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Previously: >>10954256

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (no pre-order date, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Luke Cage/Iron Fist 2 pack announced (solicited, all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Riders Danny Ketch Ghost Rider with Bike announced (pre-order 4/30, all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Giant Man/Wasp 2 pack solicited (Pulse Exclusive, shipping now)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Iron Man wave solicited (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Fox Wolverine and Deadpool re-releases solicited

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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Silver Surfer re-issue
He's also available on BBTS and Pulse, I'm assuming Gamestop too. He's sold out on Pulse though.
Get him now while he's still a guy.
Fuck yeah! Ive only got the fallen.
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This casual fuck, when Shalla getting a legends?
I got him when I went to Walgreens for a prescription years ago. I think I was still living in my old apartment when I got him.
Its not about being a casual or not knowing there exists a female Silver Surfer. The popular, and most iconic version is a guy. And thats what people want. Go flex your faggy, dinosaur big2 comic book bullshit somewhere else.
And he's sold out here too. BBTS still has him.
Unironically, probably soon since she's in the MCU
Why the fuck would they not put him on one of the new bodies? I hate this company
Because it's a reissue dumbshit
We've established that these vocal retards don't actually know anything about the line so we can safely just ignore what they say.
>using Shalla for the MCU Fantastic Four is such a heckin deep cut!
Limit 4 pwr customer? Someone planning on hoarding surfers?
>This casual fuck

You don't cite Starglow and you call ME a casual? Fuck off back to /tv/ you faggot.
WHY is it a reissue and not a new one though dipshit
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I bet you don't even know who fucking Ardina was.
Because they had dozens of other figures they'd rather put out instead of ANOTHER Surfer where the only difference would be pinless limbs. You're the dipshit for not understanding how they operate.
god forbid we get a better version of a character instead of the same shitty one again, i know how hasbro operates, they operate like shit
They're going to make a new Thundra on that She-Hulk body soon aren't they. She's still missing from my collection, but I don't want to buy the old hulkbuster BAF version.
Proto-Nova sucks.
Then why the fuck do you and these other faggots waste so much time bitchingvat each other? If you dont like hasbro then you dont buy legends and i doubt you buy fucking diamond or mafex. You fuckers spend hours tickling each fucking day, why?
Anything to pinch a pennny. Remember hasbro is bleeding money
>Superior has the goddamn Sunfire body instead of the RyV's one
They fucking dropped the ball hard.
That's not what a reissue is stupid.
Just posting the checklist again. I was hoping to get a few more eyeballs on it so I know I didn’t miss anything this time. Link to all five checklists is in the OP. Thanks
I think you're missing the most recent wave of MCU updates that had Iron Spider, Winter Soldier Cap, MkII Iron Man, amd Black Widow.
>I clapped when I understood the reference
Weak reply. Very gay.
You guys have all already proven you don't read comics, this attempt to try and one up one another is sad.
okay groomer.
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I'm glad i'm not the only person that thinks this. It's just too big for the standard archetype body.
What makes it superior? Theyre white?
Is this the next step in the MCU's evolution?
How are the Eternals figures if you just want to treat them as generic sci fi people?
Their costumes hinder a lot of leg movement and lack of panel lining make them too blands.
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I hope so. I'm on a 70's kick myself so a new thundra to add to the display would be nice .
Bruh you've been on a "70s kick" for the better part of two years now. And no, him over sharing this shit nearly every thread isn't stalking.
Is Wolverine's arm ok?
What an absolute homo response. Surfer was a male for DECADES, feminism took over comics and tanked sales SO BAD the ENTIRE industry no longer publishes comic sales numbers like they had been sharing for decades. And faggots like you screech at others as "casuals" for not reading the shit less than 10k people are buying and the "continuing adventures" of who's gay and/or female now". Go back to plebbit.
What am I supposed to "cope" with? The fact that I'm not a loser like you? The fact that I got the good shit while I was a comic reading kid while today's kids get modern trash? There's literally nothing here for me to "cope" about. Your response just shows how low your IQ is. While you continue to seethe, I'm just shrugging my shoulders while enjoying my classic Marvel figures, including the Surfer that I bought at Walgreens and is perfectly fine for me with his pin joints and whatever else you want to cry and throw more money at for marginal upgrades.
People aren't avoiding superhero comics because of feminism, they're avoiding them because they're too complicated to read. You know why manga continues to sell more and more each year, even the "woke" books aimed at female readers? Because anyone can go into a store and buy a book with a big number 1 on it. And you know what happens when people enjoy that book? They buy the one with a big number 2 on it.

That's it. That's the whole, stupidly obvious answer. No crossovers, no alternate timelines, no spinoffs (generally). Just one story written by one person (generally) that begins and ends according to one little number.

Contrast this with the other scenario: Some newbie decides they want to read an X-Men book. What the fuck do they do? There's no single book with a number 1 on it - it's dozens of books with number 1 on them. Which is the right one to start with? The first one, from the 1960s? Whoops, that book sucked, got cancelled, and wasn't really good until the mid-70s. How would they know that? And what if they're told to begin with a great story like The Phoenix Saga or E Is for Extinction. Who are these characters? Why do they look different from the films / cartoons / toys I've seen? Why are they referencing stories and characters from other comic books? Why do I have to dig through fan wikis and weird youtube videos to piece together a broken kaleidoscope of branching timelines and multiverses, all so I can read a basic action story written primarily for children.

The answer is they shouldn't, and most of them don't.
>People aren't avoiding superhero comics because of feminism, they're avoiding them because they're too complicated to read.
Kek. Look at this loser and his "ahkschually" post. No, mouth breather, feminism was the start of the decline of American comics, and if you actually knew what you were White Knighting about you'd shut your pie hole and realize that they hired actual feminist writers who were up front about their agenda "ask me about my feminist agenda" LITERALLY on the cover of a comic book, their writing actually sucked, to which they screeched that not considering their work to be acts of genius meant you weren't an "ally" and they started the trend of chasing customers away and telling them "if you don't like my politics then don't buy my books". The whole complex storylines issue was ALWAYS an issue but it never killed the market to the point they no longer publish the sales data. I'm not going to even bother reading the rest of your sweaty palmed response because you are wrong from the start. Shit quality lead to shittier behavior of "creatives" chasing away paying customers.
cope and seethe
You have severe mental illness. I hope you get the help you need.
Covering the main 616 from the start and it's taken me this long to get around 3,000 issues in. 70's is the definitely the shit though.
I like how you avoid X-men #1 from 1991 in this example. The best selling, easiest jumping on point for the series, with recognizable characters and good casual art.
It's both
Best titles during that decade?
> how do you know where to start when there's 50 books labeled #1
> i like how you ignore one of the 50 books labeled #1
As someone currently going through this painful experience myself. see >>10963385 I can totally relate to this, however I think you also overlook a much simpler answer which you even referenced during your argument.

