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Jungle Fighters Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What are your thoughts on iconic Catachan characters like Iron Hand Straken and Sly Marbo, why aren't other characters as cool?
Iron Hands are all retards.
No exceptions.
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Good afternoon, everyone.

Take a look at this collection of various creatures from the fantasy setting. If you had to choose one, which one would you add into 40K?
>character called Iron Hand
>is not an Iron Hand
Fucked up.
you didn't read the question
I'd have the buff lizard dudes on the bottom.
I'd roll them into Dork Eldar so they actually have a unit that isn't made of cardboard and napkins.
I think there are already giant abhumans somewhere in the lore. Some of the warp touched beasts could easily be chaos spawn in the 40k setting as well though.
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Brother, I am pinned here
No exceptions.
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They'll get 40K rules right? They're even in plastic now!
Hellpit Abom for AdMech and Chaos.

Ogre Wizz n Hypno-Cat for TS.
>genestealer ambush, circa 020.M3, colorized
Just make up your own headcannon rules for a narrative game. Or just proxy them as something else.
Toys are meant to be played with
Whatever do you mean? You've got two Kastelans in there, a bigger Skorpius, and 20 Skitarii. What more do you want?

Thallaxi? Never heard of those.
>it took a swarm of 13 World Eaters to take down a Custodes in HH
I'm curious, what are some other mentions of how many Chaos Marines did it take to take down a Custodes in an open fight, particularly post heresy? Can CSM of any rank even take on Custodes in 1v1 without being a named character without plot armor?

What would it take to take down a regular generic Custodes in an even fight fluff-wise, a Chosen at minimum? A Chaos Terminator? Or perhaps a Chaos Lord?
When are they gonna preview the KT already? All the other guard stuff got shown off there first. I just want my team of Predator dudes and Vasquezes.
>the Trooper version of chaos space marines are now a highly customizable and versatile unit with a lot of options
>chosen are now just a power weapon melee unit
What happened to this codex guys?
He has an iron hand though.
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there's only one correct answer
The rest of the IG characters aren’t based off of action movie stars and characters. Therefore they will never be as cool.
You didn't understand his joke
Argel Tal and his gang killed some Custodes, so (greater) possessed can do it.
Apparently that one Blackshields guy (WE) killed one, and some died during Outcast Dead.
Is there any weapon or unit in dark eldar that would have lightning effects?
And an iron nipple.
Not really unless you want to go full Frankenstein's Monster with a grotesque squad or pain engine.
Where is the 40k roadmap? Did it update yet?
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can't get doxed when you don't post models to any social media
>implying I have any social media accounts
>WEF UN bitches wont mindrape me
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I've done image searches on all my models with 0 results leading back to me so I should be safe.
>55 replies
>1 unique poster
No one gives a fuck about Iron Hands
Mindstealer Sphinx for TSons
Trolls/Troggoths for Orks
Spirit of the Mountain for CWE
>what happened
Chosen got a lot of traction being run with a chaos lord in transports so got hit with the nerf hammer which sucked all the fun out of them. Legionnaires got pushed so they sell more of the kill team box over the standard box.
>somebody asks why the schizo is obsessed with ben
>Schizo starts spamming about how everything bad in the thread is been
Every time
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I’m sure one day I’ll be tracked down and murdered over my schizophrenic basing schemes or shit paint jobs. But I don’t do social media either outside of closed LGS discords and stuff.
dont forget how you post multiple times per week from youre lgs
It would be weird if he didn’t though.
Do we have a political alignment chart for all the factions and their player base? I think I've seen one or two in the thread before but can't recall.
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That too. But I also post from multiple LGS. Tbf I’ve had folks from here message me and even play games a couple times. But I think the anxiety of seeing other 4chan people gets the better of them and they usually scamper off or I’m not what they hoped/expected.
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if you're ever on the west coast for an event or something and wanna play lmk sallyanon
Why do you need one?
Personal reasons and because I like to see people bicker over whether the Imperium is fascist or not.
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‘Prec. But I haven’t been to cali since like 2014. And it’s a lot more expensive nowadays.
If you’re gonna post it, just post it, don’t act like someone wants to see your hyper specific meme that isn’t funny again.
I had someone notice the game store name on my objective markers and comment about its location once, but I didn't think it was anything other than playful joking about an unintentional slip. I'm not worried about it, but I know some people here are intensely protective of their private information.
You forgot the NTA my brother.
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objective markers with club names are so ugly that the only logical reason to be using them is to confuse schizodoxxers
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How were the games you did get in with people from here?
The most interaction I've gotten from this site irl was someone replying to me saying they recognized the terrain and models from my picture, and said "nice to see one of the locals here. Always a treat to play against you" or something similar. I have no clue which person at my LGS it was, if it was real.
>Trolls/Troggoths for Orks
That doesn't make sense
You're right of course. Didn't mean to imply I was Sallyanon. My models are much more clumsily painted and my dudes lore only half as autisticly documented.

As an aside I have noticed passively though that there are a weirdly large number of posters from Florida, USA here.
East coasters are gamers. Nothing else to do.
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Mostly fine. I’m pretty sure one is just a lurker here and runs mostly grey tide. The other one had some really nice looking loyalist Knights. There’s a third who I told to hit me up when he had enough minis for an actual game but I never heard from him after that.
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The scale creep pisses me off to no end, why the fuck did they have to make Primaris and especially their Dreads so fucking huge???
They’re canonically taller…
why do you keep posting this
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>If you had to choose one, which one would you add into 40K?
None of them.
All of these look like shit and don't belong in 40k.
Primaris have always been taller than CSM.
The Dreads bother me more than the infantry. They're so stupidly huge that nothing can really proxy them properly and they just take up a ton of space both to transport and in game. The kits are total ass to build too.
>too big
Get more shelf space and a bigger case.
>The kits are total ass to build too.
Skill issue.
Get better at miniature bulding.
>The kits are total ass to build too.
the only part I had trouble with was the arms
isnt the frog on the floating chair already the guy that invented the 40 universe
>As an aside I have noticed passively though that there are a weirdly large number of posters from Florida, USA here.
I have yet to see another Midwest poster. You'd think that when the only alternative is cheese and corn there would be more tabletop gamers.
Any of you nice people got a pdf of the WE codex from 9th that you can throw my way?
I'm in montana does that count
Attention Space Wolf player:

EBay has old metal dreadnaughts for SW and for some reason they’re less than half the cost of the others.
Could Shadow the Hedgehog beat Sly Marbo?
Because I'm still mad about it.
Yeah, but for what fucking purpose.
We're supposed to be bigger and stronger.
Yeah, I wasn't bothered as much until I saw it compared to a Hellbrute, absolutely fucking retarded.
It makes Wardogs look fucking tiny.
I have a buddy in Montana. He fucking hates Warhammer and smokes a shitload of weed.
Close enough I guess.
Does Shadow get his pump action SMG?
Sly Marbo killed Maria
>Yeah, but for what fucking purpose.
To make it accurate
>We're supposed to be bigger and stronger.
No, CSM are inferior firstborn, they are shorter and weaker than primaris.
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Sorry anon. Don't seem to have it anymore.
Have some Angron to tide you over
>We're supposed to be bigger and stronger.
never been the case, csm always were worse off because their gear couldnt be maintained
this isn't WHF where slaves of chaos are hulking super soldiers compared to their equivalents
We are here. I even had a dude call me out because he recognized a terrain piece specific to a local shop.

