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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>10950714

Arcanadea's newest kit, Sofferia, is now open for preorder!

Nodaka's Another form has been announced! Are you ready for a red Nodaka in

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Susanowo Guren [Apr]
• Exorcist Widow (Reissue)[Apr]
• Executioner Bride (Reissue)[Apr]
• Nodoka Takahata [May]
• BUSTER DOLL Tank [May]
• BUSTER DOLL Gunner [May] (Reissue)
• Megami Device SOL Strike Raptor (Reissue) [Jun]
• Susanowo Regalia (reissue) [Jun]
• Amaterasu Regalia (reissue) [Jun]
• Launcher Hell Blaze (reissue) [Jun]
• BUSTER DOLL Paladin [Jul]
• Asra Ninja Kaname [Jul]
• Asra Archer Kizuna [Aug]
• Busou Shinki Type Angel Arnval Tranche 2 [Aug]
• Asra Ninja (Reissue)[Oct]
• Asra Archer (Reissue)[Nov]

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Zelfigar (ST Ver.)(Reissue)[Apr]
• Griefen (reissue) [May]
• Weapon Set Jinrai Ver. (Reissue)[May]
• Letizia (Reissue)[May]
• Gourai-Kai (Black) with FGM148 Type Anti-tank Missile [May]
• Materia Normal Ver. (Reissue) [Jun]
• Materia White Ver. (Reissue) [Jun]
• Hresvelgr Cornix [Jun]
• Durga I Save the Queen [Jun]
• Architect Black ver. [Jun]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Star GaoGaiGar (with Goldymarg) [Jun]
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Op Part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sisters:
• SIS-Dc88w Elliene Eri-Erika (Elegant Form) [Jun]
• SIS-F00 Yuphia (Color A) [Jul]
• Option Hair Style Parts Vol.10 All (4 Types) Assorted Set Box [Jul]
• Option Parts Set 13 (Tactical Costume) [Color B][Jul]
• Option Body Parts Type MD01 [Color A][Aug]
• Option Body Parts Beyond the Blue Sky 1 (Color C)[Aug]
• Optional Body Parts Arm Parts & Leg Parts [Brown][Sep]

• Fairy Knight Princess Elfina [May]
• Sophia F. Shirring [May]

>Snail Shell:
• EveD Series AMBRA-02 [May]

• Expansion Kit: Mio (NAVY FIELD 152) [Jun]
• Expansion Kit: Type15 Ver2 Lance Mode (NAVY FIELD 152) [Jun]
• Tia & Type Penguin (NAVY FIELD)

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]

• VF-31D Skuld SP (Reissue) [Jun]
• VF-31J Siegfried Freya Wion [Aug]

>Ms General:
• TKB-02 Black Bicorn x Thunder General [Nov]
• MG-10 Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao (Jun)

• White Dragon Knight Galahad [Aug]

>Big Firebird:
• Full Time Himeka Kelly Jarnett [Jan]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter
Peplero Propen
Taisha idolmaster costume?

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Blade's "C" now known as PuniMofu
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Nine-Tails and Tamamo-no-Mae life record
Mystery dark elf Edelweiss
Sol Hornet × msg × trains
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
Nodaka Takahata (Shimon)
R1... maybe...

>Cross Frame Girl

>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Hresvelgr Cornix
It looks like the glue isn't particularly even, so a simple sharp hobby knife should free it up.

As for the ring, I can't recommend enough to reinforce it with some copper.
>Not a single C.C. model kit...
Yeah this part didn't glue properly so I managed to get it that way with a ton of force, but the other side is completely even. I didn't want to force my way with the hobby knife but I guess I'll just have to make sprue goo and sand it down afterwards
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Hope someday Bandai gets their ideas from the more outlandish mobile games and make a Figure-rise of her. We JUST got the P-Bandai Gawain days ago, so maybe we can give her those weapons with a 30MS body.
Who was the vendor for that runner that traps the girlpla?
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gotta paint the tummy.
I don't like how 30ms hips have diagonal pegs so you can't vertically orient the leg
cheep anjieerad toy prease undrstand
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It seems that the cement went all the way and welded the joint there and thats why it broke in the first place. Is it even salvageable?
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If you can pull the piece out without damaging the pin and the broken surface, it's possible to fix.
Glue the piece together and then add a piece of plastic or something hard on the red area in pic so that it reinforces the joint like pic with blue.

