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She who hasn't earned the mask Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93291180

▶ Thread Task: prompt apprentices / rookies / people who are just beginning in their role

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
Look, it's another "my character is in the OP' thread.
How many skulls must a Norscan get not to be considered a rookie?
>oh no!
That picture is too cute to complain about honestly
I passed on my first thought. Even I felt bad about showing her (drow-accurately) murdering rival infants.
So I'll just show her being drilled in her learning by her mother.
So far every "my char is in the OP" thread was quickly going to shit.
>non-Bing gen
>old botched mage.space link
How about putting any effort, OP?
That's funny how you lecture others about effort and quality, and worry about /slop/'s quality in general, while mostly posting utter garbage.
>Non-bing gen
Is that really so bad? The OP has links to other AI generators, including the one i use (stable cascade)
>Old botched mage.space link
It works for me but I'll double check next time.
It's not bad per se. It's just Bing gens have colours and are richer in details (and are slightly taller - 1024×1792 if you use Designer.) Here's your prompt in Designer.
(Oops, someone forgot about attaching pic.)
Yokozuna and his students.
What a pretentious dweeb you are.
Depends on what skulls. Some are more worthy than others.
I mean, I doubt he will be impressed with a hundred seagull skulls
Real Norscans take their own skull. Won't even slow them down.
Here, chillin with ma skullz
>Monsier, paper please.
>You aren't an illegal imigrant, oui?
> TT
Waiting for pickup, nothing like a little reminiscing about the past. Basic training seemed hella easier compared to this.
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>Real Norscans take their own skull. Won't even slow them down.
Found it long ago on /g/.
First day of shadowrun school it turned out to be a hoax
This world is not going easy on anyone...
>Madame, je ne peux pas vous dire quand votre mari reviendra de la guerre. Alors, s'il vous plaît, arrêtez de demander !
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You guys run A1 at all? What are some preferred models?
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I really like the moss covered robe.
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She dreams of one day brewing the strongest potions that could even kill a dragon, let alone a man.
Most people on this thread use DALL-E 3 via bing chat or Designer, i prompt locally when possible but most of the time use the stable cascade online demo
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Thanks. Rowen, the apprentice, works for a Conservationist Wizard. They're not quite druids, per se, but the overall vibe is pretty similar.
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>Thread Task: prompt apprentices / rookies / people who are just beginning in their role
Race: Half Elf
Class: Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Background: Acolyte
Random Oddity: Pursued. You are pursued.

"First you hit the books, then you hit everything else." - motto of the Scalebane Monster Hunting Guild
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Apprentice Elf Mag
Looks like an angry pumpkin
How do you get a Zabrak that doesn't look like
Darth Maul or some kind of bootleg? Someone pulled it off last thread
Kek, and wasn't even supposed to be a loli it's just twintails makes Bing go to loli by itself
"How do you spell Presti...presta...dijit...pressedadigit...aww hell, close enough!"

- Young Edgar Scrolls
Reinforcements arrive in one of the very brief moments where the skies clear... thunderstorms and high winds are already returning.
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Old warrior and his grandson young warrior.
I appreciate these threads
Can anyone suggest me a prompt that can achieve a result similar to Omar Rayyan's artstyle?
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I'd like to hear more about the apprentice Alchemist. What motivates such a path?
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I'd like to create a magic item that is a combination of a crystal tablet book and a pen that was crafted from a fragment of a tree branch staff.

