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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
first for TI4 rocks
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Someone in the last thread recommended burncycle as an excellent stealth game, but apparently games can last up to four hours and drag on.
I'm also looking at AC: Brotherhood of Venice and at V: Sabotage. Out of the three, which is the best stealth-focused boardgame?
Have you looked at Age of Thieves?
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>>93249924 To TLDR this from the last thread does a good board-game size card sleeve exist for the weird sizes like Agricola? Or is it over?
Like them or not, Gamegenic makes pretty decent sleeves. Try buying from them I think they're continuing all the FFG sleeve lines
>best eurogame you've played recently?
My group doesn't play many euros. We have played Flamecraft the last 2 game nights and everyone has been into it. I bought it as a gateway into that style of game and am going to use it as a stepping stool into deeper stuff, so I can't complain.
>What makes it so good
It's ability to hold the interest of the ladies I play with. They can be thrown off by theme completely. However, once I can say that one game is like another we've played before, they're much more interested in giving it a go.
I like their deck boxes, but I've had a hard time finding any of their sleeve sizes in bulk beyond "TCG standard", and if you're buying TCG standard there's a million options to choose from. I'd want to be able to sleeve a good 400-ish cards, want to keep my Agricola 15 cards nice and fresh because I plan on playing that one a LOT, even if as a solitaire
I always love Hansa Teutonica, just got into El Grande and so far absolutely adore it as well. I think that one is going to be a long-time favorite of mine along with HT. I also have at least 40 plays each of Carcassone, Ticket to Ride and Catan under my belt, they aren't my absolute favorites but they are usually a good time. I'd rather play them then watch shitty TV to kill time.
Honestly, I'd take shitty TV over Catan any day. Ticket to Ride is fine, especially some of the variants like Maerklin. Carc is thick, solid, tight.
No, but it has pretty bad reviews on the gulag, what's good about it?
It gets a lot better with the expansion. It's a competitive stealth game where you're playing thieves trying to be the first one to break into a mansion and escape with the loot. You can use gadgets to interfere with the other players or make noise to draw guards towards them.
Every time I paint gloomhaven I get upset at how incredebly shitty and one note all the fucking character artwork is.
1 3rd of the characters are brown w gold, 1 3rd are just blue and dark and final third are green.
One of the biggest reasons I'll never play Too many bones is because of that, the artwork is just so fucking disgusting
JOTL was fantastic.
But playing gloomhaven full version it's more frustrations, shitty balancing and just flat out entire classes that are utter and complete unplayable dogshit in their intended form (summoner)
Oathsworn is so much better. Can't wait for fucking gloomhaven to be over.
We've been in somewhat of a consensus that early jihads are a problem in (2p) Pax Ren, and the 1550 setup only shifts the problem from islam to reformists.

I propose a setup variant that is independent of setup; after seeing the flop, each player can, if desired, in turn order, ban one card from the tableau which then gets reshuffled into the deck. Next cards only get revealed after this is done in its entirety.

Thoughts why this is stupid/should be different?
is this wargame schism really necessary? THe thread is slow enough as is at times. Plus I don't want to have two (2!) tabs open all the time.

If the intention is to reduce the ameritrash vs euro vs wargames shitposting, I think this just replaces it with "is xyz a wargame or not, not sure where to post it" followed by shitposting.
>Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/
lol, stay mad
>This has nothing to do with the shitflinging in /bgg/. This idea came from the two hex and counter threads over the last couple of weeks. It seemed like there was enough interest to justify turning board wargaming into its own general.
Sounds like the grognards came up with the idea themselves.
I don’t hate the idea. There probably is enough discussion about it to justify its own place. And besides, when people talk about hex and counter here it isn’t uncommon for people not in the know to try to redirect them someplace like /hwg/.
I don't strictly disagree, it just seems like a worse option to have 2 slow threads instead of one. Additionally I don't want the one autist to win; shitposting isn't exclusive to wargames or any other genre by any means.

But whatever. Boardgames:
>recently got Archipelago for cheap
Is there a soft rule for player count? As in: is 3 too low or 5 too hight? The gulg isn't really coherent on this, and considering the variable game length I don't know what problem long 3p or short 5p games would entail.
>Additionally I don't want the one autist to win
I’m the anon who was the OP of /bwg/, and while I get not wanting a shitposter to feel like he won something I really don’t give a rats ass about him. Don’t get me wrong, I get your perspective about /bgg/‘s discussions, and I actually agree. /bgg/ has been a perfectly fine place to discuss board wargames from time to time. But I’m not interested in only discussion. One of my objectives is to spread the gospel, as it were. I want more people on /tg/ to be aware of them, and to encourage burgeoning interest.

