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Are Power Rangers toys saved after six years of ineptitude, or has the damage been done?
Hasbro needs to give the license back to bandai and bandai usa needs to start distributing super sentai with subtitles or a dub.
Bandai America doesn't do shit which is how we got in this mess to begin with.
The fact that Hasbro feels there's not much money to be made and too much risk to make figures themselves tells you all you need to know. The brand is likely damaged beyond repair.

And where's that reboot they're making? Nothing about this makes me thin Hasbro owning PR is any good. I bet the reboot or animated series or whatever is so shit that they just have no confidence in the brand at all now.
I'll be honest, I wouldn't hate the idea of Haim rebuying the brand for a third time.
>Hasbro needs to give the license back to bandai
Remember when Hasbro got Power Rangers and their first order of business was to try to dunk on Bandai with a list of all the ways their toys would be better? Didn't age well did it?
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>needs to start distributing super sentai with subtitles
Isn't that what shout factory has been doing the past four or five years?
Hasbro's mistake was making Beast Morphers. They should have started planning their reboot from day 1 and made toy-only Kyuranger and Ryusoulger adaptations while the main brand took a rest.
toku dubs feels like the next thing that need to be regular for them to be popular. Even K-dramas get dubs now
What are you talking about? Even in the final year Bandai had the license and were phoning it in because they knew they were losing it, they put out more toys than Hasbro in any of the years they've held the property. The 2017 film bombing is what effectively killed the Bandai partnership. Not that it's really Bandai's fault, but those toy sales were abysmal. Even in Toys R Us's final days when the store was cleared the fuck out, the 2017 movie shit rotted there. Most of it is probably in a landfill right now.
I feel like Bandai's toys for the movie really weren't that bad but they were polishing a bunch of turds. The designs were just so fucking ugly. Also the movie is fine for what it is, but what it is is a coming of age teen drama with very few action set pieces to get excited about.
Power Rangers will never be saved until it can throw off MMPR nostalgiafaggotry. So it will never be saved.
>And where's that reboot they're making?
Quietly killed no doubt. They sold eOne for $500 mil last year. They purchased it for $4 billion just four years prior. The reboot's release was already looking dodgy, so the sale of eOne and Hasbro licensing Power Rangers to Playmates cements that no new series is on the horizon in the foreseeable future.
I agree. I can't see anything but a quick sale for the Power Rangers IP (for way less than they acquired Power Rangers for). If Hasbro HAD content coming out soon, no doubt they'd want to be the ones producing toys, even if it was just a small assortment of kid-centric items that had a low risk (unlike costly collector figures). I just can't see anything happening on the content side when all their recent movies have flopped and lost them millions, plus ditching eOne too.
I think this is going to be the norm for Hasbro in the coming years - licensing out their IP's. They're already doing it with G.I. Joe. They don't want to take the hit on things not selling anymore and can't afford to do the multimedia shit like they intended to. So now they put that burden on other people and choose to just take the easy licensing money
that will just go to fund printing more MTG cards and D&D shit which are the only profitable properties they have.
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One big problem is Bandai deviated from the tried and true manner of releasing Power Rangers toys. Instead of a standard transforming Megazord for about $35, they released larger scale Zords individually. The T-Rex alone was $40, and the others were $20. That's $120 if you bought them all at MSRP. Toys R Us had an exclusive box set for less, but it was still $100, almost triple the cost of a standard Megazord. I remember going to my local Toys R Us on it's final day to see what they had left, and there was a literal mountain of those T-Rex zords.

The 2017 movie Legacy figures also sold horribly, I remember those lingering as well until the bitter end. And while that was a deviation Bandai made before the film, it wasn't in their best interest to release a 5" and 6.5" line of the same suits at the same time. Their yearly toylines weren't doing that, so I don't know why they thought the demand for movie figures would be high enough to warrant two scales simultaneously, and that's not including the additional gimmick figures they made. If the 2017 movie toyline stuck to the tried and true 5" figures, $35 Megazord, and some role play toys, it would have performed a lot better, even if the designs were shit and the movie bombed.
>? Even in the final year Bandai had the license and were phoning it in because they knew they were losing it, they put out more toys than Hasbro in any of the years they've held the property.
And they were terrible outside of the Legacy collection stuff. Lightning collection figures dropped the ball- but the legacy 6.5'' figures were worse. The kids figures hasbro did were ok- Bandai's were worse. Megazords, outside of Legacy, were shit for a decade.
No-one is going to air a subbed show, weeb
Hasbro was doing very well when they bought Power Rangers and wanted to expand into making media. They wanted to reboot MMPR and in the meantime finish off the contracts NeoSaban had left in place (beast morphers). Things took longer than expected, the pandemic hit, Hasbro did bad, they had to sell their media branch and their power rangers numbers were always failing to meet their expectations.
They don't know what to do with the brand so they sublicensed to Playmates, that way if they decide to do something they can take away the license but if they don't at least someone is keeping the brand alive while recieving money.

