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File: Naruto PDF.pdf (7.77 MB, PDF)
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7.77 MB PDF
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
'Roll to the east' Edition
Previous Thread: >>93244038
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RULES: https://rentry.org/b595h6dm

>Team 1
>Natsuo Uchiha >>92078251
>D >>93148209
>Himari Miko >>92227101 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/HimariJutsu
>Takeru Suzuki >>92037873

>Team 2
>Osamu >>92030854
>Shimabukuro Fumio >>93186440
>Kichōna >>93033948 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/NardoKichonaJutsuList2
>Nodao-Douji >>92130402

>Team 3
>Kamiko Karatachi >>92474846
>Masukuda Rarime >>93032365 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/nbd7ikrf
>Ichika Chinoike >>93073774
>Kita >>92247657

>Team 4
>Kiko Inuzuka >>92046953
>Remilia Orochimaru >>93084258
>Itami Nanae >>92041809
>Kazen Uzumaki (No Yin Chakra Affinity) >>93174267 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/5kp2svbp

>Team 5
>Ezaki Tuto >>92143158
>Jin Hyuga >>93072884
>Shinrō Kamotai >>93066678 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/ShinroJutsu
>Yuma Kouda >>93027066

>Team 6
>Tsugumi >>92078303
>Ghidorah >>93079137 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/xant7fe2
>Junki Takenaga >>93007593
>Sen Yamamoto >>93077606 + https://rentry.org/mkyze5fa

>Team 7
>Kamiizumi Tadafusa >>92443623
>Fujiwara Nobutake >>93185043
>Kamare Hozuki >>92097216
>Daiki Ueno >>92099009

>Team 8
>Rio Konoki >>92286130
>Mitsuteru Chihoshi >>>92596513
>Kuro Blackshadow >>93174547
>Choko Yumiya >>92229037

>Team 9
>Inaba Hyuga >>92642892
>Mojo Nakasendou >>92130059
>Kitsumoto Hachirō >>93081661 + https://rentry.org/KitsumotoC
>Eiken Shinzo >>93133919

>Team 10
>Dojuma Takiga >>92435927
>Ayuka Hagihara >>92418225
>Oishi Teruo >>92424132
>Egao >>92425369

>Team 11
>Miura Lee, Man of Iron >>92982908 + https://rentry.org/MeleebroZ
>Rinka Akagi >>93199705
>Akaito Tenyo >>93033931
>Chosuke-Chosuke Kirabokua >>93127294

>Taihō Shiryō. >>92065120
>Eiji >>92132327
>Tahaki Shiteru >>93076567
>Shichirou Hyūga >>93125740
>Chado Kuro >>93147948
>Ankan Bidatsu >>93163286
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>Ahiratsu Ōtsutsuki >>92073651
>Darkbone >>92064881
>Kijyo-Douji >>92092125
>Engetsu Bōfū >>92101140
>Insane Wild Boar >>92164715
>??? >>92164855
>Setsu Suru >>92181406
>Sado Mazohisuto >>92181768
>Kanami-Douji >>92194017
>Barou >>92473683
>Sekka Hakobu >>93146142
>Gyū >>92157552
>Yōki >>92157657
>Koroko Kokoroko >>92235539
>Mr. Hopo >>92411015
>Lizard >>92249477
>Aika Yuki >>92251220
>Kondai >>92388984
>Makura Hachimune >>92445626
>The Surgeon >>92934104
>Greasy P >>92955486
>Brunhilde Gunther >>92974998
>Ishirō Honda >>93020553
>Hugh Napoleon >>93046548
>Gokan Nokemono >>93101749
>John Anonymous >>93105033
>Vix Raiu >>93164694
>Tsukusari Meikin >>93165978
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba >>93200782

>Naruto MP Additional Archive but better (Writefags, Art, Relationship Charts, Info Cards, etc.):

>Chunin Exam Stage 1 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Logistics Post:
https://rentry.org/w78sxh6g + >>92321962
>Chunin Exam Stage 3 Logistics Post:
>The Chūnin Exams - Stage 2.5: The Preliminaries

New Stuff:
New Writefag:
Old Man Rambling (Kitsumoto, Mr.Hopo, minor mentions of Sen Yamamoto and Himari Miko)

Tournament Status Update:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/naruto-chunin-mcyoag-template-16244798
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>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93210458
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93218551
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93200099
Joe >>93226963

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department (OSAASAAD)
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93190146
Luther Vale >>93185712
Robin Fleur >>93206767
Emilia Kazama >>93207908
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Mila Ryen >>93192336

Mar'azenthiel AKA Mara >>93209414
SCRAPPER Named Slickback >>93212490
Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473

>Problem Solvers Network
>ISV Yak-yok-Yinnabeiygwou
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
>Shock and Awe
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576

Lazarus Morton >>93200611
Cheshire >>93205719
Sorceress >>93207006
Dr. Yvette Toyosaki >>93209536
Scrap-82 >>93228526
Asterios >>93232625
"Carrion" Marian >>93233986
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Navarizi Tango (Reef, Spinner)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 1 (Omake featuring Screw and Heyreddin on a mission)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 2 (Omake featuring Screw and Heyreddin on a mission)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 3 (featuring Lorik, with small mentions of Willian and Reth)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 4 (William)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 5 (William, Reth)
Xat's Bar: the Disassembly (Maxx, Argus, Ta'ang, Claymore, and Grok)
Fallout (Spinner, Reef, Пeтp) (Mentions Dr. Archer and Corto)
Out-of-House Doctor (Dr. Archer, Пeтp, Reef, Spinner)
Ta'ang's evaluations of the SCRAPPERs
Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
Space Fuck-ups
Introductions: Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
A Dream Job Offer (Sorceress, Shotgunner, Argus Mackenzie, Dr. Toysaki)
A Karadine Stopover (Heyreddin, Grok, Ta'ang)
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Wings of Pandora
Heyreddin Drinking

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1) Play as is. Assume that the powers picked are at their starting level. Picking Learner also unlocks the second spell from the start. Don't forget to design the character and the soul they possess
2) Ignore the companions section. Pick 1 build to be close to, and 1 build to be distant towards. Options increasing companions instead increase the number of builds you are close with
3) Pick any starting city and bonus. The story will still start at the town of Easily

>You're a native to Shower City. You don't have to be an orphaned high schooler. Pick any background within reason
>None of the companions exist. Instead, everyone is part of an online friend group that, when meeting for the first time, discovered the coffee table rune
>Other runes exist in Shower City that lead to different cities in case you don't want to join the main group. All runes and the objects they're inscribed on are invisible to anyone that lacks the ability to enter Gras Paada.
>The goal is still to defeat the 5 warlords, but in-universe the characters only have a vague prophecy to save the world from evil
>You teleport to the world Gras Paada solo during your first time to gain an adverturer's soul. Any subsequent teleport will require you to teleport with others to reduce its load on the soul
>Items carried by you can be transported with you to and from Gras Paada. The smaller the item, the less likely it is to get lost during the transit. Items that fail to be transferred will return to you when you teleport back.
>By default, souls only give you a themed set of powers and can talk to you after visiting Gras Paada a few times. The amount of influence they have is up to you. Most characters don't transform into their souls, but it's not the be all end all.
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...Don't mind me, I just messed up a little...

