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Previous thread: >>10931771

In stores and online currently:
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
LJN colors Warduke
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Last Ronin Elite Synja Bot
Toon TMNT Evil REX-1
Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Six Shooter & Jester (Puppet Master)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
Earl Sinclair (Dinosaurs)
Baby Sinclair (Dinosaurs)
Ultimate The Nun (Conjuring)
Elvira - Red, Fright, & Boo
Elvira - Scary Xmas
TMNT x Universal Monsters Leo (Creature from the Black Lagoon), & Raphael (Wolf Man)
TMNT Last Ronin Raphael, Foot Bot, Synja Elite, Karai
Toony Terrors wave 9 (Vincent Price, Tar Man, M3GAN, Fiend)
Toony Terrors Jigsaw deluxe set
Toony Comics Joker
Toony Comics Superman
Toony Pee-Wee & Pterry
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No bear blood for today, sadly. The Broadway "Silver Falcon" is up though, as is the rerelease of Bebop and Rocksteady with the newer style ball hips.

Certainly easier on the wallet this week.
Seems like some stores are only now getting around to making the endcaps.
>Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
>Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
>Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
These actually looked decent when I saw them at Target. I'm a fan of the film but not enough to want to collect these, but I could see buying them as gifts for others.

>Toony Comics Joker
MEH. They really should have done either more/other villains or started with someone else like Sinestro or a sexy but fun Catwoman/Poison Ivy, etc.

>Toony Comics Superman
The arms across the chest is interesting, but I'm not sure about the facial expression. I really wish the arms articulated or at least the head.

I see the figures in those wooden built-in shelf 'collector's Nook' or 'collector's corner' or whatever it's called, by the Pokemon plushies and the electronics, etc. at Target.

No clue where they are at WalMarts.
Everything is up now
Yeah. That seems likely. But it's kinda been that way for the last couple Haulathons. TMNT stuff anchors the launch and then the next few weeks is everything else.
International Haulathon site is fucked. Jigsaw is up, but no Silver Falcon. The worst thing is that they figured out they can scam more money than last year by adding 50% to all prices instead of just gouging on the shipping. Almost as bad as scalpers.Fuck, I really wanted Bebop and Rocksteady.
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Forgot pic.
Oh well damn so they did! That looks awesome.
And they call out it's a red robe version (cuz Target m'sure), meaning we'll probably see the black robe at the Walmart horror event this Summer.
The SAWtist in me cant help pointing out John never wore red and this should be Amanda.

Dont want to sound like sour grapes, but man this isnt it. Praying the black robes look better.
No, it's a pretty easy variant to do though, so I can't fault them for that. Good way to use the pig mask though.
It makes a close enough Pig I could display it amongst the other DBD killers on my horror shelf
Yeah that could work
Do you have the Figma trapper already? It’s a shame because he won’t scale with the NECA stuff
Im hit or miss with Figma, often times I find its getting to be too expensive for whats on offer. The Trapper is a cool figure though. Ill grab a pic later, ive got Pyramid Head, Ash Williams, Leon Kennedy, Jill Valentine, The Shape and Ghosty.

Speaking of--- when is someone gonna do a DBD line? Id snag a sick amount of the unlicensed killers. Slinger, Wraith, Nurse, Dredge, Spirit, Knight would all be sick
Just got a shipment email for Loot Fright, should be BK Wolfie. Tight.
I need that. Hate waiting on Target.
Man, been waiting fucking years for Jigsaw to come back and it sold out immediatedly. Its fine, i couldnt justify those prices. Guess Ill pray I have an easier time finding Black robes Jigsaw
Yeah I wouldn't panic yet man. I'm wondering how the black robe version will work...like IF it's going to walmart, if that's just an early release or what.
Im guessing Red robe will be the exclusive one, black will be an early exclusive later wide. Maybe im basing it off nothing, but I dont see why they wouldnt do wide release. Saw is more popular now than its been since the originals.
Yeah, the red robe being a Target thing sticks with their "red exclusives" theme.
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dark blade clan scarface when
Bear blood when?
I can’t wait until Necamutt proudly proclaims he designed the black robe version and is a real toy designer like with red dress Elvira
You are such an obsessed retard
He’s a talentless nepo baby zoomer first hired on as randulf’s pool boy with delusions of grandeur, coddled by his bald boss. Neca staff have trashed him behind his back and he’s a big part of why the work culture there is what it is.
We only have two weeks to go for online drops so...SOON! ...Hopefully.
He already designed the gay pride Scream mask. He is a legit toy designer. He had to decide how wide each colored stripe would be. That was a lot of work.
He’s really added to his designer credits under randy’s platonic tutelage, sounds like. I take back my vicious attacks against him from earlier.
You need to get a life. Being this bothered that someone is more successful than you isn't healthy.
Anti necanon regrets the error.
Same, but also got charged for the crate after that. Oh well. This has been a fun enough experience.
just pre-ordered the 1:1 M3GAN. My first NECA aside from a few Head Knockers. Pretty excited
Same here. Can't wait to mod it.
With what, a fleshlight insert
You're such a weird liar.
jfc. no.
Nice photoshop
Why is it not okay for a new necallector to talk about a premium 1:1 item? This is the neca general, you know.
silicone feet
You can't even troll subtlety.
take your meds
Subtlety is the quality or state of being subtle.
And you are neither.
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>wanted NECA Ultimate M3GAN
>this shit happens

