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Previous Thread: >>10953976

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Aegis Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 25th)
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2024)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA
-Amuro's DIJEH, Ka Signature (Sep. 2024)
-Gundam Schwarzette ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-Slaughter Dagger ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-GM Cannon Jaburo Base ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-Gouf Flight Test Type Jaburo Base ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-MSJ-R122 Demi Barding ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-Metal魂 Force Impulse Gundam Spec II (Nov. 2024)

Bandai's official RD page with images and release dates:

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Oh man, my condolences. I remember you talking about him several times in the past; sounded like a truly kind and friendly fellow collector.
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I always wished we could've gotten an MRD for the Original Lancelot, I like that design more than the Albion.
It's a shame that it keeps getting ignored for the Albion in every figure line. HG, MB, and MRD all passed on the Lancelot.
All we have are the outdated RD from like 2010 and the old HG.
We got the Lancelot Air Calvary from 2017.
Have him and he’s great. I did crack his left shoulder because I was a dumbass and thought the Robot Spirits Sutherland arm would be compatible but turns out that it must be for the MSIA or old RD release cause that shit split the ball housing wide open.
It isn't? Damn that sucks, even though it was advertised by the Sutherland that it's arm can be attached to the Lancelot. I was thinking of doing the same once I get the Sutherland but guess not.
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Thanks, just had a little time taking out his contributions to the collection, and having some fun playing around with them this past weekend. Went as far back as my Space Leos apparently, one of the ones that were purging dented boxes way back when; then egging on some of the others in their circle of friends later on.
Gonna make a trip out this summer if I can, check up(like I can do a whole lot though...) on the middleman that while not-showing is wrecked with this friend gone. See some spots recommended.

In the meantime got to imagine the What-If of two extra Kampfers deployed for OP Rubicon.

Also for Macross owners here, did the Hi-Metal VF-0D turn out okay? Noticed it's available on Amazon and considering it again lately.
Yeah IDK the instructions even mention it and I cracked the ball joint trying to get the Sutherland’s arm in, no idea what the deal is but I don’t recommend going for it. Still haven’t picked up a replacement copy.
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If Roze is piloting it in the first episodes I'll buy it, otherwise I'll wait for his KMF
Did anon get his Strike Freedom yet?
Find out on the 21st.
Lol, lmao
As the other anon said, next episode will be some time after the 21st after ami makes an inquiry
got my titans mk2 today and the fucking v-fin plugs in crooked... crossing my fingers and ordering a second off amazon, hopefully they are not all like this and its just mine.
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>Ver ANIME Mudrock Gundam never.
As much as I like Gundam. The franchise is so damn huge you may never get one of your favorites turned into a robot spirits.
They did blue destiny, zeonic front can't be too far away. Course we might get unlucky and get the original Okawara design instead...
if its ANIME it will be okawara
if its MRD it will be katoki
0 hope of katagiri
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New metal zeta coming out tomorrow.
Some time last year I posted here about how I was trying to get a replacement body for my Devise Exia which was defective.

Finally received it today after a year+ wait.
I was expecting them to just send the body, but they actually sent me another whole copy of the Devise Exia.
So now I have an extra set of Devise Exia accessories.
Almost makes up for the absurdly long wait time
post pics
I kinda remember your issue,something about the arm peg breaking?
The MB Exia had a weird construction where it's arm is connected to the torso by a plastic hinge on the back. Mine broke so I had to get a replacement. The first one they sent out never made it to me, and I just got the second today.

Now I got an extra batch of Devise Exia accessories I don't plan on using. So I might try and just sell them off or trade them for other accessories.
I'm just saying, Exia Rebuild Custom.
Get a tattered cloth and give it a post-apocalypse wanderer poncho kind of look. Vagrant hobo one arm Exia or some shit.
I don't have the broken one anymore, I had to send it to them.
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>club exclusive

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Might actually be available through PBandai, it’s not over yet. The Club Tamashii stuff seems to be for an event exhibition for these figures rather than the figures themselves.
I can safely say I don't care at all.
Doesn't look like the soul red/blue versions, hard to say from the pics. I'm guessing anyone who doesn't have access to the pee bandai store would have to pay at least double retail.
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Looks like these are gonna be store event exclusive and since it says “ship date” i assume these are going by lottery sale