The biggest threat to my anonymity here is the fact that I appeared twice on a sub-500 average views battle report YT, playing an army many regular posters would probably recognize.
>We're supposed to be bigger and stronger.
fucking what
oh fuck i absolutely have to see this army now. got at least 1 model pic? I promise i won't swat you
don't believe him, Anon. He's coming for you
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Roadmap when?
July 14th, at the Tacoma event
reminder that The Emperor was entirely justified in wanting to "retire" the marines when the crusade was over, the marines aren't human and all non-human sentient life needs to die for mankind to prosper, simple as.
>We astartes are NOT human, mortals are weaklings and inferiors
>WTF, how could the Emperor of Humanity do this! Why would he cull us! We're better than the thunder warriors!
>Why is he treating us like a bunch of mindless xenos beasts in need of a purge, we're His Angels!
"Tacoma Event" makes it sound extinction level
>weirdly large number of posters from Florida, USA here
add another. I don’t post my minis here cause I know some people that probably post here and I’d get made immediately.
with the smell from that many warhammer trannies in one place it very well might be
who do we think is next?
>0.5 of a mm difference
Power armour cultists are fucking insane
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just kidding I live in nowheresville and can't be doxxed
Agents, both Knights, Blood Angels
nice try Rich but i know its you
Grim imperisloppa times
If you play in tournaments, there's a big contingent of central Florida players that travel around the state to a bunch of different shops for various events so there's a lot of exchange of players all throughout the state. There's also tons of big competitive players up north more who go nationwide.
yes yes don't worry xenotroon you'll get your equal attention cake soon enough
knife ears this winter
>The scale creep
i have always wanted this white metal demon prince but honestly its so fuckin tiny these days
look at that 60mm base
I wish BA would be soon. The legion stuff dark angels got was pretty kick ass.
you'd be closer calling me Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Did a huge number of posts just get deleted for some reason?
Wisconsin or Illinois pole decent?
not sure what's the problem here
I dont but we get a lot of tourney players in my LGS that move around a lot. yall are cool, in fact i dont think ive met a bad FL player
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.
It would appear your offtopic posts were in fact removed.
This thing has actually remained similar to other non-winged Daemon Princes in size. The ACTUAL model that has been rather miserably scale crept is the old winged plastic Daemon Prince; the new plastic one has a way bigger wing profile.
the schizo got pissed at getting called out and asked jannies for help
If that's a 60mm base it's pretty huge actually
Keep posts on topic and be less sour.
my bad i ment to write 40mm base
You guys think the Codex's for the next roadmap have 10.5th edition in mind? Or have they already gone to printers
Just put that nigga on a 60mm and he’ll fit right in with the new guys
Xenos have gotten a huge number of codexes already this edition. 5 out of 11 total codexes released so far. I would say they're not exactly hurting for attention.
>jannoids are at the beck and call of an esl spastic that ruins threads
tg is truly the worst board
no you don't understand my boring space elves haven't gotten theirs yet so nothing else matters
Well, wouldn't Pariah Nexus needed to have gone to the printers by a significant lead time as well? Probably not as much as a full codex book takes, but they obviously needed to issue errata for the deck day one so that shows that they have been done writing them for at least a couple months.
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With the old one you could run the brood brothers kill team with him as the patriarch
>add left's wing to the right
>basically the same size
just gotta stroke their dicks on IRC a little
>>jannoids are at the beck and call of an esl spastic that ruins threads
Well it's no surprise.
Our resident shitposter is a fag that saves gay bara primarch porn on his phone.
He probably does some fag shit for the mods so they'll favor him.
This image is digital lies, picrelated >>93228653 is actual truth
>Nooo my offtopic posts got deleted the jannies are in an evil cabal nooo
I will say it is startling that Marines have only gotten one of their supplement chapters released so far. Normally they crank those bad boys out asap because they know that those all make people buy more of the new marine models while they are still new and exciting.
Of course they’ve already gone to the printer. Index cards and codexes are a scam.
lol, get deleted faggot.
The old daemonprince is on a tactical rock in your linked image.
The base is slightly elevated.
Everyone knows you reported them because you have a fragile ego.
Bruh there is literal photo evidence above your post that they’ve got similar physical profiles
James' obsession with standing on rocks instead of hiding behind them is just fucking weird
NTA but I will say the tactical rock is doing a lot of work on the right base. They are still pretty similar though.
>but for what fucking purpose.
to net the children and manchildren
the new one's on an even bigger tactical rock
this isn't bolt action, taking cover is for boring faggots
He is also far more hunched while the other image is standing more straight. The sizes and mass is similar enough
I mean the skulls are pretty well organized so I saw it as like a ritual stone he was on. I am but one anon though.
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I think the Vindicaire is the only one I have ever seen using cover. Makes sense for assassins though.
A lot of people make bunkers and sand bag pits for their guardsmen weapon teams too though.
I never been to an LGS bros
Does it actually stink?
He's still reeling over having 3 of his threads deleted in a row yesterday
Old one is giving the illusion of being shorter because he’s bending his legs way more than the new one who’s standing straighter. Even so, the sword and backpack give him enough height to make him similar to the new ones so long as they’re not winged. I’m speaking as someone who has both built.
only if they have a sizeable MTG playerbase
Depends how recently MTG night was. Those guys have absolutely no self-regulation.
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on top of the tactical rock, you're also forgetting that those are 3 different models.
minicompare is dogshit that says eightbound are taller than gravis and terminators, don't trust that site
Do it again.
The right two are the same kit with different options on them. You can tell by the identical pose, just with a slight rotation of the base.
If you cut up the leftmost one and convert him to stand more upright he would be the same size as the others
Bro I am telling you I have the models, and their profiles are similar, whatever you’re doing as comparison is not working
Yeah but we have that chaos juice and gifts, we're supposed to be bigger, physically and mentally.
Cool model, but personally I find the new one to make it justice.
Plus working with metal must be a bitch.
You should still go for it if it has some sentimental value to you, it'll make a nice collection piece if nothing else.
Wargaming nerds are one of the better groups of nerds because they need to have a certain level of income and social interaction to play wargames.
Like the other guys have said, MTG players will stink up the store FAR faster than any Warhammer night. It takes around 1-2 MTG players to get to the level of around 10-12 Warhammer players in the same crowded room.
But don't get me wrong, sometimes there can be a stinky Warhammer player. They're much rarer though.

In any case if your LGS is worth it's salt they should have a body odor policy.
>we're supposed to be bigger, physically and mentally.
only certain stock like berzerkers and death guard
>Yeah but we have that chaos juice and gifts, we're supposed to be bigger, physically and mentally.
That has never been the case.
You're "daddy issues" the faction.
You're inferior even mentally.
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mine has the gaming space located underground, very roomy and it echoes there
there is no air conditioning and the only bathroom is in the corner of said room
what im trying to convey here is that it always stinks into high heaven there and every time someone goes to take a shit the whole room echoes with his farts ans everyone laughs
God you're pathetic.
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This is where the PVA glue comes in handy
What's the matter fella?
Bad at making threads?
>that those are 3 different models.
The right 2 are the same kit, ninny
40k crowd is generally cleaner a lot of them have jobs and wives
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Describe the smell
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Seems like they're huge.
Where is it? What’s it called? Is it even real or just bullshit?
Why do you ask? Planning to go drop a Fat Boy into the toilet?
We know if we're gonna get any new sculpts for Agents of Imperium or is it exclusively a round-up of previous stuff?
They promised a new sculpt for every release, don't see why not.
They only have a codex release so they can cut all the resin in one go anyways
primaris deathwatch and new grey knights
>the only bathroom is in the corner of said room
Midgame show?
They did say that all codexes are going to get model/s alongside their codex.

At worst you will get like only 1 new model for the Agents of the Imperium codex.
And rest you have to then compile from the previous stuff they have made and released.
Technically he's right, primaris have been created specifically to bridge the gap that the primarch saw between loyalist marines and the chaos-infused traitors

but the reason why the posterboy heroes are bigger and stronger than their foes has nothing to do with fluff and everything to do with marketing
>new grey knights
Hope they're in new HH scale instead of weird psuedo-primaris things
He means height, and the levi terminators are taller
If you painted his sword hilt a pinky purple it would look like he's jerkin' it.
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Thoughts on Tzaangor Shamans?
11 loyalist dark angels kill 1 custodes in the Cypher book.

