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>Brutus' Drive
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>DriveAnon's Drive
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
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>How to Jumpchain
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>PDF Compressor, For Extra Thicc Jumps
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>Last Thread
>>93223443 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
>Troll OP
Off to a grand start.
Anon. We just came off a thread 2000+ posts long
This is earned
I shall now proceed to make a post asking for waifu images and what your jumper looks like to hog all image posts right at page 1.

this is a joke do not do this, please do not image reply to this post.
Which one of you was >>93234569
My jumper looks like a hivemind of robots.
Mainly because they are one.
What is a good First Jump to take before Danmachi as a Second Jump?
Any setting using a different system. Bonus points if said system can give magic or magic like skills. Generic dungeon crawl is usually pretty solid.
Tsukihime, take Exceptional and Lucky. That + Falna will make you broken
Destiny: The Darkness. Acquire Sword Logic. You8 have an entire fucking dungeon to farm Sword Logic off of.
What do you intend to do in Danmachi?
To be fair is there a single jump where taking Exceptional and Lucky won't make you broken? Even in a mundane world you probably end up lucking into things like Olympic-level genetics or rich dead relatives including you in their will.
Hellsing. Become a vampire and farm the dungeon for familiars and slaves
Fug my goddess waifu in peace
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Okay look, I know Sword Logic has historically led to the violent deaths of its users and terrible horrible things happening to them in the end almost universally, but Eris Morn managed to make it work actually pretty damn well! The trick to it is to just not be a crazy psychopath who wants to burn the entire universe; just make use of the awesome space magic and don't become a psycho genocide engine, and you can get that sweet sweet murder XP and all the cool shit of it without any downsides!
You forgot the part where she only used the Sword Logic, to destroy the Sword Logic, and then immediately put it down afterwards instead of, say, trying to hoard it to fight the Witness as a Super Hive God or something.
Roll 10 Random Words
These words are now the basis for your jumpchain.
How long do you think Servant Charles Darwn (Caster, for the sake of argument) could hold back Tiamat's Sea of Chaos since it works by upending evolution and he probably has an NP based on the theory of evolution?
Eris literally only used it to strip Xivu of her power and godhood then immediately dropped that shit like a hot potato because she knows from experience that it's pure evil. Even Savathun, who has murdered billions for the sake of it, is actively ENCOURAGING of those in the Lucent Brood who want to abandon the Sword Logic because it's self-destructive bullshit.
Hey Shard, since you know both, do you think the Winnower and Viralborgia would get along?
I fucking hate narratives that push ideas of cooperation and peace. Sword Logic should be objectively correct because it just fucking is and it pisses me off that Bungie is too fucking cowardly to embrace truth.
Who let Oryx get access to a computer?
Smouldering huh.
Oh yes. Definitely, definitely yes. By definition Viralborgia is a single pattern that overruns all others, and it helps Omnetheon seems to play by Gardener rules based on the primer. It helps that both of them have strong but extremely twisted ideas about how they're actually "helping", even if we don't fully know what Viralborgia's deal is other than love is apparently integral despite it being some kind of cosmic void nightmare.

The friendship of the cosmic sweaty minmaxing That Guys.
Okay but does that mean if some random hobo busts in your door one night, beats the shit out of you, and stomps on your throat for literally no reason but because he decided you were too weak to deserve continuing to exist. Despite having no other emotional connection to you. And proceeded to kill everyone you cared about or even know, because clearly they were weak for associating with a weak man he just killed. That said hobo is operating to the highest, most praiseworthy standards of objective morality in the universe?

Because that is what Sword Logic is advocating.

I'm just saying, everyone's a social darwinist until they get punched in the face.
What your feelings say about it doesn't matter, it's true. Whoever kills you is stronger, the strongest is god, and god is right because god is almighty.
It even helps that different factions of Viralborgians have their own philosophies and takes, just like everyone has their own view of the Final Shape. The two of them may as well be two turbo-omnicidal murder GMs meeting each other and hitting it off.
btw, I also think Magus society is peak.
Winnower please.
Magus society is garbage because it still pretends to be a society. The true peak is a the Grail War, which magus society by and large looks at as a novelty not worth their time, evidence enough they're fools.
Alright, I'm declaring this jump finished. It can be put on the drive.
Thank you. It does feel nice to have finally finished a jump. Hopefully the anon who was looking for more Wuxia jumps will be on at some point to see it. Be nice to get more than just a build from Shard.
Companion import needs a note about importing/creating multiple companions and a lower price for a full 8. And get rid of the needlessly complicated extra import option where companions get less CP but two origins in a jump with only two origins.
Okay but what if the hobo punches God in the face and he just dies? Is that sweaty, schizo, smelly man now God? What if he tears apart everything you value in this life, cripples you and your entire life is dependent on agreeing with his claims that he is God?


Look, as clumsily handled and just all around less cool the other 2/3s of the Hive leadership have been, Savathun actually has a point. The highest practitioners of Sword Logic themselves are hypocrites. Xivu bowed her head for Oryx to take her life because she loves him-she priorities something outside the will to dominate. Oryx didn't come to the solar system because the Witness was ready to attack (in fact the Witness had arranged a tag team with him and Rhulk on another planet once before. And jesus fucking christ what kind of civilisation needed both of them, probably the one that beat the Witness' ass bloody), he came SOLELY to avenge Crota.

To be a true Sword Logic fundamentalist is to concede you have no right to complain when the shoe is on the other foot, and there is no valid way to gain anything is by taking it. And ORYX HIMSELF accepted the inherent hypocrisy of the tithe system (Hive literally giving each other their XP), it's why he set out to kill Akka and commune with the Deep directly to compensate.

In fact, one could argue that truly adhering to the Sword Logic means that if another arrangement offers you an objectively better standard of living with superior means to defend yourself, you have a DUTY as a Sword Logic practitioner to doomp Swordcoin and take up whatever superior means of killing is presented to you.

Even if, say, the means of killing manifests as the Traveller's Light.

Also congratulations! Build...soon-ish. Sometime tonight.

I don't recall this from anywhere else so...yeah, I really need to catch up on the comic.
The import option for a companion with both origins is a direct reference to an important part of the film. It stays. Thank you for pointing out the need for making it easier to import more than one companion though. I'll correct that, shouldn't take more than a moment.
No rush take your time. It looks like I may end up having to make corrections as I get further feedback which hadn't been forthcoming in previous threads.
I would like a few more drawbacks but over all a solid, if smallish, jump. Thanks anon.
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Having now seem the Eyes of Heaven story mode, I don't know whether to laugh at DIO over Heaven because he's the biggest jobber in fiction or feel bad for him because getting "It's the same type of stand as Star Platinum"'d two times and losing even though you're nigh omnipotent is crazy.
The perk that makes you a good infiltrator is an direct reference to an important part of the film. This weird custom rule is not. Do you think that no other jump author has ever made a jump for a piece of media where one character could plausibly fit under multiple backgrounds? Why do you think they all adhered to standard jump design rather than this weird extra companion import option?
>Captcha: VS XXX
But anon Madoka, Nanoha and Sailor Moon are stronger than you, and therefore they have the absolute claim to existence.
I just have to become the devil
Sometime Jojo is particularly lazy about the final fight, particularly in part 3, 5 and EoH, arguably 2 too but that was more entertaining.
It really is the same type of Stand as Star Platinum tho
Look-I'm not a Sword Logic fundamentalist. I just want that fun XP system and all the cool shit like tearing open space, super swording stuff, carving out my own personal dimension, and the like. I'm not in it to rape the universe into a single shape and unmake reality. I am firm in the belief that the Sword Logic can be used for good-if nothing else, you need a /scalpal/ to remove tumors or the like. I have no intention of going all-in on Sword Logic. let me repeat that: I have NO intention of going all in on Sword Logic. It's just got some great stuff and I feel like it could be really useful if managed with care.
Whats the best way to pick up big sis Ibuki Douji outside of Fate/Grand Order. Any good perk or item choices within the Type Moon jumps to summon her
Legends, Land of Rising Sun
JUMP #0151: Labyrinth

Location: 4. The Hedge Maze
Age: rolled 16 +15 = 31
Gender: Male
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)
>Crystal Orbs (100)
>The Labyrinth (300)
>Import x8 (200)
>Be QUIET! (+100)
>Fixture (+300)
Total: 1400/1400

Ryan +800
Gender: Male
Origin: Drop In
Heritage: Creature
>Monstrous (100)
>Let's Handle This Logically (free)
>Life Isn’t Fair (100)
>Through Dangers Untold... (200)
>You Have No Power Over Me (300)
>Plastic! (free)
>The Labyrinth Script (100)

Lorelei +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Local
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Till Next We Meet (free)
>The Way Forwards Is Sometimes Back (100)
>Puppetry (200)
>Thing Friend (300)
>Riding Beast (free)
>Door (100)

Sophia +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)

Mortimer +800
Gender: Male
Origin: Goblin
Heritage: Goblinkin
>What Smell? (100)
>Furtive Creature (free)
>Unwanted Child (100)
>Goblin Doors (200)
>Heart’s Desire (300)
>Goblin Armor (free)
>Unlimited Fire Works (100)

Elizabeth +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)
I feel bad for him. It's not even jobbing like Gilgamesh from TYPE Objectively Bad. EoHDIO is genuinely Almighty and got zero reasons to lose. Yeah sure, he love to play with the heroes, but that what a lot of Jojovilains do, and they pay it dearly, but EoHDIO is almighty like I said, he can afford to do it way more.
It's literally "So it's the same type of stand" LITERALLY. Except in Part 3, you could tell yourself that Star Platinum always had Time Stop powers, that it was foreshadowed or I dunno, it's what I tell myself, and hey, Star Platinum and The World are genuinely similar Stands. But EoHDIO genuinely fucking worked for his powers, for God hah how long, with a long ass process he made.
And Jotaro just obtain it.

Talisa +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)

Heather +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)

Gaia +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Royalty (200)
Heritage: Human
>Beauty Of A Silver Moon (100)
>Well...? Laugh! (free)
>The Power of Voodoo (100)
>Dance Magic! (100)
>The Power of The Labyrinth (300)
>The Tightest Pants (free)

Watsonian Commentary: Due to some terrible gambling on his part, Jumper has to spend a decade as the guardian of the playroom. Only those who can beat him in a chess match may pass. However, no one even wants to challenge him due to his annoying talking hat.
Doylist Comments: There's honestly lots of cool stuff here. The central choice here lies in what flavour of pocket realm you want and if you prefer near immunity to illusions or fisher king style powers. And yes, all my female companions got the silver moon beauty perk, laugh it up. I’m not apologizing for waifu related choices. 2/2
And as long as you stay alive while doing so, you are using Sword Logic "correctly".

Of course a Sword Logic purist would argue it's less correct then wildly killing everything in reach but many Sword Logic purists end up dying violently so by definition they're wrong.

Reminder that the Sword Logic isn't even the Hive's own ideas, it's what Rhulk strongarmed the Worms into telling the Hive to believe and the Witness both implies the Logic's parameters are defined by it's own design, Savathun flat out states they didn't HAVE to kill to use it but she chose to go along with the Witness' party line to accelerate the Hive as a military power, and Rhulk considers the Hive childish for treating the Logic as religion predicated on trial and error rather than an obligation for a fixed outcome (the Witness' own idea of the Final Shape). In fact, the fucking WORM GODS contradict the Sword Logic because Xita valued and cherished her children enough become a hostage for them to be nourished, and a little larval/segmented worm implies she continues to support them even while stuck as a battery
Updated for importing groups of companions.

To be honest with as small as the jump is I don't feel that you need to many drawbacks to get a solid build. I did definitely have too few drawbacks in the earlier versions, but I feel like this is a decent number. However I'll consider adding more. No promises but I'll give it some thought today and may update with a few more to provide options if I can think of drawbacks which are appropriate.

I'm not taking it out anon. While I'm open to feedback and suggestions for improvement and I've done my best to listen to the feedback I've received over the last few days in good faith and implemented most of the suggestions I've received at the end of the day I made the jump because I wanted to and because I enjoyed doing it, and I like having that option as part of the jump. So it stays. Thank you again for pointing out the lack of a group import option. That was something I had overlooked which was a problem and I'm glad it got caught and fixed.
God Destiny is stupid. Why is Bungie so afraid of just making its villains objectively correct instead of bending over backwards to make their kumbaya bullshit seem valid
Goddammit now I'm starting to get tempted to abandon Sword Logic in favor of Anthem Anatheme. If the parameters of Sword Logic were literally designed by the Witness, then wouldn't it be possible for Shaped Finality to basically just make their own Sword Logic? PLEASE don't tell me yes even though that makes perfectly logical sense, because that will only fuel my desire to go Anthem Anatheme even more.
Any fate jump with a summon?? Or, ya know, Fate Japan. Retard.
Yes, that is the implication going by the Qugu and the Ecumene having their own much more benevolent uses of the Darkness, and the Witness having the power to literally hand out Darkness manifestations such as Stasis or take them away from it's servants like Eramis
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If i have Absolute Radiance could i cultivate Sword Logic to the point of fraudchecking the Witness and it's Disciples?
Western media is just as slave to societal norms as Eastern media is. MHA says society good, defeating the bad guy solves all ills, Destiny says everything is the fault of the Witness and no one the Guardians ever fought had a point
>why are our ANTAGONISTS not be objectively in the right
I can't tell if you're shitposting or actually retarded
God FUCKING dammit. Time to go tinker with my build again.
No, I'm serious. I hate it when the heroes are presented as good. I want them to lose and suffer and for it to be entirely deserved
Shard if in Mahoyo you take the fifth do you get Touko's circuit rotation speed for free?
>do I get a 400cp perk for free?
>Contrarianism good
Nta but I fear you fail to understand why stories are written and the role of the hero, maybe if you said protagonist it would have made more sense but a hero isn't presented as good, he's good.
I know it's far too powerful but it's litterally canon, so I wanted to ask Shard to be sure.
It's a 400 CP perk.
No, hero is a position of societal expectation and assertion in one. Heroes are never actually good, they're just what you're commanded to respect.
Uh. Sor now there's Space Marines in Goblin Slayers.
>muh subverted expectations
As I hought, then I can take the perk without remorse of not managing to squeeze in 200 cp more, thanks.
...oh wait, I was confused by Touko. You get everything you need to use the 5th properly, including the circuits, with the 5th Magic purchase. If you choose to buy the AOKO rotational speed? Congrats, you have extra circuits now.
You heard that right, it's from a thread in tg.
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How would someone that has all these perks look like?
Cope, the morality of "the strongest decide" isn't appliable, since in reality it's society wich give power, so the moral groundwork they write is based on this.
Sorry, confused the names, that's really broken and now I must force myself again to take every drawback, thanks anyway.
But that's cucked. It inevitably leads to stories like MHA, or fucking Bleach where the end of the story is a terrible status quo
Honestly, if some random drunk did that to me when i had a gun i'd be disappointed with myself.
It look fine?
An Emperor's Domination fan, I take it?
No, but you could probably set up a system that, once fired off, fucks up the Witness via their glaring hivemind weakpoint.
Mha I'm not reading for a bit, but the status quo isn't terrible that I remember, Bleach's main problem is Mayuri, wich receives no punishment and almost no growth.
Destiny: The Darkness

Starting Location: Ishtar Sink
Origin: Human

>Heresiarch -600 CP
>Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence -800 CP
>Anthem Anatheme -500 CP
>Universal Common Ancestor -Free
>Hatred Of The City -Free
>Drifter's Gambit -100 CP
>Bane of the Swarm (Ahamkara) -100 CP
>Embrace the Darkness (Deepsight) -200 CP
>Prismatic Symmetry -300 CP
>Shaped Finality -400 CP

>Madwoman's Ramblings -Free
>The Haul -100 CP

>Off The Board +200 CP
>Usurper of the Ordered Way (Hive, Cabal, Black Fleet, Disciples, Witness) +1000 CP
>Living Lootbox +300 CP
>Pruning Shears Enhanced +600 CP

Welp, going in on Ahamkara again. And now fighting a Better Than Witness society the very first thing I do in-jump. From a disadvantage.

