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first for absolutely dogshit cannon designs
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>dogshit cannon designs
Well it's not battletech but here.
just wait until you see the harpy 2
This thing makes me so angry. For context, the idea behind it was that two cannonballs, joined by a length of chain, would launch from simultaneously ignited gun tubes and go swinging down the battlefield, scything down infantry. Now, let's ignore the practical issues, mainly being that the cap and primer technology of the day weren't up to truly simultaneous ignition. The real issue is that chain shot had existed for well over a century, fired by normal ass cannons, using two halves of a round shot joined by a length of chain. So this cannon was entirely unnecessary, and a strict downgrade. Even for its intended role, naval and land gunners had both long concluded that canister shot was much better against infantry and cavalry than chain, since it was cheaper, easier to use, and had a cone shaped kill pattern instead of a fairly narrow band.

To bring it back to battletech though, chain shot's actual purpose of severing masts and spars of sailing ships. I could see bolas rounds as a chain shot-inspired autocannon ammunition, using some sci fi high strength cable instead of chain obviously, that could be particularly good at crippling mech limbs. Maybe it fires two shots at reduced damage, but if it hits any arms or legs it gets an automatic through armor crit against that location?
pixie is beautiful. you are retarded.

lol, jannies are confirmed democrat shill retards. i was 'warned' for posting about the Chevron Deference.

what fucking faggot commies
how was it relevant to battletech?
comstar no longer gets to creatively re-interpret clauses in mydudes contracts.

ALSO, it was EXACTLY as relevant as all the /d/ tier faggot posting or all the /soc/ tier faggot posting... that never ever gets punished in any way, even when naked faggot ass gets posted.
differential enforcement is discriminatory. tyrannical
sounds like you brought up real life politics for no reason when it wasn't actually relevant to battletech. i recommend killing yourself.
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I need to emphasize to you that ComsSar is made up. Pretend. Not real. And it's in a made up, pretend, not real world where the United States of America does not exist at the same time as ComStar ever. So bringing up a case of United States law and saying it's relevant to ComStar is a level of turbo retarded not harnessed in this thread since Manic thought 6m deep pits were the ultimate in anti-mech defense on a planetary scale.
you might be an actual autist. it was CLEARLY an obvious joke. you idiot. poking fun at comstar.

you really suck at reading comprehension
>i was just PRETENDING to be retarded
You even did the caps thing.
lol no. it was a very obvious joke. taking the piss out of comstar is a /btg/ pastime. you underage faggot.
>coping this hard
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>comstar no longer gets to creatively re-interpret clauses in mydudes contracts.

how is this NOT obviously a joke? its OVERTLY hyperbolic, you dumbass.
Another day of no email. Kickstarter bros i don't feel so good.
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>sees a mech with a blistering movement speed of 0/1/2 meaning at a walk the average jogger outpaces it
>pixie is beautiful. you are retarded.
>proceeds to bring up off topic political shit from another board
Perhaps you should learn how to joke better
>it was EXACTLY as relevant as all the /d/ tier faggot posting or all the /soc/ tier faggot posting
We like those.

We don't like your politics. So guess what's getting reported. Seethe and dilate about it.
you're the faggot trannies, YOU are the ones who have to seethe as you Dilate your pus filled diseased axe wounds
So it's a napoleonic ultra ac. I could see a similar idea working, but rather than crit, it would force a PSR if the legs are struck, like space bolas.
You have to be over 18 to post here anon
cry more as you groom children and tell them they need to join you before you go and 46% yourself.
What is "46% yourself"? Is this some kind of joke at Comstar I'm too pirate to understand?
>underage b4n imminent
also, canopus is that way, you fucking freak.
There's already bola narc rounds though.
No thanks, you can keep Canopus all to yourself
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did you remember to walk the dogs today, /btg/ ?
That's bait.
But I wouldn't hate bottom if he wasn't an attention whore that semi-regularly posted off topic pictures of his mediocre(at best) body and mechs with political paint jobs.
the magistry must burn for their sins. full sodom and gommorah.
oh no, bottom is a shitty painter. the 'lol totally an acshul not see' painter is far better at painting than bottom is.
>We like those.
Speak for yourself. hate the /soc/ shit and the thread quality has degraded noticeably since it started.
Cockpit bunnies and cheesecake art can stay though, its a tradition.
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>Manic thought 6m deep pits were the ultimate in anti-mech defense on a planetary scale
lol. i didn't even read that part of your nonsense.

