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Previously: >>93224114

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.
http://www.tappedout.net (Dated but functional)
https://www.archidekt.com (Feature rich but poor optimization)
https://www.moxfield.com (Good balance of features + performance)


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

If you could ban one card what would it be?
still thoracle
Why are his fingers melting?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>If you could ban one card what would it be?
>If you could ban one card what would it be?
General goodstuff: The One Ring
Specific hate: Teferi's Protection
it was propably a lousy spell
I would unban every card except the power 9 and like 4 - 6 others mostly cause they are just gay
unequivocally, mana crypt
Thoracle no contest.
If given more leeway in bannings
>all 0 and 1 mana rocks (yes even Jeweled Amulet)
>all 0 1 and 2 mana tutors (except land tutors)
>any legendary with a tutor effect can't be used as commander
>a handful of obnoxious lands that should never have been printed, all 10 OG duals, all 10 fetchlands, ancient tomb, city of traitors, gaea's cradle, mishra's workshop, serra sanctum
>a handful of specific obvious dipshit cards like Dockside, Rhystic Study, Thoracle, Timetwister, Dramatic Reversal
If the RC had the balls to do this, the format would become instantly 100x more enjoyable overnight. Competitive grinders would have to use their brains, and cumbrained casuals wouldn't get stomped as hard without all the degenerate enablers. I'm not saying this would fix every problem, but god damn it sure would fix a lot of them.
Whatever I lost to last game.
Gay Bolas
there is notthing wrong with a fair thoracle being used as basically a lab maniac
the problem is comboing it
but I lost to paying my mana wrong and not having the correct colors when I drew a card on opponents turn that could've saved me and won me the game
>green: the format
your opinions are shit and youre a retard
>Thoracle no contest.

This. Thassa's Oracle should not be allowed in any format, not even Vintage. It makes combo wins far too trivial.
Island. Without a doubt.
>First card in the game to have the "unlimited copies" clause
>Garfield wanted there to be a reason for you to run a lot of them, but ended up pushing the fuck out of them
>Highest rate of tournament showings in the game's history, even today the #1 decks in all formats all feature Island
>Enabler for nearly every degenerate strategy in the game. The more Island is seeing play, the worse the meta is.
>Generates mana for the rest of the game, every single turn, for no cost
>It doesn't even pass priority and there's specific rules saying you can't stifle it or counter it being played
>Nearly impossible to remove because it's immune to almost all removal and a deck can just be filled with them
>Gives access to insane ramp with cards like High Tide, Extraplanar Lens or Caged Sun, breaking color pie
>Entire decks in all formats rely entirely on Island and become non-functional with it removed
>Had specific hate printed like Carpet of Flowers and Boil, but it wasn't enough to stop it from dominating the meta
You may think Thoracle is the problem, but that's just the big, flashy finisher. The root cause will remain there. It's time to ban island. No card has ever been more pushed than Island to the point of warping the game.
U just mad because you can't have em. Just proxy bro
I use Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy to tap Basalt Monolith. ggs shake my hand.
what are some examples of cards with too much pointless text
I have a bunch of hydras, some x spells and this card,
should I add them to my monogreen big creatures deck, add them to xenagod brew, make a new deck with rosheen roaring prophet(pulled her, like the flavor of her and might be fun), or make xenagod and rosheen one deck and switch between the two for different games?

What would blue players do?
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How do you respond?
I exile mana monkey from my hand and bolt myself for 3
"I consneed"
force, pitching timetwister
It's 110-117 this weekend bros. What's a commander for that molten lava air feel?
>newfag can't into board wipes
Gitgud scrub
pact resolves, my sol ring is countered
I exile elf and ape for mana, manamorphose into RR, play Goblin Welder, Mass Hysteria, and Memnite, Memnite swing for 1, use Welder to sac Memnite and bring back the Sol Ring, play Lotus Petal, sac Petal for R and cast Wheel of Fortune
>Pitch mana monkey and spirit guide
>Cast manamorphose
>Cast dark ritual
>Cast one with nothing
"ok now I cast mana crypt and tap it for arcane signet, pass"
>I always have it!
I’ll just pass my turn. I win at the beginning of his next upkeep anyways
if you dont make funny comments about the plays you make, you arent playing with your friends
i turn 1 vandalblast a sol ring and will say 'keep your shit in the command zone, friendname'
Thoughts on this gardener?
>thoughts on this gardener
literally me whenever anyone tries to table politic me
Did you go first?
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Forgot the pic.
He based
serra ascendant I would ban in a heartbeat mostly because of all the retards out there who twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend it because it doesn't literally win you the game by itself (even though it does)
>timewalk on a body
well no shit
Nta and I know it's a meme but a 6 life swing a turn starting t1 is pretty much a few extra turns of life outside of combo finishes
Wizards should really just errata all "if you have x life" cards to "if you have x more life than your starting total". It shits up more formats than just EDH and will shit up future constructed formats too.
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Can't believe such a friendly looking guy spends his time mindraping people over and over again
You can just say you're a Timmy shitter you don't have to write a book
>xd le ban island
You guys get that wouldn't ban blue, right? You banned a basic land. There are hundreds of other blue sources out there. You fucked over mono blue and that's about it.
based and Timmy brained. Me want turn creature sideway. dino go RAAAAWR
>imitates the Jurassic Park theme
GOAT EDH wincon
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I don't like tutors and I tend to cascade into Battle of Ikoria, but it is pretty useful in hand when I have the mana to pull Etali or Gishath out with it.

