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Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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TQ: lol, lmao
An animal with rabies invades Bloomburrow.
Is the plane doomed?
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With the inclusion of Planar Disruption, we now have 8 clean answers to 'walkers in the main deck. It also brings in answers to artifact abilities, in some rare circumstances.

Also tightened a few things to keep it streamline. The white beast awakens. And it's very budget friendly, too!
Oh fuck actually Planar Disruption artifact clause is huge. It can hit Vehicles now before they get crewed. Very spicy!
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Actual TQ: Amalia, Nadu, Rescaminator, and Urza's Saga are believed by the majority of players of each Pioneer, Modern, Legacy, and Vintage to need addressing in each respective format. What will they ban from each deck and why? Will it be enough, or will the deck just adapt without losing win %?
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Are you excited for the Stranger Things set?
This is the card I would like reprinted in Foundations.
>6 black pips
holy based
Amalia needs to go. Forcing draws is degenerate as all fuck and its combo just happening to leave someone at near infinite life AND tutor up an Aetherflux Reservoir at the same while also being simultaneously tutorable directly onto the battlefield, findable with CoCo AND entirely hit all at once with Return from the Ranks is just retarded robustness that has no right existing in any formats.

Ban Amalia, and Chord of Calling too for good measure.
>wotc banning anything they can still profit off of
Not happening. If they were unwilling to ban, or at least errata, an objectively and undeniably broken card like Amalia - a card that's actually broken in the sense that it can make games literally unplayable - then we're not getting shit anytime soon.
>At your upkeep, draw a card.
>Not six cards.
Griselbrand 8cmc all over again.
>Urza's Saga
>need addressing in Vintage
that was before MH3 dropped, people are playing a ported version of legacy scam and winning challenges, the format needs time to develop
Speaking as someone who loves Amalia and thinks she's fun to use, she definitely needs to go. She's busted. She's just too good, and the ability to force draws is lame as hell and isn't healthy for any format.
The degree to which Phoenix has no answer to Phyrexian Vindicator is truly, truly side splitting.

As far as I can tell it literally just reads "WWWW: You win the game" even post sideboard against every Phoenix list I've seen so far.

I am ready to fuck this meta RIGHT up the bum. (No homo)
>yawn, petty theft your vindi whatever, swing for gorillion
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>Naming Phoenix
Also a gorillion isn't enough the list just happens to have unreasonable amounts of incidental Lifelink randomly tossed about for some reason.
We can shrug off some heavy hits. It's gross.
MtG bans "Magic the Gathering general".
I agree Amalia is stronk the deck can go and i will not cry for it but forgetting about Sorin+Ripper is for me even more offensive. The combination at this point is slapped in a bunch of decks (Sac, Mardu Greasefang, Fight Rigging BG, BG vampires, Rakdos Vampires, Monoblack Vampires...) that wears Black and played with success just because of the unfair effectiveness it has to cheat into play the Ripper.

Amalia must go? Probably, Sorin must die alongside her? Without a fucking doubt. Get rid of this travesty asap
i'm so used to only seeing opinions on reddit or 4chan that i wish i still went to lgses to see what the regulars think of the current state of mtg
>another lotus wincon
maybe fae goes out once again
I was resistant to it at first because I have fond memories of when the worst thing Sorin could pull out of his ass was a Champion of Dusk or a Westgate Regent, but it's honestly wild he still exists at this point.
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Idk about Amalia. They might just print 'answers' to it and call it a day. Foundations just doesn't sit right with me, something tells me the foundations are being laid on top of me.
do you ever see fetches or shocklands ever falling out of favor?
What should be banned in Modern:
>One Ring

What will be banned from Modern:

What should be banned from Pioneer:

What will be banned from Pioneer:

What should be banned from Legacy:

What will be banned from Legacy:
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Oh he's even got the Doomsday balls.
Fetches never
Shocks could be annihilated overnight if they printed a better fetchable dual land
ok they have a flipped thing in the ice or a 7/9 shredder
or a 19/4 crackling drake
fetches are unlikely to ever be legal outside of vintage/modern/legacy/edh and wotc seems to really dislike them
shocks get reprinted pretty regularly in standard
>ok they have a flipped thing in the ice
Play Vindicator again. Block it with Vindicator. Kill it with Vindicator trigger.