>manga continues to sell more and more each year

This is why western comics sales are in decline, the same way board games are declining against video games, the same way rock music is declining against hiphop, etc. we experienced a big cultural shift and the young kids today who would have grown up on spiderman and batman in the 80's are growing up with kimetsu and jujutsu today because its "the new cool thing". Eventually something new will come along, or they'll be a big revival and we'll go full circle, nothing stays popular for ever.
>all of these facts that can easily be found on the internet means YOU need meds!!!!
ALWAYS gets gaslighted, every time this shit gets brought up. Without fail. It's so fucking tiresome, you deceitful little liars.
I think most would give it to the return of the X-men, but for me personally it has to be the Defenders run. The chemistry between the various members makes for a very entertaining read and the plots are a lot more imaginative compared to other titles. Honestly though there are so many great ones, from Spider-man and FF, to Powerman and Nova. One real hidden gem is the solo Morbius run. That was a treat.
You're referencing a book from 33 years ago. A book that omitted over a decade of compelling stories and characters, rapidly declined in quality, splintered into several official X-Men titles, and ended 16 years ago. Do have any idea how incredibly unappealing that type of book is to a casual reader?

I realize you're probably an avid comic reader, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, as a result, you clearly have no clue how normal people want to read stories. Even the act of going to a comic shop (online or otherwise) to buy a 33 year old book that ends up telling 10% of a popular story is beyond the pale for most people. If there isn't a new(ish) volume with number 1 on it that BEGINS a story, without any supplementary reading or research, most people won't give it the time of day, no matter how many millions it sold.

Also, I don't mean to pick on you or anything, but the reason why that's the best selling comic book is due to a perfect storm of speculation, brand awareness, and promotion - not because it's the best comic book ever or even because it's a good place for someone to begin reading X-Men.
Arguing this hard for a male character is pretty homo ngl

None of you actually read comics. Shut the fuck up already.

This is absolutely fucking the dumbest thing you could do. Pick a character/team and find a reading list of the best runs. Reading the entire Marvel Universe from start to finish is a glorious waste of time when maybe like 25% of it is actually worth reading. Especially once you get to the 90s.
>None of you actually read comics.
I just finished reading Archie. Sure hope he chooses Veronica. She's one spicy dame.
Not being able to figure out where to start reading is such a fucking cop out when the Internet and centered reading lists are a thing. I wanna read X-Men? Cool, this reading list tells me to start at this series, stop at this issue, and pickup on this series. What? There are even collected regions that have multiple issues from multiple books so they can tell the complete story! I'm goddamn shocked!

Alternatively, and I'll give you newbies not knowing this moreso, is to read runs penned by a singular author. Read Claremont's X-Men run, Busick's Avengers. Oh, there's a reference you're curious about, fucking Google it. This isn't difficult.
Started at Fantastic Four #1 and I've really enjoyed it so far.
>Pick a character/team and find a reading list of the best runs
Yeah, this really doesn't work. For example my original intention was to read the avengers, but the stories leading up to their creation start in journey into mystery, tales to astonish, tales of suspense, so you kind of have to read the parallel stories to appreciate the development of the characters within the team. Before you know it you are reading 20+ titles per month.

So far the only titles I've found myself skimming are the horror ones like dracula and werewolf, but even then you get crossovers with spiderman so have to keep one foot in otherwise you're relying on the "*happened in issue xyz " footnotes.

I don't see it as a waste of time and it's giving me a much greater appreciation for the universe. That said by the 90's it will be impossible to I plan to stop around Venoms appearance. Should take another 10 years :)
NTA but the 70's were just stacked all around, and they were experimental. Marvel tried their hand at Horror, Fantasy, Kung Fu... basically anything they thought they could market. 60's titles took on more nuance and flourished under a new crop of writers, Amazing Spider-man got weird (in a good way), Avengers significantly improved from the humble 60's stories, Captain America found new purpose under the mature guiding hand of Englehart, Iron Man got good for the first time ever, and Dr Strange had intermittent (but excellent) runs. New titles popped up from Warlock to Defenders to a revived X-Men.

>Non Cape
Conan / Savage Sword of Conan
Tomb of Dracula
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
Howard the Duck
Iron Fist
Luke Cage

>Existing titles
Amazing Spider-man
Dr Strange
Captain Marvel
Captain America

>New cape titles
Uncanny X-Men (2nd series)
Spectacular Spider-Man
Most people don't want to consult a website to begin reading a book. Only geeks do that. They want to pick up a book with a number 1 on it in full confidence that it's the one and only beginning of the story.
Nice copy and paste kek
This is so stupid. You don't need to read every back issue of Iron Man to understand what is going on in Avengers. And you're never going to remember every little reference anyway so trying to keep track of it is mental suicide. Pick a character and look up the best runs for that character. I tried making the same mistake you did and ended up hating it. Just pick a character and find a list of all the best runs.

>Most people don't want to consult a website to begin reading a book. Only geeks do that
If you're looking to read old back issues of comic books from 50+ years ago, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're a geek.

>They want to pick up a book with a number 1 on it in full confidence that it's the one and only beginning of the story.
Not how American comics work, and anyone who is getting into them knows at least that much about them. I was able to figure out what to read with the internet's help, and anyone else can too. Being lazy is a shitty excuse.
Most people are idiots, to be fair.
>They want to pick up a book with a number 1 on it in full confidence that it's the one and only beginning of the story.
You'd have to be an idiot to pick up like Spiderman 1 and think it's the first Spiderman ever.
Hmm... what? Not sure what you're whining about, the other anon asked for 70's recommendations so I gave my thoughts.

I forgot the short-lived Morbius series though...

Defenders and Conan are my favorite new titles from the era.
You are in denial about what the masses want from books and want makes books sell. It may not be what you or I want, but it is how it is.