Board wargames are never going to be what people first think of when they see “Board Games General”, and I don’t expect them to. But maybe if they see “Board Wargames General”, maybe they’d be encouraged to ask questions they otherwise wouldn’t ask.

Who knows, maybe this little experiment will die off in a week or two and we’ll return to the status quo. But if even one person plays a wargame for the first time and has fun my mission was successful. And given that after a day and a half we have almost as many posts as /hwg/ has gotten in over 4, I feel like it’ll be a success, at least for a little bit.
Op forgot pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8
The term ’euro’ doesnt mean a whole lot anymore. It used to mean ’Games made by a German, IE a High quality game’.

But these days even Americans are releasing euros (ew)

Anyway to answer the question, Gaia Project.
Opinions on Harmonies? Saw it on sale 25% off, wanted to try it out or skom the rules but it might run out
I don't think it needs to be a hard line either. the wargame thread can exist for as long as anons are interested enough to keep it alive. if some of that discussion bleeds over here it's hardly the end of the world. and there's inevitably gonna be games that exist in a grey area.

we've had fundamentally the same relationship with /acg/ ever since that came in to being. they *mostly* focus on niche tcgs, but there's a bunch of games like summoner wars, arkham horror or netrunner that are sometimes discussed here and sometimes there.
Did both threads get deleted?
>Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
Chaos in the Old World. The hybrid approach has been a godsend for me, I enjoy elements of both genres but am not a big fan of either extremes.
What's the most universally acclaimed game on bgg?
Do you mean the gulag or /bgg/?
Assuming you mean the latter, there is no answer I could give you that would not lead to derailment. A few are well-liked by a good part of anons which is probably nearest to what you are looking for
What game would you recommend for 2-5 players for a dude that owns only forum trajanum?
The entire board is just basic bitches simping over dnd and wh40k.
The more threads that are relevant to board, the better.
Lol yeah I meant /bgg/
Ra. Never heard a mean Word about it
One perspective you can use is the /bgg/ top 9. Anons shared their top 9 games and the overlap gives some sort of consensus. It's not perfect, at best only every showed 40-50% of the posters preferences. You get the same sense following what gets concentrated discussion over the years, but you find in the list alot of neat nich mentions in the singles section at the bottom that never gain traction here.
Alright, unboxing time. I forgot to take a picture of the boxes so have this stock picture instead.
One is a game where you send young adults to do your bidding, and can injure other player's young adults.
The other one is a knizia.
Both I was tricked by /bgg/ into getting
I wish all of Gloomhaven was standees, the minis add nothing to the game and look like shit if you don't paint them.
Which is better, old edition or the reprint?
Reprint looks a bit soulless to me but I dunno, haven't actually seen it in person
Also if I had to pick one and only one auction game: Ra or Power Grid?
Fort and Ra
First is Argent
Second is Mlem
Molly House and Huang
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It's the consortium indeed.
The other one is colossal arena
Personally I just hate when /bgg/ is slow, too often I gotta wait half an hour or longer for a reply and no wargames is going to make that even worse
Silicone penises shaped like they were inspired by animal physiology and fantasy themed, for example a Dragon Dildo.
Pretty based, ngl
Does he like Forum Trajanum? If yes, which aspect does he like?
Who the fuck voted for Bloodrage?
He likes it. Mainly that it's a mix of several different mechanics. Also loves ancient Rome
I was going to suggest Keyflower but now I think Concordia might be a better choice.
>loves ancient Rome
Glory to Rome (but not the Powerpoint presentation clip-art variant with a pure black box)
Zoo Vadis (a zoo retheme and mechanical upgrade of Quo Vadis that's about roman election shenanigans)

and if you're feeling spicy, Commands and Colors Ancients
>Commands and Colors Ancients
>2-5 players
I'm glad we have 2 threads now so that there's less people like you here now.
Now that we have 4 levy and campaign games, with more on the way: for someone who's only ever played the intro session of nevsky but is curious to taste more: any recommendations?
it's a board game, this is the board game thread
your reformist schizm BS will not work here, this is jihad country
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>40 pound, $600 "Complete" Editions of Kickstarter games are now becoming the new norm
Who does this shit even appeal to. I honestly don't believe that even 10% of the games that are sold will ever be played by a full table, not even talking about all the expansions that you will find in three years still factory sealed on the market
Pretty sure those who buy this stuff play a game at most and then put the minis on display after spending weeks painting them
Dominion is my favorite game
You have to think about the economy of scale. Will these games be appealing to an average normie? No. Will you find 1000 people in the whole world who are either so enamored with the franchise or the look of the game they'll buy it? Probably. That's a successful $600k KS right there.
I pondered this one or two threads ago and I think it's because for some reason, the possibility of getting it to the table and how often is a very small criterium for most people. Publishers and especially crowdfunding fags have realized this; they sell potential fun, not cumbersome boxes. And fomofags will throw money at something that promises them good times, even if it's obscene amounts. As said before, massively bloated games with 7 boxes are sold and both the seller and the buyer know that it'll most likely never get played.

