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new mold
All the other Barbie set are closer to squat fisher price people.

This has to be old.
He looks great, hope he isn't impossible to get. My old one needs an update.
i want to go back
>This has to be old.
It is, from 2006.
No idea about anything in the Barbie photo because I thought the line was dead, but here is the source for that too:
They relaunched Barbie as these squat little pegs. There is a larger set that had these as well.
I'm not sure why they did the change. New Barbies that were compatible with the Mega Monster High girls would be dope.
people said it will be a 20 figure pack and the previous one was giga produced
This guy is on sale on Amazon for $43 and I'm really tempted. Ido llove Godzilla.

Anyone know if it's good?
I forgot my picture
I don’t have it but here a few reviews:
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Camp Crystal Lake has something for everyone.
Try our great lake sports.
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new sonicjohn just dropped

I honestly have trouble with scale vrs size so can anyone give me an idea on what the following would compare with either MEGA or 1/18 figures.

I'm gonna skreeoom
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I just measured a Mcx spartan (new articulation) and its 5cm thats around 1:35 scale.
The height of these diorama garages is 13cm which means the its little over double the height of the figure.
However 1:24 figures and cars are rather big when compared to mcx figures I think, they stand at around 7,5cm which makes them more anatomically correct (look at picrel)

I think these will look a little too big, especially if you stand a figure on the stairs where I guess it will look weird as their waist wont be next to the railing, the barrel and steel pillars will prob look alright though.

If you end up getting one please post a comparison, was also thinking of getting something similar to this, but there isn't a lot of 1:35 scale diorama displays out there
I’ve gone off the deep end. I think the right looks better.
Removeable armour was and always will be a bad idea (on basically every line). Always makes proportions look retarded.
Super articulation was great though, just wish we had that by itself.
It doesn’t really bother me on marines, covies, CoD and Destiny stuff. Just the spartans.
Yeah fair, i was probably a little over the top saying all lines. Out of them the only one that bothers me is marines, they still look too chonky.
I guess the covies don't bother me because at least they are aliens so there's some leeway in my mind on how they look. Spartan armour is of course fictional, but its still based on a real human that you have a much higher sense of what proportions should be.
COD/Destiny had mostly slimmer armour pieces and different bodies so less pronounced issues there too. Maybe if they'd gone to that body for Halo it would have lessened the problem too
you're wrong
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You're right, I also prefer the way OG spartans look. The interchange armor worked for H4 and H5 spartans but less so for Infinite/3, it makes them look fat. Also the scale looks better, you just have to give them new heads
Well ain't that some shit. Expected delivery came and went for my Elephant, after five days I contact the Amazon seller and not long afterward get a message back that feels automated saying they already contacted the "cargo company" and from the information provided my package has been lost in transportation and they are refunding me. I don't believe they can get that info turnaround on such short notice, especially this time of day but whatever I guess. Didn't even mention a refund in my message and I said as much in my reply, also made a comment about providing tracking info up front next time (they never gave any). When I originally ordered it they only gave the one shipping option so I was stuck with this 3 week delivery that never panned out.

There's a single Elephant left in stock but its 30 bucks more than I was paying for this one, different seller and promises better shipping options but not sure if I'll bite the bullet.
If you really want it go for it
Better thirty dollars more than over one hundred dollars more
Checked. Maybe after the refund is processed.
Since we are on page 9 I"m probably reposting but..
Has anyone seen these things?
My brain has issues with measurement so I was wondering how this would scale with MEGA or other figures?
Anyone out there?
The Dimensions seem HUGE. Like an H-Hanger for a gundam is 15x15x17 which is more than enough for using as a backdrop for 1/18 stuff.
UHHHH BRO??!?!?!?
nice, do it
Whoops, sorry guys, I had no idea we hit bump limit.
pull that trigger

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