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Nov will be anime girl hell for you wallet.
Agent Venom (Marvel)
Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danboard Mini (Reissue)
Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.1
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)

Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)

Previous: >>10923851
bruh where are the updates
Occhako is looking really good. Excited about Kuroko and Misaka too. With their newly-good anime facesculpts and clearly superior articulation and engineering, Kaiyodo finally has all the cards to defeat Figma on their own turf.
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what? 15,400 looks big and scary, but that's actually only $99 USD and it's for the exclusive version with the extra head. the normal version is cheaper, i saw preorders as low as $80. which is pretty normal for Japanese 1/12 figures these days.
It's more like 17k yen + shipping if you actually want to import this version.

Most expensive AY so far.
35 for one head is wayy too much
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Preorders open on the 18th Japan time, 12100 yen and releasing on November of this year
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Range of motion on those knees looks worrisome but it's to be expected given her design
What gets me most is that it doesn't even particularly match the rest of the gear stylistically. Like I could maybe understand if it was a weird spiky/rocky venom head that looked like it was made as the same stuff as the body armor. But it's sorta just a normal venom head. I feel like I could just find a 3D model for one I like, adapt it to the joint, and print it.
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Pretty sparse accessories desu
>bunch of shit I never heard of and don't care about
Only interesting thing on that list is Ryu Hayabusa and I know without even looking it'll be the zoomer version not the classic.
wonder if the existing ay venom head would work or if the collar stuff would get in the way

I say this as a non coomer who understands that fanartists bulk her curves up too much: not chubby enough
She looks like she should be no more than a 9k yen release, I think. Usually the prices are pretty high but the releases come with a lot. She doesn't come with a lot, she's small, and her articulation doesn't even look all that ideal. If I was collecting the AY MHA line I probably wouldn't be all happy about how absurd the prices are becoming.
The unfortunate thing is, prices are unlikely to ever fall, so the more likely conclusion is people will start abandoning the line and it will die. Which I don't want. I genuinely like this line and want it to succeed. It hurts watching the prices go up not just for my own wallet, but for the future existence of the line.
>just got endeavor for ¥11,960
>hawks for ¥11,960
>eraser head for ¥8,400
>they all come with more than uravity and have more complex designs (bar maybe EH who costs way less anyways)
>uravity ¥12,100
then yen is in freefall dude what do you expect
BTW the figma title thing was me just learning the sculptor already did some figma sculpts. I thought these MHA Revoltechs were his first professional works. Also I guess he's not employee of Kaiyodo.

This is the second time figma and Revoltechs shared sculptors? Giant God Warrior probably had one of the Tekeya crew but not sure if same as Revo sculptors. Takeya's own involvement is always unclear to me. I assume the most he does is draw up a sketch for these action figures.
No one asked retard boomer
Common non-yamaguchi sculpted revo L
>doesnt know about price inflation
>doesnt know about store discount
That one anon from last thread was right. The AY line needs an IQ test before people buy them
>Range of motion on those knees looks worrisome but it's to be expected given her design
Nah, its the sculptor.
Should have had some rock pieces or debris to float around her.
Can't fuckin wait. When am I gettin this guy?
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>expecting non-yamaguchi figures to have good accessories
>cant see the stark contrast in accessories
An AY having less than 90 degrees is something I thought I'd never see...
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Kek it took you retards until ochako to notice the difference in price and accessories when a revo is made by other people
i don't think this one really works dawg, six faces and nine hands plus a half dozen effect parts is pretty fucking good in my book for an anime girl type

Flash has a lot of lightning pieces but they're mostly identical and boring.
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Its not an AY
You're right. Still a shame though.
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K. Here's the accessories for another 11k yen figure
You're simplifying things, it's not about the sculptors but more of a demand issue. And smart ways of hiding cost cuttings. With Flash many of the pieces are the same molds. On top of That the figure has a near identical variant so essentially it's double the profits per one set of molds. Compared to that Railgun most likely has less demand than a DC character, even if it's Flash. Not sculptor example, WS comes with nothing. Slightly cheaper but not that cheaper.

Ochaco is similar story, female character demand isn't that high or we would've had some earlier.

People need to chill about range. Sample pose does not equate to max range. Also not AY so don't expect full bend but doesn't mean this is the max either.
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>a different sculptor made more expensive revo with barebones accessories
Took you long enough to notice
Btw this shit is more expensive than AY Agent Venom and on par with Malzeno armor price
All I want is a Wolverine re-issue or 2.0.
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Am I being trolled? 6 faces is a spectacular showing! These days I'm used to getting maybe 2-3, and I feel grateful when I do. Shit.
I would pay an extra 2k yen for appropriate chubbiness
>large and elaborate, multi piece and colours weapon
>it counts as one accessory

First off, that hammer probably costs as much as the main figure of a simple design like Catwoman.