If not, at least try to salvage the plate and drill out the pin from the socket, drill a hole on the plate and add a new pin and repair as above.

Why did you glue it?
Doesn't even look like you were seamwelding.
>Now we can recreate AI art with girlpla
I was trying to seamweld but this and the photo before were after trying to pry open the part. I'll get some pliers tomorrow and see if I can pull the piece out by rotating it. If not I guess I'll just glue the plate again and live with the limited mobility, drilling and pinning seems way above my skill level
>drilling and pinning seems way above my skill level
They'll stay there until you've tried.
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I'll start by looking up some tutorials or somethig
I'm bored so i start mini painting
>Nine-Tails and Tamamo-no-Mae life record

These are never coming out where are they
they'll be out right after AUV Amaterasu
Is this just a guess or did they announce it ?
it's a joke
Amaterasu has been stuck in devhell for so long that they went and released the regalia version first
>was using busoushinkiworld to look at some info while playing through the PSP game
>today the whole forum started 404'ing
Amaterasu has been in development hell for so long Tsukuyomi, Katsuguchi, and Strarf Bis will release before her.
Dead internet theory in action
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a spot of messing around after building the shoulder pod things.
she's better at high kicks than I am, that's for certain.
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slutverger=ater whoring out ver.
it's back up. Just a hiccup I guess
Every time I see her mentioned I get sad. I'll never see that thiccness. How long has it been since the last new FA Girl? Unless you count Durga II.
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So smug. So bratty. So full of herself.

I love that.
Kongo. Last year.
Fortunately, despite squandering Frame arms girls we got more md's this year.
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I hate her smug mesugaki aura and sexy tummy.
I snapped one of her twintail balls, nearly lost a strand of hair from the pixie cut and there's no fucking way I am putting on those blue decals on her butt.
Needs IMMEDIATE hot glue seamline correction.
Is there any other FAG with a swimsuit?
The kit comes with breast docking parts but I've only seen this summer version and the bikini armor version
Yes, other Hres aka not Ater.
Non-bikini Hresvelgr is basically wearing a competition swimsuit.
More like a sukumizu.
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Neither do you.
Booth link? This is relevant to my customization interests
It is tiny. Like LOL Surprise doll tiny. Only works with those and YMY Babies. You may be able to get away with Nendoroid. Stuff like the cash register and condiment/drink machines from the food sets would work in scale with 1/12 but no furniture where height is concerned.
>he never read Trigun
Shame... SHAAAAAME....
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Nah, Razlo is pretty gay, desu. Livio was the real chad
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Is this combination feasible without modifying the parts?
Gap between the holes are different.
>Playing with UV resin, assembling an MD knockoff option parts stomach
>Everything assembled, resin set up nicely
>Manipulate torso joint
>It pops out
REEEEEEEEEE! I suppose the solution is going to have to be more resin; I'm using a brass replacement, so I could file down the pins that normally hold it in place and then just pour a pool of resin around it to fasten it in place... unless I screw that up too.
Man I wish I could find someone making custom chest pieces for 30MS but I'm way to much of an acolyte to know who would do that if they even do. That one looks great, though. The detail on the jewelry is really well done.
I showed the guys at work the photos of my figurines and they liked it
Why not trying to make one yourself? You won't know until you try. Green stuff mixed with Miliput can be polished to smooth surface with water.
Whenever one of my packages get delivered to work one of my workmates goes "LOOK ANOTHER ONE OF ANON'S JAPANESE LOVE DOLLS JUST ARRIVED".
My UPS guy always looks down at the boxes sees “Japan” and looks back at me and does the “I thought you said this was the last one”
Not girlpla but fuck them for completely changing Megalomaria Mephisto's color scheme.
It wasn't finalized in the first place.
Also it is a villain character. The color works for it.
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When my brain remembers to go check the tag I am always happy to see the customs of the hos girl. Then it has me tempted to order another one of her.
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I’ve always found it odd that people have personal packages shipped to their office. Is your house unsafe to ship mail to or something? Do you live at work? I’m not being coy, I know it’s relatively common but can’t figure out why for the life of me.
Hmm, I haven’t thought about too much but now that I am, I would probably say it’s because I’m one of the worst painters that I’ve ever met. I’m truly so bad at making physical art that it’s a wonder I ever got into DIY toys. I guess it’s unfair to say so prematurely, but I am truly talentless in that regard.
Most offices and workplaces already have a post and courier services circulate there daily for the office business.
They don't mind dropping off a private package or two, and it's way convenient to pick it up from your workplace that you're going to anyway rather than the post office or courier drop-off point that you'd need to specifically go to.

