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Big Huge Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93337275

▶ Thread Task: Post Giants.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
We all knew that it would be deleted
What did they do?
cheers for not posting cheesecakebait
Fetish porn thread "but keep it /tg/". Objective failed immediately.
Whoda thunk?
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>"fetish porn" thread
>barely any porn or fetish in it
Not to mention TT was just a play on the previous one.
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No problemo.
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Closer. I am getting closer.
No i have no doubt who's responsible for this thread, or the prevoy one being reported.
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I don't mind fetish but there's a place for that and it is not here.
It would be nice to have people actually post things from campaign they played or intend to play instead of posting a bunch of 1gilrs or disgusting looking stuff on repeat.
There's no engagement on those sorts of posts, so the few of us that do post about our games feel little point in continuing to do so.
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What do you use to get such high resolution?
>Closer. I am getting closer.
And your endgame is?
>Everyone has to show their campaign's timestamps before posting here!
How’d you get the flames and the cape, not to mention the floating?
The prompt I used was:
>Legless floating knight armor, deep blue armor, holding a shield and a scimitar, noble ghostly knight, on a white background
It doesn't work very well, but it makes some cool ones, good enough to use as a random enemies.
Bing has a hard time making scimitars sometimes.
>Thread Task: Post Giants.
dutch angle & oblique pov help if your using scale normal references
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Looks like cici is back. (And is nerfed to hell. Don't even think about mentioning weapons.)
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I wanted three women but I’ll take it
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I was going for something akin to a trapdoor spider, but I like how this turned out.
Moo on Mars
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Very nice
Before casting "Awaken" spell on your animal companions, be sure to perform a thorough psychological evaluation first.
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What AI are you using?
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Blue Robe's big right titty is where all of the magic is stored. The significantly smaller left one is defensive.
You need serious help. Some random tripfag has mindbroken you so much that you've become obsessed and are jumping at shadows.
Great WP
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Race: Drow
Class: Paladin (Conquest)
Background: Giantkin
Random Oddity: Bloodlust. You get irritable if too long a time passes between battles.
>The cities of men thought themselves safe behind their fortified walls and stone parapets. But the elves of shadow and web knew a power the likes of which they had never seen before.
Race: Halfling
Class: Fighter, Eldritch Knight
Background: Shipwright
Random Oddity Result:
>Indigestion. You have a very delicate stomach and must eat the blandest of foods or suffer greatly.
Thanks, king. Or queen, maybe.
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>who framed roger rabbit style
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>T T
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>No one had an unkind word to say to the drow princess, for her manservant was a towering mutant brute with a small amount of patience and an even smaller brain.
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"Work, work..."

Desire for mutton increasing.
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"Time for killin'!"
This one is amazing
"Time for a break."
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Thank you. In honor of missing that Coco thread, a safe for work Coco for the thread theme
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""You're annoying my dog!"
Can I get some generic street toughs in a cyberpunk dystopia type setting, but without any cybernetics or anything on the guys in question?
Yeah, just type those exact words into Bing.
now do like Alice and feed her some shrinking cake
Instead of using the term "cyberpunk dystopia", describe the background in detail. If you don't give the bot any reason to think about cyberware, you have a better chance of not getting any.