>You'd have to be an idiot to pick up like Spiderman 1 and think it's the first Spiderman ever.
But Akira number 1 is the first volume of Akira ever. Which do you think is easier to pick up and read?
Manga works differently because creators have more control over their creations in manga and thus the story doesn't need to be rebooted 50 times to keep Batman or Superman or whoever going with a new creative team.
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I'm so damn excited for this set. I fully expected the next Iron Fist figure we'd get to be the shitty and ugly Sword Master one.
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God bless America! Land that I love! Stand beside her, and guide her...from the thing...to the thing...from the thing...
I know why it works differently. It's that difference (primarily) that's causing manga sales to soar and comic sales to plummet, not "wokeness" or any other cultural boogeyman.
>multiple people actively defending modern comics
Man this board really has gone to shit, huh?
Is this a late April fool's joke?
Honestly each to their own. If you are good with sticking to one particular run and relying on captions to clue you in on previous events then do you. For myself part of the enjoyment is when a villain makes a dramatic entrance in another title and it's like "holy shit, it's the plant dude human torch fought back in strange tales, i wondered what had happened to that guy". It's all part of the fun.
>Marvel tried their hand at Horror, Fantasy, Kung Fu... basically anything they thought they could market.
I'm reading much of that now for the first time ever, so much good stuff, especially the horror and especially Dracula.
>Hmm... what? Not sure what you're whining about
He's a troll, constantly insulting others just to get (you)s. He's a sad, pathetic waste who just wants attention, which is why I'm not giving him any more. Just ignore him.
Are you asking me if I'd rather read Spiderman or Akira? 'Cause Akira is actually a lot more obscure, even with the one movie it got.
Colors and build are completely wrong, but I guess that's nothing new for Mezco now that I think about it
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Nice, discovering those horror titles changed my way of looking at comics. If you get a chance, try to track down some of the various short-lived horror titles like Morbius, Zombie, Haunt of Horror, Fear, and any of the magazine backups. Basically anything from the 3 horror omnibus pictured.

It's not high art but it's an interesting little side journey
>130+ for this pos which is still inferior to the 30 dollar select

Mezco just needs to fuck off with their bullshit
I'm doing a chronological Marvel read, so I'm checking everything out digitally. The horror is a great palate cleanser when the super hero stuff gets too bland. (Its a miracle Daedevil lasted so long before Frank Miller showed up).
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Aw c'mon! Don't hate on Daredevil... his books were at least twice as good as Iron Man. The early issues were at least worth it for Gene Colan's art, and I'm in the minority but I love his west coast adventures with Black Widow. Aimless, but fun.
>Not how American comics work, and anyone who is getting into them knows at least that much about them
this whole argument is literally about people trying to get into american comics who don't know anything about them
>I'm in the minority but I love his west coast adventures with Black Widow. Aimless, but fun.
I'm literally right at the issue where he finally says goodbye to Karen Page to walk away with Natasha, so I imagine that's what's up next. But getting to that point was a huge slog of cornball romance comic bullshit, and if you read Marvel chronologically you see where Stan had a real hard-on for forcing in love triangle bullshit for almost every title. The Iron Man stuff of that time is a tough slog too. That's why dipping in over at Dracula, Fear, etc is a palate cleanser. It's tolerable with Spider Man's soap opera because his supporting cast is SO much bigger, if you can get past the Daddy-O references, but "Daredevil is really my twin brother Mike Murdock" was so fucking cornball.
>multiple people actively defending modern comics
literally nobody is doing this
What did you think of the Frankenstien run from 1973? I read a couple of issues, but just started skimming after as had so much else to read. Did I miss out?
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>I'm literally right at the issue where he finally says goodbye to Karen Page to walk away with Natasha
oh you're in for a treat. San Fran DD is the best. Be sure to follow the IM issues so you get the complete Mr Kline story line at the start and then strap up for fun.
I recall liking it, especially whenever Ploog was on art duties but it never seemed to find its footing. I believe the first handful of issues were a retelling of the Mary Shelly tale, then there was a pseudo sequel, then he fought Dracula, then he jumped forward in time and fought a machine man... it's been a while, so I could be confusing titles. Either way it's only 18 issues, so if you ever decide to revisit it won't be an ordeal.

I think you'll like DD out west. It's a palette cleanser for sure, it drops the cast of love triangles and the (then) largely superfluous cast for just Matt, Widow and Ivan.

...still a little too "old fashioned" in it's sensibilities at the time but ultimately DD is better for the change.
>too "old fashioned" in it's sensibilities at the time
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
Apparently an unwed couple living together was pushing the envelope at the time... at least in comics, so Marvel made it a point to specify that Matt and Natasha had separate rooms. There was also some women's lib chatter in the stories that is very clumsy.

It doesn't detract from the stories, just a bit odd.
>Be sure to follow the IM issues so you get the complete Mr Kline story line
I have been, still plowing through everything. I think Mr Kline already resolved in my reading, I was never impressed, very "meh" storyline.
>...still a little too "old fashioned" in it's sensibilities at the time
I'm sure I'll be fine with it.
Who's voicing Bastion? Sounded a lot like Benedict Cumberbatch but I really doubt it's him.
Theo James.
>X-Men `97 finally reveals [spoiler]Bastion[/spoiler]
>they have [spoiler]normal ass eyes[/spoiler]
please for the love of GOD give them alt heads for the eventual ML [spoiler] specifically a head with solid white, purple/pink or yellow eyes[/spoiler] for comic accuracy.
At first I thought they were pulling some evil Dr. Strange from the MCU fuckery to put 97 into the MCU but I'm glad I was mistaken. Though I do miss when I liked the MCU enough that it may have seemed interesting, we've well since passed that.
>anon doesn't know
>Bastion: how many levels of evil and gay are you?
>Sinister: like 5-6
>Bastion: you are like a little baby watch this
You guys think Retro Scarlet Spider will have a restock?
I just read the Englehart Cap issues. Good stuff.
which marvel legends do you think has the biggest breasts
Kek, It checks off all the boxes.
The woke staff at Screen Junkies would approve
The Blob
Jessica Drew or pre-97 Rogue.
Nah. Tit's are too big. Make it flat chested and we have a deal.
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Cat women has to be up there. At least nicest sculpt.
The former Moonstone figure I think
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>I'm so dan excited for this set.

