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>Digimon Pendulum Color Wave 2
>Digimon Pendulum Color Wave 1
>Figure-rise Standard Amplified Paildramon (Digimon Adventure 02) https://www.zenintcg.com/products/figure-rise-standard-amplified-paildramon-digimon-adventure
>Digimon - Digimon Adventure Digivice 25th COLOR EVOLUTION https://www.zenintcg.com/products/digimon-digimon-adventure-digivice-25th-color-evolution
>Digimon - Digimon Adventure Digivice 25th COLOR EVOLUTION- DX Set Taichi Yagami/Matt Ishida Color
Digimon - Digital Monster X As' Maria EDITION (Ver.Wargreymon X-AntiBody/ Ver.Metalgarurumon X-Antibody)
>VV Evolution Guide
>V-Pet Evolution Guide

>Artbook Archive

>Figure-Rise Standard Amplified MetalGreymon (Vaccine)
>Figure-Rise Standard Amplified Dukemon (Special Coating)
>Figure-Rise Standard Angemon
>Figure-Rise Standard Amplified ShineGreymon
Digimon v-pets are dead in the west.
I hate that in the 20th you can't retire your Digimon. I'm just waiting for two of them to die and I feel baaaad.
I support every English release. I've done my part.
>died before we got the fucking Pendulum V20
We were probably never going to get it in the first place. There's no nostalgia to bank on since they never released them in the 90s.

Now quitting the Digimon X line before they released the X3s, that's infuriating.
Especially when it because of some stupid fuck-up. I'm guessing that the switched rosters on the English X2s is the reason for the English X3s not happening.
Obviously Ofanimon and Seraphimon will be in there, but I wonder who the new ultimates will be. Maybe Marsmon or Lampmon for Asurmon? And maybe PrinceMamemon? I don't know, metalmame has so many options.
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>more statues
>characters that already have toys again
I wish Vpet would absorb Digimon general
I can see Vulcanusmon fitting for Asuramon. Like you said, MetalMamemon has more options, but I see it being a tie between Prince and Tonosama, since Bancho was already used in the original Color.

