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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
Khorne is uncomplicated and straight to the point. You like killing. So does he. Match made in heaven.
>lingering over a single enemy suffering slowly and giving yourself an orgasm = Slaanesh
>ragegasms and insta-splatter deaths for lots of enemies at once = Khorne
>why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer?
Either you've never had a job, or you've never had to interface with clients. There are some days you absolutely consider it.
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9 out of 10 people dont join a Chaos God willingly. You either are born into a chaos society to begin with, you are corrupted by supernatural forces, effects and items, you stumble into it unwillingly or are tricked under false pretense. Or you are caught and presented with the choice of "joins us or end up on the sacrificial altar".
Weird pink skin, tentacles, grab claws, weird hooves and long tongues and shit. Kinda gross.
Gross as hell, huge bloated bodies, can't feel, look like a freak, crazy mouths everywhere, smell like shit.
Good luck, horrible mutations all over the place, good chance of going insane for no reason, you could do everything right and he'll still fuck you over.
Huge oily muscles

Gee I wonder which people would pick
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>these guys come along
>conquer your city
>(you) and all other survivors are thrown into the slave pits
>made to fight other survivors to the death
>refuse and you die
>you fight and come out on top
>they say now eat the flesh of the fallen or we kill you
>you dont want to but you want to die even less
>you continue to kill all other prisoners in combat and eat their flesh
>you are now caught in a loop of bloody murder and cannibalism just to stay alive
>you have proven strong enough to be taken to raids and warfare with the khornate host
>refuse and you die or end up in the slave pen again
>you cant just run away, you are marked by chaos already and their chaos hounds will catch you anyways
>so you go on raids with the horde
>you are now part of a khornate host. Hope your sanity shatteres soon and you begin to like it. There is no escape.
You don't pick a chaos god out of a fucking catalogue, retard.
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Slaanesh is about want of perfection. You need to autistically desire to master a combat style or otherwise obses over a want you won't ever reach.
Khorne is simple. If you kill you're good enough. You just have to get the job done.
Difference between S and K is like being a profecional balerina that gets her feet irreversably destroyed by the tough routine vs going to a club drunk to dance to disco.
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>born in the lower hives of a random planet
>no social mobility, no justice, gang violence everywhere
>options are slaving away in a factory or join a gang
>you are tough, so you make your money as hired muscle for local crime
>all other options are worse
>you make some extra money by joining the local cage fights
>some of those lads are alright
>they understand you and your plight, their life is just as shit and full of violence
>you hang around in what counts as "free time" here
>a lad who saved your life thrice over invites you to a gathering of the boys
>people here respect each other
>these weird symbols on the wall make you head hurt when looking at them
>whatever, probably just the chemicals in the air
>you continue to hang out with the lads and fight and die in gang warfare
>the more you hang out with the lads, the more violent you become
>but you come out on top again and again
>you never in your life heard about chaos or demons or khorne
>yet without knowing, you are in a fledgeling underhive khorne cult already
You dont pick and choose.
>be state trooper of the Empire, Freeguild Soldier of Sigmar, Imperial Guardsmen or Space Marine, doesnt matter
>mission is to fight some heretics/ norscans/ bloodbound/ cultists in a cave
>you and your fellow soldiers fight through the cave filled with khorne dudes
>the air humms with supernatural energies and assault your mind with the (dark) urge to kill and butcher in mindless violence
>make it to cental chamber with a lake made of literal blood
>fight under strange effigys made out of human skulls
>enemy leader beheads one of your comrades and throws his head into the blood pool
>it erupts and covers all of you
>your mind immediatly shatters, your willpower is no match to warp energy this potent
>whatever your previous personality was, it has been replaced with violence, blood and insanity
>there is nothing you can do about it
>you and all of your comrades at arms are now one of them, till the bitter end
>why would anyone join Khorne
You don't "join" the living concept of war, anon. You join a cult of blood, or a cult of martial honor, or an underground fighting ring, and soon every bloodletting is a sacrament, and then you rise in the ranks, and before you know it you're involved in a plot that will just happen to involve the murder or assassination of everyone you hate in a 10-mile radius, or possibly even on a planetary scale if we're talking about WH40k (no idea about Smegmar or nu41k, those are different settings).
I would, im a very hateful and angry person
>khorne cultists
>coming out on top in fights
Was believable until this
The problem with khorne is that he only buffs you to kill people who are already weaker than you, the second Khorne champion comes around someone actually experienced or dedicated? He loses
>you could do everything right and he'll still fuck you over
This applies to every chaos god
More than that, you often aren't given the choice. Either you're guided to worship through others, or you don't get sold an accurate accounting of what you're signing on for. Or both.
Technically no one needs to follow Khorne. He doesn't care from whence the blood flows, only that it does.
Now remember the franchise's slogan. People like saying that the orks are the true winners of 40gay, but Khorne's win state is literally the marketing team-enforced default.
I don't think anyone joins up like it's a membership thing. I think people just get really mad or rage out and Khorne sort of takes them over after that point.
>ZOG agrees.
Oh shit - Zurich Orbital has entered the chat.
Why do we constantly get threads of autists asking why the people living in 40k haven't read the 40k wiki and sat down to make a spreadsheet to minmax their interactions with Chaos?
Because realistically, selling your soul to chaos and being fucked over for eternity is a pretty big decision, so given the chance, a person would try to choose how they want to be fucked over for all eternity
In setting characters don't have gamey metaknowledge.
People don't "join" Khorne like it's a fucking local church or something. Chaos is a moral threat you fall to because you're screwed up and shortsighted in some way.