Fucksake Shard, explain to me why I made this build. It has everything I want, but it is crushing my balls into fucking paste at the same time.
Evidently, deep down you wanted to fight Goku AND the pringles at the same time.
Still mad about that shit.
Thats not true though for most fate jumps with a summon those tend to be limited and unable to summon divine spirits. Likewise for Fate Japan what kind of catalyst should I use where can I attain such a catalyst. How do I make sure I don't end up with any one of the other children of Yamata no Orochi. She seems to be before 190 CE/AD since Emperor Keikō Takeru's father supposedly died in 130 CE/AD and Takeru died fighting her. Also debatably the "her" as a summon is different from the "her" in life. So one would need to summon her to get the proper personality.
>In fact, one could argue that truly adhering to the Sword Logic means that if another arrangement offers you an objectively better standard of living with superior means to defend yourself, you have a DUTY as a Sword Logic practitioner to doomp Swordcoin and take up whatever superior means of killing is presented to you.
That's the thing tho, Sword Logic as a system is so compatible that you can use it with anything. It's why Guardians can use it without actually harnessing Darkness.
Tough looking person who is also stunningly attractive and good at milking it, who also just projects bad guy energy.
Sword Logic is wrong because it makes a fundamental mistake in equivocating violence to power. Power is the answer to all questions and the ultimate moral high ground, yes, but power doesn't necessarily come from violence alone. Soft power is real power too, you can get things done without killing people and its often more efficient in both time and energy as well. Soft power can also leverage a lot of hard power, enough to kill a lot of strong assholes, fundamentally invalidating Sword Logic at the root.
Except the jumps let you summon whoever.
>fate Japan
>fate japan
Just grab the real fucking thing dumbass. Or grab the sword she uses and some sake. God you're autistic.
Shard, is there absolutely any chance I can convince you to add some more drawbacks to the jump? A rival, pirate events, fighting off Vex trying to rewrite your timeline or something?
Jumps that offer human creation powers? Or any sort of race creation powers really
That is literally a canon application, to Sword Logic outsmarting someone with a keikaku is just as valid as stabbing them in the face. That's how Savathun gets powerups
But Savathun is a heretic
And despite being a heretic, it still fucking works. Hive religion is objectively wrong because the Sword Logic is more flexible than they believe it to be.
F/SN, F/Zero, F/Apocrypha all prevent divine summonings so no that's not true. F/SN and F/Zero come with more limitations but asking the author for F/Apocrypha jump confirms you can't summon divine spirits or LB servants.

>sword she uses and some sake
So grab the sword that Yamato Takeru also uses. Or grab sake which lets be honest here other oni have probably already have finished off by drinking. There is also no way to no which sake she specifically has come into contact with. Or do you just mean grabbing just generic sake for the catalyst ritual which could summon any number of other servants.
She’s a heretic to THE HIVE, but with Sword Logic itself as long as you can get the win it will count as a kill.
So, evil anime woman?
I don't even know what the fuck is Sword Logic, except that you talking about make me want to bash my head.
Unless there are actual superhumans involved. If someone can kill everyone else in the country on their own and they cannot be harmed back, then they decide.
The Sword Logic is not enslaved to the feeble trappings of dogma and heresy. It simply is, and what someone makes of it is their own problem.
Nta but I'm surprised Kusanagi isn't to grab
Use both together dipshit. And just go to strange fake or grab the LIVING character from Japan, stop being autistic.
At it's core, the Sword Logic seems to be a kind of "you keep what you kill" type of metaphysic. Steal the strength of those you defeat, etc. But apparently it's applicable to more than just killing, so being like Aizen is as legitimate a way to use it as being like Kenpachi.
It's there since last update.
That's the reason I said it isn't applicable, since many stories want at least to try and tell something about real world they have to borrow characteristics from it. Anyway when there are superpowers the protagonist is in the right since he defeat the villain, according to the logic of the strongest.
The status quo is MHA is good, despite the flaws. They managed to achieve around modern world standards of living and security in a world where any random cunt can be born with a power capable of leveling city blocks.
...Then what's the problem?
Sword Logic, at its most fundamental level, is about dominance. Its simplest and most pure expression is in killing something; in killing, you prove your superiority to whatever it is you killed. You thus prove you are qualitatively superior to them, and grow stronger from this proof. This can scale until you grow to such strength that you break physics. But that's only the absolute simplest form of Sword Logic, because Sword Logic is not fundamentally about death-it's about dominance. Savathun harnesses Sword Logic by proving she is intellectually superior to her foes by confusing and outwitting them; this grants her power just as surely as if she would have killed them. If you physically overpower your enemies that is in and of itself an expression of Sword Logic that can grant you strength even if you don't kill them.

Sword Logic is the proof of "defeat marks the defeated as lesser than the victor", whatever the challenge is. As long as you are the victor, to the victor goes the spoils. And from such victory you may reap strength.
I didn't understood a single thing.
No problem at all, I imagine what anon was saying is that you risk to summon Yamato Takeru instead of Ibuki, but anyway all thi is weird since, as>>93235150 said you can simply take the living Ibuki.
What are some nice Primordial domains that are unoccupied by any known Primordial?
Jojo character.
Sounds like heavy metaphysical wanabe bullshit but tldr,
>you kill something, you level up
>you also level up by proving you are superior to your opponent in anyway too
Empathy and Humility.
Effectively yes. And once you level up enough you can do all sorts of crazy cool bullshit.
What power level do you have to be where you can start genuinely considering emulating Jumpchain for other people to be a realistic prospect? What is the bare minimum strength a being which can function as a benefactor actually has to be?
Transformation - the becoming of something else. There are a couple primordials that have a little overlap, but even they don't actually touch the concept of transformation itself.

Szoreny is essentially a mirror, so its theme is being reflections of things, duplicates, but not things that are totally new.

Oramus' theme is that which does not exist, which means he can't touch on things that can exist but don't yet.
Blood and death? Though gaia may have blood.

Look I just want to be a giant edgy vampiric planetoid spirit made of microscopic demons.
Depends on how real you want your Jumpchains to be. For example, theoretically Itachi could be a benefactor by making them trip balls with the Tsukuyomi.
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>No longer bans body mod
Do we know how old is Kirschtaria?
>Conceding to peer pressure
Can any uchiha do tsukiyomi or is that a specific eyeball thing?
Old enough to suck and fuck futa cock
>Being reasonable and acknowledging your mistakes
Nta but it's exclusive to Itachi.
Swords and war.
Any Uchiha lucky enough to win the gacha game that is the Mangekyo Sharingan.
Its a eyeball ability from mangekyo sharingan, each sharingan user has the potential to have up to 2 abilities, one for each eye. Though many have the same in both. I went with kamui in one tsukuyomi in the other myself.
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Personally I like Motherhood from Fate Legend Land of Shadows.
>Motherhood- 400
>All things in this world come from a mother, be it an animal mother or mother Earth. With your long and storied history with motherhood, you thought to take things to a bit more of an exceptional level. You have the ability to create life and nature, so long as you have taken in the right information to do so. By taking a living being or part of nature within you, through consumption of a part of it or some other method of receiving genetic information from a living being within your body, you’re able to imprint that information inside you and create new life based on it. Taking a human in this way would allow you to create humans, as infants or fully grown adults, with a small expenditure of mana, enough for even a normal person to make two or three adults this way. Take in a dog’s information as well and you could even mix the two, creating dog-men. You can even pass down information you know and wish into them, moulding their personalities, skills and memories.
>Enough energy and you could birth entire armies. Not that you need to literally give birth to them. It is possible for you to simply create this new life in front of you from your energy. And as mentioned before, this also applies to any part of the natural world. Sip from a river and with enough mana spent, you could create an entirely new river.
nta, but in part 1 it was supposed to be just a super difficult jutsu that required the Mangekyo and a high skill, same with Amaterasu, but part 2 established that mangekyo abilities are randomly given to people who awaken the mangekyo sharingan and bound to those eyeballs.
And they are all nothing.
Sounds like fanfic cope.
no? Kishimoto wrote this down in the Databook and then changed his mind when he gave Sasuke his own Mangekyo abilities.
Trash mobs are trash mobs wow congrats anon good boy you figured it out all by yourself. Want a treat?
Let the guy who continually trashes Fate Stuff whenever it shows up, trash Fate Stuff. This has been going on for years at this point after all.
Dog Days or Hamefura, just figure out the basics of combat and/or court dealings in a super chill environment so you can get more out of the falna if/when you finally get access to one.

Do you want a version who's competent in combat, or more there for the emotional support?
It really is. Nothing ever implied those abilities were something any Uchiha could learn. Imagine Madara with Amaterasu+Kagatsuchi, Tsukuyomi, Koto and both Kamui powers, he'd be stronger than Kaguya.
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But he's asking for something human and capable, not something like... that.
And Medb is stinky and stoopid and stooooopid looking.
When you look at it, a lot of things in Naruto at retcons.
>Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu, Offensive, Close range
>User(s): Uchiha Itachi
>The ones reflected in these eyes turn to ash!! A black world-destroying conflagration that scorches all on heaven and earth!!
>The Uchiha Clan, originally significant as those with the fans which manipulate fire, traditionally specialize in Fire Release jutsu, but there is a legendary jutsu unknown outside the clan. This is Amaterasu. The appearance of these flames are jet-black. The high temperature is like the sun, and one time touching it is the last. It is said that this is named after the Goddess of the Sun as it continues to burn for seven days and seven nights. However, the Mangekyou Sharingan is necessary to activate this jutsu, and for this reason there are not many who have learned this jutsu. Therefore, the details of this jutsu are yet unrevealed…

It's pretty clear what his intentions were at the time, but obviously he changed his mind later like he did with lots of things. Hell wood release was literally just a Hiden in part 1.
Oh you really are just the ESL that cries about Fate like ever other day. Get a life dude.
You really think the author writes these? He's supervising at best.
DIO fucking deserves it
yes, the Naruto Databooks aren't like most manga guidebooks, they're explicitly written by Kishimoto, thats why in the 15 year runtime of Naruto there were only 4 of those.
File deleted.
I have a half finished lewd MHA jump and I'm debating if I should push though and force myself to finish it before the final MHA chapter comes out.
It does take the sting out of the author deciding in the latter half of his series that DIO was actually a visionary who wanted to create Heaven instead of the cackling psychopath he clearly was in part 3
DIO shouldn't even have been a thing in the first place. Not only was he a cackling psychopath in part 1, he was actually a worthless sack of shit who got absolutely played by a bigger asshole. Who found a slave collar, put it around his neck and declared himself king.
It was impossible to take him seriously after Kars because he literally is just some dipshit and the story keeps hyping him up as the biggest threat ever. Fuck that.
Do you think adding a second set of Holy Corpses Parts to yourself would double the efficacy of Love Train?
You can ironically impregnate someone?
>yes, the Naruto Databooks aren't like most manga guidebooks
Do you know what you sound like?
Madara doesn't know every normal technique, that's dumb.
Plus in the non retcon world Madara wouldn't have been drooping huge meteors from the sky.
>he hasn't ironically impregnated his wife to make a point
What kind of point would that be?
He's still a cackling psychopath in Part 6. Heaven isn't meant to be a good thing for everyone else, it's meant to be a good thing for him. From DIO's perspective he's gonna win Stardust Crusaders, take over the world and set the universe to a state where not only has he won but everyone now knows he's destined to win and they can never stop it.
I mean sure but in his diary he writes about it like he's a genuine philanthropist or some shit
It must be true since you are saying it.
There's no doubling the efficacy, it's an absolute on/off effect where it either works or it doesn't.
someone who actually looks at what the books claim and how they're written?
Most popular Guidebooks(like Daizenshuu) aren't claimed to be written by the manga authors and dont read as such, neither is the case for Naruto.
So Kishimoto intended lightspeed Haku and lightspeed random water jutsu from Itachi?
Why the lewd jump or why the deadline?
Lewd jump duh.
What could a lewd jump add that the main one couldn't?
Am I reading the Redo jump right that the only way to be the healing hero is to replace the MC or is it time for me to get some z's?
Yes? Clearly more as a turn of phrase, but the point of both jutsu were supposed to be incredibly fast. Haku being so fast he moved from mirror to mirror faster than eyesight like the reflection itself, and Itachi's water jutsu being used so fast that Kakashi literally wasn't able to see Itachi form the handsigns despite using his Sharingan.
Why would it be the case, simply take as your class healer and pay 300 to be a hero.
No, you can become the Hero of Healing by having the hero perk and picking the human race, then selecting healer as your class. The drawback is an option you can take if you've already done all that, similar to some Zelda jump drawbacks that make you Link under certain build conditions.
I need the numbers for that pic.
If the healer class is OP enough to rewind time, why has no other hero in the history of ever discovered say-how to chop through time as a sword hero?

Is gangrape just that good for inspiring innovation?
When he did that he had the philosopher's stone, which increases the power and scope of magic to a stupid degree. It's actually just magic that's OP, not specifically healing.
Ah, that explains it then. Thanks.
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>post asking for waifu images
Alrighty, but I think we should talk about jumpchain instead.
You can do it, anon. I believe in you
I feel like jumping there just to bully the mc.
Nta but does this means that being the hero of magic is the best? I won't change my build, since I already plan to brainwash Flare, but just to know.
I hate how much truth there are in this pic.
Is 'Hero of Summoning' valid?
Flare is that, and she is specialized in blowing shits.
Interesting jump. Have a build.

>Origin: Insurgent
>Kung-fu on Wires (Free)
>Master of unusual combat techniques (200)
>She's the finest lady on earth (Free)
>You aren't Blind? (100)
>Do you know the echo game? (200)
>Flying Dagger technique (300)
>Stop this at once! (100)
>Period Clothing (Free)
>Quantum Horse (200)
>Assassination gear (Free)
>Flying Dagger Pouch (100)
>Ambush! (+200)

Let me tell you, the person who’s hiring these assassins is getting their money’s worth. I can kill ten of them effortlessly and the remainders don’t hesitate at all. Then again, if they were getting their money’s worth the assassins would actually kill me, so here’s to incompetence.
It could be. Magic is kinda vague in what it can do beyond manipulating elements for attacks, but considering the conceptual nature of philosopher's stone level magic you could unironically probably do shit like burn away someone's sense of self or freeze time.
Sure, if you want. There aren't any summoners in the series but it's not like the series ever said there couldn't be summoners, plus otherworldly entities like fairies exist.
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A sad state of affairs
For a moment I was confused, but then I realized Redo of Healer somehow ISN'T an Isekai. What the fuck? These faggots are natives?
>These faggots are natives?
The Jioral kingdom is cartoonishly evil
>Redo of Healer somehow ISN'T an Isekai.
If it makes you feel better the spin off actually is an Isekai because the MC winds up in a world where the "Heroes" are actually heroes.
And sometime, there really are some affairs.

Psycho, why are you responding to baits.
Hi, Ric.
One wonders why the writers do this.
It wasn't bait, I legit thought the Heroes were all summoned from another world, so when Psycho said there were no summoners I was confused until I went and checked.
Writing is a mistake
-Yoaoh Ziymzaki.
Witch on the Holy Night
BAKA (100 CP)
What Is Phone? (+100 CP)
Resting Witch Face (+100 CP)
Disfavoured (+100 CP)
Sealing Designation (+200 CP)
Magical Murder Mystery (+200 CP)
Mystical Malice (+200 CP)
The Terror of Death At Man’s Hands (+300 CP)
The Masque of the Red Death (+300 CP)
Death and Bizarre Adventures (+300 CP) Kirschtaria
2900 CP
Mysterious Witch (400 CP)
Reenactment of Mystery (free)
Holy Orders (400 CP)
The Magic of Youth (300 CP)
True Magician (600 CP) fifth
Wheel of Chakravartin (400 CP)
Yumina (300 CP)
Trump Cards (300 CP) similar to ply kickshaw but the big three are bound to the body of the user, connecting it to the world to manifest their effects, with the risk of dissolution of the ego in case of low concentration but allowing personal control over their manifestation.
Sister of Burials (50 CP)
Laughing Hyena (50 CP)
Nursery Rhyme (free)
Prince of Flies (50 CP)
Baka (Female) (50 CP)
Do you think it would be possible for my build, when I have obtained hundreds of levels, as the hero of alchemy, replicate the Philosopher stone copying the canon one?
The setting of My Hero Academia is very compatible with my fetishes and I would enjoy jumps that focused on that.