Yoshiko Matsubara | Thalia
Amaury Felix Vaugeois | Verdeus the Green
Tojo "Rooster" Kaito | Belldandy
James Blackwood | Xernes, Regent of the Empty Legion

Reza Lotfi | Bassil
Tomoe Sasakura | Valeria
Mike Young | Reynard Sutton, The Unrelenting
Lucianus Salvius | Daimon, Bloodstorm Angel

>Ruy Eustáquio | Stinkleheimer
Shun Lee | Zacharia

Bloody Beginnings, a Strange Night (Lucianus)
Experiments, Preparation, and Anxiety (Lucianus)
New day, new life (Lucianus), (references to various other builds)
Amaury's discovery of Gras Paada:
Panic at night and unforunate falls (Lucianus), (Short appearance of Shun Lee, references to others):
The Innocence Of Being Unsure About The Future (Lee Shun, Amaury Felix, Lucianus Salvius, Kaito Tojo, brief appearances of others):
The Meeting at last (Lucianus, Shun Lee, Amaury, mentions of everyone else)
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Rentry: https://rentry.org/Be_The_Noble
Arena Rules: https://rentry.org/ovtoupqe
Chargen is rules as listed + drawbacks buffed to be 1=2 2=3 and Final=5

>Duke Archibald
>Quinn Smith
>Saint Maluscomedo
>Marquis Alric Bolivard
>Silas Nash
>Gristletooth the Turncoat
>Nestor Wolf
>Tanaka Haruto
>The Angel Emmanuel
>Auria Hirpinia
>Duke-Elector Vicaro de' Barca
>Duke Harold Staggard II of Reins
>Catherinne Aisla de Lyoncaster
>Avesta, Lord of Boglands
>St. Mog, the Avaricious
>Duchess Lucia of House Carafa
>Consul Levi du Ponte III
>Emperor Aurelius
>Lord Steerpike
>Evian, Grandmaster of the Order of the Boot.
>Sir Atticus Hendrix
>Natas Reficul
>Alcyone Pertinax
>Baron Raspail
>'Archangel' Seraphina
>Magus Filius Lupa, Barone
>Piza the Conqueror
>Tiberius Rex, The Pirate King
>Giovanni Florina
>Margus Iscariot Pertinax
>Duke Pollu Contra of Sunge
>Robin Stormlily
>Vožd Lampys Erymanthius
>Amos Hek
>Executive Officer Armaslanta
>Kamikage of Tengokugakure
>Elector-Prince Lothar II
>Abduladi al-Maki
>The Four Kings of The Mountains

>Vožd Invitational: >>93025558
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>Relentless walls whose darksome round contains (Ambrose XXII Arxakonte)
>"What's in a name?"
>Harold Receives a Letter
>Groanworthy Retort
>Answered Prayers (The Angel Emmanuel)
>The Arcaadji Plibtribyew
>The Calm Before the Glorious Storm
>To Kill Filius: Piza's Hunger (Piza, Filius' corpse)
> The Northern Struggle; The Joust (1/2)
> Northern Struggle; The Joust (2/2)
>Selected Excerpts from "On The Orientaille Provinces of the Telorian Empire" (2)
>>93145826 + >>93147418
> The Northern Struggle, Qüreş

Relationship Chart:
> Personal Thoughts of the Vožd on his Imperial Peers
>Giovanni Florina

Evian’s Rise to Power:
Favorite to Win It:

Latest Version (Graphic): >>93164835
Latest Version (Political): >>92871022
Latest Version (Emblem): >>92885956
Crusades: >>92963997

Build Reviews:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/be-the-noble-mp-characters-17234816
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
New Writefag:
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)
The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests):

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
>>88273837 + >>88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
>>88193619+ >>91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush

>Class 2-D
>Mochi Uranus HN Smelly Hero: Stink Rat
>Kevin Rool
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko
>Hiroki Asai HN Champion of Negativity: Zetsuboy

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz
>Ganto Kanzaki HN The Clone Hero, Commander (NPC)
>Kagami Reina
>Norman “Norm” Smith HN Whatabout
>Rumi Aratsuki HN Hysteria

>Class ???
>Kiki HN Yggdrasil
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy
>Edmund Connor HN The Tall Man
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Kevin Thompson HN The Purple Man
>Yuichi Ishida HN Slipstream
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Rodion Popo HN Overman
>Ludolf Raphael Victorius, Hero Name: Fair Marshal
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Astra Smalls Aka Size King
>Richard Wilkins HN The #1 Hydro Hero: "Splash"
>Shōgeki Heshi HN: Crash
>Tóu Zhǎng Koie/Phys P
>Kazuya Ono
>Alpha Ueno HN: Sylph
>Iwayama Kentaro HN Sisyphus
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Isaiah Sibylla (Keola Ku)
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Fransk Brunhilde
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Yusaku Kanzaki a.k.a. Clone Cop (NPC)
>Emilia Busujima
>Detective Risa Date
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)
>Kuji Futoi (Student)
>Yuko Ozaku (Student)
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Shiori Shiratora VN Kamigami
>Recino R. Percutio
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
>>88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>hina seiyama VN panzer viii
>Giichi Mikata
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>TechVision Elite 2023 - 43Vista UltraSmart 4K TV
>Ryuji Ayanokoji VN Overlord
>Jack Smithee VN The Gravedigger
>Zyra Mein VN Braindrain
>Rudi Brandt VN Sturmtruppe
>Bonzo Amato VN The Boss
>The Hospital Killer
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)
>Jessica Wu VN Surinam Toad Girl
>Jan Procházka VN Msr. Blanc
>Gustave Gavial VN Gnash
>Cosmo Black VN X.T.
>Kate Everly
>Sato Yukio VN Gold Man
>Kurogane Tetsuo VN Dreadnought
>Adrian Vasquez Domingiun Manolete
>Dewi Angkasa
>Kanami Shimizu
>Jimmy Vinchenzo VN The Indestructible Scumbag
>The Illustrious Illithid
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Mark Matuli
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)
>Kester Greenfield