See the Unwritten is cool and it is something I can cascade into, not often but it can happen.
Plus in most cases I think I'd get two creatures, and that's baller.
>I dont like tutors, but I like these tutors
tutors are only bad if they produce combos or any synergy. Me tutoring for my big dino to go RAWWWWR is fine.
this but unironically
i won twice yesterday with millennium calendar
>this is what no tutors enables
Depending on the commander very good for you anon
any big dino should do if you were a true timmy, instead of just a failed player
Any big dino will do, but I want the biggest dino.
>everyone at the edh table was scooping out of respect
Just realized tutor Rocco might be a deece m.colander cmdr
>you have a commander with 2 toughness
>this is the commander across the table
What do?
Shoes protect against meteors. Alternately just kill the damn thing that's causing the problem, it's only got 3 toughness
it was the velociraptor precon i swapped out some cards for the calendar and some protection, which honestly made the deck worse overall probably, never even got pantlaza out
Next turn they tap their meteors to pay the commander tax and bring her back out, killing your commander in the process.
It's funny because she's like golos where her practical commander tax is ONE
So if I use this on an artifact its effectively safe from all non-land clears/removals?
I kill it once or twice and then you never play it again because it now costs 9 mana
I tap 4 meteors and the same five lands I used to cast her the first time.
Play honest magic for once.
play some of the 500 dual lands or "produces blue but is not an island" cards
That wasn't really the issue with golos
when you cascade into x spells isnt x automatically 0?
then how would invasion of ikoria even work with cascade? he wouldnt be able to tutor anything no?
He's saying that he ends up tutoring into it sometimes, which is a bad thing, but that he uses it otherwise pretty comfortably. basically, you'd be able to search up a 0 cost creature like Ornithopter and then it behaves as per normal.
As >>93241066 said, cascading into X spells has them have an X cost of 0, and their CMC is treated accordingly, so Invasion of Ikoria can trigger off a 3 CMC cascade spell. It's why Apex devastator shouldn't be in a hydra deck
Extra notes on cascade are that you can't pay any alternative costs, you may pay additional costs, and must pay any mandatory additional costs.
I counterspell it
It also loses all its abilities.
You'll pay for that.
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No, I won't.
So you concede?
that's not what he said
thats not what he said tho
He said he wouldn't pay to counter it. If he doesn't pay Pact's delayed cost, he loses the game. Ergo, if he doesn't pay for pact, he loses.
he didnt concede doe
If thoracle is bannable than dockside is even more of a card that needs to go
>less niche
>combos with a ham sandwich
>more synergies than I can count
>encourages modern FIRE play patterns of answering a dockside with a dockside
>far more common to see since normalfags have basically bullied thoracle out of non cedh meanwhile dockside is in every red deck
The card is just disgusting. I put it in my reanimator deck and its too good. Shit would consistantly win me games pretty much on its own
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How the power has crept...
>If you could ban one card what would it be?
Thoracle. And possibly food chain. Honestly maybe even go as far as to just get rid of two to three card infinites.
>so butthurt he samefags
The cards I listed are for your protection and sanity, not mine. I will gladly get into a pod with you and turbo out wins every game by turn 3 until you change your mind.
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>waits 3+ hours to reply
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>ob nixilis player goes land sol ring copper tablet
be honest, are you calling him a slur?
I hadn't even thought of this, I have Ob Nixilis as a secondary commander in my Prosper deck, but I may want to get my hands on this for it.
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if my deck is duel colors but mostly one would it be worth running the medallion over a signet?
which colors are the duel colors?
U/W and Black. Blue Eyes white dragon vs Dark Magician.
i don't know that there's any combination of bans that would do much to stop pubstomping. if there's a disconnect between what you and the people you're playing with want out of the format, it's likely not going to be a good match no matter what cards are legal
>not on reserved list

Reprint when?
next week
watch spoilers
>Timmy thinks t3 win is fast
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Am I gonna have a good time?
What is the difference between stax and hatebears?
Stax is land-pass until they have a wincon.
Hatebears wins through combat damage at the cost of being more prone to removal. It's like soft-stax.
yeah she's pretty fun

semantics. it's not worth your time or anyone else's to argue about the meaning of words
make sure you slap Yawgmoth in there
shut up, yugioh player.
Hate bears are 2/2 creatures with an ability that impedes your opponents like grand abolisher
Stax is any effect that prevents your opponents from being able to play the game
there is a guy at my table that literally does this he tries to play nice with people and then instantly fucking betrays them
nowadays I just use sadistic sacrament on him every game
Hatebears are creatures that usually have more specific effects (things like non-basic lands are mountains), whereas stax is generic forced discard, sacrifice, etc in the form of artifacts.
Compare Grand Abolisher to Smokestack.
Does Affinity affect Squad costs? I know it's similar to kicker, but I'm curious. For example, I have Mycosynth Golem out and control 9 other artifacts, totaling 10 on the field. If I want to cast Sicarian Infiltrator, will the repeated generic squad costs be reduced so I can get 5 squads for free? I feel like this wouldn't work in my mind, but I'm curious.
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What are the
on-theme Dragon spells?