Playmates is a joke and will either borrow scultps from bandai/hasbro or just create a really good first wave and then do crap, that's usually what they do.
No one's airing anything anymore, it's all on streams and if K-dramas can be popular, dubbed and subbed toku shows can be.
Weeb kids these days watch subs regularly.
neither can your literal who country
Japan seems to be doing fine with the franchise they created. Americans must pozz it up with gay shit no one wants. No wonder anime won.
Hasbro's big fucking mistake was immediately targeting collectors and trying to make them the base of their PR sales when they've always been a drop in the bucket compared to the yearly kids audience that would come and go and buy Bandai's cheap toys. There's a huge reason most of Bandai's Legacy Collection were TRU and Amazon exclusives. Even with MMPR their simply isn't a collector market big enough to sustain a PR toyline like that.

> Bandai distribute dubbed/subbed Sentai
That's not their call to make, that's all on Toei and their broadcast partner who are the main reason their kids shows are such a pain in the ass to license outside Japan. Toei is run by old men who don't give a fuck about international audiences besides the DragonBall fans and TV Asahi are copyright strike friendly as fuck.
>the legacy 6.5'' figures were worse.
I'll give you that, the 6.5" line was badly conceived and destined to fail.

>The kids figures hasbro did were ok- Bandai's were worse.
All the Beast Morphers villains had swivel hips, which were particularly egregious on Blaze, Roxy, and the Tronic. Hasbro stepped it up in Dino Fury, I think only one basic figure had swivel hips, but the Dino Fury figures had their own problems. Basic Green and Black were only available in an Amazon exclusive 5-pack. The single carded Red, Blue, and Pink came with made up weapons instead of their show sabers. Numerous armor modes are inaccurate because Hasbro couldn't be bothered to sculpt new arms for them. I like that they were less roidy than the Bandai figures, but overall I think Bandai handled their kids figures much better.

>Megazords, outside of Legacy, were shit for a decade.
I didn't love some of the concessions which had to be made, but keeping the price point low ensured they always sold well. I think the Zordbuilder concept was great and something I wish I had as a kid as it adds tons of play value. Bandai also had a much better track record of completing their Zords, something Hasbro failed to do it for any of their series.
>Hasbro needs to give the license back
All they did was make recolors and 5poashit. At least Hasbro made monsters for once, at ML quality too. Let's not forget that BoA made all those terrible Ben 10 toys too, and it was Playmates that did an actual good job
>Even with MMPR their simply isn't a collector market big enough to sustain a PR toyline like that.
I think the market is there if the offerings are good enough and the prices don't get out of hand, but you can't fuck up as badly as Hasbro did and expect people to buy your half-assed/ill-conceived efforts. From wave 1 their Lightning Collection figures had poor QC and inaccuracies which stemmed from poor research. Neither of these things improved as the line went on. Dino Thunder Black from the second to last wave has the incorrect number of diamonds on his arms and legs. This was after they finally got the number right on Dino Thunder Yellow.

Which brings us to another issue, inconsistency. Power Rangers are teams. Most of the teams released in the Lightning Collection are inconsistent with one another. Even an entire team released in a single box set, the Psycho Rangers, were inconsistent. Power Ranger fans are even more autistic than your usual nerds, you have to get this shit right if you want to sell toys to them.

Then there's the monsters. Monsters of the day are an extremely niche thing, and scaling them to 8 inches in a 6 inch line is stupid beyond belief. Let's say only two out of five LC consumers are interested in buying MOTD. It's probably less than that, but for arguments sake we'll say 2/5. You're already behind the 8 ball, you cannot afford to fuck this up because your margins on this endeavor are gonna be razor thin, and yet you go and intentionally make them screen inaccurate. Guess what happens? To no one with a brain's surprise, one of the two people who were interested in a niche line of monsters drops out, and the figures shelfwarm to oblivion. You have the chance to accept the criticism your consumers are giving you and scale them properly going forward, but do you? Of course not, that would would be admitting you were stupid/wrong, so just double down..

>Doesn't realize anime is responsible for pozzing in the first place
Weeaboos have no sense of self awareness.
No, it's now doomed due to Playmates getting the license.

>>No six inch figures
>>Just five inch crap with minimum articulation, mono-colored weapons, and NO unmasked heads
>>Mighty Morphing/S1-3 Power Rangers and Zords are the only figures getting made. Nothing past season three.....
>> We'll be lucky if we get Goldar or a Putty Patrol villain-wise.

