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why aren't elf knights more common? It's a very old idea and ties in perfectly with the otherworldly nobility of elves.
In a game context it would even feel fresh and with a greater focus on magic and mobility it can stand out compared to other types of knights
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>Warhammer has silver helmets and dragon princes
>Dragon Age has elven knights of the dales
>Warcraft has Blood Knights and high elven Paladins
>Elder Scrolls has various warrior-esque elven subgroups
>Lotr has people like Glorfindel
>The Witcher has the wild hunt as dark elven knights
>the various elven races in the DnD and Pathfinder settings certainly have armored melee elves too
>Final Fantasy 14 has its ishgardian elven knights
What are you even on about
I think it's largely an aesthetic decision by game designers, based on the perception of the race and class they're intending to portray for the audience.

You know, that image of the full plate clad beefcake powerfully-but-awkwardly wading through the melee swinging his weapon and hefting his shield.

Whereas your typical elf is aesthetically portrayed as being this lithe, fast and acrobatic character who's more suited to roles like swashbuckler or rogue.

That said, you're right that the whole honour and nobility thing suits their culture. There's no reason you can't adapt fluff for an even knightly order.
>no longer sold minis
>video game
>video game
>video game
>has a game + mini
>video game
>has unique mechanics and lore
>video game

its there, but as far as traditional games go that's still pretty grim
>why aren't elf knights more common
Because you don't use them for your own games.
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what about orc knights
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Because they're not a strength race so aren't mechanically suited to being knights.

It's definitely not a trend but the main image used for the Paladin in 5e is a half orc. Likely due to being a mechanically superior choice compared to other races besides Variant Human.
the 13th century knight minis (feudal and teutonic) I have aren't really elf-like :(
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>Because they're not a strength race so aren't mechanically suited to being knights.
And so aren't humans.
Knights are more than retards that hit things with weapons.
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>And so aren't humans.
And yet humans are still stronger and tougher than elves.
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>warhammer fantasy and warhammer AoS both have pen and paper systems
>Dragon Age has an pen and paper system
>Warcraft has an pen and paper system
I´ll give you elder scrolls
>Lotr has minis and pen and paper systems
>The Witcher has an pen and paper system
>FFXIV has a pen and paper system in the works
I'm just here for more images of elf knights. Any knights, really, but I don't have many elf knights.

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