I don't care if they're good. I just want them to feel
>t. never known the joy of shitting out a t0 win with a bullshit turbo deck because you got a good hand
squad is an additional cost so yes, you can pay it with cost reductions
basically the steps of casting a spell are declaring you are casting it, determining its total cost [additional costs, taxes, and cost reductions] then paying that mana out
so you would cast infiltrator, squad cost 10, making the total cost 12U, then reduce that by your current affinity for artifacts, 10, leaving you with 2U to pay
btw this is how lotus petals count for 2 mana for affinity spells ;)
dragonstorm and form of the dragon both come to mind
>btw this is how lotus petals count for 2 mana for affinity spells ;)
what the fuck?
chat is this real?
have you never seen t1 island, lotus petal, Emry?
That's rad as fuck, thanks man, I had no idea
it all gets shortcut a little irl and people generally tap their mana before they cast the spell because thats just how people do, but yeah thats how it works. if anyone bses you just explain what i said
Dragon tempest, karthus, and the enchantment that gives all dragons +3+3. Also Crux of Fate
This piece of shit. Find a place for it.
late but dimir leaning black
why is this blue
why does it make red tokens
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Is there ever any reason to play nu volrath over hapatra as a -1/-1 counter deck or is the blue superfluous?
>butt blasted cock slurper can't even come up with a real reply
Did you not notice the 2 whining replies were also 3 hours after the first post?
>thinking you'll get an actual reply while using the "XD SAMEFAG" card that is so fucking old it's from alpha
back in the day the color pie meant something
Neither have you since Flash is gone. Put the odds of your favorite turn 0 Christmasland into a hypergeometric calculator and then get back to us.
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Proliferate effects and that's it. Volrath is more for jank plays in lower power tables.
From my experience, Red adds more. Lord Windgrace makes a perfectly fine commander for this.
>Neither have you since Flash is gone.
I'm a krrik player mr no games.
>Flash is gone
UB: Flash Gordon wouldn't be too bad... who owns the rights anyway?
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get fucked
metal as fuck art
that looks like a fun one to build with the new massacre girl that gives all your creatures wither and something like orc archers
two can play this game
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now you're boned
Swapping one creature out for another used to blue's combat gimmick.
This game is so gay but addiction is a hell of a drug. It's been two months since I last played but I keep coming back to look at the forums. But I will remain strong and never play again.
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I'm no stranger to the bone zone!
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ah fuck my kjeldoran dead can't beat that
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your boners never had a chance
pulled a cool card from a pack and cobbled together a shitheap of random draft chaff i had laying around, got my ass kicked by someone using an unmodified precon that was worth 2x my deck. this is how commander is meant to be played.
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completely dominating a game with a $25 budget deck is really fun
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>you can literally style on someone so hard with Skull Catapult that his head explodes into bone shrapnel and chunky brain salsa
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could I spend 10 mana on my turn to draw all those cards, or is it only once a turn?
Google the card nigga
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yeah, and what’s even cooler is that you can just pay 2 even after you’ve gotten all 5 cards back just to skip a draw and do nothing
Its a replacement effect for draws, so as many draws as you can get in one turn. You would need to pay 10 and also draw 5 cards in order to grab the 5 cards underneath the tome.
What am I supposed to do with this guy? Is there a background that lets you roll dice?
And what is the turn 0 Krrik win?
Is it pronounced Will or While
>anon says a card needs a ban
>is still a fag and uses it
If you plan on casting more than one spell a turn then medallion is almost always better than a rock outside of obvious synergies
She's fun but imo if you build it go all out and be oppressive, people will try and hate you out
>first turn, first player puts down one of the ping deserts targeting me
>I can't stifle, can't prevent the damage, can't do anything to save myself
This is such bullshit
>can't do anything to save myself
What commanders do you see and instantly respect the player and know you're in for a fun game?

What commanders do you see and instantly hate the player and know the game will fucking suck?
I am going for multiple triggers off chiss-goria with these cards, but does the fact that the next combat phase happens with no main phase then mean sword of feast and famine can't be abused to cast artifact spells with the untapped lands
Correct. Chiss-Goria doesn't change when you can cast the artifacts, so it needs to be during your main phase when the stack is empty. Also, as a legendary creature, you can't have it and the token in play at the same time without something like Mirror Gallery. It's also not clear how you're attaching the sword to each new copy.

Also also, because Breathe of Fury requires to be attached to a new creature as part of the same ability that untaps your creatures, you'll need to get a little fancy with tapping the original Chiss-Goria for a second copy while the copy is in play, so that the Breath of Fury can enchant the new copy and untaps Chiss-Goria for the NEXT loop. It doesn't work cleanly.
Few week ago I started with swamp>jeweled lotus>krrik 34>blood celebrant 32>add 3 mana from celebrant plus 2 life for buried alive 21 burying Necrotic ooze asmodeus and skirge familiar>demonic tutor 19> tutor reanimate then reanimate ooze 13> proceed to draw 7 7> draw as much as I want using mana from skirge discard drawing into aetherflux> use excess mana and life to cast enough spells to gain 150+ life and killed with aetherflux.
>What commanders do you see and instantly hate the player and know the game will fucking suck?
Any Eldrazi
Any Atraxa,
Any Eminence
Orvar, the All-Seer
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>What commanders do you see and instantly respect the player and know you're in for a fun game?
Goblins are cool.
getting Krunk with Krenk (RIP the OG of Tin Street 2005-2024)
How would you feel about a cycle of 4C commanders that use their collective colour identity to sorta mock-imitate the abilities of the "missing" wubrg colour through elaborate wording?
thanks, I realize that this is so overly complicated and aggravated assault exists
What's your dream preconstructed commander deck from upcoming Final Fantasy set?
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Does the 2 damage happen when Nadu's ability puts land on the field?
After Nadu effect resolves, since you need the trigger to enter the stack.
The trouble with that is it's more of a cute design puzzle than anything that's actually interesting to play with. Lemme mock one up.

Scritz, Firevenom Prelate WURG
Legendary Creature - Snake Cleric
Creatures you control have deathtouch and lifelink.

Whenever a token enters the battlefield under your control, you may have it fight target creature an opponent controls. If you do, it gains indestructible and haste until end of turn. Sacrifice that creature at the beginning of the next end step.