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
>Choko Yumiya, VN Eye High

>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet
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>Early writefags here (18 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>A Multi-Dimensional Valentine's Day (Ryu-kishi, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Android, Cool Boost, Radius, Marrow)
>News (Reaper, mentions of Forget-Me-Not)
>Spectre of Revolution (Maru(maru), Marrow)
>Vigilante Hunt, part 1 (Ryu-kishi, Last Rite, Marrow, Maru(maru), 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, Satoru Tani, Rosethorn, Karaburan)
>Rehab (Overdose, Yamata, Ryu-kishi and a cameo from Goldorado)
>Baited (Reaper, Satoru Tani)
>Serpent (Mahoudeva, Honoken, Seiryu, Yamata)
>The Plan (Desolator and The Five):
>Team Wallflower, Assemble! (Yako, Drone, Blackout, Maru(maru), Capture Cloth, Mauler)
>Conservation of Ninjitsu (Marumaru, Ryu-Kishi, Yako, Aura Curie, Blank):
>(Beach Day, Saurus, Majestic)
>Never Have One Last Score (Marumaru, Shoggoth):
>If You Like Piña Coladas (Spark):
>The Doomed Plan (Desolator, Maddox, The Golden Age Five):
>An Attempt in Broad Daylight (Floor, Maddox, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Tether, Mercury, Desolator, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Challenger):
>Catsu Curry (Bakeneneko, Yako, Capture Cloth, Overdose, Yamata)
>First Day: Ersatz, Rosethorn and a couple 1-D students make cameos.
>Night of the Reaper prologue (Mahoudeva, Mirror Devil, Blackout, Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, Satoru Tani)
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>Writefags (Cont.):
>Night of the Reaper, Part 1 (Reaper, Flying Force, Saurus, Rosethorn, Ryu-Kishi, Challenger, Cameos of Seiryu, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Mirror Devil, Mahoudeva)
>THE TOURNAMENT PART FIVE! (1-D, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy, Rosethorn, Majestic)
>Plan B (Mirror Devil, Desolator, Sunlight Man, Challenger, Impakt, Smokin' Sexy):
>Frame (Mirror Devil, The Doctor, Smokin' Sexy, Impakt, Desolator):
>Vigilante Hunt 2 (Ryu-kishi, Mirror Devil, Marumaru, Marrow, Yako, Conman, Majestic, Karaburan, Localoca, Ito, Rebecca Weber, Skycarver, Hijack, Ippon, Last Rite, The Clique, Flying Force, Yamata, others)
>The Monster's Aid (Desolator):
>Night of the Reaper Part 2 (Yamata, Overdose, Goldorado, Majestic, Desolator, Rosethorn, Reaper):
>Devil's Counsel (Last Rite, Desolator):
>Doing Business (Feral, Drekus, Karma, cameo of Reaper)
>Clown Days (Ryu-kishi, Popsy, Maru(maru), Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy Team, mention of 1-D):
>Full Circle (Rosethorn, Feral, Yamata, Overdose)
>Recovery (Overdose, Yamata, Rosethorn and Karaburan)
>Arrival (Mash, Impakt, Floor, mentions of Reaper)
>Full Circle II (Yamata, Flying Force, Saurus, Drekus, Feral, cameo of Rosethorn and Hiro)
>The Maiden and the Monster (Shoggoth, Marumaru, clamguy cameo):
>Always Late (Rush, Greenfinger)
>Full Circle III - Part I (Flying Force, Feral, Yamata)
>Missed you too (Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, with cameos from the Wild Hunt, Satoru Tani and Karma)
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Writefags (Final):
>Full Circle III -Part II A (Flying Force, Feral)
>Full Circle III -Part II B (Yamata no Orochi, several mentions)
>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)
>The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests):


For Art, Memes, Tierlists, etc. check the rentry
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>Fairy Tail
>Digging up Stillbirths Edition

>Hilda Verblitz, Mrs. Punches

>Buster Henry, Mr. Punches

>Sebastian Stone, Not Aware His Magic's Showing

>Niera Flamey, Gal Fiery

>Seph, What The Fuck

>Big Killer Ape Tree, Gutsy Guild Hall
>Nameless Guild Master

>The Nameless One, That's Clearly a Name

>Bastly Ugard, Pretty on the Inside
>Hob House Guild Master

>Primo, Dumper Prime

>Alaric Falk, BtN Exile

>Father Mond, Fashion Show Escapee
>Moon's Watch Guild Master

>Mory Pose

>Ciara Perrons, the Witch of Karrsth


>Lanel Nol


>Vera Escher


>Ibuki E. Fiore

>Lucius McShade

Prompt: Got any fun nicknames?
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I feel like this could be ordered by guilds as more people group up
Ideally, yeah. Maybe even ordered by magic level within the guilds as a sort of internal hierarchy.
Aren't our guild masters low on magic level because they had to invest in the guilds?
Maybe? But they're also the guild master so they get to be on top regardless.
hierarchies aren't ever determined by potential
Jacob Koch

Upbringing: Urban/Paradise World (Urban Trait)
Origin: Horsehead Federation
History: Government Official
New Life: Hope
Sponsor: Colonial Affairs (Trait)

Over the last few decades, the Federation has seen its fair share of political and military scandals, the war on the horizon weighing heavy on the public’s mind. Eventually, the brass concluded that if they wanted to get anything done without public outcry, they’d need to obfuscate some of the “less than savory” missions behind the fog of plausible deniability. They needed a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. They needed a man like Jacob. Of course, to successfully deceive people that he is the sort of near-criminal rogue that a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R is, he needs to BE a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. taking odd jobs, doing gigs attacking the Federation’s enemies, doing gigs for the Federation's enemies… But eventually, the mask became the face, and the only thing separating him from an actual S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. is a nice little paycheck from the feds every now and then.
NTA, but Mory Pose is the guild master of Chrysalis and Vera Escher is the guild master of Hag's Hex. Figured it should be pointed out since the other guild masters have their guild attached to them in the list.
But why would I listen to someone I can beat up?
Data Retrieval (Primary)
Asset Denial, Sabotage (Secondary)


