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el duende Edition

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>Thread Question
have you ever played in a cross-splat game? if so how did it go?
>that picture
Yes Vampire/werewolf game set in Chicago (I think it was 2e supplement red moon or something that related with woof siege of Chicago. I didn't like because there was way too much work for st to jump between books regarding different rules/gifts, also npc power scales was quite weird as some npc were insanely powerful & others (mostly vampires) were a joke (st later explained that he tried to play around varying levels of power by just portraying elders and important npc as boss fight while other were more sidelined to smooth over combat & book juggling. I agree with him
>Non TQ
Which CofD splat is most badass to you, not from mechanical point or power level but as theme or how they're portrayed in books
>have you ever played in a cross-splat game?
Yes, many times.
>if so how did it go?
When it was just PC being one splat and NPC being others, it's pretty fine.
When each PC is from a different splat, it's also pretty fine 'cause all games I played nobody wanted to backstabbed each other and played on their own lane.
>Which CofD splat is most badass to you as theme or how they're portrayed in books
Mage, Mummy and Werewolf.
Only now I noticed that the 5 core beast families are a copy of Requiem clan.

But the Ugallu stopped being the primal splat in the finished book.
I liked the way Sin-Eaters were portrayed in Mortal Remains, made them look really cool and spooky.
They are pretty badass compared to regular humans and powerful warriors with no powers tangle with supernatural, it is always awesome (like Conan the barbarian) I also like how they gave "dark secret" angle for every compact and conspiracy
I liked how they gave this 'escapee' from alien hostile realm, you can hide, but arcadia is always encroaching and you always have to look around your shoulders
Same vibe as changeling but more adaptable
Okay but the dark secrets are fucking stupid.
"The conspiracies are all compromised and infiltrated and working for monsters, unless they're just evil or jealous of the monsters" stops being a twist after a while.
Yes they are but I like them as you can use them for campaign hooks and can ignore otherwise. And while they're dumb I like that they tie specific conspiracies to specific groups (valkyrie with vampires, eagis Kai doru with mages and werewolves) giving me easy suggestion what conspiracy to with whom
Also regarding 'compacts and conspiracies are compromised/are used by/don't know what they're doing" holdover from wod where arcanum is being used as recruiting ground for house of hermes/tremere, project twilight was infiltrated to the gills by every faction & society of leopold was also infiltrated by werewolves/choir mages but didn't had as great influence due to orders coming from pope directly, etc
It went full circle
Wod orgs are compromised to show how incompetent are mere mortals>HtV compacts and conspiracies are compromised as holdover from wod>H5 orgs are compromised as holdover from HtV 1e
Around gnomes, watch yourselves…
My friend the DM really wanted to have a Solar Exalted in a session but I'm extremely worried because the way he talks about them makes it seems like they are God almighty that disrupt entire splash and doesn't fit at all or he is wanking. Neither is good
Aren't solar exalted basically DBZ super saiyans on steroids?
I'm always gonna have a preference for normie humans tangling with the supernatural and relying on tech and guile to compensate for the uphill battle
Best post on today's internets, sadly.
ExVsWoD ones are built around elder play.

But they are too mp reliant.
crazy how the void engineers prolly send fucking death squads after gnomes
No, not really. None of them are blowing up planets or whatever.

They're more like sword and sorcery demigods with wire-fu.

Like they can do a spell to blow the doors in a castle off their hinges, or swing a sword and a beam of light comes out of it, a la the master sword, but they don't normally have like, superman flight or sustained ftl speeds or whatever.

It's more like if Hercules learned kung fu from The White Eyebrow and used it to kill you with a buster sword.
They canonically possessed the power to say "nuh uh you don't" to any action that ever happened in the story even overruling the story teller. Which makes it annoying whenever fans of Exalted try to a crossover with other settings i.e. "my setting absolute rule overruled your settings rules"
Why wouldn't they?
If you are using ExWod they are manageable for the most part.
Around gnomes, lock your homes
>Why wouldn't they?
it's just that it really speaks of the commitment the Technocrats have towards creating a word deprived of all whimsy, only boring soul crushing banality will remain.

I hope y'all are listening to this.