>club exclusive
I was under the impression that all AOZ suits were P-Bandai only.
If these were just normal P-Bandai releases or hell even RETAIL releases they’d absolutely sell gangbusters. What’s the point of even having P-Bandai if you’re gonna make every other release a store/event/club exclusive, I do not fucking get it.
They WANT to keep the aftermarket value on these so high that they can charge juuust below the scalping rate each time and make a profit. It's scummy tactic but they know retards will pay it.
these are not the blue/red versions right?
minimal effort, big bucks paired with the stupid "muh exclusivity" label
it is fucking absurd, as if a retail MB release was not already hard enough to even buy due to the scalping shit
No. Decals are different. It'd be shitty of them to include the original wings of light instead of the soul red/blue but that wouldn't surprise me
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Seedfag tax
this shit is what made me peace out of metal builds
i'm tired of playing bandai's games, there is no reason for these to be as difficult to buy as they are when other companies can put comparable products up for preorder for fucking months.
Seedfags are a truly ridiculous lot aren't they?
We inch ever closer to the Hyzenthlay II
It's so weird for us to be getting so many AoZ designs in the MRD line because they can't really make full use of their modularity due to the metal frames.
If these were regular RDs maybe they could have gone that route.
>because they can't really make full use of their modularity
That's intentional so you buy multiple complete figures.
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>10 days until may 21st
>probably 3 weeks until I know whether I get refunded or not
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>Movie airs in USA in May.
>Preorders closed back in March

Because the entire world isn't the fucking US, you geographically illiterate moron.
Mind you anon the Zeus sold out in like 2 weeks despite the movie not being available in the states yet, clearly that’s not a factor.
Anyone who cared already knew, sorry you found out too late anon
Must be terrible being that angry about another country my italian fren
That's P-Bandai US you retard
Seedtards deserve to suffer.
No shit sherlock, but are we surprised that the preorders closed at the same time as the rest of the world?
let it go already anon
>one month worth of money
>indemnity requests have been done by ??? without me getting informed
>package was never presented to customs
I refuse to let it go just yet. I'll be a bother, kicking and screaming, until I get one of the concerned services to do something
will these even include their own WoL add ons?
We don't know yet. It'd be really fucking jewish to not include them, especially for that price.
Yes, because P-Bandai US is usually downstream of P-Bandai's asian branches. Some gunpla can take months just to show up on the US store, let alone close pre-orders.
Any news on Robot Spirits Walter AC?

And maybe some shots of Ayre from the exhibition?
Destiny yes, SF no
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Is there a Ver ANIME of the RX-78 that includes the super napalm launcher?
Not off the top of my head, but I believe the G-Fighter has that piece.
that would be such a shitty move
The Destiny says Full Package and the SF is just base, unless they do an additional WoL pack for it that’s how it’s going to be. I’m sure it’ll still be compatible with the previous WoL sets, but it still sucks.
That and you even see it in my pic >>10985440 where destiyn has the WOL on the box and SF doesnt.
The WoL on SF are heavy shits anyway so I wouldnt rec it.
What the fuck is this?
Voltes V from the live action show they made in Flipland. Think there's a Daimos one getting made too.
There’s a reason the stand adaptor comes with support structure for the wings, even if it limits them to a single pose. The MRD WoL are heavy as shit too, hell I couldn’t even get the top pair to lock in properly, they were just held in by gravity (could be user error but I’m too lazy to try and set it up again). At least with the Destiny the WoL are only really arranged in a single position in the anime and it’s just how parallel the wings are with the body that changes.
So I preordered the Gundam Universe Red Frame Astray because I really like the design.

Are there any other GU figure worth spending money on? Thinking about getting the GP-01 Full Burnern one.
man, i thought the metal build GN ARMS type-d came with the GN ARMOR
i liked the dakka on the mounted unit
You mean the GN Arms? Yeah it's just an option set. Good luck getting the GN Arms now, it was P-Bandai and released about a year ago, and was over 50k to start with.
Yeah, I’ll have to give up on the GN ARMs until they get re-printed somehow
Stuck deciding between metal build Dynames or Kampfer as my first one, since they both look very pretty
Dynames price seem stable after a year but Kampfer’s seems like it already spiked already…
The spirits aoz figs worth it? I was going to do the model kits, but the hg woundwort and base hazel are really shit kits. Also the gee drei worth the aftermarket now?
Looks nothing like a Gundam. Much closer to something from the Braves series.
I’ve heard good things but they’re all P-Bandai so good luck. Supposedly the Titans colors version of the Hazel and Hrududu shipped out recently but I’ve found zero in-hand shots of them anywhere.
>Stuck deciding between metal build Dynames or Kampfer
Get the Kampfer if you can find it for a good price. Dynames is cool too (especially the R3) but it's pretty similar to the MG design that I wouldn't feel too bad missing out on it.
Here’s some reviews for the Titans color Hazel and Hrududu.

I have them all so far, and waiting for my Titans colors Hazel and Hrududu to ship. They’re great figures of the designs if you don’t mind the price. I definitely prefer them over the HGs. Might be a little tough to snag these days, but you can always check Mandarake. I know the regular Hazel had a few listings up the other day.

