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IX Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Which is the best loyalist chapter?
Black Templars, THE most loyal faction. More devoted to the Emperor than any other, willing to kill shit inquisitors whenever they need. Also ignore the heretical codex, meant to make the imperium weaker.
Which ever one dies first.

bumpin for stodes dex pdf
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>worst legion edition
When are we gonna see new assault terminators? The other new kit is so nice.
Minotaurs, unironically
Blood Angela definitely look the best. The other loyalist schemes aren’t as good and nothing is as cool as the death company.
blood angels and lamenters mog all other chapters
new assault terminators with the blood angels codex
the answer is always /yourguys/
>bumpin for stodes dex pdf
Hi James. Haven't seen you around here for a while
Orks vs Blue Marines (Ultras, CrimFists, Wolves) is the height of kino in 40k, we all know this, but can anyone explain why this specific matchup is so great?
>but can anyone explain why this specific matchup is so great?
It's not. Templars vs Orks is way better.
Hey Ben, keep fighting the invisible war.
Because yellow is piss ugly, so no Fisties. No one cares about White Scars. Even fewer care about Iron Hands. And Dangles just becomes green on green.
If they put Orks against Blood Angels it would just look like Christmas.
So it's the blues vs greens.
>black vs green wearing black
Not visually distinct enough. Besides Templars would be better off fighting heretics and traitors.
Is his head smaller than his knees?
>james wants codex pdfs when he has everything at his fingertips

yeah nah mate
i just wanna play the game and not buy a codex they might errata in a few months
blue and green are mortal enemies
Red vs Green is better.
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Green vs Purple is the best and approved by your local Apothecary
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Yvraine has such a fat ass, I wonder if other eldar call her "Fatass Yvraine"
I should paint up a little five man squad for my BA army.
Steel Confessors
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>No one cares about White Scars.
WS got a lot of fans since their HH books turned out to be great.
Minotaurs should be able to field Baal Predators since they looted the Lamenters armoury and stole all their gear during the Badab War
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spiritstone buttplugs
Unironically a far safer way to carry them around than front and center on your chest lmao
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I used art pens to do the black on checkered pattern and red for the hearts and tears.

I also have shakey hands and pic related was one of my first takes, but it became easier and easier as I did each one.
Red=brave/crazy badasses
blue=backstabbing nice guys who get loved by idiots
yellow=underrated and shit on despite doing thier job perfectly
green=beast/natural both literal and metaphorical
purple=evil but classy
pink=evil but trashy
orange= irrelevancy
black=evil badasses
maroon= brave/crazy badasses who are also evil
dark blue = backstabbing nice guys who get loved by idiots but also evil
dark yellow = underrated and shit on despite doing their job perfectly.....but also evil
(making your colorscheme darker makes you more evil by correlation)
grey=machine or technically minded.
white = I am better than you but am still irrelevant.

am I missing a color? I feel like Im missing a color.
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>Which is the best loyalist chapter?
It is the HEART and SOUL of 40k. Tyranids vs Guard is second best because its starship troopers
Who's going to tell him?
You're missing a u in colour
>believe the emperor is divine, explicitly going against the emperor's express wishes.
>the most loyal
You don't know what loyalty is, cupcake
You're a weird guy, Steve.
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I wish we got more official Octarius War art
I wish they came out with primaris centurions
Didn't all of it end up exploding because the lamenter gear was fucking cursed as shit
Primaris Grey Knights first. They're still locked away in a secret fridge somewhere on Titan after being commissioned 15,000 years ago by Malcadors granddad, but they'll come
lamenters didn't have any
Why would you ruin the awesome Centurions with primaris shit?
this is the hardest contrarian anybody's ever contrarian'd
Blood Angles need a lot of new kits.
Sanguinary guard
A primaris version of the Baal predator
Furioso and Death Company dreadnoughts on the redemptor/brutalis chassis
Actual death company primaris, not just the box we currently have which is 5 intercessors and a regular BA upgrade sprue
Plans have changed redditard, the Emperor is now a divine being that creates saints and provides miracles. The window to make the imperium a totally logical anti-warp paradise has sailed.
Is it true the minotaurs are the bullies of 40k?
lemartes and astaroth too
no that's the marines malevolent
Blood angels need a ground up reimagining
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This man speaks the truth.
Signed - a faithful Lamenters successor
>Scout 6"
>Reactive move
>4 specials (meltaguns, dam2 stormbolters or S5 flamers)

>Battle Sisters
>Sticky Objectives
>Multi-melta + 1 special

Aside from the fact 115 for these is pretty steep considering they're still T3 1W models I like that there's actually a choice here.
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>How do you go from this
>and this
what were they THINKING
Ravenguard are from the Thousand Sons geneseed anon.
she's wearing a bustle
Can't bring myself to drink the vodka
over detailed sloppa.
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>awesome Centurions
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Because centurions are so hilariously out of scale. Its worse than the old terminators who had their shoulders above their ears.
I love the concept of centurions I just with their proportions made sense. Same reason I never got terminators until they finally fixed the issue.
>Eldarfag assblasted so hard in the previous thread he had to post coomer-bait
Reminder that as of the new Lelith novel Yvraine now spends most of her time huffing copium trying to convince herself that Shalaxi lied about the last Cronesword, because she knows she's a failure and that the Ynnari are ultimately a lost cause.
Far left is cool.
Middle is over designed trash.
Far right is too bland.
Is she still a virgin?
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The primaris one had one job and it still fucked it up
Overdesign christmas tree and a shitty pose.
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If only there was somebody capable of going into a Chaos God realm, fuck up their shit, and leave unscathed...
She died during the Shattering of Biel Tan fighting a horde of Daemonettes.
As THE eldarfag who argued with you from the previous thread. I assure you that I hate the coomers and thier anime trash as much as you hate femarchs
Why would he do that for some deceptive xenos whore?
Nooooooooooo! Not the canon death of my waifu!!!!!!
>overdesigned slop
you mean the reason t40k is cool
the overexcess is what makes it grimdark and awesome
Cool but I think overvalued, any opponent with any sort of deepstrike is going to require you to keep shit screening objectives anyway
I'm going to masturbate thinking about you right now
May be, just may be, I should toss a coin to Mike to contribute continuation of Eldar lore clusterfuck
>you mean the reason t40k is cool
No, you only say that because you're a contrarian midwit who joined 40k during the midwithammer era.
Ie. the generation that started the retarded theme of christmas tree models.
Marines Malevolent are bullies, the Minotaurs are Bullies with High Lords approval
your opinions are simply wrong.
MM are bullies
Minotaurs are Feds
wrong you dumb lil faggot, I'm starring at my 2nd edition and 3rd edition starter box right now
>eldarfag trying to pretend he doesn't like eldar coomshit
Just stop.
It's like a taufag saying that he doesn't like the coomer art.
Dominion have a lot of advantages over sisters.
Pretty much regular sisters are only worth it now if you are running a double leaders setup.
Dominion come with more flamers, or more melta shots. They are way more mobile with assault and even in the bringers of flame detachment, they benefit more since they bring more special weapons that strongly benefit and they also synergize super well with transports (scout transports and their reactive move lets them get into a transport so you can just dip when people try to get close for charging, which also prevents shooting).