Ever since this fat faced, retarded looking borderline sex doll came out there's been no news of the release I was actually looking forward to and I can't stand it. All the other stuff previewed at the event in pic related came out already. FUUUU
That's not true though, there's several figures we're still waiting on. A 1:1 prop doesn't mean anything about to the Ultimate figure either. There's ALSO the Walmart horror event coming up, and I could see that M3gan figure slotting in there.
Just being helpful and trying to educate you, neca anon. We’re old frens at this point.
Never most likely. We're probably two more Feral variants. Battle damaged/final battle type, and a stealth variant. Which will take 18 months to release each, and then we will get figures from the upcoming Predator Badlands, 14 months after it comes out.
Blame Disney for slowing things down.
Neco repeatedly failed Disney’s internal QC checks and didn’t meet their high bar for mass release but they made an exception on feral because how much was previously invested in the sculpt so it came out anyway.
That is an unhealthy amount of stupidity pouring out of your mouth. Get help.
They stated last SDCC that they were doing Wolf and AvP Ultimates, among other things, so there are definitely more coming.
Not any time soon. I miss when Predator waves had 3 figures and were released a few months apart. Now everything sucks.
That's what happens when one company buys up the rights to every movie and brand in history.
It hasn't been like that in a long time, though. Not really since the carded figures, and it has probably been at least five or six years since they've released like that. The boxed ultimate figures only really come out one at a time, sometimes two.
>AVP ultimates
Aren't the AVP Predators basically Ultimates already? They have all the improved articulation. Would these just be re-releases or Scar, Celtic, and Chopper, each coming with all accessories?
The original carded releases were definitely pretty accessory-heavy especially for Preds of the time. Before that, most were only coming with 1-2 accessories.

However, they also each only came with one pair of hands, so they could add more hands. For Scar, they could give him the masked and unmasked heads. Celtic could get the standard look, and the beat up, battle-damaged armor parts from his fight with the grid alien (like the old TRU 2-pack).

Don't know what they would do with Chopper, but the fallback could be simply adding more hands and trophy skulls and stuff to all of them. Maybe a facehugger. I think the point would be more to get the AvP figures back on the market.
I think the biggest improvement will be the peg system used on the hands now instead of the ball joints. Some of those accessories could get heavy and really flop around on a ball peg.
>Aren't the AVP Predators basically Ultimates already?
kinda but not really. the made it a point to say if you wanted certain hands or accessories you'd have to get other figures. of course, these were $20 and not the $38 or whatever of current ultimates.

which really puts the ultimate jungle hunter on clearance for $20 i passed on last night into perspective. might go get it after all now that i think about it.
Well if they're gonna be charging 40 bucks, each AVP ultimate better come with complete accessories.

Different heads, all hand types, shuriken, and all plasma caster sizes too.
This is why necallectors are desperately seeking alternatives. Why can Loyal Subjects release umpteen tmnt figures and variants in quick succession but randy is left scratching his bald head?
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Got all the TMNT stuff I wanted, had some Circle rewards to blow so I got Broadway here. The new head is cute, and I love the food accessories. Now I can make him an appropriate fat ass.

Coat's good, nothing special. I like that the hat can be put on any of the included heads. I like the trio a lot so I don't mind having an extra Broad to hang around Elisa.
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Kinda want Neca to make a pack of food accessories now. These are really good looking pieces.

