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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Fallen Brothers, edition

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>Thread question:
When Chorfs arrive, what theme should they have now that Fyreslayers exist?
diversity of slaves.
Leak info from last thread:




Chorfs have shooting, vehicles, and bottom of the barrel chaff to screen. Bonus if you can run the chaff over to feed the demon engines.
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I am working on the flesh-eater courts spearhead. Has anyone seen the crypt flayer or crypt horror warscrolls?
vampire lord being able to teleport all over the place looks interesting
>When Chorfs arrive, what theme should they have now that Fyreslayers exist?
Dwarf Wakanda
The amount of people who have never played really shows on the std leaks lol
>Wtf this does so much damage
Yes and always has, you have to play around, that's the point
The problem is literally everyone else got nerfed and yet every single std scroll improved.
>people who have never played really shows
funny that
You can't say that anything s been needed until you see the point costs and in general the game is gonna be much more lethal with 25mm striking on 4 ranks and 32mm on 3
Nerfed* not needed...
Same attacks, same teleport. Just lost the rule that looks at bravery.
Weapons now have crit auto wound.
Gain +1 rend while ww 12" of a courtier or abhorrant.
Everything else was said to be the same.
Yeah std points better be ridiculous and some other factions better be fucking cheap that's the last cope left. I doubt it.
Do we have new leak for Kruleboyz?
So has the new boxset flopped as hard as the first yet?
one of the major retailers on ebay sold like 247 last time I checked, I dunno if thats good or not so far.
No, it has not sat in piles on LGS shelves for months seeing greater and greater discounts
I hope it does, I actually want that stuff but not at $225.
Looks like they may have overproduced but not as bad as last time. I bought mine off some random store in butfuck Australia that got allocated over 300 I thought no way in hell they were going to move them but the've sold most of them
>some random store in butfuck Australia
I see you're familiar with our capital.
Are there really people who laugh at GW when their box sets don't sell out immediately

I remember people used to bitch about scalpers snatching everything up instead
there are obviously people desperate for any indication the game isn't doing well to justify their own opinion of it.
WD501’s Scenario: Retinues of Power

TQ: I’d say Babylonian. Would be cool in contrast to HoS having similar. Or go hyper-industrial in a way that puts both the Skaven and KO to shame.
They should see the stack of unsold OnG box sets for old world in my local, there was about 40 boxes of battalions and regiments gathering dust last time I was in there.
If they need that they should just go look at TOW...
What the fuck were they thinking
Looks good.
How can he "look good?" One of his eyes is covered!

The dragon head quiver is sick though.
It's shitposting but to be fair the desperate emails from GW reminding people to snatch Dominion because it was selling fast were funny.
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Kitbash your own
Old ogre kits allow for it
They sold every copy of it. People need to realize a sale to game store is a sale.
Chaos Knights went to 4 wounds because Stormcast Knights are finally coming out.
I actually think maggotkin seem fun. They could easily have made the disease keyword more layered but it's still looking like it's a pretty engaging part of your games.
They need to go to 3 wounds, they are fucking insane if left as is.
What do you mean 'finally coming out'
They've had Knights since forever
>Sitting in my boss chair, got my baggy pants on, got my big cup out, got the lighting on my face just right. Tonight's gonna be a good night.
Why does he dress like MC Hammer?
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Chorfs original theme is still good it's different enough from fyreslayers with their armor, guns, magic, demons, vehicles, auxiliary troops etc.
In my opinion they should have runes on weapons and armor made from aqshy realmstone or use realmstone in some other way maybe to power machines.
Africans culturally appropriated hammer pants from slavs and roaches.
A 5 man unit of dudes on horses, no they don't have anything like that. Evocators and Fulminators have always been much more analogous to Varanguard.
I'm thinking KINO
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>narrator: it was, in fact, not going to be a good night
When your basic infantry is already on a terminator base, then monstrous cav is going to be your basic mounted model
>A 5 man unit of dudes on horses
they will have that when the basic stormcast is equivalent to a chaos warrior and not a chosen
so never
What's the dark mirror of stormcast cavalry then?
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Does AoS need more shortstacks?
a chaos warrior is arguably better than a vindictor.
Absolutely not.
not comparing warscrolls.
What are you smoking? They obviously are
>SoB can't have a wizard anymore, beyond summoning manifestations
Kinda lame, having a wizard (1) has way more utility.