However they have a librarian and 2 heavy weapons. The custodes kills 9 out of 11 of them though.
I think they are pretty cool and chaos mutants are underrepresented.
Where do you check for lists and where can I look for 1000 point lists for GSC?
tzaangors with chainswords and pistols are one thing

tzaangors with shields, bows, discs and staffs are not
which book was this? i see it quoted a lot I couldnt find it though
looks like his pecker is out
Tabletop gamers truly are scum, the lowest of the low
I hope its a dedicated dw kit, rather than just a intercessor upgrade sprue.
I use http://armylists.rmz.gs/

99% of it is going to be 2k though, that's the standard. May be able to filter it on BCP through the name but you'll need a sub to view the lists
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sorry the LGS laughed at you shitting loudly
Samefag less.
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>Tabletop gamers truly are scum, the lowest of the low
We know already. Please move on.
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What's the most "Wizardry" chapter among the Loyalist Adeptus?

Like, who are the Thousand Son equivalents among the Imperium?
blood ravens are loyalist Tsons
grey knights you fucking retardus
Blood Ravens
Blood Angels
They're also the best fighters
and the best artists
and the most beautiful
and have the strongest chapter master
Cypher lord of the fallen. It happens last 2 or 3 chapters. The emperor also resurrects the custodes to personally tell cypher hes busy but he'll talk later. I kid you not.
oh look the guy seething over blood angels is back
always here bitch
Maybe some chaos mechanical spiders would be cool but they’ll never make chaos admech.
Really? They don't strike me as Wizards
They have an unusually high percentage of psykers and are heavily implied to actually have thousand sons geneseed
Theres prob a dark angel successor chapter where 1 in 20 is a librarian.
There's that one story where eldar harlequins run around the imperial palace and off a fair number of them. IIRC the author fucked with the whinners by pretending he didn't know the difference between custodes and marines.
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Loyalist bros... You're not really going to pay for pallet swaps of your Primaris Ultramarines in a videogame, are you?
You're not really going to grind out a battle pass just to unlock individual pieces of MkVI armor cosmetics, are you?
Ben, take it back to /pol.
In fairness, aren't Harlequins to normal Eldar like Custodes are to normal Space Marines? Ultra elite killers?
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Dark Angels for Progenitors, Grey Knights for Successors.
Yeah. I think the only ones that top the eldar food chain above a harlie are legit Chaos Eldar.
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>Author is a petty fag on purpose
>Eldarfags will literally never let anyone forget it
No. Eldar of all kinds have nothing on the level of Custodes.
>Loser has to shit in front of everyone else
>Winner gets to shit in front of everyone else
Which is it
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Shapeways just went and fucking died out of nowhere
Amazing how overpriced they were and they still managed to fuck it up
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>legit Chaos Eldar
Let's not start that argument yet again.
>nobody clapping
must be diarrhea
>Chaos Eldar
All three of them?
I think you could make the argument that some of the Phoenix Lords are on par with a Custodes. But comparing characters with plot power to nameless tanks of a faction are always iffy.
They look unimpressed with his performance
Your post is so hilariously wrong that I'm not sure where to start responding to it.
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I was hoping using that qualifier would avoid that discussion.. here's my kitbashed asurman I put together a week before the rumors of the new plastic one broke.
Which chapter's initiation ritual is this?
imp fists
The most touted Phoenix Lord got killed by a ragtag group of Night Lords. A lone Custoded would beat the shit out of every Phoenix Lord at once.
>legit Chaos Eldar.
Those don't exist, retard.
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The Council of Nikaea is probably the worst part of the Heresy for me. I mean, barely disguised religious undertone aside, the Emperor was just standing there in silence watching the very obvious politicking of his legions as his sons drifted further apart as the cracks started to show. It feels like GW needed to have an Ecclesiarchy moment in 30k before the Ecclesiarchy existed and just shoehorned this in. Also, my boy Magnus got done dirty for no reason.
>Most touted Phoenix Lord
>Jain Zar
Lel oh el
Nah, they’re definitely around for that exact reason. Hell, gencon takes place in the midwest for a reason. I will say that the tabletop scene out there is far more accessible that the bigger city I moved to. I actually kind of miss the experience, was a lot easier to meet people and pick up games.

>t. used to work near Indy
>Get off the pain glove, brother. You've been hogging it all afternoon.
Sure, I bet they fuck. In any case they're to "precious" to waste in realspace, so I doubt they'll make a big show.
The council of Nike and Ikea, what a retarded name.
Isn't it implied in Fantasy that Belakor was an elf before his ascension?
They were arguing over whether to buy sneakers or CD racks
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Based on GW's track record of eldar writing I'd agree. But if the new spider pheonix lord is true, I bet she fucks.
And the edict was thrown in the trash bin almost as soon as it ended. It's shit
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a retard with a hammer.
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40K needs more bald Mamacitas.
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Thoughts on which BA scheme I should choose? Thinking Flesh Tearers
It's because GW writers are just bad writers.
Lot of shit that happens in the HH series only happens because the writers rail road the characters and events into making it happen.

Like Lorgar turning traitor is a perfect example.
If he had such a huge need to prostrate himself and pray to god everyday he could've just converted into the Cult of the Machine. That'd actually be interesting.
Another is burning of Prospero, it only happens because Leman doesn't question at all why Horus is suddenly giving him contradictatory orders compared to the Emperor, his father.
Emps literally told Russ to go get Magnus and drag his ass back to Terra and that is it, Horus is the one that tells Russ "Oh ye, you should kill Magnus."
But Russ never questions this.

Council of Nikea is just one more example, it only really exists just so they can shoehorn in a reference to a prominent event that happened IRL.
You see all these replies mentioning mtg players? It’s not an exaggeration, they actually noticeably smell worse than other customers. It’s to the point where you can always smell when mtg nights are going on.
of those I like the left right and lamenters the best
Still rent free, huh
She's the only one to have gotten a box set.
Fair. I will say that once I found the scene in my town it was probably the best and nicest group of guys I'd ever seen or heard of. The rumor that the midwest is the nicest place in the US is very true.
I am so fucking glad that my warhammer scene moved stores away from the MTG-focused store. it was so fucking bad i considered quitting warhammer as a game until they moved stores because i couldn't stand to be in that store with those fatasses. The store we're at now is thankfully focused on wargaming and other misc board games.
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I'm sure there are inconsistencies from it being handled by a single person, but it doesn't seem off to me. The power pack on eightbound does jut out pretty far and that might contribute to them looking so big when flat?
We returned to 5th edition.
You do know the council of Nicaea was a real thing, yes?
Flesh Tearers look nice, though I think your Lamenter would have benefited from coloring in the pauldron trim.
How can Eightballs even compete?
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Yeah, the Swedes made a real bloodbath that eventually culminated in the creation of the Ikea conglomerate on February 23rd 1986.
How could I forget?
those look just as bad
>11 guys including librarian and 2 heavy
Ok, that's a bit much even for a Custodes.
>The rumor that the midwest is the nicest place in the US is very true
Well, yes, but there are also a lot of meth heads and unironic racists out there of the stereotypical hick flavor.
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I just dont like them, bloody vampire trope trash.
rent free
Its hardly "rent free" if someone else brought it up.
oh well yeah but aside from those guys of course. it's like grandpa who keeps showing up to the family reunions asking why your sister is dating a nog and then storms off after 3 hours of heated debate about eugenics. It ruins your evening, but you end up having a great time anyway.
>grey knights you fucking retardus
Grey Knights are not a chapter.
That's like calling Custodettes space marines.
>Meth heads, hocks, and racists
You win some you lose some.
oh gee i'm sorry that fucking space marines aren't classified as fucking space marines somehow.
grey knights are a fucking joke anyway
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I wish there was more of an Eccliasiarchy faction beyond Sisters of Battle, I love all that mad psychotic priest bullshit.
>Chaos Eldar.
Why do I feel like I've been seeing this more frequently lately
Practically the same thing in both cases.
>Lorgar turning traitor
I actually enjoyed seeing him turn traitor. He was the only heretical primarch who had a clue as to where the corruption of humanity was leading.
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I like going to the LGS and learning the game by asking people around for rules but me and my buddy have only combat patrol boxes so we play that (only once so far, CSM & GSC), and getting to the LGS might be an issue. Since we live real close, what might be some terrain features to play smaller games at home. I came across this guy's video and seems like an easy project to do for smaller games.
Why does stating facts make you so mad
There was one guy trying to ask about any possible snippet of lore for chaos Eldar because he wanted to convert some of them as cultists for his Slaanesh-aligned chaos warband. He was asking about it a lot for a couple of days. Once he realized it's not really supported by the lore he seemingly lost interest in the idea though.
>Grey Knights are not a chapter.
Literally chapter number 666 since Second Founding.
They are specifically the 666th Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.
Why are you squishing your models with your hamfists
>he wanted to convert some of them as cultists for his Slaanesh-aligned chaos warband.
That sounds incredibly stupid.
these are some of GWs worst minis.
Let me guess, you also consider Space Wolves and Dark Angels as chapter?
Point to any of the codexes where it says that SW and DA aren't chapters.
What the fuck in your mind is a chapter when chapters literally called chapters in the lore are not chapters?
lol not even close
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Nobody tell anon even Legions had chapters in them.
That half colour is sick looking, but they’re all pretty good.
All that samefagging a fake story to lead to this…
Pff, one of the Cain novels has a whole slaneshi eldar pleasure cult trying to fuck him. Ignorant people gonna be loud tho.
I prefer the not-backpack of the old one, the wings are too generic.
>Emps literally told Russ to go get Magnus and drag his ass back to Terra and that is it, Horus is the one that tells Russ "Oh ye, you should kill Magnus."