t. works in cargo
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Sanding clear parts is as loathsome as always; but she's nearly done.
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My hair attempts were pretty bad at first but now they are passable. It's matter of training.
Nice! I suggest getting a glass file. I hated doing clear parts too, and it made them a cinch.
I really need to get my beeg Sitara put together. That box is taking up so much room...
Glass files are amazing, i always use mine
It looks pretty good, the putty really seems to be able to hold the shape well. If I were to try it myself, would you recommend green or white putty for a chest area? Though desu, I'd just as soon learn to 3D print a part or something.
I personally suggest 50-50 mix of Green Stuff and Milliput. Normal GS is sticky and hard to shape, Milliput is easy to shape but dry inot brittle and rough form. You can also train on polymer clay like "super sculpey", which will stay mellable until you bake it (unlike mentioned putty that will dry on air).
Gotta keep the secretary and greeter busy
So I guess you can mix GS and miliput, which is good to know. So just to get this straight, I could mix the putty, apply it to an existing chest piece to modify it, let it set, prime it, and then paint it, yes? Doing something like your intricate hair piece seems outside of my skill level, but I could probably make some boobs.
Any particular type or grit you recommend?
I just use the small Meng one, it's like 10000-12000 grit
the MTS048B?
I use the same Meng/Dspiae types. I got the SF-15 & SF20 (both 12000 grit) and the MSF-13 which is 10000 grit. I got three since I had no idea which one I'd like best. Besides size and shape, they all work perfectly for clear parts.

Likewise, if you don't plan on painting, it's the cleanest and easiest way to get rid of nubs and glued seams.
I'm starting to love using the gianotes ceramic hobby knife for seams. It scrapes them off really smoothly. It is oddly satisfying.

Just started using glass files as well and they are a godsend for any skin parts that are not undergated. My 30MS legs look incredible now. I just need to rediscover a glass file that saw while window shopping that lets you leave a matte finish instead of a polished one
Well, yeah but I still suggest to try on something else first. If your skills are low it's important to learn the most basic stuff first. A little advice - covering plastic piece in vaseline (or petroleum jelly in general) will prevent putty from sticking to it.
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Current build plans for today! What are you all working on this week/end?
Porch pirates.
Even after I beat one up, another one still keeps coming.
Given this thread, I don't have it yet but I've got a Spinatia coming so she'll be on the build docket soon.
I spent like 3 weeks building Little Red, i wish i had more time on my hands
Until FAGs can answer the door and accept deliveries, they've got to be delivered to where I actually am during the day (work).
>Watashi? Bank Account? Withdrawal?
That scene will never not be funny. I look forward to the day they can actually walk and talk.
sounds like it's time for you to learn how to paint
What one thinks of the characters doesn't change it being a reference to that rather than glitchy art scripts
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Yeah the employees at my local UPS store will prod every now and then, I just tell them it's gundams and shit. Didn't work out too well one time though, ordered one of those Chinese resin kits of Ingrid, the box was enormous and had handcuffs and shit on sides. The one who wheeled it out was making a face, a little embarrassing but I'll do it again. I'm just thanking God the one with tentacles and shit didn't actually have tentacles all over the box.
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i swear i could build a whole-ass girl with my FAG leftovers.
Do it. Also, blank bodies when? I'm tired of buying Aoi Asra copies.
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I understood that reference.
Oh. Turns out orange Arsia does not share the same skintone as Innocentia blue.
>dirty panties
Speaking of, are the little blue girls still the best value for parts? I'd like those chest and hip joints en masse, and the bare arms/legs are nice too.
what Frame Arms kit comes with blank face plates by default ?
Burgers, original baselard, laetitias.
Can't remember if there's more.
Damn, what's so special about Amaterasu?
Hres Ater, at least Summer, also have one blank.
The QP mini ones do, at least Gourai and Stylet. I have the Innocentia but she is in my backlog pile. Fun little kits, actually.
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Saw this on xwitter and now I'm thinking BLADE should just design all Megami Device faceplates from here on. Tank can't be this cute!
Hresvelgr Invert has grey pre-printed faceplates and blank skintone ones.
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Oh no...
Don't you just love it when water decals go wrong?
I hope they have him do more characters at least.
FAG Sylphy... so easily forgotten...
Ive been selling all my blank faces on ebay, I SUCK at trying to do face decals (and usually decals in general...), did ONE face, eyes were way too close together. Never again.
What are your favorite primers? I'm putting together a Seal Model order and looking for something that'll really stick, especially in a white or flesh tone color.
Gonna try to finish Principal this weekend. So far I've gotten the runners out of the bags.
Gaia Notes or Mr. Hobby usrfacers are really great. They've got nice pink/flesh tone ones to choose from as well.
There's an "S". It's plural, meaning all the different burger variants.
What's the best way to avoid paint scratching? I've applied at least two layers of clear coat to prevent scratching, but it still seems to happen on areas where there isn't much movement or parts colliding if at all.
>Haha, once I finish seam-welding these giant aftermarket titties on, I'll be ready to paint!
>Wait, where is her head?
Sometimes I focus too much on the important things.
I hear 1 to 1.2 eye-lengths is good spacing for the eyes.