How much can you dable in demonology as an Hermetic without being labeled an Infernalist?
>How much can you dable in demonology as an Hermetic without being labeled an Infernalist?
You can get molested by them an no one will bat an eye.
despite what the fae might believe they are not necessary for humanity's hope and art. Afterall the Technocrat's creations inspired enough imagination and expectation for the future they attracted the fae back to earth.
They feel like it is their responsibility to exterminate the monsters they attracted with whatever tools they have available.
Changelings can get Glamour from science, the Resurgence is the proof. Especially in the case of Nockers. Technocrats are still extremely Banal, don't get me wrong, but more due to their raging xenophobia at anything that doesn't fits in their vision of order.
yeah the ctd storyteller book specifies this: a mage's banality not about technomagic or science it's about if a mage's paragrim includes fairies as something that(should) exists or not
Why taskforce valkyrie is so nerfed in 2e? In 1e they had science bullets that deal aggravated damage to anything. In HtV 2e they have few granades, lightning gun and few visors, where's renewable science bullets?
Also, does any HtV 2e conspiracy have tools to deal with mages RAW? Seems endowments lost a lot of oomfp regarding other splats/cross play they had.
>Use e1 stuff
I know that 1e had a lot of stuff, I'm asking regarding 2e
>Why taskforce valkyrie is so nerfed in 2e?
I guess they wanted the others conspiracies to be more prominent and because those were less poweful everyone else got a nerf.
>Etherite Mage
>Glass Walker Kinfolk
>Labmate with a Nocker and a Glass Walker
How quickly do things get out of hand?
What universal merits do I need to make a competent businessman? and what should I look for when adding a template to it?
Depends. Which game?
If WoD pre-V5, there's a literal Merit which you own a company.
>Which game?
I don't see it. I can give a general guess about how you'd line them up, but it feels like a stretch.
Aggravated damage is far rarer in 2e from what I've seen.
There’s a very fine line for the Hermetics, actually.
>You realize you are THEIR Master and they submit to YOUR will alone
Classic Hermetic
>Do you debase yourself and actually worship (I just vomited a little in my mouth) them?
Status, Allies, Contacts, Time Management, Resources are a good way to begin things.
nta like the other anon said forcing a spirit to do what you went is a-okay regardless of it is a "demon" or not... for the hermetics as the other tradition might still throw a fit and then it becomes a game of cross tradition politics and then it depends on how strong each tradtion is in the area, if you are worth defending etc etc
I give it till the Glass Walker has a “Garou moment”. So around lunch.
There is a repeat of archetypes in the NWoD subsplats, stuff like their humor or field of expertise.

The archetypes of the Beast's splats are harder to see because of how combat/violence focused the families are.

Bossy guys = Anakin/Ventrue.
Sanguine socialite = Daeva/Makara.
Shadowy/stealth guys = Eshmaki/Mekhet.
Disgusting/creepy guy = Namtaru/Nosferatu
Primal guys = Gangrel/Ugallu.

Ugallu became more of an "investigator" in the final version.
>Primal guys = Gangrel/Ugallu.
>Ugallu became more of an "investigator" in the final version.
They're Beckett.
>WoD fans: Cringe edgelords who think edge=well-written or the most faggoty LARPers who take themselves too seriously
>CofD fans: Insufferable and obnoxious bitches with inferiority complexes who get off powerwanking
Why does it have to be this way?
You forgot Staff and Retainer. Staff are a faceless crowd who can do auto-one success tasks, and each dot is a different skill. Retainers are a named NPC who gets a dice pool based on number of dots.
>Why does it have to be this way?
because this is the type of people the fan bases retain.
This reminds me of how much I love Home Safety Hotline.
Take a wild guess.
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Yeah, there is a repetition amongst game lines, which makes sense because there's only so many ways you can make coherent groupings like that. I would have guessed right now what you would say, but I also feel it's a bit too reductive. For example, I feel like being big and strong is too tied into what an Anakim is, and they have an amazing information gathering power in Mimir's Wisdom. They're big in every sense of the word, including big brained. If they were a vampire Clan, I'd actually peg their Disciplines as Vigor/Auspex/Dominate (probably not a legal spread, but still). As another example, Eshmaki dwell in shadows, but the Mekhet had information gathering as a major theme, which is more of an Anakim/Ugallu thing.
I dont believe any of this
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>nothing is going in france outside of paris and both germany and england are full
might be because i work IT in germany and that business has a certain reputation when it comes to these creatures, but i can totally see that.... i have meet so many degenerates since i moved there
>For example, I feel like being big and strong is too tied into what an Anakim is, and they have an amazing information gathering power in Mimir's Wisdom. They're big in every sense of the word, including big brained
Yes, but this giants is because they are based on dominate. I.e lord over others.
I don't know if it still is in the final book, but they were described most commonly having the hunger for power.

