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Previous Thread: >>93223440
>Choose a Toxic Girlfriend
Don't do that, anon! Build Yourself Up, instead! :)
2x4 - Arcane magic
2x4 - Atheist divine magic, alternately body cultivation arts

If I had to stick to realistic subjects...
8x1 - Manga writing
8x1 - Novel writing
8x1 - RPG writing
8x1 - Literature publishing
2x4 - Art

Then publish an award-winning manga/novel series and use the money to fund an alternative to D&D.
For the CRIME of not praying to the One True TRUTH in the correct time of day or posture, you've been sentenced to eternal torment. However, the circumstances of your birth indicate piety, so you can choose fhe means of suffering.
Which of the following do you prefer?
>Months of isolation in spartan conditions broken up by twelve hours of human contact at random intervals to keep your hopes up
>Endless gauntlet of barehanded murder against people you agree with the politics of in a muddy pit with a scalding downpour, reincarnating to fight again every time you die
>the circumstances of your birth indicate piety
That's a really mangled statement; piety is something in the mind of a person, it can't be something in the circumstances of birth

>Months of isolation in spartan conditions broken up by twelve hours of human contact at random intervals to keep your hopes up
The other option feels like it would be fun at first but would get tedious faster
its not happening bud. the true death of /cyoag/ is nigh
Blood Of Ancients vs Stone Sword going off the regular tropes?
And a new general will rise up anew from our ashes like a phoenix. Leaving this thread is not as scary as it sounds.
I'd go for blood, because a dude with a fancy sword often gets bodied by dudes with no swords but higher cultivation and the blood not only accelerates cultuivation but lets you incorporate magical beast powers. Blood might cut down on your lifespan, but once you reach a high enough level that stops being a problem and you can EAT THE HEAVENS.
Both could work.

>Blood Of Ancients

Personal power. Speedrun. Edgy, kinda forces you to go for Death and Slaughter, most likely makes you vulnerable against things like Karmic Break. The best cultivation booster, but not too good in combat against peers (most likely only Temple worse in this aspect), and fights against superior opponents is a very major trope.

>Stone Sword

External object, can be noticed by greedy bastards much easier. No direct boosts to cultivation. Doesn't forces you into anything, you'll probably become some sort of Sword Immortal anyway, and they are a bit boring. Boring doesn't mean weak though. The best unconditional boost in combat, good for survivability.
what do you mean nigh, it happened ten years ago

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