But yeah, not a necessary piece for the collection. Happy enough with it. Honestly I'm hoping we see Broadway in a leather jacket sometime.
*Brooklyn, excuse me. Even better if they give us a whole motorcycle for him to ride.
Wait is this true? Did Necanon come out as one of NECA's designers? If so that's hilarious.
No, you complete fucking idiot. That's another troll being a racist shithead.
Thanks again to the anon who told me about target ebay. Got final fight mcready for 28 bucks.
you're welcome anon
Why are you replying to him? You're not the one that told him about it.
yes, i did
i will always try to advertise neca product
the more neca on shelves the happyer i am
Of course dude. I've gotten some cheap gremlins from there, previously. And then some Foot Ninja and the Space Don/Samurai Mikey pack. Good way to army build, and I haven't had an issue with them yet.

Long as you aren't a MIBer anyway.
Target eBay?
Their ebay store. Got demona for 30, macready for 28 and a 2 pack skrull marvel legends for 20 from there
sadly we'll be fighting one another for deals from now on but I did my good deed for the day
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Seems like people are starting to get their Wolfman crate, much like the creature's it's appearing without tracking and in a bag.
What’s their eBay user?
Nah if you don’t know it by now then that’s it. No one else can know, you’ll pay full price for Neca toys
Why are there unpainted hairs on his forehead
got my macready in already. great for 28 bucks. Some damage to the box but everything else is pristine.
last stand, I have the other one and wanted this guys accessories. Going to try to do an artic diorama with him
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I got Elvira! She’s hanging out with the Golden Girls.
I would absolutely love that John Carver fig. Such a stupid silly movie, I liked it.
Does Ghost have any neca figs?
only turdles
it's only turdles
neco is fueled by only turdles
randulf is turdles obsessed
it have choked the life out of neco
sucked all the air out of the room
leaving other line to choke and die
Wow, that sure is a remarkably stupid take from someone that buys zero toys.
Not trying to play ESL advocate but everything from Haulathon this week WAS turtle figures, not even the odd plush this time.
So? The Turtles stuff is always the big draw.
It’s just turtle fatigue, anon, I meant no offense. I’m not upset that turtles are the focus but some variety is preferred.
Haulathon has always been Turtle centric. Complaining about that is so utterly pointless when we get all the other releases every other day of the year. There's a famn Horror event coming up here in a couple months even. No reason to defend that shitposter, not even once.
Haulathon is Target's event first and foremost, it makes sense that they'd want their particular Exclusive money making Turtle line front and center, right? The Walmart event that's been mentioned is where everything else can breathe.
What blunder is that? Because you're not being serviced to exclusively? That's a dumb way of thinking.
>randulf is turdles obsessed
He realised that Turtles fans will buy anything. They buy BST AXN. They buy Playmate reissues lacking paint. They buy Brian's lies. They buy cracking diaper Rat King. They constantly eat shit, and beg for more.
Today, the fans buy Malibu Stacy with a new hat. In a year, he will sell them Malibu Stacy with a different new hat. See how >>10966303 already owns this mold of Turts, but hopes this will be the last time he buys them?
Randulph would be crazy not to exploit their mental illness.
None of that is a blunder. You're whining about a minor inconvenience to -you-.

Waa waa, stop selling things that make money!
>Waa waa, stop selling things that make money
That's not what I said. I'm saying Randulf would be stupid not to exploit gullible retards that can only mindlessly consume, and I'm encouraging NECA to sell more shit to you. Your life won't be complete until you own 10 copies of the same figures with a new hat. You fucks will literally buy anything.
I'm glad people spending their money how they see fit bothers you so much.
Do you sit and gnash your teeth over GI Joe too? Marvel? DC? Fortnite? Street Fighter? Mortal Kombat? Spawn? Star Wars? Literally everything?
The red robed version is probably exclusive to Target, so what? The black robe version is coming out next, God forbid you have to wait a couple months.
Most will never see it.
You're actually an impossible idiot. Especially as most of those will just be early exclusive, like always, there won't be any issue getting those figures.
>Oh yeah, I simply can't wait for that blunder.
Sounds like you're making excuses for your own laziness and incompetence.
Oh look at that! It really is all about you being a lazy, whiny crybaby and nothing more. Well all right then. Case closed.
Necanon doesn't understand that other anons consider time to be valuable because he spends 16 hours a day on 4chan doing damage control for a toy company that only has a 2% market share due to their reputation for shocking QC.
The best part is, he does it for free.
What's more sad is you spend your time coming up with complete fabrications about people that don't exist on a toy board.
WOW. NGL These are fresh! That clear fish monster is so dope!
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We better get a naked Moner figure with big silicone breastusses.
Just found Jigsaw!
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Sounds like a personal problem

Not that Anon - I'm the person who asked at the start of the thread about sales on NECA's since I've never bought any before other than at thrift stores and flea markets.

