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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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i haven't bought any in years, but mcfarlane used to smell like it would either mutate or kill u with hazardous chemicals
I opened a Spawn vs Cygor set and decided to take it outside.
I unironically love that smell, smells like child hood, smells like happiness

Pretty sure it's carcinogenic though
I have my figures in my home office and every once in a while when I open the door to it in the morning to get to work, I get hit with that smell. I love it.
Don't a number of them have small airholes now to avoid that shit?
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>open SHF Spike Spiegel
>put back in box and never open again
I remember NECA being pretty stinky at times, but no where near as bad as Spike. McFarlane's were the best.
Maybe someone came on it
Spike was particularly bad for some reason, but leaving him out he eventually aired out. I thought I got a bootleg when I opened mine.
It's the rubber they used for his coat. Like >>10979764 said, you can air it out and he'll get better after awhile, but will start to stink again if you box him back up. You could also put him in a bag with some fabric softener sheets or an open box of baking soda and that will help as well. Figma Casca had the same issue, but her small rubber shoulder-cloak fucking reeked.
Smells like WD-40.
This fucker was the best smelling figure I ever got. I grew up with Mossman and Stinkor, and their smell didn't last as long as this fucker did. It was like new car, but a thousand times better.
I hope we eventually get him in Black Series
No paint
God I wish he would get reissued.
How expensive is he nowadays?
amen. I also need another plagueis
This but also with the mask
I just opened a new Bring Arts. No smell at all.
I had some figures with this smell that I remember it was like the plastic used for school lunches. I think it was more notable in something like a PB&J sandwich, which really doesn't give off a smell. So it was really off putting.
>buy that giant ass 3A Metal Gear Rex
>package finally arrives
>start to open
>Immediately hit with a strong paint smell
>open the box
>massively hit over the head with a heavily paint smell
>pass out
>die in the hospital
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Why do humans enjoy the smell of toxic chemicals?
Brain damage from too much toxic chemicals.

I bought an unpainted mcfarlane warhammer marine, still stunk for a few weeks. I think it's the rubbery type plastic in mcfarlanes.
That bootleg Figma Solid Snake I bought probably gave me cancer
Smelly tomboy gf figure? Holy erotic gooner moment.
>Pretty sure it's carcinogenic though
This true?
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AI Scripted waste
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4chan doesn't matter. Go outside.

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