Shit is going to be horrible and then some.
>Hasbro's big fucking mistake was immediately targeting collectors and trying to make them the base of their PR sales when they've always been a drop in the bucket compared to the yearly kids audience that would come and go and buy Bandai's cheap toys
just speaking among the kid relatives I have, all of them liked the Lightning collection figures over the basic toylines. $20 is pricy but not that much more than the usual prices for kid's toys. The headswap gimmick alone is more toyetic.
$15 would've been a better price if they could've squeezed that, maybe with no effect parts or extra hands.
The weapons started off with a decent enough Dragon Dagger. Inferior to the Bandai Legacy version, but had a nice gimmick. When they decide to make the core MMPR power weapons, which are a much harder sell, what do they do? Cover them in greebles and lightning bolts. Once again intentionally making their product screen inaccurate and reducing the already small number of people who would be interested in buying them. It didn't help that they were priced very high as well. Unsurprisingly, they set was never completed, and the Power Blaster could never be formed.

The Zords... ugh. The Dinozords have been done to death. Hasbro themselves released a cheap kids Dino Megazord which was okay for what it was a year or two prior. How did they intend to sell their collector Megazord to people who already likely had multiple renditions? Claim it's 1/144 scale as your big selling point, something no PR fan has ever asked for. What is that scale based on? Arbitrary numbers from Japanese magazines which were never reflected on screen, leading to their second Megazord (Astro) absolutely dwarfing their first. Then for good measure cover it in ugly greebles and price it way higher than it has any right being given the quality.

And while on the subject of pricing, I'll conclude by circling back around to the standard Lightning Collection figures. The line started off with a $20 MSRP, the standard for a 6" collector action figure. A lot of people were willing to overlook their shortcomings for that price, and hopes things would get better. Within the span of one year the price increased to $25, and things did not get better. Some exclusives like the Ninja Rangers were priced even higher than that. Inflation was a thing after covid, but Hasbro's figures have been marked up beyond that of the inflation percentage. Is it any wonder why this company is failing when they are upping their prices, and not even making any effort to improve their products?
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What Bandai Power Ranger toys were 5poa shit? Their basic action hero line were 17poa.

>At least Hasbro made monsters for once
Bandai started making weekly monsters again in their Dino Charge line. They were scaled properly to the Rangers and cost the same as a standard figure.
That pic is all 5poashit. I remember buying time cat, shovel hands guy and Ice Monster and they were just shitty toys I just returned next day
nah, bandai sucks dick when they're not dragging their ass, shit like only painting the front half of the figure because that's all they need to sell it to you is way too stingy, Playmates isn't much better but they offer better variety, like you'll get as many tertiary characters as rangers, plus their role play items probably won't cost $80 like Hasbro or Bandai because they make their shit affordable to sell to the general public and not some niche audience that pays $200 for a dragon dagger and has apathy for anything else
I'm a newfag but the recent dbz and naruto figures from bandai seem like one of the best deals in the toy aisle, almost ridiculously so. 5 in figures, fully featured articulation(butterflyjoints, diaphragm, rocker) only excluding double bend arms for $11.
None of your examples are 5poa. Cat O'clock has 10, Ice Age and Stonedozer have 13. That's honestly more than a MOTD needs. For niche characters who generally appear in one episode and exist as props for the Rangers to beat up on, all that matters is them looking cool on a shelf. The monsters in the show were often barely mobile, so super articulated $35 deluxe monsters is overkill, and even if Hasbro hadn't fucked up the scale no series monsters beyond MMPR would have sold at that price point. Cheap, simple figures is the winning formula for MOTD. For main villains like Goldar you want proper articulation, but I don't need Pudgy Pig to have double knees which are effectively useless as he can barely support the weight of his giant head. Bandai's original Pudgy Pig is an all around better toy in spite of having less articulation. It was more accurately sculpted, cheap, and most importantly, fun.
Just watch them on Pluto tokusentai channel. Was watching Kamen Rider Zeroone on there when it was still newish. They also air older sentai like Zyuranger. All with subs.
Problem is there's just no method for small details like this to be corrected for in a line. Sculptors and designers performance isn't evaluated by how accurate their designs are because their managers surely don't know what is accurate if the designer doesn't. The only feedback the consumer truly has is if they buy it or not
yeah is that a joke or something
they were still 5poa. BoA's were still just bad quality toys because they were just as stiff and inarticulate as the actual costumes in show. Hasbro's wholesome kino 1/12 etc defied its costume-accuracy source and made them feel like actual organic physical beings by adding more joints, thus making them more flexible and actually fun
If your gonna complain about hasbro villain figures having limited articulation are you just gonna ignore how the ones Bandai released were damn near statues from Samurai onwards, and some were even hollowed out because they just stopped giving a shit. Bandai also started dabbling in making things exclusive to bundle sets starting with Super Megaforce, from Weapons to eventually figures with Ninja Steel. Bandai also flubbed up accuracy on a lot of their own figures, remember the Lion Fire armor being incorrectly painted for everyone but Red? Not to mention the scale changing every year because they couldn't make a consistent 5 inch design after the 4 inch debacle. Also I'll take articulated megazords any day over the cheap shitty zordbuilder joints that compromised the designs of every megazord from 2010-2018. Bandai kept fucking up every auxilary zord too so they weren't show accurate and had to include some dumbass gimmick to be sold alone. Hell even worse, Ninja Steel made it so that you couldn't even buy them alone without getting a whole new megazord. I still can't believe they made 3 bikes replace an entire mecha, just don't release anything if your gonna fuck up the toyline that bad.
>they were still 5poa
Do you know what 5poa means?
>b-b-but more points
The toys were still stiff and cheap. They were still no better than any 5poashit toy. Every time BoA loses a license, an angel gets its wings
I am very doubtful that playmates will be able to make toys that appeal to kids with this IP.
The movie also bombed retard
You don't buy toys
that's starting to look like the best outcome.
Kids don't want this Power Rangers shit anymore. It's dying for a reason.
Might make decent action figures, I would hope the plastics they use are better than the soft shit Hasbro used at the very least. Zords I have no idea how they'd fair, but they did do Legendary Defender Voltron.
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>complains about 5poa
>"toys with more than 5poa are no better than 5poa"
5poa, 10poa, they're still bad toys and still no better than whatever 5poashit they made
Yeah... no. 10poa is demonstrably better than 5poa. Outward should/hip movement alone makes a massive difference.
I'm more optimistic than I've been in six years. Hasbro had no one idea what they were buying when they took something that was baby's first superhero for 30 years and focused on adult collectors. Of course that was gonna fail. That Hasbro also doesn't know how to make toys for kids was just insult on top of injury.