It's pretty mediocre on battle sisters because they have to stay on the point to gen miracle die

Dominon are way more point efficient for what they bring, standard Battle sisters only shine if you want to cough up alot of points.
reminder that the Marines Malevolent did nothing wrong
nigga really?

warhammer 40000
Hot Femdom Drukhari
Plenty of ways to justify it or just use it as a mcguffin. Just wait for Fulgrim's return.
>: the-drukhari-armor-is-too(...).png
*loads shotgun*

>into trips of truth

Nah you got btfo
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She’s just, so, muscular and LITHE!
>2nd edition and 3rd edition
>not midhammer
You don't even know what you're talking about just like a typical midwithammer fag
Eldar were literally made to be fucked by Humans.
Yes I include the Eldar men in that too, Sisters have to get in on it too.
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Vgh... the simplicity. The tasteful Flamer and Missile Launcher combo. Take me back.
How can you go back to a place you’ve never been?
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god the land raider and rhino looks so awful...

she needs to gain 20 pounds and then come back.
I don't talk to people who have never used a blast template before
I bet you were one of those assholes that argued everytime about your models not being under the template
We used to just coin toss the questionable ones.
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I've been here... a good while

NTAYRT but Oldhammer is Rogue Trader, whilst 2nd is Middlehammer. Kind of.
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Chaplains are supposed to be blinged to the gills you ape
looks like he skipped leg day. somehow more than other termis,.
Looks better than the actual Lilith model.
roll a dice for half way under models, easy
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Truth, gotta be blinged up to spread the lies of the Imperial Cult.
thats a low bar to surpass.
>Sisters have to get in on it too.

Need more art of SoB bullying eldar 'men'
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Who could possibly forget Krashrak the Stalker, Viskeon Bounty Hunter
Rolled 4 (1d6)

6 and Orks win
>rolling a dice/ flipping a coin for those covered half way.

If a bomb goes off and only half of you is within the blast radius, do you die?
6 and Orks lose
I leapt out of the way so I was fully out of the blast
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Dice fell out of the tray, hang on.
>every eldar poster is the same eldar poster!
Need the mud to dry then to follow up with a drybrush for a dust effect, but pretty happy with how this vanquisher is coming along.
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OXO3D model is pretty similar.
>Chaplains are supposed to
Go look at the old chaplains, from RT and from 2-3rd edition.
>HH tank
Does the kit actually come with sponson parts or did you just have to use the sponsons from a previous kit?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
Didn't they do a Yvraine one too?
>Always the coolest and most tank looking Russ variant
>Always the worst Russ variant by rules.
Fun fact: the Tau Devilfish is actually older than the "current" Rhino
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They did aye.
I'm sad that GW expanded on that part of eldar fluff. We could have had a deeper dive into their history, culture, or tech. Instead they decided dudes turning into chicks is the priority. At least i correlates with them moving their organs around.
Current lilith looks like a dude. So sure.
>Brought to GTs
>Meanwhile the Punisher and Eradicator have been MIA for years
Question about the Degree Passive:
The Sisters of Battle are a chamber militant and allowed because not men.
What about the other two big chamber militants, Grey Knights and Deathwatch?
How are those justified?
Whats your point? He certainly wouldn't have been combat capable at the time.
The flesh is weak.
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No sponsons in the kit, supposedly this is because lore wise it's a meant to be vacuum sealed but it's just the mars alpha pattern which had sponsons in the FW run but I won't let that autism overcome me. I had some spare sponsons so brute forced them into place, lots of careful cutting and then patching the cock ups with green stuff. The camo nets help mask it a lot too.

I am solely running this thing as a rule of cool. My local tau friend keeps saying he's going to focus fire it because he's worried it'll pop his vehicles but I've tried to be clear to him how shit it actually it is but it doesn't help.
The Decree Passive applies to the Adeptus Ministorum. The Grey Knights and the Deathwatch have nothing to do with it because they're not attached to the Ministorum.
Does GW do any actually good female faces in 40K? Only in AoS (and even then only occasionally)?
You're sad they never expanded on Eldar getting mating pressed and amazon pressed by humans?
he can hold a bolt pistol with his mouth
>I am solely running this thing as a rule of cool.
I mean, I do the same. Have Pask sitting in mine but I wish the rules were cool.
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>inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos
>an alien hunter
>hunts no aliens
>spends whole career going after heretics and daemons
They should have fired him way sooner. Clearly he was derelict in his duty.
Ah, gotcha. The Sororitas are forces of the Ministorum and part of them are a Chamber Militant in the Inquisition, but the Inquisition is not regulated by the decree. Mixed up Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition.
uooooh lelith tummy
>Does GW do any actually good female faces in 40K?
He realized that xenos are boring and Chaos is the true spice of 40k.
Fuck it, I'd even take that. Tho eldar/human relations outside of the cliche are great. The story about how some imperials saved by Asurmen and dire avengers believe them to be ultra marines is my fave.
That's Lady Malys tho
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>that guy proudly posting their painted army saying they are ready to try out their first local tournament with friends
>army has 3 leviathan dreadnoughts
I feel like somewhat should have told him.
me on the bottom right
Fielding what you want is king in this game
Some of the regular troopers faces of both Cadians and Blooded boxes arent too bad. DE Wyches also have 1 good face.
Not 10/10 beautiful girl faces, but also not ugly gorrila women like sisters or others.
>go look at the old chaplains that were limited by a shitty hand sculptor and a lack of definition in the setting yet
go look at their art
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Maybe if less Ordos Xenos Inquisitors thought they could fuck around with Heretics and Daemons there would be less of them turning to radicalism. I certainly cant imagine a Hereticus Inquisitor turning to anything too weird just having to deal with a few aliens for a bit.
GSC Magus and Ridgerunner has some passable female faces.
What faction significantly increases my chances at getting a gf?
Free Masons
You’re 30 and it hasn’t happened and just isn’t going to happen.
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Ok not 40K but for me it's beastmaster waifu
what do they play like?
I'm married and play Orks. So for getting a gf, not Orks.
>captcha Myson
GSC but even more Obj. focused
>muh art
Art doesn't matter.
Not the worst. I’ll try freehanding them I think tough, for the practice.
just stop right now
>>93239206 is right and you fucking know it
how about instead ask how the flying fuck do you wrap your head around this stupid ass childrens "stand on circles" baloney horseshit?
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>They're from Thousand Sons geneseed