You seem to forget Valdors role there.
you're the one nonstop seething over the best marines
i have told that same story here for almost a decade since they moved into that new location
you can build the new one with backpack too, there are both options in the kit.
Flesh Tearers, revaluate edge highlighting, and mix the red with yellow not white.
Also kitbash an Outrider with a Seraphon mount for an updated "Space Marine on Riding Lizard".
>best marines
>into the Cult of the Machine. That'd actually be interesting.

Lorgar cares about religion, not machines.

>Leman doesn't question at all
He is literally the executioner, he actually WANTS to do this, because he hates psykers, so the change of plans coming from Horus not only is aceptable for him due to Horus being the Warmaster (i.e. speaking in the Emperors Name), but also because killing Magnus is the outcome he himself prefers.
And the whole insanity involving Kasper Hawser. Plus that Magnus was consciously trying to get his planet invaded and his legion wiped out.
>Pff, one of the Cain novels has a whole slaneshi eldar pleasure cult trying to fuck him
That wasn't an Eldar cult.
Is there an army where I dont have to care about characters leading squads and im not punished for putting units in tactically advantageous positions because they're not in range of an aura?
you doin okay there schizo?
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I'm pretty sure that retard even went and bought AoS models to try and pass them off as something. That or some ugly proxies.
Who else hopes the next codex is Emperor's Children?
I want to see what theyre gonna do with noise marines
they aren't getting a codex lil bro
TQ - Cool as fuggg. Great sculpts too.
Mental illness
This is

so sad
How does the size comparison fare with the backpack then?
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Warhammer 10th edition is extra low quality because you cant do that.
This is 100% true. Keep fighting the good fight anon.
>He is literally the executioner, he actually WANTS to do this, because he hates psykers
Should then start with his own runepriests then.
And no, Horus isn't the voice of the Emperor.

Leman is a retard.
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It's more of a salmonella color
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who knows
>Should then start with his own runepriests then.
>Leman is a retard

Absolutely, and the books made this pretty much clear. But he, like the others, is made that way on purpose.

>And no, Horus isn't the voice of the Emperor
Voice of the Emperor is too much, but he has the Authority in his absence, and since Valdor did not object (because he also actually wanted to kill Magnus, rather than capture him), they found these new orders very agreeable.
>Once he realized it's not really supported by the lore he seemingly lost interest in the idea though.
I realized it was me being stupid trying to justify bad knee-jerk purchases and that most people would probably be more annoyed or even insulted by the idea when I put it to practice.
Whateves, aside from all the mentions in the fluff (abominations, degenerative eldar, etc), Gav Thorpe talks about how small segments of eldar give themselves over to chaos and would like to see them represented in kill team or blackstone fortress. 2nd ed mentions the crone world chaos eldar being "amongst their most powerful champions". Blah blah.
Gav is a retard and 2nd edition isn't canon any more.
>Voice of the Emperor is too much, but he has the Authority in his absence, and since Valdor did not object (because he also actually wanted to kill Magnus, rather than capture him), they found these new orders very agreeable.
>custodian is disobeying Emperor's direct orders
This is also fucking retarded.
Valdor is also making an army of cloned blank sanguinius marines in a pkcet dimension, so we can get more retarded where he's concerned
Yes, well done.
Plenty of fluff examples of chaos eldar even if you don't look at the old fluff with the crone worlders. The inqusitor in the Altlas book come across a community living in the eye of terror that barters old tech, there's also mutated variety. Fabius even wants to study a specific kind that are the most stable. Homonculi routinely make deamon hosts from eldar that produce super smiley demonets. Don't let the holier than tho morons online dissuade you from modeling shit you enjoy.
>if i dont like it, it's not cannon! Reeee
Sure thing, kid.
europe going to sleep
thread slowly dying down
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Canadians here to bring the fight!
Let's go canucks!
Wait, what is the last one?
You got a source on Dark Eldar Haemonculus making Daemonhosts regularly and not just one isolated incident?
At least that is supposed to be after thousands of years since the Heresy.
Not during the actual HH times itself when he is supposedly still loyal to the Emperor.
is it true that half of you speak french there
do you have to learn it in school too or do you have some weird eskimo sign languake to make due
Mid-atlantic bros rise up. Cargo ship gang
Fuck heard it from utuber. I think he gave sources for his musings tho. Search the chaos eldar vid from Live from the black library.
Hey Quads
Only one of the provinces actively speaks a broken type of French
We in the other Provinces need to take a mandatory French class from Grade 2 or 3 until Grade 10.
No one does well in this class and no one cares, because Canada is comprised of immigrants who are already speaking another language besides English at home and don't give a shit about french
I don't see the issue here

custodes aren't invincible
Yeah but their primarch is dead lmao
Cackling abomination
The creature that remained was a perverted horror, forever trapped in realspace—the very first Cackling Abomination. These twisted monstrosities look like nothing so much as contorted and stretched Eldar, their distended arms ending in long-fingered hands, tipped with slashing talons.

The Cackling Abomination seeks only to spread its madness, which seeps from it like a foul odour. Its face drawn tightly into a terrifying jester’s gin, the beast creeps with eerie silence, seeking to surprise and subdue its foes, not kill them outright. Once it has its victims secure, the beast cavorts madly, cackling with insane glee as it performs horrific torments upon them"
There are a bunch of Los Angeles anons based on when someone new was looking for an LGS in the area.
Most UK people learn German or French in school.
>chaos Eldar
Slaaneshi eldar seems logical
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That's a good thing
>Most UK people are taught German or French in school.
Most UK people attend German or French class in school. But they don't learn.
Ah yes, the fuck around class
i can relate because in Finland we still have to learn Swedish since middle school but honestly nobody really gives a crap and to my knowledge its only spoken in one city in the whole country
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Seethin' over the BAchads again?
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About the only good thing about the Blood Angels in my opinion, all Primarchs should have stayed dead, a relic of a better past, it makes for a better story.
>it makes for a better story.
40k isn't a story.
It's a setting, primarchs being alive doesn't change that.
No it doesn't. Slaanesh would instantly devour them.
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Nah for me the fuck around class was Religious Education class and Latin class. Why the fuck some mad bastard thought we needed to learn Latin in boarding school I'll never know.
Whats worse is that the Latin stuck in my head more than the French, how fucking useless is that?
Semantics, I prefer them all being dead.
What your source for Slaneesh "instantly" devouring them?
Loved RE. Half the time she had us do "Meditation" so we got to take a nap lmao
>hundreds of books in GW's black library
"40k iSnT a StOrY"