>Eshmaki dwell in shadows, but the Mekhet had information gathering as a major theme, which is more of an Anakim/Ugallu thing.
Yes, they are more mono dimensional than the mekhet

Ugallu originally didn't have eye of heaven, they had one atavism to control animals.
And their birthright was to jump really high, it was folded in the reworked "storm lashed"
>Read Awakening’s lore
This is fucking garbage.
It happens with the best of us.
what did you expect?
question about CofD
you can only dodge once, right?
Only once per turn because it is a instant action.
I don't remember if dodging removed your defense against other attacks.
>You: a whiny faggot
Not so shrimple now is it?
Feeling called out?
I understand that a certain level of mental illness is required to accel in IT, but Really?!?
yeah we have 3 known furries and i have heard of 2 in closest furries in a 34 people logistic company, it's insane i tell you
>Yes, but this giants is because they are based on dominate. I.e lord over others.
>I don't know if it still is in the final book, but they were described most commonly having the hunger for power.
Yep, but one is domination through the right to rule, while the other is domination through force majeure. There is definitely overlap, but I wouldn't say it's to any larger degree than many other splats.

>Yes, they are more mono dimensional than the mekhet
I feel like it's oversimplifying things to help make the parallel stronger than it is. While there is overlap, Mekhet are associated with shadows not just do to being hidden, but also lacking in presence. Eshamki are more like ambush predators. I'd say there's more overlap between Darkling changelings and Mekhet. I'd compare Eshmaki more to Irraka from Forsaken.
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Okay for a white supremacist group who gets tangled up in vampire shit do you prefer
>Blue Eyed Devils
>Sons of Thor
Trying to figure if I should lean on MUH NORDIC or MUH NAZIS.
Wait, Germany develops furries, Japan develops anime... is something going on in Italy?
Sons of Thor sounds really generic.
Sons of Thor makes more sense, if generic. It seems weird for a supremanist group to call themselves devils. What's the location? That could help?
Eshmaki also does the lack of presence, but like you said, the difference is that beasts are more focused on violence than vampires.
A mekhet can also do what the eshmaki do, but a eshmaki can only be a stalker, because of this I called them more mono-dimensional.

The families philosophical divides are mostly on how they inflict violence.

Anakim = overwhelming violence.
Namtaru = war of attrition.
Makara = lure to a trap.
Ugallu = precise strikes.
Eshmaki = ambush.
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True, Watchdogs of Woden/Odin's, Fenrir's Wolves, it was the first thing I thought of that sounded like a white power group. I'll be frank, I'm not much of a Nordic lore guy.
Apparently it is a thing?
Aside it sounded cool lmao and that took first and foremost thought on my mind. As for setting, homebrew city. East Coast Costal Southern Area. Was considering Port Fortuna/Cape Fortune as a name.
I like Blue Eyed Devils best. Sons of Thor is a bit generic.
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*Odin's Eye
Mostly was inspired by Max Payne more than anything to add some shit here and there. Figured I could read some of the fun Norse Mythology like when Thor turns into a woman or Loki fucks a horse/is a horse(?) and draw from there
Another vote for Blue Eyed Devils. Totally putting them in knock off klan masks too if I lean on Blue Eyed Devils.
house goratrix are kinda weird if you go by dav20 france by night, they do vinculum during the dark ages despite all being on the path of the devil which is all about just existing for yourself
Maybe on Planet Retard
This is getting hot. Kiss already.
>Which CofD splat is most badass to you, not from mechanical point or power level but as theme or how they're portrayed in books
Werewolves. They live a brutal and often short life, but they live with purpose, even when it may not align with their personal desires, and I respect that.
Do Pentex and the Technocracy ever work together?
Special Projects Division?
IIRC there is a story line about bane clones or something about eugenics project.
yeah the Special Projects Division of the syndicate founded pentex and now the syndicate wants to cover that up because they don't really want to explain to the other conventions why a large part of the western econnomy is run by (what they see as) nephanti
Okay, this was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Anon!
>Pentex and the Technocracy were always one and the same
That's actually kinda fucking based. I'm still a noob to most of the lore so shit like this is cool as fuck when these connections just click lol.
Fallen Demons.

Origin story: created by God to run the world.

Powers: transformation into a custom true form, like Kuei-jin Demon Shintai.

Conflict: fought God.

Hardship: went to prison for thousands of years.

Enemies: each other, plus they will probably fight God again if they can find him.