HA faggot tranny lover poster is ALSO 'everyone is manic' poster too!
He also advocated for storing munitions in them but in no way hide them so that they could actually be used as traps
>Cockpit bunnies and cheesecake art can stay though, its a tradition.
No it can't. All sexuality must be purged. This is a serious game and sexual content doesn't belong here.
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I'm not really judgemental about paint jobs, I don't even think his paint jobs are bad(especially by BT standards), I just hate the completely unnecessary /soc/ shit and /pol/ shit.
Not fond of it when the other guy does the latter either.
Bridge bunnies are kosher too, right?
But like, he understands that a mech could just avoid the hole right?
or jump over it
or step over it
or step around it
or just pull their foot out if they didn't notice it.
Manic is as Manic does anon.
We will cover it with trees and put a double heatsink on top.
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here is the White Dragon Lance stable, off Solaris, the game world. an all female team of dragon warriors who are totally not lead by a voice on the radio who totally has not got the callsign 'Charlie'.
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>Manic thought 6m deep pits were the ultimate in anti-mech defense on a planetary scale.
Not quite. He insisted that pittraps were the ultimate form of anti-mech defence and then when told exactly how big these would have to be (IIRC I estimated a 30x10x6 metre hole) doubled down on them and then went on to add that they could be used as storage areas for militias.
He also insisted that every settlement on a planet could be defended by a moat, again refusing to do anything but double down when reminded that said moat would need to be 180 metres wide at a bare minimum to prevent jumpers from getting in. Yes, a 180 metre wide, minimal of 6 metre deep, moat running around every village, town, and city.
He also proposed that light vehicles would wreck a mech in any situation, and that, when reminded that thunder munitions exist, went on to say that ordinary civilians would rush to grab the mines to use them against mechs. Ill let that sink in;
>Ordinary civilians
>rushed into a minefield
>To defuse mines
And sadly, that wasnt the worst of it.

Duh, my fellow man of taste.

Eat shit and die, cheesecake and qt's go hand in hand with mechs and have done since before your dad was a twinkle in his dads eye. Pinups are a staple of /btg/ and have been since before you were potty trained.
Manic expresses a complete disdain of battletech as a setting. He does not construct these hypotheticals using in-universe logic, laws or rules, he has an entirely incompatible "better" headcanon AU that he bases his posts upon.
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Made a 'mech with a glowing butt. Look at my glowing butt...

Next up is a spider, with 8 jump jets. Gonna make them glow harder.
it is a well known part of the Draconis Combine, that for mercenary commands wanting to pick up good pilots for cheap, buy their women. because the DCMS treats the female side of the services as scum.

so you can buy them cheap for your units, since being treated like people is far and above what they are used to.

so actually all female units are economic good sense for the frugal merc leader on a budget
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i mean, you wouldn't put a MAN in a BANSHEE, would you? what are you, some kind of sadist?
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everyone knows BANSHEE's are for female pilots
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I dream of an age where all women in the military wear miniskirts, and cooling vests are lostech again so that all female MechWarriors are naked and sweaty in their cockpits. I don't need BT to be horny 24/7, I just need to know it's there when I want it.
I know what I'm about.
Then why do you have four of them?
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cooling vests are cheaper than full flightsuit style cooling suits. as are OG neurohelmets cheaper (and tougher)

so for the mercenary commander on a budget, or a frugal Line commander, OG neurohelmets and speedos are the uniform of the day still
/yourgirls/ can all be nealry naked and sweaty in their cockpits as they handle their heavy machinery and those joysticks and waldoes
>cooling vests are lostech again
Wait, when were they lostech to start with? I remember Lori in Thunder Ridge coming out of her locust in her pants and a vest and nothing else.
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maxim of combat. what is better than a STUG (HBK C)? FOUR STUG's (HBK C)
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also, I love mono lances. they appease my OCD tendencies. I find them very, very satisfying even just sitting there.
How do you feel about mostly monolances but with a command mech that's just a larger version of the others? Like a lance of crabs lead by a King Crab?
you know hoiw in the video games and such everyone is wearing what looks like flying suits and helmets as if they were jet pilots?

those are LOSTECH full body cooling suits and the lostech neurohelmets that are much much lighter etc.

the OG giant fat can neurohelmets are actually the training helmets because they're so big and clunk so techs can get in at them easy to reconfigure them for different trainees quick.
the jet fighter pilot looking ones are all individual, once it is set up to you that's it. it takes forever to make it work for anyone else. plus they're not as tough or sturdy as the trainee helmets.

so by 3025 everyone is using a shitty cooling vest instead of suits because they cannot MAKE the full suits anymore, and using the OG chunky bucket helmets.
awesome. that would totally fucking rock.

a lance of hunchbacks reinforced to a star with a command victor. hell yea. fuck. I have to photograph that. now. that's a cool idea for a photo.
Hey Cranston, i uploaded to the folder some of the KS digital shit. Its not all, i will try to get the rest later.