And it's all about the demand i.e. production size. Big game but still a game, and not the actual insanely big game, so she settles at that price. Agent Venom is still a Venom to normies and have low paint budget, it has room to do shit with.
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6 faces is impressive when you compare it to figma. Compare that in the AY line its not that spectacular
>Non of her trademark slight pudge
>Extremely basic articulation that looks ugly without the usual Yamaguchi range as a tradeoff
>Accessories are mostly just fucking faces
>More expensive than the far crazier MHA AYs
Lame. They need the other sculptors to pay attention to what this line is actually about.
God, I am excited for this dude.
What? But there are 6 faces there too lol. Their actual number of hands and faces is nearly identical.
>the figma has more ass and thigh
I wanted Froggy goddammit. Something to pair with the Spiders
6 faces+alternate hair+6 fire effects+better articulation engineering+ taller. And also you can find him lower than 11k yen
Yeah fingers crossed for froggy. The guy making toga has made his own custom of her before, so theres that
look like a marvel legends
I'm just pointing out their number of faces is identical since you specifically talked about that here >>10952807. I'm not really making a value comparison, even in the original comparison it was obvious that Flash is a larger, bulkier figure than Mikasa and his accessories (though more repetitive) are larger and more numerous. It's anime girl tax basically, nothing you can really do about it. Figma has been offering up tiny schoolgirl figures with 1 extra faceplate and six tiny hands for full price for ages.
You figure the other sculpters there would atleast try to reach for yamaguchi standards. Either that or theyre told intentionally to half ass it.
Yes im mad i skipped judai and yusei because of the sculpt.
Is Deku going up on 18th too?
Cool, just started reading MHA and I quite like it, I'd love to have a AY of All Might in his true form, such a cool design.
Honestly 90 dollars for an import figure is...I think normal? It's more or less 20 dollars more expensive than your average KR or DB Figuarts (what I consider baseline for imports in terms of quality) but the prices on those have been getting higher too and you're no doubt getting more with these. Yamaguchi should really do more crossovers with popular characters though to really get some cash flowing into this line. Imagine if they made those AoT figures when the final season was airing, or if they make Dragon Ball figures when DBS returns. Excited for their OPM figures too, I hope that anime gets people buying.
>V'Ger is that which seeks the Creator
I may bite on this. Stopped collecting the AY line after shoto as only really wanted the classmates. Kirishima and Ochaco might bring me back.
Look at OP. Her knees definitely get more than 90°.
This is the real issue.
How did the AY railgun figures scale with figma? Though I should let go of my scale autist ways and embrace anime figures being around 15cm and above. Time to accept the new world of post Snail Shell waifu figures.
they could've given uraraka some kind of pink effect to place around her hands when she uses her quirk, I guess
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Mirko will be the same case
Wow... what a shame. Not even some proper rock effects...
I really want a Mina with acid splash effects.
>the vomit face is store preorder dlc
yeah the store dlc shit is getting silly
Are there any figures of her standing next to the others? Had to skip on kirishima as he had a pea sized head and didn't look like he scaled correctly with the others.
>or theyre told intentionally to half ass it.
IQ test for posting seems more necessary.
Making popular IP figures when the IP is popular is too expensive for Kaiyodo. Something like DB is impossible because Bandai practically owns merchandising rights. The first part is clear because everything AY and Revos have been doing lately are slightly off their prime or not the top IP of those companies. Not quite bargain bin IP's but near expiration date IMO. SF6 was probably the freshest get. Oh and MHA of course at the time.
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Ochaco looks cute. Not a MHA fan by any stretch but she's looking pretty good and now I kinda wanna snap up the inevitable bootleg for...reasons.
Fellow dominica9 enjoyer
>bro just go outside, there are plenty of rocks
I wish figmas get 4 faces minimum.
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Does revoltech usually just throw in the bonus part separately out of the box? I'm just glad it didnt break during transport.
That's exactly how they do it. I bought some AY at their store while in Japan and they just toss in that plastic bag with parts into the paper bag at checkout. I assume they ship the same way.
>the figma has more ass
how you know it?
>bulkier figure than Mikasa and his accessories
but they just announced the titans
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nta but I've got the figma
here you go if you wanna compare with >>10952637
both their thighs look just about the same to me and both aren't plumpy enough
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also no pics of the revo's butt yet but here's the figma's for future reference
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new image of bootleg harley
Any pics of the packaging? This is from aliexpress, right? Can't really tell it's a bootleg.
>can't tell
Paint on the leggings and shoulders and right knee looks like shit.
No special packaging for you, baka gaijin!!
[spits on bonus part then throws it in the bag]
Sorry to ruin your joke but there was no way for the people at the store to know I was a gaijin.
Also wrists colors are wrong, could be swapped parts though.
>Can't really tell it's a bootleg.
lmao even
I feel like this doesn’t look good. The hands and expressions (save vomit face) are incredibly generic and lack character. It’s no Yamaguchad, that’s for sure.
Oh, there’s a way to tell. The ali sellers even provide real pictures of this one.
i don´t care about the paintjob as long as the sculpture is true to the original and the joints are not loose.
Probably why they didn't bother making her till now. We're getting to the bottom of the barrel stage with MHA revoltechs.
be nice, I'm retarded...
>The hands and expressions (save vomit face) are incredibly generic and lack character.
and what you wanted?
Eh, I don't know about that, there are still plenty of characters with fun designs to do. Froggy, Ingenium, Gang Orca, any one of the Nomus (probably the one from season 1), skinny All Might, Fat Gum, Lemillion, Suneater, Nejire, Stain, Mount Lady, beefed up Re-destro, Mina, Armoured All-Might.
Don't know if a lot of those are popular enough though, we sure as hell won't get that many more. I went off from MHA years ago because I started to not really care for the story and writing, but one of the strong suits for the series is definitely character design imo
Some good mentions. Armored All-Might could be great. Don't really care much for Suneater - his character is too annoying for most of the series, but he could make for an insanely fun figure.
For some reason I really don't like the design of Ingenium, but Yamaguchi may be able to imrpove on it in toy form.
Nomus would be amazing. Maybe some kind of base-body with swappable elements so you can recreate multiple designs or just come up with your own Nomu - doesn't have to be 100% show-accurate.
Stain is a must and a great fit for the line. Re-Destro could be an amazing swole figure.
I'd kind of like to see young AFO. Also we can't forget about Tokoyami. Him and Lemillion could really bring out Yamaguchi's A-game. The former with an attachable/detachable double figure/swappable parts for cloak mode for crazy poses and the latter with how he would let us recreate phasing. Maybe let us detach limbs and body on a line or something. Or some piece of wall with holes in it?
Kamui Woods could also make for a great AY.
As for coom,bait: Midnight and most of the girls would be fine.
That's the main problem with shonen garbage like these where they scatter shot 50 characters. Usually the school based ones. They get as many readers as possible because you're bound to like at least one of them. That's enough to sell books to see their 2 pages of glory every 100 chapters, but not so much for action figures. You need to pick the characters 99% of the readers like. So that's a real small pool in the end. Statues have a lower bar. That list of yours is more statue territory. Ingenium is most likely to happen, but I can't tell his popularity, he's high in the poles but not so much for merch. I honestly thought he would be up before Endeavor or villains. Frog girl I think is highly dependent on the sale numbers of the MHA girls. But it won't be Yamaguchi sculpted so what's even the point? At least get him to do the jointing but that may not happen with Maouji sculpts because he's freelance.
Wanna make it clear, I'm well aware a lot of these characters will never get figs, like Fat Gum/Gang Orca, I was more just trying to say that the designs themselves would make for fun figures and listing designs I'd personally enjoy as figs

Woods is a good mention as far as design goes, again, unfortunately probably not popular enough. Main reason I mentioned Suneater is because we could get some crazy transformation effects, I'm not too fond of his character either, just neutral. If they did Lemillion I could see them doing the other two students though

>That list of yours is more statue territory

Unfortunate but true. Even though I dropped the series a few years ago I've been really digging these figures and hope we get some more of the fun designs, in general though

Will probably skip Uravity myself. I think the only prototype I'm interested in rn is Mirko. I don't have Deku but I honestly doubt I'll even grab the reissue, I just don't really care for him lol
They're up.
do you guys know when we'll see ryu hayabusa
Is Nin-Nin Game selling Uraraka with the face or no?
It says shop exclusive in red, but it doesn't have a picture of the face, nor does the title say "+bonus" or anything like it usually does.