Hopefully Playmates leans into making these as toyetic as possible. They should steal from Imaginext (the best PR toyline of the last decade) and do stuff like the Dinozords as vehicles. Steal from themselves too and make evil space aliens with an interchangeable limbs/heads gimmick.
Can't argue with that. Thing is that BoA's toys were STILL bad, and those extra 5 points didnt help because they were STILL stiff and cheap. "The Americans" were the worst at toy design because they didn't have the earned arrogance of the company's superior Japanese division, because the former coasted on simply having the brands than making any improvements. There's a reason some anon/s are asking for Super7 or whatever company to make Ben 10 good toys for once.
I don't even believe Hasbro bought it to make kids toys, since the Lightning Collection was for all the "former kids". Anything they made for kids was just pointless brand garbage just for funding. You know, the Bandai of America way. And honestly, I don't think Playmates will do great neither. It'll be another Star Trek, where it pretty much doesnt exist. Then there will be the convention reveals of front and center toys never being released, because they were silently cancelled despite being awesome. I don't even feel like the current PR is relevant anymore
I don't get why anyone thinks this will be Star Trek again. It's apples and oranges. Trek toys have een struggling to gain traction for as long as PR's been on the air.
One wonders why Trek toys still are being made then
Popular series. It can't into toylines correctly though.
I also doubt Hasbro is willing to license out their IP to another toy company without getting any results from it. Power Rangers was a proven toy aisle powerhouse for 25 years before Hasbro drove into the ground. Between Bandai, Mattel, Jakks, Spinmaster, Jazwares, and McFarlane, you have to imagine someone would be willing to swoop in and take it from Playmates if they weren't doing anything with it. I doubt Star Trek has much, if any, competition for the license. If Playmates revival of the successful 5 inch line couldn't generate enough sales to get a second wave, it seems like a dead brand in terms of toys.
They backtracked on that anthology approach pretty early on.
Hell fucking no jesus christ have some standards you guys.
then YOU provide a better alternative.
>They backtracked on that anthology approach pretty early on.
Then why are 9/15 teams incomplete?
Too expensive in today's western market.
Expectsto see a MMPR Megazord that plays sounds and music from the show.
I'm just pissed we never got a LC Rito Revolto.

