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XD <3
I don't know, I don't have any Transformers but I have five different Robocops.
>five different Robocops

Nice, got pics?
>makes children cry
>makes kids dislike dead characters
>toy sales go down
>series in steep decline to death afterward
>greatest toy advertisment ever
>Still discussed 38 years later
>somehow manages to get toys with the branding on shelves
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>a movie that all but killed off transformers isn't the worst advertisement because a cartoon that came out over a decade later revived the franchise
i bet you think star wars the last jedi is one of the greatest advertisements for the star wars franchise too.
Ah yes well it wasn't for lack of trying and so on lol
All the SS86 "Movie" specific releases have shelfwarmed... ie SS86 Coronation Screamer, the Prowl/Irohnide dead pack, etc. SS86 is selling because of Seasons 1-2... not really because of the movie.
More of an attempt to get the remaining notable G1 characters on shelves given how Legacy is focusing on stuff from around the franchise.
>Coronation Screamer
Because everyone had already bought the Earthrise by then.
Shitty "dead" repaints that nobody asked for.

Every other release has more or less sold well enough or in the case of figures like Hot Rod, Scourge and the Dinobots sold out because they're the best modern representation of those characters. Other releases like Arcee and Ultra Magnus blow the fuck out of their Kingdom releases.
Funny how people seem to overlook those details, isn't it? Anti-G1ers gonna anti-G1.
Yeah bootlegs always existed, even in the 80s.
It had a major impact of the franchise.
Every transformers fan knows Unicron.
You’re glossing over the original point I replied to being that
>>Still discussed 38 years later
>>somehow manages to get toys with the branding on shelves
like mf that’s the whole point of MY point. The movie sucked balls and S1-S2 will always reign supreme. SS86 only survives because it’s the definitive way to get G1 figures, not THE MOVIE figures (and even if they make THE MOVIE figures they clearance HARD).
>entire race of creatures living on a glorified trash barge learning everything about the universe through TV
What did the Junkions watch in their goon cave?
Arcee's onlyfans
Arcee is a reworking of the 30th design to lower the sex appeal and make the backpack bigger. So Arcees were fucking everywhere for a year.
Still the best transformers theme.
I prefer Ultra Magnus as a white armored Convoy, but the Siege/Kingdom Ultra Magnus was underwhelming. The inner robot just doesn't work well at all, and it kills it for me.
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o rly?
>makes children cry
Optimus dying, making children cry was kids showing emotion and their love for a character. Every creator of characters has a hope that their characters become emotionally important to people. Every creator has a hope their characters move people to joy or to tears....that means those characters really mean something to people.
>makes kids dislike dead characters
Every character that died in the transformers movie came back because fans wanted it, and Optimus because a freeaking LEGEND because of his death in the TF movie.
>toy sales go down
Sales may have dipped because Rodimus and his generation of TFs were the only ones available, but the long game of sales was a huge success, bringing back Optimus and the Gen 1 designs to selll wayyyyy more TFs if the movie had a success in killing off the Gen 1 designs forever.
>series in steep decline to death afterward
Last I checked there was a bunch of live action movies and cartoon for years and years and all kind of toys still sold of TFs. Doesnt sound like death to me.
If we just got the first 2 seasons and no movie the franchise would have just died then and there, pretty succesful I'd say
Didn’t Optimus only come back because kids fucking hated rodimus prime?
It's more that children loved Optimus and missed him in the show, but yes, kids didn't really like the new smug complainer guy.
>hurrrrrrrrrr I'm so heckin' plebbit!
Robocop is not a fucking toy advertisement you retarded cunt.
Not OP but you faggots just don't know how to debate like someone who graduated kindergarten.
ESB is not a fucking "toy advertisement" you filtered faggot. Why are you people so fucking stupid?
>greatest feature-film-length toy advertisement ever made.
TRUTH. It was
A) a film designed SOLELY to sell toys (Robocop, the Star Wars OT, etc, were not designed solely to sell toys, therefore there are films not advertisements)
B) it literally is the greatest of the films made just to sell toys. Even if they killed Duke at the end of the GI Joe movie, it still wasn't even as close to as good as this.
toy sales didn't go down until a few years later.
>>This movie broke Lindsey Ellis because she’s a Starscream fangirl.
It never crossed her mind that one day Megatron would kill Starscream. She thought they would end up other instead.