>a 7/9 shredder
Block with Vindicator, kill it :^)

>or a 19/4 crackling drake
Same :^)
waiting for someone to draw the lines between the balls
My only desire is that basic forest is banned again in pauper.
Fuck p*nza.
Vintage hyper powered decks are historically known to shit the bed vs disruption+threat.
And fucking guess what rescanimator is mad fucking good at?
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>Okay turn two, Stomping Grounds and Goyf.
>Your turn, bro!
I pump amalia
This little fuck might seem unassuming, but after a LOT of thought I've begin leaning toward it.
If unanswered, it can easily solo a game by itself and get out of hands. It spits out chumps to sac to Ripper ward like mad, which is a huge plus, and gets us on a fast clock right from turn 1 to help chop down control even more.
2 power is nothing to be scoffed at, trading with a big chunk of the format, and the dudes it leaves behind are great pack mules for Katilda disturbs.

Dropping the double striker for these, right now. It just gives the list so many options for aggro and snowballing, which seem to be far better options than anything else can provide in the same (Low cmc creature) slot.

Sad as fuck the tokens aren't spirits too for Katilda, but oh well.
>dies to fatal push
It's shit!
I hate that this is true
It amuses me that Push is never in the conversation for bans in pioneer/modern when it is easily the most format warping card in both formats
If it wasn't push it would be bolt, if it wasn't bolt it would be path or dismember or or or. There's always going to be a best spell of a given archetype, and the goal of bans isn't necessarily to shave off the top each time for the sake of getting rid of something.
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>Vs Rakdos Vamps
8 wins 1 loss

>vs Phoenix
6 wins 0 losses.

>vs Niv to Light
1 win 2 losses.
Has good tools to deal with our permanent-based removal and Vindicators, and big enough threats that they can go toe to toe with our late game Voltron'd kaijus. Fun match.

0 wins 2 losses
As expected, but I also didn't see the Fleeting Spirits that I had to help with this match. Sad, but it happens.

We have only come even CLOSE to losing a game to either Vamps or Phoenix a single time, one game against Vamps where our draws were awkward and they had the nut. It happens. Most of said games end with us at 20 or more life. I even handily won a game on a mull to 5 vs full grip of 7, against Vamps. This list is an absolute carnival shitstomp against Vamps + Phoenix. It feels like you're fighting a Homelands set constructed Pauper deck or some a deck someone built while drafting a Bad Cards Cube or some shit, its ridiculous.
Weaknesses are obvious and will be tempered with time. I had a lot of fun brewing this and even more fun testing it. Glad I met a ton of Vamps players to confirm that it is, in fact, the absolute nuts.

Not to oversell it. We do struggle a lot against many lists, but the top contenders in the meta are NOT among those lists. Amalia might be, haven't seen it yet.

Please test list and help with brew. It's very budget friendly, unlike my other color pie monstrosities and their price gouging mana bases. (Thanks WotC)
And yeah we're back to normal borders. As much as the meme is the dream, i hate alt border and grayscale garbage too.
based antimeta terrorist shitbrew autist
You can't really print an "answer" to Amalia because she's a broken card that forces draws. She's just a poorly written card that can create unwinnable circumstances if you don't happen to have some way to remove her at the exact moment her player decides to try forcing a draw. The only printable answer would be something stupid like an enchantment that says "if a source an opponent controls would force a draw, you win the game" but at that point they'd both be admitting they fucked up and admitting that they're too lazy to actually fix it.
Free him.
Wrong. Bans should always target the most used cards. Meta share is the main way to tell how OP something is, and that's why The One Ring needs to be banned before Nadu.
One mana colourless instant that pumps and dump Amalia into exile
Sometimes cards are overused but too important to the texture of a format to be banned. No one's talking about banning Brainstorm in legacy.
it does not exist
yes they are
those people are stupid, though
Banning Walker does almost the same thing and leaves the deck open to do lifegain shenanigans. That being said, banning Amalia seems more likely. As I said, I'm kind of lost right now and Foundations might just trip me over the top.
Free Twin
Free Pod
I believe you about rakdos and phoenix and for that reason I bet your list could own some paper tournaments (and a smaller number of lucky online events) where amalia and green are less popular. However, I think that amalia's backup plans are strong enough to win even if she can't attack for lethal. I've been thinking about the value of certain permanents like pithing needle and damping sphere in pioneer right now and will work on something
Rare example of good nu-magic art.