Cyber Warfare (Mastery)

Memory Assistant
Logic Processor Assistant
Neural Preservation Implants

Atrophic DNA
Neural Bridge
Enhanced Ocular Pathways

Weapon Preference: Handguns
Special Weapons: Silvertech Needlegun
Concealable Jammer
Prismatic Smoke Grenades
Overwatch Camo Cloak
Artifact: Universal Key

The main asset Jacob brings is his ability to track down even the stealthiest of targets, solving cases that have gone cold with startling accuracy, and cracking through the toughest of firewalls. His primary role as a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. is typically in more of a “guy in the chair” position amongst the crew, although he commonly shows up at the front lines whenever a more stealthy approach is needed or when security systems can’t be cracked from a distance.
I feel like similarly archmages would be higher ranked even than higher powered non-archmages as the rank relates more to experience than potential a bit like >>93255004 said.
You probably could beat up your mom, doesn't mean you wouldn't listen to her.
Weaponry: Chemical Propulsion
Ship Upgrades:
Auxiliary Shuttle (Free)
Probe Launcher
Non-Standard Spaceslip
ID Mask
Second Grade Parts (Luxury Living Quarters, Booster Cell)

Homebase: City 31
Front Business (Free)
Escape Tunnel
Private Dock
Private Rooms
Self Destruct Protocol

Federation Internal Affairs
CTPI Requisition Unit

SAR Drone

Companions: Joining The Crew
Structure: The Commander

Siege of Dergal
Wesstec Gambit
Meta-Awareness Studies

The Barking Dogs are a Federation spec ops group posing as a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. crew, whose primary aim is to take on missions that the Federation’s main forces are either unwilling or unable to do, occasionally for secrecy reasons but more often for ethical ones. The main trait BD looks for in agents is a certain level of stealthiness, a willingness to take the fall if things get out of hand, and above all the ability to drown that last little bit of a conscience you have left. Surprisingly, loyalty to the cause and motivations are almost completely glossed over; whether you’ve taken the job for a paycheck or out of patriotism makes very little difference to your ability to see things through. So long as you remain aware of your status as their dog, the top brass remains happy.
Good catch. I was just focused on processing all the new builds.
Speak fot yourself. I stopped doing anything I didn't want to or need to when I realized no one was capable of enforcing their will on me.
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>Got any fun nicknames?
"Queen of Calamity", "Dirty Skank", "Punch-Kick Merchant", "27th Restraining Order This Week". The first came from having a close resemblance to a historical figure who lived over two hundred years ago, a woman who belonged to the dark guild named "Devil Troupe", the seven monstrously powerful mages that laid waste to the lawful nations of the world. Mrs. Nameless denies all relation towards this ancient organization that tried to access the source of magic, and says that the super-duper heretical dark arts brand on her neck is a "quirky accessory".
Cool ass dude. Things are finally diversifying a bit and we can get some conflict. The ability to get piles of art from the manime and MANge is actually going to make me go in and do a Puma Sisters build.
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Battle Against a True Dragon (Flying Force, Yamata no Orochi, Feral)
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Naruto's really going to die before I get back my motivation to write huh? No one to blame but me I guess.
Seems that way. Having a hoard of new mps flood the thread will do that.
nardofags got cocky, now mhabros are taking them over after letting them commit critical mistakes
no one cares about tye input of overchuds
Nardofags allowed shitposters to take over, they deserve what they get.
This guy is named Jacob kock lol
That's a strange word to use. I can't help that Shinro anon and Kitsu anon are retarded.
Thank God. I'm waiting for it and BtN to die so we can start Overlord.
yet you're an overchud
All non-straight ships in MHA were stillborn.
>cropped porn to avatarfag
Whoa this dude broke through bedrock. He's reached new lows in MCYOAG!
Nene and and Yui got a significant amount of content. More than Bobby and whichever the fuck one he picked.
The flagship is bi4bi thoughever.
hell yeah bro, loved the battle
also really liked the quirk, hella cool
Why are overlordfags obsessed with killing mps? No one's going to play overlord. It could literally be the only option and no one would.
Broke: MPs die because people get bored.
Woke: MPs die because their deaths are engineered by a coordinated force of shitposters (MHA Mafia)
Bespoke: The agents of Overlordfag are getting rid of the competition in the preparation for the updated Overlord CYOA that'll sweep the general
Very nice. We finally got our first awakening! Good to see Orochi finally overcome her long time rival.
nigga no one read that slop
The reality is that MPs die because people get bored but the existence of MHA doesn't really help either. I kinda get people that complained about worm 1 now.
I did.
Cope. Not even Bobby anon wanted read more korean slop.
Their flagship guild for the longest time was literally called NTR, why do you think?
The existence of May is nonfactor.
It's pretty obvious that some fags are under the impression that killing ither mis will make their more popular.
Don't pin this on us, it's the KtH guys.
>Orochi is now Fire/Poison-type
Happy to see the full Orochi transformation, and she finally got Feral. Good shit anon. Any idea how long would Orochi stays in the hospital after this?
The only thing worse than a piece of shit overlordfag is a liar. You manage to be both.
Use at your own risk.
Before I read this, when is it timeline wise?
What's with the Bobby obsession?
>t. KtHfag seething his machinations were revealed
>the vera pic
kek. Mashima would be proud
canadaman got shooters
>Happy to see the full Orochi transformation,
She just took 58 levels to finally evolve.
>Any idea how long would Orochi stays in the hospital after this?
For a few hours after munching through a banquet's worth of food.
Right after Night of the Reaper 2.
>quirk awakening
so who's next?
Chris? Inigo?
NTA but I bet Hifumi.
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Someone will finally sit Tame down and tell her how to use her quirk properly, it's the next best thing.
He's still dealing with trigger withdrawals. My money's on Bobby or Kaylee.
Could be worse, I could have gone with the Dutch version of the name.
>Tame picks up 32 copies of HYDRA's quirk
Funny joke.
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100% accurate
Thank you. I tried really hard.
I think Yam will join Moon's Watch. While Hob House has the rehab he needs, it assume that's its focus over adventuring, which he wants. The Dark Guilds are out of the question, to him dark guilds = bad and he doesn't like that. Hag's Hex would probably ban him after his first game of Slots anyway.
what's with all the brown bitches in Fairy Tail anywho? Not that I'm complaining.
Full blown Escanor mode, flaming mustache and all.
Way too early for super saiyan, but a good opening for Ikari to show up, especially with how she's been shown against Sandy and Feral.
Milky chocolate is pretty great, anon.
Now make a soul tier list
This is just listing them by Magic Power. Do some real powerfagging. Make some people mad.
They're ordered by power level within their tier
You can't surpass your own tier
Same fetishes usually mean same dumper
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Ranked by
>Interactivity (Writefag, Drawfag, Prompt Responses, IC)
>Fitting into FT setting
>General idea and magics
>Are they a powerfag or not
>Size of their tits and their perkiness, roundness and firmness of their ass (most important)
In no particular order
Well now I'm no longer investing any energy into the mp
Natsu pastes these builds and he's used to represent the second lowest tier.
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Big Lover Resting Stone (The closest approximation to his name he can get in human tongue)