But Playmates has TMNT and Godzilla, so maybe we can get some stuff from the crossover comics.
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>I'm just pissed we never got a LC Rito Revolto.
Same. I could live without Squatt and Baboo, but no Rito in my villains display feels wrong. It's stupid because season 3 got plenty of representation with Tengas, Ninja Rangers, and Metallic Armor. I imagine the paint is what held cheap-ass Hasbro back from making him.
>I imagine the paint is what held cheap-ass Hasbro back from making him.
Then make him a "deluxe" figure like Blue Senturion. I would've paid $30 for a proper LC Rito.
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The deluxe figures had terrible paint. Pumpkin Rapper's eyes and mouth, King Sphinx's nose and mouth, Pirantis Head's pupils, 2/3rds of Eye Guy's eyes, all unpainted. The deluxe price point just helped justify a one-off sculpt, which Rito would be since he has no variations. In order to have a one-off sculpt in which half his body is completely painted he would have probably needed to be a super deluxe for $50. I think another company could do it for a reasonable price, but Hasbro is so cheap there's no way.
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There was that one dude that made some nice repaints that probably sold some of the figs though
Eventually other lines will fall into the place PR did; the costs will be too high to produce something the collector fanbase deems acceptable and so the IP will either be retired or outsourced off to some other company to make cheap kids toys. Toys will return to what they were before the collector boom, they will simply be things no collector would want.
1) Give the rights to Bandai and Toei so they can market Super Sentai worldwide and you will get representatives of past season especially the Power Rangers-adapted season.
2) Let it die

Do you guys really have fucking stockholm syndrome or something that Haim buying back the franchise is seen as better, when he's the reason the franchise is even more of a joke today? Unless he buys them, but the shows that are made afterwards are the same if nor better quality as Post-Zordon era, then it's dead on arrival.
the lines will just die. toys will go away. there's a reason they leaned into the collector's. they're the only ones who want this toy shit.
I think dedicated collector lines were the downfall of the toy industry. It's possible for toys to be appealing to both kids and adults. Star Wars did it for a good while before Hasbro started catering to collectors. Collector lines only fracture the consumerbase, and result in even cheaper/worse toys for kids, so it's no wonder kids aren't buying shit like Star Wars and Marvel anymore, because the toys intended for them are trash.
So basically what you're sayjng is that dedicated collector lines were a mistake. Which is the exact point I was making.
I've literally never seen any other part of that set besides the t-rex I the wild, and the t-rex always shelfwarmed horribly. It's so weird
I'd see them all, but they were nowhere near as prevalent as the T-Rex.
I am a huge PR fan and a diehard MMPRfag. I buy almost anything MMPR-related. Even if it's something from a season I didn't really like, or a season I'm unfamiliar with, if the design of the thing is cool enough, I'll probably buy it. And I have never once bought a single piece of merchandise from the 2017 film. The designs in that movie are just so horrendously ugly and unappealing. I'm not sure the people who designed the suits and the Zords and Alpha understood that this shit had to be seen by human eyes. It's the one time in the history of anything that "screen accurate" is a bad thing.
So what series that you don't like do you have the most toys of?
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I just picked up this MMPR Lightning Collection Green ranger from marketplace for $50.00 and only noticed the paint defect when I got home. No way the seller will refund. Will Hasbro send me a replacement or am I fucked?
>Will Hasbro send me a replacement or am I fucked?
Learn to paint.
How the fuck do you not notice that immediately?
I picked up 4 others with it and didn't even think to check.
Ideally the kids would just buy the collector toys. Why cant they--if as the gubberment would have us believe--10 dollars in 1997 is the same as 20 now. They'd just save up a little more to get those 25 dollar toys or wait for a sale. Unless...10 dollars in 1997 isn't actually the same as 25 dollars now? Unless inflation rides high and leaves the common man behind with less?
In 1997, you would be buying cheaper toys than $10.
A basic Power Rangers figure in 1997 cost $6.75, which is $13.25 adjusted for inflation. There's a reason kids lines stay in the $10 range, kids aren't buying $25 figures.
I remember some transformers from beast wars being 10 or more in 97
It's very, very difficult finding these things with perfect paint on the helmets. The best thing you could do is buy some acrylic pens and try to repaint it yourself.
It's not impossible (they did send out replacements for the fucked up White Dino Thunder helmet), but I wouldn't expect them to, either.
Lots of companies die. Those who don't adapt to the environment go under.
In BW, besides Optimal Optimus at $30 the line went no higher than $20- and that was only 2 releases a year, with 3-4 $15 releases. The only toys that really went over $25 were meant to be once/twice a year purchases for most kids
To complete my collection I just needed Quantrons, Squatt & Baboo.

I would have happily paid $35-$40 for monsters and $30-35 for Power Rangers. All paint apps, in-scale, weapon combiners, consistency amongst teams.