You had one job.
>not "wokeness" or any other cultural boogeyman
Ah, wasn't sure what you meant. Thanks.
You're obsessed
does it include the dog? I would love if Marvel Legends started making animals like the GI Joe line.
Normal people don't read comics anymore and they won't begin to. MCU is for them.
Yes I wanted that Haslab Sentinel mostly for Mastermold and Bastion but I live in Canada. But that Bastion figure has always bothered me since. Now is the perfect time for a re-release or something.
I was in the same boat, but moreso for Galactus. I wish I could've justified spending the money for them but couldn't due to a lack of space to actually display them.
So Bastion is all but guaranteed in the next wave of X-Men '97 Marvel Legends figures. Who else should we expect? We'll probably also get Jubilee, Beast and Sunspot, but I'm hoping for Morph, Deathbird, Lilandra and Cable.
You forgot Mister Sinister and Forge. Not sure if the Adversary is toyetic enough for Hasbro to bother.
Beast is almost a guarantee. Imcould see Jubes but I don't think Sunspot is toyetic enough, unless he gets a new look in the finale. Lilandra just came out in a two pack so she's out, I could see Deathbird and Morph is an easy head swap using the existing AoA head. Someone in this thread already did that. We definitely need a new Cable but I could see them just repainting the previous one.
>unless he gets a new look in the finale
We already know he will, based on his X-Force costume with the mask covering his eyes.
Oh, I did not know that. Nice.
If they did a BAF wave, the giant Wild Tri-Sentinel that destroyed Genosha would be cool.
>Marvel General - into the Danverse
Deathbird will likely be just a comic Xmen wave to continue that cover art along with Emperor Charles and Savage Rogue. Beast is a definite need for the animated line as well as morph. Dan hinted at 97 Cable in a tweet a while back.
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Local shop had a sale on select torch so I got it for the accessories. I think this is the best of both worlds.
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Is her neck alright?
Yeah, the accessories are definitely nice, but I can't justify spending the money just for them though. I have other fire accessories that I've gotten with other shit. As much as I like to dog on Mezco's nowadays, I can't bring myself to get rid of all mine, their accessories are just too good.
*into the Danvers
Ok kanji
Figure needs to go up for preorder so we can show our eternal support for the Danvers
It's a good figure, I bought it for the OG Torch head.

Fuck you for saying that word
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Yeah. The OG head is nice. Thinking I may need to panel line and add a matte coat though to help it closer match the legend body. Liking my improved FF team.

Looking forward to Annihilis
Can you compare the Selects to Doom? That's the real comparison wee need to see.
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Here. It's weird because a lot of the size difference seems to be in the legs. The actual chest, torso and arm proportions are the same. I'm even using the legends hands on him and they are fine.

I think the select team still struggle with proportions which is the reason the figures are so tall. The kinda feel stretched out, which is ironic for reed.
I like to compare head sizes when comparing scales to see if they can be fudged and Reeds noggin is just way to big in comparison to Doom. Yeah, this can maybe work for some shots, but nothing with Doom in it.
They killed off my boy Gambit those motherfuckers.
Where have you been the past three weeks?
Oh jeez. Head sizes between legends is a mess already. So many have massive melons whilst others are in proportion.

Looking at my Retro Rogue and Scarlet Witch and it really sets off my tism.
is this the new version?
which jessica drew?
>is this the new version?
don't be ridiculous. you don't get cleavage like that on modern legends.
then what version is she?
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After reading a couple of pages about the newest XMen comics the other week or month, i've come to realize that does Hasbro even make any toys from current comics?

It's full of characters that I don't recognize because of how shit new Marvel comics are.

Also, has Hasbro made an Exodus figure yet?
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2014 Greeb Goblin BAF wave. Still pretty good for a 10 year old figure.
Most people won't realize you're making a joke
But don't worry, Exodus is the perfect punchline to that
They've done one or two House of X waves. We've gotten Cyke, Wolverine, Magneto, Jean, and Chuck in their more modern costumes, although they're changing yet again. I gotta say, I liked Cyke and Logan's HoX costumes, but other than that I kinda hate all these modern costumes. I think the last time Marvel had good costumes were the mid 2000s to like Marvel Now. Back when the modern costumes were just slight tweaks or updates to classic suits. Nowadays, most costume redesigns are too much, I hate most of the current Iron Men armors.
We also need Magneto's Acolytes. Surprised we haven't gotten at least Cortes or Amelia.
The new X-Men show is making we want to buy a ton of figures that I passed on or wasn't considering. It's too bad they really aren't coordinated enough to take advantage. Maybe a few years from now when it's come and gone, they'll catch up and say noBOdY wAnTs tO bUy xMeN 97 tOys.
8 Kanji pics posted by Ben himself. He's not an attention whore though, right guys?
>Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home)
I just want a decent unmasked Tobey head for under $10; is that too much to ask for or will I be forced to risk getting that older smirking Chinese KO on EB?
Relax dude, it's better than the constant shitposting we get.
it is shitposting
Those really are awful face options.
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I'd love to see Armor done.

I think the second group of Acolytes were far more interesting. Very toyetic, especially the ones that were all killed, like the whips guy and green monster thing that blew up from Multiple Man growing inside him
>Posting toys is shitposting
Nothing in his posts are shitposty. Stop being a jealous cunt.
no luck on a cheap price for her
Aww he is so cute and tiny
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This works well if you want a Kl'rt that scales more closer to his first appearance.
Aren't they legally not allowed to make anything 6 inch?
Correct, Hasbro has the license to make 6in mass market action figures of Marvel characters. Diamond Select has the 7in "collectible" market. That's why you only see Selects sold in comic shops and other similar retailers.
Thanos be all like
>tha fuck yall doin
He has admitted himself that he posts pictures with all of his posts specifically to make people upset, which derails threads, like shitposts.
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Got the Storm 2 pack for cheap before it started going back up in price. Fuckin X-Men 97 has influenced so many of my purchases lately.
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She's pretty good. I like the accessories. Thunderbird is cool too.
Which is hilarious in itself since 6/7 inch is a size not a scale and the characters are all different sizes so for some characters like Destroyer both are exactly the same height and it isn't an issue.

Lol. Captain Marvel got cut out of frame.

Congrats. She's very nice. My favourite female ml fig.
Why do you get upset at people posting toys?
I guess technically what I mean is that Hasbro has the 1/12 license and Diamond has the 1/10 one.
>He's not an attention whore though, right guys?
You're the attention whore and a fucking faggot. You keep calling this Kanji dude out as if any of us fucking care. He's posting toy pics, YOU keep wasting space to go "hurrrrr you Kanji!". Just shut the fuck up, nobody fucking cares you crybaby. I don't know who he is, and I don't know why you are so utterly ass-blasted OBSESSED. His toy pics are better than your gay whining, so shut the fuck up already and give it a fucking rest. He's like the rare toy pic poster here anyway, so I already like him more than you, you scrotum-licker.
Yeah but I was hoping he was actually fine or some mutant would help him. At least he went out like a Chad.
>Fuckin X-Men 97 has influenced so many of my purchases lately.