Physically Fit
Unique Appearance

>Mid Tier Magic
Celestial Spirit

>High-Tier Magic
Druidic Magic

>Magic Power

"Forest Embrace"
Light Guild
Custom Town

A colossal ancient tree which has continued to grow for over one thousand years. At some point, it developed sentience and began to learn magic, and when the people who had settled around and near him began to look to him for protection, he decided to form a guild of trustworthy mages to help protect the humans who he had grown to love. Big Lover Resting Stone takes the stance that his guild mates should always have a place to rest and call home, which is why he built everything inside of his own body. Using his own magic and getting some help from the local populace, he has shaped the interior of his body to accommodate potentially hundreds of people. Big Lover Resting Stone's speech is amateurish, and he prefers to get celestial spirits to speak for him. Despite what his name would imply, he is actually quite violent towards those he deems to be evil-doers, seeing them as a taint upon the world to be wiped out, and enjoys imprisoning the worst of them within his roots to be crushed and drained for his resources. This attitude is epitomized by the guild's Superweapon, which is in fact his own body. In times of extreme danger, he can activate reserves deep within his root system to allow himself to walk upon his roots, empowering him physically enough to face the largest and strongest monsters, and allowing him to do things such as grow large vines to ensnare foes or fire razor-sharp leaves. However, activating "Tree Sentinel Mode" causes heavy internal damage, which can take months or even years to heal, and threatens death if enough external damage is also taken.
Fairy Tail tournament when?
>t. roseanon
Wow, you really like this character concept huh?
I... will go eat my gravel.
Lucius anon...your tits can always get bigger.
When Gojo anon delivers.
>Writefag, Drawfag
Lmao even
anon...there's already been drawfags...
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>It's pretty obvious that some fags are under the impression that killing ither mis will make their more popular.
>Implying it doesn't
Remember how scrapper was filling out all the threads with discussion? Remember how it completely stopped the moment people started Fairy Tail? The same goes for Naruto and BtN.

People don't wanna miss out on being part of the 'Next MHA', so every time an MP begins to pick up steam they jump wagon and abandon the old one. I wouldn't be surprised if people were starting MPs early on purpose to kill others.
I hereby declare Big Killer Ape Tree is demoted to SOVLESS tier for DUMPING the same build idea, and promoting Lucius to SOVL tier.
Am I the only one who understands the complexities of this ambitious cinematic masterpiece? Malumda isn't stupid, YOU'RE stupid!
Nice branch. Though the art feels unreasonably gay for some reason. Probably the hands.
mate, I think you're just into dudes
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Yam is more than welcome in the Moon's Watch! Here's a question while I have you here, how's his work ethic/general attitude? Is he generally more chill, serious about his work, jokey on the job? This is for a writefag I'm starting where I'm thinking of having Yam accompany Father Mond on some missions/errands.

I don't know if the compilers are sorting people into guilds but just a reminder now that both Ciara Perrons and Yam are a part of the Moon's Watch.
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Not this run
anon....just check the last thread..........
I'm actually not BKAT but I thought that having two giant kaiju guild masters is a cool little bit of world building; I don't actually expect anyone to join the guild since no one joined Ape's. I just wanted to make a cool big tree guy. If anyone is soulless it's me, he's innocent.
Check the last thread. Veraanon drew her build having hot lesbian sex with Nameless and jannies have not deleted it!
He's right tho
No I just can spot a furjoshi a mile away
Yay. Now Lucius has sovl.
I did. Nothing there.
Half the fun of scrapper was the in thread roleplay with all the corespondents and crew applications. Now that it's settled back to writefagging, the anons who joined for the in thread stuff are stuck in limbo waiting for content that fits their preference for interaction.
It's NOT just abandoned for Fairy Tail and Scrapper! It's NOT just another failed tournament in the history of /mcyoag/!
We WILL get Inabaquest!
We WILL get Akatshitkino!
The NARUTO... throughout the powerfag arguments and dumps... is the ONLY KINO LEFT!
And for that, it MUST LIVE!
Then I'm sorry you're blind.
Yam would beat all the Wizard Saint and High Mage builds THOUGH
Well, I refuse to bandwagon into Fairy Tail so the same shit can happen. Same damn thing every two weeks.
>New MP!
>Everyone makes a build, entire threads filled
>Wowowowo new MHA, i must drop all my other builds so i can do this new MP!
>Repeat cycle
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>work ethic/general attitude
Very driven and dedicated. He managed to tough out being the pariah of his tribe for most of his childhood, so he can be stubborn on jobs.
>Is he generally more chill, serious about his work, jokey on the job?
His general attitude is chill. He stays quiet and seems gloomy most of the time, but that's just him being wary of other people.

