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>The World of Bionicle
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

Previous thread: >>10925705
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More like the fugg my life edition.
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This is probably the least dysfunctional fanbase that spawned from early zoomer culture.
Whale instructions on rebrickable please
>Phone poster, unaware how to rotate pictures and how to delete mistake threads
Learn to 4chan
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God I hate later Bionicle. How can anyone defend these abominations of set design.
Interesting design, it looks familiar.
Is it based on this? Anyway I approve the exclusive use of old pieces.
>exclusive use of old pieces.
Well I see some new gray in there but close enough.
Different people grew up with different eras, nostalgia makes everything look rosy
If the era we grew up in is relevant I should love that set.
Beats the hell out of me then, I think Mistika/Phantoka were utter dogwater too but every time I say so somebody disagrees so there's clearly somebody out there pulling for them
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2007-9 Bionicle be like
The mistika makuta looked nice, the Toa all looked like garbage. Too much silver and the masks look like ass.
The 08-09 vehicles were cool though, I wanna do a moc based off of those.
I always found it crazy how similar Xeno and Bionicle are. At the very least Xenoblade 1
if the masks hadnt been so oversized I think many people would have appreciated the toa more. but coupled with the fragile joint issues of the day I can see why many dislike them even now. I still remember being surprised to find out these guys were meant to be the toa mata and not just a new set of toa. at the very least the makuta were fun like >>10955306 pointed out.
Why is Duck Bricks the best bionicle creator?
Its very simple, he is not. Or at least people could surpass him if they had actual effort. His videos are low quality slop for the drooling masses
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Got my package today! Here it is! The Ultimate Dume! Took awhile to build, and it's finally done! Pictures can't do this set justice, you gotta see it in person to appreciate how big this thing is. This has to one one of, if not the biggest G1 sets Lego ever released for Bionicle.
combiners are in just such a weird spot for "being the biggest", like the kardas dragon is "bigger", but there are no unique parts. At least dume over here has an exclusive mask

I have this along with botar. I love their massive size.
it's not even that bad, it's only the fact that they're supposed to be the toa nuva that makes people hate them so much
How much?
I spent $120 on it. It came with the box and everything, so not a bad deal if you look at the current prices on BrickLink.
Whenever I see Ultimate Dume, I just think about how their knees and lower legs must be crying out in pain.
Yeah, his legs are wobbly as fuck. Took me forever to get in in a pose that didn't buckle his knees. I can see why later titan sets had pistons installed on their legs.
Combiners usually have wonky proportions, but with this guy I think the lankiness really works. Enhances the uncanny look.
So in the Powers that Be continuation, what exactly is the virus thats them undead?
do you prefer the gold vahi or orange vahi?
Gold since it looks better. The orange one just looks like a hunk of cheese.
orange is awful. Maybe if it was dark orange
Orange all the way
The gold has that soft flakey quality that you get with the 2003-2005 axle masks (and bronze-gold pieces in general). The orange is still softer than the other 2001/2002 hard plastic stud masks but it's a lot more durable and you don't get big conspicuous stress marks on the cheeks just from leaving it in a part box.
>orange like cheese
>controls time (necessary for cheese making)
>resembles a cheese grater

>moon is made of cheese
>moon is used to measure time (lunar cycle)
You may be on to something here
ngl I always thought of Kraft Mac and Cheese when ever I saw the Vahi.
>Not gonna lie but as a fatass American I keep thinking of food because I'm always hungry
All Bionicle is good Bionicle. Stop being a fag.
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To the anon from last thread asking for pics, here you go.
And one of these two with the Pizza Tower comparison.
>Pizza Tower
Holy Fucking Cringe
>Pizza Tower
Absolutely based
>Pizza Tower
I have no strong feelings one way or the other
>Pizza Tower
I don't know what that is
>Americans out of nowhere
Hi, Chungusfurry.