Safe to say PO starts in 2024.
>Safe to say PO starts in 2024.
I just googled it, holy shit why is the design so bad
>skin ripping open showing muscle underneath
>like six dildos strapped to his chest
>wearing some sort of dead bug around his face
I just ordered from them and I guess if it's shop exclusive she will not show up anywhere as standard release so she will come with bonus faceplate
go cry to team ninja's twitter page about it
Nah. She'll cost an arm & a leg.
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Yeah, looks so damn great! can't wait.
I guess I was wrong, she is also up for pre-order on Hobby-Genki and cost around 500yen more and the one on nin-nin-game cost the same as Hobby-Genki ordinary release without bonus part.
She has no flashy powers like other heroes so giving her limbs to change seems like the only logical option.
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>nearly 9k now
I know inflation affected the price and all but damn man, that price increase. Im glad you fags here recced me deku all those years ago since it is a great figure that got me back into revoltechs.
What are you gonna do about it? Cry about how jadatoys shoulda coulda make NG1 hayabusa?
How many of the MHA releases have done the exclusive part BS?
Everyone new since Kirishima. So 5 for My Hero. And it will go on for sure.
Some of the bonus parts are useless like that pilot/phone thing for Shigaraki, other are ok I guess, like small flame effect for Dabi but faceplates are always a low blow. I just hate when I don't get all of them, they shouldn't be put as bonus ever.
I remember when retards were crying about 2.0 spidey's spider sense is a useless exclusive and that it won't get people to buy the exclusive version. Now they crying about exclusive being useful accessories
Bros... OPM prototypes when? The wait is brutal
Dogshit design. Needs more dildos.
>Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
am i missing something? when was she announced?
a little while ago around the time miruko got shown off
on the calendar or the mha merch site
no pics yet
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bootleg harley has arrived. i will post more pictures later but summary in advance: it is not good. no buy recommendation from my side.
Probably in some measure of alignment with S3. I could picture 2 or all 3 having prototypes ready at the show they're revealed, along with Saitama being painted and one or two more placard reveals.
why is she so thin and deku got thunder thighs?
please understand it would have cost 30k yen to make her appropriately chunky
Yamaguchi sculpted Deku while that new fucker sculpted Ochako. Yamaguchi has a history of giving dudes crazy muscular legs while this guy wants to make everyone a poorly articulated stick.
does this mean mirko is gonna be less muscular than she is in the anime?
We've seen the prototype and yes. Massive head, too.
>makes female figs boring sticks
>uhrm why noone buy female figs???
>makes female figs boring sticks
I guess you don't know about Figma Styles
isnt that like theyre whole point that the styles releases are generic basic figures with like one or two pieces of soft goods
that doesn't change that they can put some meat, AY Ochako is giga thicc in comparison
Those girls are straight up skeletons. That isn't really an issue though since they are original characters and aren't fucking up any established designs.
>aren't fucking up any established designs.
maybe you just watch too much hentai
I wish more companies made athletic or mature bodied anime girls. Chinese figs are the closest we got.
>no slampig proportions
I could have told you that from the pics alone

I've been buying bootlegs for like 20 years, just to roll the dice and see what happens. Out of maybe 100-odd dice rolls, I've gotten maybe 5-10 figures that were actually good and solid and decently approximated the real product. Just save your money and buy the real thing, it's not worth gambling this way.
>bigger boobs and waist than the figure
were you supposed to prove them wrong or right?
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>bigger boobs
wait does that mean they still use the stupid shitty clicky clacky joints EVERYWHERE or is that joint system finally dead?
why the fuck didnt yamagooki do mirko? this is some monkey paw shit
Its means the figure wasnt made by Yamaguchi or that it doesn't have the yamaguchi(tm) hyper articulation scheme
How it is to live under a rock?
Still haven't ordered Ochako because I dunno if Nin-Nin Game is selling it with or without exclusive face.
Anon, all you did was prove me right and make me notice the Revos weird as fuck long torso and stumpy legs.
The Revo's hips are bigger but that looks like more of a side effect of the dated articulation system than something intentional and they look awkward on the tiny pelvis.
you're trying too hard...
Okay, the truth is I don't like it mostly for the price and I want to make excuses to hate it, are you happy now?
Anon, I just genuinely think the figure looks like hot garbage. I am not trying anything.
He really is desu.
But I have to say, there is a MHA figure that suffers from way too long a torso.
And it's Eraser Head.
The one they have listed for 9,500 yen? That's 100% not coming with the exclusive face. The online version is 12,100 direct from Kaiyodo, so you're not gonna see that undercut by a middleman.

Genki have it listed separately for 12,790.00 pay later which i'm considering.
Whoever sculpted the figure didn't try enough.
Is it worth spending $100 to upgrade from >>10953674 to >>10952635
I really hate the figma, and this one looks more posable, but that is a lot of money just to replace an existing figure.
if she was THICC id say go for it, but as it is, nah b
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looks ok to me.
Why do you hate the figma?
Just as a follow up to this, I am not a huge stickler for accuracy or anything, in fact I really like many of the stylistic choices Yamaguchi tends to make with his sculpts.

I just think, despite the uniqueness of the costume and some inventive choices being made for the ankle tilts, this design doesn’t lend itself to a great deal of dynamism or posing potential, which might also be a result of the character’s quirk. There are other female MHA characters that come to mind that would benefit from a revoltech, such as some mentioned in this thread (frog girl and the buff rabbit, I have very surface level understanding of MHA as a property).
The arms need more muscle tone, but I'm happy with the thighs.
Where did you find those for those prices anon?
hlj, theyre arriving for me next week
hmm they must have sold out of the others because I’m only seeing Bakugo and Aizawa in stock, with Bakugo being back ordered.
After HLJ discount Uravity is 9900, so not too bad.
sell your figma, and buy the revoltech then.
how does one get the discount? I’m not seeing 9900
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It's automatic. It doesn't look like this for you?
mine is in USD, but it’s showing $76.36 which is more than 9900 yen
Change the price to JPY and see what the price is. They do the FX conversion on the site, which is why the prices may be off from a direct 0% conversion.
What stores have exclusive bonuses for the AY figures? I kinda want the Uraraka face but the one place I found wants like an extra 20 to 30 dollars for it.
I think every middleman site will charge you the full 12k price if with the bonus and the discounted 9k without it
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Well that’s annoying, because I don’t think any of the exclusive faces have ever been worth the extra money. Shigaraki’s tried to do more than just a face, but the cardboard backdrop looks awful.
why not?
her breasts not being big enough really fuck with the torso and gives it the elongated look
Yeah the difference in price is how they acquire the figures. Regular ver they can get as retailer so there is some discount to the stores (like 35%?). Except for DC these days for some reason. The exclusive ver they can only get it from the Kaiyodo store retailer or not, so that discount isn't there anymore, they need to charge extra to see profits.