Also looking forward to the writefag.
Link it or no balls
Any FT guild willing to take Lanel in?
>i must drop all my other builds so i can do this new MP!
I've never done this. I stay as active as I can with all my builds and only do a couple mps at once. No one gives a shit about my effortfagging though so it's still as good as dead.
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veranon drew this about my build wanting to join her guild, now i am doing a writefag about this situation lol
he's kinda cool

Pretty sure veranon drew his build's pic too.
>put an illegal build in SOVL
you niggas really don't read builds huh, just go off vibes
>Malumda has ascended SOVL and SOVLLESS
H-Holy fuark...
I mean yeah soul is all about vibes.
who's illegal?
>just go off vibes
Yeah, that's all sovl is.
i did and threadslave listed it, it's sovlless because it's unfunny old man rapist shitpost dump
i'll kill you
Only fate can save us now
dis nigga retarded
The Moon's Watch will take Lanel but please note that I will write SoL between him and other guild members to make sure it's clear he's not evil. Thankfully the build says he's nice when you get to know him, just a little resentful, so he's not ACTUALLY evil. He also fits the dark-gothic-light kind of theme of the MW. If you accept I'll go ahead and add you to my list and see if I can find a good place for Lanel in my writefag.
>Overlord won
the stillborn competition
Oh, the avatarfag. I hide those by instinct.
F&F waits in the shadows, the opportunity to strike down Overlord drawing nearer by the day...
Sure thanks. Yeah he's not a bad guy, he'll just seethe a bit if you go "MHHHH THIS FOOD IS DELICIOUS, TOO BAD YOU CAN'T TASTE IT" in front of him
>posting your build image when you respond to prompts is avatarfagging
how the fuck else are people supposed to know it's you? retard.
Harbinger KINO will save us.
...in the stillborn competition.
it was gal fieri btw
that's who made the tier list clearly
Sound the drums of war! Fairy Tail's Second (and Final) Shitpost War is starting!
Okay, but where's the rizz list?
When will true F&F finally be tried?
"Ultrafaggot here" generally does the trick.
If you want anons to impersonate you, you need to be worth impersonating first.
Anons gave up on impersonating me because I have no life
And you're not trying hard enough to distinguish yourself if you're gonna rely on pics instead of your writing quality.
Avatarfagging is a bannable offense for a reason.
nigga the alternative provided was to just say who you are
Yeah, because non-attentionwhores can stick to that.
Attentionwhores aren't capable of posting thrice in a row without dropping some form of abatarfaggotry. It's engrained in their attentionwhore DNA.
Clearly the real answer is that we should all start using trips to identify ourselves.
At that point we might as well migrate to qst
If you effortfag, shitposters won't bother trying to impersonate you, because that would require more from them than they're able to give. ez
Shitposters literally only bother with impersonating effortfags.
You now remember that a shitposter skin walked a whole writefag for Shimabukuro to make him a bugfucker
Have you tried writefagging instead? Productivity might vanquish your doomfaggotry.
No I don't because I don't read nart slop.

Nuh uh. Either you are monstrously bad at spotting shitposters or you have dysfunctionally low standards for what an effortfag is.
Can I be an effortfagging shitposter? Using my writing skills to shitpost long lived and prosperous narratives?
Theoretically, but I haven't seen it so far.
Alright, I'm forced to concede that one.
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Are we still looking for villains to pad out the local underground?
I hope so, because I spent an ungodly amount of time in M.S.Paint since I couldn't find any art on line for this villainess.

Stormy Day (yes really. She had hippy parents.)

>Cape name:



Just another story (multiplayer)


Villain - +12 XP (12 so far), +18 QP (18 so far)


>Villain modifiers:
Internationally wanted - +1 XP (13)
Neighbourhood friend - 2 XP (11)


>General modifiers:
Athletics - 2 XP (9)
Martial arts x2 - 4 XP (5)
Survival (under the sea, under the sea) - 1 XP (4)
Stealth - 2 XP (2)
Unique style (underwater fighting) - 2 XP (0)

Quirk name:
Horror of the abyss
- Subject exhibits characteristics of the stomiidae fish family.
Life mimicry
Family - 2 QP (16)
Passive - 4 QP (12)
Permanent - free
Hybrid - 4 QP (8)

>Quirk modifiers:
Cosmetic mutation (pic related) - free
Quirk refinement x4 (bioluminescence is much brighter than normal for stomiidae fishes) - 4 QP (4)
Quirk refinement x4 (proportionate strength is slightly increased) - 4 QP (0)

- Dragonfish is a ship-wrecker, known for deliberately sinking cargo ships by cutting holes in the hulls, then swimming down to 'salvage' the lost cargo. Since this often takes place in international waters, she is internationally wanted, although she has (so far) not been responsible for any deaths, as she gives the ships' crews plenty of time to abandon ship, and has been known to help rescue any who remain stuck on board when the vessel goes down.
Currently she is believed to be operating in the Kyoto harbour district, where she has acquired a sort of 'robin hood' reputation for helping out local businesses, and assisting the dock-worker's union in their disputes with various management entities and shipping companies.
>I spent an ungodly amount of time in M.S.Paint since I couldn't find any art on line for this villainess
Not sure the results of my mouse-flailings could be called 'chadly', but thanks anyway!
Another high-tier mutantGOD. Thank you for this.
It was high effort and kino albeit
Now I'm sad that we'll never get Nardokino AGAIN
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You guys need to stop doomposting, nardoSCHOLARs are simply shut away in their offices producing MASTERPIERCES for the tournament matches.
someone please just fucking kill me
I thought you were making a pun. Won't lie.
I'm a sucker for villains with a code. I like her.
nice thanks anon
this nigga's lower body built like a lego
has an ass made to cook pancakes.
It's been a while since we've gotten some serious man ass.
Nice work anon, I look forward to the coincidence.
"Your Highness does just fine I should think. 'My Princess' and 'Lady Fiore' are acceptable alternatives Of course, if you'd like to use something more colorful then I'll permit you to do so. It must be difficult to come with names fitting for one as grand as I, so I'll make some of my own suggestions to help you: Glorious Mage Queen, Arbiter of Order, Fairest of the Kingdom's Daughters, Envy of the Gods, My Future Queen

For what goes by her in the post, idk. Maybe something like Rules For Thee or Regal Rulemaker.
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"You think much too small, but I suppose such an idea must be a big fish in the small pond that is your mind. To exceed the limitations of flesh and blood does not require abandoning the heart and soul, and is such a petty goal. I aim for far greater heights than that. Ascending beyond the mages of our time and that of past era is the only true path to strive towards. Anything less is merely a stepping stone to that end. Those who cannot think of the world beyond the earth they walk on cannot ever hope to dream of soaring in the sky I suppose."

"It seems I've been the one underestimating you, Miss Vera Escher. My sincere apologies. Talking to too many simpleminded fools had narrowed my perceptions of the average citizen in Fiore. Unfortunately, I still cannot agree to such an idea. Innovation was never created by staying seated on the inventions of the past. To ensure that I do not ensnare myself in the subtle trap of working within the confines of the preceding creators before me, I rely not on their works. The path I create will be with my own hands and not of the scraps of the past. Otherwise, I could not call myself a true inventor."