They're really unsubtly trying to power creep Bolt out of playability. See the statline of Endurance, Nadu etc.
I know. I'm shitposting, because so many people genuinely believe that high usage = banworthy and that it should be the primary factor considered in any discussion on bans.
will he make Gary viable in modern?
I'm not a white player, but this does look fun and I will try it out. May even go as far as to build it in paper in part because I love the look with it all in black and white.
nah, he's a combo card
>However, I think that amalia's backup plans are strong enough to win even if she can't attack for lethal.
We solve a major one of those backup plans: Halo is a maindeck answer to Aetherflux (And so is Planar Disruption to a lesser extent.

Amalia's just a problem in general though so I can't worry about that much. I don't think we'll have any problem dealing with their 1/1s once we lock down their gameplan. The lack of instant-speed interaction, however, is a big problem. I'll keep an eye on that. Fleeting Spirit can dodge her explosion though, which is nice.

I really haven't seen Nykthos ever, somehow. Maybe I'll jump into some private test games and feel that matchup out.

That's what brewing is for. Hedging against weaknesses, maximizing strengths,
vexing bauble should've cost 0
>in part because I love the look with it all in black and white.
Yeah honestly it's pretty sweet how that worked out.
But then it would answer itself and be a bit too parasitic.
you can play gary in place of soul spike. it isn't ideal but it's 5 life when it hits the board assuming you have necro out. the obvious drawback is you have to maintain your life total to live until you can cast it, but it's your best budget option at the moment.
i think a straight black devotion list with necro could slide into tier 2 comfortably.
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Let's do a hypthetical.

Runed Halo on Aetherflux. Backup wincon negated.
Heliod has devotion. Amalia's explosion bounces off Indestructible.

What the fuck can an Amalia list even do here? Fetch their 1x Skyclave and pray another Heliod doesn't land? That's a tutor they aren't using to find their combo pieces.
We could lock that option out with Hushbringer effects. Seems like Hush might be a good sideboard option to consider...

And don't say their second backupbplan is creatures. The creatures in Amalia are 100% trash without the combo. They literally exist to get killed as collateral damage.
will the not-a-core-set be pioneer legal?
WotC is dedicated to ruining every possible format, so probably.
Turn 2 deep cavern bat
Take your heliod
Turn 3 CoCo
Shake my hand
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>Turn 3 CoCo
turn 1 elvish mystic, friendo
I'm playing a rare variant of Amalia that runs mana dorks and definitely didn't forget CoCo was 4 mana not 2
How did your Amalia combo go off if you didn't spend turn 1 casting Lunarch Veteran?
>it's the pro tour
>no one calls the missplay
many such cases lol
>no shop in the area has non-foil sheoldreds
i hate foils i hate foils I HATE FOILS I HATE FOILS AHAHAHA
Amalia blows up your own Deep Cavern Bat.
I play Heliod again. He can chump block Amalia forever.

