fight terminators in melee
>>conveniently ignoring thunder hammers
Doesn't everyone ree at the mention of TH
1. Just make them only have one single shot at that point, if you are so desperate to nerf melta into the ground. Vindicators with laser destroyers are better at killing tanks than a predator at longer ranged, 1 higher strength and ordnance.
2. Why does melta need to start filling that niche when it is not what it meant for in the lore? What is wrong with melta weapons being the supreme close range vehicle killers?
3. Heavy flamers has heavy in its name, yet it is not heavy. Like come on.
Every time I tell people to just shoot terminators dead with lascannons, multi-meltas, scorpius, plasma deredeo and the like I get yelled at for being a dumbass nogames that doesn't kill terminators in melee. Now I only mention melee weapons that are good at killing terminators and apparently that is wrong as well, seriously you people have issues.
Both guns are 3 shots twin-linked
>Laser destroyer
36 + 6 = 42" effective range
S9 Ordnance
Average roll: Str 13.25
36 + 14 = 50" effective range
S8 Heavy 1
Average roll: Str 11.5
>Magna-melta in Armourbane range
18 + 14 = 32" effective range
Average roll: Str 15

The point here is that magna-meltas are not close range, with 32" of effective range. They are a gun that defeats dedicated tank-killers at their own thing
The one thing I didn't enjoy about horus rising was how many references to the future it had
>abaddon leading the justaerin was like some kind of black legion
>i was there the day horus slew the Emperor
>haha lol of course the astartes will never fight each other
>in the far future there will be only war
Idk it was layed on thick in that book especially
Idk, they said the Predator was the big antitank thing and it sounded like they were saying it was too good. Hence me thinking all this shit
You kill terminators with a vat of molten metal, dummy.
it is significantly easier to kill an AV13 predator than a Kratos, flare shield or no

shit you can run up behind a Predator with IW scouts, hit it with their bare hands and 2/3 of the time take the main gun down to Snap Shots; bolters can glance the thing to death, power mauls will wreck it

can't pull that with a Kratos, even fists and hammers can only glance it 1/6 of their hits

cheaper unit costs less, film at eleven
The Armageddon one was a little bit like an elephant had sex with an M107.
Bro you can get two for basically the same price lol. 6 shots vs 4.
The real solution is to buy 4 and force antitank to divide their shots among them idk
MSU target saturation is great and works except when bloody reactions ruin everything and everyone gets to shoot for free multiple times a players turn in all phases, instead of just in one actual shooting phase.
Like, don't have predators shoot Las HSS? It's not like they're going to be Overwatches. Maaaybe an Intercept, but outflanking vehicles is uncommon
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I think I want to use Legionary Thallaxes to make up for my low number of troops. Are they good at holding stuff down or are they better for pushing forwards?
Also I kind of want to give them multilasers.
Predators with magna melta are fine. Yes they can delete vehicles very well, but they're not fool proof. Deploy them in the wrong spot, forget that one enemy unit when moving them, and those predators are gone.
So many fucking lightning bolts to go. Why did I choose NL?
>Why did I choose NL?
Your soul is too weak for kindness?
womp womp goes the Vanquisher waaay over there
>waaay over there
They're literally the same range (but the Predator is more than two times faster)
So, why is it called the horus heresy by people from the time? They were secularists
You tell me how to get OOP models for Battle Fleet Ghothick without paying for the models as if they were made out of gold?
Humans have always liked rhyming and alliterative ways to refer to things.
People named William can go by Bill because it rhymes with Will. Or Richard (in the old days it was pronounced "Rick-ard") can be Rick for short or Dick or in old days, Hick because of rhymes.
Or the "Lance of Longinus" that pieced the side of Christ on the cross wasn't a lance, just a spear. But the lance moniker has stuck because of the alliteration.
Or back to names, comic book names in particular loved alliteration. Peter Parker, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Wally West and so on.
Brands are no different because they're easy to remember. Coca Cola, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, PayPal.

A guy named Horus did something bad. Another thing that's bad that starts with "H" is "heresy." It also helps that Horus and Heresy have an R and S in the same respective places. This is technically more consonance than alliteration, but it's the same sort of "tickling the lizard brain" way to make things easy to remember and why GW did it. But it's perfectly fitting that even in-universe they'd refer to it as a heresy specifically because it was a guy named Horus doing it.
It wasn't. It's a retronym coined after The Scouring. It supplanted the earlier "Horus Betrayery", which never really took.
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One does not need to have sex with americans to achive perfection of shape. Just like the korean K21 IFV CBRN Recon II K227A1 is perfect rhino kit, with more parts, no crazy sized weapons at 1/3ed of the cost.
Etsy, Soulforge, that free STL BFG starter pack. You can't really get OOP without paying retarded prices, but you can get very good minis without paying like a prick.

Here's a mix of proonted, metal and plastic ships and they all match quite nicely. (Sorry for shit quality.)
yeah with Etsy assuming their deliver to your country the transport costs as much as the models, and then customs hits them with a 22% import tax for toys.

The ships look nice. I see no shit quality. A regular normal picture.
Where are you based anon?
Hmm. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Kpg6ZuDmFc5axXa6sUBiJrQiFuZIlbAu Best I can do for you buddy.
Because the Horus Hiccup doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
Should I do SoH or DG? New player wanting to go to events in future.
Depends on what you like. DG are a lot more forgiving for new players, because your whole army can move and shoot freely. That way you don't have to think too much about deployment and positioning.
But the most important question is: which of the two legions do you think is the most cool, and what kind of play style would you like?
Heresy isn't necessarily used in a religious context, it can just mean something contrary to orthodoxy. Erebus made Horus believe in higher powers, contrary to the teachings of the Imperial Truth.
Sons of Horus are a melee focused army. Their LA trait makes them more durable on the first round of combat, hitting a vital break point that means they're immune to Instant Death from power fists and thunder hammers. In practical terms that means their elite units, veterans and terminators, have twice the wounds other armies would.

Death Guard are a ranged army. Their LA trait means that all of your infantry and vehicles can both move and shoot without restrictions, which heavily encourages bringing big guns and walking up the board. It allows a surprising amount of flexibility, since the guys that would normally be hiding in your deployment zone are free to keep moving around and respond to threats in ways other armies can't.

You can obviously make a ranged SoH force, or a melee DG force, contrary to their LA traits. There's nothing stopping you, this is just a rough outline.
Had a day with my mates where in 8 hours we tried to paint our spartans, from a prime undercoat starting point.

None of us finished haha
Got any other tank recommendations?
Thinking of bringing some ordo reductor tanks in an allied mech detachment to bring some firepower.
As i understand it they are supposed to just be any type of generic artillery tank.
>are they good at holding down stuff or are they better pushing forwards
neither, they are a hit and run unit that would be a fast attack unit in any other army. They die in melee so they have to hold back from objectives and shoot marines off them.
Which one is yours?
And did the SOH player know they became the ”black legion” after the heresy?
Mine is the SoH one, but it had an oil wash on it before the pictures. So its alot darker than it should have been if that makes sense.

Here is a pic of my normal "green"
Makes sense
File: china.jpg (7 KB, 261x193)
7 KB
Nice dsl
which of those is the Vanquisher that's womp-womping the Predators, anon
Large blast melta profile on a tank that costs 140p would basically make infantry pointless. I think 3 twin linked shots is already pretty good as it is

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