My only warning for Woundwort, if you get one, is to be careful with placing the Composite Shield Booster in its hand. It had these odd blocks on the inside of the handle that stressed the hand a bit. But the one included with the Hrududu II didn’t have them, so that one can be held fine. Other than that one minor gripe though, the figure is still amazing.

Seeing Haze’n-thley teased was a nice surprise, and I hope they continue making MRDs of at least a few more AoZ designs.
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Good news my MB SF is alive. I'd be happy to say that I was being a retard panicking about it all but then what would be the explanation for the indemnity inquiries that I was never informed of ? And what about customs telling me that the package was cleared in customs as an answer to my first mail then that it never even was in customs after my second mail ? It's also the third parcel from amiami I get this year with missing customs documents
I like the RX-78-2 and the Sazabi, the lack of Sazabi shield never bothered me
holy shit, congrats anon
that whole month with no update about its status must have been nerve wrecking
I'm not paying the import fees just yet because shit can still happen. I'd like to know what truly happened with this package, was it just "lost" in a dark corner of a warehouse until somebody saw it ? Who made 2 indemnity inquiries ? Was the online tracking tampered with ? Why did customs not handle it until today despite it being in the country since march 30th (passing through customs is the first thing that happens with international parcels) ? Did someone attempt to steal it and put it back ? Was my shitting and screaming to many services effective ? I'm glad it finally resurfaced, but I may never know what the hell happened with it
Overworked understaffed public workers with no choice but to embrace the suck, if I had to guess.
Because I'm familiar with that sort of "I'm trying to help but it's not making it any better for the customer" vibe.
>It's also the third parcel from amiami I get this year with missing customs documents
They used to have a single sheet with all the customs AND delivery informations (so it was impossible for the customs part to be missing). Did they change that? It didn't prevent some occurences of lazzy ass custom officers not even looking at the fucking informations though.
It's still a single sheet. I had an issue with another package where it was marked as return to sender because the address was incorrect, despite the dude showing up in front my house, but no one was here to get the delivery. The problem occured because the machines they use for scanning packages didn't recognize the address. The guy who helped me with that issue at the local post office had a similar problem with an international package of his, and I've seen at least one anon from EU on the buyf/a/g thread complain about something similar
>riobot vilkiss for preorder
>43k yen
weird choice and stupidly hilarious price
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These look pretty cool. Can any vouch for them?
I only have the Dynames between them and it's one of my favorite figs, but the Kampfer is definitely going to be one of the more expensive on the aftermarket. Dynames has been steady for a while, I agree with the other anon and just go for the Kampfer. The price will feel a bit better with the weaker yen right now, and you can get Dynames for a more normal price still within a year.
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>weird choice
It's the 10th anniversary this year and there's the Moderoid coming out too. I'd never have expected Sentinel to make this but I'm not complaining, instant pre-order.
>December release
What a Christmas present.
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LEDs in the head & torso and a fair bit of diecast too.
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Good, saving money this month, preparing for Soulgain
>Amazon has the DX VF25G down to under $250USD, practically at parity with what the 25F goes for.

Gee Bandai will you be doing the other SMS machines too so I don't feel like a dumbass the way you make me feel with your repeat refusal to give us the TV Kakizaki VF-1A? Will it go as far as to include the 19Adv?
I have the regular versions of unit 1 and 2/3. The one big issue is the ankles are very limited so you can only spread the legs so much and still have both feet flat on the ground. Personally not a huge deal for me but if you’re the type to pose stuff really dynamically you will need to use the stand. Otherwise they are some of the best toys in the price range you can buy.
Which one of the 3 is your favorite?
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Been a loooong time since I've picked up any robot spirits figures. With the yen being as weak as it is it felt like this was as good a time as any to get back into it.

Also did they start numbering p-bandai figures? I could have sworn the Guinea Pig GM Command was an exclusive.
Guinea Pig GM is a normal release. You can buy it on amazon.com right now
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Wasn’t expecting this but I vibe with it, wonder if this means a full-on Cherudim at some point. Unfortunately looks like 35k is the starting price for Metal Builds now, hell of a price hike.
>Unfortunately looks like 35k is the starting price for Metal Builds now, hell of a price hike.
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Seems ridiculous the space type GM Command from 0080 was p-bandai but some even more obscure literal who grunt variant from a videogame nobody played is a regular release. I guess it's nothing new for bandai's decision-making to be unfathomable to regular humans.
35k is just 226 freedom eagles at the current exchange rate.
Which is about as much as it costs to get some DX Chogokin Valks domestically now, if you're smart about it.
that's what I get for avoiding movie spoilers I suppose
still pretty bad for the money comparative to what other companies are putting out... the pose+ getter that just got announced for example is 25k yen, is like an inch taller than MBs, and comes with a whole slew of effect parts bandai would make you buy an option set for.
This line just has a premium attached because bandai wants it to, the value is not there.
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It was just an excuse to re-use the mold with out devaluing the original release. See the guinea pig GM Command is TECHNICALLY a ground type GM Command with space type colors. The backpacks are different. Therefore, two different figures technically.