BattleTech-A-Clever-Bit-of-Fiction EPUB
Battletech-A-Tiny-Spot-of-Rebellion MOBI
Battletech-A-Tiny-Spot-of-Rebellion EPUB
BattleTech-A-Skulk-of-Foxes EPUB
That was actually my thought process when making my model for a heavy crab, for it to basically act as a command mech for a crab lance.
One of these days I'll print out that lance and actually try my hand at painting...
Yeah, but anon said the cooling vests were lostech at one point. Which would be a fucking horror show if true with some of the descriptions from the books amount to basically the pilots would be in complete agony if not for the little bit of relief the vest provided.
Jesus Christ, I think I'd hate to be a mechwarrior if you didn't even have a cooling vest.
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Now with lasers dot'd.
A heavy star of fuck.
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please do, don't let my abysmal fucktarded -tier painting be the ONLY examples of repping monolances and multiples.
How about a lance that's just different phoenix hawks?
>PXH-7K Phoenix Hawk
>AGT-1A Agrotera
>BKN-1K Bakeneko
>Phoenix Hawk IIC 6 as leader
fuck yes.

also, look at these archers

ARC (wolf)

i would happily run that triplet of achers. fucking beautiful.
Because he's incapable of running non-spam lances, brain damage or something.
Archer C2 is a monster.

I prefer Phoenix Hawk IIC 4. Whoever wanted 4x ATM9 is a madman...
go on. tell me how my happy fun lance of all enforcers is somehow OP meta whore WAAC faggotry. GO ON. I'll fucking wait.
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bam. skill 3 (3/4) team of archers.
I’m more a hotpants kind of guy. Tank top or croptop, hot pants. Abs glistening with sweat, round well muscled shoulders, maybe a bit pissed off. That’s peak.
i am ever thankful to the GOD OF ASSES that convinced women to walk around in skintight exercise wear as 'normal' clothes. their asses and cunts are constantly on display. they may as well not even be WEARING any pants. at yet these stupid bitches will just walk around showing EVERYTHING off as if it is totally normal to shove your cunt in everyone's faces. and bounce that ass around.
>Million C-bill warmachine hobbled by ONE SIMPLE TRICK
I am almost convinced that "everyone is acshully manic if they disagree with me" anon is ACTUALLY manic strawmanning or some shit.
Who tf is manic?
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RIP Hiromi Tsuru
Some say he's a madman, others say he's an idiot...

All we know for sure... is Cowgirl Clanners...
some loon who was shitposter in chief in /btg/ for a few years. enough to mass report almfag, warshipanon into never posting the stuff they were working on ever again. which is sad. also managed to make NEA eat some fat like 3 month ban or some crap for 'off topic posting' and 'spam' for posting his batreps. he is msot of the reason NEA hardly ever posts here anymore. i think he has been gone for years, but there is some retarded anon who still frequents /btg/ who insists manic is still in /btg/. disagree with him and you get accused of being manicanon
This guy keeps confusing the fuckhead he just described with Manic who is also known as Nicedaemonette.
You should try reposing them.
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Why is Clan Wolf so damn smug all the time?
Manic still post here from time to time. But now we have worse namefags...

And CGL shills....so many fucking CGL shills....
No no, you see "Manic" isn't an actual person, but a sociological construct onto which we project every evil, like Angra Mainyu.
Milk gone sour?
It was "Manic."
Fail a Pilot Skill Roll due to a pothole?
It was "Manic."
They're the designated good guy clan, even when they're the bad guy clan.
This. Clan Mary Sue.
Let's have an informal poll /btg/.
What era do you predominantly play in?
If you want to do a poll so it properly and create a strawpoll.
What do you gain by pretending manic doesn't still post here regularly? He was in the thread before the last one, you can see all the posts responding to his deleted posts, you can easily identify his posts in the archive.
>so many fucking CGL shills
It's probably just 1 or 2. i know Valk constantly shills here like a retard that he is.
Dark Age and Jihad above Clan Invasion?
Wtf is wrong with you niggas?

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