Relatability: they're also all simultaneously regular people.
Madagascar be like
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>is something going on in Italy?
Furries is just a perverse corruption in modern times from a latent capacity within Europeans concerning animism and other Pagan sensibilities. With Christianity declining and the modern spiritual emptiness in general, the European man trashes for any meaning, any meaning at all, and is grossling reverting.
This is me for a solid half of all oWoD and nWoD splats.
Vampire earlier on tried its hardest to not have lore.
Werewolf was lost in the transition, the conlang doesn't help.
Hunter is OK if you ignore the dirty secrets.
Lost was pretty strong.
Prometheans lore is too personal.
Regardless of the edition, Geist is a mess.
Mummy deliberately has a really high floor to understand it.
Demon is love it or hate it.
Beast was gypsies 2.
Deviant is custom made.
do you think italians have to roll self control when pic related happens?
Why wouldn't they?
Are women allowed in the Celestial Chorus’ Knight Templars?
Probably not but I wouldn't bar a female PC from being part of it.
Why can’t the ahl-i-batin learn entropy?
Self-imposed ban/Diametrically opposed to their paradigm
Entropy is essentially the decaying of a system, while the Ahl-i-batin believe everything has a connection to each other that cannot and will never fade away. I know the fortune aspect of Entropy, but that concerns manipulating probabilities, and essentially admitting the connections can theoretically be broken, a fact the Ahl-i-batin CANNOT accept.
All of the games me and my mates are currently running are cross-splat. They are also set in the same universe, and PCs/NPCs from one game often appear in other ones. We are playing three VTM (with VTR rules) games and one MTAw game.
Our VTM games often feature elements from Werewolf and MTAw. One of our PCs in the late 19th century-21st century VTM game is actually a Werewolf himself. We are playing as the Black Hand and we managed to form an alliance with the Werewolves against the Cammies.
Our MTAw game, in the other hand, borrows heavily from Demon: The Descent. An Unchained is one of the key NPCs and the God-Machine and its Angels are a major faction (could be either antagonistic or friendly, but we ended up allying them).
Anyway, that's mostly it. Could talk about it some more if anyone's interested.
Picrel is my character in the aforementioned Black Hand game. He's an Old Clan Tzimisce koldun who is heads over heels with all the marvels of human technology like electricity, cars and flush toilets.
Who are the PCs in the MtAw game?
Lurking, because i have got no reason to post anything :3
Unless you want to hear/read about me cursing myself for not having stocks in rheinmetall when theyxwhere ~€50 (they are over €500 now)
There's the gun that shits yourself and makes it so the victims can't do anything as long as the effect affects them.
The main reason why there are more Cgangelings and Glamour than ever since the start of Dark Ages? The Moon Landing, you can thank Void Engineers for that.
More like, The Syndicite of the Technocracy fucked up and continues to fuck it all up by covering up and pretending it never happened. To the point that outside of very specific higher ups in the Syndicite, no one realizes that one of their projects went rogue.
There was in 1e, in2e there is no such gun in advanced armory
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My PC is a Free Council Mastigos Sphinx. His main arcanas are Fate and Mind. He's the scion of a dynasty of media moguls who also happen to be deeply entangled in a fucked up web of curses, betrayals and fateful (literally) endings. His grandmother is a Beast and both his mother and daughter are mages. They are basically descendants of the Dethroned Queen and play a major role in a prophecised ritual to re-enact her Ascension and stop the Gate and end the Abyss. Things got kinda complicated, though, when a Supernal being who was bound by the Dethroned Queen but hated her fucking guts decided to engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery. So, one day, she decided to lure the grown up version of his daughter inside the Atlantean ruins in which she was bound and cast some kind of fucked up curse through the use of Fate. The nature and inner working of the curse are still a mystery (I'm supposed to figure out the details and finally solve it by the end of the game), but, in a nutshell, it caused the daughter: 1) to be thrown back in time once she Awakens (she does so at 11 years of age); 2) to land at some point in the past just after the birth of her father/my PC; 3) to grow up under the tutelage of an older version of my PC (who, in turn, projected himself back in time in order to teach her); 4) to become my PC's tutor introduce him into her legacy as a Sphinx; 5) to be betrayed by her own grandmother (who did not know she was her granddaughter), a former Sleepwalker-turned-Seer of the Throne; 6) to curse her grandmother with an advanced Fate spell that causes great misfortune to befall anyone who gets too close to her (that ended up turning her grandfather into some kind of fucked up monster that lives in constant pain); 7) her father to grow up basically an orphan since his parents just disappeared (he was raised by his grandfather, who was mostly a verbally abusive tyrant, and his aunt, who was the closest thing he got to a mother figure).
Picrel is my PC.
And? Especialy for hunter the 1e vs 2e thing is trivial to solve
>>93250484 (cont.)
The other PCs were: 1) a cop who worked undercoved in Narcotics and awakened as a Thyrsus who got into the Guardians of the Veil (his legacy is fucking Tremere lich, but it was done in a way he can work with the rest of the party and isn't an evil soulless bastard); 2) the state governor who got impeached when he awakened and refused to join the Seers (he's an Obrimos who joined the Silver Ladder and had the Illumined Path as a legacy); 3) a former astronaut who had a generic sob story about his mom having cancer and having to come back home in order to look after her (he was also a Thyrsus, joined the Adamantine Arrow and was a Tellurian); 4) an ex-military engineer who founded a startup for next generation prosthetics (Moros, also joined the Free Council and picked up Austere as legacy).
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so I've been reading some of the lore of the Sabbat (and their upper management clans lasombra and tzimisce), can anyone explain to me why atleast in V20 the Sabbat aren't winning the war against the camarilla and i guess the ashirra if you want to expand to v5

>sure the average sabbat pack is disorganized and they are prone to having fits of monomacy but the upper ranks of the sabbat seems to be more organized with an actual military force in the black hand, and an internal police in the inquisition to purge dissent, and potential baali infiltration, or at the very least make it that only the competent ones survive.