I've failed at getting a prompt that works to generate that though. Anyone have any suggestions or prompts that would work to generate that?
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Figured out that rusty super soakers can make very good scrap weapons for my Sprawl Gangers
Should probably make it rain so nobody points out the wet guns.
They have some good inspiration for characcters and sometimes other world building aspects.
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Almost every "professional" thief starts out stealing the exact same thing.
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Have a young princess
Cool one
>Almost every "professional" thief starts out stealing the exact same thing.
When she was little she dreamed of being a mighty knight. But her body just wasn't up to the rigors of frontline combat.
So now she uses other people's bodies to fight for her.
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I can now generate the edgy characters that I used when I was a kid
everything should wear full plate
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Joan of Orc agrees.
(And now I need Horse Orcs in my campaign. Horcs? Orses?)
Not everyone has the physical fitness to go long distance in full place.
Well, 90% full plate. I see she still doesn't wear shoes.
I added
>full plate metal armor
to the prompt, but it didn't do that much.
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Behold, the Maid of Orcleans, as she rides forth to glory!
Plate can be cool I guess
Is that the horse that got upgraded or downgraded?
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Getting a little autistic here, sorry, but doesn't the tricolor postdate Jeanne d'Arc by like five centuries? I mean we actually have Jeanne's description of her banner in her own words recorded during her trial in Rouen.

>I had a standard whose field was sown with lilies. There was a figure of Christ holding the world and on each side of Him was an angel. It was made of a white fabric called “boucassin”. Written above: Jhesus Maria, as it seems to me, and it was fringed in silk.


Hmm, I wonder what happens if I feed that into Bing...
Gotta say, I find it strange, but I do admire pirofag's dedication to his foot fetish
Oh, I'm sure it does. My knowledge of that period is only surface level, admittedly, but I am always eager to learn more.

Probably one she had to borrow temporarily. I need to develops these Horcs into something more.
That one is pretty good
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Eww brother, what's that? Eww!
>>93327908 >>93327876
>Question: Who prompted you to have painted on your standard angels with arms, feet, legs, and clothing?
>Answer: I toldya that ya git!
>Question: Did you have them painted as they came to see you?
>Answer: Naw, I 'ad 'em painted like wot I seen in them, whatya call 'em, big places with the pr'tty windows. Churches, that's it.
>Question: Did you ever see them in the manner they are painted?
>Answer: I ain't tellin' you nuffin' 'bout that.
>Question: Why did you not have painted the brightness that comes to you with the Angels and the Voices?
>Answer: 'Cuz Gork n' Mork ain't told me to do that, dids they?
>Question: Were these names, Gork and Mork, written in top, below or on the side?
>Answer: On the side, as it seems t'me.
>Question: Who had you make the painting on the standard?
>Answer: I already tolds ya I don't do nuffin' 'cepting if Gork n' Mork tells me to!
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Look, when I introduced her to the players not wearing any shoes, I meant it as cute because she was in her own home, standing on her own rug and the entire thing was predicated on the joke that she just couldn't find a good pair of spidersilk slippers anywhere on the surface.
It was /slop/ that came up with "Piro never wears shoes"
Pic related is the next time she'll wear shoes.
Once Hell has frozen over
I mean, look at this horse >>93327637. It's horrifying. Truly a dentist nightmare
I like the dumb wordplays.
But aren't soft, slim orcs just green elves?
"Don't you worry, guv! I'll be wiv 'im in soon enough!"
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Very nice.
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best girl
>The scene is illustrated using rough, sketchy pencil lines to capture the warmth and closeness between the girl and her wolf puppy,. The linework is intentionally chaotic and doodle-like, adding a sense of spontaneity and rustic charm to the illustration. The entire drawing is set against a white background, Hand drawn style with spontaneous lines. The linework is intentionally chaotic and doodle-like, adding a sense of spontaneity and rustic charm to the illustration. The entire drawing is set against a white background, Hand drawn style with spontaneous lines.
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What's the point of that effort? Nobody will remember that she was wearing any footwear at any point.
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beautiful red flesh
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How did you get that...size and visibility without it getting dogged?
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chainmail looks so comfy
You can mix things up
One last walk through her hometown, before deployment.
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Well "exaggerated chest" is mostly unsuccessful, but I did get a hell of a cleavage