I shake your hand when you concede.
as far as MTG goes I just watch LSV draft cube everyday
This game stinks now I cant even bring myself to play arena
Eat your pringles, anon.
oh i'm playing junk midrange amalia is for jerks get ready for my SIEGE RHINO
why are new foils still more expensive than nonfoils? surely people can see just how high maintenance they are
i finally have a playset of endurances, a playset of solitudes, and a playset of furies. now to take a break from mtg for a few years hopefully these cards will not get rotated.
Hoodwinked my friend into slapping Amalia into my shitbrew. Results:

>Amalia forced a draw every game.
It could never win. The puzzle of Heliods and Fleeting Spirits tanking Amalia explosions, Halos to brick Aetherflux, Vindicators doming them for 20 if he dared to attack with a boosted Amalia, our Lifelink pumping us out of Dina loop lethal drain range, it just worked. Our maindeck has pieces that solve the Amalia problem. Once their 1x Skyclave is burned, they have no options to break through what we lay down. Moreover, our threats are beyond large enough to cleave through even 100+ life in no time at all.

Not the forced draw problem, but the Amalia being able to win one. Three games ended in Amalia forcing a draw because it was hopelessly losing, twice by Lively Dirge reanimating the forced-draw pieces, once by doing the same via Return to the Ranks. Ended 0-0-3 in the test games. Holy sweet fucking flaming shitfuck ban this fucking cancer already lmfao wtf.

Instant speed interaction could help with this. But we're here to turn our memes into dreams, not cuck to the meta. Have your draws, Amalia. Cower in fear and take the easy way out. Live the meta cuck life, it's what you deserve.

Overall, the matchup looks alright. Could use some tuning, but we don't suffer as badly here as initially feared. Will do more tests.
>Live the meta cuck life, it's what you deserve.
Yeah, the deck is fucking wild. Can't blame anyone playing it for ez wins or draw slogfests.
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I did draw Halo every game, one game drew two.
I feel we well and truly solve the combo itself, but Aetherflux is a real threat. Considering sideboard options against this. Leyline of Sanctity seems solid. Cheeky fast options like Pay No Heed effects may work too, and do so while slipping past Skyclave.
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And another option, though slightly slower. Being higher CMC than Aetherflux definitely hurts it, but also saves it from Skyclave.
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>Nine Lives to counter Amalia
Who is this retard and where did he learn how to cook?
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>solves Amalia by itself
tee hee
Greentard here, how good/bad switching Invasion for Smuggler's Surprise sounds like. It looks like a win-more in most cases but it might help vs Amalia, Waste Not and other black decks.
>fire? companions? what the hell are you talking about dude? it's almost time for coldsnap prerelease
Tips for drafting OTJ?
The fuck is the goal of Nykthos Ramp?
Just play a bunch of big, dumb shit and swing?
Pretty much. You have three mana turn 2 and six mana on turn 4 most games. Play out some big shit, keep playing out big shit, refill with Storm the Festival or Outcaster Trailblazer, and hit people until they fall over. Even decks that are heavy on removal run out eventually.
>Pretty much. You have three mana turn 2 and six mana on turn 4 most games. Play out some big shit, keep playing out big shit, refill with Storm the Festival or Outcaster Trailblazer, and hit people until they fall over. Even decks that are heavy on removal run out eventually.
What if you're facing a deck with bigger creatures than what you have?
Get them out sooner, or accept that it's better to prioritize doing your plan A best than having contingencies for your plan D. Flipping an Ulvenwald Oddity is also a decent enough overrun effect for forcing in the last bit of damage.
Noted. Very cool ty.
I don't play modern, how is a 2 mana 2/2 a problem? What's the interaction I'm not seeing?
That's the only plan the deck has been left with, but Outcaster Traiblazer+Kiora can potentially draw the entire deck. Some lists have Elesh Norn, some go even larger with Yorion.
>the "fling a boat" guy is back to spam the thread with another brew
What card are you talking about?
>non-combat damage
literal garbage against amalia, but cool card
You're god damn right I am.
But this time I'm brewing the best deck currently in Pioneer.
G/W is the best archetype and B/R is the hardest to make work dual deserts help commit crimes.It best to build around bombs.
Plot goes best in W/U and G/U.
Committing crimes is easiest in U/B and U/R.
I wouldn't recommend doing anything with outlaws unless you have a lot of payoffs or were force into B/R.
G/W is the best deck so draft Bucolic Ranch as its ability is great even without mounts.
2x Faithbound Judge is OUT
2x Skyclave Apparition is IN. (It's a good card.)
>the annoying fuck is back to not contribute anything while complaining about people actually playing the game
Utterly based owlbro. You are one of the few bright spots left in these threads.
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Always a good time, my friend.