Extremely low IQ hurdle.
Use a throwaway email.
She's back to normal size.
Why the frown though? Doesn't she like cake?
She like being big. (and we might have overcorrected, she's maybe a bit too short now)
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Space rabbit
Even the posts of me asking what happened got deleted kek
But to be fair, as nice as these ladies look, at least prompt them doing something other than just standing there or obviously doing softcore stuff, anon.
There are other boards for that sort of stuff.
She needs to understand getting big has downsides. Where would she live? They don't make beds that size. Hell, she's lucky the clothes grew with her and didn't tear.
Wait a minute...she's wearing shoes!
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I've recently tried to get pics of big mermaids. But like I said in another thread, it's hard to get mermaids that are big without them being...big
If you want to expand your prompting abilities on bing, start lurking on /aco/.
Hey, Coco, drink another one of those potions of growth.
And then sit down.
Right over here.
>the nosebleed
What do you mean with "big mermaids"?
We autists can't tell if you mean gigantic in size or just fat, of course the AI will have trouble figuring it out as well.
It took a long time to get that right. "nosebleed" wasn't flagged, but most had blood coming out of her eye.
"bleeding from her left nostril" got flagged. But "bleeding from her nostril" didn't.
And if I removed the "barefoot" from the prompt (it's not showing her feet and either showed random bare feet by her head or contorted her to put her own feet into frame) ended up getting it content blocked.
Bing be weird.
Of course I meant gigantic. That's what I was aiming for, at least
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Giants, huh?
Become unstoppable!
This is probably "giant" from someone's perspective
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"Say 'ello to my little friend!"
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There's supposed to be a tenth species called the Pah, but Bing was really bad at giving avians wing-arms instead of wings and arms.
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That is the best way to do it, describe the looks and size and then place a normal sized person or a banana for scale and be careful with the word big since it can just make a fat one.
Although, blubber would make sense for a sea creature.
I meant for the wolf to be holding the sword
Cute cat.
FWIW, I mostly stuck with "gigantic". Don't remember if I did that with those other ones
Do mechs count?
Yeah, it's super shit at it, I've used feathery hands as a prompt but still have to get lucky.
How did you get that kind of neck on the Varjren?
>Thread task
"O-oh! Hey there, little guy! What are you doing out here in the open!?"
In the interest of fairness they're *supposed* to look more obviously alien (somewhat more hunched posture, four fingers, less obviously feline faces), but Bing isn't up to it.
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>"See, I told you guys we'd make it through the dungeon unscathed!"
"Come on out, little one! I'm not gonna hurt ya!"
If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, and try some more.

Also I might have said "head tendrils" or something. Varjren are supposed to have four long tendrils from the back of their heads. They're vestigial and cosmetic, evolutionary leftovers from when they were small lizards. The tendrils could detatch if grabbed by a predator, just like the tails on some lizards on Earth.
And here I thought their neck connected to the back of their head

But I kinda get what you mean by trying over and over again. In another board, I posted a few attempts at a not-quite-human mermaid. I had specific traits in mind, but it just didn't quite work out.

Some things a real artist would have no problem parsing as opposed to an AI
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These two make a cute couple.
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"I survived Dungeon Crawl '89"
Oh, quick descriptions.

>Primitives amphibians that snuck off their homeworld and reproduced like crazy, now spread everywhere there's water.

>Space elves, among themost advanced species, psionically powerful. Their nation is devoted to "protecting" primitive worlds (read: pre-warp). The actual effect is technological and cultural stagnation.

>Sapient machine exiles from the technologically advanced Genoskan Republic, exiled for being sapient by the Central Cybran Intelligence that runs genoskan society.

>Space orcs, except far more intelligent than their primitive, barbaric lifestyle would suggest. Stupid species can't build starships. Traders, explorers, wanderers...raiders, marauders, pirates. Disunited.

>Seeded across known space and beyond hundreds of thousands of years ago for reasons unknown. Disunited. Original homeworld is unknown. The most powerful elai nation, the Elai Protectorate, is a great power that rivals the tor'qua or varjrens.
They're from Earth originally, but not h. sapiens. They were engineered from neanderthals, denisovans, and other human species from 300,000 years ago

>Reptilians with a syncretic monotheistic religion, the Faith, which they use to control the Varjren Star Empire, the largest nation in known space, though their rule is necessarily light as they reproduce slow.

>Botanical aliens that were more engineered by the ancients than any other species in known space (no way in Hell for mobile, sapient plants otherwise) and are big into genetics themselves.

>Space dwarves. Masterful ship engineers. They are *not* a hive species and resent the implication. Famously depressing to talk to. Up-and-coming minor power allied with the kyn.

>Only species in known space not known to have been genetically modified by the precursors at all. Famously gifted pilots, up-and-coming minor power allied with the dethek.
That must feel so bad, like lying on a bunch of lego bricks that crumble into cement
"There you are!"
At that size it's probably the only time she can feel anything.
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This is pretty big.
Pretty cool anon.
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I guess big machines do count

>a tank centaur
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"This way!"
"No, that way!"
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"We're not brainless anymore!"
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"When my work is finished, I'm coming back for you."
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Last one for me tonight.