I'm also not too keen on the main jump. It's ok but it has issue that stop it being as fun as it could.
Redo actually does the whole "retarded people in the world underestimate MC for no reason" and "Hypercompetent MC" tropes pretty well. Healers normally can literally only cast one spell and that's normal heal, which is a pretty shitty spell that can be replaced by a potion. They have no reason to believe it lets him copy sk abilities and reshape flesh and the only thing they know it can do that's special is regrow limbs. Keyaru being highly competent also makes sense because not only did he gain the knowledge of hundreds, If not thousands of people but he was also trained by Bullet who is Redo Big Boss.

The series is probably above average for the genre.
Everyone is a local. It's just that the MC is a time traveler so between that and the RPG-style system-driven high fantasy setting, it ends up being what someone would say is a native isekai if that wasn't just a shitpost meme. Though that's weirdly fitting given the work in question...
>Here's to incompetence
Kek. Well clearly if you can kill their assassins so easily you are a huge threat to the government and they absolutely need to do all they can to kill you. With more assassins of course.

Thank you for the build anon.
Guess I lost my patience. People are really annoying and asking basic questions..

It help that Heroes in there aren't just "that but very good". Their brains and powers work on a whole other level.
Possibly, though it would probably put you in the hospital for a week. You can also theoretically farm philosopher's stones by just repeatedly killing demon kings since each demon king gets a new one.
Yeah but you can also do that in canon, the only reason the guy with the brainwashing quirk doesn't win all the time is because Deku had multiple souls in him, and because it has an obvious drawback.

>I'm also not too keen on the main jump. It's ok but it has issue that stop it being as fun as it could.
So are philosopher stones infinite use or do they get used up?
Sooner or later, one of those assassins will tell me who hired them, and then I can find and eliminate them to end the assassins.
>The corrupt official’s compatriots decide this affront must not be allowed to stand
>The answer is assassins

>Thank you for the build anon.
Thanks for the jump.
Thanks, but would new demon lord be born if I were the demon lord already?
Another random question but in your Jojolion jump would it be possible wit flirting with disaster after killing Tooru to become the new holder for WoU?
They can seemingly just be used forever. Nothing ever states they get burned up or anything by using them.
>Would a new demon king be born if I'm the demon king
No, so I guess that would make it impossible for you to farm them.
It's possible, but it's not guaranteed or anything. Flip a coin.
>Flip a coin.
Fear and Hunger jump when. ahah
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That's just classic villain tactics. You don't do that? You should always write down your evil plan in as poetic and philanthropic-sounding terms as possible and then leave copies lying around for mentally deranged people to find after you've been defeated to become the antagonist of some future season. That's just basic supervillain strategy.
>No, so I guess that would make it impossible for you to farm them.
As I feared, I will have to do it by myself, thanks
>It's possible, but it's not guaranteed or anything. Flip a coin.
It was just food for thought, I unironically don't want WoU, it's far too aggressive.
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Exalted or Campione. The gods are so shit they need a good scare.
No. No amount of simple raw power is going to do anything to the Witness.
Couldn't you rip your heart and recovery heal it
I think I have seen this specific Campione pic posted a 1000 times on this thread.
I just really like the pic. Boars are cool.
I don't think he has recovery heal and recovery heal seemingly cannot grow back a philosopher's stone as Keyaru refuses to take Eve's stone as he's sure she'll die. It's likely due to it not being a biological thing.
I don't think you would be able to make a surgery fast enough to replace it.
Most of the OG art is pretty crap and the new art is good but it's mostly waifus on its color spreads
this>>93236109 since Keyaru never tried I don't want to risk it, I have recovery heal since Psycho said the evil god is effectively doing that to me constantly because of the drawback, but I don't know if it would help.
Reposting the 1.0. version of Udraiken Primer again.
Then use the immortality of the evil god to live without a heart
Cope, Xivu
Unless you have Black God you wouldn't be immortal and if you had that then your heart would already be the messed up philosopher's stone needed for your full power.
With go beyond can I destroy milagro man? And If I take the drawback and then give it to someone else?
Best waifus for taking care of Jumper?
Hey, it's not necessarily Xivu.
It might also be Gohanposter
>With go beyond can I destroy milagro man? And If I take the drawback and then give it to someone else?
Normally, yes. If it's the drawback version no, because it's a drawback based being.
>Destroys it
>Squidward meme but with cursed dollar bills
Yes but if i already gave it away?
How much brownie points would I win if I found a ghost that would resurrect Zavala’s son?
Do it faggot. You won't.
I still don't understand anything.
>My waifu setting better than everything evar!!
That's it
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Kurumi Tokisaki, because she can gangbang you with clones and time travel to save your ass in case it's needed.
To be fair, once his quirk gets known it's gg for him. literally just don't answer.
Okay, so there's this place. It's really, really big, and because its so big, there's a lot of places, stuff, and people. Weird places, stuff, and people. This place loves you, even if it is a little silly. One day, a hole opened up to another place. This other place was also really, really big, but all of the things in it were mean and gross and don't love you (except for the way it kind of does, maybe). Everyone wants to keep the bad stuff from this place out, because it is gross and icky and highly corrosive to other forms of existence. The bad things from the bad place want to come in and make the good place more of the bad place.
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[House of Flying Daggers]

Government Official

Kung-fu on Wires (Free)
Stop this at once! (Free)
I never fail to seduce a woman (900)
"Honorable" Captain (700)
A strong hand skilled with a Bow (400)
She's the finest lady on earth (300)
Period clothing (Free)
Fruits of Corruption (Free)
Sword and Bow (200)
Quantum Horse (0)

A cold gleam swept through my eyes right as Elodie groaned in despair as we both realised we had landed in a time and place more brutal than most hells: Ancient China.

"Oh, for fuck's sake" grumbled Elodie.

"I smell Tang dynasty" I said.

"Sick. I'll just round up the peasantry and get everyone out of the capital while you...do what you have to"

"I smell rebellion"

"Look, TRY not to kill millions by sitting down okay?"

"I smell...decisive victory"

Elodie just stomped away, incredibly bitter that her usual arguments on behalf of the sanctity of free will and the potential of beauty coming out of the human experience being more efficient than just wiping away free will with Anti-Life had absolutely NO WEIGHT in the harshness of the Tang dynasty. I on the other hand kicked in the door of the nearest administration and started devouring eunuchs and scholars to prove to everyone that my loud declaration that I was the triple-eyed war god that had once duelled Sun Wukong was true even before I activated my 12th through 36th transformations.

>"I smell Tang dynasty" I said.
oh no
I read anyway. What's wrong with Space Whales?
Mommy Shubby will take care of you forever.
Alright, I've got a question but it's more about the main TH Jump than this one. In both the source material and the writing of the Jump, how much distinction is made between Viralborgia (Forma de Imperio) and Viralborgia (yo momma)? Because I feel like any distinction is very important for engaging with the setting, as well as several things in the Jump like Scenarios and Drawbacks.
Not shard, never played fallen london, but I seriously cannot remember a story where a giant space whale meant anything good
Doctor Who (2005) Series 5, Episode 2, The Beast Below.
Update to Grimm's fairy tales

>added scenarios
>added upgrade to "supernatural skill" perk
>added "godfather death" perk
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By noon I'd solved the imminent famine as well as potential political turmoil. Simultaneously. If you know what I mean. The Chinese-or rather, the disparate peoples the imperial palace declares are all "the Chinese"-would punish anything less with more brutality than the Dark Eldar.

Rulership perks, prosperity perks and literally owning the Mandate of Heaven being what they are, the quick takeover of the country had me hailed as the most peaceful and stable Chinese emperor in many generations despite painting the walls red with much of our politicians. Well, because of it really. I had nobles boiled into fuel for the alchemical crucibles. I had penny pinching bureaucrats smelted screaming into the foundations of my infrastructure projects for good luck. When the eldest senior of an uppity general DARED write a mean poem about me, I divided his entire estate into the care of several Buddhist charities and then beheaded him and all his children myself.

As I made a point of telling Elodie, there was NO force short of charisma already on par with mind control that existed which could convince the Chinese to do permanently reform other than targeted brutality.

"I hear you're taking a pragmatic attitude to the rebel organisations" said Elodie cautiously.

"They're less corrupt than the average politician" I said with a shrug, casually stabbing yet another eunuch who would have turned traitorous in 15 years.

"Okay, there's one particular group I'd like to pitch you granting privileges as well as an amnesty to" began Elodie. "They're the House of Flying Daggers, a remarkably efficient organisation at everything from athletics to infiltration to charitable militia activities-"

"-with jade beauties like me willing to join your imperial harem" added the actual daughter of the House's head. Who wasn't Mei.

"Stop" I said, taking her hand and stealing her heart with a glance as I began to calculate her genetic makeup, "stop, you had me at efficient"

And we all know what that show is like now, right?
I'm telling you, space whales = fucked up shit happening
Literally saved the entire UK (minus Scotland actually) as the planet was being destroyed, but go off I guess.
Shar could I use Ascendantt with the concept of friendship to turn sword logic into the power of friendship?
I guess ASA needs to ditch the Battler images.
I'd say you need the Heresiarch and Shaped Finality perks
I'm not shard take what I say with some salt
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Sometimes I feel like you should treat Elodie with more care. She always seem to be trying really hard for you.
>short of charisma already on par with mind control
I mean if you're trampling all over the idea of human rights anyway why not just mind control everyone?
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The current chapter of Firmament is about a Midnight Whale, a slightly more eldritch version of a regular whale that lives in the underground Zee, being so sad her whale husbando died she started flying from sheer desire to get away from any memory of his death. She got stuck in the roof because she can't decide if she wants to move on or go home, and that friction is breaking a fucking law of the reality in a way that makes her innards a pocket dimension into a Judgement's library where books are pocket dimensions like a memory of Naples, and her stupid eldritch whale carcass (her living self is inside her whale self because space is a meme) is the reason why there's too much rain in the Neath recently. Except YOU'RE not the deciding factor in whether she goes to spehss or back to the ocean, this eccentric cast of goobers and the smug cunt engineer that poked her whale corpse enough to start the rain because she's an anarchist are. But NOOOO, the Judgements blame YOU for making the whale fly. Or sink

Just curious, how does tinkering with wands actually work? I mean I know it's the game's upgrade system but like...in future worlds, assuming you have the perk and/or the holy mountain what do you actually do to the wands to make them shoot black holes or blow shit up or whatever?
You would probably end up being the god of HIVE friendship, so the meme psychopath version of Goku that violently beats people up and goes WOW YOU'RE REALLY STRONG instead.

Remember, the Hive view violence as friendly bonding among each other.
Ultra-big cultivation setting that's also ironically harmonious and peaceful by nature, which gets attacked by even bigger eldritch demon cultivators who praise a demonic bastardized ideal of God.
Elodie is so sick of your shit.
I wanted to do more or less the opposite, use the principle that if I can make people different from me agree with my ideas and follow me it means I'm superior, so I'm more powerful and greater, but this result is understandable anyway.
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That's what I told Elodie! I know literally better than everyone in this reality combined about how to allocate resources and create sustainable administration systems and ascend to a superior state of existence so clearly I SHOULD be in total control of every human and calculate the optimal set of actions for them to take forever.

But NO, it's always "freedom is the right of all sentient beings!" this and "we have to avoid the slippery slope of dictating terms to lesser beings!" that until we end up next to a culture like the Drow or ancient China where the culture just completely vindicates my opinions on free will. And because her position is predicated on serving the role of advocating for free will on the basis that in the long term it will reduce suffering more than a manual override, well, she's kind of up shit creek without a paddle. All she can really do is at least ensure the afterlife my victims fall to can guide them can help them overcome the behavioural patterns that put them there in the first place.
>how does tinkering with wands actually work?
Every wand has a number of slots. Into these slots go spells. For non-shuffle wands, the order of these spells matter, especially when you use spell modifiers such as Divide By 10 which makes the spell it's modifying divide into 10 copies of itself whose damage is only divided by 10, which is frankly not a lot if you're using certain spells like bombs. There's a lot of videos in Youtube that explains the system, it's surprisingly complex with how straightforward it is, mainly thanks to spell modifiers existing.

>what do you actually do to the wands to make them shoot black holes or blow shit up or whatever
For black holes, it's as simple as putting a black hole spell on a wand with enough mana to cast it. You can also use greek letter spells to get around the limited number of charges the black hole spells have. For blowing stuff up, either an explosion spell (with a distant cast modifier so you don't blow yourself up), the many magic missile, firebolt, fireball, and bomb spells, or adding specific modifiers to whatever spell you want so they blow up when they hit an enemy stained with a certain liquid or when they bounce or whatever else.
>I know literally better than everyone in this reality combined about how to allocate resources and create sustainable administration systems and ascend to a superior state of existence
There's a fairly big distinction, though the vast majority of Oneirogea barring MAYBE the Noirmat aren't all that aware or informed about it. The Holy Imperium worships and serves Viralborgia, spreading its philosophy and ideals whilst sharing its principles but Viralborgia itself is the ideal proper and seems overall to not do much itself, being something so vague and abstract as to likely not have a mind at all. The Imperium praises it and does things in accordance to its 'will' though and that has tangible benefits like raising them closer to that ideal and making them more powerful. Think the Sword Logic but more fleshy basically, with Viralborgia proper being the Winnower.

It IS implied Viralborgia might give out personal protections to those who have embraced it though, since one Viralborgian mentions to a recent convert that they will be "protected" as they go about their mission. You could just say this is vagueposting nonsense, but the Primer already sort of confirms that Omnetheon's mere presence directly protects Oneirogea from being completely fucked by Viralborgia and a lot of Viralborgia acts as a parallel to Omnetheon so it isn't too much of a stretch that it does similar.
>and literally owning the Mandate of Heaven
Where get?
Oh no I don't mean like, how does the game work, I mean what are the alchemists(?) actually doing to the wands in-universe?

If the Witness had actually just done that, Zavala would've joined him.

SkyrimAnon's Journey to the West.

No, it's not a perk. I think. I just worked for it. Although various "gods really like you" perks and charisma perks helped.
Chronicles of Narnia and at least one of Shard's own jumps under the Solar tree, First Age I think.
They also treat kinslaying as being their version of love.
Choice of Kung Fu?
>I mean what are the alchemists(?) actually doing to the wands in-universe?
Oh, well, for that I have no answer. The game is more focused on gameplay than Dark Souls is, for context. The very scarce bits of lore scattered around the game have nothing to do with the mechanics of messing about with wands, there's only the vaguest implication that making new spells is possible here and there but not a hint as to how that works or how the alchemists view the process.

For the sake of the gauntlet, I just assume it's basically the same as in the game.
Whelp, that confirms the impression I got from the wiki. Thanks anyway.
Why didn't the whale save Scotland?
It was clearly a Conservative whale.
Because space whales are not to be trusted
Scotland saved itself, with its own spaceship that did not require endless superfluous whale torture.
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I believe it's on offer as an item in my Three Kingdoms jump. The capstone from the same origin's perkline is also a bit more direct too.