What is wrong with bread tube?
>ESB is not a fucking "toy advertisement" you filtered faggot. Why are you people so fucking stupid?

the irony of your statement is astounding. the original star wars was not made to be a toy advertisement, but every single film after was made explicitly to sell toys u absolute moron
>toys exist therefore this film's sole purpose is to sell toys.
I KNEW someone would make this retard-tier argument. Moron, you're not even worth interacting with.
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>comparing like to like is "whataboutism"
sure is retard who learned a new word and doesn't know how to use it.

Nah, you could definitely see Transformers scale down in stores a year later faster than Star Wars did after the Han Solo movie.
And it does take a year, because waves were basically a year round thing and bad sales were actually harder to gauge. So when the next wave/year hit, you could definitely see a giant shrinkage.

But I'm talking to some millenial or generation z faggot who wasn't alive back then, so you don't know shit.
>comparing like to like
Except you're too fucking stupid to tell you're comparing apples to oranges.
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plenty of interviews with crew members in which they flatly state that lucas's primary concern became selling merchandise after the first movie's success. character designs were often redone to make them more 'toyetic'

your embarrassing lack of knowledge should shame u into not posting anymore
>duuurrr apples to oranges!
>movie that exists to cash in on merch sales fails hard with audiences and franchise begins to crash because of it
What movie am i talking about?
>your embarrassing lack of knowledge
Hey sport, don't hurt your back! While your at it, adding in toyetic designs does not mean your entire film's reason for existence is to sell toys. That's the point you miss so fucking hard it's sad!
He's not wrong.

Lucas may be more invested in the Star Wars series as part of his art, unlike Disney who only does it for the $$$, but Lucas was still trying to cash in on the property too.
It is explicit, not to be confused with "sole purpose" which is just >>10975242 being a retard who doesn't understand english.
>a retard who doesn't understand english.
Try looking at the topic of the thread again, you goal post moving faggot. And, no, your buddy isn't right for shifting discussion from Empire which is what I was talking about to instead refer to Jedi.
>but Lucas was still trying to cash in on the property too.
I agree with you on this, but his films were still not, as OP titled the thread, "feature-film-length toy advertisement ". I don't care how badly you small brained little fucktards want to twist and distort the discussion to match your own opinions. Taking advantage of the situation is one thing, but Transformers The Movie was purely 100% designed from start to finish as a toy advertisement, the SW: OT was not despite how many toyetic designs it had. I'm tired of arguing with retards who can't grasp the nuances.
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An advertisment is an advertisement is an advertisement.

Whether a movie has artistic intent or not, if characters and shit are designed to sell toys, it's still considered an advertisement.
IT can be two things at once, like this commercial art that was made by commission as advertisment for the Catholic Church.
>An advertisment is an advertisement is an advertisement.
>Whether a movie has artistic intent or not, if characters and shit are designed to sell toys, it's still considered an advertisement.
>"feature-film-length toy advertisement "
Not "OMG there are ELEMENTS designed for TOYS!!!" Same reason I don't consider the entire film to be a commercial when they have blatant product placement in the film. Again, nuance is an adult concept and your infantile brains don't grasp it and try to twist everything to match your understanding of the world.
>greatest feature-film-length toy advertisement ever made
Nah, that's Star Wars, but Transformers The Movie is arguably a distant yet solid second.

It's probably the most profitable and revenue generating piece of media that Hasbro's ever put out.

The box office might not have done much but between the DVDs, Blu Rays, re-showings etc. And all the toys STILL inspired by and sold as a result of the movie, Hasbro's got more than their money's worth from this movie.
>autistic retard who can't comprehend a thing can hold two or more intentions at once
if only abortion were more prevalent to catch your kind before you caused problems for everyone.

>Transformers The Movie is arguably a distant yet solid second.
Transformers was a failure though. Unpopular and turned kids off the property.
It's basically the Last Jedi of the Transformers property. There was a rapid decline of the property because of it.

The second greatest feature film length toy advertisement is Attack of the Clones. The third is Return of the Jedi. The fourth is etc etc depending on how you want to rank the Star Wars films. I think SW sequels don't belong in the top twenty, since they suffered hardcore from shelf warming. They did sell billions worth of merch, but only for the producers (and license holder), not retailers.

i think the Gundam 0079 movies belong on the top 20 list, but not sure what comes after the SW OT and PT movies. Maybe Bayformers? Iron Man? Avengers? Spiderman? Batman?
>greatest feature-film-length toy advertisement

No, that would be 'Star Wars' (1977).
>The second greatest feature film length toy advertisement is Attack of the Clones.