All? Even the fan stuff?
Good lord these combiners are atrociously designed. It's really the only bad thing about this year is that the Inika and Piraka combiners suck ass. Thank the Great Beings they immediately fixed it the following year.
Never understood the dislike for the Vezok/Thok one. That one I made as a kid and I always thought he looked cool. The DNA for Irnakk is clearly there, but it's still unique enough. Honestly that one and the Avak/Hakann ones both could pass off for Rahi of some kind. Zaktan one could just be a random Skakdi.
which is the better pick of digital building software, bricklink studio or stud.io?
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>Good lord these combiners are atrociously designed
which is funny because Irnakk kicks ass. I guess the key was adding one more Piraka to the mix
I'm gonna be ngl fr with you fa m I thought those are the same thing.
Most of the later combiners really suffered from having no good parts to work with. There's only so many ways you can peg an inika/piraka torso together, and these sets only ever came with like 2 axles and 5 pins.
These combiners are ugly, but that's why I kinda like them. It's fitting that the Piraka are ugly when together.
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you can make out some actual pieces in this concept like bohrok pieces and toa canister lids, but they probably won't work in real life
oh shit my mistake. I assumed they were different programs.
I always disliked that about a lot of the early licensed lego games. They never tried to make things in the game look buildable, they always just mushed 3D models together and didn't give a shit.
You might be able to use those canister lids as parts depending on if you can stick 3l bars through the holes or not. Pins might be able to go underneath the center too, but I'm not sure if you'd have any friction from them or not.
Yeah are there more pics of this or instructions? Would love to remake it.
bad colours, fragile joints, shitty weapons, the Mistika were a mistake
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Even then the extra gold pieces are doing a ton of heavy lifting. Not that it's necessarily terribly by itself but the gold spine and extra hose pieces really elevate it.
2008 was the best year for story content.
It was the Avengers Infinity War of my childhood with the highest stakes, revelations, and payoff to Mata Nui’s identity, but the toys from that story arc were complete ass.
It introduced angle shit with the cracking square sockets and the figure designs were boring as fuck
>2008 was the best year for story content.
No that would be 2001.
>Avengers Infinity War of my childhood
Jesus, anon, could you really not phrase that in a less reddit way?
Correct take on the angleshittery, though.
I think Irnakk's secret is all the balls stuffed into him, it kind of tricks you into thinking there's more going on with the build than just a couple of piraka torso's stuck together.
Dumb little question, what's one set you saw in person that you regret not getting?

For me, it's when I was in Spain I saw Vahki sets with the included Vahi, and I didn't get any of them. I instead bought a big tub of Bionicle parts, which was a great purchase, but I still regret never getting the Vahi.
Honorable mention goes to Mallum who I thought looked really good, but my logic was that since he was my favorite I'd save him for last. I never found him again. My mom also offered to buy me Toa Mata Nui but I declined.
It's not really a regret though, since I was never a big fan of the set itself, despite the rarity of the mask.
Q for anons:
Know any good Sexy Bionicle accounts on Instagram, Twitter, or DeviantArt to follow? :3

I really regret not getting more Glatorian sets because, when writing fanfics and whatnot, being able to build the characters I create is a big part of my enjoyment, and I really can't create many Glatorian or Agora MoCs without the heads. Plus, a lot of the armor pieces from that period of BIONICLE are really good.
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Coomer be gone.
The Skopio thing was probably the only set I really wanted that I actually saw in stores but never got.

In hindsight I hate really repetitive builds so I probably wouldn't have enjoyed having to build four identical giant spider legs.
Imagine Kraft Vahi N Cheese with actual plastic Vahi masks
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Guys, how hard could it be to bootleg G1 Boncle? I mean, all the 3D files are actually for free, and those are molds that Lego don't have interest on anymore, I know that making the molds are different processes, but, come on man, that's basically a printing money idea
He just needs to work on his thumbnails. Skybird is killing it with those but has shit ass video quality.
i find it funny how his shins are literally the same as a toa metru
Piraka go piraka piraka yo piraka
the beast the drifter the bully coming through
piraka piraka
brother looks like he'll collapse if you bend his knees more than 10 degrees
Upscaled 1:1 versions of things make me happy in a very primal way, thank you.
Other than other LEGO properties, what settings would work well for Bionicle crossovers?
Bionicle's the only zoomer IP I'm still willing to engage with. Everything else is cursed.
>curbstomping primarishit
Tahu has good taste.
>that's basically a printing money idea
you should look up how expensive even one injection molding die is
Zoomer is anyone born between 1996 - 2014. The youngest Bionicle fans that grew up on g1 would be in their late 20s now.
t. 1995 zoomer
Let's get this over quickly, zoomers are in their 20s but it sometimes gets used as as byword for teenagers, in the same way boomer is used for anyone over 30. If you do that, or go hard by years to determine what people like, you should kill yourself
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beat takua 64

>absolutely on-point nailing of the 2001 bionicle setting and atmosphere, including the absurdly well done models
>world is very explorable

possible cons:
>it is a mario 64 Rom Hack™ and you will feel every bit of that, liberal savestating advised. it's not kaizo but it's hard.