Sure, now all your tokens are kill spells as well as a bit of life gain, but it doesn't actually give you any build direction. Just a bunch of fiddly moving parts. Play Shirei like a normal person.
You could use Shimmer Myr or Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter to cast their artifacts at instant speed.
That sounds cool and more interesting than a good chunk of modern leggo cards tho
But I was mainly thinking of ways to do 4C cards which seems to be an underrepresented archetype
If there were counters on said artifact, do they go away when it gets the aura and maintains the amount when said aura is removed?
Yeah I'll admit I kinda shat that one out but once it existed I'm more interested in building it than the three decks I have in pieces on my table. Overall the issue with 4C is still one of boundaries though; the classic "it's defined more by the color it isn't" but also it needs that bit of "why isn't this 5C". It's one of the few areas I think partners actually covered well, because instead of being two 2C colors awkwardly stapled together, it's just literally two different 2C cards.
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I lost to this card today.
Raff Capashen
picrel especially if built for "chaos"
Not that anon, but that's what has stopped me from building her. In my experience decks where part of your core gameplan involves removing people's stuff gets you hated out really fast
I'm really torn because i want to build Leonardo da Vinci (He's both a cool card and one of my favorite historical figures of all time), but at the same time his deck is just going to be so similar to my already existing Chiss-Goria deck. One is monored and the other monoblue but they basically have the same game plan.
FFXI Jeskai historic deck, with Iroha as the commander themed around Rhapsodies of Vana'diel. Could have sagas for each Expac/DLC, Artifacts based on REMAs,
That sounds quite a lot like turn 1, not turn 0.
The AC historical figures aren't related to the actual people in any way besides the name.
Or how their entire concept is based on who those people were but go off king
Something new. Something I've not seen (maybe even never seen the commander at all before)

Tunnel Ignus on field against token spam boardstates and resolving a winds of abandon feels so good
>ermmm this cardboard isn't actually Socrates idiot!
The Assassin's Creed Leonardo Da Vinci might as well be a fictional being, stop being obtuse, retard.
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went through my bulk today and I had this. didn't know it shot up in value.
>What commanders do you see and instantly hate the player and know the game will fucking suck?
Any commander in the top 80 on EDHREC
Any Stax commanders(Teeg,Augustin,Sen Triplets)
Any Dr. Who UB
That shit is like 40 dollars now.
I am glad I grabbed the LOTR one when it got printed and was only 20.
should I sell it? surely itll be reprinted again
Do you have a +1/+1 counters commander? Don't sell it if you have one. Sell if you don't.
sell it even if you do, it barely makes a difference anyway like hardened scales. they are both noob traps
Absurd to compare the two lol
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You will sit there while I consider which dinos I want to cast. Deal with it.
The art for these really is so weird.
Actually I just left the game
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tfw can't convince myself to play this subpar babe
Just do it. She's cool. And having targeted reanimation or grave hate in the command zone is not bad.
>Make UG(x) the undespited best color combo for absolutely no reason at all
Your suggestions will only further the braindead auto-pilot value engine horseshit even worse than what we see ourselves in now.
Dockside would be borderline useless if the format wasn't warped around shoving t1-2 mana rocks and card draw, forcing everyone to mimic the play patterns of a watered down UG deck. There is a reason Dockside sees almost zero play in Legacy/Vintage.
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Got bored of working on Ognis since I have a jund deck and a treasure deck already, decided to make to go looking through cards for something old to "Inspire" a deck idea, and I found Mana Vortex. Instantly thought about how I have no place for all of my multi-land play cards and land recursion stuff outside of Hazezon but I'm not that dedicated to making Hazezon right now. Settled on Aesi for bonus land drops in the command zone and several cards to let me play lands from my graveyard. Thinking of bringing in Harbinger of the Seas and Winter Moon for a light stax landfall meme.
>Dinos literally designed to combo into themselves
>Only requirement needed is a lot of lands
>Implying tutoring extra lands in play isn't tutoring for combos
>noooooo, don't ban [obviously broken card]
I can tolerate ubfaggots, tourists and Timmy all day long. I don't give a fuck about people like you, who create a goodstuff pile and then have the gall to call this shit a """deck""". pathetic.
>Pantera plays in the distance
Why do you play with randos? Play another format if you want sanctioned games with randos with a proper banlist. Remember Narset? Remember Tergrid? They are not banned and nobody wants to play them anymore anyway. Same will happen with Nadu.
She's fucking GOAT in Reanimator decks with sac subthemes.
>Narset and Tergrid are considered "boogeyman" Commander's
What an absolutely moronic community. Both of those cards are dogwater by 2024 standards.
>Remember Narset
Narset got powercrept you silly bitch. The whole reason she isn't popular anymore is BECAUSE of new legends like Nadu
No they aren't
Last time I played against a Tergrid deck he cast a spell that made everybody discard their hand immediately after casting Tergrid and gained control of 14 permanents by turn 6 and was in a position where nobody else was really able to catch up.
>Turn 6
Either youre full of shit, that guy was pubstomping, or he drew the stone cold nuts with mana accelaration.
Dark Deal is only 3 mana and Tergrid is only 5
Casting Tergrid by t5 isn't particularly hard, assuming you don't miss land drops or draw some manarocks. And there's a bunch of cards that make everybody discard their hand that don't have a particularly high mana cost.
He cast tergrid t5 and then a spell the next turn. That is literally slow for tergrid lol. Why do bad players give stupid opinions!!!!
>He cast Tergrid turn 5 and a spell the next turn
So in 5 entire rotations rotations, 3 other players, fully aware of the Stupid Bullshit that Tergrid is capable, didn't hold up a single piece of spot removal or counter magic?
And youre calling other people bad?
Fuck off retard. Run some fucking spot removal.
Who powercrept her? She is still powerful. It's the same with Zur, it's the same with Korvold. If anyone is powercrept, it's Golos, but he is banned. In the end it doesn't matter if they'll ban a commander because it will drown in the flood of new legendaries in about 2-3 months.
Sometimes you just don't draw removal. Also I was playing mono-red group-slug so no counterspells and not much traditional removal besides artifact hate (it's mostly various deal damage to each player and each creature effects, but those need either a lot of mana to pay X costs or a lot of damage doubler effects), another player had a dinosaur tribal deck that also had no blue and is very strong in the late game but needs time to ramp up to start casting high mana cost creatures. I don't remember what the last guy was playing, but I don't think it had blue either.
You don’t need to justify yourself to retards. This board has a contingent of anons who absolutely cannot grasp that you sometimes don’t draw the card you need.
>This board has a contingent of anons who absolutely cannot grasp that you sometimes don’t draw the card you need.
And you cannot grasp how absolutely terrible people in this format are at deckbuilding and threat assessment.
At 5 rotations the Tergrid player should be the prime target for just about everything. Spot removal, counterspells, and any combat based board pressure. It should all be pointed at her.
Youre right, sometimes you just dont have it. Thats fine. Thats bad beats.
But too many people in this format dont interact with a problem (or even make an effort to do so) and then cry about it.
Full disclosure, I fucking hate Tergrid myself, but if someone brings that to a table, all other players should actively kicking their teeth in and teach the Tergrid player theres a price to playing such a commander.
Not me. You made a dumb comment then made another dumb one calm down it's anonymous anon!
Good thing I play Orvar, the All-Form
>Full disclosure, I fucking hate Tergrid myself, but if someone brings that to a table, all other players should actively kicking their teeth in and teach the Tergrid player theres a price to playing such a commander

