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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93249885
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A good omen!
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>Entropist was the best CYOA of all-time!
Then why haven't you tried to make another CYOA like Entropist?
>Entropist was the worse CYOA of all-time!
Then why haven't you tried to make a better CYOA than Entropist?
>Entropist was just another CYOA, not that great, not that bad
Then why haven't you tried to make a CYOA to distract from Entropist?

Entropist ushered deep entropy into the /cyoag/, but the biggest issue is the /cyoag/'s apathy. If you like playing CYOAs and have read dozens of them, there's little reason not to make a CYOA and give back to the general that gave you so much. I'm working on my first serious project now. It won't be amazing but it will be mine, and maybe someday, someone will enjoy it in some forgotten corner of the internet, and I'll have no idea that it happened but it will have made their day slightly better. The best way to fight back against Entropist is to make more CYOAs.
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I kneel. Entropiss anon
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Anything good come out in the past six months?
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V2.2 List of Blessings

To help me with this list, I plead any Unblessed builds that update to link to their previous one and link to my list as well. New builds, returning builds, or updated builds that already have a blessing, please also link to my list.

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Dark Sovereign, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Apex Hunter, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Spirit Force, Patriarch Dragon, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Ungraspable, Overlapped Technique, Unending, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Red Ravager, Chimeric Manipulator, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah

41 multiplayer; 19 singleplayer; 60 total

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Dark Sovereign, Apex Hunter, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Patriarch Dragon

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Unending, Overlapped Technique, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Chimeric Manipulator

13 multiplayer; 6 singleplayer; 19 total
Thanks chatgpt
Multiplayer: Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Spirit Force, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Ungraspable, Red Ravager, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah

29 multiplayer; 13 singleplayer; 42 total

Creeping Conquest (MP)
Arcana (MP)
Empyrean Prince (MP)
Elder Son (SP)
Hoarded Technique (MP)
Man of the Purple Rose (NEW-MP)
Ungraspable (NEW-SP)
Overlapped Technique (SP)
Kingmaker (NEW-MP)
Song of the King (NEW-MP)
Grand Harbinger (MP)
Protocol FULCRUM (MP)
Tortured Armaments (MP)
Unending (SP)
Endbringer (NEW-MP)
Vampire Emperor (SP)
Dismantle Ego (NEW-MP)
Spark of Light (SP)
Dark Justice Nightmare Strike (NEW-MP)
Pale Rider (NEW-MP)
Dark Sovereign (MP)
Magnificent Titan (NEW-MP)
Scattered Spirit (NEW-MP)
Red Ravager (NEW-SP)
Storm Knight (NEW-MP)
Apex Hunter (MP)
If you liked magicase, yes. Otherwise no
Chimeric Manipulator (SP)
Lingering Magic (NEW-SP)
Wyrm Hunter (NEW-MP)
Repeated Armament (NEW-MP)
Dread Legate (NEW-MP)
Black Fire Imbue (NEW-MP)
Forced Destiny (NEW-SP)
Draco Warlock (NEW-MP)
Leviathan Pursuit (NEW-MP)
Stoic Fighter (NEW-SP)
Sunward Traveller (NEW-MP)
Master of Monsters (NEW-MP)
Red Mist (NEW-MP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Peace (NEW-SP)
Judgement Storm (NEW-SP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Father's Paladin (MP)
Exquisite Puppeteer (MP)
Spirit Force (NEW-MP)
Tour of Sin (NEW-SP)
Patriarch Dragon (MP)
Entropic Generator (NEW-MP)
Calm of Thanatos (NEW-MP)
Transcendence Through Death and Destruction (NEW-MP)
Evolving Hunter (NEW-SP)
Colossal Strikes (NEW-MP)
Pillar and Foundation (NEW-MP)
Ascended Ensemble (NEW-MP)
Lord of Winds (NEW-MP)
Center of Knowledge (NEW-MP)
Astral Star (NEW-SP)
It Will be Spoken (NEW-SP)
Destined Decree (NEW-SP)
Grand Master (NEW-MP)
The Messiah (NEW-SP)

How does the perk [Communication] interact with the blessing [speak as he]?
Was Magicase the one with the different magical clans and you're doing government work? I made a build I adored for it but unfortunately the CYOA didn't have much to go on. Companions were pretty awful.

Did it get an update?
>Companions were pretty awful.
T. Powerfag
it works
I really like this chinese chowder adaptation
No I didn't care much about the powers.
It wasn't a self insert, it was three characters working in tandem, so it's more fun to give them limitations.