Use actual varnish then. Or you painted without primer?
Assuming you're priming your kits before painting and using a strong topcoat then this usually isn't a problem. What are you topcoating with? The typical lacquer topcoats (Gaia, Mr. Hobby), or specialty stuff like Alclad Aqua Gloss should be your go-to's
Primed with Mr Hobby surfacer 1500, then topcoated with Mr Hobby's UV Cut topcoat.

I did hear in one of these threads that Mr Hobby's surfacer wasn't that good as a primer though, so that might be it?
Nah, their surfacer is jim-dandy in general for our purposes, especially on surfaces that aren't seeing a lot or any friction so long assuming you've layered it thick enough and thinned it appropriately. For the paint itself and the topcoat the only issues I can see with them is not thinning enough (and thus not biting into what's below them well). The topcoat might also need to be layered more depending on how thick you put it on previously. I'd definitely recommend checking these specifics out on some good ol' plastic spoons.
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Adult Koyomi
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All done!
10/10 girlpla, would build again;
but what's that on the horizon...?!
Stay tuned!
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pls be delicious brown gyaru...
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need the book-off stuff
she's white in the little cartoon here >>10966387
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Ah well. White girls need love too. Some times.
Those legs are so glossy they look like latex.

Looks cleanly done.

That makeup is obscene. Need preorders for her and her tomboy gf ASAP.

That TV set will be an instant preorder for me assuming this isn't some in-person in Japan only thing.
gonna wait for a dreaming version. I like that hairstyle in blond
you can always paint her brown
I've managed to nab myself some spn-120 godhands.
Could I please get some tips on how to not wreck them like an idiot?
i.e. how to set up the blade stop or that I shouldn't cut clear parts with them since they're usually way tougher.

I wonder if they really are as amazing as people claim or just a clutch for people who are scared of hobby knives.
always, always cut as close to the hinge as you can. everyone who wrecks them seems to have been cutting exclusively with the tip-end.
>I wonder if they really are as amazing as people claim or just a clutch for people who are scared of hobby knives
They're both things at once. If you use the godhands right, you probably won't need a hobby knife for most cuts. However, if you're precise enough with the hobby knife, you don't need the godhand for most cuts either. The godhand just makes it a lot easier for people like me who would flunk out of surgery school for our shakey-ass hands. Using the godhand correctly involves using another pair of nippers alongside it. Use your double-bladed nippers to cut the part from the sprue, leaving room to finish the cut with the godhand once it's freed. The godhand only makes the final cut and many people break their godhand by trying to cut through the entire sprue. This is dangerous since while the blade is sharp, it is brittle because it is so thin.
>ah, these sweets are going straight to my tits!
Some guy on YAJ makes them very rarely, but you probably won't see them on BOOTH because everyone fears the Bandai Ninjas.