No problem. I do recommend some fun wand builds for some context as to what's possible in Noita (like teleporting massive distances through solid objects which in-game translates to travelling to parallel worlds instantly) because there's some wild stuff it can do.
>human creation
Have you considered using a woman?
Anon where do you think we are
Solo Leveling can give you that IIRC.
High School DxD has the Annihilation Maker Sacred Gear that can do that stuff too I imagine.
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Shard are you retarded. In several ways. The dream of flame is obviously not a Judgement. Why the fuck it would be? This is Not how a Judgement would behave.
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Oh SHOOT, you're right. Actually I did in fact pick it up. What do you even do with more than one Mandate of Heaven? Put them all together on a CV to secure a job in harsher economies.

I played Ambition: Truth. The Logos that enforces the Courtesy behaves very similarly to this thing, up to and including being surprisingly stealthy for a giant burning sigil, and it's coming is also heralded by the phrase "the fire follows". I'm not saying it's an actual Judgement barging into the Neath, I'm saying unless there's a serious twist this entity is probably the enforcer/embodiment of a Judgement law somehow broken by releasing a flying whale into space.
Does it react differently if you send the creature zeeward? That's what I did.
And besides, the Vulgate was a Logoi too, and it got fucking pasted by Storm in a heartbeat. I'm not feeling too much in danger.
>What do you even do with more than one Mandate of Heaven?
Multi-middle kingdom drifting?
Shard is Sunless Skies a good game? Got it from Epic by free
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Not actually sure. Doubt it though, since the fire's greetings are directly tied to the next chapter.

I guess that'll be handy if ancient China ever somehow invents Mortal Engines-style cities.
>installing chinese spyware
The writing is noticeably better than that for Skies. The gameplay is, unfortunately, much more punishing. You're going to be doing a lot of resource management, fetch questing and probably looking up wikis to figure out how to progress certain questlines. Gameplay isn't exactly mindblowing; you are a small helpless boat until yo buy all the busted stuff with blood, sweat and tears, and even then big things are still a major threat. And everything's spookier at the bottom of the Zee if you go there. But if you like basically an interactive gothic horror novel with ambient music, you'll have fun.
>I guess that'll be handy if ancient China ever somehow invents Mortal Engines-style cities.
That sounds more like a post apocalyptic China thing. . . has anyone checked what's going on over there in Fallout?
Unless you're a diplomat or something, there is fucking nothing that China could extract from your computer that it can't buy directly from the manufacturer at half the price and with much less hassle.
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Reposting 0.1 of my Enchanted jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
Do we have a Michigan: Report from Hell jump?
I want to be a cameraman.
You can choose at most two origins, right?
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How many perks out there let you use toys as real weapons?
You know it's about what I expected when I started this jump, but I still laughed my ass off. Thanks for the Build Shard.
I like the sudden musical perk. Maybe make you could make it so random people are not affected rather than just selectively since it is a 200 CP perk and it's more in line with the comedy tone of the scene? Since in the scene the male lead was the one who wasn't affected, and then the prince failed to initiate his musical.
>Decisive Victory
Maybe you should make a jump to show those Judgements a thing or two.
I could add random failure as another condition that means it won't work on some people, but I don't think removing the selectively part is good. In the song in question, whilst the male lead is not dragged into the song, she is kind of singing 'at' him, and if it was random you wouldn't be able to replicate that.
What do we have to act as a respawn point or phylactery for others? Thinking of going for a familiar/spirit/monster master schtick and want a way to revive the important ones.
He's canonically banned her from having sex with him.
So you can turn anyone you beat into a Vegeta?
Yeah, I meant that.
Okay. Thanks for the feedback.
>The Kingdom of Andalasia is ruled by an evil queen named Narissa, who doesn’t wish her stepson to find a woman to marry in order to preserve her claim to the throne.
Why doesn't she just marry her stepson?
not a perk, but the Rat Talisman in Jackie Chan can let you do that. You can animated anything it's inserted in, which will have the abilities of whawt it represents(a superviallain toy will have super tech, a superhero plushie will have super powers and the statue of a legendary magician will be extremly skilled in magic), hell we even see the animated villain figure use the power of the rat talisman to make other toys real, like when he drives a toycar like a real car.
iirc the Buffy jump has a cosplay perk or item that lets your cosplay be counted as real weapons.
Because this is a Disney movie, and she is kind of dumb.
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What are your favorite drinks to pick up across your chain?
Superhero Collection?
I always found cute that the cucked ones in the movie end up coupling and with their own happily ever after.
Is the sequel any good? I really loved the original one as a concept and how it was executed, and I wouldn't want it to be shitted on by neodisney.
Pangalactic Gargle Blaster.
Bad Touch.
What are they from? Also, what does it taste like?
The Gargle Blaster is from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. We don't have a jump, but I use the SB one.
It tastes, and I quote, "having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick."
Scion has all kinds of divine drinks.
The ones from Infernal Exalted + the bar manse & mixing skill.
The oni treasures from Touhou Forbidden Hermit.
Providential Gourd from Fate Japan.
Does your jumper ever feel like their luck perks are messing with them?
Yes, and it has reduced their existance to a futile struggle against fate.
After the 500th time I had someone trip and land on top of me smothering me with there boobs I just accepted this is life now.
The Bad Touch is from VA-11 Hall-A. It's a sour sort of beverage. And very amusing to serve.
Was it the same girl every time?
It might not be accidental.
No, they just yell out loud about how FATE IS ON THEIR SIDE, a lot.
So I previously read the og Baki manga years ago, it wasn't even translated up to the first tournament at that point and the last things I remember was Baki's fight with Scarface, Baki fighting a bear and his mother killing herself to save Baki from Yujiro when she out of nowhere finally felt some maternal instincts. I honestly didn't feel it at the time and dropped it though years later I watched the Netflix anime with a friend and that shit was hype as fuck though I stopped myself from going past a few episodes in season 2 since I wanted to re-binge the older stuff before continuing. It's been a few years since I decided do that and while I haven't actually done that I did read more and more martial art manga during that time and with the recent Kegan vs Baki anime and since I recently binged Garouden manga after an anon on here recommended it I thought that I might as well ask y'all anons if I should binge the old anime's and go from there or if the og manga finally got fully translated and I should go for that? In anycase it's definitely somewhere i'd want to go during a chain even if it was just to BTFO Yujiro.
No, its 500 different girls. with some of them returning frequently.
Power and Pussy.
SCP-006 is from the old SCP jump. Its water from the fountain of youth. It tastes like cool and refreshing water.
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Watch season 1 of the 2000's anime, then the 90's OVA and then the second season of the 2000's anime and that'll get you to the netflix animes. Always make sure to stay hydrated while you watch anon!
I really disliked it, and I don't think it reviewed well either.
What does Power and Pussy taste like? What is its mouth feel as you drink it? Describe this beverage to me.
It's a mixture of beer and vinegar cooked with fish and left to ferment overnight.
Like Monster Energy, but less sugary, less sour, more healthy to drink. And it's full of POWER.
It tastes like someone put protein powder and a cat in a blender.
Like semen.
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Jump #1: Exalted The First Age

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Origin: Solar (Zenith)

Experience: Newly Exalted

Location: South

>Solar Hero Supremacy (Free)
>Unconquered Self (Free)
>The Forbidden Technique: Common Sense (50)
>Vainest, Most Glorious (100)
>Mandate of Creation (100)
>Grace of Gold (100)
>Prince Appeasing Plea (100)
>Spiritual Succession (200)
>Dreams of the Age To Come (200)
>Invincible Sword Princess (300)

Items (+400):
>Sunlit Lands (Free)
>Here There Be Wild Things (100)
>Exalted Leisure Zone (100)
>A Gift of the Sun (300)

>Lunar Mate (50)

>Burden of the sun (+300)

I can't decide if to start with this build or the solars build, i have been debating this in my free time for three days now. I hate my autism so much.
You have awfully large breasts for a male.
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I would say it depends on what you want out of the chain at the start. going Solars makes you feel more self made like an adventurer turned god king while The First Age makes you a Gilgamesh. everything is handed to you like a god king nepo baby. but there's just so much great stuff in the First age jump so I'm not surprised your tempted.
That could be his lunar. I post my waifu more than what my jumper looks like.
SHe doesn't have a Tell. It has to be a Solar.
I had many far more important responsibilities that I pushed off to get this done. I started this because I thought I'd be able to finish this in one day, but then other stuff kept coming up and sunk-cost handled the rest. The release of the Powerwash Simulator DLC didn't help.
The tell could be hidden. a Cougar Lunar Christmas cake groomer embarrassed that's her spirit shape sounds cute and funny.
Damn son
Correction, you don't see a Tell
Can Primordials take the scenario in spirits of creation?
You're the best Gene.
Akiha deserves more love
The sword gourds you can pick up in Exalted Mortal Heroes and Fate/ Legends Japan are pretty nice, as are the assorted guaranteed to get you drunk booze that some other places (like Senko-san I think?) offer. There's also a few weapons in Fire Emblem - Heroes that qualify because despite being classified as tomes, they're drinks served at seasonal events and the like.
Wouldn't mind seeing a quick patch for MtG Iconics to get some of the neat liquids/poisons like Halo, some liquid aether, or Moonglove extract as a counterbalance to the solid/crafting materials item.
Is it morally wrong to manipulate fate to exalt a young man as a Solar and his, Appearance 6, mother as his Lunar mate?
I don't think that solar and lunar exaltation are fated, like sidereals, and anyway it wouldn't go the way you think, the bond can have many meanings.
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On one hand, in first age i can have a heroes journey of self-improvement and self-discovery by taking burden of the sun without having to worry about DBs or Abyssals shanking me at very start of said journey. On the other Solars is more classical adventuring with a more interesting things happening around the world besides the Solars pet project nations and their per century mental breakdown.
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I'm not sure what part of it you missed.
That ain't gonna stop me.
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Is anyone already working on a Rescue Rangers Jump? If not I might try my hand at it. I actually started a WIP like a year and a half ago, but shit came up and I completely forgot about it until now.
How do "impregnate anything" perks work when used on females without eggs?
Like, where does her half of the baby come from?
IIRC the heavenly bureaucracy can sort of direct who gets the exaltation, or Lytek can, since Solars are noted to be able to "recommend" people in the Scroll of Heroes.
Sorry to disturb.
Egg cells are generated
Not to my knowledge. Go for it anon.
>Gadget pic
Good priorities already.
I love teasing my cute Oni wife.
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Rolled 7 (1d7)

#1 Tsukihime
Background: Ordinary High School Student
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Magic Circuits
- Life

Ordinary High School Student Perks:
Model Student
Even Tonight, The Moon Is Beautiful
Tohno Gland -200CP
Instinct -200CP
Perfectly Ordinary Assassin -300CP
Nanaya -300CP

Mystic Eyes:
Pure Eyes Of Emotion -100CP
Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception -800CP

The Killer In Me

Cash Money
Sealing Artifact

This Chair +100CP
Welcome Home, Jumper +200CP
The Seed Of Murder +300CP
Dying Dream +300CP

Rolling to see which route I go with Welcome Home, Jumper:
1. Arcueid
2. Ciel
3. Akiha
4. Hisui
5. Kohaku
6. Sacchin
7. Sion
No one in there deserves love.
Sion is cute too. Make sure to go on a fun crossover adventure in Under nigh in birth next jump with her.
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Good taste though Ryoshu is better
Those perks turn your sperm into parasitic entities capable of assimilating DNA from your partner's reproductive system to create a pseudo-egg, and then impregnates that. Trust me, I'm not a biologist.
Honestly it's probably egg-generating jumper magic, don't worry too much about it
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Your seed simply rejuvenates the womb to a functional state.
>Tfw you avoid this by making your character just as dumb and autistic as yourself.
How do you think the aliens from Arrival would fare in "slice-of-life" style sci-fi universes like Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Babylon 5, etc. where all kinds of weird different species just hang out with each other and occasionally join together to stop the BBEGs.

Do you think it may possible to have them adopt more "human-like" mannerisms, or would they be more likely to just isolate themselves while still being receptive to trade, diplomacy, mutual defense, etc.?

How difficult do you think it'd be to integrate their time language into a universal translator?
>tfw you're so retarded you accidentally play 16d chess
I guess avoiding danger and power are a big draw to going first age. There's just not a lot of incentive to go age of sorrow unless you want more of a challenge, adventure and personal growth.
The trick is that your character has seconds/minutes to think of something, while you have days, weeks, months to do it alongside a ton of inspiration aka stealing from other smart or creative people .
I barely remember Arrival. They probably just fuck off beyond the rim with the other First Ones in B5.
That's the power of luck perks.
How long do we spend in this jump? The full ten years even if the world ends in days at most?
Hope you like your Warehouse
I love how Vergillius telling you to go grind in a corner is basically a staple of Limbus memes or r34 now
What's the chillest cyberpunk setting we've got a jump for?
monkey island's grog.
Generic Cyberpunk, make it as chill as you want
More time thinking just makes more elaborate and complex retarded plans
My initial thought was the usual 10 years. I guess that is a bit harsh in hindsight. I'm adding in an option to start ten years prior to the end of the world, or immediately for some extra CP.
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but they seem like the type to probably isolate themselves most of the time, unless their time language lets them see "oh, you helped us out a thousand years in the future, so we'll help you out now to ensure your species survives to help us out", like their motivation in the movie.
>How difficult do you think it'd be to integrate their time language into a universal translator?
Depends on the setting but probably very difficult, since if I remember right their language is set up with the assumption that both speaker & listener can see into the future, and so has a lot of weird little quirks where their sentences go all over the place if you translate them to human languages.
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Include a perk that allows different species and even completely different phyla to successfully mix and breed
This is what I settled on. All changes are in introduction.
Isn't Cyberpunk by it's very nature the exact opposite of chill since cyberpunk worlds are usually dying earths ruled by untochable megacorporations that use everyone as disposable slaves and the streets are filled with criminals, cyborgs, and/or mutants who regularly terrorize the impoverished masses?
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NTA but yes.
We got all the bad stuff without any of the cool things. I want a fucking refund
I know you're just shitposting, but I will say that the Jump would be purely for the old cartoon, with a toggle drawback for the comics. Poorly done Roger Rabbit knockoffs need not apply.
How hard will Cyberpunk 2077 Earth fight you if you try to unfuck them and drag them out of the shit and piss they squat in for a living?
Any of them, as long as you have money.
Arasaka was literally made to make the world a shitty place for everyone except the japanese living in japan.
So very
This time on "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing, An Exalted Story"... fuck faries. And not in the fun way either. I honestly feel kinda bad about the backstory I just gave this girl, and totally didn't tear up as I wrote her being rescued.
About as much as modern day Detroit would now, but with better gear.
Sorry. You already signed away your right to a refund when you agreed to be born anon.
>Ryomen Sukuna is a legendary four armed god, but in the Heian era he actually existed. He is the king of curses.
Arasaka is literally a poisoned dagger shoved in America's heart.
Militech is basically Blackwater + Lockheed-Martin + the worst parts of the US legislative and executive branches.
Kang Tao is chinese.
NetWatch is every single intelligence agency made into a worldwide megacorp responsible for internet safety.
Biotechnica is literally the phrase "Make the problem and sell the solution" through making bioweapons and fixing the environment.
AI war machines are still out there, somewhere. Supposedly there's a fuckton of them in the oceans but Arasaka has at least one supercarrier in the Pacific, make of that what you will.
Nice, been waiting on a jump for this for years. Time to get my science freak on.
The common folk will cheer you. The gangs and the corps will fight you to their last breaths. You know what you must do.
It’d be nice to have a lab option complete with gauna samples
>Supposedly there's a fuckton of them in the oceans but Arasaka has at least one supercarrier in the Pacific, make of that what you will.