Ive never seen someone so incredibly, incredibly retarded. You should be studied so scientists can examine your brain and submit it to the guinness book of world records for lowest IQ discovered by man
The irony being that this very meme admits that they're mary sues
Sanguinius is the real Spiritual Liege
>only 9 survived
>the rest were either killed (1) or fled
So, 17 survived.
Old world academics used Latin to gatekeep peasantry from higher learning, then it was used as an excuse to charge more (see american healthcare).
Those are stories set in the 40K setting.
40K itself isn't a story.
I'm not following your math on that one
>>hundreds of books in GW's black library
>"40k iSnT a StOrY"
It isn't.
They are stories that take place within 40k. 40k itself isn't a story, it is just a setting with a wargame attached for /yourdudes/
And I prefer them being alive, because it's more fun.
>The irony being that this very meme admits that they're mary sues
They are superior, why would superior beings need to feel bad about the fact they mog everyone else just by existing?
The fact no "Chaos Eldar" have ever been mentioned as actually existing.
The simple fucking logic is that the concepts of restraint, patience, or moderation are the literal opposite of Slaanesh. If Eldar offered go worship him he'd immediately pounce on them to get their souls, because Eldar souls are Slaanesh's favorite snack and they're being freely offered.
Unfortunately for us it was an absolute bible thumper, and alternative religions to good old Church of England Protestantism were absolutely not part of the curriculum. Mediation? The teacher, Dr Nicholson, would have considered that sort of thing "day-dreaming".
He was a right old bastard.
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Thats like saying Halo isn't a story. Its a collection of stories told in the Halo setting.

I know you're too stupid to understand how stupid you are, so im just gonna post models at you, retard.
Nu-lore slop. They all died. Just accept it. Anything else is imperial propaganda. : )
>The fact no "Chaos Eldar" have ever been mentioned as actually existing.
But they have, you just pretend the sources are not canon for some reason.
20 primarchs - 2 missing - 1 dead = 17.
>all primarchs are dead
That is purely just Imperial propaganda since half of the primarchs went traitor and became daemons that are now hellbent on raping the Imperium.
He's counting the traitors being alive.
I hate tyranids battleline units. Gaunts/gants/goyles all look stupid and shitty.
>Thats like saying Halo isn't a story.
It isn't, it's a game with a story inside it.
>because it's more fun.
Whats "fun" about it exactly? Any of their roles could have been filled by new characters, instead of GW resurrecting the dead. Its just not for me.
No it's not because Halo has a clear easily followed main plot.
Name a single Chaos Eldar character.
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Ok retard
what part of them specifically?
>>Nu-lore slop. They all died. just accept it
>passive aggresive
>hint of butthurt
>don't question me or disagree with me
You sound like a leftist.
>Nu-lore slop.
It literally says in >>93230098 that the rest either died (naming only Horus) or fled to the Eye of Terror. How is that not surviving? They could've died later, sure, but on what logic do they not count as surviving the Heresy?
Literal examples of books, refrences to older editions, author's word of gid have been given in this very thread. You are an imbecile.
dont tell me they made nu-gargoyles
i mean 2 previous versions vere really bad but did they make them even worse like everything else
Its hard to say. Suffice that I think Tyranid Warriors and Raveners look amazing.
No no, I'd have the Chaos ones having died in the intervening 10 millennia too if it was up to me. I just don't see the point in bringing them back, would have preferred new characters to be developed.
I understand they're popular however and my opinion isn't exactly shared by many people, and definitely not by GW.
AoS has a chaos elf. 40K has a chaos eldar.
god I wish house escher would capture me and lock me in their pegging cells
>Whats "fun" about it exactly?
Because they are cool.
>Any of their roles could have been filled by new characters,
Which is fucking stupid.
What is the point of killing a character if you're just going to replace them with a shittier, inferior version that has none of the achievements or even gravitas of the original.

It's literally same as GW taking Creed, shoving him into Trazyn's museum (effectively dead), and then replacing him with his hollow dumbass of daughter that was shoehorned in.
It's the same level of stupid if you went ahead and killed Dante, but then replaced him with some other depression riddled old faggot named Etnad.

Jesus Christ, the amount of "we fix 40k by just deleting characters out of it and then replacing them with shittier copycapt, bootleg version of them" posts on here just shows how many pseudo intellectual retards infest this board thinking they are hotshit and the next shakespreare because they subverted your expectations like the chinese subverted the african continent.
More likely to use you as a test subject for their chemical and toxin concoctions.
reminder that escher and orlock fuck because they are the normal dudes faction with no weird ideologies.
that's all you require.
Nothing has actually been named
>older editions
Effectively non-canon.
BL 'authors' aren't even close to being reliable sources.
Don't try to argue with him.
He's just gonna bitch and argue in bad faith because he is that intensely asshurt over some characters not being dead.
out of curiosity, do these look better or worse to you?
>i need marvel tier named characters! Faceless mooks dying in the trenches by the thousands isn't warahammer reeeee. Footnotes in the codexes and rulebooks dont count!
If you say “nulore”, it’s because you’re a newfag that’s tries too hard.
Really gay fanart.
A single marine would kill an entire gang in less 10 minutes.
Wait, are you saying Escher is normal and has no weird ideologies?
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Slaaneshi eldar are a retarded concept, if anything they'd be tzeentch worshippers. Or the other two as some sort of protection from being analvored by she who thirsts.
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>everyone's talking about the literal old lore piece posted
>continues to whine about nulore no one else brought up
I didn't suggest they replace them with something shittier, there's nothing stopping GW writing new supermen into the plot. You're only riling against it because it wasn't done and you don't have a new cool set of characters that GW developed over the years instead of writing lore that resurrects the past.
10 minutes is so much fight time. Either of them could last that king against the other.
>I just don't see the point in bringing them back
Because they are already established characters with backgrounds, motivations and achievements.
Also seeing people who last saw the galaxy what it was 10 000 years ago and then trying to adapt to the new statusquo is interesting.
>would have preferred new characters to be developed.
They have done this, guess what? No one gives a shit.
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Tropical beachdar, my favorite.
No, they are hypocrites. They think it's nice Orlock are neutral on the topic of women, but they're as weird as everyone else themselves.
They would worship Slaanesh above all others. They brought a god into being, and it’s a god that has 2 child gods. Slaanesh is the only thing they could worship.
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I mean I take their point, it is "new lore" especially when it comes to the Lion for example.
That’s because you started after they already came back and pretend to be a grog.
Go ahead anon, tell me about all the battles Chaos Eldar have been in. Tell me about all those times they did things in the setting. Tell me even a single instance of them actually existing and doing things. I'll wait.
A single chart with a picture of a random Slaaneshi daemon doesn't prove Chaos Eldar are a thing.
>3 The True Eldar
>I didn't suggest they replace them with something shittier
You are because that is what it would result in.
Don't try to act cute about this, everyone knows that GW killing off characters and then replacing them is not going to end well at all.
1. because GW and its writers can't write for shit nowadays.
2. it is pointless to do anyway and only serves to piss off the fans of the original characters, like Yarrick who was unceremounisouly killed off
3. only people who advocate for "kill off character and replace them" are butthurt retards who are asshurt at certain specific characters because it triggers their autism
Best buggy design
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If that makes you feel better you carry on believing that anon, doesn't make any difference to me.
Way better.

The antennae are cool
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I can agree with that.
Off the top of my head; dark eldar path books & atlas eternal. You being illiterate is not the same as them not being mentioned. The rest is you being retarded out of spite because you got shown your own ignorance.
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Have a very shitty painted chaos dread from my younger days : )
>look I bought a dogshit copy of an old book from eBay
do you post into every single threaad
>have to wait until next week before GW starts posting 40k stuff again
Im so fucking sick of Age if Sigmar and its only been a week
Just cause there's only a handful of them on the Crone Worlds doesn't mean they don't exist. They exist solely as flavor-text (and should stay that way), but still they exist
>Just cause there's only a handful of them on the Crone Worlds doesn't mean they don't exist.
They don't. Crone Worlds are Daemon Worlds.
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how do you dirty up Imperial Fists without it looking like a mess?
I feel you. Who the fuck cares about that shit?
>Crone Worlds are Daemon Worlds
Yeah and there's a few eldar on them
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is this book good?
No there aren't, the daemons would kill them.
I'd look into sponge stippling and pigment powders. Should also warm up that yellow.
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Does anyone else feel an aversion to marines because they feel...incomplete?