also i used the dev's guide for the secret stars and even some of the normal stars because the levels are very open.
not true. if you became a fan of Bionicle in G1 in 2010, you could still be younger than 20
this is true for all my fellow bioniclefags irl.
>t. 1998
...Who the fuck would become a fan from 2010?
Anyway, you know the rules, if you never played MNOG on Netscape Navigator with a shitty dial-up connection, you don't count.
What lmao. I'm just saying it's zoomer culture for the oldest of em that are late 20s. Think about it:
>open world
>relatively non-violent/safe edgy
>bright vibrant colors that generally appeal to kids
>OC donut steel up the wazoo
The dysfunction it breeds is nowhere near as damaging as bronies or Sonic despite having crossover in those fanbases.
>he didn't play MNOG on a Legoland desktop computer
None. Bionicle is too alien with nothing aside lego connecting it to anything human. It's so far removed you'd need to introduce it trough an another lego property that's already doing the crossover. Otherwise it's not good for anything but Fortnite/ready player one tier slop
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I shall sail
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You should wander outside of your yard, Anon. There is a wide world out there just waiting for you to take your pictures.
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Had the dream, a hecking heck different than you guys and your heckin' dream of the toy aisle full of Throwbots and whatnot. Perfect dream.

>Deadpool and Wolverine comes out, it's 40 degree garbage and makes 1 gorillion USD
>MCU and DCU crossover in their garbage DC Versus Marvel movie and the inevitable schlocky Star Wars/Marvel crossover
>YouTube still has a proclivity towards making fake movie trailers of sequels yet to come out
>Some young punk from United States uses artificial intelligence and makes an Oscar-winning capedung movie
>Now people are finally sick of the good-guys-always win superhero movies
>The Lego Batman Movie Trilogy finishes at last. Suddenly Warner Bros. is revealing their new cashcow. Because people are sick of the ratty, old MCU, a Bionicle: Protodermis Trilogy comes out that leads to a Bionicle Shared Extended Universe. It's my dream
>Dream ends with the death of the ratty MCU and the pukey DCU, everyone is sick of superhero puke stained Hollywood. Chill 2000's toons get their own movies on the big screen

This dream is just telling me a simple message. (1) G3 would make $2,938,928,398,392,090,080,124 in shill dollars. (2) The best intellectual property film-makers have today is the 5th, 6th, and 7th Bionicle movies
they haven't made yet. One Anon said it best: "Lego hates money." When I'm sitting around talking about movies, I say "Jon Favreau," but it just comes out as The Butterball. When I say, "Kevin Feige," I stammer and end up saying: Pornogulina McPeePeeTrickle. These guys don't know what they are doing. In conclusion, Hollywood is falling to ruin. We need G3, or we can officially say that Lego knows nothing about anything.
That is fantastic.
Does it run on an actual N64? I'm tempted to get a flash cart and indulge in some schizo nostalgia.
to be frank, i have no idea how to determine that without having the hardware myself
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This is badass if it's yours. I see it has technic electronic bits on it. Is there a fan on the back that lets it propel itself?
I'm worried I'll crush my bonks in transit, whether in my backpack or a reusable shopping bag, and I live in a fairly urban area. However, if I travel, I might have to consider it. After I post most of the images from this photoshoot, then I've run dry for content on my new IG lol.

Holy crap, that takes me back. Built this 13 years ago. If you can stand the cringe, the full video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZkbL1rNiGE
One of the best builders out there
Thanks for dredging this up, I love seeing this in action. The cringe only adds to how delightful this is.
crazy that bzpower is somehow still online.
it's pretty fucking dead too, even more surprising they keep it up.
Every fan I’ve personally met that was born in 1996 or later is a complete retard and they don’t understand the series. Bionicle was for the millennials.

t. 1995
This guy gets it
>me millenial, you zoom zoom
Born in early 96, go fuck yourself, pleb.
>don't understand
His thumbnails and topics make me click his videos but if he didn't post his post nut erotic-asphyxiation face in every fucking video, I would be more inclined to watch him. rr slugger is generally the more appealing creator out of all of them mainly because he doesn't not put his stupid fucking face in about half the video.
this is so good lmao
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alright scratch that
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Ah well, it's to be expected. True hardware compatibility is a gimmick, and one that takes a lot of effort. Thanks for checking, anon. And nice digits.
I usually put them in plastic pressure lock or zip lock bags. It's fine if you don't overload your backpack. On occasion small pieces like individual fingers might break, had that happen a couple of times over the years. If you're a bit more careful than me, it should be fine. Your figures might partially disassemble tho. You could take off limbs and carry them in a bunch of Bionicle canisters if you wanna be extra safe.
Also drop your ig nigga, I'm gonna follow you
My Instagram is FlashFirePrime. I've only made a handful of posts so far.
Also that flower is GORGEOUS
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These little guys came in the mail today. I don't own many 2004 sets, but I'm slowly working on changing that.
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And here's the combiner model. I really like the look of this Rahi.
Nice anon, I've always liked this one with its creative and bizarre face of agony and just the build itself. I should get the guys to build it too
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Any news on Bionicle G3?
I was not going to give up in making it. I made a dope print of Tahu. Going to enlarge it and use a magnet to put it on my wall.
your art?
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people are growing more skeptical in absence of anything but I'm not sure we have anything for 2025 yet but bunch of Ninjago set numbers.
Keep in mind the big lego movie stuff for later this year has also been completently absent for what sets it will have. Cope sure but still.