People who fall into Khorne worship are ultimately violent nihilistic people who just hate everything for whatever reason including themselves, see Angron. These people aren't thinking clearly and just want to vent their destructive rage on others. They're also obviously suicidal but have resolved to take as many with them as possible. A real world equivalent might a school shooter who just snaps one day, the type of soldier who decides to commit something like My Lai, the sort of dipshit who blows away his family and then himself...

>slaanesh is way better bet.
This is not really true. You're not here to enjoy yourself in some pedestrian "hookers and cocaine" kind of way. You're here to "enjoy" yourself in the Hellraiser kind of way. You are a burnt out junkie for whom regular pleasures have gotten boring long ago. Now you seek demented, depraved ways to make yourself feel anything.
Slaanesh for pleasures only is very simpleton way of thinking, anon.
If you want to master something so much, that you are ready to discard everything else(and that means everything), Slaanesh will always welcome you.
>why would people get corrupted and fall to chaos and give in to self destructive hatred?
>I would just say no
This is media illiterate posting, and not in that cum-sucking retarded leftist sense, but like an actual example.
>Slaanesh for pleasures only is very simpleton way of thinking, anon.
Experiences, anon. Those who stop at pleasure are failures to their cults.
Most people in 40k are unaware of the chaos gods or daemons in general. The emperor pushed atheism because he knew acknowledging the chaos gods gave them power, and the imperium still hides the exiatence of the chaos gods for similar reasons.
>selling your soul to chaos
Most people arent aware they are doing so
>and being fucked over for eternity
They also arent aware of this part in universe
>so given the chance
Most arent given the chance. Unless you happen to be a Chaos Space Marine in the Black Legion or the Word Bearers (so 0,1% of all people following chaos), the choice is made for you by circumstance
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>Angron destroys a psychic super beacon of the Imperium with the power of Khorne
>Khorne warp fuckery turns an entire Crusade Fleet with billions of guards, sisters, space marines and mechanicus into ravaging mutants and blood crazed killers
I dont think anyone of Fleet Quartus wanted to serve Khorne. They now all do so anyways.
You're actually and legitimately fucking autistic, aren't you?
Anon, nobody is making an informed decision here. You are not aware that you're going to suffer eternally. You are enticed with things that appeal to whatever moral flaw you have to make a choice that you don't really understand. You're making a deal with the devil here, not shopping in a supermarket. That is if you're even given the option to choose. Most are straight up slaves.
>Tribe that honors martial prowess drifts in to praising khorne
>Khorne takes prisoners as slaves for multiple purposes, feeds them cannibalistic with other dead slaves, those who grow strong on it become slowly brainwashed in to joining their ranks.
You may have never felt the surge of dark, violent, murderous bloodlust that lies deep within the human psyche- but I have and it’s truly a dark and sinister primal force to be reckoned with.

That force is pure Khorne. Singular hatred and incomprehensible desire of bloodshed. One could argue it could also be Slaaneshi but it’s too primal, animalistic, and detached from oneself to be associated as an act of Slaanesh

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>slaanesh is way better bet.
Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! I suggest a solution... Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald - the salacious, scandalous and sensational servant of Slaanesh! Son of Succubi, scion of sordid acts and slayer of squalid serfs! See how I stroll, stride, swagger and swirl, spin, slash and stab at stupid, senseless scum! Soon they shall swoon, shall seek solace and death from sundry torments wrought on them by my strategic, severing, scintillating shower of shimmering strikes! Send for the sword - summon Sliverslash!
>slaanesh is way better bet.
But only if you happen to be a novel protagonist with the power of PLOT on your side. Otherwise you might end up like these fine fellas here
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Ah, what pitiful prattle from the mouth of a misinformed malcontent! This feeble fellow dares to decry the divine devotion to Slaanesh? He warns of the so-called perils, pointing to poor, pathetic pariahs as examples? How laughable!

Behold, the true testament of Slaanesh's touch! I, Sigvald, stand as the splendid, supreme scion, the ultimate expression of our lord's favor.
>too detached
I have felt this too, but I did not feel detached at all. If anything, I felt at home. I want to go back and never wake up.

Your opinion is irrelevant. Besided, the exact same plot could have happened with a random Bloodthirster or Kharn, with some other random McGuffin and a different random imperial crusade in old 40k
Because good forums ban people like this.
If it's attached, then there's no "go back" to do because you're already there. If you aren't there now it's because you're detached from it. Go be an edgelord somewhere else, smoothbrain.
Khorne makes you stronger outright and is focused completely on murdermurdermurder with none of the nuance or distractions of the other gods.
I curse you to all your properties bought out by disney.
Anger is addictive. Now imagine if that anger gave you enhanced strength, which in turn made you more eager to crack more skulls and before you know you're a frothing at the mouth berzerker.

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