>clan lasombra has holdings in iberia, and most of latin america with mexico city as its capital, any games set in the 90s should have them primed to take advantage of the border crisis in the southwest US, where they can apply pressure and take places like nevada, arizona, new mexico and texas, on top of the other cities they are fighting for in the northeast

>the tzimisce have holdings in eastern europe, and have access to a flesh-crafting discipline that is supposed to give them a warform that is supposed to make them go toe to toe with the garou

>a plurality of antitribu of all clans that has surface level rhetoric that appeals to younger kindred who are sick of elders lording over them (ignore the aforementioned clans and their elders commanding things from behind the curtains)

and its not like their end goal is to take over the world or some shit, like the technocracy, if you just limit their goal to hunting down and eradicating all elders from rival clans and find any sleeping 3rd gen vampire (who more then likely are sleeping in a 3rd world nation or Europe), they should be succeeding at that, but I see no indication of this, so what gives?

Are the lasombra/tzimisce management that incompetent?
Oh and almost forgot that clan lasombra is supposed to have some deep influence in the catholic church which historically should be a huge boon if they can have some ghouls whisper into the ears of the pope to excommunicate some lord who is under the thumb of a ventrue (until they make protestants to counteract that)
The OOC reason is that the Sabbat are the antagonists so they're never going to win against the Camarilla/Anarchs, and also the story is focused heavily in North America. In lore the reason is mostly that the Sabbat are incompetent and fight against themselves and neglecting influence among mortals and the independent clans. Basically the Sabbat are better fighters but the Camarilla have much better intelligence networks.
Yes, they really are that incompetent. What you aren't seeing here is

>The three or more civil wars they have fought among themselves rather than fight the Camarilla.
>The fact that no geographic region is monolith, there are plenty of Camarilla vampires in Iberia and Eastern Europe as well. Hell even the stronghold of Mexico has a Camarilla city in Veracruz and the Cammies came dangerously close to Mexico City during the 1800s IIRC
>Zulo is shit, the lore is lying when they say it's on par with a werewolf. Vic as a whole is way weaker in practice than in lore.
>Despite having a strong command structure on paper, it sucks in practice. Wrangling packs is a pain in the ass what with all the contradictory factions within the Sabbat, to say nothing of how many of their numbers are Nomads who are hard to contact, let alone direct.
>By far the biggest is that the Sabbat, due to its anti-masquerade and anti-mortal stances severely underutilizes mortal institutions within their territories. Not to say they don't use them, just that they use them less and less efficiently than Camarilla opponents.
>Oh, and they actually don't care about finding Antediluvians. They say that shit but then engage in dumb political and territorial fights with the Camarilla.
>When a Boggan finally runs out of patience

Unrelated, but is there any offical material that states that there's Nephandi on the Pentex board? Some Nephandi worship the Wyrm, and Pentex already has a Malkavian antitribu on the board.
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What would be some good sources of inspiration and reference for how each of the splats would act as super heroes?
I had this idea of a Nosferatu larping as The Shadow™ and wondered if this concept could be expanded further.
Yes. Played as a Arun Child of Gaia with father issues (who was a Git of Fenris) and was recruited along with a few people to chase down some problem I can't remember. The memorable part was going into a special casino and wound up hooking up with a Fey chick and running around town Lady Godiva style before waking up in Crynos form back in our hideout.
for Werewolves it's hard to tell where the heroism ends and the serial mass murder begins, very punisher-esque
Ditto for hunter.
I'd say you could use someone like Moon Knight as a basis for werewolves at least (I cna't speak about Changelings, but it feels like they may work too). Everything makes sense to him and the chosen course of action is obviously required, even if he can't entirely explain or communicate it to others. And the way they've chosen is violence.
Blue Eyed Devils. Even more because there's a fucking Lasombra Methuselah called "Blue Eyes".
You just invented reckoning hunters
CofD Demon is a mess and it's crazy they made half a dozen books for it. Had some neat ideas but the God-Machine, the Demon concept, and the espionage theme don't go together.
From the Technocracy's perspective, an unintended consequence, and not one they want.
The camarilla has more clans with Celerity.
I guess this is a clear sign I should ST a MtAw game again...
Be real with me, are Lasombra in terms of pure gameplay that strong in oWoD? looking at their abilites in Revised and it seems they only get really scary at dots 4-5. Which throws me off because the mental image that was created for me through hearing about them and listening to people talk about them is these OP monsters teleporting through shadows, being combat beasts with loads of blade tendrils whipping everywhere, throwing people into pocket dimesions of shadow etc. Am I looking at them wrong?
Those are the elder powers.

knights of solomon probably not, but despite having been larping as a craft these guys are just one of several knight orders in the chorus and the Resolute Knights of St. George for example allowed women since the 19th century as knights and as support casters since the 14th century
I couldn't disagree more.
Yeah, two of the concepts together would have worked but with all three it just turns into the Matrix with a bunch of terminology stapled on (in CofD? I never).
With the exception of Geist, all lines gained a half dozen of books.