May the Ebony Owl bless all your brews.
never realized skyclave apparition is a scantily dressed woman
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>2 open slots
meme or dream?
What's your casual mostly budget Owling Mine list look like? I want to build one myself for a lark.
>What's your casual mostly budget Owling Mine list look like? I want to build one myself for a lark.
Pioneer or Modern?
There is no budget one for Pioneer because mana.
And it's not very budget in Modern. Haven't touched the Modern list in a long ass time, and the last time I touched it it was barely a poke, sadly. Would not recommend, basically not a deck in that cesspit of a format anymore.
Entirely casual. Like, go nuts. Scratch budget, too, what would you do for just pure the pure Owling Mine experience?
What format?
No format. Go nuts. Call it Legacy if you want.
Oh well fuck. 100% freeform?
Sure. Give me a second.
Amalia? See her come up a lot.
Amalia's fine in Modern, people just hate her in pioneer because she turn three two card combos with Wildgrowth Walker to instantly win the game in a way that you can casually company off the top of the deck.
I mean... you combo wildgrowth after gaining life, flip your deck, so best case scenario she's a 50/50 that wraths the board? But then dies to fatal push
or Liliana
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If might look something like this.
The DESPISED BY ALL Monke/CascadeBluffs/Boomerang T1 blowout meets its best friends, Black Vise and Netsuke.
Plus Vision Skeins/Runeflare for the killshots.
Probably a better option than Exhaustion, it's just what I know from Modern.
Or any instant speed removal ever. I guess gaining a shitload of life could be annoying to deal with, but I don't see how in modern she could be as prevalent of an issue as she seems to be? How does she force draws? Just exploring for forever I guess?
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I'd like you to consider this ingredient.
File deleted.
what do you think about The Rack players?
>may draw
Sadly, no bueno.
>Just exploring for forever I guess?
That's what pumping or making indestructible does but they also have Reservoir to kill you with the extra life. At least that's the case for Pioqueer.
Glorious. If I get the dosh I might do this someday, this looks absolutely cash money.
I can't resist the flavor of someone not drawing. Mmmm, nice.
Put your own spin on it. The monke combo can be swapped for Winter locks, for example. Have fun my friend, back when Modern was a format, Owling Mine produced some very exciting, puzzling and high-level games.

Part of why I played it so long. Flips the game on its head. Turns value into suicide and removal into hot potatoes slowly burning your hand off. Many games ended with comments about how interesting, and frustrating, the deck was to face. Godspeed, and RIP modern.
They play Waste Not in Pioneer. They are bros in my book.
Explain Winter Locks. Are you talking Winter Orb? I can see that being absolutely backbreaking in this deck.
Yep, Winter Orb and friends with a sprinkle of Monke Boomerangs.
Right, then you just slap in whatever damn hate cards you like. Fuck that's nasty. I love it.
>Fuck that's nasty. I love it.
Owling Mine is a truly, truly wild ride when Black Vise gets involved.
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This exact list has trophied multiple times among different players and top 8'd a challenge. What do you think of it?
Oh that is VICIOUS. I haven't looked at Black Vise in a long time, probably since I wanted to build Nekusaur in EDH that one time.
how can anyone get excited for bloomburros if they don't give us our GGG fix
we need the green wotc where is it
Fuck bloomburrow.
Await Duskmourn!
Nah he's bad and no one will play him
I'm annoyed Nadu doesn't gain you 2 life every time it triggers.
I'm glad the ring is colorless.
Will bloomburrow be fun?
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Bloomburrow will be KINO
>no swarthoids
What if I am not a furry nor know what the fuck redwall or whatever is?
Then you might have been from some other planet as well.
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You enjoy the true magic art, the cute animals and the lack of melanin enriched characters, anon :3
le tiny mammal is cringe to me. The art has shown nothing great. I am not an obsessive /pol/tard.
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I've been raised in the 90's. Not a furry. Haven't read Redwall.
>What do you think of it?
I'm a little sad there's no room for reality smasher but otherwise it looks pretty good, lots of early creatures but it also packs a ton of interaction
I'm talking to a guy who trophied with it and he says he doesn't like the Nulldrifters and considered replacing them with 2 Reality Smasher 1 Battlemage
nice, I'll give it a try then, I was only missing the nullldrifters
Play Rakdos Tree+Cauldron