In terms of quality or sales? You know the entire reason Genndy Clone Wars exists is because Hasbro was disappointed with sales of the AOTC toys and wanted a more toyetic show to push the merch?
>Transformers was a failure though. Unpopular and turned kids off the property.
Not in Japan. Lasted until 1990 in animation.
I mean, the animated movie is still a shitty 80s cartoon like 99.9999% of 80s cartoons. Every Star Wars shit, even the sequels, are better written.
But as advertisement for the series, and succesfully getting kids into buying more merch? Nothing really compares to the OT and PT when it comes to selling merch. They're on levels no other company has ever matched.

> entire reason Genndy Clone Wars exists is because Hasbro was disappointed with sales of the AOTC toys
I've never heard this before. I was there at SDCC when they premiered the series and Genndy was on stage talking about its creation n shit. Obviously, they rarely go into the licensing details, so sauce?

Also, the Genndy toys themselves weren't that popular. They were far more statueshit than the normal toyline. The later stuff, especially when the line became super articulated, was far far better.
AFAIK, only The Phantom Menance had disappointing sales, but that's mostly because retailers waaaaay overordered. So retailers were more conservative when it came to AotC.
Also also, how the fuck is the Genndy cartoon more "toyetic?" They reused 99.999% of the designs and characters. The most popular shit about Star Wars for the past 20 years is literally based on AotC. Every thing stems from that movie, including Genndy's shit.
Advertisements are OK if they're from the '80s. Even commercials in the '80s were good. The perfect decade.
>Obviously, they rarely go into the licensing details, so sauce?
A later Genndy panel, circa the late 2000's or early 2010s. It was on youtube, I need to find it.
And the idea was that the CW cartoon would showcase all the AOTC stuff in a way the movie itself couldn't and remain on the air longer where kids would see it. That's why they specifically wanted to show off elements of AOTC
>And the idea was that the CW cartoon would showcase all the AOTC stuff in a way the movie itself couldn't and remain on the air longer where kids would see it.
That was at the Genndy panel at SDCC for the other Clone Wars series that came out before Revenge of the Sith.

They never said that Hasbro was disappointed by AotC toy sales though.

Are you sure you're not talking about sales for AFTER Revenge of the Sith? Because I did hear about how money could still be had for everyone since there'd be no more films, hence the CGI series.
Japan didn't get the film until the 90s, but even then they're probably pretty used to beloved characters getting killed off or replaced to sell the Hot New Toy far longer than kids in the US where saying the D word is a big no no.

Wait 38 years for a new animated Transformers movie and this PIXAR/MCU trash is the shit we get....


"Transformers was always for children blahblahblah"...FUCK YOU! There's a difference between something for children and being childish. It's the difference between C3PO and R2D2 in the OT verses Jar Jar Binks.

The audience they're aiming for will forget this shit the second they leave the theater and it will tank!!!FACT!!!
>I KNEW someone would make this retard-tier argument. Moron, you're not even worth interacting with.

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By this logic Lynch's Dune is also a toy commercial because the execs thought they'd have themselves another Star Wars and a license to print money.
>Transformers was a failure though. Unpopular and turned kids off the property.

Nope. Transformers ran its course as an IP JUGGERNAUT soon after seasons 3+4 but continued to be a thing on TV for years via Generation 2, which was basically just re-runs. It continued to be a thing in other parts of the world as well, and despite some periods of hiatus in the US, never actually stopped. From the Japanese shows to Beast Wars/Machines to Japanese Beast Wars to Robots in Disguise, and then the Unicron Trilogy into the Bayverse movies etc.

But if you're talking about Transformers the '86 movie, again, it is a MASSIVELY successful piece of media. It bombed at the initial box office but more than made its money back and is still generating money to this day, ie Studio Series '86.

I know you're trying to paint a false narrative but you're not massaging the truth enough. Your statements are too general in this case and they go against the facts and the timeline.