"Let's agree to disagree... with that statement and anything else you say."

"You may possess a capable body, but against a steel driving machine I'm afraid you are outmatched. Not only could such a machine outperform a thousand workers, but could be deployed across the continent. While normally I do not dabble in frivolous activities that do not concern me, I can envision a connected network for supply lines to be transport material with ease to be a useful endeavor, if only to get access to the resources I need easier. I should mark that down as a priority... although first I need to build a force capable of the construction and defense of that grand an asset. All in good time."
>You may possess a capable body, but against a steel driving machine I'm afraid you are outmatched
Bro needs prosthetics just to use a chair. He's built like a roadrunner. Dude's on day 90 of the total food elimination diet. Got kicked out of a skeleton gang for being too bony. Actual negative ass score. Is this human?
Man whatever manga you stole those faceclaim images from sucks ass that's literally indecipherable to me
Like what the fuck is going on in that image
Nta, but it's clearly a dude covering his face with his hand.
I'm that close to writing a fairy tail fightfaggotry
Also nta but it's Shangri-La Frontier.
It's pretty good.
I guess I exaggerated, I was able to make that out but it's still ugly as fuck
Catchign up on my mha reading, just startnig the nigt of the raper arch!
I want Malumda to no diff every build at once pretty please
>no diffing
Make a proper Madara expy first.
There are unbeatable builds on the list anon
>proper Madara
>no diffing
There's only one unbeatable build and his name is Malumda.
Tell me your strategy to beat each High wizard build and I'll consider it
Unless your name is Kishimoto then the yeah, he no diff your pathetic bloodline.
Malumda drops a meteor and that's it, he wins.
I had it legally changed to Kishimoto unfortunately.
Oh yeah?
When does Shinro debut in Boruto.
>Malumda drops a meteor and that's it, he wins.
That doesn't do shit to most of them
Even erza, a S class mage was able to destroy a meteor while most of her bones were broken
He will appear as Kitsumoto's husband in the final chapter.
Malumda drops a bigger meteor canonfag eat shit.
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Well good luck I guess
Jobs to Yam.
>VS Stone
Jobs, because while Stone is an arrogant bitch, he has stacked advanced magitech with enhancements, making it a fight of pure brute force for Malumda, something he'll lose due to inferior tactics.
>VS Seph
Her combination of magics makes her a nightmare to fight thanks to insane amounts of powerful minions and curses she can cast. Malumda can counter this with his powerful meteor AoE and try to earn a quick win with his not-susanoo, but Seph is an Archmage and he'll be at a disadvantage skill-wise.
>VS Nameless
Alchemy lets her prepare helpful potions for a fight, and Black Arts can keep Malumda at bay for long enough. The real kicker is her custom magic and Archmage, meaning that despite his overwhelming power, she can create powerful counters on the fly to his tricks, making adapting to her a difficult ordeal.
>VS Lanel
True Magic ascends this standard summoner build into a nightmare because good luck trying to fight him when he gets multiple angels and elemental spirits on his side. Again, Malumda needs to win this quickly.

Without delving into canon for additional stuff, it's safe to say that Malu will struggle against every build. For one, his magics are straightforward and easier to figure out, and he lacks good traits to fully take advantage of his skillset. His best bet is munching on corpses of powerful mages and farming them for their derivatives to end fights early.
Uhhhh based!?
struggle against every high mage build*
I might've missed one, might not.
Lemme fix this for you.
>no prep time
Malumda blitzes, tanks everything they do, and spams meteors and then they die.
>prep time
Malumda pulls out asspull after asspull until he wins.
Can't be beaten.
Don't forget that
>With alchemy Nameless could also buff her black arts demons letting her get an insane army
>With arc of time Lanel is literally indestrucible as his body stright cannot be damaged
Malu is COOKED
I know you want your cringekino fightfagging, but you could've been slightly better about it. Why not do a Rinnegan magic? Lost Magics can have multiple applications, you've gimped yourself on that.
>They'd all job to an Enhancement+Speed S-Class who actually knows how to fight.
Name a single Rinnegan user who won anything.
Pain beat jiraya
Your build is still non-canon, Malakai. Or whatever the fuck his name was.
Name a single Jubi user who won anything.
No need for a Rinnegan, Susanoo + Meteors are all that are needed.
Literally invulnerable.
One shots everything.
Blitz immunity. He wins.
>they all job to Big Killer Ape Tree and Big Lover Resting Phone
Jiraya literally let him win. Or did you forget how the fight ended?
That army dies to one (1) meteor and Lanel gets buried under a meteor and he can't lift it off of him and he dies.
Me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> omnipotence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cum stain on my wall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malumda (every version)
>Jiraya literally let him win.
....in your drug induced delusion
What if Lee kicks the meteor really really hard?
...on opposite day.
>One shots everything.
Nah, this is a jobber move.
>That army dies to one (1) meteor
One (1) member of the army can destroy the meteor on his own
> Lanel gets buried under a meteor and he can't lift it off of him and he dies.
Arc of time destroys it
It might break, perhaps even be destroyed...
But what will he do about the SECOND METEOR?
The meteor explodes because a Lee only needs to use 1% of their CHADjutsu to smash through Uchigger jewish tricks.
...during my schizophrenic delusion.
>Cum stain on the wall more powerful than omnipotence
Nerf pls
Malmuda is unfortunately very small and weak compared to Big Killer Ape Tree
It's an isekai move
He's ripping off Deathmarch
He pulls out the SECOND LEG!
Meteors are literally the strongest things in fiction? I mean look at their feats.
>killed the dinosaurs (fucking awesome btw)
>canonically the strongest Dragon move in Pokemon (literally the most important franchise ever)
>One Piece Pirate Warriors 3? Fujitora (meteor guy) is the strongest character
>Garfield? Pretty sure Garfield was a meteor once.
>Ever played TWEWY? One of the strongest moves is a meteor.
You can't get any better that meteors.
Funny when I actually try my builds turn out to be soulless. I should make more shitpost rapebait builds.
This is your reminder that Madara was 5'10", while Hashirama was 6'0".
It's just manlet uchigger seethe, ignore him.
How Malumda would kill himself once he finds out that his meteors can be beaten by High Magic Kill Art: Fireball?
No need to seethe Alaric
>One (1) member of the army can destroy the meteor on his own
Jobs to the other googolplex meteors.
>Arc of time destroys it
Fodder of Time couldn't because meteors >>>>> space-time itself.
Moon outclasses meteors in fiction. Even in Naruto.
i gave alric that because he's basically a BtN character and doesn't mash well with the rest of the cast
but if you're mory, please know that i'll isolate you from the general so i can have your build all to myself and my ryona writeups
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>Casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities
Does this mean Mond easily no-sells Malumda despite not having magic at all?
>Moonblast: 95 Power
>Draco Meteor: 130 Power
>Meteor Beam: 120 Power
Even while being weighed down by stupid fucking dragons or rocks meteors beat the moon in raw power
i never got into wow sorry not sorry
I'd tank it because I have anti-bypass magic.
Kill yourself PMDfaggot
Yes. Malumda begs for mercy before the fight even begins.
It would if it were true and Malumda wasn't the strongest.
>PMDfag exposes himself
The MOON destroys Termina.
For fellow non-scholars: we're making fun of Malumda because he bought regular meteor magic, instead of Conceptual Meteor magic. The difference is that the latter, upon a hit, inflicts the concept of death on the opponent which bypasses all defences and immunities. Malumda is a massive retard and he's a wall-level in attack potency at best.
WRONGO, PMDEITIES only care about pre-gen 5 Pokeymans so they wouldn't mention the Farty type at all.
You are all such dweebs.
I bet you got swirlies in high school.
>he thinks the concept of death (which bypasses all defences and immunities) is stronger than good ol meteor
lmao look at this retard
>S class mage in ft is already above meteor level
>Malumda think people 2 tiers above that would be threatened at all by a big rock
swirlies is only building level albeit, it jobs to meteor-sama
I actually bullied some people in high school, and now that I think about it I feel kinda bad
>Fodder shitter in ft is already magic level
>RETARD-KUN thinks CHADUMDA THE CHAKRA LORD would be threatened at all by w*stern shartgic
Can Mamluda beat Ace of Spades from Suggsverse?
There's only so much screenshots I can harvest because there exists like 0 fanart due to how plot insignificant he is despite technically being the MC as it appears in a mini arc that involves a different game. Also >>93256560 is correct, great manga due to being a manga about videogames that actually stays being about videogames and not being trapped/isekai'd in it.
The answer is always no
I was pretty tall so no one was willing to try that type of shit.
The answer is always yes
Cain killed Abel with rock. Since then, all human fighting involved rocks. Don't you diss rock.
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Business is good when you're the main game in town for enterprising individuals on the wrong side of the law. Hag's Hex doesn't have quite as many amenities as a proper Light Guild, but it offers its substantial coffers and workshop to anyone with ambition and a good head on their shoulders, holds a tight-knit loyalty born of shared desperation, and most of all doles out ZERO lectures on being a good person, unlike a certain OTHER guild in Balsam. Sure, maybe they're basically just the Team Rocket of FT, but that doesn't mean they have to stay that way. Vera's got big plans so get in on the ground floor!
Plus, being based in a casino means all the perks that comes with it: cheap booze, constant entertainment, and cute waitresses.
also we got art or whatever

