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Ironjawz da best! Edition

▶Previously in the Mortal Realms:

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warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ [Rest in Peace soon]


▶Thread question:
Have you finished painting the army that you picked up at the start of 3rd edition?
Yes and No. I was finished painting my army by the end of second edition, afett third I had to start over. Now I've only got the right arms on my corsairs(swords instead of crossbows), my cannon, and new fleetmaster.
roools fo de stinke, just for dos of ye who dinde see it.
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Got into AoS in February, so I wasn't around for the dawn of 3rd, but I've gotten (currently) about 1500 points of CoS painted and working my way though the HoS Spearhead in preparation to buy Masque and probably Shalaxi depending on the final reveal. Not trying to meta chase, but I'm not gonna drop $60-$130 USD on a model that's borderline deadweight.

>pic partially related: Shardbringer I need to highlight/shade up a bit. Was properly based after this photo.
Does anyone have the new Cado novel? I'm set to purchase the Last Volari, so that one book would round off the sharable novels here.
RIP dispossessed all gone & ready to be rebox for TOW now

hope for nu-city dwarfs down the line
>Be GW
>Squat the Scourge Privateer city
>Squat the Phoenix Guard city
>Squat Wanderers and Phoenix Guard
>Keep Scourge Privateers, give them a new city
>Don't squat Dispossessed like Beastmen or Bonesplitters despite being in TOW
>Still remove them from Age of Sigmar storefront

I think they're gonna do something dwarf related now that we know Cogforts are specifically created by them. Either that or GW's machinations are simply beyond the mortal ken.
CoS are human army.
No fuck you.
Yes deal with it. Go collect your naked midgets
Why do these dumb fucks insist on giving them rules but making them impossible to find. Just cut them out of CoS already or readily stock them, they're cool models, fucking support them you hacks.
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Just because GW is fucking the dog on representing their own lore, doesn't mean it's wrong.

I'd rather more Ogor than Dwarfs and Elves personally. Just to make the Steelhelms look smaller and less fat.
>I'd rather more Ogor than Dwarfs and Elves personally
So collect Ogor, Duardin or aelves instead of CoS
nah, you need hammerers to do any damage in that army.
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I finished painting an army I picked up at the *end* of third.

I also painted 2000pts of OBR and a whole lot of Stormcast during third as well as a little bit here and there of various armies.
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Snatched up these two for $60 each.

What do I need to make this a functional army, Magmadroth? Foot heroes?

Also should I sell the second Grimhold exile?
>What do I need to make this a functional army
The Fyreslayer manifestations, and a couple of magmadroths
The faction terrain too, if you can find it.

How about you collect my dick in your ass. I want more shit like Fusil-Majors.
>How about you collect my dick in your ass.
No sorry, I am not FS player
At this point the CoS elf and dwarf players are worse than the guys who refuse to admit that GW is killing off firstborn marines in 40K.

You can see it happening in front of your eyes and yet somehow you refuse to believe it.

Certified coward.

Thank you anon.
This never stops being awesome
>well make a classic lotr triple alliance themed army of elves, dwarfs and men you always wanted from your childhood
>btw everything is fucked up looking outside of maybe the couple dwarf models, especially the elves because we cant just be fucking normal.
>also no you can't buy any of it.
>if you do keep in mind we might squat it at any moment.
Cities is such a cocktease.
stop thinking cities were anything but a stopgap patchwork
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I've got enough goblins painted at those point to play fun games but I have enough fun painting them that I can always paint more
You need all the heroes, the Bannerman, Runesmiter, Runelord, Flamekeeper. Obviously you're getting a droth because you just will.
I don't, I'm not going to buy in until its not a mess.
Oh hey, they remembered TOW exists and decided to release a pity box for it.
I guess that means the release schedule for TOW is one updade every 3-4 months.
you will not be missed
"assemble WHFB leftovers" is more correct term
>classic lotr
AoS isn't LOTR nor fluff-wise, nor aesthetic-wise, closer to Alliance from WoW and none likes Alliance.
Cities had no theme at all.
They were just a pile of stuff from WHFB that didn't have a home.
Now they have a range of their own, and a crusade theme. All the high elf and dwarf stuff is going to be reboxed for old world. The dark elf stuff is going to be squatted when malerion finally shows up.
>and a crusade theme.
the alliance has gay gnomes and space goats in it.
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Yeah goats was basically the only thing which kept Alliance alive
He's not wrong, he's not right either but he's certainly not wrong.
Because there is zero crusade-theme in CoS design or lore?
Kind of. Not finished but I have my army table top ready
The army I picked up at the end of 3rd still has a long way to go
>zero crusade-theme in CoS design or lore?
Did you not follow any of the launch of the new cities range in 3E?
The whole "Dawnbringer crusades" event ring a bell?
All the models are covered in reliquaries and liturgical tracts?
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Really makes ya think.
The armybox for COS really isnt that great even if we ignored the book huh
>Did you not follow any of the launch of the new cities range in 3E?
Actually I did.
>All the models are covered in reliquaries and liturgical tracts?
>If I crop one of his points out of my reply, and just quote the others back at him, it'll look like I rebutted his points!
>I'm a genius
>>If I crop one of his points
Which one?
Other replies telling you you're wrong are just cringe. You're based.
Just buy what you like sperg

Don't ignore my reply you fucking coward.


I finished reading (listening) to the Darkoath novel and basically, take a shot every time someone says the word "Oath" and you'll be dead by chapter 2, I promise.

Granted the book is called "DARKOATH" not "Light Lie" so lol.