This is actually Arasaka's fault IIRC. I may be wrong but the way I remember it they tried to take control of the seas by seeding them with self replicating AI mine layer bots with AI mines programed to blow up anything which may be hostile to Arasakas interest. The AI were hardcoded to ignore a few ships specifically, so those ships can still get around. Arasaka intended for the mines to not go after Arasaka ships in general but someone fucked up the code and they target any ship that isn't specifically on the whitelist even other Arasaka ships.
Stop taking fanfic as canon.
What would be the best way to prepare myself for the scenario in the Peter Pan jump? The one where Neverland itself loves you and will abuse its power to try and make you stay.
I’d say Solars is a better place to start, it gives you the chance to build up from nothing.

>Reminder that while some Lunars can have big tells like having hooves instead of feet, others can have barely noticeable tells:
>Ingosh Silverclaws
>Spirit shape: small bear with wise eyes. Tell: expressive, sympathetic eyes visible in all his forms.
>Spirit shape: white spotted owl. Tell: feathers in her hair.
>Ma-Ha-Suchi (before Wyld mutation)
>Spirit shape: wolf. Tell: sharp canines in his smile.
>Spirit shape: gazelle hound. Tell: his shadow has perked, peaked ears.
I will now murder Arisaka as hard as I will the Draconis Combine.
It is always righteous to bomb any nation which is japan coded in fiction.
nice! Any chance of a The 10th Kingdom jump?
>I want a fucking refund
lol... read the eula before agreeing next time
Open up cans of liquid sunshine on all their properties
You have done an excellent job of making the fae casually insane and cruel.
Elden Ring, Frenzied Flame. Full scorched earth.
Turn Neverland into Neverwas.
Who's eviler, the Wings of the World or Cyberpunk megacorps?
Arasaka hasn't went to the level of making you pay for fucking colors
>Wings of the World
dunno what that is
Wings easily. You either don't know much about one of these two options or are retarded.
I keep hearing there was an Araki statement that if Kars ever encountered a stand he could just develop one immediately. Does anybody know if this is real? If so, I'll put a note in Eyes of Heaven.
The Wings are what the megacorps wish they were, and in good part because they're better entrenched and have crazier tech that they can cause worse suffering with. T Corp fucking banned color for poor people.
The Wings have the technology and the means to be eviler, but the megacorps would 100% start asking for subscriptions to mantain the speed of your temporal axis if they could do that.
Behold the idiot who knows nothing of exalted has returned! Behold my feeble attempt to understand the system and the world. Should be good for a laugh. You can tell me all I did wrong.
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Thank you.
The update is complete, barring any fixes that I missed that someone points out.
So many OC waifus. Thanks for your hard work.
If you find a circle to travel with your good but think about dipping a little heavier into melee and ditching the MA. Melee works for both offence and defence and you can craft great weapon to go with it.
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Y'know, coming back to it after years, the Companion Housing Complex is actually pretty decent.

Based, and looks good.
>shark girls
You are most likely right and that sounds like a good Idea, I'll be honest I didn't want to have my Jumper get Jumped (the Irony) without a weapon and get wrecked. When there are people actively out to get you, it might not be bad to know how to throw a punch. Still that can be learned... and learned easier then getting to two dots in melee.
Read the notes, I was confused too
It's a weird setting, she shark amazons have fur. Said fur makes them highly resistant to plasma weapons.
Thanks man, love all the new companions
>Said fur makes them highly resistant to plasma weapons.
The Tyranid Swarm would like to know your location.
Should probably mention you get all twilight stuff favoured free since you are one and can pick 5 different castes favoured abilities. So that's 10 flavoured abilities in total

Also glories solar saber means you will never not be armed as you can just make a artifact sword at will.
What exactly does marriage bait give you? A job?
The Tyranid swarm should not be let anywhere near any Axiom using species.
Considering I had no idea what that was until just now, very unlikely.
It makes you a successful small business owner.
Yo Gene, what's the most up to date version of Baki Part 2?
The best reason to hit up Treasure Planet right there. The good Doctor can have the boys mom.
I'm gonna fanwank it means (imperceptible) bristles some species of shark, dolphin, and whales have because that's weird.
Why is that Vaporeon white?
Congrats! Thanks for the update.
Flee, and retain your innocence.
you can't just ask people why they're white, anon.
On top of what the other anon said that Perception and Dex are low isn't doing you any favors but it's not terrible for a first try at building a character. Not great either but no first try ever is.
Remember that Wendy Darling, who had none of the outside advantages you do, was able to choose to leave in the end.
Thanks for the update. I want so much out of this jump it hurts.
Its a shiny.
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Thanks anon, you're a real one.
Because I'm an idiot and for got to add an explanation of the races for the new OCs, the ones without such an explication are those who don't fully match a known canon species. The sheer number of species means there should be an entire species whatever brand of alien waifu you can think of however.

Also fixed a typo in the 'Stella but less of a cunt' companion.
An anon who knows some things about Exalted is here. Let’s have a look.

>Power and Majesty (400) Got to be pretty
Looking good is a useful trait, but be careful, Appearance 10 will draw a lot of attention, both for good and for ill.
>Three Circles of Sorcery (300) “Yer a wizard Harry.”
If Heavens ever returns to update this jump, I’m going to suggest he reduce the price on this. Solar Circle Sorcery is good, but it’s not as useful in the hands of a younger Solar, and it’s something you can learn on your own anyway.
>Now the tough part I shall take this and try and build a character sheet
Activating Anathema.

… Not bad. There’s some improvements that I can recommend if you’re curious, but there’s a solid idea here.
>Pancakes makes you good at sex and at transmuting things into maple syrup
Is turning a girl's clothes into maple syrup sexy or disgusting?
Depends on your willingness to lick the syrup off her I suppose, though realistically speaking it would probably be both at absolute best.

Pancakes is just a meme from /hfy/ (and possibly reddit in general but I only ever read stories on HFY and it's offshoots) where sex scenes are referred to as and associated with pancakes.
Pretty sure it started off on HFY. No idea if it spread, but there was a smut story that ended with the human asking if the alien wanted pancakes. Since then pancakes was just shorthand for nsfw.
it's sexy at first but she's going to hate you once she realizes she now has to clean maple syrup out of herself, that the ground is full of that shit and that all the sheets are ruined. that shit is sticky.
I cast Nuke.
The fact that robots, literally autobot style transformers, not only have tits and ass here but fully functional libidos and sex organs because they are all brain uploads will never not be funny to me.

Complete full on sexbot package autobots because not having a fully functioning body like an organic would flip switches in their brain leading to stree induced insanity and death.
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You can do it. I believe in you. Ganbare!
Couldn't find any appropriate anime girls cheering you on in my reaction image folder, so have a silly dancing man.
Um besides make stuff cheaper does favored do anything else?

I'll keep that in mind, not sure what to decrease to increase those but I'll keep it in mind.

> Not bad. There’s some improvements that I can recommend if you’re curious, but there’s a solid idea here.

Sure I am open to suggestions. Though keep in mind I am just a beginner.
Not really no but cheaper stuff is always good since it can give you greater build Diversity and cover up your early weaknesses.
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bitchy birb

Dew it.
The one in the drive, I'm pretty sure.
You can become a Prodigy at a Favored (or Caste) ability which makes it incredibly cheap to train. This wouldn't matter for a Jumper but if you were to consider XP costs it can really add up. Of course the amount of things you can be a Prodigy in is limited by the lower of your Wits or Intelligence so both of those would preferably be decently high if you were to go that route.
Stree is the leading cause of stress.
You don't have to decrease or increase anything. Well you might want to for Dex since it is the God Stat since it is used so often but you can raise attributes so for starting out it's fine.
How would sonic fare in Cruel Space?
He becomes a stud for hundreds of women. All of them are unsatisfied because of how quick he is.
Why do you ask this every single thread?
So easily doable as long as I don't go too crazy with other drawbacks?
He is Sonichu.
Attention whore
Honestly I'm surprised it took so long to get a real sonic autists here instead of the passing ones we have.
>Sure I am open to suggestions. Though keep in mind I am just a beginner.
I’ll keep things simple. Since you’ve bought Sorcery in the jump, you don’t need to take them as your starting charms, so you’ve got three charms available to choose. I’ve got two suggestions for what you should take for those three.
>Shadow Over Water
>Seven Shadow Evasion
>Reflex Sidestep Technique
Your basic defensive package. You can detect attacks you don’t know are coming, and can dodge them perfectly. Note that you will need 4 dots in Dodge for Seven Shadow Evasion, but putting your character sheet into Anathema (a character sheet program for Exalted) tells me you have one bonus point left over.
>First or Second Craft Excellency
>Crack-Mending Technique
>Craftsman Needs No Tools
The classic starting trio of charms for any Solar crafter, and with good reason. One lets you repair things without the tools that would usually require, the other lets you build things without the tools that would usually require, and both make you work much faster.
As for future development, I’d suggest a few dots into Resistance so you can pick up at least one level of Invincible Essence Reinforcement, and you’d probably like Tireless Sentinel Technique as well. Invincible Essence Reinforcement, as the name would imply, makes you tougher, and Tireless Sentinel Technique enables you to go several days without sleeping, and the life of a young Solar is often a busy one. Another point or two into Martial Arts or Melee would be good as well, a fight will find you at some point.

>Um besides make stuff cheaper does favored do anything else?
You can train Favored abilities instantly, Favored charms take less time to learn, and both are cheaper.
Alright, paused at The Red War now. And Mara continues to just be pathetic.
>Literally engineered a war amongst the Awoken purely to get back to realspace on the grounds of "we owe a debt to humanity and shouldn't abandon them"
>Does absolutely fucking nothing to help humanity throughout the Dark Age, and actively exiles all Awoken who want to do so
>Does the absolute bare minimum to help humanity during the City Age, purely because the Fallen directly into her empire and thus she couldn't ignore them
>Does the absolute bare minimum to help the Young Wolf during the campaign (literally just telling them "you need this thing", pointing out the specific component, and telling them where to go use it to get into the Vault of Glass) then demands that they owe her for her "generosity"
>Calls in her "favor" to send us on a wild goose chase after a completely retarded Fallen goober across several worlds then forces us into a deathmatch against him in the end
>Gets utterly fucking bodied by Oryx the moment his dreadnaught enters the system and proceeds to do absolutely nothing of note throughout the entirety of the rest of Destiny 1
This is literally just what happens in the first game. How the fuck. Why the fuck.

Words fail me. I cannot properly express just how fucking baffled and frustrated I am with this blue bitch.
What are the perfect defense charms anyways? I tried to look them up but 7shadows was the only one I could find.
I would assume that if it's cheaper to get with XP it means you learn it easier too. That is not bad at all learning boosts are good.

I'll consider freeing up some bonus points for dex 3 but it's going to be rough. Say do Jumper Exalted start with Essence 5 or are they capped at Essence 5.
Seven Shadows Evasion, Heavenly Guardian Defense, and Adamant Skin Technique are the three main solar ones. For dodging, parrying, and just tanking attacks respectively.
Speaking of Sonic autism, I wish BLADE would update the Sonic movie jump. I know the 3rd one is coming out in December, but I don't wanna wait that long.
Capped until you are 100 years old or (100-age)/10 jumps in.
I want to lewd this creature, but the setting make me go nyeh.
Just make a jump for the second movie.
I'm telling you, Eris is where its at
Jumpers may hate the rich and powerful but are they brave enough to hate the poor?
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Anon you don't have to convince me of that anymore, I'm absolutely all in on Eriscoin at this point and I was never even particularly invested in Mara beyond "blue is my favorite color" and "Awoken have some special powers due to Light and Dark combo, right?" Eris is awesome. Dove into the Hellmouth for hundreds of years, survived by sheer fucking will (and a little Ahamkara wishery), clawed her way back out just in time to warn humanity of Crota's return, gave us everything we needed to strike that fucker down, gave us an opportunity to go fuck with Oryx when HE entered the system, still firmly on the side of humanity and the Light despite having lost her Light, Ghost, eyes, and getting stuffed full of Darkness, helped turn Oryx into a gun for us...

This girl is grade A++ waifu material. Only not S because goddamn is her fashion sense and actual in-game models really not that hot. But I figure a sufficiently skilled and determined Jumper can help her get that S rank.

And from what I gather, she only continues to be absolutely fucking amazing in Destiny 2.
There are solutions.
>-I Fuck the Darkness: (Free/-400 CP) A final point, and one of significant importance. The ‘enemies’ of humanity that you might encounter are almost, to an individual, completely filled with malice and are otherwise completely evil, with a capital E. Now, you’re here to fix that, so, your last complimentary Perk. You can outright fuck the Evil out of (or into) someone/something. “Inject” your own morality into them, with every thrust. An enemy peon like a Thrall or Dreg could be flipped and redeemed in a single row. But, of course, the more thoroughly entrenched their morality is, the longer, and more often, you’ll have to plow to rewrite their morality. Someone like Savathun could be the work of an entire decade, for instance.
thank you for the advice I shall look those up and keep those in mind.
*Sees Nihei Jump, not 100+ pages*

Hey Gene, you ok dude? Like, didn't we have an anon here that made all the Nihei stuff, like Blame! , Biomega and Knights of Sidonia?

Don't push yourself too hard, ok?

Still, thanks for the jump.
Your solution of "bratty blue bitch! Correction needed...." is understood, but I'll be frank with you: that is probably playing into Mara's hands. She has literally, canonically, flipped someone who was absolutely fucking dedicated to her murder for hundred of years purely by being so pretty that her potential killer couldn't bare to actually hurt or kill her. Then after her brother beat said killer in a contest, Mara took her as a wife. Mara is used to getting her way and playing up her beauty to deal with threats to her. Fucking the evil/lazy/stupid out of her would be just yet another example of her using her beauty to escape actual consequences of her actions.
Nihei jumps don't need to be massive, considering the settings tend to be relatively simple despit the power levels and trippy artwork.
Quick question, do we really need Adept to get really good with Axiom, or can we just get there the old fashioned way?

Also, besides doing Alien Space Babes, which is an lifestyle, is there anything else to do in Out of Cruel Space?
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I like her looks, so I use them for my jumper.

No problem. Consider downloading the character sheet program and playing around with it, it’ll help you visualize builds better.
Have you considered just stuffing her into a jar and using her as a battery.
>Quick question, do we really need Adept to get really good with Axiom, or can we just get there the old fashioned way?
Git Gud is a perfectly reasonable path, just that you might want something to increase your learning speed or talent if you want to learn the real cheating bullshit powers within a reasonable time frame.

>Also, besides doing Alien Space Babes, which is an lifestyle, is there anything else to do in Out of Cruel Space?
The most obvious answer would be schlocky space adventures, since that's what the POV characters are mostly doing. Treasure hunting, founding your own nation on the frontier, stealing all manner shiny objects, bounty hunting, learning space magic, space piracy, and of course Alien Space Babes.
Nta but I went to download that a few days ago to try and stay out my mortals build (which I’m sure is a terrible idea), and the download link seemed to be dead.
What is the tech like and what's the most impressive thing they can do?
Not him but you could always be a space lirate/space savior and co quer planets to free them from scum and villainy.

Its a big universe but some humans become bounty hunters and make a good name for themselves and a lot of money. You could also become a ninja. Or rich and powerful megacorp leader. Honestly so long as you dont mind putting out and keep your eyes peeled for kidnappers theres very little you cant do. Fucking your way to power is completely valid in the story.

Oh also conspiracies. Conspiracies and cults are like a national past time on some planets, a couple guys accidentally got datachips from 30 different secret societies while going out to dinner at a diner. People kept mistaking them for members of their conspiracy.
>*Sees Nihei Jump, not 100+ pages*
>Like, didn't we have an anon here that made all the Nihei stuff, like Blame! , Biomega and Knights of Sidonia?
I think that was Dirge. They were a big fan of Nihei. Most Nihei series are pretty short. Abara is only 11 chapters. The jumps just ended up long because that was Dirge's style. I later found out Dirge did make their own Abara jump, but it was on their personal drive and I had already started on my WIP by then.
>Don't push yourself too hard, ok?
This was actually me experimenting with cutting back on fluff. This was a lot less stressful than my usual process since I was focusing on directly explaining what every perk did over trying to maintain some kind of voice or stuff as much lore as possible into each perk. It was only a problem due to my poor time management.
So, going to a planet under the rule of a tyranic despot and toppling the administration, all for the sake of marrying, or adding to the harem, an alien Space Princess is totally valid?

