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>is the best MTG format
>doesn't rotate
>all the fun of singleton deckbuilding around a commander
>none of the shitty commander things like absurd starting life total that makes aggro shit and le infinite combo solitaire decks that ruin the game and "pay X life" cards way too strong
>no Timmys crying that the whole board conspired against them after they brought voja to a table of precons, or worrying some kid is going to have a rage fit because you attacked him, just pure 1v1 "I will do everything I can to defeat my opponent and I assume they will do the same"
>fucking no one plays it in paper
Does anyone here actually play this in paper? How much success have you had in introducing it to your playgroup?
I've never played or heard of this format, explain what it is
>Google it!
Nope, if you don't know how to properly start a thread then you don't deserve proper responses.
It's Commander but 1v1, with no commander damage rule, 25 starting life, and you can use any planeswalker as your commander.

The following cards are banned in Brawl and cannot be included in your deck or used as your commander:
Agent of Treachery
Chalice of the Void
Demonic Tutor
Drannith Magistrate
Field of the Dead
Gideon's Intervention
Lutri, the Spellchaser
Meddling Mage
Natural Order
Nexus of Fate
Oko, Thief of Crowns
Phyrexian Revoker
Pithing Needle
Runed Halo
Sorcerous Spyglass
Tainted Pact
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
>all the fun of singleton deckbuilding around a commander
This would be why nobody plays it in paper
Interesting, what kind of decks see the most play? Aggro is obviously possible, is that more popular?
Because on Arena I can instantly concede and queue again, if I see a commander/deck I don't want to play against.
Hard to keep doing it in paper.
>I really don't want to play against that, please use a different deck
Use your words
The ones I don’t want to play against are the ones that can beat mine. I can’t just say that, and on Arena I don’t have to explain shit.
>Broken simic bird

Bro this is a board for tabletop games. Go to /v/
Magic: The Gathering is a tabletop card game first and foremost
kill yourself
>historic brawl
>not even the actually good version of brawl (60 cards + standard cardpool)
Why even bother? Brawl is literally just a technical limitation because WotC is too lazy to add 4 player support to Arena, but Standard Brawl at least tries doing something different and unique. The limited card pool (and smaller decksize to go with it) makes deckbuilding far more fun, and makes decks much more consistent without the need for a tonne of tutors. You are literally just shilling a stillborn child bred from laziness and incompetence.
Man I would love for even standard brawl to catch on in paper. Standard is shit and dead in paper anyway, but now we got standard cards that don't rotate until 2029. All they have to do is offer some prize support. I think a pioneer brawl would come naturally out of this at rotation. 4x of every card formats are trash because wotc can't playtest and balance more than 2 sets of cards without an oko / nardu / hogaak breaking everything anyway.
You dumb nigger. The best paper format is always 60 card casual constructed or cube.
If you want to make cute decks with lots of fun synergy around key cards just make a 60 card deck. Singleton is inherently shit. Running with 4 copies of your 'commander' or key card in a 60 card deck basically guarantees it showing up anyway.
bro I don't play commander but even I know this is just a worse version of duel commander, which has been a format for years now
why 4? why not 5 or 10? how consistent does a deck need to be to maximize fun? 40 lightning bolts 20 land burn? 50 2/2 haste 10 land aggro?
How can we make the game more popular in general, would a MtG anime be popular, akin to the Yu-G-Oh ones?
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>you can guarantee access to a planeswalker in your starting "hand"
Vomit-inducing. And you have the audacity to call this garbage the best MTG format?
LoL Arcane was great. WoTC are too incompetent to pull it off tho
Explain why MTG needs to be made more popular
>Commander is the most popular M:tG format by far
>WotC, in one of its many attempts to extract maximum profit from players, creates Brawl: a "Standard" counterpart to Commander, with some design changes to account for the smaller card pool. The primary reason for Brawl's existence is to overtake Commander and suck Commander players into the Standard rotation.
>Unsurprisingly, it fails. This doesn't stop WotC from adding it to Arena.
>Eventually, two things become clear: Brawl is never taking off, and the Arena team has no idea how to code games for more than two players.
>Giving up on the whole point of Brawl, WotC decides to "Commander-fy" it, raising the deck size and turning it into an eternal format, essentially doing their best to mimic the Commander rules, because regular Brawl was dead and Commander is beyond their ability.

Historic Brawl is literally just ghetto Commander. If you're playing paper, Commander already has 1v1 rules. The only reason Brawl ever existed was to siphon money out of Commander players by luring them into a rotating format, and the only reason Historic Brawl exists is because the Arena devs literally can't code Commander. There is no reason to play this outside of Arena.
>>is the best MTG format
>It's Commander
so which one is it, idiot? is it a Commander variant or actually a good format?
if there was more players, JotC under the rule of Papa Hasbro won't feel pressured to squeeze the game's leftover payerbase dry with premium cardboard, thus ruining the game and its' formats.

wishful thinking i know but so is an MTG anime
they did have a movie or something in the works last i heard, something about Chandra and her story

but i agree, there needs to be something about players, not the in-game lore since that kinda sucks now. The semi-offical manga that i forget the name of is actually pretty good, and I wanna see somethng like that but for the golden age of Modern with Splinter Twin and Top Control
The yugioh anime worked because it was about the card game
Magic is both too abstract and too autistic to make a show about the game
>Commander but 1v1

so basically removing the one thing that made commander a success and only keeping the retarded parts

no wonder nobody plays it in paper
> the Arena team has no idea how to code games for more than two players
Arena is already insufferable waiting for 1 opponent to tab back in let alone 3
And its days of having good lore are far behind it. All the planeswalkers have blatantly been someone's diverse non-binary OC for a while now.
Sounds fucking awful
>so which one is it, idiot? is it a Commander variant or actually a good format?
It's a legally distinct variant of Commander WotC made because they technically don't own the rights to the Commander format.

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