What I also do not get is who backs this stuff if they have even ONE of these fuckhuge boxes at home. I got Black Rose Wars Rebirth ( base game only) recently, and while it is a suprisingly good game, I really fucking hate the box. It's huge, cumbersome and heavy and the actual game is stored in 1/3rd of it, the rest is gay trays and miniature storage. They are cool and all, but give me a smaller box with less setup time and tokens or standees every day of the week. I can only imagine the chaos and time people who went all in and have like 3 such boxes to go through. Disgusting.
>What I also do not get is who backs this stuff if they have even ONE of these fuckhuge boxes at home
I sometimes browse the german version of craigslist and it's hilarious how some people have these fuckhuge games in their collection and if you check their other ads they have like 6-8 more. Some of them still factory sealed Kickstarter ALL-IN pledges.
If you enjoy Nevsky but don't like how swingy the event cards can be, Almoravid is worth checking out as it tunes down the power of the cards among other small QoL improvements, though this does come at the cost of being a longer game than Nevsky. Plantagenet is the other one people rave about, it's a big step up in complexity as it adds variability to the faction leaders and other mechanics, you can try it out on rally the troops.
The other anon is right. How do you know you're talking to a wargamer? Don't worry, they'll let you know. You niggers have to insert your preference into every discussion whether relevant or not. Looking for a 3-6 player casual game for a nature lover? Well, Andean Abyss had jungle in it. I, for one, am thankful for the split.
lol schizo
He's not wrong, though.
What are your favorite solo games and why? What do you look for in solo games?
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>Plantagenet is the other one people rave about, it's a big step up in complexity as it adds variability to the faction leaders and other mechanics, you can try it out on rally the troops.
I keep meaning to sign up on Rally and get some asynch games going with my friends. Thanks for the advice I think I'll go check out plantagenet.
>Solo games
That just makes me sad
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What is the deepest game with least amount of components?

and dont say Homeworlds that shit sucks ass
Mage Knight, Gears of War, Space Hulk Death Angel
I look for low win rate at first steadily increasing to high win rate (80%+), indicating a high skill ceiling, adjustable difficulty to make the game harder after you get good at it, immersion to keep me engaged with the decisions I'm making.
Of the few solo capable games I own that I've actually played alone, it came down to ease of set up or how engrossed I am regardless of player count.
Spirit Island as a system was something my group latched onto fiercely in 2018, scratching that itch to try out spirit pairings/invaders/scenarios without waiting for game night was an easy ask.
On the other end of the spectrum, I've played dozens and dozens of Sprawlopolis/Agropolis because it was fast, straightforward, while still a brain burner, and with plenty of mixing and matching of expansions to figure out my taste (it's essentially base sprawl + beaches).
If I had more time and energy, Assault on Doomrock would probably fit the bill too.
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Extremely homosexual post
>Wargamenigger has no friends to play with
No surprise here
Abstracts are sorta bonkers in that regard because unless they're broken, they're as deep as you opponent makes them. Boop! and Hey! That's my fish are very deep if you're playing with someone who has analytical mind. Same thing for a lot of card games.
Barring these two categories, I'd say For Sale is the deepest for its component count.
Exactly. It is so weird. I think a lot.of times the reason for the purchase is both potential fun that surely will be had with this fuckhuge box, but there's also the kind of person who spends his very limited free time to just buy stuff and reward himself that way. I mean, I can relate, it's always cool to have a game in the mail to look forward to, but in this case the act of buying is the important reward process. The actual product arriving isn't that important because there's something even more interesting coming in a few days.
But as much I think this is sendin the wrong signal, these faggots are effectively investors throwing their money at the boardgame industry, which I like.
I feel like publishers should sell solo modes seperately. Not because I refuse to pay the solo tax (I do) but because it'd hopefully put an end to tacked-on, horribly designed and cumbersome solo modes aka the turczi method. Noone benefits from the trash that is thrown in just to be able to write a 1-5 instead of 2-5 on the box. I don't understand why solo gamers don't shit on these modes more.