This is what sucked with Hasbro. I'd see 3 full cases of figures and there was only one decent figure paint-wise.
If you put a basic figure and a collector's figure to a kid and asked which they want more, generally they'd pick the collector's figure, especially since with the absence of action features, paint, or extras like sound or missile launchers the basic figure has nothing that makes up for being cheaper or a kid's figure. They're just crappy cheap figures now. Problem is, a kid isn't going to be able to buy a $24-30 figure so easily, or will hey want to over a $20 game.
Obviously that means some of them were $10 even in 1997
This. The kids' lines are just so abysmal now that you have to wonder why they waste money on the tooling for them. I'm not a PR fan but I see this in the TF lines all the time. Hasbro talking heads constantly tell us how tooling costs eleventy brazillian dollars but then they go and cut 19 different molds for the same hideous Prime or Bumblebee design. Maybe if they stopped making that shit, they could put a few more cents into the Generations toys and get the volume for economies of scale to kick in and bring the prices down. Would be nice to have toys on the shelves again for kids (and collectors who don't camp by the loading dock) to actually buy instead of the wasteland we're wandering through now.
They make up for that by reusing the same tooling for three different toylines.
playmates tmnt is a good kids line by any standard that isn't 00s marvel legends.

Man, that's fucking rough. If it's any consolation, I have both the old single release green and Remastered and the teeth around the helmet on both are slightly off.
TMNT, Mario, Sonic, and Jurassic Park are all well made kids lines. Unsurprisingly none of them are made by Hasbro. Hasbro treats their kids lines as afterthoughts, and as a result they suck.
Their Jurassic World line was such fucking trash.
I completely forgot Hasbro even did a Jurassic World line before Mattel got the license. The difference between the two is night and day.
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Christ. Power Ranger fans just can't stop losing.
Anyway I still can't believe how insanely fucking horribly Hasbro handled the robots. Those were the thing everyone expected them to improve on and they didn't even try.
Nah. The last good Turtles kids line was the 2003 line. Most of the new ones look like something that you would see in a Dollar Tree back in the day.
>like something that you would see in a Dollar Tree back in the day.
*jerk off motion*
When you remove Takara from the equation, you end up with things like Titanium Series and Star Wars/Marvel Crossovers.
lol. imagine thinking the 03 line was better than mutant mayhem.
Mutant Mayhem might be better for all I know. I stopped paying attention after the 2012 and Rise lines were absolutely awful.
All I know is that my track record with Playmates isn't good.
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Were the lines awful or were the shows awful? The 2012 line looked like solid toys to me. Never gave the Rise stuff a second look because I was so put off by everything about Rise.
The figures of the 2012 turtles themselves were fine, everything else in the line was trash.
Why? Because they weren't as articulated as the turtles? Line seemed quite expansive with plenty of other characters, vehicles, and playsets. It certainly got deeper cuts than Power Rangers is accustomed to, which can't even manage to finish a season's main villains.
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The 2012 show was alright and the turtles themselves weren't bad but just about every other character was garbage. For example I remember hunting for Usagi and just putting him down when I actually found him because the figure was such a sad unpainted mess.
I'm not seeing the problem.
I don't know man. I guess I just like detail and paint on the things that I pay money for but you do you.
I see the tie around his ears isn't painted. What else? Did you expect the pattern to be painted on his gi in a <$10 figure? You clearly have unrealistic expectations if that figure is your idea of garbage/a mess.
I didn't particularly like the 2012 line, but it mostly came down to the cartoon's aesthetic looking really drab as toys.
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I just want a Delta Megazord to go with the Astro
Anon it's been 9 years.
Granted with the break due to the license switch it's more like 4 total but, they started in 2015.
The minipla is better
Here's your entire Cosmic Fury toyline. The Zords are an Amazon exclusive. Collect 'em all!
New to Ranger toys, the fuck is Zord Link?
>found Delta minipla for cheap months ago
>can't find Astro minipla solo
Why am I cursed
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> Time Force Pink and Wild Force Yellow were being worked on before Hasbro shuttered the line at the end of 2023
God fucking damn it, Time Force Pink should have been out way sooner. This is what happens when your feedback comes entirely from youtube chats and FB groups.
Feels BASED seeing 1/12 get rightfully kicked out, kek. Americans can't make anything good.
Do you ever not think about America
Can America even up smash an epic meme for those gamer feels?
I believe it's the same gimmick the Dino Fury zords have. Essentially you can mix and match the lego-esque parts of these guys with the previous season's zords.
ZordBuilder but worse.
So is Hasbro not making anything anymore? Is the lightning line completely dead?

I really wanted to see Jei get made in plastic form.