Blood ravens are still loyalists tho
Well you can always hope to have the fat ugly bastard aura and get some. Actual gf? nah.
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Xenos: Saruthi, a chaos mutated alien race.
malleus: A xenos cult worshiping the dark eldar, and a Hemonculi. The Lith, a mineral alien lifeform.
Hereticus: Only one he don't fight aliens, but works with the Eldar.
Magos: Teleporting Ork murderer investigation.
why are people so impressed with "freehanding" on minis?
people do freehanding all the time, it's called painting
is it because 99% of people who paint warhammer have no actual painting skill?
Low IQ post
>why are people so impressed with "freehanding" on minis?
>people do freehanding all the time, it's called painting
There's a difference between just slapping on paint like usual to color everything in and then doing tideous detail painting of a logo.
Dunno, ask /wip/
What's the last Cronesword?
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These ones.
The Ynnari needed five magic swords to wake up Ynnead.
They got four of them then Yvraine made them drop everything to go resurrect Guilliman.
When the Ynnari got back to searching, Shalaxi Hellbane showed up and said he had already found the sword and took it to Slaamesh's palace in the Warp, where the Ynnari would never be able to get it.
As such Ynnead can never awaken now and the Ynnari will never succeed, making them complete failures because that was literally their only goal.
sounds like the Eldar SUCK
I always imagined the crozius being bigger.
It's not their fault man, Slaanesh was gonna get squatted but then that pesky Rountree took over and cratered their plot
But isn't Ynnead already awakened within Yvrainne via Eldrad and his ritual? Why do they need more maguffins?
I want you to look at how big a painting normally is and then look at how big the surface is that a miniature painter paints on
What's the difference between reserves, and strategic reserves and deep strike? Can any unit be put on the reserves, and how does deep strike differ from it?
Why though? I see them as little more than Ultramarines but vampirism.
lamenters would be cooler if they weren't descended from the worst primarch ever
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Heretical opinion.
Sanguinius best boy and all blood angel chapters are based as fuck.
>But isn't Ynnead already awakened within Yvrainne
Yes, but also no.
It's the same how the Greater Good Goddess of the Tau is.
Exists and can influence things, but it's not "born" yet.

Don't expect it to make sense, metaphysics and god/divinity crap has never been a strong suit of 40k.
Most of it is pretty retarded and fail the basic logic test as soon as you think about it too hard.
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As the resident chaplain expert, yes they are pretty bllinged out
2nd edition especially had loads of bling, maybe RT had more skulls i guess but still had a lot of gold.
>yes they are pretty bllinged out
No where far as those terminators.
The terminators are overdesign shite. And no I will not budge from this opinion.
That book includes DA too.
No, Ynnead was 'born' but isn't 'Awake'. This is due to the ritual which Eldrad was performing which was stopped by the Deathwatch, which led to Ynnead only partially forming after several of the Infinity Circuits involved in the ritual exploded and the souls within were lost to Slaanesh.
What is the niche/role that barbgaunts perform?
You only get 5 in a unit so I would have figured they'd be somewhat elite, but they're actually quite squishy and their weapons arent that good.

Are they better than Im giving them credit for? Whats the best way to use them?
How do I make the lore behind my Alpha Legion semi loyalists primaries. I will paint them in Aloha lesion colors and but need to know what to say about them
They hit tougher units in combat patrol.
It's ok, they can go back to search for the tears of morai heg instead.
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They can't release boxes like this anymore. Because of woke.
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Yeah, they are supposed to be ostentatious and mostly always have been
Of course the terminators would be more so. Even the dreadnought is decked out
Only one chaplain terminator is not over the top iirc
Morai Heg is currently busy in AoS, CWE are stuck with Khaine.
I don't care, they are still over designed shite.
Less is more.
good thin nobody will ever care about your dogshit contrarian opinions
>They stole a chapters name that's obscure enough so got some marines
>They tricked a shipment of marines to come to them before experimenting
>the hacked the data banks of a loyalist chapter to learn the process
>They have dirt on Guilliman so he gave them some
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Post 5 changes to GW business practices that you would implement to improve any aspect of the hobby
>dirt on Guilliman
Wonder what porn they found
vampires are gay, sanguinius died like a bitch, and the emperor's children are better artists
It's how those models have always been but you are free to make your own i guess and I hope to see you post them if you do
Why is she in bondage gear if she's the god of fate? Wouldn't a cloak of feathers or seamstress outfit, or scholars get up make more sense?
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Shiet Gabriel don listen to dat witchass ho, smash dat stone so it dont ruin tha whole hood for the rest of us
Don't worry anon. The black library has the epic showdown between slaanesh and Yvrainne in progress and might I say it's intense.
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It's not Morai Heg herself, it's a Witch Elf who sucked at fighting so much she became a nerd and found an artifact of Morai Heg's.
Turns out the old Elf gods are still sort of inside Slaanesh in AoS, and Morathi accidentally let them out, so now Morai Heg has a 'champion' out and about.
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Do you think they'll ever move the Ynnead plot along? It's pretty lame that they dropped it halfway
Production in the states, Australia, Canada, mainland Europe, and Taiwan.
>just cover the face with hair
The models sold pretty poorly and the books tanked hard, so no.
GW has left in the air a bunch of plotlines from 8th ed. including the return of the HH era Space Wolves 13th company that should be around but is nowhere to be seen.
>are still sort of inside Slaanesh in AoS
So we're going Greek in this bitch. Is the next point the elves getting Slaanesh to vomit them back up?
They not keen on the whole Yvrainne banging Guilliman thing.
Invest in expanding the hobby outside of the greyhairs who are currently the fanbase. Cut model prices, take a temporary margin hit, and try to move volume of models. Focus on younger fans
They could resolve alot of this stuff on the cheap and then something comes to a point and isn't literally pointless. Heck just put out a short comic, a couple page pdf, whatever. Don't need a fullbook. If it gains any steam you can make some new models and give them really good rules before nerfing them later.
A lot
Free online rules, including codexes
Stop using pots for paint.
Implement the retail discount in the online and physical GW stores and forbid retailers from going any lower.
Actually play test the game and have a dedicated team to write the codexes, all of them.
Can't think of a fifth one.
Its not "on brand", humans dont bang the hot elves.
go full in on the everything is canon and nothing is canon so that wildly different and seemingly impossible interpretations of the setting can be true and not true at the same time.
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Change the paint pots. The paint dries and gets stuck in the caps, causing issues closing the caps.

Better communication about what models are coming down the line, what will eventually get legends'd. Theres a lot of models I'd like to buy but I havent because I don't want to get burned in case GW releases an updated version or puts that model into legends.

Prices. They're egregious. People keep paying for it though so what do I know.

Be willing to rework bad sculpts and kits.
They know everyone hates the Grey Knight bany carrier and Centurions are controversial at best. They should have been pulled and remade.

Maybe the most important one: Higher quality gameplay. What do I mean by this? I mean if you're gonna have separate rules teams working on separate codexes then at least have them talk to each other. Play test the game more than a few times. Make sure the rules are actually fun. Try and understand why so many people think 10th edition sucks and why 8th and 9th were better. And for fuck's sake fire that asshole cruddace.