Sick. Kind of reminds me of the Super Imaginative Chogokin line they had for tokusatsu series.
Not a fan of that Imperialdramon DM. Looks like he's on roids. Would probably buy the G.E.M if I had the space for it. The Gallantmon looks good, but I've already got the D-Arts.
i ordered my wave 2 PenCs
love this device so much
What are the new mons in metal empire? Virus buster maybe my first COLOR.
Statues are not toys you fucking retard
Never had a digimon growing up but decided to order a ver20th for some reason. what am I in for?
Lots of poop. Just started my own. It's pretty easy going so far. If you want to min max a little bit it's probably good too evolve jogress pairs together. Once those are don't just do whatever you feel like. It's a bit annoying to have some Digimon be gated behind in person connections, but it is what it is. I do wish evolution factors were visible somewhere on the device.
We know anon, but you gotta start looking for the spirit of the original intent behind rules from back when they were made, and asking whether it should apply to all cases, otherwise you’re going to be taken advantage of by conmen and shit. That rule was implemented to counter a trend of hotgluing threads early in /toy/ history.
It’s disingenuous to say that anons in the digimon toy thread can’t post SFW digimon-brand chunks of painted plastic without joints, which they will probably display alongside SFW digimon-brand chunks of painted plastic with joints that they CAN post.
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They haven't shown off or teased as many new entries for Metal Empire, but Commandramon's line was pretty much confirmed, as well as Chaosdramon making a return appearance from the Digital Monster Color Ver. 5.
>the same mons over and over
It's all so tiring
Bandai prefers to sell what's most marketable, unfortunately.
Just how it is with big businesses that've been around for a long while.
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Anyone else getting a case?
I've thought about it but I think I'd rather get one of the ones from IG that have a magnifier over the screen.
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Just ordered this after putting it off for a while. Any owners have any info I should know beforehand??
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Finally got around to restarting my X. After some some last minute grinding near the 36 hour limit, finally got Sistermon Ciel to evolve into ChoHakkaimon. Think I'll aim for MetalGarurumon next, but plans could change.
god damn that might be the cutest digimon, Top 10 at least
package just arrived and they sent me an X (>>10980883 this one) instead of a 20th. fuck it.
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>Figure-Rise never-ever
Order another 20th. It's not like they're more than $15. Having both is awesome anyway.
.........Get the BE, Vital Hero is deadware beyond raising mons. Even BE Vital Bracelet got it's final release 2 months ago.....
I probably will eventually, but I read that it's better to start with the 20th since the X is a better experience and going backwards could be annoying.
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>about to break and buy the new pendulum since i love angels
Outside of battling players, is there a reason to get a second one? I know about getting different bgs if you connect to a different ver but I dont care about that. Are lines locked if I dont connect to another device?
there are unique jogresses for connecting to another device
yes each device has a line locked unless you connect to another device
Oh goddammit. So i need to buy 2 colors? Too bad it doesnt connect to the 25th outside of battle.
Just build an ACOM for $30. You'll get much more use out of it.
An ACOM or a DCOM is a device that allows your Digimon VPET to communicate with a computer. There are pre made units out there that are very nice but you can also build one for like $30 or less. All you need is an Audrino, a bread board, the wires that come with the bread board, and two transistors to get it built. When properly programmed, the device, with software on your PC can either send or receive codes from your VPET. When two vpets communicate with one another, it's just a matter of exchanging codes to tell each other what they're battling/Jogressing with. A bunch of these codes are listed on Humulus' website, so if you want to connect a specific device to your VPET, it's just a matter of grabbing the right code. I used mine to unlock all the backgrounds on my Nature Spirits device, including all the wave 2 ones and the DMC ones. They have updated firmware that works with both Color and non color devices. It's a nifty little tool, it's good to use if you want to do a device specific jogress without having to buy a whole second device.
>>Just build an ACOM for $30.
Thanks, i'll check it out. I kinda want the metal empire one but I love angels too much.
>but I love angels too much
You can just say you’re simping for Angewomon, anon; no one who matters will judge you for that
Nah. Magna angemon is one of my favorites. I always love his sick visor and blade. I even bought the LE techdeck with the glow in the dark magnaangemon back then. Hell i even made the angels deck in the tcg simply because they released a full archetype line.
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This is the techdeck in question.
Neat. I had the non-GITD Weregarurumon and Megakabuterimon ones.
>virus metalgreymon
Fuck I wouldve loved that too since magna and virus metalgrey are some of my favorite.
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Same here. He really was the epitome of cool when he debuted. This Warp Digivolving figure was my holy grail for a while, even though it came out during Tamers.
My nigga. Yeah, his debut was the coolest thing since it just fucked that keychain churning menace over beyond belief.
I considered getting the magna at one point but it my mind at the time was "I already have the og pata, i really dont need 2 even though this is magna this time"
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Wassup? Just got the BWG model kit and wanted to share here. This time I managed to attach the horns correctly unlike the OG WarGreymon so I didn't fuck up the stickers.
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And here both Wargreymons. For some reason, the BWG is a bit taller. I think it's because I wasn't able to attach the body parts well enough. Still looks fine as it is.
NO. You bastards bandai.
give me pen20 colour with the digivice quest features and VB resolution screens and sprites.
Tamagotchi has been there for decades
Did your horns click into place? Mine felt loose when I built them and I couldn't get them to feel right. I had to pop one back into BWG yesterday since it had dropped off.
They're both good just different. I prefer the DMX but the dm20 is great for the massive roster, two digimon at a time, and jogress.
For BWG, yes they did but I had to stuck something in their entry, I'm not sure if it did anything but after I did it, they clicked. I remember for regular WarGreymon, one of them clicked but the other didn't. I haven't tried doing to it what I did to BWG because for WarGreymon, I'd already put the stickers on the horns before attaching them so I don't want to mess with that horn anymore cause I don't wanna screw up the stickers even more.
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My beautiful boyfriend, Gallantmon, will be arriving this week. What am i in for?
Havent heard anything bad about that model. Only bad thing i ever heard was omegamon amplified just being a repackage of the 10 year old model and wargreymon waist joint loosening.
I was actually on the fence whether to go with regular or X version Omegamon for a while.
Will get him as well as well in the future but this is the first time i heard something negative about Wargreymon.
>i heard something negative about Wargreymon.
It was actually a pretty common thing I kept hearing from people online and the board around here when I asked about it last year. I ended up buying machinedramon in the end when I heard that.
surely they will announce a new english release in the summer
as much as I want to believe it, and have it be the x3 to finish the line, I think their fuckup with the x2 made them not want to bother doing anything but pbandai imports and tama reshells
Why is Imperialdramon call that? I get the "dra" for dragon, but why Imperial?
She has a long love&hate relationship with castles...
Had to reinstall the VB Arena app and lost all of my Digimon with seemingly no way to get them back. Thanks Bandai. I miss my Kazuchimon and would kill for a figure.
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I'm trying to temper my expectations, while also hoping that every mention of the X3 meme magics it into production. Anything so I can raise a Cyberdramon X without paying exorbitant prices.