I personally think none of them are worth it. might as well get full figure like a ML or something with that money. It is a system meant only for Japan anyways.
It also depends on what exchange rate they use. When I used to order from AnimeExtort, the conversion from PreyPal was always different from what a site like XE said. At least HLJ charges in dollars so the price they print is what they charge you.
XE tell you that the rate displayed is the midmarket rate, that means it's halfway between the buying rate and the selling rate.
PayPal don't charge you a currency conversion fee like many banks do, but don't give you as good of a conversion rate as a bank. The bank's conversion fee can either be a flat rate, or usually a percentage (or for some accounts, no fee at all), and if it's a percentage it often works out to be only slightly better than PayPal.
And as for HLJ, their currency conversion is fucked. Uravity is 9900¥, which according to the midmarket rate is $64.00US or $99.83AU, but if I convert it on HLJ, they want $76.35US or $118.83AU. That's nearly an additional 20%. I'm just going off what my bank charges in Australia, so I don't know what you burgers pay in fees, but I doubt even with PayPal's lower conversion rate, you would be paying more than 10% above the midmarket rate.
I use PayPal for some transactions, and my bank for others, but I would never pay HLJ in my own currency. If you aren't buying from HLJ with yen, you are doing it wrong.
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found this picture from a few years ago that i forgot to ever share. the back of my revo jigen has this on it, lmao. should dig him and lupin out of storage cause they are some amazing figures to mess about with.
Why’d they get rid of the swappable eyes gimmick? I thought it worked pretty well and led to more expressive looks.
Haven't used them since they started charging GST, are they factoring that in to the converted price?
Valid question. I had never thought about it so I thought I would test it out.
Nope, they add another 10% on top of that.
Yep terrible price. A a bit of advice: check your paypal billing agreement with them since the site automatically defaults to your local currency.

Make sure your billing agreement is set to YEN and nothing else, or you're just asking to get fucked by their awful conversion.
Dumb question: Is this deku supposed to be different from the old one? Or is it a straight up reissue?
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Damn inflation is a bitch..
Reissue, but I guess the box will be the new grey one.
the value of yen went from 0.93USD to 0.67USD in that timespan so uhhhhh yeah
This lmao.
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Surely we’ll be getting a new Deku right? Probably the vigilante look.
I would love it,but I'm not sure.
They could probably get a lot out of a Vigilante Deku with other quirk effects like Black Whip.
Yeah if the line continues he's up there in terms of whats likely, its the main character and a super popular look for him in the fanbase. Accessories would be easy with black whip and the design itself works well for a revoltech. Think the guy making Mirko also made his own custom of this Deku, but I'm sure most of us would prefer Yamaguchi doing it
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Yeah, the guy who is now doing the actual AY Miruko and made a custom Miruko before that also made a Vigilante Deku with Black Whip parts.
Back in the day I was impressed with how many accessories this came with. I realize now it was lacking.
Damn that actually looks pretty good. Why don’t they just release this?
Kek from the picture alone you can see he has bad range. Is that really the most his knees can bend? The sculptor should not be associated with revo/AY
This>>10960801. How can they release a newer variation of a character but has shittier articulation than the 2020 figure. Iron spider has better range than spidey 1.0
The figure is bad and the sculptor sucks at making revo
It’s not always just about articulation for me.
It is about articulation when the figure comes from a line that defined itself around having good range. Also the fact that the character is very dynamic
holy shit that looks bad and the accessories are unimaginative as fuck. he should stick with female characters or go work for SHF
geriatrics like robo fwoosh and his followers keep complaining about how posing the eyes gave them heart attack and too much exercise. so kaiyodo streamlined it.
I mean they were kind of a pain at first but once you got used to them they weren’t that bad. Shame that some people couldn’t handle it I guess.
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Could see then giving her many faces, and a giant "Luna ringu" kick effect, ir something like that to justify the cost
You do know if they let him make this character they aren't just going to 1:1 reproduce this custom he made right? Like he'd obviously improve it drastically
I might be out of the loop, but who the fuck is robo?
YouTuber. Just ignore anon having aneurysms about online personalities.
>anon don't know
Sculptors are not typically good at engineering, and vice versa. This is why most companies have them as separate duties/jobs. Yamaguchi is a unique case that happens to excel at both. This new guy clearly fucks when it comes to sculpting, just pass it off to Yamaguchi or someone more knowledgeable when it comes time to engineer the joints.

Why are you guys acting like one person needs to do it all? It's weird.
Man, if you're gonna shit up a thread, at least be correct about it.

The guy who runs the Fwoosh fucked up the Ninja Scroll figures, not Robo. Robo quit that place after they started to shift away from being a toy news site and tried to make garbage ninja action figures.

Robo's just a boomer who does toy news stuff now and that's it.
Something that is OFF-TOPIC to Revoltech general, but of course, that doesn't matter to the pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys
Noone said anything about having just one sculptor you weirdo. Its the fact that the sculptor didn't even bother to least recreate yamaguchi's articulation scheme in the revo line. You'd think after 20+ AYs having good limb bend would be the very basic necessity
You completely misread and misinterpreted that post, go back and try again with better reading comprehension
3D artist here.

>Sculptors are not typically good at engineering

That used to be the case 20+ years ago. After the first Iron Man movie the standards for a 3D artist increased significantly. Not only were artists required to make X look cool, they also had to make X look plausible from an engineering perspective. Don't believe me, google Space Marines earlier than 2008, then compare that to Space Marines after 2008. You will see how the design became a lot more mindful about key articulation areas.

The guy is a good sculptor, slightly better than SHF I would even say but he's no AY. He does the lazy thing which is just sculpt the character in ZBrush then cut into the sculpt with basic bitch joints. AY uses Blender and rigs his sculpt to check on the range of motion.

My theory is that the guy wanted to get hired by SHF but got picked up by AY instead.
>genuine retard
He didn't say AI Artist, so it's all good. As someone that dabbles in 3D modeling as well, I'd love to see you try to make anything decent, let alone get paid for it.
Lemme guess, you’re this guy?
>My theory is that the guy wanted to get hired by SHF but got picked up by AY instead.
>A sculptor who loves movable figures. I mainly work on movable models such as figma, S.H.Figuarts, and Revoltech prototypes. So that I can give more than I am receiving.
It seems like you're right :^)
>you can see he has bad range

Why do these kind of morons keep popping up? Some sample poses aren't there to show maximum range... And you can see the negative space behind the knees even so it can clearly go further. If the joint was the same as some AY the ball joint at the bottom can make the leg go almost all the way.