You’re dumb af if you think the show is gonna affect the price of figures. I still see the first wave being sold for cheap on store shelves. It’s only a few retards that panic buy. Lol
>Fuckin X-Men 97 has influenced so many of my purchases lately.
Same. And I don't regret it one bit.
What are you even getting at? I'm not referring to pricing, I'm referring to the fact the show has influenced me to purchase a couple of figures now that I have been otherwise sleeping on. I got the Storm 2 pack because she got that costume in the show, not because of the price.
Yeah me too. It's funny, we bitch and moan about how much we hate current Marvel, but when they actually produce something good, it is really fucking good. I can't say I've been disappointed at all with the show, I've been loving pretty much every episode, even the filler Jubilee shit was entertaining. Can't say I've felt this way about a Marvel property since NWH.
X-Men: Evolution is better than X-Men '97.

There, I said it.
Evolution is good for what it is, I have fond memories of watching it. I'm enjoying 97 more though. It helps that it's adapting the beginning of Morrison's run which, aside from the classic stuff like the Claremont runs and what not, is one of my favorite X-Men runs. New X-Men and Astonishing X-Men are just as good as the classic stuff imo.
Nope, Evolution sucked.
ok kanji, ill stop.
Some of those character designs were neat. I'd like figures of those.
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Hasbro has the license to produce children toys for boys. Not 1/12, nor 6", or any specific scale.

The license is separate from the collectors market, or toys for adults.

The reason Diamond shit is 7" is simply because their toys are more expensive (because fewer units are made) and to make consumers feel like they're getting their money's worth, they increased the size by 1", which costs them almost nothing for that size increase.

Collector toys also has another seperate license for "high end" stuff, which is basically anything costing more than $60, hence Mezco producing 6" Marvel figures.
And this might just be character specific licenses too, so Mezco/Bandai/Kaiyodo/etc can all produce their own 6" Marvel figures, as long as no one makes the same character at the same time.
Thank you for reiterating what I already said subjectanon. I know you like to butt in when you think you know something, but we already covered this. Thanks.
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No one cared that the teeth were inaccurate. They bought it anyway. This is why figures aren't accurate. Because you'll buy it anyway.
Every post is talking about the license being about size, so i had to speak up.

Size has nothing to do with it and is basically just a gimmick.
we get what we deserve
You're a crybaby.
This is one of the guys who bought it anyway
Wow, good one kid. Does Kanji live under your bed too? Who the fuck is Kanji anyway? Is he your ex-boyfriend, is that why you're so OBSESSED?
this shit looks so bad
not even his toes are painted
the head looks so fucking awful like some Carnage Select alt head
Spideyfags are truly subhuman
Hey man, just let people enjoy the toys they want to enjoy. I personally have the first release they did of Carnage with the Cletus head and the axe parts. Also, it's technically accurate to some of his modern appearances.
Finally some effort posting, thanks
In my original post I said Hasbro has the license for 6in mass market toys. We were already speaking in the context of scale which is why I mentioned it. I didn't mention Mezcos since we weren't talking about 6in collectible figures.
shame. I already have the other Carnage, but if it hit clearance I was gonna grab it for the accessories.

inb4 different shades of red
>In my original post I said Hasbro has the license for 6in mass market toys
Which doesn't exist.

The Hasbro license is for boys action figures/mass market toys. IT's very general too, hence them being able to make those shitty 2.5" figures and 3.75" figures as well.

The license and their sizes is something that you shouldn't be conflating.

Diamond has the adult collectors license. They decided to make their figures 7" to give you more "value", which is the same shit McFarlane did when they decided to make 7" DC figures too. No doubt, McFarlane can make 6" figures too, but don't, cause they decided to make those Super Power wannabes instead. Gotta wonder how the DC license is actually written, considering Spinmaster's part of the license is seems to be 3.75" specific.
We know that Mattel holds the toddler/preschool DC license still, but what exactly is the split between McFarlane and Spin Master?
>The Hasbro license is for boys action figures/mass market toys. IT's very general too, hence them being able to make those shitty 2.5" figures and 3.75" figures as well.
I mean, that's what I meant, just not in so many words. I probably should've clarified for the autistics in here but I didn't think I really needed to. Sorry I didn't specify for you.
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I think it's pretty retarded to conflate a size with the license, especially when we know it isn't true.

Don't want to give other people who don't know the wrong idea, especially when this little explanation stems from
>>>10965276 Aren't they legally not allowed to make anything 6 inch?

Diamond making 7" is solely because they want to give their customers more value, saying that extra inch shows off detail better... which they probably didn't. AFAIK, only McFarlane said that when they popularized 6" figures in the 90s.
I'm not obsessed. It's not like I have a folder all about him on my PC with his real name and address and family and job and all that shit. I don't care that his name shows up in the Paradise Papers leak that shows he has money in what offshore accounts. He's just annoying, brags about being annoying and yet people defend him.
Carnage has black needle teeth and a mouth. Anything else is a cope.
Just tell me you accept my concession already or something. You don't need to write a book.
Just stop misleading people who think companies like Diamond aren't legally allowed to make anything in 6"
>and yet people defend him.
All I see is an anon posting pics of figures, you're the attention-whore trying to CONSTANTLY namefag him in EVERY goddamn thread. WE. DON'T. CARE. Literally nobody is impressed with your childish attempts to name the animals om the Speak & Say you fucking infant.
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>I am the only one who can contribute to the thread. It's all about ME!

Kanji is a reverse of Jin Saotome in that his haters are worse than kanji himself.
Why have they never done it? Even Todd does six inch.
Post the display
Pontificate the Aroma
How much should I buy a Haslab Sentinel for these days and do they all have loose knee problems?
nice knees hasbro
I respect Evolution for doing its own thing instead of just retreading the comics. WATX was kind of trying to do both and just ended up feeling like some weird product of a committee.
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Because people buy Diamond Select toys that are 7", not 6"

Go see the Warhammer thread right now where they've been crying that they're actually making their figures 1:18 instead of 1:21.
People bitched a ton about how McFarlane switched the Halo scale from 1:16 to 1:15 and that was about 1/4/th of an inch difference.

It's bad business to switch scales in the middle of a toyline.

