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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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"Get out of your comfort zone" Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93318418

▶ Thread Task: prompt something that isn't thinly veiled fetish porn for once

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
See, kids? If you won't bake a thread when it's your turn, some bitter tripfag would do it for you.
You're clinically paranoid.
Not my gen, sweetcheeks.
Here, a Goblin potter for you.
Bloodborne 2 concept art.
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Your character loves big dick, easy to tell
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OK? Cool story, dude
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Cool task.
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We probably should have collectively ignored this thread and just made another one. The thread task is not only creatively-bankrupt, but it's just begging for people to post the exact opposite.
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It's surprisingly difficult to get androids to wear shirts, or even much clothing at all. She's a *person*, she's not gonna walk around *naked* like some kind of exhibitionist.
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Sure, let me post some of my live-action sl...

Oh, right.
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OP is feeling passive aggressive, it seems. Either that or is baiting the lewd.
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>>93337725 >>93337718
I do love landscapes.
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To keep things related to /tg/ I've used ai to try and generate generic backdrop backgrounds for me to use when I green screen photos of miniatures to look somewhat more cinematic. With the end result intended to look somewhat like the ForgeWorld book photographs.
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This style is often hit or miss, as one can get something entirely fucked up, but at least the lighting turns out pretty good.
Be careful anon, if you win an award and retards find out you used ai generated backdrop, they will bitch and moan about it!
That's a great prompt, mind sharing it?
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Check the previous thread.
>Thread Task: prompt something that isn't thinly veiled fetish porn for once
Don't give up on suicide.
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Fine, fine, I'll stop having it be thinly veiled and just straight-up post my fetish.
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Ha, what now? My fetish is so vanilla it's unambiguously worksafe, but it's still my fetish.
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Tonight I feel gay... Gay for Orcs. (Verification not required.)
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You go girl.
Here, for TT
For one, I'm not interested in breasts this time, but rather the art style and lighting
I'm not looking for awards.
It was a real thing that happened with Golden Daemon this year
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You're not very clever, are you?
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too bad Bing fucked up her face
Cheer up anon, she's just a Porc
She's actually supposed to be drow priestess but I guess I need to spcify black skin and white hair.
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At least some look nice
Drows are cool
Fill me on the details, please. Or at the very least point me in the direction so I can read about it, please.
NVM found out.
Drow are very cool. What are some good drow prompts?
You want three things; grey/black skin colour, white hair colour and point ears
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How do you get the widescreen?
Have you tried https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator
Nope! Interesting.
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Went with something more Sci-Fi than fantasy this time
What program do you make these with? These are really good.
Bing/Microsoft designer. I only made one of those, but including "Hudson River School" in the prompt is my go-to for landscapes.
Hello there.
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General Kenbrowni
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I mean, if we're just posting our game fetishes directly...
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>Thread Task: prompt something that isn't thinly veiled fetish porn for once
no kings, no gods, no veils.
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>reptile with mammaries
Meds. Perhaps Anhero® might help?
>if you get rewarded for work you didn't do then people will complain!
Gee wilikers are you telling the truth??????????
How can you guys look at an image like this, where every face is a totally different person that looks like they were compressed twelve times and deep fried, and think it looks good? Do you literally not look at them at all and just skim for boobs?
I usually just ignore you and your hideous pictures, but it is worth pointing out that the picture you posted is literally a male dragonborn with nipples.
I don't give a shit about your incessant need for attention and pointless thread-derailed antagonism, but it's amazing how these threads are nearly a year old now and your gens still look like absolute garbage. It's impressive, really.
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I really like the minimal design and watercolor on this one. The gold and turquois is a nice touch.
Fun fact: in D&D favourite environment of Blue Dragons is desert.
What nipples?
Like why would you even waste one of our 151 images on that dogshit? It's baffling.
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Did you guys know that they make a pickle-ranch salad dressing? It's pretty good. I was surprised to see that it had ingredients like "cucumber" and "dill" and not just words I can't pronounce.

Also, last part of our campaign, we met some ghosts...which in a land where people cannot physically stay dead, is very confusing.
thread is very angry

post your angriest characters
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Okay. You're the boss.
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>but why is zombiegirl so angry?
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Genned her just for you, anon.
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Same general face shape.
Same brow ridge and eyebrows
Same eye shape and cheeks
Upturned nose.
Downward smile & slightly f'ed up lips
Some slight variation on chin, but mostly the same.

How is it a different person in each sketch?
Didn't notice or pay attention to boobs. This collage has basically the same variation one might see in a typical sketch array done by traditional art mediums.