We just see some anon be wrong about Ochaco, stop talking about what you can't tell from limited photos.
"Being able to design things that look like they would feasibly work" =/= engineering. If you tell the sculptor to develop a new way for limbs to collapse in on themselves to mimic the pliability of skin, or figure out a sliding panel system for realistic latissimus dorsi movement in conjunction with the butterflies, 9.99 times out of 10 they're going to stare at you blankly. It's not the same fucking thing at all lol.
translate it right, then
He's a freelancer that has worked on SHF, figma and now Revoltechs. Translation is accurate enough.
>the negative space behind the knees even so it can clearly go further.
No there isnt
>limited photos.
Most likely cuz the range is also limited kek
Yes there is, also I noticed the knee joints are the ones I was thinking about, so knee range would be just as good as most AY. If not easy to improve from this FAN-MADE SCULPT. That's all I wanted to say so stop trolling idiot.
Ignore him, he's the pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys baiting.
Ignore this bot. It goes into other threads spouting the same shit
A shitty fanmade thats being hired to make it official. Stop coping idiot
I was gonna say, I’ve seen that said so many times that if it was true nobody here buys toys.
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Finally got the supermán revo, cant fucking assamble the plastic cape.

The figure is very fun tho
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he's right tho
If you want to use plastic cape you have to heat up the centre part of it so sockets for joints will be soft enough for inserting the joints. Everyone complained about it when the figure was released..
>"Being able to design things that look like they would feasibly work" =/= engineering

Why not quote what I actually said?

>Not only were artists required to make X look cool, they also had to make X look plausible from an engineering perspective.

Industry standards are such that force artists to think like engineers, either IRL or in a virtual environment. You're not going to get hired if all you can do is sculpt pretty characters. People have a skewed view on what a 3D artist does because all the people who can't get a job in the industry end up doing YT timelapse videos aimed at "beginners".
This is so fucking dumb. Nothing on a modern Terminator looks more "plausible" except the proportions. Point out to me exactly where the 10th Ed Terminators show actual ENGINEERING improvements unrelated to proportion of a person inside. Cause it still looks just as stupidly designed as the original (and I mean that in a loving way). If they were sooooo focused on engineering realism and plausibility, why do 10th Termies still have giant tubes around the backs of their knees that limits them to about 25 degrees of movement? Why are the hydraulic cables or whatever in back of the arms conspicuously exposed and ready to be sliced? Why put tilt-plates onto hunchbacked armor like this, where they would pretty much block your field of view on that side? There's still so much stupidity there, you cannot convince me that anyone thought about the actual engineering when updating this suit.
I thought Japan had laws against reissuing the same product for a higher price?
Taking into account the value of the yen falling precipitously since then, it is now actually CHEAPER than the original price ($66 then, $57 now). Ain't inflation funky like that?

But no, pretty sure that's not a thing...plenty of toy reissues cost more than the originals, because materials cost and inflation are not constant.
Maybe thats a Figma policy? I think they're the only ones I can recall doing that, and I'm thinking about reissues from years ago, I doubt they can sustainably do it anymore.
Only if it's literally the exact same product. I.E: Gunpla reissues albeit those have some new logos on the box. This is technically a new because of the completely different box design.
That’s a lot of work for an expensive figure.
How lazy are you you can't dig up a hairdryer or hot water for like a 1 min task? Price doesn't matter 20 dollars figure or 100 dollars figure they still use the exact same shitty materials. Importantly PVC, which easily deforms by heat. You collect toys, this should be second nature.
Maybe you have gotten used to corporate bootlicking but can't you see the truth emanating from one new to the cause?

Besides, some recognize this issue and deal with it: hands on pegs for example. Now we just need little pegs in every hole so the experience is as seamless as possible.
>Cause it still looks just as stupidly designed as the original
If you're not smart enough to tell the difference that doesn't mean there's no difference.

>If they were sooooo focused on engineering realism and plausibility, why do 10th Termies still have giant tubes around the backs of their knees that limits them to about 25 degrees of movement? Why are the hydraulic cables or whatever in back of the arms conspicuously exposed and ready to be sliced? Why put tilt-plates onto hunchbacked armor like this, where they would pretty much block your field of view on that side? There's still so much stupidity there, you cannot convince me that anyone thought about the actual engineering when updating this suit.

You're autistic, aren't you?
I wasn't talking about it being plausible in a 40k scenario, moron. I was talking about it being feasible as in it's possible to recreate it IRL.
Left (2023) one can move his legs together.
Right (2005) one can't move his legs together closer than a 45 degree angle.
Left one has hinges on his hip flaps.
Right one has the hip flaps just stuck on.
Left one has layered armor on the gauntlet.
Right one has the fingers just clipping through the forearm.
Left one has its proportions mindful of actual human anatomy.
Right one has its head coming straight out of its chest level.
Left one has an abdomen.
Right one goes from chest to hip with nothing inbetween.
I explicitly said "not related to the plausible proportions of a human inside" and yet 9/10s of your rambling diatribe consists of exactly that. Your reading comprehension needs some work, clearly.
The figure comes with a stand, you know. You don't have to expose your disgusting gremlin hands to everyone after you've dug them through your own ass
Cut him some slack he doesnt look brown.
>we just need little pegs in every hole
Oh my god you lazy fuck. Let's further waste resources and pollute the environment because you can't be bothered to do a 1 min task. Who sounds more pathetic? The "just fix it yourself" group or "I'm a baby do it all for me" group? That's not even close to bootlicking.
What happened to this thread? It's full of shit posters
Also there is a much better simple solution. Just have the joints inserted into the PVC side, not the cape pieces, Cape pieces are ABS so they don't change shape anyways. That's all they had to do. But I'm not like how dare they that is unacceptable. Because it's not a big deal. Bootlicking for AY would be like being perfectly fine about the knee spike issue of single hinge knees on certain costume types.
>hands on pegs
Here is also a non-bootlicking fact. I wanted to mention this before and this is perfect.

Kaiyodo fucked with the figma style spare hands rack thing. The peg size of the rack and the wrist joints aren't 100% the same. Wrist pegs are slightly bigger. Meaning when you put the default hands onto the hands rack they are too loose and falls off. Again because PVC is shitty. Same with any new hands you put onto the AY for a time. So we're back to the use a hairdryer to utilize the hands rack.

Just my biggest complaint I had with new AY. I put accessories in ziplocks so it doesn't matter in the end, but what waste of plastic and molds.
>I explicitly said "not related to the plausible proportions of a human inside" and yet 9/10s of your rambling diatribe consists of exactly that.
>Your reading comprehension needs some work, clearly.

Said the guy who conspicuously ignored all my other points.