And from what I read in the companion section, a lot of the other chicks would find that hot as fuck.
So it is. That’s an issue.
No, on account of the fact that I have absolutely zero need of a batterly like that. Also I'm on the side of humanity and the Traveler, and NOTIONALLY Mara is as well. Despite doing the absolute fucking bare minimum to show it.
The tech is all magitech, reliant on Axiom. The most impressive examples of hard science tech would likely be the aid package sent to humanity prior to the start of the story and developments humanity has made on top of that.

The axiom powered supertech is mostly just classic sci-fi technology, the stronger things get the more it's going to move from technology towards Axiom bullshit in a vaguely technological shell. Though in theory you should be able to fully replicate crazy axiom bullshit with technology because of this, such as stopping time or Franklin's bullshit cutting of a continent in half.
>It was only a problem due to my poor time management.

I feel you man, I feel you.

Also, love those Nihei Jumps, also the fluff, but they do miff me a bit since I can't find some stuff fast. Also, wasn't stuff like Blame! only 10 years, when its kinda implied that if you don't have a way to teleport of move at super speed, due to the size of the City, 10 years is barely enough to make it to the corner store?

Leaving aside the fact that, if you don't have anti boredom or ennui, or Killy's autism, Blame! without companions is a death sentence.....

Still the tech is BS and the GBE is the meme we all go to get.
Alright sold.
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Anyone got a list of reputation perks?
I remember once reading a perk that automatically gives jumper a reputation as a really strong fighter in all future settings but I can't recall which jump that was in.
Correction then, to get her to not be retarded seems to be the answer.
Good news, I was able to dig up an old Gmail password, so I’ve uploaded a zip file of Anathema to the drive. Download it and see if it works for you.
And we loop right back to >>93239210.
Not only is that valid it is a canon event.
Just grit your teeth and deal with it. Having a Mara Sov onahole doesn't sound too bad, it's not like you have to keep her since you can leave her behind.
I can only think of "Famous Knight" from Fire Emblem Valentia which... well... makes you a famous knight.
Sword and Sorcery has a perk you're looking for under the drop-in perkline.
FF1 has one for a scenario reward.
Europa Universalis, Victoria II, Hearts of Iron, and East vs West have a reputation reward for the "optimal win" condition.
Most dreaded of all foes from gunstar makes you exactly what the name says in every future setting.
So we're the awakened humans in kult better or worse than death angels?
Iirc there's a perk in the original One Punch Man that lets you quickly cultivate a reputation similar to King's. There's also a perk in the Mob Psycho 100 jump that makes you more powerful the more widespread your reputation. Iirc one of the capstone perks in sword & sorcery makes it so tales of your adventures and whatnot already exist in future settings and iirc Final Fantasy 1 has a scenario reward if you go in as one of the warrior's of light where legends about the warriors of light (ie: you and your 3 companions that did the scenario with you) exist in future worlds.
Wayback machine.
Just put her under (subtle) mind control or kill her and blame Oryx
I refuse.
The new OCs have some really fun hooks/potential interactions, and even bring out new dynamics for some of the previous ones. Cosplay Expy and Dainty Little Lady could be hilarious together if they either both take after the same series or at least ones that had a collab/crossover event/title. I really need to put a build together for this.
>Sugar Mama
That last sentence is kind of a mess and definitely runs on a bit. Could go like this:
>Most of the time she prefers to take the lead in relationships and is rather used to being in charge but if faced with the firm attempt of a lover taking the lead she’d yield it rather easily. Ironically given their canine like traits and tendency to walk on all fours, a leash showing up without an accompanying pet is likely to stimulate her as of yet rarely seen submissive side rather strongly.
There's a similar run-on in the first line of Haughty Peacock, but that one might fuck up the formatting if the relevant bit after that first comma was tweaked to break up the portion about the troubles after the arranged marriage.
>[...], an arranged and loveless marriage to a fellow noble was never ideal. But
once their daughter came of age, [...]
Without that break, the full sentence goes on for the better part of four lines.
Well, that’s a trick I didn’t think of.
Correction as I'm rereading this part, Franklin didn't cut the continent in half. The bitch he was fighting did, he just casually put it back together.

I'll take another look at those.
Broke the last sentence of sugar mama into two as you suggested and fixed another minor issue with it I noticed.
>Most of the time she prefers to take the lead in relationships and is rather used to being in charge but if faced with the firm attempt of a lover taking the lead she’d yield it rather easily. Ironically given her species’ canine like traits and tendency to walk on all fours a leash showing up without an accompanying pet is likely to stimulate her as of yet rarely seen submissive side rather strongly.

Is this any better for the birb?
>Resembling a regal anthropomorphic bird with white feathers this girl has had a troubled love life. An arranged and loveless marriage to a fellow noble was never ideal, but once their daughter came of age. . .
Sadow of the Colossus has a reputation perk.
Out of Cruel Space (1000)
-Future Batch
-Serialized Adventures (1100)
-Obsession (1200)
-I’m Sorry, I Have Autism (1300)
-Altered Form
-Conspiracy Magnet (1500)
-Stranded (1700)
-Bad Start (2000)
-Enemy Empire (2300)
Origin: Human (Altered Form: Apuk)
-First Contact Soldier
-Easily Adaptable (2200)
-Undaunted (2000)
-High Functioning (1700)
-Space Magitech (1100)
-Axiom Enhancement (900)
-Adept lv2 (500)
-Axiom Totems
-Guns and Gear
-Space Magic for Dummies
-Material Supply (400)
Companions {300}:
-Your Household
-Burning Princess {250}
-Souldrinker {200}
-Eggmaam {150}
-Thieving Bat {100}
-Captain my Captain {50}
-Ascending Officer {0}
-Dark Woods (0)

I am become the Gijinka Bowser Junior. Don't know how survivable this is first jump, but I could probably slot it into a chain somewhere- well, in that case, I'd probably take an extra drawback option to afford the Companion Imports, but it would be pretty much the same.
What would be a fun setting to combine with Sonic?
What version of Atlantis is the best Atlantis to appropriate and revive?
Omen would probably be real good at Crucible incantations huh.
Stargate Atlantis is a giant space station parked on a planet. It has FTL. And a bunch of super science stuff waiting around.
Who are some characters that jumper can just approach at random, ask to get married and have a wedding before the day is over? Christmas Cakes are preferred.
Those look fine enough. The comma offered in the (new) last line for Sugar Mama was because the sentence structure would technically be backwards without it. Simplified, the contents would be like this
>"Because (reasons), a (thing) happens."
as opposed to an unbroken version like:
>"A (thing) happens because (reasons)."
The quirks of her species are less important compared to the scenario that can be arranged because of them, so placing them first means that portion of the sentence is more of a parenthetical that (still) has the primary function of adding context. That could be broken up even further with a comma after "Ironically" since that word is being used in a similar fashion to starting with a "However," or "Unfortunately," to refocus the next bit about the species quirks.
Was just worried about the birb because the spacing on that entry feels like it'd break the formatting if it's messed around with too much and it's a bit uncertain if you still have a blank line to spare on that page if the capitalized letter forces it to push to the next one.
It's probably survivable, you're an extremely powerful adept and can always summon the Dark Woods to deal with most things truly beyond you. It's kind of hard counter against the preferred weapon of the setting. Honestly unless you get into a fight with the likes of Brin'Char you'll probably have a hard time finding people stronger than you.

Kind of surprised someone took Souldrinker, he's the strongest companion by far and based on a pretty fun character but also not a waifu.

Escaping a band of slavers and mad scientists holding you prisoner so you can unite the feudal planet they lord over into rebelling against their oppressors is an entirely reasonable plotline for a character in this universe.
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The Mizukage from Naruto.
I still want to know why everyone was so damn mad
>A leash showing up without an accompanying pet is likely to stimulate her as of yet rarely seen submissive side, ironic given her species’ canine like traits and tendency to walk on all fours.
A re ordered version of that last line.

The page with the birb actually has exactly one line of text to spare before it rolls over onto the next one and messes with the formatting.
Fuck the fairies in the fun way!
>reads new chapter
Just uh. Not THOSE fairies. The changelings might be fair game? They seem like they could use some tlc.
Okay, nice to know.
To be honest, I'm kind of not that interested in waifus? And even less interested in the bimbo harems this setting is obsessed with. I mostly just want friends, really. But you say he's based on someone? Who?
>But you say he's based on someone? Who?
Brin'Char, an Apuk Sorcerer from Serbow. One of those guys who ran off into the woods after a bad situation and came back out as a living natural disaster. Once he became a Sorcerer he went on a murderous rampage after a bunch of criminals tried to traffic him and his brother, said brother did not escape like he did.

The Bonechewer drawback? It's that guy.

Only in Souldrinker's case he scared the girls who got stuck with speedbump duty so badly they couldn't stand to be anywhere near him afterwards, so no Apuk fairy tale wedding for him.
I've done the species and stand sections for Eyes of Heaven. Lemme know what you guys think of them. I didn't do a proper layout for the jump yet because I was so eager to get these parts done, but now the joke's on me cuz that pretty much concludes all the parts of doing the jump I was excited for.
Thanks man
Looks fine, everything I can think of is there, maybe ghosts for Dead Man's question Kira and Reimi or fusions.
Also, random thought do you have a Wonder Of U drawback?
>Picked up the full slate of Thaumaturgy from VTMB as my first jump.
>Just picked up Magic Gunner from Tsukihime as my third jump.
Man, any battlefield my jumper has visited must look like a Kubrick film after he's done. Blood and viscera everywhere.
Oh! When you said he was based on someone, I thought you meant he was an expy of someone from some other media. I wasn't really sure who would fit, beyond a vague sense that "well, he's a super powerful male Apuk whose kind of lonely because he scared off all his prospects, so maybe he's based off the actual Bowser?" which didn't completely fit to me. Thanks for answering!
>do you have a Wonder Of U drawback?
No, cuz WoU doesn't make an appearance nor is it referenced. There will be a drawback for fumbling the bag harder than Gilgamesh in every situation ala DIO Over Heaven and a drawback for an enemy gravity keeps pulling you towards that you absolutely 100% cannot personally defeat. Also likely a really high cp drawback for DIO Over Heaven wanting you dead.
Only on normal people, though, cuz Vampire magic has reduced to zero effect on supernatural beings including just wizards.
Gauna already costs 500CP, it shouldn't also take away all your background's discounts, especially since discounts are only for items which are naturally at a disadvantage against perks anyway.

Companions that don't take up companion slots shouldn't exist, even if it is optional and comes with drawbacks. It's also not clear what a "sibling or clone companion" is. If someone reincarnated into a clone of me once in the middle of a jump, are they a "clone companion"? If I companion someone as a drop in in their own jump, then import them as a sibling in a later jump, are they now a "sibling companion"?
Oh yeah, and ghost species is a good idea. That's one I missed. Fusion is iffy, if only because by the time of Eyes of Heaven's release the full meaning and consequences of Gappy being a fused person were not really understood.
Unless the video game changes something, the guy was clearly chuuni and not an alien. He's desperate to try to convince people that he's an alien, and yet he's "brainwashed" a woman into believing that he's her human son and to ignore anything out of the ordinary about him? It's a clear contradiction in his story.
>Gauna already costs 500CP, it shouldn't also take away all your background's discounts, especially since discounts are only for items which are naturally at a disadvantage against perks anyway.
Perks are discounted. I just grouped them together by price instead of origin.
>Companions that don't take up companion slots shouldn't exist, even if it is optional and comes with drawbacks.
It's not like they get a stipend or anything if you don't import them.
>It's also not clear what a "sibling or clone companion" is.
What it sounds like. There are a number of jumps that offer companions that are explicitly a clone to you, or have familial ties to you as part of their history.
>If someone reincarnated into a clone of me once in the middle of a jump, are they a "clone companion"?
If they stayed within the clone, sure. Not if they reincarnated into the clone, and then reincarnated again into a non-clone.
>If I companion someone as a drop in in their own jump, then import them as a sibling in a later jump, are they now a "sibling companion"?
Sure, why not.
The whole point of his character is never knowing if he's an alien or not. Several things point to it and against it. He seemingly can't see stands or if he can he has a great poker face because Josuke punched at him with crazy diamond and he didn't flinch and he also has a negative physiological reaction to sirens. At the very least I'd say he's crazy and not chuuni. The mom thing is easily explained as just him really having brainwashed her, though it is also potential evidence against him being an alien.
How does Dio beats GER?
Heaven stands are more bullshit than Requiem
It touched TWOH fists I think which is what it uses to overwrite reality
I'm kind of curious, what canon waifus would encourage the formation of a harem?

Whether because they're into it, because it's a status symbol in her setting's culture or whatever doesn't really matter. I just remembered recently seeing an OC companion like that somewhere which made me a bit curious about actually canon characters.
Is that from V5 where a random thug can beat your vampire if you don't focus on combat?
He just punches it. Even if GER used its power directly on him, though, DIO's ability could just overwrite it by him touching himself.
So in order to be a "sibling or clone companion" they need to have been a sibling or clone at the end of a jump? I don't understand why this arbitrary restriction on who can be imported even needs to exist.
Have you gotten around to watching through the story yet?
It's from the game. Unsurprisingly "make your enemy instantly blow up" spell doesn't work on boss characters like a werewolf or Magilla Gorilla.
Yes. Poor Heaven DIO. He's the only character that would lose to not trying that hard and purposefully underestimating his opponent Gilgamesh.
They must either start their first jump as a clone or sibling, or end their most recent jump as a clone or sibling. Anyway, if I absolutely hand to give a legalese definition. There are a number of companion options that explicitly have being a clone or sibling as part of your lore. I can change it to just any companions if you want. I just didn't expect anyone to care that much.
Lala and Momo from TLR both are very accepting of harems.
Now if only Ric would finish the jump as he said he wanted to several times over the last years...
the gridman jump has one that lets you make humans and humans specifically at no cost whatsoever. it's pretty great for those deity jumpers who get power from their religion expanding.
It still does a lot of damage in the game.
And Magic Gunner allows for a 100x the effect if you invest the original amount of energy into it, so there's a much higher bar for a target to resist blowing up.
The main weakness is targets without blood, but that's what more direct attacks are for.
Well if you're casting at original cost, you're running out in like two casts. Granted it also has spells for stealing enemy blood.
Tenchi Muyo,
Your Penumbra gauntlet never got put on the drive
The changelings could indeed use someone who loved them for them and not for the beautiful way they scream.
Looks good man. But please, do break the wall of text for the stand bit. Maybe something like bullet points?
That's as good as it's getting. This was the only way to fit it on one page
So, what did you in VTMB? Or rather what can you do? Read some stuff about WoD, and honestly, it kinda sucks from what I see
this is very neat. imma use it to punch away all of the world's woes.
Nevermind, I've fixed it.
Huh, weird. A little bit ago I changed a number of my gauntlets into regular jumps, one of which was Penumbra. I guess Penumbra slipped through the cracks somewhere.

Just reuploaded it.
VtM:B as a video game is sick as hell. There's fun quests like feeding a haunted house show host to a cannibal vampire, fighting a psychotic doctor who cuts people's limbs off, investigating the origins of a supernatural snuff film, exploring a haunted hotel to exorcise the poltergeist in it, etc. Really good western RPG.
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Nice. Have a build update. How do you think I’ll do?