I went to a different (larger) Target, ready to buy that Toony and this store (CA) has plenty of Turtles, which don't interest me, but otherwise hardly any NECA stuff.

All the other aisles (about 12 if you count the Fisher Price and Lego stuff) were well stocked except for the McFarlane and ML/Hasbro stuff (and Hot Toys to be fair).

And I still haven't seen the Flash Gordon's again because I wanted to take a look at those in person. So I believe those are all sold out, at least in my area. I think I do need to check the stores that are right by the college campus again.

News to me but good to know. Have to log in to refund some postage fees for someone who bought a Marvel Legends off me so I should check it out.

Thanks. I don't care about the card and bubble, as long as the toy itself is mint, I'm good.

Most Goodwill EBAY sucks ass for packaging AND the contents so I refuse to buy from them. They literally put masking tape on stuff like puzzles.
One of you nigs buy that feral pred for me.
Sounds like a personal problem
I hope it does. The prices are fluctuating too much and my targets are either picked over by employees or never stocked. And yeah in the States.
You would think an advertiser would want Neca toys in the hands of as many necallectors as possible but alas.
I've not seen that Jigsaw but almost all those Turtles, yep. But I'm only going to Targets.

Go to Customer Service and ask them to look in the back and repack. Buy some gum or some detergent or food or something else you NEED and when you get that survey like I did yesterday, bitch and moan about coming in to the store and not being able to find what you needed and that the guest services didn't really look into it for you; the store manager will come down on them for picking through the stock first or not putting it out. Assuming THAT was the problem.
Funky Fresh and Wiggedy-Wiggedy WHACK, son!
Should I get the neca movie tmnt figs or hunt down down the originals. I miss that rubber skin feel.
Damn, she hit the wall already?
Why does it looked carved out of wood?
After the neco plasticizer leaks out in a few years you will also have a rubbery, sticky texture on the movie line figures. So buy those if you’re patient.
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any anons who could middleman a Jigsaw for a leafanon?
wait for screen accurate black robe
Oh, i absolutely will, but the red robe is screen accurate too. Thats how Jigsaw looked when he hunts the two guys to kidnap them.
They later retcon it to say it was Amanda, but if were being super pedantic, it is accurate to Saw 1. It also doubles as a Dead By Daylight figure, since jigsaw in that game is Amanda in a red longcoat
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You can tell in the original Wan hadnt thouggt out much of Jigsaw beyond "looks cool." I cant remember a single time in any of the other movies Jigsaw wore a pig mask or used an Ezio blade lol.
Eh, tbf if you only knew Saw from context clues and pop culture you might not rememeber the red robe pigmask look. Every other time Jigsaw is shown in black robes or just regular plain clothing
Looks like it has just about as much movement as the older figure.
Can you make him sit in Jigsaws lap? Or hold him?
so what’s the point of the neca regurgitation then
Part of me wants to recreate this look for a meme. What would be the best option for clothes and the backwards hat?
Id say just get him a 1/12 hoodie. The sculpt has black pants. The hat maybe you could sculpt or 3dprint?
that post was a complete thought you illiterate retard
Theyre just reusing parts to cut corners I guess. I thought they would chop up the older figure and add articulation like they did with some of the Jason figures, for example.
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Playmates reissued the Movie Stars figures. Do they not have the rubbery skin?
Looks exactly the same as the Cult Classics figure from 2006. Does it still have the copyright info on the back of the jacket?
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If ya havin' Saw problems I feel bad for ya son
I got 99 problems and a Jig ain't one.
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>Bud I've watched the boxes come in and know the people that run electronics and they're the ones having to stock this stuff.
found you
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>They're not allowed to touch the items labeled as such.
That's the oldest lie we tell customers there is. Right up there with "I'll check the back/it's on a pallet." It's to placate the normies so they don't throw hissy fits. You got scammed broski.
Poor service like this is literally why I return toys with character swaps, accessories missing, and bully and lie to the elderly staff to get my way. I’ve returned every single one of my blue mirage foot ninjas and swapped them for the superior classic colours and I have no sympathy for Target.
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Gave yourself away, shitposter.
>figure just releases

The autism on this board, I swear.