Like with the shift to primaris a lot of armies now look asymmetrical with firstborn and primaris mixed together, some minis are still in resin, a lot of characters are still firstborn, rhinos make no sense considering their scale to primaris now, furioso dreadnoughts havent gotten replaced, etc. Like i dont want to buy marineshit when its likely gonna be replaced soon, but if I were to play marines I'd want to use that datasheet.

Anybody understand what I mean?
Like what's GW's plan for centurions? Are they gonna get new primaris sculpte or just get legends'd?
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Batork by a mile.
Weird you don't have a 30 year old army to go with it.
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>freehanding tank names
>No idea if it looks good or not because I've been staring at it for half an hour and can't be fucked to try again

>this is where my parents died, Gruk
>Zoggin' 'ell
Ho shit thats cool
Thunda krunchaz anon hasn't been here for a while now
I love it.
Shriekers from the Fabius Bile: Manflayer Novel, Chapter 3. Wonder why you're so butthurt at chaos eldar?
The freehand itself looks fine.
What the heck is "CAOINEAG"?
Them shits pop.
the new LGBT
No not really considering it was kicking about my desk as I'm deciding if I want to strip it and do it justice or not, it was my first dreadnought. Was shortly followed up by a Space Wolf one because I thought it looked cool, but his legs appear to be missing.
I'm sure I could go up to the attic and hoke you out a load of 2 Ed. monopose plastic marines painted in a ghastly garish metallic purple red and gold that I thought was the dogs bollocks at the time.
Google it
Scots gaelic I'd guess. Fuck if I know what it means.
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Type of highland banshee. All my tanks are names after creatures from Scottish folklore.
Haha, your headcannon has been proven shite. Love it when you lorelets get put in your place. How retarded do you have to be to believe that every single member of an ancient species would be 100% no chaos affiliated.
>whenever I read the word "pop" I can't stop myself from thinking about dark eldar CBT femdom
What's wrong with me, how did I become so disgusting
I like your tank, it looks well used. Hate seeing tanks looking like they're driving round the parade ground.
>invite anon to discuss his tank's name, on a forum for talking about such things
>other anon replies: "GOOGLE IT"
"Incoherent" more like. That's GWs byword.

They have so many fucking kits, some good, some bad, a few are timeless, a lot more shouldn't even exist.
>What's wrong with me, how did I become so disgusting
Have you googled it yet
nice muzzleburn on the guns
Yeah well fuck you. I like my tanks clean. Unkept tanks lead to malfunctions. Malfunctions lead to death.
Thanks anon. I like my vehicles nice and weathered.
No, anon responded with the answer here >>93230510
>A single chart with a picture of a random Slaaneshi daemon doesn't prove Chaos Eldar are a thing
why not? it's literally a list of the existing eldar factions/cultures and one of them is chaos eldar
It’s what started current eldar cultures.
This post was typed by butterbar hands
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>I like my vehicles nice and weathered.
When are you starting the weathering process?
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is this a reference to when Doctor Beverly Crusher had sex with a Scottish Ghost?
Lazy fuck
Confirmed for never having actually served on a tank crew.
Ha get rekt

Yes, this is why you shouldn't play marines
i have some nostalgia over 2nd/3rd edition space marines and god forbid i have secretly dreamed of having my own ultramarines army for over 20 years now
all the new ones are honestly just bland in my eye and i feel like they are made to be really cool but it doesnt really speak to me, this must be the nostalgia factor kicking in
It says nothing about them worshipping Slaanesh or Chaos in general.
Confirmed for O-1
I have a friend playing knights and our games are always very swingy and over by round 3. I want something a bit more balanced and fun out of it and play eldar. Is bringing a wraithknight, some wraithlords, etc gonna be a balanced and fun match? I figure throwing big stuff at his big stuff would at least be thematically fun compared to me just bringing fast stuff and trying to dodge his armigiers in melee and outscore him.
Anybody baking?
Ok civvie
Yes, play no heed to the subject I'm about to impale. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
What are those? Chaos banshees?
Spending hours cleaning your tank obsessively because you cant stand the sight of a bit of mud on it cost lives due to your downtime though. That would make the Emperor sad.
Bring a lot of tanks. Like as many as you can. Knights only have so many attacks. You can force him to split fire or try to kill your tanks one at a time, in the meantime you've got knight-damaging guns on each one of your platforms.
Not this fucking one image again.
I recently got a new griddle. Made stuffed french bread with diced rasberries as topping.
Thanks, just a sepia wash and a blue wash over the gunmetal, always impressed with how easy it is and how good the results are.
Yeah thats not a thing
it is in 40k
That sounds dope anon. I want to get into baking but cleaning up after seems like such a pain in the ass.
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Lol, that dude pissed himself:

>What shames you, pawn of the False Emperor?’ Xarchos put to Czevak as the inquisitor bit back his sobbing and suffering. ‘What haunts your memories with its self-loathing and disgust?’
>‘Pissed my robes… on the firing range, at Schola Byblos.’
>‘Yes?’ Xarchos hissed his insistence.
>‘Bolt pistol jammed and exploded,’ Czevak gagged. ‘Thought I was dead.’
Some of the eldar that survived the fall devolved and mutated under the influence of chaos. Shriekers are ethe most stable of the "degenerative" eldar being a cross between eldar and giant bats.
The story that picture pertains to is laughably not canon.
It doesnt take my tankers hours to clean their tanks in 40k. Maybe yours do because your regiment is shit and undisciplined. Your commissar is shit.
I still love that they put that much effort into the nid skull but then for their inquisitor said "just drape a sheet over your head"
It is. I got a wife thats happy to clean the dishes if I cook tho. The griddle top I take care of, one needs to maintain its non stick surface.
Ehh I've tried that, was pretty similar results-wise in my favour. It's not like I'm trying to push out wins over the guy, my main focus with this is trying to get a fun setup going. Hence why my mind went to bringing some big stuff.
Do mandrakes count?
Why are they shutting down 40k discussion for AoS? There's no sign of what's to come for 40k with the end of the latest roadmap reached.
>anything I don't like is not cannon and other arguments for the retarded
New AoS edition releases next week so all marketing is focusing on that until release in order to drive sales.
You know what I hate about this image the most?

If there was such a thing as "chaos eldar" It wouldn't be just a craftworlder guardian with spikes and horns on it. That's lazy. >Craftworlders that didn't have their souls eaten upon the birth of slaanesh left the blast radius millennia ago. Drukhari (the closest rendition to true pre-slaanesh eldar) don't wear guardian attire because why would they?

The idea of a chaos eldar in general is kinda stupid for the same reason you don't have your dinner serve you dinner.
Kinda? Tho I don't believe they are explicitly chaos aliggwhkgned.
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Dark angels are the mary sue marines though.
>first legion every other legion based themselves after
>better than white scars at going fast
>more and better vehicles than their cousins
>bestest terminators
>super secret tech only they have
>best duelists
>best arifacts
>still at legion strength
>Daddy still alive
people who think lord of the rings is still good even though the hobbit movies, amazon and WOTC's black Aragorn ruined it
>A random radical inquisitor is kidnapped by the Eldar and taken to the Black Library where he magically ages backwards into his prime and later breaks out because one of the Eldar there felt bad for him but then he also stole an important book on the way out and also both Eldrad AND Ahriman want to capture and kill him but he's such a good inquisitor that they can't find him and also he killed a troupe of Harlequins who were sent to re-kidnap him and then he took their gear so now he's a SUPER radical inquisitor
Anon just had a stroke over here, someone call the medicae
>Like what's GW's plan for centurions? Are they gonna get new primaris sculpte or just get legends'd?
Legends'd most likely since practically everyone hates them and don't want to buy them.
>good thing bad because next thing bad
this sounds dumb as fuck
is it a real book?
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then you could try converting something similar by slapping termagant weapons on genestealers and giving them an altered head
>The idea of a chaos eldar in general is kinda stupid for the same reason you don't have your dinner serve you dinner.
Durh hur, just eat the bees instead of the honey anon

>wouldn't be just a craftworlder guardian with spikes and horns on it.
It isn't moronkun. Chaos eldar run the gamit from mutated freaks, to spiky guardians, to demon princes.
Its Andy Chambers, he sells it enough on his own.
>you don't have your dinner serve you dinner.
but chaos does that.
As real as it's cannon.
Is Andy Chambers liked? I remember seeing his name on all the stuff I liked as a kid
Atlas Infernal by Rob Sanders
They're sculptors, not tailors.
yikes, why didn't he write a good story instead?
>Craftworlders that didn't have their souls eaten upon the birth of slaanesh left the blast radius millennia ago
The fabius bile book proves this headcannon false tho. Maybe you can be less of a tertiary?
How would I go about becoming a sculptor for GW?
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Ooooooh look what I got kindly for free today

3rd edition 40k, Warmaster, Inquisitor 54mm, Mordheim. I'm gonna love reading these.