More I look at the new dreamzz sets, more it looks plausible that instead of mixel they'd be mostly built with rotation joints.

No. Volcano is from Google Images. Superimposed Tahu there is by some guy named FrankCrumpets from Reddit.
will never happen
people just need to move on.
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Explain this

Or this >>10964689
those sure are two things that have nothing to do with bionicle
>absence of anything
We didn't hear a thing about G2 until June of the year prior. GWP was similar.
If G3 is legit, we'll probably see something leak this summer.
What am I supposed to be looking for ?

some sort of hidden Bionicle piece or clue as it returning in 2025? Because all I see is Batman on a bike. Not trying to be an asshole, I am genuinely asking.

If you mean it being a system construction figure, we've had those for a while now, and even if Bionicle returns it shouldn't be in these type of premium priced packages but in something smaller and cheaper to make sense for it to exist.
you got to move along anons. the days of new bonks on the store shelves are long behind us...
good point, should I call a chinese factory? I'd be happy if they do G1 bootlegs with modern bootleg quality


>Explain this

Hideous constraction licenceshit, what is there to explain?
>he actually wants a G3 that looks like this
People like you are why Bionicle deserves to stay dead.
People don't know what they want really, the dumb z-blob photoshop or Ninjago Onua etc. Those are just descriptive of the direction, It's up to your imagination how those gaps would be filled.
desu I want brick manufacturers to nut up and make more bootlegonicle parts. You can get Inika leg armor on aliexpress and a slew of other parts not sold by wobrick, why not go further beyond?
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Where do people acquire prototype parts?
In Europe mostly, from yard sales and from people who worked for lego at one point (or dug through Lego's trash at the time).
These guys are cool. You can give them better neck articulation too if you have some glatorian necks laying around.

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member those?
These pieces were never commercially released.
I miss technic vehicles that weren't just licensed cars
>still uses the same fail leg design of literally every System AT-ST from the past 15-20 years
The speeder bike was sweet, though
At your mom's house.
Nice to see clear pictures of them
Now I can be angry over their cancellation with renewed passion
This one is the coolest of these system based ultrabuilds so far.
It's definitely just cope, but whenever I see protos and misprints I just think like "these aren't canon masks I don't want these"
The old school shit didn’t come with cryoshell so it’s a give take thing
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I know how these guys are supposed to be pronounced, but I still call them MOW-kah and KAIN-rah because that's how I read them as a child. Anyone else do this with other characters or sets?
Muaka and Kane-ra
pisses me off that the one called MOOaka isn't the cow
The stuff in your pic is custom, not prototype.
As for where people acquire prototypes: Generally they initially find there way out of the factory in the hands of Lego employees. From there the employee may sell them (though not publicly because they'd get in trouble), or give them to their kids whose collection someday gets sold, etc.
Also, Lego gave a BZP staff member (Black Six if I remember right) a bunch of proto parts which were then raffled off to BZP members

For that one I remember there was that commercial so I knew it wasn't "kain-rah" like the spelling might suggest. Watching this again I coulda sworn they said both of the names for these two.
some are as little as a few hundred dollars
Speaking of Cryoshell, man, they rerecorded "Creeping in my Soul" so many times but none of them are as good as the OG from the Barrack commercial.
Wish I didn't. Woke Wars is what killed Bionicle.
Anon, Why are you right. This makes me sad now, another reason to hate disney and star wars
G3 is happening

New Ninjago sets just leaked and I'm getting some serious Makuta shadow hand vibes from this new element being introduced with them.
Shut the fuck up you prancing shit
I haven’t met you personally, have I? Regardless kys
G3 is real 2025
Iconic post
I'm in your walls.
Ironic shitpost.
No irony about it, without context "I haven’t met you personally, have I? Regardless kys" is raw crystalized 4chan
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BIONICLE G3 this is final proof!!!
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Is this a new sword piece?
No. From Ninjago.

Stop spamming.

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