>"An unsurprising disappointment. Still, consider it an open offer. Hag's Hex will happily open its workshop to collaboration provided you have any... Philosophical epiphanies in the future."
>search "meteor" on his page
>no results
Yeah he's fodder.
Hummina hummina
Modern bullies are mostly bitches terrified of their victims showing even a bit of physical confrontation in response to abuse. That's why they use social manipulation to fuck with you, and that's harder to deal with for an average autist from 4chins.
Mamluda is moonscorch victim.
Malumda beats up your bullies in your real life he's that strong.
>"Ma'am, Mrs. Nameless has hit our casino with a second job application. Casualties are immense."
Nah, you get stories all the time about how some mean girl got her gal pals to help her do some serial killer shit. I guess it's a woman thing though.
omg im cooming
my bullies are complex hyperversal tier :(
Hey tits, nice retard
Women are not that terrifying because they're not athletic or that bright in the first place. But they get free out-of-jail card, so you need to hit the gym and intimidate them with your bulging muscles.
Rate builds on corruptibility, please.
IOn the thread stright up jorking it
And by "it" haha letsj ust say, my peenits
I propose we force Fairy Tail fags into a separate thread on /trash/ and see how fast they'll devolve into putrid degeneracy. And I am not just talking about shit like gooning or futa, I am talking real deal.
>active nardogirls have no massive tits
is this why Nardo died???
Have sexy sex wit me pls im lonely
There are no active nardogirls.
It's over, man.
Ichika, Himari, and Sen are all stacked.
Milk truk just arive
Samefagbro, are you okay?
Fuck the chunin exams! Let's all just make new builds and start over!
Why not just continue with the build I already have? I've already written too much.
Will you just shut up
Go back to plebbit puritan
Anon, I love her mommy mammaries myself, but I think this is unhealthy for you.
That's a good one
WHAAAT? You want to CONTINUE to ENJOY my FAVORITE MP!? Well then, guess I can't stop you!
This is amazing
Now pls draw her having sex with Asami in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
why are we /dbs/ now
did I miss a memo
The bitch from Korra???
How is her back not snapping like a twig?
Where are her organs?!
Is there a fight you wanna see?
We're grieving.
... isn't that traced korra art?
Who we grieving?
I don't fucking know. I don't spend time looking at that bitch when I could be looking at Azula.
She's 14 nigga
Don't worry. Every pic I fap to is post comics Azula. Promise.
Ibuki Anon, what would you think of her hiring on Alaric as a sort of bodyguard? She seems the type to think getting her hands dirty is beneath her, and I have this amusing image of her doing the right thing more often than not after he convinced her it was her idea. Also him asking her questions about Fiore and what the responsibilities of the nobility entail, and getting her to eventually reason her own way to how a proper ruler should behave.

Seph Anon also suggested Alaric as someone to potentially teach her some combat skills, so him joining the same guild would kinda make sense. No pressure though if that doesn't sound interesting to you.
Wasn't me.
peak /mcyoag/
Not even trolling
I had fun
We need a madman to ship all female builds in Fairy Tail together. Preferably a coomer with refined tastes.
Honestly this has been a great thread.
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>"Gods have mercy. Pay the corpse cleaners double their usual fee, and sweep up as much damage as you can. I've got a boatload of tourists from Rose Garden coming in this evening and will NOT let her ruin this for me."
it's smoke magic i don't gotta explain shit
Sure, I'll whip up a tierlist with some thoughts later.

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