big hats ofcourse.
Wdym i love this mini, this is why i play ogres
It's just so different from the other models; having different proportions so it rubs some the wrong way. It's also obviously a BCR model despite the Gutbuster keyword.
Could Sigmar become Elden Lord or would he get filtered
He covers his eyes to avoid snowblindness, if you look at indigenous people in the far north they wear "shades" of bark, leather etc in a similar style.
Parachute pants have too much personality an Eastern European child would burst into flames like a vampire if they touched them
speaking of dwarfs, I think /aosg/ needs to take a look at this

>"They do not go into the wilderness alone either - Shiny Stormcast, Sturdy duardin, [word i can't decipher] aevlen armies [?] Are a common sight. The Dispossessed reinforce the armies with clanking, piston legged cogforts and impenetrable shieldwalls, their natural ability in architecture vital for ensuring new strongpoints weather the unforgiving landscape. Even the bloodthirsty Darkling covens and Scourge privateer fleets can be ralied to fight to the death for the greater cause.
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connecting the cogforts to dwarfs specifically is suspiciously parallel to this rumour pointing at a whole dispossessed wave
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and now I wonder if this is for an hobgrot chieftain

sure, the decorations are the ones of snarlfangs, but what if they reuse them for the hobgrot's steed?
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>screenshot posted here
>anon saves it in medium size instead of full size
>reposts to TGA
>TGA user saves the tiny pic
>reposts it here
We truly live in a society.
I did see it here yesterday, I didn't bother checking who posted it first, I just got theirs because they provided the transcription
Speaking of CoS list wise what formations can you see them having bedsides the castle?
I could see a cog fort, cavaliers, and Fusiliers, and a Engineer of sorts
I really wonder how they’re going to do a monster list it’d be a big missed opportunity to not give them any monsters also a demigryph update
Goonhammer will post an article about CoS today so we'll know their battle formation traits within the next few hours.
anything for skydorfs?
>almost a whole year worth of leaks
>glosses over the remaining skaven and stormcast releases
>gives names but no descriptions
>specifically mentions shit that people speculate must be going away due to their presence in TOW
>or conveniently shit that was left out of their respective army updates
>thinks someone is getting endless spells ever again
>makes up something new for nightaunts but forgets the rumour engines about nighthaunt hands holding potions and vials
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My dream is a heavy infantry/ogle list
Which of the new skaven makes the best bf material?
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by mere amount of food privided, then the brood terror, but sotek doesn't really devour out of hunger, so the skaven that makes provides the best food in a sacrifice is probably going to be their new special character, left paw vizzik skour or whatever is its name

also I'm very looking forward the reawakening of the eye of chotec
Is that communist party manifesto?
No wonder none buys CoS
3e corebook featured prominent landsknect style art and a short story about a veteran greatsworder. These things are irrelevant and don't reflect the longterm plans GW have for the setting
Still a decade in, things are in flux
one of the main rewards for joining a crusade is the ownership of some of the land of the newly founded city, while freeguild corps are generally professional soldiers, so no
>one of the main rewards for joining a crusade is the ownership of some of the land of the newly founded city,
>all cities are 50 shades of California
Chaos dwarfs when
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i was wondering, do the models within the objective set have any lore? In particular why the bell, sigmar statue and flag??

guessing they dont rly mean anything but yea
Wasn’t that a common way to pay Roman soldiers at one point
Why would they have any specific lore? It's just dawnbringer paraphernalia, shit the crusades bring along or create when they set up their towns and cities. A statue and shrine depicting Sigmar is obvious, the bell is for ringing to warn of enemies or do celebrations and the flag can be painted however you like.
Yeah (actually no it was retirement reward for certain legions) Roman, not egyptian, germanic, gaul and numidian
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nothing that's particularly specific, but there's some underlying storytelling in how you can see new structures juxtaposed or built on top of older ruins

the set of scenery pieces for 3rd edition represented mostly a new settlement being built, often on top of an ancient ruined place that was also built there because the land had a certain convergence of magical energies or resources or relics

very early constructions involve shrines and statues meant to ward off ghosts and demons, walls for more physical treats and structures that are meant to syphon or purify the energies of the land

I guess the bell is just for alarm
Only when its Age of Sigmar
Nah I've seen people behaving this way for 40k releases
Only when its Xenos

I see now, if the models match the theme of 3rd does that mean that they will likely release new objective models for the new edition?
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not sure about that
for starters we have rumours that say gw had prepared more scenery for 3rd edition (finished intact buildings) but they went unreleased due to lackluster sales of the rest of the scenery
and secondly, and more importantly, the new edition is very focused on spearhead mode and that's using objective areas pre printed on the tables
the idea of objectives being represented by a small impassable token seems to be getting phased out (after whinings from tourneyfags and the spreading popularity of third party objective plates) unfortunately

they MIGHT do something though, who knows

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