Also, what current McFarlane line is 6"? I thought they gave that up after 2020.
>Also, what current McFarlane line is 6"?
music maniacs and retro batman
the knees can be tightened, btw. mine never had the problem though.
I bought mine brand new for MSRP, kicked myself when they started showing up for much less at Ollies or Dirt Cheap, now they're going up again?
>I feel bad for you
>I don't think about you at all
He made an appearance in 97. Keep hoping he has some scenes to justify putting him in the 97 wave.
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You guys can be so weird sometimes.
in your opinion what is the most sexually satisfied Marvel legends figure?
Probably Monet, nice body nice face
That's like preferring Tiny Toons to Looney Tunes.
Whatever gets the jar.
X-Men '97 is a nostalgia bait cashgrab with poor animation, uneven voice acting, super abridged storytelling, and massive exposition dumps.
So, the Animated Series then?
Pretty much. What's improved from a 32 year old cartoon?
Nothing really. That's kind of the point. Honestly, it's the best thing Marvel has put out since 2021 so I can't be mad at it. Personally, I think the animation is fine, I think it's better than Invincible.
You Marvel and Hasbro hating guys are crazy. The writing on '97 is so much better than the original. There's so much nuance packed into so many lines every episode, all while juggling and adapting decades of comic-based stories for each character.
>There's so much nuance packed into so many lines every episode
And delivered with shitty accents. And aren't the really good ones taken directly from comics?
Still would.
The "resolution" to the Cable arc in episode 5 was laughable. The show has too many characters to properly treat each one. The only reason Morph exists is to delivere fan service.
My post isn't hating on it though, I say it's the best thing Marvel has done in a number of years. I personally am loving it.
But Ragetuber #345 said it's woke and to like and subscribe.
The show removed sexiness and changed a character to have pronouns and to be a member of the lgbt community. It is 100% woke.
And you enjoy it. Embrace the faggotry.
Did you know that originally Claremont wanted Mystique to be Nightcrawler's dad, not his mom? X-Men has always been "woke".
Yes, but did you smash the like button and share?
Claremont was a weirdo. There was some university that counted the number of fetishes in his X-Men run, probably the most acclaimed X-Men stories. They found a lot.
The only fanservice "they" should be delivering are big titties and cleavage.
The three part finale is going to be about Cable. Jesus christ, are you really that dumb?

Voice work, that's a whole different thing. The VA who does Rogue is awful I think. She sounds like a 70 year old woman, because she is.

But there's so much nuance and so many layers to each aspect of many episodes. Ep 5 with the Genosha attack was some of the best Marvel content ever, in any medium.
I liked the use of Ace of Base's "Happy Nation" during the extended dance sequence.
>Voice work, that's a whole different thing. The VA who does Rogue is awful I think. She sounds like a 70 year old woman, because she is.
The Magneto/Rogue stuff didn't work for me because the actors have absolutely no chemistry. Magneto still talks to her in that imperious college professor tone.
>The Magneto/Rogue stuff didn't work for me because the actors have absolutely no chemistry.
This seems like a really dumb and kinda skeevy retcon. What, all because he can touch her? I REALLY don't want to image Magneto and Rogue having sex.
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>But there's so much nuance and so many layers to each aspect of many episodes.
This is a show where characters regularly state their feelings and opinions. The show doesn't have a lot of the Saturday morning restrictions TAS had and I think this leads people to view it as much deeper than it actually is. Yes, it's good but people are acting like this is prestige television. The writing is still Claremont-level comic book writing.
I think restrictions like that actually force you to be more creative. See the death of Robin's parents on B: TAS and stuff like that.
People will jump on you and say BUT THE COMICS but it was dumb there too. I think it feels worse on the show because comics are a giant cooperative project where different writers will deal with the subject matter over decades, but the show feels more self-contained and for the most part sticks to its own continuity. Giving Magneto and Rogue a past relationship that neither ever mentioned and somehow didn't come up in the past just feels cheap, especially since it seems like it was done purely to force another love triangle onto the show.
Danned if you do, Danned if you don't.
>The only reason Morph exists is to delivere fan service.
Yeah I keep wondering why he's even on the team. As a character he adds nothing except to be the comic relief character, and it's never a good thing when your comic relief character has no other role to fill.
god no that was cringey as hell
Also the whole thing with Bastion shaving Magneto feels pretty gay
>Yes, it's good but people are acting like this is prestige television.
This. I like it but I'm tired of hearing how amazing it is when it really isn't.
I think you need to put it into context. It's not prestige television by any means. Is it a fantastic X-Men adaptation? Absolutely. Is it a good cartoon? Certainly. Is it the best thing Marvel has shat out in like three or four years? Also yes. But no one is comparing it to the Sopranos or Chernobyl or anything like that.
Sounds like you're jealous you can't afford Disney Plus
You know you can just pirate that stuff, right?
So you're lazy?
Sorry, that was sarcasm on my part.
I thought Nightcrawler was always the comic relief.
He's played more as Catholic Nightcrawler in this version, but he's still jolly and fun. Not as much as like Evolution was for example though.
If anything, it takes more effort to actually download a torrent rather than just use a streaming service.
That was technically a 2023 release, it’s in the older checklist that is linked in the OP
statueshit and isn't retro batman 5"?

i remember the batmobile being oversized for them and the playsets almost being 1:18. Did theychange the scale?
>I'm tired of hearing how amazing it is when it really isn't.

The problem is you hang out in online spaces/fandoms full of people with baby brains. Spend time with real adults. They aren't drooling over cartoons. They're out there doing coke and having affairs and doing white collar crimes.
So you agree its woke? Great. Then thetes no need to smash like, the word has been spread.
It wouldnt be woke, because he had a strange idea not pushed by a current day social movement, he simply came up with an odd idea.
The character is a shape shifter that can switch genders how is that woke you mind broken retard.
>Inb4 muh trannys
It's not the same fucking thing
Jim Shooter slapped down that degeneracy for a reason.
Based Jim. He was such a Chad, and made all the degen manlets in Marvel seethe eternally.
>The writing is still Claremont-level comic book writing.
not even.
People who say shit like this probably also think the original X:TAS was good and just like the comics.

I tried watching the new series the other day and it's pretty shit. Maybe a babystep better than the original series. Two episodes in and it's basically Xmen Evolution season 1 tier. Kiddy shit, but they're trying to emulate the original series, huh?