But starting with Mummy, they were financed through kickstarters.
Are there any equipment bonus caps based on materials or ages?

People liked the God-Machine when it was a throwaway schizo theory in the corebook because its radical refocus on something completely new was fun, but it doesn't really expand into a setting-wide splat basis well (especially in past settings where machines are totally out of context; at least in our time God-Machine intrusions have a nice plausible deniability that makes them a bit spookier; "is this supernatural or just an old boiler room?"), and it doesn't have any of the easy depth that Fallen did, where your character's demon half ties nicely into familiar ideas about the creation of the world and the potential for both good & evil.

Espionage is rooted in the conflict of nations; that gives it context, wider stakes, and an element of betrayal for being done secretly in the name of ordinary people but perhaps against their wishes if they knew. It's also plausible, real-world stuff, which helps make it scary. You really could get injected with a deadly chemical by a Soviet agent. God-Machine factions doing espionage against each other feels bloodless and rootless by comparison.

Fallen could put demons in human bodies because of the centrality of the human soul to the Christian mythos. Of course there's an angel & a demon warring in every heart. It's a small step from there to say the angel & the demon are the same entity, who has been both, & is in conflict with itself — a conflict that will now be informed by the life of a regular person. Descent demons don't have that connection to what it means to be human; they have practical reasons to maintain secret identities, but not a spiritual reason to seek wisdom or humility in humanity like the Fallen do. Humans don't know bout my God-Machine.

All this is informed by my dim recollection of the game, which I hardly think about (had to look up the subtitle to make sure I got it right). Could be wrong & would be interested to hear your counterpoints. Did anybody ever do a good Descent actual play?
Had the idea of a Celestial Chorister who works his magic through heavy metal music. Like, full-on symphonic power metal with prayers sneaked in the lyrics, all clad in angelic imagery. Probably specializes mainly in the Forces Sphere, supported by Prime and Mind. Would someone like that be accepted in the Celestial Chorus?

Other idea while writing this: a Changeling power metal band who use their adventures in the Dreaming as inspiration and live off the Glamour they get from their fans.
Speaking of terminology, Deviant using "Standard Deviations" for power modifiers that have nothing to do with the concept of a standard deviation annoyed me. They also leaned on a medical and Darwinian vocabulary but it's generally misapplied (and Deviants are not explained by mundane evolution). I feel like a midwit talking about this game because I have to abuse so many smarty-pants words.
I'm not familiar with it, but sweet.

I love DtD but I couldn't tell you how I'd run a game of it. It feels like it's only meant for one player because there's so much focus on living multiple fleshed-out lives through the cover system (if you do it right at least and they're not all useless). I don't know how you'd fit multiple players into such an arrangement.
Does anyone know where I can find the Street Fighter RPG?
>Would someone like that be accepted in the Celestial Chorus?
the cloisters have a flat out warhammer mechanicum faction called the Alexandrian Society so why would heavy metal be too much?
Oh, and another episode of Alfabusa's MtAs series is dropping in 6 hours
If it isn't in the OP megas check the share thread archives.
in the Mega II
Deviations exist on Variations and Scars as ways they might be expressed differently but they are unique to the thing in question. There are a set of Deviations that apply to a wider range of Scars. They are Deviations that are, literally, standard. So they're Standard Deviants. Which is the same name as, yet entirely unrelated to, standard deviations. It's a pun anon.
The Matrix only applies to DtD in that The Matrix is a resistance movie and there are programmed enemies. It's got very little to do with the matrix part of The Matrix. Because there isn't anything even close to the matrix in DtD. The closest it gets is time loops.
>are Lasombra in terms of pure gameplay that strong in oWoD?
Speaking from V20

Obtenebration 2 lets you blind everyone else (+2 difficulty to all combat rolls, -2 to soak) for free

Obtenebration 3 spawns 1 tentacle per success that uses your Physical Attributes + Disciplines, for 1 blood point