Just my 2 cents
whys he naked aside from his helmet and flak jacket.
squat custodes and loyalist space marines
>Face covered
>Feet exposed
Unknown. Nobody actually knows the Gods are still around, slivers of them emerging from Slaanesh was literally a side-effect to Morathi's ascension to Godhood. Another side effect was that Slaanesh's bonds are breaking and he's likely to be busting out this edition or next, which may prompt Malekith to show up and break some heads.
>Morathi is a God but a low-tier bitch one who's constantly seething about being weak, especially after Aenarion beat the fuck out of her
>Tyrion is likely to be fucking pissed because Chaos just wiped out a major elf city
>Malekith is nowhere to be seen but is watching everybody else, nobody knows what he's really up to
>Teclis might not really be Teclis
Huh. Lot more tasteful than the usual 3rd party coomer prints. They aren't 32mm scale, are they?
Start publishing who done what artwork beside the bit of artwork in the books again for fuck sake GW. That shit pisses me off no end. They could do it so bloody easily, pic related, what's wrong with that? A wee tag-line with each bit of art saying what it is and who its by, everyone benefits.
Supply line issues. The pants and underwear were sent to a different planet. He's eyeing the eldar since she's whereing his size.
>Lower and reasonable prices for kits
>Monopose thrown out the window, each faction has arms/legs/torsos interchangeable for every infantry unit, with boxes for additional arms or torsos/legs
>Free rules with patch notes style updates, codexes are turned into lore and art books
>Hire wahapedia and goonhammer guys to help make a comprehensive and easy website/app to put rules in. Also take over the Tabletop battles app as official 40k content to keep it updated with new rules
>Huge encouragement to kitbash by making rules for models that don't exist but might get a kit in the future for every faction (easy example would be a jump pack character, terminator equivalent character, etc even if the faction doesn't have that model)
Literally 0 of these will ever happen but a man can dream
If this was true, this entire reply chain wouldn't exist.
1. Vicious beating of those who play games without painting their models.
2. Begin the release of overpriced GW trademarked 3d printers and filament. Gaslight the whales to calling the other "fans" that they are evil for not buying "official 3d printers"
3. Copyright strike against all competing 3d printer files.
4. Create thier own subscription service that provides all 3d printer files in the game for the low price of 20.99 USD. Later branch it out to just getting the files for a single faction so multiple subscriptions are needed.
5. Create an online inquisition that persecutes any and all pdf files of GW books. Find them. Hook them up to a VR simulator and have them think they are living their lives when in reality they are being used to farm NFT's and spending the profits on more models.

Some say GW is bad, I say: We can do worse.
I will pirate everything and sell it on the dark web for bitcoin.
There is also very NSFW versions of the same minis in the same poses, I just chose the more tasteful variants. I think they're 54mm but you could scale them down, its just an STL like.
>Lot more tasteful than the usual 3rd party coomer prints.
The Yvraine one has an alt of her in a bikini. There may also a nude one too.
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After the full Exodite and Corsair releases.
Thin your paints.
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Is that anon who wanted the 6th Edition stuff still about or did they get sorted out? I have a copy of pretty much all of it now.
Not for long you wont. NOW PUT THE HEADSET ON!
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Step One
>go back to 3rd edition (or the 4th edition rulebook with the 3rd codexes), for the approach to rules, miniatures, release cycles, worldwide campaigns, and sheer creative joy

That's it. I fixed 40k.

GW used to be full of historians, art lovers, re-enactors, just general oddbods. Now it's full of people who've grown up as GW fans and as such the output is increasingly self-referential and incestuous. It's a real shame.
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Is there any good lore books on the Iron Hands? They seem pretty based.
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Pocket money kits its what 40k is missing. It doesn't feel like a modelling hobby when every single kit is a big investment of money and time.

The kits that got us through the weekends, through sleepy afternoons waiting for our next payday... They have been stripped from the line up. A few exist but they are all old kits still in production.
Sometimes you just have £15, and even though its not as good value for money as buying 3 bikes, its cheaper at the time. And so you slowly build up, and improve your skills. It was peak.
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/grog/ is over there old man. That would kill the hobby.
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Their paint manufacturing infrastructure is likely already developed around the current citadel pots. It'd be difficult to justify reworking everything from the ground up for what is likely to be a minimal potential sales increase. At this point I've gotten used to decanting my paints into dropper bottles.

They'd be crippling sales that way. You'd be announcing a new product months ahead of launch, which means you're losing months of sales from people who won't buy the current version anymore.
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I'll repost this once: I feel like Word Bearers should've been the Chaos posterboys rather than the Black Legion

>has a grudge going on with Ultramarines, the Imperial poster boys
>red vs blue
>the most CHAOS! Chaos Marines, but in a generalist sense that's good as an intro to the faction lore before picking a mono-god specialized Legion
>the most numerous Legion allowing them to show up in more stories and lose without worrying about running out of men or reflecting poorly on the rest of the faction

Meanwhile the Black Legion should've been the super elite CSM faction, with Abaddon being mysterious Primarch-level marine that comes out only for the Black Crusades or to poach the best of the best from other Legions. Like a CSM Deatwatch, but using mostly terminator armor and other rare shit.
Smash it with your inquisitorial boot.
NOW we're talking. Good like getting that past all the fruity lot that just associate Word Bearers with Erebus.
>now it's full of people who've grown up as GW fans and as such the output is increasingly self-referential and incestuous. It's a real shame.

this. maybe GW needs a book club with fun scifi and good literature to expand their narratives. IDK, maybe some stuff like Borges, Iain Banks, Gaiman etc
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You're confusing "the hobby" with "GWs profit lines from squeezing the whales in the right ways"

Agree hugely. Not even sure how kids get into GW games at the moment. They must have to wait on Christmas and birthdays way more than we did, when some weeks you'd just pick up a £4 blister or something.
I am a below average painter so I make sure to pose, kitbash and scenically base my models to make up for it. How do you do your models?
What is wrong with your terminators? Was the STC corrupt or some shit?
You ever been dropped harder in life than how hard gw dropped calgar?
The only dropping Calgar done was fat logs in the shitter.
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Youre not wrong, but the question was what would be better for the hobby, not what would be better for GW.
I like that the quality of 40k as a universe follows this trend
>How relevant and wanked is Calgar

You will find the middlehammer peak, aka the entire peak of 40k circa 1999-2013ish is when Calgar was at his most prevalent. From smashing up avatars, to dueling abbadon, to just having the sexiest terminator model in the game.
As primarchs took over the narrative, and he has sunk back into B tier character, the series has gotten worse.
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Kind of interesting to see that the only model in that photo that hasn't undergone any major redesigns or updates is the castaferrum dreadnought. It's such a classic.
I really don't understand why so many people love that the Primarchs came back, all they've done is overshadow the other Space Marine characters that were the forefront before their return.
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>all they've done is overshadow the other Space Marine characters
They really haven't.
Heres your good old days old man.
>why so many people love that the Primarchs came back
Most people I know hate it.
They have. NOBODY talks about Pedro anymore, barely anyone memes about Calgars questionable victories. Nobody thinks about them anymore. A few got primaris updates and haven't been thought about since.
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Besides the codex supplement published under 8th edition? If it's written by Guymer or Wraight it's alright. This includes the First Founding coffee table book, as it is informative. Or you can check out the old Index Astartes article written by Anthony Reynolds.

And although it is an older and not exactly representative of the present state of the fluff, there is this thing.
Isn't Calgar currently dead after fighting Abaddon?

What is going on in this picture? Why does he have a leopard print cape? Why are there dinosaurs next to him?
- build model, see ideal sub-assemblies but ignore them to just get the model put together (these will be annoying to paint later)

- do some kitbashing if applicable, jewellers saw and rotary tool very useful

- clean off mold lines and bits of sprue even though that would have been easier if I did it before assembly

- fill in any visible seams with sprue goo while unsure if that's just how GW designed it or if I just didn't fit the pieces together perfectly

- prime black, preshade with thinned white paint or ink

- notice I've missed a mold line

- paint the model while annoyed
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>Isn't Calgar currently dead after fighting Abaddon?
Can they give him the rubicon again?
>leopard print
uh, it's just the actual fur... not a print!
Your post was stupid the first time and repetition does not make it any other way.
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They 100% could, but this GW, they are retarded and don't care.
Like even anons here have come up with decent solutions as to how to fix the Ynnari and make them actually cool. Both in models and fluff.
Like give them more unique models, ie. make it a proper range.
Give them couple of wins in the fluff.