>Thanks for writing. From a big picture, Magic excels at creating variety and does poorly at consistency. The core idea of a trading card game is we make lots and lots of pieces you can play with and then you, the player, customize your game as you see fit. History has shown us, the wider we spread the potential of what Magic can be, the more people find something they enjoy and are attracted to the game.
>Think of it this way. Each player has a different sense of what Magic is to them. There’s no cutoff point where we make the majority of players happy. In fact, for many players, it’s the ever-expanding quality to the game that they enjoy most.
>This does mean though that we might make choices that don’t connect with what you personally enjoy, and I respect that. If Magic isn’t providing what you want out of it, that’s okay. My only recommendation is don’t get rid of your cards. Many Magic players rotate in and out of the game, and the number one complaint I hear from players who rotate back in is them having gotten rid of everything when they rotated out.
>Magic might not be what you need right now, but maybe a few years from now you’ve changed in ways which makes it something you will enjoy. Or maybe Magic will evolve in a way that speaks to you. The only constant I know is you and Magic will both change. Just leave yourself the possibility of reconnecting.
Mark is sad to see you go.
>cauldron is still 8 tix on MTGO
nope, I'm not getting a playset for more than 20 tix
Mark what about start making good design decisions? Because there are not enough justifications or sad words you can write that justify Nadu, or why cancerous shit like Amalia, Sorin, Grief or The One Ring remain in the game. The only reason is the greed of your Hasbro Overlords faggot.
What is this visualizer
Blame Lauer and Forsythe for Nadu, not me.
Magic WILL recover. Rosewater confirmed it. Magichads win again!
how playable is rainbow humans in pioneer anons?
Less and less these days
damn that's a shame i thought with dusk knight for amalia, containment priest for vampires and the damage you can deal with the synergies would be an acceptable deck
assuming you start the deck with 4x containment priest it should be ok-ish, mono white humans manages to survive so 5c should have a fighting chance if you build it correctly
How viable is rainbow/domain zoo in modern?
viable enough to win games but definitely not top tier anymore
I don't play against 4c and 5c decks.
if the mtg playerbase keeps growing where are these new players coming from
Well you see, when mommy and daddy love each other very much...
Lol anon
>my deck could become tier 1 if wizards bans a couple cards
Ive never seen anyone play my deck so I'm pretty hype for bans
Post your deck, then. I will play it.
Anon, I...
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i need... netdecks
i need good lists... off meta lists... winner lists
anons... netdecks... not like this...
They absolutely will ban something if not multiple. I think they will do nadu at least but possibly grief, bowmasters, and ring. Hopefully all 4.
I want to keep my copium running and if i post it people will tell me how it wont work
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Anon I only make shit decks. It's fine.
4 bans in a row? I have a mouth and i must laugh, anon im willing to bet actual cash money if we even see a ban it will be Nadu and that if we are REALLY lucky
I dont believe all 4, thats just my hope. I believe nadu at least but i think the others have good chances at making it onto the chopping block at the same time. Possibly ring and nadu but i dont expect more than 2 when they do ban.
Pic rel is my deck. Let me keep my copium about it being good though. I havent worked out the sideboard yet since it hasnt seen play in a bit. Just slotted in the titan because it fits well.

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