*sigh* still no ver anime MP Guncannon.
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God this is a really sick design, I might just do it. I've been wanting something to pair my Astraea II with.

Yeah Metal Build prices are starting to hike, I wish there was at least a retail Dynames release instead of making them all web exlusives.
That being said this one at least looks like it's gonna come with a nice amount of accessories out the box while being the same price as the base Astraea II.
Gonna be fun to try out different loadouts.
Just looked at Dynames Devise prices (been eyeing it for awhile) to go with this new release and yowza that’s gonna be an investment. Hope I get that promotion I’m running for.
>226 freedom eagles
>He thinks P-Bandai moves with the exchange rate.

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Yeah with more than 1 gun, it was never going to be 25k in today's world. At least the exchange rate is good? It costs the same USD as I spent on the Dynames Devise, I think. Either way, I think I'll pass on this, really all that's standing out to me is the new guns and I don't need a mismatch colored Dynames. Though it would be cool to also slot a Devise backpack on to since my Dynames is in a GN Arms.
>Yeah Metal Build prices are starting to hike, I wish there was at least a retail Dynames release instead of making them all web exlusives.
The Dynames Repair III was a regular release for what it's worth.
I like how r3 was revealed the same time as exia r4 but r4 was pbandai.
Interesting design but that price is laughable. Pass. Wake me when they announce a regular Cherudim.
Unit 3 just because the design of the head is so unique.
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Is that the threezero figure? If it is I've got the Unit 1 and can vouch for it being an amazing figure. Especially for the price.
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Tryon 3?
where can i buy the pbandai with yen? any proxies?
Just impulse bought a Strike Ver ANIME, it was $25 on amazon

Maybe though mandarake? Shipping will cost a bit probably, but it might be better than straight from P-Bandai

It's funny how despite us having an official channel it seems that importing might still be the better option.
Anime Export has it for 41k yen though I'd bet by the time you pay shipping it'll be $300 freedom eagles
>every past small packet of mine got sent for delivery immediately after clearing customs
>usually pay online while it's on its way
>MB SF didn't move an inch since customs cleared update
Inb4 they make me wait one more month or it gets stolen for good this time. I refuse to pay import fees online with all the trouble this package went through already, I'd rather pay upon delivery
Hobbygenki usually has the best prices, but are gone in a flash. You're charged a markup probably equivalent to a proxy.
Super Fumina when?
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Has anyone owned a robot spirits full armor unicorn gundam before? How's the poseable range of it?
I'm also kind of scared since it's a figure from 2013 and idk if I would overload the arms if I put the gatling guns on the shield and wield the bazookas at the same time
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The FA unicorn pose in question is in this image. This was from an old online gundam game...
I own it, it's solid but don't expect the articulation of more modern releases. Looks better as just with everything loaded onto it and on a stand
Yoyakunow has it for 40k. And the last time I shipped a Metal Build from them was around 8k for DHL iirc.
I'd expect to pay around $300 shipped, from any proxy.
I'm sorry what the fuck??
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>the incorrect decal from the Soul Blue release is still there

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Sometimes it feels like the Metal Build line is really Ebikawa's because he's using it to play around with all these original designs.
Even the Dynames SAGA he supervised apparently.
I wish we could get stuff like this from some of the other designers and series in the MB line.
I would totally love to see some kind of "tacticool" reimagining of the Strike
>"tacticool" reimagining of the Strike
that's the strike noir
True, that wasn't the best example, what I meant was to see original designs outside of just the 00 MB line.
Like how the did the Exia R3, R4, and Dynames R III, Astraea II, etc.
All the SEED stuff has been designs which were already in canon. Would be cool to see something new. Doesn't even have to be SEED, I'd take the same thing from MB Code Geass or FMP
>Exia R3, R4, and Dynames R III
Those designs already existed prior to their MBs
>Astraea II
This, Astraea Type X and the new Dynames SAGA are original MB designs. Some of the 00 weapon loadouts were also new.
>Those designs already existed prior to their MBs
I was sure R4 and RII were definitely Metal Build designs? Where did they appear first?
I would be impressed to see you somehow wedge the bazookas under the shields equipped with gatlings.
Yeah... Games doesn't translate well to real life posing very well
I ended up buying a used metal robot spirits TR-6 woundwort for 17000 yen instead
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Solid choice, the woundwort rocks. Hope we see some expansion parts to capitalize on knee connection points.

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