If bunch of a retards on an anonymous botswanan beetle farming forum can figure this shit out, it just makes you wonder and question as to what the fuck GW is doing all day.
>NOBODY talks about Pedro anymore,
Nobody talked about Pedro even before the primarchs.
Nevermind that Pedro is least affected because Dorn is nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found.

Again, this just sounds like generic butthurt coming from obscure chapter fans who are always peeved that GW ignores their chapters.
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warp spider when
Speaking of Word Bearers I wish we could use a few more of the Heresy era traitor units. Not just Word Bearers' ones since I wish everyone could get something extra, but I'm particularly partial to the Ashen Circle.

>Ashen Circle is still active in 41k
>maybe they're unchanged, an alternative to Raptors
>or some sort of jump pack possessed with chain axes and demonic flamers

Or fuck, at least give me an Ashen Circle survivor that's a named character:
>chaos lord with jump pack statline
>accursed axe-rake with S5 -2AP D2 reroll wounds
>S5 -1AP 1D flamer pistol or a melta pistol, maybe both as part of a demonic arm
>can lead a Raptor squad and lets them reroll amount of hits with their flamers or to wound with meltas
>should have impact mortal wounds on charge but Harkon stole that, will have to come up with something

As it is I'll just have to get one model, give it a plasma pistol and use it as a Chaos Lord/Coryphaus.
The Redemptor is pretty much an upscaled Castraferrum
I'll give them a blast, thanks anon! :)
>Isn't Calgar currently dead after fighting Abaddon?
Abaddon had a chance to kill him, but just didn't take it because the writers wrote it that way.

Calgar did get fucked up by a KoS that managed to stab him in one of his hearts.
Iirc, he has a bionic/cybernetic replacement for it now.
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Manbabies need their Reddit high school drama shipping Sanguinius

I miss the failing empire of 3rd and 4th, the Angels of Death desperately fighting against the dying of the light with the equipment they had. Now it's all biannual 3-man special weapons Primaris and really shit narrative storyline dreck.
>Speaking of Word Bearers I wish we could use a few more of the Heresy era traitor units.
Become a real legion, like Death Guard and then you'll get these.
No, its that the cultural zietgiest INSIDE the 40k culture has its bandwidth taken up by WHERE IS THE PRIMOOK, PRIMOOK is back PRIMOOK DUELED PRIMOOK!!!

Where as before people would talk about chapter masters or commanders doing shit. It's like scale creep but for the setting.
Just go play HH instead of e-begging for GW to let you use its units.
3rd edition, didn't that have a chaos book that ruined the entire edition?
This era of marine isnt too small, its clearly scaled in 28mm, and everything else was too big.
>Where as before people would talk
you out yourself as a social media addict and not reading the actual GW fluff.
In reality Primarchs are usually "quest givers" and the protagonists regular marines and humans.
>What is going on in this picture?
Thats just Calgar sitting on his Chapter Master throne, presumably receiving bad news. See how he has a tasteful picture of his beloved Emperor on the wall behind him (pic)?
>Why does he have a leopard print cape?
Its not print! Its fur! A nice tasteful orange fur cloak to go on top of his armour when he takes to the battlefield. It sets off the blue of his armour nicely.
>Why are there dinosaurs next to him?
Well, as you can see, ones a handy writing pad. I'm not sure why you would have a dino head writing pad beside your throne, but them I'm not a Space Marine Chapter Master am I ? I think the other one is just there for the ambience. Maybe its a lamp or something and its eyes light up like a night light?
>I miss the failing empire
It still is.
Imperium is worse off than before, and no Cawl making marines 1-2 feet taller is not going to change that.
Imperium is fucked and it will die, even Guilliman knows this he is at this point just riding out the wave.

It's funny that people parrot this and just completely ignore that the Imperium got cut in half, meaning its resources are also cut in half.
And then the Dark Imperium is effectively back in the Age of Strife meaning any warp travel is practically suicide due to the Astronomican's light being blocked.
4th Tyrannic war has started with Leviathan pushing from the galactic west, while also having broken out of its stalemate it had in Octarius, meaning it is expanding on that front as well.
Chaos also has become more dangerous due to daemon invasions becoming more common due to the Rift.
Chaos cults are also more common now due to the Rift since looking into it can make you go insane or corrupt you or both.
This isn't everything that has happened since Gathering Storm.
Not really, but even so the castaferrum dreads are still being sold for the time being. Whether GW continues to do so is questionable, but at least they've had a pretty good run at this point.
ew you type cringe. I know what people talk about, I talk to them.
Why were GW and forgeworld 2 different companies? Are they stupid?
I don't really think they get any of their unique units from HH, at least from what I can recall. I guess their terminators look like cataphracts but that's it.
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Not really. It had two Chaos codexes and the second is the best Codex of all time. So rich in everything it did.
You people type like this but all everyone sees is the victories, bumfuck nowhere doesn't matter and neither does Cadia when cadians came back stronger.
why couldnt they just print dkok into plastic, are the resin models that finely detailed?
>No, its that the cultural zietgiest INSIDE the 40k culture
No, you're retarded.
No one talked about Pedro before at all either. He has always been irrelevant like most non-founding chapter marines.

No one before talked about chapter masters, hell people hated them like people hate the primarchs now.
You're just dumbass trying to fit in.
Whats hilarious is that the Warp Spider models were a decade old when even that game came out.
They have not just overshadowed Marine characters but ALL characters. Seriously if you look at the memes 10 years ago they are a decent split featuring named table top characters, OCs, the four Chaos Gods and Big E, and Dawn of War stuff. Now three out of the four are completely removed and replaced with Primarch stuff.
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>You're just dumbass trying to fit in.
with who motherfucker.
has he filled his helmet with beer?
>Imperium is fucked and it will die, even Guilliman knows this he is at this point just riding out the wave.
Good, good, acceptance is the first step...
>You people type like this but all everyone sees is the victories, bumfuck nowhere doesn't matter and neither does Cadia when cadians came back stronger.
They haven't.
Cadia getting a new planet to recruit from still doesn't change the fact that old Cadia was destroyed and is never coming back.
And you're retarded to think if GW would ever try to supplant the Cadians as the IG's posterboys.
It's like expecting GW to exterminate the Ultramarines and then replace them with like Crimson Fists or Imperial Fists.
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>Pocket money kits its what 40k is missing
they used to have those
How the hell did i never notice this
>DKOK makes more troops per second than any other guard regiment
>Cadia still over represented in lore
this better change when the code drops, I'm guessing it's going to be DKOK themed
This makes me sad.
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Post models
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Don't worry. We have the greater good to save the day.
They did replace them though the new models are Cadians only in name
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They're both part of Games Workshop lel.

Because Forge World started as Tony Cottrell's personal project to make resin upgrade kits for Imperial Guard tanks, as he was a WW2 tank nut.

It then evolved into making larger resin kits more generally, something GW had previously licensed out to companies like Armorcast, Epicast, and the unrelated Forge World USA, who all made 28mm 40k versions of units from Epic.

Forge World then went down the Imperial Armour books road, as you know with the peak secondary bait of Vraks and more obscure stuff like the Anphelion Project.