Comes around to retards like this >>93244362 claiming that commanders like Tergrid or Narset are powercrept. No, the exact same approach is applied to them, just like if someone is playing Nadu.
The difference is that Nadu, even in a casual deck can easily come out on turn 2 with a dork or land enchantment and then be off to the races.
Turn 2 is a MASSIVE difference between the ~Turn 5 something like Tergrid or Narset takes.
nta but i have a playgroup and after a few years of playing we cultivated an enjoyable meta for our games.
the occasional Tegrid-like, high powered Commander-deck still pops up, but like you said, those decks get targeted hard.
Problem arises if the "Tergrid" player plays the fiddle and gets salty himself, for no one letting him play his own salt inducing/way stronger strategy. We have some players that rotate with our regulars, who play in otherwise way stronger metas, that unironically get salty because their commander got removed instead of it winning turn 4. These bad sport types ruin it for everyone, in general.

that and bad threat assessment of course, nothing makes me want to flip the table more than this shit
The first lesson I teach to players new to the format is to not play high-power commanders if they can't handle the reputation that comes with them.
Oh you wanna play Urza/Atraxa/etc?
Fine, but don't cry about it after we warned you you're going to get focused. And if they cant handle that, they shouldn't play it.
I have that problem alot with a local Krenko player. Dude acts like he isnt playing a commander that can win by sneezing.
Got this stupid flip at the lgs who only plays Magda, Krenko and Purphuros and whines when he gets hated out every game. Then of course when you don't hate on them for a single turn they suddenly win the game. Absolute worst part is he always has to think about what he's gunna do despite doing the same thing every game with very straightforward netdecks

Etali is best Dino
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I floop the bird.
Yea thats the one I meant; I am always too blinded by anger by the end of his name to read it fully
T6 Dino/Cascade players have flood the board with over 40+ power w/Haste and have already ran you through. If you think a commander that drops on board and does basically nothing leading up to (and further nothing the turn it comes down) is scary in any way is fucking retarded.
You're a bad player anon and getting angry at everyone who points this out won't change that
>Whole pod was playing solitaire and got punished for it
This isn't the problem you think it is.

Yeah, and Tergrid players are allowed to pop off no different than anyone else. RG Etali is FAR more powerful and absurd than Tergrid could ever dream of being, since it gets to steal your shit immediately on ETB, can be abused with flicker/reanimate effects, and has a "remove target player" backside all on a single card.
Nadu is about 3 tiers more fucked up than either Tergrid or Narset could ever hope to be. Attempting to hit the thing with removal actively GIVES the Nadu player a free card and/or ramp as soon as t2.
>removal engine
>reanimator engine
>all for 2B
I'm not the one crying about 5 mana do-nothings, Anon.
The guy crying about Tergrid literally admitted it was dropped on turn 5 with no followup until an entire turn rotation, meaning no one interacted with it and just stared at it.
Its like when I played Neheb, told the table to their face if they dont get rid of it in a rotation the game will end.
Surprise, they were all shitters, did absolutely nothing to stop me, the proceeded to call me a cEDH pubstomper.
>is $10 now
Is this actually THAT good? I've never seen it played in paper
Having used it in my Kissy Lesbians deck, seeing it preform, nah. While it is great early game drop, it's winmore late game, though that Monarch stapled on it is definitely useful. There have been times I've played it only for the Monarch draw.
Yes in fact!
>Mono B deck exists in mid powered pods that isn't aristocrats or turbo ritual into Torment of Hailfire
>G(x) players shit blood at the nothing someone else might get their retarded self fulfilling value engines
It'll never not be funny to be.
>3 mana, draw 1 card add two +1/+1 counters to a creature with big potential upside
It's pretty good for non-draw colors
>Non-draw color
It's borderline tied for 2nd best color for drawing cards, and has the most, "snowball out of control" draw engines than any other color in the game.
It's a solid 3rd behind Blue and Black, green card draw is powerful but usually is conditional like creatures on board or having a big guy out
Id argue Blue >Black=Green
Black is more consistent, but Green has much higher highs despite having lower lows.
Its kinda like 2d6 vs. 1d12
consistency in card draw is more important than having a higher peak, imo. you really want that second or third card each turn more or less locked in instead of drawing 12 cards off ghalta
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Any advice on how to properly play this card based around its affects?
>play herigast turn 4 with some ramp and a 3-4 cmc creature
>sac herigast to pay for a ghalta or an eldrazi or another assorted high cmc guy
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>1 Ready-to-play 100-card deck, including:
>1 Borderless traditional foil face commander card
>1 Borderless traditional foil Imagine: Courageous Critters card
Does this mean furry Jace is just a normal inclusion in one of the precons?
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value squee pile
If he had black in his color identity he'd be great
But for red? lots of looting, flashback
Find an etb combo where you can sac loop two creatures with equal cmc and pips
Also Impact Tremors etb until dead
A creature that makes a Treasure on etb would be useful, let's you do a sac loop with it and a cmc+1 creature, or infinite treasures
your cards are:
>plundering barbarian
>exhibition magician
Isn’t rolling a 2d6 the same statistically as rolling a 1d12?
>mono red

