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Enters tapped edition


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Fave card that enters play tapped?
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Lately i have been playing this, i know people say anchorage is better but the effect, the stats and the price is really good for me,
Kinda surprised I never saw decks that combined the indestructible tap lands with pic related. Three 3/3 indestructible vigilance menace creatures seems like a pretty damn good win con.
>jund bridge control
Sounds fuckin horrible but you should definitely do it
>bridge control
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Indestructible doesn't really mean much anymore. They massively overprint exile these days
Why does indestructible prevent your creature dying from negative toughness after combat, but not from negative toughness after a -x/-x effect?
I understand that it may be that way to balance indestructible, but it takes away from the rules cohesiveness
Bait question.
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It doesnt even need to be tap lands since you can just play the artefact lands
i'm just new to the game..
I think there's a strong argument that Nadu performed better this PT than Eldrazi did at Oath. Everyone came to this PT expecting Nadu, people were prepared for it, while no one expected Eldrazi. And yet Nadu still put in a result close to what Eldrazi managed. Crazy shit.
>Bro what if showed up to modern/legacy/vintage right
>And I played taplands right??
>And get this, here is the EPICKALLY COOL PAYOFF!!!
>I play a 6 CMC tricolor sorcery spell
>it let me put 9/9 worth of stats into the field!!!
I like when clear shitters speak up.
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Farewell as a card is pure kino, why do people hate it so much?
It turned off a lot of cool cards and strategies in Standard while facilitating one of the most boring and tedious meta environments ever.
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And yet he will not be banned... What that says about WOTC?
Goblinos made top in one of Japan largest events. What is your excuse?

I don't hate it at all, pioneer azorius control is my favorite deck I own in paper. The problem is never one single exile effect, it's the sheer amount of good exile effects
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Japan gets weird metas, that's my excuse. Remember when slow mill was t1 and no one could explain why?
>Japan gets weird metas
And yet they have the same card pool. Curious!
Fuck Wizards for not using Seb McKinnon anymore. Utter lunacy.
Yea for real. And if you were in Japan you could probably win with goblins right now. The difference is a matter of mass psychology and is genuinely too big-brained for me.
So you're telling me no one in Japan plays the decks that win tournaments in the US and Europe? Not one of them?
I am not.
If anywhere has a fake and gay meta it's the west because literally everyone netdecks which can only lead to a situation where the top decks win events so everyone considers them the top decks and plays them making them win more events. It's silly, formats are way more open than westerners believe they are.
>Japanese people has such big brains they don't need to netdeck and they can win with out of meta decks without problem
USAbros... I don't feel good...
>last three modern tournaments wins are: nadu, merfolk and jeskai control
>out of meta
nta, but there hasn't been a good competitive format since 2014. Fuck off, faggot.
Incredibly retarded take on every conceivable level.
If Japanese players play western decks but those decks still don't win those events it only goes to prove just how much of the western metagame is raw numbers of people on decks. This implies that the top decks are only the top decks because people think they're the top decks and play them.
This isn't some grand revelation. 2head line of thought with obvious end point. You're mistaken in attributing the majority of innovation in deck building to Easterners. The best players/deck builders are Westerners, and it's been this way since the inception of the game. Easterners aren't bad players by any means, Tsumura, Saito, etc., but ascribing them to be somehow more innovative or skillful is profoundly retarded, quantifiably,
Innovation and deckbuilding haven't been advantageous skills since the internet came of age since everyone can play everyone's decks with no problems. The only exception is a brand new meta like PT MH3, but PTs are renowned for having fucking awful metagames anyway.
>The best players are Westerners
You mean the best cheaters.
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Threadly Pioneer deck.
Very fun.
>take an interesting idea
>jam 4 push 4 seize and some sheoldreds
>Look I made a deck!
The meta is in fucking shambles
Totally advantageous for competitive players to spike a tournament. You're right about PT metagames usually being shit, but I have no clue how to respond to the cheating allegations. All I can say is that I've seen more high profile Eastern players get caught cheating than Westerners. In any case, play the game, have fun. Magic won't ever pay our bills.
No it doesn't and no it doesn't. You're an idiot.
Just look at the PT for cheating, tons of it happened on camera and all western.

>Two lands in a turn
Depraz, French
>Incorrect Goyf size
van Etten, Dutch
>Cards in graveyard instead of exile
Dominguez, Spanish
>Trying to get more Nadu triggers
Kassis, US
>Targeting through protection
Niels*n, Danish

God only knows what was going on when cameras weren't around.
the game was never intended to be played with cards that had so many words, R&D need to be fired
Lmfao are you telling me pro players who spent THOUSANDS of hours playng the cards can't read the cards or forget how they work even if they have a bible of text? Come on anon.
I sympathise most with the Dutch guy. "Oh you're Helixing my 2/3 Goyf, well I'll make it come back after it dies" is genuinely an easy mistake to make if you haven't come across the situation before plus PT nerves since he was doing well. He ate a full DQ because the mob needs to appear virtuous at all times and that means burning witches, while the other cheaters just got a slap on the wrist at worst.
I agree that it was probably an honest mistake, but I also still don't understand why a "known cheater" was allowed to play at all instead of just being banned.
What do the judges even do at these events lmao, fucking useless
van Etten missed it, Javier missed it, the judge at the table missed it, then van Etten got a retroactive DQ over it after one of the casters pointed it out while commentating the replay. Fucking insanity.
Because you can take his money and then DQ him if he does well enough in big events
He'd given a statement about his previous cheating (even then it could've just been him kneeling to the mob over accusations desu) so I guess it was assumed he wouldn't try anything again. I honestly think a known cheater is far less likely to cheat at a PT than someone who consistently top 8s.
calm down satan, that's like playing legacy without wasteland/brainstorm, etc
it's ok to brew, but handicap is for tryhards
>If Japanese players play western decks
that's a very big if, you know that right?
This happened with goyf as well a sensible amount of times, when someone would bolt it without instants in the gy.
>NOOOO you MUST play bad card and no interaction otherwise is NOT A BREW!!! NOT A BREEEW!!!!
Literal unadultered autism.
i don't cheaters must burn in hell, i despise how this game have some of the most obnoxious, dishonest waacfags across all the spectre of tableboard games.
Nobody said this you actual schizophrenic
My point is that there are no actual choices in deck building when you're running black. It's the same cards in every single deck. Meta hemogony is bad
Maybe japs have lots of worst players so a better one feels bold enough to bring any shit.dec with confidence. Also the ability to recognize when an obscure/underplayed deck is favored.
>when an obscure/underplayed deck is favored.
Impossible outside of Standard/Pioneer. Specially now with the last MH3

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