Playmates usually comes out strong with good figures for the basic four and then craps out the rest with maybe a few gems here and there.

Maybe we'll get some decent micro sets? I think they skipped out on Rise but they might pick it back up with this new version which might mean they kick out some PR stuff too.
Yes, there was an interview where they basically flat out said (in business speak) it wasn't making enough money and for IPs like that they were going to license them out.
I'm not surprised that Lightning line is dead after looking at it. It looks real tough and expensive to build a full team of Rangers from one season. It's like Hasbro was looking to bank on nostalgia without bringing in new fans.
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I think it's being used to differentiate between Zord toys that are actually transform and combine from the ones that are just action figures. For all of 2 toylines.
Lol who even asked for this boomer crap children don't care about power rangers kek
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Yeah, that's why a lot of people are cautiously optimistic about Playmates making the toys now.
I dont know how they feel they would ever be able to market an IP like PR to modern kids. Do they even have new seasons on tv adapted/dubbed
They've got a 10-episode Netflix series that uses a lot of Western produced footage. And old rangers/villains instead of having its own identity.
Hasbro Entertainment should just go back to adapting Sentai, Including having new heroes/villains/setting each season. That's what worked in older PR and still works in Sentai.
You're just admitted Americans can't make anything and need Asians to do all the hard work.
>had the opportunity to examine it before purchase
You fuckin goofed
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rent free
There are 800+ episodes on Youtube. New seasons aren't necessary.

It doesn't work anymore. The conditions in kids tv that created PR and that it spent most of its time coasting on through inertia are gone. No one buys cheap shows/footage from Japan to sell toys. No one does 40-60 episode seasons like in the 90s. No one even does 20 episode seasons anymore. Kids tv has been contracting faster and faster every year and finally caught up to PR.
For me, moments like this really sells the toyline as less of a "Just recolors" toyline like it ALWAYS is. You have collected your Red, Yellow, etc but from DIFFERENT teams? Now that'd be a neat crossover
Problem is Sentai designs have veen utter fucking dogshit for a solid decade now. Hasbro was right to try to move away from that ugly shit but they ran the IP into the ground before they could get their shit together on original stuff because they made the mistake of thinking PR had a large enough dedicated adult collector base to support it like their other brands
Kids aren't going to randomly search youtube for old TV shows. Those eps only serve the existing audience for rewatches or a rare recommendation from existing fans.
Watching random youtube shit that pops up as a recommendation is all kids do. More kids are watching the free old shows than what's on Netflix
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Sentai designs can be hit or miss. To my eye pic related are 4 Sentai that haven't been used by Power Rangers that look good.
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Having just recolors keeps cost down. Ask TMNT. You want kids to collect different rangers? Sell a complete team that's available at the same time. Crossovers are neat when they're not happening all the time
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Power Rangers was going to be canceled as early as PR: Turbo. Kids are getting their entertainment from somewhere nowadays. So figure out where that is and work backwards from there.
New seasons are necessary for being a jumping on point for a new (young) audience as the old audience ages out. The first episode of each series should assume that it's the first episode that someone is watching.
>Started watching Cosmic Fury today.
>5 minutes in there's tons of shit from previous series that a new audience won't give a shit about.
There are 800+ episodes that are a jumping on point on Youtube. New seasons aren't necessary.
And kids don't have the same brainworms as adult nerds about jumping on pounts. If what's onscreen is intelligible and entertaining to them, they'll go along with it. On top of that Cosmic Fury is 1) just Dino Fury season 3 and 2) the last season. Who cares if it has "tons of shit from previous series". The show's over.
So 2 kids are watching the free old shows vs nobody watching the new ones. Sounds like a profitable IP to me.
Kids want something to be new or fresh. This is why movies that came out years ago don't stay in theaters and tv shows get flushed to rerun channels after awhile once they're old.
That's how teens and adults consume media, not kids. There's no one less discerning than five years old, Power Rangers' primary audience. That's how Hanna-Barbera cartoons have been rerunning for decades. That's how Power Rangers was popular in the first place. They're not looking for something "new" when they can't even recognize when something is.
Yeah, kids loved "Saved by the Bell But Sometimes It Cuts to a Different Japanese Show" because it was "new" and "fresh"
You're confusing adults with kids again. Is this a reoccurring problem for you?
>>Started watching Cosmic Fury today.
>>5 minutes in there's tons of shit from previous series that a new audience won't give a shit about.
Well, yeah. Cosmic Fury is Season 3 of Dino Fury. This is like complaining about being confused if you start MMPR with Season 3.
>keep seeing this thread
>binge the first season on youtube
>nostalgia bomb hard, can remember the smell of the old tv guides that used to have this pic