Obtenebration 5 lets you become physically invulnerable and sprout those tentacles from yourself
I mean, what's to counter? You don't like a thing and are welcome to your opinion on it. I think you're definitely misrepresentimg some stuff there but I don't think there is much to be said about it. If you don't care about emerging consciousness or anything like that then, yeah, why would a Demon care about experiencing humanity? IDK maybe I'll reply in full when I have more time on my hands but it's not like it matters who likes what.
Oh shit? I was gonna have a BBEG who was involved with some Sabbat/True Black Hand/Camarila fuckery was gonna be at play. Having a Lasombra as the antagonist during the intital gang war shit sounds smart.
Okay so lemme go in depth at my idea and see if you guys like it
Gangs of the area
>Romero Street OGs
>Los Aztecas
>Blue Eyed Devils
>loosely affilated Giovanni Mafia
Are dealing with a new gang in the area
The Crimson Kings. Crimson Kings are hooked on vampire blood which is hitting the streets and poaching the other gangs members. The Mafia doesn't really give a rats fuck because they're mostly associates with a wise guy here or there but the OGs and Aztecs are sweating because these dudes can get up from being being blown away or rip off a dude's head with their bare hands. Shadows act weird around them and they're able to recruit people with ease. They're under a Lambrosa who's trying to build up a mass of ghoul foot soldiers to roll vampires in the city. Coitere is sent in to take out the Crimson Kings before they really become an issue. Idea is either they can direct assault the Kings or work with
>Blue Eyed Devils
To take them out or bring the gangs together. Blue Eyed Devils would be the hardest to sell given they're you know white supremacists so it take like a really fucking good social role or a lot of bullshit to get them to work with non whites.
>emerging consciousness
But a Descent's consciousness is already emerged enough for it to be its own distinct character, independent of its cover identities. How much consciousness is left to emerge?

>it's not like it matters who likes what.
If there's something for me to like in there, I want to like it.
The omnipresence of the Angels and Agents is definitely a parallel, though you could make the case that that's standard for an espionage game.
NTA but couldn't you just read it?
I did, but my own impression of it was negative overall.
Where and how do i unsubscribe from your blog?
Then surely you know there isn't anything you really like in it then and even if there are bits it won't make up for the rest?
Maybe someone else has a different perspective that will change my mind.
honestly I don't get what people find so hard about casting magick in mage, like are people just incapable of reading the rules? dicepool is just arete and all the difficulty modifiers and amount of successes needed are described on 2 pages where the information is laid out in a clear manner.

literally the only thing that might be hard is the whole paradigm thing but honestly the ST should decide if something fits into your paradigm or not
from my experiance it's not that dice pools are the problem but that people on the table argue over what you can do with what combos of spheres mostly of because of the divide of cause and effect based schools of thoughts in players when it comes to determining the spheres needed
What parts did you dislike specifically?
Any good advice on finding a decent group to play with?
My go to group doesn't want to play any WoD because they've had too many bad experiences with it in the past (and fair I guess I have had a few too) and looking for groups already feels like a goddamned minefield sometimes.
I get that I'm inevitably signing up for some edge, I just want to dodge the Maximum-Overedge that's out there.
>Any good advice on finding a decent group to play with?
trial and error is the only way I know how to gather a decent group.
NTA but there were three major changes from Ascension that put people off.

1. The whole Sleeper belief Paradigm thing was a really elegant way of limiting magic, tying magic into the real world, and creating a long-term central conflict among the factions. Awakening doesn't have anything like it.

2. The factions in Ascension mostly had good grounding in existing folklore. Awakening didn't.

3. Where Ascension was a sprawling selection of worldviews and situations even before considering crossovers, Awakening presented a unified Atlantis idea and it felt limiting, artificial, and shallow.
I read somewhere that 2e fixed a lot of lore\setting related issues
>white supremacists so it take like a really fucking good social role or a lot of bullshit to get them to work with non whites.
White supremacists are notoriously pragmatic, especially in the USA. Aryan Nation was training Arab Muslim terrorists. You'd realistically have a harder time convincing the (presumed) Black OGs to work the BEDs, or the Mexicans to work with the Blacks.
See, this is why you get feedback. I never fucking heard of this before lmao. Noted.
i know vampires becoming a fomori is a thing (even if the books can't seem to agree on some specifics) but can you embrace a fomori? or does the bane fuck off upon death?
Spheres are clearly for effects and not the cause, it's why Dreamspeakers don't need Spirit for everything as an example
I'm that (You) and despite its problems I still prefer Awakening, but the catch — and this is common in CofD — is that setting that matters is local and particular and it gets established in your own game.