Not sure what you mean by compressed 12x and deep fried. Do you mean that it doesn't have complete absolute detail. Just like a hand sketch?
You wrote all that in response to an obvious troll?

Why would a draconic person have tits? Do they not lay eggs? Do they live-birth helpless offspring that need extended care to develop?
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>Bonus TT = fun.
There's no point in responding to thread-derailers criticizing other people's pictures. The critique isn't the point, they just want attention.
The same reason Githyankis have breasts and nipples despite laying eggs. High fantasy isn't logical, it's aesthetic.
For squeezing, silly.
How do you guys get D&D styled kobolds?
simply typing kobold makes a scaly goblin and any variation of humanoid/anthromorphic dragon or lizard either makes geckos or has wings. Could it be because I use it in combination with pulp fantasy and oil painting?
They don't have any of those things. I think you might have actual face blindness, man.
She is really miffed!
Trolling isn't when you incidentally get your feelings hurt by someone else's post, dumbass.
^ don't take the bait
You are literally too fragile to function. I understand why you're stuck here.
see how easy it is? just don't respond.
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>screencap from the 1959 disney cartoon
>laserdisc quality, slight film grain, 1080p hand-drawn animation cel
>painted [x] in background
I'm in love with this prompt string.

Those valkyries are wearing "opera singer armor" btw
this looks exactly like a cliff in the forest behind my house
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They remind me of The Sword in the Stone and the Black Cauldron. Really nostalgic style.
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>anachronistic dinosaurs
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>missing the session zero
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Thread always needs more barbarian girls.
Thanks, I have two Kongar-ol Ondar albums.
You can come up with all kinds of explanations.
A biological explanation could be that the trait was sexually selected over thousand of years of peaceful social competition with other sentient races as large breasts are often seen as a positive by most species.
As a fantasy explanation it could be that the gods of the setting just like the human shape and make all sentient beings reflect that shape in some way.
Or you could take the middle road and have the many species be creations of ancient civilizations that made them that way by mixing humans with other creatures using science/magic.
These are very simple ideas, as a fa/tg/uy you should use your imagination more.
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>TT get out of your comfort zone
So I'm used to make cute animals, monsters and hot girls so for TT here's a giant dude.
>TT part 2
Enjoy ladies ;)
>pretending this isn't an even split between male anons looking for character art, wanting to be the little girl, and autistically recreating the same images over and over and over ...
Lmao fucking faggots
>an actual word that makes since
i'm scared guys :\
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Nice but... horizontal layout?
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>He doesn't know
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>How do you guys get D&D styled kobolds?
It depends. Which D&D styled Kobolds?
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>animated water effect
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Very cool dino
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>where have hλᵛe you been?
pic unrelated huh
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having fantasy or d&d in a prompt with reptilian descriptors will be what's causing unwanted wings because it thinks you're trying to describe a dragon. There's also too much variation in what a kobold is, so you have to describe specifically what you want
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how can I learn to imagine and design visually interesting characters? all mine are so boring
Give them a hook. Not literally unless they're a pirate. But something visual about them that stands out as a unique defining feature. Like Aure in these threads has one green eye and one blue eye.
The heterochromia is often used for Mary Sue characters, but that's because it works to create a distinct visual characteristic.
Not saying you have to do heterochromia. Just find some visual motif that will define the character. Again, sticking with the Aure example, she has black hair, usually in a ponytail, and generally wears blue and gold. This makes her easily recognizable, even when changing hairstyles and outfits.
Not trying to play cheerleader for Aure-anon. But he just has an OC donut steel waifu with a strong visual identity.
Not the aure anon but thst gave me the image in my head of Aure with a hook. Got a lot of cute and sexy pirate Aures, but Bing just will not give me a hook for a hand. Anyone have any ideas?
>hook for a hand
I've tried prosthetic but Bing won't cooperate
Oh, like it matters.
Auré-anon here. I gave it a few shots, but even I couldn't get it to give me a hook. I was fairly certain I'd done it before, too. Maybe by accident. I'm done wasting gens on it...for now. Maybe it'll become my other white whale, like getting foot archery to work properly.
thanks anon
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>3 feet tall kobold sorcerer, cobalt blue scales with cyan belly, bare clawed plantigrade feet, casts lightning bolt, dark fantasy acrylic painting
Hmm. I didn't prompt for wings.
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It's getting there lmao
>scalies look at this and be like ZAMN
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Lizard People Vietnam war setting when?
Damn. She even killed the one that just wanted to toot his horn...
He is the reason that transpired in the first place
New thread
Sorry, that war was won by Hobgoblins.
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