How are you going to roll a 1 on 2d6?
One dice falls off the table
obviously that is presuming herigast is in the 99 of some gruul or jund deck

I would ban every card that was first printed in a Commander or "Modern anything" product. If weren't standard legal, you aren't EDH legal.
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Thoughts opinions changes? Seems fun but I dunno. Need a new gruil thing after retiring rosheen and thromok

Probably not a normal inclusion no. He'd be a rare pull as a bonus card for precons.
So there will probably be about 8-12 total furry versions of characters and you have a chance of getting jace
Damn I read Emerge wrong, I thought you could cast creatures from the grave with it
Still strong with etbs and treasure makers though, and constant draw though
>turn 6
lol, lmao
ur running the land enchants, so u should run something like arbor elves or other land-untaps to make those enchant land ramps even better, also ur running a lot of combat based mana generation so running a few extra combat spells could be good too
Post a deck anon
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guess what's 1 mana
As a followup, I need to cut 11 cards from this. It's sorta jank as fuck, but I really like the way it's shaping up. Probably need more landfall - create a token autism for max value.
>Cephalid Scout
>Primal Order
What the fuck is this?
>questioning exploration in a landfall deck
what's it like being a retard?
I figure most people won't make that trade unless I'm already against a landfall/land recursion deck
>Cephalid Scout
Shittier version of Excavation so I can double up having land sacrifice outlets and some more draw. Trying to prevent myself from stalling out too hard
Funny and kinda annoying, makes spot removal hard to use on me
>Primal Order
I have mostly basics and most of my nonbasics sacrifice themselves, and Simic Growth Chamber I can just make it bounce itself repeatedly for landfall triggers
Pretty much just there because it's amusing and I only just learned about it today, I like trying to give weird old cards a home even if it's not super on theme or anything
nobody tell him
Cut Cultivate, Grazing Gladeheart, Constant Mists, and all of your stax pieces. No one is going to want to play against this even if it sucks.
No. 2d6 is more consistent at hitting the middle bellcurve; 7,8,9, but has a much lower chance of hitting low (2/3) but on tbe inverse has a very hard time of hitting an 11 or 12, both of which only have a 1/36.
Compare that to a d12 where every outcome is 1/12.
2d6 = I like consistency
1d12 = I like to gamble.
>simic landfall
No. Do mono blue or mono black if you really wanna do janky landfall stuff
I just meant because I have a bunch of weird old cards mixed in, but you've got a point. Might make a mono-black one with Ob Nixilis sometime
Nah I really like the stax cards, but I like the first three suggestions, Constant Mists is cool but if I don't draw into it I end up not needing it if I get any of my other big cards.
I have an ob nixilis lost I'll probably never actually buy but in theory he seems real cool. And there are a couple way to get infinite landfall triggers in a convoluted 4+ card combo... so it's not just a meme!!!
I love 4+ card combos, honestly. Weird, multi-card rube goldberg machines that create insane wins or value are always fun.
never heard of Freyalise's Winds
Ya something like scaretiller, paradise mantle, Voltaic key, one of those capenna self sacking fetch lands and one other piece and you got infinite landfall in "mono b" then you can pair that with either scrib nibblers or obi for the win
simic landfall is not jank even if you're running a handful of bad cards
We call it "the blue tax"
That's actually pretty neat, I'm gonna scribble that one down for the future
I don't see myself playing it over Sylvan Library or even Harmonize
>doesn't believe his opinion enough to reply
very feminine posting behavior
>What commanders do you see and instantly respect the player and know you're in for a fun game?
Any mono commander
Hey thanks man.
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hell yea brother
Here's the garbo list I made and never bought. Could easily scale down the price quite a bit, or throw in some tutors so the 5 card combos aren't so absurd to pull off
It's been two years since I've decided to start playing MTG for real this time, more specifically Commander.
To this very day I cannot buy a single precon I like, shit is always out of stock and triple the price from scalpers.
Should I just shell out €150 at this point and finally start playing?
How do you guys get product at regular ass prices?
just buy the cards individually
why do you need a precon
singles are cheaper, there's good decks u can make for $25 too
I tend to preorder precons in colors I like on Amazon then cancel if the spoiled decklist sucks before it comes out. At the same time, you could buy singles or go to an LGS for the most recent precons (except MH3, people sold out on that shit fast as fuck other than the Jund one in my area)
Make your own deck bitchtits. Precons aren't magic.
Not with shipping they ain't.
Getting 100 cards is like €40.


I don't have any cards, any product I like is always sold out.
ok and
would you rather have a mildly powerful deck that costs 120, and ship it for 40, or buy a precon for 150, and ship it for 40
lol, tcgplayer gives free shipping over certain amounts, good luck in euro
There are hundreds of sites to buy singles and sealed. I can promise you you're lying
I'd rather just but the precon for 50€

I'm jelly

Oh you're right, I think I found something decent a couple months back, but I've forgot the name if the site.
Cheap shipping, but it takes them 3-4 weeks to send you something.
but it's not an option, right?
so it is either suck it up or dont play
ping tribal?
Even Fate portrays historical figures more accurately than AssCreed, and DaVinci is literally a tranny who pretends to be a child in Fate.
Just build a better deck. Drawing cards you don't need is a sign that you're including bad cards in your deck. If you build a deck that's only got good cards, that doesn't happen.
Yeah. Instead of doing a foil backup commander like the precons normally do, Bloomburrow is doing a foil fursona for an old planeswalker. A foilsona, as they say.
Different anon, but that's how I have it built. I know a lot of people have him built as some sort of spell-slinger payoff, but mine is more about punishing my opponents for playing the game with effects like manabarbs, burning earth, and aether sting while stacking as much equipment on him for protection and increased power as possible.
Literally just proxy
If you don't play then how can you know which precons you "like"? You sound retarded and autistic
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Ass Creed is out. Any cards you are looking at?
Just did some more digging, an no, there is no option thats lower than like 25-30€ for 100 cards, what are you smoking.