This led to the pivot to similar types of campaign books and resin releases for the Horus Heresy.

Now it basically functions as a second main studio of GW, responsible for Horus Heresy, LotR and Old World, plus Specialist Games like Blood Bowl and Necromunda but not all, for example Kill Team and Warcry are main Design Studio.
A raised fist is funny as iconography, because it's either too facist or too homosexual
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Oh right, and I forgot to mention. There's a fair bit written about them in Forge World's Horus Heresy books.
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>ruin the life of one of the few okay nobles
>has some minor psyker abilities that the Inquisition notices
>kill his servants and friends
>destroy all his wealth
>abduct him
>stick him in a torture chamber
>kill his pregnant wife
>rip out the fetus and place her and the fetus in a preservation unit in front of him, force him to stare at it
>torment him year after year like this in the presence of a chaos artifact to see how long it takes for him to fall to chaos
>he lasts more than a thousand before succumbing to the chaos gods
>he breaks containment and uses the chaos artifact to kill a bunch of them
>when he's finally put down, the lead inquisitor sneeringly called him a weak man

Guys, I think the Inquisition aren't the good guys.


Lads that's an early Tyranid
Nah, they're based. Abandon all morality and rationality for these are delusions that weaken the human spirit.
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>Post models
How can I speed up my paint drying? I want to paint the first coat immediately.
>responsible for Horus Heresy, LotR and Old World, plus Specialist Games like Blood Bowl and Necromunda
So, all the good shit?
A lot of good points, but warp travel isn’t suicidal, just slow in the Nihlus. Navigators can’t see as far so you have to make a lot of small jumps rather than one long big one. Supposedly there’s some “torch ships” being used by the indomitus fleets that act as a psychic flashlight to find the way from place to place and sufficiently large Astropathic Choirs can act as lighthouses of a sort.
For a game that was titled rogue trader 40k does not like to focus on the titular career does it? I dont like when they are potrayed like inquisitors. To me they are the only humans having actual fun. They are allowed to use heretical tech. They can actually do space travel. They barter and go on vacations on different worlds.
Oh dear. : ( Its a good thing they changed that shit up.
Just cus the imperium is doomed doesn’t mean our little corner of the galaxy has to be.
Murdering heretics and aliens IS a good vacation on a different workd
I'm bald.
It's a focused story set during a flashpoint of conflict, not a daily life rogue trader sim.
If you want that, you are gonna need a good DM.
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The Imperium is literally fated to fall and the universe condemned to eternal torment at the hands of the chaos gods. The end point of 40k are the Big Four subjecting everyone else to an torture singularity where they'll experience every single torture possible across the multiverse at every single moment for all moments forever more. Basically, Fantasy Endtimes, but without the light at the end of the tunnel since 40k doesn't have an order god that can resist chaos and restart everything.
>any warp travel is practically suicide due to the Astronomican's light being blocked.
No dude you just need Mephiston to guide the ship. Works great, no problems reported. Long distance travel is done swiftly and with a minimum amount of turbulence.
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Fucking Space Vampires.
Exposed for not reading the eldar prophecy. Humans will live on, but warp wont exist. Meaning no empire spanning the stars.
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Me too man. Me too.
So? Buy one. I use a Hairdryer to dry myself faster after a shower, so you'll find a use
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>40k doesn't have an order god that can resist chaos
You don't know much about Big E, do you?
wat? Just use a towel man.
>Implying any Eldar prophecy is ever true
Lmao the only part of any Eldar soothsaying that ever comes true is the part where they die in droves.
I wonder if they could use more psychic xenos as lighthouses? Like kidnap a farseer then just hook them to a torture chair to make a massive signal in the Warp.
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40k 1st edition only had the Rogue Trader subtitle as GW said a game called Rogue Trader was going to be released in the build-up.

They changed their mind from Rogue Trader and were just going to call it Warhammer 40,000, but didn't want people getting confused about where Rogue Trader had gone.
I use both
Whats the Emperor's name?
>No dude you just need Mephiston to guide the ship.
And that only works for the BA.
News flash; the Imperium Nihilus isn't just BA.
BA are mary sues?
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Mary Sues are the best navigators in the universe too now
Eldar prophecy is almost always wrong. Only the really negative prophecies that they can't prevent (or through prevention leads to worse unforseen outcomes) are ever realized because nothing good can ever happen in 40k. Even chaos winning wouldn't be good for the followers of chaos as all the cultists, CSMs, and daemons would be betrayed by their Gods at the first opportunity.

Also, whenever they get close to saving the day, the Imperium will backstab them (see the Eldar being one word away from killing Slaanesh when the space marines stormed in and killed everyone, freeing Slaanesh because the idea of Eldar suffering in hell for eternity is very based).
Nobody knows, but it's canon that he used "Neoth" at least for a time during the DAoT. Also "Revelation" before becoming "The Emperor"
They are superior, why would superior beings need to feel bad about the fact they mog everyone else just by existing?
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So, you know the way that in the Ork lore it states that Blood Axes are very un-orky at times and even trade with humans ... what on earth are those humans trading for that the Orks have and the humans actually want?
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>Post models
One down, one partly done
I dont see any reason to say the prophecy of the end is false. It includes then dying in droves after all.
All of the eldar will join forces and fight against the chaos gods. In the end they will fight valiantly as they fall.
Fuegan, the last to fall, will tame the dragon of the end with fiery whips. When the dragon lays down its head and dies, so will feugan.

And then the universe will continue, and the immaturiam/ warp wont exist anymore. Meaning no more chaos and no more warp travel.

You can see how the ynnari coalition and alliance with Gullimane plays into the prophecy
Big E has done almost nothing wrong and still could win.
Celestine also works
She can also just fly out into the warp and be a beacon just fine
Neoth is what Erda knew him by, at least one of the names he used.
"Revelation" was probably just Emperor going dramatic effect, since the story he uses that in is the Last Church.
Emperor is pretty dramatic all things considered.
He is Turkish so pick the most common name they have.
Man how lame would this setting be without orks
Orks receive good gun and house.
Human recieve 600 mph moped and a gun that shoots rocks
>I dont see any reason to say the prophecy of the end is false
I do. It's an Eldar prophecy, therefore it's automatically false.
>chaos blood angel
Not even subtle.
Revelation is like an avatar or something. He shows up independently of the Emperor once or twice.
He goes by revelation a few times in the HH books just to be edgy, not just the last church
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Hes a giant fuck-up, theres no way he would win. He consistently fails to tell important people critical information and suffers because of it. There probably is some way he COULD win vs Chaos, only he forgot to actually bloody tell anyone before he got stuck on his psychic dialysis machine.
Please don't bully Lemartes, he's just a little confused
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They're actually very cool
>fashion equipment by reshaping other living beings, without even fully digesting them first, sometimes a part of the original consciousness is preserved for the functionality
>tech includes biological equivalents of everything, including lasers and power armours
>can wear furs and leather, main article of clothing is belts with pouches
>main method of locomotion is the limbs with hooves, but the rear webbed limbs can also grasp onto things or aid in zero-G movements
>holes on neck are actually the ears
>the little nubs on the head are a secondary set of eyes on little stalks
only one official unreleased model, the others are fanmade
That sounds kinda like it would work. Probably not sustainable since the Eldar would try to get them back and it would also attract a lot of Slaaneshi daemons.
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The original 14
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Orks iz best.
I have that bodyguard mini somewhere, i need to paint it up
>Probably not sustainable since the Eldar would try to get them back
Good, they can be captured and strapped to devices as well. The more Eldar suffering the better
Dark eldar came before eldar, never forget.
> his psychic dialysis machine
you mean the one giving him the excuse to gather most of humanity's psychic power during 10k years, even more than Slaanesh took to be born?