I wish that he had used the companions as a chance to infodump about things relevant to being a Magi Investigator or whatever. Instead it was just long walls of text about the character's personal lore, that somehow said zero about what the character was actually like.
Newfags, post your entropist builds... NOW! The thread shall bless you.
i dont like redditropist so no
Unfortunately I didn't vibe with it enough to make a build. Looked like all the powers kind of sucked and weren't exciting me.
>still mad at getting DISCIPLINED
I'm still figuring things out but I could post what I have tomorrow maybe
>He didn't read any of the magi investigator companions profiles
>or the ones connected to your backstory options,
I read a bunch, they're all lore dumps about the character that don't really illustrate the world. Also, like I said, somehow he manages to have five paragraphs of description for a character, and you still don't know what their personality is like. So the companions fail in both the higher level purpose to immerse you in the world, as well as the bare minimum of actually presenting a character.
>they're all lore dumps about the character that don't really illustrate the world.
Objectively wrong.
I'm updating my build. Entropist 3rd wave revival soon.
>personal lore
Companions mostly talk about the lore of their clans and their organizations in the world and how they work. What are you talking about Anon?

You learn that cripples aren't accepted by mages. You learn that Homunculi are naturally infertile and you have to be top educated to get a position to make them. You learn about the shadow government in the 30 Years War and how they fucked up Hagia. All stuff about the world.

Think, Anon, Think!
Me too, let's goooooo!
Description length is not a function of personality and you're missing the point with the purpose of the characters Italics writes. For example, Entropist focuses more on character interactions and presents a list of waifus whose personality you can understand without many issues and then imagine their reactions in different situations. However this is not the correct way to write companions since it doesn't work for a cyoa medium. Entropist waifus add nothing to the cyoa, no lore, no quests, no story. They work for a harem anime but not a cyoa. Italics writes characters that have a story and place in the world that serve as a medium to seamlessly transmit lore to you while at the same time inviting you to participate in their stories. RPG companions aren't there for you to hang out with, they're there because they serve a purpose to the setting and the story. It proves that Italics a more mature, experienced and competent author than Entropist Anon. Now that you know this you can enjoy them and appreciate them for what they do.
I'll direct you to Outer Reincarnation, in which the companions both help you understand the character's personality as well as adding lore and story and quests. The little lore that Italics added via companions was really boring ultraspecific details, and he failed or never attempted to add any personality to the companions. The section might as well not exist.
The only companions that matter in magi case are the auctors. To be friends with or marry them is a invaluable opportunity. How can you forgo that for irrelevant trash?

The companion section is essentially choosing between marrying gods or mortals. Ridiculous.
One of the Auctors is a lesbian that is a beta orbiter simp for another girl.
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>Did it get an update?
Stand proud, you're strong.
What's up with the orbs?
Hell yeah, thank you!
I'll be able to update my builds
Anon, that was just the tease introduction to the redux version.

Don't know.
Oh. It doesn't exist yet fml
You need to study but almost nothing, by entropyst anon
>>93256235 #
the main one I fight
>He's not even around by the time you wake up
If I don't manage to slow him I will live with that, I so only what I can do
>Suicidal bye bye literally the worst Son you could pick a fight with
As I already stated I can't really stop him, I will simply claim some territory in the dreamlands, not pick a fight with him, if he pick a fight I will whine with Pluto.
>tweaking her personality a little bit would not cause any weakening or negative side effect
The problem is that her maternality is a fundamental part of her, exactly because of this she could oppose you, it's making a large change suppressing it, why don't you simply accept it.
>repeated armament here
You are also the one who mean to fight more challenge.
>The "soul infrastructure" is called genocide. You're delusional.
Nta but he needing undead to bring him people to kill instead of being able to use them to send him souls since he removed the entropy heralds slows him down horribly, and he doesn't even have sleepless after losing them, no it's not valid modifying his WB and the lich can't do his palaces
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Any day now...
>he needing undead to bring him people to kill instead of being able to use them to send him souls since he removed the entropy heralds slows him down horribly
He can just
>learn to make portals
>create minions with portal power
>said minions open portals to transport souls
No, he doesn't have teleport or divine promotion to give it to them, and what you take in the build dictates your affinity to future power sistems.
Who even are you?
>he doesn't have teleport or divine promotion to give it to them
Irrelevant, you're not limited by your initial powers in what you can create.