Also every neca item has a DPCI number.
I filled out one of those surveys you get automatically at Target, more to complain that the grocery staff sent me on a wild goose chase when I wanted a cold coffee drink but the pointed me to the room temp GROUND COFFEE. I was in a rush, going to two places in between two errands, and only hit this store to chase down a possible NECA.

So I ALSO mention that the NECA section was very bare and didn't look like it had been stocked since I was last in this store (February, it's not anywhere near my part of the county).

Some manager writes me this long email back, essentially saying 'we don't sell cold coffee, blah blah blah.'

And ending up with "NECA is really popular and we cannot keep it in stock." I am almost tempted to write back and tell her I was looking for NEW stock and they still had some of the same crap from two months back.

Here is my complaint with the BBB for last year’s howlathon and I will do the same this year. You messed with the wrong guy, randy.
Based. I should do that.
Also remember to mention that Costumes jacked up the prices of everything this year. Nearly $60 for a single neco is pretty disgusting. $240 for a 4 pack that retails for $150. The scalpers on eBay were more competitively priced than Costumes were.
I decided to give my money to other companies. Randulph can go fuck himself for partnering with price gouging scalpers.
>Randulph can go fuck himself for partnering with price gouging scalpers
he didn't partner with them. neca's owner owns costumes.
This is pointless. The BBB doesn't do anything.
The scalper here is effectively NECA themselves. Joel Weinshanker owns both companies, as well as lootcrate and a bunch of other shit.
I knew about lootcrate. I thought it was weird that a costume shop was the partner for collector event, so this makes sense now.
What doesn't make sense is the insane markup for international customers.
Weinshanker, huh? No, the markup does make sense when I think about it.
Oh yeah that too. Fuck I miss Hastings.
I'm sure the BBB is moved to tears...laughing at how much of a bitch tits Karen you are.
>tmnt thread died
man what the hell
it's pronounced nazism
I didn't even get to post in the last one. It looked like a goddamn warzone.
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Went again today and one still left on the endcap and two in the regular NECA section.
Yeah, saw a couple around town here. They're pretty easy to find now. That's good.
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found the wrong neca jigsaw today

are you evading your ban again?
Anyone in nyc see any of these haulathon drops?
I like how you just name off all the threads you troll constantly.

Can we get the mods to clean up theae off topic posters?
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Honestly this feels like one of the better events. Stuff's been really well stocked and restocked. People are getting what they want at least.
Top right, gimme!
You didn't get yours in February?
Who did? I've had my order in at bbts for months now and they just keep pushing it back.
bbts scam site
It looks angry about you calling it the wrong jigsaw
Shut up.

Likely waiting for a restock. I wouldn't get too flustered yet.
Mine came in January and I picked it up from the post when I got back in February
"Born to Rock" ALF just went up for preorder.
ALF yet again seems to be a good carrier for accessories I can give to other figures...
Is it true that he's a racist?
‘fraid so
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Just got mine today, really excited to take some decent photos
She's quite a beautiful figure. If they do an Ultimate I'd buy it, but I'm okay with this larger Elvira.
Why doesn’t neca care about scale, how am I supposed to display these lines together when Elvira dwarfs some horror figures
It was never meant to scale with other shit. It's its own release. There's even licensing reasons why some rhings have to be a certain scale.
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They are definitely restocking; those Holloweens were there last fall and the BTAS ones are also restock.
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My two stores had no Gargoyles, but plenty of TMNT at one, and plenty of the high end stuff like PICREL
The only Pred I'll now pick up is Wolf. Unless they do a deep dive into comics I won't pick up much of anything else. Also I have a strong feeling Hiya might do/were supposed to do 1:12th preds. Iff that happenes and the figs are good then I'll dump all my preds except elder, borg and wolf (if they do him)
Let’s face it. Trevor wanted a larger scale so he could sculpt larger crooked breasts, simple as.
He voted for Trump.
Let's face it, you're a dumb troll that uses random names for your made up scenarios.

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