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Best way to fix this?
Throwing the figure at the wall as hard as you can
Buy the figure again
i've never had much luck gluing hinges like that back together, i'd probably pin vice the peg out of the arm, pull the joint out of the hand, and then replace it with a close-enough sized generic joint, like maybe something out of a gunpla
Take a pin vice with 1mm or less drill bit, gently drill into both sides of the joint insert a brass rod, glue it but be careful it doesn't spill over.
Funny, but I can’t afford to get another one.
Hmm, I’ll have to look I think I do have some spare joints with some yamaguchi figures maybe I could see if those work.
I don’t own a pin vice unfortunately, but I’ll look into it.
they're like 8 dollars on amazon. i've had mine for a decade and it's saved more toys and model kits than i can count

Just search for some videos.

Personally I would use a hand pin vise, start very small and take your time. Also heat up the plastic.

The issue with this hinge is that the connection is overlapping the ball part but it's not a full connection, only half is actually fixed to the main ball thing so it's kinda fragile and even harder to repair. I once saw a video or some post where someone showed a repair of this type of joint. You basically want to drill in at an angle, maybe hold the peg in place with some (weak?) glue, then drill through the peg into the joint at an angle and insert a small metal pin , cover the tip in some glue as well once you're sure it fits.

Alternatively, do what the other anon said and get any replacement joint.

Care to tell us how it happened? Is it a SAS? Cuz I got my first one coming and don't want to break it...

Good luck, anon.
Looks like I’ll need to get a hand pin vice then.
What’s a SAS? The figure is the Figma Samus from Metroid Dread. That hand is attached to a magnet and I had it attached to a surface and it must have fallen off overnight because I came out to find it broken on the floor. I also have cats, so they may have been at fault as well.
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Super Action Statue.

I bought one from The Army Builder. Quality is ehhh, but it's alright and very cheap. Bought a set of small pins with it.
Pic related.

You may want to tape the surrounding area so you don't scratch it accidentally.
And as I said start small and work your way up, the screw has a small tip and can get a grip surprisingly early, but I imagine if you don't give at least a good turn, you might tear the plastic out. Either way, go slow, pull, and if it doesn't work, drill a bit more/get the screw deeper and use heat.
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Basically what >>10969557 said. Could be worse. Figma even sells replacement joints or compatible joints in various sizes.
Sorry anon, this is why you don’t let your pets in the collection room though.
What do I do bros? My wife wants to get a dog, which is fine by me (it's been awhile since our last one) but I'm worried about my figures. They're all in one room but I guess I'll have to get a baby-fence or something. How do anons with pets do it short of keeping the room closed/locked at all times?
Put them on shelves out of reach or sturdy display cases.
>The figure is the Figma Samus from Metroid Dread
Fimas include extra wrist joints, just remove the broken one and replace it.
>That hand is attached to a magnet and I had it attached to a surface and it must have fallen off overnight
These things are not made to be left in precarious poses like that for so long. You shouldn't leave an expensive figure hanging from a magnet all night.
I had my figures on shelves and one day when I was at work I guess they fell and alerted the dogs and they went in there and chewed them up. I’d say having the gate is a little extra precaution just in case.
Id keep the door closed and locked to be safe to be honest. I wouldn't trust a baby fence at all.
Just make sure not to get a pit bull anon, because nothing will stop them from getting to your shit to chew it up.
We had one once when I was a kid, actually. Though it was a pretty brief experience because the dog tore my retina open. Easily top 5 painful experiences of my life and we had to get of the dog, of course. Never again with pitbulls.
I think this will work if we get a small dog but if not, I'll probably just have to get a locking display case or something sturdy. Thanks for the advice.
Jesus Christ anon that sounds painful, did you lose vision in that eye?
Just get a spare joint and replace it. I think it came with 1 spare wrist, just like any figma does.
>the dog tore my retina open
Are you sure it was the retina and not the cornea? I mean, the retina is on the back of the eye. I hope you didn't lost it.
Yeah I do mean Cornea now that I looked it up, thank you for correcting me. I have scar tissue on the eye and use special drops so it doesn't dry out but I still have vision. I just halos around bright lights in that eye now.
We have cats, ive worked with them to stay away from 'my' area. Just be firm and fair, a dog will understand.
Well, that could have been way worse. Glad it's only an inconvenience anon.
Breaking toys/models is so stressful bros
Best hobby and the worst hobby.
Just don’t hamfist your toys, wear gloves and always be cautious even if you think the toy is sturdy enough. I haven’t broken a toy in 8 years now, because I treat my toys like I would a woman.
>I haven’t broken a toy in 8 years now, because I treat my toys like I would a woman.
Never touching one?
Anyone have any other ideas?
There's no more ideas to be had. You need to use a pin vice to remove the broken peg inside the arm and replace the fucked up joint with a new one. That's the only thing you can do.
Well I can’t afford a pin vice atm, I spent the rest of my money on the figure
These things are 8 bucks or less on amazon.
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This fucking guy
Why are they so cheap? Sounds like it will fuck up my figure rather than fix it.
>Why are they so cheap?
Because it's a pretty simple tool.

>Sounds like it will fuck up my figure rather than fix it.
That depends on you using it correctly. But seriously, it's a really simple thing to do.
Any YouTube videos on how to use it? If I order one on Amazon it won’t get here till next week so id like to learn how to do it before hand
>Any YouTube videos on how to use it?
Just try searching for yourself anon. It's not rocket science anyways, you just drill manually and that's it.

Also make sure to get a drill bit of the needed size too, not all pin vices include them.
>figma joints
ebay, taobao, or aliexpress packs of joints in colour of your choice.
Avoid the problem entirely by not buying Neca products.
>pin vice
>a circular spinny metal that clamps drill bits with plastic or metal
goddamn some of you are out of touch.
Or maybe you just need to get with the times, grandpa.
It's 8 fucking dollars just get one and shut the fuck up nigga
Follow the conversation anon, how the hell do you think I'm OP? No reading comprehension whatsoever.
Get a job.
I’m on a fixed income with my retirement as I suspect most Necaboomers do

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