He could have defeated the gods back in 30k and only not wanting to become a new one that devoured humanity stopped him.
Custodes were twinks never forget
But then the daemons. And probably slaaneshi CSM.
Not great options desu. :/
Eldar would make great enemies in a game like space marine.
God I wish the Inquisition would censure those blood drinking freaks already and drive them out of the Imperium
>He consistently fails to tell important people critical information and suffers because of it.
HH is garbage but also telling people about chaos and the nature of the chaos god's is equally as likely to get them corrupted. Chaos is a close to no win situation in terms of informing people or not.
Then kill them, duh.
cool it with the anti
>Attempt to arrest brain freak
>Brain explodes
How would they go about it?
>Posts from the Space wolves voxnet
God i want to see 40k social media posts
They dont really look scary though, more like something you might keep as a pet.
>arresting party is an Inquisitor and three Culex assassins
No they wouldn't. They're too lightly armored and squishy for a game where accuracy is higher. Titus would essentially be killing them by the dozens without taking damage.
You weren't nearly this uppity about Blood Angels or annoying until recently. Now it's practically every thread that you shitpost in. What changed?
I mean that true in the lore as well, the CWE are the more monastic off-shoot faction of the Eldar Empire.
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Maybe you should git gud instead of seething about your betters.
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Nice stripes.
>He is Turkish
He was born in the area that is the modern day country of Turkey. The Turks did not come into Anatolia until the 11th century AD, about 9000 years after the Emperor was born. The Emperor was a proto-Hittite and born at a time still 5000 years before writing was invented so we have no idea what his name might be.
I knew you'd say this, but you can have them dodge the bullets. It would just take some procedural animation, other games have done it. Instead of hitting them immediately the first shots are "dodged". Its basically a shield thats animated as a dodge. Before you say you cant have that, eldar are that fast. Other than that, they can use cover and move incredibly fast
Lots of games have fragile but fast enemies. And once a scorpion or banshee in in melee then the game would change, meanwhile dark reapers would be like deadlier ranged enemies.
Try “Anatolian”
Original BA hater here, its not solely me anymore.
>He could have defeated the gods back in 30k and only not wanting to become a new one that devoured humanity stopped him.
Dunno that sounds distinctly like nu-lore revisionism to me. He fought his son and got bitch slapped into a cripple. The end.
On the topic of the Inquisition, Kryptman had the right idea. The Inquisition should use Exterminatus way more often than it currently does, and I am talking double stage cyclonic torpedoes here. make the entire galaxy beyond the Sol System a graveyard of blown up planets.
Just hook up the marines and demons as well. A giant trap lighthouse.
I mean it’s worth a try, no one’s gonna come by to see what happened for a couple hundred years anyway if you’re lucky.
: (
I should. I'll keep it by the window for now. Let the 100+ heat from it dry it.
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Clearly letting them discover a massive source of power and potential on their own without being warned of the dangers of using it, or the dangers of dealing with warp entities is the far better option.
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Titus killed three Banshees in one fight before he was even a Captain. Eldar aren't a major enemy to Marines, they're a speedbump.
How old does a model have to be before you think it deserves a refresh. I look at all these old 5th edition models people keep complaining about and think they still look fine next to a lot of modern sculpts.
Someone post that dawn of war comic anti eldar marine wank
This is why Chaos is gay. I can't wait for the current crop of writers to die off and retire so the replacements can finally cut chaos down to size.
The fuck is that from?
Oh boy, former fans who played the long are now gonna jack off thier favorite faction.
Everyone is a speedbump to plot armor.
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The suicide missile launcher guy?
>kill team has been a vehicle to update older kits for armies with a lot of units and to expand the rosters of newer armies that don't have a lot of units yet
>legionaries are now an updated csm kit
>the scary space slavs still aren't in
Why? Don't Night Lords deserve a bit more love?
Let them, things can't get worse than they are now.
>things can't get worse
Oh yea? Imagine this general being in charge of the writing.
Yeah and the headbutt guy
>3 eldar for 1 marine
If you think about it logistically thats way better for the eldar. I dont think anyone cares about named characters eliminating unamed troops in such conservative numbers
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How about Biel Tan begging Marines for mercy?
>Warlock sees into the future
>Performs a beautiful fient
>Marine caught completely off balance and wide open
>Warlock stabs with his witch blade

I have never seen more disgusting wank.
Don't forget the Eldar sword warlock that Dodges a marine attack and leaves him off balance and gets inside his reach only to somehow get chain sworded anyway in the next panel
How about the video of a striking scorpion exarch killing 3 Marines and a blade guard lt. Single handedly and living to tell the tale?
who drew these?
>Eldarfags getting uppity
That episode is full of a lot of stupid stuff on both sides
>Calgar fags getting jealous of Primarchs getting more attention
Read the room
Sigh time to punch another avatar to death to prove I'm a main character
Maybe I'll be creative and take down a Phoenix lord too. They all respawn anyway
Meanwhile tau Chads are just winning.
Enough of this marine wank. Post times enemies of the imperium got wanked by killing marines.
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Is this what you're after?
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Literally loses and catches the killing blow with his fucking armpit. Is there actually worse wank than this out there? So blatantly "nu uh he cant lose" tier
SteelJoe, its in the filename ;) Posts to DeviantArt.
I've been compressing some of them to fit in the image limits here.
>supposedly this is because lore wise it's a meant to be vacuum sealed
You'd think that, but the SA Carnodon, Malcador, Baneblade, etc. all come with sponsons. Also, Militia Russes had sponsons until 2.0, where they too lost them (because there's only one HH Russ kit and it doesn't come with sponsons). Yet in the art, lore, etc. Russes have sponsons. It's all bullshit.
>Second marine jumps in the moment it looks like his buddy is losing the 1v1
Wtf Ultramarinebros?? Courage and honour my fucking ass
how come warhammer community never has anything about 40k anymore

all it ever is is ads for age of stinkmar
>firstborn terminator marine
What chapter is this? Seems to be yellow torso with black limbs, crossed scythes emblem.
It's an unreliable story being told from the view of the Eldar. In reality he hid behinf a pile of rubble and pissed himself as the Marines walked past, then when he was sure they were far enough away he thought of a story about killing them so he could sound cool.
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Business idea: mounting my 6mm Epic stuff on regular "tall" bases so they look similar in height to 8mm Legions Imperialis stuff which uses shallower bases
I liked the bit where the Warlock just stabs in front of the Marine for not real reason other than to setup for his blade being caught by the Marine in the next panels.
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My personal favorite is them copying Astartes where the sneaky cultist gets stabbed for trying to sneak up on a marine, only this time it's a literal fucking teleporting magic shadow demon who manages zero kills before dying like a bitch
which game company this guy work for?
Why do you want to see new primarissloppa for 40k. Anyway come back on the 14th for 40k stuff.
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Scythes of the Emperor
many thanks, bb
No shut up.
He can't even protect the souls of his most devout followers from being ripped apart in the warp on death.