It was released in '87 in Japan, albeit it wasn't a theatrical release. Pretty much direct to video, as it were.
It was kinda shameless in its desire to make you buy new toys, but it WAS pretty fun as a big dumb rock-opera mecha spectacle, and it has to be said the sheer brutality (for a kid's film) was something else. And hey, it was considerably better than the GI Joe movie.
Also, even if the bar is pretty fucking low given how awful the G1 TV series looked, it was a decently animated movie. Not like, DYRL tier but still pretty damn impressive.
Im not a hardcore tf guy but ill say the ss86 stuff has been great. Youve noted the duds, but you overlooked jazz and gnaw which i think are great. I dont have snarl yet but im sure its fine, i liked grimlock enough to buy the toxitron repaint. Just avoid the short lived retro line, they arent great.
I love my arcees and elita 1 but theyve made too many to quickly. Same with ultra magnus imo. But id say 86 arcee is probably my favorite, just feels better.
>generation 2
>not on any major cartoon blocks
>when syndication was dying
>showing at 5 in the morning
Brah, Transformers as a franchise petered out in only a few years. From conception til the bombed movie was 2 years. After the movie, it was clearly a diving decline and gen 2 was life support, because back then, low sales were still worthwhile sales.
The movie was an objective failure of advertisement, because it did the opposite of what you want advertisment to do. Just because a LATER series was successful, doesn't retroactively make that movie that bombed in theaters and turned off children from the series a success.
And boasting about it taking 30 years to make its money back is fucking retarded. Might as well claim that Megas XLR was successful too, because they made their money back by writing it off for tax credits.

Compare that to GI Joe, where it was popular from day 1 and hit its biggest year the same year the GI Joe movie came out, and its second biggest year was in 92 or 93. Over a decade of (up until that point) of unparalleled success for Hasbro.
Or the 80s TMNT, where all its movies made money and boosted sales.
Their movies are actual successful ads and their long lasting effects prove that.
>and its second biggest year was in 92 or 93.
This will always blow my mind, because HOW? GI Joe boomers hate the 90's stuff, but realistically there were a ton of kids buying them in 92/93 but I don't see anyone talking about them
GI Joe boomers (who are practically actual boomers) will deny all the cartoons and only praise Muh Comics
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Day-Glo Ninjas

Hasbro saw that success, but instead of pushing for more of that shit, they reimagined the line to cash in on the superhero craze and mcfarlane's popularity with larger scale preposed figures.

And the GI Joe General was just talking about the Mega Marine aliens either this thread or last thread. There's quite a bit of nostalgia for that era.
Personally, i wasn't even turned off by the neon, but the kick/punch gimmicks were so shit.

Also, GI Joe started being re-run on the USA Cartoon Express, so more kids were exposed to GI Joe in 1992-1994. Syndication is nice and all, but it was losing steam in 1990 and it's far easier for kids to watch GI Joe at 3pm during the weekday and 8pm on weekends, instead of 5am Monday-Friday.
Cable adoption in the late 80s and 90s was gigantically huge. A real paradigm shift from broadcast, not just in technology, but how content was watched and created.

yes, the comics are great.
The comics were pretty fucking good from what I understand (need to read 'em myself) but the cartoon was actually decent for an 80s toy-commercial show.

Do you think the tf1 is better?
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At least they learned from their mistake of killing Optimus off to make way for new characters/toys.
>They didn't kill of Duke in the GI Joe movie.
>Beast Wars had new forms/toys for characters that already existed.

This is a fucking abomination and everything I feared a new Transformers animated movie would be, a fucking Pixar clownshow. I hope everyone involved lives long enough to see their children die of rectal cancer!!!FACT!!!
Who is this attractive young lady?

TFTM is playing in various theaters around Southern Ontario next week, and reason why?!?FACT!!!
No it's not. They're doing a showing of the first four episodes of the G1 cartoon.
>john contemplate dropping the night raven on gregs head after discovering he's been sleeping with his wife
>scans the camera in the corner of his eye
This is when i lost intrest as a kid, see how the figures are all spring loaded? I hated that stuff, i couldnt pose and tell the story with figures since i kept hitting the gimmick. I still kept up with gi joe, just quit buying the toys and moved over to toy biz.
The comics are still good, i suggest you try the new skybound stuff. Its fresh and familiar while recreating the entire origin of transformers and gi joe.
Ha! They actually made a "drug-secreting cat" accessory for children to play with. God I miss the 80's.
>No it's not. They're doing a showing of the first four episodes of the G1 cartoon.

STFU you know nothing cocksucker, now take this (you) and shove it up your ass if there's room next to all the black cocks.....


>By this logic Lynch's Dune is also a toy commercial because the execs thought they'd have themselves another Star Wars and a license to print money.

Except that Dune wasn't explicitly made to be a toy commercial which was Lucas' intent when he created SW. Dune was simply a well know Sci-fi I.P. that dumb wop cocksucker DeLaurentis thought he could use to sell toys!!!FACT!!!
To be fair, the only reason book to film adaptations exist is to make money.
And it's the reason why adaptations are usually so shit too.

licensing is commercialization.
>To be fair, the only reason book to film adaptations exist is to make money.
>And it's the reason why adaptations are usually so shit too.
>licensing is commercialization.


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