I need recommendations for the best Yellow Ranger figure between six and eight inches in eight. Yes, I must have her.
SHF or LC, maybe Super7.
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If you're wanting a Trini likeness take your pick


Lightning Collection Remastered is the better overall figure, though people seem to prefer the Trini head in the standard Yellow Ranger release. There's also Super7 Ultimates (pic related) which is better in the accessory department, but has it's own shortcomings.
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You can also get the two pack with Scorpina and pretend it's Trini.
I went with the Lightning Collection version for $16 on Amazon. The weapons and elbows are painted, comes with an alt head, and the proportions are fine enough. The pics of Ultimates cg renders look nice but Super7 always looks cheap in hand so there’s no point in spending $30 for something that looks like a $16 dollar toy when a $16 will look about the same and have everything I want.

Was considering this but I don’t want to go down the slippery slope of team and villain building.
Honestly it’s really nice coming off Black Series and McFarlane’s garbage ass scalper DC line to just look up a character I want on a nostalgia impulse, have five or six versions for less than $40 to choose from, and not have to fuck around with either a mid version from ten years ago for $60 or Todd’s new half painted version selling for $40.
Loved Power Rangers as a kid and this was a fun and easy experience, which is pretty rare in toy collecting these days. Thanks for the recommendations!
>Was considering this but I don’t want to go down the slippery slope of team and villain building.
Fair enough, but someone for her to fight would be nice, right?
Lemme finish binging the first couple seasons and if Scorpina is still my favorite villain… yeah, I’ll probably pick her up. Green Ranger is the only one on the more expensive side, the other rangers are all less than $20 each…
Let me enjoy lying to myself about only needing one ranger for now until I accept my fate and buy the rest of them.
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Pirantishead is $18 on Amazon right now... Look at it. Fish nunchucks. :)
This figure is one of the best in the line.
No wonder power rangers died, crap like this was made.
Show me your teams.
Something that could easily be turned into a generic, extremely well articulated, tall sea monster that could fit in with a number of lines with a simple black wash? Really?
>an out of scale figure with unpainted pupils and inaccurate torso sculpt
>one of the best in the line.
How many completed teams did we actually get in the Lighting Collection?
Just in general, not necessarily as an accurate representation of what it's supposed to be.
I hate Tommy but I love the green ranger helmet. Whats the best import site to buy the remastered lightning collection green figure? Don’t wanna pay $60+ for one.

And WHAT IS UP with the white ranger being so expensive now?
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>That's how Power Rangers was popular in the first place.
Wrong. MMPR was something original (in the USA) that had the perfect mix of ingredients for boys that they didn't get anywhere else on TV all in one show. Hell, even the show being set in a high school setting was somewhere that was familiar but more grown-up.
I know this because I was about that age, 5, when MMPR premiered.
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If it's the third season of Dino Fury then why change the name? Like you said, the third season of MMPR still had the same name as previous seasons. Any episode 1 should be a good jumping on point for a new viewer.
Where the hell do you think you are?
If Cosmic Fury is Dino Fury season 3, Zeo is MMPR season 4. They're both direct continuations which start in the middle of an existing conflict.
>How many completed teams did we actually get in the Lighting Collection?
MMPR (plus Ninja and Metallic Armor sets)
In Space
Lost Galaxy
Dino Thunder
SPD A-Squad

SPD (only missing Kat and Nova, which were one-off appearances)

Turbo 3/7
Lightspeed 1/6
Time Force 2/6
Wild Force 2/6
RPM 1/7
Dino Charge 6/11
Beast Morphers 4/5
Dino Fury 3/6
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Zeo didn't start of in the middle of a conflict but at the aftermath of one. Then sets up a new conflict and new status quo. None of this "my mum had secretly been a villain" or "how cool, the blue ranger from like 28 years ago is back" bullshit.
Zeo also aired only a year after the movie. That was when the show was popular enough to have multiple full-length seasons. That time is over.
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It's strange that episodes of Cosmic Fury aren't on either of the PR official youtube channels. Or that only like 3 toys were produced with the Cosmic Fury brand. Toys that you can't find on Hasbro's site.
Hell, you can't even find the amazon exclusive Megazord on that amazon.com anymore. It's probably going to be valuable someday.
>pic related, 3 top results you get when you search "Cosmic Fury" on amazon
>None of this "my mum had secretly been a villain" or "how cool, the blue ranger from like 28 years ago is back" bullshit.
You're right, Zeo started with "Zedd and Rita destroyed the Command Center" and "We just spent a bunch of time gathering the Zeo Crystal" and "We lost our powers and now what are we going to do?"

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