Rest in autism.
I noticed that too. It makes sense to be slightly smaller, so from pegs to figure it's a tight fit, but ya, the other way around, with the size discrepancy as it currently is, doesn't work well.
I wanted to be sure and checked another AY. Aizawa was done correctly so seems to be case by case. Makes sense because depending on the number of hands there will be multiple versions of the racks.
Why subjectautist is here?
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He's out in Japan
Nice, hope nin-nin ships him out soon. I started reading the comic a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it way more than I expected.
>wont get it for several more months so I can combine shipping.
Enjoy it for me guys.
I still find this release very strange in several ways.
It makes sense from how AY is performing. Deadpools(and other paramilitary types) and Venom are like 2 of their 4 top sellers. This guy is pretty much a combination of elements of those two. It was also maybe a way to get around having guns, he's a character not in any movies so there's nobody that could potentially bitch about it (compared to say Winter Soldier).
Your other points weren't even worth addressing. An extra plate and externally visible hinge does not make the armor more plausible. They're essentially greebles, they don't contribute anything. There are a thousand possible ways to attach a hip plate besides an obvious visible hinge. You don't get to see how any of the rest of the armor attaches or fits together, so why is the mount of the hip plate suddenly of such great importance to you? Why are you not concerned with how the floating shoulder pauldrons stay in place? It seems you only care about this kind of stuff when it suits your argument.

Also, in the case of the powerfist, you are confusing design plausibility with sculpt quality. If you look at any 40K artwork from that time period you can clearly see what the mini is supposed to represent, and it's a perfectly sound design with no "finger clipping."
So hand posing has infested Japan as well, great
Holy hell, he's matte except for the spiky armor bits! It looks so fucking good. Any remaining doubts I had about keeping my preorder have died.
handposing is purity.

free of the constraints of clumsy, ugly, flight stands. free to test out dynamic angles and really play with how the figure looks in front of the camera. typically taken in interesting settings/backgrounds instead of an LED-lit alleyway diorama. handposing strips away all the pretentiousness and gets back to the essence of posing.
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He has a tranny flag in his username. Easily influenced by the westerniggers.

Pic unrelated
pic very much related
YamaGODchiGODs stay FUCKING winning.
For fucks sake the one time I try to combine a bunch of items to ship something goes wrong with the package. Three yamaguchis and a few other random things from hlj and fedex have delivered it to the wrong address on the other side of the country. They have my correct address and even informed me that it was delivered to the wrong one but all its saying for the status online is 'delivery exception'

I've contacted them and I'm waiting for a response, but have you guys had anything like this before? I know I'm probably overreacting its just that its an expensive package
That’s why I always go with BBTS, their customer service is second to none. If your package gets lost, they’ll send you another with no charge, even if it’s a huge, sweet pile of loot package.
you only complain because yours aren't white
Not in America so haveb't used BBTS. I've ordered dozens of times from HLJ and used Fedex a bunch with absolutely no issues, it just sucks the ONE time I pay extra for an individual package things go wrong. I'm hoping its as simple as they just redeliver the package over the next week or something. I'm up to my neck with work right now and don't want to be dealing with customer service shit, I don't have the time. Sorry for being such a whiny bitch too, I just need to rant a bit. Was looking forward to it, I had Hawks, Endeavor and Aizawa on the way and they all look really cool
No need to apologize anon, I honestly understand. Nobody likes dealing with shit like this.
Are you this anon? Sad because it seems you were super excited about it.
Yep thats me :(
Where's my Marie Rose, Yamaguchi?
Opened my Yamaguchi Thor and he's great but the peg hole in the back on his skirt kinda sucks, why doesn't he have one on his actual back? I appreciate the amount of lightning accessories he has and how they aren't made so that you can ONLY use them on him, I'll probably use them on a lot of my other figures
Still no response from customer service but their tracking site has changed from the 'delivery exception' thing to saying its on the way, hopefully it goes smoothly from there and I was just being dramatic. I think I'm just stressed lol

Rest in autism.
still mindboggled over kirishima requiring the swapping gimmick for the torsos when making both versions completely poseable without taking it apart would have required one (1) tiny change.
What would that change be?
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I dunno if you got him, or if you saw what they did with him, but to try and explain, they made two torsos for him.
One that comes on the figure, which is regular, and a version that is rocky. It's basically an entire upper body with different heads and arms and all that.
And they both have the exact same skeletal construction, except one has a ball joint connecting to the waist piece while the other is molded together with the waist piece, which means that its range is severely reduced.
The intention here is that you'll take one body apart and reassemble it onto the "skeleton" that offers more range. But they could've just made the two skeletons identical with very little (basically no) extra work, and it would mean not having to deal with the hassle of taking the figure apart and reassembling it every time you want a different look. You could just pop it off the waist and voila.
Yeah its uneccessarily clunky. I'm lucky in that I only ever want to display and mess around with him in his rocky form anyways
Wonder how hard it would be to mod the static piece...
I don't disagree. I'm probably just gonna put the more articulated armature on the hardened form because that one requires more dynamic posing, and then put the shitty one on the default look and then make a mental note to remember not to try and go crazy with that upper body. I just find it weird that they bothered to make two different internals for the two upper bodies anyway, when they could've just had them both equally articulated with very little extra effort, and then they'd also have been able to close up the seam between the torso halves as well.
They're molded as one piece, so you probably don't wanna do that.
You'd probably wanna go the route of grabbing the more articulated skeleton, pulling it in two at the ball joint, then make a mold of both halves and reproduce it that way.
Yeah you're right, its just odd. I hadn't seen reviews of Kirishima before I opened mine and I thought something was wrong with it
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What are your biggest wants right now for the MHA line? As someone who mostly just wants the class members, my two main wants right now are Kaminari and Froppy. Kaminari I think could have some cool electricity effects and rounds out the Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari trio. Froppy would definitely be cool with tongue effects and she’s a main class member. Third would probably be Iida since he’s an important class member as well.
My biggest want is also a never ever, and it's Mina.
Otherwise, maybe Nagant, Stain and AFO. I actually don't care at all about the chuuni-ass actual villains in MHA, but AFO is such a stereotypical evil guy baddy that he might be really fun to have a bunch of heroes beat the shit out of him. Plus he'd probably come with a few really good accessories. Shiggy is kind of disappointing in that department, because he's entirely focused on that "quirk-stealing quirk" while his original decay ability has only one dedicated piece.
Oh, and I'd also like to see a Vigilante Deku release with Black Whip parts.
I’m not sure I’d say Mina is a never ever. I could see it.
Yeah, it's possible if they dig into the small-timers in 1-A. It's down the list, though. And there's villains and pro-heroes between that, so I don't believe it'll be anytime soon. It would be nice, though.
And if she comes with acid splash effects, I can only imagine that people would get some good alternate use out of those.
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Now that's a coom.
Are the MHA AY figures selling well? I have no idea, but I’m sure as long as they are we could have the potential to get most of the class members besides some of the duds like the animal guy or sugar guy and I doubt we’d get the invisible girl. I’m honestly all in as long as they keep putting them out, the figures are great.
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Coomer gen would definitely have fun with him. He might be too small though, maybe he could be a pack in with Yaoyorozu
>Are the MHA AY figures selling well?
I wouldn't say they are doing poorly just because of how far they got through the characters. And even had a few reissues. It definitely have went further than I ever thought. But I can't tell how long it has now that 3 upcoming ones are outsourced to a different sculptor. You can take that as they have enough budget to get a second person on MHA, if Yamaguchi is still working on MHA too. But you can also take it as they had their main man move to a different IP because MHA is done for them. It's hard to tell until we hear who's after Toga.
>sugar guy
He's Kinnikuman so the motivation to make him would be high at Kaiyodo. If they're not doing actual Kinnikuman again. I feel like that's a good IP to do towards the endgame of AY. Yo can get away with many shared parts like they did with Revol Mini.
>strips away all the pretentiousness
It is literally a pretentious/artsy way of photographing figures that started trending a few years ago, and it's lazy. The backgrounds are never interesting, the photo in question is literally a crumpled blanket. More often than not it's a person's floor or bedroom. At the very least I wouldn't mind just holding the bottom of the stand that it fucking comes with and keeping your giant hand out of frame.
Great pics, and thanks for make the anti hand-posting autist cope this hard
wait do people really give this much of a shit about the hand posting I thought you were all pretending as a joke
it's just a pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys trying to ruin the thread as usual
It pisses me off cause it's a lazy trend. I never really saw it up until a few years ago, now I see it everywhere. It's the new "alleyway diorama" that plagued figure photography for a number of years in the mid 2010s.
>any opinion other than mine must be an attention whore
bro it's not a big deal it's just a picture
you trying to micromanage other people over something so trivial is definitely a you problem
You are right, but I will still get peeved about it, especially in cases like this where the figure is more expensive and comes with the means to elevate it without the aid of your own hand. What makes it worse is that hand posers are usually better at posing than those that don't, so it makes it harder to wrap my head around why they do it.
I'm just grateful we get pics at all. No matter what the pics are like (unless they're super low quality and grainy or what have you.)
Just opened second hand mandarake venom and his eye cap thing is suuuuuper loose, is that a common issue with him?
Yeah it’s a common issue, I put a little blue tack in mine to hold it in better.
Oh well, at least its not something hanging like his jaw thats loose, this can sit on top of his head. Sucks but could be worse
Terrible pics, bad poses and coupled it with an even uglier hand poses. Abhorrent display ESL monkey
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you made me spit my drink out anon
>it's a lazy trend.
obviously the fat retard who's too lazy to heat up a tight peg hole would follow such trends
>alleyway diorama
I still see those to this day
It was popularized by robo from fwoosh
HAH knew you had nothing in the tank