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for 2,2k yen you might as well make your own little apron.
>"But the material won't be nice!"
Look in thrift stores, you can find everything made of cloth in there.
And then maybe, you could start tailoring more than just aprons...
One of these days I'll buy a sewing machine...
this is the plamo rabbit hole before long you'll have a whole workshop of machines ranging from 3d printers to metallurgy tools
Base building is part of the deal from the very beginning.
>Dig through my parts bin
>I don't have any hair that suits my fancy and I'm willing to sacrifice
>GK-M and E2046 have both seemingly stopped introducing new option parts so their catalog is tiny
>Meanwhile SH Studio has been working overtime but I'll need to make a taobao order
Double fuck! I'll have to see if I can't buy a few units on Ebay or something, I don't want to do all of that right now.

>Get raided on suspicion of running a meth lab, illegal gun fabrication ring, and nuclear enrichment facility
>Just wanted to make erocute accessories for my girls
That's the dream, really. It's not like stuff I bought for plamo has never come in handy for other stuff, either.
>pls be delicious brown gyaru...
>One of these days I'll buy a sewing machine...
for making doll clothes most people work by hand, the details are often too small to do easily on sewing machines
and busou shinkis are around 1/12th scale which is even smaller than typical dolls
Ick. Hand stitching is awful and I don't care to improve. My girls will remain naked.
do you have any resources on hand stitching? i've done it once to make a pillow and the process was so tedious but if it's small maybe it might not be so bad
I would look/ask in >>>/jp/bjd, they have some links to sewing patterns and resources. although it seems most dollfags simply buy outfits for hundreds of dollars rather than making them themselves.
in particular the "petite level up" pdf in the mega of sewing patterns linked in the OP is structured as a tutorial for people new to making doll clothes and explains various techniques, although of course the patterns won't fit your shinkis without modification
cool thanks! being a graphic designer is honestly the most hobby friendly career, nothing a little playing around in illustrator can't fix if scale is an issue...
just scaling the pattern up & down may not be enough since there will also be differences in proportion like arm length, torso width etc
but you can always test out a pattern by just cutting it out in paper and taping/pinning it up around the doll to see whether it fits properly or needs more adjustments
Tastes good. Personally I like Home Depot's over Lowe's, something about the consistency helps it go down
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Which one do I build first, bros?
Limbs. Then put them on the hair.
Good thinking, order of operations is extremely important.
prove it
man, does anybody know when the Koto athletic body will go up? I can't miss that
Is there a reason that 1999 doesn't show some 30ms kits on their English site? I wanted to pre-order 30ms Amana Osaki and Figure-rise Ellie but they don't have them on their English site at all.
Bandai are jews and banned international sales of most of their products from Japan.
Ellie is avaliable in stock right now on hlj.

Unfortunately, as >>10967297 said hobby search and ami ami no longer carry bandai model kits after the "scalpers" made it so no one could find kits for weeks after release without paying humongusly inflated prices second hand.
>Oh, that looks cool
>P-Bandai exclusive
Every time. A company that creates artificial scarcity of their products has no right to complain if someone else does. I was really into the Witch from Mercury line but getting a lot of it was like pulling teeth.
The WfM stuff is readily available, you just gotta be prepared to be put on backorder when it first released
Scalpers deserve to be executed via brazen bull.
Can't be helped, in my country 30MS stuff doesn't exist so I just buy it from Japan.

The fuck? WfM stuff is everywhere, sure, while the show was airing some kits were pretty hard to find but right now it's a completely different deal.
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What the hell is this, besides the obvious
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it's a character from a chinese mobile-only league of legends clone
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Where to buy fren, pls link!
I'm reminded of the ball pit at that Gundam convention.

Someone had fun with this. Not really to great effect, but I bet it was a blast.
Apparently sold out everywhere.
It is available at dollar stores.

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Assuming i own a decent amount of figurines, how do i pack them if i'm moving to another apartments? Do i have go disassemble them first?
That's what bugged me, being on back-order for a long time after realease. I got most of what I wanted eventually. It just makes me wonder if initial demand was really that high or if Bandai was drip-feeding small batches on purpose. That and the fig-rise standard Suletta green uniform version being a P-Bandai exclusive when it has standard right in the name. Terrible branding on that one.
Amiami actually sells some bandai plamo in the pre-owned section.
Usually at very weird prices like 1000+ yen for a HG Gogg, or 1500-2000 yen for Acerbies.

