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Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>93158349

Thread Theme: Good Damn Heroes
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Hey guys I am doing a diesel punk setting in DND (yaya, it what my normie friends do). Anyways it has knights on motorcycles, often in the desert, and in arid settings. You guys got anything?

Water and gas are also big mechanics.
Why does the castle looks like a metropolitan skyline?
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The kids died on the rollercoaster...they never left the real world....
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Looking for a specific image with only some very vague details to go off. It's a multi-pose of a cute colorful alien snail/slug thing possibly with some cat-like features, humanoid, robed and possibly bandaged.
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No, they made it after all:
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They've come to snuff the rooster but you know he ain't gonna die.
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got any more HQ art of buriedbornes?
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I grabbed all these off a dude on Pixiv, Javadry. I assumed it was all Wizardry fanart.
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More barefoot girls, pls.
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Looking for art of gaudy, multicolored, trinket-decked out adventurer types. Something like this, but perhaps with more miscellaneous items/packs/goods/ Vaguely oriental potentially? Something like Papageno in the Magic Flute, if you catch my drift.
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Bald with fat mullet dreadlocks is definitely a look.
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Does anyone have interesting/uncommon art for ogryn boneheads?

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