In one of the ultra novels, cato sicarus is saved from being killed in a duel by one of his command squad litterally stabbing his opponent in the back with the company standard.
Tell me about the E. Just how big is he?
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You elf lovers must have a lot of character by now
shame they're half in resin still
Reminder that in his prime Asuryan beats the emperor.
No he doesn't.
He's just a little guy who casts a big presence that fills a room. He's about the size of the biggest house in California you could afford.
He has a weird idea of how meltas work however.
No idea, freelance it seems, heres his artstation if you want to commission him.
You got an official source for that?
I'm pretty sure several legendary figures technically beat the Emperor in a 1-on-1 when he's not super juiced on warp energy. Including Horus, unsharded CTan or Eldar Gods, and maybe even some Krorks since he almost died to Orks that one time.
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We deal with it, im stockholm syndromed to the point I dont even know if updated spiders for example will look right. Im too used to the stubby guys.
Prime Asuryan is a chaos god that owned 90% of the real estate in the warp
To be fair, I genuinely see what you guys mean about minor changes to the designs on the updates kind of changing them for the worse. But I'm still going to make fun of you for complaining about every new model release you get while ALSO pretending you're the most neglected faction for model releases.
Do you drill the barrels of flamers?
I liked the old immolator ball turrets, man.
The memes must go on. A few years ago I could post an image showing tonnes of kits that needed to be updated, but that list is way smaller now. The little detail thing it definitely real, but its just an unwinnable battle. Either we want updates and take the flaws or dont have cant complain about our proportions.
Then that just makes him an even bigger jobber for losing it all to the Chaos Gods.
i don't like marines i like the other factions
Eh, the birth of a new chaos god shakes up both realities and he wasnt in his prime. Since eldar were so lost as a culture, not many people were giving the gods their dues. Its quite a nice story.

If only the people believed in their gods, their gods wouldve been strong enough to save them.
Wrong setting then.
The tragedy is that if eldar believed in their gods they wouldnt have fallen to the point of making slaanesh
I dont know what to get next for my faction. Its not complete but I dont need anything else. Have I won?
The writers were really next level when they formed the eldar mythos nothing else is close to the level of writing and geniune depth.
why didn't the emperor just defeat chaos by not making the primarchs in the first place. The chaos gods were seeded from the Horus Heresy and the Siege of Terra (see TEATD) so if there were no Primarchs then the Heresy wouldn't have happened and thus no chaos gods
God damn, I didn't realise just how fucking massive 40K scale Tau Manta's were till I saw this picture. Look at the size of that massive bastard!
Being completely honest I think Tarentus is the odd man out here moreso than the nu-chaplain. The latter would be acceptable with at least the chest wings or an Iron halo up-top so that the upper body doesn't feel as bland but the former looks like you'd need to strip thousands of tchotchkes before you hit the power armor proper. Granted I'm a smurffag and GKfags are the only lot who care about terminator chaplains anymore so I'm sure there's something to add to that.
Anon, it's supposed to be a space to atmosphere dropship. Of course it's huge.
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I was thinking about the thousand sons and their shitty roster today and I was wondering why aren't aspiring sorcerors in their own box/sold as 1-unit heroes or something? They already have infernal masters or boxes of exalted sorcerers, why not a box of 3 aspiring sorcerors?
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>no one has converted a suit standing on top of a manta pic related style
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Yes, but why does it exist as a 40K scale model at all? Clearly it belongs in Epic scale games.
This is probably a silly question but if I have a unit of 10 guys- like Dire Avengers- and then added a kitbashed Asurmen to the unit, would it be a unit of 11 or would I have to remove the exarch so that Asurmen can lead the avengers?
> it's supposed to be a space to atmosphere dropship
So are stormravens.
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Here's a pic I took 5 years ago in warhammer world
It's a shame the way the Chaos Marine alt-codexes are "world eaters" or "death guard" instead of "khorne" and "nurgle". So if you want to make CSM who are khorne worshipers but don't shit themselves in rage and run mindlessly into combat, instead following an organized strategy to win wars with armament, you can't properly use a bunch of khorne shit that is specifically world eaters (even though logically most khorne warbands should be WE).

The biggest one that ends up 'weird' are the tzeentch ones, since there would obviously be tzeentchian space marines who embrace mutation instead of running from it and wouldn't use rubricae.

I believe that the Manta and the Thunderhawk are the only two units to have a Battlefleet Gothic, Epic scale, and 40k depiction.
They tried newfag, they failed
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A lot of nuhammer especially age of sigmar designs fall into the "too many details" design failure, but primaris goes the opposite direction so "techno-barbarians who worship science fiction power armour as being possessed by magic spirits" become "master chief but he prays to Space Jesus sometimes".
>Janissaries began as elite corps made up through the devşirme system of child levy enslavement, by which Christian Albanians, Bulgarians, Croats, Greeks, Romanians, Serbs and Ukrainians were taken, levied, subjected to forced circumcision and conversion to Islam, and incorporated into the Ottoman army.
Imperiumbros are we dickcutters?
Misuse of the word newfag, points docked.
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Good shout, did Forge World actually do 6mm scale ones at some point?
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what on earth is that? Epic Thunderhawks are way bigger than that! Those look like stands of T'hawks to be used as assault boats in Battlefleet Gothic.
I really hope they did, otherwise I'd look like an idiot. Maybe we'll get one for LIgma?
>the Zealot pilgrims are cut
Wow! Who would have guessed? I wouldn't be shocked if certain priest/Inquisitors went full tranny and just ripped off their genitals in the name of piety.
>anon mentions Thawks having models for 40k, Epic and BFG
>anon wonders if models posted are for BFG, because they're too small for Epic and 40k
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I dont think so, I remember a lot of people used the miniwars drop-pod for years.
oh lol. sorry,m I'm tired. : )
that was GW Epic Space Marine Drop Pod.
ummm thread please?!?!
Shut your whore fucking mouth you wastrel pissant.
post models bitch
oh wait...you cant lmao!
we got about 50 more posts in this thread and two more spare threads that havn't been archived yet. man. Don't jump the gun
Image limit is tapped out though, 500 / 151 / 6
What image must you post to risk a 4th /40kg/ thread and the ire of the cruel mods?
Vostroyan Lewds.
>tripfag doesn't know
Nobody tell him
Don't worry, I don't know either, so I can't tell him shit.
>image limit reached
Fug :(
you better fucking deliver anon...

that image of The Lion fingering Yvraine's bikini strap
Fuck, that is a good reason.
>truck nuts hanging from your pistol grip
old codices were pretty based
Oh, the one where 8 marines shoot an avatar to death with bolters?
aren't they all angels of death though?
Not dying or having your shit stolen, and someone else doing the fighting.
That failed 40k Planetside wannabe game did loyalist marines, chaos marines, orks, and eldar.
Is there somewhere I can read "the long and hungry road"?
>No one before talked about chapter masters, hell people hated them like people hate the primarchs now.
This is objectively not true.
>But le hecking Imperium is worse off than before
Yeah keep your Mary Sue setting. I'll stick with earlier editions that embraced the grimdark aesthetic, not this nobelbright trash.

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