White Dwarf 250-290ish, fills in a big gap in my issues.
>Chaos eldar
Don't exist. They're all daemons. No exceptions.
Yes even that guy:
You go to Ram Ranch
You start by getting a job at Mantic.
I prefer that over another wank fest of marines pew pewing spiky marines while being melodramatic.
It never occurred to me that people would want old WD issues - I threw all mine in the recycling one day.
Sure they can be demonic. Doesn't stop them from having the eldar keyword tho.
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Throwing away all that SOVL...
>what's GW's plan for centurions
bad rules and no attention until it's time to replace the cast, then they'll move it into legends.
>The fabius bile bo-
Not canon.
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gw lotr tabletop game was the hottest shit back in the day in year 2000 or something, it was pushed for years in every white dwarf and lgs shelves were full of miniatures nobody bought
i always thought it was a dumb idea but then again i never read silmarillion either

sure the scene when gandald summoned that water wave to drown those riders was cool but im not going to drop 300 euros just to reenact it at home at my table
It's weird how they just keep missing that memo
It's more like having having your table scraps and candy wrappers serve you dinner.
>inquisitor 54mm
Thats awesome
Ive always wanted to play that. Never had the chance though. It looks really cool.
That fucking sucks. Primaris centurions would be really cool if they got the proportions right this time.
Yeah well, I still have those PDFs.
It was huge at the time though.
Theres a reason Inq28 replaced it, though I would imagine it could be more popular these days if people done some nice 54mm STLs for it.
>Durh hur, just eat the bees instead of the honey anon
the bees are the honey in this case.

>It isn't moronkun. Chaos eldar run the gamit from mutated freaks, to spiky guardians, to demon princes.
mutated freaks and even demon princes is more believable, but to get a spiky guardian you would have to go through a series of unlikely steps which is way more drawn out than just slurping the poor elf. The big one is consent. Most if not all chaos worshipers have to consent to worshiping chaos, eldar of all branches are highly educated about chaos being bad so giving consent would be like getting a SoB or a custodes a to join chaos.

It's not impossible, it's just highly unlikely.
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Sod LOTR, Gorkamorka was best.
too bad nobody has 40k 6th edition anymore
for some reason that edition managed to skip all scans other than escalation book
I feel like Word Bearers should've been the Chaos posterboys rather than the Black Legion

>has a grudge going on with Ultramarines, the Imperial poster boys
>red vs blue
>the most CHAOS! Chaos Marines, but in a generalist sense that's good as an intro to the faction lore before picking a mono-god specialized Legion
>the most numerous Legion allowing them to show up in more stories and lose without worrying about running out of men or reflecting poorly on the rest of the faction

Meanwhile the Black Legion should've been the super elite CSM faction, with Abaddon being mysterious Primarch-level marine that comes out only for the Black Crusades or to poach the best of the best from other Legions. Like a CSM Deatwatch, but using mostly terminator armor and other rare shit.
Wasn't it all just epubs or something?
Or were people just too lazy to scan actual books?
And the years worth of White Dwarf covers being stills from the Lord of the Rings movies...
>Abaddon being mysterious Primarch-level marine that comes out only for the Black Crusades or to poach the best of the best from other Legions.

>"You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but you haven't met Abbadon the despoiler either. Your rides over loyalist. Time to die."
Honestly to turn Abbadon into what you best described is impossible with current GW writers.
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dark vengeance was pretty big thing and the epub thing started somewhere late 6th edition so apparently they were just forgotten
i think those chaos cultists were the official models until last year
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That took me all of 2 minutes to find.
What 6th Edition books do you want as PDF's? I'll throw them into a Mega or something.
big if true
everything please, we have been playing 5th for 2 years because i could not find 6th anywhere
>Legionaries get all these heavy weapon options
>but they hit on 4+
For what reason? Why are you like this? Just fucking say you want us to build them for melee and stop playing with us.
So it happens, leave those goalposts in place because no one said their's a lot of them. Yes it's rare, hence why Gav stated you wouldn't see an army of chaos eldar, but a kill team is possible.
>heavy weapons on 4+
That's super normal, what?
Thats the 6th Ed. Hardback Rulebook.
Basically its anything in this here image yeah? I dont have any of it currently aside from the rulebook, but it looks like at the very least all the codexes are available. Gimmie a bit to get what I can and I'll sort something out.
>the bees are the honey in this case.
I'd love to hear you "logic" for this comparison.
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>The big one is consent.
yeah basically everything there is if possible
i cannot thank you enough anon this really makes my and all my friends day if not the whole year
As a man who has children, this is what my floors look like all the time anyway. In fact, this warzone is a lot more organized than battlefield homefront.
Peak cringe
Peak sovl
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6th? Who wants to play flyer hell edition?
uncultured pleb
Every other edition ends up as Flyer hell edition at some point. They are just poorly conceived and don't function well on tabletop rules
I got plenty of this "culture" when I was about 6, playing on the fucking floor like the child I was. Now stand up, you're embarrassing yourself
whatd you get? a good time?
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>Book 8 in the Warhammer 40,000 Megaseries, Dawn of Fire.

>As the Indomitus Crusade rages on, Inquisitor Rostov discovers vital intelligence that could reveal the plan of the notorious Hand of Abaddon, and hastily gathers together those loyal to his cause. Defending the Anaxian Line, Ultramarines Lieutenant Ferren Areios uncovers a dread vision that has ties to the mission of an old ally. Meanwhile, Magda Kesh campaigns alongside the 84th Mordian. Though she refutes her fate as something more than a mere soldier, is she truly touched by the Emperor?

>Despite a fractious alliance, the Hand’s scheme is reaching culmination. Amidst the infighting, Tharador Yheng yearns to be free of her master Tenebrus’ shadow and claim her destiny. But another acolyte has embarked on his own path, the Red Corsair Graeyl Herek. Both vie for the favour of the Dark Gods, and the means to harness an ancient evil that could reshape the war between the Imperium and Chaos.
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I kind of want the avenger strike fighter but im afraid its gonna get legends'd
will the tough guys at your LGS not let you play with it :'(
>So it happens, leave those goalposts in place because no one said their's a lot of them.
Again to remind you of where I put said goalposts: I never spoke against the idea of chaos eldar. What I spoke against was the idea of a current craftworlder getting corrupted (not tricked willingly corrupted) by chaos as opposed to just dying and getting your soul eaten.