HLJ Backorders are usually so long that it might aswell be sold out for the time being.
Not really, there's a bunch of things you could do. The easiest thing to do is take all of their accessories, armor, faceplates, etc etc, put them in appropriately labeled baggies, and then put those in a small box or whatever. Then take each girl and wrap her in bubble wrap. Stack all of them in their own container. Unless they get absolutely savaged by a fuckin' gorilla or something during transport then they'll be in perfect condition. Outside of that some people buy small plastic containers for each and every girl and put them and all of their stuff inside. There's a million and one variations of those two options.
Ruined by flesh face.
Needs a robotic face plate option.
Shut the fuck up that's a secret.
Remove any thin or frail parts, as well as any parts that stick out or keep the figure from laying flat. One trick I often use to prevent gundam v fins from breaking is to put them in a square or two of toilet paper and carefully fold it in and place it in a hollow spot in the box so that it doesn't end up with something smashing it.
looks great IMO
Could you please remind me what's the best way to tighten up joints? Jinwei leg somehow was too loose without any sanding.
a coat of dried superglue is the most common advice i've seen
Speaking of legs, there's no reason not to seam weld the mid calf swivel on this bare MD leg I'm working on, is there? Using it breaks the sculpt and I don't think allows for any posing I can't already get between the thigh swivel and the ankle. I've got it in my mind to minimize any gaps this time.
thicken the peg with anything
clear coat paint/varnish, clear nail polish, superglue, whatever
then if it becomes too tight sand it down again

you can even throw a small piece of blu-tac in there
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Where to find replacements for this polycap D? Somehow I lost mine so now my Durga Is legless.
That plastic ass is begging to be raped
Baihu has those polycaps and doesn't use them.
Pretty sure you could also make do with an inflatable pool tray
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>Amiami actually sells some bandai plamo in the pre-owned section.
They're back
>Its true
I hate you, know I have to get one kit I really like.
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why do I keep seeing this little gremlin recently?
At first I saw some gunpla videos with it as the talking avatar yukkuri style, then I saw a pop-up parade figure and now this.
Is this some anime-sona or whatever?
It's a character for supporting the local business of the tohoku region of Japan.
I really like the looks of these models but they cost fortune. And I assume they are also huge and thus would cost a lot to ship to Europe.
>Not rainbow puke
1999 co jp has stuff marked whenever it fits into small packet or not, and small packet costs 4000-5000 yen
sea freight costs around 4000-5000 yen and you are able to fit SO much more in there.
Amiami will give you shipping estimates if you email them.
HLJ does estimates in your cart if the item is in stock or you can email them about it.

I assume that girl is gonna be the same box size as others in the series so you can look up those earlier ones to see how much it'll cost.
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So repetitive...
Could anyone tell me how long it usually takes to get Muscuto kits through their Booth site? I ordered a few kits through Buyee late in March and they don't seem to have even been shipped to the warehouse yet. Is that normal?
it's true, it gives me figma vibes. But at least they're doing stuff. Hopefully the next round is a cooler collab or something. Still not forgiving them for making space girl P.Ban
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yo guys, this upcoming next 4 days I'm going to assemble a new girl and take some pics. Been way too long. Would you prefer Arcee or Elena? Still waiting on Megalos so I was going to put Ritsu on Arcee for the time being. If nobody cares I'll probably just keep doing 30ms and maybe even paint something this weekend. Either way I'll try to post some pics, I keep saying I will and then I get trapped in the shame cube again
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Went to BOOK-OFF in NYC today and someone traded in their Moderoid Alice lmao
Honestly not bad for $20 if you want a cheap one for parts… Might go back for it next month maybe
It's almost like if these were part of a idol unit or something...
What I'd do for Precure plamo. It's doing better than other Bandai franchises too.
cute chibi
correct. the reason they're boring and shit is because they're idols.
Doesn't bandai own love live? If not they should partner with bushi and make some. Would love my Lanzhu
HLJ don't charge you until it comes in stock so you're just being put on a waitlist
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Enemy character
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Another Enemy Character
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The Piss Sisters.
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Ready to enter the Magical Realm.
What kit?
Dare I?
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not extacy related but shiny colors sfp had just announced that they will add original design from 30ms collab into the game
What putty should I use for filling gaps? I have the tamiya basic putty but it's laquer based and I was a little worried about it being harsh on the plastic.
Shouldn't be a problem unless you're thinning the putty.
30MS Illshana with option body 9 and modified hair
The thing that bugs me the most, is that actual idol outfits like those will have a few points that each have two or three variant options, so that no two girls end up with exactly the same combination of all of them.
oh yeah, i wanna put these parts onto Novice
Grave Arms 2.0....
That's actually the point - it will slightly melt the plastic and bound to it. Also, for filling gaps, it's good idea to thin it as it will then easier flow into thin regions between parts.
So the hinge of the piece that connects stylet lower body to the torso broke and I honestly don't think cement will hold everything in place long term. Any ideas on what to do?
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Smol smol spicy birb
Cement and superglue it and pray it'll hold. Just remember that it's PE or whatever else and not just straight PC.
You can also resort to extreme measures of just gluing the whole hinge shut OR making a cast of the part.
It's a relatively simple piece, so you could maybe even make it in metal.
So how's Kelly Jarnett?
Anyone has her?
What are your thoughts on the kit?
The ring piece? I guess cement it and sand down the peg a bit to take some stress off that joint.
No cement on ring type joints.