hold this fuckin L you pretentious moron
Nah, he was being the bigger person. He looks a lot better than you do in this situation.
Source? Vigilantes manga?
Now thats a coom
If I could only have one more, it'd be Nagant.
But Best Jeanist, Edgeku, and Lemillion would be amazing too
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weapon pack 2 goes opens POs on may 8th
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>goes opens
brain fart moment
bloodsplatter is selling these, i would never really care otherwise
Aside from the scythe, no real interest in this one.
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New Full Metal Panic Revoltechs confirmed!?!?
What odd choices... I was expecting some axe or broadswords since we had enough katanas. But good to know the pacing is pretty frequent they probably already have 3 and 4 planned.
Can they sell the fucking blank body already?
Harisen is used in pretty much all anime at some point. The scythe is an odd entry. Maybe because it's not commonly seen in weapons pack?

I would love Revos but for the AS only. And do for Another. Samurai bot would be great as AY, the RD is a bit flimsy.
You're being too obvious dude, pull it back 60% or so
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Cool but boy I hope those wings are detachable. Because one bad angle fall they are fucked.

And I hope that right forearm is hollow.
>one bad angle fall
Just dont let it fall
Nevermind they delivered it a second time to an incorrect address, this time slightly further away from the last time lmao
What. The. Fuck.
The scythe is pretty cool. I wish the nunchaku were wired instead of those little chains, though.
This one in particular almost feels like a grab bag of accessories, so I'm wondering if we'll get more obviously themed sets.
I'm still interested in these weapon packs but they've honestly been underwhelming so far
Wow so soon after Neos. A bit pricey at 2k more than Neos but hopefully that means he comes with some effects or other accessories rather than just alternate hands like Neos. Would be interesting if it came with some alternate cloth pieces for the scarf.

Since he's releasing only 2-3 months after Neos I guess I'll ship them together from A-E. It'll be a long wait since I've been really looking forward to it.

Hopefully there are more Revoltech Yu-Gi-Oh in the pipeline. If nothing else the engagement of their social media posts seem to be pretty strong. It'd be good if sales for them have been strong. They had to have been at least decent so far to have gotten 4 releases, I'd think, or maybe these 4 were just the guaranteed ones, 2 duelists and 2 of their signature monsters. Flame Wingman would be a great next one.
Between the wings and the blades at his feet, hopefully this guy is engineered to survive these things. The design of the feet is definitely a bit scary.
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Bonus head looks good, the only bonus I've actually wanted to get so far
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Think that's the fastest I've ever gotten anything shipped.
Why the book?
Yeah at first I thought it was at least a grimoire or something
Kind of making me regret not going for it...

On the topic of Marvel AY, I'm still really not sure whether I want to commit to AY Iron Spider, Spidey, or Winter Soldier. I have the preorders at HLJ but not sure if I want to keep or just cancel. I should probably just stick to characters I really want, not just figure that look like fun.
I still want that head but not 5k extra want.
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Ran out of space so this guys just gonna go here hanging off my lamp. Leaving him like this overnight place your bets whether he nose dives and explodes
Considering the main target is a land of constant earthquakes, I think that's impossible for most.
Cup his wrist in a bit and he'll be ironclad. As is, I worry a bit. Then again, if anyone nudges him he dies.
Definitely nosediving after seeing Robo’s video on this figure years ago
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I wonder if an All Might style body Venom 2.0 is highly unlikely now? I feel like Agent ver was a result of them thinking that wasn't enough for a product. Or maybe they have Symbiote suit on mind and thought they would be too similar.
The stun gun is novel, but this is even less interesting than the first pack.
Only guns are banned for capeshit, so I'm good.
still standing, baby!
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is that like punisher venom or something? Looks amazing. Would get if I actually collected capeshit. The superman also looks really nice.
I only buy toys that look like fun. Bonus if it's a character I like. But I'm not interested in characters I like that don't make for good toys. Like Darth Vader for example.
Interesting. Some probably think this is dumb but I understand it. I sometimes also am interested in buying figures that just feature something I haven't interacted with.

Also what do you mean by Vader not making a good figure? The overall design doesn't get too much in the way of articulation, so it should certainly be able to make a fun toy.