>what you take in the build dictates your affinity to future power sistems
More effort, so what?
Wait he has divine promotion, but my point stands.
Sadly I didn't post my build when entropistanon was here, so I found no reason in posting my build.
Sothis slows him down even more, he start with Elaine and Alta, so no one who can help him with this, and he should study magic to do this, difficult while conquering earth.
>no build
Lol, you don't even exist. We can ignore your retarded ass now.
fuck off you moron this isn't the multiplayer thread
Technically neither dark sovereign does, he broke the rules, or patriarch dragon, entropistanon stated he didn't want to make a build on his own CYOA so it was just showing, not "canon".
>past 6 month OC
It's been a crazy year for me, but we've gotten:

*2 new Beri cyoas
*Viz Volaire from Sylen
* Magi Case from Italics
*Archaologists' Guild from Hyenanon
*a bunch of 1 pagers from Surinical
*an incomplete, but playable version of Conduit by Cruxador
*a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember at the moment
I fucking hate cyoas that create a background for me. What a soulless way to ruin your OWN adventure.
Where's your cyoa?
It has begun once more, the shitposters has risen.
Happens every summer. Oh well.
Who made this?
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There's an updated version.
So, what worlds do you plan on going to? Whether to learn their magic, explore the setting, farm souls or some other reason.
Probably spend a lifetime on earth doing cleanup & restoration work of any would be conqueror that isnt a son, hound or follower of the mother.

While getting family and friends away on some distant world.
>alt world cyoa
I mean... all of those are isekais, innit? Even if you're born into them, you still have to retain your original self, anyway
>herr derr, no, see, I'm just gonna erase more foundational memories and go be myself, but le different, with different ideals, memories etc etc
I think you just effectively die, then, as your personality smears and resettles with almost no continuity beyond mood you were having at the moment
Losing memories or changing personality isn't death. Dying is death.
losing continuity, like if you getting a head transplant, is existential death. Strictly biological semantics aren't very relevant to that dimension.
Nta but is sleeping death then?
the pattern is still etched in your brain, so no

neurons never just transmit continuously, you know that right? They have a moment where they accumulate potential and then they fire. Your mind manifests granularly, in those waves of activity.

we're like a drawing on a sand that can slide across the beach. we're the pattern or we're nothing. we're certainly not electricity, right?
By that logic, growing older and learning new things are also "dying", since technically we're not the same as we were back then.
PS Or, more precisely, we're the continuity of patterns, as our shit morphs and evolves (and deteriorates)
I agree. Isekaing with your memories is fine, making a character that's not (You) is fine, but this weird intermediate state where "you travel to another world but lose all memories" is just incoherent. What is even the point of including any references to (You) then.
I understand this logic but even in case of sudden changes until I retain some aspect of my ego I consider me at least partially myself.
see >>93258684 >>93258697
Basically, the "you become somebody else, with not trace of your memories" shit is for people who believe in souls or energy-based metaphysics, where you're just a wad of spirit stuff with the identity being some completely subsurface "nature" of you (if any, some just stop on this and think no further).

It's for people, who, basically, think a soul is a second temperament, slapped on top of instinct by the supernatural. That or a bar code on your chunk of monist absolute.
but you don't retain any ego without memories. If you have no memories, habits etc, you don't have character or mindset. Just a mood and maybe temper, that will quickly give way to something else as your mind rewires itself to interface with new memories.
I myself would probably want to go to Magi Case and see what magics I'd pick up. Necromancy certainly, the second is likely between Elemancy, Alchemy or Soul magic. Also I'll see if I can't get my hands on the Liber Juratis.
Tendentially in those CYOA I use the premise that I mantain some of my ego and personality.
Why not just kill them and add them to your sanctum?
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Well, first I'd have to deal with the multiple events that I lined up with Fate Untangled, and clean up Earth so it won't be an embarrassment to me when meeting other Sons (sorry India, I have to...). After that I'd probably send vampires into different worlds to gather intel, while I myself would hunt for demiurges and other creatures that everyone hates to use for Essence Enchant and other purposes.
Many of them have kids, some too young to harvest. Also i dont want to cause unnecessary trauma to the people closest to me, even if soul drain can be made painless, you never know.

Should the events end with my demise, they at least are safe.
Almost a year ago, I made a large document for a cyoa that I never finished. Main problem was actually lack of overarching ideas to make the stuff interesting (for me), but now I'm world building and, when done, I figure I will remake my original work to fit it.

So 1st cyoa will take me just ~1.5 year! Nice!
I wrote 80% of it over the course of 4 days, right at the beginning, during a heat wave. Then clear thoughts kicked in and the problems began.
What do the Oaths that give you a power do? Does it give you it for free, or does it give you the max capacity to buy it with?
Max capacity to buy it in the future.
It's written in the oaths section, you must buy them but don't count for the cap.
I'd probably visit every anime setting I'm interested in, collect the waifus into my Sanctum and generally just going around nearby dimensions taking whatever I want. With enough souls I can make my Sanctum a super paradise so after a certain point there's no reason for you to be doing any travelling.
lusus naturae

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