Also I'm really curious to see what they'd do for alt color schemes for the shells.

Sorry to see that, anon. I hope he's kicking ass throughout cyber space.
More standard kits please
Where the FUCK is the MegaGargomon kit?
Soon, hopefully. But probably only after they've exhausted their supply of characters from Adventure.
The full roster for the Pen C wave 2 was posted on the official site (they show them all at the same time for this release):

Rosters looks fine but:
> Zekegreymon on ME
> Even tho it has Wargreymon and Digipolicegreymon on it already

ffs i didn't buy VB because it was literally the "Protagonist" vpet before, but now you telling me i preordered the "Greymon" fucking vpet?
> Ragnamon as Cyberdramon default evo
That's cool but doesnt fix the fucking issue.
>was hoping for seraphi or ophani
>get dominion and quantum instead
My disappointment with quant is overwhelming.
the fact that metalgarurumon and greymon to wargreymon are on TWO of these just so you can get omnimon in a second way without buying a second device is annoying as hell
I'm bummed about Wind Guardians, though it's my own fault for forgetting about Mitamamon taking up a slot. Was really hoping UlforceV-Dramon Future Mode would get in, but I got too greedy.

I'm actually happy about ZeekGreymon getting in, but alongside WarGreymon and Brigadramon, I would have preferred anything else for variety's sake. Also would've preferred RustTyranomon over Chaosdramon again, but that's nitpicking on my part.

Same. Happy Dominimon's getting more attention, but Quantumon may as well be a joke character. Even reusing BloomLordmon would've been better.
so I hadn't cleared area 30 with my Stage VI digimon by the time the 48 hours had passed, and it didn't evolve. What happens now? Does it just stay in this form until it dies, or will it try to evolve again eventually?
Pretty sure you only get the one chance
Stays like that until death, but the good part is that you have 2 backup slots on the DMX so you can raise a new egg while the other just stays there. Also you keep the progress on the quest mode for any new egg you hatch, so should be easier to raise next time
balls. I guess it's time to start again.

my first playthrough I didn't look at any evolution charts and ended up with:

dracomon x > sistermon ciel > lilimon x > rafflesimon
>want to buy VB to complete my NSo roster
>not sure it's worth the money
did you anons buy 2 colors or did you just settle for one?
I got the DS PenC and preordered ME (which i kinda regret now after i saw the complete roster, tho ragnamon will do). Go for it anon, as long as you have fun with it, it will be worth it.
Thanks anon I decided to buy it, even though it's expensive as hell.
The roster was so disappointingfor ME and VB that i just skipped it. I dont know what i was expecting but they sure as hell not that.
I wish I'd gotten one of those back in the day.
>buy a V20th
>go to work during the coof times
>client gives me a "mask wallet"
>basically a little plastic hunk of shit you can put some masks in as if the plastic would be any safer than just sticking them in your pocket
>absent-mindedly put the mask wallet in the same pocket as my V20th
>when I grab it back out the screen is scratched to hell

I don't think I've ever been as mad towards a piece of plastic, and I have a lot of plastic.

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