Goodnight, /slop/!
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"I can see my house from up here!"
Looks cool
"I hope the innkeeper doesn't mind if I take him home..."
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Alright, that was fun. Bing is still pretty cool even with the filter making it feel like pulling teeth at times. Good night!
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"You idiots! You're supposed to stay on the ship!"

>One more!
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Why’s she dancing?
Is that a snack for me? Oh Aure, you shouldn't have!
Anyone feel like doing redneck space trucker ogres in a similar vein?
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Ready for the Mars colonization mission.
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>Ready for the Mars colonization mission.
Lady, you're late. >>93356446
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How is it that Martians look similar to bovines on Earth?
Anon, /tg/ stands for traditional games, not softcore porn >>93358923
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None of my gens were removed so far. Can you tell the same about yourself? (Captcha is V0W0X0).
I post attractive women and I feel like my gens almost never get deleted. It's literally only when it's an established character or franchise that I seem to piss off the janitor. I even have an OC and have literally never had a picture of her deleted. I think the problem with some of you is that you're literally just posting softcore pinups. Like, they aren't even holding swords or anything.
Why would having a sword change anything? Magic exists
>boring and repetitive
Are you trying to be ironic? The most monotonous stuff in these threads historically is almost always by the softcore posters spamming half the thread with slight variations of the same female characters doing different things.
At least they're doing different things and ot just shitty, poorly-composed landscapes over and over and over.
Apparently he's a reincarnation of a certain (failed) Austrian painter, since he loves shitty landscape pics and nothing else. And goes on extreme rants when people say the like anything else.
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Sometimes even the swords are magical!
> These threads shouldn't be here in the first place
That is not for you to decide.
Couldn’t care less about your captcha you bitch ass nigga!
It's telling how you have to immediately try and pin me as them to try and make your nonexistent point.
>Right now something like 90% of the threads on /tg/ are slop threads.
I count 2 out of 150, and one of them is autosaging and about to fall off of page 10 entirely as of this post as soon as someone makes a new elf slave wat do thread or something.

How many threads are you filtering, guy?
I mean do you want me to post some stats for >>93358026? Because I can do it for all of them, I just assumed that if I did someone who sounds just like you would say something to the effect of "no one cares", "stop spamming", "kys", or the like.

You and yours have made it very clear that you despise actual game discussion.
>thought about getting the paid version of Tensor
>they have a place to register Paypal account
>can't simply pay with Paypal though, they want tons of additional personal information
NTA but I'm pretty sure the only time one of my gens was deleted was during Star Wars /slop/ thread and I had a gen that also worked in Star Trek as a joke. And I even got a warning for being "off-topic"