Could it be noone actually plays them and they are just an excuse to buy games?
Also what's the german craigslist equivalent? Kleinanzeigen? I always foun the german secondhand boardgame market strangely decentralized. Btw Unknowns.de is pretty great

>guise I'm making the greatest strategy board game ever
>makes CatanRiskChess
Could you do better, bgg?
Which winner of the Spiel des Jahres annual award is your favourite board game?
I've never paid attention to any award organizations
Yes I can it's
There are many I haven't played but
1. Carcassonne
2. Dominion
3. Ticket to Ride
4. El Grande
5. Scotland Yard
6. Torres
Pretty much, sometimes there are deals on local facebook marketplaces but most of my purchases are on Kleinanzeigen
None of them is my favorite board game but of the lot, I like Thurn and Taxis the most. It used to be El Grande but Chaos in the Old World just completely replaced it for me.
Hello BGG, I need some help. I am looking for a Tableau style gaming that can be 1-4 players. My Daughter and Nephews LVOE playing Imperial Settlers Empires of the North and enjoy Everdell and I want to add another game to that group of games. Do you have any suggestions? Cutesy art style is not needed as it will make the game different from the other two game we play. Wingspan does not interest us, so that is out of the question. Thank you.
18xXia: Legends of a Drift System
Thanks man, can't wait to get them to the table.
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Ya baby, that's some fun gamin right there.
Lot of breaking kneecaps and spirits. Argent played frequently sees an interesting evolution in table meta and how the various wizard assistants are valued.
Equinox I found oddly fantastic at three.
Isnt this just High Frontier?
Twilight Universalis Magnate would be my Jammy McWiglySoundOfBaconWind.
Innovation is the tits.
I got memed into buying Memesis Lockdown and honestly I have seriously played it like 3 times. I have said it here many times before, it would be a great video game boardgame, because each turn consists of so many steps it's boring. Surprisingly this game made a huge impression on my normie casual friends, they had a blast playing it without being annoyed or frustrated by asking every turn what to do. From a experienced persons perspective this game is a mess, from a unexpected player standpoint it's a impressively made piece of entertainment with social factor.
it's episode 17 of me getting my excrement forced the wrong way by a polish BGA Pax Ren player

optional card bans when - i'd gladly lose qizilbash for the fucking podesta "oh fuck you have a trade fair for free EVERY TURN" bollocks, particularly because it took me n games to realise it's some sort of expansion card hence me not recognising it
>end up talking about board games to a work colleague
>he asks me for recommendations to play with his teenage daughters
>I only play autistically heavy games for social retards
>can't bring myself to just say catan
Should've recommended boop.
Not carcassone? Sushi Go? Small World?
Would you recommend Nemesis or Nemesis lockdown?
>loves ancient Rome
Porta Nigra


Yeah podesta is fucking bs. Sure, you can fight it by taking concessions, but considering this is a high priority at almost every point in the game, you likely are just getting buried in free actions.
I always get insanely lucky markets against the 400 ELO poles and meme an early islamic victory but lose to 250 and 300 rated players
Concordia is outright superior as a solo game since interaction is utterly null anyway. The AI opponent Contrarius is really well made.
OP is the biggest cocksucking faggot on the website for splitting an already slow general in half, I hate him so much it's unreal. There's nothing wrong with war board games being discussed here, I'm not even super into them but I'm not keeping a second tab open just for the occasional discussion.
>Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/
Fuck off you little freak.
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I get tired of baking the threads ONE TIME and this is what trolls come up with in response, I'm sorry anons I had no problem with wargaming
OP didn't split anyone, the wargame thread was made way before the /bgg/ wargame schizm happened
plus why cant we discuss the same things in two different places, to get two different views on the same issues?
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>this thread is already slow as fuck compared to the rest of /tq/ being Warhammer and Dnd general, splitting it in half is going to put this general at /vr/ speeds
>there's so much overlap between board games and war board game fwho's to deem which thread they belong in. War of the Ring? Root? COIN? Eclipse? Kemet? Twilight Imperium? Star Wars Rebellion? Which general do they go to?
>it's obviously a schizo that got his panties up in a twist about a completely harmless game genre, I've been a regular here for over two years, don't even play war games and didn't mind them being here at all. But no, apparently War BOARD GAMES was so to awful in a BOARD GAME general so you cunts can have more space to dramapost about game reviewer youtubers
>I don't want two tabs constantly open for one slow-moving subject, fuck off
TLDR tongue fuck a shotgun, you aren't ruining my favorite general you cocksucking nut
It's not even a split from /bgg/. Most of the games they talk about get discussion in /hwg/ but those discussions didn't get traction there.
I'm surprised board games aren't more popular considering their social nature.