Superglue it back together and use a small dremel bit to cut an edge around the inner lip of the hole. Once the lip is cut, roll a couple wraps of wire to fit loosely around the 3mm peg on the joint.

Super glue the wire ring inside the joint and fill with superglue to reshape the joint.

This method when done right will result in a stronger joint than before. If you don't have a dremel you can use a drill to do the same thing, just be careful not to break the ring again.
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I just got her the other day. She's a lot of plastic for $25 and free shipping. I wish it was easier to find the company's other kits.
Got the shipping notice for mine yesterday, and I can't wait - I already had the other three, so she's the last of the Auspicious Beasts I needed to complete the collection (and make the proper combined form).
>stinky m*les
I'll take 20
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I keep showing megami device girls i've build so far to coworkers and friends and no one has called me an incel yet, is this normal?
I'm fairly new to the hobby, i thought there's some sort of a social stigma attached to it
>Big Firebird
>other kits
You're very bold
... Did you want them to think you're an incel or something?
I dunno, maybe
Well, in my experience, people are receptive to plastic models as a hobby. They think it's cool. But they're imagining stuff like trains and Gundam when I tell them that. You should probably open with that if you build anything besides girlpla before something them the good stuff
That's basically what i do, i just say i'm a scale modeler, show some tanks and planes and then show some pictures of gunpla and girlpla in different poses
I'll tell you something, the fact that you have a real hobby at all already makes you way more interesting than most people
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Anybody else really hope Ple 2 comes with adapters to combine her Qubeley with her?
That'd be really cool. Though, even if she doesn't I'd give it a day till one of the Jap customs makers posts a crazy awesome Qubeley-girl made out of the two.
>it ends up happening but it's only for a P-Bandai version of the kit because the Qubeley Mk-II Revive is a P-Bandai exclusive
Black superglue
You mean like make some sort of canal around the hole to reinforce it with wire? The piece is too small to do that
There's 3 different boob sizes
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There are others
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Tu pics are up.