Captcha: GAYY
I wonder how it's like to be the most hated tripfag in those threads so far?
It would be horrible if such tripfag actually outargues you
The only problem with that I have, is that he demands "quality", ranting about how every /slop/ is thinly veiled fetish one, while posting a lot of gross bullshit that mostly that is mostly thinly veiled fetish art itself.
This threads are indeed full of fetish garbage and very little actual /tg/ gens. Even if he is a scumbag he is right on that.
Only if you consider another thread of hate on give system or setting more worthy of being on /tg/ than fantasy-related pics in this one.
But he mostly just post fetish stuff. You can't complain about people posting that if that's what you mostly post yourself
It is. Or we can just post something that it's not a cute girl for millionth time.
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This are great
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paladin, bard, rogue
barbarian, ninja, wizard
death knight, white mage, monk
Padme is the whm?
What the fuck is a "Padme'? But yes, Bing had trouble rendering the face of the completely original character I used as the basis for the White Mage.
You should switch out Barbarian with Warrior, and wizard with Black Mage
Oh, and Death Knight with Dark Knight
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Please, Chewie is the archer.
>attractive woman = porn
Be honest for once. I'm certain you guys know exactly why your shit gets deleted yet you keep trying to play dumb.
I though the a character drank the flagon and turned into the mouse.
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Vlad the Impaler on the (1969) Planet of the Apes.
I don't think people would complain if some of the clearly erotic gay posts got deleted every once in a while
Where you not around when the guy posting elf twinks constantly got his stuff deleted?
I was and I remember a lot of elf twinks, but not that they got deleted. And that was like half a year ago
Homosexual here: where are all those erotic gay posts? Would you kindly point me towards any of them?
He's probably some retard that thinks anything not a woman is homosexual while at the same time not being able to comprehend his own lack of subtlety being a source of deletions. Seriously, whenever this gets brought up I almost instantly assume it's something stupid like some guy doing a big breasted woman, but she has a sword so it must be /tg/, like literally thoughtlessly doing the bare minimum to try and get it on-topic and acting confused and outraged when he's not as slick as he thinks he is.
I'm mostly referring to namefags stuff, like >>93334299.
>like >>93334299
If I had a quid for every old shirtless fat dude that passed out after one beer too many that I have seen, I'd be a millionaire. Anon, there's absolutely nothing sexual in this picture.
You know, following that logic, every pic of a female character, if is somewhat attractive, should be considered not /tg/ related, so everyone would be allowed only to post morbidly looking ones, or stick to posting males only.
And art is supposed to be aesthetically pleasing, but if you think /tg/ related stuff can only be ugly and boring, the problem is in you.
Unless one have a fetish for obese, filthy male bodies like the guy who posts it.
He definitely posts fetish shit, while at the same time complaining about too many fetish things being posted here.
But being an hypocrite doesn't mean he isn't right about too much fetish posting. And off topic btw, I can take some but some posters seem to never tire of their favorite subject.
You definitely exaggerate the amount of fetish posting you see to fit your narration. In the last thread,or even in this one, deleted pics weren't that lewd or fetishy, yet they got deleted.
I agree, we should really tone down the fetish posts. This is a /tg/, not /ecchi/
That's a lot of words I never said inserted into my mouth, but it's nice to see what kind of silly absolutist brain you have and that I pinned you correctly. I seriously pity you if you think that way. You are clearly the same as the kind of person who does something clearly wrong and then has the nerve to be angry he was caught, and then endlessly tries to deflect or downplay his own error.
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I was speaking about you particularly. But you already know that.
If I had a quid for every busty maiden that are walking in a park that I have seen, I'd be a millionaire. Anon, there's absolutely nothing sexual in this picture.
We already know you are a retard
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I appreciate Tensor's lack of censorship, but I don't think it's as good as Bing. I was considering getting the paid version to see if being able to do 60 step images instead of 25 would make it as good as Bing. But as I posted earlier, despite having options to pay with paypal or google pay, it wants a bunch of other personal info like home address and bank info that shouldn't need to be separately provided if going through a payment service.
Have you checked out midjourney? Feed me your prompt and I'll plug it in verbatim.

It struggles in some areas compared to DALL-E, but the inpainting feature makes up for it imo.
It is not what people are posting that is the problem but why and how often.
You can post art that is at least related to tabletop without making it a constant spam of blatant fetish for fetish sake.
Want to post a female character from your game that's fine but if you post her 5 times in a row holding doing nothing but looking hot then it is a problem.
Want to post a fat knight blessed by Nurgle or friendly tavern owner, sure og ahead, but if you post a dozen prompts of fat gnomes in diapers on a row it doesn't matter if it is trolling or disgusting gooning, spam is spam.
We would be millionaires as well, son. And we don't go to no parks, we see them all the time in these boring 1girl posts.
Right, we all know this shit is highly iterative due to the nature of it, doesn't mean we need to see every single image you made. Just post the best one, or if you must put them in a collage. We don't need two people posting 10+ images of the same thing all by themselves.
Tensor uses Stable Diffusion 3 which I hear is close but not quite as good as Midjourney 6. Currently I'm only interested in using generators in browser. My computer isn't good enough for local and I'd rather not use Midjourney in Discord. Thank you for the suggestion though.
Considered signing up for free tier compute through Oracle and running on that?
I didn’t know that was a thing. I’ll look into it. Thanks.
t. Lowercase Homo

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