Claremont's XMen (and Marvel/DC in general from the 80s til the late 90s) basically follows the classic Looney Tunes/Disney formula (that was later copied by the late 80s/90s/00s animation) where they're writing for kids, but want something adults can enjoy too.
Most Fox Kids shit never hit that point (The Tick being the rare exception), but WB stuff definitely did. Disney Afternoon stuff was hit and miss, and quality varied even within a series. Only Gargoyles was consistently great.

I don't think Marvel had any good animated stuff until the Hulk Vs shorts and Avengers Assemble. But even their Ultimates animated movies was pretty shit.
I watched Darkwing Duck recently again and it has a lot of references that flew over my head as a kid.
music maniacs are not statueshit
> and isn't retro batman 5"?
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How often do you guys buy full waves? This will be the first time ever for me since I want at least half of the figures including the BAF. Paid around ÂŁ130 free shipping, but hopefully I can sell the 4 I don't want for ÂŁ15 a piece.
I NEVER buy full waves. If I really want the baf, I'll just get the piece off ebay.
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>retro batman
>retro batman 5"
The Bat '66 TV line is overpriced at $17+ but yeah, it's 6" - I own the robot and another one that were given to me and so I assume everything else also measures out 6" - it's the modern Super Powers redos that are 5".

I also wouldn't say the Movie Maniacs are 'statuteshit,' I bought one of those on sale marked down 50% but they are pretty much vinyl figurines like the Vinyl Vixens or Rock Candy by Funko.

Yeah, I would also buy the wave by itself if it was reasonably >>10967291 but if you definitely want half the figures AND can be patient to sell the rest, and recover your expenses, including taking into account the shipping fees and any fees you are charged if you resell on say EB or some such, then you're probably fine.

But be prepared to be patient - it took me six months to sell something I thought would sell easily, but I got what I wanted for it and made profit as well.
The only full wave I've ever bought was the Man-Thing one.
Traditionally yes, but in TAS he was just a guest star and not a part of the team. Even in 97 when he's finally on the team he's a late addition and Morph basically handled the comic relief for most of the season, though that comic relief was really just having a quip here and there.

It's also weird how much the show brings up his lingering trauma over what Mr. Sinister did to him but it hasn't translated to anything relevant storywise. It's also retarded that they have to keep showing that same clip of him getting tormented by Sinister in the intro since that laugh feels really out of place in an intro that otherwise has no voices and just sound effects.
It's not that he's comic relief, because he did a fair bit of that before he got killed in the original show. It's that he's a self-insert for the gay show runner, so they twisted him to fit the sassy gay man stereotype.

I don't have a problem with him morphing into female characters either, but I think it makes more sense when it's done for a story-driven reason. Like in the original show, when he first came back to get revenge on the X-Men. Getting rid of Gambit by pretending to be Rogue was clever and Storm, second in command (and Cyclops being away), would be the logical one to send Jubilee on a mission. It doesn't exactly kill me that it's random now, except it's on top of the sassy gay man stereotype.

Very rarely. Usually don't care enough about the BAF. The GOTG3 wave kindof killed me because I wanted Cosmo but most of that wave was dull as shit even on sale.
You would think with Morph's powers being upgraded to take on the physical traits and powers of the people he morphs into he'd be a much bigger player on the battlefield but he seems pretty useless
>I also wouldn't say the Movie Maniacs are 'statuteshit,'
once again, i said music maniacs. they are the same size and have the same articulation as the retro batman line.
Not as much as I used to since you can reliably cherry pick with pre-orders. If I want the BAF and at least 4 of the 6 figures that comprise it I'll usually just order all 6 for expediency's sake. Otherwise I may do a mix of cherry picking figures and ebaying BAF parts I need or even the entire BAF itself depending on how the numbers crunch.

The 7th figure that usually doesn't have a part is judged separately.
I used to if I wanted the BaF and if most of the figures interested me. It's been a long time though. I'm trying to be more choosey with what I get because of the price hikes, but it can be tough. Still, there are definitely figures I would've gotten if the price was right.
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Those are NECAs or some such? You don't mean the McFarlane's?

Because PICREL is what I was thinking off, I wasn't trying to flame you or Other Anon. I bought this because I saw it at Toy's R Us in a Macy's on Black Friday and another open one (the Ted Lasso) looked well made and it was marked down 50% so I grabbed it.

I can understand this if you have the money and it also saves on shipping. Someone was auctioning all three unmasked NWH figures starting for $69 (a really genius, this seller), and they went for $78 (plus tax, shipping was free) and I regret not going for it up to $85 and I was still the second highest bidder when I dropped out, since that's what I will likely end up paying, plus wasting my time and the hassle, after I had to grad the Tom and Andrew by themselves, and I'm still trying to snag the Tobey for under $25-28 including taxes/postage.

I could have afforded $80-85 and it would have saved me probably 10-15 hours of my life I'll never have back.
>Those are NECAs or some such? You don't mean the McFarlane's?
google is free.
So is Bing and DuckDuckGo.

Answers are polite and also don't cost you anything, but apparently being a DICK is more satisfying to you.
Its amazing how bad the Eternals sold. Kro went from deluxe to a little over 8 bucks on bbts and still no one wants him
Kro makes a really nice generic sci-fi monster.
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Venom dancin with tiny feet, O those tiny feet
the only usage I can think of for that generic fuck is a head swap and repaint into Blackheart, but that's too much effort for an "almost like the real thing."

The last time I bought a whole wave at one time was the Sasquatch wave in the last days of TRU. I just can't pay full price on Marvel Legends any more especially when you get so much more on Joe Classifieds. Anything below $20 is a tolerable amount for a ML.
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It's time for Mammomax!
He looks like he's trying to run from the sadness but can never escape it
>no Shanna with Ka-Zar and Zabu
Fucking WHY
You know why. Attractive women are forbidden now.
Explain Wasp, Madelyn, and the new Carol then
Anons said the same thing about Carol's Ms Marvel costume. Then when the newest figure was announced all they could do it nitpick about it.
that wasp has the tiniest tits ever and looks weird LMAO
Doesn't mean she isn't hot you cum rag.
Not on the Moonstone body
Moonstone body sucks.
It's got shitty articulation. I'd rather a female body that can actually move than one that barely articulates but has tits. And no. That doesn't make me a tranny.
It unironically does.
Not am argument. Fuck off with this shit you gaylord.
Oh, it's you lmao. Should've known.
I made a fuckin typo you sperg. Why are coomers like this?
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Custom fodder alert
It's hit that price before. No one cares.
Still upset?
No, it hasn't. It was a whole 46 cents more, crybaby.
Not all of us need to bargain shop for the fodder no one wants anon. That thing isn't even good for customs.
What can you even use it for? Extra hands maybe?
They're finally at worthwhile prices. Thanks, I can use those finger guns and the removable neck. Ignore the sped.
That's my plan. Maybe base for an MCU High Evolutionary custom for my Guardians display.
For that price, it'd be worth it just for screwing around with photography as it is.
Why would you want an MCU High Evolutionary? There's already a comic one.
Even then it's a waste of $5
if you're worried about $5 then lmao