But also they have to be selling well right? Because most LGS' I go to are filled to the brim with mostly board games
i'd just go with TauCeti Deichmann's Trade Empires. This shit looks like it's so cash
Imagine playing Imdril, having your entire fleet just annihilate someone because you can't settle and you need to go thru their space to get to the third guy you wanna sell your food for ammo to
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It absolutely is a split, retard. Directly from the OP post
>Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/
Don't even try to damage control this you little cunt, the obsessive schizo that was freaking about about GMT the past couple of threads is trying to get his way and ban an entire genre. Fuck off. I'm making the next thread and Wargames WILL be welcome, and you can cry and shit your little diaper about it
again, i am on your side of "lets not split up", i just want you to get the timeline straight
>there's some unrelated to /bgg/ threads about hex and chit wargames
>they get enough traction to decide and generalize
>>some bitch on /bgg/ gets panties in a twist
>sees there's another thread for wargames, perfect ammo to throw at "le GMT fag"
and now we're here
it's often a meme answer but the tableau building in it is great
Obviously they're welcome here, OP is a faggot. But that doesn't make you any less of a dipshit.
Someone posted >>93069328 as a one-off thread and a discussion snowballed of of it. When that thread died they remade it as >>93167793 instead of taking the discussion back to /hwg/. When that thread died it got remade as a "general" >>93240678.
occam's razor say: OP is made by the buttblasted tranny who found the other thread (that was made before the first mention of being angry at wargamers in /bgg/, see also the fucking dates) as perfect ammo

simple as. now lets pull the curtain on this sordid scene and turn to more pleasant discussion:
What's a good wargame to someone who likes the concept of tank vs tank battles but has no idea how they actually work? I tried the Girls und Panzer one and it was neat but might be too anime for my playgroup, plus the manual is poorly translated since there's no official TL yet, and the scenarios assume you know what happens in the anime (i don't)
Theres a GuP game?
go watch the instructional DVD
or read the translated manual attached

i don't know enough about wargames to describe this one easily but it's got some Memoir '44 style "play cards and activate only some of the units under your control" (except the activation is either moving or shooting depending on the card) and the fact that tanks are slow and move on tank treads (so either forward, backward, or take a whole movement point to rotate)
why do you need a fourth one
Roll for bump
It's a solo game, but Patton's Best
I played the video game adaptation (Armored Commander and Armored Commander II) and it's fun
You control 1 tank and give orders to crewmates, movement is somewhat abstracted but your tank is simulated at a really granular level. Enemies are tanks but also AT guns, infantry, tank destroyers etc
Afaik pure tank vs tank battles like in GuP were not really a thing, you'll always have some combined arms aspect if you want it to be historical
third*, I didn't realize is:eotn was one game
but I'd still wonder why you'd need another take and make game instead of branching out into something a bit different like idk azul or carcassone or cascadia or something a bit different
As someone who loves Spirit Island and Agropolis do you think Doomrock will also be a hit?
Once again /bwg/ had nothing to do with shitposting here.
No one is accusing that general of being the problem.
One shit flinging anon is using it to sow division and try to force his "vision" of what /bgg/ should be.
It's good that big exists, I hope it grows and becomes a mainstay.
I also hope this current troll catches a 3 month ban so we can enjoy the summer.
The fact that you focus on stuff like Dune and War of the Ring justifies /bwg/‘s existence. Hex and counter and more grognard-y games get completely drowned out in wargame discussion here.
If the /hwg/fags get a thread to jerk off over Napoleonics miniatures then why don’t *I* get a thread to jerk off over cardboard counters with NATO symbols on them?
For something VERY simple there’s Tank on Tank from Lock n’ Load, but that might be too basic.
Obviously for “realism” there’s Panzer and MBT but those are not games I’d recommend to a neophyte.
So much of tank warfare is really combined arms warfare. Maybe Band of Brothers? It’s infantry focused but it has solid and generally easy to understand vehicle rules.
Fair. I just don’t want people to think otherwise or that /bwg/ was made by the troll.
Supposedly tank duel can be sold as tank team battles to normies.
It does seat a high player count and it has battles without hexes and unit chits, just a player tank/crew placard and some cards.
Wish I could find a copy myself, it's in p500 hell...
I should hope not.
For years one anon has gone after wargame posters, calling people "gmtrannies" and arguing for them to get a containment thread. Only makes sense he'd jump on your success as a way to cram his obnoxious views down our throats.
At the end of the day people are free to discuss anything they want wherever they want. It’s just up to anons to determine what discussions get traction.
FWIW I'm looking into a couple of 80's fantasy hex and chit games because of the threads.

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