2e still has trouble presenting the game in an engaging way. For example, read the 2e core sections on the Orders. They're not very good; they don't focus on player options, mechanical impact, or practical political structure. That stuff exists but a lot of it is in 1e.
building on what I wrote in >>93253853 Paradigm, focus, etc is cause and the spheres are the effects
you don't need to tell me that, but the white wolf rpg reddit got threads banned because people couldn't agree if you needed mind if you change electrons inside of a persons brain...

and i personally had to sit through 2 hours of discussion that devolved into screaming 2 weeks ago because another player and the st couldn't decide on what spheres the player needed to switch out a wraith with a living person, as in put a wraith into a living body and pull out the living person as a wraith. So this is sadly not just a reddit problem

no idea why mage players don't read their corebook
Life, entropy, correspondence and maybe prime?
i turned out because i just didn't feel like arguing to be honest because this was meant to be a comfy-ish game but it was more about if entropy or life needed to be on 3 or 4, and if it was entropy 4 then he couldn't do it

i think the player's argument was that other splat's can do it so it shouldn't be a 4 as if that was a rule
it's just Spirit. Souls are affected by Spirit and so are ghosts. Spirit is also used for possesion. so it would be just a high level Spirit effect
I'm sure this whole conversation happened many times before, but the first one is a positive for me. From a lore standpoint at least, this whole paradigm/consensus thing is a bit annoying to me, I think magic is better if it's about unlocking the secrets of the universe, not make-believe.
Joseph Joestar?
Well, in Ascension an important secret of the universe is that collective human belief influences what's magically possible.

But in Awakening, an important secret of the universe is that everything is subject to magical alteration on a cosmic scale and very little can be known about the past with certainty.
why does everyone always forget about the high umbra?
more like the gay nerd umbra
it's just not that interesting compared to the low and middle umbra mostly because it's just mage lore while the other two have a entire game line each talking a lot about it
I was reading a lot about lucifuge how they're badass hellspawns that are confused as magic users by other hunters and they are especially good at fighting mages but after reading endowments (2e) I fail to see how would lucifuge outwizard a mage worth his salt
A mage, despite his potential, is still generally a squishy human. He can easily be killed with even minor supernatural powers if he doesn't expect it.
Yeah, I think this angle would work. I always imagined that conspiracies would hit hard and unexpected, akin to modern swat raid, so I'd imagine I'd would be few lucifuges using hells anti magic on mage while other delivers killing blow or smt (not 1 on 1)
Isn't one of Apocalypse's books all about traveling there?
there are like 3 wta umbra books even
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Huh, okay so they reached out and talked to al Queda because "we both hate jews amirite". Actually kinda funny for a racist to become more tolerant because "I wish I bombed Jew York City first"
Huh, okay so AB works with the Cartels. Something to keep in mind for the Blue Eyed Devils though apparently other white supremacists consider them not "real white supremacists". Racism power scaling.......
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HtV 2e question
As there is no more 'pet' castigation, can I use 'calling forth a pit' instead to summon faithful minion demon? As text says you can summon or banish demon but doesn't specify, so I could create minor demon template for ' minion demon'?
i saw this before this is quasi babbies first vtm advice
I've been around since 1st edition, but I gotta tell ya. I've always had a hard time finding thing that makes it go, you know? I like the setting and themes and all that, and can even tolerate the absolute loose stool water that is the mechanical system it runs on. I just have never been a part of what I would call a good Vampire game. It's always either the players' characters running around doing goofy random shit alone (because the group that I usually played with thinks the idea of a coterie is nonsensical for solitary predators) or a storyteller railroad.
Another point is that a LOT of people try to play Vampire like it's an Anne Rice simulator. That's some infuriating shit if that kind of thing isn't your jam.
i am sorry to hear that, but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
It's starting
>but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
What is? The mafia thing? Nobody has ever mentioned that to me or in my presence before, if that's what you mean.
yeah, it's like really obvious as he says in the video the camarilla laws are literaly just the mafia laws
DAV20 game just ended, was fun, Rate our coterie's final plans.

>Setite Fat Priest - Using setite sorcery and trickery, fucked his Toreador rival to death in a secret setist cult shrine through a bisexual threesome trap. Turns him into the temple's onahole.
>Tzimisce French Inventor - Creates pig/bear/man abominations named John Pork and Jim Swine, with mittens, one of which might be a female. Planning to stock up an army to wage war on the Nosferatu warrens to kill a Nosferatu idiot that failed his trap design contest.
>Toreador Vengeful Painter - Painted his sire by the seaside while his hired men robbed her mansion, he killed and diablerized her after her protection was in ruins, kills the bandits to prevent the diablerie secret from being out.
Ventrue Ambitious Nobleman - Tracked down his traitor sire to London, his sire tried to get a mutual blood bond going as insurance but our Ventrue got him with a surprise staking, and convinced the sire's gangrel bodyguard to stand down and call an elder of the cult of Mithras. The elder let him take the sire's place, joins the Cult of Mithras, and act as a double agent against the chronicle's prince of Canterbury. Was given the right to decapitate his sire and eventually claim Canterbury as his domain once Mithras returns.

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