Only thing I'd say without spoilers is just that there's a lot of strange tones in the book that blend something like, "And then Gunnar flensed multiple skulls over a campfire while having a heartfelt father / daughter conversation with his kid"
Freeguild just come across as a disciplined modern army model-wise. No one would guess they're a hodge podge volunteered settlement crusade driving by faith.
The fantasy imperial guard shit was a mistake.
Fuck I tagged the wrong post meant >>93257767
feel free to make spoilers, nobody really holds their breath for books here
There is nothing to do, but to ignore, since your pic is unrelated
Yeah, they're trying so hard to suggest the noble savage stuff

>pic is literally a quote about how they're winning to fight and die to reclaim lost land in a crusade

>CoS isn't a crusade faction

Bait or retarded.
you haven't looked at their faces properly
>bait or retarded
It's obviously retarded anon you're wasting your energy on secondaries

I'm just waiting for the weather to cool down so I can prime some shit. I'm wasting time no matter what I do.

At least I can call people retards here and play TW3 in the meantime.
The Dawnbringer crusades.

They launched the whole new range, with a crusade.
>in a crusade
Also, CoS doesn't fight, they are marching after SCE does all the fighting around.
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>Freeguild just come across as a disciplined modern army model-wise. No one would guess they're a hodge podge volunteered settlement crusade driving by faith.
Yup, definitely no religious imagery here at all.
No sir.
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IMO rather royal. Last King of Scotland

Bait confirmed.

Have a nice night. Try to nut huff the primer if you ever open that box of Space Wolves you bought.
Yes, with no new devoted models otherwise or anything suggesting faith on the entirety of the range otherwise because the reliquary.
Absolute cope. They are driven by faith in the same way the imperial guard are; only in the fluff.
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As you know, it was super common for commanders of secular militaries to bring severed heads on sticks around with them as reliquaries.
>As you know, it was super common for commanders of secular militaries to bring severed heads on sticks around with them as reliquaries.
As much as usage of industrial machinery to shape metal plates for armor
Are there alternatives heads for these dudes, balding dudes just remind me of my soon to be fate.
>If I change what I'm arguing about halfway through, no one will notice!

Fuck off, and try harder next time. You can't bait post and then try and weasel out of it.
You need to double down on the insanity if you want to troll.
I iz a muhfuggin kween
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There are options
You can have an old black guy, and an Asian instead if you want.
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Given that GW is (or was) on a theme of releasing a small pack of models alongside a novel release (Blacktalons, Callis & Toll, Gunnar's Oathsworn), I wanted to see what was up with the book.

Generally it gives the broad outline for the origin(s) of the Darkoath tribes (essentially all of them), at least in Aqshy where the book takes place. The Skaven have a small role because the Vermindoom has already occurred or essentially immediately occurs as the book begins. A lot of the initial parts have Gunnar and the Brand tribe barely making it in secret and hiding for survival - turns out you very much can eat Skaven meat.

There's some backstory for Gunnar and his relationship with his daughter which is like a less paternal version of Ares from God of War. There's appearances from the new Darkoath monster model (name escapes me at the moment) but also "The Thing in the Woods" which I wasn't sure was a callback to balewolves or what might show up later for Darkoath model.

Oh and NONSTOP oaths. Like everyone is constantly taking oaths. About anything. Need to take a dump? "I SWEAR BY THIS OATHSTONE, I'M GONNA SHIT." While there's nothing quite this petty, by the end it gets really superfluous. There's a constant juxtaposition between the Chaos Gods guiding someone with portents and signs versus those able to see them just giving up all notion of control or understanding. Paraphrased quote but, "The Gods reveal everything and nothing," is a sentiment said a few times despite Gunnar and several others getting multiple future portents.

In the end Gunnar essentially becomes somewhere on par with a Chosen or Undivided Champ at bare minimum, takes multiple mortal wounds and survives, blows up multiple Cogforts with the help of several chests full of looted warpstone, and all but unites multiple tribes that number somewhere in the thousands. There's more, but that's the gist of it.
Hey, you can enjoy your imperial guard all you want I just don't see how the fluff is indicated on the models and anyone uninformed is just going to see the opposite of what they are.
Do what is predictions on Kruleboyz in new Meta?
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embrace the tired face
>"And then Gunnar flensed multiple skulls over a campfire while having a heartfelt father / daughter conversation with his kid"
GW writers are afraid of having any culture (even fictional ones) portrayed as evil.

It's super weird, and has lead to some truly awful writing as they've tried to shoehorn "nuance" into factions that are really irredeemable. "I'm going to worship fantasy satan and his friends, who are empirically real in this universe, and sacrifice living beings to their hunger, before inevitably having my immortal soul devoured. But don't you dare try and save me, you filthy coloniser, I can take care of myself!"
when you think about it a chaos follower is little more than a little streamer begging for views from daemons, they have to make everything about a goal, including everyday shit they would have done anyway

They're going to remain a somewhat shooty army that's reliant on moving their boltboyz around with dirty tricks...until that 2+ doesn't go off and they get splatted by something like Prosecutors blinking on top of them with a 3d6 charge or something similar.

Kind of like before they're going to be crit-fishing with gutrippaz. Everything will rely on getting subsequent tricks rolls off I think. Otherwise they seem kind of inflexible compared to armies that have more options overall. They're definitely a glass cannon type that will crumble if their essential tricks rolls don't hit on time or if they can't remain on the offense.
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Anything for DoT?
Anyone who is predicting what the meta will be is lying.
Until we have a full dump of all the indexes, AND the points, no one knows what 4E even looks like.
Nothing I've seen dude.
It'll all be out in a few days, nothing to do but be patient unfortunately.
whats dot
>glass cannon
Eh... they're not tough, but apart from a few notable examples (cough, Morathi, cough) damage has been noticeably toned down. I don't know how squishy KB will be compared to the average AoS army.
Disciples of Tzeentch.

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