>illustration of an actress playing an elf woman wearing a spaghetti-strap white sundress, sitting on a bench at the park, bare shoulders, motherly, long white hair
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Nice one
Very cute!
Being in extreme conditions while wearing an ill-suited outfit builds character!
It was /slop/ who wanted feet based off a one-time description. I just rolled with it.
Besides, elf feet are cute.
Okay, Calvin's dad.
I've found that ending the prompt with "toned pecs" or "round pecs" tends to help. "Large pecs" tends to get flagged.
Lol. I feel like even Calvin's dad wouldn't be this extreme
Trust me, I tried
>"exaggerated chest" is mostly unsuccessful
Bing frequently updates and makes these things more difficult. When it first came out, Bing made stuff like pic related all the time. I'm glad you managed to get some good results though.
Getting some Morgan le Fay vibes from the princess
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You can mix things up
>DnD Hound Archon
That horse is clearly zombified.
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Clean your orse, Joan.
Morgan le Fay was an angry feminist wine aunt
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That's how she developed. She originally literally was just Arthur's sister. No incest, no witchcraft, just a princess. As the years went on they added more and more to her.
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They are. But way too many anons get into autistic screeching when they're posted.
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Very pretty.
Could you be more faggot with obesity fetish?
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Don't forget about about the young vulnerable boys
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What is the prompt for this one?
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This one too...
I have no fucking idea why janny has no problem with this fag.
Doesn't look too vulnerable to me.
By what measure Ogre foot is worse than Warcraft Elf foot?
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I haven't reported anything ITT. Should I? (Here, stop bitching and have a few precious details of Elven anatomy you seem to covet so much.)
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You know, if you start, people will start to report you as well, because they really have basis for it.
I'm oh so scared. (Except I'm not.) Besides – how can you tell I reported someone?
Report it if it's off topic, but don't feed it the attention it so craves. Just ignore it. Giving it any attention just makes it post more of its faggotry.
So far you're the one bitching the most about "quality", and hating anything containing elf women.
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>hating anything containing elf women.
Now that's the retardation that I haven't heard since talking to an 40k Ork player who uses only WAAGHSPEAK during games.
This doesn't prove anything. I've seen you sperging about "Avatarfagging" each time someone posted an elf girl in other threads.
I like how Battletech is such a wide setting I could still use most of these(that aren't furry) as character portraits.
For fuck's sake, lower lifeform's posts are intact, while other pics are getting removed.
What the fuck is going on?
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"I cast V2 rocket"
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File deleted.
I'm going to dump my character models now that I'm more or less done with them. Starting with the heroes.
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Whoops, old version.
The fuck is wrong with their legs?
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And the villains
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how did you promot the shadows & inking? i have trouble getting features to be obscured by shadows, despite how simple an idea it is.
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>Post apocalyptic setting illustration in style of 90's comic book. Underground complex. Male Spetsnaz soldier (short light brown hair, unshaven, brown eyes, long tattered dirty military trenchcoat worn over bulletproof vest, heavy boots, rifle), reading documents on the desk. Full silhouette shot
The entire prompt. As you can see, I haven't mentioned anything about lighting, and the result is purely by chance.
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New thread when?
Cool style, amusing picture
>lower lifeform tripfag thinks nobody would recognize him if he drops his trip and name for OP
Guess how I've guessed it's you, despite your "camouflage"?
This should be good for a laugh. Go ahead, idiot. How did you invent these dots you're failing to connect?
>Your favourite style used in a pic for next thread's OP
>The fact you've dropped your trip and name in the reply
>Your reply in general
> Average Wakfu character
scratch that
> Average frenchanime character
You mean the generic style when you tell Bing to make an oil painting?
You mean a common sentiment regularly espoused in these threads and the reason it's increasingly a ghost town?
You mean a paranoid delusion that would actually disprove your idiot theory if you weren't mentally ill?
You mean like this reply?

Shitcunt retard.
New thread wen?

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