The card art and monster designs in them.
How else are you supposed to build a commander deck you WAAC retard?
I found one that's a couple euros so you are just really bad at the internet are you underage by any chance
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>wanna play aristocrats
>hate the boring playstyle of just stacking blood artist effects
is it possible to play aristocrats without it being 'I drain for one I gain 1'? Ive tried lists focused around kresh with the idea of him being the payoff for saccing shit but 5 mana is so slow and vulnerable
equipment + pingers, so pingers that care about artifacts etb and tapping artifacts to ping all while buffing axonil's power to make the pings more devastating
Asmira offers up a different approach in aristovoltron. You could include a suture priest and saffi/renegade rallier line to ping for one still but no need!
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The set looks like hot garbage but I'm picking up a copy of this so I can simply point to the reminder text instead of having to whip out my phone to prove to people that the card works the way it does.
Yggsdrasil, crystal skull, smoke bomb, probably others
Not great cards but I like artifacts with interesting effects
That Naya legendary matters guy. Seems pretty bonkers. But I already have a hazezon deck so likely nothing. The set actually looks pretty decent to me for being a UB one
Yeah a couple of euros within the same county a seller is located or the warehouse is in.
>is wrong
>comes to 4chan to deny anyone telling him he's wrong and to be a whiny fag in general
At least you chose the right game!
I play meren as a toolbox/battlecruiser deck.
Having at least a couple of bloot artist effects is just a common courtesy to keep the game progressing.
Meren has been getting some fun tools lately. Cankerbloom is disgusting.
Unless you run 60 counter spells there’s no statistical guarantee you would draw a counter spell, only an increased likelihood. Luck exists, you can’t always have it.

Unless you’re the anon posting below me, she always has it
Just build a better deck.
Confirmed femanon that always has it. Your blessed take is a result of your divine bias
I’ve built the perfect deck, enemy interaction doesn’t matter, being counterspelled doesn’t matter, it’s all gas and you cannot be stopped, you have card draw in the command zone, you will. It be stopped.

It will be boring though.

I'm getting the starter kit
>no haste enablers
It will simply work once and then someone will always have a board wipe ready
>they always have it
They will!
For every naysayer I remove a land and add a slime, enjoy getting slucked (slime fucked)
>asscreed set has beautiful fullart lands
>starter kit comes with ugly cropped versions
For what fucking purpose? The Fallout decks had fullart lands, why wouldn't asscreed?

That's my fetish. You're powerless against me.
Anyone have experience with mtgproxy? How are they at shipping to Canada?
I'm fucking sick and tired of losing to second sun every god damn time. do I really have to add shitty shuffle effects to my decks when I have no access to counters?
>have second sun in my Codie deck
>cascade past it every time

I am God’s silliest warrior
That's smart cause 40 lands is atrocious
so second sun really goes to every deck with white. really fucking hate how easy it is to win with in our pod. it always just comes down to who has more counters
>know someone has an insta win card in their deck
>isn't focused down by 3 people every game
Are you playing in a heavy durdle pod? Does your table have shitty threat assessment? Just kill them. The moment Second Sun is cast the game should become a 3v1.
>Seething about Approach of the Second Sun
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. The card is garbage outside of like 3 or 4 commanders.
Only one of the posts you replied to is remotely even close to seething. Please kill yourself
how am I supposed to focus 2+ people
so what do you recommend against it?
what do you impose on yourself for "budget" decks? a $$$ cap? every card being a price or less?
i dont set a specific budget but im generally happy with the power level at between 1-200 dollars most of the time
maybe 3-400 with multicolor decks just because lands expand prices needlessly
I try to stay under I'd say 300? Including the actual price of the proxy if I proxy things
both, though I don't think "I'm going to make a budget deck" I just think "I don't want to spend more than $30 for this dumb meme deck I thought of"
multiple people in your pod are playing second sun? Again, whoever is threatening a win should be the instant target of attacks, and if Second Sun is THAT centralizing your playgroup needs an aggro deck.
well, I've tried but people are keen to remove all creatures pretty often. I was thinking more effects that fuck with the deck maybe. like those lands that destroy non-basics and force a search or chaos warp and what have you
Great call on the shuffling, Ghost Quarter is the undisputed king of removing problematic lands. I play a copy in every deck.
>only replaces your opponents lands
>undisputed king
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removing creatures? not a problem for me!
the problem with most of them is that they say MAY like many many other nonbasic hate
You are undervaluing the 0 mana activation on Ghost Quarter. Generally the problem land your opponent has was effectively "free". Coffers, etc, they just do extra stuff and didn't cost your opponent more mana to field. ANY answer to that which costs mana is putting you behind. I get that Field of Ruin etc soften the blow for you, but they interrupt my gameplan by costing mana. The job is "kill land" and Ghost Quarter does it for free. And in a pinch you CAN blow up your own land if you're color screwed, but that's obviously not plan A.

Excellent point, didn't see that. Bad use case here.
Genuinely not reading all that you're bad at the game
are you saying I should play this slow creature or that I should run protection and always have it?
I don't feel this is a better option to just try and fuck their top 7 once
he can be fun as commander, quite resilient to a lot of spot removal and has built in evasion
sure, but that doesn't really answer the cutthroat wincon against non-blue decks that is the multiple second suns
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Bro just build a mill deck lmao
kill them in 2 turns
oh yeah milling would work. now I just need to find some spells in not blue that are also useful outside just milling. like breach the multiverse. what else?
I impose a budget in that I refuse to spend money one "weaker" cards because I already own the "better" ones.
I've been playing MTG for a couple of decades, and enjoyed collecting old cards. I just want to use my collection, it's not like a dual land will net me a win because it costs the same as your deck...
you are lucky if you get one
so ur pod is literally turboing out 50 cards each turn with 15 mana to cast approach twice on turn 3?
Mimeoplasm is a blast that likes incidentally milling your opponents, just make sure you bring your own wincons. New Gonti, Coram, etc, I mean shit:


Go nuts
oh you ment turn 2 combo
no it's just haktos with literally any buff is a 3 turn kill, with double strike and extra combats he can clear out 1 or 2 players in one turn, his protection makes him hard to block and remove for cheap
this nigga was so fun in standard
No games spotted
Lgs loyalty system makes an mh3 gift bundle ~80+tax. Is that a good price to gamble?
fk it yolo
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You got it anon. I'll pick it up tomorrow at commander night when it's 110 and the ac in the play room sucks.
Are there any fun 5 color commanders?
Something that isn't just tribal or valuepile?
Is Rigo better built as tokens or low cmc unblockable creatures?
my gut says tokens, you don't need to connect and more bodies means single target removal is less effective
>I can soon equip Ash with a chainsaw
What am I in for?
Rakdos Value and Combos, but enough jank to make it so people won't bitch at you for playing it.
scry scry scry scry big fat dumpy card for 2 mana
My buddy played this a few years ago and would always get shit, get mad, and scoop.
>My buddy played this a few years ago and would always get shit, get mad, and scoop
Skill issue, and I mean that sincerely
Less interesting River Song
>rakdos is extremely strong and fun in every other format
>except commander where it is lame, gay, and sucks
because bursting everyone down by turn 4 is a lot harder with 4 players.
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It's been said before, but Commander's version of aggro is combo, its control is interaction, and its midrange is value over time. Interaction beats combo, combo beats value over time, and value over time beats interaction. Any color combo that can't access every archetype is missing a piece of the game; Magic wasn't originally designed to be played this way
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combo beats all of them so overwhelmingly that it's pretty much the only archetype that matters in commander
>quick damage to face and low to the ground creatures
>hand ripping and hand knowledge on target opponent
when those are your main gameplans, adding 2x hp and 3x opponents make all of your cards much worse
you are pretending like the most successful decks aren't just control with a combo kill when they are sure no one can do anything else/they can protect their win.
my combo is 1 fatty and 1 sorcery which turns it into lethal fatty until end of turn.
>b-b-but interaction
I counter it.
>b-b-but if 3 players interact-
then I play my second combo: 1 more fatty and 1 more sorcery which turns it into lethal fatty. it's the best combo and pretty much unbeatable.
Clavileno might be what you are looking for
Got the Stella 'Quick Draw' Precon. Upgraded it with some tutors and a Twisted Fealty.
Was able to get some infinite loops off last night and people got booty blasted.
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play modular decks. arcbound condor just came out and is a pretty spicy addition i will have to add to all 4 of my modular decks.
Shit you just articulated why I like Clavileno so much. He encourages aggression with an aggressive combat payoff but an artistocrats method.
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What's a burn commander or strategy that isn't weak without the commander & can keep up with the current higher power meta?
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maybe try wort? just ramp out hard to burn everyone with massive aoes and dmg multipliers and if your commander sticks just double up on those burn spells
>tutors and infinites
Yeah great "deck" you "made" there. Was solitaire too difficult for you or something?
omega cringe
The best decks are midrange piles that are capable of both turbo wins and grinding, and are capable of winning at instant speed on top of enemy win attempts
It this the mtg equivalent of Achilles?
>midrange with a potential on-the-stack combo win
>"combo deck"
Built her in the past could never get her to feel right. Could give it another go.
Let me guess: It's "only slightly upgraded"
I don't think we ever really got a Hercules, though, did we?
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Not a legendary one.
I guess you could argue Elspeth and Gideon both fulfilled a Hercules-esque role at some point (Elspeth in OG Theros, Gideon in his Origins story), what with the tasked labours.
It's a precon anon I don't think he claimed to make anything! Try not being a child next time ^.^
I'd rather play against Nadu than Stella desu. Two card combo with commander to insta win unless there is a counter is pretty bullshit.
If someone plays Stella then I will ignore everyone at the table to kill them. Doesn't matter if they're stuck on 1 land for 4 turns. Don't bring your "HEHE LOOKS LIKE I WIN IF YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE COUNTERSPELLS HEHE" commander to the table. I'd ban the cunt if I could.
Was that fun for you to type out? Did it bring your soul joy? This fucking general and it's addiction to just sitting around bitching is absurd
heyyyy its emoji-anon back to farm some sweet (you)s. too bad I didnt correctly quote the post!
Kind of implies you're afraid he'd reply and you're hoping he misses the post.
nah he's an attention whore
And you gave him attention...Ok.
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>Was that fun for you to type out? Did it bring your soul joy?
Anyone built the new Ashling? Tips/thoughts on her?
My thoughts are that she's cool. I'm curious with a low instant sorcery curve if she could rack up around 6 extra mana through a turn cycle
As the worst player in my pod with the cheapest decks and the least desire to spend money on upgrades, how do I have fun?
play cards that disrupt everyone else's fun
blood moon, price of progress, burning inquiry
cause chaos
Add cheap niche instants that make your deck more responsive or interactive
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Shit forgot my example card I wanted to show
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build horny decks. nothing but horny decks.
>tfw you will never be able to gnosh on fat vampire ass
How do I get better at building a deck with "bottoms up" mindset? I'm used to building a deck that centers around the commander and when it's removed I just durdle.
the fun lies in brewing a deck according to your budget and standards.
or by printing proxies.
build around a theme which your commander slots into. these are by definition broader archetypes like counters or sacrifice
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it's 4BB to reanimate a single creature, no death trigger also sucks
Tokens go wide. Add the fact Rigo has inbuilt totem armor means he's harder to kill.
sir, it's pronounced "nigger"
>Another spellslinger deck
If they wanted to actually do something interesting with Spellslinger, they'd make something that scales based on the CMC of the spell you are casting, instead of once again catering to super low to the ground cantrip shit with an X spell payoff. Something like like pic related is a perfect example of what I mean.

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