>Origin: Human
>First Contact Soldier (Free)
>Easily Adaptable (100)
>Undaunted (200)
>High Functioning (300)
>Galactic Assets (100)
>Axiom (Free)
>Pancakes (Free)
>Axiom Enhancement (100)
>Macro Harem Dynamics (200)
>Ruler to Be (200)
>Axiom Totems (Free)
>Guns and Gear (Free)
>Space Magic for Dummies (Free)
>Material Supply (100)
>Basic Uplifting Package (200)
>Solar System (300)
>Your Household (Free)
>Cosplay Expy X2 (100)
>Amazon Squad (50)
>Dainty Little Lady (50)
>Princess of Shadows (50)
>Sultry Shapes (50)
>Arrangement (100)
>Future Batch (+0)
>Side Stories and Fan Works (+0)
>Serialized Adventures (+100)
>Null-ified (+100)
>Altered Form (+200)
>Stranded (+200)
>Bad Start (+300)

During the trip out to the wider galaxy, my ship was ambushed and I was captured by pirates, brought back to their fortress on what is apparently some feudal world, and then some midranking pirate commander decided she wanted my body in a very literal sense, so our bodies were switched and I found myself in the body of an alien woman. To call this a bad situation would be an understatement, especially since my new body naturally floats through Axiom and I haven’t figured out how to control it yet. However, it seems they’re so confident they don’t care about the tablet I found that teaches the basics of Axiom, or that the scientist that developed the body switch method and another midranking pirate commander who controls shadows have both taken a liking to me.
Noel had better be ready to supply Solar grade therapy to all the freed changelings.
I know it's been several hours since this was first posted, but requesting an item or perk that gives you your own catchy theme tune. Also a villain origin, because it's fun being a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain.
Tsunade's mad because she's not the one getting married, Gaara's mad because he's a teenager being forced to wear a suit and attend some hag's wedding, A's mad because...he's just an angry dude in general, really. And that one dude with glasses on the left is mad because he wishes he was the one Mei was marrying.
Looks pretty good anon, thanks for the build!
Thanks for the jump! With the Basic Uplifting Package, I figure I’ll go with what the notes suggest and liberate the world, then make it my own for the Solar System item.
. . . I hadn't actually thought of using the Solar System item to get the world you're Stranded on but that's a good story idea.
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That may or may not happen, it depends on if she thinks of it or if Maria/Mary implies that she has everything handled. She probably can on account of having Cup 5 and Ishvara, but that only helps if she actually bothers to help or if she focuse on her sister. In any event, just being able to go home without the fear of getting dragged back will do wonders for most of them.
If you have a pocket dimension that doubles in volume every decade and starts roughly city sized how long would it take to become big enough to contain multiple star systems?
It’s a feudal world, and I have Ruler to Be to unite it and the Basic Uplifting Package to bring it out of its feudal status. Things all fit together nicely.
What jump offers that?
They do indeed.
The boosted Drop-In capstone in Runescape, I mentioned a bigger starting size but that can be attained with an import.
Bro, Araki clear cut said it was supposed to be us deciding.

GER touched TWOH's hands.
Man what the fuck are you cooking?
Well, to put numbers to it for concreteness: assuming you start with a sphere with a diameter of ten miles... if I worked it out correctly, it'd take about 1223 years to have a diameter of our solar system (measuring in terms of oort cloud)
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Does it count as potatoes if both of the players are me?

In any event, ignore Sue for the most part. She won't become a major character unless Alchemical Solutions finishes, like, really soon, because I fully intend to have my opening to the jump be a recration of this video, because Sue will be fucking delighted to pilot the Enterprise. But that mostly relies on me thinking it's cool and I might forget about it if they take too long and or if I forget my chain exists again for long enough.

I think that’s called renegade.
>unless Alchemical Solutions finishes, like, really soon
Unlikely, I got very distracted.
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Sues dreams of being relevant to the plot outside of her family woes crash to the ground like the Vengance.

I'm pretty sure I get paid for renegade. And that those are supposed to be super hyper evil puppy kickers and kitten drowners. Sue isn't really that, she's just selfish as fuck.

I dunno if you caught it, but one of Angelica's issues is that she was an attention hog - Maria/Mary is exactly the same way, though for different reasons. Appropriate, for twins.
Depends on what size you use for solar systems but it would take around 50 doublings to reach the distance to Alpha Centauri. And at that point the size increases are measured in lightyears.
If I didn't want to directly copy how TWOH warps reality with its fists, any ideas for alternative methods for applying the reality warping effect?
You have to verbally say what you want to have happen, so if you can't talk you can't use your power and also you'd be far more likely to be interrupted by enemies before you can finish speaking.
Those are reddit jumps not made from here. We do not have jumps for any Nihei property other than Abara. Knowingly shitposting about reddit jumpmakers makes you worse than them.
>super hyper evil puppy kickers and kitten drowners
You know funnily enough I remember a game that actually had kitten exterminator as a job. You needed a shitton of negative karma to unlock it though, which was fair.
920 years.
>multiple star systems
Oh wait. 920 is for our solar system so double it again and you could fit two, if a bit uncomfortably.
Don't forget that diameter=/=volume, and volume increases FAR faster than diameter.
Magicka revive.
Three volume doublings = 1 diameter doubling
I'm aware but since the jump uses 1 acre/4047m2 as a starting point I just went with 63m as my starting length.
Per my quick spreadsheet after 51 decades the length of the pocket dimension has reached 70931674131085,3 km which is longer than the distance between our sun and alpha centauri. The volume would be very silly number at this point.
I had a possibly stupid idea at work today. Feel free to call me an idiot if it is.

Would anyone be interested in a document filled with OC companions? As in, pictures, keywords describing their personality, possible jumps to find them in, maybe even sample builds? Not expys, but actual OCs.
Could certainly be interesting.
I would at least be interested in reading a few of those. Obviously my engagement would depend on how much I like the OCs. and their descriptions.
Sounds like /cyoag/faggotry.
A perk for the Drop-In/HERO! origin.
>Secretive Cheating Retribution (400): When faced with the unusual nature of tinkertech an Exalt may have many reactions; curiosity, competitive spirit, or perhaps confusion at how it can do that without using essence. But one potential reaction that seems particularly notable is indignation at the idea that some up jumped parasite would dare try to hide the secrets of reality from those who should rightfully rule over it. Naturally one must respond in a suitably petty way. Thus you’ve hidden away the secrets of your own magic, ensuring that the space worms or anyone else who’s interested in your powers are shit out of luck. When an outsider tries to understand or replicate the out of context abilities of you and yours they’ll find themselves unable to do so, your magical powers or exotic physics seem to those attempting it to be nothing more than incomprehensible occult nonsense they cannot make any real use out of. Those you teach or permit to study what you have can still learn from your abilities without issue but unless they can find some other less protected source the Shards will have no means for understanding your ways.
*Alchemical Solutions.
Player Owned Dimension doesn't allow imports. Which sucks, I wanted to add Lisa's Jumper Village item to it
Just houserule that it allows imports. Sounds like a stupid rule anyway.
So if you wanted to do something on a universal scale with an over heaven stand with Dio's method then you'd have to punch the ground?
There are however other items that allow for combining multiple other properties together, such as the Pathfinder Demiplane or the Arcology from Free Cities. The latter is a bit confusingly worded but it apparently allows you to combine/import it with other properties you get later so it doesn't necessarily matter if a given property you find later lacks an option for that.
Stick rpg 2. The max karma job was ice cream flavor tester.
Favorite alien species, jumpchain?
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Hands down.
What cool stuff can jumpers body do now that their original body couldn't?
Sekirei. I like injecting their dna into other species to give them a craving for human cock.
I like Twi'leks.
Stand in one place for more than thirty minutes without pain.
Make a Star Wars jump next or you are lying. jk make what you like friend, I like your jumps
What do you get when you combine Asari DNA from Mass Effect with Sekirei DNA?
Yes please
Telomere regeneration
One of the villain freebies.
>Showmanship (100): When it comes to getting away with all the things a villain might look to do and having fun along the way it definitely helps to put on a good show. You have the charisma of a true performer able to make sure that the witnesses to your unsavory deeds find them plenty entertaining and perhaps even your victims will begrudge their losses just a little less given all the fun had along the way. Of course there are crimes that cannot be forgiven just by making a rather nice show out of it or are just in too bad taste to have that work out, killing people or beating up random hookers for instance, but in those cases you can at the very least make sure that any sort of audience are riveted to their seats as they watch the show; even if that means watching their heroes die a gruesome and painful death on screen.
That might just be global. Hard to say.
Sekirei but more useless and also blue
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Typhon. They aren't (generally) waifus nor are they absurdly overpowered in the grand scheme of things. What I love about them is the fact that they are truly /alien/. They do things in a fashion which is strange and utterly unlike humanity or earthly organisms, evolved for niches that do not exist on our world, and exist as a force which we can only scrap at the edges of without truly understanding. These are actual honest to god aliens, and EVERYTHING about them is alien.
Pilot a mecha with supernatural skill. Also being tiny and cute, and automatically disinfecting things they touch.

It can't lift heavy weights or walk for more than twenty minutes at a time now though, which... honestly isn't that big of a downside since I'm made to pilot mechs
An entire species of instant loss 2komas.
Asari but slightly less useless but still blue.
You get Asari that mind rape their Ashikabi to death.
You get Asari that can’t reliably use their powers without permission from their human owner.
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Pretty easy, but barring the ki monkeys, but barring them, symbiotes are probably my second favorite
It makes her Lightfall arc where she tries to manipulate the Crow (her brother after coming back as a Guardian), who is at this point about as emotionally vulnerable as any master manipulate could ask for, and fails utterly because even the Crow can see through all her bullshit when she's manipulating people with literal amnesia, all the sweeter.

Unfortunately going by the final cutscene with them both, TFS appears to be trying to reconcile them.
What if a jumpmaker included a mandatory drawback in their jump that permanently turned all of the jumper's female companions into futa? And if you tried to get around it by turning them into males or some other gender or form of life, they'd be turned into twinks instead? Would people accept it as-is or would they try to apply Fury's Maxim like SBers?
That sounds like it would probably only appear in a bad jump so people just wouldn't use it.
Have you tried not replying to shit bait?
Tomorrow is America day. What’s the most American doujin/hentai/porn you know of?
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I was told every day was America day.
Understandable, and true. But tomorrow is Americas birthday, which makes it double America day.
Calling that bait is like calling Gohanposting bait.
That FGO chick with a flag bikini getting blacked.
How big are the Paladin mechs from Blassreiter?
>posts normal human in response to query about alien races
Alien is relative. Mexicans are aliens if you're from the United States.
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I assume we're excluding space GODS like the Traveller and Kirby?

A three-way tie between the Vex, Gauna and Worm-in-Waiting depending on whether flesh, metal or acausality is better adapted to a given reality. The suffering of the multiverse is limitless, and the pursuit of perfect order-TRULY perfect order-demands absolute rigour. I appreciate a species with the dedication and focus to set all else aside, and maximise their own capacity to reduce suffering. It makes aligning them to my own purpose easier.

A special mention goes to the Riftborn and the Harmony of Endless Space, which I find cute but always in desperate need of protection. The Lavosi, Jenova, C'tan and ORT (it technically counts as a species if it can generate Archetypes, and those Archetypes can commit nuclear fusion with human cock) are all more like...hunting dogs. I admire various aspects of them but I also find them necessary to train well so they don't randomly start jumping into wholly unnecessary matter suits and calling themselves gods even though worship doesn't even FUCKING do anything for them Deceiver you silly goose, or eating the Lifestream instead of using their abilities to /generate more Lifestream to eat/. In that regard, the ORT race is surprisingly the easiest to domesticate.

Accelerate all matter and energy in a universe to a higher state of being, then compress it into a singular outcome of perfection.
So you're saying Dib was the alien the whole time? Wow, you saved us all there. We had no idea...
I am going to prank he gods in Scion and resurrect Atlantis.
Shard, at this point I am just deeply convinced that Mara needs to be corrected. Not even sexually. I mean someone needs to sit her the fuck down, explain how she has fucked up every single thing in her entire life POINT BY POINT, and force her to go on a long walkabout apologizing IN DETAIL to every single person who she has ever interacted with-because I'm like 95% sure that she has fucked with and wronged every single person she has ever interacted with.
Finishing never ever. Fuck.
I'm pretty sure I started reading that almost a decade ago and it has made almost no progress, still stuck in the first story segment despite claiming to be on the third chapter.
It's honestly a bit inconsistent. They're basically just tanks with legs. Maybe around the size of a large van in motorcycle mode.
>average chainbutt the jump doesn't exist
Well, it's novel compared to the last few...
It's been six months since an update.
Huh, neat.
What's the story?
It's been six months since you looked at me
Potential hero capstone, not sure I'm satisfied with it compared to the others. Might reduce it to a 400 and come up with something better.
>Secretive Illuminati Method (600): In another world, another time, true glorious heroes stood in the face of the uncaring eldritch monsters who controlled them and the apocalyptic end of their universe to challenge them head on. Those heroes all died so a different approach is warranted for the situations faced by today’s more pragmatic defenders. Combined with a starling skill when it comes to the building and management of hidden groups you’ve got an unusual ability that any ‘ends justifies the means’ types would eagerly kill for. The more ruthless your methods, the more you degrade society, and the more you dirty your hands in pursuit of a hidden agenda the better things tend to work out for the goal it’s all in service of. Even if many of your efforts are ill advised or you’re working under the assumption you’ll lose; only working in defiance of an end you do not believe can be avoided it may just be that your efforts produce a miracle, albeit in a way that you never even considered could be useful.

If you think that's unusual for this series you haven't payed much attention to it.
That's gay.
... Holy fuck I legitimately forgot webcomics existed.
Going to bed soon. Am I good to upload Abara, or should I let it sit overnight?
So, I had an idea for my Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain Jumper to produce a series of mook bots based on ghosts, but while I have tech to give them flight and invisibility, I don't have anything for tech that will let them phase through things. Any jumps with tech like that for Jumper to poach?
Wait, why does some huge worm you can shoot to death pretty easily and who can't leave a single star system without explicit consent get to compete with actual civs?
>Follower section
>None of them are followers
Which companions are the expys?
I should make a Russian Caravan jump.
All of them.
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Drawbacks: White and Black, That's Our Nihei (1400)

Unexpected Variable, Gauna (900)

Entry-Level Position (Free)
Never-Ending War (600)
The Friend of my Enemy (0)
Optimized Resume (Free)

The moment my avatar's feet touch this reality, a pulse of Essence sweeps out and hijacks every Gausa mausoleum on this planet. The humans are distracted by the pale light rendering matter transparent and bringing prophetic visions, and as such the descent of my subsouls to claim each and every one is less noticed than early warning of the White Gauna's existence.

One of those hulking monsters faces me. We stare at each other for a while, and then in it's animalistic way it moves to pass me.

"You have been Taken" I say. It reacts, bullet-fast, but it is already being warped into the Ascendent Realm and as a purely biological being it has no relevant defences.

"The fortress of bone and gristle that is your body is laid siege to, the blood freezes in your veins. Cease your rampage, and think of how best to adapt to this acausal environment. There is nothing to hear you scream, no fluid for your flailing claws to find purchase on"

"Observe this area of negative space, shaped like what you once were, and embrace a new possibility"

"Extend your limbs. Maximise the efficiency of all the energy in your inexhaustible form. Consider each pump of what passes for your heart as currency spent to improve your chances of survival. Is this hulking shape truly your destiny? Choose it otherwise. This planet is one small, damp rock in a vast and indifferently hostile universe, and you must become formlessness to conquer formlessness. This is the first choice you have ever been given"

"There is a bomb for you. It will help you decide what your shape is. It is [round]"

"Become your new shape. Become a ball"

And it does.

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I continue to tinker with the creature. The iteration of the goddesses Luna and Abraxas that are my allies lay down divine boons to make them one with the darkness of space, and transcend their singular weakness. The divine word Life is used to prune all flaws from their underlying biology until their patterns can perpetuate without even cells. The rituals of cleaving flesh to metal of Metropolis grant the creature an intrinsic acceptance of technology. I integrate it with the process of Taking through the Light, to ensure my desired alterations will be perpetuated.