I promise you it isn't.
Why would they display them all sideways?
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The transforming hammer is pretty neat.
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it's big firebird x hemoxian
big firebird mostly makes toys and has no other model kits (unless/until they make another girl in the full time jijia line) but hemoxian has made at least 3 other /m/ kits by now
meant for >>10969340 >>10969558
it means you're not a good enough painter yet, you need to make the flesh tones more erotic.
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Is this a custom?
Really looking forward to her kit. Gotta love me a cute gyaru.
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>Is this a custom?
It is at this point.
Isn't she too tall/lanky? I remember the Purus being smaller than this. And it's not like this specific one gets chance to grow.
What do you vocaloid bros think the chances of getting official an official 30MS Hatsune miku are? I have plans to build my own custom one, but the hair piece you'd need is expensive and hard to get. Also, I am "thin your paints" tier at airbrushing.
Somewhere between excessively low and zero. Bandai mostly only does kits of things they have some sort of personal connection to. And when it's something not connected to them it's generally only stuff that doesn't already have kits. Miku also just... really isn't in their ballpark. If you want an articulated Miku then just get one of the perfectly fine Kotobukiya ones, or at the least use its parts to customize a 30MS body.
I can't tell but something looks off... the catgirl is 100% Blade style but this one... I don't know...
Bandai has made multiple products of Miku so there is a chance...probably not designed by Fumikane considering the FMG Miku of course
It's fine, I can just make my own, I just need to find the hair for a decent price and then figure out what body to use. I think I already have the arms/legs/skirthead figured out. Thanks for the reality check, though.
For the hair you can try looking for old Miku figma parts. People part out their Figma a lot. Heck, can probably get the Koto hair parts for super cheap too since aftermarket Girlpla parts are super common (albeit mostly relegated to Yahoo Auction Japan and what not).
to those anons who recommended the dspiae siren, thank you; it's fucking excellent
So where is this one from? It’s an exclusive?
Regular release, she's up for pre-order tomorrow
Oh nice, wasn’t expecting that.
these puni mofus are selling like hotcakes right they'll definitely add more girls to their faction right
I like the catgirl better.
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>during job time vs during free time
I hope so but I haven't seen anything announced. I pre-ordered a sheet of eye decals, too, I really like the art style of the eyes. I'm also curious if there is a Block 2-L body coming since we've only seen medium a small so far.
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They did prototype one, and showed it off in a stream last year, while also saying "we dunno if this will ever be a thing" I guess they don't want to directly compete with their own 1.5L bodies.
Maybe if they'd stop producing so many p-bandai tier color variant + 1-2 msg parts in one package combo sets they'd have more resources for more unique stuff.
(i am writing this mainly thinking about the bullet knights series)
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All those Bullet Knight and Chaos & Pretty releases are single handedly funding the next cool Hexa Gear kit, so let Koto continue to pump them out.
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They should do more Frame Arms mixed kits - like the exosuit and jin-rai armor were.
I'm surprised they're still slowing putting out Hand Scale FAGs. And yeah, missed opportunity not to do more FA and FAG bundles.
Going off Koto's website it seems like they stopped printing FA's at all for a while now.
Guess they're busy reaping the girlpla boom.

I feel like handscale FAGs are too expensive for what they are. Sure they're cute, but they definitely need extra paint to look proper and nice next to their regular sized counterparts.
I guess hexa gear is in the same boat, but I digress. Different things for different people.

I'd definitely get a full set if they all were put out as a singular bundle box release.
Which is a shame, I'm building the Gourai exosuit bundle now and having a lot of fun with it. My only complaint is the gates on the FA parts are huge and the resulting nubs are like tree trunks.

>stopped printing FA's at all for a while now.
Maybe they're assuming you have them from back in the day or can find them on the pre-owned market. Sort of an old line to be spending production capacity on when girlpla sells better.
We get the odd FA release once in a blue moon, they're still doing those samurai ones for example. But with how popular all the girls are, and Hexa Gear being a very similar mechanical line with less restrictions on what they can do with it, I imagine there's just a lot less interest within Koto to do much with them. It is a shame, there's some great designs there, and if nothing else they're great for customizing other stuff. I still need to grab myself a TYPE-HECTOR Durandal some time.
I hate the samurai ones because they gave them fleshy faces. Fuck human faces on my mechs.
Give me more Kagustuchi. Fat fuck. I love him.

[spoiler]It's avaliable right now on hlj[/spoiler]
I've still got a Kagustuchi and his expansion set in my backlog to do somewhere. Gotta try and get him done one day. Durandal is in one of those big Koto boxes, and I'm cheap at the moment, so he can wait.
>>10970070 says the 1st. That's Wednesday, not tomorrow.
I won't lie, I thought today was Tuesday
You think Susanowo legs will fit on her? Kinda want to make a real leggy figure.
How often have the top/bottom MSG sets been restocking on HLJ? I'd like to nab a few more in skin A but they're out of stock.
They're having golden week now, so you won't find out until that's over.
They look the same, just the bit below the shin is longer. You could probs swap the part or out or just switch the lower legs. Have to have one in hand to see for sure.
Probably not. The b2s body is smol af.
I broke my neck looking at this.
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