Agent Venom. Flash Thompson (the old high school bully) joined the army and ended up losing his legs. He got the Venom symbiote and that design is the result.
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remember to search using japanese terms to get actually good posing (on average)
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This reminds me of the good ol' days of Spawn. In fact, maybe I'll just headcanon it as some crazy Spawn toyline variant, I never really had much connection to Flash Venom anyway.
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some jap already did it
Is Yamaguchi going to sculpt less revoltechs? no one does it like him
I don't think he's sculpting less. In fact his own output might gone up since first couple of years of AY? Hard to tell but at least I think it's unchanged, he still has something coming out every 2 months. Solo days AY were always like that. Now there are way more Revoltechs coming out AY or not that's not his, that's all.
with the cost of the extra head i pay the customs and half of the delivery
Contender for figure of the year.
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if he faceplants and shatters into a thousand pieces i will get agent venom
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im praying to find agent venom later into may so i can combine it with the spiderman black suit from mafex
It's hard to dismiss Catwoman because she's the first female AY that actually did everything right. Mostly for the size/scaling and weapon holding hands. Agent Venom is just another standard tacticool male AY so he's not as rare and lowers the appreciation factor if that makes sense.
Would this head fit on Moon Knight?
Yeah I guess that makes sense. I'm not getting AV right now because I already have Deadpool and Venom, so he wouldnt really be scratching a new itch or anything. The pics look great though, I may fall victim to them and fomo yet
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I only have 2 modern Revos, Spidey 2.0 and Catwoman, and I have to say, I think I greatly prefer the articulation of Catwoman just because she can raise her legs up really high like in pic related.
Do you think Kaiyodo can get this kind of leg range on male figures, because I don't know how it's pulled off on Catwoman in terms of engineering, is it just the sculpting or the really thin and flexible hip piece?
Being thin really helps in articulation. It's why early SHFs are so skinny. The male AYs can get the legs pretty close to Catwoman or Harley but the knee direction tends to go outwards due to the thigh swivel direction. Many male AYs don't have the thigh ball joints like that. Hmm not since the very first AY? Not sure why but Yamaguchi has ditched that system for the males even when the design allows for it. Hips is important but so is torso range and again being thin usually increases range.
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Hawks can do it and so can Vash,
>made first properly sized female figure.
>stopped making female figures
Why have you forsaken us yamaguchi
AY Carnage can do it
>Awkward sculpts with huge gaps and giraffe necks that need to be disguised with ridiculously exaggerated action poses
>Not fun to pose, do not move naturally at all , the beefy guys are particularly egregious. Hips too tight, ankles too loose, etc ect
>Terrible faces, sloppy paint, peanut head bitches

Why does everyone filate Yamaguchi? It feels like these figures are designed for acba cholos exclusively

Why does everybody filate
>Darth Vader
Sometimes knowing the source material actually inhibits me from having as much fun as I could have with a figure. And with Darth Vader... Sure I could get him into extreme poses or take funny pics, but at the end of the day I like the (old) movies and there's just a certain gravitas, tragedy and seriousness to him. He's rarely shown as a fancy fighter, most fights in the old films serve to further the plot and aren't choreographed in any particularly complex way. The big ones are mostly symbolic and all about the character interaction. Vader is like this hulking menace. He doesn't have to move a lot with all his power, and I think he really can't (and doesn't need to).

But take a lot of Yamaguchi's figures, they lend themselves to "cuhrazy" Anime-inspired style-over-substance, rule of cool posing. That's what I would like about figures. Not necessarily all the time, a nice subtle pose is great, too, but I want my figures to be mostly as articulated as possible and most Vaders donvt provide that AND as said above, it wouldn't be as fun for me. Most superhero or anime releases on the other hand come from source material where dynamic movement is an integral part of the visual style - so it doesn't even have to be from an IP I love to know something will be fun to pose.
Also, aside from lightning and some lightsaber effects, there's not that many play-patterns or options I think. Of course, this is highly subjective and feel free to prove me wrong.
I love 2001 but I would never get a figure of Dave or HAL, or Lawrence of Arabia... (okay maybe that woulf be cool), but purely from a "posing-fun-perspective" (which includes what I can accept as reasonable) they don't/wouldn't come close to regular Yamaguchi output. Knowing more about the source material (if it is at odds with cool poses) would make certain poses or options "less reasonable"..?

Sorry for the rant. Hope you can gain something from it. Maybe others want to chime in? I need sleep.
>Not fun to pose, do not move naturally at all
These points really show that you just don't get the major appeal of Yamaguchi action figures. I say don't bother, like what you like.
I see, so that's what you mean by being aware of the source material hampering the experience. I also like the most articulation possible, and like some 'extreme' posing, but based on how I want the character portrayed, that would also affect the pose. It's a shame despite all the articulation, but sometimes a figure is just better off just standing there.

But at the same time you can always pretend a character is as dynamic as you want them to be. I'm sure if you go through all the different versions of Vader in comics or shows he's probably done some crazy things. Or you can always pretend he does some crazy poses like the old Hasbro Unleashed figures,
>Why does everybody filate
how can she filate!(sic)
megagirl is lookin good
skill issue
It's just shitty bait...
Speaking of, what # do I have to look up on Twitter to see Japs posing him? I don't see him a lot looking at the Revoltech hashtags
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moon knight matches my keyboard
You'll never guess which delivery company failed to deliver for a third time

I'm talking to their customer service now, all they're saying is my address is incomplete... even though I can see my full address on their tracking site for the parcel. Even though I listed my full address several days ago when I sent them an email just to be safe. And even if it is incomplete, why not just message me? They have my email and number (and address, but apparently not lol) but it took me getting into contact to actually gey them to do anything. Would they have just left it in limbo otherwise? I've sent them my address AGAIN so I guess hopefully that does it, but I don't see how them getting the same info a THIRD time will change anything. Last time I ship more than two things together I can tell you that much lol

On the bright side venom is still holding onto my lamp strong for dear life like a trooper
Are you in an apartment? I remember one time I had issues with fedex because they tried to put my address all in one line and it was too long so my apartment number wasn’t on there. I ended up having to go to the local fedex warehouse and deal with dumb shit for like an hour to finally get it.
Ah fuck, yeah that might be it then, the floor of my building is also given in my address. Think I should shoot them another message asking to make sure the floor and building number are in separate lines?
Alright sent another message, may as well. Thanks by the way, would have just been going in circles otherwise. Hopefully they can tweak it now and it'll get sent. You'd think if this was an issue other people have had they'd know about it and do something
No problem anon, hopefully that resolves it so you can get your figures, but keep us updated
They just arrived! That suggestion sorted it out straight away, thanks so much. Will probably avoid using fedex whilst I'm at this address just because its a hassle, they've been fine at all my other addresses I've used them at without apartment numbers and stuff. Like I said before I'm swamped with work right now so not having to worry about this anymore has helped a bunch
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