Chaos eldar undoubtably exist. The problem I have is the idea of turning eldar into this retarded humanity 2 who get corrupted by chaos every other week. I don't understand this need to turn every race into "chaos race"
>the ground is embarrassing
let me guess, you'd slap a monkey for using the stairs without questioning why it's a common practice
>Book 8 of 9
Yawn. Let me know when something of any real consequence happens in the last book.
>parking lots of super-heavies, titans and tanks shooting at each other from 24" away
>a good time
But Yheng is in this book. And she's a major character this time. Don't you want to read about Yheng?
Whats wrong with playing on the floor?
That's a good dog, right there. None of that flat-faced, short legged bullshit
I didn't tell you to levitate a foot off the floor anon just to stand up like an adult, get with the program
How much would the community be impacted if GW released just the NAMES of the lost primarchs?
If I stand up then i can't reach my toys on the floor, idiot
dunno, go ask /hhg/
>Sneed and Chuck.
>Sneed was a good farmer. An expert on all things feed and seed.
Why did GW replace the Lucius Pattern Warhounds with the newer Mars Pattern ones?
That Lucius one looks cool, I like that it even has a window for the pilot to see out of, rather than the mars patterns more animalistic rounded head.
because the mechanicus are all furries
I love the boxy titans
I miss them
Ah yes like those other HH minis that got a plastic release!
Heresy. Love for the flesh is the opposite for love for the machine!

Now stick your dick back in the muffler anon and think about what you've done.
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>my fursona is different because it's metal!
>I'm not crazy for wanting to cut off parts of my body!
No I just want to play matched play games
Fair enough. but the discussion wasn't about modern day eldar falling. Instead it was more focused on pre fall or cronworld eldar being chaos affiliated.
>Lost Primarchs have an Islamic name and a Hindu name
The shitstorm would be gigantic
I dont see how a hindu name would be controversial. Would go kinda hard if the other lost Primarch just popped up one day and said that they call him Ishmael one day.
Pre-fall is very possible. In fact it's likely where 90% of your small chaos eldar are going to come from. If you want corrupted eldar, it would be here. Note that most eldar just straight up died during the fall so even then it's small.

croneworld maybe. Depending on the age of the croneworld they would be more or less resistant to chaotic taint. Maybe MAYBE you could get one or two of those craftworlders to turn for some natural selection reason, but consider that Altansar was in the eye of terror for years and all that happened to them was a slight personality change and some different colored eyes.

Are you starting to get what I mean when I say it's unlikely?
Yeah them being alive makes the setting worse.
this, but also loyalist marines at large
This but without a hint of irony. The setting would be better if the peak of the empire was a rotting image that spits on their ideals.
Primarchs Sinbad and Tripitaka would be fucking awesome.
>still seething over marine supremacy
sounds like you trannies need to find a new setting
why? There's already an egyptian primarch and a mongolian one
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Vgh, the old days...
we just play necromunda with some inq28 stuff ported in here. works pretty well.

thus why the local club says only one super heavy per 3000 points of other models for apocalypse events
I do like marines, just as long as they have spikes.
Meeting a marine is unlikely there's still a million of them, anon. Chaos eldar are thing, that's all that's being said.
>Your Miniatures come to life and wage a tiny war in your bedroom.
Who wins, you or them?
If you're gonna post images of old WD you can just head on over to /grog/, thats basically all they do.
probably them, all the spikes on world eaters already fucked me up and injected large doses of microplastics in my balls.
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the small group of inquisition models I did for fun does not save me from the plagues the deathguard would unleash
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54mm is just a nice scale to see warbands of 3-4 dudes in
She's a big girl.
your primarch died like a bitch, battered to death like a disobedient dog
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Looking forward to painting and flocking these tomorrow. Might make a connecting piece too if i want to make a long row.
my primarch's alive :)
They post models sometimes too
Nice! Did you get inspired by the tutorial anon posted the other day?
Thoughts on this scheme? I want to paint Eldar but I don't know anything about them, I just wanted a bright scheme because I've been painting really drab colours lately.
On models with capes or robes I would paint them a darker navy blue.
Thanks! Yeah I did. I can't help but get inspired when is see something from the how to make wargames terrain books.
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im still hoping anon will link those 6th edition books
It's a good scheme.
Asurman would be proud.
NTA, but I have a 6E rulebook https://file.io/5MgDdrjKVaFC
thank you much appreciated
you made my day anon
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Oh I’m dead in second. I’ve got most of a company of space marines. The Heavy Lazed Destroyer I’m pretty sure can cap some biotitans with a lucky shot and I don’t have fucking ablative chitin.

If none of their guns or weapons work then I still probably lose since they’ll start in the kitchen and could jury rig some rube-goldberg booby trap.
Oh, lol, I guess a tried and true scheme, thanks
You must be a hit around December.
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What the fuck are the keys on his belt for?
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>it doesn't matter how small they are because their plague bullshit gets airborne and I breath it in
>I'm a poxwalker now
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They'd probably kill me to be honest. Not the first time, but the time they come back again and again. Orks are persistent after all. They'd also probably get lucky.
You know they're in the torrent in the pastebin of the OP right?
The locked books they keep their records in. Sorcery is illegal but the Librarians are both warriors and chapter historians. BT’s have rolled that job into the chaplaincy to be fair tho.
>a bunch of guardsmen and a few tanks
I've got this
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Why do you think I keep multiple factions in the same cabinet? They're gonna have a crusade for the Ikea Rudsta system and tire themselves out doing it
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Love it when Chaos Marines have archaic helmets like these
God I fucking hate them so much. No other chapter is as dependent on their primarch than these dudes.
That's just a fantasy battle chaos warrior.
The real reason primaris suck is not the scale change, which would have been done just by making Truescale (TM) marines, but their roster.

See I was thinking this in the shower yesterday- chaos has had some roster changes (obliterators updated, chaos dread is now helbrute) but for the most part when you think of chaos marines you can think of chaos lords, possessed, legionaries, defilers etc. The range is intact and iconic, it makes sense.

This is not the case for current marines. Because Primaris squads were not "tactical primaris" or "primaris landspeeder" or "primaris bikers" you ended up with all these weird fucking squads of ugly shit, like the brutalis dread or the tonka truck.

Then when "firstborn" stuff got squatted it wasn't killing off the older, smaller marines- but it killed off the entire iconic space marine line that had existed (including boxnaughts) in favor of the ugly new primaris slop. I can't think of a single primaris thing I consider Iconic and Cool. And a lot of primaris stuff is clearly designed for actual children, instead of teenagers or manchildren, with how few options they have and how they're designed to be difficult to fuck up and fuck with. Most aggravatingly is going on ebay and trying to buy used primaris shit and every retard is selling his squad for 5 primaris for the same price as a new on sprue, unbuilt primaris 5 man squad. Why the fuck would I pay more for your ugly paintjob?
Chaos warriors usually look better than CSM.
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I may have fucked up the scaling. But I like to think battle barges are just that fucking big.
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>Guilliman decrees that Librarian armor must be the same color as his Legion's color

Why did he do this?
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Most stuff in fantasy and even AoS is better than the top-selling 40k stuff, since GW realized that marineslop gets bought up regardless.
So, here's a weird question.
Do we know canonically if Eldar ever sleep? Or do they only trance like fantasy elves?
Dunno if they sleep, but eldar absolutely are trans.
The shitstorm would probably be bigger if they were male Islamic and Hindu names. Both from the right wing side claiming that GW is getting even woker post femstodes, and the left wing side for having their headcanon of the lost primarchs being female destroyed.

Or has it already been confirmed that the two lost primarchs are males in the books?
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I mean, he's not wrong.
Close to biting the bullet and getting into collecting. Im between Eldar and Skitari, I know Eldar models are old so if I start with those are the odds they get primaris'd with newer models high in the near future?
New thread
Eldar got some redone plastic kits recently so they're not gonna get anything for a while. You can collect your trans aelves in peace.
i have been checking it for months and looks like it has been updated with the rest now
megas always had everything else but 6th
if there are hundreds of books, how can it be ONE story?
Its a setting, with hundreds of stories taking place inside it, not only in form of BL novels, but also in form of players own campaigns, scenarios, rp-campaigns, narratives etc.
>Any of their roles could have been filled by new characters, instead of GW resurrecting the dead

What is the difference exactly? Does it really matter if its Girlyman or Calgar leading the Ultramarines on their Indomitus crusade?

What is the difference between Mortarion and Typhus (model aside ofc)? Did it change anything for the Deathguard or 40k at large?
Counterpoint: Word Bearers is a much worse name than Black Legion
anyone have codex .pdfs other than the 4 in the gofile? specifically looking for chaos space marines and custards

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