Far away my subsouls commune and confer amongst themselves, contemplating the plan in it's fullness. The grisly smith of adamant bones complains about deadlines, as usual. The storm of swords muses poetic on whether a bomb can truly match the immediate sharpness of a knife. The river of molten metal sets the horizon aflame, declaring that alloying is the truest form of coexistence. Islinde silently expresses a hope that all will be well.

By dint of sorcerous dent, each Mausoleum falls under my control from the help of many Second Circles and the few Third Circles invested in this endeavour. Each is charged by my energy.

And so, when each Mausoleum activates in synch, they teleport all White Gauna on Earth into my grasp, instead of merely a random rift in space.

When the Gauna return, they are all ball-shaped. They all hone in on specific humans calculated by biological supercomputers to have the best compatibility for travel, mutual support and self-improvement. These humans quickly learn the Gauna can be used to do everything from print limitless resources and travel the stars. Gods of flesh and limitless vitality, allied with mortal imagination that I will guide after unifying this world's government.

Thus, the pattern observed in Pokemon is perpetuated.

Thus, this world tilts towards perfect order.

I had to make some logical sacrifices to keep the sections alphabetically ordered. I can't remember why I initially decided to order them that way, but I did.
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Simple: The capacity for symbiosis. The survival bonuses it offers a species it has fully hugged/assimilated with is unironically a net boon and technically speaking turning suns into black holes is a military advantage. If even a not fully synchronised species can shoot it to death, imagine the possibilities for a species that can integrate the Worm fully enough to share it's grasp of time. Creating a superior universe or ascending to total control of the Shroud will be MUCH easier with the integration of the Worm.

>actual civs
Also while I myself agree, I'd just like to point out most actual civs would not call the Gauna and Vex that.

The problem is the only person who ever could is her mother, and Mara is convinced that 1. she is right and everything she does is justified because of a funny feeling she falsely assumes means she is preordained to be a god and 2. she doesn't want to be a god even though she clearly got off on being "the ship's caretaker god" enough to jump into space with no protection.

There is a reason why Savathun said they were similar, they both want to be special snowflakes but Mara is in terminal denial about it and has internalised it into an extremely self-serving saviour complex. And the guilt of how much she fucked up is only starting to catch up in recent events. And Bungo will NEVER make her apologise to Sjur because that would imply their lesbian relationship is toxic despite the fact that, honestly, it kind of is if you look at how it started.
Would you have an easier time for tech that will let them open portals to simulate phasing? And what's your villain jumper's style?
The phantasm suit in BTAS kinda works.
Have you considered that Jumpers simply have too high standards for her to match?
Alright. I've made it to the second intermission of the Ten Hour Lore Video. I've got a laundry list of Bullshit My Jumper's Gonna Interfere With. Before that though, I need to ask a question about the Vex. Are the Vex managing actual time travel through the past, or is that Simulation Bullshit as well? The whole deal with Saint-14 and Perfect Paradox seems like it's actual time travel, but we know explicitly that the Vex can't (perfectly) simulate paracausality and frankly they've gotten shitstomped over and over again whenever Guardians decide it's time to go crush the Vex's balls again. Then there's the whole deal with the PC witnessing their own grave as ordained by the Vex-but given the whole paracausality issue I'm like 99% sure that's bullshit mindgames that the Vex are pulling because they're desperately trying to figure out paracausality yet getting nowhere. But there's that 1% of doubt still...

Basically, what's up with Vex Temporal Bullshit-is it simulations all the way down, are they genuinely fucking with the flow of time, is that scene of our death a genuine potential future or is it a simulation?
>the Vex managing actual time travel through the past, or is that Simulation Bullshit as well?
Actual time travel
My proof is Skolas teleporting in a ton of Fallen using Vex tech.
How much would it cost to get WoU?
Oh. They can accomplish both, they have gates that can shoot matter across space-time and they have simulations where they can just build a Vex reality inside their own Vex structures. Prior to current revelations it was assumed what went down in the Sundial was actual time travel but tbqh the Vex see literally no meaningful difference between time travel and simulation bullshit so I'm not actually bothered that mere humans evidently mistook one for the other.

>witnessing their own grave
It could also be the Lone Wolf's actual grave that the Lone Wolf can just stop by in a Vex time machine because Guardians make their own fate and stuff. The answer to your last question is that it's both, they are simulating and they are fucking with the flow of time and the Vex don't see a meaningful difference, but even if the scene of the Lone Wolf's death is a genuine potential future it doesn't matter because paracausality cockslaps causality.
Oh hey it’s the fucked is family tree. Nice.
>Fetch, Hero, Sworn
I’m sorry what’s happening here?
If I'm being consistent, I allowed WoU as a Requiem stand in part 5 so 1000.
Thank you for answering my questions in a way that answers absolutely nothing and leaves me more confused if anything. That's what I have come to expect from Destiny.

Additional question, this time about the jump itself. If we take Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence and effectively become a paracausal force of The Vex Pattern, does that basically turn us into an infant form of...whatever The Gardener/The Winnower are? Or are we still just something that exists WITHIN the "gameboard" compared to those ontological dynamics that notionally supersede it?
This feels like something that would go in a Muchin or Nia jump.
>or eating the Lifestream instead of using their abilities to /generate more Lifestream to eat/
Jenova can't create her own Lifestream, she can only turn herself into a tumor.
Probably, yeah, but it'd be more fun if the robot just phased through shit like a ghost would. As for style, Jumper's a mad scientist. He could probably already create some crazy phasing tech with the science perks he has already, but it never hurts to have something to work off of.

Could be good to poke at and upgrade with Jumper tech. Thanks, anon!
Oh, very much a thing in the gameboard. Ahamkara are paracausal, Worm Gods are paracausal, neither are at any point seen as anything but pieces/patterns. Just, very flexible ones. Even the Guardians themselves are "just" the pieces that the Gardener has gone all in on.

...at least, as far as we know at the moment.

After Rebirth, I'm not sure anymore given Sephiroth seems to be able to do the same timeline-spanning bullshit Aerith can. If nothing else, he can control the Time Jannies, the Time Jannies clean time for free and...yeah.
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Not much, just the innevitable identity crisis born from finding out that you don't really exist and your only purpose in life is to prevent 'your' parents from noticing that their child was stolen, and that they escaped and want their life back.
Alright, just wanted to make sure.

...Now for a shitposty lewd question. Given that Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence makes our actions ontologically locked...what happens if we do something like, bring a girl to orgasm? Do they become locked in an endless orgasm? If we impregnate someone, do they become perpetually pregnant?

...Can we prevent our actions from being ontologically locked if necessary/desired?

This is also why I mentioned in the perk you have control over the ontological locking.
Rosario Vampire has a perk you need that won't let you get seduced if you don't want too
...Shard. Shard why did you do this. Why did you bake in such fetishistic potential as part of the perk's base functionality. Shard the autism robutts are not for sexual.
We talked about this last thread, anon, they totally are
Good night guys.
When exactly did we talk about this last thread? Because we talked about a LOT of things last thread.
They're not sexual, they predate sexuality, they're just spewing their white ichorous reproductive fluids that make more of themselves whether they hit people or objects wherever they go and that whispers sweet Vex nothings into their very minds because it's one of the facets of propagating the pattern.
Thanks, I hate it.
Well don't call them robutts next time

But seriously tho, what are sworn and hero?
Sleep well, handsome
...If we impregnate someone, then will our ontological locking to end so their pregnancy can actually progress, can we re-lock their pregnancy at a certain point later?
Shard, are you actively doing everything in your power to inspire me to use this Vex ontological bullshit for rampant fetishism?
No, I'm just trying to convey how the Vex view their technology, simulations and mastering space-time to be part of one paradigm instead of separate things because they're that autistic.
Hey you're the one coming up with these ideas
>Could be good to poke at and upgrade with Jumper tech. Thanks, anon!
No problem. I watched that movie recently and it's crazy how hard people can job. They really had the power of Kamui and were getting beat up by the Joker.
I have a dirty mind and can't help it.
I suggest not bothering with intangibility and go for them being holograms with a hard-light mode projected by a very tiny projector

You're a saturday morning cartoon villain. Having ghost mooks that secretly turn out to be something completely different fits the theme, as does having something as utterly bullshit as Hard Light tech but only using it to pretend to control an army of ghosts
Or can you?
Go for both and randomly swap between them to fuck with the heads of whoever tries to stop you.
Dumb thought. If I bake a cake and offer it to someone to eat, but leave it ontologically locked, what happens when a person tries to eat the cake? Do they eat a slice but the cake suddenly regenerates? Do they fail to even cut/bite into the cake in the first place? Do they begin to eat the cake but suddenly their actions are undone and the cake is made whole again?
Oh, whoops.

In Changeling the Lost, a Fetch is the thing a True Fae leaves behind, a bit of your soul and shadow woven into a copy of you. A Fetch can also use some of the Changeling's own powers when the Changeling innevitably comes to try and murder said Fetch in order to get their life back.

In Princess the Hopeful, a Sworn is a person allowed to use fragments of the Princess's powers. It involves taking an oath to one of the queens iirc, and primarily involves magical items which can be a pain to make. Unless you're part of the court of Tears, in which case you have a few dozen just laying around.

In Beast the Primordial, a Hero is basically the world trying to get rid of you. Beasts inspire fear, ideally in controlled manners, and fead on it. In an uncontrolled manner, this will eventually cause random people to suddenly become convinced that there is a monster out there that they need to slay. I haven't looked at how this works on a mechanical level as of yet.

Basically? Angelica (the second) is template stacking powerups like a madwomen to stand out as unique from her counterpart.
Depends on what, exactly, you lock ontologically (yes you can target it). If it's something like the cake's molecular structure they're just unable to bite through the cake. If it's something like "the timeline where the cake exists" then a Vex comes out of a portal, hits them in the tummy and reconstitutes the vomit back into cake. And if it's the abstract concept of the cake then even after someone finishes the whole cake there will be a weird cake-shaped idea lingering that if observed enough will regenerate back into an actual cake.
So I can actively choose WHAT I ontologically lock with my actions, very good to know. If I cut out a tumor from a person and ontologically lock that, I should be able to choose to ontologically lock the idea of them being free of cancer rather than just be "cut open and bleeding from a tumor extraction", then?
Great. I'm slowly starting to get a handle on how exactly "ontological locking" works. And the lewd potential only grows and grows further.
Shard, how hard do you think inventing techniques like Ashes of War is on your own? Clearly some characters like Malenia can just do stuff like the Waterfowl Dance so how hard is that to learn? Also, how does it work, some of those attack forms are clearly magical, are they sorcery or incantations? Are Ashes of War Incantations of a kind because they cost FP?
I can’t tell if you’re putting a ton of thought into how to shove as many different things into this family as you can or are entirely making things up as you go along. Either way, that’s an interesting character arc for a girl suffering from an existential crisis.
Is the cheapest way of becoming op just using a power stealing perk on every genie-type character you can find?
Depends on the Ash of War desu, because some of them are just "you swing your sword in a circle" and others are "You call on the power of a heretical god to scorch everything in front of you" or "you smash the ground so hard it explodes"

You will never surpass Allah (or just Fate in the Disneyverse) with that alone.
Okay but how do Ashes of War work in and of themselves that they can do all of these things?
For my own purposes I'm thinking of Swift Slash.
The game barely explains desu, other than they are apparently manifested as ash? For lack of a better explanation I imagine you just do the technique really hard and then transfer it by hand to a pile of ash like how people can apparently trade runes as an actual currency.
Perk/power sharing perk + power-copying/stealing ally is usually about the same price or a little cheaper and comes with the baked in ablative layer of your power bank pal while also filtering out things you don't need and/or free resistance training partner.
>Is the cheapest way of becoming op just using a power stealing perk
Yes, you don't even need to use it on genies. In fact you'd most likely end up weaker if you did because there are plenty of reality warpers who can do genie-level bullshit without any genie-level restrictions.
NTA I thought they were the literal ashes of warriors who had been incinerated
A-mamma mia.
Sure that's what the ashes are but the process of how those techniques are actually transferred/imbued/whatever into the ash is very unclear. I mean you can get one in the DLC that makes Scarlet Rot skewers stab people.
Yes. Ish.

I'm making shit up as I go along, but there is a level of research attatched to it to make sure it's at least relatively feasible. Is Angelica being a Hero and a Sworn at the same time as she's a Fetch even possible? I have no idea. Until someone tells me I'm wrong I'll go with the assumption that she can.

Additionally, and on a totally different note related to crossing the streams, it actually is theoretically possible for her to undergo a pilgrimage (which is Promethean the Created's main story arc, the desire to become a real boy), albiet with some issues - primarily the fact that the materials needed no longer exist. Thankfully, Genius has time travel.
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Page 10 rollspam
>roll 2d40
>first d40 result is a jump combination
>second d40, multiply by 50 - that's how much CP you have to spend.
>reddit jumps
>SB jumps
Kill yourself.
Eh, why not?
Are there any 1UP or other such revivals that would be able to bring you back if you were being dumb and got killed with all your perks and powers turned off?

Such as an external source of immortality that you can't just dumbass your way into turning off with a toggle perk?
They should just smash through the walls and act like they're phasing.
Rolled 7, 25 = 32 (2d40)

Huh. Was it the space between the + and the number?

There's a 1-up item in HeroBBS. IIRC?
>Youjo Senki
Isn't Youjo Senki already a WW1 Alt-History? I don't think anything would actually change.
Rolled 13, 31 = 44 (2d40)

So I'm kind of an idiot, also a hack. But I've recently noticed a potential problem that I'd like some input on.

I increased the companion stipend because the list of OCs got really fucking long, however I realize that said stipend could also be used on the Dark Woods. Which is expensive for a good reason but could be effectively purchased for 100 plus the stipend as it is now.

Any suggestions on if/how this should be dealt with?
Just note that you can't use the stipend to purchase it
A simple obvious solution that I've probably glossed over at least three times. I'm doing that.
Insert another OC companion before the Dark Woods who mugs you and steals the rest of the stipend if you haven't spent it all by the time you get there.

Or just do what >>93242054 says and put in a line that says the stipend can't be spent on the Dark Woods, or maybe limit how much of it you can put towards if you prefer.
So I didn't read the scenario in JoJo part 7 carefully enough and I accidentally became forever-PotUS.
Do I take late 1800s America with me on the chain as a supermassive property + followers, or do I just... become president the instant I go to any setting where the USA exists?
>Thankfully, Genius has time travel
Well. That’ll be interesting if you ever get around to it.
I believe all the final niggling issues I've had and those pointed out to me by the thread are now fixed with this. I'd appreciate it if someone tossed this into the uploads folder but I'll probably get around to it relatively soon™ if not.
i think a good trigger would be like the one heaven's door has. that is having to describe what you want to happen by writing it.
Rolled 30, 27 = 57 (2d40)

Someone should make new bread to bump us off the board.
Depends if the setting already has America or not.
Is this lewd?
You’re sacrificing waifus for power, it better be overpowered.
Perfectly safe for work
What are all the expys based on?
furry tho
Well, this has the potential to become awkward. How does this work if for the duration of a jump you're an enemy of the US?
You're Qanon Donald Trump where you run shit from the shadows. You've already conquered China
>All of those cost 8 motes
...Remind me how mote pool is calculated for a mortal, again? And how bullshit is it to only pay half of that?
Nah, we should survive for another 1300 posts.
File: Nah, I'd Wincest.jpg (128 KB, 600x767)
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128 KB JPG
>Nah, I'd live
Dude, you toss around the names of different races like we know what they are. Is there a wiki or something to give us an idea of what these species look like and act like? I like how much work you've put into the companion section, but for all I know when you're tossing out these species they could be sapient piles of pigshit.
In any setting without an America, you become the president by default as the Last True American. Anywhere you walk becomes America.
Thank you.

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