comic one kinda sucks desu
>i-if you're not buying this eternals figure for $5 you must be a poorfag!
why is this the go-to defense for this shit
>crying about $5
Frankly the amount of space the eternals figure would take up is more concerning
Isn't buying something just because it's there literally a symptom of a mental disorder?
Got one just to spite the crybaby
Why would they make this? Who is this even for?
Compulsive buying disorder (CBD), yeh.
yes, just like hoarding is as well
The answer to both is "diversity".

Pretty sure I said it was for a custom, anon.
Marvel assumed that the Eternals movie would be popular, just like most of the MCU. It was not.
>Why would they make this?
Its part of their licensing contract with Disney/Marvel to promote the movie. They had to make it.
you snowflakes think everything is
I didn't mean you, personally. I meant the "it's cheap, might as well buy it" people.
I mean, I'm personally not worried about $5, but I'd rather use that $5 to buy a snack or something. I see no point in buying a toy I don't care for and will never mess with, even if it's cheap.
What are you even going to make with it?
Yeah I think this guy doesn't realize there's a difference between "I kind of want that but $5 is too steep" and "I don't want that and do not want to pay $5 for it"
Fairly sure he's just the post your neca display troll, shitposting like usual.
Oh yeah, those are weirdos
Why are you samefagging when I just agreed with you lol, weird behavior.
We need board IDs so desperately.
I couldn't even find one useable part for any custom figure I'm planning from the entire wave. Not even the hands.
I've been wanting this forever.

What have you got in the works?
What are the chances of a 90's Blade in another Spider-man VHS set?
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More of a kitbash, but I made a combo-Jean recently. New pinless arms and legs with the older torso when she was allowed to have breasts. New heads are also far better.
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this is the actual answer, and also why hasbro made the toys, and why stores ordered them.
>customfag is a dirty coomer
Of course he is.
Like three different customizers have posted in the last hour, neca bitch
Giraffe Grey
This looks bad. You're just as bad as the guy in the DC threads.
>significant color mismatch
>head sits too high
I mean if you could fix those problems it'd be nice but as-is this isn't working
Did someone say custom?
wow, i hate this. im sorry.
>movie's Cable arm and head
>MCU's Goliath body
I admire the creativity and the quality of the painting, but Brolin's mug is so ugly. I've been thinking about getting this Cable to do a custom with a new head, maybe Ultimate Cable
So since Wolverine's going to be back in the public consciousness soon, think we can finally manage to get a Feral Wolverine?
>Wolverine's going to be back in the public consciousness soon
Is this a bait post?
I was having a giggle, yes.
You got me, pal
Minor threat made a new album?
'97 Wolverine is up, $30
Not awful considering the markup everywhere else.
Not worth it
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Better than the alternative
Also not worth it though.
I mean value comes from the eye of the beholder. If someone really wants a 97 Wolverine, this is the cheapest way to get it.
I wished they went with this before the brood version. I think both are not that popular, but that one was basically a cover and two panels inside the comic, while feral went for at least a dozen issues.
Brod version took way less new parts. Just arms and head.
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>But no one is comparing it to the Sopranos or Chernobyl or anything like that.
people are literally comparing it to game of thrones
To be fair, Game of Thrones isn't on either of those other two show's level either. Looking back, it was pretty overrated. Same with shit like The Walking Dead.
Honestly none of those prestige shows are ever as good as the hype, but I think this is meant less as an example of either GoT or X-Men 97's quality and more an example of what sort of pedestal people are putting these shows on.
>Honestly none of those prestige shows are ever as good as the hype
I'll agree for most but I have to hard disagree with you Chernobyl. I consider it to be as close to perfect television as you can get.

>more an example of what sort of pedestal people are putting these shows on.
Fair enough. I think the comparison to GoT is definitely overblown. 97 is good, but I'd put it on par with something like Invincible or even the recent Fallout show. Definitely a step up from the original show with it's more mature themes, more intense violence, and more mature language. Comparing to GoT is a little ridiculous though, considering the sheer budget HBO threw at it.
I rewatched The Sopranos earlier this year, wouldn't recommend doing that. Just keep the memories of it being good.
This happened to me with X-Men TAS. The show really has not aged well and it's honestly difficult to watch now. Liking 97 but I also recognize that it being better than TAS isn't a high bar.
I watched the trailer and I got modern Simpsons vibes, where they should have recast because everyone sounds like they're about to die.
I'm rewatching TAS right now, just finished Dark Phoenix. I have to disagree. I think it holds up pretty well. Yes, the storylines are a bit simplified and they can't outright kill anyone, but it's still very faithful to a lot of the stories it adapts. Although there are some weird continuity things it can't keep straight. It's definitely a kids show, but I do think it's one better ones to watch as an adult. I eewatched Spider-Man TAS and it didn't hold up as well imo.
They really should've recast Wolverine. I honestly didn't believe it was still Cal Dodd because he sounds like another actor trying and failing to do an impression of Dodd's Wolverine but no, it's still him. I don't know if it's age or being out of practice or both but it sounds like he's hurting himself doing the voice now.
I read somewhere that his new voice is a deliberate choice, he wanted to do something different, but I don't know how true that is. Sounds like cope to me.
Why do you always sperg out at slight typos? It's insanely autistic
I'll just assume it's because you're autistic.
>everyone is one guy
I don't know if I'd call it difficult to watch but it's definitely not as good as I remember it being.
What does this mean?
>Please respond to me.
Ok, here (You) go. Geez.
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Way to kill any discussion you retards
The thread is dead neca boy, it's in no-bump.
New thread: >>10969765
Fake thread, ignore it.
New Thread:

I read that too. No idea why he would change that in a _continuation_ of a show vs a new X-Men show. I've heard recent interviews where he sounds like the old Wolverine. But I've gotten more used to the new show's voices as I've heard them more. Back when there were only a handful of clips out there, they were really jarring. Rogue sounded much older, Magneto sounded somewhat weasely, etc.

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